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Grades 1 toiz DAILY LESSON PLAN ‘School Gradetercl |e Teaching Dates & Time | ine 5:9, 2017 (Week |) Quarter 1 Teacher Leaming Area| Mathematics Lopseciives A, Content standa ds 8, Performance “Thre The leaner denenstite endeitandny of be four fndamertal operation inves Fain The lesreris able fo apsythe fur farvlamental epertiensivalving factions in mathematical prcbers are rebfesttions Standards ©. Leaning M@NS--86 MENS-Ta-86 MeNS-13-873 MeVS-15-883 Competencies! Theleunar acl single |Thelestrerscbtacts The lamer adver routine ad neroutiregrcblems_| The learner ctectes cbjecives fraciore adminec) single Radiens ard inven alien ancfr subtraction cFracbors. | robles (with runbes wibaut or wth |mivednumbers without tring appoprate resem sdvingstateges ard | rearonable are wes) regain Crathregening, te Inwdung sition ander ‘ilection of fachone ‘llingSmgle Racions | Subracing Sle Sling roulre andnanvadine pablens ivelirg | Orang ward peblens . CONTENT Sndiiiediunbers | Pradiensandiced aden andor subtracton ef Ractens usng (oth eaeensale Pesce Rmbers Sppeepiteprtlem solangetrsteges and tok, | srewers) melvng dain arclor fulttation of rackons, TIE LEARNING RESOURCES 1A, References 1 Teechers Guide pages 2 Leaner s Meets paces 3. Testbook pages 4. Adatianal Materide from Learn source (LR) portal B, Other Leaning Resources | _ copyright. 2017 by Deparment Of Education‘i Fasc sialic: aaa ine TV, PROCEDURES 7, Reviewing previous | 24 2aNty7 ‘Games Fomy Fad Raion fon a Teneo oe Tesson oc presenting | ol srmnaey wr | (ame That umber!) subtadion rad and ‘gowpio eset har Fett sake) Stuaras se gauged Each | Med Wut though tes utes rrerbe-huslogies RaclonGard + Stow tadioncanan | memberhastogve Treen | teen ete + aces |, Se, Roaceenaa |e mo Hon te ppt sane + 21s eepigtive 2017 by Deparment Ot Edication hipulrnds depad goupa | no) tote dnTed gi Te pa 3, Establishing a purpose For the lesson Ria aE lh arenes fom Nolita suchas Brindle ete of helen thsane oe ‘tho ing 2p He leg 1 tho beat pat ele ‘mdormiced more eerste fo macesene of Tie tres tat there who uel 0 spaeiferecovetons Mie donot ted ing alo fey ize har mathonateal ‘role bah ‘areata and Group tts Weta edit wad of fever game ore te taal co of he owderle Efe fo wot (etter ih he obs somber te gop ‘indie slain atthe ize er ‘pended sali, Debing ar natn fete ht petlen asmateto she ued onthe Cakes 1 Asc Then wat ead on abd eller sla Presenting ‘exanplesjnstances of the naw lesson pple tothe as Mang ato mite ie Iancasabann, Ke ga ‘te Wt ate tegen We ashes hat Uae orale Ne allen? Con nigra Ne Star OFA eer Waar Ba oI rosie othe cs imears Wat nat ofthe incor mas Ch fo the test eal? dae wat ae genio Theprabin? Wha hae Guldethe ed in amingho ive rele Tee avalon Fon sales van ppece!m ng ane arate piece! lene fet the ul to arco hat ae es? ‘how ere ways ot tain teblers ou seepe ones face (pita 29 cece) ngederts Tdi cpfow Lis Sting sade isan Peg taba Teens ay ti Dipabcigae Mi skied Site ssa and Sond tf ilu andchocite Tbe bow ble + Reser he lining Potion lobe css guia rece le Se Stace une gn counD. Diccussing new conceats and praticrg nev sls a al fam the puss bow |» lc or he puna » steeritefuleniag | + Lolth vk by and lla veurteusto aot ‘how ter anew on ca Sang fag ens Simtel Seu the pe ih “Tree Sets ae gaa naa Ne ‘aria hm on rates br mal le oer an eV the ade toprcet| tl rT he hi Teh Ccampue the eal ih of the ee incre tr the Foung comers Lap