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Kaspersky Security Center 10: Application Version: 10 Service Pack 1

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Kaspersky Security Center 10

Administrator's Guide


Dear User,
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This document, and graphic images related to it, may only be used for informational, non-commercial, and personal
This document may be amended without additional notification. The latest version of this document can be found on the
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Kaspersky Lab assumes no liability for the content, quality, relevance, or accuracy of any materials used herein the rights
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Document revision date: 2/2/2015

2014 Kaspersky Lab ZAO. All Rights Reserved.


ABOUT THIS DOCUMENT ..................................................................................................................................... 9
In this document ................................................................................................................................................ 9
Document conventions .................................................................................................................................... 11
SOURCES OF INFORMATION ABOUT THE APPLICATION ................................................................................. 12
Sources of information for independent research .............................................................................................. 12
Discussing Kaspersky Lab applications on the forum ........................................................................................ 13
KASPERSKY SECURITY CENTER ...................................................................................................................... 14
What's new ..................................................................................................................................................... 14
Distribution kit ................................................................................................................................................. 16
Hardware and software requirements............................................................................................................... 16
APPLICATION INTERFACE ................................................................................................................................. 19
Main application window .................................................................................................................................. 19
Console tree ................................................................................................................................................... 21
Workspace...................................................................................................................................................... 23
Set of management blocks ......................................................................................................................... 25
List of management objects........................................................................................................................ 25
Set of information blocks ............................................................................................................................ 27
Data filtering block ........................................................................................................................................... 28
Context menu.................................................................................................................................................. 30
Configuring the interface.................................................................................................................................. 30
APPLICATION LICENSING .................................................................................................................................. 32
About the End User License Agreement........................................................................................................... 32
About the license............................................................................................................................................. 32
About key........................................................................................................................................................ 33
Kaspersky Security Center licensing options .................................................................................................... 33
About restrictions of the main functionality........................................................................................................ 34
About the activation code ................................................................................................................................ 35
About the key file............................................................................................................................................. 35
KASPERSKY SECURITY CENTER QUICK START WIZARD ................................................................................ 36
BASIC CONCEPTS .............................................................................................................................................. 37
Administration Server ...................................................................................................................................... 37
Administration Server hierarchy ....................................................................................................................... 38
Virtual Administration Server............................................................................................................................ 38
Mobile device server ....................................................................................................................................... 39
Web server ..................................................................................................................................................... 39
Network Agent Administration group ................................................................................................................ 39
Administrator's workstation .............................................................................................................................. 40
Application administration plug-in..................................................................................................................... 40
Policies, application settings, and tasks............................................................................................................ 41
How local application settings relate to policies ................................................................................................ 42
MANAGING ADMINISTRATION SERVERS .......................................................................................................... 43
Connecting to an Administration Server and switching between Administration Servers ..................................... 43
Access rights to Administration Server and its objects ...................................................................................... 44
Conditions of connection to an Administration Server via the Internet ................................................................ 45
Secure connection to Administration Server ..................................................................................................... 45
Administration Server certificate ................................................................................................................. 46
Administration Server authentication during client computer connection....................................................... 46
Administration Server authentication during Administration Console connection ........................................... 46
Disconnecting from an Administration Server ................................................................................................... 46
Adding an Administration Server to the console tree ......................................................................................... 47


Removing an Administration Server from the console tree ................................................................................ 47

Changing an Administration Server service account. Utility tool klsrvswch ......................................................... 47
Viewing and modifying the settings of an Administration Server ........................................................................ 48
Adjusting the general settings of Administration Server ............................................................................... 48
Configuring event processing settings......................................................................................................... 48
Control of virus outbreaks........................................................................................................................... 48
Limiting traffic ............................................................................................................................................ 49
Configuring cooperation with Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC) ........................................................ 49
Configuring Web Server ............................................................................................................................. 49
Interaction between Administration Server and KSN Proxy service .............................................................. 49
Working with internal users ........................................................................................................................ 50
MANAGING ADMINISTRATION GROUPS............................................................................................................ 51
Creating administration groups ........................................................................................................................ 51
Moving administration groups .......................................................................................................................... 52
Deleting administration groups......................................................................................................................... 53
Automatic creation of a structure of administration groups ................................................................................ 53
Automatic installation of applications to computers in an administration group ................................................... 54
MANAGING APPLICATIONS REMOTELY ............................................................................................................ 55
Managing policies ........................................................................................................................................... 55
Creating policies ........................................................................................................................................ 56
Displaying inherited policy in a subgroup .................................................................................................... 56
Activating a policy ...................................................................................................................................... 56
Activating a policy automatically at the Virus outbreak event........................................................................ 57
Applying an out-of-office policy ................................................................................................................... 57
Deleting a policy ........................................................................................................................................ 57
Copying a policy ........................................................................................................................................ 57
Exporting a policy ...................................................................................................................................... 57
Importing a policy....................................................................................................................................... 58
Converting policies..................................................................................................................................... 58
Managing policy profiles .................................................................................................................................. 58
About policy profiles ................................................................................................................................... 58
Creating a policy profile .............................................................................................................................. 59
Modifying a policy profile ............................................................................................................................ 60
Deleting a policy profile .............................................................................................................................. 61
Managing tasks ............................................................................................................................................... 61
Creating a group task ................................................................................................................................. 62
Creating an Administration Server task ....................................................................................................... 62
Creating a task for a set of computers......................................................................................................... 62
Creating a local task .................................................................................................................................. 63
Displaying an inherited group task in the workspace of a nested group ........................................................ 63
Starting client computers automatically before launching a task ................................................................... 63
Turning off the computer after a task is complete ........................................................................................ 64
Limiting task run time ................................................................................................................................. 64
Exporting a task ......................................................................................................................................... 64
Importing a task ......................................................................................................................................... 64
Converting tasks ........................................................................................................................................ 65
Starting and stopping a task manually......................................................................................................... 65
Pausing and resuming a task manually ....................................................................................................... 66
Monitoring task execution ........................................................................................................................... 66
Viewing task run results stored on Administration Server ............................................................................. 66
Configuring filtering of information about task run results ............................................................................. 66
Viewing and changing local application settings ............................................................................................... 67
MANAGING CLIENT COMPUTERS...................................................................................................................... 68
Connecting client computers to Administration Server ...................................................................................... 68
Connecting a client computer to Administration Server manually. Klmover utility................................................ 69


Tunneling the connection between a client computer and Administration Server ................................................ 70
Remote connection to the desktop of a client computer .................................................................................... 70
Configuring the restart of a client computer ...................................................................................................... 71
Audit of actions on a remote client computer .................................................................................................... 71
Checking the connection between a client computer and Administration Server................................................. 72
Automatic check of connection between a client computer and Administration Server .................................. 72
Manual check of connection between a client computer and Administration Server. Klnagchk utility .............. 72
Identifying client computers on Administration Server ....................................................................................... 73
Adding computers to an administration group ................................................................................................... 73
Changing Administration Server for client computers ........................................................................................ 74
Remote turning on, turning off and restarting client computers .......................................................................... 74
Sending a message to the users of client computers ........................................................................................ 75
Controlling changes in the status of virtual machines ........................................................................................ 75
Remote diagnostics of client computers. Kaspersky Security Center remote diagnostics utility ........................... 76
Connecting the remote diagnostics utility to a client computer ..................................................................... 76
Enabling and disabling tracing, downloading the trace file ........................................................................... 78
Downloading applications' settings ............................................................................................................. 78
Downloading event logs ............................................................................................................................. 78
Starting diagnostics and downloading its results.......................................................................................... 78
Starting, stopping and restarting applications .............................................................................................. 79
MANAGING USER ACCOUNTS ........................................................................................................................... 80
Handling user accounts ................................................................................................................................... 80
Adding a user account ..................................................................................................................................... 80
Configuring rights. User roles........................................................................................................................... 81
Adding a user role ...................................................................................................................................... 81
Assigning a role to a user or a user group ................................................................................................... 81
Delivering messages to users .......................................................................................................................... 82
Viewing the list of a user's mobile devices ........................................................................................................ 82
Installing a certificate for a user........................................................................................................................ 82
Viewing the list of certificates handed to a user ................................................................................................ 83
WORKING WITH REPORTS, STATISTICS, AND NOTIFICATIONS ...................................................................... 84
Working with reports........................................................................................................................................ 84
Creating a report template .......................................................................................................................... 84
Creating and viewing a report ..................................................................................................................... 85
Saving a report .......................................................................................................................................... 85
Creating a report delivery task .................................................................................................................... 85
Working with the statistical information ............................................................................................................. 86
Configuring notification settings ....................................................................................................................... 86
Event selections .............................................................................................................................................. 87
Viewing computer selection ........................................................................................................................ 87
Customizing an event selection .................................................................................................................. 87
Creating an event selection ........................................................................................................................ 88
Exporting event selection to text file ............................................................................................................ 88
Deleting events from selection .................................................................................................................... 88
Exporting events to an SIEM system ................................................................................................................ 88
Computer selections........................................................................................................................................ 89
Viewing computer selection ........................................................................................................................ 89
Configuring a computer selection................................................................................................................ 89
Creating a computer selection .................................................................................................................... 90
Exporting settings of a computer selection to file ......................................................................................... 90
Create a computer selection by using imported settings .............................................................................. 90
Removing computers from administration groups in a selection ................................................................... 91
Policy selections.............................................................................................................................................. 91
Task selections ............................................................................................................................................... 91


UNASSIGNED COMPUTERS ............................................................................................................................... 92

Network discovery ........................................................................................................................................... 92
Viewing and modifying the settings for Windows network polling ................................................................. 93
Viewing and modifying Active Directory group properties ............................................................................. 93
Viewing and modifying the settings for IP subnet polling .............................................................................. 93
Working with Windows domains. Viewing and changing the domain settings ..................................................... 94
Working with IP subnets .................................................................................................................................. 94
Creating an IP subnet ................................................................................................................................ 94
Viewing and changing the IP subnet settings .............................................................................................. 94
Working with the Active Directory groups. Viewing and modifying group settings ............................................... 95
Creating rules for moving computers to administration groups automatically ...................................................... 95
Using VDI dynamic mode on client computers .................................................................................................. 95
Enabling VDI dynamic mode in the properties of an installation package for Network Agent ......................... 96
Searching for computers making part of VDI ............................................................................................... 96
Moving computers making part of VDI to an administration group ................................................................ 96
MANAGING APPLICATIONS ON CLIENT COMPUTERS ...................................................................................... 97
Groups of applications ..................................................................................................................................... 97
Creating application categories................................................................................................................... 98
Configuring applications launch management on client computers ............................................................... 99
Viewing the results of statistical analysis of startup rules applied to executable files ..................................... 99
Viewing the applications registry............................................................................................................... 100
Creating groups of licensed applications ................................................................................................... 100
Managing keys for groups of licensed applications .................................................................................... 100
Viewing information about executable files ................................................................................................ 101
Application vulnerabilities .............................................................................................................................. 101
Viewing information about vulnerabilities in applications ............................................................................ 101
Searching for vulnerabilities in applications ............................................................................................... 102
Fixing vulnerabilities in applications .......................................................................................................... 102
Software updates .......................................................................................................................................... 102
Viewing information about available updates ............................................................................................. 103
Synchronizing updates from Windows Update with Administration Server .................................................. 103
Automatic installation of updates on client computers ................................................................................ 104
Installing updates on client computers manually ........................................................................................ 104
Configuring application updates in a Network Agent policy ........................................................................ 105
REMOTE INSTALLATION OF OPERATING SYSTEMS AND APPLICATIONS .................................................... 107
Creating images of operating systems............................................................................................................ 108
Adding drivers for Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE) ................................................................... 108
Adding drivers to an installation package with an operating system image....................................................... 109
Configuring sysprep.exe utility ....................................................................................................................... 109
Deploying operating systems on new networked computers ........................................................................... 110
Deploying operating systems on client computers .......................................................................................... 110
Creating installation packages of applications................................................................................................. 110
Installing applications to client computers ....................................................................................................... 111
MANAGING MOBILE DEVICES .......................................................................................................................... 112
Managing mobile devices using an MDM policy.............................................................................................. 112
Handling commands for mobile devices ......................................................................................................... 113
Commands for mobile device management .............................................................................................. 113
Using Google Cloud Messaging ............................................................................................................... 114
Sending commands ................................................................................................................................. 115
Viewing the statuses of commands in the command log ............................................................................ 115
Handling certificates ...................................................................................................................................... 116
Installing a certificate................................................................................................................................ 116
Configuring certificate handing rules ......................................................................................................... 116
Integration with the public keys infrastructure ............................................................................................ 117
Enabling support of Kerberos Constrained Delegation............................................................................... 117


Managing Exchange ActiveSync mobile devices ............................................................................................ 118

Adding a management profile ................................................................................................................... 118
Deleting a management profile ................................................................................................................. 119
Viewing information about an EAS device ................................................................................................. 119
Disconnecting an EAS device from management ...................................................................................... 120
Managing iOS MDM mobile devices............................................................................................................... 120
Adding a configuration profile ................................................................................................................... 120
Installing a configuration profile to a device ............................................................................................... 121
Removing a configuration profile from a device ......................................................................................... 121
Adding provisioning profile ....................................................................................................................... 122
Installing a provisioning profile to a device ................................................................................................ 122
Removing a provisioning profile from a device .......................................................................................... 123
Adding a managed application.................................................................................................................. 123
Installing an application on a device.......................................................................................................... 124
Removing an application from a device..................................................................................................... 125
Viewing information about an iOS MDM device ......................................................................................... 125
Disconnecting an iOS MDM device from management .............................................................................. 125
Managing KES devices ................................................................................................................................. 126
Creating a mobile app package for KES devices ....................................................................................... 126
Viewing information about a KES device ................................................................................................... 126
Disconnecting a KES device from management ........................................................................................ 127
SELF SERVICE PORTAL ................................................................................................................................... 128
About Self Service Portal ............................................................................................................................... 128
Adding a device ............................................................................................................................................ 129
Creating an account for Self Service Portal .................................................................................................... 129
ENCRYPTION AND DATA PROTECTION FOLDER ........................................................................................... 131
Viewing the list of encrypted devices .............................................................................................................. 131
Viewing the list of encryption events............................................................................................................... 132
Exporting the list of encryption events to a text file .......................................................................................... 132
Creating and viewing encryption reports......................................................................................................... 132
Switching to the NAC settings in the Network Agent properties ....................................................................... 136
Selecting an operation mode for the NAC agent ............................................................................................. 136
Creating network elements ............................................................................................................................ 136
Creating network access restriction rules ....................................................................................................... 137
Creating a white list ....................................................................................................................................... 137
Creating a list of allowed network addresses .................................................................................................. 138
Creating accounts to use on the authorization portal ....................................................................................... 138
Configuring the authorization page interface................................................................................................... 138
Configuring NAC in a Network Agent policy .................................................................................................... 139
INVENTORY OF EQUIPMENT DETECTED ON THE NETWORK ........................................................................ 140
Adding information about new devices ........................................................................................................... 140
Configuring criteria used to define enterprise devices ..................................................................................... 141
UPDATING DATABASES AND SOFTWARE MODULES ..................................................................................... 142
Creating the task of downloading updates to the repository............................................................................. 142
Configuring the task of downloading updates to the repository ........................................................................ 143
Verifying downloaded updates ....................................................................................................................... 143
Configuring test policies and auxiliary tasks.................................................................................................... 144
Viewing downloaded updates ........................................................................................................................ 145
Automatic distribution of updates ................................................................................................................... 145
Distributing updates to client computers automatically ............................................................................... 145
Distributing updates to slave Administration Servers automatically ............................................................ 146
Installing program modules for Servers and Network Agents automatically ................................................ 146
Creating and configuring the list of Update Agents .................................................................................... 146


Downloading updates by Update Agents................................................................................................... 147

Rolling back installed updates ........................................................................................................................ 147
WORKING WITH APPLICATION KEYS .............................................................................................................. 148
Viewing information about keys in use............................................................................................................ 148
Adding a key to the Administration Server repository ...................................................................................... 148
Deleting an Administration Server key ............................................................................................................ 149
Deploying a key to client computers ............................................................................................................... 149
Automatic distribution of a key ....................................................................................................................... 149
Creating and viewing a key usage report ........................................................................................................ 150
DATA STORAGES ............................................................................................................................................. 151
Exporting a list of repository objects to a text file............................................................................................. 151
Installation packages ..................................................................................................................................... 151
Quarantine and Backup ................................................................................................................................. 152
Enabling remote management for files in the repositories .......................................................................... 152
Viewing properties of a file placed in repository ......................................................................................... 152
Removing files from repositories ............................................................................................................... 153
Restoring files from repositories ............................................................................................................... 153
Saving a file from repositories to disk........................................................................................................ 153
Scanning files in Quarantine..................................................................................................................... 153
Unprocessed files .......................................................................................................................................... 154
Postponed file disinfection........................................................................................................................ 154
Saving an unprocessed file to disk............................................................................................................ 154
Deleting files from the Unprocessed files folder ......................................................................................... 154
KASPERSKY SECURITY NETWORK (KSN)....................................................................................................... 155
About KSN .................................................................................................................................................... 155
About data provision...................................................................................................................................... 155
Setting up the access to KSN ........................................................................................................................ 156
Enabling and disabling KSN .......................................................................................................................... 156
Viewing the KSN proxy server statistics ......................................................................................................... 157
CONTACTING TECHNICAL SUPPORT SERVICE .............................................................................................. 158
About technical support ................................................................................................................................. 158
Technical support by phone ........................................................................................................................... 158
Technical Support via Kaspersky CompanyAccount ....................................................................................... 158
GLOSSARY ....................................................................................................................................................... 160
KASPERSKY LAB ZAO ...................................................................................................................................... 165
INFORMATION ABOUT THIRD-PARTY CODE ................................................................................................... 166
ABOUT NAC/ARP ENFORCEMENT TECHNOLOGY .......................................................................................... 167
ENHANCED PROTECTION WITH KASPERSKY SECURITY NETWORK ............................................................ 168
TRADEMARK NOTICE ....................................................................................................................................... 169
INDEX................................................................................................................................................................ 170

Kaspersky Security Center Administrator's Guide contains an introduction, sections that describe the application
interface, settings, and maintenance, sections that describe how to manage main tasks, and a glossary.
This guide provides instructions on how to configure and use Kaspersky Security Center.
This Guide also lists sources of information about the application and ways to get technical support.

In this document .........................................................................................................................................................9
Document conventions ............................................................................................................................................. 11

Kaspersky Security Center Administrator's Guide contains an introduction, sections that describe the application
interface, settings, and maintenance, sections that describe how to manage main tasks, and a glossary.

Sources of information about the application (see page 12)

This section describes sources of information about the application and lists websites that you can use to discuss the
application's operation.

Kaspersky Security Center (see page 14)

The section contains information on the purpose of Kaspersky Security Center, and its main features and components.

Application interface (see page 19)

This section describes the main features of the Kaspersky Security Center interface.

Application licensing
This section provides information about general concepts related to the application activation. This section describes the
purpose of the End User License Agreement, the ways of activating the application, and how to renew your license.

Quick Start Wizard (see page 36)

This section provides information about the functionality of the Kaspersky Security Center Quick Start Wizard.

Basic concepts (see page 37)

This section explains basic concepts related to Kaspersky Security Center.

Managing Administration Servers (see page 43)

This section provides information about how to handle Administration Servers and how to configure them.

Managing administration groups (see page 51)

This section provides information about how to handle administration groups.

Managing applications remotely (see page 55)

This section provides information about how to perform remote management of Kaspersky Lab applications installed on
client computers, using policies, policy profiles, tasks, and local settings of applications.

Managing client computers (see page 68)

This section provides information about how to handle client computers.


Working with reports, statistics, and notifications (see page 84)

This section provides information about how to handle reports, statistics, and selections of events and client computers in
Kaspersky Security Center, as well as how to configure Administration Server notifications.

Unassigned computers (see page 92)

This section provides information about how to manage computers on an enterprise network if they are not included in an
administration group.

Managing applications on client computers (see page 97)

This section describes how to manage groups of applications and how to update software and fix vulnerabilities that
Kaspersky Security Center detects on client computers.

Remote installation of operating systems and applications (see page 107)

This section provides information about how to create images of operating systems and deploy them on client computers
over the network, as well as how to perform remote installation of applications by Kaspersky Lab and other software

Managing mobile devices (see page 112)

This section describes how to manage mobile devices connected to Administration Server.

Self Service Portal (see page 128)

This section contains information about Self Service Portal. The section provides Self Service Portal login instructions for
users as well as instructions on creating Self Service Portal accounts and adding mobile devices on Self Service Portal.

Data encryption and protection (see page 131)

This section provides information about how to manage encryption of data stored on hard drives of various devices and
removable media.

Managing devices access to an organization's network (Network Access Control, NAC) (see page 135)
This section provides information about how to control devices' access to an organization's network with access
restriction rules and the white list of devices.

Inventory of equipment detected on the network (see page 140)

This section provides information about inventory of hardware connected to the organization's network.

Updating databases and software modules (see page 142)

This section describes how to download and distribute updates of databases and software modules using Kaspersky
Security Center.

Working with application keys (see page 148)

This section describes the features of Kaspersky Security Center related to handling keys of managed Kaspersky Lab

Data repositories (see page 151)

This section provides information about data stored on the Administration Server and used for tracking the condition of
client computers and servicing them.

Contacting Technical Support Service

This section provides information about how to obtain technical support and what conditions should be met to receive
help from the Technical Support Service.

This section lists terms used in the guide.


Kaspersky Lab ZAO (see page 165)

This section provides information about Kaspersky Lab.

Information about third-party code (see page 166)

This section provides information about third-party code used in Kaspersky Security Center.

Trademark notice (see page 169)

This section contains registered trademark notices.

This section helps you find necessary data quickly.

Document conventions are used herein (see the table below).
Table 1. Document conventions


Warnings are highlighted with red color and boxed. Warnings contain information
Note that... about actions that may lead to some unwanted outcome.

Notes are boxed. Notes contain additional and reference information.

We recommend that you use...

Example: Examples are given on a yellow background under the heading "Example".


Update means... The following elements are italicized in the text:

The Databases are out of date event New terms.
Names of application statuses and events.
Press ENTER. Names of keyboard keys appear in bold and are capitalized.
Press ALT+F4. Names of keys that are connected by a + (plus) sign indicate the use of a key
combination. Those keys should be pressed simultaneously.
Click the Enable button. Names of application interface elements, such as entry fields, menu items, and
buttons, are set off in bold.

To configure task schedule: Introductory phrases of instructions are italicized and accompanied by the arrow
Enter help in the command line The following types of text content are set off with a special font:
The following message then appears: text in the command line;
Specify the date in dd:mm:yy text of messages displayed on the screen by the application;
data that the user should enter from the keyboard.
<User name> Variables are enclosed in angle brackets. Instead of a variable, the
corresponding value should be inserted, with angle brackets omitted.

This section lists the sources of information about the application.
You can select the most suitable information source, depending on the issue's level of importance and urgency.

Sources of information for independent research ....................................................................................................... 12
Discussing Kaspersky Lab applications on the forum ................................................................................................. 13


You can use the following sources to find information about Kaspersky Security Center:
Kaspersky Security Center page on the Kaspersky Lab website
Kaspersky Security Center page on the Technical Support Service website.
Online help.

If you cannot find the solution to an issue on your own, we recommend that you contact Technical Support at
Kaspersky Lab.

An Internet connection is required to use online information sources.

Kaspersky Security Center page on the Kaspersky Lab website

On the Kaspersky Security Center page (http://www.kaspersky.com/security-center), you can view general information
about the application, its functions and features.
The Kaspersky Security Center page contains a link to eStore. There you can purchase or renew the application.

Page of Kaspersky Security Center in the Knowledge Base

Knowledge Base is a section on the Technical Support website.
On the Kaspersky Security Center page (http://support.kaspersky.com/ksc10), you can read articles that provide useful
information, recommendations, and answers to frequently asked questions on how to purchase, install, and use the
Knowledge Base articles can answer questions relating to not only to Kaspersky Security Center but also to other
Kaspersky Lab applications. Knowledge Base articles can also include Technical Support news.

Online help
The online help of the application comprises help files.
Context help provides information about Kaspersky Security Center windows: A description of Kaspersky Security Center
settings is followed by links to descriptions of the tasks that use these settings.
Full help provides information about how to configure and use Kaspersky Security Center.

Application documentation consists of the files of application guides.


The administrator guide provides instructions on:

Prepare Kaspersky Security Center for installation, installing and activating the application.
Configuring and using Kaspersky Security Center.
The administrator's guide provides information on how to configure and use Kaspersky Security Center.
The user guide describes the common tasks that users can perform using the application depending on the available
Kaspersky Security Center rights.
The installation guide describes how you can perform the following tasks:
Prepare Kaspersky Security Center for installation, installing and activating the application.
Preparing Kaspersky Security Center for operation.
Restoring or removing Kaspersky Security Center.
The deployment guide describes how you can perform the following tasks:
Plan Kaspersky Security Center installation (taking into account the operating principles of Kaspersky Security
Center, system requirements, common deployment scenarios, and specifics of Kaspersky Security Center
integration with other applications).
Configure Kaspersky Security Center after installation.
The implementation guide provides instructions on:
Plan Kaspersky Security Center installation (taking into account the operating principles of Kaspersky Security
Center, system requirements, common deployment scenarios, and specifics of Kaspersky Security Center
integration with other applications).
Prepare Kaspersky Security Center for installation, installing and activating the application.
Configure Kaspersky Security Center after installation.
The Getting Started guide provides information needed to start using the application quickly (a description of the
interface and main tasks that can be performed using Kaspersky Security Center).
The help guide describes the functions and settings of Kaspersky Security Center. The help guide sections are arranged
alphabetically and grouped by topic.


If your question does not require an immediate answer, you can discuss it with the Kaspersky Lab experts and other
users in our forum (http://forum.kaspersky.com).
In this forum you can view existing topics, leave your comments, create new topics.

The section contains information on the purpose of Kaspersky Security Center, and its main features and components.
Kaspersky Security Center is designed for centralized execution of basic administration and maintenance tasks in an
organization's network. The application provides the administrator access to detailed information about the organization's
network security level; it allows configuring all the components of protection built using Kaspersky Lab applications.
Kaspersky Security Center is an application aimed at corporate network administrators and employees responsible for
anti-virus protection in organizations.
Using Kaspersky Security Center, you can:
Create a hierarchy of Administration Servers to manage the organization's network, as well as networks at
remote offices or client organizations.
The client organization is an organization, whose anti-virus protection is ensured by service provider.
Create a hierarchy of administration groups to manage a selection of client computers as a whole.
Manage an anti-virus protection system built based on Kaspersky Lab applications.
Create images of operating systems and deploy them on client computers over the network, as well as
performing remote installation of applications by Kaspersky Lab and other software vendors.
Perform remote administration of applications by Kaspersky Lab and other vendors installed on client
computers. Install updates, find and fix vulnerabilities.
Perform centralized deployment of keys for Kaspersky Lab applications to client devices, monitor their use, and
renew licenses.
Receive statistics and reports about the operation of applications and devices.
Receive notifications about critical events in the operation of Kaspersky Lab applications.
Control access of devices to an organization's network using access restriction rules and a white list of devices.
NAC agents are used to manage access of devices to an organization's network.
Manage mobile devices that support Kaspersky Security for Android, Exchange ActiveSync, or iOS Mobile
Device Management (iOS MDM) protocols.
Manage encryption of information stored on the hard drives of devices and removable media and users' access
to encrypted data.
Perform inventory of hardware connected to the organization's network.
Centrally manage files moved to Quarantine or Backup by anti-virus applications, as well as objects for which
processing by anti-virus applications has been postponed.

What's new............................................................................................................................................................... 14
Distribution kit ........................................................................................................................................................... 16
Hardware and software requirements ........................................................................................................................ 16

Changes introduced in Kaspersky Security Center 10 compared to the previous version:
Management of user roles has been added as a new feature. (see the section "Configuring rights. User roles"
on page 81)
It is now possible to add internal users for managing virtual Administration Servers.
It is now possible to schedule the network scan.
Private KSN can now be configured. (see the section "Setting up access to KSN" on page 156)


Self Service Portal has been launched, letting users take over some of the mobile device management
operations. (see the section "Self Service Portal" on page 128)
The feature of events export to SIEM systems has been implemented (see the section "Exporting events to an
SIEM system" on page 88).
It is now possible to change the path to the folder for saving downloaded updates and patches or updates and
patches waiting to be downloaded.
It is now possible to delete updates that have been downloaded.
It is now possible to deliver vulnerability fixes to client computers without installing the updates.
Administration Server updates can be managed from the application interface.
It is now possible to select an update agent for client computers based on a network analysis.
It is now possible to view information about the distribution of vulnerabilities across managed computers.
It is now possible to route traffic from mobile KES devices outside the corporate network through a connection
gateway in a demilitarized zone (DMZ).
It is now possible to manage mobile devices with remote commands.
It is now possible to set up Google Cloud Messaging to exchange push notifications between KES devices and
Administration Server.
The feature of operating system image capturing and deployment has been added (see page 107).
The option of centralized remote installation of third-party applications has been implemented (see page 111).
The option of centralized remote installation of updates for operating systems and applications has been
implemented (see page 102).
Windows Server Update Services feature has been integrated into Administration Server (see page 102).
The feature of licensing restrictions control has been added; the operational scope of the applications registry
has been expanded (see page 97).
The feature of equipment registry management has been added (see page 140).
The option of Network Access Control has been implemented for devices attempting to access the
organization's network, by applying rules and a white list of devices (see page 135).
The option of shared access to the desktop of a client computer has been added; the operational scope of the
remote desktop has been expanded.
Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Devices Server has been implemented (see page 118).
iOS MDM Mobile Devices Server has been implemented (see page 120).
The option of sending SMS messages to mobile devices users has been implemented (see page 80).
The feature of centralized remote installation of applications to managed mobile devices has been implemented.
The feature of centralized installation of certificates on managed mobile devices has been implemented.
Support of the data encryption management feature has been added for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for
Windows (see page 131).
Application Control features have been expanded, the following features have been added: static analysis of
Application Control rules, creation of categories based on a set of executable files on reference computers,
display of several categories for a single executable file (see page 97).
The option of publishing selected standalone packages on a web server integrated into Administration Server
has been implemented (see page 110).
The selection of update agents is included in the set of selections generated by default.
An information pane showing the status of update agents has been added.
The option of filtering centralized lists of files in Quarantine and Backup and files with postponed processing has
been implemented.
The feature of management of a centralized list of users has been added (see page 80).
The option of excluding selected subdivisions from search in Active Directory has been added.
The option of scheduling the startup of a task on a specific day of the month has been added.


Automatic setup of task startup delay has been implemented.

The use of negation in search criteria for computer selections has been implemented.
The option of specifying an existing empty database as Administration Server database during installation has
been implemented.
The option of specifying groups as search criteria for computer selections has been added.
The option of specifying a type of distributed objects in the update agent settings: installation packages,
updates, or both types (see page 146).
The option of searching for computers by user names or session names has been added; also, a user report
has been added.
A graphic utility has been implemented for Administration Server management.
Separate display of the license expiration date and the key validity term end date has been added to the
properties of the key and to the keys usage report.
Display of information about the full volume of data stored in the Administration Server database and the volume
of events stored in the database has been added.
The option of specifying criteria with the OR operator in rules of moving of computers to administration groups
has been added.

You can purchase the application through online stores of Kaspersky Lab (for example, http://www.kaspersky.com, the
eStore section) or partner companies.
If you purchase Kaspersky Security Center in an online store, you copy the application from the store's website.
Information that is required for application activation is sent to you by email after payment.
For more details on purchase methods and the distribution kit, contact the Sales Department.


Kaspersky Security Center has the following hardware and software requirements
Table 2. Software requirements for Administration Server and Kaspersky Security Center Web Console


Operating system Microsoft Windows XP Professional with Update Package 2 or later installed;
Microsoft Windows XP Professional x64 or later;
Microsoft Windows Vista Business / Enterprise / Ultimate Service Pack 1 or later;
Microsoft Windows Vista Business / Enterprise / Ultimate x64 Service Pack 1 or later;
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional / Enterprise / Ultimate;
Microsoft Windows 7 Professional / Enterprise / Ultimate x64;
Microsoft Windows 8 (all editions);
Microsoft Windows 8 x64 (all editions);
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2003;
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2008;
Microsoft Windows Small Business Server 2011;
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or later;
Microsoft Windows Server 2003 x64 or later;
Microsoft Windows Server 2008;
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 deployed in the Server Core mode;
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x64 Service Pack 1 or later;
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 x64 deployed in the Server Core mode;
Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2;


Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2 deployed in the Server Core mode;
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 (all editions);
Microsoft Windows Server 2012 deployed in the Server Core mode.
Data Access Components Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.8 or later
Microsoft Windows DAC 6.0.
Database Management Microsoft SQL Server Express 2005, Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008, Microsoft SQL
System Server Express 2008 R2, Microsoft SQL Server Express 2008 R2 Service Pack 2, Microsoft
SQL Server Express 2012;
Microsoft SQL Server 2005, Microsoft SQL Server 2008, Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2,
Microsoft SQL Server 2012;
MySQL Enterprise versions 5.0.67, 5.0.77, 5.0.85, 5.087 Service Pack 1, 5.091;
MySQL Enterprise versions 5.0.60 Service Pack 1, 5.0.70, 5.0.82 Service Pack 1, 5.0.90.
Web server Apache HTTP Server version 2.2.0 or later (version 2.2.23 recommended).

Table 3. Hardware requirements for Administration Server and Kaspersky Security Center Web Console


Microsoft Windows, 32-bit 1 or higher 4 10

Microsoft Windows, 64-bit 1.4 or higher 4 10

Administration Console
Table 4. Software requirements to Administration Console


Operating system Microsoft Windows (supported version of the operating system is determined by the
requirements of Administration Server).
Management Console Microsoft Management Console 2.0 or later.
Browser Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later when working with Microsoft Windows XP, Microsoft
Windows Server 2003, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Microsoft Windows Server 2008 R2,
or Microsoft Windows Vista;
Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.0 or later when using Microsoft Windows 7;
Microsoft Internet Explorer 10.0 or later when using Microsoft Windows 8.

Table 5. Hardware requirements to Administration Console


Microsoft Windows, 32-bit 1 or higher 512 1

Microsoft Windows, 64-bit 1.4 or higher 512 1

When using the System Administration, at least 100 GB free disk space shall be available.

iOS Mobile Device Management mobile device server

Table 6. Software requirements to the iOS MDM mobile device server


Operating system Microsoft Windows (supported version of the operating system is determined by the
requirements of Administration Server).


Table 7. Hardware requirements to the iOS MDM mobile device server


Microsoft Windows, 32-bit 1 or higher 2 2

Microsoft Windows, 64-bit 1.4 or higher 2 2

Exchange ActiveSync mobile device server

All software and hardware requirements for Exchange ActiveSync Mobile device server are included in requirements for
the Microsoft Exchange Server.
Co-operation with Microsoft Exchange Server 2007, Microsoft Exchange Server 2010, and Microsoft Exchange Server
2013 supported.

Network Agent or Update Agent

Table 8. Software requirements to Network Agent and Update Agent


Operating system Microsoft Windows;

Mac OS

The version of the operating system supported is defined by the requirements of applications that can be managed using
Kaspersky Security Center.

Table 9. Hardware requirements to Network Agent and Update Agent


Microsoft Windows, 32-bit 1 or higher 0.5 1 4

Microsoft Windows, 64-bit 1.4 or higher 0.5 1 4

Linux, 32-bit 1 or higher 1 1 4

Linux, 64-bit 1.4 or higher 1 1 4

Mac OS 1 1 1 4

For concurrent installation of Network Agent and Kaspersky Endpoint Security, free disk space must be at least 2 GB.

You can retrieve details of the latest version of the hardware and software requirements from Technical Support website,
on the page of Kaspersky Security Center 10, in the System requirements section.

This section describes the main features of the Kaspersky Security Center interface.
Viewing, creation, modification and configuration of administration groups, and centralized management of Kaspersky
Lab applications installed on client devices are performed from the administrator's workstation. The management
interface is provided by the Administration Console component. It is a specialized stand-alone snap-in that is integrated
with Microsoft Management Console (MMC); so the Kaspersky Security Center interface is standard for MMC.

Administration Console allows remote connection to Administration Server over the Internet.

For local work with client computers, the application supports remote connection to a computer through Administration
Console by using the standard Microsoft Windows Remote Desktop Connection application.

To use this functionality, you must allow remote connection to the desktop on the client computer.

Main application window ........................................................................................................................................... 19
Console tree ............................................................................................................................................................. 21
Workspace ............................................................................................................................................................... 23
Data filtering block .................................................................................................................................................... 28
Context menu ........................................................................................................................................................... 30
Configuring the interface ........................................................................................................................................... 30


The main application window (see figure below) comprises a menu, a toolbar, an overview panel, and a workspace.
The menu bar allows you to use the windows and provides access to the Help system. The Action menu duplicates the
context menu commands for the current console tree object.
The console tree displays the namespace of Kaspersky Security Center in a tree view (see the section "Console tree"
on page 21).
The set of toolbar buttons provides direct access to some of the menu items. The set of buttons on the toolbar may
change depending on the current node or folder selected in the console tree.


