Prevalence and Drivers of HIV Stigma Among Health Providers in Urban India: Implications For Interventions
Prevalence and Drivers of HIV Stigma Among Health Providers in Urban India: Implications For Interventions
Prevalence and Drivers of HIV Stigma Among Health Providers in Urban India: Implications For Interventions
Research article
Corresponding author: Maria L Ekstrand, 50 Beale Street, 13th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA. Tel: 1-415-597-9160. ([email protected])
Introduction: HIV stigma inflicts hardship and suffering on people living with HIV (PLHIV) and interferes with both prevention
and treatment efforts. Health professionals are often named by PLHIV as an important source of stigma. This study was designed
to examine rates and drivers of stigma and discrimination among doctors, nurses and ward staff in different urban healthcare
settings in high HIV prevalence states in India.
Methods: This cross-sectional study enrolled 305 doctors, 369 nurses and 346 ward staff in both governmental and non-
governmental healthcare settings in Mumbai and Bengaluru, India. The approximately one-hour long interviews focused on
knowledge related to HIV transmission, personal and professional experiences with PLHIV, instrumental and symbolic stigma,
endorsement of coercive policies, and intent to discriminate in professional and personal situations that involve high and low
risk of fluid exposure.
Results: High levels of stigma were reported by all groups. This included a willingness to prohibit female PLHIV from having
children (55 to 80%), endorsement of mandatory testing for female sex workers (94 to 97%) and surgery patients (90 to 99%),
and stating that people who acquired HIV through sex or drugs got what they deserved (50 to 83%). In addition, 89% of
doctors, 88% of nurses and 73% of ward staff stated that they would discriminate against PLHIV in professional situations that
involved high likelihood of fluid exposure, and 57% doctors, 40% nurses and 71% ward staff stated that they would do so in low-
risk situations as well. Significant and modifiable drivers of stigma and discrimination included having less frequent contact with
PLHIV, and a greater number of transmission misconceptions, blame, instrumental and symbolic stigma. Participants in all three
groups reported high rates of endorsement of coercive measures and intent to discriminate against PLHIV. Stigma and
discrimination were associated with multiple modifiable drivers, which are consistent with previous research, and which need to
be targeted in future interventions.
Conclusions: Stigma reduction intervention programmes targeting healthcare providers in urban India need to address fear of
transmission, improve universal precaution skills, and involve PLHIV at all stages of the intervention to reduce symbolic stigma
and ensure that relevant patient interaction skills are taught.
Keywords: HIV stigma; stigma drivers; healthcare workers; India.
Received 15 April 2013; Revised 23 August 2013; Accepted 29 August 2013; Published 13 November 2013
Copyright: 2013 Ekstrand ML et al; licensee International AIDS Society. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution 3.0 Unported (CC BY 3.0) License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Ekstrand ML et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2013, 16(Suppl 2):18717 |
Ekstrand ML et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2013, 16(Suppl 2):18717 |
Ekstrand ML et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2013, 16(Suppl 2):18717 |
% n % n % n
Bengaluru 49 149 53 195 51 176
Mumbai 51 156 47 174 49 170
Male 54 165 2 6 49 170
Hindu 86 262 59 219 78 269
Muslim 5 16 1 5 1 5
Christian 2 6 36 132 6 21
Buddhist 3 10 3 12 15 51
Others 4 11 0 1 0 0
Marital status
Currently married 58 177 68 251 77 267
Never married 41 125 29 105 8 29
Previously married 1 3 3 12 15 50
54 years 32 110
57 years 23 80
810 0 1 37 129
10 years 100 305 100 368 8 27
Age: mean (SD) 33.7 (9.9) 34.9 (10.3) 39.4 (9.6)
Monthly household income in rupees: median (range) 40,000 (4000900,000) 15,000 (2700100,000) 6000 (40050,000)
knowledge score11.1 vs. 11.8; mean misconceptions 1.0 nurses and 83% of ward attendants (pB0.001). The mean
vs. 0.6 for females and males, respectively, p B0.001). scores on the symbolic stigma scale were significantly lower
Similarly, female doctors had slightly more misconceptions for doctors (mean 1.7/4.0) than for nurses (2.3) and ward
than male doctors (females: mean 0.5 vs. males: staff (2.2). Similarly, HIV-stigmatizing community norms
mean 0.3, pB0.05). There were no other gender-related were perceived to be higher by ward staff (mean 2.5/4.0)
differences reported. than by nurses (mean2.3) and doctors (mean 2.2,
More than 90% of all participants reported that they p B0.001). There were significant gender differences with
had experience caring for PLHIV, with about half in each respect to feelings towards PLHIV among both doctors
group stating that they had at least weekly contact with and ward staff. Female doctors reported significantly more
HIV-positive patients. Just over a quarter of the participants negative feelings towards PLHIV (females: mean 8 vs. males:
in each group indicated that they had known a PLHIV mean 0, p B0.01). Similarly, female ward staff held signifi-
personally. Nurses showed similar levels of worry about HIV cantly more negative feelings towards PLHIV than their male
infection at work as doctors, with about three quarters in colleagues (mean19 vs. 8, respectively, p B0.05).