fou = 286 Tis bitngsosne bg itt sg Lap taere 22% aap taney = 340 6 1a chase = 759 + Lathe pale werk ‘Shubroily pats Siedenresah emt on sth sstihe" ‘oh + toe veatnsto fee ence Eas fron eres fn gr (chou ohay eden at acess E, Diecassing new concent ana prattcing new sls 2 TRI pa WRT FR a Narcan 52a of | 988 Fete remanngto haltech lh ad | ateathe bo tse file mavegoes Coppightan2ai7 8Y BA He otca cals” Miele Feu: s0t0 br 969 rete tay they medfvihe pollenrei in er lhe are tha hy thecnans (Che ten aus the ‘Sucerts lose bet model essere ate 7 tows represent lich ie Softhe al ‘hen hen to he rove person ineschboe ‘Thus, hetolal no.of Chen i 61) bones i cal 3, ars Sa stoofer #50 Biter 2270 Fe 106 Fone eo #80 (hare cis: 2909 br Si stiofer B85 Tastamnoaty ‘inthe Siete cdo siete ihe Feblen Fyn ono Donte our on wed reblen ame th Hable un son on Ferree Sct oewen xh = Sat fede he rege, homey tek ingec ree Phe ler Calva share ‘Shion teas F, Developing mastery ((esde te Formative ‘Assesment 3) ARE Reds te waver [A forane vane Toate re nba Copyightcent Tend ale, andar tepals “ite dradong pack cinandiberen ht ‘38 of at ar pars ate estat cto ‘Wha acon the vie pacer aber by Depariment OF EuLcation—hipsliemds depacigoups | Tiaapar Soe eth deeb what Freee er a tiie Fs podem hanged ig reste ane werd relenstron shosev ste bo Red + Ae thet anaizethe syeblemby anna * Finding practical 2flicatins oF corcents ad wile in daily Iving SE Ts EN RRIF] SETS We CVE TT STE wT HO TV STON Eotnaspnde Sha 1. fodjog Shbwuble,sudiuittatont ear ana ied ruber al te (eee ga | SINE IN ANE sdb oi aye Pate emt Pon fur cearne the ides. much es bet Roel og owmany huts der se] than ls? Serdiedcng dhe |? They tayedaes er ® eyceouned22Wesst| epee wen ite putes | age a Ree hoa many Ta ae aout tse is Malina seneralzatons | Owe TSI — [on ase nT Tawar wr wa SRG aberenEone | factor wth ageing? [dasa adere wth a | plane mcg actors ‘Beat the lesson iden? Saded nan? Wh Ag dn bcos SEtestend aoe the wthrazamna Sinnamon twa stale ge? Testi Rais | cee tie mares {dithewheleumters, | eave Faso, + Whenthefisctoninthe | * Surat be Copyright © 2077 by Deparimant OT Education - RipiTmds deped gov pr3, Evalutinglearaing Flom sheng tea fesibe Capa hs pawl posi tlie ate ‘Aternative: QUIZ BEE (rscineret T, Adetonal actives or ‘tlication o° Femaciaten V. REMARKS VE REFLECTION 1. No, ofleamers who fentned €0% in the cevduation , No, ofleanas who require additonal ‘thibes Fr Femediatcn Copyright ®-2047 by Deparment Ot Edt cation—hitpritmds-depedgovpr——id the remedial lessons work? No, cE leamers who have cant wo nththe No, offeamars who corkinue to recite Femeciacn Wihich oF my tacing strategies worked nal? Why did theee ‘notke ‘har dficuies did encounter which my principal or supervisor Ean help me sclve? Vihaé innoveticn o Focalzed materials dd Tuse/discover mhich I ‘wish to share with thar teachers? Copyright © 2017 by Deparment Of Education - hipy/rmds deped govpn{py icrvves 1 o12 ony tessov'toc ‘School: Grale Level [5ix(@), Teacher: Learning Area | MATHEMATICS ‘TeachingDates and lime: | Week 2 (une 12 - 16,2017) ‘Quarter: [First (1 = Tuesday Wesinesday TOmECIES ‘Conte Stardud Telnet nein her rene opt mele ein —— Tra Taya ier Teg eas eahea FaTe a San eau © teary wowsn2 |ewemea [ewan |mensatana ae Pee TNE aur (ME (SUE, ame peers, [rim macrsemeha | tes ee Soy ae |S en welmiediadenc ars [arias | ae te Sa od [Eee atk ee io —— Teairg singh [esnghasre notre sive tenanare | ouangrabs (ath