Program Outcomes Performance Indicator: (Refer To PSG of The Program)

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Philippine-Japan Friendship Highway, Sasa, Davao City


Course Title Abnormal Psychology

Course Description This course provides an examination of the various psychological
disorders as well as theoretical, clinical, and experimental
perspectives of the study of psychopathology. Emphasis is on
terminology, classification, etiology, assessment, and treatment of
the major disorders. Upon completion, students should be able to
distinguish between normal and abnormal behavior patterns as
well as demonstrate knowledge of etiology, symptoms, and
identify possible treatments and interventions.
Course Credits 3 units
Contact Hours/week 3 hours a week
Prerequisite Psych 4, Stat2a
Program Outcomes Performance Indicator
(Refer to PSG of the program)
Demonstrate the Understand and identify major psychological concepts and
capability to discuss theories, principles, concepts, and skills in abnormal
and analyze the major psychology.
theories and concepts Develop arguments about and critically evaluate the
in psychology. established principles in abnormal psychology, and
Comprehend and evaluate new information related to
abnormal psychology (e.g. theory, concepts, data) that may
be presented in various forms and form various sources.
Demonstrate and
Production of good quality psychological research.
apply the methods of
Demonstrate methods of inquiry in psychology.
psychological inquiry
Critically evaluate the appropriateness of different
in building
knowledge on local approaches to problem solving in the field and
culture and context. Apply inquiry methods in making judgements and solve
problems in applied or an employment context.
Demonstrate and
apply psychological Correctly apply the theories, principles, concepts and skills in
theories and methods abnormal psychology in an employment context,
in personal and Undertake research using the knowledge and skills in
professional settings. psychology, and communicate the results of such research to
both specialist and non-specialist audiences.
capability for self- Acceptance to graduate programs in Psychology and allied
reflection and fields,
independent learning Employability in psychology-related profession,
in graduate education Demonstrate the capability capable of handling basic job
or in a professional requirements in the field of teaching, research, human
context. resource management, basic psychometrics, training and
development, among others, and in further developing

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relevant knowledge in skills.

Demonstrate Demonstrate appropriate behavior required in the

professional and psychology profession.
ethical behaviors in Observe ethical rules concerning conduct of research and
research and practice projects.
in Psychology.

Establishes, maintains and develops working relationships

Demonstrate the with professional colleagues.
ability to relate
Establishes, maintains and develops appropriate working
appropriately with
relationship with clients and others, and
colleagues, clients and
Displays sensitivity to cross cultural differences.
others in diverse
cultural setting.

Demonstrate the Assesses or evaluates individuals, groups, organizations or

conduct of situations,
psychological Understand assessment or evaluation needs,
assessments and Selects, designs or develops appropriate assessments or
evaluation. evaluation, and
Conducts assessments or evaluations, including
administration, scoring, interpretation, feedback and
application results
Course Objectives To demonstrate knowledge and understanding of
(Learning Outcomes) concepts/constructs/principles/terms in Abnormal Psychology
To define the causes and main symptoms linked to major mental
health diagnoses with knowledge of the DSM diagnostic system.
To demonstrate a basic understanding for possible treatments
and interventions for the mental disorders introduced.
To demonstrate respect for the individuality, uniqueness, self-
worth and dignity of every individual person
To gain insights on the characteristics and dynamics of abnormal
To manifest professional behavior in assessing every individual
To justify and defend its practice diagnoses of cases of symptoms
presented in related mental disorders with the use of DSM
diagnostic system.
To use the terminologies presented and acquire skills and
techniques in diagnosis as primary tool in dealing people with
mental illnesses.
To show the skills of critical analysis of case studies for an
accurate diagnosis pertaining to its illness origins, diagnostic
criteria and treatment plans and to be able to assist individuals
who are diagnosed to have mental illness.
To construct checklist of abnormal behaviors that constitute
mental disorders
To apply basic principles in assessing behavior.
Course Outline
Week Topic
1 JMC Vision, Mission, Goals, Rules and Policies

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The Self in Social World
2 Looking at Abnormality
- Defining abnormality
Abnormal Psychology throughout history
3 Theories and Treatment of Abnormality
45 Assessing and Diagnosing Abnormality
Prelim Exam (July 19, 20, 22)
6-7 The Research Endeavor
Trauma, Anxiety, Obsessive-Compulsive and Related Disorders
8-9 Somatic Symptom and Dissociative Disorders
Mood Disorder and Suicide
10 Midterm Exam (August 26, 29, 30)
11 Schizophrenia and Related Disorder
12 Personality Disorders
13-14 Neurodevelopmental and Neurocognitive Disorders
Disruptive, Impulse Control, and Conduct Disorders
15 Semifinal Exam (September 20, 21, 23)
16-18 Eating Disorder
Sexual Disorder
Substance Use and Gambling Disorders
Mental Health and Issues
Final Exam (October 18, 19, 21)
Lab/Equipment/Mater Computer, LCD/Overhead projector
ials/Chemicals (if any)
Learning Resources
(e.g. Textbooks and Hoeksema, S. (2014) Abnormal psychology 6th ed. McGraw-Hill
References) Education
Diagnostic Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-V),
Hoeksema, S. (2004) Abnormal Psychology Hoeksema, S.,
International Edition
Required Reading
Tria, Geraldine E., (2016) Principles of mental hygiene 6th ed. Pantas
Halgin, Richard (2007) Abnormal psychology 5th ed. McGraw-Hill
Suggested Readings
and References
Course Requirements Case study
Research Paper
Reaction Paper
Grading System Participation/Performance 10%
Assignments/Projects 5%
Quizzes 15%
Periodical Exam 70%
TOTAL 100%

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Semestral Grade:

Prelim 20%
Midterm 30%
Semifinal 20%
Pre-Final 30%
TOTAL 100%

Classroom Policies Students are expected to:

be collaborative, interactive
write a one paragraph summary of every material
read/presented in the class
raise an argument or issue during topic presentation
attend classes ready with all the required materials for
reading, viewing, listening and for other activities
Consultation Hours Friday: 5pm-9pm
Saturday: 10 am-2:00 pm

Prepared/Submitted by: Checked by: Approved by:

Atty. Charlotte F. Gallego Escobido, Abegail Grace B. Dr. Gloria P. Labor, Ed. D.
Faculty Program Head Dean, CASE

Date: June 28, 2017

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