Financing of Infrastructure Development TERIGoa

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Financing of Urban

Financing Infrastructure
Urban Infrastructure
For Implementing Urban Resilience
Alok Shiromany
Expert In Urban Finance
Urbanization and Economic Growth
Status of Urban Services in India
Service Level Gaps
Ground Issues & Key Challenges
Urban Investment Requirement
Sources of funding for ULBs
Infrastructure Financing options
Municipal Bonds Process
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Multilateral Financing Institution (MFIs)
JnNURM- A Catalyst
Municipal Finance agenda & JnNURM
JnNURM Financial Reforms
Credit ratings of ULBs
Overall Financial Performance
JnNURM & Leveraging
Action Taken by Ministry
Way Forward
Rapid urbanisation - tremendous pressure on urban
infrastructure and its delivery system.

Fast economic growth and growing population have led

to huge demand-supply infrastructure deficit

Lack of adequate and quality infrastructure is proving to

be a binding constraint in sustaining, deepening and
expanding Indias economic growth and global
Urbanization & Economic Growth
31% of Indians Population lives in
urban areas.
Cities with population of 1
million are increasing - 35 in
2001 to 50 in 2011 and is expected
to increase further to 87 by 2031.
Cities and towns of India are
deficient in the quality of services.
Investment for urban infrastructure
over the 20 year period INR 39.2
Urban population likely to increase
lakh crore at 2009 10 prices from present 377 million to 600
(HPEC) million by 2030 & 900 million by
McKinsey Report (2010) has
estimated an investment 53 Million Plus cities
requirement of INR. 53.1 lakh crore.
Status of Urban Services in India
Drinking Water availability within the premises is 71.2%;
32.7% of the urban population has access to piped sewer
Average duration of water supply ranges from 1 - 6
21% of waste water is treated ;
Waste collection efficiency ranges between 70% and 90%
in major Metro cities;
Segregation of solid waste is around 30%;
Organized public transport system operational in more
than 65 class-I cities; and
BRTS and Metro projects are operational in various Mega
and Metropolitan cities.

Service Level Gaps
National India
Service Indicators
Benchmark Status
Water Supply
Per Capita supply of water 135 lpcd 69 lpcd
Extent of metering of water connections 100% 13%
Extent of non revenue water ( NRW) 20% 32%
Cost recovery in water supply services 100% 39%
Coverage of toilets 100% 70%
Collection efficiency of the sewage network 100% 10%
Household level coverage 100% 35%
Extent of scientific disposal of municipal solid 100% 10%
Storm Water Drainage
Coverage of storm water drainage network 100% 46%
Source: Service Levels in Urban Water and Sanitation Sector-Status Report(2010-2011) 6
Ministry of Urban Development
Ground Issues & Key Challenges
Depend on grants from Central/State Governments, which
Cities are not self are reducing
ULBs need to be provided 3Fs (Funds, Functions &
reliant Functionaries)
Devolution of funds is not predictable and timely

ULBs caught in a low Generating less revenues and spending even less on services
and infrastructure.
equilibrium cycle
Lack of Regulator & Std. Concession agreement
Cities lack financial viability and internal accruals are
Lack financial insufficient.
viability ULBs should be strengthened in financial management to
enable own-source revenue generation.

Inadequate Inadequate infrastructure in cities; Cities unable to meet

infrastructure in cities rising demand for services and unable to raise resources.

