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Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2017) 129:313324

DOI 10.1007/s11240-017-1179-6


In vitro shoots fromroot explant, their encapsulation, storage,

plant recovery andgenetic fidelity assessment ofLimonium hybrid
Misty Blue: aflorist plant
ShankhamalaBose1 JoydeepKarmakar1 DevanandP.Fulzele2 UtpalBasu1

Received: 6 September 2016 / Accepted: 23 January 2017 / Published online: 7 February 2017
Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2017

Abstract Limonium Misty Blue is an interspecific Keywords Limonium Misty Blue Root Direct
hybrid of Limonium latifolium and L. bellidifolium and has organogenesis Histology Synthetic seed ISSR
a huge demand in floriculture business as both fresh and
dry flowers with stunning purple-blue blooms. The propa- Abbreviations
gation only through vegetative means restrict the popu- MS Murashige and Skoog (1962)
larization of this plant to the flower growers. We therefore MS Half-strength Murashige and Skoog
optimized an efficient micropropagation protocol for direct NAA -Napthalene acetic acid
organogenesis from root explants, as leaf is not conduc- BA 6-Benzyladenine
ible to respond in culture. 61.43% of root explants directly Kn Kinetin
formed shoot buds on their surface after 4-weeks of culture 2-iP 6-(,-Dimethylallyalamino) purine
in media containing MS, 43.82 mM sucrose 2.22 M IBA Indole-3-butyric acid
BA and 1.07M NAA. The shoot buds failed to differen- ISSR Inter simple sequence repeat
tiate into healthy shoots unless the previous medium was PCR Polymerase chain reaction
replaced by full strength MS, and 87.64mM sucrose along CTAB Cetyl trimethylammonium bromide
with 0.44 M BA and 1.07 M NAA. Encapsulations of DMSO Dimethyl sulfoxide
juvenile shoots were carried out by 3% sodium alginate
and 100 mM C aCl2 which were again successfully stored
at 4C for 30 days along with 56.79% of plant recovery Introduction
in MS+0.44 M BA+4.5 M IBA+87.64 mM sucrose
containing medium. 150 synthetic seed derived full grown The genus Limonium encompasses a wide range of exotic
plants were successfully acclimatized in green house, flowering species in Plumbaginaceae family. Commonly
where a total of 101 plants survived after secondary hard- known by names as sea-lavender, statice or marsh-rosemary
ening. The ISSR analysis revealed genetic homogeneity of the members of this genus are distributed in various parts
synthetic seed derived hardened plants. of Europe, Asia, Africa, Australia and North-America.
Since most species of Limonium are reported to be salt and
drought tolerant (Rathinasbapathi 2000), they can be easily
grown on coastal areas, salt marshes, saline soil and water
* Tapas Kumar Bandyopadhyay deficient areas where other flowering plants are not condu-
[email protected]; [email protected] cive to grow. With increasing demand of Limonium culti-
vars as cut flower, the interspecfic hybrid of Limonium lati-
Department ofMolecular Biology andBiotechnology,
folium and L. bellidifolium, Misty Blue was first released
Faculty ofScience, University ofKalyani, Kalyani,
WestBengal741235, India in 1984 (Kunitake and Mii 1994). This particular hybrid
2 with stunning purple-blue blooms has a huge demand in
Plant Biotechnology & Secondary Metabolites Section,
NA&BTD, Bhaba Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai400085, floriculture business as both fresh and dry flowers. Com-
India mercially one bunch containing ten stems of Misty Blue