both groups expressing such worries, compared to 51% of In addition, female ward staff scored higher on perceived
ward staff (pB0.001). Outside of work, more nurses (26%) stigmatizing community norms (mean 2.6 vs. 2.4, respec-
and ward attendants (27%) reported worrying about HIV tively, p B0.001) and symbolic stigma (mean2.3 vs. 2.1,
infection than doctors (17%, pB0.01). respectively, pB0.05) than male ward staff. There were no
other significant gender differences in any healthcare provider
Attitudes towards PLHIV group with respect to attitudes towards PLHIV.
Participants attitudes towards PLHIV, compared to their
feelings towards men and women in general, differed Endorsement of coercive policies regarding PLHIV
significantly between the healthcare worker groups. Overall, Ward staff endorsed a mean of 6.7 out of 11 coercive
doctors held the least negative feelings and ward staff the policies, nurses endorsed on average 6.1 and doctors 4.8
most negative, with the mean level of negative feelings (pB0.001). Mandatory testing for different groups was
towards PLHIV being 4 out of 100 (SD 26) for doctors, endorsed by large majorities of each group (See Table 3).
11 (SD31) for nurses and 13 (SD 39) for ward staff Nearly all (94% of doctors and 97% of nurses and ward staff)
(pB0.001). A high proportion of participants in all three supported mandatory testing for female sex workers (FSW),
healthcare worker types agreed with the statement that as well as for surgery patients (90% of doctors to 99% of
people who acquired HIV through sex or drugs, got what nurses, p B0.001). Mandatory testing for surgery personnel
they deserved ranging from 50% of doctors, to 70% of was also endorsed by a majority, ranging from 73% of
Ekstrand ML et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2013, 16(Suppl 2):18717 |
% n % n % n x2
Negative feelings towards PLHIV, anchored ( 100 to 100)c 4A 26 11B 31 13B 39 7.22***
Perceived community stigma norms (03) 2.2A 0.6 2.3A 0.5 2.5B 0.5 20.54***
Symbolic stigma score (04) 1.7A 1.4 2.3B 1.1 2.2B 1.1 20.27***
Transmission misconceptions (04) 0.35A 0.76 0.56B 0.80 0.78C 1.08 18.10***
Transmission knowledge: items correct (015) 11.7A 1.6 11.5A 1.5 11.4A 1.8 1.73
Proportion of participants answering a little bit to very worried.
Proportion of participants who (strongly) agreed with the statement People who got HIV from sex/drugs got what they deserved.
Anchored: PLHIV rating subtracted from own-gender rating, so scores B0 correspond to positive feelings, and scores0 to negative feelings
towards PLHIV.
Means with different subscripts differ significantly (p B0.05) from each other (Bonferroni post-hoc pairwise comparisons).
p B0.10; *p B0.05; **p B0.01; ***p B0.001.
doctors, to 83% of nurses and to 88% of ward staff refuse or take additional precautions before performing a
(pB0.001). Significantly more doctors (13%) than nurses routine physical examination. Similar responses were given
and ward staff (both 5%, pB0.001) were in agreement with by 40% of nurses before dispensing medication and 71%
the statement that health care workers should have the of ward staff before bathing a PLHIV. More than half of
right to refuse to treat PLHIV. The groups differed more the doctors and ward staff and 39% of the nurses reported
widely in their endorsement of restricting PLHIVs rights to discriminatory intent in both situations. Only 10 to 19% of
marry and have children. Slightly over half of the doctors did participants reported no intent to discriminate in any
not think that HIV-positive women should be allowed to have professional situation.