The appearance of the workspace of the main application window depends on which node (folder) of the console tree it
is associated with, and what functions it performs.

Figure 1. Kaspersky Security Center main application window


The console tree (see figure below) is designed to display the hierarchy of Administration Servers in the corporate
network, the structure of their administration groups, and other objects of the application, such as the Repositories or
Reports and notifications folders. The name space of Kaspersky Security Center can contain several nodes including
the names of servers corresponding to the installed Administration Servers included in the hierarchy.

Figure 2. Console tree

The Administration Server <Computer name> node is a container that shows the structural organization of the selected
Administration Server. The Administration Server <Computer name> container includes the following folders:
Managed computers
User accounts
Reports and notifications
Administration Server tasks.
Tasks for specific computers.
Managing applications.
Remote installation


Managing mobile devices.

Data encryption and protection
Unassigned computers
The Managed computers folder is intended for storage, display, configuration and modification of the structure of
administration groups, group policies and group tasks.
The User accounts folder contains information about user accounts on the network.
The Reports and notifications folder contains a set of templates for generation of reports about the protection system
state on client computers in administration groups. The Reports and notifications folder contains the following subfolders:
Computer selections. Intended for searching client computers by specified criteria.
Events. Contains selections of events that present information about application events and the results of
tasks run.
The Administration Server tasks folder contains a set of tasks defined for Administration Server.
The Tasks for specific computers folder contains tasks defined for sets of computers in administration groups or in the
Unassigned computers folder. Such tasks are convenient for small groups of client computers that cannot be combined
into a separate administration group.
The Applications management folder is intended for managing applications installed on computers on the network. It
contains the following subfolders:
Application categories. Intended for handling user categories of applications.
Applications registry. Contains the list of applications installed on client computers on which Network Agent is
Executable files. Contains the list of executable files stored on client computers on which Network Agent is
Software vulnerabilities. Contains the list of vulnerabilities in the applications on client computers on which
Network Agent is installed.
Software updates. Contains list of updates downloaded by the Administration Server, which can be distributed
to client computers.
Kaspersky Lab licenses. Contains a list of keys on client computers.
Third-party licenses usage. Contains a list of groups of licensed applications.
The Remote installation folder is intended for managing remote installation of operating systems and applications. It
comprises the following subfolders:
Deploy computer images. Intended for deploying images of operating systems on client computers.
Installation packages. Contains a list of installation packages that can be used for remote installation of
applications on client computers.
The Mobile devices folder is designed to manage Exchange ActiveSync and iOS MDM mobile devices.
The Data encryption and protection folder is intended for managing the process of user data encryption on drives and
removable media.
The Unassigned computers folder displays the network where the Administration Server is installed. Information about
the structure of the network and computers on this network is received by the Administration Server through regular
polling of the Windows network, IP subnets, and Active Directory within the corporate computer network. Polling results
are displayed in the info areas of corresponding folders: Domains, IP subnets, and Active Directory.
The Repositories folder is intended for operations with objects used to monitor the status of client computers and
perform their maintenance. It includes the following folders:
Updates. Contains a list of updates received by Administration Server that can be distributed to client computers.
Hardware. Contains a list of hardware connected to the organization's network.
Quarantine. Contains a list of objects moved to Quarantine by anti-virus software on client computers.
Backup. Contains the list of backup copies of objects in storage.
Unprocessed files. Contains a list of files assigned for later scanning by anti-virus applications.


Workspace is an area of the main application window of Kaspersky Security Center located on the right from the console
tree (see figure below). It contains descriptions of console tree objects and their respective functions. The content of the
workspace corresponds to the object selected from the console tree.

Figure 3. Workspace

The appearance of the workspace for various console tree objects depends on the type of data displayed. Three
appearances of the workspace exist:
set of management boxes;
list of management objects;
set of information panes.


If the console tree does not display some of the items within an object of the console tree, the workspace is divided into
tabs. Each tab corresponds to an item of the console tree (see figure below).

Figure 4. Workspace divided into tabs

Set of management blocks ........................................................................................................................................ 25
List of management objects ...................................................................................................................................... 25
Set of information blocks ........................................................................................................................................... 27



In the workspace represented as a set of management blocks, management tasks are divided into blocks. Each
management block contains a set of links each of which corresponds to a management task (see figure below).

Figure 5. Workspace represented as a set of management blocks


Workspace represented as a list of management objects comprises four areas (seethe figure below).
Block of objects list management.
List of objects.
Block of selected object (optional).


Block of data filtering (optional).

Figure 6. Information area represented by a list of management objects

The block of objects list management contains the header of the list and a set of links each of which corresponds to a list
management task.
The list of objects is displayed in a table view. The set of table columns can be changed through a context menu.
The block of selected object contains detailed information about an object and a set of links intended for running main
tasks of object management.
The block of data filtering allows you to create samples of objects from the list (see the section "Data filtering block" on
page 28).



Information-type data are shown in the workspace as information panes without controls (see figure below).

Figure 7. Workspace represented as a set of information panes

Information panes may be represented on several pages (see figure below).

Figure 8. Workspace divided into pages



Data filtering block (hereinafter also referred to as filtering block) is used in workspaces and sections of dialog boxes that
contain lists objects (such as computers, applications, vulnerabilities, or users).
The filtering block can contain a search field, a filter, and buttons (see figure below).

Search field
The search field is used to search the list for the text entered in it.
Use the following regular expressions in the search field to search for text:
*. Replaces any sequence of characters.

To search for the words Server, Servers, or Server room, enter the expression Server* in the search field.

?. Replaces any single character.

To search for the words Word or Ward, enter the expression W?rd in the search field.

[<range>]. Replaces any single character from a specified range or set.

To search for any numeral, enter the expression [0-9] in the search field.
To search for one of the charactersa, b, c, d, e, or fenter the expression [abcdef] in the search field.

Full-text search is available in the following filtering blocks:

In the event list filtering block, by the Event and Description columns
In the user account filtering block, by the Name column
In the applications registry filtering block, by the Name column if the Group applications by name check box is
Use the following regular expressions in the search field to run a full-text search:
Space. You will see all computers whose descriptions contain any of the listed words.

To search for a phrase that contains the word Slave or Virtual (or both these words), enter the expression Slave Virtual
in the search field.


+, AND or &&. When a plus sign precedes a word, all search results will contain this word.

To search for a phrase that contains the word Slave and the word Virtual, enter either one of the following expressions
in the search field: +Slave+Virtual, Slave AND Virtual, Slave && Virtual.

OR or ||. When placed between two words, it indicates that one word or the other can be found in the text.

To search for a phrase that contains the word Slave or the word Virtual, enter either one of the following expressions in
the search field: Slave OR Virtual, Slave || Virtual.

-. When a minus sign precedes a word, no search results will contain this word.

To search for a phrase that must contain the word Slave and must not contain the word Virtual, enter the +Slave-Virtual
expression in the search field.

"<some text>". Text enclosed in quotation marks must be present in the text.

To search for a phrase that contains the word combination Slave Server, enter the expression "Slave Server" in the
search field.

?. Replaces any single character.

To search for the words Word or Ward, enter the expression W?rd in the search field.

Text in the search field cannot begin with the ? symbol.

*. Replaces any sequence of characters.

To search for the words Server, Servers, or Server room, enter the expression Server* in the search field.

Text in the search field cannot begin with the * symbol.

Filtering block buttons

Buttons of the filtering block are shaped as multicolored icons on a darker background.
When you click a button, its background brightens. When you then click the button one more time, its background goes
dark again.
The following filtering rules apply:
A list item with the specified value of an attribute is considered to be selected if the icon with the value of the
attribute is displayed against a dark background in the filtering block (for example: The selection will
include the computers with the Critical status.
A list item with the specified value of an attribute is considered not selected if the icon with the value of the
attribute is displayed against a light background in the filtering block (for example: The selection will not
include computers with the Critical status.
The selection includes all list items if the icons of all values of the attribute are placed on the lighter background
(such as ) or on the darker background (such as ).


The values of attributes depend on the statuses of computers (or network devices) and the severity levels of events. A
list of statuses of computers, network devices and severity levels of events (and corresponding icons as well) is shown in
the Appendix.

Extended filtering block

When using a filtering block, you can create data selections and reset the filter, as well as enable the extended format of
the block including additional filtering settings (see figure below).
Creating a selection:
If you use only buttons to create a selection, the selection is created automatically after you click a button.
If you use text search and selection settings (for example, in the extended filtering block) in addition to
buttons, the selection is created when you click the button in the top right corner of the filtering block.
Resetting the filter:

You can reset the filter by clicking the button that appears on the left of the button after you use the
filtering block for the first time.

Using the extended filtering block: You can expand the extended filtering block by clicking the Filter setup link.
Clicking the Filter setup link displays fields in which you can specify the filtering settings (see figure above) and
opens the Filtering settings window. In the Filtering settings window, use check boxes to specify the list
columns by which filtering should be performed. The selection of check boxes in the Filtering settings window
depends on the available list columns and may vary.

In the console tree of Kaspersky Security Center each object features its own context menu. In the console tree, the
standard commands of the Microsoft Management Console context menu are supplemented with commands used for
operations with the object. A list of objects and an additional set of context menu commands are included in the appendix.
In the workspace each item of an object selected in the tree also features a context menu containing the commands used to
handle the item. Basic types of items and corresponding additional sets of commands are included in the appendix.


Kaspersky Security Center allows you to configure the interface of Administration Console.
To change the specified interface settings:
1. In the console tree, click the Administration Server node.
2. In the View menu, select Configure interface.
3. In the Configure interface window that opens, configure the display of interface elements using the following
check boxes:
Display Systems Management.
If this check box is selected, in the Remote installation folder the Deploy computer images nested
folder is displayed, while in the Repositories folder the Hardware nested folder is displayed.
By default, this check box is cleared.

Display data encryption and protection.

If this check box is selected, data encryption management is available on devices connected to the
network. After you restart the application, the console tree displays the Data encryption and
protection folder.
By default, this check box is cleared.


Display Advanced Anti-Malware.

If this check box is selected, the following subsections are displayed in the Endpoint control section of
the properties window of the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows policy:

Application Startup Control;

Vulnerability Monitor;
Device Control;
Web Control;
If this check box is cleared, the above-specified subsections are not displayed in the Endpoint control
By default, this check box is cleared.

Display Mobile Device Management.

If this check box is selected, the Mobile Device Management feature is available. After you restart the
application, the console tree displays the Mobile devices folder.
By default, this check box is cleared.

Display slave Administration Servers.

If the check box is selected, the console tree displays the nodes of slave and virtual Administration
Servers within administration groups. The functionality connected with slave and virtual Administration
Servers in particular, creation of tasks for remote installation of applications to slave Administration
Servers is available at that.
By default, this check box is selected.

Display security settings sections.

If this check box is selected, the Security section is displayed in the properties of Administration Server,
administration groups and other objects. This check box allows you to give custom permissions for
working with objects to users and groups of users.
By default, this check box is selected.

This section provides information about general concepts related to the application licensing.

About the End User License Agreement .................................................................................................................... 32
About the license ...................................................................................................................................................... 32
About key ................................................................................................................................................................. 33
Kaspersky Security Center licensing options.............................................................................................................. 33
About restrictions of the main functionality ................................................................................................................. 34
About the activation code .......................................................................................................................................... 35
About the key file ...................................................................................................................................................... 35


The End User License Agreement is a binding agreement between you and Kaspersky Lab ZAO, stipulating the terms on
which you may use the application.

We recommend that you read through the terms of the End User License Agreement carefully before you start using the

You can view the terms of the End User License Agreement using the following methods:
While installing Kaspersky Security Center.
By reading the document license.txt. This document is included in the application distribution kit.
You accept the terms of the End User License Agreement by confirming that you agree with the End User License
Agreement when installing the application. If you do not accept the terms of the End User License Agreement, you
should abort the application installation and renounce the use of the application.


A license is a time-limited right to use the application, granted under the End User License Agreement.
A valid license entitles you to use the following services:
Use of the application in accordance with the terms of the End User License Agreement.
Technical Support.
The scope of service and the application usage term depend on the type of license under which the application has been
The following license types are provided:
Trial a free license intended for trying out the application.
A trial license usually has a short term. As soon as the trial license expires, all Kaspersky Security Center
features are disabled. To continue using the application, you need to purchase the commercial license.
You can activate the application under the trial license only once.
Commercial a paid license granted upon purchase of the application.
When the commercial license expires, the application keeps running though with a limited functionality (for
example, updates of the Kaspersky Security Center databases are not available). To continue using Kaspersky
Security Center in fully functional mode, you have to renew your commercial license.
We recommend renewing the license before its expiration to ensure maximum protection against all security threats.


Key is a sequence of bits that you can apply to activate and then use the application in accordance with the terms of the
End User License Agreement. Keys are generated by Kaspersky Lab specialists.
To add a key to the application, you must enter an activation code. The key is displayed in the application interface as a
unique alphanumeric sequence after you add it to the application.
The key may be blocked by Kaspersky Lab in case the terms of the License Agreement have been violated. If the key
has been blocked, you need to add another one if you want to use the application.
A key may be active or additional.
Active key a key used at the moment to work with the application. The application cannot use more than one active key.
Additional key a key that verifies the use of the application but is not used at the moment. The additional key
automatically becomes active when the license associated with the current active key expires. An additional key can be
added only if an active key has already been added.
A trial license key can be added as the active key only. A trial license key cannot be added as the additional key.


In Kaspersky Security Center, the license can apply to different groups of functionality.

Basic functionality of Administration Console

The following functions are available:
Creation of virtual Administration Servers that are used to administer a network of remote offices or client
Creation of hierarchy of administration groups to manage a set of devices as a single entity.
Control of the anti-virus security status of an organization.
Remote installation of applications.
Viewing the list of operation system images available for remote installation.
Centralized configuration of settings for applications that are installed on client computers.
Viewing and editing of existing groups of license programs.
Statistics and reports on the application's operation, as well as notifications about critical events.
Data encryption and protection management.
Viewing and manual editing of the list of hardware components detected by polling the network.
Centralized operations with files that were moved to Quarantine or Backup and files whose processing was
Kaspersky Security Center with support of the Administration Console basic functionality is delivered as a part of
Kaspersky Lab products for protection of corporate networks. You can also download it from the Kaspersky Lab website
Until the application is activated, or after the commercial license expires, Kaspersky Security Center runs in basic
functionality mode of Administration Console (see the section "About restrictions of the basic functionality" on page 34).

System Administration
The following functions are available:
Remote installation of operating systems.
Remote installation of software updates, scanning and fixing of vulnerabilities.
Management of device access to the corporate network (Network Access Control, NAC).
Hardware components inventory.
Licensed applications group management.


Remote permission of connection to client computers through a Microsoft Windows component named
Remote Desktop Connection.
Remote connection to client computers through Windows Desktop Sharing.
Management of user roles.
The management unit for the System Administration is a client computer in the "Managed computers" group.

For a proper functioning of Systems Management, at least 100 GB free disk space must be available.

Mobile Device Management

The Mobile Device Management is used to Administer Exchange ActiveSync and iOS MDM mobile devices.
The following functions are available for Exchange ActiveSync mobile devices:
Creation and editing of mobile device management profiles, assignment of profiles to users' mailboxes.
Configuration of mobile device settings (mail synchronization, application usage, user password, data
encryption, connection of removable drives).
Installation of certificates on mobile devices.
The following functions are available for iOS MDM mobile devices:
Creation and editing of configuration profiles, installation of configuration profiles on mobile devices.
Installation of applications on mobile devices via App Store or using manifest files (.plist).
Locking of mobile devices, resetting of the mobile device password, and deleting of all data from the mobile device.
In addition, Mobile Devices Management allows executing commands provided by relevant protocols.
The management unit for Mobile Devices Management is a mobile device. A mobile device is considered to be managed
after it is connected to the Mobile Devices Server.


Until the application is activated or after the commercial license expires, Kaspersky Security Center provides the basic
functionality of Administration Console. The limitations imposed on the application operation are described below.

Managing mobile devices

You cannot create a new profile and assign it to a mobile device (iOS MDM) or to a mailbox (Exchange ActiveSync).
Edition of existing profiles and assignment of profiles to mailboxes are always available.

Managing applications
You cannot run the update installation task and the update removal task. All tasks that had been started before the
license expired will be completed, but the latest updates will not be installed. For example, if the critical update
installation task had been started before the license expired, only critical updates found before the license expiration will
be installed.
Launch and editing of the synchronization, vulnerability scan, and vulnerabilities database update tasks are always
available. Also, no limitations are imposed on viewing, searching, and sorting of entries on the list of vulnerabilities and

Remote installation of operating systems and applications

Cannot run tasks of operating system image capturing and installation. Tasks that had been started before the license
expired, will be completed.

Network access control

The NAC Agent and NAC switch to "Disabled" mode without an option to enable them.

Hardware inventory
You cannot use collection of information about new devices with NAC and the Mobile devices server. Information about
computers and connected devices is updated at that.


You receive no notifications of changes in the configurations of devices.

The equipment list is available for viewing and editing manually.

Managing groups of licensed applications

You cannot add a new key.
You receive no notifications of violated limitations imposed on the use of keys.

Remote connection to client computers

Remote connection to client computers is not available.

Anti-virus security
Anti-Virus uses databases that had been installed before the license expired.


Activation code is a code that you receive on purchasing the commercial license for Kaspersky Security Center. The
activation code is a unique sequence of twenty digits and Latin letters in the format xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx-xxxxx.

To activate the application using an activation code, you must connect to the Kaspersky Lab activation servers via the
Internet. If no connection with activation servers and Internet has been established, the application is activated using a
key file (see the section "About the key file" on page 35).

The license term countdown starts from the date when you activate the application. If you have purchased a license
entitling to the use of Kaspersky Security Center on several devices, the term of the license starts counting down from
the moment you have first applied the activation code.
If you have lost or accidentally deleted your activation code after the application activation, contact the Kaspersky Lab
Technical Support Service to recover the activation code.


Key file is a file with the following name: xxxxxxx.key.
Key files are used to activate the application. A key file contains information required for activation. To activate the
application using a key file, you do not have to connect to activation servers or to the Internet.
To obtain the key file or recover the key in case it was lost, send a request to the Technical Support Service.
The key file contains the following data:
Key is a unique alphanumeric sequence. The key can be used, for example, to receive technical support from
the Kaspersky Lab.
A Kaspersky Security Center key file can specify restrictions on the number of managed computers and mobile
devices. The type of limit is determined by the current license (see the section "Kaspersky Security Center
licensing options" on page 33).
Key file creation date is the date when the key file was created on the activation server.
License validity period is the term of the application usage stipulated by the License Agreement and starting
from the day of the first activation of the application using the provided key file (for example, one year).

The license expires no later than does the key file that was used to activate the application under this license.

Key file expiry date is a specific period starting from the day when the key file is created. The application shall
be activated using the provided key before this period expires.

The key file expiry period is automatically considered to be expired when the license for the application
activated using this key file expires.

This section provides information about the functionality of the Kaspersky Security Center Quick Start Wizard.
Kaspersky Security Center allows adjusting a minimum set of settings required to build a centralized management
system for anti-virus protection. This configuration is performed by using the Quick Start Wizard. While the Quick Start
Wizard is running, the following changes are made to the application:
The Wizard adds keys or codes that can be automatically distributed to computers within administration groups.
Configures interaction with Kaspersky Security Network (KSN). KSN allows retrieving information about
applications installed on managed computers in case this information can be found in Kaspersky Lab's
reputation databases. If you allowed the use of KSN, the wizard starts the KSN Proxy service that ensures
connection between KSN and client computers.
It generates settings for notification delivery by email informing of events logged in the operation of
Administration Server and managed applications (to ensure a successful notification, Messenger service should
keep running on Administration Server and all of the recipient computers).
Then the Wizard adjusts the update settings and vulnerability fixing settings of applications installed on client
Protection policies for workstations and servers are created on the top level of hierarchy of managed computers;
virus scan tasks, update tasks, and backup tasks are also created.

The Quick Start Wizard creates protection policies only for applications for which the Managed computers
folder does not contain any. The Quick Start Wizard does not create tasks if ones with the same names have
already been created for the top level in the hierarchy of managed computers.

An offer to run the Quick Start Wizard is displayed after Administration Server installation, at the first connection to it. You
can also start the Quick Start Wizard manually using the context menu of the Administration Server <Computer
name> node.

Interaction between Administration Server and KSN Proxy service ............................................................................. 49

This section explains basic concepts related to Kaspersky Security Center.

Administration Server................................................................................................................................................ 37
Administration Server hierarchy................................................................................................................................. 38
Virtual Administration Server ..................................................................................................................................... 38
Mobile device server ................................................................................................................................................. 39
Web server ............................................................................................................................................................... 39
Network Agent. Administration group......................................................................................................................... 39
Administrator's workstation ....................................................................................................................................... 40
Application administration plug-in .............................................................................................................................. 40
Policies, application settings and tasks ...................................................................................................................... 41
How local application settings relate to policies .......................................................................................................... 42

Kaspersky Security Center components allow remotely managing Kaspersky Lab applications installed on client
Computers with the Administration Server component installed will be referred to as Administration Servers (hereinafter
also referred to as Servers).
Administration Server is installed on a computer as a service with the following set of attributes:
With the name "Kaspersky Security Center Administration Server"
Using automatic startup when the operating system starts.
With the Local System account or the user account selected during the installation of the Administration
The Administration Server performs the following functions:
storage of the administration groups structure;
storage of information about the configuration of client computers;
organization of storages for application distribution packages;
remote installation of applications to client devices and removal of applications;
updating of application databases and software modules of Kaspersky Lab applications;
management of policies and tasks on client computers;
storage of information about events that have occurred on client devices;
generation of reports on the operation of Kaspersky Lab applications;
deployment of keys to client devices, and storage of information about keys;
sending notifications of the progress of tasks (for example, of viruses detected on a client computer).



Administration Servers can be arranged in a master/slave hierarchy. Each Administration Server can have several slave
Administration Servers (referred to as slave Servers) on different nesting levels of the hierarchy. The nesting level for
slave Servers is unrestricted. The administration groups of the master Administration Server will then include the client
computers of all slave Administration Servers. Thus, isolated and independent sections of computer networks can be
controlled by different Administration Servers which are in turn managed by the master Server.
Virtual Administration Servers (see the section "Virtual Administration Server" on page 38) are a particular case of slave
Administration Servers.
The hierarchy of Administration Servers can be used to do the following:
Decrease the load on Administration Server (compared to a single installed Administration Server in an entire
Decrease intranet traffic and simplify work with remote offices. It is unnecessary to establish connections
between the master Administration Server and all network computers, which may be located, for example, in
other regions. It is sufficient to install in each network node a slave Administration Server, distribute computers
among administration groups of slave Servers and establish connections between the slave Servers and master
Server over fast communication channels.
Distribute responsibilities among the anti-virus security administrators. All capabilities for centralized
management and monitoring of anti-virus security status in corporate networks remain available.
How service providers use Kaspersky Security Center. The service provider needs only installed Kaspersky
Security Center and Kaspersky Security Center Web Console. To manage more client computers of several
organizations, a service provider can add virtual Administration Servers to an Administration Server hierarchy.

Each computer included in the hierarchy of administration groups can be connected to one Administration Server only.
You must control the state of connection of computers to Administration Servers. Use the features for computer search in
administration groups of different Servers based on network attributes.


Virtual Administration Server (also referred to as virtual Server) is a component of Kaspersky Security Center intended
for managing anti-virus protection of a client organization's network.
Virtual Administration Server is a particular case of a slave Administration Server and has the following restrictions as
compared with physical Administration Server:
Virtual Administration Server can be created only on master Administration Server.
Virtual Administration Server uses the database of the master Administration Server in its operation: data
backup tasks, data recovery tasks, update check tasks, and update download tasks are not supported on the
virtual Server. These tasks exist only on master Administration Server.
Virtual Server does not support creation of slave Administration Servers (including virtual Servers).
Besides, virtual Administration Server has the following restrictions:
In the virtual Administration Server properties window the number of sections is restricted.
To carry out remote installation of Kaspersky Lab applications on client computers managed by the virtual
Administration Server, you should make sure that the Network Agent is installed on one of the client computers
in order to ensure communication with the virtual Administration Server. At the first connection to the virtual
Administration Server, that computer is automatically appointed Update Agent, thus functioning as a gateway for
connection between the client computers and the virtual Administration Server.
A virtual Server can poll the network only through Update Agents.
To restart a malfunctioning virtual Server, Kaspersky Security Center restarts the master Administration Server
and all virtual Administration Servers.

The administrator of a virtual Administration Server has all privileges on this particular virtual Server.



A mobile devices server is a component of Kaspersky Security Center that provides access to mobile devices and allows
managing them through Administration Console. The Mobile device server retrieves information about mobile devices
and stores their profiles.
There are two types of mobile devices servers:
Mobile devices server supporting Exchange ActiveSync. Installed to a client computer where a Microsoft
Exchange server has been installed, allowing retrieving data from the Microsoft Exchange server and passing
them to Administration Server. This mobile devices server is used for management of mobile devices that
support Exchange ActiveSync protocol.
iOS MDM Mobile Devices Server. This mobile devices server is used for management of mobile devices that
support the Apple Push Notification service (APNs).
Mobile devices servers of Kaspersky Security Center allow managing the following objects:
An individual mobile device.
Several mobile devices.
Several mobile devices connected to a cluster of servers, simultaneously. After connecting to a cluster of servers,
the mobile devices server installed on this cluster is displayed in Administration Console as a single server.

Kaspersky Security Center Web Server (hereinafter also referred to as Web Server) is a component of Kaspersky
Security Center that is installed together with Administration Server. Web Server is designed for transfer of standalone
installation packages, iOS MDM profiles, and files from the shared folder over the network.
When you create a standalone installation package, it is automatically published on Web Server. A link for download of
the standalone package is displayed in the list of standalone installation packages. If necessary, you can cancel
publication of the standalone package or publish it on Web Server again.
When you create an iOS MDM profile for a user's mobile device, it is also automatically published on Web Server. When
the profile is published, it is automatically removed from Web Server after it is successfully installed to the user's mobile
device (for more details on how to create and install an iOS MDM profile, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center
Implementation Guide).
The shared folder is designed as a storage area for information that is available to all users whose computers are
managed via Administration Server. If a user has no direct access to the shared folder, he or she can be given
information from that folder by means of Web Server.
To provide users with information from a shared folder by means of Web Server, the administrator must create a
subfolder named "public" in the shared folder and paste the relevant information.
The syntax of the information transfer link is as follows:
http://<Web Server name>:<HTTP port>/public/<object>
<Web Server name> is the name of the Kaspersky Security Center Web Server.
<HTTP port> is an HTTP port of Web Server that has been defined by the administrator. An HTTP port can be set in
the Web Server section of the properties window of Administration Server. The default port number is 8060.
<object> is the subfolder or file to which the user will receive access.
The administrator can send the new link to the user in any convenient way, such as by email.
By clicking the link, the user can download the required information to a local computer.


Interaction between the Administration Server and client computers is performed by a component of the Kaspersky
Security Center application named Network Agent. Network Agent should be installed on all client computers on which
Kaspersky Security Center is used to manage Kaspersky Lab applications.


Network Agent is installed on a computer as a service with the following set of attributes:
With the name "Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent"
Set to automatically start when the operating system starts
Using the Local system account
Network Agent is installed on the computer together with a plug-in for interfacing with Cisco NAC. This plug-in is used if
the computer has Cisco Trust Agent installed. The settings for joint operation with Cisco NAC are specified in the
properties window of the Administration Server.

When integrated with Cisco NAC, Administration Server acts as a standard Posture Validation Server (PVS) policy
server, which an administrator may use to either allow or block access by a computer to the network, based upon the
anti-virus protection status.

A computer, server, or workstation on which Network Agent and managed Kaspersky Lab applications are installed will
be referred to as the Administration Server client (also, client computer or just computer).
The computers in a corporate network can be subdivided into groups arranged in a certain hierarchical structure. Such
groups are called administration groups. The hierarchy of administration groups is displayed in the console tree, in the
Administration Server node.
An administration group (hereinafter also referred to as group) is a set of client computers combined on the basis of a
certain trait for the purpose of managing the grouped computers as a single unit. All client computers within a group are
configured to.
Use the same application settings (which are defined in group policies).
use a common mode of applications' operation thanks to creation of group tasks with a specified collection of
settings. For example, creating and installing a common installation package, updating the application
databases and modules, scanning the computer on demand, and ensuring real-time protection.

A client computer can be included only in one administration group.

You can create hierarchies for Servers and groups with any degree of nesting. A single hierarchy level can include slave
and virtual Administration Servers, groups, and client computers.

Computers on which the Administration Console component is installed are referred to as administrator's workstations.
Administrators can use those computers for centralized remote management of Kaspersky Lab applications installed on
client computers.
After Administration Console is installed, its icon appears in the Start Programs Kaspersky Security Center
menu and can be used to start the console.
There are no restrictions on the number of administrator's workstations. From any administrator's workstation you can
manage administration groups of several Administration Servers on the network at once. You can connect an
administrator's workstation to an Administration Server (either physical, or virtual one) of any level of hierarchy.
You can include an administrator's workstation in an administration group as a client computer.
Within the administration groups of any Administration Server, the same computer can function as an Administration
Server client, an Administration Server, or an administrator's workstation.


Management of Kaspersky Lab applications via the Administration Console is performed using a special component
named management plug-in. It is included in all Kaspersky Lab applications that can be managed by using Kaspersky
Security Center.
The management plug-in is installed on an administrator's workstation. Using the management plug-in, you can perform
the following actions in the Administration Console:
Creating and editing application policies and settings, as well as the settings of application tasks
Obtaining information about application tasks, application events, as well as application operation statistics
received from client computers



A named action performed by a Kaspersky Lab application is called a task. Tasks are organized by types according to
their function.
Each task is associated with a set of settings that are used during performance of the task. The set of application settings
that are common to all types of application tasks form the application settings. Application settings that are specific to
each task type form the corresponding task settings.

A detailed description of task types for each Kaspersky Lab application can be found in the respective application guides.

Application settings defined for an individual client computer through the local interface or remotely through
Administration Console are referred to as local application settings.
The applications installed on client computers are configured centrally by configuring policies.
A policy is a collection of application settings that are defined for an administration group. The policy does not define all
application settings.
Several policies with different values can be defined for a single application. However, there can be only one active
policy for an application at a time.
An application can run in different ways for different groups of settings. Each group can have its own policy for an
The application settings are defined by the policy settings and the task settings.
Nested groups and slave Administration Servers inherit the tasks from groups that belong to higher hierarchy levels. A
task defined for a group is performed not only on client computers included in that group, but also on client computers
included in its child groups and belonging to slave Servers on all lower hierarchy levels.

Each setting represented in a policy has a "lock"attribute: . The "lock" shows whether the setting is allowed for
modification in the policies of lower hierarchy levels (for nested groups and slave Administration Servers), in task settings
and local application settings. If a parameter is "locked" in the policy, its value cannot be redefined (see the section "How
local application settings relate to policies" on page 42).
If you clear the Inherit settings from parent policy check box in the Inheritance of settings section of the General
section in the properties window of an inherited policy, the "lock" is lifted for that policy.
You can activate a disabled policy based on occurrence of a certain event. This means that you can, for example,
enforce stricter anti-virus protection settings during virus outbreaks.
You can also create a policy for mobile users.
Tasks for objects that are managed by a single Administration Server are created and configured in a centralized way.
The following types of tasks can be defined:
Group task is a task that defines settings for an application installed on computers within an administration
Local task is a task for an individual computer.
Task for selection of computers is a task for an arbitrary set of computers included or not included in
administration groups.
Administration Server task is a task defined directly for an Administration Server.
A group task can be defined for a group even if a corresponding Kaspersky Lab application is installed only on certain
client computers of that group. In that case, the group task is performed only on the computers on which the application
is installed.

Tasks created for a client computer locally are only performed for this computer. When a client computer is synchronized
with the Administration Server, local tasks are added to the list of tasks created for that client computer.

Because application settings are defined by policies, task settings can redefine the settings that are not locked by the
policy. Task settings also can redefine the settings that can be configured only for a specific instance of a task. For
example, the drive name and masks of files to be scanned are configurable settings for the drive scan task.
A task can be run automatically (according to a schedule) or manually. Task results are saved locally and on the
Administration Server. The administrator can receive notifications about particular performed tasks and view detailed


Information about policies, application settings, and task settings for specific computers, as well as information about
group tasks, is saved on Administration Server and distributed to client computers during synchronization. During
synchronization, the Administration Server stores information about the local changes allowed by the policy that have
been performed on client computers. Additionally, the list of applications running on the client computer, their status, and
the existing tasks are updated.


You can use policies to set identical values of the application settings for all computers in a group.
The values of settings specified by a policy can be redefined for individual computers in a group by using local application
settings. You can only set the values of settings that the policy allows to be modified, that is, "unlocked" settings.
The value of a setting that the application uses on a client computer (see figure below) is defined by the "lock" position
for that setting in the policy:
If setting modification is "locked", the same value (defined in the policy) is used on all client computers.
If setting modification is "unlocked", the application uses a local value on each client computer instead of the
value specified in the policy. The setting can then be changed in the local application settings.

Figure 9. Policy and local application settings

This means that, when a task is run on a client computer, the application applies settings that have been defined in two
different ways:
By task settings and local application settings, if the setting is not locked against changes.
By the group policy, if the setting is locked against changes.
Local application settings are changed after the policy is first applied in accordance with the policy settings.

This section provides information about how to handle Administration Servers and how to configure them.

Connecting to an Administration Server and switching between Administration Servers .............................................. 43
Access rights to Administration Server and its objects ................................................................................................ 44
Conditions of connection to an Administration Server via the Internet ......................................................................... 45
Secure connection to Administration Server............................................................................................................... 45
Disconnecting from an Administration Server ............................................................................................................. 46
Adding an Administration Server to the console tree .................................................................................................. 47
Removing an Administration Server from the console tree.......................................................................................... 47
Changing an Administration Server service account. Utility tool klsrvswch .................................................................. 47
Viewing and modifying the settings of an Administration Server.................................................................................. 48


After Kaspersky Security Center is started, it attempts to connect to an Administration Server. If several Administration
Servers are available on the network, the application requests the server to which it was connected during the previous
session of Kaspersky Security Center.

When the application is started for the first time after installation, it attempts to connect to the Administration Server that
was specified during installation of Kaspersky Security Center.

After a connection to an Administration Server is established, the folders tree of that Server is displayed in the console
If several Administration Servers have been added to the console tree, you can switch between them.
To switch to another Administration Server:
1. In the console tree, select the node with the name of the required Administration Server.
2. In the context menu of the node, select Connect to Administration Server.
3. In the Connection settings window that opens, in the Server address field specify the name of the
Administration Server to which you want to connect. You can specify an IP address or the name of a computer
on a Windows network as the name of the Administration Server. You can click the Advanced button in the
bottom part of the window to configure the connection to the Administration Server (see the following figure).
To connect to the Administration Server via a port that differs from the default one, enter a value in the Server
address field in <Administration Server name>:<Port> format.


Users who have no rights to read will be denied access to Administration Server.

Figure 10. Connecting to Administration Server

4. Click OK to complete the switch between Servers.

After the Administration Server is connected, the folders tree of the corresponding node in the console tree is updated.


The KLAdmins and KLOperators groups are created automatically during Kaspersky Security Center installation.
These groups are granted rights to connect to the Administration Server and to work with Administration Server objects.
Depending on which account is used for installation of Kaspersky Security Center, the KLAdmins and KLOperators
groups are created as follows:
If the application is installed under a user account included in a domain, the groups are created on the
Administration Server and in the domain that includes the Administration Server.
If the application is installed under a system account, the groups are created on the Administration Server only.
You can view the KLAdmins and KLOperators groups and modify the access privileges of the users that belong to the
KLAdmins and KLOperators groups by using the standard administrative tools of the operating system.
The KLAdmins group is granted all access rights; the KLOperators group is granted only Read and Execution rights.
The rights granted to the KLAdmins group are locked.
Users that belong to the KLAdmins group are called Kaspersky Security Center administrators, while users from the
KLOperators group are called Kaspersky Security Center operators.


In addition to users included in the KLAdmins group, administrator rights for Kaspersky Security Center are also
provided to the local administrators of computers on which Administration Server is installed.

You can exclude local administrators from the list of users who have Kaspersky Security Center administrator rights.