314 Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2017) 129:313324

costs around US $18 (http://www.wholesaleflowersover- number of species (Atta et al. 2009; da Cruz et al. 2014;, accessed 1st September 2016). Conventional Jani etal. 2015) and regeneration of shoots from roots have
propagation through root cuttings took 68 months time become a valuable system to study the molecular regula-
and usually gave 2030% success (Topoonyanont et al. tion of cell potency and competency (Shemer etal. 2015).
2000); therefore, invitro culture techniques have been used However, it has some advantages over other explants as
by many companies, that produce Limonium flowers, for in vitro transgenic hairy roots, obtained after inoculation
multiplying their stocks and as well as for breeding pur- with Agrobacterium rhizogenes, may be used for recur-
poses (Harazy etal. 1985; Kunitake and Mii 1990). rent organogenesis for long term multiplication (Gutierrez-
Although many protocols for in vitro regeneration of Pesce etal. 1998) and generation of plants with improved
different species of Limonium have been reported, most phenotype (Handa 1992).
of them are based on axillary bud proliferation from node The artificial seed technology is becoming popular due
(Martn and Prez 1992, 1995) and inflorescence axis to its comprehensive application in germplasm conserva-
(Topoonyanont et al. 2000; Xiao and Kozai 2006; Dam tion and for exchanges between countries in the floricul-
etal. 2013). ture trade (Siew et al. 2014). The artificially encapsulated
But the global cut flower industry flourishes based on somatic embryos, shoot buds, axillary shoot or any other
novelty. Recent advances in biotechnology including the meristematic tissues can be used as functional mimic seed
direct insertion of genes into plants have offered the scope for sowing because it possesses the ability to convert into
to develop improved germplasm by overcoming the dif- a plant under in vitro or ex vitro conditions (Sharma and
ficulties to cross distant taxa (Kon et al. 2013). Genetic Shahzad 2012), and can be cryopreserved using encapsula-
engineering is providing a valuable tool for expansion tion-dehydration technique as in mint (Martn etal. 2015),
of flowering gene pool to promote the generation of new chrysanthemum (Teixeira da Silva etal. 2015), apple (Feng
commercial varieties (Tanaka et al. 2005). However, very et al. 2013) etc. Moreover, feasible commercialization of
few reports (Mercuri et al. 2001; Igawa et al. 2002; Yuan encapsulation technology requires the direct sowing of
et al. 2014) are available for the application of genetic synthetic seeds in non-aseptic conditions. Very recently,
transformation of Limonium for the development of new a successful protocol for both production and sowing of
cultivars. The development of such technologies largely chrysanthemum synthetic seeds in non-aseptic conditions
depends on efficient regeneration of plantlets from suitable (Hung and Dung 2015) opened up a new vista in com-
explant (Kon et al. 2013). The lack of efficient in vitro mercialization of synthetic seed technology in ornamental
regeneration systems is the principal bottleneck that ham- horticulture. Since Limonium hybrid Misty Blue is sterile
pers genetic transformation of Limonium because only few and does not form any viable seeds therefore, encapsulated
reports are available for direct (Seelye et al. 1994; Huang shoots with efficient endosperm can substantiate the need
etal. 2000; Jeong etal. 2001; Dam etal. 2010) or indirect of zygotic seeds.
organogenesis and somatic embryogenesis (Aly etal. 2002; Assessment of clonal fidelity is an important step among
Igawa et al. 2002). However, only two reports on in vitro the invitro regenerated plants for their large scale propaga-
propagation (Lian etal. 2002; Topoonyanont etal. 2000) of tion. Irrespective of the advantages of invitro propagation,
this important interspecific hybrid, Limonium Misty Blue genetic instability has been documented in tissue culture-
and lack of information on repetitive somatic embryogen- generated plants (Larkin and Scowcroft 1981). Of several
esis or organogenesis of the same restrict the large scale molecular markers used for evaluation of genetic fidelity of
propagation in bioreactor and further research in the field of in vitro regenerated plants, inter-simple sequence repeats
genetic transformation. On the above background this inter- (ISSR) marker analysis are the simple, quick and cost-
specific Limonium hybrid was chosen to develop a protocol effective method (Lakshmanan et al. 2007). Recently this
for organogenesis from suitable explant. In most of the pre- marker system have been successfully used to study genetic
vious works noted above on Limonium tissue culture, leaf homogeneity among invitro regenerated plantlets of many
was found to be most suitable explant for establishment of species (Rai et al. 2012; Ramakrishnan et al. 2014; Agar-
culture and further regeneration of plantlets either through wal et al. 2015; Ramrez-Mosqueda and Iglesias-Andreu
organogenic or embryogenic pathway in different species, 2015; Saha etal. 2015; Viehmannova etal. 2016).
as leaves are available in abundance throughout the year In this background, our main objective of this study was
and easy to sterilize. In our preliminary study with Limo- to optimize an efficient protocol for induction of shoots
nium hybrid Misty Blue, leaf explant did not show any from in vivo root of Limonium hybrid Misty Blue, their
kind of morphogenetic response, as an alternative, roots encapsulation to form synthetic seeds, storage and conver-
obtained from mature plant were tried for direct organo- sion in artificial culture medium. The protocol was further
genesis. Recently the use of roots as a source of explants improved by ISSR marker analysis to evaluate genetic
for induction of organ formation have been reported in a homogeneity of regenerated plantlets. To our knowledge in

Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2017) 129:313324 315

this particular hybrid, it is the first report on direct organo- mother plant, was cultured in hydroponics supplemented
genesis from root and production of synthetic seeds. with modified Hoagland Solution (Hoagland and Arnon
1950) and 4.92 M IBA. The hydroponic culture was
incubated in plant tissue culture growth room at 2325C
Materials andmethods and 5070% relative humidity under a 16-h photoperiod
with a light intensity of 55 molm2s1 (Philips, India)
Plant material andsurface sterilization maintaining sterile condition as far as possible. The
freshly developed stout roots, obtained from a single one-
Young plantlets of Limonium Misty Blue hybrid plants, month old hydroponics culture, were used as explants for
obtained from Spa Flora Pvt. Ltd, (Bengaluru-560095, subsequent experimentation on organogenesis (Fig. 1).
India), were grown under greenhouse condition in The juvenile root tips, having length of 45 cm, were
earthen pots filled with sterile cocopeat and soilrite mix- thoroughly washed under running tap water for 15 min,
ture in 3:1 ratio and optimum care was taken to avoid any and then dipped in 1% (v/v) teepol solution for 5 min.
fungal and bacterial contamination. After proper cleaning The roots were subsequently treated with 0.1% (w/v)
with running tap water and treating with Tween 20 [1% mercuric chloridesolution for 10min (Himedia, India) in
(v/v)] and sodium hypochloride solution [3% (v/v)], a the laminar air flow cabinet and rinsed with sterile dou-
three months old green-house grown plant designated as ble distilled water for at least five times to ensure proper

Fig.1Direct initiation and subsequent development of shoot e a shoot bud in maturation medium (MS+0.44 M BA+1.07 M
buds from root explant of Limonium Misty Blue a A 4-month old NAA +87.64 mM sucrose) with contrasting pigment deposition
plant from hydroponic culture used for collection of root explant, (arrow) after 2-weeks marks the differential growth pattern, f leaf
b clump of shoot buds c single shoot buds formed directly on the primordium with chlorophyll deposition at the top (arrow) of highly
wounded surfaces of root in 1/2 MS +
2.22 M BA + 1.07 M differentiated shoot bud after 3-weeks, g 4 weeks old matured micro-
NAA+43.82mM sucrose containing medium, d formation of shoot shoot with distinct leaf, ready for encapsulation
buds on the tip (black arrow) and base (white arrow) of lateral roots,


316 Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2017) 129:313324

removal of any traces of mercuric chloride and cleansing Recovery ofplantlets fromtheencapsulated shoots
agents. Surface sterilized roots were then excised in small
pieces (approx. 2 cm each) and pricked several times After storing at various temperatures (0, 4 and 25C) for
using a sterile scalpel to facilitate rapid organogenesis. certain time interval (15, 30, 45 and 60days) the artificial
seeds were inoculated in solidified MS basal medium sup-
plemented with 0.0442.22 M BA and 4.5 M IBA and
Induction ofshoot bud formation andmaturation 87.64 mM of sucrose for plant recovery from synthetic
seeds. The recovery percentage was scored at second week
The root explants were cultured on basal MS from the date of inoculation.
(Murashige and Skoog 1962) solid media containing
43.82 mM sucrose (Merck, India), and 0.8% (w/v) agar
powder (Bacteriological grade, Himedia, India) with dif- Acclimatization ofrecovered plantlets
ferent plant growth regulators (PGRs), i.e., 6-benzylad-
enine (BA), kinetin (Kn), 6-(, -dimethylallyalamino) Healthy plantlets germinated from artificial seeds were
purine (2-iP) and naphthalene acetic acid (NAA) either randomly selected and gently washed with sterile distilled
singly or in combinations. However, in the preliminary water for removal of the adherent media. For primary hard-
experiments (data not shown) it was observed that the ening, these plantlets were grown in protrays containing
media supplemented only with NAA, BA, 2-iP or Kn three types of sterilized potting mixture of cocopeat and
failed to initiate organogenesis after long day of culture, coarse sand in 1:1, 2:1 and 3:1 ratios respectively. Plants
therefore the combined treatment of NAA (1.07 M) in pro-trays were incubated in a plant growth chamber at
along with BA (0.442.22M), 2-iP (0.492.46M) and 2028C with 55 mol m2 s1 irradiance and 7080%
Kn (0.462.32M) were studied further. relative humidity; over-head watering was done using
After 4 weeks of culture, the explants with shoot buds hand sprayer as and when required. After 2 weeks, they
were transferred to another set of media for transition into were transferred to a polythene growth chamber with a
mature shoots which consisted of full strength MS basal photon flux density of 200 mol m2 s1, relative humid-
salt formulation (Murashige and Skoog 1962), 87.64mM ity of 70100% and were maintained at 2528C. The
sucrose, 0.8% (w/v) agar along with different combina- primary hardened plants were then established in green-
tions of BA (0.0442.22M) and NAA (1.07M). house by a process called secondary hardening. The plants
were removed from the plastic pots without hampering
the root ball and planted on 15cm earthen pots containing
Encapsulation ofjuvenile shoots soil:sand:organic manure (1:1:1). The potted plants were
kept within greenhouse under 50% shade provided by Agro
The juvenile shoots approximately 510 mm were dis- shade net (B & V Agro Irrigation Co., India). A 12-h pho-
sected from root explant and used for synthetic seed pro- toperiod with light intensity of 200molm2s1, relative
duction. For encapsulation, the gelling matrix was pre- humidity 70% and temperature 282C were maintained.
pared with different percentages (14%, w/v) of sodium
alginate (Sigma, USA) in liquid MS with 87.64 mM
sucrose, and 50125 mM CaCl2 (Merck, India) as com- Histology
plexing agent. All the chemicals and glass goods used
in this experiment were sterilized in autoclave and the Explants with different organogenesis stages were
whole encapsulation procedure was done under laminar first fixed in FAA (95% ethanol:glacial acetic
air flow hood to avoid contaminations. At first the juve- acid:formaldehyde:water, 10:1:2:7) followed by dehydra-
nile shoot-tips were suspended in sodium alginate solu- tion through a graded ethanol series (20, 30, 50, 70, 90,
tion and then carefully dropped into C aCl2 solution using and 100%) for 20 min at each step with three changes.
a pipette. For completion of the complexation process The tissues were embedded in paraffin wax and thin sec-
the beads in CaCl2 solution was stirred at 120 rpm for tions (10m) were cut using a rotary microtome (HM 340E
15min using a rotary shaker (Sonar, Delhi, India), which Electronic Rotary Microtome, Thermo Fisher, USA). For
resultedin the formation of firm spherical artificial beads staining purpose, the achieved section strips were dipped
with encapsulated shoot-tips. Thereafter, CaCl2 solution into hematoxylene and eosine (HE) stains, then gently
was decanted off and beads were washed thrice with ster- washed with distilled water and dried at 42C. The strips
ile distilled water to remove any traces of excess calcium were further washed with xylol, mounted with DPX (BDH)
chloride. and visualised under compound microscope (Leica, DME,

Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2017) 129:313324 317

DNA extraction andPCR amplification conditions The cultures were maintained at 252C, under cool
white fluorescent light (16h photoperiod; 55 molm2s1,
Total genomic DNA was extracted using CTAB extraction Philips, India) and 70% humidity. For encapsulation pur-
method (Doyle and Doyle 1990) from the synthetic-seed pose, ten shoots regenerated from root were chosen for each
generated secondary hardened plants and the mother plant experiment having three replicates. The recovery percent-
from where explants were collected. Following RNase age of synthetic seeds were calculated after storage at 0, 4
treatment the quality of extracted DNA was assessed on and 25C for 15, 30, 45, 60days. A simultaneous control
0.8% agarose gel and finally the quantification of DNA experiment for plant recovery was carried out on 0th day
was done using spectrophotometer (Nanodrop 2000, at 25C. Primary hardening was done with random 150
Thermo Scientific, USA). The DNA samples were diluted synthetic seed generated plantlets and percentage survival
to 125ngl1 with TE (TrisEDTA) buffer before use and was scored after 30days (Table3). Thereafter, 132 primary
stored at 4C for ISSR experimentation. hardened plantlets were transferred to green house for sec-
For ISSR analysis, 30 micro-satellite based prim- ondary hardening. All percentage data were arcsine trans-
ers (Integrated DNA Technologies, USA) as reported by formed. Duncans multiple range test (DMRT) was done
Ding etal. (2013) in Limonium sinense, were screened and using the SPSS software (Statistical Package for the Social
among them 20 primers were used for the genetic diversity Sciences, IBM, USA) version 20 to distinguish differences
analysis of 9 synthetic seed derived hardened plants (F1- between treatment means at =0.05 level.
F9) in respect with the mother plant (Mo) from where ini- For ISSR analysis, the PCR reactions were repeated
tial explants were collected. The PCR reactions were per- thrice for each primer to ensure the reproducibility of
formed in a 25 l volume of reaction mixture containing results and only clear and reproducible bands were scored
1 Taq buffer [NEB, USA], 1U of Taq DNA polymerase for the data interpretation using XLSTAT 2016 (Addin-
[NEB,USA], 200M of each dNTPs (NEB, USA), 0.2M soft, USA). During analysis a major band along with a faint
primers, 75ng of template DNA and 4% DMSO (Himedia, band in repetition was also included. The estimation of
India). The PCR reactions were carried out in 2720 thermal amplicon size of the ISSR product in this experiment was
cycler (Applied Biosystems, USA) using a single primer in accomplished with the help of 100 bp DNA ladder (GCC
each reaction. The differential base composition of primer Biotech Pvt. Ltd., India).
affects the annealing temperature therefore annealing tem-
perature for each of the primers was optimised.
The PCR amplification conditions were consisted of ini- Result anddiscussion
tial denaturation at 94C for 4min followed by 40 cycles of
PCR reaction consisting of denaturation at 94C for 1min, Induction ofshoot formation
primer annealing at specified temperature (as mentioned in
the table) for each primer for 1min and elongation at 72C A detailed study on organogenesis from mature roots of
for 2min. A final extension at 72C for 7min was carried Limonium hybrid Misty Blue and its successive encap-
out. The PCR reaction products were mixed with 4 l of sulation into synthetic seeds was successfully revealed
6 DNA loading buffer and resolved in presence of 100bp through this study. This is the first report on organogenesis
DNAladder (GCC Biotech Pvt. Ltd., India) on 1.8% aga- from root explants of any species in Plumbaginaceae fam-
rose gel matrix containing 0.5 g l1 ethidium bromide. ily. The root explants collected from a 4-month old hydro-
Gels were visualized and documented using Gel-documen- ponic culture (Fig. 1a) induced shoot bud differentiation
tation system (Bio-Rad XRS+, Bio-Rad, USA). either in clump (Fig.1b) or singly after 2 weeks of culture
(Fig. 1c). The competency of shoot bud differentiation
Experimental design andstatistical analysis is so high that they are even formed on lateral root tip or
their base (Fig.1d). The response of organogenic differen-
Forty surface sterilized roots (1520 cm) were randomly tiation of this explant mainly depended on the concentra-
taken for explant preparation to induce shoot buds. The tions of PGRs in culture medium (Table1). In the present
explants were cultured in jam bottle having diameter of findings, the medium ( MS basal+43.82 mM sucrose)
6cm; the shoot bud differentiation were noticed and aver- supplemented with NAA-2-iP induced the lowest percent-
age number of shoot buds were counted under a stereo age (0.009.97%) of response in comparison with Kine-
zoom microscope (SZH, Olympus, Japan). All the experi- tin-NAA (18.4331.31%) or BA-NAA (40.9861.34%)
ments were set up in a completely randomized block design supplemented medium. However, the highest percentage
with ten explants per experiment, each with three replicates. (61.34%) of responding explants was recorded after 4 week
The pH of all the above mentioned media was adjusted to of incubation in BA (2.22M) and NAA (1.07M) supple-
5.7 with 0.1N NaOH and autoclaved at 121C for 15min. mented medium (Table1). In this respect, it is noteworthy


