Guide Questions For Writing

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Name: _____________________________________________

Group #: ______________

The Most Valuable Lesson Ive Learned

Introduction: What is the biggest challenge you have ever faced?

Body: How did you overcome it?

Conclusion: What did you learn from your experience?

Name: _____________________________________________

Group #: ______________

Face-to-face vs. Online Communication

Introduction: Why is communication important?

Body: Which is better: face-to face or online communication? Why?

Conclusion: Why should people choose face-to-face/online communication?

Name: _____________________________________________

Group #: ______________

The Most Beautiful Place in My Country

Introduction: What makes your country interesting?

Body: What is the most beautiful place in your country? Describe your answer in detail.

Conclusion: Why should tourists visit _____________?

Name: _____________________________________________

Group #: ______________

What Makes a Great Working Environment

Introduction: What is your job? Describe it in detail.

Body: What is your ideal working environment? (Describe your preferred workload, office setup, co-
workers, bosses.)

Conclusion: Where do you want to work in the future? Explain your answer.

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