famresies, | tgatetee pate ed verte | cua eee a eee, (onsen momen See ne ee ae Smaae SReeurst na |ipoumtie naSin a Sporanen = Fel eter eS A ReeIences 1 Teachers ich pore Bestest i Tevtbook Pager Capyigh © 2017 by Deparment Of Education - hipiirmds deped govpy4. eins Mates Resource (LR) Portal Mis0%k Module Grack 5 se Nulipietionst MacdNumbers std SOK Module Grace Sahingore step nord probemsonmtpicain ImizosnMadde Gade & Selig ino step word Preble rn mit en Facine Frrachens hhrsctane LAP stack S vec4e 27 | DLP Grades Meee 27 Lesson Guide in lessen Gidein Elamercaty Mathematis § | Elenentary Watvematic: § ty pur Othe Lesring Fass Cade Fish Code FhGak Fant Resources TIT. PROCEDURE A, Reviening Previcus Lesson a Presenting the New Lesson evew (Liing Fas cares) A chance hefilonina hriedrumbers lo Inprores Frctone ef ad 5 ye 2nd as 7 96 3) ast 1, Recuce the folowing fhacionstolowest et, ne 2 DE a8 * Eye » 8 Copyright © 2017 by Depariment Cmpletethe abe below Nutty ay 2 voy 2 ree [ae Edveation—hipuiemes Fev gane charac) Cal 4 vues who wil fee asthe aco The pups wil zct to show the llesingweree out eating sm vere heel Pls Save Undeatand the pups wil guess the word! er al the wotce ate reveal, ask ancbve uel tevirange the wen Let the pup exphin the Lettten ate what i happen Fey mised ry De the date nto § aus Bskeach aus io arte < mary nerds a5 bey cn, Palsedto the louie 3) Raion (e.g. some of fetal acdedta inal by Stadion fog ens rinshed, deduced deterce) €) Mitisiaton (ec oda ie, Hines fb) Dison (eg ausien dvchdb) Al commen anaes il teeimieted: The goup wath the mest numser of vill the wire, —_——8, Establishing a Purpose far the Lesson ‘ow a ict oF «man harvesting huts rem fam ‘akpupl what ae the thrgs theyean see ina frm bukthe chaadersics of the mar of bide Jpygingina back xa a or whatare te chicten org” Why pote far chow a sicue of ater preparing + Chichen shor heh el what your faverite chien et? hy? What do yeu bine rater wl cok or Knew how a piture oF 2 oH ho baking sake vat can yousay spout che pcre? hat ho you th tthe gt ing? Presenting amples) Instances of the New lessen Peblem opener faales ef mangoes each any Ine table shows the record of he hare Ti, | Ne eFaraee oh | Ravested 3 0 bow many wate of rset in Fal an Pour? tn haute? in-house? What persion ane tein coning the Irabem Ope Crean ey <2 mtr one her Fon far anhe ie inthow? Let me pups sass the eps msaivng word prbens, Understand 2 What is he poe ishing yt? + What ar ne ghen ‘armatien that wal feloussevethe peblen? Pan oan yu wil bo gthoughthe prenlem? + What stateges can se ged to cole Hie prtlen solve 2 Spow the slater Preblem Onener Vichel sored 200 prec, He used oF to buy a bag and! ofc vemsinng rmaney t buy a book ‘what acter othe money wat I How mush nee Tan? Letthe pupils dscass the sleas insovnaere preblems Underctand oat sleclinthe pice? + what arethe anen cts? Plan eat aethe fmiators lo betas? + What the cavect puter srtence? Save Show the ston, Lat he pul ge + nary Far the gr nthe ptr ‘Atha to make « ‘ae vat are the nesce ingredertsin makings cre? Cut ofthe guencitation Ta toe pate rate intwreding werdpiobors Let hem ehcire, What fe she things they shou Graidrincreaing «we peblen? reblen 38 Deparment oF Edreatiorhip pecrgOvpCes ary the learners Fomtomullihy mised rumbers ard Ned Lathe pups observe what happened n every Slepo'the scien, Gee + Tye you chedead your ealaations? + Deyeusse erealy all mpatant dara + Bowe he anower rate + Ge youledk te arether way