Regulation UG Corrected
Regulation UG Corrected
Regulation UG Corrected
B.Tech. (Hons.),
Dual Degree,
Interdisciplinary Dual Degree,
B. Arch. (Hons.),
Integrated M. Sc. Degrees,
2 Year M.Sc. of Joint - M.Sc. - Ph.D.
6 Year Dual Degree M.Sc. - M.Tech.
(iv) 5-year course in Architecture leading to the award of B.Arch. (Hons.) degree.
(v) 5-year Integrated courses in Science subjects leading to the award of both B.Sc.
and M.Sc. Degrees. (Table 2.4)
(vi) 2 Year M.Sc. courses of Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D. Degrees in Science subjects leading to
the award of M.Sc. Degrees. (Table 2.5)
TABLE 2.4 5-year Integrated courses in Science subjects leading to the award of
both B.Sc.(Hons.) and M.Sc. Degrees
Sl. Courses
1. Chemistry
2. Exploration Geophysics
3. Applied Geology
4. Economics
5. Mathematics and Computing
6. Physics
3.2 The Board of Governors (BOG) may, on the recommendation of the Senate
change any or all parts of this Regulation at any time considered appropriate by
the Senate.
4. Academic Calendar
4.1 The academic session is divided into two semesters each of approximately 20
weeks duration: an Autumn Semester (July-November) and a Spring Semester
4.2 The Senate-approved schedule of academic activities for a session, inclusive of
dates for registration, mid-semester and end-semester examinations, inter-
semester breaks etc., shall be laid down in the Academic Calendar for the
session and published on Institute Web Site. The Academic Calendar shall strive
to provide for a total of about 90 working days in each semester.
5. Admission
5.1 Admission to all courses (except the 2 Year M.Sc. of the Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D.
programs) will be made in the Autumn Semester of each session, at the First
Year level, through a Joint Entrance Examination (JEE Advanced) conducted by
one of the IITs every year by rotation under the supervision of a Joint Admission
Board, which comprises of representatives from all the IITs.
5.3 Admission to 2 Year M.Sc. courses of the Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D. Program will be
made in the Autumn Semester of each session, at the First Year level, through a
Joint Admission Test (JAM) conducted by one of the IITs every year by rotation
under the supervision of a Joint Admission Committee, which comprises of
representatives from all the IITs.
5.4 In special cases the Institute may admit students to a course on transfer from
other IITs. Such admission may be made at any level considered appropriate
except at first year level.
5.5 Provisions of this Regulation do not prevent the Institute from allowing students
enrolled in a university in India or abroad to attend specified subjects in one or
more semesters without leading to any degree on certain terms and conditions.
5.6 All students admitted to any of the courses including those accepted under
Section 5.4 above shall be required to pay at the time of joining and also in
subsequent semesters prevalent tuition and other fees as prescribed by the
Institute till they are on roll.
5.7 The Institute reserves the right to cancel the admission of any student, and ask
him/her to discontinue his/her studies at any stage of his/her career on
grounds of unsatisfactory academic performance, irregular attendance in classes
or indiscipline.
5.8 Candidate admitted through JEE Advanced to B.Tech.(Hons.)/Dual
Degree/Integrated M.Sc. programs (other than B.Arch.(Hons.) students) will be
Students of Interdisciplinary Dual Degree will forgo the three Breadth courses
and two open electives in place of the corresponding subjects of Financial
Engineering or Engineering Entrepreneurship.
For Dual Degree Students, 2 M.Tech. level core/elective subjects will replace the
open electives.
The curricular components of the 2 Year M.Sc. of Joint M.Sc. -Ph.D. Program
structure is shown in the Figure 2.
In the slot of open elective I, only the following category of students can opt for a
subjects from other departments:
The students must have registered for a minor/ Micro-Specialization and the subject
opted from other departments must be one of the subjects of his / her requirement for
the minor/ Micro-Specialization.
The students who do not fall in the above category (who have not registered for a
minor/ Micro-Specialization) have to opt for subjects only from the list of his / her
parent department in this slot.
Open elective II
In the slot of open elective II, the following category of students can opt for a subject
from other departments:
The students registered for a minor/Micro-Specialization may utilize this slot in opting
for a subject of his / her requirement for the minor, or for a subject from other
departments (available in the slot) as he / she desires.
The students having a CGPA <8.0 have to opt for the subjects only from the list of his /
her parent department in this slot.
