Rosete vs. Lim

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Civil Procedure LM

G.R. No. 136051 June 8, 2006 respondents opposed,17 were also denied in an Order dated
CHITO P. ROSETE, Petitioners,
vs. On 6 June 1996, BPI filed its Answer with Compulsory
JULIANO LIM and LILIA LIM, Respondents. Counterclaim and Cross-claim19 to which respondents filed
their Reply and Answer to Counterclaim.20 Respondents
DECISION also filed a Motion21 to Serve Supplemental Allegation
against BPI and petitioner Chito Rosete which the trial
CHICO-NAZARIO, J.: court granted in an order dated 28 July 1996.22

Before Us is a petition for review on certiorari which seeks On 7 June 1996, petitioners manifested that on 5 June 1996,
to set aside the Decision1 of the Court of Appeals in CA- they filed a Petition23 for Certiorari and Prohibition in the
G.R. SP No. 45400 dated 24 August 1998 which upheld the Court of Appeals, docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 40837,
Orders of Branch 77 of the Regional Trial Court (RTC) of challenging the trial courts Orders dated 12 March 1996
Quezon City in Civil Case No. Q-95-25803 dated 22 July and 24 May 1996 that denied their Motions to Dismiss and
19972 and 27 August 1997,3 allowing the taking of Reconsideration, respectively.24 They likewise informed the
deposition upon oral examination of petitioners Oscar P. trial court that on 6 June 1996, they filed an Ex-Parte
Mapalo and Chito P. Rosete, and its Resolution 4 dated 19 Motion25 to Admit Answers Ex Abudanti Cautela.
October 1998 denying petitioners Motion for
Reconsideration. On 7 August 1996, petitioner Chito Rosete filed a motion
asking that the order granting the Motion to Serve
Relevant to the petition are the following antecedents: Supplemental Allegation against BPI and him be
reconsidered and set aside, and that respondents be ordered
On 5 December 1995, respondents Juliano Lim and Lilia to reduce their supplemental allegations in the form and
Lim filed before Branch 77 of the RTC of Quezon City a manner required by the Rules of Court.27 Same was denied
Complaint for Annulment, Specific Performance with in an order dated 12 August 1996.28 This denial was
Damages against AFP Retirement and Separation Benefits appealed to the Court of Appeals on 26 August 1996, which
System (AFP-RSBS), Espreme Realty and Development was docketed as CA-G.R. SP No. 41821.29
Corporation (Espreme Realty), Alfredo P. Rosete, Maj.
Oscar Mapalo, Chito P. Rosete, Bank of the Philippine Petitioner Chito Rosete filed his Supplemental Answer (Ex
Islands (BPI), and Register of Deeds of the Province of Abudanti Cautela) on 9 September 1996.30
Mindoro Occidental, docketed as Civil Case No. Q-95-
25803.5 It asked, among other things, that the Deed of Sale On 28 May 1997, respondents filed a Notice to Take
executed by AFP-RSBS covering certain parcels of lands in Deposition Upon Oral Examination giving notice that on
favor of Espreme Realty and the titles thereof under the June 18 and 20, 1997 at 9:00 a.m., they will cause the
name of the latter be annulled; and that the AFP-RSBS and deposition of petitioners Oscar Mapalo and Chito Rosete. 31
Espreme Realty be ordered to execute the necessary
On 13 June 1997, petitioners filed an Urgent Ex-Parte
documents to restore ownership and title of said lands to
Motion and Objection to Take Deposition Upon Oral
respondents, and that the Register of Deeds be ordered to
Examination.32 They argued that the deposition may not be
cancel the titles of said land under the name of Espreme
taken without leave of court as no answer has yet been
Realty and to transfer the same in the names of respondents.
served and the issues have not yet been joined since their
On 18 January 1996, petitioners filed a Motion to Dismiss Answer was filed ex abudanti cautela, pending resolution of
on the grounds that the court has no jurisdiction over the the Petition for Certiorari challenging the orders dated 12
subject matter of the action or suit and that venue has been March 1996 and 24 May 1996 that denied their Motions to
improperly laid.6 A Supplemental Motion to Dismiss was Dismiss and for Reconsideration, respectively. This is in
filed by petitioner Alfredo P. Rosete on 23 January addition to the fact that they challenged via a Petition for
1996.7 Respondents opposed the Motion to Dismiss filed by Certiorari before the Court of Appeals the lower courts
petitioners8 to which petitioners filed their Orders dated 23 July 1996 and 12 August 1996 which,
Reply.9 Respondents filed a Comment on the Reply. 10 AFP- respectively, granted respondents Motion to Serve
RSBS,11Espreme Realty,12 and, BPI13 filed their respective Supplemental Allegation Against Defendants BPI and Chito
Motions to Dismiss which respondents opposed. Rosete, and for the latter to plead thereto, and denied Chito
Rosetes Motion for Reconsideration of the order dated 23
In an Order dated 12 March 1996, the Motions to Dismiss July 1996. Moreover, they contend that since there are two
filed by all the defendants were denied.14 The Motions for criminal cases pending before the City Prosecutors of
Reconsideration filed by petitioners15 and BPI,16 which Mandaluyong City and Pasig City involving the same set of
facts as in the present case wherein respondent Juliano Lim

