Part Five Manual of Regulations On Foreign Exchange Transactions
Part Five Manual of Regulations On Foreign Exchange Transactions
Part Five Manual of Regulations On Foreign Exchange Transactions
Residents include any individual, citizen or otherwise, who has resided in the Philippines for a year or longer, as defined
in Section 83 of the International Monetary Fund (IMF) Balance of Payments Textbook, 1996.
prohibited for reasons of public health and foreign exchange for trade transactions
safety, national security, international under Appendix 4:
commitments, and development/ 1. Letter of Credit (L/C);
rationalization of local industry. 2. Documents Against Payment (D/P);
Foreign exchange purchased from 3. Documents Against Acceptance (D/A);
AABs/AAB-forex corps to service 4. Open Account (O/A);
importations shall be directly remitted to the 5. Direct Remittance (DR); and
non-resident beneficiary on the date of 6. Advance Payment.
purchase. However, foreign exchange
purchases may be credited to FCDU deposit Section 9. Letter of Credit (L/C)
accounts of the importer pending remittance 1. All L/Cs must be opened on or before
to the non-resident beneficiary: Provided, the date of shipment and only one (1) L/C
That the importer shall execute a waiver of should be opened for each import
the requirements of R.A. No. 6426 (Foreign transaction. For purposes of opening an L/C,
Currency Deposit Act) dated 04 April 1974, importers shall submit to the AAB the
as amended, on the secrecy of foreign documents listed in Appendix 5.
currency deposits upon purchase of foreign Amendments of L/Cs need not be referred
exchange to enable the BSP to validate the to the BSP for prior approval. L/Cs shall
authenticity of the credits and eventual be negotiated in accordance with the terms
remittance of the funds. and conditions set forth in the L/C and shall
(As amended by Circular No. 742 dated 21 November 2011) be governed by the Uniform Customs and
Practices on Documentary Credits.
Section 7. Classification of Imports 2. Deferred L/Cs shall be governed by
Imports are classified as follows: the pertinent provisions of Part Two,
1. Freely Importable Commodities. Chapter 1 hereof (Loans and Guarantees).
These are commodities the importation of For this purpose, deferred L/Cs refer to those
which is neither regulated nor prohibited with payment terms of more than one year
as defined under (2) and (3) hereunder. The reckoned from initial shipment date.
importation may be effected without the (As amended by Circular No. 742 dated 21 November 2011)
prior approval of or clearance from any
government agency. Section 10. Documents Against Payment (D/P)
2. Regulated Commodities. These are 1. Under the D/P arrangement, AABs
commodities, listed in Appendix 2, the shall advise the importer of the receipt of
importation of which requires clearances/ the complete original shipping documents
permits from appropriate government and effect the release of said documents to
agencies including the BSP. the importer upon receipt of payment.
3. Prohibited Commodities. These are 2. AABs shall remit payment to the
commodities, listed in Appendices 3 and supplier through the correspondent bank
3.1, the importation of which is not allowed abroad.
under existing laws.
Section 11. Documents Against Acceptance
Section 8. Modes of Payment for Imports (D/A) and Open Account (O/A)
AABs and AAB-forex corps may sell foreign Arrangements. Under a D/A arrangement, the
exchange to service payments for imports original shipping documents are released
under any of the following arrangements to the importer by the AAB concerned at
subject to the provisions of Sections 9 to 13 the instance of the sellers bank upon the
and the guidelines covering the sale of importers acceptance of the sellers bill of
exchange obligating the importer to pay for Section 14. Other Import Arrangements
the shipment at some future date. Under an The following import arrangements are also
O/A arrangement, the said documents are allowed without prior BSP approval:
released by the seller directly to the importer 1. Self-Funded/No Dollar Imports.
without coursing the documents through the These are imports funded by importers own
banks, upon the importers promise to pay foreign currency deposit accounts or those
at some future date. As used herein, an sent by suppliers abroad for which no
import transaction to be considered under payment in foreign exchange will be made
D/A or O/A must be payable at least 30 days whether immediate or potential.
after bill of lading (B/L) or airway bill (AWB) 2. Importations on Consignment Basis.
