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LNP: Feb. 12, 2017
LNP: Feb. 12, 2017
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Heartbreak and hope define refugee experience for some living here
To repeal
or not to
GOP faces dilemma on
keeping health law taxes
Refugees who have resettled in Lancaster, pictured clockwise from top left: Praa of Iraq; Faida Masika of the Democratic Re-
public of the Congo; Ahmad of Syria; and Nasro Ahmed, a Somalian who was born in a refugee camp in Kenya.
of Wolfs
[email protected]
41 31 N
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The Week in Review
n Lancaster County District Attorney Craig
Stedman is gearing up to run for one of four
vacant seats on the state Superior Court after
winning endorsement from the state Republican
Party on Feb. 4. Stedman says the appellate
court judgeship would give the county much-
needed representation.
The coupon value promoted on the front page is a minimum value of the total of all
coupons in todays print edition of LNP. To be included in the front page promotion,
coupons must clearly state a dollar value, include an expiration date and note that the
coupon must be presented at point of sale to be valid. Coupons may appear in any part
of the newspaper, in special sections, in Sunday magazine, in flyers and inserts or as
stand-alone inserts. Coupons can be offered by many types of products and services,
and are not limited to grocery items.
3 Sale
charged after using a Rae Steen, 21, of Peach
counterfeit $10 bill to make Bottom was charged with
a purchase at A-Plus, 1204 simple assault after a Jan.
Lititz Pike, on Feb. 1 and 11 incident in which police
Feb. 2, police said. said she fired a pellet gun
several times at someone,
n MOUNT JOY: Alyssa then shoved and struck the
Gabriel Miller, 26, of Rapho
Township, was charged
with forgery, obtaining a n MANHEIM TWP.:
controlled substance by Douglas J. Parker, 18, of
misrepresentation and South Christian Street, was
operating a vehicle with a charged with simple assault
Sale Prices Valid Feb. 12 - Feb. 14, 2017 suspended license after she and criminal mischief after
forged a doctors signature POLICE LOG, page A7
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at a special meeting Jan. prepares Lancaster County high Reptile expert Mark Layton shows off a monitor lizard Friday at the
25. They then voted 7-0 to school students who have edu- Lancaster-Lebanon Intermediate Unit 13 campus.
n Next steps: District staff appoint Jenna Geesey to
have confirmed the district fill the seat. cational disabilities for the work-
will not be eliminating force. Stiffler works as an associate at adding that he and his friends
advanced English for Classes focus on strengthening T.J. Maxx, packing and unpack- often used to trek through the
eighth grade, but it will be n Quotable: Doutrichs
petition was dismissed academic, employment, inde- ing supplies, helping around the woods and catch snakes with
deliberating on changes to
the names of some grade- for failure to conform to pendent living and social skills, store and manning the dressing one downfall: Got peed on a
level courses. The board Section 315 of the School Guatta said. Each of the three room, he said. time or two, he said.
will review any changes Code, as well as the classrooms also has its own job He also works at Masonic Vil- Tyson is unemployed but
Tuesday. Pennsylvania Rules of Civil trainer. lage as a cook. Cooking, he said, is dreams of soon joining the U.S.
Procedures and the local
government, Michael Grab, Many teens take jobs in food one of his passions. Army.
n Student recognition: school solicitor, said. service, retail or at grocery stores Its something Id like to do, Its just like snakes. Its a pas-
The board recognized basic entry-level positions, Stiffler said. Id love to go to col- sion, he said.
Katherine Morgan, a n Background: Geesey, Guatta said. lege for that. Layton said he hopes to have
fifth-grader at Landisville
Intermediate Center, for
a 2011 Columbia High Many of the 31 total students He also would like to attend inspired students like Ty-
School graduate who were absent Friday because they school for law enforcement. son and Stiffler to chase their
winning artwork in the holds a degree in public
Pennsylvania attorney were at work. Shawn Tyson, of Columbia, also dreams.
administration, was
generals drug-free previously interviewed I think it was fun to see every- enjoyed Fridays presentation Everything he said was true,
calendar contest. by the board. Doutrich body come together as a group, especially the snakes. Stiffler said. Go for your dreams.
refused to be interviewed, 18-year-old Cory Stiffler, of Eliza- I just have always loved Dont give up. Keep moving for-
n Quad project: The citing his court petition for bethtown, said. them, the 17-year-old said, ward.
board discussed a million- appointment.
dollar replacement of
artificial turf on the n Discussion: Director
high schools quad area,
Municipal brief
Kathy Hohenadel wanted n Background: Township Secretary n Quotable: We need to make it
which is 10 years old. to know the legal
The Hempfield Soccer Margaret Gordon has been tax known, prior to the election, that its
ramifications if Doutrich collector for many years, but she a title with no job, Supervisor Mike
Club would contribute
$500,000, according to
filed an appeal. Grab
said an appeal would not
FULTON TWP. would like to retire after this year.
There also will be openings for
Church said.
lease terms. remove the jurisdiction the n What happened: Supervisors supervisor and auditor. n Other happenings: The Peters
school board has to make plan to have Lancaster County act Creek Bridge replacement project
n Laptops: Board the appointment. as their tax collector beginning in is going forward, with the next step
members discussed a 2019. n What happens next: Gordon can
proposal for a three-year run for a new term as tax collector, being the movement of utility poles
lease program for staff
n Whats next: Geesey with the intention to resign the to get them out of the way. It could
will hold the seat until n Why its important: The office of position so it can be assigned to the still be two years before the bridge
laptops, which would Dec. 7, when the board tax collector in a municipality is an
cost just over $14,000 county. This would avoid a win by a is replaced.
reorganizes. To remain on elected position, but the supervisors write-in candidate who might want
per quarter. Previously, would prefer to pay the county for Marcella Peyre-Ferry,
the board, Geesey would to keep the job.
the district replaced staff that service as a money-saving move. LNP correspondent
need to run for election in
laptops every five or six November.
years. Forry said that the
districts 1:1 student tablet Ann Marie Steele,
program eliminates some LNP correspondent
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Police log a MacBook that had
been left unattended on
Municipal briefs
the theft of two trailers
EAST off the mortgage of the
fire departments new Jan. 8 from 150 Earland
Christiana, was charged
with the theft of four
PETERSBURG building. This tax is Drive. The suspect vehicle bottles of pills from
n What happened: strictly a bonus; the fire is a dark-colored Jeep Millers Natural Foods,
COLERAIN TWP. replacing 558 severely
deficient bridges across Council approved a new department will continue Grand Cherokee that may 2888 Miller Lane, on Feb.
n What happened: 2018 tax agreement with to make regular payments have aftermarket wheels. 6, state police said.
Pennsylvania. The Colerain
Replacement of three the East Petersburg Fire on the building, as well. The stolen trailer is a black
bridges are three of 31 5-by-8-foot metal trailer n EAST HEMPFIELD
bridges in the township bridges to be replaced in Department at its meeting The building is projected TWP.: Kelly Kurtz, 33, of
was the main topic at Tuesday. to be paid off by fall 2020. with a wood floor, mesh
Lancaster County under Ivy Drive, Lancaster, was
the supervisors meeting The additional money gate, chrome toolbox on
the program. charged with retail theft
Monday. Bridges on Sproul collected from this tax the tongue and one metal
n What it means: Starting after she took nearly
and Pumping Station will then be reserved for pole holding two spare
n What happens next: Jan. 1, there will be an $2,000 of merchandise
roads are slated to be updating and purchasing motorcycle tires. A brown,
Plans will be on display in increase in the general from Giant, Centerville
replaced in March and new apparatus. handmade car dolly also
the township building for tax of about $60,000 a Road, on Feb. 5, police
June, respectively, with the was taken. Anyone with
the next few weeks, along year. The precise millage said.
bridge on Puseyville Road information is asked to call
with a comment box for rate will be determined in n Other business: police at 717-355-5302. n MANHEIM TWP.:
to be replaced in summer public input. the fall when the borough Council awarded bids Dwayne Jones, 44, of
2018. completes its 2018 for several pieces of East End Ave, has been
n Other happenings: The budget. equipment, including a THEFT charged after failing to
snow blower, dump truck
n Why its important:
In each case, the bridges
supervisors voted to hire
and utility trailer. These CHARGES make payments on a
television leased from
David Wadsworth as a n Why its important:
will be closed for full-time member of the This is a long-term items were either out of n MANHEIM TWP.: Aarons, 1509 Lititz Pike,
approximately 10 weeks, road crew, pending a drug proposal between the date or recently replaced. Charles C. Baynard III, in November 2016, police
and detours posted. test. He will begin a 90-day borough and the fire The borough made 25, of Lancaster, was said.
probationary period at a department, in which approximately $17,500 charged after he stole
starting salary of $18 per the money generated from these items.
n Background: All three
bridges are part of the hour. from this tax will go Luke Helker,
Rapid Bridge Replacement
program, which is
Marcella Peyre-Ferry,
LNP Correspondent
toward helping to pay LNP correspondent
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to the board since 2009. Those issues include trash Congo, in the heart of Iraq 9,880 12
blowing onto adjacent properties and odors that some Ahmad, who spoke Africa, is what drove Ma- Somalia 9,020 11
residents claim are making them sick. The website for through an interpreter sika and her family out of
Green N Grow LLC claims that they are a composting Bhutan 5,817 7
facility that developed a way to compost plastics,
and talked to LNP on the their home country. The
condition that his last violence also claimed the Iran 3,750 4
cardboard, tin and plastic foam. Neighbors allege the
facility is more of a landfill than a farm, and that the name not be used out of life of her daughter. Afghanistan 2,737 3
effects of living nearby is ruining their quality of life. concerns for his safety, I lost everything to Ukraine 2,543 3
is 54 and fled Syria with war, she said, speaking
n Rail trail update: The trestle bridge over the Pequea his family because of vio- without an interpret- Eritrea 1,949 2
Creek was opened to hikers in 2015, but the portion lence. er and describing the Other countries 7,995 9
of trail running east from the bridge to the Route 324 Ahmad didnt want to struggles while waiting
interchange has remained closed. The supervisors SOURCE: PEW RESEARCH CENTER
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Dow industrials Nasdaq S&P 500 S&P mid-cap Russell 2000
Young couples are increasingly
choosing to buy a home before they
get married. In 2015, almost 15
percent of all homebuyers ages 24
to 35 were unmarried couples,
U 0.99% (wkly)
s 4-wk. 1.93%
s YTD 2.56%
U 1.19% (wkly)
s 4-wk. 2.87%
s YTD 6.52%
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U 0.83% (wkly)
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s 4-wk. 1.22%
s YTD 2.34%
according to real estate information
company Zillow. Thats up from a
share of 11 percent in 2005, the
firm said. The trend reflects the -19.04 37.87 -35.95 118.06 96.97 -3.21 10.67 8.23 32.73 18.95
sharp rise in home prices in recent
years as the U.S. housing market 21,000 6,000
bounced back from the downturn
almost 10 years ago. At the same 5,800
time, the percentage of 20,000
A strong week for technology and small-cap
homebuyers who are single has 5,600 stocks, while emerging market stocks kept the
been declining in recent years. 19,000 lead for the year alongside gold. Copper and oil
About 25 percent of all homebuyers slid, while bonds and utilities tread water.
in 2015 were single, down from 28
percent 10 years earlier, Zillow said. 18,000
5,200 Stocks Bonds Commodities 1-week
... today is percent
17,000 Dow Jones industrials 5,000
Nasdaq composite $1,000 invested at the end of last year ... worth change
Close: 20,269.37 Close: 5,734.13
Emerging-market stocks $1,074 1.1 %
1-week change: 197.91 (1.0%) 1-week change: 67.36 (1.2%)
16,000 4,800 Gold 1,074 1.4
Technology stocks 1,071 1.8
W E E K L Y P E R F O R M A N C E Copper 1,059 -1.2
Asian stocks 1,056 0.6
20298.21 15503.01 Dow Jones industrial average 20298.21 20002.81 20269.37 +197.91 +1.0 s s +2.6 |9996321 +26.9
S&P 500 1,033 1.2
9502.50 6791.58 Dow Jones transportation 9411.18 9158.78 9393.79 +152.23 +1.7 s s +3.9 |99987632 +33.3 European stocks 1,026 0.0
11688.45 8944.05 NYSE Comp. 11390.89 11196.93 11377.72 +66.98 +0.6 s s +2.9 |99865421 +23.3 High-yield bonds 1,019 0.3
5743.43 4209.76 Nasdaq Comp. 5743.43 5649.39 5734.13 +67.36 +1.2 s s +6.5 |9998732 +32.2 Small-cap stocks 1,017 1.6
2319.23 1810.10 S&P 500 2319.23 2285.38 2316.10 +18.68 +0.8 s s +3.5 |9987532 +24.2 REITs 1,009 1.1
1723.42 1229.10 S&P MidCap 1723.42 1683.69 1720.84 +14.20 +0.8 s s +3.6 |999973 +36.4 Utilities stocks 1,008 0.3
24280.57 18462.43 Wilshire 5000 24280.57 23879.84 24248.91 +196.12 +0.8 s s +3.5 |9996541 +27.5 Investment-grade bonds 1,005 0.4
1392.71 943.09 Russell 2000 1391.17 1349.42 1388.84 +11.01 +0.8 s s +2.3 |99999321 +42.9 Oil 987 -1.0
Three decades after the Playboy $0 $500 $1,000
Club closed in New York, a new
one will debut this year a few
blocks from Times Square.
Playboy Enterprises says the
club will have a lounge, a
The NYTs digital boom
The New York Times is starting to look more like a Donald Trumps very activist, news-making
Performance benchmarks: industries - sectors of the Standard & Poors 500 index; international
stocks - MSCI indexes; bond returns - Barclays Capital and BofA Merrill Lynch indexes.
Source: FactSet Data through Feb. 8 AP
restaurant, a game room and, of winner in the digital world. But its still grappling administration is pumping up interest in news
course, the Playboy Bunnies. with the decline of its print business. even print subscriptions rose, for the first time
20 Best Stocks One Year
Other Playboy clubs are already The Gray Lady now has more than 3 million since 2011. FRIDAY %CHG %CHG %RTN
operating in London, the subscribers, the most in its history, thanks to more Company revenue has dropped, however, as the COMPANY TICKERCLOSE 1WK 1MO 1YR PE YLD
Vietnamese capital of Hanoi and people paying for its online edition. The company print-ad business continues its long fall off a cliff. SandRidge Energy SD 20.19 -3.9 -8.5+60020.5 ... ...
several places in India. Another is is making more money from customers, and Print ad sales dropped 20 percent to $107.5 million
set to open in the spring in Global Medical REIT GMRE 8.69 +3.3 -2.0 +7116.3 ... ...
expects that to continue. in the fourth quarter. Overall ad sales
Shanghai. Playboy founder Hugh Verso Corp VRS 7.85 -1.6 +11.3 +1730.4 ... ...
Digital news subscriptions are expected to fall again this quarter.
Hefner opened the first club in Resolute Energy REN 48.71 +4.6 +13.6 +1653.7 ... ...
grew 47 percent to 1.6 On a positive note, digital ads
Chicago in 1960. He quickly
expanded the operation to 30 million in the fourth quarter, are bringing in more money, and Globus Maritime Ltd GLBS 7.10 -5.0 -1.9 +1402.1 ... ...
clubs around the world. The and the Times expects to the company says its getting Nthn Dynasty Min NAK 3.36 +14.7 +47.4 +944.0 ... ...
original clubs remained popular add another 200,000 paid better at selling mobile ads and Clayton Engy CWEI 142.85 -2.9 +37.4 +933.8 dd ...
and lucrative for years before subscribers this quarter. other newer types of online CoLucid Pharmaceut CLCD 46.40 -0.1 +35.3 +793.3 dd ...
faltering in the 1980s. CEO Mark Thompson advertising as traditional web
Eleven Biotherap EBIO 2.16 -4.8 -2.3 +727.0 dd ...
noted that President ads decline.
Leap Therapeutics LPTX 8.20 +20.8 +4.3 +674.2 ... ...
Adv Micro Dev AMD 13.58 +10.9 +28.4 +606.3 dd ...
Digital news subscribers Ad sales Circulation income Emerge Energy Svcs EMES 21.07 +6.4 +61.1 +597.0 dd ...
2 million $800 thousand $900 thousand Chemours Co CC 28.13 +1.8 +13.0 +596.2 cc 0.4
Fairmount Santrol FMSA 12.12 -3.1 +0.5 +589.4 dd ...
Cliffs Nat Res CLF 11.15 +26.8 +20.8 +538.8 11 ...
800 Birks Group Inc BGI 1.73 +0.6 +44.2 +538.5 ... ...
Kemet Corp KEM 8.14 +3.8 +14.3 +510.0 24 ...
1 Achaogen Inc AKAO 20.84 +20.3 +16.0 +492.4 dd ...
Teck Resources Ltd TECK 24.90 +2.7 +0.9 +489.7 ... ...
600 700
Tesaro Inc TSRO 182.02 +10.9 +16.4 +483.0 dd ...
0 flat 500 600
10 11* 12** 13 14 15 16 10 11* 12** 13 14 15 16 10 11* 12** 13 14 15 16 PERCENT CHANGE %RTN
Source: FactSet *First year that digital-only subscriptions were sold **First time that circulation Tali Arbel; Alex Nieves AP
A BOOST FROM HOME PRICES brought in more money than ads, one year after digital-only subscriptions launched 1. Technology 1.1 4.2 10.6 |999994 36.8
Rising home values helped lift 2. Consumer Goods 1.5 4.1 7.2 |98742 13.1
homeowners out of negative equity 3. Basic Material 0.6 3.3 10.1 |9999876532 36.3
in 2016. The share of U.S. homes DJ Total Market index 0.8 1.9 7.4 |9998432 26.0
in negative equity, or those worth LocalFunds 4. Industrials 1.3 1.8 6.0 |99997543 31.9
less than their mortgage debt, 5. Consumer Services 1.4 1.7 7.7 |99876431 21.4
$CHG ---------- PERCENT RETURN ---------- 6. Utilities 0.7 1.4 7.2 |9731 9.3
stood at 18.1 percent at the end of FAMILY FUND TICKER NAV 1WK 1WK 1MO 1YR RANK 5YRS* RANK RATING 7. Health Care 0.5 1.3 2.3 |98754321 13.7
last year, down from 21.5 percent
American Funds AmBalA m ABALX 25.46 +0.11 +0.4 +1.8 +17.4 3 +10.3 1 HHHHH 8. Financials 0.4 1.3 9.1 |99998761 35.7
a year earlier, according to Attom 9. Telecommunications 0.4 -2.0 9.7 |9632 8.4
Data Solutions. All told, about 10.2 CapIncBuA m CAIBX 58.87 +0.27 +0.5 +1.5 +13.8 4 +7.3 1 HHHHI
10. Oil & Gas -0.7 -2.1 5.4 |999943 29.6
million U.S. homes were in CpWldGrIA m CWGIX 45.64 +0.12 +0.3 +2.0 +22.3 3 +9.4 2 HHHHI
negative equity at the end of the FnInvA m ANCFX 56.73 +0.28 +0.5 +2.7 +30.5 1 +13.7 1 HHHHI
year. When a home is in negative GrthAmA m AGTHX 44.60 +0.33 +0.7 +3.2 +32.7 1 +14.2 1 HHHHI Oil & Gas sectors (best performers)
equity, or what is sometimes IncAmerA m AMECX 22.16 +0.08 +0.4 +1.4 +18.9 4 +9.2 1 HHHHH
Pipelines -1.7 -0.1 6.5 ((^%$#@|98532 67.8
referred to as having an InvCoAmA m AIVSX 37.62 +0.15 +0.4 +2.1 +28.5 2 +13.6 2 HHHHI
underwater mortgage, the Teekay LNG Ptrs TGP +1.1 +23.6 +39.6 ((^%$#@|987531 +78.3
WAMutInvA m AWSHX 41.95 +0.24 +0.6 +1.6 +26.0 4 +13.0 2 HHHHI
homeowner often cant qualify for ONEOK Partners LP OKS -1.3 +19.8 +36.1 ((^%$#@|99754 +118.3
Dodge & Cox Income DODIX 13.67 +0.03 +0.2 +0.2 +6.6 1 +3.4 1 HHHHI
mortgage refinancing and has little Cheniere EngyPtrsLP CQP +4.1 +12.5 +12.5 ((^%$#@|974 +54.8
IntlStk DODFX 40.36 +0.05 +0.1 +2.9 +37.3 1 +7.4 1 HHHHI
recourse but to continue making Dominion Midstream DM +0.6 +12.3 +31.4 ((^%$#@|871 +32.2
payments in hope that the property Stock DODGX 190.94 +1.15 +0.6 +1.8 +44.2 1 +15.9 1 HHHHI
Buckeye Part BPL +0.4 +11.1 +13.5 ((^%$#@|9641 +49.6
eventually regains its value. Fidelity 500IdxPr FUSVX 81.21 +0.70 +0.9 +2.2 +27.7 2 +13.9 1 HHHHI
Exploration & Production -0.1 -0.9 9.0 ((^%$#@|954321 47.9
Contra x FCNTX 104.60 +0.87 +1.5 +3.9 +24.7 3 +13.2 2 HHHHI
Clayton Engy CWEI -2.9 +37.4 +34.9 ((^%$#@|99754 +933.8
FrankTemp-Franklin IncomeA m FKINX 2.33 ... ... +0.9 +26.8 1 +7.3 1 HHHHI
Gastar Exploration GST -4.5 +26.5 +83.7 ((^%$#@|9953 +88.8
Metropolitan West TtlRetBdI MWTIX 10.56 +0.04 +0.4 +0.1 +1.4 4 +3.8 1 HHHHH
Erin Energy Corp ERN +6.8 +23.4 +68.1 ((^%$#@|9974321 +98.5
PIMCO TotRetIs PTTRX 10.12 +0.05 +0.5 +0.5 +3.2 2 +2.9 2 HHHHI
Chesapeake Granite CHKR +1.6 +19.2 +47.6 ((^%$#@|8632 +27.7
Vanguard 500Adml VFIAX 214.12 +1.85 +0.9 +2.2 +27.7 2 +13.9 1 HHHHI
Comstk Rsc CRK -3.6 +18.7 +45.9 ((^%$#@|99754 +116.4
InstIdxI VINIX 211.29 +1.84 +0.9 +2.2 +27.7 2 +13.9 1 HHHHI
Oil Equipment & Services -1.0 -1.8 10.1 ((^%$#@|875431 36.9
InstPlus VIIIX 211.30 +1.83 +0.9 +2.2 +27.8 2 +13.9 1 HHHHH
IntlStkIdxAdm VTIAX 25.93 +0.10 +0.4 +3.0 +23.0 1 +4.7 3 HHHII Carbo Ceramics Inc CRR +6.3 +58.1 +131.6 ((^%$#@|52 +3.1
IntlStkIdxIPls VTPSX 103.70 +0.39 +0.4 +3.0 +23.1 1 +4.7 3 HHHII Civeo Corp CVEO -2.7 +32.4 +100.6 ((^%$#@|99754 +255.6
MuIntAdml VWIUX 13.96 +0.02 +0.2 +0.2 -0.8 2 +2.7 2 HHHHI Basic Energy Svcs BAS +5.3 +22.5 +27.5 9965432| -95.7
PrmcpAdml VPMAX 114.54 +1.16 +1.0 +2.4 +32.5 1 +16.4 1 HHHHH Flotek Industries FTK +16.3 +19.7 +5.4 ((^%$#@|9964 +92.1
STGradeAd VFSUX 10.66 +0.01 +0.1 +0.3 +2.7 2 +2.1 1 HHHHI Weatherford Intl Ltd WFT -1.3 +15.2 +27.3 ((^%$#@| 0.0
TotBdAdml VBTLX 10.68 +0.03 +0.3 +0.1 +0.9 4 +2.1 4 HHHII Integrated Oil & Gas -0.9 -3.6 0.3 ((^%$#@|7 10.8
TotIntl VGTSX 15.50 +0.06 +0.4 +3.0 +22.9 1 +4.6 4 HHHII Par Petroleum Corp PARR +0.1 +11.1 +1.7 ((^%$#@| 0.0
TotStIAdm VTSAX 58.18 +0.51 +0.9 +2.2 +30.2 1 +13.8 1 HHHHI Enable Midstream ENBL -1.9 +5.0 +3.7 ((^%$#@|99754 +188.2
TotStIIns VITSX 58.19 +0.51 +0.9 +2.2 +30.2 1 +13.8 1 HHHHI Midcoast Energy Ptrs MEP -0.6 +3.9 +11.2 ((^%$#@|962 +48.4
AP TotStIdx VTSMX 58.15 +0.51 +0.9 +2.2 +30.0 2 +13.6 2 HHHHI Marathon Petroleum MPC +4.1 +3.6 +15.0 ((^%$#@|9765421 +63.3
* - annualized WelltnAdm VWENX 68.72 +0.34 +0.5 +0.9 +19.1 2 +10.0 1 HHHHH InterOil Corp IOC +0.4 -0.3 +1.6 ((^%$#@|9876543 +84.8
Local Stocks
AT&T Inc T 36.10 7 43.89 41.38 0.13 0.3 s s -2.7 18.9 3 11.2 16 4.7 PNC Financial PNC 77.40 0 123.25 123.10 0.94 0.8 s s 5.2 53.7 2 17.3 17 1.8
Air Products APD 126.38 5 157.84 140.13 -0.03 0.0 t s -2.6 17.6 4 12.8 22 2.7 PPL Corp PPL 32.08 5 39.92 35.50 0.04 0.1 s s 4.3 2.1 4 10.0 14 4.5
Applied Indl Tch AIT 37.12 9 66.65 61.85 0.80 1.3 s s 4.1 60.8 2 10.3 25 1.9
Patterson Cos PDCO 36.46 5 50.40 42.83 0.70 1.7 s t 4.4 3.7 4 8.0 18 2.2
Arconic Inc ARNC 16.75 0 28.14 29.62 3.72 14.4 s s 59.8 999.0 5 ... ... ...
Armstrong World Inds AWI 31.91 6 45.75 39.75 0.65 1.7 s t -4.9 21.5 3 2.2 25 ... Penn Natl Gaming PENN 11.93 4 17.40 13.97 -0.16 -1.1 s s 1.3 7.1 4 7.4 19 ...
BB&T Corp BBT 31.27 0 47.85 46.63 0.32 0.7 s s -0.8 52.9 2 12.1 16 2.6 Penney JC Co Inc JCP 6.35 2 11.99 7.14 0.45 6.7 s t -14.1 -4.7 5 -29.6 ... ...
Bco Santander SA SAN 3.60 9 5.74 5.34 -0.38 -6.6 t s 3.1 42.0 2 -0.7 ... 4.3 Pfizer Inc PFE 28.74 5 37.39 32.35 0.26 0.8 t t -0.4 13.8 4 12.3 14 4.0
Bon Ton Store BONT 1.05 1 3.00 1.19 0.03 2.6 t t -19.0 -28.3 5 -16.5 ... 16.8
Rite Aid Corp RAD 5.20 2 8.77 5.61 0.34 6.5 t t -31.9 -27.9 5 29.5 51 ...
CNH Indl NV CNHI 6.03 0 9.67 9.56 0.29 3.1 s s 10.0 54.6 2 -0.7a ... 1.3
Sears Holdings Corp SHLD 5.50 2 19.12 6.96 0.08 1.2 t t -25.1 -53.6 5 -13.1 ... ...
Campbell Soup CPB 52.59 7 67.89 63.27 -0.01 0.0 s s 4.6 11.6 4 17.0 22 2.2
Carpenter Tech CRS 27.08 9 45.34 41.96 -1.11 -2.6 s s 16.0 63.8 1 -3.1 40 1.7 Skyline Cp SKY 3.87 5 17.35 10.52 -0.43 -3.9 t t -31.8 167.7 1 8.9 ... ...
Clarcor Inc CLC 46.51 0 83.13 82.88 0.04 0.0 s s 0.5 82.6 1 10.7 32 1.2 Supervalu Inc SVU 3.64 2 6.17 3.96 0.14 3.7 t t -15.2 -6.8 5 -9.4 7 ...
Costco Wholesale COST 138.57 0 171.42 172.00 4.13 2.5 s s 7.4 17.4 4 17.8 31 1.0 TE Connectivity Ltd TEL 54.54 0 76.49 75.11 -0.27 -0.4 s s 8.4 44.1 2 18.1 16 2.0
Donegal A DGICA 13.30 7 18.55 16.83 0.28 1.7 t s -3.7 22.1 3 4.6 14 3.3
Tanger Factory SKT 30.88 4 42.20 34.63 0.53 1.6 t s -3.2 20.1 3 6.5 13 3.8
Exelon Corp EXC 29.82 7 37.70 35.02 -0.76 -2.1 t s -1.3 15.6 4 1.2 14 3.7
Frontier Comm FTR 3.10 1 5.85 3.31 -0.11 -3.2 t s -2.1 -10.6 5 5.8 ... 12.7 Tegna Inc TGNA 17.91 8 25.38 23.66 0.20 0.9 s s 10.6 11.6 4 17.6 11 2.4
Fulton Financial FULT 11.78 9 19.45 18.45 -0.05 -0.3 t s -1.9 54.3 2 16.3 20 2.2 Tyson Foods TSN 55.72 5 77.05 65.06 -0.33 -0.5 s t 5.5 6.8 4 28.8 15 0.9
GlaxoSmithKline PLC GSK 37.20 4 45.58 40.28 0.96 2.4 s s 4.6 9.7 4 3.4 ... 7.2 UGI Corp UGI 35.62 0 48.13 47.86 0.53 1.1 s s 3.9 36.0 2 23.5 11 2.0
Harley Davidson HOG 39.09 8 62.35 57.34 0.89 1.6 t t -1.7 50.7 2 6.3 15 2.5
Univrsl Corp UVV 52.26 8 83.35 75.10 4.90 7.0 s s 17.8 45.2 2 12.4 18 2.8
Henry Schein Inc HSIC 143.64 6 183.00 165.07 2.41 1.5 s s 8.8 5.3 4 18.3 27 ...
Urban Outfitters URBN 23.05 3 40.80 27.44 1.12 4.3 s t -3.7 12.7 4 0.3 14 ...
Hershey Company HSY 87.92 7 117.79 107.62 0.64 0.6 s s 4.1 22.6 3 14.6 26 2.3
Intl Paper IP 33.43 8 58.86 52.89 -0.12 -0.2 t s -0.3 57.2 2 14.0 17 3.5 Verizon Comm VZ 46.01 3 56.95 48.98 0.40 0.8 t s -8.2 2.6 4 9.7 12 4.7
Johnson & Johnson JNJ 101.65 6 126.07 115.24 1.60 1.4 s t 0.0 16.4 4 14.9 17 2.8 WalMart Strs WMT 62.35 5 75.19 68.02 1.52 2.3 s t -1.6 6.4 4 4.6 15 2.9
Kellogg Co K 70.74 4 87.16 76.00 2.64 3.6 s s 3.1 10.1 4 11.4 19 2.7 Weis Mkts WMK 38.69 8 68.88 60.73 0.65 1.1 t t -9.1 63.0 1 9.4 26 2.0
Kroger Co KR 28.71 4 40.91 33.48 -0.54 -1.6 t t -3.0 -8.2 5 24.4 16 1.4
Wells Fargo & Co WFC 43.55 0 58.02 56.86 -0.41 -0.7 s s 3.2 26.5 3 16.0 14 2.7
M&T Bank MTB 101.95 0 166.34 165.31 1.42 0.9 s s 5.7 59.4 2 17.6 21 1.7
Merck & Co MRK 49.24 0 65.46 64.15 -0.14 -0.2 s s 9.0 33.3 3 14.0 17 2.9 Windstream Hldgs WIN 5.22 4 10.46 7.23 -0.46 -6.0 t s -1.4 44.5 2 -2.9 ... 8.3
Nwst Bancshares Inc NWBI 11.78 8 19.10 17.31 0.27 1.6 t t -4.0 48.5 2 11.1 35 3.7 YRC Worldwide Inc YRCW 6.25 7 16.97 13.45 -1.77 -11.6 t s 1.3 92.4 1 0.6 \>99 ...
Notes on data: Total returns, shown for periods 1-year or greater, include dividend income and change in market price. Three-year and five-year returns annualized. Ellipses indicate data not available. Price-earnings ratio unavailable for closed-end funds and companies with net losses over
prior four quarters. Rank classifies a stocks performance relative to all U.S.-listed shares, from top 20 percent (1) to bottom 20 percent (5).
In brief
An image from video shows water flowing over an emergency spillway of the Oroville Dam in Oroville, Calif., on Friday.
Calhouns name
After a swelling tide of protests, the
president of Yale announced Saturday
that the university would change the Damaged dams spillway goes into action
name of a residential college commem-
orating John C. Calhoun, the 19th- LOS ANGELES TIMES since the dam opened in 1948. flow is less than half of what the
century white supremacist statesman OROVILLE, Calif. Capping This is a very unusual event for system is designed to handle.
from South Carolina. days of tense planning at the na- us at Lake Oroville, said Eric See, The dam is not threatened by
The college will be renamed for Grace tions tallest dam, water flowed a spokesman for the Department of these conditions, said Bill Croyle,
Murray Hopper, a trailblazing comput- down an emergency spillway Sat- Water Resources. Its the first time acting director of the Department
er scientist and Navy rear admiral who urday at the Oroville Dam for the the structure has ever been used to of Water Resources. These kinds
received both a masters degree and a first time after the dams main spill- spill water. of flows are typical for this kind of
doctorate from Yale. way suffered significant damage. Water is flowing down the emer- runoff period.
The decision was a stark reversal of Water started flowing down the gency spillway at a rate of 6,000 to The agency is expecting a few dry
the universitys decision last spring to spillway into the Feather River 12,000 cubic feet per second, while days ahead before another storm
maintain the name despite broad op- early Saturday, with officials con- 55,000 cfs was going down the hits later in the week, he said. The
position. Although President Peter tinuing to emphasize there was no main spillway, he said. large snowpack means the agency
Salovey said he was still concerned imminent threat to the public or to Relatively speaking, its a small will have to continuously monitor
about erasing history, he said these the integrity of the dam. spill, See said, noting that the flow inflows into the lake.
are exceptional circumstances. The state Department of Water over the emergency spillway is In this kind of situation, the next
Resources said Lake Oroville the expected to end in the next 38-56 60 to 90 days will be critical how we
NEW YORK linchpin of the states water system hours. route this runoff into the Feather
Woman falls to her that sends water from the Sierra
Nevada south to cities and farms
The lake will actually drop and
the spill will cease, he said.
River, Croyle said.
But he said those who live down-
death in WTC Oculus was rising to the point where water
would flow down the emergency
Officials said the flow of water
into the Feather River is about half
stream from the dam need not
A 29-year-old New Jersey woman spillway. At 8 a.m., the agency said of the downstream flood capacity The flow rates that we see now
plunged about 30 feet to her death off the spillway was now in operation. and consistent with releases made pose no threat to the dam and no
an escalator inside the World Trade Eric See, a department public at the same time of year during pre- flood threat to downstream wa-
Center transit hub known as the Ocu- information officer said it was the vious wet years such as this. ters, Croyle said at a news confer-
lus on Saturday morning, police said. first time the auxiliary spillway was Bill Croyle, acting director of the ence at the state park headquarters
Jenny Santos, of Kearny, was try- used to drain water from the lake water department, reiterated the in Oroville.
ing to retrieve a hat dropped by her
twin sister while the two were on an
escalator at about 5:30 a.m. when she PROTESTS
ethics debate
Trump clause. supporters this is not
When Sahar Kian the house for you (no,
needed a new room- seriously), she wrote.
mate for the home she Kian, who works
shares near Georgetown at Amideast, a non- PALM BEACH, Fla. of pipeline.
University, she did what profit that focuses on (AP) President Donald White House spokes-
many young people in educational oppor- Trumps South Florida man Sean Spicer said
the Washington area do: tunities for Middle estate is no longer just Abes free-of-charge
She took out an ad on Eastern and African the place where he goes stay at Mar-a-Lago is
Craigslist and then set students, is fine with to escape. Trumps gift to Abe. But
down a few ground rules. THE NEW YORK TIMES
taking the extra step He has described the the gesture wasnt sitting
Alcohol, pets and Sahar Kian, who posted a Craigslist ad for an available to make sure her po- sprawling Mar-a-Lago well with government
meat products are not room to rent that specified that supporters of Donald litical filter extends to property as the Winter watchdog groups.