children, compared to more than three quarters of both At least half of the participants in all subsamples said they
nurses and ward staff (pB0.001). Forty-one percent of would stop attending, or demand extra precautions if they
doctors agreed that HIV-positive men should be denied the were patients in clinics that served PLHIV. This proportion
right to marry, as did 77% of nurses and 88% of ward staff was higher among doctors (59%) and nurses (61%) than
(pB0.001). Similar proportions held the same opinion among ward staff (50%, p B0.01). But more ward staff (61%)
regarding HIV-positive women and marriage (37, 73 and and nurses (56%) than doctors (34%) agreed with the
86%, respectively, p B0.001). There were no gender differ- statement that PLHIV should be treated in separate clinics
ences with respect to endorsement of coercive policies (pB0.001), and stated that they would not seek services
among any healthcare provider group. from an HIV-positive healthcare provider (36, 31 and 23%,
respectively; pB0.01). Gender differences were found only
Intent to discriminate among ward staff participants, with 77% of male ward staff
A large majority of participants responded that they would expressing intent to discriminate if they had to bathe an HIV-
either refuse to perform, avoid physical contact or use more positive patient, vs. 65% of female ward staff (p 0.01).
than standard precautions if they were asked to treat an HIV- When asked what they would do if an HIV-infected child
positive patient (see Table 3). This included examining an attended their childs school, somewhat fewer participants
open wound (89% of doctors), drawing blood (88% of nurses) 15% of doctors, 22% of nurses, and 32% of ward staff
or changing blood-stained linens (73% of ward staff). (pB0.001) showed discriminatory intent. In line with
When asked about professional behaviours with a low risk results regarding misconceptions, about half of the partici-
of fluid contact, 57% of doctors stated that they would either pants stated that they would not eat from a plate used by
Ekstrand ML et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2013, 16(Suppl 2):18717 |
Individual items % n % n % n x2
Coercive policies
Mandatory testing for FSW 94 287 97 358 97 337 5.38$
Mandatory testing for surgery patients 90 274 99 366 96 332 29.85***
Mandatory testing for surgery staff 73 223 83 305 88 302 22.27***
HIV-positive women banned from having children 55 168 76 279 80 275 53.98***
HIV-positive men should not be allowed to marry 41 124 77 283 88 306 186.16***
HIV-positive women not be allowed to marry 37 112 73 269 86 296 182.98***
HCW should not have to treat PLHIV 13 39 5 19 5 17 18.87***
Intent to discriminate: professional
High likelihood of contact w/bodily fluidsa 89 272 88 324 73 252
Low likelihood of contact w/bodily fluidsb 57 174 40 146 71 243
Intent to discriminate: personal
Change clinic or demand extra precautions if PLHIV were treated where you get care: 59 179 61 224 50 173 9.75**
Change school or avoid HIV-positive child if HIV-infected child in your childs school: 15 46 22 82 32 112 26.58***
Would not eat from plate used by PLHIV 42 128 53 193 56 195 13.62**
PLHIV should be treated in separate clinics 34 103 56 205 61 212 54.10***
Not comfortable feeding PLHIV by hand 33 98 27 101 21 72 11.04**
Not seek services from HIV-positive HCW 23 71 31 114 36 124 12.21**
High likelihood of contact w/bodily fluids: doctors: examine open wound; nurses: draw blood; ward staff: change blood-stained linens of PLHIV;
no between-group comparisons done due to different items.
Low likelihood of contact w/bodily fluids: doctors: routine physical exam; nurses: dispense medication; ward staff: bathe PLHIV; no between-
group comparisons done due to different items.
p B0.10; *p B0.05; **p B0.01; ***p B0.001.
a PLHIV and about a quarter would not feel comfortable of a PLHIV (AOR1.94; 95% CI 1.322.98). More trans-
feeding a PLHIV by hand. The former was most common mission misconceptions was also associated with higher odds
among ward staff, the latter among doctors, with the pro- of discrimination during a routine examination (AOR 1.51;
portion of nurses in between for both items (both p B0.01). 95% CI1.032.32). Gender was not associated with drivers
On average, doctors endorsed fewer personal discrimination of stigma or intent to discriminate among doctors.
