Happiness Is A Choice
Happiness Is A Choice
Happiness Is A Choice
Published by BestSummaries.com, 7891 W Flagler St, # 346 Miami Florida, 33144 2008 BestSummaries.com. All rights reserved. No part of this
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Unhappiness is not inevitable.
Such a simple insight presents each and every
person with an opportunity to make momentous
Barry Neil Kaufman, therapist, author, motivational
changes in life. The only limits are the ones you
speaker, and founder of the Option Institute, has create. Why not inspire yourself rather than scare
observed that despite disappointments, illnesses, yourself? Your conclusions follow from your
and physical and emotional problems, people who chosen biases (your chosen beliefs).
are most successful in finding happiness share
certain traits - traits that less fortunate people can
learn to emulate so that they themselves can find WE ARE BELIEF-MAKING AND BELIEF-
happiness as well. CONSUMING CREATURES
The impact of the beliefs you hold is profound. You
Unhappiness is not an enemy - just a choice. create and hold beliefs to support what you think
are best. Once they are articulated and itemized,
This book is not based on a moral imperative - no your beliefs often sound somewhat bizarre and
shoulds or should-nots - just choices. self-defeating. This is why reviewing them
provides you with a wondrous opportunity.
Happiness is aSelf-Belief
Choice, byby
Kaufman 2 of 6
master at teaching and reinforcing unhappiness. In In choosing a user-friendly vision of the universe,
small, seemingly insignificant ways, you save the you will notice more supportive action and
day but lose another life to misery. When you reward opportunities around you. In choosing happiness,
anger, you teach violence and war. When you support you will encounter a happy God. In choosing love,
happiness, you teach love, peace, and acceptance. you will encounter a loving God.
You have the choice.
Your creation of a new world picture, which would
IS HAPPINESS AN IMPOSSIBLE DREAM? be supportive of you and therefore your pursuit of
Desire combined with passion and the ingenuity happiness, begins with attentiveness to your own
of the mind can give birth to sustained happiness, human magnificence and to the innate tendency
something that transforms human experience. you and other creatures have to move together in
like or compatible rhythms.
call happiness a feeling of satisfaction, comfort, You plant the seeds of a user-friendly universe
fulfilment and inner peace. The sensation of with your perception: The eye sees what it brings
happiness might be unique to each and every to seeing.
one; however, you know when you are there.
Happiness brings people closer together than
pushing them apart. Happiness makes love
tangible. Shortcuts to Happiness,
Happiness and the belief that you can experience
Implementing the Happiness
your own happiness, anytime and anyplace, is the Option
ultimate attitudinal advantage! Dear Sweet Readers: If you have jumped to
this chapter in the book, wonderful! However,
after reading whatever sections you want, I
would like to encourage you to backtrack to
Thriving in a User-Friendly Universe the beginning of the book and read the other
As we gaze into the universe deep inside of us, chapters which I believe will create a strong
and into the universe which surrounds us, we foundation from which you can then easily
search for an answer to the question - is it implement the life-changing suggestions
friendly? - BARRY NEIL KAUFMAN presented here. LOVE, BEARS (BARRY
You have only to remind yourself to attend to Whenever you think you have lost your way
each unfolding moment in your chosen or have noticed joy to be absent from your
endeavors. daily endeavors, you can look around and find
a host of things, events or people to
appreciate. If you make the items specific, you
Being present not only increases your skill and will never exhaust the resources with which to
effectiveness in personal and global
fuel your gratitude.
relationships; it expands profoundly the depth
and scope of each experience.
You can smile at a stranger, hug someone
you know or tidy a disorganized shelf and be
Letting go of the past and future is diving into thankful for the opportunity.
the current in a river or a stream. Such a
decision is neither irresponsible nor risky. Being
present opens the doorway to happiness. If you choose gratitude, you will be happy!
The Treasure
is aPrinciple
Choice, by Barry
Kaufman 5 of
of 668
If you decide to satisfy your inner longing for
happiness, you can use these simple tools, these
shortcuts, to grease the wheels that will speed you
on your way!
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The Treasure
is aPrinciple
Choice, by Barry
Kaufman 65 of
of 668