2017 UNSW Autumn Open
2017 UNSW Autumn Open
2017 UNSW Autumn Open
software no later than Thursday 25/05/17 midnight with payment via EFT.
CBA Account name: The UNSW Badminton Club BSB 062 303
Account No. 1088 5979 Include Reference: "Your name"
Email receipt to: [email protected]
2. The Tournament Committee shall control the entire management of this Tournament, NEW PLAYER TOURNAMENT SOFTWARE ID APPLICATION
and all decisions will be final. Please note grades offered over the weekend.
Name: Mr / Ms ..................................................................................................
3. The Tournament shall be conducted in accordance with the rules and regulations laid Other Names Surname
down by the Badminton World Federation ( B.W.F. ) for the carrying out of
Tournaments except as altered by these conditions.
Address: .............................................................................................................
4. All players registered with SBA/SCBA / Dubbo / Nowra /Lismore / Coffs Harbour /
Hunter BA / ACTBA / NSWBA/ Interstate Assoc. are entitled to a member discount.
.......................................................Post Code: ...................................
5. Each competitor must submit a separate online entry. The Committee reserves the
right to re-grade any player from any event. Phone No.: ....................................Club/Association: .... .................................
6. Players should proceed to the courts as soon as their names are called for a match.
The match will commence 2 minutes after players arrive on the courts.
Email: ........................................................................................................................
7. Events will be conducted in knockout or round robin depending on number of entries.
8. The Tournament Committee reserves the right to cancel any event if insufficient entries are
received. Players who fail to turn up and/or proceed to the courts within a 5 minutes grace- Date of Birth: (Compulsory for Juniors) dd/mm/yyyy: ................................
period of their names being called face a forfeit of the games with no refunds.
9. Players are required to umpire matches when requested. Tournament software Online Entry Link:
Subject to the number of entries, the Saturday Doubles and http://www.tournamentsoftware.com/sport/tournament.aspx?id=01F36DA0-
Mixed Finals will be played on Sunday at 11:00am 4444-4EC4-B27B-452B352B1625
Special Online Entry Requirements:
Tournament Details Referees: V. Ng / C.Toh 1. All players must have an ID number in Tournament software This ID
must be correct (i.e. ID should start with NSW for NSW players, ACT
Venue: The University of NSW Gymnasium (02) 9385 - 4881 for ACT players or a 5-digit number for players who have a BWF Id).
Corner High Street and Anzac Parade, Kensington
2. If players have more than one ID they should use the most recent one
Date and: Saturday 8:00 am to 8:00 pm 03/06/2017 OPEN, B & D Grades
to ensure that national ranking points are correctly awarded.
Approx Start : Singles 8:30 am Doubles 12:30pm Mixed 4:00 pm
NSW3000+ IS NOT A VALID VALID Tournament Software ID
Sunday 8.00 am to 8:00 pm 04/06/2017 A & C Grades
3. For players who do not have an ID, please Enter NSWXXX where
Singles 8:30 am Doubles 12:00 pm Mixed 3:30 pm
XXX is your Initials. You will receive an Id after the tournament
Entry Fee: - Non-members Members Members <19 years 4. All players must have the "State" and "Country" fields completed on
Open Singles $23 $21 $18 the online entry form (viz. NSW & AUSTRALIA) at the Personal
Open doubles $42 pair $40 pair $36 pair Details section after the step 1- Regulations and before Step 3-
Singles $21 $20 $18 Entry Details
Doubles $40 pair $38 pair $36 pair 5. If you fail to fill in the above details in the enrolment form, players
results will be rejected by the BA tournament software and will not be
Tournament software Online Entry Link by 25TH MAY: recorded in the database. Badminton NSW bears no responsibilities
http://www.tournamentsoftware.com/sport/tournament.aspx?id=01F36DA0- of the relevant tournament results by player to Badminton Australia if
4444-4EC4-B27B-452B352B1625 the above details are not entered in the online enrolment form.
Prize money
P r i z e m o n e y i s a v a i l a b l e f o r all OPEN grade e v e n t s
that have a minimum of 8 entries.