Color Revolution Template Briefing Note by Andrew Korybko

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Color Revolutions: A Briefing of the Core Theoretical Mechanics

I Model

Color Revolutions are formed through a complex interaction of many factors, however, they
can be subdivided into several primary infrastructural categories:

These factors interact with one another in a specific way in a five-tiered hierarchy:

1) Ideology

2) Finance Social

3) Training

4) Information

5) Media

The interplay of these factors creates a Movement (m) that combines with two other variables
to produce a Color Revolution:

The Event (e)

Physical Infrastructure (p)
o e.g. occupy movements and protests
The resultant formula for a Color Revolution (R) is as follows:


II Description of Variables

1. Ideology
The ideology motivating all Color Revolutions is Liberal Democracy, which seeks to free
targeted states from perceived anti-Liberal Democratic (non-Western) governments. Besides
waging direct war against its enemies (i.e. Serbia, Libya), the West has learned to pursue
other methods of defeating them, namely, Color Revolutions. The state must combat a part of
itself that is rising up against the status quo, leading to a social civil war.

2. Finance

Financial infrastructure lubricates ideological permeation, and it is usually received from

abroad. It transforms the ideas of the social Movement into tangible action and seeks to build
a domestic fundraising apparatus. Finance institutionalizes the Color Revolution.

3. Social

These are the people associated with institutions/organizations that are involved in the Color
Revolution, i.e. the Revolutions direct engine of engagement. Prior to The Event, they can
be divided into three levels:

1) Core (Vanguard)
2) Cohorts (Workers)
3) Civilians (Sympathizers)

Core individuals are the vanguard of the Color Revolution, and they control the
institutions/organizations. They are highly trained and maintain direct contact with the
external patron, and their rabid dedication marks them as ideological extremists. Cohorts
are positioned below the Core, and they conduct most of the Revolutions activities. They are
the face of the organization and are easily disposable and replaced by the organization if
need be (i.e. they are ordered into provocative publicized actions and subsequently arrested).
The Civilians are the regular citizens who the Cohorts come into contact with. They enter into
the Social Infrastructure only when they become sympathizers to the cause (e.g. participate in
protests). A single Cohort or Civilian is a pawn, but large amounts of them are a weapon.

In terms of influence, the pattern is thus:

Core > Cohorts > Civilians

As for numbers, the pattern is reversed.

The Event leads to all three of these levels coalescing into a singular unit, thereby giving
the Color Revolution the impression of being a unified grassroots initiative.

4. Training

Training enhances the capabilities of its counterparts:

Finance: Cohorts learn fundraising techniques

Social: Cohorts learn how to successfully conduct on-the-ground activities
Information: Cohorts learn how to create propaganda and social networks

Training can take place within the country or outside, and may be in-person or virtual.
5. Information

This deals with ideological dissemination, and it is extremely important in assisting with
recruitment (Cohorts and Civilians). It has two primary elements:

Social Media
Propaganda Materials
Social Media is exploited to spread the Ideology and create a Social Network, which in turn
recruits Cohorts and Civilian sympathizers. Civilians use Social Media to receive pro-
Movement developments, thereby creating an unofficial information medium. Propaganda
Materials make the Movement appear larger than it is. Graffiti, leaflets strewn about and
posted on buildings, and catchy slogans, logos, and colors can spread the Movement
throughout the public psyche on a non-stop basis and make non-sympathetic Civilians believe
that its success is inevitable. Propaganda simplifies the Movements message and creates
easy-to-digest images for foreign and domestic audiences.

Information Infrastructure is also responsible for the following:

Creating software/strategies to map/plan upcoming protests

Connecting the Institution/Organization with other likeminded ones within the
country or abroad
Choosing the most symbolic national symbols/songs/monuments/squares/parks to
associate with the Movement

6. Media

The Media can either be New (blogs, alternative news sites) or Traditional (TV, newspapers).
Both media types serve to recruit more Civilians, but bloggers and new journalists are
typically at the forefront of the New Media, and their reporting is instrumental in expanding
the influence of pro-Movement New Media. They will be able to capitalize off of any official
pro-government statements or actions in order to build the narrative that the establishment is
suppressing the political opposition, thereby ushering in a flood of anti-government
criticism from the West.

III Explanation of m Factor Interactions

Tier 1

Ideology  Finance: justification for the Revolution

Ideology  Social: motivation for individuals to join the Movement

Tier 2

Finance  Social: provides funding for more institutions/organizations

Social  Finance: more Cohorts become fundraisers
Finance  Training: pays for more training
Social  Training: more individuals to be trained, makes training a regular occurrence
Tier 3

Training  Finance: teaches Cohorts fundraising

Training  Social: improves personnel quality and outreach activities

Tier 4

Finance  Information: pays for better information resources

Social  Information: provides more Cohorts for information campaigns
Training  Information: improves the efficiency of information campaigns
Information  Social: aids recruitment

Tier 5

Finance  Media: pays for media coverage

Social  Media: institutions/organizations/Core/Cohorts/Civilians are subjects of reporting
Information  Media: media outlets use the institutions/organizations materials

IV The Event

A Color Revolution is initiated only after a controversial (or framed to be so) Event. It is the
coming out moment for the Movement, and Events are selectively exploited or
manufactured/provoked. It all depends on the situation and the decision of the Movement and
its sponsors.

Examples of Events are the following:

A rigged election
The jailing of an opposition leader
The signing of (or failure to sign) a controversial piece of legislation
A government crackdown against the opposition or the imposition of martial law
Declaring or being involved in an unpopular war
The above are but a few examples. What is pivotal is how they are perceived, framed, and
narrated to the public, and allegations, not proof, are most important.

The briefing note is prepared by Andrew Korybko (USA).

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