Omer2017 PDF
Omer2017 PDF
Omer2017 PDF
Review Article
Maternal Immunization
SaadB. Omer, M.B., B.S., M.P.H., Ph.D.
From the Departments of Global Health accines have been one of the most useful tools for achieving
and Epidemiology, Rollins School of Pub- substantial reductions in childhood mortality. However, progress in reduc-
lic Health, Emory University, and the De-
partment of Pediatrics, Emory University ing deaths has been slower for infants too young to be vaccinated than for
School of Medicine both in Atlanta. infants and children old enough to receive vaccines.1
Address reprint requests to Dr. Omer at Immunization schedules start when infants are 2 months of age in the United
1518 Clifton Rd. NE, CNR Bldg., Atlanta,
GA 30322, or at [email protected]. States and many other high- and middle-income countries and 6 weeks of age in
most low-income countries. The primary immunization schedule is not complete
N Engl J Med 2017;376:1256-67.
DOI: 10.1056/NEJMra1509044 until infants are 6 months of age in most high- and middle-income countries and
Copyright 2017 Massachusetts Medical Society. 14 weeks of age in most low-income countries. Therefore, most childhood vaccines
do not start providing adequate protection until the infant is several months old.
This inability to use vaccines to prevent infections in neonates and young infants
leaves an immunity gap that results in a higher proportion of infection-related
hospitalizations and deaths in these age groups than in older children.
This vulnerability of infants who are too young to be vaccinated can be ad-
dressed by means of maternal vaccination. Moreover, several infections, such as
influenza and hepatitis E, are considered to be associated with increased morbid-
ity and mortality during pregnancy. Maternal vaccines, given their potential effect
on maternal and infant morbidity and mortality, are the next frontier in vaccinol-
ogy. This article synthesizes the evidence for current maternal immunization
recommendations, reviews new developments in this rapidly evolving field, and
outlines critical areas for future research that will provide a framework for a com-
prehensive maternal immunization platform.
First Trimester (weeks 113) Second Trimester (weeks 1427) Third Trimester (weeks 2840, or until birth)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40
Increasing severity:
Hepatitis E
Herpes simplex virus infection
Decreasing severity:
Tissue remodeling
CD4+ T cells
CD8+ T cells
B cells
Natural killer cells
Vaccine immunogenicity
Influenza (?)
Hepatitis B
Yellow fever
IgG concentrations
Grams per Liter
10 in the
umbilical vein
women, as compared with nonpregnant women, tis B,11 influenza,12,13 pertussis,14 and yellow fever15
is mixed. In some studies, mainly involving in- showed lower immunogenicity in pregnant women
activated influenza vaccine, equivalent responses than in nonpregnant women. Notably, studies
were observed in pregnant and in nonpregnant that showed the reduction in immunogenicity
women.8-10 Studies of vaccination against hepati- did not provide evidence of a decrease in the
clinical effectiveness of vaccination during preg- fants.35 Four randomized, controlled trials, con-
nancy.12-16 ducted in South Africa, Mali, Nepal, and Bangla-
desh, have evaluated the efficacy of inactivated
E v idence for Cur r en t M ater na l influenza vaccine administered during preg-
Im muni z at ion R ec om mendat ions nancy 36,37
against laboratory-confirmed maternal
and infant infection. In these trials, the efficacy
In the United States, the recommendations for in infants ranged from 30% in Nepal to 63% in
maternal immunization include the inactivated Bangladesh (Fig.2).18,37-39
influenza vaccine and the combined tetanus Given the reported association between influ-
diphtheriaacellular pertussis (Tdap) vaccine. In enza during pregnancy and adverse birth out-
some other countries, pregnant women also re- comes, the potential protective effects of mater-
ceive hepatitis B vaccine, hepatitis E vaccine, or nal influenza vaccination against adverse birth
both. Table1 lists vaccines and current recom- outcomes (e.g., low birth weight) have been ex-
mendations for their administration during plored. The evidence from clinical trials is char-
pregnancy. acterized by subtle shades of meaning that re-
quire some interpretation. For example, in the
Influenza Vaccine Bangladeshi and Nepalese trials, maternal influ-
Influenza vaccine has been recommended for enza immunization was associated with protec-
pregnant women in the United States since the tion against low birth weight,39,40 whereas the
