Design of Missile Control System Using Model Predictive Control
Design of Missile Control System Using Model Predictive Control
Design of Missile Control System Using Model Predictive Control
Abstract-The goal of this paper is to control the II. MATHEMATICAL MODEL OF THE MISSILE
trajectory of the flight path of six degree of freedom flying
body model using Model predictive control (MPC) The model constitutes the six degree of freedom (6-DOF)
controller. MPC controller with constraints will be equations that break down into those describing kinematics,
developed and able to compensate for constraints that dynamics (aerodynamics, thrust, and gravity), command
represent physical limits of actuators in pitch and yaw guidance generation systems, and autopilot (electronics,
angles. The design of MPC controller with linear system instruments, and actuators). The input to this model is launch
for the six degree of freedom flying body is described. conditions, target motion, and target trajectory
MPC controllers are computationally intensive because an characterization, while the outputs are the missile flight data
on-line optimization problem is formed and solved at each (speed, acceleration, range, etc.) during engagement.
control cycle. The basic frames needed for subsequent analytical
developments are the ground, body and velocity coordinate
Keywords-six degree of freedom missile model, systems. The origins of these coordinate systems are the
Linearization model, Model predictive control. missile center of gravity (c.g). In the ground coordinate
system, the Xg-Zg lie in the horizontal plane and the Yg axis
I. INTRODUCTION completes a standard right-handed system and points up
vertically. In the body coordinate system, the positive Xb axis
In recent years, the requirements for the quality of coincides with the missile's center line and it is designated as
automatic control increased significantly due to increased
roll-axis. The positive Zb axis is to the right of the Xb axis in
complexity of plants and sharper specifications of product.
This paper will address the design of optimal variable the horizontal plane and it is designated as the pitch axis. The
structure controllers applied to a six degree of freedom positive Yb axis points upward and it is designed as the yaw
missile model. The six degree of freedom missile model is the axis. The body axis system is fixed with respect to the missile
solution to obtain a detailed accurate data about the missile and moves with the missile. In the velocity coordinate system,
trajectory. Linear model of the investigated systems will be Xv coincides with direction of missile velocity, (Vm) which
considered. The linearization will be obtained during two related to the directions of missile flight. The axis Zv
phases that are boost phase and sustain phase so the completes a standard right-handed system, [6, 11].
controllers are designed for two linear time invariant LTI The pitch plane is X-Y plane, the yaw plane is X-Z plane,
models. The paper objectives are and the roll plane is Y-Z plane. The ground coordinate system
To develop a general flexible sophisticated mathematical and body coordinate system are related to each other through
model of flight trajectory simulation for a hypothetical Eulers angles (, , ). The ground coordinate system and
anti tank missile, which can be used as a base line velocity coordinate system are related to each other through
algorithm contributing for design, analysis, and the (, ) angles. In addition, the velocity coordinate system
development of such a system and implement this model is related to the body frame through the angle of attack () in
using Simulink to facilitate the design of its control the pitch plane and angle of attack () in the yaw plane
system (sideslip angle). The angles between different coordinate
Developing control system, by using MPC control systems are shown in Fig. 1, [6, 11].
techniques The relation between the body and the velocity coordinate
systems can be given as follows
This paper is organized as follows. Section 2 reviews X b cos() cos( ) cos() sin ( ) sin () X v
mathematical model of six degree of freedom missile Y = sin ( ) cos( ) 0 Yv (1)
equations and linearization model is represented. Section 3 b
gives MPC controller design. Section 4 presents control Z b sin () cos( ) sin () sin ( ) cos() Z v
applications and results. Finally, conclusions are outlined in The body and velocity axes system as well as forces,
section 5. moments and other quantities are shown in Fig. 2.
y (I y I x ) z x
M y = I y (6) y = [ ]T
M z = Izz (I x I y ) x y (7) Where matrices A, B, C and D are matrix coefficient of LTI
system; x is state vector; u is input vector; y is output vector.
= V cos() cos( )
X (8) Missile solid propellant thrust will be divided into two
= V sin ()
Y (9)
phases, first phase is Boost phase that will take about 5.8 sec
m of total flight time (0 t < 5.8 sec) and thrust force T = Tmax.