Civil Procedure LM
is the private complainant and petitioners are the In an Order dated 11 December 1997, the lower court
respondents, to permit the taking of the deposition would be denied petitioners urgent ex-parte omnibus motion.48 On
violative of their right against self-incrimination because by even date, the ex-parte presentation of evidence against
means of the oral deposition, respondents would seek to petitioners Mapalo and Chito Rosete was terminated.49
establish the allegations of fact in the complaint which are
also the allegations of fact in the complaint-affidavits in the On 10 February 1998, petitioners filed a Petition 50 for
said criminal cases. Certiorari and Prohibition before the Court of Appeals (CA-
G.R. SP No. 46774) questioning the lower courts Orders
Respondents filed their Comment on the Objection to dated 29 October 1997 and 11 December 1997.51
Deposition Taking33 to which petitioners filed their Reply.34
On 24 August 1998, the Court of Appeals dismissed the
In an Order dated 22 July 1997, the lower court denied Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition, and upheld the
petitioners motion and objection to take deposition upon Orders of the lower court dated 22 July 1997 and 27 August
oral examination, and scheduled the taking thereof. 35 On 7 1997 (CA-G.R. SP No. 45400).52 The Motion for
August 1997, petitioners filed a Motion for Reconsideration53 which was opposed54 by respondents was
Reconsideration.36 They filed a Supplemental Motion for denied on 19 October 1998.55
Reconsideration on 11 August 1997.37
Petitioners assail the ruling of the Court of Appeals via a
On 13 August 1997, petitioners filed an Urgent Ex-parte Petition for Review on Certiorari. They anchor their
Motion to Cancel or Suspend the Taking of the Deposition petition on the following grounds:
Upon Oral Examination.38
In an Order dated 27 August 1997, the lower court denied
petitioners Motion for Reconsideration and Supplemental THE TRIAL COURT ERRED AND ACTED IN GRAVE
Motion for Reconsideration, and scheduled the taking of the ABUSE OF DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO LACK OF
On 22 September1997, respondents filed an Omnibus CONSTITUTIONAL RIGHT AGAINST SELF
Motion: (1) To Strike Out Answer of Defendants Mapalo INCRIMINATION OF OSCAR MAPALO AND CHITO
and Chito Rosete; (2) to Declare Defendants Mapalo and ROSETE WOULD NOT BE VIOLATED BY THE
Chito Rosete In Default; and (3) For Reception of TAKING OF THEIR DEPOSITION IN THE CIVIL CASE
Plaintiffs Evidence Ex-parte,40 which petitioners FILED IN THE LOWER COURT ALTHOUGH THEY
On 29 September 1997, petitioners filed with the Court of HEREIN PRIVATE RESPONDENT JULIANO LIM
Appeals a Petition for Certiorari and Prohibition (CA-G.R. INVOLVING THE SAME OR IDENTICAL SET OF
SP No. 45400) assailing the Orders of the lower court dated FACTS; AND
22 July 1997 and 27 August 1997. 42
In an Order dated 29 October 1997, the lower court: (1)
ordered the striking out from the record of the Answer ex THE TRIAL COURT ERRED AND ACTED IN GRAVE
abudanti cautela filed by petitioners Mapalo and Chito ABUSE OF DISCRETION AMOUNTING TO LACK OF
Rosete for their continued unjustified refusal to be sworn OR IN EXCESS OF JURISDICTION IN DECLARING IN
pursuant to Rule 29 of the 1997 Rules of Civil Procedure; ITS ORDER DATED JULY 22, 1997 THAT (A) THE
(2) declared defendants Mapalo and Chito Rosete in NOTICE TO TAKE DEPOSITION UPON ORAL
default; and I allowed plaintiffs to present their evidence EXAMINATION NEED NOT BE WITH LEAVE OF
ex-parte as regards the latter.43 On 25 November 1997, COURT BECAUSE AN ANSWER EX ABUDANTE
petitioners filed an Urgent Ex-parte Omnibus Motion (1) CAUTELA HAS BEEN FILED; AND (B) JOINDER OF
For Reconsideration; (2) To Lift Order of Default; and (3) ISSUES IS NOT REQUIRED IN ORDER THAT THE
To Hold In Abeyance Presentation of Plaintiffs Evidence SECTION 1, RULE 2356 OF THE RULES OF CIVIL
Ex-parte.44 The day after, petitioners filed an Amended PROCEDURE MAY BE AVAILED OF.
Omnibus Motion.45
Petitioners argue that the Court of Appeals gravely erred
On 28 November 1997, respondents filed a Motion to Set when it found that the trial court did not abuse its discretion
Case for Ex-parte Presentation of Evidence46 which the when it refused to recognize petitioners Oscar Mapalo and
lower court set for 11 December 1997.47 Chito Rosetes constitutional right against self-
incrimination when, through its Orders dated 22 July 1997
and 27 August 1997, it allowed and scheduled the taking of
Civil Procedure LM
their depositions by way of oral examination. They explain As to an accused in a criminal case, it is settled that he can
they refuse to give their depositions due to the pendency of refuse outright to take the stand as a witness. In People v.
two criminal cases against them, namely, Batasan Ayson,58 this Court clarified the rights of an accused in the
Pambansa Blg. 22 and Estafa, because their answers would matter of giving testimony or refusing to do so. We said:
expose them to criminal action or liability since they would