All operations started by the administrators of Kaspersky Security Center are performed using the rights of the
Administration Server account.
An individual KLAdmins group can be created for each Administration Server from the network; the group will have the
necessary rights for that Administration Server only.
If computers belonging to the same domain are included in the administration groups of different Administration Servers,
the domain administrator is the Kaspersky Security Center administrator for all the groups. The KLAdmins group is the
same for those administration groups; it is created during installation of the first Administration Server. All operations
initiated by a Kaspersky Security Center administrator are performed using the account rights of the Administration
Server for which these operations have been started.
After the application is installed, an administrator of Kaspersky Security Center can:
Modify the rights granted to the KLOperators groups.
Grant rights to access the functionality of Kaspersky Security Center to other user groups and individual users
who are registered on the administrator's workstation.
Assign access rights within each administration group.
The Kaspersky Security Center administrator can assign access rights to each administration group or to other objects of
Administration Server in the Security section in the properties window of the selected object.
You can track user activity by using the records of events in the Administration Server operation. These event records
are displayed in the console tree in the Events folder, in the Audit events subfolder. These events have the severity
level Info and the event types begin with "Audit".


If an Administration Server is remotely located outside of a corporate network, client computers can connect to it via the
Internet. For client computers to connect to an Administration Server over the Internet, the following requirements must
be met:
The remote Administration Server must have an external IP address and the incoming ports 13000 and 14000
must remain open.
Network Agent must be first installed on client computers.
When installing Network Agent on client computers, you must specify the external IP address of the remote
Administration Server. If an installation package is used for installation, specify the external IP address manually
in the properties of the installation package, in the Settings section.
To use the remote Administration Server to manage applications and tasks for a client computer, in the
properties window of that computer in the General section, select the Do not disconnect from the
Administration Server check box. After the check box is selected, wait until the Server is synchronized with the
remote client computer. The number of client computers maintaining a continuous connection with an
Administration Server cannot exceed 100.
To increase the performance of tasks initiated by a remote Administration Server, you can open port 15000 on a client
computer. In this case, to run a task, the Administration Server sends a special packet to Network Agent over port 15000
without waiting until completion of synchronization with the client computer.


Data exchange between client computers and Administration Server, as well as the Administration Console connection to
Administration Server, can be performed using the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) protocol. The SSL protocol can identify
the interacting parties, encrypt the data that is transferred, and protect data against modification during transfer. The SSL
protocol uses public keys to authenticate the interacting parties and encrypt data.


Administration Server certificate ................................................................................................................................ 46
Administration Server authentication during client computer connection ..................................................................... 46
Administration Server authentication during Administration Console connection.......................................................... 46


Authentication of an Administration Server during connection by Administration Console and data exchange with client
computers is based on the Administration Server certificate. The certificate is also used for authentication when a
connection is being established between master and slave Administration Servers.
The Administration Server certificate is created automatically during installation of the Administration Server component
and is stored in the ALLUSERSPROFILE%\Application Data\KasperskyLab\adminkit\1093\cert folder.
The Administration Server certificate is created only once, during Administration Server installation. If the Administration
Server certificate is lost, to get it back you must reinstall the Administration Server component and restore the data.


When a client computer connects to Administration Server for the first time, Network Agent on the client computer
downloads a copy of the Administration Server certificate and stores it locally.

If you install Network Agent to a client computer locally, you can select the Administration Server certificate manually.

The downloaded copy of the certificate is used to verify Administration Server rights and permissions during subsequent
During future sessions, Network Agent requests the Administration Server certificate at each connection of the client
computer to Administration Server and compares it with the local copy. If the copies do not match, the client computer is
not allowed access to Administration Server.


At the first connection to Administration Server, Administration Console requests the Administration Server certificate and
saves it locally on the administrator's workstation. After that, each time when Administration Console tries to connect to
this Administration Server, the Administration Server is identified based on the certificate copy.
If the Administration Server certificate does not match the copy stored on the administrator's workstation, the
Administration Console offers to confirm connection to the Administration Server with the specified name and download a
new certificate. After the connection is established, Administration Console saves a copy of the new Administration
Server certificate, which will be used to identify the Administration Server in the future.


To disconnect from an Administration Server:
1. In the console tree select the node corresponding to the Administration Server that should be disconnected.
2. From the context menu of the node select Disconnect from Administration Server.



To add an Administration Server to the console tree:
1. In the main window of Kaspersky Security Center select the Kaspersky Security Center node from the
console tree.
2. From the context menu of the node select Create Administration Server.
After it's done, a node named Administration Server - <Computer name> (Not connected) will be created in the
console tree from which you will be able to connect to any of the Administration Servers on the network.


To remove an Administration Server from the console tree:
1. In the console tree select the node corresponding to the Administration Server that you want to remove.
2. From the context menu of the node select Remove.


If you need to change the Administration Server service account set when installing Kaspersky Security Center, you can
use a utility named klsrvswch and designed for changing the Administration Server account.
When installing Kaspersky Security Center, the utility is automatically copied in the application installation folder.
Number of launches of the utility is virtually unlimited.
To change an Administration Server service account:
1. Launch the klsrvswch utility from the installation folder of Kaspersky Security Center.
This action also launches the wizard for modification of Administration Server service account. Follow the
Wizard's instructions.
2. In the Administration Server service account window select any of the two options for setting an account:
Local System Account. The Administration Server service will start under the Local System Account and
using its credentials.

Correct operation of Kaspersky Security Center requires that the account used to start the Administration
Server service had the rights of administrator of the resource where the Administration Server database is

User account. The Administration Server service is started under the account of a user within the domain.
In this case the Administration Server is to initiate all operations by using the rights of that account.
To select the user whose account will be used to start the Administration Server service:
1. Click the Find now button and select a user in the Select "User" window that opens:
Close the Select: "User" window and click the Next button.
2. In the Account password window set a password for the selected user account, if necessary.
After the wizard completes its operations, the Administration Server account is changed.


When using an SQL server in a mode that presupposes authenticating user accounts with Microsoft Windows tools,
access to the database should be granted. The user must have the status of owner of the Kaspersky Anti-Virus
database. The dbo schema is used by default.


You can adjust the settings of an Administration Server in the properties window of this Server.
To open the Properties: Administration Server
select Properties from the context menu of the Administration Server node in the console tree.

Adjusting the general settings of Administration Server .............................................................................................. 48
Configuring event processing settings ....................................................................................................................... 48
Control of virus outbreaks ......................................................................................................................................... 48
Limiting traffic ........................................................................................................................................................... 49
Configuring cooperation with Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC) ....................................................................... 49
Configuring Web Server ............................................................................................................................................ 49
Interaction between Administration Server and KSN Proxy service ............................................................................. 49
Working with internal users ....................................................................................................................................... 50


You can adjust the general settings of Administration Server in the General, Settings, Events Storage, and Security of
the properties window of Administration Server.

Whether the Security section is shown or hidden is determined by the user interface settings. To make this section
displayed, go to the View Configuring interface and in the Configuring interface window that opens select the
Display security settings sections check box.


You can view lists of events that occur in the application's operation, and configure the processing of events in the
Events section of the Administration Server properties window.
Each event has a characteristic that reflects its importance level. Events of the same type may have different importance
levels depending on the conditions in which the event occurred.


Kaspersky Security Center allows you to quickly respond to emerging threats of virus outbreaks. Risks of virus outbreaks
are assessed by controlling virus activity on client computers.
You can configure assessment rules for threats of virus outbreaks and actions to take in case one emerges; to do this,
use the Virus outbreak section of the properties window of Administration Server.
You can specify the notification procedure for the Virus outbreak event in the Events section of the properties window of
Administration Server (see the section "Configuring event processing settings" on page 48), in the Virus outbreak event
properties window.


The Virus outbreak event is generated in case of detection of Malicious object detected events in the operation of anti-
virus applications. So, you should save information about all Malicious object detected events on Administration Server in
order to recognize virus outbreaks.
You can specify the settings of saving information about any Malicious object detected event in the policies of anti-virus

When counting Infected object detected events, only information from the client computers of the master Administration
Server is to be taken into account. The information from slave Administration Servers is not taken into account. For each
slave Server the Virus outbreak event settings are adjusted individually.

To reduce traffic volumes within a network, the application provides the option to limit the speed of data transfer to an
Administration Server from specified IP ranges and IP subnets.
You can create and configure traffic limiting rules in the Traffic section of the Administration Server properties window.


You can set correspondence links between conditions of anti-virus protection of client computers and security statuses of
Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC).
To set such correspondence, you should create conditions under which a client computer is assigned certain security
statuses of Cisco Network Admission Control (NAC). Healthy, Checkup, Quarantine or Infected.
You can configure correspondence between statuses of Cisco NAC and conditions of anti-virus protection of client
computers in the Cisco NAC section of the Administration Server properties window.

The Cisco NAC section is displayed in the properties window of Administration Server if Kaspersky Lab Cisco NAC
Posture Validation component has been installed together with Administration Server during the application installation
(for details refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Implementation Guide). Otherwise, the Cisco NAC section is not
displayed in the properties window of Administration Server.


Web Server is designed for publishing standalone installation packages, iOS MDM profiles, and files from the shared
You can define the settings for connection of Web Server to Administration Server and set a Web Server certificate in the
Web Server section of the properties window of Administration Server.


KSN Proxy is a service that ensures interaction between the infrastructure of Kaspersky Security Network and client
computers managed by an Administration Server.
The use of KSN Proxy provides you with the following options:
Client computers can send requests to KSN and transfer information to KSN even if they do not have direct
access to the Internet.
KSN Proxy caches processed data, thus reducing the workload on the outbound channel and the time period
spent for waiting for information requested by a client computer.
You can configure KSN Proxy in the KSN Proxy server section of the properties window of the Administration Server.



The accounts of internal users are used to work with virtual Administration Servers. Under the account of an internal
user, the administrator of a virtual Administration Server can start Kaspersky Security Center Web Console to check the
anti-virus security status of a network. Kaspersky Security Center grants the rights of real users to internal users of the
The accounts of internal users are created and used only within Kaspersky Security Center. No data on internal users is
transferred to the operating system. Kaspersky Security Center authenticates internal users.
You can configure the settings of accounts of internal users in the Internal users section of the Administration Server
properties window.

The Internal users section is only displayed in the Administration Server properties window if the Administration Server
is virtual or contains virtual Administration Servers.

This section provides information about how to handle administration groups.
You can take the following actions on administration groups:
add any number of nested groups of any level of hierarchy to administration groups;
add client computers to administration groups;
change the hierarchy of administration groups by moving individual client computers and whole groups to other
remove nested groups and client computers from administration groups;
add slave and virtual Administration Servers to administration groups;
move client computers from the administration groups of an Administration Server to those of another Server;
define which Kaspersky Lab applications will be automatically installed on client computers included in a group.

Creating administration groups.................................................................................................................................. 51
Moving administration groups.................................................................................................................................... 52
Deleting administration groups .................................................................................................................................. 53
Automatic creation of a structure of administration groups .......................................................................................... 53
Automatic installation of applications to computers in an administration group ............................................................ 54


The hierarchy of administration groups is created in the main application window of Kaspersky Security Center, in the
Managed computers folder. Administration groups are displayed as folders in the console tree (see figure below).
Immediately after the installation of Kaspersky Security Center, the Managed computers folder only contains the
Administration Servers folder which is empty.

The user interface settings determine whether the Administration Servers folder appears in the console tree. To make
this section displayed, go to the View Configure interface and in the Configure interface window that opens select
the Display slave Administration Servers check box.

When creating a hierarchy of administration groups, you can add client computers and virtual machines to the Managed
computers folder, as well as add nested groups. You can add slave Administration Servers to the Administration
Servers folder.


Identically to the Managed computers group, each created group initially contains the Administration Servers folder
only, which is empty, intended to handle slave Administration Servers of this group. Information about policies, tasks of
this group, and computers included is displayed on the corresponding tabs in the workspace of this group.

Figure 11. Viewing administration groups hierarchy

To create an administration group:

1. In the console tree, open the Managed computers folder.
2. If you want to create a subgroup in an existing administration group, in the Managed computers folder select a
nested folder corresponding to the group, which should comprise the new administration group.
If you create a new top-level administration group, you can skip this step.
3. Start the administration group creation process in one of the following ways:
Using the Create Group command from the context menu
By clicking the Create a subgroup link located in the workspace of the main application window, on the
Groups tab.
4. In the Group name window that opens, enter a name for the group and click the OK button.
As a result, a new administration group folder with the specified name appears in the console tree.


You can move nested administration groups within the groups hierarchy.
An administration group is moved together with all child groups, slave Administration Servers, client computers, group
policies, and tasks. The system will apply to the group all the settings that correspond to its new position in the hierarchy
of administration groups.
The name of the group should be unique within one level of the hierarchy. If a group with the same name already exists
in the folder into which you move the administration group, you should change the name of the latter. If you have not
changed the name of the group being moved, an index in _<serial number> format is added to its name after it is
moved, for example: (1), (2).

You cannot rename the Managed computers folder because it is a built-in element of Administration Console.

To move a group to another folder of the console tree:

1. Select a group to move from the console tree.
2. Do one of the following:
Move the group using the context menu:
1. Select Cut from the context menu of the group.


2. Select Paste from the context menu of the administration group to which you need to move the
selected group.
Move the group using the main application menu:
a. Select Action Cut from the main menu.
b. Select the administration group to which you need to move the selected group, from the console tree.
c. Select Action Paste from the main menu.
Move the group to another one in the console tree using the mouse.


You can delete an administration group if it contains no slave Administration Servers, nested groups, or client computers,
and if no group tasks or policies have been created for it.
Before deleting an administration group, you should delete all slave Administration Servers, nested groups, and client
computers from that group.
To delete a group:
1. Select an administration group in the console tree.
2. Do one of the following:
Select Delete from the context menu of the group
Select Action Delete from the main application menu.
Press the DEL key.


Kaspersky Security Center allows you to create a structure of administration groups using the New Administration Group
Structure Wizard.
The Wizard creates a structure of administration groups based on the following data:
structures of Windows domains and workgroups
structures of Active Directory groups;
contents of a text file created by the administrator manually.
When generating the text file, the following requirements should be met:
The name of each new group must begin with a new line; and the delimiter must begin with a line break. Blank
lines are ignored.

Office 1
Office 2
Office 3
Three groups of the first hierarchy level will be created in the target group.

The name of the nested group must be entered with a slash mark (/).

Office 1/Division 1/Department 1/Group 1
Four subgroups nested into each other will be created in the target group.


To create several nested groups of the same hierarchy level, you must specify the "full path to the group".

Office 1/Division 1/Department 1
Office 1/Division 2/Department 1
Office 1/Division 3/Department 1
Office 1/Division 4/Department 1
One group of the first hierarchy level Office 1 will be created in the destination group; this group will include four nested
groups of the same hierarchy level: "Division 1", "Division 2", "Division 3", and "Division 4". Each of these groups will
include the "Department 1" group.

Creating a structure of administration groups using the Wizard does not violate the integrity of the network: New groups
are added, but do not replace the existing ones. A client computer cannot be included in an administration group again,
because it is removed from the Unassigned computers group after the client computer is moved to the administration

If, when creating a structure of administration groups, a client computer has not been included in the Unassigned
computers group by any reason (it has been shut down or lost the network connection), it will not be automatically
moved to the administration group. You can add client computers to administration groups manually after the Wizard
finishes its operation.

To launch the automatic creation of a structure of administration groups:

1. Select the Managed computers folder in the console tree.
2. From the context menu of the Managed computers folder select All tasks Create groups structure.
As a result, the New Administration Group Structure Wizard launches. Follow the Wizard's instructions.


You can specify which installation packages should be used for automatic remote installation of Kaspersky Lab
applications to client computers that have recently been added to a group.
To configure automatic installation of applications to new devices in an administration group:
1. In the console tree, select the required administration group.
2. Open the properties window of this administration group.
3. In the Automatic installation section, select the installation packages to be installed to new computers by
selecting the check boxes next to the names of the installation packages of the required applications. Click OK.
As a result, group tasks will be created that will be run on the client devices immediately after they are added to the
administration group.
If some installation packages of one application were selected for automatic installation, the installation task will be
created for the most recent application version only.

This section provides information about how to perform remote management of Kaspersky Lab applications installed on
client computers, using policies, policy profiles, tasks, and local settings of applications.

Managing policies ..................................................................................................................................................... 55
Managing policy profiles............................................................................................................................................ 58
Managing tasks ........................................................................................................................................................ 61
Viewing and changing local application settings ......................................................................................................... 67

The applications installed on client computers are configured centrally through definition of policies.
Policies created for applications in an administration group are displayed in the workspace, on the Policies tab. Before
the name of each policy an icon with its status is displayed.
After a policy is deleted or revoked, the application continues working with the settings specified in the policy. Those
settings can be subsequently modified manually.
Policy enforcement is performed in the following way: if a client computer is running resident tasks (real-time protection
tasks), they keep running with the new values of the settings. Any periodic tasks (on-demand scan, update of application
databases) started keep running with the values unchanged. Next time they are run with the new values of the settings.
If Administration Servers are structured hierarchically, slave Administration Servers receive policies from the master
Administration Server and distribute them to client computers. When inheritance is enabled, policy settings can be
modified on the master Administration Server. After that, any changes made to the policy settings are propagated to
inherited policies on slave Administration Servers.
If the connection is terminated between the master and slave Administration Servers, the policy on the slave Server
continues, using the applied settings. Policy settings modified on the master Administration Server are distributed to a
slave Administration Server after the connection is re-established.
If inheritance is disabled, policy settings can be modified on a slave Administration Server independently from the master
Administration Server.
If connection between Administration Server and a client computer is interrupted, the client computer starts running
under the policy for mobile users (if it is defined), or the policy keeps running under the applied settings until the
connection is re-established.
The results of policy distribution to the slave Administration Server are displayed in the policy properties window of the
console on the master Administration Server.
Results of propagation of policies to client computers are displayed in the policy properties window of Administration
Server to which they are connected.

Creating a policy ....................................................................................................................................................... 56
Displaying inherited policy in a subgroup ................................................................................................................... 56
Activating a policy ..................................................................................................................................................... 56
Activating a policy automatically at the Virus outbreak event ...................................................................................... 57
Applying an out-of-office policy.................................................................................................................................. 57
Deleting a policy ....................................................................................................................................................... 57
Copying a policy ....................................................................................................................................................... 57


Exporting a policy ..................................................................................................................................................... 57

Importing a policy ..................................................................................................................................................... 58
Converting policies ................................................................................................................................................... 58

To create a policy for administration group:
1. In the console tree, select an administration group for which you want to create a policy.
2. In the workspace for the group, select the Policies tab and click the Create a policy link to run the New Policy
This starts the New Policy Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions.

You can create several policies for one application from the group, but only one policy can be active at a time. When you
create new active policy, the previous active policy becomes inactive.

When creating a policy, you can specify a minimum set of parameters required for the application to function properly. All
other values are set to the default values applied during the local installation of the application. You can change the
policy after it is created.
Settings of Kaspersky Lab applications changed after policies are applied are described in details in their respective

After the policy is created, settings prohibited to modify (marked with the "lock" ) take effect on client computers
regardless of what settings had been specified for the application earlier.


To enable the display of inherited policies for a nested administration group:
1. In the console tree select the administration group for which inherited policies should be displayed.
2. In the workspace for the selected group select the Policies tab.
3. From the context menu of the list of policies select View Inherited Policies.

As a result, inherited policies are displayed on the list of policies with the icon (light-colored icon). When the
settings inheritance mode is enabled, inherited policies are only available for modification in the group in which they
have been created. Modification of those inherited policies is not available in the group, which inherits them.

To make a policy active for the selected group:
1. In the workspace of the group, on the Policies tab select the policy that you need to make active.
2. To activate the policy, perform one of the following actions:
From the context menu of the policy select Active policy.
In the policy properties window open the General section and select Active policy from the Policy status
settings group.
As a result, the policy becomes active for the selected administration group.

When a policy is applied to a large number of clients, both the load on the Administration Server and the network traffic
increase significantly for a period of time.



To make a policy perform the automatic activation at the Virus outbreak event:
1. In the Administration Server properties window open the Virus outbreak section.
2. Open the Policy activation window by clicking the Configure policies to activate on "Virus outbreak" event
link and add the policy to the selected list of policies activated upon detection of a virus outbreak.

If a policy has been activated on the Virus outbreak event, the manual mode is the only way that you can use to
return to the previous policy.


An out-of-office policy takes effect on a computer in case it is disconnected from the enterprise network.
To apply the selected out-of-office policy,
in the properties window of the policy open the General section and select Out-of-office policy from the Policy
status settings group.
As a result, the policy applies to the computers in case they are disconnected from the enterprise network.

To delete a policy:
1. In the workspace of a group, on the Policies tab select the policy that you need to delete.
2. Delete the policy using one of the following methods:
By selecting Delete from the context menu of the policy.
By clicking the Delete policy link located in the workspace, in the section intended for handling the
selected policy.

To copy a policy:
1. In the workspace of the required group, on the Policies tab select a policy.
2. From the context menu of the policy select Copy.
3. In the console tree, select a group to which you want to add the policy.
You can add a policy to the group, from which it was copied.
4. From the context menu of the list of policies for the selected group, on the Policies tab select Paste.
As a result, the policy will be copied with all its settings and applied to the computers within the group into which it
was copied. If you paste the policy to the same group from which it has been copied, the (<sequence number>)
index is automatically added to the name of the policy: (1), (2).

An active policy becomes inactive while it is copied. If necessary, you can make it active.

To export a policy:
1. Export a policy in one of the following ways:
By selecting All Tasks Export from the context menu of the policy.


By clicking the Export policy to file link located in the workspace, in the section intended for handling the
selected policy.
2. In the Save as window that opens, specify the name of the policy file and the path to save it. Click the Save

To import a policy:
1. In the workspace of the required group, on the Policies tab select one of the following methods of importing
By selecting All tasks Import from the context menu of the list of policies.
Click the Import policy from file link in the management block for policy list.
2. In the window that opens, specify the path to the file from which you want to import a policy. Click the Open
The policy is then displayed in the list of policies.

If a policy with the name coinciding with that of the imported policy is already included on the list of policies, the name of
the imported policy will be expanded with the with a suffix (<next number>), for example: (1), (2).

Kaspersky Security Center can convert policies from earlier versions of Kaspersky Lab applications into those from up-
to-date versions of the same applications.
Conversion is available for policies of the following applications:
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations MP4
Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows
Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows.
To convert policies:
1. From the console tree select Administration Server for which you want to convert policies.
2. From the context menu of Administration Server select All tasks Policies and tasks conversion wizard.
This will start the Policies and Tasks Conversion Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
After the wizard finishes its operation, new policies are created, which use the settings of policies from earlier versions of
Kaspersky Lab applications.


This section provides information about policy profiles that are used for efficient management of groups of client
computers. The advantages of policy profiles are described, as well as ways of applying them. This section also provides
instructions on how to create, configure and delete policy profiles.


Policy profile is a named set of variable settings of a policy that is activated on a client computer when specific conditions
are met. Activation of a profile modifies the policy settings that had been active on the computer before the profile was
activated. Those settings take values that have been specified in the profile.

Policy profiles are only supported for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows and Kaspersky Mobile Device
Management 10 Service Pack 1.


Advantages of policy profiles

Policy profiles simplify the management of client computers using policies:
Profiles contain only settings that differ from the basic policy.
You do not have to maintain and manually apply several instances of a single policy that differ only by a few
You do not have to allocate an individual out-of-office policy.
New policy profiles are easy to create since export and import of profiles are supported, as well as creation of
new profiles based on existing ones by copying.
Several policy profiles can be active on a single client computer simultaneously.
The hierarchy of policies is supported.

Profile activation rules. Priorities of profiles

A policy profile is activated on a client computer when an activation rule triggers. An activation rule can contain the
following conditions:
The Network Agent on a client computer connects to the Server with a specified set of connection parameters,
such as Server address, port number, etc.
The client computer is running in standalone mode.
The client computer has been assigned specified tags.
The client computer is located in a specific unit of Active Directory, the computer or its owner is located in a
security group of Active Directory.
Profiles that have been created for a policy are sorted in descending order of priority. If profile X precedes profile Y on
the list of profiles, this means that X has a higher priority than Y. The priorities of profiles are necessary because several
profiles may be active simultaneously on a client computer.

Policies in the hierarchy of administration groups

While policies influence each other in accordance with the hierarchy of administration groups, profiles with identical
names merge. Profiles of a 'higher' policy have a higher priority. For example, in administration group A, policy P(A) has
profiles X1, X2, and X3 (in descending order of priority). In administration group B, which is a subgroup of group A, policy
P(B) has been created with profiles X2, X4, X5. Then policy P(B) will be modified with policy P(A) so that the list of
profiles in policy P(B) will look as: X1, X2, X3, X4, X5 (in descending order of priority). The priority of profile X2 will
depend on the initial state of X2 of policy P(B) and X2 of policy P(A).
The active policy is the sum of the main policy and all active profiles of that policy, i.e., profiles for which the activation
rules trigger. The active policy is recalculated when you start Network Agent, enable and disable the out-of-office mode,
or edit the list of tags assigned for the client computer.

Properties and restrictions of policy profiles

Profiles have the following properties:
Profiles of an inactive policy have no impact on client computers.
If a policy is active in standalone mode, profiles of that policy will also be applied in standalone mode only.
Profiles do not support static analysis of access to executable files.
A policy cannot contain notification settings.
If UDP port 15000 is used for connection of a client computer to Administration Server, you should activate the
corresponding policy profile within one minute when assigning a tag to the client computer.
You can use rules of connection between Network Agent and Administration Server when creating profile
activation rules.


Creating a policy profile is only available for policies of Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows.


To create a policy profile for an administration group:

1. In the console tree, select the administration group for which you want to create a policy profile.
2. In the workspace of the group, open the Policies tab.
3. Select a policy and switch to the policy properties window using the context menu.
4. Open the Policy profile section in the policy properties window and click the Add button.
5. In the Properties: New profile window, configure the policy profile:
In the General section, specify the name of the profile.
The name of a profile cannot include more than 100 characters.
Enable or disable the profile using the Enable profile check box.
If this check box is cleared, the profile cannot be used for managing the client computer.
6. In the Activation rules section, create activation rules for the profile.
Click the Add button.
Define the policy profile activation rules in the Property: New rule window.
Click OK.
7. Edit the policy settings in the corresponding sections.
8. After the profile is configured and activation rules are created, save the changes by clicking the OK button.
As a result, the profile will be saved. The profile will be activated on the client computer when the activation rules
Profiles that have been created for a policy are displayed in the policy properties, in the Policy profiles section. You can
modify a policy profile and change the profile's priority (see the section "Editing a policy profile" on page 60), as well as
delete the profile (see the section "Deleting a policy profile" on page 61).

Several policy profiles can be activated simultaneously when the activation rules trigger.


Editing the settings of a policy profile

Editing a policy profile is only available for policies of Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows.

To modify a policy profile:

1. In the console tree, select the administration group for which the policy profile should be modified.
2. In the workspace of the group, open the Policies tab.
3. Select a policy and switch to the policy properties window using the context menu.
4. Open the Policy profile section in the policy properties.
This section contains a list of profiles that have been created for the policy. Profiles are displayed on the list in
accordance with their priorities.
5. Select a policy profile and click the Properties button.
6. Configure the profile in the properties window:
If necessary, in the General section, change the profile name and enable or disable the profile using the
Enable profile check box.
In the Activation rules section, edit the profile activation rules.
Edit the policy settings in the corresponding sections.
7. Click OK.
The settings that you have modified will be applied either after the client computer is synchronized with Administration
Server (if the policy profile is active), or after the activation rule triggers (if the policy profile is inactive).


Changing the priority of a policy profile

The priorities of policy profiles define the activation order of profiles on a client computer. Priorities are used if identical
activation rules are set for different policy profiles.
For example, two policy profiles have been created: Profile 1 and Profile 2, which differ by the respective values of a
single setting (Value 1 and Value 2). The priority of Profile 1 is higher than that of Profile 2. Moreover, there are also
profiles with priorities that are lower than that of Profile 2. The activation rules for those profiles are identical.
When an activation rule triggers, Profile 1 will be activated. The setting on the client computer will take Value 1. If you
delete Profile 1, then Profile 2 will have the highest priority, so the setting will take Value 2.
On the list of policy profiles, profiles are displayed in accordance with their respective priorities. The profile with the
highest priority is ranked first. You can change the priority of a profile by using the following buttons: and .


To delete a policy profile:
1. In the console tree, select the administration group for which you want to delete a policy profile.
2. In the workspace of the group, open the Policies tab.
3. Select a policy and switch to the policy properties window using the context menu.
4. Open the Policy profile section in the properties of the policy of Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows.
5. Select the policy profile that you want to delete and click the Delete button.
As a result, the policy profile will be deleted. The active status will pass either to another policy profile of which the
activation rules trigger on the client computer, or to the policy.

Kaspersky Security Center manages application installed on client computers by creating and running tasks. Tasks are
required for installing, launching and stopping applications, scanning files, updating databases and software modules,
and taking other actions on applications.
Tasks are subdivided into the following types:
Group tasks. Tasks that are performed on the client computers of the selected administration group.
Administration Server tasks. Tasks that are performed on the Administration Server.
Tasks for specific computers. Tasks that are performed on selected computers, regardless of whether they are
included in any administration groups.
Local tasks. Tasks that are performed on an individual client computer.

An application task can only be created if the management plug-in for that application is installed on the administrator's

You can compile a list of computers for which a task should be created, by using one of the following methods:
Select computers detected by Administration Server on the network
Specify a list of computers manually. You can use an IP address (or an IP range), NetBIOS name, or DNS
name as the computer address.
Import a list of computers from a TXT file containing the addresses of computers to be added (each address
should be placed in an individual line).
If you import a list of computers from a file or create one manually, and client computers are identified by their
names, the list should contain only computers for which information has already been added to the
Administration Server database when connecting the computers or in the course of a network poll.
For each application you can create any number of group tasks, tasks for specific computers, or local tasks.
Exchange of information about tasks between an application installed on a client computer and the Kaspersky Security
Center database is carried out in the moment Network Agent is connected to Administration Server.


You can make changes to the settings of tasks, view their progress, copy, export, import, and delete them.

Tasks are launched on a client only if the application for which the task was created is running. When the application is
not running, all running tasks are canceled.

Results of tasks run are saved in the events log of Microsoft Windows and Kaspersky Security Center as in centralized
mode on Administration Server, so in local mode on each client computer.


To create a group task:
1. In the workspace of the administration group for which you need to create a task, select the Tasks tab.
2. Run the task creation by clicking the Create a task link.
This starts the New Task Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions.


The Administration Server performs the following tasks:
Automatic distribution of reports
Downloading of updates to the repository
Backup of Administration Server data
Windows Update synchronization
Creation of an installation package based on the OS image of a reference computer.

On a virtual Administration Server, only the automatic report delivery task and the installation package creation task from
reference computer OS image are available. The repository of the virtual Administration Server displays updates
downloaded to the master Administration Server. Backup of virtual Server's data is performed along with backup of
master Administration Server's data.

To create an Administration Server task:

1. In the console tree, select the Administration Server tasks folder.
2. Start creating the task in one of the following ways:
In the console tree, in the Administration Server tasks folder context menu, select Create Task.
Click the Create a task link in the workspace.
This starts the New Task Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions.

The Download updates to the repository, Perform Windows Update synchronization, and Backup of
Administration Server data tasks can be created only once. If the Download updates to the repository, Back up
Administration Server data, and Windows Update synchronization tasks have been already created for
Administration Server, they will not be displayed in the task type selection window of the New Task Wizard.


In Kaspersky Security Center you can create tasks for specific computers. Computers joined in a set can be included in
various administration groups or be out of any administration groups. Kaspersky Security Center can perform the
following main tasks:
Install application remotely (for more information, see Kaspersky Security Center Implementation Guide).
Send message for user (see the section "Sending a message to the users of client computers" on page 75).
Change Administration Server (see the section "Changing Administration Server for client computers" on
page 74);


Manage client computer (see the section "Remote turning on, turning off and restarting client computers" on
page 74).
Verify updates (see the section "Verifying downloaded updates" on page 143);
Distribute installation package (for more information, see Kaspersky Security Center Implementation Guide).
Install application remotely on the slave Administration Servers (for more information, see Kaspersky Security
Center Implementation Guide).
Uninstall application remotely (for more information, see Kaspersky Security Center Implementation Guide).
To create a task for a set of computers:
1. In the console tree, select the Tasks for specific computers folder.
2. Start creating the task in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the console tree folder named Tasks for specific computers select New Task.
Click the Create a task link in the workspace.
This starts the New Task Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions.


To create a local task for client computer:
1. Select the Computers tab in the workspace of the group that includes the client computer.
2. From the list of computers on the Computers tab select the computer for which a local task should be created.
3. Start creating the task for the selected computer in one of the following ways:
By clicking the Create a task link in the workspace of the computer.
From the computer properties window in the following way:
a. From the computer context menu, select Properties.
b. In the computer properties window that opens, select the Tasks section and click Add.
This starts the New Task Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
Detailed instructions on how to create and configure local tasks are provided in the Guides for the respective Kaspersky
Lab applications.


To enable the display of inherited tasks of a nested group in the workspace:
1. Select the Tasks tab in the workspace of a nested group.
2. Select View Inherited tasks from the context menu of the list of tasks.

As a result, inherited tasks are displayed on the list of tasks with the icon. If the settings inheritance mode is
enabled, inherited tasks can only be edited in the group in which they have been created. Inherited tasks cannot be
edited in the group that inherits the tasks.


Kaspersky Security Center allows you to adjust the settings of a task so that the operating system starts loading on client
computers, which are turned off, before the task is launched.


To configure the automatic startup of client computers before launching a task:

1. In the task properties window, select the Schedule section.
2. Open the window intended for configuration of actions on client computers, by clicking the Advanced link.
3. In the Advanced window that opens, select the Activate computer before the task is started by the Wake
On LAN function (min) check box and specify the time interval in minutes.
As a result, the operating system will start loading on client computers, which are turned off, the specified time
interval before the task is launched.

Automatic loading of the operating system is only available on computers that support the Wake On Lan feature.


Kaspersky Security Center allows you to adjust the settings of a task so that the client computers, to which it is applied,
turn off automatically after it is complete.
To turn off the client computers after the task is complete:
1. In the task properties window, select the Schedule section.
2. Open the window intended for configuration of actions on client computers, by clicking the Advanced link.
3. In the Advanced window that opens, select the Turn off computer after task is complete check box.


To limit the time of task run on client computers:
1. In the task properties window, select the Schedule section.
2. Open the window intended for configuration of actions on client computers, by clicking the Advanced link.
3. In the Advanced window that opens, select the Stop if the task is taking longer than (min) check box and
specify the time interval in minutes.
As a result, if the task is not yet complete when the specified time interval expires, Kaspersky Security Center stops
the task run automatically.

You can export group tasks and tasks for specific computers into a file. Administration Server tasks and local tasks are
not available for export.
To export a task:
1. Export the task using one of the following methods:
By selecting All tasks Export from the context menu of the task.
By clicking the Export task to file link located in the workspace, in the section intended for handling the
selected policy.
2. In the Save as window that opens, specify the name of the file and the path to save it. Click the Save button.

The rights of local users are not exported.

You can import group tasks and tasks for specific computers. Administration Server tasks and local tasks are not
available for import.


To import a task:
1. Select the task list to which the task should be imported:
If you want to import the task to the list of group tasks, in the workspace of the required group select the
Tasks tab.
If you want to import a task into the list of tasks for specific computers, select the Tasks for specific
computers folder from the console tree.
2. Select one of the following options to import the task:
In the context menu of the task list, select All Tasks Import.
Click the Import task from file link in the task list management block.
3. In the window that opens, specify the path to the file from which you want to import task. Click the Open button.
The task is then displayed in the task list.

If a task with the same name as that of the imported task is already included in the selected list, an index in (<serial
number>) format will be added to the name of the imported one, for example: (1), (2).

You can use Kaspersky Security Center to convert tasks from earlier versions of Kaspersky Lab applications into those
from up-to-date versions of the applications.
Conversion is available for tasks of the following applications:
Kaspersky Anti-Virus 6.0 for Windows Workstations MP4
Kaspersky Endpoint Security 8 for Windows
Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows.
To convert tasks:
1. In the console tree, select an Administration Server for which you want to convert tasks.
2. From the context menu of Administration Server select All tasks Policies and tasks conversion wizard.
This will start the Policies and Tasks Conversion Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
After the wizard completes its operation, new tasks are created, which use the settings of tasks from earlier versions of
the applications.


You can start and stop tasks by using one of the two following methods: From the context menu of the task or in the
properties window of the client computer to which the task has been assigned.

Running group tasks from the context menu of a client computer is allowed to users included in the KLAdmins group
(see the section "Rights of access to Administration Server and its objects" on page 44).

To start or stop a task from the context menu or the properties window of the task:
1. In the list of tasks, select a task.
2. Start or stop the task in one of the following ways:
In the context menu of the task, select Start or Stop.
In the task properties window, in the General section, click Start or Stop.


