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STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 1

March 5, 2009
Chapter 9: Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)
Recall that the two-sample t-test is used to compare the means of two populations or two experimental
groups. In many experiments there are more than two conditions or treatments to compare in which
case the two sample t-test will not suffice. This chapter introduces analysis of variance (ANOVA) which
provides a classical test of equality of more than two means.

1 Terminology
We begin by introducing the terminology used in ANOVA models. An example will be used to illustrate.

Example. An experiment is carried out to see how the amount of phosphorus and genotype affect plant
growth. The biomass of the plant is the measured response. Three genotypes and two phosphorus levels
(high and low) were used in the experiment. There were 10 plants grown at each experimental combination.

This example is known as a 3 2 factorial experiment.

Response Variable: The response or dependent variable is the biomass of the plant.
Factors: Factors are the independent variables. Factors influence the response variable. In this
experiment there are two factors: genotype and phosphorus amount.
Levels: The levels are the different values of the individual factors. The genotype factor has three
levels and the phosphorus factor has two levels (high and low). One can also consider factors with a
continuum of levels. For instance, suppose we ran the experiment over a continuum of phosphorus
values (instead of just high and low). If phosphorus were the only independent variable, then we
would just do a regression analysis: biomass = 0 + 1 (phos) +. However, incorporating genotype
(with three levels) along with a continuous variable requires an Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA)
which is beyond the scope of these notes.
Treatment: A combination of the levels of the factors. In this experiment there are 6 possible
genotype 1 & low phosphorus,
genotype 2 & low phosphorus,
genotype 3 & low phosphorus,
genotype 1 & high phosphorus,
genotype 2 & high phosphorus,
genotype 3 & high phosphorus.
Replicates: Number of experimental units (i.e. plants in this example) per treatment. In this
example there are 10 replicates because there are 10 plants grown at each treatment combination.
Balanced Design: Occurs when there are an equal number of replicates per treatment.
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 2

Guillemot Raw Data Boxplots


beach island ref

Figure 1: Boxplots of PCB concentrations in Gullemot birds at three different sites. The boxplots indicate
highly skewed PCB concentration distributions at the three sites.

2 Single Factor ANOVA

An experiment with a single factor is called a single factor ANOVA or a one-way ANOVA. In the setting
of the two-sample t-test, hypothesis testing was introduced to compare the means of two populations. In
a one-way ANOVA, the classical statistical inference is to test if the means across the different levels of
the factor are equal or not. Because we are typically dealing with factors with three or more levels, the
two-sample t-test will not suffice. The following example will illustrate the ideas:

Example. A study was done on the liver PCB concentration in Black Guillemot birds in Canada at
three different sites: A reference site, a nearby island, and the beach. Figure 1 shows a boxplot of the
PCB concentrations for the birds at the three sites. The shape of the boxplots indicate strongly skewed
distributions to the right which is quite common for data on concentrations of toxins. Because the data is
strongly skewed, the log-transformed data was performed and the resulting boxplots are shown in Figure 2.
The boxplots in Figure 2 no longer show any strong skewness. The goal of the study will be to compare
the mean log-PCB lipid concentration in the birds at the three sites. The statistical inference begins with
testing to see if there is any difference on average between the log(PCB) concentrations at the three sites.
The boxplot in Figure 2 makes it quite clear that the average log(PCB) values differ between the three
sites. We shall show how to formally test this.
Note that this data is observational, not experimental. That is, the data was collected by observing the
birds at the three sites. In an experiment, the experimenter would assign units at randomly to the different
treatments (i.e. levels of the factor in this case). Because the birds are observed at each site and not placed
there, this is observational, not experimental.
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beach island ref

Figure 2: Boxplots of log(PCB) concentrations in Gullemot birds at three different sites. The logarithm
of the PCB concentration is not as skewed as the raw data.

2.1 Fixed or Random Effects?

In the Black Guillemot example above, the three sites are fixed and interest lies in comparing the log(PCB)
values between the three sites. Because the levels of the site factor are fixed, the model to be considered
will be a fixed effects model. In other examples, the levels of the factor may be regarded as random in
which case we would have a random effects model. To illustrate, suppose there were 100s of islands and
we wanted to test if the mean log(PCB) concentrations differ in birds among the different islands. It may
be infeasible to sample birds at every island. Instead we could obtain a random sample of islands. Because
the sites selected are random, this would be an example of a random effects model. The birds are clustered
within the sites. Thus, data of this sort are often referred to as clustered data. For a one-way ANOVA,
the same statistical formulas for a fixed effect and a random effects model can be the same, although the
interpretation is different.
In the fixed effects example with the three fixed sites, the classic ANOVA statistical analysis is used to
test the null hypothesis that the mean log(PCB) levels are the same for birds at the three specific sites.
In the random effects setting, if three islands are selected at random from a large number of islands for
sampling, the null hypothesis is that there is no variability in the mean log(PCB) at all the islands, not
just the sampled islands. In other words, the average log(PCB)s at all the islands are equal. Thus, in
a random effects model, the statistical analysis allows us to make inference regarding all the islands, not
just the islands selected for the sample.
In more complicated models (e.g. two-factor ANOVA), the statistical analysis can differ depending on
whether or not the levels are fixed or random.
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In many applications, an experiment may have both fixed and random effects. These models are known
as mixed effects models. One of the more common examples of this occurs when repeated measurements
are obtained on subjects in a study. For example, suppose a new drug is to be tested and the study
will have a placebo arm as a control. A random sample of subjects are enrolled in the study. Each
subject is randomized to either the drug or the placebo treatment. Each subjects response is measured
repeatedly over time, say each week for 6 weeks. One factor is treatment (drug or placebo). Because the
two treatments are fixed, the treatment factor is fixed. The subjects represent another factor. Because the
subjects presumably represent a random sample from a population, this factor is consider random. This
type of design is known as a repeated measures design or a longitudinal design. Because repeated measures
on an individual subject are correlated, the statistical analysis tends to be more complicated.
The preferred method of estimating parameters and performing hypothesis testing in random and mixed
effect models is maximum likelihood. The basic principle behind maximum likelihood estimation is to
propose a model and then determine the values of the parameters that make the observed data most likely
to have occurred.