1960s.20 Currently, influenza vaccine is now rec- South African and Malian trials did not show
ommended for all pregnant women (during each such an association. The Nepalese trial showed
pregnancy). The vaccine can be administered in a 15% reduction in the incidence of low birth
any trimester of pregnancy. Many other devel- weight among newborns of vaccinated mothers
oped and middle-income countries now have as compared with newborns of unvaccinated
recommendations for maternal influenza im- mothers.39 This difference translated into a
munization. Similarly, in 2012, the World Health mean birth weight that was 43 g higher in new-
Organizations Strategic Advisory Group of Ex- borns of the vaccinated mothers than in new-
perts on Immunization recommended that borns of the women in the control group.39
countries considering the initiation or expansion Similarly, in the Bangladeshi trial, the mean
of seasonal influenza vaccination programs give birth weight was 193 g higher in the maternal-
the highest priority to pregnant women.21 De- vaccination group than in the control group
spite this recommendation, few low-income during the period of influenza virus circula-
countries regularly vaccinate pregnant women tion.40
against influenza. A few factors should be considered in com-
The justification for vaccinating pregnant paring the results of the four trials. First,
women includes evidence, mainly from observa- whereas all four trials were of high quality, the
tional studies, suggesting that influenza results Nepalese trial was the only one that included a
in more severe outcomes among pregnant wom- birth outcome (low birth weight) as one of the
en than among nonpregnant women. The evi- primary outcomes. Therefore, unlike the other
dence of more severe maternal and fetal out- trials, the Nepalese trial was specifically pow-
comes after influenza is more consistent for ered to detect a difference in low birth weight
pandemics22-26; nevertheless, a substantial bur- between the study groups, reducing the likeli-
den of illness among pregnant women is attrib- hood of a type II error.
utable to seasonal influenza.27-32 Similarly, in- Second, the women in the Malian, Bangla-
fants under 6 months of age have the highest deshi, and South African trials were vaccinated
burden of childhood complications and death in the third trimester, whereas the women in the
associated with influenza.33 However, no effica- Nepalese trial received the vaccine between 17
cious vaccines are licensed and available for in- weeks and 34 weeks of gestation.36,37 Early vac-
fants younger than 6 months of age.34 cination may have provided a longer period to
Influenza vaccines are efficacious against in- influence fetal growth and weight gain. More-
fluenza-like illness and laboratory-confirmed over, assessment of gestational age can be inac-
influenza in pregnant women and their in- curate for women presenting late in pregnancy.
Vaccine and Type Category Recommendation for Pregnant Women Comments and Details
Anthrax, inactivated Travel and May be used in women with high risk Generally, inactivated vaccines are considered safe during pregnancy, although limited data from
other of exposure; not recommended for women vaccinated in the U.S. military are of potential concern. The Department of Defense
those with low risk of exposure exempts pregnant women from anthrax immunization, but some women inadvertently receive
the vaccine. In a study of approximately 115,000 live births to military women, the odds of birth
defects were 20% higher for newborns of women vaccinated during pregnancy than for new-
borns of women who had never been vaccinated. If exposed to anthrax, pregnant women should
receive the vaccine and 60 days of antimicrobial therapy.
BCG, live Travel and Contraindicated Although adverse effects have not been associated with BCG vaccination in pregnant women, it is
other not recommended during pregnancy, primarily because of theoretical risks associated with live
vaccines. Further studies are needed to prove safety before BCG vaccine is used in pregnant
HAV, inactivated Routine Recommended for specific indications Recommended for pregnant women who have a history of injection or noninjection illicit drug use,
are working with HAV-infected primates, are working with HAV in a research laboratory, have
chronic liver disease, receive clotting factor concentrates, or are traveling to or working in
countries with high or intermediate endemicity of hepatitis A.
HBV, recombinant Routine Recommended in some circumstances A randomized, controlled trial showed seroconversion rates of 92 to 94% among pregnant women.