Trump need not apply, at home in Washington.
allowed in the house, her home. Kian, who White House and has Robert Weissman,
Kian wrote. align before they split In one recent ad, a has U.S. and Iranian spent two weekends president of Public Citi-
Neither are Trump the cost with a stranger. couple in the area who citizenship and was there so far this month. zen, said Trump and
supporters, she added. On Twitter, Reddit, identified themselves as raised Muslim, said But its also become a Abe dont need to meet
Kian, 23, is not the Craigslist and in Face- open-minded and lib- the idea of the no- magnet for anti-Trump at Trumps commer-
first person to add such book groups, people eral advertised a $500 Trump clause started protesters and the sub- cial property, where
a clause to a quest for have been screening for room in their home: If out as a joke. But it ject of an ethics debate the membership fee re-
a roommate. A steady Trump supporters since youre racist, sexist, ho- grew serious, she said, over his invitation to cently was doubled to
trickle of posts like hers at least last fall. Such ads, mophobic or a Trump after the president Japanese Prime Minis- $200,000.
have shown up, one or more than a dozen of supporter please dont signed an executive ter Shinzo Abe to join Hosting a foreign
two at a time, on Craig- which have been posted respond. We wont get order that barred peo- him this weekend with leader at the presidents
slist since President on Craigslist since Inau- along. ple from seven pre- Trump pledging to pay business resort creates
Donald Trump was inau- guration Day, represent In another, two wom- dominantly Muslim for the accommodations. impossible sets of con-
gurated Jan. 20. a small act of defiance in en in their 20s were countries from enter- Demonstrators plan to flicts, Weissman said.
As anyone who has an area that heavily fa- searching for a room- ing the United States. assemble today near the If the president hadnt
started out in the Wash- vored Hillary Clinton. mate to take over a lav- Anybody who is estate to protest Trumps offered to pay, the U.S.
ington area with few con- I cant live with some- ender-colored room in on board with that decision on the Dakota government would be
tacts and an entry-level one who supports a their Columbia Heights kind of thinking is not Access oil pipeline. The paying Donald Trumps
salary knows, finding leader with those types apartment for $550. The welcome, she said. North Dakota project, business for the purpose
a roommate (or three) of ideals, Jessica, 32, women detailed their Whoever ends up liv- opposed by a Native of hosting the Japanese
to share a high rent is a teacher who did not love of happy hours, a ing with her will pay American tribe fearful leader. Typically, the
common practice. The want her last name used good Netflix sesh, pho $1,300 to share the of water contamination U.S. government would
median cost for a one- because she feared ha- and tacos. top floor of the house. from potential oil leaks, pick up the costs associ-
bedroom apartment is rassment online, wrote Were open to any (Her parents live had stalled in Democrat ated with such a visit.
around $1,990 a month, in an email. She posted age/gender identity/ downstairs.) People Barack Obamas admin- Weissman said Camp
according to Zumper, a an ad on Craigslist for a non-identity, they add- who support Trump, istration. David, the U.S. govern-
rental aggregator. But room share shortly after ed, so long as you didnt she said, would not be Trumps executive or- ment-owned retreat in
for some, its becoming the inauguration. I feel vote for Trump. interested in living in der cleared the way for Marylands Catoctin
more important to make like Im going to a protest In the same neighbor- her raging liberal the developer to start Mountains, would do
sure that political views every single day. hood, a woman posted house. building the final stretch fine.
Cats at the dog show? Its true! Losing hope in US, some
immigrants go for Canada
NEW YORK When NEW YORK TIMES The morning before Welcome Place, typically
word spread late last WINNIPEG, Mani- Yussuf arrived with an- serves 50 to 60 asylum
month that cats would toba Almost three other Somali last Sunday seekers per year, said its
be joining the Westmin- months after Bashir night, 19 other Africans executive director, Rita
ster Kennel Club Dog Yussuf watched Donald had emerged on the Ca- Chahal. Since April,
Show, internet outrage Trump win the presi- nadian side of the bor- weve seen already 300,
fed off confusion about dential election, he made der, cold and hungry af- she said.
whether the show, one of his way to Noyes, Min- ter walking much of the Chahal said that in re-
the worlds premier ani- nesota, where he set off night across frozen farm cent months her center
mal competitions, was at night into the snow- fields. There were too had seen another type of
about to become a mon- filled woods and crawled many to fit into the small applicant people like
grel event. across the unmarked border office for process- Mourad Hassan, who
Cue the predictable re- ASSOCIATED PRESS border into Canada. ing, so the people of the flew into Chicago in De-
sponses, especially the Uno, an American shorthaired cat, from Trenton, N.J., I saw what was com- town rushed to open the cember and then worked
scene from the original is seen during the Meet the Breeds event Saturday at ing, said Yussef, 28, who community hall, where immediately to find a
the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show in New York.
Ghostbusters in which fled his home in Somalia the new arrivals could way across the border
Dr. Peter Venkman, time, cats shared space able for such an event, in 2013 to make a circu- get warm, doze on sleep- to make his first asylum
played by Bill Murray, with dogs at the Ameri- given the crowd noise, itous, five-month voyage ing mats and refuel on claim in Canada.
warns the mayor of New can Kennel Clubs Meet the masses of un- to San Diego, where he Nutella sandwiches, tea When Trump became
York of dogs and cats the Breeds event a pet washed hands thrust applied for asylum but and coffee. president, I was scared
living together mass expo that has become a their way and, of was rejected. I knew Emerson officials con- he would deport me,
hysteria. preamble to the West- course, all the dogs. Trump was going to de- vened an emergency said Hassan, 32, a for-
People were talking minster show. But after seven port me. meeting Thursday with mer army officer from
about it being the end of A few years ago, the hours together, this After a three-hour the police and border Djibouti who said he had
days, Anthony Hutch- International Cat Asso- much was true: The walk, much of it through agents to figure out a been tortured for politi-
erson of Port Tobacco, ciation held a separate dogs and the cats got deep drifts, Yussuf ar- protocol for the next cal reasons. He doesnt
Maryland, said Saturday show at the Javits Cen- along, and the world rived in Emerson, a wave of arrivals. like Muslims.
while caressing Ovation, ter, in conjunction with continued to spin. small farming town in The farmers are wor- Other asylum seek-
his leopard-spotted Ben- the American Kennel With the serious- sight of the snow-swept ried about what theyre ers said that they had
gal cat. Club, at the same time ness of the issues and border with both North going to find when the heard from cabdrivers
In truth, no Abyssin- as the all-dog Meet the the disagreements Dakota and Minnesota. snow melts, said Greg in Grand Forks, North
ian or munchkin long- Breeds. people have with Emersons 700 inhab- Janzen, the reeve, or Dakota, that they would
hair will invade the We decided to bring friends and neigh- itants have long known chief elected executive, be deported at the bor-
141st Westminster show the cats back because bors after the elec- border hoppers, often of the Emerson-Franklin der. The drivers offered
Monday and Tuesday people kept asking us, tion, poking fun at cats offering them lifts to the municipality. to drive them to a place
at Madison Square Gar- Where are the cats? and dogs being in one nearby Canadian Border On Christmas Eve, two that was better for cross-
den, trotting out on a said Brandi Hunter, a room together is a way Services Agency office. Ghanaians were picked ing illegally, but farther
leash to compete for the spokeswoman for the to make fun of our- But they have never seen up on the roadside north from the border.
best-in-show prize. But American Kennel Club. selves, said Hutcher- them coming in these of town, some 10 hours They were unprepared
Saturday, for the first Not just any cat is suit- son, Ovations owner. numbers. after they had set off into for the wintry crossing.
a field near the border, One man, Zurekaneni
sinking to their waists in Issah Adams, wore a thin
snow. The temperature jean jacket and carpen-
that morning was re- try gloves. His trip took
ported to be below zero, seven hours.
Skin Revitalization with windchill making it We were lucky. We
even worse. The mens were saved by God,
and Tattoo Removal hands were so badly said Adams, 36, who fled
RED HOT SAVINGS! A LIMITED TIME ONLY! frostbitten that they lost Ghana in 2014 for Brazil,
PicoSure is the almost all their fingers. before slowing making
newest, fastest, The Manitoba Inter- his way by foot, bus and
laser tattoo faith Immigration Coun- boat to the California
cil, known locally as border.
removal treatment.
Dr. Funk is one
of the first
practices to offer
this technology.
in 2014. to Sam Lapp, all of
A20, A21, He was a member Lancaster and a sis-
A22 & A23 of Community United ter, Donna M. married
Methodist Church, to Dr. Wael Jarjour of
where he served as a Columbus, OH; and his
Michael Scott and fishing. Mike was
a Steelers Football fan
Trustee and an usher.
He was also a member of
special canine buddy
Kissinger and Philadelphia Flyers Strasburg Sportsmans A Celebration of
fan. He enjoyed sup- Association. Dons Life will take
porting his daughter, Don enjoyed spend- place at 11:00 AM on
Elizabeth in her musical ing time at their house Saturday, February 18,
endeavors throughout on the Indian River Bay 2017 at Community
high school and his son, in White House Beach, United Methodist
Thomas with his ice Long Neck, DE, going Church, 130 Tennyson
hockey endeavors. to Casinos, and cooking Drive, Lancaster, PA.
He leaves his fantastic outdoor break- The family will greet
Don E. Frey, 70, of
wife, Anita D. Cessna fasts for 35 40 people. friends from 10:00 AM
Lancaster, passed away
Kissinger, his parents, Louise M. Graff, 93, of He had coached Little until the time of the ser-
February 9, 2017, follow-
his son, Thomas S. Lancaster, passed away League Baseball, was vice. Private interment
ing a courageous 2 1/2
Kissinger and daughter, on February 4, 2017 at a Webelos leader, and at the convenience of
year battle with brain
Elizabeth D. Kissinger the Mennonite Home. was active on the Troop the family.
cancer. He was mar-
of Lancaster, brother, She was the loving wife Committee for Troop In lieu of flowers,
ried to his high school
Donald T. husband of the late Richard A. 92, Bird-In-Hand. please consider sending
Michael Scott sweetheart, Sandra
of Julie Kissinger Graff who preceded her Born in Chambers- a contribution in Dons
Kissinger, 54, died (Eshleman) Frey, for
of Mechanicsburg, in death in 2007. Born burg, he was the son of memory to Hospice &
unexpectedly on over 49 years.
PA, brother, Patrick in Reading, PA, she was the late J. Melvin and Community Care, P.O.
Thursday, February Don graduated from
T. husband of the daughter of the late Ida (Shank) Frey. In Box 4125, Lancaster, PA
9, 2017 at Lancaster Lampeter- Strasburg
Colleen Kissinger of C. Howard and Florence addition to Sandy, Don 17604-4125.
General Hospital. Born High School, class of
Middletown, NJ and a L. (Levan) Hiester. is survived by a son, Bachman Funeral Home,
in Philadelphia, PA, he 1964. He worked in ex-
sister, Cynthia, wife of She spent much of Michael S. married to Strasburg
was the son of G. Donald cavating for over 50
Guy Arment, Manheim, her career as a home- Kelly Frey; a daugh- bachmanfuneral.com
Kissinger, Wildwood, years, and retired from
PA and numerous nieces maker and dedicating
NJ and V. Susanne Nuss and nephews.
Kissinger, Lancaster and Relatives and friends
her life to her family.
In her spare time,
Shawn Kelly Born in Lancaster,
he was the son of Gloria
Lee Platt of Akron; a
grandson, Branden
the husband of Anita D.
Cessna Kissinger.
are invited to attend Louise enjoyed spend- Platt Jean Sheaffer Platt of Delgado; two sisters,
Mikes Celebration of ing time in Stone Lancaster, and the late Annette Sheaffer of
Mike graduated Life Service on Friday, Morris W. Platt. Punta Gorda, FL, and
from Hempfield High Harbor, NJ, shopping,
February 17 2017 at attending her grandchil- Shawn had worked at Kathy Wife of Stance
School in 1980 and re- 1:00 p.m. at Hempeld Skyline in Leola for over Racine of Lancaster;
ceived his Bachelors drens sporting events,
United Methodist meeting people, and 25 years. He was a grad- and a brother, Dirk A.
Degree in Business Church, 3050 Marietta uate of J. P. McCaskey husband of Andrea Platt
and Marketing at conversing with friends.
Avenue, Lancaster, PA She was a member of High School. Shawn of Grunberg, Germany.
Millersville University 17601. The family will was an avid Steelers fan Services and inter-
and later received a BS in the Eastern Star.
greet friends from 11:00 Louise is survived and enjoyed spending ment in Millersville
Computer Security and a.m.-1:00 p.m. until the Bike Week at the beach. Mennonite Cemetery
an Associates Degree by a son, Dr. Richard A.
time of service. Private Graff, Jr. (husband of He was a great mechanic will be private and held
in Physical Therapy. interment at the conve- who was always tinker- at the convenience of
He worked as Manager Suzanne) and a daugh-
nience of the family. ter, Nancy Manley ing with cars and mo- the family.
of Rehabilitation In lieu of flowers, torcycles.
Department for (wife of Donald); 5
memorials may be grandchildren, 2 step- Surviving besides his
Lancashire Hall. sent in Mikes name Shawn Kelly Platt, mother is a daughter,
He was active in grandchildren; 5 great-
to Hempfield United 48, of Lancaster, died Mikaela Rhea Platt of (717) 394-4097
Hempfield United grandchildren, and 2
Methodist Church (ad- on Thursday, February Lancaster; a son, Tanner
Methodist Church. He step-great-grandchil-
dress above). Online 9, 2017.
enjoyed playing Ice dren.
condolences may be
Hockey, involved in Services will be pri-
posted on our Website:
Lancaster Firebirds www.TheGroffs.com
vate at the convenience
of the family. Memorial
Hempfield Ice Hockey
Team, being outdoors,
spending time with the
contributions may be
made in her memory to:
somethingdifferent inarearugs?
Weve got it!
family and beach trips Hospice & Community
to the Outer Banks, Care, PO Box 4125,
Lancaster, PA 17604 or
to the Mennonite Home
Lillian June Surviving are her
children, Lou-Ann mar- Benevolent Fund at Wide variety of
Axe ried to Robert Warner, 1520 Harrisburg Pike, unique colors
and Robert married to Lancaster, PA 17601. To and patterns
Connie Axe; her step- leave an online condo-
children, Kay married to lence please visit: Handmade
Don Morrison, and Dale DeBordSnyder.com from highest
Axe; 6 grandchildren, quality fibers
17 great-grandchildren,
and 2 great-great- We have indoor
grandchildren. She was (717) 394-4097
and outdoor
preceded in death by varieties
her sister, Genevieve
Meekins and her step-
Ralph Ray
daughter, Barbara
Family and friends
Heiser, Jr. SALE!
are invited to Junes Ralph Ray Heiser, Many Sizes And Colors
Lillian Ju n e Funeral Service on Jr., 39, of 312 N. Main Are In Stock!
Axe, 92, of Lancaster, Tuesday, February St., Apt 6, passed away
PA passed away on 14, 2017 at 11:00 a.m. suddenly Saturday Columbia Ave. & Centerville Rd.
Wednesday, February at The Groffs Family February 4, 2017 shortly Lancaster 397-1616
8, 2017 at Conestoga Funeral and Cremation after arrival at Cole (Less Than A Mile South Of Rt. 30Centerville Exit)
View in Lancaster. She Services, 528 W. Orange Memorial Hospital in www.PhillipsDecorating.com |
was born in Newark, St., (corner of Orange Coudersport.
NJ, the daughter of the & Pine Sts.), Lancaster, Born May 18, 1977 in
late Samuel and Lillian PA 17602 with a viewing Ephrata, PA he was the
(McCall) Burns. Her from 10-11:00 a.m. until son of Ralph Heiser, Sr.
husband, Robert M. Axe, time of service. Burial and Bonnie Kay Good.
passed away in 1983. will be in Riverview On September 7, 2012
She worked at Valley Burial Park, Lancaster, he married Brandy L.
Fox Sewing Factory, PA. Shreve who survives.
Certified Diaper, and Information and on- Ralph was a 1996
was self-employed as a line condolences may be graduate of Ephrata
caregiver in the health- posted on our Website: (PA) High School and as
care industry. June www.thegroffs.com a young man he proudly
enjoyed reading, cross- achieved the rank of
word puzzles and word Eagle Scout. He enjoyed
searches, and cooking hunting, served with the
for her family. Civil Air Patrol in the
early 2000s, and more
recently volunteered for
the Coudersport Fire
Band of Brothers veteran Surviving besides
his wife are his father
and stepmother Ralph
LAKEWOOD, Colo. Tipper was inter- and Kathy Heiser of
(AP) Edward Tipper, a viewed for the series and Lititz, PA; his mother
World War II paratroop- was portrayed by actor of Florida; a daughter
er who was portrayed in Bart Ruspoli. Ella Marlene Heiser
the HBO series Band of A few days after the of Coudersport; a
Brothers, has died. He parachute drop, Trip- stepdaughter Nadia
was 95. pers eye and leg were Christine Shreve of
He died Feb. 1 in the badly injured by a mor- Allegany; a stepsis-
Denver suburb of Lake- tar shell. He was hospi- ter Alice Thatcher; 2
wood, said his daughter, talized for a year. Tipper stepbrothers James
Kerry Tipper. was awarded the Bronze Thatcher and Gary
Edward Tipper was a Star and Purple Heart. Thatcher, and several
member of the famed Doctors gave him a list nieces and nephews.
Easy Company, part of of things he couldnt do, No funeral services
the 101st Airborne Di- but that became a check- are being scheduled at
vision, and parachuted list for things to master, Photos Courtesy of Welk Resort. Photos by Ken Jacques.
this time.
into France as part of his daughter said. Arrangements are
the June 6, 1944, Allied He took up handball, under the direction of
D-Day invasion. The not because he liked it, the Casey, Halwig &
companys exploits were but to prove he could do Hartle Funeral Home,
retold in Band of Broth- it, she said. Olean. Online condo-
ers, based on research He was an avid skier lences may be expressed
by historian Stephen and kept that up into his at oleanfuneralhome.
Ambrose. 80s, Kerry Tipper said. com.
12, 2017 12, 2017 LNP | LANCASTER, PA
SnyderFuneralHome.com ate of Elizabethtown MillerFuneralHome.
High School. She loved com Shoe Factory for many
baseball, football and years.
cards, and was an avid Pearl is survived by a
Let us help you remain independent in your home. son, Samuel B., husband
Washington Nationals
American-made lifts installed and fan. In 1947 Ginny was of Thistle D. Eberly of
employed as a payroll Mt. Airy, a daughter,
serviced by a local professional. e | @ n nb Q
Joyce A. Eberly, and her
| @ n Qn@ @ n@ clerk for the Savoy Shoe
M n @
Company, and later significant other, Ray
Prince of Schoeneck; a
granddaughter, Amy,
How often should you have a professional eye exam? wife of Darren Hubbard
of North Carolina; a
great-grandson, Miles
18-40 Jeffrey Hubbard; 2
YEARS sisters, Pauline, wife
2-5 6-18 YEARS Every OVER 61 OR of John Matthews of
YEARS Before 1st grade 2 to 3 41-60 ALREADY WEAR Ephrata, and Helen
and every 2 years YEARS GLASSES
Call us to at 3 years years thereafter Every 2 years Annually
Eberly of Stevens; a sis-
schedule a ter-in-law, Betty Buch of
New Holland.
FREE In-Home
Schedule your Kerry T. Givens, M.D., M.S.
At Pearls request,
eye exam today!
Lee A. Klombers, M.D. services will be private
David S. Williams, M.D. at the convenience of
Local and dependable. Lisa J. Kott, O.D. the family.
Primary Eye Care | Routine Vision Services
Kindly omit owers.
100 OFF $ 200 OFF Medical & Surgical Eye Care Olga A. Womer, O.D.
Arrangements by
Straight Curved Two Convenient Locations: Stradling Funeral
Stair Lift Stair Lift Health Campus: 717.544.3900 Homes, Inc., Akron/
2108 Harrisburg Pike | Suite 100 | Lancaster, PA 17601
Hurry, Offer Ends Soon! Ephrata. Online condo-
Willow Lakes: 717.464.4333 lences can be given at
1905 Olde Homestead Lane Lancaster 222 Willow Valley Lakes Drive | Suite 1800 | Willow Street, PA 17584
udservices.org 888-837-4235 NOW ACCEPTING NVA VISION PLAN
www.CampusEyeCtr.com com.
Ethelmae McSparren Andrea L. OTHER OBITUARIES
ing interest in Classical Howard ON PAGES
and Renaissance music, A22 & A23
which prompted her
husband to build her
a dual manual harpsi-
chord, which she played
John W. Reed Gloria E. Hutchins of Willow
Street, PA, Lee R. Brandt
in several recitals at Brandt husband of Gail of
St. James Episcopal Baltimore, MD, Linda,
Church. These in- wife of Harry Kramer
cluded a performance of Conestoga, PA, Lori,
of JS Bachs Christmas wife of Vaugh Clement,
Oratoria, with pro- and Londa Seachrist
fessional musicians both of Lancaster, PA; 10
from Lancaster and grandchildren; 21 great-
On Wednesday, Philadelphia. grandchildren, and one
February 08, 2017 As a member of sister Patricia Keen of
Ethelmae McSparren, the Junior League of Andrea L. Howard, Lancaster, PA. Gloria
83, died at Brethren Lancaster, Ethelmae 59, of Columbia, passed was preceded in death
Village after a 13 jour- served as Patron away on Thursday, by three brothers Jack,
ney with Alzheimers Chair for the Fulton February 9, 2017 Robert, and Paul Jones
disease. She was born Follies of 1975, chaired at home. Born in John W. Reed, and a son-in-law Donald
in Reading, PA. Her Admissions, Placement, Wrightsville, she was 81, of Willow Street, Seachrist.
the daughter of William Gloria E. Brandt, 89, Graveside services
parents, both de- and Newssheet PA passed away on
and Barbara Hoover of Lancaster passed will be conducted by
ceased, were Alton Committees, served on Thursday, February 9, away We dnesday,
and and Garnella Herb the Task force on Child Scheetz of Lancaster. 2017. Fr. Allan F. Wolfe on
An Eastern York February 8, 2017 at Tuesday, February 14,
Auchenbach. Ethelmae Abuse, and conducted Born June 24, 1935 Conestoga View Nursing
moved with her parents hearing exams for Head High School graduate, in Clarion County, 2017 at 12:30PM from
Class of 1975, Andrea Home. She was the wife St. Joseph New Catholic
to Lancaster in eighth Start preschoolers. Pennsylvania, he was of the late Harry W.
grade, where her father, Ethelmae served for took great pride in help- the only child of the Cemetery, 170 Charles
ing people as part of Brandt, Jr. who passed Rd., Bausman, PA 17504.
master machinist, be- 12 years on the Board of late Harry W. and Helen away in 1996.
came a professor of ma- Trustees of Lancaster her 30 year career in Reed. He was also pre- Please omit flowers
Human Resources. As Born in Lancaster, and consider a contri-
chine shop and math at Country Day School, deceased by the love of she was a daughter of
Thaddeus Stevens Trade during which time she an HR Manager, Andrea his life Barbara Jean bution to St. Joseph
worked nearly 20 years the late Cornelius E. Catholic Church, 440
School. established the Alumni (Aites) Reed and his and Ethel Mae (Burley)
She graduated from Office and served as its with the Heil Trailer only daughter Ruthann St. Joseph Street,
Company, Lancaster Jones. Gloria worked as Lancaster, PA 17603 in
McCaskey High School first Alumni Secretary Reed. a waitress for 24 years
and most recently at John spent his Glorias memory.
in 1951 and Millersville for six years. Years later, at the Howard Johnson
the Librandi Machine early years on a farm Glorias family would
State Teachers College she was a reading tutor Motel and later was a
Shop, Middletown. In in Clarion County, like to give special
( n ow M i l l e r sv i l l e at Carter & MacRae waitress at the Red Rose
addition to her strong graduated from New thanks to the 4th oor
University) in 1955 cum Elementary School Restaurant. She was a
work values, she was de- Kensington High School staff at Conestoga View
laude, with a B.S. in and homework helper member of St. Joseph
voted to her family and in 1954, and enlisted Nursing Home for the
Psychology. There she at Boys & Girls Club of Catholic Church in
loved spending time in the Marines shortly exceptional care given
was President of the Lancasters Jack Walker with her grandchildren. Lancaster where she
thereafter. He married to Gloria.
Dolphins Swim Club. Clubhouse, where she She was also dedicated was active with the
his beloved Barbara Share online condo-
Ethelmae was mar- was awarded Volunteer to her community and Legion of Mary and the
Jean on July 16, 1956. lences at
ried to Clark McSparren, of the Year in 2003. often volunteered at Altar Society. Gloria
They raised their fam- SnyderFuneralHome.com
Jr., celebrating their As a member of St. the Salvation Army in enjoyed reading and
60th wedding anniver- James Episcopal Church ily in New Kensington spending time with her
Lancaster. and Canadohta Lake
sary in August 2016. in inner city Lancaster In addition to her family.
Although she first met since 1976, she served and once their children She is survived
parents she is survived were grown, the couple
Clark in 8th grade, the three terms on Vestry, by her children, Abriel by her five children
two fell in love dur- chaired Annual Giving moved to York, PA. Bonnie, wife of Clayton
W. wife of Raymond As avid travelers,
ing college, then mar- in 1980, served break- Simpson, with whom
ried Aug. 25, 1956, after fast at Anchorage, estab- John and his wife ex-
she resided; Alston M.
Ethelmaes first year lished a bereavement husband of Alida Ellis,
plored the world to-
gether. With Barb by his Constance R. attending Bible study
teaching fifth grade in group for parish wid-
Wayne, PA, and Clark ows and widowers, and
Harrisburg; grandchil-
dren, Madison, Myles,
side, they enjoyed regu- Kennedy Surviving are two
having nished his rst organized, vetted, and lar trips to the beaches sons, Scott, married to
Avery; stepchildren, of Mexico. Once on his Mary Ellen (Van Ormer)
year at University of awarded college scholar- Albert W. Ellis, Jr.; Alicia
Pennsylvania School of ships for students of the own, John continued Kennedy of Lancaster,
M. Ellis; four step grand- to travel throughout and Gregg, married
Medicine. church. children; sister, Nancy
She is survived, Ethelmae enjoyed the United States and to Donna (Weaver)
A. wife of Timothy the rest of the world. Kennedy of New
in addition to her playing tennis for years, Shorter, Mountville.
husband, Clark, by designing and sewing His favorite trip in re- Holland; two grand-
A memorial service cent years was to Zion children, Ryan, mar-
three daughters: Lisa her own clothes, plant- will be held from the
Hatheway, married to ing and enjoying flow- National Park in Utah. ried to Karolin (Heitz)
Clyde W. Kraft Funeral Surviving him are his Kennedy, and Lindsey
Frank, Washington, DC; ers, swimming, summer Home, Inc., 519 Walnut
Susan Fellman, mar- jaunts with her family two children and their Kennedy; and two great
St., Columbia, PA 17512 spouses: John W. Reed grandchildren, Jacob
ried to William, Honey to Avalon, NJ, and trips on Saturday at 2:00 p.m.
Brook, PA, and Jennifer to Europe with hus- II and John Vosburgh and Daniel Kennedy.
with the Rev. Patricia of Provincetown, MA; She was the last of
Miller, widow of Mark, band Clark. However, McAllister, officiating.
Downingtown, PA. her most cherished mo- Bruce and Michelle her immediate family.
The family will receive Reed of Downingtown, Constance R. A memorial ser-
Ethelmae is also sur- ments were preparing friends one hour prior Kennedy, 91, of New
PA; and his two grand- vice will be held on
vived by six grandchil- holiday meals for her to the service. In lieu of Holland, died Saturday,
children: Ke l s e y Thursday, February
dren: Kate Hatheway, children and grandchil- owers, memorial con- February 11, 2017 at
and her husband 16 at 1 pm, with fam-
Clark Hatheway, mar- dren and bonding with tributions in Andreas Garden Spot Village.
Bryan DeNinnis of ily visitation from
ried to Jia Coco Liu, each of those grandchil- name may be made to Born in Westerly, RI,
Conshohocken, PA; Noon 1 pm, at Garden
Ian Miller, Colin Miller, dren during their first the American Lung she was the daughter
and Alexander Reed of Spot Village Chapel,
AlyssaRose Fellman, week of life. Association at www. Manheim, PA. of the late Everett and 433 S. Kinzer Ave.,
and Lindsey Fellman. In spite of the re- lung.org. He is also survived Clara (Royal) Willis. New Holland with the
Ethelmae taught lentless decade of pro- by many friends whom Her husband, Blair F. Reverend Jay Fulmer
5th grade for two years gression of Alzheimers Harriett H. he considered family, Kennedy, died Aug. 20, officiating. Interment
at Wayne Elementary dementia, Ethelmaes
School, then retired to ability to light up and Foutz including the nurses 2003.
Connie was a home-
will be at the conve-
and staff at The Lakes at nience of the family at
raise their three daugh- respond to music, any Harriett H. Foutz, maker most of her life
Willow Valley. the Evangelical United
ters, Lisa and Susan, music, remained intact, 77, of Leola was taken but worked for a time
Relatives and friends Methodist Cemetery.
born in Philadelphia, offering her continued home to be with her as the head of the tour
are cordially invited to In lieu of owers con-
PA, and Jennifer, born joy, a joy which she had Lord and Savior on guide department of
attend a Celebration tributions may be made
in Portsmouth, NH. imparted to so many Thursday, February 9, Sperry New Holland.
of Life in the audito- to the Chad Burkhart
The family returned others. 2017 at Hospice Mount She was a member of
rium of The Lakes at Memorial Park Fund,
to Lancaster, PA, in A Requiem Eucharist Joy. Born on August 4, the Evangelical United
Willow Valley, 300 276 W. Main St., New
1964 for Clark to join that celebrates 1939, she was the daugh- Methodist Church
Willow Valley Lakes Holland, PA 17557. To
Lancaster Pediatrics Ethelmaes life, as- ter of the late Harry and where she served as
Drive, Willow Street, PA send the family online
Associates, in partner- sisted by Groffs Family Arlene Peck. head of the Missions
17584 on Wednesday, condolences visit us at
ship with Charles H. Funeral Services, will She is survived by Committee.
February 15, 2017 at www.beckfuneral.com.
Kurtz, MD. be held at St. James two sisters Carolyn She enjoyed silk
2:00 p.m. with Chaplain Arrangements by Beck
When young est Episcopal Church, Duke Foerster and Margaret flower arranging, ce-
Scott Johnson officiat- Funeral Home, New
daughter, Jennifer, was and Orange Streets, Hess, three daughters ramics, decorating, and
ing. Holland.
a senior in high school, Lancaster, on Saturday, Carol Eden, Pamela
Interment will be
Ethelmae returned to February 18, 2017, at Shaub and Patricia
at a later date at the
Millersville University, 11:00 AM with The Rev. Foutz and a son David
Rootville Cemetery,
graduating in 1983 with David Peck officiating. Foutz; six grandchildren
Crawford County, PA.
a Masters Degree in There will be an op- and ve great grandchil-
In lieu of flowers
Clinical Psychology. portunity to meet with dren. In addition to her
please send memorial
Her Masters thesis was family and friends on parents she was pre-
contributions to the
entitled, Fetal Alcohol Saturday at 9:30 until ceded in death by her
Syndrome. For the next 10:45 when a musical two brothers; Robert
Member Education
22 years she practiced presentation will begin. Peck and William Peck. & MEMORY SUPPORT
Fund, 300 Willow Valley
at Lancaster Guidance Interment following the Relatives and friends
Lakes Drive, Willow
Center and other non- service will take place are respectfully invited
Street, PA 17584. To
prot groups as a clinical in St. James Memorial to attend Harrietts
send an online condo-
therapist, working suc- Garden. Celebration of Life
lence, visit
cessfully with adoles- In lieu of owers, me- Service to be held at
cents and young adults. morial contributions Bethany EC Church of
Music had always may be sent to St. James Creswell, 1165 Letort
played an important Episcopal Church, Duke R o ad, Conestoga,
role in Ethelmaes life. and Orange Streets, PA 17516 on Friday
February 17, 2017 at (717) 394-4097
Her father, whose first Lancaster, PA 17602
job in high school was or Carter & MacRae 10am. The family will
playing background School, to benet Ollies receive friends at the 3@Qn @n n ne
music in the local si- Closet, 251 S. Prince St., church on Thursday en n
lent film theatre, was Lancaster, PA 17603. evening from 6-8pm @ REST & REFRESH WHILE RECOVERING
and on Friday morning
Ethelmaes first piano Information and on- FROM A SURGERY OR ILLNESS
from 9am until the start M
teacher. Later she was line condolences may be Consider a respite stay and learn more
of the service.
an accompanist for her sent to about our many included amenities.
In lieu of flowers,
high school and college www.TheGroffs.com. GOLD/SILVER HEADQUARTERS
contributions can be
made in Harrietts
in State Chorus while at Gold, Silver, Jewelry, Rare Coins, Investments
memory to Hospice & Millersville | 872-9100 Landisville | 898-4663
Millersville. During the Community Care, PO
Since 1973
70s, she pursued a grow- SUSQUEHANNA COIN
Box 4125, Lancaster, PA Willow Valley Square, Lancaster OAKLEAFMANOR.COM
17604-4125. 717-464-4016 www.susquehannacoin.com
12, 2017 12, 2017 LNP | LANCASTER, PA
Kenneth M. Heisler
Strasburgs re depart- tion contributions ap-
ment, ambulance ser- proaching $900,000, the
Strasburg/Lancaster vice, and library, and foundation was honored
Benefactor Lancaster chapters of
the Boy Scouts, Boys
in 1996 by LaRabida
Childrens Hospital and
aviation. He joined the Club, and local scholar- Research Center as one
Francisco in death by a daugh-
ter, Albia M. Rodriguez
U.S. Air Force during
World War II, and re-
ship foundation as re- of Chicagolands 100
cipients of sizable dona- Big Hearts for Young
Rodriguez (2007). ceived his honorable tions. Heroes.
Francisco was very discharge in 1950. Also, This was the begin- In the early 2000s,
well-known by many during these years, he ning of an avocation Mr. Heisler moved to
people in Lancaster spent time in Ft. Worth, that occupied much of Wilmington, North
County. He loved sports, Texas, and in Panama Mr. Heislers time and Carolina, where he
especially boxing, base- where he worked for energy for the rest of his added the USO of North
ball, and muscle cars. He the armed forces as a life. After his initial con- Carolina as another
will be deeply missed by civilian. Ultimately, tributions, Mr. Heisler continuing recipient of
everyone who loved and Mr. Heisler ended up continued to support the support. Asked in an in-
knew him. in Chicago, Illinois, Strasburg ambulance terview in the late 1990s
Relatives and friends where he drove trucks. service, re department, about his thoughts on
are respectfully in- He worked for the U.S. and library, as well as the giving, Mr. Heisler de-
vited to attend a Mass Post Office, for a paper Lancaster Boy Scouts, scribed his thinking
of Christian Burial firm, and for a com- Boys Clubs, and schol- in these words: Give
from San Juan Bautista pany that serviced big arship foundation with of your mind. Thats
Catholic Church, 425 retailers, such as Sears, annual donations, the what people gave me.
Fr a n c i s c o South Duke Street, Roebuck & Company last of which were made A mother, a teacher,
Rodriguez, 78, Lancaster, PA 17602 and Montgomery Ward. in 2016. Also, at some a next-door neighbor
of Lancaster, on Monday morn- At this last position, he point during this period, everyone can help
passed away ing, February 13, 2017 became interested in Mr. Heisler added the someone with a little in-
on Tuesday, at 11AM. There will the process of supplying Strasburg Jaycee Park, formation. Give of your
February 7, 2017 at be a viewing held at these large companies built on land that had energy. Not everyone
Conestoga V i e w, the Andrew T. Scheid with salable products, been part of the Barges has money to give. Give
Lancaster. Born October Funeral Home- Sullivan and worked indepen- farm, as an annual con- of your heart.