to sche the rcben to find cut your arsvers Ge + "Taye yu checked your caer? + Ddyouuse comecty alinporlart cata provided? + Bee he answer mabe Bid a lok ft another way ta she the sree to Find ft Frou answers , ciscussing New Concepts and Practicing New shl #1 Pawo Frith arachatof the Flowrg. Reaue te ‘rene toemalest Form, vaheneve’ pose 9 Sq) ra 1 2 shy a2 Gao wh Gus Lar (wing any stateg): “agiteen patie meters long ard meter Wide. Vat «the atest the gaden pla? Geass 3 ard (sing any statea: Storer any atiematere mater car aah rate ing Smet ae, ard 2 Eaters Highball Exch aeup wil resert their eutpet nds answer the fllowng preblems What comes nest nthe givnse cf ruber 5 a5 135 Letthe pupils dscass what strateaythey ure ir Sching he prtlen, Gapwal Goo) Vala anther ineresing problem auto the Previous stanton al Vat the gl bake Zeahae?' cares? Fow are we aira'o ‘hist the ingeronte? , Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New skl 32 abe the Flowing Vite the armen naps fara wherever sie 1) matipy2bs 2) what 9 $e 2f> Think pai share ‘arse the preblem below, Ure difarent stratagem eng 1) Atmckwas fled Lat each group excrwnge Ube stable they made Geupt wl arene the ward gaups, ow? val anener the wo oF gaups,ardsoon CoVGT OTT by Deparment EUCATION = NApITMGE TERETTOVHT3) Finds pachel eit Tah proaary ams Br deivery The diver deivered {atts te ermatfets What pat ofthe tuctose af eroeey items was eine What par 2fthe Cath oad wa nat celverec? Freourage the pup to te diforen shale get in Selling Lethe paps share uhat tratgy they tnelin svn F. bevelopng Mastery (Leads To Form dive desecsment) Taina naniartoevey, fhien fle cles Randomly selee a sup or {geup2F pup t answer Seuss, Say: Al ever numbers eile mung cae caught 40! Hogans of ch He ete? eit. How mary Hlegrans| ffi ache slain al? sdve Fenplarted2 menge feed: He tice da the seed ae $e acer than the presious eel This week he measured potlen fhe oven Ppeblen ard sche » Dagan! eis tard ep teat tora me sen ‘ston sapetien that ven alow " tae pb v Saas sebrteon te the ow me bd he teacher wil guide te ‘ a) leer ruber Pure inaneweinate lei 8 Alms ors preblen cist c) Numbers divsible by 4 * Nima hte selten 2 who rag ‘e) Numbers divcible by 5 presen 30cm N haute ‘etsirebt all pups wil be ealec, eT week 142 safle . tte a it oF centr hippyReda fe areverin let six ahi 3) Whale 4) Wal ei proche of 4and32 5) Whale ‘cd mote necessary, The part wil gow 201 tal, so tll becane val gen 22 em, Hear re second wesh the naght of the par villbe 1 The teacher may extend Uh prkler en the 1 wes aad apalyie, andsdve | Rene, andyie and sahe [Read andes the en G. Findina Practical the atcble below the lowngpreblens, | allng prodems, show Zprlicatons oF Shon yaurreat anc | yournestandeamplele The css wil be diced Concepts and Stile Nang lsc used are o& | cempleiesoutor selitin ittod guns. Escharoue in Daily Living part ta cover ihsquare {1 Bing Mari We ) Mang Baril hacla? il 30 ven ime to ged neta of wall How many Har of pint needed Copyright © 2017 by Depariment legs of maa 8 ra kos Hom any hog ansof ree Sidete ee in raling wie? 2) ceesprines houses 2 lometers away Fm schel Cato howeie Ss fara ioseprine, Hon fai Eales ise Rem the ‘hoa? Edveation—hipuiemes tht word prenem, er n thevies they stot usedzinplining ther peblen-the marge tes, andjin | Soina es Daningsartdtnes, ineltentter ive Wiha Pedr stvne | ee Denels indi pated hectaes of land He wnthuiees? 