Older age, obesity, and tobacco smoking have been associated with diminished HBV vaccine
responses in pregnancy. Data on vaccine safety during pregnancy, although limited, do not
suggest any concerns. Pregnant women who have had an HBsAg-positive sex partner, have had
more than one sex partner during the previous 6 mo, have been evaluated or treated for an STD,
or are recent or current injection-drug users should receive the HBV vaccine. The recommended
schedule is 0, 1, and 6 mo, but an accelerated schedule is possible during pregnancy.
Maternal Immunization
HPV, inactivated Routine Not recommended If a woman is found to be pregnant during the administration of an HPV series, the remaining
doses should be delayed until after pregnancy is completed. Although there are limited data
Downloaded from on March 29, 2017. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
inactivated other mendation the rarity of infection even in areas where the disease is endemic and the relatively high risk of
adverse events associated with vaccination during pregnancy, caution should be exercised when
considering the use of Japanese encephalitis vaccination in pregnant women. Vaccination
should usually be deferred because of the theoretical risk to the fetus. However, a pregnant
woman traveling to an area where there is a high risk of exposure to Japanese encephalitis
should be vaccinated, assuming the benefits outweigh the risks.
Table 1. (Continued.)
Vaccine and Type Category Recommendation for Pregnant Women Comments and Details
Meningococcal, inactivated Routine Serotype ACWY conjugate vaccine may In the only randomized, controlled trial of maternal meningococcal vaccination, pregnant women
be used in the case of a specific indica- in Mali were randomly assigned to receive either serotype ACWY conjugate vaccine or influenza
tion; the decision to administer the se- virus vaccine. Although the efficacy or immunogenicity results for the ACWY conjugate vaccine
rotype B vaccine should be based on a have not been published yet, there were no safety signals in this trial.18
riskbenefit assessment for the patient
MMR, live Routine Contraindicated Because of theoretical risks associated with live, attenuated vaccine, pregnant women or those
planning to become pregnant should not receive the MMR vaccine. If the vaccine is inadvertently
given to a pregnant woman, she should be informed of the theoretical risks to the fetus.
However, receipt of the vaccine is not an indication for termination of pregnancy.
Pneumococcal conjugate Routine Inadequate data for specific recom- No published data or recommendations concerning this vaccine seem to exist. However, given the
(PCV13), inactivated mendation importance of preventing pneumococcal disease in infants too young to be vaccinated, a phase
3 trial of PCV13 is being conducted among Gambian women.
Poliovirus, inactivated Routine May be used if needed This vaccine should not be routinely administered during pregnancy, primarily because of theoreti-
cal concerns, since there has been no demonstrated public health reason for maternal immuni-
zation. However, if a woman is at increased risk for exposure (e.g., because of travel to an area
where the disease is endemic or possible exposure in a clinical or laboratory setting), she may
be vaccinated after consultation with her health care provider. No adverse vaccine effects have
been observed in pregnant women or their fetuses.
Pneumococcal polysaccharide Routine Inadequate data for specific recom- Although there are insufficient data for a specific recommendation for pregnant women, PPSV23
n e w e ng l a n d j o u r na l
(PPSV23), inactivated mendation has been used in the second and third trimesters with no evidence of increased risk. A Cochrane
Inadvertent exposure to rabies vaccine during pregnancy should not be considered a reason
to terminate the pregnancy.
Smallpox, live Travel and Recommended after exposure; contra- Smallpox is the only human disease that has been eradicated. However, there are concerns regard-
other indicated before exposure ing intentional reintroduction (e.g., through bioterrorism) and accidental exposure (e.g., in a
laboratory). Transfer of the vaccine virus to the fetus is rare but can have severe clinical conse-
Downloaded from on March 29, 2017. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.
quences, including fetal or neonatal death. Therefore, preexposure vaccination is contraindi
cated for women who are pregnant or are trying to become pregnant. However, postexposure
vaccination is recommended because the risk of smallpox to the pregnant women and her fetus
outweighs any risk associated with the vaccine.
Vaccine and Type Category Recommendation for Pregnant Women Comments and Details
Tetanus toxoid, inactivated, Routine Recommended To ensure passive antibody transfer to the infant, the preferred time of vaccination is between 27
reduced diphtheria and 36 weeks of gestation, although vaccination during any stage of pregnancy is recommended.
toxoid, and acellular If a woman does not receive the vaccine during pregnancy, she should receive it immediately
pertussis after giving birth. Tetanus toxoid has been shown to be safe and very effective in pregnant women.