318 Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2017) 129:313324

Table1The Role of PGRs on the induction of shoot buds from root

explant of Limonium hybrid Misty Blue
PGR concentration (M) Percentage of
explant forming
NAA BAP 2-iP KIN shoot buds

0 0 0 0 0
1.07 0.44 0 0 40.98
0.88 0 0 43.28
2.22 0 0 61.34
1.07 0 0.49 0 9.97
0 0.98 0 0
0 2.46 0 0
1.07 0 0 0.46 31.31
0 0 0.93 24.35
0 0 2.32 18.43

All the percentage values were arcsine transformed. Data were taken
from 10 different explants per treatment having three replicated
means. All the cultures were grown in basal MS medium supple-
mented with 43.82mM sucrose and data were taken after 4 weeks of

to mention that strength MS basal medium was more Fig.2The role of plant growth regulators on transition of shoot buds
into mature shoots of Limonium Misty Blue plants. Note below
responsive than full strength MS basal medium (data is not the figure. In all the experiment the basal medium was MS medium
included) regarding organogenic response of root explants. supplemented with 87.64 mM sucrose and 0.8% (w/v) agar. Data
The above mentioned observations suggest that root may be were scored after 4-weeks of culture. Values are expressed as the
a good choice as an explant. One of the important condi- meanSE of average number of matured shoots per explant. Three
replicated experiments were performed with ten explants per treat-
tions for explant selection is their easy and throughout year ment. Means with same letter within a column indicate statistical
availability. Generally, Limonium Misty Blue grew as a insignificance at P0.05 level according to Duncan multiple range
rosette with many leaves arranged spirally with very short test (DMRT)
internodes (Topoonyanont et al. 2000); therefore the leaf,
root and inflorescence can be used as explants for organo-
genesis. Although Topoonyanont et al. (2000) reported into maturation media. In this particular culture medium
shoot regeneration from inflorescence by reversion and the top portion of shoot buds were extended much faster
produced only 2.5 to 4 newly developed vegetative shoots than the basal portion, the contrasting pigment deposi-
per explant by applying 2mg/L Kn and 2mg/L (3-indolyl) tion suggest the differential growth pattern of the marked
acetic acid (IAA) in basal MS medium but the availabil- shoot bud (Fig.1e). In the next 2-weeks, the shoot buds
ity of inflorescence depends on season which restricts the further transformed into shoots with distinct leaf primor-
year round production of this important cut flower generat- dia (Fig. 1f) and fully differentiated leaf (Fig. 1g). Dur-
ing plant. Between root and leaf explant, in our preliminary ing maturation the BA and NAA containing medium
experiment, leaf of this particular hybrid has been failed to was found more suitable than the medium devoid of
regenerate plants either through organogenic or embryo- any PGRs, in this context statistically higher response
genic pathway, though the direct somatic embryogenesis (10.330.88 shoots/explant) was observed in culture
from leaf of Limonium sinensis (Dam etal. 2010) had been medium containing BA (0.44 M) and NAA (1.07 M)
reported earlier from our laboratory. after 4-weeks of culture (Fig.2).
Various reports are available on organogenesis from root
Maturation ofshoot buds explants by application of different cytokinins (Atta et al.
2009; da Cruz etal. 2014; Jani etal. 2015). But here in our
The juvenile shoot buds did not differentiate into shoots study with Limonium hybrid Misty Blue, combination of
when they were continued to grow in same culture BA along with NAA was found to be suitable for induction
medium at second subculture; furthermore the explants of organogenetic response of root explants, which is con-
were dedifferentiated into calli. To avoid callus formation sistent with the findings, where these two hormonal com-
the explants with attached shoot buds were transferred binations induced shoot organogenesis (Phulwaria et al.

Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2017) 129:313324 319

2013; Sukhumpinij etal. 2010; Patel etal. 2014) from dif-

ferent explants in other plants.

Encapsulation ofjuvenile shoots

The encapsulation of regenerated shoots via sodium algi-

nate has been proved to be the most efficient technique for
mass propagation of ornamental plants as well as short
term conservation of important germplasms (Kulus and
Zalewska 2014). In this context, Limonium Misty Blue
which is a hybrid plant, does not form any viable seeds
therefore; encapsulated shoots with efficient endosperm can
substantiate the need of zygotic seeds. A literature review
indicates no report on artificial seed formation in Limo-
nium Misty Blue as well as in other Limonium species.
In this respect, the newly formed shoots from the matura-
tion media were excised and encapsulated in sodium algi-
nate beads (Fig. 3a). The concentration of alginate during
encapsulation of shoots is an important parameter because
it performs as a protective guard from physical damage dur-
ing storage; simultaneously it must allow splitting the artifi-
cial seed coat during germination. In the present investiga-
tion, 3% sodium alginate complexed with 100 mM CaCl2
formed firm, round and uniform beads; the concentration
lower than 3% failed to produce a turgid covering, whereas,
higher concentration (4%) resulted in very hard covering,
which was difficult to rupture. The concentration of sodium
alginate was properly judged when beads were allowed to
convert into plantlets in MS medium containing 0.44 M
BA and 4.5 M IBA. 3% sodium alginate encapsulated
shoots (60.67%) sprouted within 5-days and produced full-
fledged rooted plant after 10 days (Fig. 3b). This particu-
lar combination of 3% sodium alginate and 100mM CaCl2
(Table2) has successfully been used in several plants like
Phyllanthus amarus (Singh et al. 2006), Cucumis sativus
(Adhikari et al. 2014), Ocimum kilimandscharicum (Saha
etal. 2015) Ledebouria revoluta (Haque and Ghosh 2016)
for encapsulation purpose.

Recovery ofplantlets fromtheencapsulated shoots

In another experiment on storage of encapsulated shoots,

highest recovery percentage was obtained after 15 (61.34%)
and 30 days (56.79%) respectively at 4C, which was very
close to the recovery percentage (65.65%) of plantlets in Fig.3Encapsulation of juvenile shoots, plant recovery and harden-
ing. a The firm, round and uniform beads after encapsulation with 3%
control condition (25C at 0 day). In contrast, the recov- sodium alginate with 100mM CaCl2, enlarged view of bead at inset;
ery percentage was significantly lowered after storage b conversion of encapsulated shoots in MS+0.44 M BA+4.5 M
at 0C and 25C for 15, 30, 45 and 60 days respectively IBA medium after storage at 4C for 30 days, note the emergence
(Table3). It is assumed that partial desiccation during stor- of shoot (sh) and root (rt), c the rooted plants derived from synthetic
seeds are ready for transplantation in green house, d one month old
age for longer period of time result in lower conversion primary hardened plantlets in a portray, e two month old secondary
ratios (Faisal and Anis 2007). Similar higher conversion hardened plantlets in earthen pots
frequency after storage at 4C was noted in other plants


