Jane Eyre Worksheet

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Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bront

A Before Reading

1 Look at pages 4 to 7. What is Jane Eyres job? Why does Charlotte Bront, the author,
know about this job?

2 Look at The People in This Story

on page 7. Make some guesses. Which people are friends
of Jane Eyre? Which people are unkind to Jane Eyre?

B While Reading

3 Here is a list of places in this story. Write a list of the people who live in these places.
Write a list of the visitors to each place.

Place People who live there Visitors

Gateshead Hall

Lowood School

Thornfield Hall

The church near

Thornfield Hall

Ingram Park

Moor House


4 Read to the end of page 43. Make some guesses. What is going to happen now?

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C After Reading

5 Here is Jane. How is she connected to these people? Write two connections for each.

6 You are going to make a new film of Jane Eyre . Which film stars will be Jane and Mr
Rochester? Design a poster for the film.

7 Is Mr Rochester an evil man or a good man? What do you think?

Where will you put him on this scale 1 to 10?

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
evil good

8 It is now the twenty-first century. Think about Jane Eyre. She is alive now and she is
eighteen years old. What does she do?

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Macmillan Publishers Limited 1999. Published by Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching

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