To start or stop a task from the context menu or the properties window of the client computer:
1. Select a computer from the list of computers.
2. Start or stop the task in one of the following ways:
In the context menu of the client computer, select All Tasks Run task. Select the relevant task from the
list of tasks.
The list of computers to which the task is assigned will be replaced with the computer that you have
selected. The task starts.

In the properties window of the client computer, in the Tasks section, click the or button.


To pause or resume a running task:
1. In the list of tasks, select a task.
2. Pause or resume the task using one of the following methods:
In the context menu of the task, select Pause or Resume.
In task properties window, select the General section and click Pause or Resume.


To monitor task execution,
select the General section of the task properties window.
In the middle part of the General section, the current task status is displayed.


Kaspersky Security Center allows you to view run results for group tasks, tasks for specific computers, and
Administration Server tasks. No run results can be viewed for local tasks.
To view task results,
in the task properties window, select the General section and click the Results link to open the Task results


Kaspersky Security Center allows you to filter information about run results for group tasks, tasks for specific computers,
and Administration Server tasks. No filtering is available for local tasks.
To configure filtering of information about task run results:
1. In the task properties window, select the General section and click the Results link to open the Task results
The table in the upper part of the window contains all client computers for which the task is assigned.
The table in the lower part of the window displays the results of the task performed on the selected client
2. In the Task results window in the required table, select the Filter context menu item.
3. In the Set filter window that opens, configure the filter in the Events, Computers and Time sections. Click OK.
As a result, the Task results window displays information that meets the settings specified in the filter.



The Kaspersky Security Center administration system allows remote management of local application settings on remote
computers through Administration Console.
Local application settings are the settings of an application that are specific for a client computer. You can use Kaspersky
Security Center to specify local application settings on client computers included in administration groups.
Detailed descriptions of settings of Kaspersky Lab applications are provided in the respective guides.
To view or change application's local settings:
1. In the workspace of the group to which the required client computer belongs to, select the Computers tab.
2. In the client computer properties window, in the Applications section, select the required application.
3. Open the application properties window by double-clicking the application name or by clicking the Properties
As a result, the local settings window of the selected application opens so that you can view and edit those settings.

You can change the values only of the settings that have not been prohibited for modification by a group policy (that is,
those settings not marked with the "lock" in a policy).

This section provides information about how to handle client computers.

Connecting client computers to Administration Server ................................................................................................ 68
Connecting a client computer to Administration Server manually. Klmover utility ......................................................... 69
Tunneling the connection between a client computer and Administration Server ......................................................... 70
Remote connection to the desktop of a client computer .............................................................................................. 70
Configuring the restart of a client computer ................................................................................................................ 71
Audit of actions on a remote client computer.............................................................................................................. 71
Checking the connection between a client computer and Administration Server .......................................................... 72
Identifying client computers on Administration Server................................................................................................. 73
Adding computers to an administration group ............................................................................................................ 73
Changing Administration Server for client computers ................................................................................................. 74
Remote turning on, turning off and restarting client computers ................................................................................... 74
Sending a message to the users of client computers.................................................................................................. 75
Controlling changes in the status of virtual machines ................................................................................................. 75
Remote diagnostics of client computers. Kaspersky Security Center remote diagnostics utility .................................... 76


The connection of the client computer to the Administration Server is established through Network Agent installed on
client computer.
When a client computer connects to Administration Server, the following operations are performed:
Automatic data synchronization:
synchronization of applications installed on the client computer;
synchronization of the policies, application settings, tasks, and task settings.
Retrieval of up-to-date information about the condition of applications, execution of tasks and applications'
operation statistics by the Server.
Delivery of the event information to Administration Server for processing.
Automatic data synchronization is performed regularly in accordance with the Network Agent settings (for example, every
15 minutes). You can specify the connection interval manually.
Information about an event is delivered to Administration Server as soon as it occurs.
Kaspersky Security Center allows you to configure connection between a client computer and Administration Server so
that the connection remains active after all operations are completed. Uninterrupted connection is necessary in cases
when real-time control of application status is required and Administration Server is unable to establish a connection to
the client for some reason (connection is protected by a firewall, opening of ports on the client computer is not allowed,
the client IP address is unknown, and so on). You can establish a continuous connection between a client computer and
Administration Server in the General section of the client computer properties window.

It is recommended to establish a continuous connection with the most important client hosts, because the Administration
Server supports only a limited number (several hundred) of concurrent connections.


When synchronizing manually, the system uses an auxiliary connection method, with which connection is initiated by
Administration Server. Before establishing the connection, you should open the UDP port. Administration Server sends a
connection request to the UDP port of the client computer. In response, the Administration Server's certificate is verified.
If the Server's certificate matches the certificate copy stored on the client computer, the connection starts establishing.
The manual launch of synchronization is also used for obtaining up-to-date information about the condition of
applications, execution of tasks, and applications' operation statistics.


If you want to connect a client computer to the Administration Server, you can use the klmover utility on the client
When installing Network Agent on a client computer, the utility is automatically copied to the Network Agent installation
To connect a client computer to the Administration Server manually by using the klmover utility,
on the client computer, start the klmover utility from the command line.
When started from the command line, the klmover utility can perform the following actions (depending on the keys in use):
connects Network Agent to Administration Server with the specified settings;
records the operation results into the event log file or displays them on the screen.
Utility command line syntax:
klmover [-logfile <file name>] [-address <server address>] [-pn <port number>] [-ps
<SSL port number>] [-nossl] [-cert <path to certificate file>] [-silent] [-dupfix]
The command-line parameters are as follows:
-logfile <file name> record the utility run results into a log file.
By default information is saved in the standard output stream (stdout). If the key is not in use, results and error
messages are displayed on the screen.
-address <server address> address of Administration Server for connection.
You can specify an IP address, the NetBIOS name or DNS name of a computer as an address.
-pn <port number> number of the port via which non-encrypted connection to Administration Server will be
The default port number is 14000.
-ps <SSL port number> number of the SSL port via which encrypted connection to Administration Server
is established using the SSL protocol.
The default port number is 13000.
-nossl use non-encrypted connection to Administration Server.
If the key is not in use, Network Agent is connected to Administration Server over the encrypted SSL protocol.
-cert <path to certificate file> use the specified certificate file for authentication of access to
Administration Server.
If the key is not in use, Network Agent receives a certificate at the first connection to Administration Server.
-silent run the utility in silent mode.
Using the key may be useful if, for example, the utility is started from the login script at the user's registration.
-dupfix the key is used if Network Agent has been installed using a method that differs from the usual one
(with the distribution package) for example, by recovering it from an ISO disk image.



Tunneling of the connection between a client computer and Administration Server is required if the port for connection to
Administration Server is not available on the client computer. The port on the client computer may be unavailable in the
following cases:
The remote computer is connected to a local network that uses NAT mechanism.
The remote computer is part of the local network of Administration Server, but its port is closed by a firewall.
To tunnel the connection between a client computer and Administration Server:
1. In the console tree, select the administration group that contains the client computer.
2. On the Computers tab, select the client computer.
3. From the context menu of the client computer, select All Tasks Connection Tunneling.
4. Create a tunnel in the Connection Tunneling window that opens.


The administrator can obtain remote access to the desktop of a client computer through a Network Agent installed on the
client computer. Remote connection to a client computer through the Network Agent is also possible if the TCP and UDP
ports of the client computer are closed.
Upon establishing the connection with the client computer, the administrator gains full access to information stored on
this computer so he or she can manage applications installed on it.
Remote connection with a client computer can be established using one of the two methods:
Using a standard Microsoft Windows component named Remote Desktop Connection. Connection to a remote
desktop is established through the standard Windows utility mstsc.exe in accordance with the utility's settings.
Connection to the current remote desktop session of the user is established without the user's knowledge. Once
the administrator connects to the session, the client computer user is disconnected from the session without an
advance notification.
Using the Windows Desktop Sharing technology. When connecting to an existing session of the remote
desktop, the session user on the client computer receives a request for connection from the administrator. No
information about remote activity on the computer and its results will be saved in reports created by Kaspersky
Security Center.
The administrator can connect to an existing session on a client computer without disconnecting the user who is
operating in this session. In this case, the administrator and the session user on the client computer will share
access to the desktop.
The administrator can configure an audit of user activity on a remote client computer. During the audit, the
application saves information about files on the client computer that have been opened and / or modified by the
administrator (see the section "Audit of actions on a remote client computer" on page 71).
To connect to the desktop of a client computer through Windows Desktop Sharing, you should meet the following
Microsoft Windows Vista or a later Windows operating system is installed on the client computer.
Microsoft Windows Vista or a later Windows operating system is installed on the administrator's workstation.
The type of the operating system of the computer hosting the Administration Server imposes no restrictions on
connection through Windows Desktop Sharing.
Kaspersky Security Center uses a license for Systems Management.


To connect to the desktop of a client computer through the Remote Desktop Connection component:
1. In the administration console tree, select a client computer to which you need to obtain access.
2. In the context menu of the client computer, select All Tasks Connect to computer RDP.
As a result, the standard Windows utility mstsc.exe starts, which helps establishing connection to the remote desktop.
3. Follow the instructions shown in the utility's dialog boxes.
Upon establishing the connection to the client computer, the desktop is available in the remote connection window of
Microsoft Windows.
To connect to the desktop of a client computer through the Windows Desktop Sharing technology:
1. In the administration console tree, select a client computer to which you need to obtain access.
2. In the context menu of the client computer, select All Tasks Connect to computer Windows Desktop
3. In the Select remote desktop session window that opens, select the session on the client computer to which
you need to connect.
If connection to the client computer is established successfully, the desktop of the client computer will be
available in the Kaspersky Remote desktop session viewer window.
4. To start interaction with the client computer, in the main menu of the Kaspersky Remote desktop session
viewer window, select Actions Interactive mode.

Kaspersky Security Center licensing options.............................................................................................................. 33


While using, installing, or removing Kaspersky Security Center, a restart of a client computer may be required. The
application allows you to configure the restart of client computers.
To configure the restart of a client computer:
1. In the console tree, select the administration group for which you need to configure the restart.
2. In the workspace of the group, open the Policies tab.
3. Select a policy of Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent in the list of policies, then select Properties in the
context menu of the policy.
4. In the properties window of the policy, select the Restart management section.
5. Select the action that must be performed if a restart of the client computer is required:
Select Do not restart the operating system to block the automatic restart.
Select Restart the operating system automatically if necessary to allow the automatic restart.
Select Prompt user to enable prompting the user to allow the restart.
You can specify the frequency of restart requests, enable forced restart and forced closure of applications in
blocked sessions on the client computer, by selecting the corresponding check boxes.
6. Click the button to save the changes and close the policy properties window.
As a result, the restart of the client computer will be configured.


The application allows performing the audit of the administrator's actions on a remote client computer. During the audit,
the application saves information about files on the client computer that have been opened and / or modified by the
administrator. Audit of the administrator's actions is available when the following conditions are met:
An active Systems Management license is available
The administrator has the right to run the shared access to the desktop of the remote computer.


To enable audit of actions on a remote client computer:

1. In the console tree, select the administration group for which the audit of the administrator's actions should be
2. In the workspace of the group, open the Policies tab.
3. Select a policy of Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent, then select Properties in the context menu of the
4. In the policy properties window, select the Desktop sharing section.
5. Select the Enable audit check box.
6. In the Masks of files of which reading should be monitored and Masks of files of which modifications
should be monitored lists, add file masks on which actions should be monitored during the audit.
By default, the application monitors actions on files with txt, rtf, doc, xls, docx, and xlsx extensions.
7. Click the button to save the changes and close the policy properties window.
Thus, the audit of the administrator's actions on the user's remote computer with shared desktop access is configured.
Records of the administrator's actions on the remote computer are logged:
In the event log on the remote computer
In a file with the syslog extension located in the installation folder of Network Agent on the remote computer
In the events database of Kaspersky Security Center.


Kaspersky Security Center allows you to check connections between a computer and Administration Server
automatically or manually.
Automatic check of connection is performed on Administration Server. Manual check of connection is performed on the
client computer.

Automatic check of connection between a client computer and Administration Server ................................................. 72
Manual check of connection between a client computer and Administration Server. Klnagchk utility ............................ 72


To start an automatic check of connection between a client computer and Administration Server:
1. In the console tree select the administration group that includes the client computer.
2. In the workspace of the administration group, on the Computers tab select the client computer.
3. Select Check connection from the context menu of the client computer.
As a result, a window opens that provides information about the computer's accessibility.


You can check connection and obtain detailed information about the settings of connection between a client computer
and Administration Server using the klnagchk utility.


When installing Network Agent on a client computer, the klnagchk utility is automatically copied to the Network Agent
installation folder.
When started from the command line, the klnagchk utility can perform the following actions (depending on the keys in use):
Displays on the screen or records into an event log file the values of the connection settings of Network Agent
installed on the client computer to Administration Server.
Records into an event log file Network Agent statistics (since its last startup) and utility operation results, or
displays the information on the screen.
Makes an attempt to establish connection between Network Agent and Administration Server.
If the connection attempt fails, the utility sends an ICMP packet to check the status of the computer on which
Administration Server is installed.
To check connection between a client computer and Administration Server using the klnagchk utility,
on the client computer, start the klnagchk utility from the command line.
Utility command line syntax:
klnagchk [-logfile <file name>] [-sp] [-savecert <path to certificate file>] [-
The command-line parameters are as follows:
-logfile <file name> record the values of the settings of connection between Network Agent and
Administration Server and the utility operation results into a log file.
By default information is saved in the standard output stream (stdout). If the key is not in use, settings, results,
and error messages are displayed on the screen.
-sp show the password for the user's authentication on the proxy server.
The setting is in use if the connection to Administration Server is established via a proxy server.
-savecert <filename> save the certificate used to access the Administration Server in the specified file.
-restart restart the Network Agent after the utility has completed.


Identifying client computers is based on their names. A client computer name is unique among all the names of
computers connected to Administration Server.
The name of a client computer is transferred to the Administration Server either when the Windows network is polled and
a new computer is discovered in it, or during the first connection of the Network Agent installed on a client computer to
the Administration Server. By default, the name matches the computer name in the Windows network (NetBIOS name). If
a client computer with this name is already registered on Administration Server, an index with the next sequence number
will be added to the new client computer name, for example: <Name>-1, <Name>-2. The client computer is added to the
administration group under that name.


To include one or several computers in a selected administration group:
1. In the console tree, open the Managed computers folder.
2. In the Managed computers folder select the nested folder that corresponds to the group, which should include
the client computers.
If you want to include the client computers in the Managed computers group, you can skip this step.
3. In the workspace of the selected administration group, on the Computers tab run the process of including the
client computers in the group using one of the following methods:
Add the computers to the group by clicking the Add computers link in the section intended for managing
the list of computers.
By selecting New Computer from the context menu of the list of computers.


This will start the Add client computers wizard. Following its instructions, select a method of adding the client
computers to the group and create a list of computers to include in the group.
If you create the list of computers manually, you can use an IP address (or an IP range), a NetBIOS name, or a DNS
name as the address of a computer. You can add to the list manually only computers for which information has
already been added to the Administration Server database when connecting the computer, or after a network poll.
To import a list of computers from a file, specify a.txt file with a list of addresses of computers to be added. Each
address must be specified in a separate line.
After the wizard finishes its operation, the selected client computers are included in the administration group and
displayed in the list of computers under names generated by Administration Server.

You can add a client computer to the selected administration group by dragging it from the Unassigned computers
folder to the administration group folder.


You can change Administration Server that manages client computers with another one using the Change
Administration Server task.
To change Administration Server that manages client computers with another one:
1. Connect to the Administration Server which manages the client computers.
2. Create the Administration Server change task using one of the following methods:
If you need to change Administration Server for computers included in the selected administration group,
create a group task (see the section "Creating a group task" on page 62).
If you need to change Administration Server for computers included in different administration groups or in
none of the existing groups, create a task for specific computers (see the section "Creating a task for
specific computers" on page 62).
This starts the New Task Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions. In the Task type window of the New Task
Wizard select the Kaspersky Security Center node, open the Advanced folder, and select the Change
Administration Server task.
3. Run the created task.
After the task is completed, the client computers for which it had been created are passed under the management of
the Administration Server specified in the task settings.

If Administration Server supports the feature of encryption and data protection, when you create the Change
Administration Server task, a notification is displayed stating that in case any encrypted data are stored on computers,
you will be provided access only to encrypted data that you have handled earlier, after the computers are switched under
the management of the new server. In other cases, no access to encrypted data is provided. For the detailed
descriptions of scenarios in which no access to encrypted data is provided please refer to the Kaspersky Endpoint
Security 10 for Windows Administrator's Guide.


Kaspersky Security Center allows performing remote management of client computers: turning on, turning off, and
restarting them.
To manage client computers remotely:
1. Connect to the Administration Server which manages the client computers.
2. Create the management task for a client computer using one of the following methods:
If you need to turn on, turn off or restart computers included in the selected administration group, create a
group task (see the section "Creating a group task" on page 62).


If you need to turn on, turn off or restart computers included in various administration groups or belonging
to none of them, create a task for specific computers (see the section "Creating a task for specific
computers" on page 62).
This starts the New Task Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions. In the Task type window of the New Task
Wizard select the Kaspersky Security Center node, open the Advanced folder, and select the Manage client
computer task.
3. Run the created task.
After the task is complete, the selected command (turn on, turn off, or restart) will be executed on the selected client


To send a message to the users of client computers:
1. Connect to the Administration Server which manages the client computers.
2. Create a message sending task for client computer users in one of the following ways:
If you want to send message to the users of client computers that belong to the selected administration
group, create a task for the selected group (see the section"Creating a group task" on page 62).
If you want to send message to the users of client computers that belong to different administration groups
or do not belong to administration groups at all, create a task for specific computers (see the section
"Creating a task for specific computers" on page 62).
This starts the New Task Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions. In the Task type window, select the
Kaspersky Security Center node, open the Advanced folder and select the User notification task.
3. Run the created task.
After the task completes, the created message will be sent to the users of selected client computers.


Administration Server stores information about the status of managed computers, such as the hardware registry and the
list of installed applications, or the settings of managed applications, tasks and policies. If a virtual machine functions as
a managed computer, the user can restore its status at any time using a snapshot of the virtual machine. As a result,
information about the status of the virtual machine on Administration Server may become outdated.
For example, the administrator had created a protection policy on Administration Server at 12:00 P.M., which started to
run on virtual machine VM_1 at 12:01 P.M. At 12:30 P.M., the user of virtual machine VM_1 changed its status by
restoring it from a snapshot made at 11:00 A.M. As a result, the protection policy stops running on the virtual machine.
However, outdated information on Administration Server states that the protection policy on virtual machine VM_1 keeps
Kaspersky Security Center helps controlling all changes in the status of virtual machines.
After each synchronization with a client computer, Administration Server generates a unique ID, which is stored both on
the client computer's side and on the Administration Server's side. Before starting the next synchronization,
Administration Server compares the values of those IDs on both sides. If the values of the IDs mismatch, Administration
Server recognizes the virtual machine as restored from a snapshot. Administration Server resets all the settings of
policies and tasks that are active for the virtual machine and sends the up-to-date policies and the list of group tasks to it.



The utility for remote diagnostics of Kaspersky Security Center (here in after referred to as the remote diagnostics utility)
is designed for remote performing of the following operations on client computers:
enabling and disabling tracing, changing the tracing level, downloading the trace file;
downloading applications' settings;
downloading event logs;
starting the diagnostics and downloading diagnostics results;
starting and stopping applications.
The remote diagnostics utility is installed on the computer automatically together with the Administration Console.

Connecting the remote diagnostics utility to a client computer .................................................................................... 76
Enabling and disabling tracing, downloading the trace file .......................................................................................... 78
Downloading applications' settings ............................................................................................................................ 78
Downloading event logs ............................................................................................................................................ 78
Starting diagnostics and downloading its results ........................................................................................................ 78
Starting, stopping and restarting applications ............................................................................................................. 79


To connect the remote diagnostics utility to a client computer:
1. Select any administration group from the console tree.
2. In the workspace, on the Computers tab, in the context menu of any client computer select Custom tools
Remote diagnostics.
As a result, the main window of the remote diagnostics utility opens.
3. In the first field of the main window of the remote diagnostics utility specify the tools that you intend to use to
connect to the client computer:
Access using Microsoft Windows network.
Access using Administration Server.
4. If you have selected Access using Microsoft Windows network in the first field of the main utility window,
perform the following actions:
In the Computer field specify the computer that should be connected to.
You can use an IP address, NetBIOS or DNS name as the computer address.
The default value is the address of the computer from the context menu of which the utility has been run.
Specify an account to connect to the computer:
Connect as current user (selected by default). Connecting under the current user account.
Use provided user name and password to connect. Connecting under a provided user account.
Specify the User name and the Password of the required account.

Connection to a client computer is only possible under the account of the local administrator of the client


5. If you have selected Access using Administration Server in the first field of the main utility window, perform
the following actions:
In the Administration Server field specify the address of Administration Server from which you intend to
connect to the client computer.
You can use an IP address, NetBIOS or DNS name as the server address.
The default value is the address of Server from which the utility has been run.
If required, select the Use SSL, Compress traffic, and Computer belongs to slave Administration
Server check boxes.
If the Computer belongs to slave Administration Server check box is selected, you can fill in the Slave
Server field with the name of the slave Administration Server, which manages the client computer. To do
this, click the Browse button.
6. To connect to the client computer, click the Enter button.
This opens the window intended for remote diagnostics of the client computer (see fig. below). The left part of the
window contains links to operations of client computer diagnostics. The right part of the window contains the objects
tree of the client computer that the utility can handle. The bottom part of the window displays the progress of the
utility's operations.

Figure 12. Remote diagnostics utility. Window of remote diagnostics of client computer

The remote diagnostics utility saves files downloaded from client computers on the desktop of the computer from which it
has been run.



To enable tracing, download the trace file, and disable tracing:
1. Run the remote diagnostics utility and connect to the required computer.
2. From the objects tree of the client computer select the application for which you need to build a trace, and
enable tracing by clicking the Enable tracing link in the left part of the remote diagnostics utility window.

Tracing can be enabled and disabled for applications with self-defense only if the client computer is connected
using tools of Administration Server.

In some cases an anti-virus application and its task should be restarted in order to enable tracing.
3. In the node of the application for which tracing is enabled, in the Trace files folder select the required file and
download it by clicking the Download file link. For large-sized files only the most recent trace parts can be
You can delete the highlighted trace file. The file can be deleted after tracing is disabled.
4. Disable tracing for the selected application by clicking the Disable tracing link.


To download applications' settings:
1. Run the remote diagnostics utility and connect to the required computer.
2. From the objects tree of the remote diagnostics window select the top node with the name of the computer and
select the required action in the left part of the window:
Load system information.
Load application settings.
Generate process memory dump.
In the window that opens after you click this link, specify the executable file of the selected application for
which you need to generate a memory dump file.
Start utility.
In the window that opens after you click this link, specify the executable file of the selected utility and its
startup settings.
As a result, the selected utility is downloaded and run on the client computer.


To download an event log:
1. Run the remote diagnostics utility and connect to the required computer.
2. In the Event log folder of the computer objects tree select the required log and download it by clicking the
Download event log Kaspersky Event Log link in the left part of the remote diagnostics utility window.


To start diagnostics for an application and download its results:
1. Run the remote diagnostics utility and connect to the required computer.
2. From the objects tree of the client computer select the required application and start diagnostics by clicking the
Run diagnostics link.
As a result, a diagnostics report appears in the node of the selected application in the objects tree.
3. Select the newly generated diagnostics report in the objects tree and download it by clicking the Download
file link.



You can only start, stop, and restart applications if you have connected the client computer using Administration Server

To start, stop, or restart an application:

1. Run the remote diagnostics utility and connect to the required client computer.
2. From the objects tree of the client computer select the required application and select an action in the left part of
the window:
Stop application
Restart application
Start application
Depending on the action that you have selected, the application will be started, stopped, or restarted.

This section provides information about users' accounts and roles supported by the application. This section contains
instructions on how to create accounts and roles for users of Kaspersky Security Center. This section also contains
instructions on how to handle list of the user's certificates and mobile devices and how to deliver messages to users.

Handling user accounts ............................................................................................................................................ 80
Adding a user account .............................................................................................................................................. 80
Configuring rights. User roles .................................................................................................................................... 81
Delivering messages to users ................................................................................................................................... 82
Viewing the list of a user's mobile devices ................................................................................................................. 82
Installing a certificate for a user ................................................................................................................................. 82
Viewing the list of certificates handed to a user .......................................................................................................... 83


Kaspersky Security Center allows managing user accounts and groups of accounts. The application supports two types
of accounts:
Accounts of organization employees. Administration Server retrieves data of the accounts of those users when
polling the organization's network.
Accounts of internal users (see the section "Handling internal users" on page 50). Those are applied when
handling virtual Administration Servers. Accounts of internal users are created (see the section "Adding a user
account" on page 80) and used only within Kaspersky Security Center.
All user accounts can be viewed in the User accounts folder of the console tree.
You can perform the following actions on user accounts and groups of accounts:
Configure users' rights of access to the application's features by means of roles (see the section "Configuring
rights. User roles" on page 81)
Send messages to users by email and SMS (see the section "Delivering messages to users" on page 82)
View the list of the user's mobile devices (see the section "Viewing the list of the user's mobile devices" on
page 82)
Hand and install certificates on the user's mobile devices (see the section "Installing a certificate for a user" on
page 82)
View the list of certificates handed to the user (see the section "Viewing the list of certificates handed to the
user" on page 83).


To add a new Kaspersky Security Center user account:
1. In the console tree, open the User accounts folder.
2. In the workspace, click the Add new user link to open the Properties window.
3. Specify account settings and set a password for the user's connection to Kaspersky Security Center.
There are no special requirements for the password.
If you select the Disable account check box, the user will not be able to connect to the application. You can select
this check box, for example, in case of the dismissal of an employee. By default, this check box is cleared.
4. Click OK.
As a result, the newly created user account will be displayed in the workspace of the User accounts folder.



You can flexibly configure access to various features of the application by users and user groups. You can provide users
rights of access to the application's features, using one of the two methods:
Configuring the rights for each user or group of users individually
Create standard user roles with a predefined set of rights and assign those roles to users depending on their
scope of duties.
User role is an exclusively created and predefined set of rights of access to the application's features. A role can be
provided to a user of a group of users. Applying roles simplifies and reduces routine procedures of configuring users'
rights of access to the application. Access rights within a role are configured in accordance with the 'standard' tasks and
the users' scope of duties. For example, a user role can only have rights to read and send information commands to
mobile devices of other users through Self Service Portal.
User roles can be assigned names that correspond to their respective purposes. You can create an unlimited number of
roles in the application.


To add a user role:
1. In the console tree, select the node with the name of the required Administration Server.
2. In the context menu of the Administration Server, select Properties.
3. In the Administration Server properties window, select the User roles section and click the Add button.
4. In the Properties: New role window, configure the role:
In the General section, specify the name of the role.
The name of a role cannot include more than 100 characters.
In the Rights section, configure the set of rights, by selecting the Allow and Deny check boxes next to the
application's features.
5. Click OK.
As a result, the role will be saved.
User roles that have been created for Administration Server are displayed in the Server properties window, in the User
roles section. You can edit and delete user roles, as well as assign roles to user groups (see the section "Assigning a
role to a user or a user group" on page 81) or individual users.

The User roles section is available if the Display security settings sections check box is selected in the interface
settings window. (see the section "Configuring the interface" on page 30)


To assign a role to a user or a group of users:
1. In the console tree, select the node with the name of the required Administration Server.
2. In the context menu of the Administration Server, select Properties.
3. In the Administration Server properties window, select the Security section.
4. In the Names of groups or users field, select a user or a group of users that should be assigned a role.
If the user or the group is not contained in the field, you can add it by clicking the Add button.
When you add a user by clicking the Add button, you can select the type of user authentication (Microsoft
Windows or Kaspersky Security Center). Kaspersky Security Center authentication is used for selecting the
accounts of internal users that are used for handling virtual Administration Servers.
5. Open the Roles tab and click the Add button.
The User roles window opens. This window displays user roles that have been created.


6. In the User roles window, select a role for the user group.
7. Click OK.
As a result, the role with a set of rights for handling Administration Server will be assigned to the user of the user group.
Roles that have been assigned are displayed on the Roles tab in the Security section of the Administration Server
properties window.

The Security section is available if the Display sections with security settings check box is selected in the interface
settings window (see the section "Configuring the interface" on page 30).


To send a message to a user by email:
1. In the console tree, in the User accounts folder, select a user.
2. In the user's context menu, select Send message by email.
3. Fill in the relevant fields in the Send message to user window and click the OK button.
As a result, the message will be sent to the email that has been specified in the user's properties.
To send an SMS message to a user:
1. In the console tree, in the User accounts folder, select a user.
2. In the user's context menu, select Send SMS message.
3. Fill in the relevant fields in the SMS text window and click the OK button.
As a result, the message will be sent to the mobile device with the number that has been specified in the user's


To view a list of a user's mobile devices:
1. In the console tree, in the User accounts folder, select a user.
2. In the context menu of the user account, select Properties.
3. In the properties window of the user account, select the Mobile devices section.
In the Mobile devices section, you can view the list of the user's mobile devices and information about each of them.
You can click the Export to file button to save the list of mobile devices to a file.


You can install three types of certificates for a user:
General certificate, which is required to identify the user's mobile device
Mail certificate, which is required to set up the corporate mail on the user's mobile device
VPN certificate, which is required to set up the virtual private network on the user's mobile device
To hand a certificate to a user and then install it:
1. In the console tree, open the User accounts folder and select a user account.
2. In the context menu of the user account, select Install certificate.
The Certificate Installation Wizard starts. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
After the Certificate Installation Wizard has finished, the certificate will be created and installed for the user. You can view
the list of installed certificates of a user and export it to a file (see the section "Viewing the list of certificates handed to a
user" on page 83).



To view a list of all certificates handed to a user:
1. In the console tree, in the User accounts folder, select a user.
2. In the context menu of the user account, select Properties.
3. In the properties window of the user account, select the Certificates section.
In the Certificates section, you can view the list of the user's certificates and information about each of them. You can
click the Export to file button to save the list of certificates to a file.

This section provides information about how to handle reports, statistics, and selections of events and client computers in
Kaspersky Security Center, as well as how to configure Administration Server notifications.

Working with reports ................................................................................................................................................. 84
Working with the statistical information ...................................................................................................................... 86
Configuring notification settings ................................................................................................................................. 86
Event selections ....................................................................................................................................................... 87
Exporting events to an SIEM system ......................................................................................................................... 88
Computer selections ................................................................................................................................................. 89
Policy selections ....................................................................................................................................................... 91
Task selections......................................................................................................................................................... 91


Reports in Kaspersky Security Center contain information about the condition of the anti-virus protection system. Reports
are generated based on information stored on Administration Server. You can create reports for the following types of
For a selection of client computers
for computers of a specific administration group;
for a set of client computers from different administration groups;
for all the computers on the network (available for the deployment report).
The application includes a set of standard report templates; it also supports creation of user-defined report templates.
Reports are displayed in the main application window, in the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree.

Creating a report template ........................................................................................................................................ 84
Creating and viewing a report.................................................................................................................................... 85
Saving a report ......................................................................................................................................................... 85
Creating a report delivery task................................................................................................................................... 85


To create a report template,
select the Reports and notifications folder from the console tree and perform one of the following actions:
Select New Report Template from the context menu of the Reports and notifications folder.
In the workspace of the Reports and notifications folder, on the Reports tab run the report template creation
process by clicking the Create a report template link.
As a result, the New Report Template Wizard starts. Follow the Wizard's instructions.


After the Wizard finishes its operation, the newly created report template is added to the Reports and notifications
folder of the console tree. You can use this template for generating and viewing reports.


To create and view a report:
1. In the console tree open the Reports and notifications folder in which report templates are listed.
2. Select the required report template from the console tree or from the workspace on the Reports tab.
As a result, the workspace will display a report created on the selected template.
The report displays the following data:
The name and type of report, its brief description and the reporting period, as well as information about the
group of devices for which the report is generated.
Graphic diagram reflecting the most crucial data from the report.
Summary table of data reflecting calculated values from the report.
Table of detailed data from the report.

To save a created report:
1. In the console tree open the Reports and notifications folder in which report templates are listed.
2. Select the required report template from the console tree or from the workspace on the Reports tab.
3. From the context menu of the selected report template select Save.
The Report Saving Wizard starts. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
After the Wizard finishes its operation, the folder opens into which you have saved the report file.


Delivery of reports in Kaspersky Security Center is carried out using the report delivery task. You can deliver reports by
email or save them in a dedicated folder, for example, in a shared folder on Administration Server or a local computer.
To create a delivery task for a report:
1. In the console tree open the Reports and notifications folder in which report templates are listed.
2. Select the required report template from the console tree or from the workspace on the Reports tab.
3. In the report template's context menu, select the Send Reports item.
This will start the Report Delivery Task Creation Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
To create a task of sending several reports:
1. In the console tree, select the Administration Server tasks folder.
2. Start creating the task in one of the following ways:
In the console tree, in the Administration Server tasks folder context menu, select Create Task.
Click the Create a task link in the workspace.
As a result, the Administration Server Task Creation Wizard starts. Follow the Wizard's instructions. In the Task
type wizard window select Deliver reports.
The created report delivery task is displayed in the console tree, in the Administration Server tasks folder.

The report delivery task is created automatically if email settings have been specified during the Kaspersky Security
Center installation.



Statistical information about the protection system status is displayed in the workspace of the Reports and notifications
folder, on the Statistics tab. The Statistics tab contains several pages, each one of them consists of informational
panes that display statistical information. The statistical information is displayed as a table or chart (pie or bar). The data
in the information panes are updated while the application is running, reflecting the current condition of the anti-virus
protection system.
You can change the number and structure of pages on the Statistics tab, the number of information panes on each
page, and the data display mode in information panes.
The following buttons are intended to edit the display settings and print settings for statistics:

located in the top right corner of the Statistics tab. Configuring the contents of the Statistics tab: adding
and removing statistics pages, their location.

located on the right from the page name. Configure the statistics page.

located on the right from the information pane name. Configure the information pane.

located on the right from the information pane name. Minimize the information pane.

located on the right from the information pane name. Maximize the information pane.

located in the top right corner of the Statistics tab. Print the current statistics page.


Kaspersky Security Center allows you to configure notification of the administrator of events occurring on client devices
and to select a notification method:
Email. When an event occurs, the application sends a notification to email addresses specified. You can edit the
text of the notification.
NET SEND (messaging service). When an event occurs, the application sends notifications using the
messaging service.

Notification via the messaging service is only available for Windows 5.X operating systems (Windows 2000, Windows
XP, Windows Server 2003).

SMS. When an event occurs, the application sends a notification to the phone numbers specified. You can
configure SMS notifications to be sent via the mail gateway or by means of the SMS Broadcasting utility.
Executable file. When an event occurs on a client computer, the executable file is launched on the
administrator's workstation. The administrator can receive the parameters of the event that has occurred by
means of the executable file.
To configure notification of events occurring on client devices:
1. Open the properties window of the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree in one of the following
Select Properties from the context menu of the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree.
In the workspace of the Reports and notifications folder, on the Notifications tab open the window by
clicking the Modify notification delivery settings link.
2. In the Notification section in the properties window of the Reports and notifications folder, select the
notification method and configure notification settings.
As a result, the re-adjusted notification settings are applied to all events occurring on client devices.


You can configure the notification of an event in the properties window of that event. You can obtain quick access to the
settings of events by clicking the Configure Kaspersky Endpoint Security events and Modify Administration Server
event settings links.

Configuring event processing settings ....................................................................................................................... 48

Information on the events in Kaspersky Security Center operation is saved both in the Microsoft Windows system log and
in the Kaspersky Security Center event log. You can view information from the Kaspersky Security Center event log in
the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree, the Events subfolder.
The information in the Events folder is represented in selections. Each selection includes events that meet specified
conditions. After application installation, the folder contains some standard selections. You can create additional event
selections or export event information to file.

Viewing an event selection ........................................................................................................................................ 87
Customizing an event selection ................................................................................................................................. 87
Creating an event selection ....................................................................................................................................... 88
Exporting event selection to text file .......................................................................................................................... 88
Deleting events from selection .................................................................................................................................. 88


To view the event selection:
1. In the console tree, expand the Reports and notifications folder, and locate Events.
2. Open the event selection in one of the following ways:
Expand the Events folder and select the folder that contains the required event selection.
In the Events folder workspace click the link that corresponds to the event selection that you need.
As a result, the workspace will display a list of events, stored on the Administration Server, of the selected type.
You can sort the information in the events list, either in ascending or descending order in any column.


To customize an event selection:
1. In the console tree, expand the Reports and notifications folder, and locate Events.
2. Open the required event selection in the Events folder.
3. Open the event selection properties in one of the following ways:
In the context menu of the event selection, select Properties.
Click the Selection properties in the event selection management block.
In the event selection properties window that opens you can configure the event selection.



