Wills Finale
Wills Finale
Wills Finale
Exists only in
G ENERAL P ROVISIONS testamentary succession;
ii. Voluntary those who succeed by virtue of
Succession the will of the testator, to the whole or aliquot
A mode of acquisition by virtue of which the part of the disposable free portion of the
property, rights and obligations to the extent of the hereditary estate. Exists only in testamentary
value of the inheritance, of a person are transmitted succession (JURADO, Succession, supra at
through his death to another or others either by his 185); and
will or by operation of law (CIVIL CODE, Art. 774). iii. Legal/Intestate those who succeed by
operation of law when legal or intestate
Basis: succession takes place. They are classified in
1.Theories which base the right of succession two groups:
on the right of private property 1) Those who inherit in their own right; and
If man has the right to own private property, he 2) Those who inherit by right of
has the power to dispose of such property freely, representation.
imposing such licit terms and conditions as he b. Devisees persons to whom gifts of real
may deem convenient. Consequently, he may property are given by virtue of a will (CIVIL
distribute them by means of a testament, since a CODE, Art. 782).
testament is nothing more than an instrument of c. Legatees persons to whom gifts of personal
alienation conditioned upon his death (JURADO, property are given by virtue of a will (CIVIL
Comments and Jurisprudence on Succession CODE, Art. 782).
(2009) p.2) [hereinafter JURADO, Succession].
Heirs v. Devisees or Legatees
This is the basis of testamentary succession. Devisees Or
2.Theories which base the right of succession Succeed to an Succeed to
on the right of family. indeterminate or aliquot Individual items of
If the family is recognized as the heart and soul of portion property
society, the idea of succession must, therefore, Universal title Particular title
revolve around it. Hence, the basis of succession Succeed by means of a
Succeed by means
rests upon family co-ownership (Id.). will or by operation of
of a will only
This is the basis of intestate succession.
III. Objective Element: Inheritance Said monetary obligations can only be charged
Inheritance includes: against the estate of the decedent and not
1.All properties existing at the time of the decedent's against his heirs (Pavia v. De La Rosa, G.R. No.
death (CIVIL CODE, Art. 776). L-3083, March 18, 1907).
Restricted Concept of Inheritance The obligations referred to under this rule are
Until a final liquidation is made and all debts left by those contracted by the decedent DURING his
the decedent are fully paid, the right of the heirs to lifetime and not those contracted by his heirs
inherit remains inchoate or is a mere hope or (JURADO, Succession, supra at 21-22).
expectancy. Liquidation is necessary to determine
whether the decedent has left assets which may be Note: The action to claim legitimacy may be
transmitted to his heirs (JURADO, Succession, brought by the child during his/her lifetime and
supra at 5). shall be transmitted to the heirs should the child
die or in a state of insanity (CIVIL CODE, Art.
Note: The mortal remains of the decedent form part 118).
of the inheritance as may be gleaned from R.A. 349,
as amended by R.A. 1056. Thus, a person may
Afteracquired Property
General Rule: Property acquired during the T ESTAMENTARY S UCCESSION
period between the execution of the will and the
death of the testator is not included among the Will
property disposed of. An act whereby a person is permitted, with the
Exception: When a contrary intention expressly formalities prescribed by law, to control to a certain
appears in the will (CIVIL CODE, Art. 793). degree the disposition of his estate, to take effect
after his death (CIVIL CODE, Art. 783).
Note: This rule applies only to legacies and
devises and not to institution of heirs (JURADO, Kinds:
Succession, supra at 36). 1.Notarial or Ordinary; and
2. Holographic.
Reason: It does not apply to the heirs because
the heirs inherit everything at the time of the
Characteristics (UPV-FIRM):
testators death. The time of death is the
1.Unilateral does not need the approval of any
determining point of the properties which the
other person.
heirs will inherit, not the making of the will.
2.Strictly Personal act cannot be left in whole or
in part to the discretion of a third person, or
accomplished through the instrumentality of an
agent or attorney (CIVIL CODE, Art. 784).
The following are not part of the estate:
However, the fact that the will was typewritten in
1.Instransmissible personal rights (i.e. action for
the office of a lawyer is of no consequence
legal separation and parental authority) (Conde v.
