To Order: Dimensions
To Order: Dimensions
To Order: Dimensions
shown smaller
PM Series than actual size.
Probe diameter e Len um)
b m
U Pt100 (100 @ 0C Pro mini
0.00385//C) Platinum
RTDs with 110 DIN, 13 DIN,
or Class A Accuracies th
eng ) P-M-A-1/4-6-0-P-3
b e L imum shown smaller
U Temperature Range o
Pr min than actual size.
-100 to 400C (-148 to
752F) Depending on
Cable and Accuracy
U 4-Wire Construction in
6 and 3 mm (14 and 18") th
Diameters eng )
Probe diameter o b e L imum 6.3 mm
U A Range of Mounting Pr min (0.25")
Threads and Cable
Materials are Available shown smaller
than actual size.
Probe diameter
Standard Dimensions
To Order
PVC Insulated PFA Insulated Fiberglass Insulated
Sensor Mounting Model Number Model Number Model Number
Accuracy Diameter Thread 6" Probe Length 6" Probe Length 6" Probe Length
1 8 None
P-M-1/10-1/8-6-0-P-3 P-M-1/10-1/8-6-0-T-3 P-M-1/10-1/8-6-0-G-3
8 NPT P-M-1/10-1/8-6-1/8-P-3 P-M-1/10-1/8-6-1/8-T-3 P-M-1/10-1/8-6-1/8-G-3
101 DIN
10 DIN 1 4 None
P-M-1/10-1/4-6-0-P-3 P-M-1/10-1/4-6-0-T-3 P-M-1/10-1/4-6-0-G-3
18 NPT P-M-1/10-1/4-6-1/8-P-3 P-M-1/10-1/4-6-1/8-T-3 P-M-1/10-1/4-6-1/8-G-3
8 None P-M-1/3-1/8-6-0-P-3 P-M-1/3-1/8-6-0-T-3 P-M-1/3-1/8-6-0-G-3
8 NPT P-M-1/3-1/8-6-1/8-P-3 P-M-1/3-1/8-6-1/8-T-3 P-M-1/3-1/8-6-1/8-G-3
31 DIN
3 DIN 1 4
None P-M-1/3-1/4-6-0-P-3 P-M-1/3-1/4-6-0-T-3 P-M-1/3-1/4-6-0-G-3
18 NPT P-M-1/3-1/4-6-1/8-P-3 P-M-1/3-1/4-6-1/8-T-3 P-M-1/3-1/4-6-1/8-G-3
1 8 None
P-M-A-1/8-6-0-P-3 P-M-A-1/8-6-0-T-3 P-M-A-1/8-6-0-G-3
18 NPT P-M-A-1/8-6-1/8-P-3 P-M-A-1/8-6-1/8-T-3 P-M-A-1/8-6-1/8-G-3
Class A
Class A 1 4 None
P-M-A-1/4-6-0-P-3 P-M-A-1/4-6-0-T-3 P-M-A-1/4-6-0-G-3
18 NPT P-M-A-1/4-6-1/8-P-3 P-M-A-1/4-6-1/8-T-3 P-M-A-1/4-6-1/8-G-3
For longer sheath length, change -6 in model to desired length in inches for additional cost when longer than 8". For Silicone Rubber
insulated cable, change -P, -T or -G to -S in the model number and use PFA pricing. For longer cable lengths, change -3 to desired
length in feet for additional cost for PVC, for PFA or Silicone Rubber and for fiberglass. For shielding on PVC, PFA or Fiberglass insulated
cables, change P, T or G to PS, TS or GS for additional cost. Mounting threads also available in 14 NPT, 38 NPT and 12 NPT at
the same price. 18" diameter sensors without threaded fittings and with P, PS, TS, GS and S cables include a transition fitting at the
end of the sheath.
Ordering Examples: P-M-1/10-1/8-6-1/4-P-3, immersion sensor with 18" diameter sheath 6" long with 14 NPT mounting thread, 110 DIN
accuracy, 4-Wire PVC cable 3' long with stripped leads.