shipment date. These are importations by export producers
The guidelines for reporting, payments of raw materials and accessories/supplies
and extensions of imports under D/A or O/A from foreign suppliers/buyers abroad for the
arrangements are shown in Appendix 6. manufacture or processing of products
destined for export to said foreign suppliers/
Section 12. Direct Remittance (DR). AABs buyers. These shall also include machinery/
and AAB-forex corps may service within equipment and spare parts consigned to the
twenty nine (29) calendar days after B/L or local manufacturer/processor for eventual
AWB shipment date applications for direct re-export to the consignor: Provided, That
remittance of import payments upon the equipment involved shall be used only
presentation of the complete original in connection with the processing of
shipping documents, in accordance with products for export.
existing rules, and if applicable, import
clearance, for regulated items issued by B. EXPORT TRADE TRANSACTIONS
concerned government agencies. If the 29th
day falls on a non-banking day, the following Section 15. General Policy. It is the policy
banking day shall apply and the importation of the BSP to encourage commodity exports
will still be considered DR. which generate foreign exchange earnings
for the country. Accordingly, commodity
Section 13. Advance Payment. AABs and exports are allowed without restriction
AAB-forex corps may sell foreign exchange except for certain commodities which are
to importers without prior BSP approval, for regulated or prohibited for reasons of
advance payment for importations subject national interest or by provision of law.
to the guidelines under Appendix 7 hereof,
including documents prescribed thereunder. Section 16. Classification of Exports
The foreign exchange selling/remitting AAB 1. Freely Exportable Commodities.
shall report these transactions to the BSP- These are commodities the exportation of
International Operations Department (IOD) which is neither regulated nor prohibited.
using the prescribed forms (Annexes B and They may be effected without prior approval
C). All applications to purchase foreign of or clearance from any government
exchange in excess of USD1.0 million or agency.
its equivalent in other foreign currency to 2. Regulated Commodities. These are
service advance payment for importation commodities the exportation of which
shall be filed directly with the BSP-IOD for requires clearances/permits from
prior approval. appropriate products with the appropriate
(As amended by Circular Nos. 742 dated 21 November 2011 government agencies/offices is shown in
and Circular No. 698 dated 05 November 2010) Appendix 8.
Section 21. Gold and Constructive Exports Foreign Currency Deposit Units (EFCDUs)
1. Gold. All exports of gold in any of banks shall be referred to the BSP for prior
form may be allowed except for gold from approval, unless otherwise indicated herein.
small-scale mining, including panned gold, Other private sector loans from these
which is required to be sold to the BSP creditors and other financing schemes/
pursuant to Republic Act No. 7076. arrangements shall require prior approval
2. Constructive Exports. The following and/or registration by the BSP if these will
sales of residents paid for in foreign currency ultimately involve foreign exchange
shall be considered as constructive exports: purchased from AABs or AAB-forex corps.
a. Gold sales to the BSP even if paid 1. The required BSP approval shall be
for in Philippine currency; obtained as follows:
b. Sales of residents paid for in foreign a. For public sector loans Applications
currency to the following entities: for loan approval shall be filed with the BSP
1) Bonded manufacturing warehouses using the prescribed form (Annex D.1)
of export producers/manufacturers; together with all the required supporting
2) Export processing zones; documents/information,before
3) Board of Investments (BOI)- commencement of actual negotiations, or
registered export traders operating bonded before issuing a mandate of commitment to
trading warehouses supplying raw materials foreign funders/arrangers; and
used in the manufacture of export products; b. For private sector loans Applications
4) Diplomatic missions in the for loan approval shall be filed with the BSP
Philippines; using the prescribed form (Annex D.2)
5) Duty Free Philippines, Inc. (DFP); and together with all the required supporting
6) Foreign buyers of goods/products to documents/information, at least thirty (30)
be delivered directly to local consumers at banking days before the target signing date
the instruction of the former and paid for in of the loan documents and/or initial
foreign currency. drawdown date, whichever is earlier.
An Export Declaration for each sale 2. Resident companies/entities
shall be accomplished: Provided, That the intending to obtain medium- and long-term
exporter shall submit a delivery receipt signed foreign loans or issue bonds/notes/debt
by the buyer in lieu of the B/L or AWB. securities offshore shall submit to the BSP-
IOD their annual foreign borrowings plan
a. Public sector entities, including the
Chapter I National Government every end-
September for borrowings for the following
LOANS AND GUARANTEES year, regardless of amount; and
b. Private sector entities, with planned
Section 22. The BSP shall regulate foreign/ aggregate annual borrowing of at lease
foreign currency loans to ensure that USD10 million, or its equivalent - every
principal and interest owed to creditors can end-September for borrowings for the
be serviced in an orderly manner and with following year.
due regard to the economys overall debt The timetable and any changes on the
servicing capacity. All public and publicly- submitted foreign borrowings plan shall be
guaranteed private sector obligations from communicated to the BSP-IOD within two
foreign creditors, OBUs and Foreign (2) weeks upon availability of information
Currency Deposit Units (FCDUs)/Expanded for monitoring and programming purposes.