320 Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2017) 129:313324

Table2The role of different combinations of sodium alginate and BA produced significantly longest shoot (31.960.47mm)
calcium chloride for encapsulation of juvenile shoots and plant recov- along with highest number of roots (9.120.10) after stor-
ery of Limonium hybrid Misty Blue
age at 4C (Table4). These well- developed plants (Fig.3c)
Concentration of Concentration of cal- Germination of were then transferred in the green house for hardening.
sodium alginate (%) cium chloride (mM) artificial seeds During hardening, the statistical analysis of 150 plants
revealed 69.73% of survivality after 4 weeks in potting
1 50 28.66 media containing cocopeat:coarse sand (2:1), which was
75 37.46 significantly higher in comparison to other two treatments
100 31.31 (Table 5). Primary hardening depends on two important
125 26.57 parameters one, porosity and two, water holding capacity
2 50 43.28 of the substrate. In this respect, 2:1 ratio of cocopeat and
75 46.72 coarse sand was most efficient because it promoted growth
100 49.02 of tender roots of tissue cultured Limonium plants. Moreo-
125 31.31 ver, the use of low cost and easily available coco peat and
3 50 31.31 coarse sand may be an important aspect for large scale pro-
75 52.54 duction. Several workers reported the suitability of sand
100 60.67 and cocopeat mixture during hardening of Stereospermum
125 43.28 personatum (Shukla et al. 2009) Anthurium andraeanum
4 50 46.72 (Bhattacharya et al. 2016), Santalum album (Singh et al.
75 49.02 2016). In the second phase of hardening, 132 healthy plant-
100 40.98 lets with sufficient root system (Fig.3d) were transplanted
125 35.06 in the earthen pot for secondary hardening. Out of which
101 plants survived and showed luxurious growth (Fig.3e).
All the shoots were encapsulated in presence of liquid MS with
87.64 mM sucrose. All the percentage values were arcsine trans-
formed of three independent experiments Histology

A number of histological studies reported the origin of

Table3The relation between storage and plantlets recovery from the shoot bud from the pericycle of root explants (Arora etal.
encapsulated shoots of Limonium hybrid Misty Blue 2011; Rocha et al. 2012), which is inconsistent with the
Storage (days) Percentage of germination of artificial current finding where shoot bud differentiation occur from
seeds cortical cells of root tissue (Fig.4a) as reported by Rao and
0C 4C 25C Mohanram (1981) in Limnophila indica and Suboti and
Grubii (2007) in Centaurium erythreae. Within explant
0 65.65 some of the cells of that region started frequent division
15 45.0 61.34 40.98 and turned into shoot bud primordium; the cells in this
30 39.23 56.79 35.06 primordium are characterized by their small size, compact
45 21.13 43.28 24.35 nature (due to absence of inter cellular spaces) and darkly
60 0 35.06 0

All the percentage values were arcsine transformed of three inde-

pendent experiments. All the culture media were supplemented with Table4The role of plant growth regulators on the length of shoot
basal MS along with 0.44M BA and 1.07M NAA and 87.64mM and number of roots of recovered plantlets of Limonium hybrid
of sucrose and data was scored after 15days Misty Blue
Plant growth regulators (M) Length of shoots (mm) No. of roots
(Rai etal. 2012; Faisal and Anis 2007; Adhikari etal. 2014; No PGR 16.630.61d 5.130.09c,d
Saha etal. 2015; Viehmannova etal. 2016). 1.07 NAA+0.044 BA 23.760.27c 7.040.09b,c
1.07 NAA+0.44 BA 31.960.46a 9.120.09a
Rooting andacclimatization ofrecovered plantlets 1.07 NAA+0.88 BA 26.040.52b,c 7.940.11b
1.07 NAA+2.22 BA 18.340.33c,d 5.560.17c
The ultimate success of any tissue culture work is the
acclimatization of plants in the natural condition. During The basal medium was supplemented with MS along with 87.64mM
pre-hardening the concentration of PGRs in conversion of sucrose. All values are the meanSE of three independent experi-
ments. Means followed by same letter indicate statistical insig-
medium affected the shoot and root growth. The germina- nificance at P0.05 level according to Duncan multiple range test
tion medium supplemented with 4.5M IBA and 0.44M (DMRT). Data scored after 30 days

Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2017) 129:313324 321

Table5Primary hardening of artificial seed derived plantlets of section of the root also confirmed multiple shoot devel-
Limonium hybrid Misty Blue opment at different stages when the explant containing
Protray potting medium Primary hardening shoot buds cultured in maturation medium containing
MS+0.44 M BA+1.07 M NAA+87.64 mM sucrose
Total number of Survival per-
plants transferred centage after (Fig.4c). The shoot buds further developed into complete
30days shoot having distinct leaf primordia and apical shoot mer-
istem. In this developmental phase shoots are emerged out
Cocopeat:coarse sand (1:1) 50 61.34
from the explant but they are well connected with mother
Cocopeat:coarse sand (2:1) 50 69.73
tissue (Fig. 4d), which confirmed their organogenic ori-
Cocopeat:coarse sand (3:1) 50 63.43
gin. Considering all aspects such as genetic potentiality,
All percentage values are arcsine transformed of three independent induction, competence and commitment the roots of hybrid
experiments Misty Blue may be consider as good explant for organo-
genic shoot development.