3) Romana has meter fred toon, 12 ites of ww Star he wae? cfitfe her pried Hon mucy eben Silehe ne for her sdeped gop»Hi. Making GGenetalearens and Abst actions Abaut the Lesson Tow do wemaply nixed hambersard Sastans® is impeter te change tre me number to mpopet fem befure mmulipying? In vhut eae situations anwe apy he canent rubbing miced Fumbers ard Sac ianc? VWeatwcitesep p shinguwerspredleme? eyiseadstep impotent mngaeber, chang? What ae the steps selirg werdtblers? Why inpartart to chech yur are we? Ton dows cele wad prtlens? What are the gs to Coreider nnahng rresrinfl mather atc vera penis? Zils he Flowing Falvethe Flown 1. Evdusting {Slaw wits he reer in | probes press Ubechmemee toe a Stopes wee ) Reacandihd 3:Mon | geupevalete Her enn ree] atetmare ee | Ste neato | tert ae ) F you mitply £ ara | dean 0? meee reaytles ase Barat daa afabat wilyange? | areetinhaanha. | Candhe ark cane 2) Fhd:he wake afin | eememeterst | ifentlestheayste ate tweeuch gop’ Thc tomen: aretcine dean | dare ‘lien moe? dbeaioy ete pls fet te wats fr env :0 |3) Thelabren enfiich | wit he wor at abou? ‘cemerang :alometer 3 tb tpae 2) Mes anrns roan sy. oo rut the rect |" blemsercin ane haw. | rary Howto oF a Nowforcanhege® | roazcanthayfinah it tee forony:et | they wo for 10: anes? ae? ese to Taser | Sl We Falling | Seon the ally Cate yur our 2. Aiton Gide nsumariany | pabems,show ur neat | pebims shower real ering and caleng ‘tite fr Matrentirtrypicee- | Sdconpets raion’ |trdeanplaesdaion | werd rain Feplicazon cr 9 D Ajwgartars ites | Ren ediaton siete NS saetarg eke Rabi Copyright © 2017-by-Deparimant. ot Tew san thd Shure 2) Mang Masiare harvest 25 Edvcalion—hilpsirmds cis of 10 Zimeten kg a 3 1 SQnetes wes S rele ck paverrert soptegpaenies to. 5 Geile spelen sty wth complete 4. estes urea aoble wth cmplete dit 3 Geates a polen aitthe side Hw many sacs of play Sahat he wee ahs Ta fot cove ed by he pavemence ireonglee dis peblen 1 fe ett atall 1¥, REMARKS HOLIDAY \V. REFLECTION BR, Tevoflewnar uo farmed 8094 cr the eat eee sete recpire atiorl ‘etltes fo Temalar © Ddthe remedial lessore wat? No of leamers nko hive ‘auah wp withthe lesson eee areal ante! Which oF my leachingstateges vwoved wal? hy ‘sdthese wer? Fe Wit afcuties dd Tercaurer which ryt er Superser can help fever dT Geefdcover ohicht wish Thee mth ther teachers? Copyright © 2017 by Deparment Of Education - hipy/rmds deped govpnro School Grade Level eh ‘@ DAILY LESSONLOG Teacher Leaning Area" Natamiaics Date/time | Wiesk3 Quarter Fist) 1 OBJECTIVES |. Content Standard | Theleane: denenstates unde stardina ofthe four ncanental peratons invlina Tectors. B. Performance Thelearne: is cle to opaly the Four Funcanental operations invobirg fractions n/m atheriatical pratlen « andrealHfe Standard stuars, Learning MENS-e-96.7 MENS-te-97.7 MBNS-Te-97.7 MENS-1e- 98.2 Competendes Theleae civides | Theleanersaves | The eaimer aches | The learner creates probleme (with reasonable smpleFatiens ane | routine ernonreutne routine o non-rattire | ansners) invaling dvsion without ar wth am trixed frac, problar'solving | prollems wvelvng | the ob et gpetatons of radon and rived fivsion wthout any of | dison wit any cf the | fracuens. the cher aperatiors of | otte’ operations oF frxtions andmivee [fractions and mined fractions using Fractions uring appropiate arabien | apiopriate problem solargstiazeqes anc | sclvng svategies and tecs reals Ti, CONTENT Diiden aFeimpleand | SoMingRoutine and [clung Routine ard | Creating nord srdblamcinvaving dion wither mixed fractiens| Nov routine Pieblans [Nenreutne Froslems | @witn any cf other epevations cf Flaciens and Hnvatang Dison inyoving Dwsion and | med fraciens tne” operations TIT. LEARNING RESOURCES. A. References 1, Teacher's Guide ~ = = > pages 2. Module/Leamer’s Materials pages 3. Textbooks = = = = = ‘4. Additional Materials | G&ANLG Gr. @ Module | OLP Gr GModule 10 | BCAMLGG. 