JFK Vision Plan
JFK Vision Plan
JFK Vision Plan
The Airport Advisory Panel found that JFK is in its current condition due to
the lack of an overall plan to guide the Airports development, resulting in an
inconsistent passenger experience, facilities that are quickly reaching their
capacity, on-airport roadways that are confusing to navigate, and an airport
that is increasingly difficult to access. Currently ranked 59th among the worlds
top 100 airports, JFK falls far short of todays global standards for airport
customers, visitors to our region, and our community.2
The importance of the overall economic growth of the State and the region,
along with the continued partnership with the community of Queens, are
fundamental considerations in the Panels Vision Plan for JFK. To deliver
these critical benefits, our report contains specific recommendations for
immediate redevelopment of outdated assets and details the next steps
necessary to ensure that the Panels recommendations can be translated into
an implementable master plan to guide development.
We thank you for the opportunity to serve and look forward to working with you
in turning the Panels Vision Plan for a new JFK into a reality.
Sincerely yours,
Dan Tishman
John Degnan, Chairman, Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
Board of Commissioners, Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
Patrick Foye, Executive Director, Port Authority of New York & New Jersey
Thomas F. Prendergast, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer
Metropolitan Transportation Authority
Matthew Driscoll, Commissioner New York State Department of Transportation
Tony Collins
Jose Gomez-Ibanez
Queens Borough President Melinda Katz
Marilyn Jordan Taylor
The Port Authority should promptly engage Relocate Taxiways A and B to the west
with the private lessees on a mutually and expand taxiways as necessary as
agreeable framework that enhances the the airports terminal footprint evolves to
passenger experience. provide more efficient aircraft operations
and reduce ground delays.
Work with the Federal Aviation
The current airport roadway network is Administration (FAA) to reduce or remove
complex and confusing for drivers within operational limitations.
the Airports central terminal area. Terminal
drop-off and pick-up locations are already The Port Authority should continue to
bottlenecks and congested at todays evaluate options for additional airside
passenger levels. As passenger volumes capacity.
continue to grow, on-airport congestion will
steadily increase in the absence of aggressive ENHANCED SECURITY
JFK must continue to remain one of the most
The Panel recommends: secure airports in the world. As the Airport
is developed and continues to grow, and in
Redesign the on-airport roadway network light of recent experiences elsewhere, the
to evolve over time into a ring-road Panel recommends that the Port Authority
configuration and provide expanded should initiate periodic top-to-bottom
parking capabilities within the airports security reviews to explore additional security
central terminal area as well as improved measures (with a particular focus on new
way-finding, to create a more efficient, technology) to maintain the safety and
simple airport roadway network, and security of passengers, employees, and the
appropriately sized and centrally located surrounding community as the top priority
parking facilities.
To provide for a superior airport experience as the JFKs central terminal area. The
and to meet regional needs, JFK faces a Airports overall terminal design today cannot
number of growing challenges both on- accommodate meaningful passenger growth.
airport as well as in the transportation
system accessing the airport. It is important Some of the terminal buildings at JFK were
that both on-airport development and constructed in the past ten years, whereas
transportation access to the airport have other terminals were constructed as long
appropriate levels of capacity for a balanced ago as 1962. The varying levels of age and
21st century airport. quality of JFK terminals also contribute to
the Airports inabillity to perform as a world-
Challenges On-Airport class facility. Recently constructed terminals.
Terminals 4, 5, and 8 function reasonably well.
Expanded in 2015, Terminal 4 is the busiest,
and also has the highest productivity in terms
The evolution of JFK has been a history of the average number of annual passengers
of separate, individual transactions with using each gate. Also relatively new, opening
private airlines or private terminal operators in 2007, Terminal 8 is well-positioned for
designing and building individual terminals at expansion at the nearby undeveloped site
the airport. The existing airport is fragmented known as Parcel M. Opening in 2008,
with inconsistent facilities and levels of Terminal 5 at JFK is an operation with high
service across six different terminals situated customer satisfaction. With plans to open in
on an area of roughly 700 acres known
Existing Runways
JFKs existing airfield consists of four
runways: two widely spaced parallel runways
oriented in a northwest/southeast direction
(Runways 13L-31R and 13R-31L) and two
closely spaced parallel runways oriented in
a northeast/ southwest direction (Runways
4L-22R and 4R-22L).
The Panels recommendations for JFK are project executive to develop and implement
based on a pragmatic approach to redevelop an airport-wide master plan consistent with
and transform the Airport into a modern, the recommendations of the panel.
advanced air transportation facility that puts
the passenger first and that can respond Given that the piece-meal, ad-hoc, and
appropriately to the airports relentlessly inconsistent project-by-project development
growing demand. of the past can no longer continue, the Panel
recommends a number of both incremental
The Panels recommendations for JFK and transformative improvements to the
are based on a pragmatic approach to airport in the short, medium and long-term.
redevelop and transform the Airport into The Panels recommendations for JFK focus
a modern, advanced air transportation on improving passenger experience and
facility that puts the passenger first and that optimizing land and airspace use, while
can respond appropriately to the airports expanding economic opportunities for the
relentlessly growing demand. The Panels Borough of Queens and the region. Further,
recommendations serve as a conceptual the Port Authority should continue to be a
guide for the Airport, but require further good neighbor by joining with the surrounding
detailed refinement through a larger master communities to create opportunities for
planning effort. The Panel recommends economic development, while preserving
that the Port Authority create a new JFK local recreation and wildlife.
redevelopment office headed by a single
Airports around the world are leveraging price tag is financed with private funds
public sector investment to stimulate massive and existing passenger fees. Currently,
private sector investment. Airports around Denver Airport is engaging in private sector
the world are leveraging public sector investment of over $1 billion to overhaul a
investment to stimulate massive private key part of that airport. This comes shortly
sector investment. In March 2016, the Port after Denvers Regional Transportation District
Authority approved a $4 billion public private (RTR) used an innovative financing package
partnership to tear down the existing Terminal with private equity and federal-low cost loans
B at LaGuardia Airport and replace it with and grants to support the development of a
a new 21st century state of the art terminal transit line to the airport.33
and new central hall to unify for the first time
Terminal B with Terminal C. The project is Internationally, many world-class airports
the largest public private partnership in the have utilized innovative means of attracting
United States. Two-thirds of the $4 billion private capital and investment. From
Melbourne and Sydney airports in Australia,
The Panels Vision Plan for JFK offer the and improved transportation access will
opportunity to transform the facility into a enable the JFK of the future to continue to
world-class airport befitting of the State of compete in the international market. As a
New York. The recommendations provide whole, the implementation of the Panels
for immediate improvements in the short recommendations for JFK will transform the
and medium-term, as well as position the existing facility into the world-class airport
airport to accommodate long-term passenger and the nations premier international gateway
growth, and create a consistent airport- that the State of New York and the region
wide, world-class passenger experience. deserve. With the leadership and vision that
Reconfigured terminals, redesigned delivered a new LaGuardia, so too will there
roadways, increased airfield capacity, a be a new JFK.
revitalized and more efficient cargo operation,