Weak credit ULBs revenue sources inadequately capture the economic

buoyancy in the local area - leading to overall weak credit
worthiness worthiness.
Absence of financial investment plans
Lack of stakeholder consultation
Planning Weak Asset Management
Absence of data availability and mapping

Lack of Regulator
Lack of Private Investors Lack of Standard Concessionaire Agreement
Other Constrains
Inadequate availability of long term finance (10 year plus tenor)
both equity and debt
Availability of Information - While plain service contracts may
require limited information on an existing system and minimal
monitoring capacity; whereas, options such as BOOT and concession
require high political support, a good information base about the
existing system and a strong regulatory framework;
Concerns on low user charges recovery remain high;
Inadequate shelf of bankable infrastructure projects that can be bid
out to the private sector;
Inadequate advocacy to create greater acceptance of PPPs by the
public; and
Lack of clarity during project planning and execution by the ULBs.
What are the other sources of funding for

State finance commission (SFC) fund

Central finance commission (CFC) fund

Pool finance development fund

State level urban infrastructure fund

Institutional fund

Municipal bonds

Public private partnership (PPP)

Institutional Finance- Avenues &
Suitability of funding from various avenues of
Parameter Institutional Finance

Bi-Lateral &

State level
ture funds



Availability of funding for capital projects L H H H H
Getting interest rates lower than commercial borrowings M H H H H
Loan term commensurate with gestation period M H H H H
Ease of procedures in accessing finance M M L L M
Need for escrow account H H L H H
Need for credit rating H H M H H
Funding for project preparatory expense L M H L M
Availability of grant component for capacity building L L H L M
Requirement of Techno Economic Feasibility Report H H H H H
Close monitoring fund utilization & project implementation H H H M H
Source: Toolkit for Accessing Institutional Finance, Jan 2011 L=Low, M=Medium, H=High
Process for Institutional Finance

Internal Decision of ULB Accessing Institutional Finance

Purpose of loan Credit rating
Amount of loan Approaching financing institution
Preferred model of execution- PPP, Preparing Techno Economic Feasibility
Govt.: Report:
content/uploads/2011/01/10.ToolkitPP.pdf content/uploads/2011/01/JNNURM_Toolkit_DPRs.pdf
Loan preparation expenses Appraisal of project
Tentative time for repayment Negotiation
Person authorized to represent the ULB, Signing agreement
negotiate & sign Funding
Time limit for closing deal Implementation of loan covenants-
Necessary approvals from State Govt. & escrow account, SPV etc.
other authorities
Infrastructure Financing

Sources of Infrastructure Financing:

Local government Grants from State

Bank and
capital budget and Central
Institutional loans
allocation Government

Leveraging municipal Pooled bonds issued by

Long-term municipal
assets and private urban infrastructure
funds/Bonds funds
Infrastructure Financing Options

Municipal Bonds

Public Private Partnership

Public Financing Institution/Bank

Multilateral Financial Institutions

Municipal Bonds

Private Institutional
Principal & Bond Supply
Interest Subscription Side
ULB Bonds


Principal & ULB Infrastructure

Interest Projects
ULB Revenue/Project Demand
Cash Flows Side

Escrow Account
Municipal Bonds Municipal Bond Issues in India

Type of No. of Bonds Amount (in

Municipal Bonds issued by the ULBs,
Bonds Rs. Crore)
are redeemable after a specific Taxable 11 437.84
period and have a definite rate of bonds
Tax-free 12 905.30
interest. bonds
Municipal bonds are appropriate Pooled 2 206.00
finance (one
instruments - raising resources, tax-free)
channeling funds from the capital Total 25 1,549.14
market into infrastructure
development. About 11 ULBs out of 65 continued
Long term in nature, unlike bank their reliance on institutional
and bank borrowings to finance
loans that are of shorter tenure.
urban infrastructure projects from
Provides opportunities for long commercial banks.
gestation infrastructure Agra , Allahabad, Lucknow , Varanasi,
Kanpur, Meerut are using JnNURM
development projects. revolving fund to fund the capex for
their projects.
Public Private Partnership (PPP)
Public Sector Private Partner
Facilitator Management and Technical Skills/Innovative
Enabler Technologies
Concessioning Operational Efficiency
Monitoring and Supervision Financing

Public funding with private service delivery and private management.
Public as well as private funding with private service delivery and private management.
Public as well as private funding with public/private service delivery and public/private/joint

The Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Project means a project based on contract or

concession agreement between a Government or statutory entity on the one side and a
private sector company on the other side, for delivering an infrastructure service on
payment of user charges.
Infrastructure Financing Options
Public Private Partnership
Nearly 48 projects have reportedly been supported through PPP with almost 19% of the
project-cost been leveraged through private sector participation under JnNURM ;
SWM, Water Supply and Transportation sectors have been found to be most amenable sectors
related to PPP.
No tariff regulatory mechanism for determining the principles of tariff
Regulatory fixation, regulate service delivery standards and implementation of reforms
Framework under PPP.
No framework for evaluating the revenue and return of the project.