14.10 Program Duration: The normal duration of programs leading to the degrees to
be awarded under these Regulations are as follows:
(i) B.Tech. (Hons.) - 4 years
(ii) Dual Degree - 5 years
(iii) Interdisciplinary Dual Degree - 5 years
(iv) B.Arch. (Hons.) - 5 years
(v) Integrated M.Sc. - 5 years
(vi) Dual Degree M.Sc.- M.Tech.-6 years
(vii) 2 Year M.Sc. of Joint M.Sc.-Ph.D. Program - 2 Years
14.11 Maximum Time Limit: The total time to earn the degree( inclusive of the period
of Withdrawal, if any) is limited to 8 years, for 4-year B.Tech.(Hons.) and 10
years for 5-year Integrated M.Sc., 5-year B.Arch. (Hons.), and 5-year Dual
Degree students, 4-years for the 2 Year M.Sc. of the Joint M.Sc.- Ph.D.
Program .
14.12 Conferment of Degrees for Dual Degree/5 Year M.Sc. Program/6 Year Dual
Degree M.Sc.- M.Tech: On successful completion, a student would be conferred
the B.Tech.(Hons.) and the M.Tech. degrees in the case of the Dual Degree;
B.Tech. (Hons.) in the parent engineering discipline and M.Tech. in Financial
Engineering or Engineering Entrepreneurship for Interdisciplinary Dual Degree
Programs or Petroleum Engineering for the Trans-disciplinary Program. Both
Rules and Regulations Updated - July 2017 Page 17
B.Sc.(Hons.) and the M.Sc. degrees will be awarded in the case of the Integrated
M.Sc. degree together on successful completion of all ten semesters of study.
For the 6 Year Dual Degree M.Sc.- M.Tech program- B.Sc.(Hons.), M.Sc. degree
in the respective discipline along with an M.Tech. in Petroleum Engineering
would be awarded on successful completion of all twelve semesters of study
15. Co-ordinated Courses
A Co-ordination Committee would be constituted for each subject taught by more
than one teacher of one or more Departments/Centers. Each committee would
consist of all the teachers who are involved with the teaching of the subject
during the semester. One of its members would be nominated by the Head of
that Department, under whose name the subject is being offered, to act as its
15.1 Tenure: The semester in which the subject is being offered.
15.2 Functions:
15.2.1 To lay down the course plan for the subject.
15.2.2 To coordinate instructions and progress of teaching in the subject and
to ensure that the full syllabus is covered.
15.2.3 To review periodically the performance of students who have registered
in the subject.
15.2.4 To forward the results of the examinations and the final grades
obtained by each student taking the subject to the concerned Head of
the Department.
15.2.5 To moderate the question papers on the subject and ensure that the
syllabus is well covered by the question papers.
15.3 Frequency of Meetings: Each Co-ordination Committee shall meet at least four
times during the semester.
16. Industrial Training and Field work
16.1 The curricula for all B.Tech.(Hons.) programs would include compulsory
industrial training for 8 weeks carrying 2 credits, to be carried out in the
summer vacation at end of the sixth semester,
16.2 The curricula for all Dual Degree and 5-year M.Sc. programs would include
compulsory industrial training for 8 weeks carrying 2 credits, to be carried out
in the summer vacation at end of the eighth semester.
16.3 The allotment of training programs of all the students by Career Development
Centre will be frozen by a suitable and fixed deadline each year. No further
change will be entertained under any circumstances.
16.4 A student after being selected in an organization by Career Development Centre
cannot opt out of his training from that organization under any circumstances.
16.5 Any arrangement of training in industry or academia (within or outside the
country) has to be routed through Career Development Centre via the Professor-
in-Charge of training of the respective department.
16.6 Evaluation of Summer Training. The performance of the student in the
Summer Training will be evaluated based on his submission of a certificate from
the organization of his training followed by a combined viva-voce/presentation
In addition, there shall be one grading symbol X used to indicate that the
student is Deregistered/Debarred in that particular subject.
A Semester Grade Point Average (SGPA) will be computed for each semester.
The SGPA will be calculated as follows:
c g i i
SGPA i 1
i 1
where n is the number of subjects registered and cleared for the semester, ci
is the number of Credits allotted to a particular subject, and g i is the grade-
points carried by the letter corresponding to the grade awarded to the student
for the subject. SGPA will be rounded off to the second place of decimal and
recorded as such. The SGPA would indicate the performance of the student in
the semester to which it refers.