P-M-1/10-1/4-6-0-P-3, immerson sensor with 14" diameter sheath 6" long with no mounting thread, 110 DIN accuracy, 4-Wire PVC cable 3' long
with stripped leads.
Interchangeability in C
Temp C Class A 13 DIN 10 DIN
-100 0.35
-50 0.25 0.18
0 0.15 0.10 0.03
100 0.35 0.27 0.08
200 0.55 0.43
250 0.65 0.52
300 0.75
350 0.85
400 0.95
450 1.05
Metric Dimensions
To Order
PVC Insulated PFA Insulated Fiberglass Insulated
Sensor Mounting Model Number Model Number Model Number
Accuracy Diameter Thread 150 mm Probe Length 150 mm Probe Length 150 mm Probe Length
None P-M-1/10-M30-150-0-P-1 P-M-1/10-M30-150-0-T-1 P-M-1/10-M30-150-0-G-1
3 mm
M6x1 P-M-1/10-M30-150-M6-P-1 P-M-1/10-M30-150-M6-T-1 P-M-1/10-M30-150-M6-G-1
10 DIN
None P-M-1/10-M60-150-0-P-1 P-M-1/10-M60-150-0-T-1 P-M-1/10-M60-150-0-G-1
6 mm
M8x1 P-M-1/10-M60-150-M8-P-1 P-M-1/10-M60-150-M8-T-1 P-M-1/10-M60-150-M8-G-1
None P-M-1/3-M30-150-0-P-1 P-M-1/3-M30-150-0-T-1 P-M-1/3-M30-150-0-G-1
3 mm
M6x1 P-M-1/3-M30-150-M6-P-1 P-M-1/3-M30-150-M6-T-1 P-M-1/3-M30-150-M6-G-1
None P-M-1/3-M60-150-0-P-1 P-M-1/3-M60-150-0-T-1 P-M-1/3-M60-150-0-G-1
6 mm
M8x1 P-M-1/3-M60-150-M8-P-1 P-M-1/3-M60-150-M8-T-1 P-M-1/3-M60-150-M8-G-1
None P-M-A-M30-150-0-P-1 P-M-A-M30-150-0-T-1 P-M-A-M30-150-0-G-1
3 mm
M6x1 P-M-A-M30-150-M6-P-1 P-M-A-M30-150-M6-T-1 P-M-A-M30-150-M6-G-1
Class A 6 mm None P-M-A-M60-150-0-P-1 P-M-A-M60-150-0-T-1 P-M-A-M60-150-0-G-1
M8x1 P-M-A-M60-150-M8-P-1 P-M-A-M60-150-M8-T-1 P-M-A-M60-150-M8-G-1
For longer sheath length, change -150 in model number to desired length in millimeters for additional cost to the price when longer than
200 mm. For Silicone Rubber insulated cable, change -P, -T or -G to -S in the model number and use PFA pricing. For longer cable
lengths, change -1 to desired length in meters for additional cost per meter for PVC, for PFA or Silicone Rubber and for fiberglass. For
shielding on PVC, PFA or Fiberglass insulated cables, change P, T or G to PS, TS or GS for additional cost per meter to the price.
Mounting threads also available in M8x1 and M10x1 at the same price (Note: M6 threads not available on 6 mm Dia probes).
3 mm diameter sensors without threaded fittings and with P, PS, TS, GS and S cables include a transition fitting at the end of the sheath.
Ordering Examples: P-M-1/10-M30-100-M6-P-1, immersion sensor with 3 mm diameter sheath 120 mm long with M6x1 mounting thread,
1 DIN accuracy, 4-Wire PVC cable 1 meter long with stripped leads.
P-M-1/10-M60-125-0-P-1, immerson sensor with 6 mm diameter sheath 125 mm long with no mounting thread, 110 DIN accuracy, 4-Wire PVC
cable 1 meter long with stripped leads.
Ultra Precise Air and Gas
Measurement RTD Sensors
shown smaller
than actual size.