Funding Need for long-term funding at concessional rates/or provide credit

Requirements enhancements for the urban PPP projects.

Capacity Lack of capacity at the State and city levels to engage with Department of
Constraints Economic Affairs (DEA), shortlist transaction advisors and manage them.

Financial Need for rules and standardized procedures to regulate and guide PPP
Constraints projects and an enabling provision for PPP in the General Financial Rules.
Public Financing Institution/Bank Financing

These Institutions provide short term, medium

term and long term credit.

Banks are permitted to finance SPVs,

registered under the Companies Act, set up for
financing infrastructure projects .
Multilateral Financing Institution (MFIs)
MFIs refers to World Bank and regional development bank such as ADB.

Institute Type of Financing Type of Borrower

World Bank Group
International Bank for Non-concessional loans and loan Primarily middle-income
Reconstruction and guarantees governments, also some
Development (IBRD) creditworthy low-income
International Development Concessional loans and grants Low-income governments
Association (IDA)
International Finance Non concessional loans, equity Private sectors firms in
Corporation (IFC) investments, and loan guarantees developing countries
Asian Development Bank Concessional and Non- Middle-income governments,
concessional loans, equity some creditworthy low income
investment, grants and loan governments, and
guarantees private sector firms in the
JnNURM A Catalyst

Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission Policy

(JnNURM) was launched by the Government of India on 3rd
December 2005
To encourage reforms and fast
track planned development of Focus is to create economically
identified cities as prioritized by productive, efficient, equitable Financial
States and responsive cities Framework

The program was planned to operate on a mission mode by facilitating
large scale investments in the urban sector, policy change and
institutional reforms for strengthening Monitoring &
Municipal Finance agenda & JnNURM

Essential to expand the investment envelope by mobilizing long-

term debt financing from the financial markets;
Improved credit-worthiness shall help create interface between
capital market/FIs and municipal finance;
Need to develop bankable projects and leverage from market;
Need for better expenditure management;
Urgent need for improving revenue mobilization/ innovative use
of assets; and
There is an urgent need for supplementing institutional capacity
by capacity building measures.

Several JnNURM reforms, such as accounting reforms, property tax

system, user charges on basic services and reengineering and
computerization (e-Governance) of key municipal functions are important
initiatives that will help enable the local bodies to access the capital
JnNURM Financial Reforms
Municipal Accounting Reform
Preparation of State Municipal Accounting Manual

Manual Approval & Adoption by the Local Body

Listing the Assets and Liabilities at ULB level

Valuation of Assets

Preparation of Opening Balance Sheet

Migration to DEAS

Appointment of Audit Officers/CA/Cadre

JnNURM Financial Reforms
Property Tax Reform

Notification/Amendment of Act on Collection of Property


Extending of property tax to all properties

Posting of tax details in the public domain & migration to

standardized self-assessment system of property taxation
on the basis of periodic revisions and review of rates

Setting up non-discretionary method for determination of

property tax (unit area method or capital value method)

Coverage (85%)

Collection Efficiency (90%)