(Castaneda v. Alemany, G.R. No. 1439, March 19,
Abaya, G. R. No. 4275, March 23, 1909)
2.Right to hold public or private office or job (Hu Niu
v. Collector of Customs, G.R. No. L-12379, March
Acts which may not be left to the discretion of
14, 1917)
a third person:
a.Duration of the designation of heirs, devisees or
Kinds of Succession:
legatees (CIVIL CODE, Art. 785);
1.Testamentary or Testacy by will (CIVIL CODE,
b.Efficacy of the designation of heirs, devisees or
legatees (CIVIL CODE, Art. 785);
2.Legal or Intestacy by operation of law based on
c. Determination of the portions which they are to
the decedents presumed will (CIVIL CODE,
take, when referred to by name (CIVIL CODE,
Art.960); and
Art. 785); and
3.Mixed partly testamentary and partly legal
d.Determination of whether or not the
(CIVIL CODE, Art.780)
testamentary disposition is to be operative
(CIVIL CODE, Art. 787).
Succession v. Inheritance
Succession Inheritance Reason: Those acts are testamentary in
Refers to the character. While the act determining whether a
Refers to the legal universality of all the testamentary disposition is to be operative or not
mode by which property, rights and is not exactly testamentary in character, it is
inheritance is obligations of a nonetheless prohibited because it would
transmitted to the decedent which are not tantamount to allowing a third person substitute
persons entitled to it. extinguished by his
All rules of construction are designed to ascertain Exception: When a retroactive effect is expressly
and give effect to the intention of the testator. It is declared by the statute itself or is necessarily
only when the intention of the testator is contrary to implied from the language used therein (CIVIL
law, morals, or public policy that it cannot be given CODE, Art. 4).
2.After the death of the testator, the rules have no
Dispositions Susceptible of Different effect because the heirs already have a vested
Interpretations right (JURADO, Succession, supra at 38).
In case of doubt, that interpretation by which the
disposition is to be operative or will sustain and
The burden of proving sanity is cast upon the
proponents of the will when:
a.The testator, one month or less, before making
Who can make a Will his will, was publicly known to be insane;
All persons who are not expressly prohibited by law b.He was under guardianship at the time of
may make a will (CIVIL CODE, Art. 796). making his will; or
c. If the testator made the will after he had been
A convict under civil interdiction is allowed to make a judicially declared to be insane and before such
will because civil interdiction prohibits a disposition judicial order has been set aside (Torres and
of property inter vivos, not mortis causa (REVISED Lopez de Bueno v. Lopez, G.R. No. L-25966,
PENAL CODE, Art. 34). November 1, 1926).
Spendthrifts or prodigals, even if under 3.Must not be expressly prohibited by law (CIVIL
guardianship, can make a will provided they are at CODE, Art. 796) (PARAS, Civil Code, supra at
least 18 years old and are of sound mind (PARAS, 76).
Civil Code, supra at 73).
Testamentary Capacity v. Testamentary Power
The ability as well as the power to make a will must Testamentary Testamentary Power
be present at the time of the execution of the will Capacity
(CIVIL CODE, Art. 798). Refers to the privilege
Refers to the ability as granted to the testator
Supervening incapacity does not invalidate an well as the power to to designate the person
effective will, nor is the will of an incapable validated make a will. or persons who are to
by the supervening of capacity (CIVIL CODE, Art. succeed him in his
801). inheritance.
Substantial compliance with the statutory Note: Absence of this clause will render the will a
requirement is sufficient (JURADO, Succession, nullity (JURADO, Succession, supra at 74).
supra at 73).
The attestation clause need not be written in a
Purpose: To forestall any attempt to suppress or language or dialect known to the testator nor to
substitute any of the pages of the will. the attesting witnesses since it does not form part
of the testamentary disposition (JURADO,
5. Attestation Clause (AC) Succession, supra at 91).
Memorandum or record of facts wherein the
witnesses certify that the will has been executed The law refers to page and not to sheet or leaf or
before them, and that it has been executed in folio, so every page used in the will should be
accordance with the formalities prescribed by law signed on the left margin (Navarro Reviewer, p.
(JURADO, Succession, supra at 74). 25).
Note: It must be signed by the witnesses, not by
the testator (Id.). Effects of defects or imperfections in the
Attestation Clause:
Purpose: It is made for the purpose of
preserving in a permanent form a record of the General Rule: The will shall be invalidated if the
facts that attended the execution of a particular defect of the attestation clause is substantial in
will, so that in case of failure of the memory of the character. The defect is substantial when it:
attesting witnesses, or other casualty, such facts a. Goes into the very essence of the clause
may still be proved (Caeda v. CA, G.R. No. itself; or
103554, May 28, 1993). b. Consists in the omission of one, some, or all
of the essential facts which must be stated in
Contents: such clause, and such omission cannot be
a. The number of pages used (CIVIL CODE, cured by an examination of the will itself
Art. 805); (JURADO, Succession, supra at 76).