Guidelines on the three (3) months temporary window for the purchase of FX to service unregistered
private sector foreign loans issued under Cir. 741 dated 17 November 2011
b. All loans that are past due for more full amount to the creditor at the target
than thirty (30) calendar days reckoned as prepayment date.
follows: e. The foreign exchange selling institution
(1) For short-term loans, from the 360th shall see to it that documents evidencing
day after availment; and payment of applicable documentary stamp
(2) For MLT loans, from original tax, if any, are presented/available.
maturity date. f. The foreign exchange sold shall be
c. Other loan-related fees/charges not duly reported by the foreign exchange-selling
authorized by the BSP; and AAB under FX Form 1 (Consolidated Report
d. Loans covered by official on Foreign Exchange Assets & Liabilities)-
rescheduling with Paris Club creditors. Schedule 4 following the deadline for
4. AABs and AAB-forex corps may sell submission of FX Form 1.
foreign exchange for prepayments (i.e., 5. Applications to purchase foreign
payments before original due dates) of MLT exchange for servicing of loan-related
private sector loans (including bonds and payments shall be submitted to any AAB or
notes) that are not publicly-guaranteed and AAB-forex corp. using the prescribed form
are covered by a BSP registration document (Annex A) and supported by documents
(BSRD) without prior BSP approval, subject prescribed under Item B, Appendix 1 hereof.
to the following conditions: 6. AABs and AAB-forex corps shall not
a. The borrower shall submit to the BSP- sell foreign exchange to residents for
IOD a notice of their intention to prepay at payment of foreign exchange obligations to
least one (1) month prior to the target residents other than AABs.
prepayment date indicating the following: 7. All loan payments made, irrespective
name of creditor, BSP registration number of the source of the foreign exchange used,
for the loan, date of prepayment, amount to shall be reported by the borrower concerned
be prepaid in original currency, and to BSP-IOD using the prescribed form
remittance instructions (e.g., account number (Annex E.2).
and recipient bank for the prepayment). After (As amended by Circular Nos. 741 dated 17 November 2011 and
payment, the borrower shall submit to the 698 dated 05 November 2010)
BSP-IOD, proof/s of the payment made,
together with copy of the duly stamped BSRD Section 30. Approval/Registration and
and its Form 2 report (Annex E.2) Servicing of Guarantees
b. The foreign exchange selling AAB/ 1. The following guarantees shall
AAB-forex corp shall require the require prior BSP approval:
presentation by the borrower of documents a. Guarantees for account of the
prescribed under Item B, Appendix 1 hereof. public sector as well as those to be issued
c. The foreign exchange purchases shall by government-owned and controlled
not exceed USD 50.0 million per day, corporations in favor of non-residents; and
provided that the total foreign exchange b. Guarantees issued by foreign banks
purchases shall not at any case exceed the and financial institutions to secure
amount to be prepaid. The daily limit shall obligations of residents partaking the nature
be subject to periodic review to take into of a foreign loan which require prior BSP
consideration prevailing conditions; revised approval pursuant to Section 23.
limits shall be duly disseminated by the BSP. 2. The following guarantees, including
d. Advance foreign exchange purchases risk take-over and similar arrangements, for
shall be deposited in the borrowers FCDU/ account of the private sector shall not
offshore account pending remittance of the require prior BSP approval and registration
but shall be reported to the BSP by AABs as issuer/ 5. Any payments relative to BSP
beneficiary using the prescribed form (Annex G registered guarantees may be remitted by AABs
if issuer or Annex H if beneficiary) to be eligible as they fall due without prior BSP approval. Any
for servicing using foreign exchange purchased foreign liability arising from a call on the
from AABs or AAB-forex corps in the event of guarantee shall require prior BSP approval, if
default by the principal obligor: to be serviced using foreign exchange
a. Guarantees to be issued by local banks purchased from AABs or AAB-forex corps.
