A Highly Scalable IEEE802.11p Subsystem Using Communication and Localization For Increased Vehicular Safety
A Highly Scalable IEEE802.11p Subsystem Using Communication and Localization For Increased Vehicular Safety
A Highly Scalable IEEE802.11p Subsystem Using Communication and Localization For Increased Vehicular Safety
2, June 2013
Manuel Schappacher
Steinbeis Innovation Center Embedded Design and Networking, D79423 Heitersheim, Germany
Email: [email protected]
AbstractThe IEEE802.11p standard describes a protocol Long and Medium range (CALM) architecture standard
for car-to-X and mainly for car-to-car-communication. It looking at vehicle-based communication networks,
has found its place in hardware and firmware particularly for applications such as toll collection,
implementations and is currently tested in various field tests. vehicle safety services, and commerce transactions via
In the research project Ko-TAG, which is part of the
research initiative Ko-FAS, cooperative sensor technology is
developed and its benefit for traffic safety applications is The European activities are also based on
evaluated. A secondary radar principle based on IEEE802.11p Wireless LAN. A frequency spectrum in
communication signals enables localization of objects with the 5.9 GHz range has been allocated on a harmonized
simultaneous data transmission. It mainly concentrates on basis in Europe [3] in line with similar allocations in
the detection of pedestrians and other vulnerable road users USA. Here the higher layers are defined by the Car2Car
(VRU), but also supports pre crash safety applications. Communication Consortium [4]. Car2X communication
The Ko-TAG proposal enriches the current IEEE802.11p technology enables a number of new use cases in order to
real-time characteristics needed for precise time-of-flight improve driving safety or traffic efficiency and provides
real-time localization. This contribution describes the
information or entertainment to the driver [2].
development of a subsystem, which extends the functionality
of IEEE802.11p and fits into the regulatory schemes. It IEEE802.11p has found its place in hardware and
discusses the approach for definition and verification of the firmware implementations, and is currently extensively
protocol design, while maintaining the close coexistence with tested in various large-scale field tests, i.e. in the German
existing IEEE802.11p subsystems. System simulations were simTD test field [5].
performed and hardware was implemented. The next step In parallel to the need for information exchange
will be field measurements to verify the simulation results. between cars, an important trend has evolved during the
last years. This trend is based on the fact that during the
Index TermsIEEE802.11p/WAVE, subsystem design, significant reduction of absolute numbers of accidents
VRU eSafety, localization, secondary surveillance radar,
and fatalities in traffic (at least in Europe), the relative
risk for vulnerable road users (VRUs), i.e. for pedestrians,
cyclists, powered two wheelers, etc., has significantly
I. INTRODUCTION increased [6].
In general, precise perception of the vehicles
The IEEE802.11p standard has developed as the most environment is an essential requirement for all preventive
popular basis for C2X-communication [1]. For the USA, vehicle safety systems. For example, todays advanced
the IEEE 1609 Family of Standards for Wireless Access driver assistance systems (ADAS) are based on on-board
in Vehicular Environment (WAVE) [2] defines an environment perception sensors. It is only shortly that
architecture and a complementary, standardized set of ADAS also offers predictive pedestrian protection
services and interfaces that collectively enable secure car- systems (PPPS) functionality. These predictive systems
to-car (C2C) and car-to-infrastructure (C2I) wireless use contact- or non-cooperative perception sensor
communications. IEEE802.11p will be used as the systems for the detection of a pedestrian in the vicinity.
platform for Dedicated Short Range Communications They are limited by uncertainties in target classification.
(DSRC), a U.S. Department of Transportation (DoT) Moreover, these systems offer no benefit in case of fully
project based on the ISO Communications, Air-interface, or partially hidden pedestrians like e.g. children hidden
by cars parked at the roadside. Cooperative pedestrian
Manuscript received May 1, 2013; revised June 1, 2013; accepted protection systems (CPPS) that follow the
July 1, 2013
Fig. 2). Furthermore there is a lightly modified version of IV. DISCUSSION OF UPCOMING STANDARDIZATION
the ST that can be connected to an OBU via a TCP/IP
link to provide omnidirectional safety amongst vehicles A. Objectives of Standardization Efforts
(link (3) in Fig. 2). The following aspects are the essential arguments for
the efforts towards standardization:
SafeTAG Multi-Vendor Interoperability: The anticipated
single RF- application cannot be thought without support of
antenna frontend
CCU INS multi-vendor interoperability. Parallel, non-
battery unit interoperable systems would impede market
penetration. If multi-protocol solutions would
become necessary, this would increase system cost,
On Board Unit size, and energy consumption at both car
localization IP
CAN vehicle manufacturers and other road users.
internal bus
array unit
Besides, it is clear, that the same rules for the sub-
fusion CAN real time inertial
unit sensors
systems as for the main C2C-systems exist.
image CAN
Openness: It also seems attractive to open the
analysis VGA
TFT display standard to the community, as for the market
board energy system penetration, two aspects are of essential
breaking unit
Beacon (DoA)
Beacon (ToF)
Timeslots Timeslots
LU A (ToF) (DoA/Data)
Mgmt (5915 5925 MHz) ToF (5775 5825 MHz) DoA (5855 5865 MHz) Mgmt (5915 5925 MHz)
Beacon (DoA)
Beacon (ToF)
Timeslots Timeslots
LU B (ToF) (DoA/Data)
Mgmt (5915 5925 MHz) ToF (5775 5825 MHz) DoA (5855 5865 MHz) Mgmt (5915 5925 MHz)
Beacon (DoA)
Beacon (ToF)
Timeslots Timeslots
LU C (ToF) (DoA/Data)
ToF (5775 5825 MHz) DoA (5855 5865 MHz) Mgmt (5915 5925 MHz)
Figure 4. Time-and frequency multiplexing in the proposed Multi-Channel Splitted Localization (MCSL) approach
No of TOF Slots 75
3 0 0 ,0
Avg . n o . o f t h e co n n e ct e d VRUs
2 5 0 ,0
2 0 0 ,0
1 5 0 ,0
1 0 0 ,0
5 0 ,0
0 ,0
10 25 45 65 95 115 140 170 190 220 245
No o f VRUs in a sce n a rio
Figure 5. Number of Connected VRUs in dependence of the Number of VRUs in the scenario and the number of control channels per super frame
considering 75 TOF slots per superframe
BY ETSI EN 203 571 [3]
ETSI as European regulatory body has opened ten
channels in the 70 MHz broad frequency range between Channel Carrier centre Maximum channel
5.855 and 5.925 GHz in ETSI EN 302 571 [3]. This number frequency [MHz] bandwidth [MHz]
allocation is listed in Table I. It should be highlighted that
the seven 10 MHz-channels are non-overlapping and can 1 5860 10 (5855-5865)
be used independently. Alternatively, the bandwidth can 2 5865 20 (5855-5875)
be split into two 20 MHz and one 30 MHz channel. 3 5870 10 (5865-5875)
IEEE802.11p uses these channels with an OFDM PHY.
4 5880 10 (5875-5885)