10, 1938 in Juana Diaz, Home, 121 South Prince dently for several years tribution recipient. Mr. Heisler is sur-
Puerto Rico, he was Street, Downtown M r. Kenneth as a manufacturers rep- In addition to this vived by a loving family,
the son of the late Lancaster, PA 17603 Martin Heisler died on resentative. ongoing annual com- many of whom assisted
Demetrio Rodriguez (on-site parking with December 16, 2016, at Also, during this pe- mitment, Mr. Heisler him in his later years.
and Alejandrina Reyes. attendants) on Monday 90 years of age, his heart riod, Mr. Heisler met initiated several other His move to North
A Catholic, Francisco morning from 9:30AM and energies still fo- his life partner, Dorothy. projects in support of Carolina brought him
was a member of San until time of departure cused on Lancaster and They were married in Strasburg and Lancaster nearer to his daughter,
Juan Bautista Catholic for the Mass. Interment Strasburg, Pennsylvania, 1955, and Dorothy be- over the years. In 1983, Terrie, her husband,
Church, Lancaster. will be held in the where he spent his early came key in helping approached by library John, and their three
Surviving are Mellingers Mennonite years. Mr. Heisler develop his patrons, Mr. Heisler gave daughters, Elizabeth,
three children, Edwin Cemetery, Lancaster, Mr. Heislers story is a businesses. In 1957, the $35,000 for the purchase Kc, and Martine, all of
Rodriguez, Alberto PA. true American tale. couple started their rst of a new building for the whom shared actively
Rodriguez, Charlie To submit an online Found abandoned company, F. Wheeling, Strasburg library. It was in Mr. Heislers life and
Rodriguez all of condolence, visit: www. at the age of two, Mr. Inc., whose main cus- named the Kenneth M. activities. And when
Lancaster; two brothers, scheidfuneralhome.com Heisler lived until tomer was Sears drapery Heisler Library Center Kc (husband, Dana
Ruben Reyes Reyes, Jose he was seven at the department. In 1960, Mr. in his name, and when White, and son, Rhodes,
Luis Reyes Reyes; two Lancaster Ann Street Heisler started a second the library once more aged six months) and
sisters, Iris Rodriguez Home for Friendless company, Ken Heisler expanded in the 1990s, Martine (husband, Jake
Reyes, Ada Nilza Reyes Children, in Lancaster, Associates, which ini- it became the Strasburg- Reynolds, and children,
Reyes; as well as sixteen Pennsylvania. In some tially represented seven Heisler Library in mem- June, aged three, and
grandchildren and four ways, life was bleak rms to Sears. By 1962, ory of the difference Mr. Miller Price, aged two
great-grandchildren. for an orphan, but Mr. this second rm was be- Heislers earlier dona- months) started their
Francisco is preceded 717-397-8298 Heisler retained fond ginning to take off, and tion had made, as well as families, Mr. Heisler
memories of nearby by 1965, had become one in recognition of his con- happily played the role
Beverly Ann doted on her grandchil-
Franklin & Marshall of the most respected tinuing support. In addi- of proud patriarch and
Bixler Survivors include
College students, who
put on holiday events,
midwest teams in the
boating and sporting
tion to this recoginition, grandfather. Mr. Heisler
the love of her life for he was also awarded also maintained a close
complete with skits, goods industry, collect- the New Era Red Rose lifelong friendship
thirty years, Steve Roy
decorations, and candy ing awards and honors, Award for his contribu- with his first cousin,
Bixler; her children,
for residents of the which were shared by tions to Strasburg and Florence (Flossie)
Tracy, wife of Jeffrey
home. Those fraternity Mr. and Mrs. Heisler as Lancaster communities. Hohenwarter, and her
Wittmaier, Mindy,
brothers were the only members of the National In 1997, Mr. Heisler husband, Raymond,
wife of Roger Harvey,
people I knew outside Marine Representatives honored long-held and of Bird-in-Hand,
Kristen Bixler, Jason
the home...those boys Association. Ken Heisler happy memories of the Pennsylvania. He was
Hicks, David Hicks;
had a real sense of com- Associates continued to parties that Franklin & close, as well, to his son,
eleven grandchildren;
munity, Mr. Heisler said flourish into the early Marshall College stu- Dwayne Eric Layfield,
her parents; her broth-
in several interviews. 1990s, when Mr. Heisler dents had held for the who lives in California,
ers, David Jackson, Sr.,
These memories were retired. residents of the Ann and Dwaynes two
Harry Jackson, Randy
to have an impact on With business suc- Street home by estab- daughters, Dana and
the college later in Mr. cessful, Mr. Heisler ful- lishing a scholarship. Allison. In an interest-
A memorial service
Heislers life. lled a cherished dream The scholarship was ing aside, Mr. Heislers
for Beverly will be held
Beverly Ann Bixler, At age seven, Mr. in the early 1960s by be- funded with his Social devotion to education
at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday,
58, of Columbia, passed Heisler left the home to coming a licensed pilot. Security checks, which has heavily influenced
February 18, 2017 at the
away at home sur- join the family of Milton Over the next decade, he felt would be more his family. All ve grand-
Clyde W. Kraft Funeral
rounded by her fam- and Cora Barge as a fos- he indulged in his love valuable to Franklin & daughters graduated
Home, 519 Walnut St.,
ily on February 8, ter child. He worked on of flying through own- Marshall students than with honors from their
Columbia PA 17512. The
2017. She was born in their farm until the age ership of three aircraft, to himself. Criteria bachelor degree pro-
Rev. David C. Powers
Greensburg, PA to Jesse of fteen. The labor was used for both business stressed need and wor- grams, both his daughter
will officiate. The family
Leroy and Florence hard and constant, but and pleasure. He was thiness over grades, to and one granddaughter
will receive friends for
Timko Jackson. Beverly Mr. Heisler credits his very proud of this ac- serve the broadest pos- earned masters degrees,
visitation beginning at
worked for Grinnell/ foster parents with pass- complishment. sible group of students. and one granddaughter
10:00 a.m. until service
Anvil for twenty-five ing along to him good In the early 1980s, Mr. Heislers charita- earned her Ph.D.
time. In lieu of owers,
years. In her spare time, values. I think grow- however, inuenced by ble efforts were not con- Mr. Heisler will be
please consider a do-
she enjoyed the out- ing up on a farm made several different events, fined to Pennsylvania. interred together with
nation to Hospice and
doors and reading the me more ethical and Mr. Heisler embarked Assisted by his wife, his wife, Dorothy, whose
Community Care, 685
Bible and books by one more honest, he said. on a new undertaking, Dorothy, Mr. Heisler remains are being
Good Dr., Lancaster, PA
of her favorite authors, However, as the Barges philanthropy. Some broadened contribu- moved from All Saints
17604. Arrangements
Joyce Meyer. She loved frowned on the demands ten years earlier, Fred tions to include Chicago Cemetery, Des Plaines,
by the Clyde W. Kraft
day trips with her hus- of school, at the age of Williams, a representa- area organizations, with Illinois, where she was
Funeral Home, Inc.
band. Ocean City was 15, Mr. Heisler, who was tive of the Slaymaker an emphasis on those originally buried in May
a favorite stop. Beverly educated only through Lock Company, had focused on childrens 1989. They will be hon-
adored her family and the ninth grade, decided called on Mr. Heisler, issues. Recipients in- ored in a memorial ser-
he would be better off on and on learning they cluded educational in- vice at Bachman Funeral
his own. shared love of Strasburg, stitutions, churches, and Home in late May, 2017.
His early work years Pennsylvania, they be- food pantries. Before Interment will
found Mr. Heisler trying came good friends. So her death in 1989, which be in the Strasburg
many different occupa- when Mr. Heisler re- Mr. Heisler identified Mennonite Cemetery.
tions and moving often. ceived an inheritance as the most tragic mo- In lieu of owers, please
Around Lancaster he from his foster mother, ment of my life, Mrs. direct donations to the
worked for the Hamilton Cora Barge, he turned Heisler worked with her Dorothy and Kenneth
Watch Company, the to Mr. Williams to help husband to found the Heisler Foundation,
Penn- Supreme Ice donate it to worthy Dorothy and Kenneth 2950 Legends Drive,
Cream Company, and causes in the Strasburg- Heisler Foundation to Southport, NC 28461
the Lancaster Airport, Lancaster area. With continue their chari- or the USO of North
where he developed Mr. Williams coun- table work. With total Carolina, PO Box 91536,
a lifelong interest in sel, Mr. Heisler chose personal and founda- Raleigh, NC 276675.
Ask about our
Veteran Services. Browse or leave a condolence from your smart phone at Offer your condolences through Facebook or Twitter at
LancasterOnline.com/Obituaries LancasterOnline.com/Obituaries
R. Fred Groff III, Supr. - New Holland Loren E. Bender, Supr. - Terre Hill
145 W. Main St., New Holland 717-354-0444 209 E. Main St., Terre Hill 717-445-5122
Simple, Dignified More than a
funeral service,
We Help Plan Cremation Services its about
Services As sharing a life.
Unique As at a Much Lower Cost
You Are Jeremy R. DeBord
Giving families a real
choice for affordable
service options.
Harold E. Mike Brubaker
Deaths Reported College in 1950 and was
a member of Lambda
Axe, Lillian McSparren, Ethelmae Chi Fraternity.
92, of Lancaster. Febru- 83, wife of Clark After graduation,
ary 8, 2017. The Groffs McSparren, Jr., of Mike was hired as a
special agent for the
Marietta J. also enjoyed singing in
choirs, painting pot-
Family Funeral & Cre-
mation Services, Inc.,
Brethren Village. Feb-
ruary 8, 2017. The Hartford Insurance Niehaus tery, and cooking all of
394-5300 Groffs Family Funeral Company, and subse- the traditional Italian
& Cremation Services, quently because a part- dishes.
Bixler, Beverly Ann Inc., 394-5300 ner in the Widmyer- In addition to her
58, wife of Steve Roy Prangley Real Estate loving husband, Carl,
Bixler, of Columbia. Morrisey, Richard J. * and Insurance Agency Marietta is survived by
February 8, 2017. Clyde 86, of Shillington. Feb- in Lancaster, PA. Later, four daughters: Kristine,
W. Kraft Funeral Home, ruary 10, 2017. Good he owned and operated wife of Shamus Smith,
684-2370 Funeral Home & Cre- H a r o l d and Karen Niehaus,
The Brubaker Agency in
Brandt, Gloria E. mation Centre, 336- E. Mike Millersville, PA. both of Willow Street, as
89, of Lancaster. Febru- 4909 Brubaker Mike and Jackie trav- well as Rebecca Niehaus
ary 8, 2017. Charles F. Newcomer, H. died peace- eled the U.S. and all over and Elisabeth Niehaus.
Snyder Funeral Home Clarence fully in his the world. They loved She also left behind two
& Crematory, 872-5041 89, husband of Phyllis sleep on February 5th entertaining, playing grandsons, Aiden and
Brubaker, Harold E. (Dougherty) Newcom- at Masonic Village in Bridge, ballroom danc- Evan Smith.
91, of Masonic Village. er, of Woodcrest Villa. Elizabethtown, PA ing and socializing with A viewing will take
February 9, 2017. Sheetz where he resided for the friends, as well as taking Marietta J. Niehaus place on Thursday,
February 5, 2017. Sheetz
Funeral Home, Inc., Funeral Home, Inc., past eight years. He was yearly trips to Mountain of West Lampeter February 16, from 6-7
653-5441 653-5441 91 years young. Springs Lake in the Township passed away pm, followed by a cele-
Mike was born in Poconos, Wildwood, at home, surrounded bration of Mariettas life
Eberly, Pearl A. (Buch) Niehaus, Marietta J. Lancaster, PA to the late NJ and Ocean City, by her loving family, at 7 pm at the Charles
91, of Manheim. Febru- 64, of West Lampeter George (Carl) Brubaker MD with Lin and Jeff on February 10th, 2017 F. Snyder, Jr. Funeral
ary 10, 2017. Stradling Township. February 10, and Grace Miller when they were young. at the age of 64. She Home and Crematory,
Funeral Homes, Inc., 2017. Charles F. Snyder, was born in Brooklyn, 3110 Lititz Pike, Lititz,
733-2472 Brubaker on January 29, Mike loved Big Band
Jr. Funeral Home & NY to the late Angelo PA, 17543. A private in-
1926. He was married and Swing music, solv-
Crematory, 560-5100 and Palma Cefalu. terment at Indiantown
Fogle, Carlton Richard to Jacquelyne Jackie ing the New York Times
Thomas Nissley, Virginia W. Miesse Brubaker for 61 crossword puzzle (in She attended Adelphi Gap National Cemetery
35, of York. January 9, 87, of Juniper Village, years, until her passing pen!), collecting coins Business School and will be on Friday.
2017. J.J. Hartenstein Mount Joy. February 9, in 2013. Before moving and stamps, golf, writing dedicated her life to her Please omit flow-
Mortuary, Inc., 717- 2017. Miller-Finken- to Elizabethtown, they witty and funny poems, children, grandchildren, ers. Instead, you may
235-3857 binder Funeral Home & lived in Lancaster and and collecting vintage and husband. make a contribution
Crematory, 367-1543 Millersville, PA. Mustangs. He loved to Marietta worked in in Mariettas memory
Foutz, Harriett H. food service at Hans to A Week Away
77, of Leola. February 9, Mike was the fa- talk about the old days,
Ott, Russell G., Jr. ther of Lin Roussel and cherished childhood Herr Elementary School Fo u n d a t i o n , 941
2017. Cremation Servic- 90, husband of Grace
es of Lancaster, 273- (Jim), of Lititz and Jeff memorabilia. Mike was and, most recently, at Wheatland Ave, Suite
Thomspon Ott, of Lan- Lancaster Bible College. 201, Lancaster, PA,
6283 Brubaker of Millersville. quite the wordsmith,
caster. February 7, 2017. She and her husband, 17603 or at aweekaway.
DeBord Snyder Funeral Grandchildren are and would correct you
Frey, Don E. Jenna Neas (Matt), of in a minute for misuse Carl, celebrated 43 org.
70, husband of Sandra Home & Crematory, years of marriage in To send the family
Inc., 394-4097 Manheim, Brian Siegrist of the English language!
(Eshleman) Frey, of September. They at- online condolences,
(Tania), of Lititz, A Celebration of Life
Lancaster. February 9, tended LCBC. please visit
2017. Bachman Funeral Platt, Shawn Kelly Cheyenne Brubaker will be announced and
48, of Lancaster. Febru- of Lancaster, Emily held at a later date and Marietta loved the SnyderFuneralHome.com
Home, 687-7644 Lord and loved people.
ary 9, 2017. DeBord Sny- Roussel of Eagleville, interment at Millersville
Gimber, Carl H., Sr. der Funeral Home & and James Roussel of Mennonite Cemetery Her family was her pri-
83, husband of Beverly Crematory, Inc., 394- Lititz. Great-grandchild will be private at the ority and she loved serv-
J. (Dieffenbach) Gim- 4097 is Isaac Brubaker. convenience of the fam- ing them the most. She
ber, of Lancaster. Feb- Mike attended ily.
ruary 9, 2017. Charles F. Reed, John W.
81, of Willow Street. McCaskey High School, In lieu of flow- Obituary notices are provid- IN LOVING MEMORY OF
Snyder, Jr. Funeral and after graduating in ers, please donate to
Home & Crematory, February 9, 2017. ed as an advertising service KATHLEEN JO
DeBord Snyder Funeral 1943 as the class presi- the Masonic Village by the Classified Advertising
560-5100 dent, he enlisted in the Childrens Home, department of LNP Media
Home & Crematory, Group, Inc. June 5, 1959-Feb. 11, 2015
Graff, Louise M. Inc., 394-4097 U.S. Army Air Corps 1 Masonic Drive,
93, of Lancaster. Febru- where he was selected Elizabethtown, PA Deaths Reported and Obitu-
aries may be placed by first
ary 4, 2017. DeBord Roberts, Madeline * and trained as a cryp- 17022 in Mikes name. calling the Obituary Coordi-
Snyder Funeral Home 90, of Lancaster. Febru- tographer in WWII. He Mikes family would nator at 717-295-7875, then
& Crematory, Inc., 394- ary 9, 2017. DeBord Sny- served in Papua, New like to thank Masonic submitting the written notice
4097 der Funeral Home & Guinea, the Philippines Village for taking excel- either by e-mail
Crematory, Inc., 394- and Japan, earning 2 lent care of their par- ([email protected]) or by
Heiser, Ralph Ray Jr. 4097 fax (717-399-6523), Monday-
39, husband of Brandy battle stars. He was an ents and making the last Friday, 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sat-
L. Shreve, of Couder- Rodriguez, Francisco accomplished trum- journey of their lives urday, 2 to 6 p.m.; Sunday,
sport. Casey, Halwig & 78, of Lancaster. Febru- pet player influenced special, memorable and 3 to 6 p.m.
Hartle Funeral Home, ary 7, 2017. Andrew T. by musicians such as comfortable. The advertising department
716-372-0254 Scheid Funeral Home, Doc Severinsen, Harry To send an online publishes obituaries provided
397-8298 James and Chet Baker. condolence, please visit by funeral homes or cremato-
Heisler, Kenneth Mar- He was also a cham- www.sheetzfuneral- ria, based on information pro-
tin Sherr, Charles W.* pion table tennis player home.com
vided to them by families. It
90, of Wilmington, NC. does not accept obituaries You were an amaz-
95, of Lancaster. Febru- throughout the 1940s Sheetz
December 16, 2016.
from individuals. Obituaries ing daughter, sister,
ary 8, 2017. Charles F. and 50s. Funeral Home, Inc. and related materials, sub-
Snyder, Jr. Funeral mitted to LNP Media Group, wife, mother, and
Howard, Andrea L. Mike graduated from Mount Joy grandmother. Our
59, of Columbia. Febru- Home & Crematory, Franklin & Marshall
Inc. may be edited for style,
560-5100 policy or legal reasons, and hearts broke the day
ary 9, 2017. Clyde W. they become the property of you left us. If love
Kraft Funeral Home, Sloan, Robert K. *
Browse or leave a condolence from your smart phone at
LNP Media Group, Inc.
could have saved
Inc., 684-2370 81, husband of Edna R. you, you would have
Kennedy, Constance (Willard) Sloan, of Eliz- lived forever. We
R. abethtown. February miss you and love
91, of New Holland. 10, 2017. Good Funeral Haldy/Keener Eitnier you everyday.
February 11, 2017. Beck Home & Cremation Love, your mother
Funeral Home, 354- Centre, 336-4909 Memorials Memorials Evelyn, your sisters
2227 Sandy and Pam, your
Vogtmam, Nina R. *
Kissinger, Michael 81, of Landisville. Feb- 2102 Willow Street Pike 531 North State Street kids Zeb and Sara
Scott ruary 11, 2017. The Lancaster, PA 17602 Ephrata, PA 17522 and your grand-
54, husband of Anita D. Groffs Family Funeral
divisions of daughters Zebryna,
717-392-6312 717-733-0808
Cessna Kissinger. Feb- & Cremation Services, Audrianna and Eve-
ruary 9, 2017. The Groffs Inc., 394-5300 lyn Kathleen. Thank
a tribute to life you for loving us.
Family Funeral & Cre- Family owned & operated since 1921 www.ging richmemorials.com
mation Services, Inc., Winpenny, Thomas R.
394-5300 III
75, husband of Marilyn Dont make your loved ones guess what you want.
McGrann, Marjorie Sims Winpenny. Febru-
A.* ary 8, 2017. Charles F.
63, of Birdsboro. Janu- Snyder, Jr. Funeral Complimentary Luncheon and
ary 29, 2017. Charles F. Home & Crematory,
Snyder, Jr. Funeral 560-5100 Funeral Pre-Planning Seminar.
Home & Crematory,
560-5100 * No Obituary appears Join Lisa and Michele to learn why pre-planning
is so important for your family.
Services Today
Lisa Groff Michele
Margolis, Donald E. Stockman, Bruce C. TM
Contact us for reservations.
Shaarai Shomayim Chapel, Mennonite
Cemetery, 12:30 PM.
The Groffs Family
Home, 1520 Harrisburg
Pike, Lancaster, 1:30
528 West Orange Street, Lancaster, PA 17603
Funeral & Cremation PM. Andrew T. Scheid
Services, Inc. Funeral Home
The Groffs Family Funeral & Cremation Services, Inc.,
Martin, Helen E.
Mount Pleasant
Brethren in Christ
Church, 1756 Mount
~ Lunch & Learn with Kelly & Jackie
Pleasant Road, Mount ;~~EE~ Casual and informative luncheons where you
Joy, 3 PM. Sheetz learn the benefits and options of pre-planning.
Funeral Home, Inc.
February 21 .................11:00 am ...........Stockyard Inn
March 22....................11:00 am ......... The Inn at Leola Village
,@[n @ n@ April 4 ..........................11:00 am ......... DoubleTree Resort at Willow Valley
| ne #n April 20 .......................11:00 am ......... General Sutter Inn
Please RSVP, space is limited. The meal is our treat!
; [@ ne n @ Pre-planning Specialist
717.560.5100 | [email protected] Pre-planning Specialist
n@ @ @ k |
|@ [@[a $275 OFF Manheim Township | 3110 Lititz Pike | 717.560.5100
Holiday treats
Raspberry Vanilla Muffins are
perfect for Valentines Day
n Food, page B8
These 3 couples will warm your heart with their romantic tales. You can watch
videos of the couples and vote for your favorite at lancasteronline.com/lovestory
Kim and Jovan Aldae. Marty and Tom Brown. Lacy and Tyson Snader.
Jovan and Kim Aldae both are in their It took a group of friends playing a little A few years ago, Tyson and Lacey Snader
20s and are the parents of two children. trick on them in 1959 to get them togeth- of Lancaster were getting married in Las
He has a steady job and theyre youth er. Vegas and honeymooning in Death Valley.
leaders at their church. They enjoy go- But the trick worked, and Tom and Shortly after that, the couple faced a
ing on adventures together and love each Marty Brown, of Mount Joy, recently cel- much darker valley in their relationship.
other deeply. ebrated their 57th wedding anniversary. Three months after their 2013 marriage,
Their friends say they want what the Al- Raising children together, common Tyson Snader a runner, swimmer and
daes have. backgrounds and interests, and being ac- hiker went down a slide into a pond at a
Dont pray for that because you dont tive together in Girl Scouts have filled picnic and sustained a spinal-cord injury.
know what we had to go through to get their long life together. The accident threatened his life and left
here, says Kim, 27. It has been one tough We both came from a pretty solid him a quadriplegic.
road. Catholic background, Tom Brown, 76, After surgery and rehabilitation, the
It has been difficult, but their faith and says. We were married in the church, and Snaders settled back into domestic life
their families pushed the couple to make we took our vows very seriously. with their son, Hudson, and with chal-
their relationship work. They made it of- We just never thought about failure be- lenges they had never anticipated.
ficial and married in November, six years ing an option, he adds. Its not to say that
to the day after they became a couple. we never had any problems. Coworkers first
But never anything major, Marty
Met during tryouts Brown, 78, says. The couple met while they were both
We never went to bed angry, her hus- servers at the former Doc Hollidays
Jovan, 28, and Kim, met at Hand Middle band adds. steakhouse in Lancaster. But both of
School during tryouts for the football and them had significant others in their lives
cheerleading teams. They stayed in touch A sneaky setup at the time.
through high school but it wasnt until a Despite the fact that I thought he was
few years later that they got together. In 1959, Tom Brown was a year out of very, very handsome, Lacey Snader,
Jovan ran into Kims father and then high school and was looking for a job. 33, says, I was not making any kind of
called up the girl he had met at the tryouts. He found one in the anesthesia depart- moves.
She has a nice personality, he says. ment at Lancasters former St. Joseph I definitely thought she was cute, Ty-
And we complement each other. Hospital (now Lancaster Regional Medi- son Snader, 34, says.
He was such a free spirit. Ive always cal Center). Five years later, they reconnected.
been the kind of person who could get up He was taking care of the oxygen equip- When I broke things off with my ex-
at 9 oclock at night and just go jump in a ment, Marty Brown, says. I had just boyfriend, Lacey Snader says, (Tyson)
lake, she says. He was so down with it. I graduated from nursing school (at St. Jo- had always kind of been in the back of my
was like: Yes, I found me a winner. seph School of Nursing), and at that time, head as somebody Id like to be with.
ALDEA, page B15 BROWN, page B15 SNADER, page B16
The Scene
Restaurant Inspections are now in the Money
section on page D7.
Embracing a
to make it home
Meet Darlene Byrd, co-winner of
2017 Gavel of Social Justice Award
[email protected]
arlene Byrd was born in Lancaster and
spent her first 15 years living in rural farm
country along the eastern edge of the
When she moved to the city as a teenager, she
2 didnt plan to stay. Now, more than four decades
later, shes firmly rooted in the citys southern side.
Byrd, 59, is founder and president of the South
Ann Street Concerned Citizens, an organization
she started more than a quarter-century ago to
fight neighborhood crime and improve the blocks
tarnished image.
On Feb. 2, she and the Rev. Roland Forbes, of Eb-
enezer Baptist Church, shared the 2017 Gavel of
Social Justice Award for their contributions to the
Family: Daughters Darlene and Shanneal,
grandchildren Sabrina and Jordan, father How-
Church: Rays Temple, Church of God in Christ,
49 S. Ann St.
Ive been here since 1998. I grew up Menno-
4 5
nite I was Mennonite for more than 35 years. I
believe God told me to come to Rays Temple it
was a culture shock, believe me for my spiritual
6 7 Occupation: Director of missions for Rays
Recently, I went to the Dominican Republic to
serve in some of the poor areas there. Im going to
North Dakota in August . Well be going to an In-
dian reservation, then back to the Dominican Re-
public in December.
When I was a child, I wanted to be: Many
things. I think maybe a nurse.
Book on my nightstand: Mountain Moving
Faith by Kenneth E. Hagin.
Hobbies: I love to sew. I love to swim. I like gar-
Volunteer: Im an APPRISE counselor with
the Lancaster County Office of Aging.
Favorite thing about living in Lancaster:
I find most people to be friendly. Im the type of
person who will speak to you in passing, and most
The Scene is a photo gallery by LNP featuring events from the week across Lancaster County. people here will talk back.
I started the South Ann Street Concerned
Citizens because: Back in 1989, South Ann
concerned about our safety.
After setting a record high temperature Photo 1: Wind blows across a snowy It started as a crime watch. But we realized that
of 63 degrees on Tuesday, snow covered landscape near Mondale Road in Upper
Lancaster County early Thursday morning, Leacock Township after Thursday mornings
taking care of the 200 block didnt suffice. ... You
and wind whipped across the countryside. snow storm. Photo 2: A herd of ponies pause had to deal with gangs anywhere you went.
in a windswept Warwick Township field So we expanded and started working on hous-
Meteorologists on Wednesday predicted
up to 8 inches of snow, but most of near Millport. Photo 3: Michele Criste, left, ing, youth programs, beautification and education
the area received about 1 to 4 inches. and Jen Hessinger run Thursday morning ... and weve been going strong ever since.
Millersville reported about 2 inches of along Nolt Road in East Hempfield Township.
snow about 8:30 a.m. Thursday, according Photo 4: A robin perches in a snow-covered
to Millersville University meteorologist tree along Millersville Pike in Lancaster
Todd Sikora, who took the measurement. Township. Photo 5: Pedestrians walk through
the snow-covered trees at Franklin and PINK PAGEANT
Lancaster city and East Petersburg Marshall College after the storm. Photo 6:
reported 2 inches, as well, according to Darlene Byrd is organizing a Fun Pink Pageant, for up
A truck with a plow drives through blowing to 100 women older than 40, that will raise funds for
National Weather Service meteorologist snow in the 1100 block of Landisville Road
Paul Head. Reinholds reported 4 inches, breast cancer and church missions.
in East Hempfield Township. Photo 7: Abe
while Manheim had 1 inch, he said. Lincolns face is covered with blowing snow Participants will be judged for an interview, formal
A pleasant weekend followed the in Rohrerstown. wear and fun pink wear, Byrd says.
snowstorm, with temps in the upper 40s. The pageant will be 4 p.m. July 22 at Lancaster
For this weeks forecast, see page C12. DAN MARSCHKA AND BLAINE T. SHAHAN | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER PHOTOS Mennonite High School, she says. For more
information, contact Byrd at [email protected].
different for everyone. cousin contacted us then blocked all of us through text message is
In my little church, we after seeing a photo of on social media. simply not possible.
all assume the exact the three of us online. I feel like the entire You could relieve
same seats, week after He said hes sick of discussion should your guilt by trying to
week, year after year. feeling left out. have been in person. I contact him, perhaps
This is not ideal, and We all responded, dont want the family through letter, to say,
your letter is a reminder saying we did not broken up. We have al- I was shocked to learn
that when we mix things know he felt this way ways all gotten along, how excluded you have
up, new relationships and that we were and our family gath- felt. Thank you for
and connections can be so close because we ers very frequently. I being honest about it.
formed. were basically raised love all of my family Id like to have a closer
Good deed goes Many people prefer to
sit by themselves during
together. We told him
we would want to hang
members, but I dont
feel like I should have
relationship, but well
never resolve these
unnoticed in the pew worship. Additionally,
your neighbor might
out with him more
now and also in the
to censor my relation-
ships Ive developed
things unless we talk
about it.
have felt too awkward future. with other family
Dear Amy: Recently that he did not want to or presumptuous to as- He accepted that, because it may offend Dear Amy: I am
we had a heavy snow- be seen with me. Im sume that your offer of but then started someone. I would be shocked at how often
fall. The next day I good enough to talk to, a ride was really an offer saying things like willing to forgive and couples who are get-
called a neighbor to but not good enough to share the experience the rest of the fam- forget just to have ting married decide to
see if he needed a ride to sit next to? with him. I hope you ily doesnt ever want peace between us exclude a family mem-
to church services. He Is this socially unac- will forgive his awk- him around. We told again. ber. Family is family,
gratefully accepted. ceptable behavior? ward reaction and move him this isnt true Should I feel guilty especially during a
When we ap- Shouldnt people be forward. and that everyone for forming a closer wedding.
proached the church gracious enough to loves him, and we are relationship with my Shocked
I noticed that he sit with the person Dear Amy: Im in my sorry that someone other cousins? How Dear Shocked: Fami-
stopped in the vesti- that offered them the early 20s. Since we told him that because should we resolve this lies are complex and
bule, as if procrasti- transportation? were little kids, two of thats horrible. recent falling out? challenging. There are
nating in sitting down. I cant seem to let it my cousins and I have He then kept re- Concerned Cousin definitely legitimate
I took my seat and go. been very close. My sponding about how Dear Cousin: You are reasons to exclude, but
minutes later turned Weather Beaten grandmother baby-sat badly he is treated. closer to your cousins there would probably be
around to see him sit- Dear Weather Beaten: all of us. We lived five This conversation because you were raised less exclusion if people
ting three rows away. You were kind to offer minutes away from continued on and off together, like siblings. could simply accept that
After the service, I this ride to your neigh- each other, rode the for three days via Your other cousin their families are not
waited in the parking bor, but you should school bus together text messaging, until was trying to be honest perfect.
lot for some time until not have expected any and, when we were finally I told him that with you, and thats a
he finally came up to particular or specific be- teenagers, after the it had gone on too long good thing. However, it
the car. havior from him, other loss of their mother, and I would like to end sounds as if he has let a n Contact Amy Dickinson via
email: [email protected].
We chatted on the than an expression of they spent every night the discussion. He re- lifetime of resentment You can also follow her on
way home, but once I gratitude. at my house. sponded with sarcasm build up, and trying to Twitter @askingamy or like
was alone I realized Worshiping is slightly Recently, another and expletives and express and resolve this her on Facebook.
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Test your rom-com IQ
hese are the times that try
Tuesday is Valentines Day. To get you mothers and fathers souls:
ready for the day set aside for love, we The times when the lights
are offering you a quiz about romantic onstage dim, and the sound
movies both comedies and dramas, that erupts from the over-hyped
commonly known as chick flicks. crowd is the din of every cicada thats
Ladies, find out just how much you ever circled over Lancaster County,
know. Gents, study up. from the beginning of time until
present day.
MEET CUTE The times when the lead singer of
whatever pop band youre watching
1. How do Jack and Rose meet in Titanic? pronounces Lancaster correctly
A. Rose is trying to jump overboard and and the roar of approval sends rever-
Jack saves her. berations through the floor.
B. At a party down below. I have seen Nick Jonas in a small
C. The captain introduces them. Philly club; K-pop sensation Dean
Humphrey Bogart in New York City; a riot of YouTube
2. How do Harry and Sally meet in When and Ingrid Bergman musicians at Chameleon all-ages
Harry Met Sally? in Casablanca. shows; One Direction and Demi Lo-
A. They met in grade school. vato, Shawn Mendes, Ariana Grande,
B. They share a ride from the University of Fifth Harmony, Blackbear, Blink-182,
Chicago to New York. Twenty One Pilots ... a whole litany
C. They meet on their first day in New York. of names you may know if you have
children Of A Certain Age.
3. How do Harold and Maude meet in Venues big and small. Bands that
Harold and Maude? have hit world domination (that
A. At a strangers funeral. aforementioned One Direction
B. Through Harolds mother. perhaps the name rings a bell?) and
C. In an old folks home. singers who will never, ever be heard
from again.
4. How did Annie Hall and Alvy As my teens slowly age into being
Singer meet in Annie Hall? able to attend concerts by them-
A. Playing doubles tennis. selves, Im realizing that the knowl-
B. In line for The Sorrow and the edge Ive amassed could be useful to a
Pity. very specific subset of concert-goers:
C. At a jazz club where Annie is singing. The chaperoning parent.
So if youre entering that phase, al-
5. In Gone With the Wind, right be- low me to share my hard-earned wis-
fore Rhett and Scarlett meet for the first dom. May it save you from migraines,
time, what has Scarlett been doing? from getting stranded and from
A. Drinking a big glass of whiskey. spending 90 post-concert minutes
B. Telling Ashley she loves him. looking for your car.
C. Speaking with her father about her sis- Katharine Hepburn Not that Ive ever had to do that.
ters marriage. and Spencer Tracy in
Woman of the Year. Your packing list
Excedrin, Advil or some other
6. In Youve Got Mail, how do Joe Fox and pain reliever. Take two before the
Kathleen Kelly fall in love? opening band, before the strobe
A. By reaching for the same book at a book- lights and amps-turned-to-11 hit.
store. Ear plugs. Dont for a minute
B. Long phone conversations. think this will block all the sound.
C. Through the internet. Oh, if you were hoping that, my
goodness, no. Bless your heart. But it
7. In which Alfred Hitchcock film will bring it down to a manageable,
does a couple have a 2 1/2-minute enjoyable level.
kiss (which was against the produc- Small bills, to pay for club soda
tion code) described as perhaps at the all-ages event, for parking, for
the most intimate and exotic kiss. emergencies.
A. The Birds. A backup battery pack for your
B. Notorious. cellphone. Do you want to be trying,
C. North by Northwest. on a 4 percent charge, to text the
child who went to the merchandise
8. Who is Thomas Kent in Shakespeare stand half an hour ago and hasnt yet
in Love? reappeared? No. No, you do not.
A. A good buddy of William Shakespeares. A second backup battery pack
B. An actor in Shakespeares company. for the kid who used up all cellphone
C. The name Viola de Lesseps gives herself power taking selfies on the way to the
so she can work on stage in Shakespeares venue.
QUIZ, page B5 Barbra Streisand Comfortable shoes. No one else
and Robert Redford cares how stylish your feet are, Chap-
in The Way We Were. erone. No one. And neither will you
ANSWERS when youre standing through the
To see how well you did, turn to Page B16 obligatory encore.
The phone number of everyone
youre supposed to be watching.
Water and snacks for the ride
GRETNA MUSIC home. When its all over, youre not
going to want to hit every drive-thru.
Curtis Institute ensemble to perform in county Gum. Someone will want gum.
A pen, so everyone can write
down the location of where you
Musicians from prestigious school parked. Or drop a pin on your smart-
phone map.
lend their talents to concert series Just the keys youll need. Like-
wise, just the wallet stuff youll need:
JANE HOLAHAN IF YOU GO Dont lug around your Costco ID,
[email protected]
n What: The Curtis 20/21 your Red Cross blood donor card,
The Curtis Institute of Ensemble. your 13 grocery store cards or that
Music in downtown Phila- n Where: Leffler Chapel, receipt from three weeks ago.
delphia is a special place, Elizabethtown College. Enough time to look at the band
says David Ludwig, who T-shirts, stickers, hoodies, lanyards
teaches composition there.
n When: Sunday, Feb. 19. and posters. Now, double the es-
How special? n Cost: Adult, $17/$22; ages timated time youll need. It takes
Its the hardest school 26 and younger, $8.50/$11. longer than youd think to agonize
to get into in the country, n Contact: gretnamusic.org; over every $40 T-shirt.