To create an event selection:
1. In the console tree, expand the Reports and notifications folder, and locate Events.
2. Start creating the event selection in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the folder, select New Selection.
Click the Create a selection link in the workspace of the Events folder.
3. In the New event selection window that opens, enter the name of the new selection and click OK.
As a result, a new folder with the name you entered will appear in the console tree in the Events folder.
By default, a created event selection contains all events stored on the Administration Server. To make a selection display
only the events you are particularly interested in, you should customize the selection.


To export an event selection to text file:
1. In the console tree, expand the Reports and notifications folder, and locate Events.
2. Open the required event selection in the Events folder.
3. Start the event export in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the selection, select All TasksExport.
Click the Export events to file link in the event selection management block.
This starts the Events Export Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions.


To delete events:
1. In the console tree, expand the Reports and notifications folder, and locate Events.
2. Open the required event selection in the Events folder.
3. Select the events that you want to delete by using a mouse, the Shift or Ctrl key.
4. Delete the selected events by one of the following ways:
In the context menu of any of the selected events, select Remove.
If you select the Delete All item from the context menu, all displayed events will be removed from the
selection, regardless of your selection of events for selection.
Click the Delete event link if one event is selected, or Delete events link if several events are selected in
the working block for these events.
As a result, the selected events will be deleted from the Events folder.


The application allows exporting events that have been registered in the operation of Administration Server and other
Kaspersky Lab applications installed on client computers, to an SIEM system (where SIEM stands for Security
Information and Event Management).
To configure events export to an SIEM system:
1. In the console tree, expand the Reports and notifications folder, and locate Events.
2. In the context menu of the Events folder, select Properties.
The events properties window opens, displaying the Exporting events section.
3. Select the Automatically export events to SIEM system database check box.


4. In the SIEM system dropdown list, select the system to which you need to export events.
Events can be exported to SIEM systems, such as QRadar and ArcSight. By default, ArcSight system is
5. Specify the address of an SIEM system server and a port for connection to that server in the corresponding
Clicking the Export archive button causes the application to export newly created events to the database of
the SIEM system starting from the specified date. By default, the application exports events starting from the
current date.
6. Click OK.
As a result, after you select the Automatically export events to SIEM system database check box and configure
connection with the server, the application will automatically export all events to the SIEM system when they are
registered in the operation of Administration Server and other Kaspersky Lab applications.

Information about the statuses of client computers is available in the Reports and notifications folder of the console
tree, in the Computer selections subfolder.
In the Computer selections folder the data is represented as a set of selections, each of which displays information
about computers matching the specified conditions. After application installation, the folder contains some standard
selections. You can create additional computer selections, export selection settings to file or create selections with
settings imported from another file.

Viewing computer selection....................................................................................................................................... 89
Configuring a computer selection .............................................................................................................................. 89
Creating a computer selection ................................................................................................................................... 90
Exporting settings of a computer selection to file ........................................................................................................ 90
Create a computer selection by using imported settings ............................................................................................. 90
Removing computers from administration groups in a selection .................................................................................. 91


To view a computer selection:
1. In the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree select the Computer selections subfolder.
2. Open the computer selection in one of the following ways:
Open the Computer selections folder and select the folder that contains the required computer selection.
In the Computer selections folder workspace, by using the link that corresponds to the required computer
The workspace will display the list of computers that correspond to the selection filter.
You can sort the information in the computers list, either in ascending or descending order in any column.


To customize a computer selection:
1. In the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree select the Computer selections subfolder.
2. Open the required computer selection in the Computer selections folder.


3. Open the computer selection properties in one of the following ways:

In the context menu of the computer selection, select Properties.
Click the Selection properties in the computer selection management block.
In the computer selection properties window that opens you can configure the computer selection.


To create a computer selection:
1. In the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree select the Computer selections subfolder.
2. Start creating the computer selection in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the folder, select New Selection.
Click the Create a selection link in the workspace of the Computer selections folder.
3. In the New computer selection window that opens, enter the name of the new selection and click the OK
As a result, a new folder with the name you entered will appear in the console tree in the Computer selections
By default, the new computer selection contains all computers included in the administration groups of the Server on
which the selection has been created. To make a selection display only the computers you are particularly interested in,
you should customize the selection.


To export the settings of a computer selection to text file:
1. In the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree select the Computer selections subfolder.
2. Open the required computer selection in the Computer selections folder.
3. From the context menu of the computer selection, select All TasksExport settings.
4. In the Save as window that opens, specify a name for the selection settings export file, select a folder to save it
to, and click the Save button.
The settings of the computer selection will be saved to the specified file.


To create a computer selection by using imported settings:
1. In the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree select the Computer selections subfolder.
2. Create a computer selection by using the settings imported from file in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the folder, select All TasksImport.
By clicking the Import selection from file link in the folder management block.
3. In the window that opens, specify the path to the file from which you want to import the selection settings. Click
the Open button.
As a result, in the Computer selections folder a New selection is created. Its settings are imported from the file
that you specified.

If a selection named New selection already exists in the Computer selections folder, an index in (<serial number>)
format is added to the name of the selection being created, for example: (1), (2).



When working with computer selections, you can remove computers from administration groups, without switching to the
administration groups in which these computers are located.
To remove computers from administration groups:
1. In the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree select the Computer selections subfolder.
2. Open the required computer selection in the Computer selections folder.
3. Select the computers that you want to remove by using the Shift or Ctrl keys.
4. Remove the selected computers from groups in one of the following ways:
In the context menu of any of the selected computers, select Remove.
By clicking the Remove from group link in the workspace of the selected computers.
As a result, selected computers will be removed from the corresponding administration groups.

Information about policies is available in the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree, in the Policy
selections subfolder.
The Policy selections folder displays a list of policies that have been created in administration groups. After the
application installation, the folder contains a list of policies that have been created automatically. You can update the list
and view the properties of any policy selected from the list.

Information about tasks is available in the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree, in the Task selections
The Task selections folder displays a list of tasks that have been assigned to client computers in administration groups
and to Administration Server. After the application installation, the folder contains a list of tasks that have been created
automatically. You can update the list and view the properties of tasks, as well as run and stop tasks.

This section provides information about how to manage computers on an enterprise network if they are not included in an
administration group.
Information about computers within a corporate network that are not included in administration groups can be found in
the Unassigned computers folder. The Unassigned computers folder contains three subfolders: Domains, IP
subnets, and Active Directory.

The Unassigned computers folder of the virtual Administration Server does not contain the IP subnets folder. Client
computers found while polling IP subnets on the virtual Administration Server are displayed in the Domains folder.

The Domains folder contains the hierarchy of subfolders that show the structure of domains and workgroups in the
Windows network of the organization that were not included in the administration groups. Each subfolder of the Domains
folder at the lowest level contains a list of computers of the domain or of the workgroup. If you add a computer to an
administration group, the information on it is deleted from the Domains folder. If you remove a computer from the
administration group, the information on it is displayed in the Domains folder, in the domain subfolder or in the
workgroup of this computer.
The Active Directory folder displays computers reflecting the Active Directory groups structure.
The IP subnets folder displays computers reflecting the structure of IP subnetworks created within the corporate
network. You can change the IP subnets folder structure by creating and modifying the settings of existing IP subnets.

Network discovery .................................................................................................................................................... 92
Working with Windows domains. Viewing and changing the domain settings .............................................................. 94
Working with IP subnets............................................................................................................................................ 94
Working with the Active Directory groups. Viewing and modifying group settings ........................................................ 95
Creating rules for moving computers to administration groups automatically ............................................................... 95
Using VDI dynamic mode on client computers ........................................................................................................... 95

Information about the structure of the network and computers on this network is received by the Administration Server
through regular polling of the Windows network, IP subnets, and Active Directory within the corporate computer network.
The content of the Unassigned computers folder will be updated based on the results of this polling.
The Administration Server can use the following types of network scanning:
Windows network polling. There are two types of Windows network polls: quick or a full. During a quick poll,
only information on hosts in the list of NetBIOS names of all network domains and workgroups is collected.
During a full poll, the following information is requested from each client computer: operating system name, IP
address, DNS name, and NetBIOS name.
IP subnets polling. The Administration Server will poll the specified IP subnets by using ICMP packets, and
collect a complete set of data on hosts within the IP subnets.
Active Directory groups polling. The information on the Active Directory unit structure and DNS names of the
computers from the Active Directory is recorded into the Administration Server database.
Kaspersky Security Center uses the collected information and the data on corporate network structure to update the
contents of the Unassigned computers and Managed computers folders. If the computers in the corporate network
are configured to be moved to administration groups automatically, the discovered computers are included in the
administration groups.


Viewing and modifying the settings for Windows network polling ................................................................................ 93
Viewing and modifying Active Directory group properties ........................................................................................... 93
Viewing and modifying the settings for IP subnet polling............................................................................................. 93


To modify the settings for the Windows network polling:
1. In the console tree, select the Unassigned computers folder, the Domains subfolder.
2. Open the Properties: Domains window using any of the following methods:
From the context menu of the folder, select Properties.
By clicking the Edit polling settings link in the folder management block.
This will open the Properties window. Domains window where you can edit the settings of Windows network
You can also change the settings of Windows network polling in the workspace of the Unassigned computers folder by
using the Edit polling settings link in the Windows network polling settings section.

On the virtual Administration Server you can view and edit the polling settings of the Windows network in the properties
window of the update agent, in the Network poll section.


To modify the settings for polling Active Directory groups:
1. In the console tree, select the Unassigned computers folder, the Active Directory subfolder.
2. Open the Properties: Active Directory window using one of the following methods:
From the context menu of the folder, select Properties.
By clicking the Edit polling settings link in the folder management block.
This will open the Properties window. Active Directory window where you can edit the settings of Active Directory
groups polling.
You can also change the settings of the Active Directory groups polling in the workspace of the Unassigned computers
folder by using the Edit polling settings link in the Active Directory polling block.

On the virtual Administration Server you can view and edit the settings of polling Active Directory groups in the properties
window of the update agent, in the Network poll section.


To modify the settings for IP subnets polling:
1. In the console tree, select the Unassigned computers folder, the IP subnets subfolder.
2. Open the Properties: IP subnets window using any of the following methods:
From the context menu of the folder, select Properties.
By clicking the Edit polling settings link in the folder management block.
This will open the Properties window. IP subnets window where you can edit the settings of IP subnets polling.


You can also change the settings of IP subnets polling in the workspace of the Unassigned computers folder by using
the Edit polling settings link in the IP subnets polling block.

On the virtual Administration Server you can view and edit the settings of polling IP subnets in the properties window of
the update agent, in the Network poll section. Client computers found during the polling of IP subnets are displayed in
the Domains folder of the virtual Administration Server.


To modify the domain settings:
1. In the console tree, select the Unassigned computers folder, the Domains subfolder.
2. Select a domain and open its properties window in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the domain, select Properties.
By clicking the Show group properties link.
This will open the Properties: <Domain name> window where you can configure the selected domain.


You can customize existing IP subnets and create the new ones.

Creating an IP subnet ............................................................................................................................................... 94
Viewing and changing the IP subnet settings ............................................................................................................. 94

To create an IP subnet:
1. In the console tree, select the Unassigned computers folder, the IP subnets subfolder.
2. From the context menu of the folder, select NewIP subnet.
3. In the New IP subnet window that opens customize the new IP subnet.
As a result, new IP subnet appears in the IP subnets folder.


To modify the IP subnet settings:
1. In the console tree, select the Unassigned computers folder, the IP subnets subfolder.
2. Select an IP subnet and open its properties window in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the IP subnet, select Properties.
By clicking the Show group properties link.
This will open the Properties: <IP subnet name> window where you can configure the selected IP subnet.



To modify the settings for the Active Director group:
1. In the console tree, select the Unassigned computers folder, the Active Directory subfolder.
2. Select an Active Directory group and open its properties window in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the group, select Properties.
By clicking the Show group properties link.
This will open the Properties: <Active Directory group name> window where you can configure the selected
Active Directory group.


You can configure the computers to be moved automatically to administration groups after they are found.
To configure rules for moving computers to administration groups automatically,
open the properties window of the Unassigned computers folder in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the folder, select Properties.
Click the Configure rules of computer allocation to administration groups link in the workspace of this
This will open the Properties window. Unassigned computers Configure the rules to move computers to
administration groups automatically in the Computer relocation section.


A virtual infrastructure can be deployed on a corporate network using temporary virtual machines. Kaspersky Security
Center detects temporary virtual machines and adds information about them to the database of the Administration
Server. After a user finishes using a temporary virtual machine, this machine is removed from the virtual infrastructure.
However, a record about the removed virtual machine may be saved in the database of the Administration Server. Also,
non-existent virtual machines may be displayed in Administration Console.
To prevent information about non-existent virtual machines from being saved, Kaspersky Security Center supports
dynamic mode for Virtual Desktop Infrastructure (VDI). The administrator can enable the support of dynamic mode for
VDI (see the section "Enabling the VDI dynamic mode in the properties of a Network Agent installation package" on
page 96) in the properties of a Network Agent installation package that will be installed on a temporary virtual machine.
When a temporary virtual machine is disabled, Network Agent notifies the Administration Server that the machine has
been disabled. After a virtual machine has been disabled successfully, it is removed from the list of computers connected
to the Administration Server. If the virtual machine is disabled with errors and Network Agent does not send a notification
about the disabled virtual machine to the Administration Server, a backup scenario is used. Under to this scenario, a
virtual machine is removed from the list of computers connected to the Administration Server after three unsuccessful
attempts at synchronization with the Administration Server.

Enabling VDI dynamic mode in the properties of an installation package for Network Agent ........................................ 96
Searching for computers making part of VDI .............................................................................................................. 96
Moving computers making part of VDI to an administration group ............................................................................... 96



To enable the VDI dynamic mode:
1. In the Remote installation folder of the console tree select the Installation packages subfolder.
2. In the context menu of the Network Agent installation package, select Properties.
The Properties dialog will appear. Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent.
3. In the Properties: Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent window, select the Advanced section.
4. In the Advanced section, select the Enable dynamic mode for VDI check box.
The client computer to which Network Agent is being installed will be a part of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.


To find computers that make part of VDI:
1. In the workspace of the Unassigned computers folder, click the Find unassigned computers link to open the
Search window.
2. In the Search window, on the Virtual machines tab, in the Part of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure dropdown
list, select Yes.
3. Click the Find now button.
The application search for computers that make part of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure.


To move computers that make part of VDI to an administration group:
1. In the workspace of the Unassigned computers folder, click the Configure rules of computer allocation to
administration groups link to open the properties window of the Unassigned computers folder.
2. In the properties window of the Unassigned computers folder, in the Computer relocation section, click the
Add button.
The New rule window opens.
3. In the New rule window, select the Virtual machines section.
4. In the Part of Virtual Desktop Infrastructure dropdown list, select Yes.
A rule will be created for computer relocation to an administration group.

Kaspersky Security Center allows you to manage applications by Kaspersky Lab and other vendors installed on client
The administrator can perform the following actions:
Create categories of applications based on specified criteria
Manage categories of applications using dedicated rules
Manage applications startup on client computers
Perform inventories and maintain a registry of software installed on client computers
Fix vulnerabilities in software installed on client computers
Install updates from Windows Update and other software vendors to client computers
Monitor the use of keys for groups of licensed applications.

Groups of applications .............................................................................................................................................. 97
Application vulnerabilities ........................................................................................................................................ 101
Software updates.................................................................................................................................................... 102

This section describes how to handle groups of applications installed on client computers.

Creating application categories

Kaspersky Security Center allows creating categories of applications installed on client computers.
You can create categories of applications using the following methods:
The administrator specifies a folder in which executable files have been included in the selected category.
The administrator specifies a computer from which executable files are to be included in the selected category.
The administrator sets criteria that should be used to include applications in the selected category.
When the category of applications is created, the administrator can set rules for that category. Rules define the behavior
of applications included in the specified category. For example, you can block or allow launching applications included in
the category.

Managing launch of applications on client computers

Kaspersky Security Center allows managing launch of applications on client computers in White List mode (for details
refer to the Administrator's Guide for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows). While in White List mode, on
selected client computers you can only launch applications included in the specified categories. The administrator can
view results of static analysis applied to rules of applications run on client computers for each of the users.

Inventory of software installed on client computers

Kaspersky Security Center allows performing inventory of software on client computers. Network Agent retrieves
information about all of the applications installed on client computers. Information collected during inventory is displayed
in the workspace of the Applications registry folder. The administrator can view detailed information about any
application, including its version and manufacturer.


Managing groups of licensed applications

Kaspersky Security Center allows creating groups of licensed applications. A group of licensed applications includes
applications that meet criteria set by the administrator. The administrator can specify the following criteria for groups of
licensed applications:
Application name
Application version
Application tag.
Applications that meet one or several criteria are automatically included in a group. To create a group of licensed
applications, you should set at least one criterion of including applications in such group.
Each licensed applications group has its own key. The key of a group of licensed applications defines the maximum
allowed number of installations for applications included in this group. If the number of installations has exceeded the
limit set by the key, an information event is logged on Administration Server. The administrator can specify an expiration
date for the key. When this date arrives, an information event is logged on Administration Server.

Viewing information about executable files

Kaspersky Security Center collects all information about executable files that have been run on client computers since
the operating system had been installed to them. Collected information about executable files is displayed in the main
application window, in the workspace of the Executable files folder.

Creating application categories ................................................................................................................................. 98
Configuring applications launch management on client computers ............................................................................. 99
Viewing the results of statistical analysis of startup rules applied to executable files .................................................... 99
Viewing the applications registry ............................................................................................................................. 100
Creating groups of licensed applications.................................................................................................................. 100
Managing keys for groups of licensed applications................................................................................................... 100
Viewing information about executable files .............................................................................................................. 101


To create an application category:
1. In the Application management folder of the console tree, select the Application categories subfolder.
2. Click the Create a category link to start the Create User Category Wizard.
3. In the Wizard window select a type of user category:
Category with content added manually. In this case, you can manually specify criteria according to which
executable files will be assigned to the category being created.
Category with content added automatically. In this case, you can specify a folder from which executable
files will be automatically assigned to the category being created.
Category which includes executable files from selected computers. In this case, you can specify a
computer. Executable files detected on this computer will be automatically assigned to that category.
4. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
When you have finished with the Wizard, a user category of applications is created. You can view created categories
in the Application categories folder.



To configure the applications launch management on client computers:
1. In the Application management folder of the console tree, select the Application categories subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Application categories folder, create an category of applications (see the section
"Creating application categories on page 98) that you want to manage.
3. In the Managed computers folder, on the Policies tab click the Create Kaspersky Endpoint Security policy
link to run the New Policy Wizard for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows and follow the Wizard's
If such a policy already exists, you can skip this step. You can configure the applications launch management in
a specified category through the settings of the policy. The newly created policy is displayed in the Managed
computers folder, on the Policies tab.
4. Select Properties from the context menu of the policy for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows.
The properties window of the policy for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows opens.
5. In the properties window of the policy for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows, in the Application
Startup Control section click the Add button.
The Application Startup Control window opens.
6. In the Application Startup Control rule window, in the Category drop-down list select a category of
applications that the launch rule will cover. Configure the launch rule for the selected category of applications.
For more details on the application startup control rules, refer to the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for
Windows Administrator's Guide.
7. Click OK.
Launch of applications included in the specified category will be performed on client computers according to the rule
that you have created. The created rule is displayed in the properties window of the policy for Kaspersky Endpoint
Security 10 for Windows, in the Application Startup Control section.


To view information about which executable files are prohibited for users to run:
1. In the Managed computers folder of the console tree select the Policies tab.
2. In the Protection policies context menu select Properties.
The properties window of the protection policy opens.
3. In the protection policy properties window select the Application Startup Control section and click the
Statistical analysis button.
The Analysis of the access rights list window opens.
4. The left part of the Analysis of the access rights list window displays a list of users based on Active Directory
5. Select a user from the list.
The right part of the window displays categories of applications assigned to this user.
6. To view executable files which are prohibited for the user to run, in the Analysis of the access rights list
window click the View files button.
A window opens, displaying a list of executable files, which are prohibited for the user to run.
7. To view the list of executable files included in a category, select a category of applications and click the View
files in category button.
A window opens, displaying a list of executable files included in the category of applications.



To view the registry of applications installed on client computers,
In the Application management folder of the console tree, select the Applications registry subfolder.
The workspace of the Applications registry folder contains a list of applications that have been detected by
Network Agent installed on the client computers.

Gathering of information about installed applications is available only for computers running on Microsoft Windows.

To view the properties of a selected application,

select Properties from the context menu of the application.
A window opens displaying the application details and information about its executable files, as well as a list of
computers on which the application is installed.
To view applications that meet specific criteria, you can use filtering fields in the workspace of the Applications registry
Information about the applications installed on client computers that are connected to slave and virtual Administration
Servers is also stored in the applications registry of the master Administration Server. Use a report of application registry
to view this information, enabling collection of data from slave and virtual Administration Servers into it.
To include information from slave Administration Servers in the report:
1. In the Reports and notifications folder select Kaspersky Lab software version report.
2. Select Properties from the context menu of the report.
The Properties dialog will appear. Kaspersky Lab software version report.
3. In the Administration Servers hierarchy section select the Include data from slave and virtual
Administration Servers check box.


To create a group of licensed applications:
1. In the Application management folder of the console tree, select the Third-party licenses usage subfolder.
2. Click the Add a group of licensed applications link to run the Licensed Application Group Addition Wizard.
3. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
After the Wizard completes its operation, a group of licensed applications is created and displayed in the Third-
party licenses usage folder.


To create a key for a group of licensed applications:
1. In the Application management folder of the console tree, select the Third-party licenses usage subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Third-party licenses usage folder click the Manage keys of licensed applications
link to open the Key Management in licensed applications window.
3. In the Managing keys of licensed applications window click the Add button.
The Key window opens.
4. In the Key window specify the settings of the key and restrictions that the key imposes on the group of licensed
Name. The name of the key.
Comment. Notes on the selected key.
Restriction. The number of client computers to which the application using this key can be installed.
Expiration date. The expiration date of the key.
Created keys are displayed in the Managing keys of licensed applications window.


To apply a key to a group of licensed applications:

1. In the Application management folder of the console tree, select the Third-party licenses usage subfolder.
2. In the Third-party licenses usage folder, select a group of licensed applications to which you want to apply
a key.
3. Select Properties from the context menu of the group of licensed applications.
The properties window of the group of licensed applications opens.
4. In the properties window of the group of licensed applications, in the Keys section select Control if license
limit is exceeded.
5. Click the Add button.
The Selecting a key window opens.
6. In the Selecting a key window select a key that you want to apply to a group of licensed applications.
7. Click OK.
Restrictions imposed on a group of licensed applications and specified in the key will also cover the selected group
of licensed applications.


To view a list of all executable files detected on client computers,
In the Application management folder of the console tree, select the Executable files subfolder.
The workspace of the Executable files folder displays a list of executable files that have been run on client
computers since the installation of the operating system or have been detected while running the inventory task of
Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows.
To view details of executable files that match specific criteria, you can use filtering.
To view the properties of an executable file,
select Properties from the context menu of the file.
A window opens displaying information about the executable file and a list of client computers on which this
executable file can be found.

The Software vulnerabilities folder included in the Application management folder contains a list of vulnerabilities in
applications that have been detected on client computers by the Network Agent installed on them.

The feature of analysis of information about vulnerabilities in applications is only available for computers running on
Microsoft Windows operating systems.

By opening the properties window of a selected application in the Software vulnerabilities folder, you can obtain
general information about a vulnerability, about the application where it has been detected, view the list of computers on
which the vulnerability has been found, and information about the fixing of this vulnerability.


To view a list of vulnerabilities detected on client computers,
In the Application management folder of the console tree, select the Software vulnerabilities subfolder.
The workspace of the folder displays a list of vulnerabilities in applications detected on client computers by Network
Agent installed on them.
To obtain information about a selected vulnerability,
select Properties from the context menu of the vulnerability.


The properties window of the vulnerability opens, displaying the following information:
Application in which the vulnerability has been detected
List of computers on which the vulnerability has been detected
Information on whether the vulnerability has been fixed.
To view the report on all detected vulnerabilities,
click the View report on software vulnerabilities link in the Software vulnerabilities folder.
A report on vulnerabilities in applications installed on client computers will be generated. You can view the report in
the Reports and notifications folder.

The feature of analysis of information about vulnerabilities in applications is only available for computers running on
Microsoft Windows operating systems.


If you have configured the application through the Quick Start Wizard, the vulnerability scan task is created automatically.
You can view the task in the Managed computers folder, on the Tasks tab.
To create a task for vulnerability scan in applications installed on client computers:
1. In the Application management folder of the console tree, select the Software vulnerabilities subfolder.
2. Click the Configure vulnerability scan link in the workspace to run the Vulnerabilities and Required Updates
Search Task Creation Wizard.
The Task Creation Wizard window opens.
3. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
After the Wizard completes its operation, the Find vulnerabilities and application updates task is created and
displayed on the list of tasks in the Managed computers folder on the Tasks tab.


If you have selected Find and install application updates in the Update management settings window of the Quick
Start Wizard, the Installing application updates and fix vulnerabilities task is created automatically. The task is
displayed in the Managed computers folder on the Tasks tab.
To create the vulnerabilities fix task using available updates for applications:
1. In the console tree select the Managed computers folder on the Tasks tab.
2. Click the Create a task link to run the New Task Wizard.
3. In the Select task type window of the Wizard specify the Installing application updates and fixing
vulnerabilities task type.
4. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
After the Wizard completes its operation, the Installing application updates and fix vulnerabilities task is created
and displayed in the Managed computers folder on the Tasks tab.

Kaspersky Security Center allows managing updates of software installed on client computers, and fixing vulnerabilities
in Microsoft applications and other vendors' products through installation of required updates.
Kaspersky Security Center searches for updates through the update search task and downloads them to the updates
storage. After completing the search of updates, the application provides the administrator with information about
available updates and vulnerabilities in applications that can be fixed using those updates.
Information about available updates for Microsoft Windows is provided by Windows Update service. Administration
Server can be used as Windows Update server (WSUS). To use Administration Server as Windows Update server, you
should configure synchronization of updates with Windows Update. After you have configured data synchronization with
Windows Update, Administration Server provides updates to Windows Update services on client computers in
centralized mode and with the set frequency.


You can also manage software updates through a Network Agent policy. To do this, you should create a Network Agent
policy and configure software updating in the corresponding windows of the New Policy Wizard.
The administrator can view a list of available updates in the Software updates subfolder included in the Application
management folder. This folder contains a list of updates for Microsoft applications and other vendors' products
retrieved by Administration Server that can be distributed to client computers. After viewing information about available
updates, the administrator can install them to client computers.
Before installing the updates to all of the client computers, you can perform a test installation to make sure installed
updates will cause no failures to the operation of applications on the client computers.

Viewing information about available updates ........................................................................................................... 103
Synchronizing updates from Windows Update with Administration Server ................................................................. 103
Automatic installation of updates on client computers............................................................................................... 104
Installing updates on client computers manually ...................................................................................................... 104
Configuring application updates in a Network Agent policy ....................................................................................... 105


To view a list of available updates for applications installed on client computers,
In the Application management folder of the console tree, select the Software updates subfolder.
In the workspace of the folder you can view a list of available updates for applications installed on client computers.
To view the properties of an update,
in the workspace of the Software updates folder select Properties from the context menu of the update.
The following information is available for viewing in the properties window of the update:
List of client computers for which the update is intended (target computers)
List of system components (prerequisites) that need to be installed before the update (if any)
Vulnerabilities in applications that the update should fix.


If you have selected Use Administration Server as WSUS server in the Update management settings window of the
Quick Start Wizard, the Windows Update synchronization task is created automatically. You can run the task in the
Administration Server tasks folder. The functionality of a software update is only available after the Perform Windows
Update synchronization task is successfully completed.
To create a task for synchronizing Windows Updates with Administration Server:
1. In the Application management folder of the console tree, select the Software updates subfolder.
2. Click the Configure Windows Update synchronization link to run the Windows Update Center Data Retrieval
Task Creation Wizard.
3. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
The Wizard creates the Perform Windows Update synchronization task displayed in the Administration Server
tasks folder.

You can also create the Windows Update synchronization task in the Administration Server tasks folder by clicking the
Create a task link.



You can configure automatic updates of databases and application modules of Kaspersky Endpoint Security on client
To configure the download and automatic installation of updates on client computers:
1. In the console tree, select the Tasks for specific computers folder.
2. Create an Update task in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the console tree folder named Tasks for specific computers select New
Click the Create a task link in the workspace.
This starts the New Task Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions. The task is created when the wizard finishes.
3. In the workspace of the Tasks for specific computers folder, select an update task that you have created.
4. From the context menu of the task, select Properties.
5. In the task properties window, select the Settings section.
In the Settings section, you can configure the update task settings in local or mobile mode:
Local mode update settings: a connection is established between Kaspersky Security Center and the
client computer.
Mobile mode update settings: a connection is not established between Kaspersky Security Center and
the client computer (for example, when the computer is not connected to the Internet).
6. Click the Settings button to select the update source.
7. Select the Download application module updates check box to download and install application module
updates together with application databases.
If the check box is selected, Kaspersky Endpoint Security notifies the user about available application module
updates and includes application module updates in the update package while running the update task. The
way application module updates are applied is determined by the following settings:
Install critical and approved updates. If this option is selected, when application module updates are
available Kaspersky Endpoint Security installs critical updates automatically and all other application
module updates only after their installation is approved locally via the application interface or on the side of
Kaspersky Security Center.
Install approved updates only. If this option is selected, when application module updates are available
Kaspersky Endpoint Security installs them only after their installation is approved locally via the application
interface or on the side of Kaspersky Security Center.
If application module updates require reviewing and accepting the terms of the End User License Agreement,
the application installs updates after the terms of the End User License Agreement have been accepted by
the user.
8. Select the Copy updates to folder check box in order for the application to save downloaded updates to the
folder specified by clicking the Browse button.
9. Click OK.


If you have selected Find and install application updates in the Update management settings window of the Quick
Start Wizard, the Installing application updates and fix vulnerabilities task is created automatically. You can run or
stop the task in the Managed computers folder on the Tasks tab.
If you have selected Search for critical updates in the Quick Start Wizard, you can install software updates to client
computers through the Installing application updates and fix vulnerabilities task.


To create an update installation task, do the following:

1. In the Application management folder of the console tree, select the Software updates subfolder.
2. In the Software updates folder open the context menu of an update and select Install update New task, or
click the Install update (create task) link in the section intended for handling selected updates.
This opens the Updates Installation and Vulnerabilities Fix Task Creation Wizard.
3. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
After the Wizard completes its operation, the Installing application updates and fix vulnerabilities task is created
and displayed in the Managed computers folder on the Tasks tab.
You can enable automatic installation of system components (prerequisites) prior to installation of an update in Install
Applications and Fix Vulnerabilities task properties. When this option is enabled, all required system components are
installed before the update. A list of the required components can be found in properties of the update.
In the properties of Install Applications and Fix Vulnerabilities task, you can allow installation of updates that upgrade
application to a new version.

Upgrading to a new version of an application may cause misoperation of dependent applications on client computers.

In the settings of the updates installation task you can configure a test installation of updates.
To configure a test installation of updates:
1. In the console tree select the Installing application updates and fixing vulnerabilities task in the Managed
computers folder, on the Tasks tab.
2. Select Properties from the context menu of the task.
The properties window of the Installing application updates and fix vulnerabilities task opens.
3. In the properties window of the task, in the Test installation section select one of the available options for test
Do not scan. Select this option if you do not want to perform a test installation of updates.
Perform scan on selected computers. Select this option if you want to test updates installation on
selected computers. Click the Add button and select computers on which you want to perform a test
installation of updates.
Perform scan on computers in the specified group. Select this option if you want to test updates
installation on a group of computers. In the Specify a test group field specify a group of computers on
which you want to perform a test installation.
Install on the specified percentage of computers. Select this option if you want to test updates installation
on some portion of target computers. In the Percentage of test computers from all target computers field
specify the percentage of computers on which you want to perform a test installation of updates.
4. Upon selecting any of the options but the first one, in the Time to take the decision if the installation is to be
continued field specify the number of hours that should elapse from the test installation of updates until the
start of installation of the updates to all the target computers.


To configure Windows Updates on client computers in a Network Agent policy:
1. In the Managed computers folder, on the Policies tab click the Create a policy link to run the New Policy
2. In the Select application for which you want to create a group policy window of the Wizard specify
Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent as the application.
3. In the Software updates and vulnerabilities window of the Wizard select the Use Administration Server as
WSUS server check box if you want to use Administration Server as the update server.
In this case, updates will be downloaded to Administration Server and installed to client computers through
Network Agent. If the check box is cleared, Administration Server will not be used for downloading and installing
Windows updates.


4. In the Software updates and vulnerabilities window of the Wizard, in the Windows Update search mode
section select one of the following options:
Active. Administration Server with support from Network Agent initiates a request from Windows Update on
a client computer to an update source: Windows Update Servers or WSUS. After that, Network Agent
passes information received from Windows Update to Administration Server.
Passive. If you select this option, Network Agent periodically passes Administration Server information
from Windows Update about updates retrieved at the last synchronization of Windows Update with the
update source. If no synchronization of Windows Update with an update source is performed, information
about updates on Administration Server becomes out-of-date.
Disabled. Administration Server collects no information about updates.
The newly created policy is displayed in the Managed computers folder, on the Policies tab.
If a Network Agent policy has already been created, perform the following actions:
1. In the Managed computers folder, on the Policies tab select a Network Agent policy.
2. In the context menu of the policy, select Properties. Open the properties window of the Network Agent policy.
3. In the properties window of the Network Agent policy configure Windows Update in the Software updates and
vulnerabilities section.

Kaspersky Security Center allows creating images of operating systems and deploying them on client computers over
the network, as well as performing remote installation of applications by Kaspersky Lab and other vendors.

Capturing images of operating systems

Kaspersky Security Center can capture images of operating systems from target computers and transfer those images to
Administration Server. Such images of operating systems are stored on Administration Server in a dedicated folder. The
operating system image of a reference computer can be captured and created by using the Add new package task (see
the section "Creating an installation package of an application on page 110).

To create images of operating systems, Windows Automated Installation Kit (WAIK) tool package should be installed on
Administration Server.

The functionality of operating system image capturing has the following features:
An operating system image cannot be captured on a computer on which Administration Server is installed.
While capturing an operating system image, a utility named sysprep.exe resets the settings of the reference
computer. If you need to restore the settings of the reference computer, you should select the Save computer
backup copy check box in the Operating System Image Creation Wizard.
The image capturing process provides for a restart of the reference computer.

Deploying images of operating systems on new computers

The administrator can use images to deploy on new networked computers on which no operating system has been
installed yet. A technology named Preboot eXecution Environment (PXE) is used in this case. The administrator selects
a networked computer that will be used as the PXE server. This computer should meet the following requirements:
Network Agent should be installed on the computer.
No DHCP server should be active on the computer, since a PXE server uses the same ports as a DHCP server.
The network segment comprising the computer should not contain any other PXE servers.
The following conditions should be met to deploy an operating system: a network card should be mounted on the
computer, the computer should be connected to the network, and the Network boot option should be selected in BIOS
when booting the computer.
Deployment of an operating system is performed as follows:
1. The PXE server establishes a connection with a new client computer while it boots up.
2. The client computer becomes included in Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE).

Adding the client computer to WinPE environment may require configuration of the set of drivers for WinPE.

3. The client computer is registered on Administration Server.

4. The administrator assigns the client computer an installation package with an operating system image.

The administrator can add required drivers to the installation package with the operating system image and
specify a configuration file with the operating system settings (answer file) that should apply during installation.

5. The operating system is deployed on the client computer.

The administrator can manually specify the MAC addresses of client computers that have not yet connected, and assign
them the installation package with the operating system image. When the selected client computers connect to the PXE
server, the operating system is automatically installed to those computers.


Deploying images of operating systems on computers where another operating system has already
been installed
Deployment of images of operating systems on client computers where another operating system has already been
installed is performed through the remote installation task for specific computers.

Installing applications by Kaspersky Lab and other vendors

The administrator can create installation packages of any applications, including those specified by the user, and install
the applications to client computers through the remote installation task.

Creating images of operating systems ..................................................................................................................... 108
Adding drivers for Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE) ............................................................................ 108
Adding drivers to an installation package with an operating system image ................................................................ 109
Configuring sysprep.exe utility................................................................................................................................. 109
Deploying operating systems on new networked computers ..................................................................................... 110
Deploying operating systems on client computers .................................................................................................... 110
Creating installation packages of applications .......................................................................................................... 110
Installing applications to client computers ................................................................................................................ 111


Images of operating systems are created through the reference computer operating system image making task.
To create the reference computer operating system image making task:
1. In the Remote installation folder of the console tree select the Installation packages subfolder.
2. Click the Create installation package link to run the New Package Wizard.
3. In the Select installation package type window of the Wizard click the Create installation package based on
OS image of reference computer button.
4. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
The Wizard's activities create an Administration Server task named Copy the OS image from the computer. You
can view the task in the Administration Server tasks folder.
When the Copy the OS image from the computer task is completed, an installation package is created that you can
use to deploy the operating system on client computers through a PXE server or the remote installation task. You can
view the installation package in the Installation packages folder.