General Rule: The failure to state the number of
pages on which the will was written in the Exception: Doctrine of Liberal Interpretation
attestation clause is a fatal flaw (JURADO,
Succession, supra at 91). Requisites:
a.Defects and imperfections must be in the form of
Exception: There is substantial compliance with the attestation or in the language used therein;
the requirement if the will states elsewhere in it b.There must be no bad faith, forgery, fraud, or
how many pages it is comprised of, such as undue and improper pressure and influence, in
when the acknowledgement itself states the the execution of the attestation clause (CIVIL
same (Taboada v. Rosal, G.R. No. L-36033 CODE, Art. 809); and
November 5, 1982). c. It must be proved that the will was in fact
executed and attested in substantial compliance
It may thus be stated that the rule, as it now b. Holographic Will: an essential part (Id.).
stands, is that omissions which can be supplied by Reason: The testator may make more than one
an examination of the will itself, without the need will and it may happen that the testator was
of resorting to extrinsic evidence, will not be fatal incapacitated during the execution of the first will
and, correspondingly, would not obstruct the and capacitated during the execution of the
allowance to probate of the will being assailed. second will.
However, those omissions which cannot be
supplied except by evidence aliunde would result Note: Failure or error to state the place of
in the invalidation of the attestation clause and execution will not invalidate the will.
ultimately, of the will itself (Caeda v. CA, G.R.
No. 103554, May 28, 1993). 2.Additional requirements for special cases
Testamentary capacity must also exist at the time Note: The reading of the notary public cannot be
of acknowledgment (Id.). dispensed with notwithstanding that the will may
have been read three times already by the
Additional Pointers on Formalities of Notarial or witnesses to the blind testator.
Ordinary Will
Note: A witness need not know the contents of the Reason: No attestation clause.
will, and need not be shown to have had a good
standing in the community where he lives Purposes:
(JURADO, Succession, supra at 110). 1. Safeguard the authenticity of the will, and
2. Deter or prevent any possible insertion or
Interested Witness interpolation by others or any possible forgery
A person attesting the execution of a will to whom (Id).
or to whose spouse, parent, or child, a devise or
legacy is given (CIVIL CODE, Art.823). Formalities: (WDSL)
1.Entirely Written by the Hand of the Testator
a.He shall be admitted as a witness; but Effects of Insertions or Interpolations by Third
b.The devise or legacy, so far only as concerns Persons:
him, his spouse, parent or child, or any one a. Made after the execution of the will without
claiming under any of them, shall be void, the consent of the testator insertion is
unless there are three other competent considered as not written.
witnesses to such will (CIVIL CODE, Art.823).
Reason: The validity of the will cannot be
Credible Witness defeated by the malice or caprice of third
It means competent witness, that is, such person persons.
as are not legally disqualified from testifying in
courts of justice by reason of mental incapacity, b. Made after the execution of the will with the
interest, or the commission of crimes, or other consent of the testator will remains valid but
causes excluding them from testifying generally the insertion is void.
(JURADO, Succession, supra at 111).
Note: In the case of Kalaw v. Relova (G.R. No. L-
Creditor Witness 40207, September 28, 1984), the holographic will
A mere charge on the estate of the testator for the in dispute had only one substantial provision,
payment of debts due at the time of the testators which was altered by substituting the original heir
death does not prevent his creditors from being with another, but which alteration did not carry the
competent witnesses to his will (CIVIL CODE, Art. requisite of full authentication by the full signature
824). of the testator. The effect must be that the entire
will is voided or revoked for the simple reason that
Note: a person who is qualified to make a will is nothing remains in the will after that which could
not necessarily qualified to be a witness to the will remain valid.
of another (JURADO, Succession, supra at 113).
c. Made after the execution of the will, and the
Effect of subsequent incompetency insertion is validated by the testator by his
If the witnesses attesting the execution of a will signature thereon will is void.
are competent at the time of attesting, their
becoming subsequently incompetent shall not Reason: The insertion becomes part of the will,
prevent the allowance of the will. thus, the will becomes void for non-compliance
Rules in Case of Subsequent Dispositions: 1.Probate of Holographic Will (CIVIL CODE, Art.
a. Several dispositions were signed but not 811):
dated, and the last disposition has a signature
and date valid. General Rule: The original of the holographic will
The date on the last disposition validates the should be presented to the probate court for visual
dispositions preceding it, whatever be the time examination. The law, considering the special
of prior dispositions. This gives rise to the nature of holographic wills as well as the special
presumption that all the dispositions were made requirements for their probate, regards the
simultaneously (CIVIL CODE, Art. 813). document itself as material proof of authenticity
b. Several dispositions were not signed and (JURADO, Succession, supra at 98).