2.2 The Single Factor ANOVA Model

Returning to the black Guillemot example, let 1 , 2 , 3 denote the mean log(PCB) concentration of Black
Guillemot birds at the three sites respectively (reference, island, beach). For the two-sample t-test, the
null hypothesis is generally taken to be that the two means are equal. In the one-way ANOVA with 3
levels (e.g. three sites), the null hypothesis is:

H 0 : 1 = 2 = 3 . (1)

The alternative hypothesis is that the means are not all equal.
A common way to model the data is as follows: let yij denote the response of the jth bird in the ith group.
Then we can write
yij = i + ij , (2)
where i is the mean at the ith site (a fixed effect for site in this example) for i = 1, 2, 3. For illustration,
y16 is the log(PCB) value for the sixth bird at the reference site. The random error ij has a mean of
zero and is often assumed to have a normal distribution with variance 2 . The normality assumption
should be checked in practice because the classic ANOVA statistical inference assumes normality, at least
approximately. If there is a strong deviation from normality, then the problem needs to be addressed.
Two common techniques for addressing non-normality are: (1) transform the response variable (e.g. a
logarithm transformation which has been done in the bird example) or (2) use a nonparametric test that
does not require the assumption of normality, see Section 2.6.
Another common model violation is that the error variance 2 may differ at the different levels of the factor.
Simple graphical summaries of the data can usually indicate if this is a problem or not. For example, in
Figure 1, the boxplots indicate that the variability of the PCB levels differ at the three sites. Often
an appropriate transformation may help alleviate the unequal variance problem. In fact, the logarithm
transformation is often called a variance stabilizing transformation. The unequal variance problem is not as
severe for the log-transformed PCB data as indicated in the boxplots of Figure 2. However, these boxplots
indicate that the variances for the log-transformed data at the three sits may still differ. We shall ignore
this problem for now.
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High Variability
Low Variability

Figure 3: Left and right panels show normal distributions at three levels of the factor. The means at the
three levels are the same for the right and left panel. However, the variability within each factor is much
less for the left panel than for the right panel. In order to determine if population means differ from sample
data, we need to analyze the variance, hence ANOVA

It is useful to note that the one-way ANOVA model in (2) can be parameterized in an equivalent manner
as in the following model:
yij = + i + ij , (3)
where is the overall mean response and i is a fixed effect representing the average deviation of the
responses at the ith level of the factor from the overall mean. Thus 1 would represent how much the
average log(PCB) level for birds at the reference site deviates from the overall average for all birds at all
three sites. The null hypothesis (1) can be equivalently expressed as

H0 : 1 = 2 = 3 = 0. (4)

2.3 F-Test in One-Way ANOVA

Now we look at how to use the data to test the one-way ANOVA hypothesis (1), (or (4)). It may seem odd
that we call a test of equality of factor level means an analysis of variance. Figure 3 illustrates why we
call the procedure analysis of variance. The left and right panels of Figure 3 show three normal densities
for three levels of a factor. The variability in the left panel distributions is much less than the variability
shown in the right panel. However, the factor level means in the left panel (1 = 20, 2 = 30, 3 = 40)
are the same as in the right panel. If data were obtained from the three populations in the left panel, it
would be likely to find a statistically significant difference because the three distributions do not overlap
much. However, it would be more difficult to detect a statistically significant difference in the means in
the right panel because the three distributions overlap considerably. They overlap a lot due to the high
variance. Thus, in order to test for a difference in the means, we must analyze the variance. Hence the
name ANOVA.
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To set up the ANOVA hypothesis test procedure, we need to partition the overall variability in the response
variable into two components: a component due to the variability within each factor level and the variability
between the factor level means.
Let yi denote the mean of the response at level i. Let y denote the overall mean of all the data. Look at
the deviations of each individual response from the overall mean:

(yij y).

The total variability is given by the following total sum of squares

k X
Total Sum of Squares: SS(total) = (yij y)2 (5)
i=1 j=1

We can rewrite the individual deviation from the mean above as:

(yij y) = (yi y) + (yij yi ).

Squaring both sides of this equation and summing over all observations gives the analysis of variance
X ni
k X k
X ni
k X
2 2
(yij y) = ni (yi y) + (yij yi )2 , (6)
i=1 j=1 i=1 i=1 j=1

where k equals the number of levels of the factor (k = 3 in the Black Guillemot example) and ni equals
the number of replications (or the sample size) at the ith factor level. The sums of squares in the above
equation have names:
Pk Pni
Total Sum of Squares: i=1 j=1 (yij y)2
Between Sum of Squares: i=1 ni (yi y)2
Pk Pni
Within Sum of Squares: i=1 j=1 (yij yi )2 .