Ludwig says. Three per- 717-361-1508. A third backup phone battery,
cent of our applicants get in. CURTIS INSTITUTE which youll need after at least
Musicians from all over the The Curtis 20/21 Ensemble one kid records the first half-hour
world come to study. And to Elizabethtown Colleges straight of the concert.
the school is free. Leffler Chapel at 7:30 p.m ni will be performing. Two Ware Center Wednesday, Something caffeinated for the
Thats right. Free. No tu- Sunday. recent graduates, soprano March 22. That concert is drive home.
ition, thanks to a generous The Curtis 20/21 Ensem- Sarah Shafer and mezzo- sold out. (That last item is just for you,
endowment from Mary ble is part of Gretna Musics soprano Jazimina MacNeil, We have been talking Chaperone. The kids will have no
Louise Curtis Bok. Winter 2016-2017: The will be at Leffler Chapel on about making use of the re- need for it. Promise.)
While the Curtis Insti- Curtis Legacy, featuring Saturday, March 25. sources available to us at
tute has been ensconced in Curtis faculty, graduates One of its most famous Curtis for a long time, says n Jennifer Kopf is an LNP staff writer. Un-
Rittenhouse Square since and students. alumni, violinist Hilary Carl Kane, artistic director scripted is a weekly entertainment column
1924, a piece of it is coming Next month, Curtis alum- Hahn, will perform at the ENSEMBLE, page B5 produced by a rotating team of writers.
From left, Chasdan Ross Mike, Jarrett Jay Yoder and Ilana Gabrielle
memorable hooks. and a man bun. The costumes Jarrett Jay Yoder, who plays play Judas, Jesus and Mary Magdalene respectively in Jesus Christ
So when the eerie music be- by John P. White are all unique, Jesus, sang his role more tra- Superstar at Dutch Apple Dinner Theater.
gan Thursday night at Dutch and the look fits into the story. ditionally. Hes got a powerful
Apple Dinner Theatre, I was The way McCleary has staged voice, and he does a solid job as the crowd sings his praises; I Dont Know How to Love
ready. scenes with her large cast with Gethsemane, the song at other times it feels like hes Him without Jesus on stage.
Its clear director and cho- works well on the small stage. Jesus sings to God on the night patronizing his followers. Usually, hes close by sleeping,
reographer Amy Marie Mc- he will be betrayed by Judas and I always wondered how
Cleary is looking for some- More modern spin and arrested. Strong voice he could sleep while Mary was
thing different. This is not a Yoder comes through in the belting out the great song.
traditional staging of the show. She also has asked her cast second half of the show, and the Ilana Gabrielle is a terrific King Herods Song is usu-
She wants a more modern look to give a more modern spin to crucifixion scene is powerful. Mary Magdalene. Her voice is ally a highlight of Jesus Christ
and sound. their singing. Unfortunately, his Jesus strong and sweet, and we see Superstar, but here McCleary
The ensemble looks like a The most important thing in the first act doesnt quite her attraction to Jesus. And adds a bizarre beginning and
ragtag troupe of hipsters. Simon first: The voices are solid and work. At times, he looks smug I was happy to see her sing REVIEW, page B16
Continued from B4 A. The North Pole. HAPPINESS (Katharine Hepburn) Not. 25. In Say Anything,
B. South Africa. do to try to win back C. An Affair to Re- when Lloyd Dobler
theater. C. The United States. 16. In My Big Fat her husband, Sam member. (John Cusack) lifts up
Greek Wedding, Tou- (Spencer Tracy)? his boombox and plays
9. Why does Marty 13. What is the final las father, Gus, finally A. She puts on a slinky 22. In what film does a song over and over
drop Clara in Mar- straw for Katie and gives his daughter and dress. Paul Henreid light two for his ex, Diane Court
ty? Hubbell in The Way her fiance, Ian, his B. She tells him shes cigarettes and give one (Ione Skye), what song
A. His friends tell him We Were? blessing. What did they having a baby. to Bette Davis? is playing?
shes too plain. A. Hubbell has an affair have to do to get it? C. She tries to make A. All This and Heaven A. Cant Take My Eyes
B. His mother doesnt with his old college girl- A. Ian agrees to be bap- him breakfast. Too. Off of You by Frankie
like her. friend. tized in the Greek Ortho- B. Now, Voyager. Vali and the Four Sea-
C. Shes his best friends B. Hubbell is black- dox Church. 20. In Notting Hill, C. Mr. Skeffington. sons
girl. listed because of Katies B. Toula announces why does movie star B. In Your Eyes, by
radical politics. shes pregnant. Anna Scott (Julia Rob- 23. In which movie Peter Gabriel.
10. In When Harry C. Hubbells Holly- C. Toula has a long talk erts) angrily leave does a couple try to C. A Case of You by
Met Sally, when does wood friends convince with her father about her bookshop owner Will cook a lobster dinner? Joni Mitchell
Harry realize he loves him to leave Katie. love for Ian. Thacker (Hugh Grant)? A. Barefoot In the
Sally? A. She thinks he let the Park. ROMANTIC
A. During their friends 14. What is the final 17. In Sleepless in press know she was stay- B. The Bridges of
wedding. reason Rhett leaves Seattle, what makes ing at his house. Madison County. COUPLES
B. While roaming the Scarlett in Gone With Tom Hanks character, B. She catches him C. Annie Hall. Well name the movie,
streets of New York on the Wind? Sam, go up to the top bragging about having a you name the actor
New Years Eve. A. He blames Scarlett of the Empire State movie-star girlfriend. 24. What does Barbra and the actress who
C. As soon as he meets for Melanies death. Building? C. She discovers he has Streisands Katie do appeared together.
her. B. Scarlett tells him to A. Meg Ryans Annie a girlfriend. when she sees Robert 26. The Thin Man.
leave. told him she would be Redfords Hubbell af- 27. Adams Rib.
DESPAIR C. He overhears Scar- there. FAMOUS SCENES ter many years at the 28. To Have and Have
lett consoling Ashley af- B. His son, Jonah, came end of The Way We Not.
11. In Casablanca, ter Melanies death and to New York to find Annie, 21. Whats the name of Were? 29. The Runaway
why did Ilsa (Ingrid misunderstands. and Sam followed him. the movie featuring a A. She slaps his face. Bride.
Bergman) leave Rick C. Annies fiance talks couple making love on B. She lectures him on 30. Sleepless in Se-
(Humphrey Bogart) in 15. How do Anya and him into it. the beach in Hawaii? his politics. attle.
Paris? Joe spend their last
A. She was taken pris- moments together be- 18. In The Goodbye
oner by the Nazis. fore she heads back to Girl, why does Elliot
B. She met and fell in the palace in Roman (Richard Dreyfuss)
love with Victor Laszlo. Holiday? move into the apart-
C. She went to nurse A. At a back entrance ment Paula (Marsha
her husband, who she to the palace, where no- Mason) lives in?
thought was dead. body can see them. A. Hes renting a room.
B. Shivering on a riv- B. Paulas ex subletted
12. In Brief Encoun- erbank, after escaping it to him.
ter, when Alec and Anyas bodyguards. C. He bought it.
Teens who are sexually active face the risk of chlamydia, a sexually transmitted bacterial infection. Heres what both Tests showed
teens and parents need to know. that grease-
resistant fast
food packag-
Most teens value their parents ing sometimes
opinions on such critical topics as continues to
contain chemi-
sexual activity. cals that are
building blocks
for those
phased out or
in the United States so that treat- The CDC promotes some- banned or
DR. PIA FENIMORE still contains
ment can prevent transmission thing called Expedited Partner the banned
ASK THE EXPERT to the baby. Chlamydia infection Therapy, which is permissible chemicals
in a newborn affects the eyes and in Pennsylvania. This is when themselves.
ts almost Valentines Day, lungs most seriously. a health care provider gives a
and nothing says romance The average age of first sexual person infected with chlamydia a
like a column about a sexual- activity in the United States is 17 prescription for both themselves
ly transmitted infection! The next therefore, anyone who cares for and their partner for treatment.
time you take your adolescent in adolescents should be aware of the Research has shown that women But some fast-food restaurants continue to rely
for a checkup, you may find that risk of chlamydia infection. The were 29 percent less likely to in part on grease-resistant packaging made with
your health-care provider is talk- Centers for Disease Control rec- become reinfected if their health structurally similar chemicals that remain largely
ing more about chlamydia. ommends that every female ages care provider practiced this unknown to independent researchers, many of
Chlamydia is a sexually trans- 15-24 be screened for chlamydia at therapy. whom are concerned about potential health risks.
mitted infection caused by the each annual well visit. The Ameri- While you may feel that mak- In a new study, a third of the samples collected
bacteria chlamydia trachomatis. can Academy of Pediatrics makes ing the decision to become from McDonalds, Burger King, Starbucks and
It is the most common sexually a slightly less broad statement sexually active is a very adult other restaurants contained fluorine, a key build-
transmitted infection in adoles- promoting yearly screening for all one, this person is still very ing block in PFCs. Some contained traces of PFOA,
cents, affecting one in 20 sexually sexually active females. much your child. They need one of the chemicals banned by the FDA.
active young adults ages 14-24. It This all makes the point that you to listen, understand and, We just dont know enough about the safety of
is estimated that close to 3 million health care providers should be finally, to advise. Begin talking these new chemicals, said David Andrews, a senior
people had chlamydia last year asking your child, in a nonjudg- about sex with your child at a scientist at the Environmental Working Group who
in the United States. Since many mental, nonthreatening way, if young age (most experts recom- co-authored the study with researchers from fed-
adolescents are seen by pediatric they are sexually active. This most mend between third and fifth eral and state agencies, universities and other non-
providers, a recent push has been likely means without the parent grade), so that both of you are profit organizations. Since there are other options
made to be sure that pediatricians in the room. Sorry, Mom and Dad, more comfortable when they out there, this should be a wake-up call for these
are thinking about this disease. but sometimes we just have to reach the teen years. companies.
The bacteria which cause chla- kick you out. Remind them that the only Fast-food chains couldnt immediately be reached
mydia are transmitted through Testing for chlamydia is a way to completely prevent a for comment. When researchers attempted to find
vaginal, anal or oral sex with an relatively simple urine test with sexually transmitted disease out if they were aware of PFCs in their packaging,
infected person. A mother also results being available within two such as chlamydia is to abstain. two unnamed companies said they believed their
can transmit it to her newborn to three hours. Chlamydia can be Make sure that they understand packaging was PFC-free even though it wasnt, ac-
through childbirth. The most treated with a single dose of anti- how to prevent diseases, preg- cording to the study.
common symptom of chlamydia biotics or with a seven-day course. nancy and emotional trauma Many of the wrappers and cartons tested did not
is NO symptoms. It has been re- People with chlamydia infection should they choose to engage in contain the chemicals. The studys authors suggest-
ferred to as the silent infection, should refrain from sexual activity sexual activity. Share with them ed that could indicate restaurants obtain packaging
because many people, especially for seven days after beginning your beliefs and experience from different suppliers, some of which use alter-
males, do not know they have it. treatment. around this topic. Most teens native methods to make paper grease-resistant.
Females may have increased Any sexual partners, includ- value their parents opinions The presence of PFOA, the banned PFC, in some
yellow discharge, pain with urina- ing those from oral sex, should on such critical topics as sexual packaging could have come from recycled paper,
tion and vaginal bleeding. Males be tested for possible infection. activity. researchers said.
may have watery discharge from The rate of female reinfection is Above all else, keep the con- More research is needed on the potential haz-
the urethra or testicular pain. high, typically due to failure on versation open-minded and ards of short-chain PFCs at levels similar to how
Untreated chlamydia can lead her partners part to get treated. supportive. people might be exposed to the chemicals, Van-
to Pelvic Inflammatory Disease, Health care providers can give denberg and others said. But that work can take
which may cause infertility, pain your teen talking points to help years, in part because the identities of many chem-
and liver damage. him or her communicate with a n Dr. Pia Fenimore, of Lancaster Pediat- icals are considered trade secrets and manufac-
ric Associates, answers questions about
Prenatal testing of pregnant partner to ensure comprehensive childrens health. You can submit ques- turers arent required to tell the FDA or EPA when
women for chlamydia is standard treatment. tions at [email protected]. they are used in food packaging or other products.
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A fun treat:
Raspberry vanilla muffins
m a firm believer in celebrating
the little things in life. With all the
worry in the world today, why not
seize any excuse to create a bit of hap-
For example, every birthday in our
house begins with birthday muffins, ba-
gels or doughnuts basically anything
round and festive-looking into which
candles can be inserted. Even if noth-
ing else special happens in the course
of the day, a little singing and candle
blowing starts the day on an upbeat
note. (For even more fun, include one
relighting candle or trick candle, as
we call them. Its good for extra laughs
at any age.)
If youve followed my blog for some
time, youve likely noticed that I often
n 2 pounds white button mushrooms, sliced
about 1/8 inch thick. Slice these yourself; the pre-
sliced mushrooms can be too thin for this cooking
KIM GOMOLL n 2 to 4 tablespoons butter
THE PRESS TABLE n 2 to 3 tablespoons lemon juice
Take your time with these n I sneak a sprinkle of thyme in there if I can, but
its perfect just as is. KIM GOMOLL | LNP STAFF
Rite Aid
Schick disposable razors are $5.99 this week,
and when paired with the $4 Schick coupon from
the Feb. 12 LNP SmartSource, you pay $1.99.
Purina cat chow (3.15- to 4.4- pound) is $5.99.
Use the $2 Purina coupon from the Jan. 8 LNP
SmartSource and pay $3.99.
ASSOCIATED PRESS SoftSoap or Irish Spring body wash (15- to
Papaya relish makes all the difference when making poached cod on a weeknight. 18-ounce) is $3.99, and when matched with both
the $1 SoftSoap or Irish Spring coupon from the
Feb. 12 LNP SmartSource and the $2 in-ad cou-
MELISSA DARABIAN breeze to pull together on a busy or even just a bit of white wine pon you pay 99 cents.
night. and some dried herbs will work
Balancing healthy eating with One of those pantry items in a Tuesday-night pinch. CVS
a crazy weeknight schedule is is frozen fish fillets. Yes, I love Keep the water at a bare sim-
tricky for everyone. We all have fresh fish tossed right on the grill mer it should be active like Softsoap body wash (15- to 18- ounce) is $3.49
competing priorities that chip with a tiny bit of lemon, olive oil, club soda, not like a rolling boil. this week. Use the $1 SoftSoap coupon from the
away at our days: kids, careers, salt and pepper. But I dont al- And then make a quick relish to Feb. 12 LNP SmartSource and pay $2.49. This
school, home, family obliga- ways have time to head to the top your fish and give it some purchase earns $1.50 in Extra Care Bucks and
tions all take time and energy. fish counter. So, frozen fish is my freshness and excitement. brings the final price to 99 cents.
And next thing we know, its 6 plan B. I stock up on some clas- Todays recipe stars papaya Select Colgate 360 toothbrushes are $3.49. Buy
p.m. and we havent given any sics like Alaskan cod and wild because its widely available this two and use the $1-off- two Colgate coupon from
thought to dinner. What we do salmon that you can usually time of year, peeled and cubed, the Feb. 12 LNP SmartSource and pay $5.98.
next is key. cook straight from frozen just if you want to pay an extra dol- Receive two $2 Extra Care Bucks (limit 2), which
If we swing by the drive-thru add a few minutes to your cook- lar or two. Papaya is full of vita- brings the final price to 99 cents each.
or order a pizza on our handy ing time. mins and fiber, and raw papaya Flonase Sensimist (60-spray) is $15.96, and
phone app every time we have a Poaching is a perfect cooking has enzymes that are celebrated when paired with the $2 Flonase coupon from the
busy weeknight, our health will method those frozen fillets be- for helping in digestion. But feel Feb, 12 LNP Red Plum, you pay $13.96.
suffer. A better strategy: Save cause it takes merely minutes, free to swap out for another fruit
the pizza for true cravings, and and leaves your fish an open can- (even canned peaches work) if
lean on a few recipes in our hip vas to showcase whatever other you prefer the tangy lime and
pocket that can get us through ingredients you might have on apple cider vinegar will marry
the mealtime crunch. And then hand. Flavor the water with most fruit beautifully with the This week, Maxwell House ground coffee (10- to
stock up on the pantry ingredi- some acid and herbs (like lemon fish, no advanced planning re- 11.5- ounce) is two for $5, and when paired with
ents that make those recipes a juice and fresh thyme branches) quired. the $1-off-two Maxwell House coupon from the
Feb. 5 LNP SmartSource you pay $2 each.
Purex liquid laundry detergent (24- to 33-load)
is $1.99. Buy two and use the $1-off-two Purex
coupon from the Feb. 12 LNP Red Plum and pay
$1.49 each.
Start to finish: 15 minutes chopped
Servings: 4 n 2 teaspoons extra virgin olive oil Oreo cookies (8.5- to 15.35-ounce) are $2.50.
Ingredients: n 1/4 teaspoon salt Buy two packs and use the $1-off-two Oreo cou-
n 4 fillets of cod (about 4-5 ounces each) n 1/8 teaspoon pepper pon from the Feb. 12 LNP SmartSource and pay
$2 each.
n 1/4 cup white wine Bring wine, thyme, water and salt to a bare
Larabars (5-count or bites) are $4.99, and when
n 3 cups water simmer (it should look like bubbly club soda).
Place the cod in the water and keep at a bare paired with the $1 Larabars coupon from the Feb.
n 1 teaspoon dried thyme simmer and allow to cook until fish is cooked 12 LNP SmartSource you pay $3.99.
n 1/4 teaspoon salt through, about 4 minutes for an average piece of Flonase allergy relief 120-spray bottles are
fish. Remove the fish, and keep on a warm plate. $22.99, and when matched with the $10 Flonase
Relish ingredients:
While the fish is cooking, stir together the relish coupon from the Feb. 12 LNP Red Plum your
n 1 1/4 cups papaya, cut into small cubes ingredients in a small bowl. Spoon the relish on price is $12.99.
n 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar top of each piece of cooked fish, allowing the You can store household goods and personal
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budding love and the universe. (Ages 12 to
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7. This Is Where It Ends, by Marieke
Nijkamp. (Sourcebooks Fire) An act of 1. The Power of Habit: Why We Do What participated in some of NASAs greatest There, she looks into a seemingly simple
violence parsed from four perspectives. We Do in Life and Business, by Charles successes. missing-persons case and learns never
(Ages 14 and up) Duhigg. Duhigg takes us to the thrilling to trust anyone or assume you know
3. Big Little Lies, by Liane Moriarty.
edge of scientific discoveries that explain someone.
8. Moon Chosen, by P.C. Cast. (St. Martins Follows three mothers, each at
Griffin) Rivals and allies struggle to define why habits exist and how they can be a crossroads, and their potential 5. Small Great Things, by Jodi Picoult.
their place in a postapocalyptic world. changed. involvement in a riot at a school trivia During her shift as a labor and delivery
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A criminal prodigy assembles a fractious civil rights movement, and the space tier detective until her own brother is baby goes into cardiac distress while
team to pull off a life-changing heist. (Ages race, follows the interwoven accounts arrested for three grisly murders and she Ruth is alone in the nursery. Does she
14 and up) of four African American women who is reassigned to the middle of nowhere. obey orders or does she intervene?
Sybrina Fulton and Tracy Martin, the parents of Trayvon Martin, a Florida teenager who was fatally shot by a neighborhood volunteer, attend
would be the size of a single an event at the White House on Feb. 27, 2014.
passenger pigeon flock.)
Were told that we could
probably bring back a Ne- Book addresses transformation from ordinary parents into full-time activists
anderthal today, and that
at least one expert believes CONNIE OGLE DETAILS But after the shooting, priva- parent feels. But I know what
it might be best if he or she n Rest in Power: The Enduring cy vanished. Fulton and Mar- theyre going through.
was home-schooled. (Ne- To see the changes you want Life of Trayvon Martin. tin were forced to face the me-
anderthals didnt do well in the world, they say, you n By Sybrina Martin and Tracy dia, demanding 911 tapes the Not anti-gun
around strangers.) One of must actively engage. Martin. Sanford Police Department
the last great auks, flight- Which is why the parents of n Spiegel & Grau. refused to release and calling Fulton, who campaigned for
less birds, was inexplicably Trayvon Martin who was for an arrest and trial for Zim- Hillary Clinton in 2016, says
branded a witch and beaten shot and killed five years ago n 352 pages ($26). merman. Later in 2012 they she and Martin arent anti-gun.
to death. And maybe this by George Zimmerman in San- started the Trayvon Martin They just advocate stricter con-
doesnt fall under pleasure, ford, Florida, as the unarmed Foundation, a not-for-profit trols like background checks
exactly, but youll learn Miami Gardens teenager was ers the events that led to the social justice organization and the closing of loopholes
far more than you want to returning from the store with shooting, the national outcry based at Florida Memorial that allow Americans to order
know about an elephants an Arizona Watermelon Fruit over the sluggish police inves- University in Miami Gardens, guns online or at gun shows.
sexual anatomy. Juice and a bag of Skittles tigation into the crime and the which is devoted to ending We need to get to a place
Pilchers levity is wel- are considering running for eventual 2013 trial, at which gun violence, education and where people who own guns
come at times, but the for- office. Zimmerman was found not strengthening families. are responsible gun owners,
mer stand-up in her is given We want to make positive guilty. Now, in a politically un- she says. Its not about being
too many lines. Strenuous change, and the only way to The book reveals raw mo- settled 2017, the book tour for or against guns. Its about
rimshots ring throughout make positive change is if were ments of pain and disbelief. has shuttled them around everybody being responsible.
the book. There are no part of the change, says Syb- There are chilling flashes of the country again. Theyve Last week Martin told USA
living fossils, she writes, rina Fulton, Trayvons mother, hindsight. At first, I didnt like appeared on network news Today that he feared the Trump
and an asterisk takes us to a Miami native who worked the hoodie and would tell him shows and The Daily Show administration would put racial
a footnote: Apart from the for Miami-Dade County at to take it off, Fulton writes with Trevor Noah. justice further out of reach: You
Rolling Stones. Ill let that the time of the shooting. The about the jacket that would We still havent really had have those that are for uniting
stand in for its ilk. question was posed: Should become a symbol of racial in- time to sit back and grieve the the country and you have those
By the time I got to the we run for office? Wed consid- justice. Hoodies werent in loss of our son, Tracy Martin that want to be apart, he said.
chapter on whether to clone er it. Were doing our research style when I was growing up. admits. You never get used to And what this new presidency
Elvis Presley, I was worried right now. Its not something But Trayvon, sure he was mak- being an advocate. Every time does, it takes those that want to
the whole thing would be well do right away. Were look- ing a fashion statement, would theres a tragedy, we get a call. be apart and it puts them right
a forced gag. But Pilcher ing at different offices in local rarely remove it. So once I re- Its like living our nightmare in the position where they can
mostly uses it to discuss government, in the state of alized that all the kids were all over again. You never get say, Well change the laws, and
the genetic phenomenon Florida, in the White House, wearing them, and that wear- used to it. Its hard to mend well make it tougher.
of twins, given that Elvis so we can see where we could ing one wouldnt mark him for your own heart when youre Now, Fulton declines to call
had one, Jesse, who died at be most effective. trouble, I was okay with it. trying to mend other peoples out the administration.
birth. Fulton and ex-husband Tra- hearts. It does not matter whos in
Of course, just because cy Martin divorced in 1999 Full-time activists Youve got to understand: the White House that per-
we can do something but have remained close, par- being a parent of a deceased son must work for everybody,
doesnt mean we automati- ticularly after Travyons 2012 Rest in Power plays out child due to some senseless she says. We do know there
cally should. Pilcher writes death, which bound them in against the rise of the Black act of gun violence no one needs to be some laws changed
this sentence, and others ways they could never have Lives Matter movement and wants to be part of that frater- and some mind-sets changed.
nearly identical to it, sever- imagined. Forced to work to- the transformation of Fulton nity. We look forward to try- Trayvon, who would have
al times throughout Bring gether to demand justice for and Martin from ordinary par- ing to help people. Thats what been 22 on Feb. 5, is more than
Back the King. Yet it rarely their son Zimmerman was ents into full-time activists. I this is all about: trying to pur- just their son now. Hes an
serves as more than a speed not immediately arrested after am one of the mass of Ameri- sue justice and cope. People icon, a symbol, a cry and de-
bump before another bout the shooting, which sparked a cans living an anonymous life ask How do you get over this? mand for social justice. What
of cheerleading. national controversy and pro- of infinite complexities in the You never get over it. You deal would he think of all this?
One of the most convinc- tests they are inextricably struggling suburb of an Ameri- with it, and you continue to be I think he would be very
ing arguments she makes linked by tragedy. Now they can city one of the unher- strong for your family and the proud that so many people
for aggressive efforts at de- have collaborated on Rest alded people whose weeks go people around you. Weve support him, Fulton says. I
extinction is that they help in Power: The Enduring Life by in a predictable rhythm of accepted the role. I can truly think hed be very proud of
the living as well. They can of Trayvon Martin (Spiegel work and school, church and say we dont understand the his family and friends and just
teach us a lot about biology, & Grau, $26), a personal and picnics, week after week, from relationships between other what his image means to them.
information that we could deeply emotional account cradle to grave, Fulton writes parents and their children. I It also makes us want to con-
apply to humans and other of their sons death that cov- in the books introduction. cant say I know how another tinue the fight.
species. They might help
people like you and me with
things like stomach ulcers,
and might help animals like
the northern white rhino REVIEW
and others come back from
the verge of extinction.
There are things to rec- Wrong makes science as engaging as romance
ommend de-extinction,
but a slightly less cheery LINCEE RAY invention in 1965, the world as version of his home. Close DETAILS
approach to an incredibly we know it never existed. friends were never born. n All Our Wrong Todays.
complex subject (scientifi- What if the world we know Tom Barren is a normal guy Inventions were never pio-
n By Elan Mastai.
cally and ethically) might today is actually a dystopian who works for his genius fa- neered. Technology seems to
have helped me find them society? Could the reason we ther in a research lab. After have stalled. Just as he begins n Dutton.
more persuasive. dont live like the Jetsons be his mother dies and the love of to panic, Toms mother enters n 384 pages ($26).
One scientist mentioned attributed to one persons mis- his life breaks his heart, Tom the picture. A woman who has
in the book believes de-ex- take that altered the evolution bursts into the lab one night been dead for years. His sweet
tinction could help human- of technology? Elan Mastai and tests his fathers time ma- father follows, along with a sis- would always battle his secret
kind, as Pilcher paraphras- explores this possibility in chine. He chooses to travel ter he never had in his world. truth?
es it, atone for its crimes his novel, All Our Wrong To- back to that fateful day in 1965 Tom learns he is a world- All Our Wrong Todays is an
against biodiversity. This days. when history changed forever. renowned architect. He has incredibly creative work. Its as
sounds specious. Forget- Its 2016 and life is full of Not only does he want to be a loving relationship with his if Mastai time traveled and took
ting the possible unintend- handy gadgets that help you the first man to time travel, he family. He seeks out the girl copious notes of what a future
ed ecological consequences sleep, eat, drink and travel. also wants to be part of some- who broke his heart and im- utopian world would be. The
of, say, darkening skies with The Earth is pollution-free, thing spectacular. Instead, he mediately falls in love with science is as engaging as the ro-
passenger pigeons again, crime-free and poverty-free. inadvertently alters time and this slightly alternated ver- mance. Mastai has mastered the
I dont think the bucardo Theres an algorithm to find space, thereby creating a new sion. Suddenly, this 2016 art of endearing himself to an
that lived for 7 minutes solutions for most problems, 2016. Our 2016. doesnt seem like such a bad audience through both knowl-
would testify on our behalf which helps society continue In the beginning, Tom is place. Should he fix what he edge and entertainment. Its
at a trial for crimes against to move forward at a rapid overcome with emotion that did to history? Or should he definitely out of this world or
biodiversity. pace. Thanks to an incredible hes stranded in a wasteland stay in this world, knowing he an alternate universe.
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LaBeouf protest
art project closed
Be Chapos valentine
The Museum of the 1-year-old domestic short-hair looking for perfect home
Moving Image in the
Queens borough of New JENNIFER ERICSON
York City announced
Friday it has closed a Valentines Day is
performance art project Tuesday, and Lancaster
involving Shia LaBeouf, County SPCA doesnt
citing serious public want anyone spending it
safety hazards. The alone.
project involved the ac- So if you are looking
tor and others chant- for a perfect companion,
ing He will not divide ASSOCIATED PRESS
consider Chapo, a 1-year-
us in front of a camera Actor Shia LaBeouf, left, stands with other people old, neutered, male, do-
outside the museum in front of a live-stream camera with the words He mestic short-haired cat.
since Donald Trumps will not divide us posted on a wall outside of the Hes the ideal compan-
first day as president Museum of the Moving Image. ion: handsome, athletic,
three weeks ago. It was attentive and affection-
scheduled to last for cials added that they ficers were assigned to ate.
four years. The public were proud the mu- the location 24 hours Chapo was surren-
was invited by LaBeouf seum had launched the a day and, at one point, dered to LCSPCA in De-
and two collaborators engaging and thought- police filed a report af- cember through no fault
to participate and the provoking digital art in- ter threats were made of his own. Since then,
performances were live stallation. Last month, through the citys 311 hes been waiting for just
streamed around-the- LaBeouf was arrested non-emergency line the right person to adopt
clock. But the museum after an altercation. that people were going him. His shiny, ebony fur
said in a statement that And a 21-year-old was to be shot. On Friday, is soft to stroke, and his
the installation had be- arrested last week on the hewillnotdivide.us heart is eager to provide BLAINE T. SHAHAN | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
come a flashpoint for assault charges after website said the mu- unconditional love. Chapo is a 1-year-old male cat available for adoption at
the Lancaster County SPCA.
violence and was dis- a participant said the seum had abandoned Though chapo means
rupted from its original man threw eggs on the project. The artists, short, this cat is short in
intent. Museum offi- him and ran. Police of- however, have not. neither stature nor affec- ens of vacant kennels, day and Friday; noon to 5
tion. Once adopted, his LCSPCA has just ac- p.m. Tuesday, Saturday
name can be changed to cepted 35 dogs from an and Sunday; and noon to
BIRTHDAYS a moniker that better re- overcrowded shelter in 7 p.m. Wednesday.
flects his inner and outer Mississippi.
n Movie director Franco Zeffirelli is 94. Actor Louis Zorich is beauty. For more information
93. Movie director Costa-Gavras is 84. Basketball Hall of Famer Because LCSPCA has about Chapo and other LAST WEEKS
Bill Russell is 83. Actor Joe Don Baker is 81. Author Judy Blume been receiving fewer pets available for adop-
is 79. Former Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Barak is 75. Country stray and surrendered tion, visit LCSPCA, 848
singer Moe Bandy is 73. Rock singer Michael McDonald is 65. n Molly, a 5-year-old
Actor-talk show host Arsenio Hall is 61. Actor Josh Brolin is 49.
dogs this winter and S. Prince St., call 717-917-
Rottweiler, was still
Singer Chynna Phillips is 49. Actor Jesse Spencer is 38. Actress adoptions have been 6979, go to lancasterspca. available for adoption late
Christina Ricci is 37. NFL quarterback Robert Griffin III is 27. steady, the dog kennels org, or visit the shelter. last week at the Humane
Actress Jennifer Stone is 24. Actresses Rylie and Baylie Cregut have frequently been Shelter hours are 11 a.m. League of Lancaster
(TV: Raising Hope) are 7. Christina Ricci, 37 nearly empty. With doz- to 6 p.m. Monday, Thurs- County.
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Grey, who had claimed the n 1973: Operation n 1999: The Senate voted
proclaimed its n 1915: The cornerstone Lincoln penny with Homecoming began as the to acquit President Bill
throne of England for nine independence, more than was laid for the Lincoln an image of the Lincoln
days, and her husband, first release of American Clinton of perjury and
seven years after initially Memorial. Memorial replacing two prisoners of war from obstruction of justice.
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SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2017 n SEND STORY TIPS & INFO TO: CHRIS OTTO, 291-8662, [email protected]
Jordan Spieth takes
commanding lead in the
AT&T Pebble Beach Pro-Am
n Page C6
shut down
Catholic girls earn L-L tournament
semifinal date with McCaskey
[email protected]
Saturdays scores
Too much Lauren
n Cedar Crest 64,
Lebanon Catholic 54
Too much defensive
pressure in the half n Northern Lebanon 53,
Hempfield 31
Coaches and rifle athletes prepare for the first round of the Lancaster-Lebanon League rifle championships Saturday n Lancaster Catholic 57,
morning at Conestoga Valley High School. And entirely too
Lampeter-Strasburg 35
much Kiki Jefferson...
and ended real well, Garden Spot won the Montreal at Boston NBCSN 7:30pm
Musser said. In the mid- sportsmanship trophy RUGBY NETWORK TIME
dle, I had two or three this season.
English Premiership, Exeter Chiefs vs.
Wasps (taped)
After anthem
he coached seven state Caskey from 1962-1997. they turned into suc- League for 11 years.
boys champs (five in- He is a member of the cessful people. That Im proud of what we
dividual and two relay McCaskey Athletic Hall they learned things accomplished while I
He coached the Mc-
of Fame, the Susque-
hanna Valley branch
from him through a
sport and applied it to
was a member of the
Board of Control,
mistake, US leads
Caskey girls track team
from 1981-1997. Those
of the Pennsylvania
Sports Hall of Fame
the work force.
A star athlete at Co-
Ludwig said.
He was the Vikings Germany in Fed Cup
teams, compiled a 104- and was honored with lumbia High School, baseball coach for 25
68 record, won two state the George W. Kirch- Kreiser was the named years winning L-L ROBERT COLLIAS Fed Cup for 13 years now
championships, four ner Memorial Award in Lancaster Countys League titles in 1986 and it is the worst thing
District Three titles, 1999. Most Outstanding Play- and 87 and also win- KAANAPALI, Hawaii that has ever happened
three L-L League titles er in both football and ning six section cham- After an outdated to me, Petkovic said af-
and four L-L section Elmer Kreiser basketball for the 1944- pionships. stanza of the German ter her loss.
crowns. 45 school year. Im proud of those national anthem was The USTA responded
He coached six state Kreiser compiled a re- He was named the back-to-back cham- sung during the opening quickly with its official
girls champions, four cord of 205-37 as the Co- top Lancaster County pionships, Ludwig ceremonies, the United statement.
individual and two re- lumbia boys basketball football player and the said, whose oldest son States took a 1-0 lead and The USTA extends
lays. coach from the 1952-53 top Lancaster County played on the first title was ahead in the other its sincerest apologies
Im proud of the ath- season through 1962- basketball player from team and youngest opening match in its to the German Fed Cup
letes and coaches and 63. During that time, his 1900-1950 by Lancaster son was on the second. best-of-5 Fed Cup quar- team and all of its fans
support people I worked teams won seven league Newspapers. He coached basket- terfinal Saturday. for the performance of
with, Kraft said. The championships, six Lan- After high school, he ball for 15 seasons, Alison Riske beat An- an outdated national
sacrifices they made caster County champi- was all-conference, all- 11 as the head coach. drea Petkovic 7-6 (10), anthem prior to todays
and the pride they took onships, three District state and a Little All- And he was an assis- 6-2, and CoCo Vandewe- Fed Cup competition,
in what we did. I say Three championships American in football at tant soccer coach for ghe led Julia Goerges the statement said. In
we because we all ac- and one Eastern Re- Bloomsburg, where he 14 years and the head 6-3, 3-1 when rain halted no way did we mean any
complished it together. gional title. also started on the bas- coach for a season. play. disrespect. This mistake
And my family, they Ten of his players ketball team for three Before his career The stanza of the an- will not occur again, and
were always support- earned all-state honors. seasons. at Northern Leba- them that was sung dates the correct anthem will
ive. His team reached the In addition to coach- non, he played four to World War II-era be performed for the
Before taking over as state championship ing, he was also an seasons of baseball Germany and brought remainder of this first-
head coach, he was the game in 1958. English teacher at Co- and soccer at East a stern response from round tie.
assistant track coach He was most proud of lumbia for 13 years and Stroudsburg where he Petkovic, and an official Riske was apologetic in
from 1965-67. what they (his players) the principal for 22 was a captain in both statement of apology her press conference.