not dated, but the last disposition has a
signature and date valid. Exception: A photostatic or xerox copy of a lost or
Also gives rise to the presumption that all the destroyed holographic will may be admitted. The
dispositions were made simultaneously. authenticity of the handwriting of the deceased
c. Several dispositions were not signed but can be determined by the probate court, as
dated, and the last disposition has a signature comparison can be made with the standard
and date void. writings of the testator (Gan v. Yap, G.R. No. L-
The presence of the date renders the will void 12190, August 30, 1958; Rodelas v. Aranza, G.R.
on separate dates and not in its entirety. Only No. L-58509, December 7, 1982).
the last disposition is valid.
d. Signed but not dated void, but does not 2.Witnesses
affect the validity of the other dispositions or the a. If uncontested, it shall be necessary that at
will itself. least one (1) witness who knows the handwriting
2.Entirely Dated by the Hand of the Testator; and signature of the testator explicitly declare
that the will and signature are in the handwriting
Date of the testator (CIVIL CODE, Art. 811).
The date in a holographic will should include the b. If contested, at least three (3) of such
day, month, and year of its execution (Roxas v. De witnesses shall be required (CIVIL CODE, Art.
Jesus, Jr., G.R. 38338, January 28, 1985). 811).
c. In the absence of any competent witness,
Note: When there is no appearance of fraud, bad and if the court deems it necessary, expert
faith, undue influence and pressure, and the testimony may be resorted to (CIVIL CODE, Art.
authenticity of the will is established, and the only 811).
issue is whether or not the date FEB. 1961
appearing on the will is a valid compliance with Note: In one case, the Supreme Court held that
Art. 810, probate of the holographic will should be the provisions of Art. 811 are mandatory. Thus, the
allowed under the principle of substantial production of three witnesses, in case the will is
compliance (In the matter of Intestate Estate of contested, cannot be dispensed with (Codoy v.
Andres de Jesus and Bibiana Roxas de Jesus, Calugay, G.R. No. 123486, August 12, 1999).
G.R. No. L-38338, January 28, 1985).
In the meanwhile, in the case of Rivera v. IAC, the
3.Entirely Signed by the Hand of the Testator; Supreme Court ruled that the opposition was filed
and by a mere stranger who had no personality to
contest the wills. Thus, his opposition thereto did
Signature not have the legal effect of requiring the three
General Rule: Art. 810 does not require that the witnesses (G.R. Nos. 75005-06, February 15,
testator must sign the will with his full signature. 1990).
To be effective, it should follow the formalities of a When in a will, reference is made to an inventory of
notarial or holographic will (CIVIL CODE, Art. 826). the properties of the testator, which has thus been
made part of the will, if the will has an attestation
In case of conflict, the codicil prevails it being the clause that meets the requirements of the law, no
later expression of the testator's will. attestation clause is necessary for the said inventory
anymore (Unson v. Abella, G.R. No. 17857, June
Note: A notarial and a holographic will may be 12, 1922).
revoked by either a notarial or holographic codicil
(PARAS, Civil Code, supra at 133).
Incorporation by Reference
Where a will, executed as required by the Civil
Code, incorporates into itself by reference any
document or paper (CIVIL CODE, Art. 827). Revocation
It is an act of the mind, terminating the potential
Contemplates only non-testamentary dispositions capacity of the will to operate at the death of the
such as lists of properties, books of accounts, testator, manifested by some outward or visible act
voluminous documents or inventories. or sign, symbolic thereof (JURADO, Civil Code,
supra at 116).
Provisions which are in the nature of testamentary
dispositions must be contained in the will itself. A will may be revoked by the testator at any time
before his death. Any waiver or restriction of this
Parole evidence may be admitted to prove the right is void (CIVIL CODE, Art. 828).
identity of the document as incorporated.
Upon revocation, the will or testamentary disposition
From the fact that Art. 827(4) speaks of witnesses, intended to be revoked ceases to exist, and is
it is reasonable to believe that as a rule, only notarial inoperative as if it has never been written.
wills can have this incorporation by reference.
However, it is submitted that: Laws which Govern Revocation
1.If a holographic will happen to have at least three 1.If the revocation takes place in the Philippines,
credible and qualified witnesses, there can be a whether the testator is domiciled in the Philippines
proper incorporation by reference. or in some other country, it is valid when it is in
2. Moreover, if a holographic will (with NO accordance with the laws of the Philippines.
witnesses) refers to a document entirely written, 2.If the revocation takes place outside the
dated, and signed in the handwriting of the Philippines, by a testator who is domiciled in the
testator, there can also be a proper incorporation Philippines, it is valid when it is in accordance with
by reference (PARAS, Civil Code, supra at 134). the laws of the Philippines.
