Design and Simulation of Gabor Filter Using Verilog HDL: S.Gayathri
Design and Simulation of Gabor Filter Using Verilog HDL: S.Gayathri
Design and Simulation of Gabor Filter Using Verilog HDL: S.Gayathri
Dr V. Sridhar
PECSE, Mandya, Karnataka, India
Abstract- The most important measurement element in fingerprint recognition process is the texture of the fingerprint.
The computational complexity of a fingerprint recognition process depends on fingerprint enhancement. The quality of
the fingerprint image can be enhanced using Gabor filter. The objective of Gabor Filter in fingerprint recognition is to
segment the texture of fingerprint. This includes the design of a single filter to segment multiple (> 2) textures and the
design of multiple filters to segment multiple textures. The computational efficiency becomes increasingly important as
the size of images, number of Gabor prefilters, number of Gaussian postfilters, and number of textures increases.
The designing of Gabor Filter in fingerprint recognition is to segment the texture of fingerprint. Texture
segmentation is a process of partitioning an image into regions based on their texture. The reason for using Gabor
filter is because of its characteristics. The properties are spatial localization, orientation selectivity and spatial
frequency selectivity. The design of Gabor filters for texture segmentation include the design of a single filter to
segment multiple (>2) textures and the design of multiple filters to segment multiple textures. The computational
complexity becomes increasingly important as the size of images, number of Gabor prefilters, number of Gaussian
post filters, and number of textures increases [1].
The incoming signal is in the form of image pixel. To define the ridge and valley regions of fingerprint, the image
must be filtered out or convoluted by the Gabor filter. The main characteristic of the proposed approach are the
usage of memory to store the incoming image pixel and the Coefficient of the Gabor filter before the convolution
matrix takes place. The resultant of the filtered output will be a signal convoluted with the Gabor coefficient.
Fingerprint enhancement using Gabor filter is one of highly computational complexity in fingerprint recognition
process. Gabor filter have a complex valued convolution kernel and complex valued data format. So implementing
Gabor filter is very significant in fingerprint recognition process [2].
The quality of fingerprint will be enhanced by using Gabor filter [3]. In fingerprint recognition, Gabor filter
optimally capture both local orientation and frequency information from a fingerprint image. By tuning a Gabor
filter to specific frequency and direction, the local frequency and orientation information can be obtained. Because
of these characteristics, Gabor filters are suited for extracting texture information from images. The fingerprint
matching technique is the core of fingerprint recognition system. It compares the enrolled or test fingerprint with the
template fingerprint and outputs a matching score for decision making. The fingerprint matching can be coarsely
classified into three families.
(i) Correlation-based Matching: Two fingerprint images are superimposed and the correlation between
corresponding pixels is computed for different alignments (e.g. various displacements and rotations).
ii) Minutia-based Matching: Most popular and widely used technique, for fingerprint comparison employed by
many designers. Minutia are extracted from two fingerprints and stored as sets of points in the two- dimensional
plane. Minutia based matching essentially consists of finding the alignment between the template and the input
minutia sets. Minutia based approach represents the fingerprint by its local features (terminations and bifurcations).
The ridge features called minutia are extracted and stored in a template for matching.
iii) Pattern-based Matching: Pattern based algorithms compare the basic fingerprint patterns (arch, whorl, and
loop) between a enrolled fingerprint and fingerprint in the database. This requires that the above two images be
aligned in the same orientation. The template contains the type, size, and orientation of patterns within the aligned
fingerprint image. The enrolled fingerprint image is graphically compared with the template to determine the degree
to which they match. This requires only low resolution images. Matching done by optical correlation is extremely
fast. It is based on the global features of a whole fingerprint image. The location, position, as well as the type and
quality of the minutiae are factors taken into consideration in the template creation.
Among the three matching techniques as mentioned above, the minutia based matching technique is
strongly recommended and it is the backbone of the current available fingerprint recognition products. The quality
of the fingerprint will directly affect the systems ability to match fingerprint samples. Hence image needs to be
processed before matching can be attempted. The basic methodology of image pre-processing is as shown in Figure
Background Segmentation
Binary Filtering
Background Segmentation: Fingerprint images may have background information that does not represent the
fingerprint itself. Segmentation removes the background information and is the first step in the pre-processing of the
fingerprint image.
Grey-scale Filtering (Based on Gabor filter): The flow of Gray-scale filtering using Gabor filter is as shown in
Figure 1.2.
This technique requires an estimation of the block orientation around each pixel and an estimation of each blocks
frequency. This information is then used to create a complicated filter mask from the Gabor 2-D symmetric filter
equation. Once the mask is calculated it is then convolved with each pixel to produce a filtered image for that block.
This process is repeated for every pixel and the associated block around it.
Binarization: Compares each pixel to some threshold and then changes its value to either pure white (0x00) or pure
black (0xFF). The threshold used is usually either the global mean or a local block mean. Here local block mean
threshold is used.
Thinning: Thinning process is used to skeletonize the binary image by reducing all lines to a single pixel thickness.
For a pixel to be deleted, the following conditions must hold
The pixel is not an endpoint.
The removal does not break the connectedness of the skeleton.
The removal does not cause excessive erosion of the region.
The method uses a modified version of the thinning algorithm [4]. The method consists of removing all
pixel of the image except those pixels that belong to the skeleton.
Binary Filtering: This is a mechanical process of manually finding and removing ridge structures that probably do
not belong and by filling in gaps in ridges that do not belong.