stained nucleus. These triangular cell mass (Fig.4b), which Screening oforganogenic shoots throughISSR marker
is designated as shoot primordium, can clearly be demar-
cated from their surrounding tissue by their protruded The somaclonal variation events can be more frequent
growth on the surface of the explant. The longitudinal in respect to protocol based on adventitious shoot

Fig.4Histological study of shoot bud development from root c the longitudinal section of the root formed multiple shoot buds at
explant of Limonium Misty Blue. a The longitudinal section of different developmental stages when cultured in maturation medium
root showing shoot bud primordium developed at the sub-epidermal comprising of MS+0.44 M BA+1.07 M NAA+87.64 mM
layer of root tissue, these regions are characterized by their small sucrose, d a cross section of a distinct shoot bud, consisting of leaf
size, compact nature and darkly stained nucleus (arrow), b a triangu- primordia (LP) and apical shoot meristem (SP), are clearly attached
lar shoot primordial protrusion (arrow) on the surface of root tissue, with the mother tissue


322 Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2017) 129:313324

regeneration than the protocol based on regeneration

from axillay bud; in this respect, the heterogeneous off-
spring may be produced during shoot organogenesis
from root explant of Limonium Misty Blue. Therefore;
the screening of regenerated plants with the molecular
marker is an essential step to validate the micropropa-
gation protocol. In the present investigation the ISSR
markers were used to screen the somaclones. Out of
30 ISSR primers 20 selected primers (Table 6) resulted
in 28 scorable bands, which were selected for further
study. These 20 ISSR primers generated scorable bands
Fig.5A representative ISSR band pattern of artificial seed derived
ranging from 100 to 900 bp in size. The number of
plants of Limonium Misty blue using primer [(AC)8TC]. Mo -
bands for each primer varied from 2 (IS11 and IS15) to mother plant, W- negative control; F1F9 artificial seed derived
8 (IS1 and IS20), with an average of 4.1 bands per ISSR plants, M- 100bp DNA marker
primer. Among all the primers tested, monomorphic
banding pattern (Fig. 5) was observed in all the nine
synthetic seed derived and mother plants. The applica- Conclusion
tion of molecular marker technique especially by ISSR
for clonal fidelity of invitro propagated plants have been In conclusion, the present report describes, a detailed effi-
recommended by several authors in different plant sys- cient, true-to-type in vitro plant propagation method from
tems (Ramrez-Mosqueda and Iglesias-Andreu 2015; the invivo roots of mature plant of a commercially impor-
Saha et al. 2015; Viehmannova et al. 2016). Our result tant florist plant Limonium Misty Blue and also represent
suggests the genetic integrity and true-to-type nature of an efficient germplasm preservation method for this non-
the invitro generated plants in germplasm conservation seed producing variety of Limonium which can be used as
programme. an effective solution for exchange and transportation to dif-
ferent parts of the world.

Table6List of primers used in Serial no. ISSR primer Molecular Am (C) No. of bands Band
the study with their molecular sequence weight appeared appeared In
weights, annealing temperature range [bp]
used for each primers, no. of
band generated with their range 1 (AC)8AT 150 46 8 100900
of appearance with respect to
2 (AC)8TT 170 46 6 100400
100bp DNA marker
3 (AC)8AG 140 45.9 4 200500
4 (AC)8TG 150 45.9 5 100500
5 (AC)8AA 120 45 3 100500
6 (AC)8TA 140 44.8 4 200400
7 (AC)8TC 190 45.9 7 100500
8 (AC)8CA 130 47.5 5 100400
9 (AC)8CC 150 48.6 6 200500
10 (AG)8AA 140 44.3 4 200500
11 (AG)8TA 150 40 2 200300
12 (AG)8TC 160 42.3 4 100300
13 (AC)8GC 150 48.6 2 100200
14 (AC)8CT 150 47.5 4 200500
15 (AC)8GA 140 47.5 2 100300
16 (AC)8GC 180 48.8 5 100300
17 (AC)8GG 130 50 3 100300
18 (AC)8GT 140 47.5 5 100300
19 (TG)8AA 190 45 3 200300
20 (TG)8AC 160 45.9 8 100400

Plant Cell Tiss Organ Cult (2017) 129:313324 323

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Analyzed the data: SB, JK, UB, TKB, DPF. Wrote the paper: SB, JK, Handa T (1992) Genetic transformation of Antirrhinum majus L.
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