6 Medule EAMG Gr 6 Module | BEAN LG Gr € Modu from LR portal 10 pp. 6-7 10p.33 10 10 BEAN LGGr. 6 Moduie 100.32 CRHMIGRTO 2 hy Deparment OF EAEATON= RAT ATRE daper GOB1, Other Learning Teacher made Teacher made Teacher made Teacher made Teacher made Reswurces vromohests wokohects vorisecte volkoneste vokohecs vec htpslioutubefhTIcd fahren hitpe:|/youtu be/430Vp_ cohen TV: PROCEDURES A Revewngof [Picture Equation: [Group Activlyi [Collaborative Give sown ati | Group Game Previa Lessons |Bavew of mung |Thedarsinilbe | Activity thence (are OUP. | She dase wil bo Froerne teen. | faction) delim gious with |Theclasswilbe | GeatigPetlons | Uvdediio groups Present Sudars witbe | vemenbets. ava | dviged eu 10 groups. |reven) Exh goup nil nce oupedireo 5, acn | greup, they wit var | Each goup wil be probly mar tote Soup wll be diver set_| questions giren bythe | vena workchee to | fkthe folowing | ane reed by the Spinureciersting | testerinvcling [cal heconcent of | questions teacher after mang Cavinn factors, Wac | divsin effindiene, | dvigon fractions and | Hem do youfid | the pedlam, eh the pupis il dois to | the arp nho wil tts appa in the atiey? | geup will exchange fndthe oetues ot | thetaghesescore wit |proien sowng 2. Whar aid you | he ork anc answer Fractens that willie | be dedard the wnne conan the prslems made by the inteaed produce (Worksheet No. 4) | Srangncthe | the her ran, ‘when mltpo thre? 2 What can you say_ | “Mark mekesdecoratn example Note vaucanInitthe |” baste jabiems | cones Hees 3249 2, Pimber of aun i | cathe 5 4 de vutirk ei lupe sskg mere Fhe problems? uses *kg of wax For i ah candle, hon nan Candles canbe mae aie 3. Eaabishnga akthe errant | Pootapeblen anc Ate esmners Ir eds bat | Face he Pupereferihe 1, How dd you arive_ | inst te earrersto|1, How dove dvde |the trator todays | process cf the rae with yeu newer h | tobe tuning ane Fratton? (ote |lescoietowite | pupil rks exch one? Flom do we mutiply Fractons and med rumbes? ‘Copyrighter method “There mere 19 loaves oFbraad which ware ‘tious evamplee given diffrent (ypes of actions, Lee) Saath ede ovramine, intereding and chalengng word Problems for their Cassmates to solve Feitcatfar hte rmdsdened-gor py ———tTnwna instances dene ned te ‘rest Giron: What pat ofthe bread dd Tumba by Faia ¢ faction ek ther what they awd frecuors and | each chile et? byarone Faction aready knan out mixed sumbeis? etc) eating word Cal for velunteers |, How de we solve problems, tolvathe arabian on word protlene? the board lew t students 9 elan ther work and compare ievita tre ohers, Presenting Gve an avariev en | inbolucePchat4 | Gveanaw set of Ta fasta he TnPoduce another ns) texamples/instances | dviding ‘ractons seas in sohing protlems (conbinaon pestatonof the | of waftng word GrbeNenteston | ticugh video problems: Of diferent opetatons) lessor, iefertothe | preblars,thistine Presentation “ Undastandthe —|ardascthepurilste | atachec DLP (‘Durie | aiver the mathematic: problen ardize and the lesson” pa). sentences. 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