24.2 Starting from the second semester at the end of each semester S, a Cumulative
Grade Point Average (CGPA) will be computed for every student as follows:
c g i i
CGPA i 1
i 1
Where m is the total number of subjects the student has registered and
cleared from the first semester onwards up to and including the semester S, ci
is the number of Credits allotted to a particular subject si and g i is the
grade-point carried by the letter corresponding to the grade awarded to the
student for the subject si . CGPA will be rounded off to the second place of
decimal and recorded as such.
The CGPA would indicate the cumulative performance of the student from the
first semester up to the end of the semester to which it refers.
The CGPA, SGPA and the grades obtained in all the subjects in a semester will
be communicated to every student at the end of every semester.
For determining the inter se merit ranking of a group of students, only the
rounded off values of the CGPAs will be used.
From the batch of 2014-2015 onwards the calculation of SGPA and CGPA
will be based on all the subjects registered.
24.3 When a student gets the grade F in any subject during a semester, the SGPA
and the CGPA from that semester onwards will be tentatively calculated, taking
only zero point for each such F grade. After the F grade(s) has/have been
substituted by better grades during a subsequent semester, the SGPA and the
CGPA of all the semesters, starting from the earliest semester in which the F
grade has been updated, will be recomputed and recorded to take this change of
grade into account.
24.4 Conversion of CGPA into percentage Marks: In case of a specific query by
students/employers regarding conversion of CGPA into percentage marks, the
following formula will be adopted for notional conversion of CGPA into
percentage marks. Formula : % Marks = CGPA*10
Table : 25.1
L-T-P Credit Theory (L-T component) Laboratory (P-component)
4-0-6 8 50 50
3-0-6 7 40 60
4-0-3 6 70 30
3-1-3 6 70 30
1-0-8 6 20 80
3-1-2 5 80 20
3-0-3 5 60 40
3-0-2 4 75 25
2-0-3 4 50 50
1-0-5 4 25 75
2-0-2 3 70 30
1-0-3 3 30 70
1-0-2 2 50 50
Once the numeric mark is obtained, the same is to be converted to letter grade
following the guidelines given in Table : 25.2.
Table : 25.2
Marks Range (m) Grade
m >= 90 EX
80 <= m < 90 A
70 <= m < 80 B
60 <= m < 70 C
50 <= m < 60 D
40 <= m < 50 P
m < 40 F
25.3 Large Class Assessment: In the case of a relatively large class and/or classes
where the performance level depicts more or less a normal distribution:
(a) The average performance (around mean value of marks) is to be assigned C
grade. However, if by teachers/co-ordination committees perception the
general level of the class is considered to be appreciably high, the average
performance may be assigned B grade.
Table : 25.3
Grade Distribution
EX <= 10%
A 10 20 %
B, C, D 20 35 %
P 10 25 %
F <=5%
25.3.1 In the case where a student appears in the supplementary examination
or attends summer quarter, the conversion from marks to grade would
be done applying the same norm as was framed for the original class.
25.3.2 For classes where excessive bunching occurs resulting in almost all the
marks tending to cluster into same category, conversion from marks to
grade may be done using the Table 23.2, where m stands for the marks
obtained. However, the teacher may, on his/her perception of the
difficulty level of assessment process undertaken, alter the boundary
(cut-off) marks by +/- 5 marks.
25.3.3 For subject in which the theory component is greater than 1 (one), the
subcomponents and the respective weights assigned to these are given
Table : 25.4
Subcomponent Weight
Teachers Assessment 20%
Mid-Semester Examination 30%
End-Semester Examination 50%
25.3.4 For assigning marks in Teachers Assessment (T.A.) performance in
home assignments, class-tests, tutorials, viva-voce, attendance etc., are
to be considered. At least two class tests are to be conducted for a
subject. The weights of different sub-components of T.A. are to be
announced by the teacher at the beginning of the Semester.
25.3.5 For subjects in which the theory component is 1 (one), there would be
no Mid-Semester or End-Semester Examinations. The marks of the
theory component would be decided by performance in class-tests, home
assignments, tutorials (if any), viva-voce, attendance etc. At least two
class tests are to be conducted for the theory component of such a
subject. The weights of different subcomponents are to be announced by
the teacher at the beginning of the Semester.
25.3.6 For assigning marks in the laboratory component (P-component) the
Rules and Regulations Updated - July 2017 Page 28
relevant sub-components that are to be considered are day-to-day work,
regularity, tests (at least two must be conducted), assignments, viva-
voce etc. Percentage weights of the different sub-components in deciding
the final marks are to be announced at the beginning of the Semester.