Moreover, neonates are protected against tetanus through antibodies transferred from vaccinated
Typhoid, live and inactivated Travel and Inadequate data for specific recom Live vaccines such as Ty21a are contraindicated for pregnant women. In situations with a clear clini-
other mendation cal need, inactivated Vi polysaccharide vaccine should be administered.
Varicella, live Routine Contraindicated Varicella vaccine is contraindicated in pregnancy because of the associated risk of varicellazoster
virus transmission to the fetus or newborn. However, the effect of the vaccine virus on fetal out-
comes is unknown. Given that the wild-type virus does not substantially affect the fetus and that
the vaccine virus is attenuated, the risk to the fetus in case of transfer of the vaccine virus is likely
to be low. In most situations, inadvertent vaccination is not a reason to terminate the pregnancy.
Yellow fever, live Travel and May be used if benefit outweighs risk Yellow fever vaccination is not contraindicated in pregnancy; however, the risks should be carefully
other considered. If a pregnant woman cannot avoid travel to an area of high risk for yellow fever, the
decision about vaccination should be made by considering the risk of yellow fever as compared
with the risks associated with the vaccine. If the vaccination risk is judged to be higher than the
disease risk, then the woman should receive a medical waiver so that she can be in compliance
with travel regulations that require proof of vaccination or exemption on medical grounds.
Zoster, live Routine Contraindicated The target age group for the zoster vaccine (>60 yr) is outside the childbearing years; pregnant
women are unlikely to need this vaccine. Because it is a live vaccine, there is little public health
or clinical justification for administering the zoster vaccine to pregnant women.
* Additional references for this table are listed in the Supplementary Appendix, available with the full text of this article at BCG denotes bacille CalmetteGurin, CDC Centers
for Disease Control and Prevention, FDA Food and Drug Administration, HAV hepatitis A virus, HBsAg hepatitis B surface antigen, HBV hepatitis B virus, HPV human papillomavirus,
MMR measlesmumpsrubella, STD sexually transmitted disease, VAERS Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System, and WHO World Health Organization.
Maternal Immunization
In addition to safe delivery and neonatal care practices, tetanus toxoid has been the mainstay of the WHOs Neonatal Tetanus Elimination Program and, subsequently, the Maternal and
Neonatal Tetanus Elimination Program. These programs have contributed to substantially reducing tetanus-associated maternal and neonatal mortality globally.
have shown high effectiveness of maternal per- vaccine-induced maternal pertussis antibodies on
tussis vaccination. For example, the effectiveness infant DTaP responses, whereas apparently no
for preventing pertussis in young infants was studies have assessed such responses in infants
91% (95% confidence interval [CI], 84 to 95) in receiving DTwP, the version of pertussis vaccine
a study that used the screening method (which used in most developing countries. Small trials
involves the use of readily available administra- in the United States14 and Canada55 showed lower
tive and surveillance data), and 93% (95% CI, 81 antibody responses to DTaP among infants
to 97) in a casecontrol study.48,49 whose mothers received Tdap during pregnancy
Similarly, the results of studies evaluating the than among the infants of unvaccinated women.
safety of maternal pertussis vaccination have been In a small trial in Vietnam (where infants also
reassuring overall. A large study conducted in a received DTaP), antibodies against pertactin (an
network of U.S.-based managed-care organiza- immunogenic virulence factor of Bordetella pertus-
tions showed no increase in adverse birth or sis) but not against pertussis toxin and filamen-
pregnancy outcomes, with the exception of a tous hemagglutinin, two other pertussis antigens,
20% higher adjusted rate of a chorioamnionitis were lower in the infants of mothers who re-
diagnosis among women who received Tdap vac- ceived Tdap during pregnancy.55,56
cine during pregnancy (6.1%, vs. 5.5% among The clinical relevance of studies showing
women who did not receive Tdap vaccine).50 attenuation of vaccine responses in infants is
However, on chart review, only half the patients uncertain, since there is no broadly accepted im-
could be confirmed as having a clinical presen- munologic correlate of protection for pertussis.