3.If the revocation takes place outside the
Requisites for a Valid Incorporation by Philippines, by a testator who does not have his
Reference: (EDIS) domicile in this country, it is valid when it is in
1.The document or paper referred to in the will must accordance with:
be in Existence at the time of the execution of the a.Laws of the place where the will was made, or
will; b.Laws of the place where the testator had his
2.The will must clearly Describe and identify the domicile at the time of revocation (CIVIL CODE,
same, stating among other things the number of Art. 829).
pages thereof;
3.It must be Identified by clear and satisfactory proof Modes of Revocation:
as the document or paper referred to therein; and 1.By Implication of Law (CIVIL CODE, Art. 830)
4.It must be Signed by the testator and the (PUJ-BALA)
witnesses on each and every page, except in case The kind of revocation produced by operation of
of voluminous books of account or inventories law when certain acts or events take place after a
(CIVIL CODE, Art. 827). will has been made, rendering void or useless
either the whole will or certain testamentary
Note: The exception refers only to the signing of all dispositions therein.
pages; while not every page has to be signed, there
In all of the three ways of express revocation, e.Intent to revoke (animus revocandi)
the revocatory clause must CLEARLY and The intention to revoke must appear clearly and
UNMISTAKABLY manifest the intention of the unequivocally. An act of destruction which is
testator to revoke the previous will. done accidentally, by mistake, or as a result of
fraud, undue influence, does not operate as a
To revoke a previous will, it is necessary that revocation (JURADO, Succession, supra at
the subsequent instrument be valid and 123).
executed with the formalities required for the
making of wills. Burning
Non-resident (citizen or alien): RTC in which his Note: Formal notice is an idle ceremony where the
estate is located. adverse party had actual knowledge.
Residence actual or physical place of abode of Fraud as a ground for relief must be based on
the deceased as distinguished from his legal extrinsic fraud.
To make a case of undue influence, the free agency Requisites for a Valid Institution:
of the testator must be shown to have been 1.The will must be extrinsically valid
destroyed; but to establish a ground of contest This means that:
based on fraud, free agency of the testator need not a.The testator must be capacitated;
be shown to have been destroyed. b.the formalities must be observed;
c. There must be no vitiated consent;
Allegations of fraud and undue influence cannot co d.The will must have been duly probated; and
exist because they are mutually opposed and e.The will must have been the personal act of the
exclude each other that their joining as grounds for testator.
opposing probate shows absence of definite 2.The institution must be intrinsically valid
evidence against the validity of the will (Icasiano v. This means that:
Icasiano, G.R. No. L-18979, June 30, 1964). a.The legitime must not be impaired;
b.The heir must be certain or ascertainable; and
c. There should be no preterition.
Revocation v. Disallowance
3.The institution must be effective
Revocation Disallowance This means that
Voluntary act of the a.There must be no predeceased heir;
Given by judicial decree b.There must be no repudiation by the heir; and
c. There must be no incapacity of the heir
Must always be for a
With or without cause (PARAS, Civil Code, supra at 196-197).
legal cause
Always total except: Lack of institution does not invalidate a will
when the ground of A will is valid, even though:
fraud or influence for 1.It does not contain an institution of an heir,
May be partial or total
example affects only 2.The institution does not comprise the entire estate,
certain portions of the or
will 3.The heir instituted does not accept the inheritance
or is incapacitated to succeed (CIVIL CODE, Art.
Ratification 841).
With respect to a will which is void because of non-
compliance with the formalities prescribed by law (1- The testamentary dispositions made in accordance
2), ratification is not possible. with the law shall be complied with and the
remainder of the estate shall pass to the legal heirs
Reason: Will is void. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 841). In other words, there is
mixed succession.
With respect to a will which was executed through
violence, intimidation, undue influence, fraud or Freedom of Disposition (CIVIL CODE, Art. 842):
mistake (3-6), ratification is possible (JURADO, 1.If the testator has no compulsory heirs, his
Succession, supra at 158). freedom of disposition is absolute in character.
The whole estate is disposable.
Restrictions on Disposition: Note: This applies only when all of the heirs are of
1.The estate of the testator shall be liable for the the same class or juridical condition. The proper
latters obligations; and interpretation is that: if the testator has no
2.The testator cannot dispose of or encumber the compulsory heirs, apply the provision literally;
legitime of the compulsory heirs. however, if he has compulsory heirs, first satisfy
their legitime, then apply the rule with respect to
Forms of Institution: the disposable free portion (JURADO,
The testator shall designate the heir by his name Succession, supra at 165-166).
and surname. However, this form is not mandatory.