He was also an assis- turned into after they years. sports as a senior. from the United States As it was happening,
tant football coach from graduated, Karl Krei- He has been inducted He was a member of Tennis Association. obviously, we have no
1962-97 and the head ser said of his dad who into the Susquehanna two PSAC champion Petkovic, who was born idea, Riske said. But
swimming coach for the died in 1992. He was Valley Sports Hall of soccer teams and a in Bosnia, said in the news got around to us,
1965-66 season. very proud of his players Fame, the Bloomsburg baseball conference German-speaking por- and its extremely unfor-
A 1958 graduate of Mc- that turned into ... He University Sports Hall title team. tion of her press confer- tunate. We have nothing
Caskey, he participated had doctors and lawyers of Fame, the Pennsyl- He was elected to ence that she considered but respect for the Ger-
in football and track and he had college profes- vania Sports Hall of the Central Chapter walking off the court as man team and obviously
was a member of a state sors and then he had Fame and the Columbia of the Pennsylvania the anthem went on. that will not happen
winning 200 freestyle people who owned busi- High School Athletic Sports Hall of Fame I thought it was the again.
relay swim team. nesses. Hall of Fame, where in 1997. He served two epitome of ignorance, Following the comple-
After graduating from And in the labor in- the gym is named in his terms as chapter pres- and Ive never felt more tion of the suspended
Franklin and Marshall dustry were general honor. ident and is currently disrespected in my match Sunday, the sides
where he played managers of different He received the the Pennsylvania whole life, let alone in will play reverse singles
football, ran track and companies George W. Kirchner Sports Hall president. Fed Cup, and Ive played and a doubles match.
Vikings run
ends in final McCaskey girls, led by Parker, get the best of Indians this time around
blocks and two steals. Caskey assistant coach Parker convert a three-
We came out and said Charlie Woods said. I point play.
Northern Lebanon had no answers Ahnera Parker re- we had to play hard and told her all week, to- Its difficult when
against Pa.s top 2A team Saturday membered when her scrappy, just like them. night is your night and you are out-matched
McCaskey girls basket- The Red Tornado will you have to play. When that much in the paint,
ball team faced Donegal face Lancaster Catho- you get off on a good said Indians coach
DAVE BYRNE Senior Luke Funck (38- earlier this season. Spe- lic at 7 p.m. Tuesday at start, our team gets Chadd Ward. We had
[email protected]
3) got the afternoon off cifically, she remem- Conestoga Valley. off on a good start and a game plan today for
HERSHEY As the to a good start, pinning bered how the much- Indians junior Car- thats what she did. Parker and we just
medal ceremony of the Bryce McCloskey in 4:34 smaller Indians took it ly Diffenderfer, who The Tornado opened didnt execute the way
2017 PIAA team wres- at 182. to the Red Tornado in scored a team-high 18 a 23-19 lead on Zaniah I wanted. Give credit to
tling championships However, the way the early December. points, went on a per- Banks 3-pointer a min- her.
concluded on Saturday match unfolded, prior to During Saturdays sonal seven-point run ute before halftime, but McCaskey did a great
afternoon, wrestlers the fall, was a flashing red L a n c a st e r- L e b a n o n that put Donegal ahead Donegal answered with job on us. They stayed
and coaches from both light to the Vikings. League tournament 45-41 with less than five six straight points, in- right where they need-
Reynolds and Northern McCloskey, a fresh- quarterfinal at Penn minutes to play. cluding Diffenderfers ed to all game long and
Lebanon gathered in the man who came in with Manor, Parker made McCaskeys Alissa offensive rebound and put it on us at the right
center of the Hersheys a 1-2 record, kept Funck sure that would not Johnson scored her put-back at the half- moment.
Giant Center mat, ex- at bay through the first happen again. only bucket of the time buzzer for a two- In addition to the
changing one last hand- and second periods, with Each time Donegal game, and Parker hit point Indians lead at good shooting, McCas-
shake, one last hug, one Funcks second-period tied the game or took layups three straight the break. key only had 10 turn-
last acknowledgment of a escape the only point. the lead, the McCaskey times down the floor, But with Parker scor- overs for the game.
battle well fought. After McCloskey took senior had the answer. the final one in which ing McCaskeys first When we are under
A battle that went, de- neutral to open the third Parker posted a game- she was fouled. Her nine points of the sec- control and play with
cisively, to Reynolds. period, Funck got his high 31 points and Mc- three-point play with ond half, the Red Tor- patience like we did to-
In their eighth finals takedown and, in quick Caskey advanced to the less than two minutes nado forged a 32-29 day I think we are a very,
appearance, the Raid- order, worked his trade- semifinals, courtesy of a left put the Tornado up lead. very, very good team,
ers (23-0) captured their mark cradle. 59-51 victory. for good, 50-47. Donegal tied the game Woods said. But when
first Class 2A champion- It would be a long time When we first played For the game, Parker at 38 one minute into we start going helter-
ship since 2009, their before the Vikings scored them, they were real shot 14 of 18 from the the fourth quarter on a skelter and all over the
fourth overall, with a 54- again, on a fall from scrappy. We knew we floor and hit all three of pair of free throws from place, that means turn-
18 victory. Trevor Leonard (34-11) had to get revenge, her free throws. Rachel Robinson, who over after turnover. We
To hear Raiders coach over Hunter Michaels said Parker, who also Shes a senior and she had 16 points and 10 cut down on the turn-
Casey Taylor tell it, it was (24-5) at 132. Blaise had eight rebounds, five stepped up for us, Mc- rebounds, only to see overs today.
not that easy. Bressler (40-6) capped
As a coach, theres a lot the L-L champions af-
with a 10-point show- with a dominant 11-2 ferson said. We take Acme Shopping Center
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wins 99
in row Villanovas
Jalen Brunson,
center right,
Huskies to aim for battles for
a rebound
100th straight on against Xavi-
Monday against ers RaShid
Gaston, right,
South Carolina as J.P. Macura,
bottom right,
looks on in
PAT EATON-ROBB Cincinnati on
STORRS, Conn. UConn
may have 99 problems, but
losing aint one.
Katie Lou Samuelson
scored 19 of her 22 points
in the first half and the top-
ranked Huskies extended
their NCAA record winning
streak to 99 games with an
83-41 win over SMU on Sat- ASSOCIATED PRESS
Saturday, April 29 Two-Man Scramble Conestoga CC
Sunday, May 21 Lancaster Womens 2-Person Scramble Highlands of Donegal
Sunday, June 11 Lancaster Womens Better Ball Championship Overlook
Friday- Saturday, June 23-24 Mens Amateur Championship Meadia Heights
Saturday- Sunday, July 8-9 Lancaster Mens Better Ball Championship Highlands of Donegal
Sunday- Monday, July 9-10 Womens Amateur Championship Crossgates 3-time NASCAR champion returns
Nerlens Noel, Rob-
Friday, July 21
Friday- Saturday, Aug. 4-5
Mens Open Championship
Mens Match Play Championship
Bent Creek
Lancaster CC
to dirt-track sprint car racing
ert Covington and Saturday, Aug. 19 LANCO/YCAGA Mens Mid-Amateur & Summer Classic Overlook
Dario Saric each scored MARK LONG plained that fellow driver
Sunday, Aug. 20 Lancaster Mixed Tournament Conestoga CC AP SPORTS WRITER
19 points to lead the Monday, Sept. 18 Lancaster Womens Senior Amateur Championship Tanglewood Chad Kemenah blocked
Philadelphia 76ers to a Thursday, Sept. 21 Senior Mens Amateur Championship Foxchase OCALA, Fla. Tony him at the start of the
117-109 victory Satur- Saturday- Sunday, Sept. 30-Oct. 1 Mens War of the Roses Pilgrims Oak Stewart has returned to 30-lap race. Stewart then
day night over Miami, sprint car racing, though hopped on a four-wheel-
snapping the Heats his first race back pro- er and drove through the
winning streak at 13 vided him more frustra- pits to confront Keme-
games. tion than frivolity. nah. Stewart shook his
Goran Dragic had 30 Stewart finished a dis- head and waved his hand
points for the Heat, WEBSITES: MEN - lancogolf.com, pagolf.org WOMEN - lancasterladiesgolf.com, pswga.com appointing 17th in the at Kemenah during their
whose winning streak 26-car main event late exchange.
was the longest in the Thursday at Bubba Race- It capped what surely
NBA this season, the way Park, and he ended had been a long day for
third-best in team his- the night arguing with a Stewart, who arrived in
tory and tops in league fellow driver and com- Ocala early in the week
history by a sub-.500 plaining with officials. and then flew up and
team. Stewart was driving back to Detroit early
Philadelphia center a sprint car for the first Thursday to join Stew-
Joel Embiid missed his time since he acciden- art-Haas Racing driv-
ninth straight game tally struck and killed ers Clint Bowyer, Kurt
and 12th in the last 13 Kevin Ward Jr. during a Busch, Kevin Harvick
due to a bone bruise on race in upstate New York and Danica Patrick for a
his left knee. in 2014. Stewart is still Ford event that includ-
Team president facing a wrongful death ed a tour of the Henry
Bryan Colangelo also lawsuit filed by the fel- Ford Museum of Ameri-
revealed before the low drivers family. can Innovation.
game that Embiid has The three-time NAS- Stewarts crew in Oca-
a slightly torn menis- CAR champion, who la included his dad, his
cus in the same knee. retired after last season, girlfriend and his dog.
Philadelphia put sev- declined comment after Although he started
en players in double the dirt-track event out his heat race from the
figures. of respect for the Ward pole, he faded to sixth,
Embiids absence family and later told failed to qualify for the A
came one night after The Associated Press Main and then slammed
cellphone video cap- he didnt want his rac- his helmet on a table in
tured him dancing on ing to even appear like his hauler. He eventu-
Jordan Spieth hits out of a bunker on the sixth fairway of the Pebble Beach Golf
stage at a Meek Mill Links during the third round of the AT&T Pebble Beach National Pro-Am on Saturday hes rubbing it in the ally managed to race his
concert in Philadel- in Pebble Beach, Calif. Wards faces. way into the main event
phia. Sprint car racing is by finishing second in
The video caused a GOLF ROUNDUP Stewarts passion and the B Main. He was a
mini firestorm in Phila- how he plans to spend non-factor in the fina-
delphia on Saturday.
Speaking to report-
ers at Saturday morn-
Spieth builds a big much of his retire-
ment. He owns the Arc-
tic Cat All Star Circuit
le, won by which Tony
Stewart Racing team-
mate Donny Schatz.
he Pennsylvania Board of Game
Commissioners has given ten-
tative approval to a measure
that would allow the use of semiauto-
matic rifles for hunting big game, small
game and furbearers.
A final vote will take place in March,
so now is the time for debating the
Certainly there are many hunters op-
posed to this. They fear the woods will
be filled with spray and pray hunt-
ers, who will indiscriminately empty
their magazines as game runs past,
causing grave safety problems. They
also fear the animal wounding rate will
These are real fears from real people,
and they cannot be simply dismissed.
Semiautomatic rifles have never been
allowed for hunting in Pennsylvania,
so these are uncharted waters. Any-
thing is possible.
However, what we can say is that
A hunter with a semiautomatic rifle.
there simply is no hard evidence be-
hind these fears. In fact, the evidence
that does exist suggests these things hunters are firing more shots than
will not come to pass. hunters in other parts of the state.
Its true, shotguns are not rifles.
History Shoot both in the air and a .308
round will travel much farther than a
More than 40 states already allow 12-gauge slug.
hunting with semiautomatic rifles, and But were talking about hunt-
none reports a higher rate of safety ers in the most populated areas of
issues because of those guns. Pennsylvania using semiautomatics.
People say, Well none of those states Hunters here are firing more shots
is Pennsylvania. We have the densest than hunters in the rest of the state,
concentration of hunters in the U.S. while packed more tightly into rela-
This is true. No argument. tively small properties surrounded by
But states like Maryland, Virginia, houses, businesses, cars, etc. A care- P.J. REILLY | STAFF WRITER
New York and Michigan which all lessly-fired slug doesnt have to travel The writer with a big boar hog he shot with a semiautomatic rifle in Georgia.
allow semiautomatic rifles have far here to cause problems.
pretty decent concentrations of hunt- There is nothing in the Special Regs it comes to taking down game. they are allowed to carry semiauto-
ers, as compared to their huntable land Areas even remotely close to places Again, this remains to be seen, but matics.
area. They are not much different from like the 100,000 contiguous, forested I can tell you I have hunted deer and Hunters who are going to shoot like
Pennsylvania in that regard, and they acres of State Game Lands 13 and 57, hogs extensively with my 30-Reming- that with a semiautomatic have prob-
havent had problems with semiauto- situated mostly in Sullivan County, or ton AR. Every animal I took aim at, my ably already been doing so for years
matics. the 513,000-acre Allegheny National goal was to kill with the first shot. The with a pump-, lever- or bolt-action
Forest in northwest Pennsylvania. rifle I was using was irrelevant. In fact, rifle.
Local experience You can see a lot more orange on a the thought of making a quick follow-
short walk through Evansburg State up shot never entered my mind. My Predictions?
Also, Pennsylvania does have a his- Park in Montgomery County on the focus was always on making that first
tory of hunters using semiautomatic deer season opener than you will trek- shot count. Can I or anyone else say definitively
firearms for deer. For more than 20 king through Susquehannock State Only twice have I ever taken follow- right now that semiautomatic rifles
years, deer hunters in the Special Forest in Potter County. up shots. Both times, my aim and wont cause problems in the Pennsyl-
Regulations Areas Allegheny, Ches- If there were going to be a problem awareness of safety on the follow-up vania woods if their use is approved?
ter, Bucks, Delaware and Montgomery with semiautomatics, you would think shots were just as careful as they were No.
counties have been allowed to use we would have seen it in the Special on the first just as theyve been But neither can anyone say for cer-
semiautomatic shotguns. And theyve Regs Areas at some point over the past whenever Ive taken follow-up shots tain that they will be a safety hazard.
done so without problems. two decades. with my bolt-action rifles. History simply tells us they havent
Wildlife Management Unit 5C, in That doesnt mean every hunter caused problems anywhere else
fact, which includes parts of Chester, Safety first will do the same. But I can tell you the theyve been approved for use. And
Montgomery, Delaware and Bucks action of the gun has had no influence history tends to repeat itself.
counties, has ranked either first or Ive heard the claim that hunters on my decision-making process, so
second in the state the past 10 years in with semiautomatics will rely on vol- its unrealistic to think all hunters will n P.J. Reilly is an LNP outdoors writer. Email
total deer harvest, which means these ume of fire over precision aiming when simply revert to spray and pray if him at [email protected].
Many Marlins
fans applaud
possible sale
STEVEN WINE by speaking of Lorias
ownership tenure in the
MIAMI One of sev- past tense. Every time FANTASY SPORTS
eral long lines at the we had good players, he
Miami Marlins fanfest sold them out. We were Outfielders com- Santana is just 24 years
stretched past the beer looked at as a farm team prise one-third of a old and hit 11 home runs
and pizza kiosks, beyond instead of a major league starting lineup, so it in limited play during
a stairwell, an elevator, team. should come as no 2016. Similarly, Dahl was
rest rooms and the team Lorias unpopularity surprise that many called up to Colorado
store, as fans waited stems from the teams of the best players near the end of July and
more than 30 minutes perennially low pay- in baseball roam the promptly hit .315 with
for an autograph from rolls, and a financing outfield. seven homers and five
Severino Gonzalez, a agreement for 5-year- In 2016, six of 11 steals in 63 games.
pitcher with four career old Marlins Park widely players to hit .300 Dont expect a re-
victories. viewed as unfair to tax- and have double- peat: Adam Duvall, Matt
But then Marlins fans payers. digit home runs and Kemp, Jackie Bradley, ASSOCIATED PRESS
are accustomed to wait- It hasnt helped the stolen bases played in Adam Jones. Los Angeles Angels Mike Trout hits a three-run home run
ing. It has been eight New York art dealers the outfield. The top Duvall had a great Aug. 6 against the Seattle Mariners in the first inning of a
years since their team reputation for draining three home run hit- stretch from May 3 to game in Seattle.
had a winning season, money from the Marlins ters in the American June 7, mashing 15 home
and 14 years since Mi- that his selling price in League were outfield- runs in 32 games. His from San Diegos procliv- Yasiel Puig.
amis most recent playoff the preliminary agree- ers, as were three of .225/.291/.432 slash line ity for base thievery. McCutchens move
game. ment is 10 times more the five players to in his other 118 games is a from center field to right
So on Saturday, many than what he paid for the swipe 40 bags. more apt representation All-around stars field characterizes his
Marlins loyalists were franchise in 2002. Fantasy owners, of his projection for 2017. diminishing skill set.
delighted their wait for Kushners final offer therefore, can fill a lot Meanwhile, Bradleys Top tier: Mike Trout, He had easily his worst
an ownership change could be much lower of needs by securing a .305/.384/.584 line Mookie Betts, Char- season in 2016, estab-
might soon be over. than $1.6 billion. Other quality outfield. before June 20 became lie Blackmon, Bryce lishing new career-lows
Joshua Kushner, whose interested parties might Heres how things .240/.323/.415 thereaf- Harper. in multiple offensive
older brother is an advis- yet outbid Kushner. are shaping up for ter, a clear warning to Trout and Harper both categories. He has gone
er to President Donald Team president David 2017 at that position. fantasy owners of his had more steals in 2016 from a must-have player
Trump, has a prelimi- Samson would neither unpredictable output. than in 2014 and 2015 to a mid-round consid-
nary agreement to buy confirm nor deny that Power hitters combined and were two eration.
the franchise from Jef- Loria, 76, plans to sell. Speedsters of nine players to join
frey Loria for about $1.6 But Samson said the Top tier: Nelson the 20/20 club, along My 2017 rankings
billion, a person with team is approached by a Cruz, Giancarlo Top tier: Trea Turner, with Betts. Blackmon
direct knowledge of the prospective buyer once Stanton, Kris Bryant, Billy Hamilton, Starling hit a career-high 29 1. Mike Trout, Angels; 2.
negotiations said Friday. on a month on average, Mark Trumbo, Kyle Marte, A.J. Pollock. home runs last season, Mookie Betts, Red Sox;
Spectacular, said and Loria is receptive to Schwarber, Khris Turner spent most of but, despite reaching 3. Trea Turner, Nationals;
George Casali, waiting offers. Davis. April, May and June in base at a 38 percent clip, 4. Kris Bryant, Cubs; 5.
Bryce Harper, Nationals; 6.
with his two teenage You always listen to Cruz enters the the minors, a victim of attempted fewer than Giancarlo Stanton, Marlins;
sons in the line for Gon- anything, Samson said. season as the lone Dusty Bakers ridiculous half as many steals as the 7. Charlie Blackmon,
zalezs autograph. Any- Thats responsible. player to have hit 40 phobia of playing young- previous year. Owners Rockies; 8. Nelson Cruz,
body but Loria. I dont For the moment the homers in each of sters. Once he became an need to view Blackmon Mariners; 9. A.J. Pollock,
like him as an owner. Im team remains Lorias, the last three years. everyday player in mid- as a 30-homer threat Diamondbacks; 10. Starling
a Marlins fan, but Im and hell be at spring In fact, only Nolan July, he stole 33 bases who adds a dozen steals. Marte, Pirates; 11. Ryan
Braun, Brewers; 12. J.D.
not a Loria fan. training when the team Arenado has even two in 66 games started. Late-round values: Martinez, Tigers; 13. George
Among more than 20 opens camp next week 40-homer campaigns Although he will prob- Kevin Kiermaier, Melvin Springer, Astros.
people interviewed at in Jupiter, Florida, Sam- since 2014, highlight- ably not replicate his 13 Upton, Eddie Rosario.
14. Carlos Gonzalez,
fanfest regarding news son said. Loria approved ing Cruzs unique home runs, he could be As a 23-year-old in Rockies; 15. Yoenis
of a possible deal, all but increasing payroll by power consistency. the first Expo/National 2015, Rosario was the Cespedes, Mets; 16. Jose
two said they were glad one-third this season to Stantons injuries to record 60 stolen bases majors only player to Bautista, Blue Jays; 17.
Loria might sell. And about $100 million, rais- have curtailed his pro- in 25 years. reach double-digits in Mark Trumbo, Orioles; 18.
these were people who ing speculation he want- ductivity, but over the Sleepers: Keon doubles, triples, homers Ian Desmond, Rockies; 19.
regularly attend games. ed a competitive team to last two seasons he Broxton, Byron Buxton, and steals. He regressed Justin Upton, Tigers; 20.
There are many baseball make it more appealing is hitting a home run Christian Yelich, Marlins; 21.
Mallex Smith, Manuel significantly in the first Gregory Polanco, Pirates;
fans in South Florida to potential buyers. every 3.6 games. If he Margot. half of 2016, even being 22. David Dahl, Rockies; 23.
who say they refuse to The playoff drought, plays in 140 games in Broxton struck out in sent to the minors. Upon Kyle Schwarber, Cubs; 24.
set foot in Marlins Park the longest in the Na- 2017, he will challenge over 42 percent of his at- his return to the bigs, he Khris Davis, Athletics; 25.
because of Loria. tional League, might end the 40-homer mark bats last year, yet he also hit .305 with seven hom- Billy Hamilton, Reds.
He did never anything before Lorias tenure. himself. stole 23 bases in 27 at- ers and a pair of steals in
good for the team, said All I can tell you, Up-and-comers: tempts in less than half a 60 games. Dan Masseys fantasy sports
season-ticket holder Samson said, is I sit Domingo Santana, season. Margot, who had On the way down: column appears each
Sunday in LNP. Reach him at
George Gonzalez, per- here happy with where David Dahl, Willson 30 steals at Triple-A El Andrew McCutchen, [email protected].
haps jumping the gun I think the Marlins are. Contreras. Paso in 2016, will benefit Curtis Granderson,
OLYMPICS Bryce Molder....................... 75p-71m146 3, J. Drury 7-9 5-8 21, A. Allen 0-1 0-0 0, T.
TRANSACTIONS Greg Chalmers..................... 75p-71m146 MENS Dixon 3-5 3-4 9, B. Berry 1-2 0-0 2, J. Shel-
Bob Estes............................. 73p-73m146
Bryson DeChambeau............75m-71s146 BASKETBALL ton 1-4 1-2 4, A. del Castillo 4-5 0-0 9, S.
Low 1-3 0-0 3, K. McCormick 0-0 0-0 0, A.
Andrew Johnston................. 78p-68m146 Lewis 0-0 0-0 0, K. Williams 0-1 0-0 0, N.
Cody Gribble.........................73m-73s146
Schmelzer 0-1 2-2 2, J. Porteous 1-3 0-0 2.
BASEBALL Padraig Harrington.............. 74p-72m146 SATURDAYS SCORES Totals 23-45 11-17 63.
American League Sean OHair.......................... 76p-70m146 EAST HalftimeWashington 34-31. 3-Point
CHICAGO WHITE SOX Assigned C Ke- Steven Bowditch....................76s-72p148 American U. 61...............................Army 58 GoalsF&M 10-30 (J. Wright 2-4, B. Federi-
for Plan B
van Smith outright to Charlotte (IL). Vaughn Taylor.......................73m-74s147 Boston U. 78....................... Loyola (Md.) 63 ci 3-10, H. Eggers 3-7, M. Tate 2-6); W 6-13
TEXAS RANGERS Agreed to terms with Cameron Smith......................79s-69p148 Bryant 80.................St. Francis Brooklyn 69 (B. Shapiro 1-2, J. Drury 2-3, J. Shelton 1-2,
RHP Anthony Bass on a minor league contract. G. Fernandez-Castano......... 73p-74m147 Dartmouth 77...............................Brown 74 A. del Castillo 1-1, S. Low 1-3). Rebounds
J.T. Poston..............................74s-74p148
National League George Washington 76.... St. Bonaventure 70 F&M 33 (J.C. McGrath 7); W 33 (D. Marshall
Dominic Bozzelli....................74s-74p148 Georgetown 80...................... Marquette 62 9). AssistsF&M 24 (J. Wright 8); W 13 (T.
ARIZONA DIAMONDBACKS Agreed to Whee Kim............................ 76p-71m147
terms with RHP Tom Wilhelmsen on a mi- Harvard 75........................................Yale 67 Dixon 5). Fouled OutNone. Total Fouls
Sebastian Munoz...................74s-75p149 F&M 18; W 18.
LIU Brooklyn 75........ Fairleigh Dickinson 69
the NHL
nor league contract. Jim Herman...........................75s-74p149
PITTSBURGH PIRATES Designated RHP Michael Putnam....................76s-73p149 Minnesota 72............................. Rutgers 63 Goucher 77, Elizabethtown 65
Nefi Ogando for assignment. Zack Sucher...........................74s-76p150 Mount St. Marys 81.......St. Francis (Pa.) 62 ELIZABETHTOWN (5-17, 2-10 LMK)
Brendon Todd...................... 77p-72m149 Navy 68.....................................Lafayette 60 C. Moffatt 8-8 2-3 18, J. Eden 7-14 4-5 18,
BASKETBALL Pittsburgh 80............................ Syracuse 75
National Basketball Association Spencer Levin........................74s-76p150 P. Harding 3-6 2-2 11, M. Lapkowicz 3-9 0-0
Daniel Summerhays...............76s-74p150 Princeton 61............................ Columbia 59 7, E. DuBois 1-5 0-0 2, B. Greene 1-5 1-1 3,
Nations look to
DETROIT PISTONS Recalled F Henry El- Max Homa.............................74s-76p150 Providence 71............................... Butler 65
lenson and G Michael Gbinije from Grand M. Thomas 1-6 0-1 2, J. Pines-Elliott 1-2 0-4
Ryan Armour....................... 77p-72m149 Richmond 64.............................. La Salle 52 2, J. Sutton 1-4 0-0 2, M. Pastore 0-1 0-0 0,
Rapids (NBADL).
minors, colleges Brendon de Jonge.................78m-72s150 Rider 112............................. Quinnipiac 107 B. Lukacsy 0-1 0-2 0. Totals 26-61 9-18 65.
PHILADELPHIA 76ERS Recalled G Chas- Matt Every.............................72s-79p151 Robert Morris 50........................Wagner 48
son Randle from Delaware (NBADL). GOUCHER (5-18, 2-10 LMK)
ranks to fill roster
Si Woo Kim...........................78m-72s150 Sacred Heart 77..............................CCSU 62 C. Outing 8-13 5-11 24, K. Butler 6-8 6-6
FOOTBALL Brett Coletta........................ 77p-73m150 St. Johns 78............................ Seton Hall 70 18, J. Mondry 6-10 0-0 14, T. Galloway III
National Football League Sung Kang..............................76s-75p151 Towson 69.................................... Drexel 65 5-11 3-5 13, U. Stewart 0-3 0-0 0, D. Mor-
OAKLAND RAIDERS Signed coach Jack C.T. Pan.................................77m-73s150 UMass 87.......................... Saint Josephs 76 ton 2-4 3-4 8, J. McIvor 0-1 0-0 0, R. Floyd
STEPHEN WHYNO Del Rio to a four-year contract. Rod Pampling.......................74m-76s150 West Virginia 85..................... Kansas St. 66 0-2 0-0 0, D. Davis 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 27-52
Smylie Kaufman....................79m-72s151 SOUTH 17-26 77 .
AP HOCKEY WRITER Canadian Football League Steve Wheatcroft................. 75p-76m151
WINNIPEG BLUE BOMBERS Signed WR Alcorn St. 88................................. MVSU 77 HalftimeGoucher 38-37. 3-Point
Miguel Angel Carballo...........78s-74p152 Appalachian St. 77.................Georgia St. 72
If the NHL doesnt send its Xavier Rush and DB Josh Celerin. Neal Lancaster.......................77s-75p152 Campbell 70....................... Presbyterian 57
GoalsE-town 4-14 (P. Harding 3-5, M.
Lapkowicz 1-5); GU 6-13 (C. Outing 3-6, J.
players to the 2018 Winter HOCKEY Brian Stuard..........................77m-74s151
Andrew Loupe.......................80s-73p153
Chattanooga 73......................... Wofford 65 Mondry 2-4, D. Morton 1-1). Rebounds
National Hockey League
Olympics, the hockey tour- LOS ANGELES KINGS Reassigned D Paul Jonathan Randolph................79s-74p153
Coastal Carolina 82..... Georgia Southern 70
Coppin St. 76............ Bethune-Cookman 72
E-town 32 (C. Moffatt 7); GU 39 (C. Outing
15). AssistsE-town 11 (B. Greene 4); GU
nament in Pyeongchang will LaDue to Ontario (AHL). Brett Stegmaier................... 80p-74m154
Ray Otis................................78m-76s154
Delaware 58...................James Madison 57 20 (T. Galloway III 5). Fouled OutNone.
look familiar. Blandisi from Albany (AHL). Brian Campbell.................... 80p-74m154
Delaware St. 56.....................Morgan St. 45
Duke 64.................................... Clemson 62
Total FoulsE-town 22 TGU 18.
It will look a lot like the WINNIPEG JETS Reassigned D Julian Vijay Singh........................... 78p-78m156 ETSU 88.......................................Mercer 71 Penn State Berks 89, Lancaster Bible 69
Olympics in Lillehammer in Melchiori to Manitoba (AHL). Elon 77......................... UNC-Wilmington 76
FIU 90.................................. North Texas 71 H. Brown 4-16 6-8 16. L. Beers 4-10 3-4
American Hockey League PGA
1994, Albertville in 1992 and HARTFORD WOLF PACK Released F Florida 71.............................. Texas A&M 62 14, B. Cataudella 4-11 0-1 8, J. Kuntzelman
ALLIANZ CHAMPIONSHIP 2-5 2-2 6, A. Brown 1-4 1-4 3, B. Livezey
Calgary in 1988. Tommy Thompson from his professional
Florida Gulf Coast 75.........Kennesaw St. 63
Furman 90.................................Samford 73 4-8 6-6 16, J. Cole 1-2 0-2 3, B. Reed 1-2
tryout agreement.
Maybe even a little like LEHIGH VALLEY PHANTOMS Recalled At The Old Course at Broken Sound George Mason 73.....................Fordham 67 1-3 3, A. Whitt 0-1 0-0 0, Q. Davis 0-2 0-0
0, A. Feaster 0-0 0-0 0, J. Steiner 0-1 0-2 0,
1980 in Lake Placid, site of Fs Steven Swavely and Chris McCarthy from Boca Raton, Fla. Georgia 76..............................Tennessee 75
D. Jackson 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 21-62 19-32 69.
Reading (ECHL). Georgia Tech 65.............. Boston College 54
the Miracle On Ice. ECHL
Purse: $1.75 million Hampton 75................................Howard 61 PENN STATE BERKS (5-16, 5-12 NEAC)
B. Waples 13-29 7-9 37, N. Hine 4-8 3-5
With a year before the open- ADIRONDACK THUNDER Signed F Cul-
Yardage: 6,807; Par: 72 Jackson St. 78...................... Prairie View 69
13, J. Ellison 2-5 0-0 5, E. Adams 1-7 2-2 4,
Second Round Jacksonville St. 63..............Tennessee St. 57
ing ceremony, the league, play- len Bradshaw.
Doug Garwood......................... 68-64132 Kentucky 67.............................. Alabama 58 E. Stepnowski 0-0 0-0 0, D. Major 9-20 3-3
GREENVILLE SWAMP RABBITS Re- 24, M. Thompson 2-3 0-0 4, D. Polisano 0-1
ers union, International Ice leased F Maxime St-Cyr. Joe Durant................................ 67-65132 Liberty 76.............. Charleston Southern 69
2-2 2, J. Seemann 0-0 0-0 0, Q. Davis 0-0 0-0
Lipscomb 97............................... Stetson 85
Hockey Federation and Inter- IDAHO STEELHEADS Released D Travis Scott McCarron......................... 66-66132
Olin Browne.............................. 63-69132 Louisville 71.................................. Miami 66 0. Totals 31-73 17-21 89.
national Olympic Committee INDY FUEL Signed D Brad Denney. Tom Pernice Jr........................... 69-64133 Marshall 84..........................W. Kentucky 79 HalftimePenn State Berks 50-33. 3-Point
GoalsLBC 8-27 (H. Brown 2-6, L. Beers 3-8,
still dont have an agreement QUAD CITY MALLARDS Returned F Fred Couples............................. 68-65133
Kirk Triplett............................... 69-65134
Maryland 86...............................Ohio St. 77
Middle Tennessee 70............... Charlotte 55 B. Livezey 2-4, J. Cole 1-2); PSB 10-31 (B. Wa-
Alex Petan to Iowa (AHL).
to send NHL players to their COLLEGE
Scott Dunlap............................. 68-66134 Mississippi 90............................. Auburn 84 ples 4-13, N. Hine 2-5, J. Ellison 1-2, D. Major
3-9). ReboundsLBC 39 (J. Kuntzelman 9);
sixth consecutive Olympics. AUBURN Named Larry Porter tight
Fred Funk.................................. 68-66134
Jay Don Blake............................ 67-67134
Morehead St. 67...................E. Kentucky 62
NC Central 85............................ SC State 62 PSB 42 (N. Hine 8, J. Ellison 8). AssistsLBC
There is still time an agree- ends and H-backs coach and recruiting Kenny Perry.............................. 65-69134 Norfolk St. 75.............Md.-Eastern Shore 69 10 (J. Kuntzelman 5); PSB 14 (N. Hine 6).
Fouled OutLBC, H. Brown; PSB, J. Ellison.
coordinator. Named Tim Horton special
ment last time around came in teams coordinator, in addition to his duties
Paul Goydos.............................. 70-65135
Stephen Ames.......................... 72-63135
SC-Upstate 84....................North Florida 71
South Alabama 66..... Louisiana-Monroe 63 Total FoulsLBC 21; PSB 22.
July before the 2014 Games in as running backs coach. Carlos Franco............................ 68-67135 Texas A&M-CC 73............... McNeese St. 66
Sochi but everyone is form- Jerry Smith............................... 68-67135
Esteban Toledo......................... 69-67136
Texas Southern 77.............Grambling St. 70
UConn 66..........................................UCF 63 GIRLS
ing a Plan B just in case. GOLF Miguel Angel Jimenez............... 68-68136 UNC-Asheville 91....................Longwood 69 BASKETBALL
Russia might have Alex Colin Montgomerie.................. 68-68136
Marco Dawson......................... 66-70136
UNC-Greensboro 76............. W. Carolina 68
VMI 101................................ The Citadel 78
Ovechkin if he makes good Jeff Sluman............................... 72-65137 Wake Forest 88..........................NC State 58
on his intention to go no AT&T PEBBLE BEACH PRO-AM
Paul Broadhurst........................ 69-68137
Tom Byrum............................... 66-71137
William & Mary 89....Coll. of Charleston 79
Winthrop 77................... Gardner-Webb 71
matter what. But the United Saturday, through completion of round 2 Jose Maria Olazabal.................. 71-67138
MIDWEST Cedar Crest 63, Lebanon Catholic 54
States, Canada and other At Pebble Beach, Calif.
Ian Woosnam........................... 71-67138
Tom Kite.................................... 70-68138 Buffalo 88........................Bowling Green 74 LEBANON CATHOLIC (54)
countries are preparing for p-Pebble Beach Golf Links: 6,816 yards, Willie Wood.............................. 69-69138 Cleveland St. 66..................... Ill.-Chicago 63
Creighton 93................................ DePaul 58
A. Hill 8 6-7 22, J. Turner 5 0-0 13, N.
par-72 Pierre 2 1-5 5, H. Callihan 2 0-0 4, A. Kline 1
life without the best players s-Spyglass Hill Golf Course: 6,953 yards,
Billy Mayfair.............................. 73-65138
Kevin Sutherland...................... 69-69138 E. Illinois 86.................. SE Missouri 80 (OT) 0-0 3, J. Shellehamer 1 0-0 3, C. Mars 0 2-2
in the world. par-72 Larry Mize................................. 69-69138 Evansville 75............................. S. Illinois 70 2. Totals 19 9-14 54.
Indiana St. 84................................. Drake 60 CEDAR CREST (63)
If the likes of Patrick Kane, m-Monterey Peninsula Country Club: Bob Tway.................................. 69-69138
Billy Andrade............................ 71-68139 Iowa St. 80..............................Oklahoma 64 A. Jones 11 5-7 29, A. Austin 7 0-0 15, R.
Jonathan Quick, Jack Eichel 6,958 yards, par-71
Loren Roberts........................... 71-68139 Miami (Ohio) 81............. Cent. Michigan 76 Morgan 4 1-3 9, G. Donmoyer 1 2-2 5, R.