To add drivers for WinPE:
1. In the Remote installation folder of the console tree select the Deploying computer images subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Deploying computer images folder, click the Configure driver set for Windows
Preinstallation Environment (WinPE) link to open the Windows Preinstallation Environment drivers
3. In the Windows Preinstallation Environment drivers window click the Add button.
The Add driver window opens.


4. In the Add driver window specify the name of a driver and the path to the driver installation package. You can
specify the path to an installation package by clicking the Select button in the Adding driver window.
5. Click OK.
The driver will be added to the Administration Server repository. When added to the repository, the driver is
displayed in the Select driver window.
6. Click OK in the Select driver window.
The driver will be added to Windows Preinstallation Environment (WinPE).


To add drivers to an installation package with an operating system image:
1. In the Remote installation folder of the console tree select the Installation packages subfolder.
2. From the context menu of an installation package with an operating system image select Properties.
The installation package properties window opens.
3. In the installation package properties window select the Additional drivers section.
4. Click the Add button in the Additional drivers section.
The Select driver window opens.
5. In the Select driver window select drivers that you want to add to the installation package with the operating
system image.
You can add new drivers to the Administration Server repository by clicking the Add button in the Select driver
6. Click OK.
Added drivers are displayed in the Additional drivers section of the properties window of the installation package
with the operating system image.


The utility sysrep.exe is intended to prepare the computer to creation of an operating system image.
To configure sysprep.exe utility:
1. In the Remote installation folder of the console tree select the Installation packages subfolder.
2. From the context menu of an installation package with an operating system image select Properties.
The installation package properties window opens.
3. In the installation package properties window select the sysprep.exe settings section.
4. In the sysprep.exe settings section specify a configuration file that will be used when deploying the operating
system on the client computer:
Use default configuration file. Select this option to use the answer file generated by default when
capturing the operating system image.
Specify custom values of main settings. Select this option to specify values for settings via the user
Specify configuration file. Select this option to use a custom answer file.
5. To apply the changes made, click the Apply button.



To deploy an operating system on new computers that have not yet had any operating system installed:
1. In the Remote installation folder of the console tree select the Deploying computer images subfolder.
2. In the Deploying computer images folder, click the Manage the list of PXE servers in the network link to
open the Properties window: Deploying computer images on the PXE servers section.
3. Click the Add button in the PXE servers section, and in the PXE servers window that opens, select a computer
that will be used as PXE server.
The added computer will be displayed in the PXE servers section.
4. In the PXE servers section select a PXE server and click the Properties button.
5. In the properties window of the selected PXE server, on the PXE server connection settings tab configure
connection between Administration Server and the PXE server.
6. Boot the client computer on which you want to deploy the operating system.
7. In the BIOS of the client computer select the Network boot installation option.
The client computer connects to the PXE server and is then displayed in the workspace of the Deploying
computer images folder.
8. In the Actions section click the Assign installation package link to select an installation package that will be
used for installing the operating system to the selected computer.
After you have added a computer and assigned an installation package to it, the operating system deployment
starts automatically on this computer.
9. To cancel the deployment of an operating system on a client computer, click the Cancel OS image installation
link in the Actions section.
To add computers by MAC address,
click the Add MAC address of target computer link in the Deploying computer images folder to open the
New target computer window, and specify the MAC address of a computer that you want to add.
click the Import MAC addresses of target computers from file link in the Deploying computer images
folder to select a file containing a list of MAC addresses of all computers on which you want to deploy an
operating system.


To deploy an operating system on client computers with another operating system installed:
1. In the Remote installation folder of the console tree click the Start Remote Installation Wizard link to run the
Remote Installation Wizard.
2. In the Select installation package window of the Wizard specify an installation packages with an operating
system image.
3. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
The Wizard's activities create a remote installation task intended for installation of the operating system to the client
computers. You can start or stop the task in the Tasks for specific computers folder.


To create an installation package of an application:
1. In the Remote installation folder of the console tree select the Installation packages subfolder.
2. Click the Create installation package link to run the New Package Wizard.


3. In the Select installation package type window of the Wizard click one of the following buttons:
Create Kaspersky Lab's installation package. Select this option if you want to create an installation
package for a Kaspersky Lab application.
Create installation package for specified executable file. Select this option if you want to create an
installation package for an application requested by the user.
Create installation package based on OS image of reference computer. Select this option if you want
to create an installation package with an image of the operating system of a reference computer.
The Wizard's activities create an Administration Server task named Copy the OS image from the
computer. When this task is completed, an installation package is created that you can use to deploy the
operating system image through a PXE server or the remote installation task.
4. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
The Wizard's activities create an installation package that you can use to install the application to client computers.
You can view the installation package in the Installation packages folder.
For detailed information on installation packages, see Kaspersky Security Center Implementation Guide.


To install an application to client computers:
1. In the Remote installation folder of the console tree click the Start Remote Installation Wizard link to run the
Remote Installation Wizard.
2. In the Select installation package window of the Wizard specify the installation package of an application that
you want to install.
3. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
The Wizard's activities create a remote installation task to install the application to client computers. You can start or
stop the task in the Tasks for specific computers folder.

This section describes how to manage mobile devices connected to Administration Server. For details on how to connect
mobile devices, please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Implementation Guide.

Managing mobile devices using an MDM policy ....................................................................................................... 112
Handling commands for mobile devices................................................................................................................... 113
Handling certificates ............................................................................................................................................... 116
Managing Exchange ActiveSync mobile devices ...................................................................................................... 118
Managing iOS MDM mobile devices ........................................................................................................................ 120
Managing KES devices ........................................................................................................................................... 126


To manage iOS MDM and EAS devices, you can use the management plug-in of Kaspersky Mobile Device Management
10 Service Pack 1, which is included in the distribution kit of Kaspersky Security Center. Kaspersky Mobile Device
Management lets you create group policies for specifying the configuration settings of iOS MDM and EAS devices. A
group policy that allows modifying the configuration settings of iOS MDM and EAS devices without using iPhone
Configuration Utility and the management profile of Exchange Active Sync, is called an MDM policy.
An MDM policy provides the administrator with the following options:
For managing EAS devices:
Configuring the device unlocking password.
Configuring the data storage on the device in encrypted form.
Configuring the synchronization of the corporate mail.
Configuring the hardware features of mobile devices, such as the use of removable media, the use of the
camera, or the use of Bluetooth
Configuring restrictions on the use of mobile applications on the device.
For managing iOS MDM devices:
Configuring device password security settings.
Configuring restrictions on usage of hardware features of the device and restrictions on installation and
removal of mobile apps.
Configuring restrictions on usage of pre-installed mobile apps, such as YouTube, iTunes Store, Safari.
Configuring restrictions on media content viewed (such as movies and TV shows) by region where the
device is located.
Configuring settings of device connection to the Internet via the proxy server (Global HTTP proxy).
Configuring the settings of the account using which the user can access corporate apps and services
(Single Sign On technology).
Monitoring Internet usage (visits to websites) on mobile devices.
Configuring settings of wireless networks (Wi-Fi), access points (APN), and virtual private networks (VPN)
that use different authentication mechanisms and network protocols.
Configuring settings of the connection to AirPlay devices for streaming photos, music, and videos.
Configuring settings of the connection to AirPrint printers for wireless printing of documents from the device.


Configuring settings of synchronization with the Microsoft Exchange server and user accounts for using
corporate email on devices.
Configuring user accounts for synchronization with the LDAP directory service.
Configuring user accounts for connecting to CalDAV and CardDAV services that give users access to
corporate calendars and contact lists.
Configuring settings of the iOS interface on the user's device, such as fonts or icons for favorite websites.
Adding new security certificates on devices.
Configuring settings of the SCEP server for automatic retrieval of certificates by the device from the
Certification Center.
Adding custom settings for operation of mobile apps.
The general operating principles of an MDM policy do not differ from the operating principles of policies created for
managing other apps. An MDM policy is special in that it is assigned to an administration group that includes the iOS
MDM Mobile Device Server and the Exchange Active Sync mobile device server (hereinafter "mobile device servers"). All
settings specified in an MDM policy are first applied to mobile device servers and then to mobile devices managed by
such servers. In the case of a hierarchical structure of administration groups, slave mobile device servers receive MDM
policy settings from master mobile device servers and distribute them to mobile devices.
For detailed information about how to use the MDM policy in Administration Console of Kaspersky Security Center
please refer to the Kaspersky Security Mobile Administrator's Guide.


This section contains information about commands for mobile devices management supported by the application. The
section provides instructions on how to send commands to mobile devices, as well as how to view the execution statuses
of commands in the commands log.


The application supports commands for mobile devices management.
Such commands are used for remote management of mobile devices. For example, in case your mobile device is lost,
you can delete all corporate data from the device by using a command.
Commands are used on three types of mobile devices:
iOS MDM devices
KES devices
EAS devices.
Each device type supports a dedicated set of commands. The following table shows sets of commands for each of the
device types.

For all types of devices, if the Delete data command is successfully executed, all data will b deleted from the device, the
device settings will be rolled back to their default values.

After successful execution of the Delete corporate data command on an iOS MDM device, all installed configuration
profiles, provisioning profiles, the iOS MDM profile, and applications for which the Remove together with iOS MDM
profile check box has been selected, are removed from the device.

If the Delete corporate data command is successfully executed on a KES device, all corporate data, entries in Contacts,
the SMS history, the call log, the calendar, the Internet connection settings, and the user's accounts, except for the
Google account, will be deleted from the device. For a KES device, all data from the memory card will also be deleted.


Table 10. List of supported commands


iOS MDM device Lock Device locked.

Unlock Device locking with a PIN code is disabled. The previously
specified PIN code has been reset.
Delete data All data deleted from the device, settings rolled back to the
default values.
Delete corporate data All installed configuration profiles, provisioning profiles, the
iOS MDM profile, and applications for which the Remove
together with iOS MDM profile check box has been
selected, are removed from the device.
Force synchronization Device data synchronized with Administration Server.
Install profile Configuration profile installed on the device.
Delete profile Configuration profile deleted from the device.
Install provisioning profile Provisioning profile installed on the device.
Delete provisioning profile Provisioning profile deleted from the device.
Install application Application installed on the device.
Remove application Application removed from the device.
Enter redemption code Redemption code entered for a paid application.
Configure roaming Data roaming and voice roaming enabled or disabled.
KES device Lock Device locked.
Unlock Device locking with a PIN code is disabled. The previously
specified PIN code has been reset.
Delete data All data deleted from the device, settings rolled back to the
default values.
Delete corporate data Corporate data, entries in Contacts, the SMS history, the
call log, the calendar, the Internet connection settings, the
user's accounts (except for the Google account) have been
deleted. Memory card data has been wiped.
Locate Device locked. Device located and shown on Google
Maps. The mobile carrier charges a fee for sending the
text message and for providing Internet connection.
Mugshot Device locked. The photo has been taken by the front
camera of the device and saved on Administration Server.
Photos can be viewed in the command log. The mobile
carrier charges a fee for sending the text message and for
providing Internet connection.
Alarm Device locked. The device emits a sound signal.
Force synchronization Device data synchronized with Administration Server.
EAS device Delete data All data deleted from the device, settings rolled back to the
default values.


To ensure timely delivery of commands to KES devices managed by Android operating systems, Kaspersky Security
Center uses the mechanism of push notifications. Push notifications are exchanged between KES devices and
Administration Server through Google loud Messaging. In Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console, you can
define the settings of Google loud Messaging to connect KES devices to the service.


To retrieve the settings of Google loud Messaging, the administrator must have a Google account. For more details on
how to retrieve the settings of Google loud Messaging, please refer to the corresponding article in the Knowledge Base
on the website of Technical Support http://support.kaspersky.com/11770.

To configure Google Cloud Messaging:

1. In the Mobile devices management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
2. In the context menu of the Mobile devices folder, select Properties.
This opens the properties window of the Mobile devices folder.
3. Select the Google Cloud Messaging settings section.
4. In the Sender ID field, specify the number of a Google API project that you have received when creating one in
the Google Developer Console.
5. In the API key field, enter a common API key that you have created in the Google Developer Console.
At the next synchronization with Administration Server, KES devices managed by Android operating systems will be
connected to Google Cloud Messaging.
You can edit the settings of Google Cloud Messaging by clicking the Reset settings button.

To send a command to the user's mobile device:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. Select the user's mobile device to which you need to send a command.
3. In the context menu of the mobile device, select Show command log.
4. In the Commands for mobile devices management window, proceed to the section with the name of the
command that you need to send to the mobile device, then click the Send command button.
Depending on the command that you have selected, clicking the Send command button may open the window
of advanced settings of the application. For example, when you send the command for deleting a provisioning
profile from a device, the application prompts you to select the provisioning profile that should be deleted from
the device. Define the advanced settings of the command in that window and confirm your selection. After that,
the command will be sent to the mobile device.
You can click the Resend button to send the command to the user's mobile device once again.
You can click the Remove from queue button to cancel execution of a command that had been sent if the latter
has not yet been executed.
The Command log section displays commands that have been sent to the device, with the respective execution
statuses. You can click the Refresh button to refresh the list of commands.
5. Click the OK button to close the Commands for mobile devices management window.


The application saves to the command log information about all commands that have been sent to mobile devices. The
command log contains information about the time and date each command was sent to the device, their statuses, and
detailed descriptions of command execution results. For example, in case a command fails to be executed, the log
displays the cause of the error. Records are stored in the command log for 30 days at most.
Commands sent to mobile devices can have the following statuses:
Running the command has been sent to the device
Completed the command execution has been successfully completed
Completed with error the command execution has failed
Deleting the command is being removed from the queue of commands sent to the mobile device
Deleted the command has been removed from the queue of commands sent to the mobile device
Error deleting the command could not be removed from the queue of commands sent to the mobile device.


The application maintains a command log for each mobile device.

To view the log of commands that have been sent to a mobile device:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. In the list of mobile devices, select the one for which you want to view the command log.
3. In the context menu of the mobile device, select Show command log.
The Commands for mobile devices management window opens. The sections of the Commands for mobile
devices management window correspond to the commands that can be sent to the mobile device.
4. Select sections with the commands that you need and view information about how the commands are sent and
executed by opening the Command log section.
In the Command log section, you can view the list of commands that have been sent to the mobile device and details on
those commands. The Show commands filter lets you display only commands with the selected status in the list.

This section contains information about how to handle certificates of mobile devices. The section contains instructions on
how to install certificates on users' mobile devices and how to configure certificate handing rules. The section also
contains instructions on how to integrate the application with the public keys infrastructure and how to configure the
support of Kerbros.

You can install three types of certificates to a user's mobile device:
General certificates for identifying the mobile device
Mail certificates for configuring the corporate mail on the mobile device
VPN certificate for setting up access to a virtual private network on the mobile device.
To install a certificate on a user's mobile device:
1. In the console tree, open the Mobile Device Management folder and select the Certificates subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Certificates folder, click the Add certificate link to run the Certificate Installation Wizard.
Follow the Wizard's instructions.
After the Wizard completes its activities, a certificate will be created and added to the list of the user's certificates; in
addition, a notification will be sent to the user providing him or her with a link for downloading and installing the certificate
on the mobile device. You can view the list of all certificates and export it to a file (see the section "Viewing the list of
certificates handed to a user" on page 83). You can delete and re-hand certificates, as well as view their properties.


To configure certificate handing rules:
1. In the console tree, open the Mobile Device Management folder and select the Certificates subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Certificates folder, click the Configure certificate handing rules link to open the
Certificate generation rules window.
3. Proceed to the section with the name of a certificate type:
Generation of general type certificates to configure handing of general-type certificates
Generation of mail certificates to configure handing of mail certificates
Generation of VPN certificates to configure handing of VPN certificates.
4. In the Generation settings section, configure the handing of the certificate:
Select a source of certificates (Administration Server or Certificates are specified manually).
Administration Server is selected as the default source of certificates.


Specify a certificate template (Default template, Other template).

Configuration of templates is available if the PKI integration section features the integration with the public
keys infrastructure configured (on page 117).
5. In the Automatic update settings section, configure automatic updates of the certificate:
In the Update when certificate expires in (days) field, specify how many days should remain until the
validity term expiration to update the certificate.
To enable automatic updates of certificates, select the Renew certificate automatically if possible
check box.
A general-type certificate can be renewed manually only.
6. In the Encryption settings section, enable and configure encryption of generated certificates.

Encryption is only available for general-type certificates.

a. Select the Enable encryption of certificates check box.

b. Use the slider to define the maximum number of symbols in the password for encryption.
7. Click OK.


Integration of the application with the Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) is required to simplify generation of domain
certificates for users. Following integration, certificates are issued automatically.
You need to configure the account for integration with PKI. The account must meet the following requirements:
Be a domain user and administrator of the computer hosting the Administration Server.
Be granted the SeServiceLogonRight privilege on the computer hosting the Administration Server.
To create a permanent user profile, log on at least once under the configured account on the computer hosting the
Administration Server. In this user's repository of certificates on the computer hosting the Administration Server, install
the Enrollment Agent certificate provided by domain administrators.
To configure integration with the public keys infrastructure:
1. In the console tree, open the Mobile Device Management folder and select the Certificates subfolder.
2. In the workspace, click the Integrate with public-key infrastructure link to open the PKI integration section of
the Certificate generation rules window.
This opens the Integration with PKI section of the Certificate generation rules window.
3. Select the Integrate abstract of certificates with PKI check box.
4. In the Account field, specify the name of the user account to be used for integration with the public key
5. In the Password field, enter the domain password for the account.
6. In the Specify certificate template name in PKI system list, select the certificate template based on which
certificates will be generated for domain users.
A dedicated service is launched in Kaspersky Security Center under the specified account. This service is
responsible for issuing domain certificates of users. The service is started when the list of certificate templates is
loaded by clicking the Update list button or when a certificate is generated.
7. Click OK to save the settings.
Following integration, certificates are issued automatically.


The application supports usage of Kerberos Constrained Delegation.
To enable support of Kerberos Constrained Delegation:
1. In the console tree, select the Mobile Device Management folder.
2. In the workspace of the Mobile Device Management folder, select an iOS MDM Mobile devices server.


3. Select Properties from the context menu of the iOS MDM Mobile devices server.
The Mobile devices server properties window opens.
4. In the properties window of the iOS MDM Mobile Devices Server, select the Settings section.
5. In the Settings section, select the Ensure compatibility with Kerberos Constrained Delegation check box.
6. Click OK.


This section describes advanced features for management of EAS devices through Kaspersky Security Center.
In addition to management of EAS devices by means of commands, the administrator can use the following options:
Create management profiles for EAS devices, assign them to users' mailboxes (see page 118). EAS device
management profile is a policy of Exchange ActiveSync that is used on a Microsoft Exchange server to manage
EAS devices. In an EAS device management profile, you can configure the following groups of settings:
User password management settings
Mail synchronization settings
Restrictions on the use of the device features
Restrictions on the use of mobile applications on the device.

Depending on the device model, settings of a management profile can be applied partially. The status of an
Exchange ActiveSync policy that has been applied can be viewed in the device's properties.

View information about the settings of EAS device management (see page 119). For example, the administrator
can refer to the properties of a mobile device to know the time of the last synchronization with a Microsoft
Exchange server, the ID of the EAS device, the name of the Exchange ActiveSync policy, and its current status
on the device.
Disconnect EAS devices from management if they are out of use (see page 120).
Define the settings of Active Directory polling by Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Device Server, which allows
updating the information about users' mailboxes and mobile devices.
For information about how to connect Exchange ActiveSync mobile devices to Exchange ActiveSync mobile devices
server, refer to the Kaspersky Security Center Implementation Guide.


To manage EAS devices, you can create EAS device management profiles and assign them to selected Microsoft
Exchange mailboxes.

Only one EAS device management profile can be assigned to a Microsoft Exchange mailbox.

To add an EAS device management profile for a Microsoft Exchange mailbox:

1. In the console tree, select the Mobile Device Management folder.
2. In the workspace of the Mobile Device Management folder, select an iOS MDM Mobile Device Server.
3. Select Properties in the context menu of the Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Device Server.
The Mobile devices server properties window opens.
4. In the properties window of the Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Devices Server, select the Mailboxes section.
5. Select a mailbox and click the Assign profile button.
The Policy profiles window opens.
6. In the Policy profiles window, click the Add button.
The New profile window opens.


7. Configure the profile on the tabs of the New profile window.

If you want to specify the profile name and refreshing interval, go to the General tab.
If you want to configure the password of the mobile device user, go to the Password tab.
If you want to configure synchronization with the Microsoft Exchange server, go to the Synchronization
settings tab.
If you want to configure restrictions of the device's features, go to the Device tab.
If you want to configure restriction of the use of mobile applications on the device, go to the Applications
on device tab.
8. Click OK.
The new profile will be displayed on the list of profiles in the Policy profiles window.
If you want this profile to be automatically assigned to new mailboxes, as well as to those of which the profiles
have been deleted, select it on the list of profiles and click the Set as default profile button.

The default profile cannot be deleted. To delete the current default profile, you should assign the "default profile"
attribute to a different profile.

9. Click OK in the Policy profiles window.

The management profile settings will be applied on the EAS device at the next synchronization of the device
with the Exchange ActiveSync Mobile device server.


To delete an EAS device management profile for a Microsoft Exchange mailbox:
1. In the console tree, select the Mobile Device Management folder.
2. In the workspace of the Mobile Device Management folder, select an iOS MDM Mobile Device Server.
3. Select Properties in the context menu of the Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Device Server.
The Mobile devices server properties window opens.
4. In the properties window of the Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Devices Server, select the Mailboxes section.
5. Select a mailbox and click the Change profiles button.
The Policy profiles window opens.
6. In the Policy profiles window, select the profile that you want to delete and click the deletion button marked
with a red cross.
The selected profile will be removed from the list of management profiles. The current default profile will be
applied to EAS devices managed by the profile that has been deleted.

If you want to delete the current default profile, re-assign the 'default profile' property to another profile, then
delete the first one.


To view information about an EAS device:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. In the workspace, filter EAS devices by clicking the Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) link.
3. From the context menu of the mobile device select Properties.
As a result, the properties window of the EAS device opens.
The properties window of the mobile device displays information about the connected EAS device.



To disconnect an EAS device from management by the Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Device Server:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. In the workspace, filter EAS devices by clicking the Exchange ActiveSync (EAS) link.
3. Select the mobile device that you need to disconnect from management by the Exchange ActiveSync Mobile
Device Server.
4. In the context menu of the mobile device, select Remove.
As a result, the EAS device is marked for removal with a red cross icon. The device is removed from the list of
managed devices after it is removed from the database of the Exchange ActiveSync Mobile Device Server. To do
so, the administrator has to remove the user's account on the Microsoft Exchange server.


This section describes advanced features for management of iOS MDM devices through Kaspersky Security Center. The
application supports the following options for management of iOS MDM mobile devices:
Define the settings of managed iOS MDM devices in centralized mode and restrict features of devices by means
of configuration profiles. You can add or modify configuration profiles and install them on mobile devices.
Install apps on mobile devices bypassing App Store by means of provisioning profiles. For example, you can
use provisioning profiles for installation of in-house corporate apps on users' devices. A provisioning profile
contains information about an app and a device.
Install apps on an iOS MDM mobile device via App Store. Before installing an application to an iOS MDM mobile
device, you should add the application to the iOS MDM mobile devices server.
Every 24 hours, a PUSH notification is sent to all connected iOS MDM mobile devices in order to synchronize the data
with the iOS MDM Mobile Device Server.

For information about how to install an iOS MDM Mobile Device Server please refer to the Kaspersky Security Center
Implementation Guide.

You can use the device properties window to view information about the configuration profile and the provisioning profile,
as well as applications installed on the iOS MDM device (see the section "Viewing information about an iOS MDM
device" on page 125).


To create a configuration profile, you should install iPhone Configuration Utility to the computer where Administration
Console is installed. You should download iPhone Configuration Utility from Apple Inc. website and install it by using
standard tools of your operating system.

To create a configuration profile and add it to an iOS MDM Mobile devices server:
1. In the console tree, select the Mobile Device Management folder.
2. In the workspace of the Mobile Device Management folder, select an iOS MDM Mobile devices server.
3. Select Properties from the context menu of the iOS MDM Mobile devices server.
The Mobile devices server properties window opens.
4. In the properties window of the iOS MDM Mobile devices server, select the Configuration profiles section.
5. In the Configuration profiles section, click the Create button.
The Add new configuration profile window opens.
6. In the Add new configuration profile window, specify a name and ID for the profile.
The configuration profile ID should be unique; the value should be specified in Reverse-DNS format, for
example, com.companyname.identifier.


7. Click OK.
An application named iPhone Configuration Utility then starts.
8. Reconfigure the profile in iPhone Configuration Utility.
For a description of the profile settings and instructions on how to configure the profile, please refer to the
documentation enclosed with iPhone Configuration Utility.
After you have configured the profile with iPhone Configuration Utility, the new configuration profile is displayed in
the Configuration profiles section in the properties window of the iOS MDM Mobile devices server.
You can click the Modify button to modify the configuration profile.
You can click the Import button to load the configuration profile to a program.
You can click the Export button to save the configuration profile to a file.
The profile that you have created should be installed on iOS MDM devices (see the section "Installing a configuration
profile on a device" on page 121).


To install a configuration profile to a mobile device:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. In the workspace, filter iOS MDM devices by clicking the iOS MDM link.
3. Select the user's mobile device on which you need to install a configuration profile.
You can select multiple mobile devices to install the profile simultaneously.
4. In the context menu of the mobile device, select Show command log.
5. In the Commands for mobile devices management window, go to the Install profile section and click the
Send command button.
You can also send the command to the device by selecting All commands in the context menu of the device,
and then Install profile.
As a result, the Select profiles window opens showing a list of profiles. Select from the list the profile that you
need to install on the mobile device. You can select several profiles to install them on the device simultaneously.
To select the range of profiles, use the SHIFT key. To combine profiles into a group, use the CTRL key.
6. Click the OK button to send the command to the mobile device.
When the command is executed, the selected configuration profile will be installed on the user's mobile device.
If the command is successfully executed, the current status of the command in the commands log will be shown
as Completed.
You can click the Resend button to send the command to the user's mobile device once again.
You can click the Remove from queue button to cancel execution of a command that had been sent if the latter
has not yet been executed.
The Command log section displays commands that have been sent to the device, with the respective execution
statuses. You can click the Refresh button to refresh the list of commands.
7. Click the OK button to close the Commands for mobile devices management window.
The profile that you have installed can be viewed and removed, if necessary (see the section "Removing a
configuration profile from a device" on page 121).


To remove a configuration profile from a mobile device:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. In the workspace, filter iOS MDM devices by clicking the iOS MDM link.


3. Select the user's mobile device from which you need to remove the configuration profile.
You can select multiple mobile devices to remove the profile simultaneously.
4. In the context menu of the mobile device, select Show command log.
5. In the Commands for mobile devices management window, go to the Remove profile section and click the
Send command button.
You can also send the command to the mobile device by selecting All commands from the context menu of the
device, then selecting Remove profile.
As a result, the Remove profile window opens showing the list of profiles.
6. Select from the list the profile that you need to remove from the mobile device. You can select multiple profiles
to remove them from the device simultaneously. To select the range of profiles, use the SHIFT key. To combine
profiles into a group, use the CTRL key.
7. Click the OK button to send the command to the mobile device.
When the command is executed, the selected configuration profile will be removed from the user's mobile device. If
the command is executed successfully, the current status of the command will be shown as Completed.
You can click the Resend button to send the command to the user's mobile device once again.
You can click the Remove from queue button to cancel execution of a command that had been sent if the latter
has not yet been executed.
The Command log section displays commands that have been sent to the device, with the respective execution
statuses. You can click the Refresh button to refresh the list of commands.
8. Click the OK button to close the Commands for mobile devices management window.


To add a provisioning profile to iOS MDM mobile devices server:
1. In the console tree, select the Mobile Device Management folder.
2. In the workspace of the Mobile Device Management folder, select an iOS MDM Mobile devices server.
3. Select Properties from the context menu of the iOS MDM Mobile devices server.
The Mobile devices server properties window opens.
4. In the properties window of the iOS MDM Mobile Devices Server, go to the Provisioning profiles section.
5. In the Provisioning profiles section, click the Import button and specify the path to a provisioning profile file.
The profile will be added to the iOS MDM mobile devices server settings.
You can click the Export button to save the provisioning profile to a file.
The provisioning profile that you have imported can be installed on iOS MDM devices (see the section "Installing a
provisioning profile on a device" on page 122).


To install a provisioning profile on a mobile device:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. In the workspace, filter iOS MDM devices by clicking the iOS MDM link.
3. Select the user's mobile device on which you need to install the provisioning profile.
You can select multiple mobile devices to install the provisioning profile simultaneously.
4. In the context menu of the mobile device, select Show command log.
5. In the Commands for mobile devices management window, go to the Install provisioning profile section
and click the Send command button.
You can also send the command to the device by selecting All commands from the context menu of the
device, then selecting Install provisioning profile.


As a result, the Select provisioning profiles window opens showing a list of provisioning profiles. Select from
the list the provisioning profile that you need to install on the mobile device. You can select multiple provisioning
profiles to install them on the device simultaneously. To select the range of provisioning profiles, use the SHIFT
key. To combine provisioning profiles into a group, use the CTRL key.
6. Click the OK button to send the command to the mobile device.
When the command is executed, the selected provisioning profile will be installed on the user's mobile device. If
the command is successfully executed, the current status of the command in the commands log will be shown
as Completed.
You can click the Resend button to send the command to the user's mobile device once again.
You can click the Remove from queue button to cancel execution of a command that had been sent if the latter
has not yet been executed.
The Command log section displays commands that have been sent to the device, with the respective execution
statuses. You can click the Refresh button to refresh the list of commands.
7. Click the OK button to close the Commands for mobile devices management window.
The profile that you have installed can be viewed and removed, if necessary (see the section "Removing a
provisioning profile from a device" on page 123).


To remove a provisioning from a mobile device:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. In the workspace, filter iOS MDM devices by clicking the iOS MDM link.
3. Select the user's mobile device from which you need to remove the provisioning profile.
You can select multiple mobile devices to remove the provisioning profile simultaneously.
4. In the context menu of the mobile device, select Show command log.
5. In the Commands for mobile devices management window, go to the Delete provisioning profile section
and click the Send command button.
You can also send the command to the mobile device by selecting All commands from the context menu, then
selecting Delete provisioning profile.
As a result, the Delete provisioning profile window opens showing the list of profiles.
6. Select from the list the provisioning profile that you need to remove from the mobile device. You can select
multiple provisioning profiles to remove them from the device simultaneously. To select the range of
provisioning profiles, use the SHIFT key. To combine provisioning profiles into a group, use the CTRL key.
7. Click the OK button to send the command to the mobile device.
When the command is executed, the selected provisioning profile will be removed from the user's mobile
device. Applications that are related to the deleted provisioning profile will not be operable. If the command is
executed successfully, the current status of the command will be shown as Completed.
You can click the Resend button to send the command to the user's mobile device once again.
You can click the Remove from queue button to cancel execution of a command that had been sent if the latter
has not yet been executed.
The Command log section displays commands that have been sent to the device, with the respective execution
statuses. You can click the Refresh button to refresh the list of commands.
8. Click the OK button to close the Commands for mobile devices management window.


Before installing an application to an iOS MDM mobile device, you should add the application to the iOS MDM mobile
devices server. An application is considered as managed if it has been installed on a device via Kaspersky Security
Center. A managed application can be handled remotely by means of Kaspersky Security Center.


To add a managed application to an iOS MDM mobile devices server:

1. In the console tree, select the Mobile Device Management folder.
2. Select an iOS MDM Mobile Device Server.
3. Select Properties from the context menu of the iOS MDM Mobile devices server.
The properties window of the iOS MDM mobile device server opens.
4. In the properties window of the iOS MDM mobile devices server select the Managed applications section.
5. Click the Add button in the Managed applications section.
The Add an application window opens.
6. In the Add an application window, in the Application name field, specify the name of the application to be
7. In the Apple ID or link to the application field, specify the Apple ID of the application to be added, or specify a
link to a manifest file that can be used to download the application.
8. If you want a managed application to be removed from the user's mobile device along with the iOS MDM profile
when removing the latter, select the Remove together with iOS MDM profile check box.
9. If you want to block backup of application data through iTunes, select the Block data backup check box.
10. Click OK.
The added application is displayed in the Managed applications section of the properties window of the iOS MD
mobile devices server.


To install an application on a mobile device:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. In the workspace, filter iOS MDM devices by clicking the iOS MDM link.
3. Select the device on which you want to install an application.
You can select multiple mobile devices to install the application simultaneously.
4. In the context menu of the mobile device, select Show command log.
5. In the Mobile device management commands window, go to the Install application section and click the
Send command button.
You can also send the command to the device by selecting All commands in the context menu of the device,
and then Install application.
As a result, the Select applications window opens showing a list of profiles. Select from the list the application
that you need to install on the mobile device. You can select multiple applications to install them simultaneously.
To select a range of applications, use the SHIFT key. To combine applications into a group, use the CTRL key.
6. Click the OK button to send the command to the mobile device.
When the command is executed, the selected application will be installed on the user's mobile device. If the
command is successfully executed, the current status of the command in the commands log will be shown as
You can click the Resend button to send the command to the user's mobile device once again.
You can click the Remove from queue button to cancel execution of a command that had been sent if the latter
has not yet been executed.
The Command log section displays commands that have been sent to the device, with the respective execution
statuses. You can click the Refresh button to refresh the list of commands.
7. Click the OK button to close the Commands for mobile devices management window.
The profile that you have installed can be viewed (see the section "Viewing information about an iOS MDM device"
on page 125) and removed, if necessary (see the section "Removing a provisioning profile from a device" on
page 125).



To remove an application from a mobile device:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. In the workspace, filter iOS MDM devices by clicking the iOS MDM link.
3. Select the user's mobile device from which you need to remove the application.
You can select multiple mobile devices to remove the application simultaneously.
4. In the context menu of the mobile device, select Show command log.
5. In the Mobile device management commands window, go to the Remove application section and click the
Send command button.
You can also send the command to the mobile device by selecting All commands from the context menu of the
device, then selecting Remove application.
As a result, the Remove applications window opens showing a list of applications.
6. Select from the list the application that you need to remove from the mobile device. You can select multiple
applications to remove them simultaneously. To select a range of applications, use the SHIFT key. To combine
applications into a group, use the CTRL key.
7. Click the OK button to send the command to the mobile device.
When the command is executed, the selected application will be removed from the user's mobile device. If the
command is executed successfully, the current status of the command will be shown as Completed.
You can click the Resend button to send the command to the user's mobile device once again.
You can click the Remove from queue button to cancel execution of a command that had been sent if the latter
has not yet been executed.
The Command log section displays commands that have been sent to the device, with the respective execution
statuses. You can click the Refresh button to refresh the list of commands.
8. Click the OK button to close the Commands for mobile devices management window.


To view information about an iOS MDM device:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. In the workspace, filter iOS MDM devices by clicking the iOS MDM link.
3. Select the mobile device about which the information you need to view.
4. From the context menu of the mobile device select Properties.
As a result, the properties window of the iOS MDM device opens.
The properties window of the mobile device displays information about the connected iOS MDM device.


To disconnect an iOS MDM device from the iOS MDM Mobile Device Server:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. In the workspace, filter iOS MDM devices by clicking the iOS MDM link.
3. Select the mobile device that you need to disconnect.
4. In the context menu of the mobile device, select Remove.
As a result, the iOS MDM device will be marked on the list for removal. The device will be automatically removed
from the list of managed devices after the former is removed from the database of the iOS MDM Mobile Device
Server. Removing a device from the database of the iOS MDM Mobile Device Server takes up to one minute.


After the iOS MDM device is disconnected from management, all installed configuration profiles, the iOS MDM profile,
and applications for which the Remove together with iOS MDM profile check box has been installed, will be removed
from the device (see the section "Adding a managed application" on page 123).


Kaspersky Security Center supports the following mobile KES device management features:
Manage KES devices in centralized mode by means of commands (see the section "Commands for mobile
devices management" on page 113)
View information about the settings for management of KES devices (see the section "Viewing information
about a KES device" on page 126)
Install applications by means of packages of mobile applications (see the section "Creating a mobile app
package for KES devices" on page 126)
Disconnect KES devices from management (see the section "Disconnecting a KES device from management"
on page 127).
For detailed information about how to handle KES devices and connect them to Administration Server please refer to the
Kaspersky Security Center 10 Implementation Guide.


A Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Mobile Devices license is required to create a mobile app package for KES devices.