tation consistent with chorioamnionitis.50 This Nevertheless, these findings warrant monitoring
finding supports the interpretation that, in the of age-specific pertussis trends in populations
United States, perhaps because of litigation con- with maternal pertussis immunization in order
cerns, many fevers during the third trimester are to detect any shifting of the disease burden from
labeled as chorioamnionitis. Notably, in this infants who are younger than 6 months of age
study, there was no increase in the risk of pre- to infants who are 6 months of age or older, as
term birth, which was the main clinical outcome well as to children and adolescents.
of concern associated with chorioamnionitis.50
In another study in the United States, there M ater na l Vac cine s
was no increase in risk associated with concomi- in De v el opmen t
tant administration of influenza and Tdap vac-
cines during pregnancy.51 Similarly, there was no In recent years, there has been an increase in
increase in acute events (local reactions, fever, or efforts to develop vaccines for pregnant women.
allergy) or in adverse birth outcomes (preterm Vaccines against respiratory syncytial virus (RSV)
delivery, small size for gestational age, or low and group B streptococcus have seen the most
birth weight) associated with the time since pre- progress and are discussed here.
vious receipt of tetanus-containing vaccine.52
Maternal pertussis immunization results in Respiratory Syncytial Virus Vaccine
increased concentrations of pertussis antibodies RSV is the leading cause of viral acute lower re-
in infants,53 and there is a theoretical concern that spiratory tract illness, and the highest morbidity
these vaccine-induced maternal antibodies might is among preterm infants.57,58 In 2005, RSV-related
reduce the immunogenicity of infant diphtheria acute lower respiratory tract illness was associ-
tetanuspertussis (DTP) vaccine. Studies evalu- ated with an estimated 66,000 to 199,000 deaths
ating the attenuation of infant DTP responses by among children younger than 5 years of age
infection-derived maternal antibodies have had globally.57 Most of these deaths occurred among
heterogeneous findings. Overall, however, there infants, although in developing countries, deaths
was greater attenuation of immunogenicity in also occurred in the second year of life. In an-
infants who received DTP vaccine containing other study, the estimated number of RSV-asso-
whole-cell pertussis (DTwP) than in those who ciated deaths was higher, and 2 to 3% of all
received DTP vaccine containing acellular pertus- neonatal deaths were attributed to RSV.58 In a
sis (DTaP).54 multisite, U.S.-based surveillance study conduct-
There are emerging data on the effect of ed between November and April (the putative
respiratory infection season), 20% of hospital- lead to enhanced RSV disease in infants. More-
izations, 18% of emergency department visits, over, because of the high lifetime exposure to
and 15% of office visits for acute respiratory RSV and the fact that enhanced RSV disease is
infections in children younger than 5 years of restricted to seronegative persons, the risk of
age were associated with RSV.59 enhanced RSV disease is minimal for vaccinated
The high burden of RSV infection, particu- pregnant women. This notion is supported by
larly among young infants, has prompted efforts the absence of enhanced RSV disease among
to develop an RSV vaccine for use in pregnant recipients of RSV monoclonal antibodies and by
women. There are several RSV vaccines in pre- the results of early-phase clinical trials of mater-
clinical and clinical stages of development. Two nal RSV vaccination.64-66
surface glycoproteins, RSV F and G proteins, are
thought to induce neutralizing antibodies.59 An Group B Streptococcal Vaccine
F protein nanoparticle vaccine is being investi- Group B streptococcus is associated with adverse
gated in phase 3 clinical trials involving preg- fetal and infant outcomes. Early-onset group B
nant women.60 Another F protein subunit vaccine streptococcal infection occurs in neonates who
is being evaluated in phase 2 trials. Vaccines in are younger than 7 days of age and is character-
early and preclinical development include live ized by sepsis without a focus, pneumonia, men-
attenuated, whole inactivated, particle-based, sub- ingitis, or a combination of these findings.67,68
unit, nucleic acid, and gene-based vector vac- Late-onset group B streptococcal infection oc-
cines.60 Given that preterm infants are a high-risk curs in infants who are 7 to 89 days of age and,
group for adverse outcomes of RSV infection, as compared with early-onset infection, is asso-
recommendations concerning the gestational age ciated with higher rates of meningitis.68 More-
