Digital Journalism Syllabus, Fall 2017
Digital Journalism Syllabus, Fall 2017
Digital Journalism Syllabus, Fall 2017
This course serves as your humble guide to the rapidly changing universe of digital news. Media
careers in the 21st century require an audience-centered mindset in which journalists and all media
professionals must possess a versatile set of multi-platform reporting skills and fluency in social
media while also upholding the timeless journalistic standards of news judgment, accuracy,
fairness and truth. Convergence and interactivity are the prevailing reality in todays media
workplaces, and you will get a strong dose of both in this course. You will learn how to use social
media as a tool for audience engagement and self-promotion; gain an understanding of basic Web
analytics; try your hand at real-time reporting through live blogging and tweeting; become
proficient in the basics of HTML code; shoot and edit digital photos; gather and edit audio to
produce multimedia projects and NPR-style audio segments; and create or optimize your own
portfolio website as a first step in establishing a sophisticated personal brand. You will create high-
quality, multi-platform news content and develop a professional digital presence while practicing
the core values that, even in a changing media landscape, remain the industrys bedrock
standards. Ultimately, this course boils down to a single question to continually ask yourself:
How can I connect digital audiences to trustworthy information that fascinates me?
This course fulfills the following University Curriculum requirements:
Students will be able to apply a cumulative understanding of interdisciplinary/
disciplinary practice.
Students will be able to produce a record or artifact showing some original achievement
in research, synthesis, creative endeavor, exploration, or other production.
Attendance: Treat this class as if it is a job. You are expected to be in every class, show up on
time and turn in work on time. If you must miss class or lab, contact the instructor in
advance, just as you would your editor or boss at work.
Roll will be taken every day. Any student who misses the first day of class may be dropped. With
three or more unexcused absences, you could be dropped or receive an F. Absences also will
factor into your class participation grade. You get one free pass for an unexcused
absence. After that, each unexcused absence will result in an automatic deduction of
at least 10 points from your class participation grade. An absence will be considered
unexcused unless you are able to provide a doctor's note or some other good reason within 24
hours of an absence. Acceptable reasons for missing class include a verifiable illness, family
emergency, religious holiday or approved school trip. Again, contacting me ahead of time will
always help your case. Those with an unexcused absence will receive a zero on that days class
activity and will not be able to make it up.
The SMU Health Centers Class Excuse Policy includes a PDF file that you can download
( and submit to
me for consideration of an excused absence. This form must be filled out fully for me to consider
your absence as excused. If you consult a physician for an illness and receive specific certification
for a recovery time, absences will be excused if I am given a form from the physician's office.
Ethics: The following ethical guidelines apply to all written and multimedia work for this course
and student media.
Dont cover a story on any activity in which you are involved or to which you have a
close personal connection. Dont use family members or significant others
(boyfriend, sibling, parent, roommate, etc.) or friends as primary sources.
Rely entirely on YOUR OWN reporting and journalistic curation skills. When blogging,
verbatim material from another source must be directly quoted with explicit attribution,
as well as a link back to the original source. Even if paraphrasing, ALWAYS LINK to
the original sources that inform your blogging. If background information or quotes are
taken from a website, proper attribution is required, including explicit attribution and a
link to the original source.
Inform all sources that you are working on a story for Web publication. You must
always tell your sources that the story you are reporting could be published
or aired on multiple platforms. Your work could appear on news sites both on and
off campus. Your stories, in other words, are for public consumption and your sources
must know that.
Do not use anonymous sources unless approved by the instructor.
Missing deadline will be penalized harshly. Unapproved late stories will receive an
automatic F.
Exams: For your midterm and final exams, you will evaluate professional news sites and
multimedia packages under deadline conditions, based on principles discussed in class.
Grading: Specific criteria on each item will be discussed later, but heres the overall structure:
Guest speakers: Professional journalists and other relevant speakers will be invited to class during the
semester. Active participation is required and graded.
