Financing of Infrastructure Development TERIGoa
Financing of Infrastructure Development TERIGoa
Financing of Infrastructure Development TERIGoa
Financing Infrastructure
Urban Infrastructure
For Implementing Urban Resilience
Alok Shiromany
Expert In Urban Finance
Urbanization and Economic Growth
Status of Urban Services in India
Service Level Gaps
Ground Issues & Key Challenges
Urban Investment Requirement
Sources of funding for ULBs
Infrastructure Financing options
Municipal Bonds Process
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Multilateral Financing Institution (MFIs)
JnNURM- A Catalyst
Municipal Finance agenda & JnNURM
JnNURM Financial Reforms
Credit ratings of ULBs
Overall Financial Performance
JnNURM & Leveraging
Action Taken by Ministry
Way Forward
Rapid urbanisation - tremendous pressure on urban
infrastructure and its delivery system.
Service Level Gaps
National India
Service Indicators
Benchmark Status
Water Supply
Per Capita supply of water 135 lpcd 69 lpcd
Extent of metering of water connections 100% 13%
Extent of non revenue water ( NRW) 20% 32%
Cost recovery in water supply services 100% 39%
Coverage of toilets 100% 70%
Collection efficiency of the sewage network 100% 10%
Household level coverage 100% 35%
Extent of scientific disposal of municipal solid 100% 10%
Storm Water Drainage
Coverage of storm water drainage network 100% 46%
Source: Service Levels in Urban Water and Sanitation Sector-Status Report(2010-2011) 6
Ministry of Urban Development
Ground Issues & Key Challenges
Depend on grants from Central/State Governments, which
Cities are not self are reducing
ULBs need to be provided 3Fs (Funds, Functions &
reliant Functionaries)
Devolution of funds is not predictable and timely
ULBs caught in a low Generating less revenues and spending even less on services
and infrastructure.
equilibrium cycle
Lack of Regulator & Std. Concession agreement
Cities lack financial viability and internal accruals are
Lack financial insufficient.
viability ULBs should be strengthened in financial management to
enable own-source revenue generation.
Lack of Regulator
Lack of Private Investors Lack of Standard Concessionaire Agreement
Other Constrains
Inadequate availability of long term finance (10 year plus tenor)
both equity and debt
Availability of Information - While plain service contracts may
require limited information on an existing system and minimal
monitoring capacity; whereas, options such as BOOT and concession
require high political support, a good information base about the
existing system and a strong regulatory framework;
Concerns on low user charges recovery remain high;
Inadequate shelf of bankable infrastructure projects that can be bid
out to the private sector;
Inadequate advocacy to create greater acceptance of PPPs by the
public; and
Lack of clarity during project planning and execution by the ULBs.
What are the other sources of funding for
Institutional fund
Municipal bonds
Institutional Finance- Avenues &
Suitability of funding from various avenues of
Parameter Institutional Finance
Bi-Lateral &
State level
ture funds
Availability of funding for capital projects L H H H H
Getting interest rates lower than commercial borrowings M H H H H
Loan term commensurate with gestation period M H H H H
Ease of procedures in accessing finance M M L L M
Need for escrow account H H L H H
Need for credit rating H H M H H
Funding for project preparatory expense L M H L M
Availability of grant component for capacity building L L H L M
Requirement of Techno Economic Feasibility Report H H H H H
Close monitoring fund utilization & project implementation H H H M H
Source: Toolkit for Accessing Institutional Finance, Jan 2011 L=Low, M=Medium, H=High
Process for Institutional Finance
Municipal Bonds
Private Institutional
Principal & Bond Supply
Interest Subscription Side
ULB Bonds
Escrow Account
Municipal Bonds Municipal Bond Issues in India
Public funding with private service delivery and private management.
Public as well as private funding with private service delivery and private management.
Public as well as private funding with public/private service delivery and public/private/joint
Capacity Lack of capacity at the State and city levels to engage with Department of
Constraints Economic Affairs (DEA), shortlist transaction advisors and manage them.
Financial Need for rules and standardized procedures to regulate and guide PPP
Constraints projects and an enabling provision for PPP in the General Financial Rules.
Public Financing Institution/Bank Financing
The program was planned to operate on a mission mode by facilitating
large scale investments in the urban sector, policy change and
institutional reforms for strengthening Monitoring &
Municipal Finance agenda & JnNURM
Valuation of Assets
Migration to DEAS
Coverage (85%)
Only 55% of ULBs without octroi income made it to investment grade category.
Revenue expenditure was dominated by establishment expenditure (salary, pension, etc.) followed by
spending on operations and maintenance
For BB and B category rated municipalities, establishment and O&M expenditure together accounted
for more than 95% of the total revenue expenditure.
Income from own sources contributes approximately 59% on average across all ULBs.
ULBs in metro cities generate over 70% of their revenue income from own sources
ULBs with population lesser or closer to a million only generate slightly more than half of their
revenue income from own sources
Slide 28
JnNURM and Leveraging
Municipal Borrowings
Insurance Component
Slide 38
Thank you!