Second Round Michigan St. 77................................Iowa 66 Witherite 2 0-1 5, J. Rolon 0 0-0 0, K. Guth 0
and Ryan Suter arent avail- Jordan Spieth........................68m-65s133
Lee Janzen................................ 70-69139
Scott Parel................................ 71-68139 Missouri 72.............................Vanderbilt 52 0-0 0. Totals 25 8-13 63.
able, USA Hockey will look Derek Fathauer......................70s-64p134 Phillip Price............................... 71-68139 N. Dakota St. 81...........................Denver 63 Lebanon Catholic........ 9 7 19 19 54
Jason Day..............................69m-64s133 North Dakota 88............................ Idaho 65
mostly to the college ranks. If Patrick Reed......................... 71p-66m137
Jay Haas.................................... 69-70139
Kirk Hanefeld............................ 73-66139 Notre Dame 84....................... Florida St. 72
Cedar Crest................ 18 11 18 16 63
3-Point Goals J. Turner 3, A. Kline 1, J.
Hockey Canada cant take Sid- Pat Perez.............................. 73p-64m137 Hale Irwin................................. 68-71139 Oral Roberts 74............................. IUPUI 68 Shellehamer 1; A. Jones 2, A. Austin 1, G. Don-
Brandt Snedeker...................68m-69s137
ney Crosby, Jonathan Toews, Rick Lamb..............................68s-70p138
David Toms............................... 67-72139
Wes Short, Jr............................. 71-69140
Penn St. 83................................... Illinois 70
South Dakota 91................. S. Dakota St. 89
moyer 1, R. Witherite 1. Fouled Out A. Hill.
Drew Doughty or Carey Price, Martin Flores........................70m-68s138 Toledo 78.................................... Kent St. 58 McCaskey 59, Donegal 51
Fran Quinn................................ 70-70140 DONEGAL (51)
Alex Cejka............................ 72p-66m138
it will try to defend the gold Will MacKenzie.....................70m-68s138 Skip Kendall.............................. 72-68140
Duffy Waldorf........................... 74-66140
UT Martin 80................SIU-Edwardsville 73
Utah Valley 87.......................Chicago St. 54 C. Diffenderfer 7 2-2 18, R. Robinson 3
medal with a mix of Europe- Seung-Yul Noh.......................68s-71p139
Rob Oppenheim...................69m-69s138 Guy Boros................................. 71-70141 Villanova 73.................................. Xavier 57 9-10 16, K. Baughman 4 2-2 11, A. Fernald
0 3-3 3, C. Livelsberger 1 1-2 3, C. Snyder
an-based professionals, North Shane Lowry........................ 70p-68m138 Michael Bradley........................ 71-70141 SOUTHWEST 0 0-0 0, S. Steffy 0 0-0 0, M. Creek 0 0-0 0.
Brandt Jobe.............................. 71-70141 Abilene Christian 76....Northwestern St. 72
American minor leaguers and Jon Rahm...............................73s-67p140
Dustin Johnson.....................70m-69s139 Mark Calcavecchia.................... 71-70141 Baylor 70..........................................TCU 52
Totals 15 17-19 51.
players from the Canadian ju- Kelly Kraft.............................69m-70s139 Gene Sauers............................. 70-71141 Cent. Arkansas 106.....................Nicholls 83 A. Parker 14 3-3 31, B. Perry 3 5-6 11, A.
Gary Koch................................. 72-69141
nior leagues and NCAA. Robert Garrigus.....................69s-71p140
Tim Wilkinson...................... 69p-70m139 Sandy Lyle................................. 72-69141
Houston 73..................................... Tulsa 64
Kansas 80................................Texas Tech 79
Gibson 4 0-0 8, Z. Banks 1 0-2 3, J. Richardson
1 0-0 2, A. Johnson 1 0-0 2, J. Short 0 0-0 0, P.
Its a big world, and weve Kevin Tway........................... 70p-69m139 Woody Austin........................... 69-72141 Louisiana Tech 72...........................UTSA 66 Reid-White 0 0-0 0. Totals 25 8-11 59.
Paul McGinley........................... 69-72141
got to make sure that were Kevin Kisner..........................72m-67s139
Ricky Barnes.........................71m-68s139 Tim Petrovic.............................. 74-67141
Oklahoma St. 84.............................Texas 71
Texas State 56.................................UALR 49
Donegal..................... 5 20 9 17 51
McCaskey................ 10 13 15 21 59
ready to go, Hockey Canada Mark Hubbard..................... 69p-70m139 Bernhard Langer....................... 71-71142 Texas-Arlington 81...............Arkansas St. 75 3-Point Goals C. Diffenderfer 2, R. Rob-
Rocco Mediate.......................... 71-71142
president Tom Renney said. Nick Taylor.............................70s-70p140
Matt Jones........................... 72p-67m139 David Frost............................... 72-70142 FAR WEST inson 1, K. Baughman 1; Z. Banks 1. Fouled
Boise St. 76............................... Air Force 66 Out None.
Should the NHL choose not Seamus Power.......................70s-70p140 Mark OMeara.......................... 72-70142
Colorado St. 78....................... Fresno St. 62
Russ Cochran............................ 74-68142 Lancaster Catholic 57,
to go, well make sure were Tony Finau............................71m-68s139
Cameron Percy.................... 73p-66m139 Bobby Gage.............................. 70-73143 E. Washington 70................. N. Colorado 44
Lampeter-Strasburg 35
ready, willing and able a year Joel Dahmen..........................68s-72p140 Mark Brooks............................. 70-73143 Loyola Marymount 66...............Portland 60
Montana St. 83............................S. Utah 78 LANCASTER CATHOLIC (57)
Steve Lowery............................ 74-69143
from now. Mackenzie Hughes...............70m-70s140
Kevin Chappell......................73m-67s140 Michael Allen............................ 74-69143 San Jose St. 76................................UNLV 74 K. Jefferson 11 5-6 29, L. Mills 5 4-5 16, P.
Jacquis 1 2-2 4, K. Misel 2 0-0 4, M. Turner
The U.S. has a fresh set of he- Stewart Cink........................ 70p-70m140 Mike Goodes............................ 70-74144 Utah 85................................ Washington 61
1 0-0 2, I. Miller 0 0-0 0, M. Scarff 0 0-0 0,
Jeff Maggert............................. 75-69144
roes after shootout star Troy Brandon Hagy.......................71m-69s140
Scott Brown...........................70s-71p141 John Cook................................. 72-73145
Penn St. 83, Illinois 70
PENN ST. (14-12)
S. Packard 0 0-0 0, A. Cannon 0 0-0 0, M.
Hackman 0 0-0 0, C. Rivera 0 0-0 0, C. Peris
Terry, defenseman Charlie Tag Ridings........................... 72p-68m140 Brad Faxon................................ 73-72145 Watkins 2-3 3-4 7, Stevens 8-15 4-5 21, 0 0-0 0. Totals 20 11-13 57.
Tommy Armour III..................... 75-70145
McAvoy and goaltender Ty- Scott Stallings........................72s-70p142
Tyrone Van Aswegen........... 71p-70m141 Gary Hallberg............................ 77-68145
Carr 6-11 6-6 19, Reaves 3-5 0-0 7, Garner LAMPETER-STRASBURG (35)
1-2 0-0 3, Banks 8-12 5-5 24, Zemgulis 0-0 E. Gochnauer 4 5-6 13, N. Hoenninger 2
ler Parsons won world junior Jimmy Walker...................... 72p-69m141 John Daly.................................. 71-75146 0-0 0, Bostick 1-3 0-0 2, Samuel 0-0 0-0 0. 2-3 7, H. Garber 2 2-4 7, L. Horner 2 1-2 7,
Jesper Parnevik......................... 78-68146
gold last month. Mix them James Hahn..........................74m-67s141
Patrick Cantlay......................70m-71s141 Joey Sindelar............................ 73-74147
Totals 29-51 18-20 83. S. Gawne 0 1-2 1, B. Zameroski 0 0-0 0, O.
ILLINOIS (14-12) Vranich 0 0-0 0. Totals 10 11-17 35.
with top college players like Geoff Ogilvy..........................71m-70s141 Glen Day................................... 76-71147 Black 3-4 0-2 6, Nichols 2-5 0-0 6, Morgan Lancaster Catholic... 14 13 13 17 57
Jim Thorpe................................ 77-70147
Notre Dames Anders Bjork Scott Piercy...........................73m-68s141
Nick Watney........................ 70p-71m141 Jim Rutledge............................. 80-69149
3-6 0-0 6, Hill 6-10 1-1 14, Lucas 2-8 7-13 Lampeter-Strasburg... 9 6 10 10 35
11, Finke 3-7 0-0 8, Abrams 2 4 2-2 7, Cole-
and Wisconsins Trent Fred- Trey Mullinax.........................73s-69p142 Scott Hoch................................ 76-74150 man-Lands 3-6 4-4 12, Williams 0-0 0-0 0,
3-Point Goals L. Mills 2, K. Jefferson 2;
L. Horner 2, N. Hoenninger 1, H. Garber 1.
Jean-Francois Remesy.............. 77-73150
eric and ex-NHLers Keith Au- Jonas Blixt............................ 75p-66m141
Chad Collins......................... 72p-70m142 Jim Carter................................. 81-70151 Tate 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 24-50 14-22 70. Fouled Out None.
HalftimePenn St. 41-29. 3-Point
coin and Nathan Gerbe who Phil Mickelson......................70m-72s142 Bob Gilder................................. 75-78153
GoalsPenn St. 7-16 (Banks 3-6, Reaves Northern Lebanon 53, Hempfield 31
Todd Hamilton.......................... 76-77153
are playing in Europe, and the Adam Hadwin.......................73m-69s142
Xander Schauffele..................74s-69p143
1-2, Stevens 1-2, Garner 1-2, Carr 1-3, Bo- HEMPFIELD (31)
P. Diminick 4 0-0 12, Durkoda 2 2-4 6, J.
Americans will have plenty of Brad Fritsch......................... 74p-68m142
stick 0-1), Illinois 8-17 (Nichols 2-2, Finke
2-4, Coleman-Lands 2-5, Hill 1-2, Abrams Clark 1 2-2 5, M. Pohl 2 0-0 4, T. Sumrall 2
youth and experience. Justin Rose............................72m-70s142 RIFLE 1-2, Lucas 0-2). Fouled Out Morgan, 0-0 4, K. Martinez 0 0-0 0, C. Graves 0 0-0 0,
Rory Sabbatini..................... 74p-68m142 L. Woodham 0 0-0 0. Totals 11 4-6 31.
Dave Starman, a former Steve Stricker........................72m-70s142
Reaves. ReboundsPenn St. 26 (Watkins
9), Illinois 20 (Finke 5). AssistsPenn St. 10 NORTHERN LEBANON (53)
coach in the minors and now Troy Merritt...........................70s-73p143
Mark Anderson......................73s-70p143 (Carr 3), Illinois 12 (Lucas 7). Total Fouls Z. Zerman 5 3-4 17, M. Brandt 5 1-2 11,
L. Voight 4 0-0 11, A. Kintzer 5 0-0 10, Z.
an analyst for CBS Sports, Andres Gonzales...................73m-69s142 SCHOLASTIC
Penn St. 20, Illinois 21. A13,010 (15,500).
Zerman 0 4-4 4, J. Wentling 0 0-0 0, C. Ray 0
said USA Hockeys prior- Webb Simpson.....................71m-72s143
Jim Furyk...............................70s-74p144
L-L LEAGUE TOURNAMENT Villanova 73, Xavier 57 0-0 0, R. Lessing 0 0-0 0. Totals 19 8-11 53.
VILLANOVA (24-2) Hempfield............... 14 2 11 4 31
ity should be scoring, scoring Matt Kuchar......................... 74p-69m143 INDIVIDUALS
Jenkins 4-7 0-1 12, Paschall 3-4 0-0 6, Northern Lebanon... 10 15 21 7 53
Shooter, School Total Centers
and more scoring. Steven Alker...........................77s-67p144
Greg Owen...........................74m-69s143 Zach Musser, MT................... 200 2 Hart 5-12 0-0 11, Brunson 6-14 5-5 17, 3-Point Goals P. Diminick 4, J. Clark 1; Z.
Bridges 4-8 1-1 10, Painter 0-0 0-0 0, DiVin- Zerman 4, L. Voight 3. Fouled Out None.
You cant win unless you Scott Langley....................... 73p-70m143 Jeremy Hershey, GS............... 200 0
cenzo 5-7 4-4 17. Totals 27-52 10-11 73.
Cade Ginder, MC.................... 199 2
can score, Starman said. Its Tom Hoge.............................72m-71s143
Caleb Flores, ET..................... 199 0 XAVIER (18-7)
got to have a ton of speed, its
Tyler Aldridge........................76s-68p144
Chris Kirk..............................70m-73s143 Potts, Joel, Eph...................... 199 0 Jones 1-3 0-2 2, Goodin 1-14 1-2 3, Macura
5-16 4-4 17, Bluiett 0-2 0-0 0, Bernard 2-6
got to have a really high skill Julian Etulain....................... 75p-68m143
Gary Woodland....................70m-73s143
Madison Garner, ET............... 198
Matthew Risbon, ET.............. 198
1 1-2 7, Gaston 10-13 3-7 23, Gates 2-6 0-0 5, WRESTLING
level, its got to have defense- Michael Thompson.............. 73p-70m143 Alex ONeill, GS...................... 198 0 OMara 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 21-60 9-17 57.
HalftimeVillanova 35-23. 3-Point
men who can get in the play. Ken Duke..............................73m-70s143
Brian Gay..............................70m-73s143
Madison Miller, Eph............... 197
Molly Kamide, Eph................. 197
2 GoalsVillanova 9-24 (Jenkins 4-7, DiVin- George Mason 31, F&M 11
You need a little bit of dog Hiroshi Iwata.........................72s-72p144 Robert Wenger, MT............... 197 1 cenzo 3-4, Hart 1-5, Bridges 1-5, Brunson
0-3), Xavier 6-21 (Macura 3-8, Bernard 2-4,
125 I. Banduka, GM md. E. Garcia, F&M 10-2
133 D. Martoccio, F&M md. L. Quezada,
on bone in your lineup, but I Ben Martin...........................72m-71s143
Ryan Palmer...........................75s-70p145
Mitch Diem, GS...................... 197
Kyle Good, Eph...................... 197
0 Gates 1-4, Bluiett 0-1, Goodin 0-4). Fouled GM 10-2
dont think you can sacrifice Martin Laird..........................71m-73s144 Alex McFarland, MT............... 196 2 OutNone. ReboundsVillanova 25 (Hart
7), Xavier 40 (Gaston 10). AssistsVil-
141 T. Anthony, GM sv. P. Quinlan, F&M 8-6
149 S. Kargbo, GM p. S. Butler, F&M 4:54
skill guys for toughness. Steve Marino.........................74s-71p145
Ryan Brehm...........................74s-71p145
Gage Schatz, ET..................... 196
Matt Turoczi, CV.................... 196
2 lanova 18 (Brunson 7), Xavier 18 (Macura 157 M. Raines, GM dec. T. Quinlan, F&M 5-3
No problem there for Can- Nicholas Thompson............. 77p-67m144 Josh Burkhart, MC................. 196 2 7). Total FoulsVillanova 13, Xavier 14. 165 R. King, F&M md. D. Mika, GM 11-2
A10,558 (10,250).
ada, which has plenty of big, Stuart Appleby.......................74s-71p145
David Duval......................... 73p-71m144
Lauren Katch, MT.................. 196 1 174 R. Forrest, GM dec. J. Stillerman,
F&M 13-7
Alex Stone, MC...................... 196 1 Millersville 88, Lock Haven 82
tough skill players and hasnt Peter Malnati.........................72s-73p145 Samantha Hurst, Eph............. 196 0 LOCK HAVEN (10-12, 6-12 PSAC) 184 A. Harrison, GM p. G. Bolig, F&M 6:52
waited for the IIHF to set any Zac Blair.................................70s-75p145
Roberto Castro.................... 75p-69m144
Austin Rhodes, MC................ 196 0 A. Hinton 7-17 8-10 23, R. Hunt 7-10 2-2 197 P. Robilotto, F&M dec.
M.Meadows, GM 8-6
Erin Diehl, GS......................... 196 0
2018 parameters as it prepares Morgan Hoffmann............... 74p-70m144 Braydon Shuck, ET................. 195 4
17, C. Renninger 4-11 3-3 12, K. Campbell
3-7 2-2 11, J. Barnes 3-5 0-0 6, C. Slade 2-7 285 M. Voss, GM p. J. Argast, F&M 2:45
its contingency plan. Canadas Kevin Streelman...................74m-70s144
J.J. Spaun............................. 76p-68m144
Dawson Good, MC................. 195 2 1-2 5, T. Brake 1-5 3-5 5, A. Saintilius 1-2 0-0
Lexus Henkel, CV................... 195 1
team for the December Spen- Jason Bohn............................74s-71p145 Hana Musser, MT.................. 195 0
3. Totals 28-64 19-24 82.
gler Cup in Switzerland could David Hearn......................... 77p-67m144
Hunter Mahan.......................72s-73p145
Sarah Good, MC.................... 195 0 M. Adkison 5-13 6-11 18, C. Yarde II 7-16 VOLLEYBALL
serve as a blueprint: minor William McGirt.....................73m-71s144
Andreea Serban, W............... 195
Willoh Robbins, GS................ 195
2-2 18, C. Chambers 4-8 9-9 17, J. Greene
6-13 3-4 16, A. Kaba 4-9 0-0 8, T. Patterson 2-2
leaguers Cory Conacher and Luke Donald......................... 75p-69m144
Brett Drewitt..........................71s-74p145
Karlee Hartman, GS............... 195 0 1-2 5, T. Townsend 2-3 0-0 5, S. Slade 0-1 1-2
Zach Fucale and European Bobby Wyatt..........................72s-73p145
Sam Swope, W....................... 195
Ethan Addicott, CV................ 194
1, A. Edwards 0-2 0-0 0, J. Lott 0-0 0-0 0, M. Stevens 3, Lancaster Bible 0
Stevens d. Lancaster Bible 25-19,25-
Mont 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 30-67 22-30 88.
recent NHL players Daniel Sam Saunders.......................69m-75s144
Ryan Blaum.......................... 76p-68m144 Sam Lorenz, CV...................... 194 1 HalftimeMillersville 46-36. 3-Point 12,25-11.
Paille and Nick Spaling. Chris Stroud......................... 76p-69m145 Mackenzie Smith, ET............. 194
Wayne King, CV..................... 194
GoalsLH 7-18 (K. Campbell 3-6, C. Ren- Stevens Scoring: Aces, D. DeBoer 1; Kills,
I. Bennet 10; Blocks, G. Shankweiler 4, J.
While IIHF President Rene Billy Hurley III...................... 72p-73m145
Jason Kokrak.........................77m-68s145 Alex Stoudt, CV...................... 193 2
ninger 1-3, A. Saintilius 1-2, A. Hinton 1-5,
R. Hunt 1-1); MU 6-20 (C. Yarde II 2-5, M. Stuart 4; Digs, M. Snajder 6, C. Friend 6; As-
Fasel would like a final deci- Cameron Tringale................ 74p-71m145 Colleen Hurst, Eph................. 193
Kayleigh Lanphar, W.............. 193
Adkison 2-6, T. Townsend 1-2, J. Greene sists, J. Patterson 19. LBC Scoring: Aces, K.
Horst 1; Kills, K. Gentry 5; Blocks, K. Gentry
sion sooner than later to plan Rich Berberian, Jr................. 73p-72m145
Robert Streb..........................70s-76p146 Josh Blume, W....................... 192 0
1-5). Fouled OutLH-T. Brake, I. Barnes;
MU-none. ReboundsLH 41 (C. Slade 7, 1, D. Kreider 1; Digs, R. Solanco 4, K. Gentry
for South Korea, Renney said K.J. Choi............................... 74p-71m145 Drew Chieppor, MT............... 189 1 C. Renninger 7); MU 37 (J. Greene 12). As- 4; Assists, K. Ansell 15.
Kayla Schlosman, W............... 189 0
Hockey Canada could put a Chez Reavie...........................75s-71p146
Richy Werenski......................72s-74p146 Jillian Klinger, W..................... 187 0
sistsLH 18 (C. Renninger 10); MU 13 (M.
Adkison 7). Total FoulsLH 25, MU 21.
Eastern Mennonite 3,
team together quickly. Like Grayson Murray.....................73s-73p146 Team Total Centers Lancaster Bible 1
1. Garden Spot*..................... 986 0 Franklin & Marshall 74, Washington 63 Eastern Mennonite d. Lancaster Bible 25-
USA Hockey, Canada can Nicholas Lindheim................75m-70s145
John Senden..........................73s-73p146 2. Elizabethtown**................ 986 8 FRANKLIN & MARSHALL (16-7, 10-6 CC) 19,25-27,25-22,25-23.
pull from its national junior D.A. Points............................72m-73s145 3. Ephrata.............................. 986 6 I. Slyka 2-5 3-6 7, J.C. McGrath 7-12 3-5 EMU Scoring: Aces, J. Elmore 1, S.
4. Manheim Township........... 984 6 17, J. Wright 2-5 0-0 6, B. Federici 4-15 3-5 Brigham 1, W. Ragland 1; Kills, J. Elmore 13;
team but has more veteran J.B. Holmes...........................70m-75s145
Charley Hoffman................. 75p-70m145 5. Manheim Central............... 982 7 14, H. Eggers 4-8 0-1 11, M. Tate 5-13 5-6 Blocks, R.J. Ocampo 5, W. Ragland 5; Digs,
talent in Europe and the Mike Weir..............................74s-73p147 6. Conestoga Valley............... 973 7 17, M. Rice 0-0 0-0 0, L. Owona 1-4 0-1 2. M. Buller 17; Assists, C. Taylor 34. LBC Scor-
Totals 25-62 14-24 74.
American Hockey League to Henrik Norlander...................76s-71p147
Beau Hossler.........................74m-72s146
7. Wilson................................ 964
*Won on criteria
WASHINGTON (7-16, 3-13 CC)
ing: Aces, K. Gentry 2; Kills, K. Gentry 12;
Blocks, K. Ansell 7; Digs, K. Gentry 11; As-
choose from. Jerry Kelly.............................78m-68s146 **League Champion D. Marshall 4-9 0-1 8, B. Shapiro 1-2 0-0 sists, K. Ansell 35.
West Virginia 79................Oklahoma St. 53 Krusinsky 0-2, A. Hall 0-1). ReboundsLock Rockford 3...................... Milwaukee 2 (OT)
SPORTS SLATE SOUTH Haven 38 (L. Mealing 12); MU 35 (C. Hin- Texas 3.......................................... Tucson 2 NBA
Alabama St. 62................Alabama A&M 35 nant 9). AssistsLock Haven 6 (L. Mealing San Diego 4.................................. Ontario 1
Alcorn St. 68................................. MVSU 60 2); MU 12 (A. Hall 6). Fouled OutLock Saturdays Games
Belmont 85.................... Tennessee Tech 66 Haven, M. McHale; MU, C. Hinnant, A. Hall. Albany 5............................... Toronto 4 (OT)
Bethune-Cookman 76............Coppin St. 56 Total FoulsLock Haven 18; MU 23. Charlotte 3................................. Stockton 0
ICE HOCKEY Campbell 61.....................UNC-Asheville 60 Lancaster Bible 56, Penn St. Berks 38 Hershey 4................................... Hartford 2 EASTERN CONFERENCE
SCHOLASTIC Cent. Arkansas 61.......................Nicholls 52 LANCASTER BIBLE (17-5, 16-1 NEAC) Syracuse 5................................ Rochester 2 Atlantic Division
CPIHL All-Star game at Lancaster Ice Rink, Davidson 74........................Rhode Island 64 C. GOyak 7-19 4-8 18, C. Hickey 6-17 0-0 Milwaukee 4................................ Chicago 3 W L Pct GB
6:30 p.m. E. Kentucky 65.................. Morehead St. 58 17, K. Webster 5-15 6-6 17, N. Otis 1-5 0-0 St. Johns 4.......................... Lehigh Valley 3 Boston........................34 19 .642
Florida Gulf Coast 69.........Kennesaw St. 35 2, S. Ecko 1-5 0-0 2, K. Boger 0-8 0-0 0, S. Utica 2.................................... Springfield 1 Toronto.......................32 22 .593 21-w
SQUASH New York....................22 33 .400 13
Furman 65................................. Wofford 60 Bell 0-3 0-0 0. Totals 20-72 10-14 56. WB-Scranton 4...................... Binghamton 2
COLLEGIATE MEN Georgia Southern 65.....Coastal Carolina 62 Providence at Bridgeport........................(n) Philadelphia................20 34 .370 141-w
Franklin & Marshall at Navy, 2 p.m. Georgia St. 59................ Appalachian St. 55 Grand Rapids at Iowa..............................(n) Brooklyn.......................9 45 .167 251-w
S. Brensinger 6-22 0-0 15, D. Daddona
TRACK AND FIELD Grambling St. 64............. Texas Southern 52 2-17 6-8 10, S. Huggins 3-10 1-2 7, M. Huber San Antonio at Rockford..........................(n) Southeast Division
High Point 84.................. Gardner-Webb 65 1-6 0-0 3, W. Allen 1-1 1-1 3, E. Paskowski Tucson at Texas........................................(n) W L Pct GB
COLLEGIATE MEN AND WOMEN Washington................32 21 .604
Franklin & Marshall at Kane Invitational, Howard 67............................... Hampton 62 0-1 0-0 0, B. Weiss 0-1 0-0 0, B. Schmidt 0-0 San Jose at Bakersfield............................(n)
Jackson St. 74...................... Prairie View 60 0-0 0. Totals 13-58 8-11 38. Atlanta........................31 23 .574 11-w
all day Sundays Games Charlotte.....................24 30 .444 81-w
Jacksonville 75..................................NJIT 59 Lancaster Bible........ 13 17 16 10 56 Hershey at Bridgeport...................... 3 p.m.
WRESTLING Jacksonville St. 69..............Tennessee St. 56 Miami.........................24 31 .436 9
Penn State Berks..... 11 7 8 12 38 Manitoba at Cleveland..................... 3 p.m. Orlando......................20 35 .364 13
COLLEGIATE Longwood 83........................... Winthrop 78 3-Point GoalsLBC 6-22 (C. Hickey 5-12, Albany at Toronto............................. 3 p.m.
Louisiana Tech 77...........................UTSA 71 Central Division
Franklin & Marshall at Warriors Winter K. Webster 1-4, K. Boger 0-5, N. Otis 0-1); Springfield at Providence............ 3:05 p.m. W L Pct GB
Open, 9 a.m. Louisiana-Lafayette 80..................... Troy 72 PSB 4-18 (S. Brensinger 3-9, M. Huber 1-4, San Antonio at Chicago.................... 4 p.m.
McNeese St. 78............. Incarnate Word 61 Cleveland....................37 16 .698
D. Daddona 0-5). ReboundsLBC 57 (C. Syracuse at Utica.............................. 5 p.m. Indiana........................29 25 .537 81-w
Mercer 58....................UNC-Greensboro 47 Goyak 36); PSB 36 (S. Huggins 14). Assists Milwaukee at Rockford..................... 5 p.m. Chicago.......................26 28 .481 111-w
SCHOLASTIC Morgan St. 74..................... Delaware St. 47 LBC 9 (K. Webster 4); PSB 6 (D. Daddona 3). Bakersfield at San Diego................... 8 p.m. Detroit........................25 29 .463 121-w
Murray St. 67........................Austin Peay 62 Fouled OutLBC, none; PSB, none. Total
WRESTLING NC Central 52............................ SC State 41 FoulsLBC 9; PSB 11.
Ontario at San Jose........................... 8 p.m. Milwaukee..................23 30 .434 14
Norfolk St. 74.............Md.-Eastern Shore 43 Bears 4, Wolf Pack 2
North Florida 77....................SC-Upstate 74 Hartford................................ 0 1 1 2 Southwest Division
PIAA TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS Old Dominion 73............................. UAB 61
Presbyterian 56........................... Liberty 55
HORSE RACING Hershey................................. 2 1 1 4
1st Period1, Hershey, Boyd 11 7:57. 2,
W L Pct GB
San Antonio................41 12 .774
CLASS AA Hershey, Djoos 7 (C. Bourque, Stephenson), Houston......................39 17 .696 31-w
Radford 67............. Charleston Southern 59
CHAMPIONSHIP SE Louisiana 85...................New Orleans 70 18:11. Penalties-OBrien Her (tripping), Memphis....................33 23 .589 91-w
Reynolds 54, Northern Lebanon 18 Samford 51........................... W. Carolina 50 5:34; Hrivik Hfd (hooking), 8:44. Dallas..........................21 32 .396 20
182 L. Funck, NL, p. B. McCloskey, 4:34 South Alabama 74..... Louisiana-Monroe 44 PENN NATIONAL RESULTS 2nd Period3, Hartford, Jensen 21 (Fon- New Orleans...............21 33 .389 201-w
195 J. Miller, R, m.d. H. Wallace, 11-1 Southern Miss. 73..........................UTEP 48 1st$14,300,5 1/2f taine, Gilmour), 8:28. 4, Hershey, Carey 16 Northwest Division
220 D. Skeehan, R, m.d. M. Emborsky, Stetson 66............................... Lipscomb 60 7-Bustin Gold (Rose J.).......... 2.40,2.10,2.10 (Galiev, Malone), 17:38. Penalties-Graves W L Pct GB
10-0 Temple 76...........................East Carolina 43 8-Divine Kitten (Whitney D.)......... 5.60,4.80 Hfd (holding), 0:33. Utah............................34 20 .630
285 C. Rickert, R, t.f. K. Sonnen, 3:58 Valparaiso 41....................... N. Kentucky 32 2-Cowgirl (Diaz V.).............................. 10.80 3rd Period5, Hartford, Summers 4 Oklahoma City............31 23 .574 3
(17-1) W. Kentucky 78......................... Marshall 64 Also Ran: Jersey Rich, Elijahs Party, Maj- (McPherson, Kovacs), 4:54. 6, Hershey, Denver........................24 30 .444 10
106 B. Bayless, R, p. B. Breidegan, :41 Barber 5 (Labrie), 18:59 (EN). Penalties- Portland......................23 31 .426 11
MIDWEST esty Spirit Rvf, Bad Grammar, Delicate Ana Minnesota..................20 34 .370 14
113 A. Wilcox, R, p. K. Anspach, 1:42 Race Time: 1:06.65 Exacta (7-8) Paid $7.30; OBrien Her (hooking), 12:49; Jensen Hfd
Cent. Michigan 94................W. Michigan 83 (unsportsmanlike conduct - disputing deci- Pacific Division
120 A. Ischo, R, d. C. Leonard, 16-12 Creighton 88......................... Providence 57 Superfecta (7-8-2-4) Paid $36.19; Trifecta
126 G. Bayless, R, p. C. Bressler sion), 18:59. W L Pct GB
Detroit 71.................................. Oakland 61 (7-8-2) Paid $49.60. Golden State...............45 8 .849
132 T. Leonard, NL, p. H. Michaels, 1:14 2nd$12,400,1m Shots on GoalHartford 10-9-6-25. Her-
Fort Wayne 72....................N. Dakota St. 68 shey 8-6-8-22. L.A. Clippers................33 21 .611 121-w
138 C. Mathews, R, p. Z. Kelly, 1:07 Green Bay 75..................Youngstown St. 41 4-Sound of Freedom (Rdrgz E.)... 13.60,6.40,4.00 Sacramento................22 32 .407 231-w
145 C. Hauck, R, d. S. Herb, 3-2 7-OShaughnessy (Potts C.)........... 6.20,3.80 Power Play OpportunitiesHartford 0 of
IUPUI 64............................. S. Dakota St. 59 2; Hershey 0 of 3. L.A. Lakers...................19 37 .339 271-w
152 B. Bressler, NL, p. B. Wilcox, 1:06 Indiana 66.........................Northwestern 38 1-Canecao (ARG) (Conner T.)................ 3.20 Phoenix.......................17 37 .315 281-w
160 G. Wilkerson, R, t.f. E. Herb, 3:54 Also Ran: Let the Saints, Brilliant War- GoaliesHartford, Halverson 7-9-0 (21
Kansas St. 80...............................Iowa St. 68 shots-18 saves). Hershey, Milner 3-0-0 (25
(17-1) Kent St. 72.....................................Akron 58 rior, Rest Assured, Sky Colors, Bold Hero Fridays Games
170 J. Liese, R, p. L. Negrerios, 2:27 Race Time: 1:40.74 Daily Double (7-4) Paid shots-23 saves). Denver 131........................... New York 123
Miami (Ohio) 79...................E. Michigan 63 A10,561. Referees-Chris Pontes (21).
Milwaukee 76.....................Cleveland St. 72 $16.00; Exacta (4-7) Paid $31.90; Super- Miami 108............................... Brooklyn 99
THIRD PLACE Linesmen-Tom George (61), Jud Ritter (34). San Antonio 103......................... Detroit 92
Southern Columbia 33............ Brookville 29 Minnesota 80............................. Rutgers 46 fecta (4-7-1-8) Paid $38.05; Trifecta (4-7-1)
Paid $70.65. Golden State 122.................. Memphis 107
CONSOLATION Ohio 72........................................ Ball St. 68 L.A. Lakers 122.................... Milwaukee 114
SE Missouri 107........................ E. Illinois 65
Wright St. 62.......................... Ill.-Chicago 51
8-Shanghaied (Conner T.)..... 14.80,8.00,4.80
NHL New Orleans 122................ Minnesota 106
Brookville 37.................Bishop McDevitt 33 5-Texas Tex (Potts C.).................. 11.00,5.00 Washington 112...................... Indiana 107
Southern Columbia 37............... Line Mt. 25 SOUTHWEST Phoenix 115............................... Chicago 97
Abilene Christian 79....Northwestern St. 57 4-Bird Call (Rodriguez E.)...................... 3.20
QUARTERFINALS Also Ran: Cosmic Charlie, Polished De- Sacramento 108....................... Atlanta 107
Ark.-Pine Bluff 63................. Southern U. 59 Saturdays Games
Southern Columbia 35.... Chestnut Ridge 24 Cincinnati 71..............................Houston 62 gree, Kovarro, Mettler, Cherokee Cowboy, EASTERN CONFERENCE
Brookville 37........................ Saegertown 31 Ganymede Late Scratches: Ogermeister Atlantic Division L.A. Clippers 107................... Charlotte 102
Nebraska-Omaha 64........... Oral Roberts 49 Milwaukee 116........................ Indiana 100
CLASS AAA North Texas 69................................... FIU 49 Race Time: 1:12.32 Daily Double (4-8) Paid GP W L OT Pts GF GA
$57.40; Exacta (8-5) Paid $79.60; Super- Montreal.......57 31 18 8 70 165 146 Cleveland 125........................... Denver 109
CHAMPIONSHIP Rice 89.............................................. FAU 55 Philadelphia 117........................ Miami 109
Sam Houston St. 78.......Houston Baptist 63 fecta (8-5-4-3) Paid $370.64; Trifecta (8-5- Ottawa..........53 29 18 6 64 143 143
Nazareth 30.............Bethlehem Catholic 29 4) Paid $224.25; Pic 3 (7-4-8) Paid $37.35. Golden State at Oklahoma City.............. (n)
Nazareth wins on Criteria D, most Stephen F. Austin 74..................... Lamar 66 Boston..........57 28 23 6 62 153 155
4th$12,400,1m Toronto.........54 25 18 11 61 165 161 Orlando at Dallas.................................... (n)
matches won Texas 75....................................... Kansas 42 Phoenix at Houston................................ (n)
Texas State 64.................................UALR 47 7-Ned Devine (Rispoli M.).... 15.00,5.20,4.20 Florida..........54 24 20 10 58 134 153
THIRD PLACE 6-Mountain Cry (Rose J.).............. 2.60,2.40 Boston at Utah........................................ (n)
Texas-Arlington 69...............Arkansas St. 58 Tampa Bay....56 25 24 7 57 154 160
Kiski Area 41.............................Erie Prep 21 3-Gris Hombre (Castillo D.)................... 3.60 Buffalo..........55 23 22 10 56 136 155 Sundays Games
UCF 62............................................ Tulsa 58
CONSOLATION Also Ran: Texas Tea, Gotsum Gold- Detroit..........55 22 23 10 54 138 163 Chicago at Minnesota.................. 3:30 p.m.
FAR WEST ust, Lord Earl Grey, Go Go Romeo Late San Antonio at New York............. 3:30 p.m.
SEMIFINALS BYU 73...............................San Francisco 61 Metropolitan Division
Erie Prep 27.................. North Allegheny 26 Scratches: Mr. Abundance, Run Slado Run GP W L OT Pts GF GA Detroit at Toronto............................. 6 p.m.
Boise St. 69............................... Air Force 59 Race Time: 1:40.30 Daily Double (8-7) Paid New Orleans at Sacramento............. 9 p.m.