To create a mobile applications package:

1. In the Remote installation folder of the console tree select the Installation packages subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Installation packages folder, click the Manage packages of mobile applications link
to open the Mobile applications packages management window.
3. In the Mobile applications packages management window, click the New.
4. The Mobile Applications Package Creation Wizard starts. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
5. If you want to place an application into a container, in the Settings window of the Wizard, select the Create
container with selected application check box.
The newly created mobile applications package is displayed in the Mobile applications packages management

Containers are used to control activities of applications running on the user's mobile device. Security policy rules can be
applied to applications placed into a container. You can configure rules for applications in the properties window of the
policy of Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Mobile, in the Containers section. For more details on containers and how
to manage them, please refer to the documentation enclosed with Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Mobile.
You can place a third-party app in a container. You cannot place the Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Mobile
installation package into a container.


To view information about a KES device:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. In the workspace, filter KES devices by clicking the Kaspersky Endpoint Security (KES) link.
3. Select the mobile device about which the information you need to view.
4. From the context menu of the mobile device select Properties.
This opens the properties window of the KES device.
The properties window of the mobile device displays information about the connected KES device.



To disconnect a KES device from management, the user has to remove Network Agent from the device. Once the user
has removed Network Agent, device information is removed from the database of the Administration Server, and the
administrator can remove the device from the list of managed devices.
To remove a KES device from the list of managed devices:
1. In the Mobile Device Management folder of the console tree, select the Mobile devices subfolder.
The folder workspace displays a list of managed mobile devices
2. In the workspace, filter KES devices by clicking the Kaspersky Endpoint Security (KES) link.
3. Select the mobile device that you need to disconnect from management.
4. In the context menu of the mobile device, select Remove.
As a result, the device is removed from the list of managed devices.
If Kaspersky Endpoint Security for Android has not been removed from the device, the device reappears on the list
of managed devices after synchronization with the Administration Server.

This section contains information about Self Service Portal. The section provides Self Service Portal login instructions for
users as well as instructions on creating Self Service Portal accounts and adding mobile devices on Self Service Portal.

About Self Service Portal ........................................................................................................................................ 128
Adding a device ...................................................................................................................................................... 129
Creating an account for Self Service Portal .............................................................................................................. 129


Self Service Portal is a web portal that lets the administrator delegate some of the mobile device management functions
to users. A mobile device user who has signed in on Self Service Portal can add a device on Self Service Portal. After a
device is added, Network Agent will be installed on it, and corporate policies will be applied to the device (see the section
"Adding a device" on page 129). After this the device becomes a managed device.
Self Service Portal supports automatic user authorization using Kerberos Constrained Delegation and domain

Self Service Portal supports mobile devices with the iOS and Android operating systems.

If necessary (for example, when the user device has been lost or stolen), the user can sign in to Self Service Portal and
send commands to the managed device. A proprietary set of commands is supported for each type of device (see the
following table).
Table 11. List of supported commands


iOS MDM device Lock Device locked.

Delete data All data has been deleted from the device, settings have
been rolled back to the default values, and the device is no
longer managed.
Delete corporate data Corporate data, iOS MDM profile, and Network Agent have
been deleted, and the device is no longer managed.
KES device Lock Device locked.
Delete data All data has been deleted from the device, settings have
been rolled back to the default values, and the device is no
longer managed.
Delete corporate data Corporate data, iOS MDM profile, and Network Agent have
been deleted, and the device is no longer managed.
Locate Device locked. Device located and shown on Google
Maps. The mobile carrier charges a fee for sending the
text message and for providing Internet connection.
Alarm Device locked. The device emits a sound signal.
Mugshot Device locked. The photo has been taken by the front
camera of the device and saved on Administration Server.
Photos can be viewed in the command log on Self Service
Portal. The mobile carrier charges a fee for sending the text
message and for providing Internet connection.


Self Service Portal uses the global list of Kaspersky Security Center users. The list is expanded automatically when
importing users from Active Directory (see the section "Viewing and modifying Active Directory group properties" on
page 93) or manually (see the section "Adding a user account" on page 80).
If domain authorization on Self Service Portal is prohibited by the administrator, users can use alias accounts for
authorization. Creating aliases for authentication on Self Service Portal is available in the properties of user accounts
(see the section "Creating a Self Service Portal account" on page 129).
The administrator can grant users the following Self Service Portal usage permissions:
Connect new devices;
Send only information commands.
Mugshot and Locate are information commands.
Send commands to mobile devices.

Before adding a device on the Self Service Portal, the user has to accept the Self Service Portal End User License
Agreement and sign in on the portal.
The algorithm of adding a user device to Self Service Portal includes the following steps:
1. The user opens the main page of the portal.
2. Self Service Portal creates an installation package and then displays a one-time link for downloading the
installation package and a QR code in which the link is encoded. The screen shows the time interval during
which a link for downloading the installation package will be available. A message with a link for downloading
the installation package is sent to the user's email address.
The installation package is required to install Network Agent on the device and apply corporate policies.

A new installation package can be created only after the previously created package has been removed from
Administration Server.

3. By clicking the Create package to install on new device link, the user is taken to the installation package
download page on the mobile device to be added to Self Service Portal.
4. Self Service Portal determines the operating system of the user device.
If the device operating system could be determined automatically, the installation package download page
opens. If the device operating system could not be determined automatically, a window opens letting the user
choose an operating system manually.
5. The user downloads the installation package and installs Network Agent on the mobile device.
6. After Network Agent has been installed, the device connects to Administration Server.
As a result, the device will be added to the list of managed devices and the corporate policies will be applied to it. A
link to information about connecting to the Administration Server is sent to the user's email address.


If the use of domain authorization of users on Self Service Portal is forbidden, you can create alias accounts for users in
the Administration Console. Users can log on to Self Service Portal using alias accounts.
To provide a Self Service Portal account (alias account) to a user:
1. In the console tree, in the User accounts folder, select a user account.
2. In the context menu of the user account, select Provide account for access to Self Service Portal.


3. In the properties window of the user account, in the Self Service Portal accounts section, click the Add button.
You can click the Add button to create several Self Service Portal alias accounts.
4. In the New Self Service Portal account window, specify the login and the method of user notification, and then
click .
A password for the Self Service Portal account is generated automatically. A notification of account creation will
be sent to the user's email or mobile device, containing the login and the password.
As a result, the Self Service Portal account will be created. You can create an unlimited number of Self Service
Portal accounts for a single user. After a Self Service Portal account has been created, it cannot be modified.
However, you can delete a selected account by clicking the button with a red cross on the right of the list of Self
Service Portal accounts.
To modify a Self Service Portal account:
1. In the properties window of a user account, in the Self Service Portal accounts section, select a Self Service
Portal account and click the Set new password button.
2. In the Generate new password for Self Service Portal account window, specify a method of user notification and
click the OK button.
As a result, the password will be changed. A notification of the password change will be sent to the user's email or
mobile device.
You can click the Set new password button to generate a new password for a selected Self Service Portal account.
The password will be created automatically. The new password for Self Service Portal will be sent to the user's email
or cell phone.

Encryption reduces the risk of unintentional data leakage in case your notebook, removable media or hard drive is
stolen/lost, or upon the access of unauthorized users and applications.
Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows provides encryption functionality. Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for
Windows allows you to encrypt files stored on local drives of a computer and removable drives, as well as removable
storage media and hard drives entirely.
Encryption rules are configured through Kaspersky Security Center by defining policies. Encryption and decryption upon
existing rules are performed when applying a policy.

Availability of the encryption management feature is determined by the user interface settings (see the section
"Configuring the interface on page 30).

The administrator can perform the following actions:

Configure and perform files encryption and decryption on computer local drives
Configure and perform files encryption on removable media
Create application's rules of access to encrypted files
Create and deliver to user key file for access to encrypted files if file encryption is restricted on the user's
Configure and perform hard drive encryption
Manage user access to encrypted hard drives and removable drives (manage authentication agent accounts,
create and deliver to users information on request for account name and password restoration, as well as
access keys for encrypted devices)
View encryption statuses and files encryption reports
These operations are performed using tools integrated into Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows. For detailed
instructions on how to perform operations and a description of encryption features please refer to the Kaspersky
Endpoint Security 10 for Windows Administrator's Guide.

Viewing the list of encrypted devices ....................................................................................................................... 131
Viewing the list of encryption events ........................................................................................................................ 132
Exporting the list of encryption events to a text file ................................................................................................... 132
Creating and viewing encryption reports .................................................................................................................. 132


To view the list of devices storing encrypted information:
1. Select the Encryption and data protection folder in the console tree of Administration Server.
2. Open the list of encrypted devices using one of the following methods:
By clicking the Go to list of encrypted devices link in the Manage encrypted devices section.
In the console tree select the Encrypted devices folder.
As a result, the workspace displays information about devices on the network storing encrypted files, and about
devices encrypted at the drive level. After the information on a device is decrypted, the device is automatically
removed from the list.
You can sort the information in the list of devices either in ascending or descending order in any column.


Presence or absence of the Data encryption and protection folder in the console tree is determined by the user
interface settings (see the section "Configuring the interface on page 30).


When running data encryption and decryption tasks on client computers, Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows
sends to Kaspersky Security Center information about events of the following types:
Cannot encrypt/decrypt a file, or create an encrypted archive due to a lack of free disk space
Cannot encrypt/decrypt a file, or create an encrypted archive due to license issues
Cannot encrypt/decrypt a file, or create an encrypted archive due to missing access rights
The application has been prohibited to access an encrypted file
Unknown errors.
To view a list of events that have occurred when encrypting data on client computers:
1. Select the Encryption and data protection folder in the console tree of Administration Server.
2. Go to the list of events occurring during encryption, using one of the following methods:
By clicking the Go to error list link in the Data encryption errors control section.
In the console tree select the Encryption events folder.
As a result, the workspace displays information about problems that have occurred during data encryption on client
You can take the following actions on the list of encryption events:
Sort data records in ascending or descending order in any of the columns
Perform quick search for records (by text match with a substring in any of the list fields)
Export the list of events to a text file.

Presence or absence of the Encryption and data protection folder in the console tree is determined by the user
interface settings (see the section "Configuring the interface on page 30).


To export the list of encryption events to a text file:
1. Create a list of encryption events (see the section "Viewing the list of encryption events on page 132).
2. From the context menu of the events list select Export list.
The Export list window opens.
3. In the Export list window specify the name of the text file with the events list, select a folder to save it, and click
the Save button.
The list of encryption events will be saved to the file that you have specified.


The administrator can generate the following reports:
Report on devices encryption containing information about the devices encryption status for all groups of
Report on rights of access to encrypted devices containing information about the status of the accounts of users
who have been granted access to encrypted devices


Report on encryption errors containing information about errors that have occurred when running data
encryption and decryption tasks on client computers
Report on the status of computer encryption containing information about whether the status of computer
encryption meets the encryption policy
Report on file access blocking containing information about blocking applications' access to encrypted files.
To view the report on devices encryption:
1. In the console tree select the Encryption and data protection folder.
2. Do one of the following:
Click the View devices encryption report link to run the New Report Template Wizard.
Select the Encrypted devices subfolder, then click the View devices encryption report link to run the
New Report Template Wizard.
3. Follow the instructions of the New Report Template Wizard.
In the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree a new report appears. The report generation process
starts. The report is displayed in the console workspace.
To view the report on rights of access to encrypted devices:
1. In the console tree select the Encryption and data protection folder.
2. Do one of the following:
Click the View report on rights of access to encrypted devices link in the Manage encrypted devices
section to run the New Report Template Wizard.
Select the Encrypted devices subfolder, then click the View report on rights of access to encrypted
devices link to run the New Report Template Wizard.
3. Follow the instructions of the New Report Template Wizard.
In the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree a new report appears. The report generation process
starts. The report is displayed in the console workspace.
To view the report on encryption errors:
1. In the console tree select the Encryption and data protection folder.
2. Do one of the following:
Click the View report on encryption errors link in the Data encryption errors control section to run the
New Report Template Wizard.
Select the Encryption events subfolder, then click the View report on encryption errors link to run the
New Report Template Wizard.
3. Follow the instructions of the New Report Template Wizard.
In the Reports and notifications folder of the console tree a new report appears. The report generation process
starts. The report is displayed in the console workspace.
To view the report on the status of computer encryption:
1. In the console tree, select the Reports and notifications folder.
2. Do one of the following:
Right-click to activate the context menu of the Reports and notifications folder, select CreateReport
template, and run the New Report Template Wizard.
Click the Create a report template link to run the New Report Template Wizard.
3. Follow the instructions of the New Report Template Wizard. In the Selecting the report template type window,
in the Others section select Computer encryption status report.
After you have finished with the New Report Template Wizard, a new report template appears in the Reports
and notifications folder of the console tree.
4. In the Reports and notifications folder select the report template created at the previous steps.
The report generation process starts. The report appears in the workspace of the Administration Console.


For information about whether the encryption statuses of computers and removable media meet the encryption policy,
view information panes on the Statistics tab of the Reports and notifications folder (see the section "Working with
the statistical information on page 86).
To view the file access blocking report:
1. In the console tree, select the Reports and notifications folder.
2. Do one of the following:
Right-click to activate the context menu of the Reports and notifications folder, select Create Report
template, and run the New Report Template Wizard.
Click the Create a report template link to run the New Report Template Wizard.
3. Follow the instructions of the New Report Template Wizard. In the Selecting the report template type window,
in the Others section select Report on access blockage to files.
After you have finished with the New Report Template Wizard, a new report template appears in the Reports
and notifications folder of the console tree.
4. In the Reports and notifications folder select the report template created at the previous steps.
The report generation process starts. The report appears in the workspace of the Administration Console.

Kaspersky Security Center allows controlling access of devices to an organization's network using access restriction
rules and a white list of devices. NAC agents are used to manage access of devices to an organization's network. An
NAC agent is installed to client computers together with Network Agent.
Two NAC agents are used in each of the broadcast segments of a network: main and redundant. The main NAC agent is
available for regular use of network access policies. When the computer hosting the main NAC agent is shut down, the
redundant NAC agent takes its functions, which ensures a continuous operation of NAC on the organization's network.
Roles of NAC agents can be deployed and distributed either manually or automatically.
Before creating network access restriction rules for devices and a white list of devices, the administrator should create
network elements. Network element is a group of devices created on the basis of criteria defined by the administrator.
The administrator can specify the following criteria for adding devices to a network element:
network attributes (IP address, MAC address)
device manufacturer
device's membership in a domain
device protection status
presence of non-installed critical application updates and security updates on the device.
When a network element is created, the administrator can create access restriction rules for it or add it to a white list.
The administrator can create the following network access restriction rules:
A rule that blocks network access for all devices included in the network element.
A rule that redirects to the authorization portal any request of network access generated by any device included
in the network element. Authorization portal is a web service that provides network access to guest devices. The
administrator creates accounts and assigns them to the users of guest devices.
A rule that allows devices included in the network element to access the specified network addresses only.
The administrator can select a network element and add it to the white list. Devices included in the white list are provided
full access to the organization's network.

Switching to the NAC settings in the Network Agent properties ................................................................................ 136
Selecting an operation mode for the NAC agent ...................................................................................................... 136
Creating network elements...................................................................................................................................... 136
Creating network access restriction rules ................................................................................................................. 137
Creating a white list ................................................................................................................................................ 137
Creating a list of allowed network addresses ........................................................................................................... 138
Creating accounts to use on the authorization portal ................................................................................................ 138
Configuring the authorization page interface ............................................................................................................ 138
Configuring NAC in a Network Agent policy ............................................................................................................. 139



To switch to the NAC settings in the properties of Network Agent:
1. In the console tree select the Managed computers folder.
2. In the Managed computers folder on the Computers tab select a client computer where Network Agent is
3. In the context menu of the client computer, select Properties.
A client computer properties window opens.
4. In the client computer properties window, select the Applications section.
5. In the Applications section select Network Agent and click the Properties button.
The Settings of Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent window opens.
6. In the Settings of Network Agent of Kaspersky Security Center window select the Network Access Control
(NAC) section and adjust the NAC settings.


To select an operation mode for the NAC agent:
1. In the Settings of Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent window (see the section "Switching to the
NAC settings in the Network Agent properties on page 136), select the Managing network access (NAC)
2. In the Settings subsection, in the NAC agent operation mode group of settings select an operation mode for
the NAC agent:
Disabled. Select this option to disable the NAC agent.
Main. Select this option to use the NAC agent as the main one. The main NAC agent is responsible for
continuous use of access restriction rules in the network segment.
Standby. Select this option to use the NAC agent as the standby one. If the main NAC agent is inactive,
the standby one enables.
3. In the NAC operation mode block of settings select an operation mode for NAC:
Disabled. Select this option if you do not want to apply the access restriction rules in the network segment
in which the NAC agent operates.
Standard. Select this option if you want the created access restriction rules to take effect immediately in
the network segment in which the NAC agent operates.
Emulation. Select this option if you want the created access restriction rules apply in test mode. In this
case, the rules do not apply, but rule applying events are logged.


To create a network element:
1. In the Settings of Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent window (see the section "Switching to the
NAC settings in the Network Agent properties on page 136), in the Managing network access (NAC)
section, select the Network elements subsection.
2. From the Add dropdown list select the type of devices that you want to add to the network element (for
example, computers).
The Creating network element window opens.
3. In the Creating network element window enter a name for the network element that you are creating.


From the Add dropdown list select criteria, which should define whether a network device will be included in the
network element that you are creating:
By network attributes. If you select this option, you can add a computer or computers to the network
element by IP address, MAC address, IP range, or subnet mask.
By manufacturer. If you select this option, you can add computers to the network element by
By domain membership. If you select this option, you can add computers to the network element on the
basis of their membership in a domain. Domain membership can be used as a criterion that allows
accessing the organization's network.
By computer status. If you select this option, you can specify a computer protection status: for example,
"Critical". You can create rules restricting network access for computers with such status.
By software. If you select this option, you can add computers to the network element by operating system
type, firewall status, and availability of updates.
The added criteria are displayed in the Criteria field so that a network object should meet them.
4. Click OK.
The created network elements are displayed in the properties window of the Kaspersky Security Center Network
Agent policy, in the Network elements subsection.


To create a network access restriction rule:
1. In the Settings of Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent window (see the section "Switching to the
NAC settings in the Network Agent properties on page 136), in the Managing network access (NAC)
section, select the Access rules subsection.
2. In the Access rules section select the Access restrictions subsection and click the Add button.
The Properties of access restriction rule window opens.
3. In the Properties of access restriction rule window enter a name for the rule that you are creating.
4. In the Properties of access restriction rule window click the Add button to select a network element to which
the rule will apply. You can add several network elements to the same rule.
The Adding network elements window opens.
5. In the Adding network elements window select a network element and click the OK button.
The selected network element is displayed in the Properties of access restriction rule window.
6. In the Properties of access restriction rule window, in the Restrict network access group of settings select
one of the following options:
Block network access. If you select this option, all devices in the network element are prohibited to
access the network.
Redirect to authorization portal. If you select this option, requests from devices in the network element
will be redirected to the authorization server.
Allow access to specified addresses only. If you select this option, in the Available addresses field
specify addresses that are accessible for devices included in the network element.
7. Click OK.
The created rule is displayed in the Access restrictions subsection.


To create a white list of IP devices:
1. In the Settings of Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent window (see the section "Switching to the
NAC settings in the Network Agent properties on page 136), in the Managing network access (NAC)
section, select the Access rules subsection.
2. In the Access rules section select the White list subsection and click the Add button.
The Adding network elements window opens.


3. In the Adding network elements window select the network element that you want to add to the white list.
4. Click OK.
Network elements added to the white list are displayed in the White List subsection. Devices added to the white list
are granted full access to the organization's network.


To create a list of allowed network addresses:
1. In the Settings of Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent window (see the section "Switching to the
NAC settings in the Network Agent properties on page 136), in the Managing network access (NAC)
section, select the Network services addresses subsection.
2. In the Network services addresses section, from the drop-down list on the right from the Add button select a
network address type:
Allowed network addresses. Select this option to add allowed addresses for guest devices.
The Allowed network addresses window opens in which you can add the addresses of network services
by IP address, MAC address, IP range, and subnet mask.
Authorization portal. Select this option to add the address of the authorization portal to which requests
from guest devices will be redirected.
The Authorization portal window opens where you can specify the address of the server to which
requests from network devices will be redirected.
The added network addresses are displayed in the Network services addresses section.


To create an account for further use on the authorization portal:
1. In the Settings of Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent window (see the section "Switching to the
NAC settings in the Network Agent properties on page 136), in the Network Access Control (NAC)
section, select the Authorization page subsection.
2. In the Authorization page section select the Accounts subsection.
3. Click the Add button in the Accounts section.
The Account addition window opens.
4. In the Account addition window adjust the account settings.
5. If you want to block network access for this account, select the Block account check box.
6. Click OK.
Created accounts are displayed in the Accounts subsection comprised in the Authorization page section.


To configure the interface of the authorization page:
1. In the Settings of Kaspersky Security Center Network Agent window (see the section "Switching to the
NAC settings in the Network Agent properties on page 136), in the Managing network access (NAC)
section, select the Authorization page subsection.
2. In the Authorization page section select the Interface subsection.
3. In the Logo group of settings select a logo to use on the authorization page:
Default. Select this option if you want to use Kaspersky Lab logo on the authorization page.
Custom. Select this option if you want to use a custom logo. Click the Select button if you want to specify
the path to a logo file. The new logo should have the same settings as the default one.


4. In the Authorization page group of settings select the authorization page to which network access requests will
be redirected.
Default. Select this option if you want to use the default page on the authorization portal. To edit the default
page, click the Save to file button and save the authorization page to a file for further editing.
Custom. Select this option if you want to use an edited version of the Kaspersky Lab page or your own
version. Click the Select button and specify the path to an authorization page file.
5. Click OK.


To configure NAC in a Network Agent policy:
1. In the Managed computers folder of the console tree go to the Policies tab.
2. Start configuring NAC using one of the following methods:
Click the Change policy settings link in the Actions menu to open the properties window of Kaspersky
Security Center Network Agent, and select the Network Access Control (NAC) section.
Use links in the Network Access Control (NAC) group of settings in the Actions menu.

Kaspersky Security Center retrieves information about the equipment detected during the network poll. Inventory covers
all equipment connected to the organization's network. Information about the equipment is updated after each new
network poll. The list of detected equipment may contain the following types of devices:
Mobile devices
Network devices
Virtual devices
OEM components
Computer peripherals
Connected devices
VoIP phones
Network storages
Equipment detected during a network poll is displayed in the Repositories subfolder of the Hardware folder of the
console tree.
The administrator can add new devices to the equipment list manually or edit information about equipment that already
exists on the network. In the properties of a device you can view and edit detailed information about that device.
The administrator can assign the "Enterprise equipment" attribute to detected devices. This attribute can be assigned
manually in the properties of a device, or the administrator can specify criteria for the attribute to be assigned
automatically. In this case, the "Enterprise equipment" attribute is assigned by device type. You can allow or prohibit
network connection of equipment by the "Enterprise equipment" attribute.
Kaspersky Security Center allows writing off equipment. To do this, select the Device is written off check box in the
properties of a device. Such device is not displayed on the equipment list.

Adding information about new devices .................................................................................................................... 140
Configuring criteria used to define enterprise devices............................................................................................... 141


To add information about new devices on the network:
1. In the Repositories folder of the console tree select the Hardware subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Hardware folder click the Add device link to open the New device window.
The New device window opens.
3. In the New device window, in the Type drop-down list select a device type that you want to add.
4. Click OK.
The device properties window opens on the General section.


5. In the General section fill in the entry fields with data on the device. The General section lists the following
Corporate device. Select the check box if you want to assign the "Enterprise" attribute to the device. Using
this attribute, you can search for devices in the Hardware folder.
Device is written off. Select the check box if you do not want the device to be displayed on the list of
devices in the Hardware folder.
6. Click Apply.
The new device will be displayed in the workspace of the Hardware folder.


To configure criteria of detection for enterprise devices:
1. In the Repositories folder of the console tree select the Hardware subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Hardware folder click the Configure criteria for corporate devices link to open the
hardware properties window.
3. In the hardware properties window, in the Enterprise devices section select a mode of assigning the
"Enterprise" attribute to the device:
Set the "Enterprise" attribute manually. The "Enterprise equipment" attribute is assigned to the device
manually in the device properties window, in the General section.
Set the "Enterprise" attribute automatically. In the By device type block of settings specify device types
to which the application will automatically assign the "Enterprise" attribute.
4. Click Apply.

This section describes how to download and distribute updates of databases and software modules using Kaspersky
Security Center.
To maintain the protection system's reliability, you should timely update the databases and Kaspersky Lab application
modules, managed through Kaspersky Security Center.
To update databases and Kaspersky Lab application modules that are managed through Kaspersky Security Center, the
Download updates to the repository task of the Administration Server is used. As a result, the databases and
application modules are downloaded from the update source.

The Download updates to the repository task is not available on virtual Administration Servers. The repository of the
virtual Administration Server displays updates downloaded to the master Administration Server.

You can configure the updates to be verified for performance and errors before they are distributed to client computers.

Creating the task of downloading updates to the repository ...................................................................................... 142
Configuring the task of downloading updates to the repository ................................................................................. 143
Verifying downloaded updates ................................................................................................................................ 143
Configuring test policies and auxiliary tasks ............................................................................................................. 144
Viewing downloaded updates .................................................................................................................................. 145
Automatic distribution of updates ............................................................................................................................. 145
Rolling back installed updates ................................................................................................................................. 147


The Download updates to the repository task is created automatically by Kaspersky Security Center Quick Start Wizard.
You can create only one task for downloading updates to the repository. Thai is why you can create a task for
downloading updates to the repository only if such task was removed from the Administration Server tasks list.
To create a task for downloading updates to the repository:
1. In the console tree, select the Administration Server tasks folder.
2. Start creating the task in one of the following ways:
In the console tree, in the Administration Server tasks folder context menu, select Create Task.
Click the Create a task link in the workspace.
This starts the New Task Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions. In the Task type wizard window, select
Download updates to the repository.
After the Wizard completes, the Download updates to the repository task will be created in the list of Administration
Server tasks.
When an Administration Server performs the Download updates to the repository task, updates to databases and
software modules of applications are downloaded from the updates source and stored in the shared folder.
Updates are distributed to client computers and slave Administration Servers from the shared folder.


The following resources can be used as a source of updates for the Administration Server:
Kaspersky Lab update servers Kaspersky Lab's servers to which the updated anti-virus database and the
application modules are uploaded.
Master Administration Server.
FTP/HTTP server or a network updates folder an FTP server, an HTTP server, a local or a network folder
added by the user and containing the latest updates. When selecting a local folder, you should specify a folder
on a computer with Administration Server installed.

To update Administration Server from an FTP/HTTP server or a network folder, you should copy to those
resources the correct structure of folders with updates, identical to that created when using Kaspersky Lab
update servers.

Source selection depends on task settings. By default, updating is performed over the Internet from Kaspersky Lab's
update servers.


To configure the task for downloading updates to the repository:
1. In the workspace of Administration Server tasks folder, select the Download updates to the repository task
in the task list.
2. Open the task properties window in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the task, select Properties.
By clicking the Change task settings link in the workspace of the selected task.
This will open the Download updates to the repository task properties window. In this window you can configure
how the updates are downloaded to the Administration Server repository.


To make Kaspersky Security Center verify downloaded updates before distributing them to client computers:
1. In the workspace of Administration Server tasks folder, select the Download updates to the repository task
in the task list.
2. Open the task properties window in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the task, select Properties.
By clicking the Change task settings link in the workspace of the selected task.
3. In the task properties window that opens, in the Updates verification section, select the Verify updates before
distributing check box and select the updates verification task in one of the following ways:
Click Select to choose an existing updates verification task.
Click the Create button to create an update verification task.
This starts the Update Verification Task Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
While creating the update verification task, you should select an administration group that contains
computers on which the task will be run. Computers included in this group are called test computers.

It is recommended to use computers with most reliable protection and most popular application
configuration in the network. This approach increases the quality of scans, and minimizes the risk of false
positives and the probability of virus detection during scans. If viruses are detected on the test computers,
the update verification task is considered unsuccessful.

4. Click OK to close the properties window of the downloading updates to the repository task.


As a result, the updates verification task is performed with the task of downloading updates to the repository. The
Administration Server will download updates from the source, save them in temporary storage, and run the update
verification task. If the task completes successfully, the updates will be copied from the temporary storage to the
Administration Server shared folder (<Installation folder Kaspersky Security Center\Share\Updates) and distributed
to all client computers for which the Administration Server is the source of updates.
If the results of the update verification task show that updates located in the temporary storage are incorrect or if the
update verification task completes with an error, such updates will not be copied to the shared folder, and the
Administration Server will keep the previous set of updates. The tasks that have the When new updates are
downloaded to the repository schedule type are not started then, either. These operations will be performed at the
next start of the Administration Server update download task if scanning of the new updates completes successfully.
A set of updates is considered to be incorrect if one of the following conditions is met on at least one test computer:
Update task error has occurred.
The real-time protection status of the anti-virus application has changed after applying updates.
An infected object has been detected while running the scan task.
Functional error of a Kaspersky Lab application has occurred
If none of the listed conditions is true for any test computer, the set of updates is considered to be correct and the update
verification task completes successfully.


When creating an update verification task, the Administration Server generates test policies, auxiliary group update tasks
and on-demand scan tasks.

Auxiliary group update and on-demand scan tasks take some time. These tasks are performed when the updates
verification task is executed. The updates verification task is performed when updates are downloaded to the repository.
The duration of Download updates to the repository task includes auxiliary group update and on-demand scan tasks.

You can change the settings of text policies and auxiliary tasks.
To change settings of a text policy or an auxiliary task:
1. In the console tree, select a group for which the updates verification task is created.
2. In the group workspace, select one of the following tabs:
Policies, if you want to edit the test policy settings
Tasks, if you want to change auxiliary task settings.
3. In the tab workspace select a policy or a task, whose settings you want to change.
4. Open the policy (task) properties window in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the policy (task), select Properties.
By clicking the Change policy settings (Change task settings) link in the workspace of the selected
policy (task).
To verify updates correctly, the following restrictions should be imposed on the modification of test policies and auxiliary tasks:
In the auxiliary task settings:
Save all tasks with the Critical event and Functional failure severity levels on Administration Server.
Using the events of these types, the Administration Server analyzes the operation of applications.
Use Administration Server as the source of updates.
Specify task schedule type: Manually
In the settings of test policies:
Disable the iChecker, iSwift, and iStream scanning acceleration technologies.
Select the actions to be performed in respect of infected objects: Do not prompt / Skip / Log to report.
In the settings of test policies and auxiliary tasks:
If a computer restart is required after the installation of updates to software modules, it must be performed
immediately. If the computer is not restarted, it is impossible to test this type of updates. For some applications
installation of updates that require a restart may be prohibited or configured to prompt the user for confirmation
first. These restrictions should be disabled in the settings of test policies and auxiliary tasks.



To view the list of downloaded updates,
in the console tree, select Repositories folder, the Updates subfolder.
The workspace of the Updates folder shows the list of updates that are saved on the Administration Server.


Kaspersky Security Center allows you to automatically distribute and install updates on client computers and slave
Administration Servers.

Distributing updates to client computers automatically.............................................................................................. 145
Distributing updates to slave Administration Servers automatically ........................................................................... 146
Installing program modules for Servers and Network Agents automatically ............................................................... 146
Creating and configuring the list of Update Agents ................................................................................................... 146
Downloading updates by Update Agents ................................................................................................................. 147


To distribute the updates of the selected application to client computers immediately after the updates are
downloaded to the Administration Server repository:
1. Connect to the Administration Server which manages the client computers.
2. Create an update deployment task for the selected client computers in one of the following ways:
If you want to distribute updates to the client computers that belong to the selected administration group,
create a task for the selected group (see the section "Creating a group task" on page 62).
If you want to distribute updates to the client computers that belong to different administration groups or do
not belong to administration groups at all, create a task for specific computers (see the section "Creating a
task for specific computers" on page 62).
This starts the New Task Wizard. Follow its instructions and perform the following actions:
a. In the Task type wizard window, in the node of the required application select the updates deployment

The name of the updates deployment task displayed in the Task type window depends on the
application for which you create this task. For detailed information about names of update tasks for the
selected Kaspersky Lab application, see the corresponding Guides.

b. In the Schedule wizard window, in the Scheduled start field, select When new updates are
downloaded to the repository.
As a result, the created update distribution task will start for selected computers each time the updates are
downloaded to the Administration Server repository.
If an updates distribution task for the required application is created for selected computers, to automatically distribute
updates to client computers in the task properties window in the Schedule section, select the When new updates are
downloaded to the repository option, in the Scheduled start field.



To distribute the updates of the selected application to slave Administration Servers immediately after the updates
are downloaded to the Administration Server repository:
1. In the console tree, in the master Administration Server node, select the Administration Server tasks folder.
2. In the task list in the workspace, select the task of downloading updates to the Administration Server repository.
3. Open the Settings section of the selected task in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the task, select Properties.
By clicking the Edit settings link in the workspace of the selected task.
4. In the Settings section of the task properties window, select the Other settings subsection, click the Configure
link. This opens the Other settings window.
5. In the Other settings window that opens, select the Force update of slave Servers check box.
In the settings of the task of downloading updates by the Administration Server, on the Settings tab of the task
properties window, select the Force update of slave Servers check box.
As a result, after the master Administration Server retrieves updates, the updates download tasks automatically start
on slave Administration Servers regardless of their schedule.


To install the updates for Administration Server and Network Agent modules automatically after they are uploaded to
the Administration Server repository:
1. In the console tree, in the master Administration Server node, select the Administration Server tasks folder.
2. In the task list in the workspace, select the task of downloading updates to the Administration Server repository.
3. Open the Settings section of the selected task in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the task, select Properties.
By clicking the Edit settings link in the workspace of the selected task.
4. In the Settings section of the task properties window, select the Other settings subsection, click the Configure
link. This opens the Other settings window.
5. In the Other settings window that opens, select the following check boxes:
Update Administration Server modules. If this check box is selected, updates of Administration Server
modules will be installed immediately after completion of the update download task by the Administration
Server. If this check box is cleared, you will only be able to install the updates manually. By default, this
check box is selected.
Update Network Agent modules. If this check box is selected, the updates of Network Agent modules will
be installed after completion of the update download task by the Administration Server, provided that the
updates of Network Agent modules are already retrieved. If this check box is cleared, you will only be able
to install the updates manually. By default, this check box is selected.
As a result, after master Administration Server retrieves updates, all selected program modules are installed


To create a list of Update Agents and configure them for distribution of updates to client computers within an
administration group:
1. In the console tree, open the Managed computers folder.
2. In the Managed computers folder select an administration group for which you want to create a list of Update
If you want to create a list of Update Agents for the Managed computers group, you can skip this step.


3. Open the group properties window in one of the following ways:

From the context menu of the group, select Properties.
By clicking the Configure Update Agents for group link.
4. In the group properties window, in the Update Agents section, create a list of computers that will act as Update
Agents in the administration groups, by using the Add and Remove buttons.
5. For each Update Agent in the list, you can click Properties to open the properties window and customize its


Kaspersky Security Center allows distributing updates to client computers included in the administration groups not only
through the Administration Server, but also through the Update Agents of these groups.
To configure the retrieval of updates for a group through Update Agents:
1. In the console tree, open the Managed computers folder.
2. In the Managed computers folder select the required group.
If you have already selected the Managed computers group, you can skip this step.
3. Open the group properties window in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the group, select Properties.
By clicking the Configure Update Agents for group link.
4. In the Update Agents section, in the group properties window, select a computer that will act as Update Agent
for client computers included in the group.
5. Click the Properties button to open the properties of this Update Agent and select the Updates source section.
6. Select the Use update download task check box and select the update download task in one of the following
Click Select to choose an existing updates download task.
Click the New task button to create the updates download task for the Update Agent.

The task of updates download by Update Agent is a Network Agent task, the task type is Download updates to
the repository. The task of update download by an update agent is a local task: it should be created
individually for each computer that acts as an update agent.


To roll back the updates that have been installed:
1. In the Application management folder of the console tree, select the Software updates subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Software updates folder, select the update that you want to roll back.
3. In the context menu of the update, select Delete update files.
4. Run the update task (see the section "Automatic installation of updates on client computers" on page 104).
When this task is completed, the update installed on the client computer is rolled back and its status changed to Not

This section describes the features of Kaspersky Security Center related to handling keys of managed Kaspersky Lab
Kaspersky Security Center allows you to perform centralized distribution of keys for Kaspersky Lab applications on client
computers, monitor their use, and renew licenses.
When adding a key using Kaspersky Security Center, the settings of the key are saved on Administration Server. Based
on this information, the application generates a report on the use of keys and notifies the administrator of expiry of
licenses and violation of license restrictions implied by the settings of keys. You can configure notifications of the use of
keys within the Administration Server settings.