Z = V cos()sin ( )
m (10) The second phase is Sustain phase that will start after boost
( )
= y cos( ) z sin ( ) cos() (11) region until the impact with target (5.8 t < 25 sec) and
thrust force T = Tmin. Therefore, we will discuss the
= y sin ( ) + z cos( ) (12) linearization of missile motion equation at boost and sustain
( )
= x tan () y cos( ) z sin ( ) = x sin () (13) phases.
A linear time-invariant (LTI) model is implemented in a
In these equations, Fx, Fy, Fz are component of forces acting boost phase around the operating point at t = 0. A linear time-
on missile in velocity coordinate system; Mx, My, Mz are invariant (LTI) model is implemented in sustain phase around
the operating point at t = 5.8 sec. Open loop LTI model of known values up to instant k (past input and output) and
missile motion equation is represented in Fig.3, [2, 9]. on the future control signals u (k + i 1 k ) for i = 1 M
(M is control horizon for future moves and 1 M P)
which are those to be sent to the system and calculated.
The prediction future output can be explained briefly in
Model Predictive Control (MPC) is an advanced method of
[10, 12].
2. The set of future control signals u (k + i 1 k ) is calculated
process control that has been in use in the process industries
since the 1980s. MPC is a control strategy that is suitable for
optimizing the performance of constrained systems. by optimizing a determined criterion to keep the process as
Constrains are present in all control systems due to actuators close as possible to the reference trajectory r(k+i) that can
physical limits, boundaries of safe operation and lower limits be the set point itself or a close approximation of it. This
for product quality. The MPC uses the same powerful linear criterion usually takes the form of a quadratic function of
dynamic modeling that employ transfer functions, state-space the errors between the predicted output signal and the
matrices, or a combination of the two. MPC systems rely on predicted reference trajectory. The control effort is
the idea of generating values for process inputs as solutions of included in the objective function in most cases. An
an on-line (real-time) optimization problem. This problem is explicit solution can be obtained if the criterion is
based on a process model and process measurements, [5, 10, quadratic, the model is linear, and there are no constraints;
12]. otherwise an iterative optimization method has to be used.
Some assumptions about the structure of the future control
law are also made in some cases, such as that it will be
constant from a given instant.
Figure (3): Open loop LTI model of six degree-of-freedom Figure (4): Block diagram of SISO plant MPC controller
missile equation
3. The control signal u (k k ) is sent to the process whilst the
Fig. 4 shows block diagram of single input single output
(SISO) plant MPC controller. The main objective is to hold a next control signals calculated are rejected, because at the
single unmeasured output yu at a reference value (or set next sampling instant y(k+1) is already known and step 1
point), r, by adjusting a single manipulated variable (or is repeated with this new value and all the sequences are
actuator) u. The SISO plant actually has multiple inputs brought up to date. Thus the u (k + 1 k ) is calculated, which
in principle will be different from the u (k + 1 k ) because of
(manipulated variable input u, measured disturbance v and
unmeasured disturbance d). The controller receives the
measured disturbance v directly. This allows the controller to the new information available, using the receding horizon
compensate for measured disturbance impact on yu concept.
immediately rather than waiting until the effect appears in the
measured output ym. This is called feed forward control. MPC Fig. 5 shows the state of a hypothetical SISO MPC system
design always provides feedback compensation for that has been operating for many sampling instants. Integer k
unmeasured disturbances and feed forward compensation for represents the current sampling instant. The current measured
any measured disturbance, The MPC design removes the output, y(k), and previous measurements y(k1), y(k2), ...
estimated noise z component of the measurement (filtering). are known and are the filled circles in Fig. 5 (a), [7, 9]. Fig. 5
[9]. (b) shows the controllers previous moves, u(k4), u(k3), ,
The methodology of all the controllers belonging to the u(k-1) as filled circles. As is usually the case, a zero-order
MPC family is characterized by the following strategy, [5]: hold receives each move from the controller and holds it until
1. The future outputs for a determined prediction horizon P the next sampling instant, causing the step-wise variations
(future sampling periods P 1) are predicted at each shown in Fig. 5 (b).
sampling instant k using the process model. These For the basic formulation of predictive control, we shall
prediction outputs y(k + i k ) for i = 1 . P depend on the
assume that the plant model is linear, that the objective
Figure (6): Pitch and yaw angles with MPC controller versus time
Figure (7): Pitch and yaw angles with PID controller versus time
Figure (8): Pitch error and yaw error comparisons with PID and MPC