be furnishing evidence against themselves in said criminal An accused "occupies a different tier of protection from an
cases. They allege there can be no doubt that the questions ordinary witness." Under the Rules of Court, in all criminal
to be asked during the taking of the deposition would prosecutions the defendant is entitled among others
revolve around the allegations in the complaint in the civil
1) to be exempt from being a witness against himself, and
case which are identical to the allegations in the complaint-
affidavits in the two criminal cases, thus, there is a tendency
2) to testify as witness in his own behalf; but if he offers
to incriminate both Oscar Mapalo and Chito Rosete.
himself as a witness he may be cross-examined as any other
Moreover, they explain that while an ordinary witness may
witness; however, his neglect or refusal to be a witness
be compelled to take the witness stand and claim the
shall not in any manner prejudice or be used against him.
privilege against self-incrimination as each question
requiring an incriminating answer is shot at him, an accused The right of the defendant in a criminal case "to be exempt
may altogether refuse to answer any and all questions from being a witness against himself" signifies that he
because the right against self-incrimination includes the cannot be compelled to testify or produce evidence in the
right to refuse to testify. criminal case in which he is the accused, or one of the
accused. He cannot be compelled to do so even by
In short, petitioners Mapalo and Chito Rosete refuse to have
subpoena or other process or order of the Court. He cannot
their depositions taken in the civil case because they
be required to be a witness either for the prosecution, or for
allegedly would be incriminating themselves in the criminal
a co-accused, or even for himself. In other words
cases because the testimony that would be elicited from
unlike an ordinary witness (or a party in a civil action) who
them may be used in the criminal cases. As defendants in
may be compelled to testify by subpoena, having only the
the civil case, it is their claim that to allow their depositions
right to refuse to answer a particular incriminatory question
to be taken would violate their constitutional right against
at the time it is put to him the defendant in a criminal
self-incrimination because said right includes the right to
action can refuse to testify altogether. He can refuse to take
refuse to take the witness stand. the witness stand, be sworn, answer any question. X x x
(Underscoring supplied.)
In order to resolve this issue, we must determine the extent
of a persons right against self-incrimination. A persons
It is clear, therefore, that only an accused in a criminal case
right against self-incrimination is enshrined in Section 17,
can refuse to take the witness stand. The right to refuse to
Article III of the 1987 Constitution which reads: "No
take the stand does not generally apply to parties in
person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself."
administrative cases or proceedings. The parties thereto can
only refuse to answer if incriminating questions are
The right against self-incrimination is accorded to every
propounded. This Court applied the exception a party who
person who gives evidence, whether voluntary or under
is not an accused in a criminal case is allowed not to take
compulsion of subpoena, in any civil, criminal or
the witness stand in administrative cases/proceedings that
administrative proceeding. The right is not to be compelled
partook of the nature of a criminal proceeding or analogous
to be a witness against himself. It secures to a witness,
to a criminal proceeding.59 It is likewise the opinion of the
whether he be a party or not, the right to refuse to answer
Court that said exception applies to parties in civil actions
any particular incriminatory question, i.e., one the answer to
which are criminal in nature. As long as the suit is criminal
which has a tendency to incriminate him for some crime.
in nature, the party thereto can altogether decline to take the
However, the right can be claimed only when the specific
witness stand. It is not the character of the suit involved but
question, incriminatory in character, is actually put to the
the nature of the proceedings that controls.60
witness. It cannot be claimed at any other time. It does not
give a witness the right to disregard a subpoena, decline to
In the Ayson case, it is evident that the Court treats a party
appear before the court at the time appointed, or to refuse to
in a civil case as an ordinary witness, who can invoke the
testify altogether. The witness receiving a subpoena must
right against self-incrimination only when the incriminating
obey it, appear as required, take the stand, be sworn and
question is propounded. Thus, for a party in a civil case to
answer questions. It is only when a particular question is
possess the right to refuse to take the witness stand, the civil