and other financial institutions, including
government financial institutions, in favor of Section 31. Approval/Registration and Servicing
non-residents such as: of Other Financing Schemes/Arrangements
1) Payment guarantees (e.g., bid bonds, 1. Financing schemes which would
performance bonds, advance payment bonds); involve option to purchase arrangement or
and transfer of ownership after a certain period of
2) Guarantees to secure foreign time as in the case of Build-Operate-Transfer
obligations of residents which do not partake (BOT), Build and Transfer (BT) arrangements
the nature of a foreign loan. shall be registered with the BSP to be eligible
b. Guarantees to be issued by foreign for servicing using foreign exchange purchased
banks and financial institutions as well as other from AABs or AAB-forex corps. Applications
foreign entities to secure peso loans/FCDU for registration shall be filed by the
loans authorized under Section 24.4. Proceeds implementing agency/proponent with the BSP
of guarantees where the beneficiary is a within one month from contract signing.
resident shall be inwardly-remitted and sold Implementing agencies/proponents of
to AABs for pesos. projects under BOT/similar financing
As a prerequisite to the issuance of arrangements shall submit to the BSP the
guarantees under Item a, the following following reports:
documents shall be submitted to the guarantor: a. Yearly Projected Funding
a. Registration papers of domestic Requirements for BOT/Other Similar
accountee with the Securities and Exchange Financing Schemes (Annex I), on or before
Commission (SEC) (for corporation/ September 30 of the year preceding the
partnership) or with the Bureau of Domestic reference period; and
Trade (BDT) of the Department of Trade and b. Monthly Report on payment under
Industry (DTI) (for single proprietorship); and BOT/Other Similar Financing Schemes
b. Contract and/or other documents which (Annex J) within ten (10) working days from
serve as basis for the issuance of the guarantee. end of reference month.
3. Other guarantees or similar 2. Offshore issuances of peso-
arrangements which may give rise to actual denominated instruments1 involving:
foreign obligations shall require prior BSP a. inward remittance of foreign
approval to be eligible for servicing using exchange to the Philippines and sale thereof
foreign exchange purchased from AABs or for pesos to AABs; or
AAB-forex corps. b. a resident enterprise or any of its
4. Fees and charges on guarantees shall offshore offices, branches, subsidiaries and
be reflective of prevailing market terms: affiliates, which will participate in such
Provided, That guarantees issued by parent transactions as an issuer, guarantor or
companies to their affiliates shall not be beneficiary, and where proceeds shall be lent
charged any fee. to or invested in resident companies.
Under Circular Letter No. CL-2011-14, dated 03 March 2011, this provision covers all offshore issuances by
residents of peso-denominated bonds/notes and similar instruments, whether to be settled in pesos or foreign
currency and thus, require BSP approval (regardless of the source of foreign exchange for servicing of the
obligation) prior to launching/signing of agreements/receipt of proceeds.
The approval of said instruments shall funding for the cash investments must be
be subject to the following conditions: inwardly remitted but need not be converted
a. the transaction shall not involve to pesos.
import or export of Philippine currency Assets eligible for registration as
whether physically or electronically; and investment in kind shall include:
b. compliance with pertinent rules and (1) machinery and equipment; (2) raw
regulations of the BSP (including reportorial materials, supplies, spare parts and other
requirements) and other regulatory/ items including intangible assets necessary
government agencies/entities including for the operations of the investee firm. The
approval by the Department of Finance value of these investments in kind shall be
(DOF) in the case of supranational issuers. assessed and appraised by the BSP before
3. Non-residents issuance of notes/ their registration.
bonds or similar instruments in the domestic Expenses incurred by foreign firms
market, shall require BSP approval before pursuant to government-approved service
execution thereof. contracts/other contracts for oil, gas, and
geothermal energy exploration/
Chapter II developments may be capitalized and
registered as foreign investment with the BSP.
FOREIGN INVESTMENTS (As amended by Circular No. 742 dated 21 November 2011)
Section 32. General Policy. The BSP Section 35. Inward Foreign Portfolio
supports the countrys policy to encourage Investments. Inward foreign portfolio
inward foreign investments. Said investments shall include the following:
investments need not be registered with the 1. Investments in government securities
BSP unless the foreign exchange needed to which refer to investments in peso-
service the repatriation of capital and the denominated certificates of indebtedness,
remittance of dividends, profits and earnings issued by public sector entities.
which accrue thereon shall be purchased 2. Investments in listed securities
from AABs or AAB-forex corps. which refer to investments in securities
listed in the PSE.