The designation may be made in any other form, as 2.Presumption of Individuality When the
long as there will be no doubt as to the identity of testator institutes some heirs individually and
the heir/s instituted (CIVIL CODE, Art. 843). others collectively, those collectively designated
shall be considered as individually instituted,
Dispositions in favor of an unknown person unless it clearly appears that the intention of the
(persona incierta) shall be void, unless by some testator was otherwise (CIVIL CODE, Art. 847).
event or circumstances his identity becomes certain
(CIVIL CODE, Art. 845). 3.Presumption of Simultaneity when the testator
calls to the succession a person and his children,
Note: The institution of an unknown person will still they are all deemed to have been instituted
be void even if by some future event he can be simultaneously and not successively (CIVIL
determined when the determination of the heir is CODE, Art. 849).
delegated by the testator to another. It is void under
Art. 785 of the Civil Code. His children refers not to the children of the
testator but to the children of the person instituted
A disposition in favor of a definite class or group of as an heir (PARAS, Civil Code, supra at 210).
persons shall be valid (CIVIL CODE, Art. 845).
Summary of Rules
Test to determine the validity of institution 1.If the shares of some heirs are designated, while
The proper test in order to determine the validity of those of others are not, those parts designated
an institution of heir is the possibility of finally shall be given to their owners, and the balance
ascertaining the identity of the instituted heir either shall be divided equally among those whose
by intrinsic or extrinsic evidence. shares are not designated.
2.If the shares of those whose portions are
The test is specifically applicable to the following designated should consume the entire estate,
cases: those whose shares are not designated will inherit
1.If the name and surname of the instituted heir has nothing.
been omitted by the testator (CIVIL CODE, Art. 3.When there is no designation of shares but the
843); testator has provided that specific things be given
2.If there has been an error with respect to the to each heir, and such things form only a portion of
name, surname, or circumstances of the instituted the estate, the institution must be considered as
heirs (CIVIL CODE, Art. 844); without designation of shares and the heirs will
3.If the name, surname, and circumstances of the divide the estate equally, but the value of the
instituted heir are the same as those of other specific things assigned to each must be included
persons (CIVIL CODE, Art. 844); and in the amount that should pertain to each (Navarro
4.If an unknown or uncertain person has been Reviewer, p. 62-63).
instituted. (CIVIL CODE, Art. 845.)
Institution of brothers and sisters
Note: If the doubt as to who is instituted cannot be In case some of full blood and others of half-blood:
resolved, then it is the same as if the testator has 1.Testate Succession
not expressed his will (TOLENTINO, Civil Code, The inheritance shall be distributed equally, unless
supra at 173). a different intention appears (CIVIL CODE, Art.
II. Legitime of Surviving Spouse However, the successional rights granted in favor of
Entitled to a legitime the amount of which is variable illegitimate children can be claimed only by those
depending upon whether he or she survives alone or whose parents died after the effectivity of the NCC.
concurrently with other compulsory heirs (JURADO,
Succession, supra at 285). It is the death of the parent and not the birth of the
illegitimate child which determines the right of such
The condition of being a surviving spouse requires child to succeed (Bulos v. Tecson, G.R. No. L-
that there should have been a valid marriage 18285, October 31, 1962).
between the deceased and the survivor.
When an illegitimate child dies before the testator,
Annulment of voidable marriage (valid until his rights to the legitime are transmitted to his own
declared void by a competent court) heirs. Representatives may either be legitimate of
In case of death of a party during the annulment illegitimate descendants (CIVIL CODE, Art. 902).
proceedings, the survivor is entitled to a legitime, the
marriage can no longer be annulled after the death Reason: Illegitimate children are considered
of one of the parties. It cannot be collaterally innocent, and therefore despite the moral lapse of
attacked. their parents, they are still given a legitime, but
precisely because they are born outside marriage,
If death occurred after marriage is annulled, the their legitime are LESS than those given to
survivor is no longer the spouse entitled to a legitimate children (6 Manresa 570).
IV. Legitime of Illegitimate Parents
Legal Separation Compulsory heirs only in cases and to the extent
The widow or widower will be entitled to succeed provided for by Art. 903.
only when he or she is the innocent spouse.
They are excluded by the legitimate, or illegitimate
In case of reconciliation under Art. 66 of the Family children of their deceased natural or illegitimate
Code when one of the spouses should die, the child.
survivor gets his or her legitime, regardless of
whether he or she is the guilty party. Reserva Troncal (Or Reserva Extraordinaria/
Lineal) (CIVIL CODE, Art. 891)
If death occurred during the pendency of the legal The reservation by virtue of which an ascendant
separation proceedings, the effect shall depend on who inherits from his descendant any property which
which spouse died. the latter may have acquired by gratuitous title from
1.If it was the plaintiff who died, the proceeding shall another ascendant or a brother or sister, is obliged
continue to determine whether or not there is to reserve such property as he may have acquired
ground for legal separation which shall justify the by operation of law for the benefit of relatives who
exclusion of the surviving spouse from inheritance. are within the 3rd degree and who belong to the line
2.If it was the defendant spouse who died, the from which such property came.
action should be terminated.