Thus, the ANOVA identity is:

SS(Total) = SS(Between) + SS(Within). (7)

The logic behind the ANOVA procedure is as follows: if the means are equal across the levels of the
factor, then the within group variance and the between group variances should be equal. Therefore, all we
need to do in order to test the null hypothesis (1) is to compare the within and between sum of squares.
However, first, these sums of squares have to be normalized to make them comparable. We can compare
the within and between group variances by dividing the within and between sum of squares by the number
of terms that make up the respective sums (i.e. adjust the sum of squares by their corresponding degrees
of freedom). The results are called the Mean Squares (MS):

MS(Between): = ,
(k 1)
MS(Within): = ,
(n k)
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 7

F density functions

2 numerator df

5 numerator df
10 numerator df

0 1 2 3 4 5 6

Figure 4: F density functions for numerator degrees of freedom 2, 5, and 10. The denominator degrees of
freedom in each curve is 100.

where n = n1 + n2 + + nk denotes the overall sample size.

Note, another commonly used term for MS(Within) is the mean squared error (MSE):

MS(Within) = MSE = MS(Error).

If the null hypothesis is true, then the sample means at each factor level should be approximately equal
in which case the between mean square will yield an unbiased estimate of the error variance. Regardless
of whether or not the null hypothesis is true, the within mean square is an unbiased estimate of the error
variance. The test statistic for testing equality of means across the levels of the factor is called the F-test
and is formed by taking the ratio of the mean squares:

F = .

For the two-sample t-test, the t-distribution was our reference distribution for deciding whether or not an
observed difference was too big to have happened by chance alone. In the ANOVA setting, the reference
distribution is the F-distribution which is a probability distribution that takes positive values only and is
skewed to the right. If H0 is true, then the F ratio will vary according to an F probability distribution
and will take the value 1 on average. However, if H0 is false, then MS(Between) tends to be larger than
the MS(Within), causing the F test statistic to become large. Thus, we shall reject H0 of equal factor
level means when F is too big. The question arises: what constitutes too big. To answer this question,
we compare the F test statistic with percentiles of the F probability distribution. The F probability
distribution, because it is defined as a ratio of two mean squares, is defined in terms of a numerator and
a denominator degrees of freedom.

F numerator degrees of freedom = k 1,

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F denominator degrees of freedom = n k.
Figure 4 shows a plot of three F density functions with numerator degrees of freedom equal to 2, 5, and
10 respectively. The denominator degrees of freedom in each case is 100. The curves are each skewed to
the right.
The F -distribution has a probability density (not given here) and the percentiles of the F -distribution can
be used to compute cut-off or critical values for deciding whether or not to reject H0 or for computing p-
values. The SAS software can also be used to compute needed F -values. Most common statistics textbooks
also have F -tables.
The Black Guillemot bird data will now be used to illustrate the F -testing procedure using SAS. Here is
the SAS program with the data:

Study on PCB concentration in black guillemot nestling liver samples
obtained at several different locations around Saglek Bay, Canada.
The sites at which data is collected are:
Reference, Islands, Beach
The responses are in units of ng/g for wet weight and lipid.
Source: Environmental Sciences Group, Royal Military College
options ls=76;
data pcb;
input site $ wetwt lipid;
ref 11 325
ref 15 281
ref 20 412
ref 23 621
ref 25 424
ref 25 768
ref 26 904
ref 29 678
ref 33 908
ref 61 2234
ref 70 1819
island 34 1315
island 39 1315
island 49 1212
island 80 1999
island 116 3108
island 139 3011
island 141 3804
island 156 4450
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 9

island 170 3779

island 186 5301
beach 295 6564
beach 329 10460
beach 357 10650
beach 488 17230
beach 606 15540
beach 872 18920
beach 1600 30970
beach 1940 51960
beach 3070 92130
beach 5180 139190
beach 6480 152100
proc sort;
by site;
proc plot;
plot loglipid*site/ vpos=20;
proc anova;
class site;
model loglipid=site;
means site/tukey;

The output from this SAS program follows:

The ANOVA Procedure

Class Level Information

Class Levels Values

site 3 beach island ref

Number of Observations Read 32

Number of Observations Used 32

The ANOVA Procedure

Dependent Variable: loglipid

Sum of
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 10

Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Model 2 78.67164417 39.33582209 59.84 <.0001

Error 29 19.06336582 0.65735744

Corrected Total 31 97.73500999

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE loglipid Mean

0.804948 9.847244 0.810776 8.233530

Source DF Anova SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

site 2 78.67164417 39.33582209 59.84 <.0001

Note that the F -test statistic is

MS(Between) 39.3358
F = = = 59.84.
MSE 0.65736
If the null hypothesis was true (i.e. the mean log-PCB level was the same for the birds at the three sites),
the F -test statistic would follow an F -distribution on 2 numerator degrees of freedom (3 sites 1) and 29
denominator degrees of freedom (total sample size minus 3 for the three sites). How likely would it be to
observe an F test statistic as big as the observed value of 59.84 or bigger if the null hypothesis were true?
The answer is the p-value which SAS gives as p < 0.0001. We can compute the p-value directly in SAS
using the probf function as in the following SAS code:

data f;
pval = 1-probf(59.84,2,29);
proc print;

The first argument of probf is the F value. The 2nd and 3rd arguments are the numerator and denominator
degrees of freedom. Note that the p-value is area under the upper-right tail of the F -density. Hence, to
get the p-value, we need to compute 1-probf(59.84,2,29) in SAS. The value SAS gives is extremely small,
p = 0.000000000050946! Thus, there is very strong statistical evidence that the mean log(PCB) values
differ among the three sites. If the means were equal at the three sites, then it is very very unlikely to have
observed such big differences between the three sites. Thus, we reject the null hypothesis and conclude
that the mean log-PCB levels for birds at the three sites differ.