L en m) 1 m of 4-wire, stranded
e imu cable with stripped ends
Pr min standard (see table for
(2" insulation options)
U Pt100 (100 @ 0C
0.00385//C) Platinum
RTDs with Class A,
3 DIN and 110 DIN
Accuracies Air Flow Holes in Sheath
U Temperature Range Mounting
-100 to 400C thread
(Depending on Cable Sheath diameter
and Accuracy Selection) gt
L en m)
e im u
U 4-Wire Construction in ob
Pr min
6 and 3 mm (14 and 18") (2 "
U A Range of Mounting P-L-A-1/8-6-1/8-P-3
shown smaller
Threads and Cable than actual size.
Materials are Available Sheath diameter
Standard Dimensions
To Order
PVC Insulated PFA Insulated Fiberglass Insulated
Sensor Mounting Model Number Model Number Model Number
Accuracy Diameter Thread 6" Probe Length 6" Probe Length 6" Probe Length
1 8 None
P-L-1/10-1/8-6-0-P-3 P-L-1/10-1/8-6-0-T-3 P-L-1/10-1/8-6-0-G-3
10 DIN 18 NPT P-L-1/10-1/8-6-1/8-P-3 P-L-1/10-1/8-6-1/8-T-3 P-L-1/10-1/8-6-1/8-G-3
10 DIN
4 None P-L-1/10-1/4-6-0-P-3 P-L-1/10-1/4-6-0-T-3 P-L-1/10-1/4-6-0-G-3
18 NPT P-L-1/10-1/4-6-1/8-P-3 P-L-1/10-1/4-6-1/8-T-3 P-L-1/10-1/4-6-1/8-G-3
8 None P-L-1/3-1/8-6-0-P-3 P-L-1/3-1/8-6-0-T-3 P-L-1/3-1/8-6-0-G-3
113 DIN 18 NPT P-L-1/3-1/8-6-1/8-P-3 P-L-1/3-1/8-6-1/8-T-3 P-L-1/3-1/8-6-1/8-G-3
4 None P-L-1/3-1/4-6-0-P-3 P-L-1/3-1/4-6-0-T-3 P-L-1/3-1/4-6-0-G-3
18 NPT P-L-1/3-1/4-6-1/8-P-3 P-L-1/3-1/4-6-1/8-T-3 P-L-1/3-1/4-6-1/8-G-3
1 8 None
P-L-A-1/8-6-0-P-3 P-L-A-1/8-6-0-T-3 P-L-A-1/8-6-0-G-3
Class A 18 NPT P-L-A-1/8-6-1/8-P-3 P-L-A-1/8-6-1/8-T-3 P-L-A-1/8-6-1/8-G-3
Class A
4 None P-L-A-1/4-6-0-P-3 P-L-A-1/4-6-0-T-3 P-L-A-1/4-6-0-G-3
18 NPT P-L-A-1/4-6-1/8-P-3 P-L-A-1/4-6-1/8-T-3 P-L-A-1/4-6-1/8-G-3
For longer sheath length, change -6 in model number to desired length in inches for additional cost per inch to price when longer than 8". For
Silicone Rubber insulated cable, change -P, -T or -G to -S in the model number and use PFA pricing. For longer cable lengths, change
-3 to desired length in feet for additional cost per foot for PVC, for PFA or silicone rubber and for fiberglass. For shielding on PVC, PFA or
Fiberglass insulated cables, change P, T or G to PS, TS or GS for additional cost per foot to the price. Mounting threads also
available in 14 NPT, 38 NPT and 12 NPT at the same price. 18" diameter sensors without threaded fittings and with P, PS, TS, GS and
S cables include a transition fitting at the end of the sheath.
Ordering Examples: P-L-1/10-1/8-6-1/4-P-3, air sensor with 18" diameter sheath 6" long with 14 NPT mounting thread, 110 DIN accuracy,
4-wire PVC cable 3' long with stripped leads.