Kiski Area 42................. Council Rock So. 14 Colorado St. 66....................... Fresno St. 64 Washington....56 39 11 6 84 192 121
$168.00; Exacta (7-6) Paid $18.10; Super- Columbus.....54 35 14 5 75 175 133 Mondays Games
QUARTERFINALS E. Washington 67................. N. Colorado 61 fecta (7-6-3-5) Paid $9.55; Trifecta (7-6-3) Philadelphia at Charlotte.................. 7 p.m.
Kiski Area 29.................Canon-McMillan 24 Gonzaga 59................. Saint Marys (Cal) 58 Pittsburgh.....53 34 13 6 74 190 151
Paid $29.75; Pic 3 (4-8-7) Paid $115.55; Pic N.Y. Rangers....55 36 18 1 73 189 145 San Antonio at Indiana..................... 7 p.m.
Erie Prep 40.......................... Central Mt. 15 Idaho 74............................North Dakota 61 4 (7-4-8-7) Paid $233.05. Memphis at Brooklyn.................. 7:30 p.m.
Idaho St. 79.................... Sacramento St. 60 Philadelphia....56 27 22 7 61 147 168
NONLEAGUE 5th$11,400,6f N.Y. Islanders....53 24 19 10 58 156 157 Orlando at Miami........................ 7:30 p.m.
Montana 60............................N. Arizona 59 5-Poplar Point (Rosario)..... 18.60,9.00,3.60 Detroit at Milwaukee........................ 8 p.m.
Manheim Central 65, West York 12 Montana St. 71............................S. Utah 68 New Jersey....54 23 21 10 56 127 153
113W. Betancourt, MC, p. N. Townsley, 3-Main Track Only (Cora D.).......... 6.20,3.00 Carolina........53 24 22 7 55 140 156 Oklahoma City at Washington.......... 8 p.m.
Nevada 88......................... San Diego St. 65 2-Our Love Affair (Wolfsont A.)............ 2.10 Boston at Dallas........................... 8:30 p.m.
1:13. Pepperdine 57........................ San Diego 40 WESTERN CONFERENCE
120C. Zeamer, MC, by forfeit. Also Ran: Sophie Station, Entusia- Golden State at Denver.................... 9 p.m.
Portland 71...............Loyola Marymount 56 sta, Sweet Honesty, Kalamitty Race Time: Central Division L.A. Clippers at Utah......................... 9 p.m.
126R. Kreider, MC, t.f. J. Hirneisen, 18- Santa Clara 68............................... Pacific 51 GP W L OT Pts GF GA
3, 5:45. 1:14.04 Daily Double (7-5) Paid $195.40; New Orleans at Phoenix................... 9 p.m.
UC Davis 62...............................UC Irvine 42 Exacta (5-3) Paid $41.00; Superfecta (5-3-2- Minnesota....54 36 12 6 78 181 126 Atlanta at Portland.................... 10:30 p.m.
132H. Shreiner, MC, p. T. Ketterman, 2:45. UNLV 63................................San Jose St. 55 Chicago.........56 34 17 5 73 161 146
138Z. Zeamer, MC, p. J. Franklin, 1:35. 6) Paid $66.79; Trifecta (5-3-2) Paid $56.85; 76ers 117, Heat 109
W. Illinois 80................................Denver 68 Pic 3 (8-7-5) Paid $215.40. St. Louis........56 29 22 5 63 161 165
145R. McKee, MC, p. L. Stine, 3:30. Weber St. 85.........................Portland St. 75 Nashville.......55 26 21 8 60 153 148 MIAMI (109)
152L. Hess, MC, d. D. Pressel, 7-0. 6th$10,500,6f
Wyoming 59.............................. Utah St. 40 8-Plymouth Square (Cora).... 7.00,3.80,3.40 Dallas............56 22 24 10 54 155 177 Babbitt 0-0 0-0 0, Whiteside 5-11 2-2 12,
160I. Dorwart, MC, d. N. Spadafora, 15-8. Winnipeg......58 25 29 4 54 166 185 Dragic 12-21 4-4 30, Ellington 4-14 5-5 16,
170N. Brown, MC, p. W. Martin, :50. UConn 83, SMU 41 2-Burning Mandate (Vargas)........ 5.00,3.20
SMU (13-11) 10-Lees South (Valdes A.).................... 3.40 Colorado.......52 15 35 2 32 106 176 McGruder 2-6 0-0 4, White 1-2 0-0 2, Reed
182M. Himelright, MC, by forfeit. Pacific Division 1-3 0-0 2, J.Johnson 8-15 9-13 26, T.Johnson
195E. Martin, MC, by forfeit. Collins 4-7 1-2 9, Froling 2-8 2-2 6, Adams Also Ran: Cinderellaspalace, Ifimlyinim-
0-11 4-5 4, Bolton 1-7 0-0 2, Perry 5-9 1-2 dyin, Liberty St. Outlaw, The Sundrop Kid, GP W L OT Pts GF GA 6-13 4-4 17. Totals 39-85 24-28 109.
220C. Warner, MC, by forfeit. San Jose........56 33 18 5 71 152 134 PHILADELPHIA (117)
285F. Veloce, WY, p. T. Dougherty, 3:05. 11, Thomas 1-2 2-2 4, Bradshaw 1-4 0-0 2, Karobushka, Ride Candy Ride Late Scratch-
Brandt 0-1 0-0 0, Mickens 0-5 0-0 0, Owens es: Isolation Road Race Time: 1:12.64 Daily Anaheim.......57 29 18 10 68 151 147 Covington 6-12 2-2 19, Ilyasova 5-12 3-6 14,
106C. Gross, MC, by forfeit. Edmonton.....55 29 18 8 66 156 141 Noel 9-12 1-3 19, McConnell 3-7 5-6 11, Hen-
JV Score: MC 12, WY 0 0-3 0-0 0, Reese 1-4 0-0 3, Totals 15-61 10- Double (5-8) Paid $97.60; Exacta (8-2) Paid
13 41. $20.90; Superfecta (8-2-10-6) Paid $20.42; Los Angeles....55 28 23 4 60 138 136 derson 2-11 10-10 14, Holmes 2-2 2-3 6, Saric
UConn (24-0) Trifecta (8-2-10) Paid $41.60; Pic 3 (7-5-8) Calgary..........56 28 25 3 59 149 159 7-15 4-4 19, Rodriguez 1-5 2-2 4, Luwawu-
Cabarrot 0-2 0-0 0, Stauskas 4-8 1-2 11. Totals
BOWLING Collier 4-11 2-2 10, Samuelson 8-13 3-4
22, Williams 5-12 1-3 11, Chong 5-10 0-0
Paid $151.25.
Vancouver.....55 24 25 6 54 131 158
Arizona.........52 17 28 7 41 120 166 39-86 30-38 117.
13, Nurse 4-9 4-5 13, Irwin 2-3 0 0 4, Butler 11-Small Boy Jr. (Felix) ......... 5.80,3.60,3.20 NOTE: Two points for a win, one point for Miami..................... 27 21 28 33 109
4-9 0-0 8, Bent 1-2 0-0 2, Dangerfield 0-3 1-Red Chant (Beato I.).................. 5.80,4.40 overtime loss. Philadelphia............ 27 27 30 33 117
0-0 0, Lawlor 0-0 0-0 0, Totals 33-72 10-14 3-Al Do Great (Valdes A.)...................... 5.00 3-Point GoalsMiami 7-23 (Ellington 3-10,
Fridays Games Dragic 2-4, J.Johnson 1-3, T.Johnson 1-4, White
DUTCH 83. Also Ran: I Love My Bicycle, Euro Demon, Chicago 5.................................. Winnipeg 2
SMU........................ 14 8 10 9 41 Whered He Go, Its Nothing, Little Frankie 0-1, McGruder 0-1), Philadelphia 9-25 (Covington
SENIORS Minnesota 2................... Tampa Bay 1 (SO) 5-6, Stauskas 2-4, Ilyasova 1-4, Saric 1-5, Luwawu-
UConn..................... 22 22 22 17 83 L, Eight Natives, Lite the Missile Late
Tony Lutz....................... 218-278-231727 3-Point GoalsSMU 1-17 (Froling 0-1, Scratches: Perceval Race Time: 1:14.02 Dai- Saturdays Games Cabarrot 0-1, Noel 0-1, Henderson 0-2, Rodriguez
Darren Zombro III.......... 256-214-248718 Adams 0-4, Bolton 0-5, Brandt 0-1, Mick- ly Double (8-11) Paid $37.40; Exacta (11-1) Boston 4................................. Vancouver 3 0-2). Fouled OutNone. ReboundsMiami 49
Ben White...................... 216-248-247711 ens 0-1, Owens 0-3, Reese 1-2), UConn Paid $23.80; Superfecta (11-1-3-5) Paid Ottawa 3.............................. N.Y. Islanders 0 (Whiteside 19), Philadelphia 38 (Covington 7).
Cameron Zwally............. 222-193-224639 7-22 (Collier 0-2, Samuelson 3-6, Chong $88.42; Trifecta (11-1-3) Paid $97.55; Pic 3 Philadelphia 2..................... San Jose 1 (OT) AssistsMiami 15 (T.Johnson 5), Philadelphia 27
Logan Molchany............ 216-214-206636 3-7, Nurse 1-4, Irwin 0-1, Bent 0-1, Dan- (5-8-7/11) Paid $59.10. Dallas 5....................................... Carolina 2 (McConnell 10). Total FoulsMiami 27, Philadel-
Tristan Current............... 232-228-172632 gerfield 0-1). AssistsSMU 10 (Bolton 4), Florida 7..................................... Nashville 4 phia 21. TechnicalsWhiteside.
Cole Snavely.................. 162-257-207626 OFF-TRACK WAGERING Columbus 2................................... Detroit 1
UConn 25 (Chong 7). Fouled OutNone. Following is a list of tracks and post times Cavaliers 125, Nuggets 109
COED ReboundsSMU 41 (Froling 8), UConn 44 N.Y. Rangers 4............................ Colorado 2
for todays off-track wagering at Penn Na- St. Louis 4................................. Montreal 2 DENVER (109)
Robbie Jack.................... 190-193-187570 (Collier 13). Total FoulsSMU 17, UConn tionals Lancaster Off-Track site:
Nathan Barnica.............. 172-156-155483 12. A10,012. Tampa Bay 4............................. Winnipeg 1 Chandler 6-15 1-1 13, Arthur 1-5 0-0 3,
Gulfstream....................................... 12 p.m. Buffalo 3...................................... Toronto 1 Jokic 9-18 8-10 27, Nelson 5-12 0-0 12, Harris
Matt Geib...................... 192-136-126454 Tampa Bay.................................. 12:25 p.m.
Isabella Foltz.................. 202-134-185521 Elizabethtown 63, Goucher 49 Washington 6............................ Anaheim 4 6-11 1-2 16, Hernangomez 1-6 2-2 4, Barton
ELIZABETHTOWN (17-5, 7-5 LMK) Laurel Park.................................. 12:30 p.m. 3-11 4-4 12, OBryant 3-5 0-0 6, Miller 0-2 0-0
Haley Jack...................... 159-168-169496 Aqueduct.................................... 12:50 p.m. Pittsburgh at Arizona.............................. (n)
Kit MacFeat................... 117-125-105347 E. Martin 7-19 6-8 20, A. Beyer 4-9 2-2 13, Chicago at Edmonton............................. (n) 0, Murray 5-11 3-3 16, Beasley 0-1 0-0 0. To-
M. Ruth 4-9 2-2 10, J. Craig 2-10 2-2 7, L. Miami Valley................................. 2:05 p.m. tals 39-97 19-22 109.
BUMPERS Lawson 3-10 0-0 6, C. Foster 2-6 0-4 4, R. Fair Grounds................................. 2:25 p.m. Sundays Games CLEVELAND (125)
Mason Muckle...................... 139-128267 Oaklawn Park................................ 2:30 p.m. San Jose at New Jersey.............. 12:30 p.m. James 11-16 4-4 27, Love 5-11 3-4 16,
Kian Mummaw..................... 128-127255 Liszkiewicz 1-5 1-1 3, E. Hoesman 0-2 0-0
0, J. Welch 0-1 0-0 0, J. Freeman 0-0 0-0 0. Turf Paradise................................. 2:40 p.m. Detroit at Minnesota........................ 3 p.m. Thompson 5-9 3-6 13, Irving 10-24 2-2 27,
Miles Sweigart........................ 93-121214 Sunland Park................................. 2:45 p.m. Colorado at N.Y. Islanders................. 6 p.m. Liggins 3-4 2-2 9, Jefferson 1-4 2-2 4, Williams
Jeffrey Moore......................... 114-95209 Totals 23-71 13-19 63.
GOUCHER (4-18, 0-12 LMK) Santa Anita................................... 3:30 p.m. Dallas at Nashville............................ 6 p.m. 2-3 2-2 7, Frye 3-4 0-0 8, Felder 0-0 0-0 0,
Leeta Sherman....................... 99-109208 Golden Gate................................. 3:45 p.m. Montreal at Boston..................... 7:30 p.m. McRae 0-0 0-0 0, Jones 0-0 0-0 0, Korver 6-9
Kiegan Mummaw................... 109-96205 B. Bull 8-20 3-4 19, J. Scarborough 4-10
2-2 10, N. Jones 3-8 0-0 7, P. Mani 2-7 0-0 5, Pompano...................................... 7:20 p.m. Vancouver at Buffalo................... 7:30 p.m. 0-0 14. Totals 46-84 18-22 125.
Bailey Sweigart......................... 87-78165 Australia A.................................... 9:15 p.m. Mondays Games Denver.................... 33 22 23 31 109
K. Pacak 2-10 0-0 4, S. Omo-Osagie 2-9 0-2
LEISURE 4, A. Kim 0-0 0-0 0, K. Chun 0-0 0-0 0. Totals Australia B.................................... 9:20 p.m. N.Y. Rangers at Columbus............ 7:30 p.m. Cleveland................ 28 31 33 33 125
21-64 5-8 49. Australia C.................................... 9:30 p.m. Arizona at Calgary............................. 9 p.m. 3-Point GoalsDenver 12-37 (Harris 3-5, Mur-
Jack Sofillas.................... 170-117-142429 Elizabethtown......... 13 15 16 19 63 ray 3-7, Barton 2-4, Nelson 2-5, Jokic 1-2, Arthur
Goucher.................. 12 8 12 17 49
Flyers 2, Sharks 1 (OT) 1-5, Hernangomez 0-1, Miller 0-2, Chandler 0-6),
Christopher Hull.............. 129-92-152373
Cooper Palmer............... 102-114-131347 3-Point GoalsE-town 4-12 (A. Beyer AHL San Jose........................... 0 0 1 0 1 Cleveland 15-30 (Irving 5-11, Love 3-5, Frye 2-3,
Philadelphia..................... 0 0 1 1 2 Korver 2-3, James 1-1, Williams 1-2, Liggins 1-2,
Ashlee Brubaker.............. 89-117-103309 3-6, J. Craig 1-3, L. Lawson 0-2, R. Liszkie- First PeriodNone.
Logan Long.......................... 82-47-77206 wicz 0-1); Goucher 2-4 (P. Mani 1-3, N. Jefferson 0-3). Fouled OutNone. Rebounds
Second PeriodNone. Denver 45 (Jokic 13), Cleveland 45 (Thompson
JUNIORS Jones 1-1). ReboundsE-town 50 (E. Mar- Third Period1, Philadelphia, Provorov
tin 15); Goucher 46 (B. Bull 14). Assists 13). AssistsDenver 23 (Nelson 8), Cleveland 30
Bob Walker.................... 214-205-147566 EASTERN CONFERENCE 5 (Voracek, Macdonald), 6:22. 2, San Jose, (James 12). Total FoulsDenver 22, Cleveland 16.
Xavier Green.................. 174-170-200544 E-town 16 (L. Lawson 7); Goucher 6 (N. Atlantic Division Marleau 20 (Thornton, Labanc), 9:23 (pp).
Matt Zeamer.................. 201-181-136518 Jones 2, J. Scarborough 2). Fouled OutE- GP W L OL SL Pts GF GA Overtime3, Philadelphia, Simmonds Clippers 107, Hornets 102
Mackenzie Bohler.......... 154-156-165475 town, none; Goucher, J. Scarborough. Total WB-Scran...... 50 36 11 3 0 75 174 120 23, 1:04.
FoulsE-town 10; Goucher 19. L.A. CLIPPERS (107)
Christofer Torres............ 155-167-140462 Lehigh Val..... 48 32 14 2 0 66 175 133 Shots on GoalSan Jose 4-7-12-124. Mbah a Moute 4-7 0-0 8, Griffin 8-19 4-5 20,
Charlie Hull.................... 148-134-160442 F&M 68, Washington 62 Providence.... 48 27 13 5 3 62 143 120 Philadelphia 14-6-13-235. Jordan 2-5 0-0 4, Redick 3-11 2-2 10, Rivers 7-12
Kimberle Ziegler............ 129-137-120383 FRANKLIN & MARSHALL (10-13, 8-10 CC) Bridgeport.... 46 28 16 1 1 58 137 131 Power-play opportunitiesSan Jose 1 of 0-2 18, Anderson 2-3 2-2 6, W.Johnson 1-3 0-0
Willow Hee...................... 132-97-114343 A. Petersen 4-14 9-10 21, S. Haddon 5-9 Hershey........ 49 25 13 8 3 61 167 150 3; Philadelphia 0 of 3. 2, Speights 3-7 0-0 8, Felton 4-7 0-0 9, Crawford
MAJORS 5-6 15, E. Brown 5-9 3-6 13, K. Hamill 4-9 Springfield.... 48 17 22 7 2 43 118 139 GoaliesSan Jose, Dell 6-3-1 (35 6-11 5-9 22. Totals 40-85 13-20 107.
Nick Fisher..................... 247-279-222748 0-0 8, S. Pisani 2-4 0-2 5, S. Parsons 2-5 0-0 Hartford........ 49 18 26 3 2 41 130 171 shots-33 saves). Philadelphia, Neuvirth 9-5- CHARLOTTE (102)
Ryan Graham................. 279-228-226733 4, A. DiCarlo 1-2 0-0 2, A. Burnett 0-1 0-0 0. North Division 1 (24-23). Kidd-Gilchrist 4-8 0-0 8, Williams 4-6 0-0 9,
Tyler Lappa.................... 219-247-214680 Totals 23-54 17-24 68. GP W L OL SL Pts GF GA Capitals 6, Ducks 4 Kaminsky 7-16 3-4 20, Walker 4-18 1-2 10, Ba-
Tyler Gardner................. 249-202-209660 WASHINGTON (9-14, 6-12 CC) Syracuse....... 48 24 15 4 5 57 146 140 Anaheim................................ 0 2 2 4 tum 7-13 7-8 25, Plumlee 0-1 0-0 0, Roberts
Austin Allison................. 242-188-227657 A. Grundy 8-18 3-3 24, C. Quattro 5-9 4-4 Albany........... 50 28 20 1 1 58 138 137 Washington........................... 3 1 2 6 0-1 0-0 0, Belinelli 7-14 1-1 17, Lamb 4-9 3-5
Jordan Schell................. 184-226-227637 14, C. Clark 4-10 2-4 11, K. Moore 0-3 5-6 Toronto......... 48 23 21 3 1 50 146 134 First Period1, Washington, Oshie 23 13. Totals 37-86 15-20 102.
Briana Bracero............... 205-190-236631 5, B. McLaughlin 2-7 0-0 4, K. Kozlowski 1-3 St. Johns....... 50 23 21 5 1 52 139 152 (Backstrom, Johansson), 6:45 (pp). 2, L.A. Clippers............ 29 24 24 30 107
Katelyn Musselman....... 196-212-204612 0-0 2, E. Thieman 1-1 0-0 2, A. Krahling 0-2 Utica............. 47 19 20 6 2 46 118 137 Washington, Backstrom 17 (Ovechkin, Os- Charlotte................. 27 24 19 32 102
Zac Glinsky..................... 245-183-182616 0-0 0, L. Parks 0-0 0-0 0, T. Samuels 0-1 0-0 Binghamton.... 48 20 25 2 1 43 120 155 hie), 14:35. 3, Washington, Wilson 4 (Bea- 3-Point GoalsL.A. Clippers 14-34 (Craw-
Tyler Miller.................... 162-165-279606 0, G.Winsky 0-0 0-0 0. Totals 21-54 14-17 Rochester..... 49 20 27 0 2 42 133 159 gle, Winnik), 17:48. ford 5-8, Rivers 4-6, Speights 2-4, Redick 2-8,
Gavin Davidson.............. 164-202-205571 62. WESTERN CONFERENCE Second Period4, Anaheim, Silfverberg Felton 1-3, Mbah a Moute 0-1, Anderson 0-1,
Owen Walker................. 170-157-236563 Franklin & Marshall..... 9 17 20 22 68 Central Division 17 (Cogliano, Getzlaf), 7:16. 5, Washington, W.Johnson 0-1, Griffin 0-2), Charlotte 13-37
Jimmy Mahler................ 191-201-142534 Washington............. 12 12 18 20 62 GP W L OL SL Pts GF GA Winnik 7, 12:18 (sh). 6, Anaheim, Lindholm (Batum 4-7, Kaminsky 3-6, Lamb 2-4, Belinelli
ROCKY SPRINGS 3-Point GoalsF&M 5-16 (A. Petersen Gr. Rapids..... 47 30 14 1 2 63 156 112 5 (Getzlaf, Silfverberg), 17:36. 2-8, Williams 1-3, Walker 1-9). Fouled Out
4-10, S. Pisani 1-3, S. Parsons 0-1, A. Bur- Milwaukee.... 48 27 16 3 2 59 132 134 Third Period7, Anaheim, Kesler 19 None. ReboundsL.A. Clippers 50 (Jordan
SATURDAY JUNIORS nett 0-1, A. DiCarlo 0-1); Washington 6-13 16), Charlotte 40 (Kaminsky 8). AssistsL.A.
Anthony Clare................ 216-175-149540 Chicago......... 51 28 17 3 3 62 171 140 (Fowler), 9:38. 8, Anaheim, Getzlaf 9 (Biek-
(A. Grundy 5-10, C. Clark 1-2, B. McLaugh- Iowa.............. 50 25 19 5 1 56 127 130 sa, Fowler), 11:48. 9, Washington, Sanford Clippers 26 (Griffin 8), Charlotte 24 (Batum 8).
Christian Shultz.............. 147-168-180495 lin 0-1). ReboundsF&M 38 (E. Brown Total FoulsL.A. Clippers 21, Charlotte 20.
Cleveland...... 46 23 18 2 3 51 115 122 1 (Niskanen, Connolly), 17:21. 10, Washing-
10); Washington 30 (C. Quattro 9). As- Charlotte....... 48 22 23 3 0 47 119 129 ton, Johansson 19 (Backstrom), 19:47. Bucks 116, Pacers 100
sistsF&M 15 (S. Pisani 5, A. Petersen 5);
WOMENS Washington 11 (B. McLaughlin 4). Fouled
Manitoba...... 47 18 23 3 3 42 115 146
Rockford....... 49 15 23 8 3 41 114 165
Shots on GoalAnaheim 5-10-722.
Washington 16-10-1339. MILWAUKEE (116)
Beasley 3-8 0-0 7, Snell 4-5 1-2 13, Ante-
BASKETBALL OutF&M, none; Washington, none. Total
FoulsF&M 12; Washington 23.
Pacific Division Power-play opportunitiesAnaheim 0 of
tokounmpo 4-9 12-14 20, Maker 4-8 1-2 12,
GP W L OL SL Pts GF GA 2; Washington 1 of 3.
GoaliesAnaheim, Gibson 21-14-8 (38 Dellavedova 2-6 3-4 9, Teletovic 6-10 2-3 19,
Lock Haven 77, Millersville 70 (2OT) San Jose........ 40 25 11 1 3 54 138 100 Monroe 6-8 5-6 17, Brogdon 5-14 5-6 17,
SATURDAYS SCORES LOCK HAVEN (8-14, 5-13 PSAC) Ontario......... 43 24 11 8 0 56 133 125 shots-33 saves). Washington, Holtby 29-8-
4 (22-18). Vaughn 1-5 0-0 2. Totals 35-73 29-37 116.
R. Devine 10-14 8-9 30, K. Henderson 4-9 San Diego...... 42 25 13 2 2 54 131 111 INDIANA (100)
EAST Tucson.......... 41 21 15 5 0 47 118 132
Army 68...............................American U. 57 5-8 13, L. Mealing 5-11 2-2 12, B. Reilly 4-5
Texas............. 45 22 20 1 2 47 142 150
Rangers 4, Avalanche 2 George 4-11 3-3 13, Miles 8-16 1-1 23,
Boston U. 67....................... Loyola (Md.) 55 0-0 11, M. McHale 2-6 3-3 9, A. Dombrows- Colorado............................... 1 1 0 2 Turner 4-12 10-11 18, Allen 2-3 0-2 4, Teague
ki 0-5 1-1 1, A. McGill-Jefferson 0-5 1-4 1, E. Bakersfield.... 42 19 18 4 1 43 120 121 N.Y. Rangers........................... 1 0 3 4 1-2 0-0 2, Robinson 1-4 0-0 2, Seraphin 3-5
Bryant 63.................St. Francis Brooklyn 54 Stockton....... 43 19 19 4 1 43 122 124
Bucknell 79................................. Colgate 49 James 0-1 0-0 0, A. Hillson 0-0 0-0 0. Totals First Period1, N.Y. Rangers, Klein 2 0-0 6, Jefferson 4-6 0-0 8, Stuckey 1-4 3-3 6,
25-56 20-27 77. San Antonio.... 48 21 23 4 0 46 124 142 (Lindberg, Skjei), 2:26. 2, Colorado, Lan- Ellis 7-10 3-4 18. Totals 35-73 20-24 100.
Fairleigh Dickinson 67......... LIU Brooklyn 54 MILLERSVILLE (9-15, 7-12 PSAC) NOTE: Two points are awarded for a win,
Fordham 74................................. UMass 43 deskog 11 (Mackinnon, Tyutin), 19:44. Milwaukee.............. 29 33 26 28 116
A. Hall 5-11 6-7 16, J. Farquhar 4-12 4-6 one point for an overtime or shootout loss. Second Period3, Colorado, Mitchell 2 Indiana.................... 22 30 22 26 100
Harvard 69....................................Brown 59 14, K. Bamberger 5-10 1-2 13, K. Mellinger Fridays Games (Comeau, Iginla), 3:01. 3-Point GoalsMilwaukee 17-31 (Teletovic
Lehigh 80................................Holy Cross 64 2-8 4-4 9, S. Krusinsky 3-8 1-2 7, C. Hinnant Cleveland 3....................... Manitoba 2 (SO) Third Period4, N.Y. Rangers, Klein 3 5-9, Snell 4-5, Maker 3-5, Dellavedova 2-3,
Mount St. Marys 66.......St. Francis (Pa.) 58 3-9 0-2 6, A. Van Brakle 2-4 0-0 5, R. Wil- Binghamton 3............................ Syracuse 2 (Fast, Lindberg), 2:50. 5, N.Y. Rangers, Nash Brogdon 2-6, Beasley 1-1, Antetokounmpo
N. Illinois 89................................. Buffalo 80 liams 0-0 0-0 0, J. Kloster 0-2 0-0 0. Totals Toronto 6......................................... Utica 4 16 (Mcdonagh, Stepan), 5:36. 6, N.Y. Rang- 0-1, Vaughn 0-1), Indiana 10-22 (Miles 6-11,
Navy 68.....................................Lafayette 65 24-64 16-23 70. Lehigh Valley 4........................... St. Johns 2 ers, Hayes 14 (Miller, Grabner), 18:22. George 2-3, Stuckey 1-2, Ellis 1-3, Turner 0-3).
Penn 61.......................................Cornell 55 Lock Haven.......13 14 13 17 6 14 77 Bridgeport 1........................... Providence 0 Shots on GoalColorado 5-12-1734. Fouled OutGeorge. ReboundsMilwaukee
Penn St. 79..................................Purdue 73 Millersville.........9 20 15 13 6 7 70 Albany 3................................... Rochester 2 N.Y. Rangers 10-9-1130. 37 (Monroe, Antetokounmpo 8), Indiana 36
Princeton 62............................ Columbia 52 3-Point GoalsLock Haven 7-17 (B. Reilly Hartford 3............................... Springfield 2 Power-play opportunitiesColorado 0 of (George 8). AssistsMilwaukee 28 (Antetok-
Robert Morris 74........................Wagner 41 3-4, R. Devine 2-5, M. McHale 2-5, K. Hen- WB-Scranton 4..................... Hershey 3 (OT) 1; N.Y. Rangers 0 of 3. ounmpo 10), Indiana 19 (Turner, Teague 6).
Sacred Heart 82..............................CCSU 61 derson 0-1, L. Mealing 0-1, E. James 0-1); Charlotte 3................................. Stockton 1 GoaliesColorado, Pickard 9-16-1 (29 Total FoulsMilwaukee 18, Indiana 25. Tech-
Saint Louis 74................St. Bonaventure 58 MU 6-23 (K. Bamberger 2-6, J. Farquhar Chicago 7.............................. San Antonio 3 shots-26 saves). N.Y. Rangers, Lundqvist 26- nicalsMilwaukee defensive three second,
UConn 83.........................................SMU 41 2-6, K. Mellinger 1-5, A. Van Brakle 1-3, S. Iowa 4................................. Grand Rapids 2 13-1 (34-32). Milwaukee team.
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li ddoc of $138 extra. Available units include in stock and production units. + Ram lease = 39 mo, 10k mi/yr. includes lease loyalty/conquest rebate ++++ Wrangler lease = 39 mo, 10k mi/yr. includes lease loyalty/conquest rebate.
units. ++ Pacifica lease == 39 mo, 10k mi/yr. Includes lease loyalty/conquest rebate. Renegade lease = 39 mo, 10k mi yr. inc lease loyalty/conquest rebate. Cherokee lease = 39 mo, 10k mi/yr. includes lease loyalty/conquest rebate. *Prices good until 2/28/2017.
SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 12, 2017 n SEND STORY TIPS & INFO TO: TIM MEKEEL, 481-6030, [email protected]
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n page D6
facts are bad
basis for
friend recently joked to
me about how people
sometimes resort to
alternative facts when
it comes to their money.
And its true. They tell
themselves falsehoods,
such as: Im not really
responsible for a loan
if I co-sign. Or: I can
afford this new car loan
because Im going to cut
my spending.
In case youre unfamil-
iar with the reference,
it came from White
House counselor Kel-
lyanne Conway, who was
responding to criticism
that President Trumps
press secretary, Sean
Spicer, had overstated
the inaugural crowd
size. Conway said Spicer
was merely presenting
alternative facts.
Many people find 1-time screening of Sight & Sound
themselves in trouble
because of alterna- epic set for 600 theaters May 2
tive financial facts. So
I asked my Facebook TIM MEKEEL
[email protected]
followers to weigh in on
the financial lies theyve Starting this spring, Sight & Sound Theatres will give peo-
told themselves over the ple across the country a new choice.
years. They can travel to Strasburg to watch its production of
Here are some of Jonah. Or they can travel to a nearby movie theater.
the alternative facts I But the more convenient option will be offered only once
received: on Tuesday, May 2.
Having insurance Sight & Sound last week disclosed details of its nationwide
on my kids is a good in- movie-theater debut, intended to put its work in front of a SIGHT & SOUND PHOTOS
vestment for the future. broader audience. Scenes from Sight & Sound Theatres Jonah, which will be
shown in movie theaters nationwide on May 2.
The truth: This is a false- The company had an-
hood that many parents nounced in December that it
buy in to. They are sold In Lancaster would put a movie version of sibly more by May 2.
insurance for their chil-
dren as a way to lock in County, the only one of its stage productions
into about 600 theaters na-
Sight & Sound retained Fathom Events, a Colorado-based
firm that specializes in placing exclusive events into movie
a policy should the child place to see the tionwide for just one show- theaters, to line up the network of cinemas.
become uninsurable in
the future. Or they are
movie version of ing, but offered no specifics.
Sight & Sound is here to
The stage version of Jonah debuted at Sight & Sounds
Strasburg location in 2012. Next it appeared on Sight &
told its a great way to Jonah will be engage the hearts and minds Sounds stage in Branson, Missouri, for the 2014-15 season.
save for children.
Its not imperative that
Penn Cinema, of our audiences with stories
from the Bible, said Josh
It will return to the Strasburg stage this year, from March
11 through Oct. 14.
you buy life insurance 541 Airport Enck, executive producer of Dean Sell, Sight & Sounds brand director, said the movie
for children, said James Road, Lititz. the show and chief creative was made from tapes of four Strasburg performances during
Hunt, a retired life officer of Sight & Sound. that 2012 run. The movie version is almost the entire stage
insurance actuary who Tickets to the 7 Theres tremendous de- show, except for four to six minutes.
assists the Consumer p.m. showing mand for these shows, but Why tape the show four times?
Federation of America not everyone can come to From performance to performance, Sight & Sound tweaks
on life insurance issues. are $12.50. our theaters. So this over- the placement of the eight cameras used in the taping pro-
Of course, children flow onto movie screens is a cess, to get the best possible result, Sell explained.
dont need life insur- great way to help more peo- Jonah is an epic production, as Sight & Sound shows are.
ance, which is rebutted ple have a Sight & Sound Theatres experience, Enck said in The show has a cast of more than 50 actors, 550 costumes,
by agents wholl argue a prepared statement. nearly three dozen live animals, more than 70 set pieces (in-
that it preserves insur- In Lancaster County, the only place to see the movie ver- cluding a 30,000-pound boat) and a 40-foot whale.
ability in case of a medi- sion of Jonah will be Penn Cinema, 541 Airport Road, All of the music in the production is original. Sight & Sound
cal incident, a very low Lititz. Tickets to the 7 p.m. showing are $12.50. hired the Prague Symphony Orchestra to perform the mu-
likelihood, Hunt said. The G-rated film, running one hour and 50 minutes, is sic, an orchestra that Sight & Sound regularly uses because
And he added: Sales titled Jonah: On Stage! It also will be shown in Harrisburg it has ties to Sight & Sounds composers.
costs are usually dispro- and Lebanon. Jonah is the story of a stubborn Old Testament proph-
portionately high for the Some 581 movie theaters have committed to showing the et by that name. God tells Jonah to go to the wicked city of
need. movie so far. The roster is expected to reach 600 and pos- SIGHT & SOUND, page D8
More importantly, the
main reason to buy life
insurance is income re-
placement. Unless your
child is supporting the
family, youre better off
putting money in a 529
Caribbean Brothers restaurant opens on Rt. 30
college-savings plan. previously occupied by
Hell pay me back, JRs. CARIBBEAN
were family. The truth: Carlos Castille is an BROTHERS
Many relationships have owner-operator of the
been ruined or strained restaurant. Ben Ander- BAR & GRILL
by the misguided expec- son and Ray Dixon, own- n Address: 2250
tation that a loan will be ers of Got Jerk! sauces Lincoln Highway E.
(inside Lancaster
repaid. CHAD UMBLE and marinades, also Family Resort).
Online lender iLoan WHATS IN STORE have ownership stakes,
surveyed 800 people last but are not involved in n Hours: 4-10 p.m.
Sunday through
July about borrowing day to day operations. Thursday, 4 p.m. to
money from family and Caribbean Brothers At the new restaurant, 2 a.m. Friday and
friends. The top reasons Bar & Grill opened this Caribbean dishes will be Saturday. (Kitchen
for the loans were for past week along Route made with the owners closes at midnight
educational needs, basic 30 inside the Lancaster sauces and include jerk Friday and Saturday.)
necessities (food, water, Family Resort, across chicken, beef patties and n Phone: 717-617-
electricity) or to buy or from Dutch Wonderland. oxtail. 2809.
fix a car. The new restaurant in The menu will also fea- n Online:
But the survey found the hotel at 2250 Lin- ture hamburgers, pizza, SUZETTE WENGER | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
that 36 percent of family coln Highway E. takes meatloaf and spaghetti, Employees Ricky Kamanu and Sherri Wentzel of caribbeanbrothers
Caribbean Brothers Bar and Grill at the restaurant, restaurant.
and friend lenders a spot next to Stitches among other items. which recently opened in the Lancaster Family Resort.