2.4 Multiple Comparisons

The F -test allowed us to conclude that the log(PCB) levels in the livers of the black Guillemot differed
depending on site, but the F -test does not tell us where the differences lie. Do the mean levels differ at all
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 11

three sites, or are the PCB levels equal on average at two of the sites with one site more extreme? Often,
the next step in an ANOVA after the F -test is to determine where the differences lie.
One way to approach this problem is to compute a confidence interval for the difference in the means for
all possible pairs of means using the methods of the last chapter. However, this is not efficient and it can
also lead to erroneous results.
Recall for the two-sample inference procedures, we pooled the data to estimate the common variance
(provided the common variance assumption seemed plausible). In the ANOVA setting, we can use the
MSE as a pooled (across all factor levels) estimate of the error variance:
2 = MSE.

Recall that if a significance level of = 0.05 is used in hypothesis testing, there is a probability of 0.05
committing a type I error when rejecting the null hypothesis. If our goal is to compare all pairs of means
in a one-way ANOVA then there are
k k(k 1)
2 2
possible pairwise comparisons. If the same level is used for all comparisons, then the overall probability
of rejecting at least one true null hypothesis becomes greater than . In other words, the probability of
making a type I error becomes inflated unless we make an adjustment for the multiple comparisons. For
an analogy, suppose there is a 1% chance you get a speeding ticket on any given day that you drive to
work and you drive to work every day for a year. Is the probability of getting a speeding ticket at least
once during the year equal to 0.01? The answer is no! The probability of getting at least one speeding
ticket will be greater than 0.01.
There are several methods for correcting for multiple comparisons in ANOVA and the two most popular
methods are the Bonferroni and Tukey methods.

Bonferroni Method for Multiple Comparisons. We shall illustrate the Bonferroni method for con-
fidence intervals first. Specify a confidence level 1 for all pairwise comparisons. Then for each pair of
means i and j , i, j = 1, . . . , k, i 6= j, the confidence interval for their difference is
(yi yj ) tnk,1/(2g) MSE 1/ni + 1/nj , (8)
g = k(k 1)/2
is equal to the number of pairwise comparisons. Thus, to make the Bonferroni correction for multiple
comparisons, all one has to do is modify the t-distribution percentile from /2 to /(2g). Using this
procedure, we can compare all pairs of means and maintain an overall level of confidence of 1 /2 for
the entire family of comparisons. The theoretical justification for the Bonferroni procedure is based on a
simple probability inequality (not given here).
Instead of forming confidence intervals for the pairwise differences, one can instead do two-tailed t-tests
with significance level /(2g) for each test. However, recall that the results of the two-tailed t-test are
equivalent to the confidence interval approach if zero is in the confidence interval for the difference, then
we would fail to reject the null hypothesis H0 : i j = 0.
The Bonferroni method is one of the most popular multiple comparison corrections and is easy to imple-
ment. However, it is also somewhat conservative. That is, if we use the Bonferroni method and specify a
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 12

95% confidence level for the family of all pairwise comparisons, the actual confidence level will typically
be higher than 95%.

Tukey Procedure for Multiple Comparisons. Another very popular method for correcting for the
multiple comparisons is to use Tukeys Studentized Range Distribution. This method is also known as the
Honestly Significant Difference (HSD) procedure. In the SAS program given above, a multiple comparison
procedure using Tukeys method was specified. The Tukey procedure derives from the Studentized range
distribution and the confidence intervals for individual pairwise differences is
s q
(yi yj ) q,nk,k 1/ni + 1/nj , (9)
where q,nk,k is a percentile from the studentized range distribution. In the SAS output below

q0.05,29,3 = 3.49263.

If one is interested in looking at all possible pairwise comparisons, then the Tukey procedure is generally
preferred over the Bonferroni method because Tukeys procedure will lead to narrower confidence intervals
using the same level of confidence as the Bonferroni procedure and hence, Tukeys procedure provides a
sharper estimate of the mean differences.
On the other hand, if only a subset of all possible pairwise comparisons are of interest at the outset,
i.e. g < k(k 1)/2 in (8), then the Bonferroni method may lead to narrower intervals than the Tukey

Caution: The transitive law of equality is not applicable to the pairwise comparison procedure. For
instance, suppose k = 3. Then it is possible to obtain a result (using Bonferroni or Tukey) where zero is
in the confidence interval for 1 2 and also in 2 3 but zero is not in the interval for 1 3 . At first
this seems paradoxical because it seems to be saying that 1 = 2 and 2 = 3 but 1 6= 3 which violates
the transitive law of equality. However, if zero is in the confidence interval for the mean difference then we
do not necessarily claim the means are equal (1 = 2 say). Instead we claim that there is no statistically
significant difference between the means.
In the SAS program above, the Tukey multiple comparison procedure is specified by the option /tukey
in the means statement. The output from this option is shown below:

The ANOVA Procedure

Tukeys Studentized Range (HSD) Test for loglipid

NOTE: This test controls the Type I experimentwise error rate.