Section 33. Categories of Inward Foreign 3. Investments in money market
Investments. For purposes of registration, instruments which refer to all peso-
foreign investments may be in the form of: denominated debt instruments, such as but
(1) foreign direct investments in Philippine not limited to bonds, bills payables,
firms or enterprises; (2) investments in peso- promissory notes, and non-participating
denominated government securities; (3) preferred shares, issued onshore by private
investments in securities listed in the resident firms, not included in Section 23.
Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE);(4) 4. Investments in bank deposits:
investments in peso-denominated money Provided, That only peso time deposits with
market instruments; and (5) investments in an AAB with a maturity of at least ninety
peso time deposits with AABs with a (90) days shall be eligible for registration
minimum maturity of ninety (90) days. with the BSP.
For registration purposes, the foreign
Section 34. Inward Foreign Direct exchange funding for the portfolio
Investments. Inward foreign direct investments must be inwardly remitted and
investments may be in cash or in kind. For converted to pesos.
registration purposes, foreign exchange (As amended by Circular No. 742 dated 21 November 2011)
Section 36. Registration with the BSP. The Section 39. Import/Export of Stock
following inward foreign investments shall Certificates of Philippine Firms. No prior
be registered with the BSP: BSP authority shall be required for the
1. Inward foreign direct investments import/export of stock certificates of
under Section 34; and Philippine firms issued to foreign investors,
2. Investments in peso-denominated including investments prior to 15 March
money market instruments under Item 3 of 1973 under Section 43.
Section 35.
All applications for registration of Section 40. Repatriation and Remittance
foreign direct investments under Section 34 Privileges
shall be filed with the BSP within five (5) 1. Inward foreign investments duly
years from the date of inward remittance/ registered with the BSP or with a custodian
actual transfer of assets to the Philippines.1 bank duly designated by the foreign investor,
A Bangko Sentral Registration Document shall be entitled to full and immediate
(BSRD) shall be issued by the BSP repatriation of capital and remittance of
evidencing registration of such investments. dividends, profits and earnings using foreign
(As amended by Circular No. 743 dated 15 December 2011) exchange to be purchased from AABs and
AAB-forex corps.
Section 37. Registration with Custodian 2. Foreign exchange may be purchased
Banks. Inward foreign investments in peso- from AABs and AAB-forex corps for outward
denominated government securities, PSE- remittance in an amount equivalent to the
listed securities, and peso time deposits peso sales/divestments proceeds (including
under Items 1, 2 and 4, respectively, of dividends, profits or earnings thereon) of
Section 35 shall be registered with an BSP-registered foreign investments in
investors designated custodian bank on accordance with the procedures outline in
behalf of the BSP. Appendix 11 and supported by the
A custodian bank may be any AAB or documents prescribed under Items C.1 and
an OBU appointed by the foreign investor C.2 of Appendix 1 hereof.
to register his investments and to hold 3. Registering banks for foreign
shares and other investment instruments for investments may sell for outward remittance
and on his behalf and to represent him in the equivalent foreign exchange of excess
all the necessary actions in connection with pesos funded with inward remittance of
his investments in the Philippines. foreign exchange but not to exceed the
The BSRD to be issued by a custodian amount of foreign exchange brought in less
bank on behalf of the BSP shall be in the the amount actually used for BSP-registered
prescribed pre-numbered form purchased investments made in the country, subject
by the custodian bank from the BSP. BSRDs to the following conditions:
issued directly by custodian banks for a. the investor shall comply with the
registered investments in peso time deposits prescribed documents under Item C. 3 of
shall be (a) annotated with roll-overs of the Appendix 1 hereof;
investment; or (b) cancelled if such deposits b. such excess pesos should not
are preterminated before ninety (90) days. have been utilized to fund any
investment; and
Section 38. Registration Procedures. The c. the remittance of the equivalent
procedures for registration of foreign foreign exchange shall be reported to the
investments including the supporting BSP-IOD by the remitting AAB within two
documents are outlined in Appendix 10. (2) banking days from the date of outward
Qualified foreign investment, whose date of inward remittance of funds or actual transfer of assets
to the Philippines are beyond the 5-year period, are allowed to register until 14 December 2012.