As long as he lives, there is no reservation. The The degree of relationship must be counted from
property acquired by him gratuitously from the the descendant-propositus, because it is only
originator belongs to him in absolute dominion. e upon his death that the property becomes
may therefore dispose of it inter vivos or mortis reservable.
causa (TOLENTINO, Civil Code, supra at 286).
The Only Persons who can qualify as
A will may prevent the constitution of a reserva. Reservatarios are the following:
In case of testate succession, only the legitime Degree of
Relatives included
passes by operation of law. The propositus may, Relationship
by will, opt to give the legitime of his ascendant 1st degree
without giving to the latter properties he had Father or mother
acquired by gratuitous title from another 1. Grandparents; and
ascendant, or brother or sister. In such case, a nd 2. Brothers or sisters (of the full
reserva troncal is avoided (TOLENTINO, Civil 2 degree
relatives or half-blood) belonging to
Code, supra at 288). the line from which the
reservable property came.
3.Reservista the other ascendant who is obliged 1. Great grandparents;
to reserve the property for the benefit of the 2. Uncles or aunts (brothers or
relatives of the propositus who are within the third sistes of the full or half blood
degree and who belong to the line from which the of the prospositus father or
said property came. mother); and
3rd degree 3. Nephews or nieces (children
Two views on the reservista relatives of propositus brothers or
First View: Justice Vitug is of the view that the sisters of the full or half
reservista must not belong to the line from which blood)
the property came. Belonging to the line from
which the reservable
Second View: Dr. Tolentino, Civil Code of the property came.
Philippines, Civil Code of the Philippines, is of the
view that even if the reservista and the originator Note: The origin may be a reservatario.
belong to the same line, there is still an obligation
to reserve. b.They must belong to the line from which the
reservable property came.
He must have acquired the property by operation
of law.
If the reservatarios die before the propositus, the Always followed in Intestate Succession
property is release and will be adjudicated in
accordance with the regular order of succession. 2.Reserva Minima (Proportional Reserva)
All of the property which the descendant had
During the whole period between the constitution previously acquired by gratuitous title from another
of the reserva and the extinction thereof, the ascendant or from a brother or sister must be
reservatarios have only an expectation to the considered as passing to the ascendant-reservista
property, an expectation which cannot be partly by operation of law and partly by force of the
c. When the child/descendant has been convicted Note: Criminal conviction is not a condition sine
of Adultery or concubinage with the spouse of qua non (JURADO, Succession, supra at 342).
the testator; and
Note: Final judgment of conviction is an b.When the spouse has given grounds for the loss
essential requisite. of parental authority (CIVIL CODE, Art. 921).
c. Loss of parental authority for causes specified in A subsequent reconciliation between the offender
the Code; and and the offended person deprives the latter of the
right to disinherit and renders ineffectual any
Note: There must be an actual loss effected by disinheritance that may have been made (CIVIL
final judgment (JURADO, Succession, supra at CODE, Art. 922).
Mere civility which may characterize their
Two Views on the Effect of Restoration of relationship is not enough.
Parental Authority
1st View: No effect on the disinheritance if it In order to be effective, the testator must pardon the
has been made, because the ground or basis for disinherited heir. Such pardon must specifically refer
the disinheritance is not the loss of parental to the heir and to the acts causing the
authority but the offense committed by the disinheritance. The heir must accept the pardon.
offender (JURADO, Succession, supra at 339).
No particular form is required. It may be made
2nd View: The testator would be deprived of his expressly or tacitly (PARAS, Civil Code, supra at
right to disinherit his parent or ascendant or it 400).
would render the disinheritance ineffectual if it
has already been made, because the legal basis Effect of Subsequent Reconciliation if ground
for disinheritance would no longer exist for Disinheritance is Unworthiness to Succeed
(PARAS, Civil Code, supra at 397).
There is, in effect, a novation of the credit by Generic Legacies and Generic Devises
subrogating the legatee in the rights of the original
creditor JURADO, Succession, supra at 354). Generic Legacy legacy consisting of personal
property designated merely by its class or genus
Legacy of Credit and Remission of Debt without any particular or physical segregation from
all others of the same class (CIVIL CODE, Art. 941).
Legacy of Credit takes place when the testator
bequeaths to the legatee a credit which he has A legacy of generic personal property is valid even if
against a third person (Arts.935-937) (PARAS, Civil there be no such things of the same kind in the
Code, supra at 420). estate.