JnNURM Financial Reforms
O&M Cost Recovery
100% O&M cost recovery is one of the ULB level reforms;
40 UIG cities are collecting more than 50% O&M cost recovery in
water supply;
23 UIG cities are collecting more than 50% O&M cost recovery in
758 water supply projects have been sanctioned under the Mission of
which 344 have been completed;
108 Solid waste management projects have been sanctioned of which
30 have been completed;
Some of the completed projects: Kanpur, Nashik, Madurai, Navi
Mumbai, Asansol, Durgapur, Surat, Pune ,etc;
Impact of service levels yet to be seen as projects are yet to be
More cities are introducing water meters;
Need for Credit Rating
Independent and credible evaluation of credit
Independent financial analysis of city finances;
Benchmarking/Comparative analysis with other municipal entities -
highlights strengths and weaknesses; and
External credit assessment encourages financial discipline
amongst rated cities.
Access to wider set of investors:
1. Increased accessibility to capital markets-helps
investors in pricing the debt offer;
2. Increased marketability of debt issues by municipal
3. Improved visibility-attracts international capital; and
4. Eases risk identification and diversification for
JnNURM Financial Reforms
Credit Rating of ULBs

MoUD commissioned 4 agencies to rate the JnNURM

cities (general obligation debt and not any specific
Initial credit rating exercise completed for 65
cities (8 UIG cities not rated);
Surveillance rating undertaken for 63 ULBs*
Initial Ratings were assigned during January 2008-
February 2011, and Surveillance Ratings were assigned
during January 2010-February 2012;
Ratings are generally live for 12-15 months from the date on which
rating is assigned;
35 ULBs have received investment grade rating (BBB- and
*Jamshedpur & Panaji
Overall Financial Performance
Less financially Slow progress and
Stability shown by financially burdened ULBs
burdened and positive

10 Cities 7 Cities 12 Cities

ULBs with octroi income have achieved investment grade rating

Only 55% of ULBs without octroi income made it to investment grade category.

Revenue expenditure was dominated by establishment expenditure (salary, pension, etc.) followed by
spending on operations and maintenance

For BB and B category rated municipalities, establishment and O&M expenditure together accounted
for more than 95% of the total revenue expenditure.

Income from own sources contributes approximately 59% on average across all ULBs.

ULBs in metro cities generate over 70% of their revenue income from own sources

ULBs with population lesser or closer to a million only generate slightly more than half of their
revenue income from own sources

Slide 28
JnNURM and Leveraging
Municipal Borrowings

About 11 ULBs out of 65 continued their reliance

on institutional and bank borrowings to finance
urban infrastructure projects from commercial banks

Agra , Allahabad, Lucknow , Varanasi , Kanpur, Meerut

are using JnNURM revolving fund to fund the capex for
their projects
Key Highlights Municipal Borrowings
World Bank Survey conducted for 19 cities for report on Developing a Ahmedabad
Regulatory Framework for Municipal Borrowing in India, reveals: Vadodara
Rajkot, Nanded, Bhopal, and Madurai have already Surat
exhausted their borrowing limits assessed on the basis of Rajkot
past financial performance; Nagpur
Since Nanded, Bhopal and Madurai have low investment Nashik
grade ratings they might struggle to service the existing Kalyan Dombivilli
debt in a timely manner; Thane
Cities such as Chennai, Coimbatore, Jabalpur, Kalyan- Navi-Mumbai
Dombivili, Nanded and Nagpur may be burdened to M.C. of Greater
meet their commitments on projects already approved under Mumbai
JNNURM through borrowings; and Bhopal
Data for ULBs such as MCGM, Navi Mumbai, Pune, Jabalpur
Nashik, Vadodara and Surat reveals that they have the Chennai
ability to fund the ULB share. Coimbatore
Overall Financial Performance (1/2)
Progressing ULB ULB is stable in ULB not
and not burdened terms of revenues, progressing well
with Outstanding expenditure and and burdened
Debt repaying the debt with debt
Cities Trend Cities Trend
Coimbatore Cochin
Amritsar Chandigarh
Bangalore Ajmer
Chennai Bhopal
Faridabad Gr. Mumbai
Mysore Guwahati
Shimla Indore
Srinagar Jabalpur
Delhi Jaipur
Navi Mumbai Asansol
Overall Financial Performance (2/2)
Progressing ULB ULB is stable in ULB not
and not burdened terms of revenues, progressing well
with Outstanding expenditure and and burdened
Debt repaying the debt with debt

