HRM Question Paper

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MBA I year II Sem April 2017

I Internal Assessment
Human Resource Management
Time: 1hr Marks: 15
Signature of the Invigilator: H.T. No:

Note: Answer all questions

I. Choose the correct answer (10x1/2=5marks)

1. Which of the following is the characteristic of HRM [ ]
(a) People Oriented (b) Task Oriented (c) Future Oriented (d) All the above

2. The systematic collection, evaluation and organization of information about jobs is

known as
(a)HR planning (b) Job evaluation (c) Job Analysis (d) Job Rotation [ ]

3. Allowing outside vendors to provide services or perform HR activities is called [ ]

(a)Competency Building (b) Globalizing (c) Outsourcing (d) Aligning

4. The process of finding and attracting capable applicants for employment is called
(a) Recruitment (b) Advertising (c) Selection (d) None [ ]

5. The process of receiving an employee and giving him/her the basic information
he/she needs to start the work is called [ ]
(a) Induction (b) Recruitment (c) Placement (d) Promotion

6.The appraisal Method which uses techniques, like Role plays, case studies,
Simulation and the like is called [ ]
(a) Assessment Centre (b) B.O.S (c) B.A.R.S (d) Critical Incident Method

7.When there is shortage of employees, organizations make employees work overtime

it is called [ ]
(a) Head Hunting (b) Moonlighting (c) Job posting (d) Campus Recruitment

8. A systematic way of assessing the relative worth of a job is known as [ ]

(a) Job rotation (b)Job evaluation (c)Job enrichment (d)All

9. Group of employees who were taken on in the same time period(Homogenous

Group) is called [ ]
(a)Cohort Analysis (b) Gallagher Estimator (c) Job Analysis (d) Statistical Analysis

10.The most commonly used technique of job evaluation is, [ ]

(a) Factor Comparison Method (b) Grading Method
(c) Paired Comparison (d) Point rating Method
II. Fill in the blanks: 10*1/2=5

1. Gallagher HR Estimator ____________________________________________

2. _______________________________is the process of analysing and assessing the

various jobs systematically to know the relative worth of their organization.

3. ____________________________refers to moving employees from one job to other

job to add variety and reduce boredom.

4. HRIS stands for _____________________________________________

5. One of the functions of human resource management is _______________.

6._________________________________ is a long term reward plan of the

organization. It mainly specifies rewards plans, practices, and policies.

7.________________________________ is defined as, the process of deciding on the

content of a job with regards to its duties and responsibilities.

8. ________________________ manager who is authorized to direct the work of

subordinates for accomplishing the organization goals.

9. Managerial Functions are _________, _________________, ____________, _____,

10. _______________________ is a management system that enables organisation to

enhance the clarity of their vision strategy and enable them to translate the same into

III. Answer the following: 5*1=5

1. Define HRM
2. Line Vs Staff Manager
3. Functions of HRIS
4. Job Analysis
5. HR Planning

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