Alpha 0.05
Error Degrees of Freedom 29
Error Mean Square 0.657357
Critical Value of Studentized Range 3.49263
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 13

Comparisons significant at the 0.05 level are indicated by ***.

site Between Simultaneous 95%
Comparison Means Confidence Limits

beach - island 2.4134 1.5385 3.2883 ***

beach - ref 3.7322 2.8784 4.5860 ***
island - beach -2.4134 -3.2883 -1.5385 ***
island - ref 1.3188 0.4439 2.1937 ***
ref - beach -3.7322 -4.5860 -2.8784 ***
ref - island -1.3188 -2.1937 -0.4439 ***

We can summarize the results of the Tukey procedure as follows: With 95% confidence we estimate that
the log(PCB) levels in black Guillemot at the beach site are 1.54 to 3.29ng/g units higher on average than
for birds on the island and 2.88 to 4.59ng/g units higher on average compared to birds at the reference site.
The log(PCB) levels are 0.44 to 2.19ng/g units higher on average for the birds on the island compared to
birds at the the reference site. Thus, birds on the beach have the highest log(PCB) levels on average and
the birds at the reference site have the lowest log(PCB) levels on average.

2.5 Power and Sample Size

Before undertaking a one-factor experiment (or any experiment!), it is important to determine the required
sample size so that the F -test will have adequate power in detecting a difference between the means. The
same principles that existed for sample size determination and power analysis in the t-tests hold in the
ANOVA setting. Those principals are:

Higher power requires larger sample sizes.

Larger sample sizes lead to a more powerful F -test.

As the effect size grows (i.e. the difference in means one wishes to detect), the power increases for a
fixed sample size or the required sample size decreases for a given power.

As the error variance decreases, the power increases for a fixed sample size. As the error variance
decreases, the required sample size for a given power decreases.

As the level of significance decreases, the power decreases. Or, to maintain a given power, the
required sample size increases as decreases. In other words, if we want to decrease the chances of
committing a type I error, then either the power of the test will decrease or a larger sample size will
be required.

In the one-way ANOVA setting, matters are a bit more complicated because the power analysis and sample
size computations require specifying an effect size. The question arises as to how to do this if there are k
means being compared. Here are two common specifications:
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 14

(1) specify s P
n (i )2
= ,
where = (1 + + k )/k.
(2) Specify the smallest difference that we would like to detect between the two most different means
and let s
n 2
= .
As before, there are many statistical software programs that will do these computations. Older statistics
textbooks have power and sample size tables as well for one-way ANOVA.
Note: If the experimenter is limited in terms of sample size and the power computations indicate that
the resulting F -test and/or the power for the multiple comparisons will be low, then there are a couple
possible solutions:

Use more homogeneous experimental units to decrease the error variance and hence make the test
more powerful.

Look at the possibility of using a different experimental design such as a repeated measures design
which is a generalization of the paired t-test. This will factor out subject to subject variation and
may make the test procedure more powerful for finding differences between treatments of interest.

2.6 The Kruskal-Wallis Nonparametric Test

If the normality assumption is violated in the two-sample t-test setting, one can use a nonparametric test
instead, such as the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. The analogue of the Wilcoxon rank-sum test in the one-way
ANOVA setting is the Kruskal-Wallis test which based on the same principle. That is, pool all the data
across all k levels together and then rank the data. Then analyze the data in terms of their ranks instead
of their raw values.
Recall that the lipid PCB concentration distribution in the Guillemot bird example was skewed and the
normality assumption was violated. Also, even after the logarithm transformation, the equal variance
assumption was dubious based on the boxplots in Figure 2. Instead of analyzing the log-transformed
data, we could instead perform the nonparametric Kruskal-Wallis test. In SAS, if we add the following
commands to the SAS program for the Guillemot bird example above, then SAS will perform the Kruskal-
Wallis nonparametric test:

proc npar1way wilcoxon anova median;

class site;
var lipid;

The output from running this is given below:

Wilcoxon Scores (Rank Sums) for Variable lipid

STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 15

Classified by Variable site

Sum of Expected Std Dev Mean
site N Scores Under H0 Under H0 Score
beach 11 297.0 181.50 25.201856 27.000000
island 10 158.0 165.00 24.594494 15.800000
ref 11 73.0 181.50 25.201856 6.636364

Average scores were used for ties.

Kruskal-Wallis Test

Chi-Square 26.0031
DF 2
Pr > Chi-Square <.0001

The results of the Kruskal-Wallis test are to reject the null hypothesis that the PCB lipid distributions are
the same for the Guillemots at the three locations since the p-value < 0.0001. This is the same conclusion
that was reached using the parametric test based on the normality assumption for the log-transformed
data. One can also perform multiple comparisons based on the mean ranks but details are not given here.
The bootstrap and permutation based tests are also available for performing nonparametric comparisons.