P-L-1/10-1/4-6-0-P-3, air sensor with 14" diameter sheath 6" long with no mounting thread, 110 DIN accuracy, 4-wire PVC cable 3' long with
stripped leads.
These sensors are designed for use
in air and gas applications. Vent holes
at the tip of the sensor allow the air or
gas to directly pass around the RTD
element providing the fastest, most
accurate measurement possible.
Interchangeability in C
Temp C Class A 13 DIN 110 DIN
-100 0.35
-50 0.25 0.18
0 0.15 0.10 0.03
100 0.35 0.27 0.08
200 0.55 0.43
250 0.65 0.52
300 0.75
350 0.85
400 0.95
450 1.05
Metric Dimensions
To Order
PVC Insulated PFA Insulated Fiberglass Insulated
Sensor Mounting Model Number Model Number Model Number
Accuracy Diameter Thread 150 mm Probe Length 150 mm Probe Length 150 mm Probe Length
3 mm None P-L-1/10-M30-150-0-P-1 P-L-1/10-M30-150-0-T-1 P-L-1/10-M30-150-0-G-1
110 DIN M6x1 P-L-1/10-M30-150-M6-P-1 P-L-1/10-M30-150-M6-T-1 P-L-1/10-M30-150-M6-G-1
6 mm None P-L-1/10-M60-150-0-P-1 P-L-1/10-M60-150-0-T-1 P-L-1/10-M60-150-0-G-1
M8x1 P-L-1/10-M60-150-M8-P-1 P-L-1/10-M60-150-M8-T-1 P-L-1/10-M60-150-M8-G-1
3 mm None P-L-1/3-M30-150-0-P-1 P-L-1/3-M30-150-0-T-1 P-L-1/3-M30-150-0-G-1
13 DIN M6x1 P-L-1/3-M30-150-M6-P-1 P-L-1/3-M30-150-M6-T-1 P-L-1/3-M30-150-M6-G-1
6 mm None P-L-1/3-M60-150-0-P-1 P-L-1/3-M60-150-0-T-1 P-L-1/3-M60-150-0-G-1
M8x1 P-L-1/3-M60-150-M8-P-1 P-L-1/3-M60-150-M8-T-1 P-L-1/3-M60-150-M8-G-1
3 mm None P-L-A-M30-150-0-P-1 P-L-A-M30-150-0-T-1 P-L-A-M30-150-0-G-1
Class A M6x1 P-L-A-M30-150-M6-P-1 P-L-A-M30-150-M6-T-1 P-L-A-M30-150-M6-G-1
6 mm None P-L-A-M60-150-0-P-1 P-L-A-M60-150-0-T-1 P-L-A-M60-150-0-G-1
M8x1 P-L-A-M60-150-M8-P-1 P-L-A-M60-150-M8-T-1 P-L-A-M60-150-M8-G-1
For longer sheath length, change -150 in model number to desired length in millimeters for additional cost per 25 mm to the price when longer
than 200 mm. For silicone rubber insulated cable, change -P, -T or -G to -S in the model number and use PFA pricing. For longer
cable lengths, change -1 to desired length in meters for additional cost per meter for PVC, for PFA or silicone rubber and for fiberglass. For
shielding on PVC, PFA or Fiberglass insulated cables, change P, T or G to PS, TS or GS for additional cost per meter to the price.
Mounting threads also available in M8x1 and M10x1 at the same price (Note: M6 threads not available on 6 mm Dia probes).
3 mm diameter sensors without threaded fittings and with P, PS, TS, GS and S cables include a transition fitting at the end of the sheath.
Ordering Examples: P-L-1/10-M30-150-M6-P-1, air sensor with 3 mm diameter sheath 150 mm long with M6x1 mounting thread, 110 DIN
accuracy, 4-wire PVC cable 1 m long with stripped leads.
P-L-1/10-M60-150-0-P-1, air sensor with 6 mm diameter sheath 150 mm long with no mounting thread, 110 DIN accuracy, 4-wire PVC cable
1 m long with stripped leads.