for RSV vaccination will have to account for ad- over, invasive group B streptococcal infection in
equate antibody transfer for preterm infants. pregnant women is associated with stillbirth.67
Early RSV vaccine candidates were associated There is also some evidence of an association
with adverse events. In the late 1960s, a formalin- between maternal infection and preterm birth.69
inactivated vaccine against RSV was evaluated in Invasive group B streptococcal disease in
multiple studies.61,62 In these studies, children infants is a consequence of transmission of
who were seronegative before vaccination had an group B streptococcus from colonized mothers
increase in the rates and severity of RSV-associ- during birth. In a multicenter study conducted in
ated lower respiratory tract infection,61,63 subse- the United States in the 1980s, approximately one
quently termed enhanced RSV disease. There in five pregnant women had evidence of rectal or
have been several attempts to characterize and vaginal colonization with group B streptococcus
understand enhanced RSV disease. We now know at 23 to 26 weeks of gestation.70 In the late
that it is associated with immunization with 1990s, universal maternal screening for group B
antigens that are not processed in the cytoplasm, streptococcus and intrapartum antibiotic prophy-
resulting in a lack of protective antibodies and laxis were initiated to prevent group B strepto-
CD4+ helper T-cell priming in the absence of coccal disease. These recommendations resulted
CD8+ T cells.63 This aberrant vaccine-associated in reductions in early-onset group B streptococ-
immunologic response results in a pathogenic cal disease.67 However, there has been no reduc-
Th2 memory response. As a result, the lungs of tion in late-onset disease, and the rates of early-
affected children are characterized by an excess onset disease plateaued more than a decade ago.
of eosinophils, neutrophilia, mononuclear-cell in- Moreover, there has been no change in the rates
filtration, and immune complex deposition after of maternal invasive group B streptococcal dis-
wild-type RSV infection.63 ease. A maternal group B streptococcal vaccine
For several decades, enhanced RSV disease could help reduce the burden of group B strep-
related safety concerns slowed RSV vaccine devel- tococcal disease, particularly late-onset disease,
opment. However, given that the primary biologic in infants.
mechanism underlying protection of infants In recent decades, there have been multiple
through maternal RSV immunization involves attempts at developing maternal group B strep-
transferred maternal antibodies, maternal im- tococcal vaccines. The first-generation vaccines
munization can bypass immunologic events that evaluated in clinical trials contained polysaccha-
ride antigens and had heterogeneous immuno- maternal vaccines will require rigorous evalua-
genicity. More recently, monovalent and trivalent tion of these vaccines in preventing adverse birth
conjugate vaccine candidates have been evaluated outcomes, as well as infant hospitalization and
in clinical trials.71-73 The trivalent conjugate vac- death. Moreover, the immunization delivery sys-
cine, which has undergone phase 1 and 2 trials, tem in the United States and globally has tradi-
contains capsular serotypes Ia, Ib, and III.71,72,74,75 tionally focused on childhood vaccines. Incorpo-
The vaccine was immunogenic and safe in these rating maternal vaccines into antenatal care has
early-phase trials. Serotypes Ia, Ib, and III cover been a challenge in many locations. For exam-
the majority of cases of group B streptococcal ple, maternal vaccination in the United States is
disease in infants in the Americas and Europe.76 estimated to be approximately 50% for influenza
However, the list of serotypes contributing to nationally and 10% for Tdap in 16 states that
infant disease globally includes types II and V.76 have data on maternal Tdap vaccination.77,78 Evi-
Hence, a maternal group B streptococcal vaccine dence-based interventions are needed at the prac-
targeting the global, rather than regional, disease tice, provider, and patient levels to ensure high
burden will require inclusion of these serotypes. maternal vaccination.
No potential conflict of interest relevant to this article was
F u t ur e Dir ec t ions reported.
Disclosure forms provided by the author are available with the
Maternal vaccines have the potential to provide full text of this article at
I thank Varun Phadke and Rachael Porter of Emory University
clinically significant protection for mothers and for assistance in the preparation of an earlier version of the
infants. However, realizing the full potential of manuscript.
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