3 Two-Factor ANOVA
We have just shown how to perform an F -test in a one-way or single factor analysis of variance. Many
experiments have more than one factor of interest. That is, the experimenter would like to study how
a dependent variable depends on more than one factor. It is usually much more efficient to run a single
experiment with multiple factors instead of running several experiments with only one-factor each. Running
a factorial experiment (using more than one factor) allow the experimenter to study interactions between
factors which we shall explain later.
Example. A study was conducted where the weights of hearts of patients with (previously) normal mitral
valves prior to infective endocarditis were measured. The patients were classified based on race (black and
white) and on sex (male and female). Thus, this is a two-factor study with race as one factor and sex as
the other factor. In other words, this is a 2 2 factorial experiment. The response variable y is heart
We can model the data from this type of experiment as follows:

yijk = + i + j + ij + eijk , (10)


yijk is the response for the kth subject at level i of the the first factor (race) and level j of the second
factor (sex).
is the overall mean heart weight for the entire population.
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 16

i is a parameter representing the effect for the ith level of the race factor. Thus, 1 represents the
mean effect for blacks and 2 represents the mean effect for whites.

j is parameter representing the effect for sex.

ij is the parameter representing the interaction effect between race and sex.

eijk is the random error.

By convention, we have
X c
i = 0, j = 0,
i=1 j=1

and X
ij = 0 for all j,
ij = 0 for all i.

The classical statistical analysis for two-way ANOVA is done using F -tests which require the same as-
sumptions as before: normally distributed error and independent observations.
The two-way analysis of variance procedure is more complicated than the one-way ANOVA. In the two-way
ANOVA, one typically performs the following F -tests:

Step 0: (Optional) An overall F -test to test the null hypothesis that all the parameters in (10) are zero in
which case the mean response is the same at all treatments. If we fail to reject this null hypothesis,
then we can stop the analysis and conclude there are no differences in mean response among all the

Step 1: Test if there is a significant interaction. The null hypothesis is that all the ij are zero in (10) and the
alternative hypothesis is that the interaction terms are not all zero. If we reject this null hypothesis
and conclude that there is a significant interaction, then we skip steps 2 and 3 below and generally
proceed to compare treatment means using a multiple comparison procedure such as Bonferroni or
Tukey. If there does not appear to be a significant interaction, then it makes sense to compare factor
level means in steps 2 and 3 below.

Step 2: Perform an F test for the first factor. The null hypothesis is that all the i s are zero. The alternative
hypothesis is that they are not all zero. In the heart example, if we reject this hypothesis, then we
would conclude that the average heart weights differ for the two races.

Step 3: Perform an F test for the second factor. The null hypothesis is that all the j s are zero versus the
alternative that the j s are not all zero. In the heart example, rejection of this null hypothesis would
lead us to conclude that average heart weights differ for males and females.

Below is a SAS program which generates the two-factor ANOVA F -test output. This program uses PROC
GLM (general linear model). Note that this experiment is unbalanced because we do not have equal sample
sizes at the four treatments (black males, black females, white males, white females). In such cases, one
should use PROC GLM instead of PROC ANOVA. The F -test statistics corresponding to the Type III
sum of squares in the SAS output are used to test the hypotheses above.
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 17

Unbalanced design

Fernicola and Roberts (Am J Cardiol. 1994 ) gave the data shown below
for the heart weight (grams) of a convenience sample of patients with previously
normal mitral valves prior to infective endocarditis. The patients
were classified by race (white and black) and by gender (male, female).
sex: 1=male, 2=female
race: 1=white 2=black
proc format;
value sexfmt 1=Male 2=Female;
value racefmt 1=White 2=Black;

data heart;
input sex race wt;
label sex = sex
race = race;
format sex sexfmt. race racefmt.;
1 1 280
1 1 420
1 1 340
1 1 370
1 1 390
1 1 440
1 1 510
1 1 300
1 1 480
1 2 335
1 2 715
1 2 440
1 2 620
1 2 520
1 2 600
1 2 540
1 2 345
1 2 380
1 2 270
1 2 485
1 2 500
1 2 485
1 2 620
1 2 360
2 1 205
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 18

2 1 280
2 1 195
2 1 380
2 1 200
2 2 210
2 2 390
2 2 360
2 2 320
2 2 350
proc glm;
title Two-Factor ANOVA;
title2 With an Interaction;
class sex race;
model wt=sex race sex*race;
proc glm;
title Two-Factor ANOVA with no Interaction;
class sex race;
model wt = sex race;
proc glm;
class sex race;
model wt= sex|race;
lsmeans sex|race;
output out=a p=pred r=resid;

/* Next several lines will generate a plot of cell means useful to access
interactions. Note: This can be done via the analyst as well */
proc means nway noprint;
class sex race;
var wt;
output out=means mean=;
proc plot;
plot wt*sex=race;
plot wt*race=sex;

The output from running this program is shown below:

STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 19

Two-Factor ANOVA with no Interaction

The GLM Procedure

Dependent Variable: wt

Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Model 3 235823.4150 78607.8050 7.43 0.0007

Error 30 317415.5556 10580.5185

Corrected Total 33 553238.9706

R-Square Coeff Var Root MSE wt Mean

0.426260 25.64940 102.8616 401.0294

Source DF Type I SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

sex 1 177800.0123 177800.0123 16.80 0.0003

race 1 57645.4327 57645.4327 5.45 0.0265
sex*race 1 377.9701 377.9701 0.04 0.8514

Source DF Type III SS Mean Square F Value Pr > F

sex 1 150847.2009 150847.2009 14.26 0.0007

race 1 45859.5085 45859.5085 4.33 0.0460
sex*race 1 377.9701 377.9701 0.04 0.8514
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 20