Cities Trend Cities Trend

Pune Rajkot
Ahmedabad Surat
Vadodra Kolkata
Nagpur Lucknow
Nanded Vijaywada

Less financially burdened and positive progress : Coimbatore, Amritsar,

Chandigarh, Chennai, Greater Mumbai, Indore, Delhi, Ahmedabad, Surat and
Stability shown by: Ajmer, Guwahati, Jaipur, Srinagar, Navi Mumbai, Pune, Vadodara
and Kolkata.
Slow progress and financially burdened ULBs: Bangalore, Faridabad, Mysore,
Shimla, Cochin, Bhopal, Jabalpur, Asansol, Rajkot, Nagpur, Nanded and Lucknow
Volatility in assigned credit rating
22 cities had proposed market borrowing in their CDPs
submitted to JnNURM. However, availability of grants has
reduced incentive for borrowing
Credit worthy ULBs are usually cash rich; hence, reluctant to
Theoretically inv. grade entities may not find investors till they
attain good rating on specific issue; requires commercially viable
Way Forward:
Need to assess willingness to borrow by ULBs and lend to ULBs
Cash rich entities should be encouraged to develop good projects
& meet funding requirements from accessing institutional
Setting up of specialized state level urban financing
intermediaries such as TNUDF, KUIDFC- provides comfort to
lenders that municipal borrowing will not exceed prudent limits
Action Taken by Ministry

New insights in Municipal debt market and the

Pooled Finance Development Fund (PFDF) Scheme
Removal of 8% cap on tax free instruments;
Separate regulatory and disclosure requirements for ULBs
may be made by SEBI;
Allow credit enhancement of Municipalities by Multilateral
JnNURM and other Central schemes to be linked with
raising resources from the market;
Simplify Pooled Finance Development Fund (PFDF)
requirements to enable utility and implementation of the
Action Taken by Ministry

Model Concession Agreement for SWM;

A set of guidelines regarding solid waste management
project development with several case studies;
PPP in Solid Waste Management - Procurement
Guideline; and
Capacity Building programme through Regional Capacity
Building Hubs (RCBHs).
Way Forward (1/3)

Resources are available in the capital market and FIs.

Essential to expand the investment envelope by mobilizing long-term debt
financing from the financial markets. Need to increase the overall funding for
infrastructure by leveraging varied sources against one another.

Improved credit-worthiness shall help create interface between capital

market/FIs and municipal finance

Mainstream Climate Resilience , DPR to incorporate elements

Insurance Component

Need for Capital Investment Planning and better Financial

Management Need to develop bankable projects and leverage
from market.
Develop a commercially viable project with detailed engineering, costing,
procurement plan, etc.

Attempt reducing capital cost through appropriate credit enhancement

measures to facilitate leveraging
Way Forward (2/3)
Need for better expenditure management like
Appropriate costing of services and better targeting of subsidies,

Revenue rationalization and

Asset management helping mobilize resources - translating to better


Urgent need for improving revenue mobilization/innovative use of

Considerable scope for increasing revenue especially from property tax

Levy Development Charges

Non-tax sources such as use of land monetization may be used

Commercial utilization of land/property through PPP

Way Forward (3/3)

There is an urgent need for supplementing institutional

capacity by capacity building measures
Timely progress in the implementation of reforms under
JNNURM such as the
o Introduction of an accrual based accounting system,
o Self-assessment of property tax,
o 100% cost recovery of key urban services,
o Public private participation and
o Implementation of e-Governance

Will help improve credit worthiness of ULBs

To reveal the fresh progress made by ULBs in their financial and
overall performance in the past couple of years and in future
years, the Ministry is in process of commissioning the second
annual Surveillance Rating exercise for all JnNURM UIG cities

Slide 38
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