Legacy of Remission of Debt waiver of a debt A choice has to be made. Once choice is made, the
existing at the time the will was made and in the legacy becomes determinate.
amount outstanding at the time of the death of the
testator (Arts.935-937) (PARAS, Civil Code, supra at Generic Devise refers to a devise consisting of
420-421). real property designated merely by its class or
genus without any particular designation or physical
Kinds of legacy of Remission of Debt segregation from all others of the same class (CIVIL
1.Generic comprises all debts existing at the time CODE, Art. 941).
of the execution of the will but not subsequent
ones. A devise of indeterminate real property is valid only
2.Specific comprises only the debt which is if there be immovable property of its kind in the
specifically mentioned in the will. estate.
3.Legacy to the debtor of the thing pledged by him
(JURADO, Succession, supra at 354). When right to Devise or Legacy is Transmitted
1.If specific from the testators death
Revocation of Legacy 2.If generic from the time a selection has been
It takes place when the testator, after having made made, so as to make the property specific
the legacy of credit or remission of debt, brings a 3.If alternative from the time the choice has been
judicial action against the debtor (CIVIL CODE, Art. made
935). 4.If acquired from a stranger by virtue of an order by
the testator from the moment of such acquisition
Legacy to Creditors
Legacy/devise made to creditor shall not be applied Classification of Legacies
to his credit, unless the testator provides otherwise 1. As to effect
(CIVIL CODE, Arts. 938-939). Status of Property
Effect on the Legacy/
Given by
Alternative Legacies/Devises Devise
Those where the testator bequeaths or devises two Belonging to the Effective
or more things but which can be complied with by testator at the time of
General Rule: Representation takes place only in 7.It takes place when there is vacancy in the
favor of legitimate descendants. inheritance brought about by predecease, or
incapacity, or disinheritance.
Exception: Illegitimate child can represent only 8.As a general rule, it is exercised only by the
when the parent represented is himself an grandchildren of the decedent (JURADO,
illegitimate child of the decedent (the representative, Succession, supra at 389-391).
the person represented, and the decedent are all
related to each other by illegitimate filiation). Testamentary Intestate
When it takes place
The property is inherited directly by the Compulsory Heir: Legal Heir:
representative from the person from whom the one 1.Dies before the 1. Dies before the
represented would have received, thus, it is not testator testator
liable for the payment of the debts of the person 2.Is unworthy to 2. Is unworthy to
represented. succeed succeed
However, in intestate succession, the representative Note: In testamentary succession, the right of
acquires all of the rights which the person representation refers to the legitime, while in
Note: Grandchildren may inherit from grandparent These are imputable to the free portion.
in their own right (i.e. heirs next in degree) and not
by right of representation if their parent repudiates
the inheritance of the grandparent, as no living R ULES FOR E QUALIZATION
person can be represented except in cases of
disinheritance and incapacity. (In such case
grandchildren are not obliged to bring to collation
what their parent has received gratuitously from General Rule: Co-heirs shall receive an equivalent,
their grandparent). as much as possible, in property of the same nature,
class and quality (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1073).
Persons Not Obliged to Collate: Surviving Spouse
Reason: Donations during marriage between Exception: If it would be impracticable to give the
spouses are prohibited; they are completely void, co-heirs an equivalent in property and:
and so the property donated must be considered 1.The property donated was immovable
physically, and not only numerically, as part of the
estate of the donor spouse. Give the co-heirs its equivalent in cash or
securities at the rate of quotation; and if
What to Collate: impossible and impracticable, sell at public auction
1.Any property or right received by gratuitous title as much of the other property as may be
during the testators lifetime. necessary.
2.All that they may have received from the decedent
during his lifetime. 2.The property donated was movable (CIVIL CODE,
3.All that their parents would have brought to Art. 1074)
collation if alive.
4.Any sums paid by a parent in satisfaction of the Co-heirs shall only have a right to select an
debts of his children, election expenses, fines, and equivalent of other personal property of the
similar expenses (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1069). inheritance at its just price.
The partition with respect to the mistaken heir is The action for rescission on account of lesion
void. prescribes after 4 years from judicial approval of the
partition (CIVIL CODE, Art. 1100; Samson v.
A void will may be a valid partition: Araneta, G.R. No. 39697, April 5, 1934).
1.If the will is in fact a partition; and
2.If the beneficiaries in the void will are legal heirs. Options for the Sued Heir:
1.Indemnify the plaintiff; or
Grounds for Rescission and Annulment of 2.Consent to a new partition.
Same as in contracts
1.Rescission Arts. 1381 to 1382.
2.Annulment Art. 1390.
a. Party incapable of giving consent
a. Vitiated consent
i. Mistake;
ii. Violence;
iii. Intimidation;
iv. Undue influence; and
v. Fraud