25.4 The eight-week industrial training undergone by the students in the summer
vacation after the sixth semester would be assessed within five weeks after the
commencement of the seventh semester. The students are required to submit a
written report on the training received and give a seminar, on the basis of which
a grade would be awarded. The students are also required to submit to the Head
of the Department a completion certificate in the prescribed form from the
competent authority of the organization where the training was received, without
which he/she would not be assessed.
Table : 26.1
Subcomponent Weight
Supervisors assessment 40%
Project Report/Thesis (to be assessed by the board) 20%
Evaluation Boards assessment 40%
The student is required to give a seminar on the project work done. The
evaluation board would conduct the viva-voce. Dates for conducting the seminar
and the viva-voce, to be held within ten days after the end-semester examination,
would be announced in the academic calendar.
26.2 The grades for projects of 7th, 8th semesters for B.Tech. and 9th, 10th semesters
for Dual Degree/Integrated M.Sc. have to be submitted within the respective
deadline of grade submission as per Academic Calendar. If a student cannot
complete the project for any reason, by deadline, he/she will get an F grade. The
extension of project in a semester can be made with the prior approval by Dean
UGS of the application made by the student through his/her Project Supervisor
and Departmental Head.
The deadline for submission of the grades for the extension availed in projects
allotted in Autumn Semester (7th and 9th Semesters) will be three days before the
27. Examinations
27.1 Mid-Semester and the End-Semester Examinations in respect of the theory
component of the subjects are conducted on the dates specified as per academic
27.2 Examination for some subjects are held centrally while for the others it held in
the departments.
27.2.1 A student will be issued an Admit Card for appearing in an
examination, only if he/she has: Paid all Institute and Hall dues of the semester. Not been debarred from appearing in the examination as a result of
disciplinary proceedings.
27.2.2 A student may be debarred from appearing at the Mid-Semester or End-
Semester Examination on the report of a teacher/ chairman, co-
ordination committee, if his/her: Attendance at lecture/tutorial/laboratory classes has not been
satisfactory during the period, and/or, Performance in the assignment works during the semester has not
been satisfactory.
27.3 Attendance in class tests and mid-semester examination:
27.3.1 Class tests, mid-semester examinations, assignments, tutorials, viva-
voce, laboratory assignments, etc., are the constituent components of
continuous assessment process, and a student must fulfill all these
requirements as prescribed by the teacher/co-ordination committee of
31.3 Normally a student should complete all the requirements consecutively in eight
semesters for B.Tech.(Hons.) degree and in ten semesters for B.Arch (Hons.)/5-
Year Integrated M.Sc./Dual Degree. However, academically deficient students
can complete their requirements within the maximum time limits specified in
Section 14.11.
31.4 A student, whose academic records at the end of any semester clearly indicate
that he/she will not be able to qualify for the degree for which he/she had been
admitted within the limits of time specified in Section 14.11 above, shall have
to discontinue studies and leave the Institute when asked to do so.
35. Relaxation
The Senate may, under exceptional circumstances, consider any case of a
3 PRIME MINISTER This Gold medal is awarded to the outgoing student being
OF INDIA GOLD adjudged to be the academically best, securing the highest
MEDAL CGPA at the end of the 10th Semester among the graduating
students of all Dual Degree and 5-year Integrated M. Sc.
courses (admitted through JEE Advanced) on the same
criterion as is being awarded in the case of existing President
of India gold medal
4 DR. JNAN This Gold medal is awarded to the outgoing student of Dual
CHANDRA GHOSH Degree and 5-year Integrated M. Sc. courses (admitted
through JEE Advanced) who is being adjudged to be the best
in all round performance, on the same criterion as is being
followed in respect of Dr. Bidhan Chandra Roy Memorial gold
medal. The distribution of weightage of different activities for
determining the eligibility for the award is as follows
5 PROF. J. C. BOSE This Gold medal is awarded to the student being adjudged to
MEMORIAL GOLD be the academically best, securing the highest CGPA at the
MEDAL end of the 4th Semester, among the graduating students of all
2-Year M. Sc. course in the Science Departments, on the
same criterion as is being followed in respect of existing
President of India gold medal.
13 PROF. K.L. CHOPRA The award provides for a cash prize of Rs.1,000.00 for a
15 GOURI BASAK The award will carry a cash prize of Rs.1,000.00 for the
DESIGN AWARD best project on design done by a student of
B.Arch.(Hons.) course in the pre-final year class.