Classroom computers, laptops and cell phones: Please follow common courtesy. Yes, this is a
Digital Journalism class. But that doesnt mean its acceptable to play games on Facebook during class,
or to catch up on e-mail. Computers and laptops should be used to take notes or for class activities
only. Check your e-mail or social networking sites before the start of class, when class ends, or if there
is a break during class. Out of courtesy to your classmates and to the instructor, texting, e-mailing,
Web browsing and social media posting should be avoided during class unless they are germane to a
course activity. I welcome tweets that offer questions or comments during a class lecture or
activity just use the hashtag #j4398.
Failure to adhere to these policies will result in an automatic deduction of at least 10 points from
your class participation grade.
Headphones: Always bring headphones or earbuds to class, particularly when we get into the
multimedia section of the course. You will frequently need headphones for in-class activities.
Saving your work: Save and back up all of your work on an external hard drive.
Disability accommodations
Students needing academic accommodations for a disability must first register with Disability
Accommodations & Success Strategies (DASS). Students can call 214-768-1470 or visit to begin the process. Once registered, students should then
schedule an appointment with the professor as early in the semester as possible, present a DASS
Accommodation Letter, and make appropriate arrangements. Please note that accommodations are not
retroactive and require advance notice to implement.
Grants of Anonymity*
Students should avoid using unidentified sources whenever possible. There are times, however,
when the only way to get a story is to offer anonymity; such offers should be a last resort after
repeated attempts to go on the record have failed and the student has received permission from
the instructor. Information may be on the record, on background, not for attribution or off the
record. These are prearranged agreements between a reporter and a source, which govern how
specific information can be used. These deals must be agreed to beforehand, never after. A source
can't say something then claim it was "off the record." That's too late. Most sourcesand even
many journalistsdo not understand what these terms mean. If a source requests some degree of
anonymity, the journalist should make sure the terms are clear, as follows.
* with thanks to the NYU Journalism Handbook for Students
On the Record
Anything the source says can be reported, published, or aired. All conversations are assumed to be
on the record unless the source expressly requests -- and the reporter explicitly agrees -- to go off
the record beforehand. The reporter should be sure to mark notes clearly so that it's possible to
see what's on the record and what is not at a later date. Never rely on memory and always try to
get back "on the record" as quickly as possible.
On Background
This means you may use what the source gives you without using the source's name. In effect it
confers anonymity on your source, but allows you to work with the information the source has
Week Four: Sept. 12 and 14 (NewsU Analytics 101 assessment due by 11:59 p.m. Sun, 9/17)
Engaged journalism and approaching news as conversation. Web design, HTML, CSS.
Week Six: Sept. 26 and 28 (Codecademy assignment due by 11:59 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 1)
Branding yourself for job opportunities in digital media. ePortfolio + LinkedIn assigned.
Week Seven: Tuesday, Oct. 3 (NO CLASS THURSDAY, OCT. 5 BATSELLS AT #ONA17 IN D.C.)
Midterm exam on Tuesday.
Week Eight: Thursday, Oct. 12 (NO CLASS TUESDAY, OCT. 10 FALL BREAK)
Introduction to multimedia storytelling.
FINAL EXAM for 2 p.m. section on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 11:30 a.m.
Week of Aug. 28
Weekly Power Tweets begin.
Week of Sept. 11
Blogging assignments begin. First post due no later than Friday, Oct. 6.
Sunday, Sept. 17
NewsU Analytics 101 assessment must be successfully completed by 11:59 p.m.
Sunday, Sept. 30
Codecademy HTML assignment must be successfully completed by 11:59 p.m.
Tuesday, Oct. 3
Midterm exam.
Thursday, Nov. 2
Radio stories due by 11:59 p.m.
Thursday, Nov. 9
Photo slideshows due by 11:59 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 29
Multimedia projects (social video or audio slideshow) due by 11:59 p.m.
Friday, Dec. 1
Finalized Web portfolios and LinkedIn profiles due by 11:59 p.m.
Monday, Dec. 4
Last call for second blog posts (or speed team shifts) by 11:59 p.m.
Saturday, Dec. 9
FINAL EXAM for 11 a.m. section. (Exam begins at 11:30 a.m.)
Wednesday, Dec. 13
FINAL EXAM for 2 p.m. section. (Exam begins at 11:30 a.m.)