SINGLETARY, page D8 Comedy Club that was WHATS IN STORE, page D2
Friday, Feb. 24
n Lancaster Chamber
business community CONTACT INFORMATION
conversation on the Whos News, featuring promotions, hirings and certifications of management-level
heroin epidemic, at employees, appears each Sunday. Send us your news with an optional JPG photo to
9 a.m., Pennsylvania [email protected] or by visiting lancasteronline.com/whosnewsform. Whos
College of Health News items also can be mailed to LNP Business News, P.O. Box 1328, Lancaster PA
Sciences, 850 Greenfield 17608-1328 or dropped off at our offices at 8 W. King St. in downtown Lancaster.
Road. Chamber
only, $15. Information
and registration at
Friday, March 3
n Lancaster Chamber Here is a list of Lancaster County Kevin L. and Holly L. Kahler, 100 block of
Wake Up to the bankruptcies recorded in U.S. Bankruptcy Market Street, Lititz. Chapter 7.
For a complete list visit Issues forum with Court, Eastern District of Pennsylvania,
Congressman Lloyd Reading, Jan. 31-Feb. 6. Mary Frances Kane, 1000 block of Allison
.com/closings Smucker, at Cork Keith A. Bucher, first block of Detweiler Circle, Drumore. Chapter 7.
Factory Hotel, 480 Avenue, Mount Joy. Chapter 7.
New Holland Ave. n Under Chapter 7 of the U.S. Bankruptcy
Open to all, at varying Andrea E. Beattie, 300 block of College Code, a debtors assets are liquidated to
costs. Information Avenue. Chapter 7. pay creditors. Under Chapter 11, the debtor,
and registration at often a company, reorganizes and may pay
lancasterchamber.com/ Alezra J. Williams, 1400 block of Carlton some creditors. Under Chapter 13, a debtor
events.aspx. Drive. Chapter 13. proposes a repayment plan.
Create DIY speakers from tips/12244/10-surprising-uses-for-a- the cable through the middle of the
household items tablet for nine additional hacks to try. CDs case.
The final product should look like a
Wasnt that fun? Lets take it to the Boost your Wi-Fi signal miniature satellite dish. Visit videos.
next level: You can make your own komando.com/watch/2929/kims-
speakers. All you need is an empty Would you believe you can use an old reports-boost-your-wi-fi-with-house-
cylinder, such as the cardboard tube CD and a coat hanger to improve the hold-objects for a full video tutorial.
KIM KOMANDO you find in the middle of wrapping Wi-Fi signal in your house? Sounds
CYBER SPEAK paper, a Pringles sleeve or a two-liter crazy, right? Test your remote controls
soda bottle. This trick is a little more sophisti- batteries
Cut out a hole or add a notch that cated than dumping a phone in a bowl,
Six tech hacks you fits your smartphones body. Make but if youre patient, you can pull it off. Normally, when you want to check
sure youre affixing the phone so that Youll also need a plastic CD case, a the batteries on your remote control,
need in your life the speakers are facing into the tube. glue gun, a pair of wire strippers, and a you have to remove them. Maybe you
The sound will resonate inside the coaxial cable. have a tester, or maybe you just want
Life hacks are addictive. Maybe vacuum, and the increased volume In short, you have to fashion an an- to stick your double-As in another
you fixed a running toilet with a and higher quality will surprise you. If tenna out of the clothes hanger, which device.
paperclip. Or you turned a ruddy old youre feeling ambitious, you can use will look like an angular figure eight. If you have an iPhone, you can skip
door into a makeshift coffee table. You pretty much any building material, Glue the CD to the plastic container it that step altogether. Just switch on
looked at your invention with pride, including PVC pipe. came in. Then stick the antenna onto your camera and aim the remote at
because you foraged in the garage and Remember, each material and shape one end of the coaxial cable and string KOMANDO, page D8
jerry-rigged something together that will affect sound in different ways. Vis-
worked. it videos.komando.com/watch/9932/
There are many tech hacks that of- komando-flash-tips-5-diy-speakers-
fer simple solutions to everyday digital with-really-big-sound-no-crafting-
setbacks. involved for a slideshow showing what
Heres a list of some of my favorite these ersatz speakers look like.
tech hacks. Most are easy and immedi-
ate, but theres one to embrace your Turn your old tablet into a
inner MacGyver that should take you a digital picture frame
few hours.
Be sure to watch the video demon- Most tablets get updated every year
strations too. You wont miss a step or two, so once youve purchased your
that way. most recent one, what do you do with
the old device?
Amplify phone speakers You can turn some tablets into a
digital picture frame, which you can
Smartphone speakers arent very easily place on any dresser or hearth.
powerful, which is why most people Show off your vacations and family
connect the phone to ear buds or Blue- photographs, and switch the scenery
tooth stereo gear to really enjoy their whenever you like.
music and podcasts. Simply load up a site like Photos-
But if youre in a pinch for sound, nack. It pulls photos from your online
place your phone into a dry cup or accounts like Facebook and Flickr and
bowl. Aim the speakers downward, automatically assembles a slideshow
and youll be astonished how much for you to enjoy.
louder your audio will sound. The You can also use the photos already
hack only takes a second to set up. Just stored on your tablet and create an
remember to use clean cups! ongoing slideshow. Not sure how to do
Want to hear how much better it that? There are numerous dedicated
sounds? Visit videos.komando.com/ slideshow apps that make it easy.
watch/3818/kims-reports-cup-bowl- Want even more uses for an
phone-amplifier-trick. old tablet? Visit komando.com/
Talking Points
Johnny Depp
has sued
his financial
his money.
Self-Medicating Mr. Depp at
For Morning Sickness the Peoples
As states legalize recreational or Choice Awards
medical use of marijuana, more in January.
pregnant women are using it. In
a recent survey, almost 4 percent
of mothers-to-be in 2014 said
they had used marijuana in the
previous month, compared with
2.4 percent in 2002. The practice
seems risky. Preliminary research
suggests that marijuanas main
psychoactive ingredient, THC,
can cross the placenta, potentially
harming babies brain develop-
ment, cognition and birth weight.
A Too-Short Intermission
Broadway brought in a record
audience of 13.3 million people
last season. Thats good news for
the producers, but it means ex- Mr. Depp, by his own admis- A Very Big Spender federal fiduciary rules dont apply.
tra-long lines clogging lobbies and sion, would regularly sign docu- Who is to blame for Johnny And his lawsuit will be unaffected
stairwells outside the too-few and ments the Management Group Depps financial problems? by the fate of the rule proposed
put before him, without bothering under President Obama because
$650 million
too-small bathrooms. The problem
is especially acute for women, who People should keep track to read them, on the assumption
that his financial adviser was
it has been filed in state court.
Nonetheless, his suit demon-
make up two-thirds of the crowd. of their money, but a behaving as a loyal fiduciary and The movie stars estimated strates that instead of dismissing
Theater owners are trying to earnings over 30 years.
ease the problem with a surge of
fiduciary rule can help. prudent steward of his funds and
finances, his lawsuit asserts.
the rules critics, we ought to ac-
knowledge the challenges they
excavating, annexing, converting
and renovating. Some are also The thing celebrity magazines
never mention about Johnny
And this is where the Trump
administration comes in, because
that word fiduciary is at the
$5.6 million
Interest he paid on overdue taxes.
Consider, for instance, the
claims made by Mr. Depps law-
retraining ushers in methods of
Depps current problems the heart of a battle raging within the yers that the Management Group
$2 million
crowd control.
foreclosures on his homes, how he federal government over how never once paid the actors taxes
was said to have cut off his finger- much responsibility we ought to on time in 16 years (which the
tip in a marital dispute, the fact he bear in managing our own financ- Depps monthly spending habit. company disputes). How many
may need to sell a small French es. years should a tax adviser miss
village to cover debts associated
with the subsequent divorce is
In 2015, President Barack
Obama asked the federal gov-
ernment to force most of the na-
$28 million
Amount he paid to Management
a deadline before its the clients
responsibility to replace him?
how his challenges are relevant to Whats more, according to the
the Trump administration. tions financial advisers to abide Group for its financial services. countersuit filed by the Manage-
Mr. Depp has appeared in some by whats known as the fiduciary ment Group, Mr. Depps financial
of the highest-grossing (Pirates standard, a set of rules that would distress was a result of his ten-
of the Caribbean) and weirdest require advisers to give their now he has signed an executive dency to overspend at a rate
The Board Looks Familiar (Yoga Hosers) films of the past clients the best possible advice order seeking a review of the pro- of $2 million a month on items
White men continue to hold more 30 years, earning him an esti- (rather than, say, advice that pays posed rule. The rule might be the like 14 homes, a chain of islands in
than two-thirds of the board seats mated $650 million. Being a rich those advisers the highest fees). dumbest decision to come out of the Bahamas, $30,000 per month
on Fortune 500 companies, figures movie star, however, does not Its a very simple principle, Mr. the U.S. government in the last 50 on wine, and $3 million to blast
for 2016 show. Women and minori- bring financial savvy. Over the Obama said at the time. You want to 60 years, Anthony Scaramuc- the ashes of Hunter S. Thompson
ties occupied nearly 31 percent of past decade, Mr. Depp has paid to give financial advice, youve got ci, an investment manager who from a custom-made cannon.
the seats, a small increase over more than $5.6 million in interest to put your clients interests first. has served as an adviser to Mr. For its advice and services, the
the last four years. on overdue taxes, has lent mil- For most financial advisers, Trump, said, vowing to repeal it Management Group was paid $28
lions of dollars to people and has becoming a fiduciary was no as soon as we can. Republicans million out of Mr. Depps accounts.
unwisely splurchased a number big deal, because they had been in Congress have introduced leg- And this is where questions
Big Games Crunch Time of questionable investments, in- giving good advice anyway. For islation to kill the rules. regarding the fiduciary standard
No word on this years numbers, cluding that town near St.-Tropez. instance, the investment firm In truth, this battle is part of a come into play, because while Mr.
but Americans ate an estimated These money missteps, Mr. Merrill Lynch said it would volun- broader clash within the federal Depp is clearly prone to some bad
11.2 million pounds of potato chips Depp says, are not his fault. Back tarily hold its retirement advisers government that is likely to shape financial choices, just as clearly
during the 2016 in 1999, Mr. Depp hired a firm to the new standard. We view the Mr. Trumps presidency. At the the Management Group has al-
Super Bowl. named the Management Group Department of Labor Fiduciary core of those who oppose the new lowed those decisions to occur.
And while the to oversee his finances. But those Rule as a positive step for the in- fiduciary rules is a basic belief: And thats the rub for observers
financial advisers engaged in dustry and great news for inves- People ought to bear more re- who believe Mr. Obamas fiduciary
flavors grow
years of gross mismanagement, tors, reads a company web page. sponsibility for monitoring their rules are good policies and should
more exotic self-dealing, and at times, actual Other investment firms, how- finances and lives. The fiduciary become established law: We dont
on American fraud, according to a lawsuit Mr. ever, were less enthusiastic about standard, its critics claim, does a like having to defend the irrespon-
shelves, there Depp filed against the company. the new rules. Their objections disservice to the nation by plac- sible choices of people like Johnny
SHANNON STAPLETON/ is plenty of (The Management Group filed a ranged from the ridiculous (sug- ing the burden of accountability Depp. Mr. Trumps advisers have
competition countersuit on January 31 deny- gesting that tens of thousands of on advisers, rather than on us, the a point when they argue that these
abroad. Pringles has salt and sea- ing wrongdoing and arguing that financial advisers would retire to people who should be paying at- new rules might make it easier for
weed in the Philippines, consom- it did everything possible to pro- protest the new rule) to the legit- tention to our bank accounts. average Americans to pay less at-
tect Depp from his own irrespon- imate (profits of some advisers That argument might seem tention to whats going on.
m in Japan, and Serrano ham in
sible and profligate spending.) are likely to fall, and the fees paid preposterous why seek advice But that doesnt mean we
Latin America. In Britain you can The alleged fiscal malfeasance by some investors may rise un- if you cant trust the advice giv- shouldnt have these laws. In the
try prawn cocktail or roast lamb, occurred over 16 years, but the ac- der the new rule). er? until you consider situa- movies, you can assume that ev-
and the Walkers brand once tested tor was unaware of this skuldug- When Donald J. Trump was tions like Johnny Depps. erything will work out in the end.
the aromatic-sounding Cajun gery, his lawsuit asserts, because elected president, the new fidu- Mr. Depps situation is so com- Real life, unfortunately, is more
squirrel. he simply wasnt paying attention. ciary rules werent complete, and plicated that, in most ways, the messy.
Time Is the Enemy on Credit Debt One couple who went through
this exercise, Erika and John
Lupo of Sparta, N.J., did so sooner
Alis 75th birthday on Jan. 17, that has been on loan and dis- The Ali originals done in This drawing created by Muhammad Ali is one of 15 recently donated
to the Muhammad Ali Center in Louisville, Ky.
the LeRoy Neiman Founda- played at the cultural center ALI, page D8
offers, which are typically added to the stress by piling spondents spent an average A scene from Sight & Sound Theatres Jonah, which will be shown
in movie theaters nationwide on May 2.
pitched to help people pay on more debt. of $53 a week, or $2,746 per
off other cards. But youve I work hard. I deserve year, on lunch.
got to have discipline when
it comes to balance-transfer
offers. If you dont pay off
to spoil myself shoes,
clothes, cars. Or I need a
bigger Coach bag. This one
Stop lying to yourself.
Find your financial truth
and youll see some enrich-
Sight & Sound
the balance by the time the isnt big enough for all of my ing results.
introductory period is over, stuff. The truth: Many of us Continued from D1 burg stage this year.
you could get hit with a have too much stuff because Nineveh, but Jonah tries to Sight & Sounds interest in
monstrous interest rate and weve blurred the lines be- n michelle.singletary@washpost. flee instead, getting on a boat movie theaters comes as it
back interest that will only tween needs and wants. com to travel to a distant city. filled 85 percent of its available
While at sea, a terrible storm seats in Strasburg and Bran-
pounds the boat. Jonah tells son last year. That enabled
the crew to throw him over- Sight & Sound to sell a record
These foreign exchange selling rates, as of the close
of business Feb. 8, 2017, apply only to the purchase
Thailand Travels & Trips
If your school, nonprofit club or organization is
of currency amounting to $1,000 or less. These retail offering a trip, tour or a travelogue open to the public,
exchange rates apply only to Fulton Bank and are Continued from D6 The weather cooperat- please send us a typed notice in care of Travels, Trips
furnished by the International Services Department. ed enough the next day for & Tours, LNP, P.O. Box 1328, Lancaster, PA 17608-
Phi Phi Islands a group tour to the smaller 1328. Our fax number is 399-6507. Email address is
CURRENCY RATE U.S. $ island, Koh Phi Phi Leh, [email protected]. Please include day of the
After trekking, we and its hotspot, Maya Bay, week with the date of your trip. Due to space, trips
Australian Dollar (AUD) 0.8263 1.21 will run one time. Deadline to submit is noon Tuesday.
looked forward to de- which is breathtaking but
Canadian Dollar (CAD) 0.8149 1.23
compressing on an other- overrun after the movie ATLANTIC NORTHEAST
Swiss Franc (CHF) 1.0759 0.93 worldly beach on the Phi The Beach made it fa-
Danish Kroner (DKK) 0.1537 6.51 Phi Islands pronounced mous. Even early in the SENIORS & OTHERS
pee pee. But rain was day, it was tough to find a n Tuesday, May 9: Lancaster County Amish and
Euro (EUR) 1.1462 0.87
falling as we arrived and spot free of people posing Farm Tour. Visit Eastland Alpaca Farm, Kreider Farm,
British Pound (GBP) 1.3479 0.74 promised not to let up. with selfie sticks. Leola Amish Buggy Shop, dinner in an Amish home,
an outdoor farmers market and more. Cost: $60 per
Japanese Yen (JPY) 0.009519 105.05 Instead of the party- Nearby, we reveled in person, all inclusive.
hearty main town on Ko an empty swath of sand
Mexican Peso (MXN) 0.0527 18.98 Brochures are available upon request for all tours. All
Phi Phi Don, the largest framed by cliffs before
tours leave from Elite Coach, Ephrata, and Brethren
Norwegian Kroner (NOK) 0.1287 7.77 island, we opted for a se- winding through rock Village, 3001 Lititz Pike, Lancaster. Call Earl K. Ziegler,
New Zealand Dollar (NZD) 0.779 1.28 cluded resort. A long-tail formations to the Blue 717-560-6488, or email at [email protected].
boat plowed through Lagoon, a green-walled
Scottish Pound (GBP) 1.3479 0.74
choppy waters to get us swimming hole packed
Swedish Kroner(SEK) 0.1205 8.30 there, leaving us wind- with tourist boats. TRAVELS WITH PAULETTE
blown and wet from ocean n Thursday, April 13: Cecil County dine about
spray and rain as we tried Nightlife featuring northeast Maryland eateries and tour. Cost:
For high school sports coverage to photograph the green- $115. Full payment due immediately.
Guadalupe Garcia de Rayos is locked in a van that was halted by protesters outside the Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility Wednesday in Phoenix,
Arizona. Rayos was caught using a fake Social Security number in 2008, and has regularly checked in with ICE since then. The mother of two American-born
teenagers, she has lived in the United States for 21 years. She now faces deportation to Mexico.
| Founded 1794
In our words
Bad news,
Protests as American
as apple pie
Letters to the editor destination by Church World
Service. In our case, its the
wonder why the children and
young people are in trouble.
Lancaster Airport, where they I listened to all debates and
April Kelly-Woessner stated are greeted by their sponsor was up all night to see who
in her Feb. 5 column (Pro- LETTER POLICY and then taken to their apart- our next president was going
tests might be creating deeper n Letters to the editor are welcome. All letters must include an ment. Church World Service to be.
divisions in US) that protests address and telephone number for verification purposes. Letters is an essential help and con- In fact, I was on the phone
can be divisive. should be limited to 300 words and on topics that affect the public. tinues to be through many all night with friends who
Writers are limited to one published letter every 14 days. Letters
However, protests are as will be edited for grammar, clarity and length. Material that has
months. were also interested. We
American as apple pie. We appeared elsewhere and form letters are discouraged, and any We are a nation of refugees didnt miss a thing and talked
have a long history of protests detected will not be published. and immigrants and thrive and followed every word. We
in the U.S., including the Bos- HOW TO SUBMIT LETTERS because of our diversity watched history being made
ton Tea Party of 1773, the draft all persons, races, faiths and and we are proud we did.
riots during the Civil War, the Email: [email protected]. cultures working together to There was no running any-
marches of the suffragettes, Fax: 399-6507. make America the great coun- one down, but what an inter-
the civil rights movement, Mail to: Letters, c/o LNP, P.O. Box 1328, try it is! esting night. We must learn
the Stonewall demonstra- Lancaster, PA 17608-1328. The Rev. Bob Hannum, retired to get along in the United
tions, Occupy Wall Street, the East Hempfield Township States; lets hope our police
tea party protests during the departments and all law en-
Obama administration, the forcement officers are more
anti-abortion protests since to foreign governments se- dialogue, Rep. Smucker told Animal abandonment respected. They are surely
the passage of Roe v. Wade, cret? LNP reporter Sam Janesch. should be prosecuted needed more than ever.
and others that are too numer- It appears that Rep. Smuck- Specifically, he said that if Our president and his Cabi-
ous to name. er is assisting the Republi- hed been at his new office In Sunday LNP Jan. 22, the net need our respect.
Protected under the First cans to take us back to the when hundreds of constitu- Pets of the Week were 3-year- They havent shown me
Amendment, the right to free 19th century by eliminating ents demonstrated there Jan. old Savannah and 7-year-old anything yet that they should
speech and assembly are con- the progress and gains made 24, Id have been outside. Piggy Chihuahuas that were not be respected. I also wish
stitutional guarantees pro- in the 20th century to im- I have since learned that abandoned and taken to the the Obama family a blessed
vided to ordinary citizens who prove the working conditions, Rep. Smucker has not yet Lancaster County SPCA. life and a relaxing adjust-
have neither the money nor health and environment of agreed to meet with Lan- Since the police are han- ment upon leaving the White
the backing of monied inter- common people. Truly sad caster Stands Up, nor has he dling cruelty cases, have House.
ests to file lawsuits and to in- and tragic. agreed to hold a public town charges been brought against Nancy Probst
cur legal fees as Kelly-Woess- J. Kenneth Kreider hall meeting with constitu- the owners? I sure hope so. If Ephrata
ner recommends. Elizabethtown ents. the police dont bring charges
Protests are an exercise in While I know he wont al- that just leaves the door open
the rule of law and often the ways meet my personal ex- for others to abandon their Trump is the
only means available to those Questioning Smuckers pectations in performance of pets without any consequenc- leader we need
who have been oppressed, legislative priorities his official duties, I do expect es.
hold strong views, have griev- him to be true to his word. Alexis Griest President Donald Trump
ances, and who dont have the In your recent interview Rep. Smucker, please sched- Drumore Township and Kellyanne Conway al-
money for legal action. Rally, with U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker ule a town hall meeting open ready fulfilled campaign
march, protest, like it or not, it (On the right track, Feb. 5), to the public as soon as practi- promises in the first week of
is the American way. he says he is happy with the cable. We have a lot to discuss. the presidency!
Cheryl Desmond direction the Republican-led Jane Shull Why are there We are securing the borders;
Lancaster Township House is going on reform tax, Lancaster Township election protests? improving the nations health
regulatory and health care care plan; renegotiating the
policies. Many Americans Repub- North American Free Trade
Smuckers voting A few pages later, I read that Refugees coming here lican, Democrat or whatever Agreement and withdrawing
record is truly sad he joined in lockstep with oth- are thoroughly vetted often include Thy will be from the Trans-Pacific Part-
er House Republicans to vote done in their prayers. nership; using extreme vet-
LNPs Feb. 5 issue reported for House Joint Resolution I have the current 13-step After the 2008 and 2012 ting to prevent terrorists from
that U.S. Rep. Lloyd Smucker 38 related to mountaintop re- vetting process from Home- national elections, I am sure entering the country; freez-
(On the right track) is excit- moval coal mining. The reso- land Security and the United many were disappointed with ing hiring for our bloated and
ed as he is working to make lution nullifies a new federal Nations High Commissioner the results and wondered stagnant government; creat-
the American dream acces- rule against companies blast- for Refugees. It is, in my opin- why their prayers were not ing thousands of jobs with
sible to all. ing mountaintops and then ion, extreme. answered. Yet there were no millions more promised; and
In the same issue, it is re- dumping the fractured rock Our church has sponsored violent and/or malicious out- renewing our relationship
ported that he voted (1) to and other debris into nearby two Syrian refugee families, bursts. with Russia, ensuring we have
overturn an Obama adminis- streams and valleys. both of whom are indepen- Why then, after the 2016 a strong ally in the war on ter-
tration rule to keep the men- It looks as though fouling dent now after a year. Both are election, is there such a differ- ror.
tally ill from passing back- our streams and groundwater from Aleppo, much of which is ent and continuing reaction to The burden now is on the
ground checks on federal gun is a Republican idea of regula- a bombed-out pile of rubble. the results? American people to try and
purchases; (2) to nullify a fed- tory reform. However, they had most re- Maybe someone could ex- keep pace with this extraordi-
eral regulation aimed at keep- Hard as I might try, I can- cently fled to Cairo, Egypt, plain this strange phenom- nary administration.
ing federal contractors in not figure out why throwing as urban refugees for four enon to me in a letter to the Liberals, turn the whining
compliance with workplace coal mining debris into our years under the auspices of the editor. into constructive work, and
laws; (3) to nullify federal law streams and stream valleys U.N. After four years and vet- Dan Nauman you will be something positive
protecting streams and drink- is a good idea. It must be the ting, they came to us through Denver instead of an embarrassing
ing water in Appalachian same logic that leads Republi- Church World Service. distraction. These dark times
states from results of moun- can legislators to believe that I cant imagine what it must call for an outstanding leader
taintop removal; and (4) to taking health care away from be like to leave behind every- We must learn who will lead us to the light,
nullify the Securities and more than 20 million people thing but the clothes on ones to get along and we have him, President
Exchange Commission rule is also a good idea. I am glad back, and whatever else can be Donald J. Trump.
that gas, oil and coal compa- these ideas elate you, Rep. crammed into a suitcase, and I wake up in the morning in America, we are great again!
nies must disclose payments Smucker. flee to a squalid camp or urban a quiet apartment feeling well Rick Richards
to foreign governments for In the meantime, Ill have to center. and happy. Ephrata
access to their mineral re- live with this sick feeling in the The European experience I enjoy nothing more than
sources. pit of my stomach. is entirely different. Refu- reading LNP and listening to
In what way is the American Shelby Chunko gees here either come from the news on TV. I am inter- Resistance to Trump
dream made more accessible Mount Joy camps or urban centers and ested in what is happening in is widespread
for the common people by not directly from their home the world. I have a large world
allowing mentally ill people country. While at the camp or map on the wall and a large Poor, poor President Don-
to purchase guns; by allow- Smucker should hold urban center they are under map of Korea on a tripod, to ald Trump. His inaugural
ing large companies to avoid town hall meeting the U.N., and cleared through honor my late husband who crowd was dwarfed by the
reporting their violation of vetting. fought there. outpouring of resistance to
health and safety regulations In Feb. 5s Sunday LNP (On When a sponsor here agrees He left the war but the war his vulgar, racist, hateful talk.
protecting disabled and other the right track), U.S. Rep. to take them through Church never left him. I look where People across America, and
workers; by allowing mining Lloyd Smucker is quoted as World Service or another countries are located. I also the world, will not allow his
companies that dump blast- being eager to meet with his agency, they go through more have a son overseas and now right-wing agenda to go unan-
ed mountaintop rocks and constituents and hear their vetting, which lasts until they retired. swered.
debris into streams and val- concerns. Were dealing with arrive at one of five designated Well today, as each day, I One wonders: Where exactly
leys of Appalachia to pollute issues that are important to airports, where customs offi- read and listen to arguing and is his birth certificate? Has it
streams and drinking water; every constituent in the dis- cials do still more vetting. harassing. These people are been authenticated?
and by allowing large energy trict so we are always open to Finally, they get into a van supposed to be educated and Steve Shapiro
companies to keep payments input and having that kind of and are brought to their local setting an example. Now we Lancaster
wont mention them, because Fellowship reader to write chase LNP photos to put on
they are not germane to this a letter to the editor, as I mugs and the like.)
column. What is germane is thought his views would Shortly after our redesign
how this reader represents resonate with other readers. two years ago, I had a long-
Lancaster County. He didnt think he was running email conversation
Hes involved. much of a writer; maybe his with a reader who used to
Involved enough to call the wife, but not him. despise your paper (Im kind
LORI GOODLIN local paper to ask that a story Lots of Lancaster readers of new in town) I mean
FROM THE EDITOR be done. Involved enough to have told me the same thing despise it. Now I think its
call once, then call back again (not the wife part). They want better and Ive said that (to
in community newspaper
Its readers like him who but a letter? Not so much. appreciation.
make LNP a community So they call and email. And Then there are the many
newspaper. we always listen. folks who have called or
Over the last two weeks, wanted to know the same On any given day, we pub- Believe me, I and others emailed, accusing our news
Ive developed an interesting thing and were already work- lish a page of letters to the here have heard from all pages of having a partisan
telephone friendship with a ing on a story that day about editor and still have dozens corners. bias (we police that scrupu-
reader who lives at Calvary Smuckers reaction. waiting to be published. Two Like the woman who called lously and always aim for
Fellowship Homes in Man- The following day, after weeks ago, we were so flush the morning after the knife objective news coverage).
heim Township. we published a story that we ran two full pages in one attack on a train in Germany, Ive been called a few names
Hes 70 and quite tuned in to Smucker was still reviewing edition. imploring us to run more along the way mostly unde-
whats going on in Washing- the order before making a As much as we newspaper news from Germany because served but all descriptive.
ton, D.C. statement, I called the reader folk like to think thats an her son lives there. Youre not bashful, thats for
Our first conversation was to tell him our reporter Sam encouraging sign about our Or the reader who called sure. You certainly dont lack
the Monday after President Janesch was in Washington, coverage, and it is, its also a just last week to talk about for caring.
Donald Trumps 90-day at that very moment, inter- testament to the strength of a a story we did on her three And thats what makes Lan-
ban on refugees from seven viewing the congressman. community. years ago, and is it true we caster a great community.
countries was announced. The day after that, the read- Nobodys afraid to speak up are selling the photo that ran Keep it coming.
He wanted to know how his er called me to talk about LNP here. with the story? (No, but we
congressman, Lloyd Smucker, doing a story on Medicaid. But theyre not all letter do have a service on Lancast- n Lori Goodlin is print editor at
felt about the issue. My phone friends political writers. erOnline called My Capture LNP. She can be reached at lgood-
He was pleased to learn we viewpoints were clear, but I I encouraged the Calvary that allows people to pur- [email protected] or 717-481-6003.
and confusion for Job.
The simple but profound conclusion is harm. Taken together, they represent an assault on
that we must be proactive in determining Lancaster values and basic American liberties that
what, and more importantly, who influ- many of us refuse to tolerate.
ences our lives and our view of God. If Continued from E1 No wonder more than 500 local residents, in the
we are not intentional in choosing who past three weeks alone, have signed a pledge vowing to
our main influences are in life, there is a route due to public comments. He forgets to men- participate in creative, nonviolent, civil disobedience to
natural drift toward allowing the loudest tion that our community doesnt want an explosive, stop this dangerous project.
voice in closest proximity to be the most high-pressure, fracked gas pipeline-for-export run- The gas industry is already attempting to paint us as
influential. This leads me to ask a personal ning anywhere through our county. Moving the route radicals or outside agitators. But here in Lancast-
evaluation question: Who are the loudest simply poisons different streams, violates different er County, we know better.
voices and who has the most proximity to Amish farms, permanently fragments different forests, We are teachers and students, counselors and
influence our understanding of who God threatens different families. construction workers, mothers and grandfathers,
is friends, news media, social media, When someone is threatening to beat you in the head Republicans and Democrats, farmers and business
music or movies, celebrities, or politicians? because youre standing in their way, and they ask, owners who believe this land and community are
Im not against any of these voices because Would you rather I smash your kneecaps? we hardly worth defending, even at risk of arrest.
they are a part of our world, but if were not praise the abuser for his mercy. This is not the time for hanging our heads and say-
careful, they can become very loud voices Lancaster County residents are facing the very real ing what a shame. This is the time for courageous,
that have more influence on us than wed prospect of having our water contaminated, our forests creative, nonviolent, massive civil disobedience.
like them to. clear-cut, our preserved farms violated, our Amish After three years of public comment, town halls,
Yes, I agree that the books we read and neighbors shamelessly exploited, and our ancient lawsuits, fruitless meetings with elected officials, and
the people we meet have tremendous in- indigenous burial grounds desecrated. Thirty land- expert testimony confirming the irreversible harms
fluence on our lives, and it takes relentless owners in Lancaster County alone are facing condem- we face, FERCs approval Feb. 3 leaves us one op-
discipline to choose them wisely, every day. nation proceedings for refusing to allow a company tion. We are compelled by a moral imperative to use
halfway across the country to inflate their profits by nonviolent civil disobedience to change this fatally
shipping explosive gas through their property to for- broken system.
n Matt Mylin is a pastor at Worship Center, a Lan- eign markets. For anyone willing to join us, we welcome you to our
caster church. Email: [email protected].
Each of these abuses represents an unacceptable peaceful encampment at The Lancaster Stand.
Sunday Conversation
n In an era without Vine,
one might be missing the
kind of fleeting yet all-
too-accurate humor that
was such a trademark of
this form of social media.
Beyonce, Thats why its nice to
left, and find users who continue
Adele to create such digestable
are front- content on more solid
runners for platforms like Twitter. A
Grammy Awards. great example of that is
slapdash portrayal of
ACROSS 60 Running a bit behind 112 Opposite of standing 32 Guido who painted By Sam TraBucco / PuzzleS ediTed By Will ShorTz
1 16-ounce container Massacre of the
61 Part of a stock 113 Getting ready to swing Innocents NO. 0205
6 Material commonly exchange?
114 Lake catch 36 Today 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
used during cathedral 64 Overcome a certain
construction career barrier or 115 White who is the oldest 37 Hmm, guess so 19 20 21
what the answers to the person ever to host
14 Primitive timer S.N.L. 38 Loo, for short
starred clues do? 22 23 24
19 Pinnacles 116 Participate in deciding 39 ____ rally
68 Heavy weight 25 26 27 28 29
20 Sidney Poitiers 1980 42 What boats shouldnt do
autobiography 69 Same with me 117 Took care of 30 31 32 33 34
43 ____ Gay (W.W. II plane)
21 Moretz of Carrie 70 Move hastily DOWN
44 Best Foreign Film of 35 36 37 38 39
22 Performs, biblically 71 Also-ran in 2000 1 Superfluous part of an 2005, set in South Africa
essay 40 41 42 43 44 45
23 When soap operas first 72 Gray squirrel, in slang 45 Kennedy who was the
flourished 74 Send elsewhere for the 2 *One who 64-Acrossed mother of Maria Shriver 46 47 48
28 Sheena who sang U Got 80 Less safe for a plane 5 Gift-shop item 51 Emphatic agreement 68 69 70 71
the Look with Prince landing, in a way 6 Hurriedly showed oneself 52 Org. with a travel ban? 72 73 74
29 No worries 84 Change from black-and- out?
white 54 Bills, e.g.
30 It helps you achieve 7 J to ____ L-O! 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83
balance 86 Classical musician with (Jennifer Lopez album) 55 Hit record?
84 85 86 87 88 89 90
33 Highlighter shades a Presidential Medal of 57 Yi-i-ikes!
Freedom 8 * for astronauts
34 %: Abbr. 9 Like over four billion 58 Pacific 91 92 93
87 Pub vessel
35 Reply to No offense people 59 Ending with teen 94 95 96 97 98 99 100
91 Permeates
37 Aid after a computer 10 Victory is yours 61 Certain conservative 101 102 103 104 105 106
crash, say 92 Behind skirt
11 Mexican president
40 Get 94 Fix, as an election Enrique Pea ____ 62 Hillary Clinton in 1969 or 107 108 109 110 111
Former U.S. President
Abraham Lincoln (1809),
actor Josh Brolin (1968),
naturalist Charles Darwin
other ghosts said
fact that he was a ghost. The
He was beginning to accept the
Answer :
Next Week:
First ladies
At the Salk
Mini Page Mini Quote: Institute for
done is the continues to
opportunity to find cures for
do more. disease.
week for years to find a way to prevent polio the 1950s and was Get some ideas for taking care of
from attacking kids. Finally, he created a the beginning of yourself here: bit.ly/2hReuTH
vaccine to protect people against polio. After the end of polios
successful tests on laboratory animals, it had terrible effects.
to be tested on human beings. Who would
take the risk?
It was clear to
everyone what
Dr. Salk gives a girl the
polio vaccine shot in 1956.
Salk believed so strongly in the quality of Salk had done.
his work that he was willing to risk his own A grateful nation and world applauded This issue of Mini Page
safety to prove that he was right. His wife and his achievement. Salk could have become a Heroes is based on a
his three sons put their lives and health on the very wealthy man from his discovery, but chapter from 50 American Heroes Every
line for him, too. A researcher doesnt usually when asked who would own rights to the Kid Should Meet by Dennis Denenberg
test his own findings, especially on himself polio vaccine, he replied, There is no patent. and Lorraine Roscoe. To order the book,
and his family. Could you patent the sun? He believed such go to heroes4us.com and click on 50
American Heroes Book and Order a
Risky business beneficial work should be freely shared. Salk
Why did the tests involve risks? Because gave away his discovery so the vaccine could
the vaccine consisted of killed specimens of be available to everyone who needed it. Thats At the library:
the actual poliovirus. To prevent the disease a true hero! Polio by Timothy Grayson-Jones
The Mini Page 2017 Andrews McMeel Syndication
Cooks Corner
Cornflake and Hash-Brown Casserole Thank You
* Youll need an adults help with this recipe.
potatoes, thawed
1 (10.75-ounce) can reduced-fat cream of 2 cups cornflakes, principal, superintendent and university
chicken soup crushed professor, and Lorraine Roscoe, a
1 (16-ounce) container low-fat sour cream 3 tablespoons butter or margarine, champion of heroes of every kind, for
1 tablespoon instant chopped onions melted help with this issue.
What to do:
1. Mix first five ingredients in a large 9-by-13-inch baking dish until well-blended. Teachers:
2. Top with crushed cornflakes. Drizzle melted butter on top of the cornflakes. For standards-based activities to
3. Bake at 350 degrees for 45 minutes. Serves 10 to 12. accompany this feature, visit:
2017 Blue Ox Technologies Ltd. Download the app on Apple and Amazon devices.