A Gabor filter is linear filter whose impulse response is defined by a harmonic function multiplied by Gaussian
function. The Fourier transform of a Gabor filters impulse response is the convolution of Fourier transform of
harmonic function and the Fourier function of Gaussian function.
where s(x, y) is a complex sinusoidal, known as the carrier, and wr(x, y) is a 2-D Gaussian-shaped function, known
as the envelop. The general function of Gabor filter [5] can be represent as
where is the ridge orientation with respect to vertical axis, 0 is the selected ridge frequency in x direction, x
and y are the standard deviation of Gaussian function along the x and y axes respectively and the [x, y] are the
coordination of [x,y] after a clockwise rotation of the Cartesian axes by an angle of (90-).
Referring to the function in (1), the function G(x,y, , 0) can be decomposed into two orthogonal parts, one parallel
and the other perpendicular to the orientation .
where GBP is only a band-pass Gaussian function of x and 0 parameters while GLP is only a low-pass Gaussian
filter of y parameter [6].
Since most local ridge structure of fingerprint comes with well-defined local frequency and orientation, can be set
by the reciprocal of the average inter-ridge distance K, that is =1/K. The standard deviation of 2 D normal (or
Gaussian) distribution (or envelope) is represented by . It is related to the width of the Gaussian that
modulates the Gabor filter. The variables as shown in the Table 2.1 were set up based on the previous work. The
variables are implemented into the Gabor equation. By applying the variables into the equation, the coefficients
or the kernel values of the Gabor filter can be determined. The kernel values are shown in the Table 2.2.
3.1 Gabor Filter Design:
In digital image processing, the image is presented in matrix form or in pixel. So basically the convolution involves
the matrix convolution (convolution between image pixels with kernel values). The proposed work is to implement
Gabor filter based on memory base architecture for real-time convolution with variable kernels.
Firstly store the input data (image pixel) in the memory. The size of the memory depends on the pixel size. If the
image is of size 16x16 then the memory size will be 16x16. It means that every memory location will store a value
for 1 image pixel. Then start the convolution process. The control unit takes the data from memory location and sent
it to the multiplication-accumulator (MAC) unit. In MAC, ROM stores the coefficient or kernel value of the Gabor
filter. When both input data and kernel values are available multiplication and accumulation would take place in
the MAC. The result of MAC is the filtered image. The flowchart of Gabor filter is shown in the Figure 3.1
Input Memory block stores the incoming signal in the form of image pixel in the memory. Convolution block
performs the process between the input image and the Kernel values defined by the Gabor filter. The kernel value
defines the ridge and valley region of fingerprint. MAC block is used to perform the convolution operation. The
convoluted signal with the Gabor coefficient is transformed into a matrix format. Simulation of the filter is carried
out using verilog HDL language using Xilinx software and synthesized code is generated. The simulation will
generate the schematic according to the code.
Read data from memory
Output=Filter image
Control logic unit: Controls the sequence of the convolution process. The CLU contains counters to generate the
address location that would be supplied to the memory. Since the memory used is 16X16, counter will generate 256
locations, each location must be capable of storing 32-bit binary number. The third counter will generate location for
the coefficient in the ROM. Since the kernel used is 3X3, there will be 9 locations. The counter must be able to
counting until 9 times. There will be an enable signal to select the write or read operation.
Arithmetic logic unit: This is the main part of the filter where the convolution takes place. In ALU ROM stores
the coefficient value. In ALU the multiplier is to multiply the image data and coefficient and the adder to add all the
multiplied value. The software tool used in this work is MATLAB for preprocessing input image and verilog HDL
for Convolution process. For converting MATLAB to HDL a socket server name hdldaemon is used. The design is
transformed into verilog HDL using Xilinx software and synthesized code is generated. For the input Fingerprint
image taken from database, Preprocessing is done using MATLAB which is as shown in the Figure 4.1. The filtered
output image from the MAC after convolution process is as shown in Figure 4.2.
Figure 4.1 Input Fingerprint image Figure 4.2. Simulation waveform of filtered output image
HDL Daemon starts the HDL Link MATLAB server using shared memory inter process communication. Only one
HDL Daemon per MATLAB session can be run at any given time. Simulation waveform of an output of the filter
using ModelSim simulator is as shown in Figure 4.3.
The Figure 4.4 shows simulation output of the two different input images when compared. After the filtration of
fingerprint image, it is compared with the different input image. The result shows that the filtered output is not
matched. Figure 4.5 shows the simulation result of the filtered output are matched when the two images of the same
person taken for comparison.
Figure 4.4 Simulation output of the two different Figure 4.5 Simulation output of the two same
input images input images.
The Gabor filter is successfully designed and verified. The primary focus of the work is on the enhancement of
fingerprint images. The implementation of a series of techniques for fingerprint image enhancement to facilitate the
extraction of minutia is done effectively with well know algorithms based on ALU. Based on the verification on
ALU, expected results are obtained. In developing new approaches to the single-filter multi-texture and multi-filter
multi-texture, Gabor filter design is a problem. The methods, however, should be applicable to other types of filters.
This may be accomplished by replacing the kernel values stored in the ROM. This technique has been tested only on
grayscale images. But with very little modification to the code, it can be tested on color images too. This filter is
reconfigurable filter. The coefficients can be changed to suit to the implementation. The design can be easily
implemented on FPGA.
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