intentions (mean 2.1) than nurses (mean2.7) and ward The bivariate correlations and multivariate regression
staff (mean 2.9, p B0.001). models in Table 5 show that nurses with lower levels of HIV
transmission knowledge had significantly higher mean levels
Drivers of stigma of endorsement of coercive policies (b 0.13, p0.022),
Results from the bivariate and final multivariate regression younger age (b 0.10, p0.051), and higher mean levels of
models are presented in Tables 46. Table 4 shows that negative feelings towards PLHIV (b 0.10, p0.050). Intent
doctors with greater instrumental stigma at work (b0.24, to discriminate in personal life was significantly related
p B0.001) and who did not know a PLHIV personally (b0.13, to nurses being non-Hindu (b 0.10, p 0.036), having
p 0.033) reported higher endorsement of coercive policies higher levels of negative feelings towards PLHIV (b0.12,
than did doctors with lower instrumental stigma and those p 0.013), of work and non-work instrumental stigma
with a personal acquaintance with PLHIV. Instrumental stigma (work: b 0.23, p B0.001; non-work: b0.11, p0.029),
at work was also significantly related to higher intent to and of perceived stigmatizing community norms (b0.12,
discriminate in personal situations (b0.19, p0.001), p 0.010). Finally, nurses with more misconceptions
as were higher levels of negative feelings towards PLHIV (b0.20, p B0.001) and less transmission knowledge
(b0.13, p 0.019), blame (b 0.11, p 0.044), trans- (b0.19, pB0.001) also had significantly higher levels of
mission misconceptions (b 0.36, pB0.001), perceived discriminatory intent in personal situations. In both profes-
stigmatizing community norms (b0.11, p0.038), and sional situations, nurses intent to discriminate was signifi-
less frequent professional contact with PLHIV (b 0.11, cantly related to higher levels of instrumental stigma at work
p 0.047). Those with less frequent professional contact (medication: AOR1.37; 95% CI 1.081.73; draw blood:
also had higher odds of showing discriminatory behaviour AOR1.56; 95% CI1.092.30), but the two outcomes
while performing a routine medical examination of a PLHIV varied in their relation to other correlates. Unmarried nurses
(AOR1.35; 95% CI 1.081.70) or dressing an open wound (AOR1.76; 95% CI1.082.88) and those with lower
Ekstrand ML et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2013, 16(Suppl 2):18717 |
Ekstrand ML et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2013, 16(Suppl 2):18717 |
Pearson r b sig.
transmission misconceptions (AOR 1.69; 95% CI 1.27 feelings towards PLHIV (b 0.15, p0.006; b 0.15,
2.26) and greater symbolic stigma (AOR 0.77; 95% p 0.003, respectively), more blame (b 0.13, p 0.020;
CI0.600.97) were associated with treating PLHIV differ- b 0.12, p 0.013), more misconceptions (b 0.13,
ently when dispensing medication. p 0.014; b 0.34, p B0.001) and more symbolic stigma
The bivariate correlations and multivariate regression (b0.14, p 0.014; b 0.14, p 0.006). In addition, intent
models for ward staff are shown in Table 6. Endorsement to discriminate in personal situations also increased with
of coercive policies and intent to discriminate in personal younger age (b0.17, p B0.001), decreasing frequency
situations were both significantly related to more negative of professional contact with PLHIV (b0.11, p0.025),
Ekstrand ML et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2013, 16(Suppl 2):18717 |
Table 6. Bivariate and multivariate associations with outcomes, for ward staff
Pearson r b sig.
and increasing levels of instrumental stigma at work (b0.22, females (AOR 1.95; 95% CI 1.133.45) to discriminate
p B0.001). Male ward staff were twice as likely (AOR 1.98; when asked to change a PLHIVs blood-stained linens. Having
95% CI 1.213.28) to discriminate when bathing patients more negative feelings towards PLHIV (AOR 1.10; 95%
than female ward staff. Males were also more likely than CI1.001.02), greater work-related instrumental stigma
Ekstrand ML et al. Journal of the International AIDS Society 2013, 16(Suppl 2):18717 |
(AOR1.66; 95% CI1.282.19) and less frequent profes- driving both endorsement of coercive measures and intent
sional contact with PLHIV (AOR1.22; 95% CI1.001.49) to discriminate against PLHIV in personal and professional
were also associated with higher odds of discrimination in this contexts, regardless of whether the latter situations actually
situation. involve risk of fluid exposure. This is consistent with findings
from previous studies [30,31,33,34], and our previous paper
on stigma among outpatients in Mumbai and Bengaluru [38],
suggesting that misconceptions are a consistent driver of
The results reveal disturbingly high rates of stigma attitudes
HIV stigma in India. The findings from this study thus indi-
and intent to discriminate among doctors, nurses and ward
staff in these urban healthcare settings. The rates are similar cate that stigma reduction interventions need to target
to those reported by outpatients in these settings as well as common misconceptions, even among highly educated and
to results of studies conducted in other parts of the country already trained healthcare providers. Since younger and
[1113,30,3236,38,42] and may thus represent wider less experienced nurses and ward staff were more likely
community norms. The almost universal endorsement of to discriminate, there may also be a need to ensure that
mandatory testing for FSW and surgery patients may be one they are thoroughly trained in universal precautions until
of the reasons why testing is now routinely performed in they are comfortable and confident in their ability to prevent
Indian healthcare settings for surgery patients and pregnant transmission.