Viewing information about keys in use ..................................................................................................................... 148
Adding a key to the Administration Server repository ............................................................................................... 148
Deleting an Administration Server key ..................................................................................................................... 149
Deploying a key to client computers ........................................................................................................................ 149
Automatic deployment of a key ............................................................................................................................... 149
Creating and viewing a key usage report ................................................................................................................. 150


To view information about keys in use,
in the console tree, in the Application management folder, select the Kaspersky Lab licenses subfolder.
As a result, the workspace will display a list of keys used on client computers.
Next to each of the keys an icon is displayed, corresponding to the type of use:

information about the key is received from a client computer connected to the Administration Server. The
file of this key is stored outside of the Administration Server.

the key file is stored in the Administration Server repository. Automatic distribution is disabled for this key.

the key file is stored in the Administration Server repository. Automatic distribution is enabled for this key.
You can view information about which keys are applied to the application on a client computer by opening the application
properties window from the Applications section of the client computer properties window.


To add a key to the Administration Server repository:
1. In the console tree, in the Application management folder, select the Kaspersky Lab licenses subfolder.
2. Start the key adding task using one of the following methods:
from the context menu of the list of keys select Add key;
by clicking the Add key link in the workspace of the list of keys.
This will start the Add Key Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions.



To delete an Administration Server key:
1. In the context menu of the Administration Server, select Properties.
2. In the Administration Server properties window that opens, select the Keys section.
3. Delete the active or reserve key by clicking the Delete button.
This deletes the key.
If a reserve key has been added, after the active key is deleted the reserve key automatically becomes
the active key.

After the active key is deleted, such features as Systems Management (see the section "Kaspersky Security Center
licensing options" on page 33) and Mobile devices management (see the section "Kaspersky Security Center
licensing options" on page 33) become unavailable for Administration Server. You can add (see the section "Adding a
key to the Administration Server repository" on page 148) a key that has been deleted, or add a different key.


Kaspersky Security Center allows distributing the key to client computers using the key distribution task.
To distribute a key to client computers:
1. In the console tree, in the Application management folder, select the Kaspersky Lab licenses subfolder.
2. Run the key distribution task using one of the following methods:
from the context menu of the list of keys select Deploy a key;
click the Deploy key to managed computers link in the workspace of the list of keys.
This starts the Key Distribution Task Creation Wizard. Follow the Wizard's instructions.
Tasks created using the Key Distribution Task Creation Wizard are tasks for specific computers stored in the Tasks for
specific computers folder of the console tree.
You can also create a group or local key distribution task using the Task Creation Wizard for an administration group and
for a client computer.


Kaspersky Security Center allows automatic distribution of keys to client computers if they are located in the keys
repository on the Administration Server.
To distribute a key to client computers automatically:
1. In the console tree, in the Application management folder, select the Kaspersky Lab licenses subfolder.
2. Select the key that you want to distribute.
3. Open the properties window of the selected key using one of the following methods:
from the context menu of the key select Properties;
click the Show key properties window link in the workspace of the selected key.
4. In the key properties window that opens, select the Automatically deployed key check box. Close the key
properties window.
As a result, the key will be automatically distributed to client computers on which the application has been installed
without an active key.
Key distribution is performed by means of the Network Agent. No additional key distribution tasks are created for the
application. The key is added as an active one.
When distributing a key, the license limit specified in its settings is also taken into account. If the limit is reached, the key
will not be distributed on any client computers.



To create a report on the use of keys on client computers,
in the console tree, in the Reports and notifications folder select the report template named Key usage report, or
create a new report template of the same type.
As a result, the workspace of the report on the use of keys displays information about active and additional keys used on
the client computers. The report also contains information about computers on which the keys are used, and about
restrictions specified in the settings of the keys.

This section provides information about data stored on the Administration Server and used for tracking the condition of
client computers and servicing them.
The data used to track the status of client computers are displayed in Repositories folder of the console tree.
The Repositories folder contains the following objects:
the updates downloaded by the Administration Server that are distributed to client computers (see the section
"Viewing downloaded updates" on page 145);
list of hardware items detected in the network;
keys that were found on client computers (see the section "Working with application keys" on page 148);
files quarantined on client computers by anti-virus applications;
files placed into repositories on client computers;
files assigned for scanning later by anti-virus applications.

Exporting a list of repository objects to a text file ...................................................................................................... 151
Installation packages .............................................................................................................................................. 151
Quarantine and Backup .......................................................................................................................................... 152
Unprocessed files ................................................................................................................................................... 154


You can export the list of objects from the repository to a text file.
To export the list of objects from the repository to a text file:
1. In the console tree, select Repositories folder, the necessary subfolder.
2. In the repository subfolder, select Export list.
This will open the Export list window, in which you can specify the name of text file and path to the folder where
it was placed.

Kaspersky Security Center places installation packages of applications by Kaspersky Lab and third-party vendors to data
storage areas.
An installation package is a set of files required to install an application. An installation package contains the setup
settings and initial configuration of the application being installed.
If you want to install an application to a client computer, you should create an installation package for that application
(see the section "Creating installation packages of applications on page 110) or use an existing one. The list of created
installation packages is stored in the Remote installation folder of the console tree, the Installation packages
For detailed information on installation packages, see Kaspersky Security Center Implementation Guide.



The Kaspersky Lab anti-virus applications installed on client computers can quarantine objects or place them to backup
during computer scan.
Quarantine is a special area storing files probably infected with viruses and files that cannot be disinfected at the time
when they are detected.
Backup storage is designed for storing backup copies of files that have been deleted or modified during the disinfection
Kaspersky Security Center creates a list of files placed into Quarantine or Backup by Kaspersky Lab application on client
computers. The Network Agents on client computers transfer information about the files in Quarantine and Backup to the
Administration Server. You can use Administration Console to view the properties of files in repositories on client
computers, run anti-virus scanning of those repositories, and delete the stored files.

Operations with Quarantine and Backup are supported for versions 6.0 or later of Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows
Workstations and Kaspersky Anti-Virus for Windows Servers, as well as for Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10 for Windows.

Kaspersky Security Center does not copy files from repositories to Administration Server. All files are stored in the
repositories on client computers. You can restore files only on a computer where an anti-virus application that placed the
file into the repository is installed.

Enabling remote management for files in the repositories ......................................................................................... 152
Viewing properties of a file placed in repository........................................................................................................ 152
Removing files from repositories ............................................................................................................................. 153
Restoring files from repositories .............................................................................................................................. 153
Saving a file from repositories to disk ...................................................................................................................... 153
Scanning files in Quarantine ................................................................................................................................... 153


By default, you cannot manage files placed in the repositories on client computers.
To enable remote management for files in the repositories on client computers:
1. In the console tree, select an administration group, for which you want to enable remote management for files in
the repository.
2. In the group workspace, open the Policies tab.
3. On the Policies tab select the policy of an anti-virus application that places files to the repositories on client
4. In the policy settings window in the Inform Administration Server group of settings, select the check boxes
corresponding to the repositories for which you want to enable the remote management.

The location of Inform Administration Server settings group in the policy properties window and the names of
check boxes depend on selected anti-virus application.


To view properties of a file in Quarantine or Backup:
1. In the console tree, select the Repositories folder, the Quarantine or Backup subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Quarantine (Backup) folder, select a file whose properties you want to view.
3. Open the file properties window in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the file, select Properties.
Click the Show object properties link in the workspace of the selected file.



To delete a file from Quarantine or Backup:
1. In the console tree, select the Repositories folder, the Quarantine or Backup subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Quarantine (Backup) folder select the files that you want to delete by using the Shift
and Ctrl keys.
3. Delete the files in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the files select Remove.
Click the Delete objects (Delete object if you want to delete one file) in the workspace of the selected files.
As a result, the anti-virus applications that placed files in repositories on client computers, will delete files from these


To restore a file from Quarantine or Backup:
1. In the console tree, select the Repositories folder, the Quarantine or Backup subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Quarantine (Backup) folder select the files that you want to restore by using the Shift
and Ctrl keys.
3. Start files restoration in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the files, select Restore.
By clicking the Restore link in the workspace of the selected files.
As a result, the anti-virus applications that placed files in repositories on client computers, will restore files to their
initial folders.


Kaspersky Security Center allows you to save to disk the copies of files that were placed by an anti-virus application in
Quarantine or Backup on client computer. The files are copied to the computer on which Kaspersky Security Center is
installed, to the specified folder.
To save a copy of file from Quarantine or Backup to hard drive:
1. In the console tree, select the Repositories folder, the Quarantine or Backup subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Quarantine (Backup) folder, select a file that you want to copy to the hard drive.
3. Start copying the files in one of the following ways:
In the context menu of the file, select the Save to Disk item.
Click the Save to Disk link in the workspace of the selected file.
As a result, the anti-virus application that placed the file in Quarantine on client computer will save a copy of file to hard drive.


To scan quarantined files:
1. In the console tree, select the Repositories folder, the Quarantine subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Quarantine folder select the files that you want to scan by using the Shift and Ctrl keys.
3. Start the file scanning process in one of the following ways:
Select Scan Quarantined Files from the context menu of the file.
By clicking the Scan link in the workspace of the selected files.
As a result, the application runs the on-demand scan task for anti-virus applications that have placed files to
Quarantine on computers where the selected files are stored.


The information about unprocessed files found on client computers is stored in the Repositories folder, the
Unprocessed files subfolder.
Postponed processing and disinfection by an anti-virus application are performed upon request or after a specified event.
You can configure the postponed processing.


To start postponed file disinfection:
1. In the console tree, select the Repositories folder, the Unprocessed files subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Unprocessed files folder, select a file that you want to disinfect.
3. Start disinfecting the file in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the file, select Disinfect.
By clicking the Disinfect link in the workspace of the selected file.
The attempt to disinfect this file is then performed.
If a file has been disinfected, the anti-virus application installed on client computer restores it to its initial location. The
record about the file is removed from list in the Unprocessed files folder. If file disinfection is not possible, anti-virus
application installed on client computer removes the file from the computer. The record about the file is removed from list
in the Unprocessed files folder.


Kaspersky Security Center allows saving to disk the copies of unprocessed files found on client computers. The files are
copied to the computer on which Kaspersky Security Center is installed, to the specified folder.
To save a copy of an unprocessed file to disk:
1. In the console tree, select the Repositories folder, the Unprocessed files subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Unprocessed files folder, select files that you want to copy on the hard drive.
3. Start copying the files in one of the following ways:
In the context menu of the file, select the Save to Disk item.
Click the Save to Disk link in the workspace of the selected file.
As a result, an anti-virus application installed on client computer on which an unprocessed file has been found, will save
a file copy to the specified folder.


To delete a file from the Unprocessed files folder:
1. In the console tree, select the Repositories folder, the Unprocessed files subfolder.
2. In the workspace of the Unprocessed files folder select the files that you want to delete by using the Shift and
Ctrl keys.
3. Delete the files in one of the following ways:
From the context menu of the files select Remove.
Click the Delete objects (Delete object if you want to delete one file) in the workspace of the selected files.
As a result, the anti-virus applications that placed files in repositories on client computers, will delete files from these
repositories. The records about files are removed from list in the Unprocessed files folder.

This section describes how to use an infrastructure of online services named Kaspersky Security Network (KSN). The
section provides the details on KSN, as well as instructions on how to enable KSN, configure access to KSN, and view
the statistics of the use of KSN proxy server.

Kaspersky Security Network (KSN) is an infrastructure of online services that provides access to the online Knowledge
Base of Kaspersky Lab, which contains information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. The use
of data from Kaspersky Security Network ensures faster response by Kaspersky Lab applications to unknown threats,
improves the effectiveness of some protection components, and reduces the risk of false positives. KSN allows using
Kaspersky Lab's reputation databases to retrieve information about applications installed on client computers.
By participating in KSN, you agree to send to Kaspersky Lab in automatic mode information about the operation of
Kaspersky Lab applications (see the section "About data provision" on page 155) installed on client computers that are
managed by Kaspersky Security Center, in accordance with the KSN Statement. Information is transferred in accordance
with the current KSN access settings (see the section "Setting up access to KSN" on page 156).
The application prompts you to join KSN when installing the application and when running the Quick Start Wizard (see
the section "Kaspersky Security Center Quick Start Wizard" on page 36). You can start or stop using KSN at any
moment when using the application (see the section "Enabling and disabling KSN" on page 156).
Client computers managed by Administration Server interact with KSN through the KSN Proxy service. The use of the
KSN Proxy service provides you with the following options:
Client computers can send requests to KSN and transfer information to KSN even if they do not have direct
access to the Internet.
KSN Proxy caches processed data, thus reducing the workload on the outbound channel and the time period
spent for waiting for information requested by a client computer.
You can configure KSN Proxy in the KSN proxy server section of the Administration Server properties window (see the
section "Setting up access to KSN" on page 156).


By participating in Kaspersky Security Network program, you agree to send to Kaspersky Lab in automatic mode
information about the operation of Kaspersky Lab applications installed on client computers that are managed by
Kaspersky Security Center. Kaspersky Lab specialists use information retrieved from client computers in order to fix
problems in Kaspersky Lab applications or to modify some of their features.
If you participate in Kaspersky Security Network program, you agree to send to Kaspersky Lab in automatic mode the
following information retrieved by Kaspersky Security Center on your computer:
Name, version, and language of the software product for which the update is to be installed.
Version of the update database that is used by the software during installation.
Result of the update installation.
Computer ID and version of Network Agent used on it.
Software settings used when installing updates, such as the ID's of operations executed and the codes of
results for those operations.
If you cancel your participation in Kaspersky Security Network program, the above-listed details will not be sent to
Kaspersky Lab/
Retrieved information is protected by Kaspersky Lab pursuant to the requirements of the current legislation and the
existing rules of Kaspersky Lab. Kaspersky Lab uses retrieved information in non-personalized form only and as general
statistics. The general statistical data is generated automatically based on originally retrieved information and does not
contain any personal details or other confidential information. The originally retrieved information is stored in encrypted
form and erased as it is accumulated (two times per year). The storage term of general statistical data is unlimited.


Provision of data is accepted on a voluntary basis. The data provision feature can be enabled or disabled at any moment
in the application settings window (see the section "Interaction of Administration Server with the KSN Proxy service" on
page 49).


To set up Administration Server's access to KSN:
1. In the console tree, select the Administration Server for which you need to configure the access to KSN.
2. In the context menu of the Administration Server, select Properties.
3. In the Administration Server properties window, in the KSN proxy server section, select the KSN proxy server
settings subsection.
4. Select the Use Administration Server as proxy server check box to enable the KSN Proxy service.
Data are sent from client computers to KSN in accordance with the policy of Kaspersky Endpoint Security,
which is active on those client computers. If this check box is cleared, no data will be sent to KSN from
Administration Server and from client computers via Kaspersky Security Center. However, client computers can
send data to KSN directly, in accordance with their settings.
If this check box is cleared, client computers send data allowed by the policy of Kaspersky Endpoint Security for
5. Select the Send Kaspersky Security Center statistics to KSN.
If this check box is selected, client computers will send patch installation results to Kaspersky Lab. When
selecting this check box, you should read and accept the terms of the KSN Statement.
If you are using Private KSN (the infrastructure of KSN is located not on Kaspersky Lab servers but, for
instance, within the Internet provider's network), select the Configure Private KSN check box and click the
Select file with KSN settings button to download the settings of Private KSN (files with the extensions pkcs7,
pem). After the settings are downloaded, the interface displays the provider's name and contacts, as well as the
creation date of the file with the settings of Private KSN.

Private KSN is supported by Kaspersky Security Center 10 Service Pack 1 and Kaspersky Endpoint Security 10
Service Pack 1.

6. Configure Administration Server's connection to the KSN Proxy service:

In the TCP port entry field, you can specify the number of the TCP port that will be used for connecting to
KSN Proxy. The default port to connect to KSN Proxy is 13111.
If you want Administration Server to be connected to KSN Proxy via a UDP port, select the Use UDP port
check box and specify the port number in the UDP port field. By default, this check box is cleared, and
UDP port 15111 is used for connecting to KSN Proxy.
7. Click OK.
As a result, the KSN access settings will be saved.


To enable KSN:
1. In the console tree, select the Administration Server for which you need to enable KSN.
2. In the context menu of the Administration Server, select Properties.
3. In the Administration Server properties window, in the KSN proxy server section, select the KSN proxy server
settings subsection.
4. Select the Use Administration Server as proxy server.
As a result, the KSN Proxy service will be enabled.


5. Select the Send Kaspersky Security Center statistics to KSN.

As a result, KSN will be enabled.
If this check box is selected, client computers will send patch installation results to Kaspersky Lab. When
selecting this check box, you should read and accept the terms of the KSN Statement.
6. Click OK.
To disable KSN:
1. In the console tree, select the Administration Server for which you need to enable KSN.
2. In the context menu of the Administration Server, select Properties.
3. In the Administration Server properties window, in the KSN proxy server section, select the KSN proxy server
settings subsection.
4. Clear the Use Administration Server as proxy server check box to disable the KSN Proxy service, or clear
the Send Kaspersky Security Center statistics to KSN check box.
If this check box is cleared, client computers will send no patch installation results to Kaspersky Lab.
If you are using Private KSN, clear the Configure Private KSN check box.
As a result, KSN will be disabled.
5. Click OK.


The application allows viewing the statistical information about the use of KSN proxy server.
To view the statistics of KSN proxy server:
1. In the console tree, select the Administration Server for which you need to view the KSN statistics.
2. In the context menu of the Administration Server, select Properties.
3. In the Administration Server properties window, in the KSN proxy server section, select the KSN proxy server
statistics subsection.
This section displays the statistics of the operation of KSN proxy server. If necessary, refresh the statistics by
clicking the Refresh button and export the statistical data to a CSV file by clicking the Export to file button.

This section provides information about the ways and conditions for providing you support.

About technical support .......................................................................................................................................... 158
Technical support by phone .................................................................................................................................... 158
Technical Support via Kaspersky CompanyAccount................................................................................................. 158


If you do not find a solution to your problem in the documentation or in one of the sources of information about the
application (see the section "Sources of information about the application" on page 12), we recommend that you contact
Kaspersky Lab Technical Support. Technical Support specialists will answer your questions about installing and using
the application.
Technical support is only available to users who purchased the commercial license. Users who have received a trial
license are not entitled to technical support.

Before contacting Technical Support, please read the support rules (http://support.kaspersky.com/support/rules).

You can contact Technical Support in one of the following ways:

By calling Kaspersky Lab Technical Support.
By sending a request to Technical Support through the Kaspersky CompanyAccount web service.


If an urgent issue arises, you can phone specialists at Technical Support of Kaspersky Lab
Before contacting Technical Support, it is recommended to read the support rules
(http://support.kaspersky.com/support/rules). These rules provide information about the hours open for calls at
Kaspersky Lab Technical Support, as well as the data that a support specialist will need to help you.


Kaspersky CompanyAccount (https://companyaccount.kaspersky.com) is a web service for companies that use
Kaspersky Lab applications. The Kaspersky CompanyAccount web service is designed to facilitate interaction between
users and Kaspersky Lab specialists via online requests. The Kaspersky CompanyAccount web service lets you monitor
the progress of electronic request processing by Kaspersky Lab specialists and store a history of electronic requests.
You can register all of your organization's employees under a single account on Kaspersky CompanyAccount. A single
account lets you centrally manage electronic requests from registered employees to Kaspersky Lab and also manage the
privileges of these employees via Kaspersky CompanyAccount.


The Kaspersky CompanyAccount web service is available in the following languages:

To learn more about Kaspersky CompanyAccount, please visit the Technical Support website



Key that is used at the moment to work with the application.


A key that certifies the right to use the application but is not currently being used.


A Kaspersky Security Center component that provides a user interface for the administrative services of Administration
Server and Network Agent.


A computer, server, or workstation on which Network Agent and managed Kaspersky Lab applications are running.


A set of computers grouped together in accordance with the performed functions and the Kaspersky Lab applications
installed on those machines. Computers are grouped for convenience of management as one single entity. A group can
include other groups. A group can contain group policies for each application installed in it and appropriate group tasks.


The level of the user's rights and privileges required for administration of Exchange objects within an Exchange


Databases that contain information about computer security threats that are known to Kaspersky Lab at the time of
release of the anti-virus databases. Records that are contained in anti-virus databases allow detecting malicious code in
scanned objects. The anti-virus databases are created by Kaspersky Lab specialists and updated hourly.

An interface for passing the authentication process to access encrypted hard drives and load the operating system after
the system hard drive has been encrypted.


A package of updates for the modules of a Kaspersky Lab application including a set of urgent patches released during a
certain time interval, and modifications to the application architecture.


Policy that contains a collection of settings and restrictions for an iOS MDM mobile device.

Demilitarized zone is a segment of a local network that contains servers, which respond to requests from the global Web.
In order to ensure the security of an organization's local network, access to the LAN from the demilitarized zone is
protected with a firewall.



A mobile device connected to Administration Server over Exchange ActiveSync protocol. Devices on iOS, Android,
and Windows Phone operating systems can be connected and managed over Exchange ActiveSync protocol.


A component of Kaspersky Security Center that is installed in a client computer, allowing Exchange ActiveSync mobile
devices to connect to Administration Server.


A certificate intended for identifying the user's mobile device.


A group of applications created on the basis of criteria set by the administrator (for example, by vendor), for which
statistics of installations to client computers are maintained.


A task defined for an administration group and performed on all client computers within this group.


A set of files created for remote installation of a Kaspersky Lab application by using the Kaspersky Security Center
remote administration system. The installation package contains a range of settings needed to install the application and
get it running immediately after installation. Parameter values correspond to application defaults. The installation
package is created using files with the .kpd and .kud extensions included in the application distribution kit.


The accounts of internal users are used to work with virtual Administration Servers. Under the account of an internal
user, the administrator of a virtual Administration Server can start Kaspersky Security Center Web Console to check the
anti-virus security status of a network. Kaspersky Security Center grants the rights of real users to internal users of the
The accounts of internal users are created and used only within Kaspersky Security Center. No data on internal users is
transferred to the operating system. Kaspersky Security Center authenticates internal users.


A mobile device that is connected to the iOS MDM Mobile Device Server over iOS MDM protocol. Devices running on
iOS operating system can be connected and managed over iOS MDM protocol.


A component of Kaspersky Security Center, installed to a client computer and allowing connection of iOS mobile devices
to Administration Server and management of iOS mobile devices through Apple Push Notifications (APNs) service.


Collection of settings for connection of iOS mobile devices to Administration Server. The user installs an iOS MDM profile
to a mobile device, after which this mobile device connects to Administration Server.



A mobile device that is connected to Administration Server and managed through Kaspersky Endpoint Security for


A component of Kaspersky Security Center installed together with Administration Server. Web Server is designed for
transfer of standalone installation packages, iOS MDM profiles, and files from the shared folder over the network.


The person managing the application operations through the Kaspersky Security Center system of remote centralized


An infrastructure of online services that provides access to the online Knowledge Base of Kaspersky Lab which contains
information about the reputation of files, web resources, and software. The use of data from Kaspersky Security Network
ensures faster response by Kaspersky Lab applications to unknown threats, improves the effectiveness of some
protection components, and reduces the risk of false positives.


A task defined and running on a single client computer.


A collection of application settings used for managing mobile devices through Kaspersky Security Center. Different
application settings are used to manage different types of mobile devices. A policy includes the settings for complete
configuration of all application features.


A component of Kaspersky Security Center that provides access to mobile devices and allows managing them through
Administration Console.

A Kaspersky Security Center component that enables interaction between the Administration Server and Kaspersky Lab
applications that are installed on a specific network node (workstation or server). This component is common for all of the
company's products for Windows. Separate versions of Network Agent exist for Kaspersky Lab products developed for
Novell, Unix and Mac.

A set of application settings in an administration group managed through Kaspersky Security Center. Application settings
can differ in various groups. A specific policy is defined for each application. A policy includes the settings for complete
configuration of all application features.


A collection of settings of Exchange ActiveSync mobile devices that define their behavior when connected to a Microsoft
Exchange server.


Collection of settings for applications operation on iOS mobile devices. A provisioning profile contains information about
the license; it is linked to a specific application.

Relocation of the original object from Quarantine or Backup to its original folder where the object had been stored before
it was quarantined, disinfected or deleted, or to a user-defined folder.


Restoration of Administration Server data from the information saved in Backup by using the backup utility. The utility can
Information database of the Administration Server (policies, tasks, application settings, events saved on the
Administration Server)
Configuration information about the structure of administration groups and client computers
Repository of the installation files for remote installation of applications (content of the folders: Packages,
Uninstall Updates)
Administration Server certificate


A group of users of Exchange ActiveSync mobile devices who are granted identical administrator rights (see section
"Administrator rights" on page 160).

Functions performed by a Kaspersky Lab application are implemented as tasks, for example: Real-time protection, Full
Scan, Database update.


A task assigned for a set of client computers from arbitrary administration groups and performed on those hosts.

A computer within an administration group that acts as an intermediary node of communication between the computers
in the same group and the Administration Server.
An Update Agent can perform the following functions:
Manage updates and installation packages received from the Administration Server by distributing them to client
computers in the group (including such method as multicasting via UDP).
This feature accelerates the distribution of updates and allows freeing up Administration Server resources.
Distribute policies and group tasks through multicasting via UDP.
Act as a connection gateway to the Administration Server for computers in the group.
If direct connection between managed computers in the group and the Administration Server cannot be
established, the Update Agent can be used as a connection gateway to the Administration Server for this group.
In this case, managed computers will be connected to the connection gateway, which, in its turn, will be
connected to the Administration Server.


The availability of an Update Agent that operates as the connection gateway does not block the option of direct
connection between managed computers and the Administration Server. If the connection gateway is not
available, but direct connection with the Administration Server is technically possible, managed computers will
be connected to the Server directly.
Poll the computer network in which it is located.
Perform remote installation of the application through Microsoft Windows tools, including installation on client
computers without Network Agent.
This feature allows remotely transfer installation packages of Network Agent to client computers located on
networks to which the Administration Server has no direct access.
You can view the full list of Update Agents for specified administration groups by creating a report on the list of Update
The scope of an Update Agent is the administration group to which it has been assigned, as well as its subgroups of all
levels of embedding. If several Update Agents have been assigned in the hierarchy of administration groups, the
Network Agent of the managed computer connects to the hierarchically closest Update Agent.

A component of Kaspersky Security Center, designed for management of the protection system of a client organization's
Virtual Administration Server is a particular case of a slave Administration Server and has the following restrictions as
compared with physical Administration Server:
Virtual Administration Server can be created only on master Administration Server.
Virtual Administration Server uses the database of the master Administration Server in its operation: data
backup tasks, data recovery tasks, update check tasks, and update download tasks are not supported on the
virtual Server. These tasks exist only on master Administration Server.
Virtual Server does not support creation of slave Administration Servers (including virtual Servers).


A series of deliberate attempts to infect a computer with a virus.

A flaw in an operating system or an application that may be exploited by malware makers to penetrate into the operating
system or the application and corrupt its integrity. A large number of vulnerabilities in an operating system makes it
unreliable, because viruses that have penetrated into the operating system may cause operation failures in the operating
system itself and in installed applications.

An application used for distribution of updates for Microsoft applications on users' computers in an organization's

Kaspersky Lab software is internationally renowned for its protection: against viruses, malware, spam, network and
hacker attacks, and other threats.
In 2008, Kaspersky Lab was rated among the worlds top four leading vendors of information security software solutions
for end users (IDC Worldwide Endpoint Security Revenue by Vendor). Kaspersky Lab is the preferred developer of
computer protection systems among home users in Russia, according to the COMCON survey "TGI-Russia 2009".
Kaspersky Lab was founded in Russia in 1997. Today, it is an international group of companies headquartered in
Moscow with five regional divisions that manage the company's activity in Russia, Western and Eastern Europe, the
Middle East, Africa, North and South America, Japan, China, and other countries in the Asia-Pacific region. The
company employs more than 2000 qualified specialists.
PRODUCTS. Kaspersky Labs products provide protection for all systemsfrom home computers to large corporate
The personal product range includes anti-virus applications for desktop, laptop, and tablet computers, as well as for
smartphones and other mobile devices.
Kaspersky Lab delivers applications and services to protect workstations, file and web servers, mail gateways, and
firewalls. Used in conjunction with Kaspersky Labs centralized management system, these solutions ensure effective
automated protection for companies and organizations against computer threats. Kaspersky Lab's products are certified
by the major test laboratories, are compatible with the software of many suppliers of computer applications, and are
optimized to run on many hardware platforms.
Kaspersky Labs virus analysts work around the clock. Every day they uncover hundreds of new computer threats, create
tools to detect and disinfect them, and include them in the databases used by Kaspersky Lab applications. Kaspersky
Lab anti-virus database is updated hourly, Anti-Spam database every 5 minutes.
TECHNOLOGIES. Many technologies that are now part and parcel of modern anti-virus tools were originally developed
by Kaspersky Lab. It is no coincidence that many other developers use the Kaspersky Anti-Virus kernel in their products,
including: SafeNet (USA), Alt-N Technologies (USA), Blue Coat Systems (USA), Check Point Software Technologies
(Israel), Clearswift (UK), CommuniGate Systems (USA), Openwave Messaging (Ireland), D-Link (Taiwan), M86 Security
(USA), GFI Software (Malta), IBM (USA), Juniper Networks (USA), LANDesk (USA), Microsoft (USA), Netasq+Arkoon
(France), NETGEAR (USA), Parallels (USA), SonicWALL (USA), WatchGuard Technologies (USA), and ZyXEL
Communications (Taiwan). Many of the companys innovative technologies are patented.
ACHIEVEMENTS. Over the years, Kaspersky Lab has won hundreds of awards for its services in combating computer
threats. For example, in 2010 Kaspersky Anti-Virus received a few top Advanced+ awards in a test held by AV-
Comparatives, an acknowledged Austrian anti-virus laboratory. But Kaspersky Lab's main achievement is the loyalty of
its users worldwide. The companys products and technologies protect more than 300 million users, and its corporate
clients number more than 200,000.

Kaspersky Lab official site: http://www.kaspersky.com

Virus encyclopedia: http://www.securelist.com
Anti-Virus Lab: [email protected] (only for sending probably infected files
in archives)
Kaspersky Lab web forum: http://forum.kaspersky.com

Information about third-party code is contained in a file named legal_notices.txt and stored in the application installation

The NAC Solution/ARP Enforcement technology is legal technology dedicated to securing and regulating access to a
corporate network by ensuring device compliance to corporate security policies.

User behavior and user obligations

The user agrees to comply with the applicable local, state, national, international, and supranational laws and regulations
as well as the specifications mentioned in the documentation or the related transfer documents of the authorized dealer
from whom the user purchased the Software and
(a) not to use the Software for illegal purposes,
(b) not to transmit or store material that infringes intellectual property rights or any other rights of third
parties or is illegal, unauthorized, defamatory or offensive or invades the privacy of third parties,
(c) not to transmit or store data owned by third parties, without obtaining beforehand the consent
prescribed by law of the owner of the data to the data transmission,
(d) not to transmit material containing software viruses or any other harmful computer codes, files or
(e) not to carry out any acts interfering with or interrupting the operation of the server or networks
associated with the software,
(f) not to attempt to gain unauthorized access to computer systems or networks associated with the
The user is restricted to using the software as intended and within the specific legal framework conditions in their
country. Please note that the use of this security Software within networks can affect provisions of data protection law at
the EU level and/or at EU member state level. Moreover, in operational use also provisions of collective labor law may
have to be observed.

Kaspersky Lab offers an extra layer of protection to users through the Kaspersky Security Network. This protection
method is designed to combat advanced persistent threats and zero-day attacks. Integrated cloud technologies and the
expertise of Kaspersky Lab virus analysts make Kaspersky Endpoint Security the unsurpassed choice for protection
against the most sophisticated network threats.
Details on enhanced protection in Kaspersky Endpoint Security are available on the Kaspersky Lab website.

The registered trademarks and service marks are the property of their owners.
Active Directory, Data Access, Internet Explorer, Microsoft, SQL Server, Windows, Windows Server and Windows Vista
are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation registered in the United States and elsewhere.
Apache and the Apache feather logo are trademarks owned by the Apache Software Foundation.
Cisco is a registered trademark or trademark of Cisco Systems, Inc. and / or its affiliates in the United States and certain
other countries.
Linux is a trademark owned by Linus Torvalds and registered in the U.S. and elsewhere.
Mac, Mac OS, Apple, iPhone, and iTunes are registered trademarks of Apple Inc.
Novell is a trademark owned by Novell, Inc. and registered in the United States and elsewhere.
UNIX is a trademark registered in the U.S. and elsewhere; use under license from X/Open Company Limited.


Administration Server ...................................................................................................................................... 47
Client computer ............................................................................................................................................... 73
Administration groups ........................................................................................................................................... 37
Administration Server............................................................................................................................................ 37
Administration Server certificate ............................................................................................................................ 46

general .................................................................................................................................................... 82, 116
installing a certificate for a user ................................................................................................................. 82, 116
mail ......................................................................................................................................................... 82, 116
VPN ......................................................................................................................................................... 82, 116
Cisco Network Admission Control.......................................................................................................................... 49
Client computers................................................................................................................................................... 39
Connecting to Administration Server ................................................................................................................ 69
Message to user.............................................................................................................................................. 75
Console tree ......................................................................................................................................................... 21
Context menu ....................................................................................................................................................... 30

Encryption .......................................................................................................................................................... 131
Event selections
Create ............................................................................................................................................................ 88
settings ........................................................................................................................................................... 87
Viewing log ..................................................................................................................................................... 87
Exchange ActiveSync mobile device ................................................................................................................... 118
Exchange ActiveSync mobile device server ......................................................................................................... 118
Policies ........................................................................................................................................................... 57
Tasks.............................................................................................................................................................. 64

Group of licensed applications ............................................................................................................................ 100
Group tasks
Filter ............................................................................................................................................................... 66
Inheritance ...................................................................................................................................................... 63
Structure ......................................................................................................................................................... 53

Image................................................................................................................................................................. 108
Policies ........................................................................................................................................................... 58
Tasks.............................................................................................................................................................. 64
iOS MDM mobile device...................................................................................................................................... 120
IP subnet
Change ...................................................................................................................................................... 93, 94
Create ............................................................................................................................................................ 94

Kaspersky Lab ZAO............................................................................................................................................ 165
Key ............................................................................................................................................................... 33, 148


distribution .................................................................................................................................................... 149

Installation .................................................................................................................................................... 148
Removal ....................................................................................................................................................... 149
Report .......................................................................................................................................................... 150

Limiting traffic ....................................................................................................................................................... 49

Client computer ............................................................................................................................................... 74
Initial setup ..................................................................................................................................................... 36
Keys ............................................................................................................................................................. 148
Policies ........................................................................................................................................................... 55
Managing the application ...................................................................................................................................... 55

Network discovery ................................................................................................................................................ 92
Notifications.......................................................................................................................................................... 86

Policies Activation................................................................................................................................................. 56
Policies and tasks conversion wizard................................................................................................................ 58, 65
Policies Copying ................................................................................................................................................... 57
Policies Create ..................................................................................................................................................... 56
Policies Export...................................................................................................................................................... 57
Policies Import ...................................................................................................................................................... 58
Policies Removal .................................................................................................................................................. 57
Policy ................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Policy profile......................................................................................................................................................... 58
Policy profile
Create ....................................................................................................................................................... 59
Removal .................................................................................................................................................... 61
Active Directory groups ................................................................................................................................... 93
IP subnets....................................................................................................................................................... 93
Windows network ............................................................................................................................................ 93

Administration Server ...................................................................................................................................... 47
Policy.............................................................................................................................................................. 57
Report template
Create ............................................................................................................................................................ 84
Create ............................................................................................................................................................ 85
Delivery .......................................................................................................................................................... 85
Keys ............................................................................................................................................................. 150
View ............................................................................................................................................................... 85

Statistics .............................................................................................................................................................. 86
Applications registry ...................................................................................................................................... 100
Installation packages ..................................................................................................................................... 151
Keys ............................................................................................................................................................. 148

Task..................................................................................................................................................................... 41
Adding key .................................................................................................................................................... 148


Changing the Administration Server ................................................................................................................. 74
Execution........................................................................................................................................................ 66
Export ............................................................................................................................................................. 64
Group ............................................................................................................................................................. 62
Import ............................................................................................................................................................. 64
Local............................................................................................................................................................... 63
Managing client computers .............................................................................................................................. 74
Reports delivery .............................................................................................................................................. 85
Viewing results ................................................................................................................................................ 66

distribution ............................................................................................................................................. 145, 146
Retrieval ....................................................................................................................................................... 142
Scan ............................................................................................................................................................. 143
View ............................................................................................................................................................. 145
Update Agents.................................................................................................................................................... 146
Updating the application...................................................................................................................................... 102
User role
add ............................................................................................................................................................... 117
User roles............................................................................................................................................................. 81
User role
add............................................................................................................................................................ 81
assign........................................................................................................................................................ 81

Virtual Administration Server ................................................................................................................................. 38
Vulnerability........................................................................................................................................................ 101


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