The GLM Procedure

Least Squares Means

sex wt LSMEAN

Female 289.000000
Male 436.611111

race wt LSMEAN

Black 403.500000
White 322.111111

sex race wt LSMEAN

Female Black 326.000000

Female White 252.000000
Male Black 481.000000
Male White 392.222222

The p-value from the F -test for the interaction is p = 0.8514 indicating that there is not a significant
interaction. Thus, it makes sense to test for main effects of race and sex.
The F -tests for race and sex yielded p-values of 0.0007 and 0.0460 respectively indicating that there is a
statistically significant difference in mean heart weights between blacks and whites and also between males
and females. The p-value for the sex factor (0.0460) is only slightly less than the 0.05 significance level
that one often uses in practice.
At this point, one can construct confidence intervals for the difference in mean heart weights for blacks
and whites and also the mean difference in heart weights for males and females. The SAS output above
shows the estimated means.

4 Problems
1. The mean height of the Sagittaria lancifolia plant (which grows in the Florida Everglades) is to
be compared at four different levels of phosphorus contamination in the soil. Twenty plants are
monitored at each of the four soil conditions (for a total of 80 plants). Suppose the resulting data
on the Sagittaria lancifolia plant heights is strongly skewed to the left. What is a reasonable way to
analyze the data (circle the best answer):

a) Re-do the experiment using less phosphorus contamination in the soil.

b) Re-do the experiment using a test plant other than Sagittaria lancifolia.
c) Use the Kruskal-Wallis nonparametric ANOVA test.
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 21

d) Since the data is skewed left, the normality assumption is reasonable and one can use the
ANOVA F -test.
e) Compute the correlations between the plant heights at the different sites.
f) Do a paired comparison t-test.

2. Concentrations of nitrate were compared and contrasted among four major land covers: urban,
forested, cropland, and pasture. Ten soil samples were obtained at each type of land cover. An
ANOVA was performed to test if the mean nitrate concentrations differed among the four types of
land cover. The data produced the following ANOVA table from SAS:

Sum of
Source DF Squares Mean Square F Value Pr > F

Model 21.85 0.0113

Error 62.77

Corrected Total

a) Fill in the values for the degrees of freedom (DF), total sum of squares, the Mean Squares, and
the F -test statistic (F Value) in the above table.
b) Would we have rejected the null hypothesis using = 0.05? (Circle One) YES or NO
c) Would we have rejected the null hypothesis using = 0.01? (Circle One) YES or NO
d) Based on the p-value, state the conclusion of the ANOVA F -test in the context of this problem.
e) A Tukey multiple comparison procedure was conducted using 95% confidence by forming confi-
dence intervals for the differences of the mean nitrate levels at the four sites. Letting U=urban,
F=forested, C=cropland, and P=pasture, the Tukey results were summarized as follows:

C P U F,

where the underline indicates no significant difference. From this illustration, write a sentence
or two describing the results of the Tukey multiple comparison procedure.

3. TNF, a cytokine, causes inflammation which worsens the complications due to acute pancreatitis
(Source: Daniels, Biostatitics, 8th edition, page 401). An experiment was conducted on rats to
determine if a bile-infusion of a TNF antibody will ameliorate the effects of acute pancreatitis.
The experiment had three treatment groups: 1. Sham group that received only a saline infusion.
2. Untreated Group receiving a bile infusion without treatment. 3. Treated Group receiving bile
infusion with an anti-TNF antibody. The response measured in this experiment is hematocrit (%)
for surviving animals after 48 hours which measures the proportion, by volume, of the blood that
consists of red blood cells. Use the SAS program in the Appendix to do this problem.

a) Let 1 , 2 and 3 denote the mean levels of hematocrit in rats in the three treatment groups
indicated above. Write out the ANOVA null and alternative hypotheses in terms of 1 , 2 and
3 to test if the means are equal or not.
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 22

b) Compute the within and between mean squares using the appropriate degrees of freedoms and
the sum of squares from the SAS ANOVA table.
c) Compute the F -test statistic from the mean squares you computed in the preceding problem.
d) What is the numerator and denominator degrees of freedom for the F -test statistic?
e) Based on the SAS output, what can one conclude from this experiment?

4. A study was done on the effects of thermal pollution on clams. Clams were collected at three sites:
an intake site to a plant, a discharge site and a site near Interstate 55. The SAS program in
the Appendix has the data and will compute statistics regarding the heights of the clams (note that
there is also data on width and length of the clams too). The goal of this problem is to determine if
the clams differ in terms of heights at the three sites. Do the following parts:

a) To test if the mean heights of the clams are equal at the three sites, define the appropriate
parameters and state H0 and Ha for this problem.
b) Run the SAS program and verify that the F -test statistic is the ratio of the appropriate mean
squares from the ANOVA table.
c) If H0 is true, what value should F take on average if the experiment were to be repeated over
and over?
d) What are the numerator and denominator degrees of freedom for the F -test?
e) The SAS output gives the p-value from the F -test. Would we have rejected the null hypothesis
using a significance level = 0.05? How about = 0.10?
f) Does it make sense to do multiple comparisons looking at differences in pairs of mean heights
for this problem? Explain.

5. A study was done to examine blood coagulation times (in seconds) for animals randomly allocated
to four different diets (Source: Box, Hunter, and Hunter, 1978). The data is in the SAS program in the appendix. Run the SAS program to test if the mean coagulation times differ among
the four diets. If a difference exists, use Tukeys procedure to compare the diets.