21 PROF. J.C. GHOSH One cash prize of Rs.2,000.00 is awarded to the student
MEMORIAL PRIZE securing the highest CGPA, in the class at the end of
sixth semester, to each of the B.Tech.(Hons.)/Dual
Degree /B.Arch.(Hons.) and M.Sc. courses in their final
24 R.M. LALWANI PRIZE One cash prize of Rs.1,000.00 is awarded to a final year
student of B.Tech.(Hons.)/Dual Degree/B.Arch.(Hons.) /
Integrated M.Sc. courses taken together, securing
highest CGPA at the end of sixth or eighth semester, as
the case may be.
42 SIKHARINI NAG Two cash prizes of Rs. 20,000/- each in the memory of
MEMORIAL AWARD Late Sikharini Nag, wife of Late Prof. P. K.Nag along with
the citation will be awarded to a 4-year B. Tech.(Hons.)
and 5-year Dual Degree student of the Department of
Mechanical Engineering on completion of their degree
requirements as per the following guidelines:
A student who secures the highest GPA in the following
(i)Fluid Mechanics (ii) Thermodynamics (iii) Heat
Transfer (iv) Applied Thermofluids I (v) Applied
Thermofluids II (vi) Thermofluids Lab. I (vii)
Thermofluids Lab. II
37. Scholarships
Institute Scholarship/ Assistantship
These scholarships are awarded from the Institute funds. The Institute shall
award scholarships on the basis of merit-cum-means to all eligible students of
the 4-year B.Tech.(Hons.), 5-year Dual degree, 5-year B.Arch.(Hons.) and 5-year
Integrated M.Sc. courses, in accordance with the following rules :
37.1.1 All students admitted to any of the 4-year B.Tech.(Hons.), 5-year Dual
Degree, 5-year B.Arch.(Hons.) and 5-year Integrated M.Sc. courses,
except the students belonging to SC and ST (who are eligible for Post-
Matric Scholarship of their respective State Governments), and the
students admitted through DASA channel, who fulfill the conditions
hereinafter appearing shall be eligible for the award of the Merit-Cum-
Means (MCM) scholarship.
37.1.2 These scholarships will be awarded to not more than 25% of the students
admitted each year to the Undergraduate and Dual Degree courses.
37.1.3 The value of these scholarships shall be as determined by the Board of
Governors from time to time.
37.1.4 All MCM scholarship holders will be entitled to exemption from payment
of Institute tuition fee. They shall, however be required to pay all other
prescribed fees.
37.1.5 (a) The MCM scholarships will be payable for all 12 months of the
academic session, from the month of July of one year to the month of
Table : 37.1
1 B.P. PODDAR One scholarship of Rs.1,000.00 per month (payable for
SCHOLARSHIP 10 months in a session) is awarded to the best student
of the final year class of B.Tech.(Hons.)/ Dual Degree/
B.Arch.(Hons.) courses taken together securing the
highest CGPA at the end of the VI or VIII semester, as
the case may be.
7 HEM CHANDRA RAUT One scholarship of the value of Rs.500.00 per month
SCHOLARSHIP (payable for 10 months in a session) is awarded to a
student of final year class of B.Tech.(Hons.)/Dual
Degree course in Ocean Engineering & Naval
Architecture, who secured the highest CGPA at the end
of the preceding VI Semester amongst the other
students of his/her batch.
9 MRS. MINOTI BAGCHI One scholarship of the value of Rs.1,000.00 per month
SCHOLARSHIP (payable for 10 months in a session) is awarded every
fifth year or sixth year, as vacancy occurs depending
upon the duration of the course to which the present
awardee belongs, to a student who is physically
challenged. The first preference for the scholarship
would be given to a girl student. Student of
B.Tech.(Hons.)/Dual Degree/ B.Arch.(Hons.) /
Integrated M.Sc. courses, selected for the scholarship in
the first year will continue to receive the scholarship for
10 months every year during the entire duration of the
course to which admitted, subject to the condition that
she/he does not fail in any subject at any level and
maintains at least the minimum CGPA of 6.00 every
year. Clearing a subject in a Supplementary
Examination/Summer Quarter following the session
concerned will not disqualify the student from receiving
the scholarship.
GORA LAL SYNGAL Another scholarship will be given to a 3rd year student,
In the 2nd year, six second year students will receive the
awards depending on their need and merit which will be
decided by the CGPA at the end of fourth semester and
parents annual income. In addition, another six first
year student will receive the award raising the number
to 12.
32 SUSHMA MUKHIJA Rs. 1,00,000/- each scholarship per annum after 6th
MEMORIAL semester (i.e. 3rd year) for the Department of Aerospace
SCHOLARSHIP Engineering, Civil Engineering, Chemical Engineering,
Electronics and Electrical Communication Engineeing,
Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering as
per criteria