addressed to which may incriminate himself for some
case must also partake of the nature of a criminal
offense that he may refuse to answer on the strength of the
constitutional guaranty.57
In the present controversy, the case is civil it being a suit
for Annulment, Specific Performance with Damages. In
Civil Procedure LM
order for petitioners to exercise the right to refuse to take file one within the time allowed herefore may cause a
the witness stand and to give their depositions, the case defending party to be declared in default.64 Thus,
must partake of the nature of a criminal proceeding. The petitioners, knowing fully well the effect of the non-filing
case on hand certainly cannot be categorized as such. The of an answer, filed their answers despite the pendency of
fact that there are two criminal cases pending which are their appeal with the Court of Appeals on the denial of their
allegedly based on the same set of facts as that of the civil motion to dismiss.
case will not give them the right to refuse to take the
witness stand and to give their depositions. They are not Petitioners argument that the issues of the case have not
facing criminal charges in the civil case. Like an ordinary yet been joined must necessarily fail in light of our ruling
witness, they can invoke the right against self-incrimination that petitioners have filed their answers although the same
only when the incriminating question is actually asked of were made ex abudanti cautela. Issues are joined when all
them. Only if and when incriminating questions are thrown the parties have pleaded their respective theories and the
their way can they refuse to answer on the ground of their terms of the dispute are plain before the court. 65 In the
right against self-incrimination. present case, the issues have, indeed, been joined when
petitioners, as well as the other defendants, filed their
On the second assigned error, petitioners contend that the answers. The respective claims and defenses of the parties
taking of their oral depositions should not be allowed have been defined and the issues to be decided by the trial
without leave of court as no answer has yet been served and court have been laid down.
the issues have not yet been joined because their answers
were filed ex abudanti cautela pending final resolution of We cannot also sustain petitioners contention that the
the petition for certiorari challenging the trial courts Orders lower court erred when it said that the joinder of issues is
dated 12 March 1996 and 24 May 1996 that denied their not required in order that Section 1, Rule 23 of the 1997
motions to dismiss and for reconsideration, respectively. Rules of Civil Procedure may be availed of. Under said
section, a deposition pending action may be availed of: (1)
Section 1 of Rule 2461 of the Revised Rules of Court reads: with leave of court when an answer has not yet been filed
but after jurisdiction has been obtained over any defendant
Section 1. Depositions pending action, when may be taken. or property subject of the action, or (2) without leave of
By leave of court after jurisdiction has been obtained over court after an answer to the complaint has been served. In
any defendant or over property which is the subject of the the instant case, the taking of the deposition may be availed
action, or without such leave after an answer has been of even without leave of court because petitioners have
served, the testimony of any person, whether a party or not, already served their answers to the complaint.
may be taken, at the instance of any party, by deposition
upon oral examination or written interrogatories. The WHEREFORE, all the foregoing considered, the instant
attendance of witnesses may be compelled by the use of a petition is dismissed for lack of merit.
subpoena as provided in Rule 23. Depositions shall be taken
only in accordance with these rules. The deposition of a
person confined in prison may be taken only by leave of
court on such terms as the court prescribes.

From the quoted section, it is evident that once an answer

has been served, the testimony of a person, whether a party
or not, may be taken by deposition upon oral examination
or written interrogatories. In the case before us, petitioners
contend they have not yet served an answer to respondents
because the answers that they have filed with the trial court
were made ex abudanti cautela. In other words, they do not
consider the answers they filed in court and served on
respondents as answers contemplated by the Rules of Court
on the ground that same were filed ex abudanti cautela.

We find petitioners contention to be untenable. Ex

abudanti cautela means "out of abundant caution" or "to be
on the safe side."62 An answer ex abudanti cautela does not
make their answer less of an answer. A cursory look at the
answers filed by petitioners shows that they contain their
respective defenses. An answer is a pleading in which a
defending party sets forth his defenses 63 and the failure to

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