5 Appendix
TNFalpha, a cytokine, causes inflammation which worsens the complications
due to acute pancreatitis (Source: Daniels, Biostatitics, 8th edition, page 401).
An experiment was conducted on rats to determine if a bile-infusion of a TNFalpha
will ameliaorate the effects of acute pancreatitis. The experiment had three
treatment groups:
1. Sham group that received only a saline infusion.
2. Untreated Group receiving a bile infusion without treatment.
3. Treated Group receiving bile influsion with an anti-TNFalpha antibody.
options ls=76;
data tnfa;
input group $ hemacrit;
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 23

sham 38
sham 40
sham 32
sham 36
sham 40
sham 40
sham 38
sham 40
sham 38
sham 40
untreated 56
untreated 60
untreated 50
untreated 50
untreated 50
treated 40
treated 42
treated 38
treated 46
treated 36
treated 35
treated 40
treated 40
treated 55
treated 35
treated 36
treated 40
treated 40
treated 35
treated 45
proc sort;
by group;
proc plot;
plot hemacrit*group / vpos=20;
proc glm;
class group;
model hemacrit=group;
means group;
means group/tukey;
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 24

Data from WSU grad student John Brooker (1997) from Biological Sciences investigating
the effect of thermol pollution on growth of Corbicula Fluminea (asiatic clam).
Clams were collected from 3 sites:
1=intake site, 2= discharge site, and 3=site near Interstate 55
options ls=80;
data clams;
input obs site length width height;
1 1 7.20 6.10 4.45
2 1 7.50 5.90 4.65
3 1 6.89 5.45 4.00
4 1 6.95 5.76 4.02
5 1 6.73 5.36 3.90
6 1 7.25 5.84 4.40
7 1 7.20 5.83 4.19
8 1 6.85 5.75 3.95
9 1 7.52 6.27 4.60
10 1 7.01 5.65 4.20
11 1 6.65 5.55 4.10
12 1 7.55 6.25 4.72
13 1 7.14 5.65 4.26
14 1 7.45 6.05 4.85
15 1 7.24 5.73 4.29
16 1 7.75 6.35 4.85
17 1 6.85 6.05 4.50
18 1 6.50 5.30 3.73
19 1 6.64 5.36 3.99
20 1 7.19 5.85 4.05
21 1 7.15 6.30 4.55
22 1 7.21 6.12 4.37
23 1 7.15 6.20 4.36
24 1 7.30 6.15 4.65
25 1 6.35 5.25 3.75
26 2 7.25 6.25 4.65
27 2 7.23 5.99 4.20
28 2 6.85 5.61 4.01
29 2 7.07 5.91 4.31
30 2 6.55 5.30 3.95
31 2 7.43 6.10 4.60
32 2 7.30 5.95 4.29
33 2 6.90 5.80 4.33
34 2 7.10 5.81 4.26
35 2 6.95 5.65 4.31
36 2 7.39 6.04 4.50
37 2 6.54 5.89 3.65
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 25

38 2 6.39 5.00 3.72

39 2 6.08 4.80 3.51
40 2 6.30 5.05 3.69
41 2 6.35 5.10 3.73
42 2 7.34 6.45 4.55
43 2 6.70 5.51 3.89
44 2 7.08 5.81 4.34
45 2 7.09 5.95 4.39
46 2 7.40 6.25 4.85
47 2 6.00 4.75 3.37
48 2 6.94 5.63 4.09
49 2 5.95 4.75 3.20
50 3 7.60 6.45 4.56
51 3 6.15 5.05 3.50
52 3 7.00 5.80 4.30
53 3 6.81 5.61 4.22
54 3 7.10 5.75 4.10
55 3 6.85 5.55 3.89
56 3 6.68 5.50 3.90
57 3 5.51 4.52 2.70
58 3 6.85 5.53 4.00
59 3 7.10 5.80 4.45
60 3 6.81 5.45 3.51
61 3 7.30 6.00 4.31
62 3 7.05 6.25 4.71
63 3 6.75 5.65 4.00
64 3 6.75 5.57 4.06
65 3 7.35 6.21 4.29
66 3 6.22 5.11 3.35
67 3 6.80 5.81 4.50
68 3 6.29 4.95 3.69
69 3 7.55 5.93 4.55
70 3 7.45 6.19 4.70
71 3 6.70 5.55 4.00
72 3 7.51 6.20 4.74
73 3 6.95 5.69 4.29
74 3 7.50 6.20 4.65
proc print;
proc glm;
class site;
model width=site;
means site/bon;
STT 430/630/ES 760 Lecture Notes: Chapter 9: ANOVA 26

/* Blood coagulation time (in seconds) for blood drawn from 24
animals randomly allocated to four different diets.
(Source: Box, Hunter, and Hunter, 1978)
options ls=76;
data blood;
input diet $ time;
A 62
A 60
A 63
A 59
B 63
B 67
B 71
B 64
B 65
B 66
C 68
C 66
C 71
C 67
C 68
C 68
D 56
D 62
D 60
D 61
D 63
D 64
D 63
D 59
proc print;
title Blood coagulation time for four different diets;
proc plot;
plot time*diet / vpos=20;
proc glm;
class diet;
model time = diet;
means diet;
means diet / Tukey;

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