women. Routine periodic testing of key populations is also The fact that more experience with PLHIV was associated
currently done in some areas. Although doctors were less with lower rates of stigma and discrimination in all three
likely (37 to 55%) than nurses (73 to 76%) and ward staff groups suggests that interventions may be more effective if
(80 to 88%) to endorse the different coercive measures in PLHIV are involved at all stages of intervention development
relation to marriage and children, their rates were and implementation to ensure sufficient and meaningful
still surprisingly high. These endorsements are of particular interactions. It might also be helpful to involve experienced
concern since they involve the denial of basic human healthcare providers, who have extensive experience treating
rights of PLHIV to enjoy marital status and parenthood, PLHIV as role models for their junior colleagues to provide
which are crucial aspects of Indian culture. These findings opportunities for observational learning, help change norms
highlight the need for a rights-based approach to address- in the workplace and to increase the likelihood of interven-
ing stigma in future regional and national intervention tion sustainability. Doctors treating PLHIV respectfully
programmes. are also likely to make an impression and set a standard
Participants also reported high rates of intent to treat HIV- for both nurses and ward staff in their institutions, given the
positive patients differently from uninfected patients, both hierarchical nature of relationships in these settings.
in situations that involved a risk of fluid exposure and in Both female doctors and female ward staff reported a
situations that are typically considered low risk. Since female greater number of transmission misconceptions than did
ward staff reported more transmission misconceptions and a their male counterparts, in spite of their very different levels
more negative view of PLHIV, the finding that male ward staff of education. This suggests that there may be differences in
were more likely to report intent to discriminate may reflect HIV-related education received by male and female students
their perception that they have more control over their job in Indian schools. It is thus important for future HIV pre-
duties than their female counterparts. This needs to be vention and stigma interventions to address basic transmis-
explored further to determine how to best address this
sion facts when targeting female participants, regardless of
gender difference in a stigma reduction intervention. It was
their level of education.
encouraging that physicians and nurses were significantly less
Similar to every study, ours has a number of limitations
likely to state that they intended to discriminate in low-
that need to be considered when interpreting its results.
risk situations; however, healthcare professionals who use
Since this study used a cross-sectional design, we are unable
universal precautions do not need to use double gloves or
to draw conclusions about causality and can only state which
avoid HIV-infected patients in order to be safe. In addition to
variables are associated. Future research is needed to
stigma, these high rates might also be indicative of lack of
confidence in standard universal measures to prevent examine these relationships in a longitudinal fashion to clarify
infection. the nature of these associations. In addition, the general-
Intent to discriminate was only slightly less in non- izability of these findings is limited to the types of healthcare
professional situations. The majority of all groups stated settings that collaborated with us in these two large urban
that they did not want to be treated in the same clinics as areas. We made every effort to recruit healthcare providers
PLHIV and more than half of the nurses and ward staff from a wide range of clinics and hospitals, in order to be
reported that they would be unwilling to eat from the same as representative as possible of healthcare settings that
plate as an infected individual. This item was endorsed by are accessible to patients of all socioeconomic backgrounds.
42% of the doctors also. However, our sample did not include healthcare providers
Although there are minor variations, the drivers of stigma in non-allopathic institutions. We are also limited by our
and discrimination appear to be fairly consistent across the reliance on self-reported measures, which may be subject to
different groups. Transmission-related fears and misconcep- social desirability biases. Additional studies using behavioural
tions, as well as limited experience working with PLHIV, observations are needed to provide data on enacted stigma
blame and negative feelings towards PLHIV seem to be in these settings.
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