as the BSP may determine as QIs on the PART THREE. OFFSHORE BANKING
basis o f s u c h f a c t o r s a s f i n a n c i a l UNITS, REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES
sophistication, size and regularity of AND FOREIGN CURRENCY
financial transactions, net worth and DEPOSIT UNITS
size of assets being managed. The
application of collective/pooled funds Chapter I
and pension, retirement and provident
funds for a higher annual outward OFFSHORE BANKING UNITS OF
investment limit may be effected FOREIGN BANKS
through its governing board or through
its trustee. Section 45. Definition of Terms. As used
2. Investments in bonds/notes in this Chapter, the following terms shall
issued by residents offshore. Residents have the meaning indicated unless the
may purchase foreign exchange from context clearly indicates otherwise:
AABs or AAB-forex corps without prior 1. Offshore Banking shall refer to the
BSP approval for investments in the conduct of banking transactions in foreign
following: (a) foreign currency- currencies involving the receipt of funds
denominated bonds/notes of the principally from external sources and, as
Republic of the Philippines or other allowed in this Manual, from internal
Philippine resident entities; and sources and utilization of such funds, as
(b) peso-denominated bonds/notes of provided herein.
the Republic of the Philippines or other 2. Offshore Banking Unit or OBU
Philippine resident entities requiring shall refer to a branch a foreign banking
settlement in foreign currency: corporation which is duly authorized by the
Provided, That such purchases shall be BSP to transact offshore banking business
consolidated with foreign exchange in the Philippines.
purchases for outward investments 3. Net office funds shall refer to the
under Item 1.b hereof for purposed of net credit balance of the Due to Head Office
determining compliance with the (HO)/Branches/ after deducting the Due
allowed limit, and supported by from HO/Branches, as shown in the
documents prescribed under Item C.5 following computation:
of Appendix 1 hereof.
3. Foreign exchange received by Due to HO/Branches
residents as dividends/earnings or Remittances/Advances/Deposits
to OBU by HO/Branches xxxxxxx
divestment proceeds from outward Unremitted earnings of OBU xxxxxxx
investments and investments in bonds/
notes issued by residents offshore that Total USD x x x x x x x
4. Deposits shall refer to funds in acceptable to and exchangeable at the BSP and
foreign currencies which are accepted and which form part of the international reserves
held by an OBU in the regular course of of the country.
business, with the obligation to return an
equivalent amount to the owner thereof, with Section 46. Approvals Required. A
or without interest. foreign bank may operate an OBU in the
5. Resident shall refer to Philippines, upon issuance of a Certificate of
a) an individual citizen of the Philippines Authority to operate by the Monetary Board
residing therein1; or and registration with the SEC.
b) an individual who is not a citizen of
the Philippines but is permanently residing1 Section 47. Criteria for Selection. The
therein; or following factors shall serve as basis for the
c) a corporation or other juridical person issuance of certificate of authority to operate
organized under the laws of the Philippines; an OBU: (1) liquidity and solvency positions;
or (2) net worth and resources; (3) managerial
d) a branch,subsidiary,affiliate, extension and international banking expertise of applicant
office or any other unit of corporations or bank; (4) contribution to the Philippine
juridical persons which are organized under economy; and (5) other relevant factors, such
the laws of any country and operating in the as participation in the equity of local UBs/KBs
Philippines, except OBUs. and appropriate geographic representations.
6. Non-resident shall refer to an
individual, a corporation or other juridical Section 48. Pre-Operation Requirements
person not included in the definition of Upon advice from the BSP, a qualified bank
resident. shall submit a sworn undertaking of its head
7. Foreign Currency Deposit Unit or office through any of its duly authorized
FCDU shall refer to that unit of a local bank officers, supported by an appropriate
or of a local branch of a foreign bank resolution of its board of directors, to the effect
authorized by the BSP to engage in foreign that it shall:
currency-denominated transactions, pursuant 1. provide, on demand, the necessary
to the provisions of Republic Act No. 6426 currencies to cover liquidity needs that may
(Foreign Currency Deposit Act) dated 4 April arise or other shortfall that its OBU may incur;
1974, as amended. 2. manage the operations of its OBU
8. Local bank shall refer to a rural bank soundly and with prudence;
(RB)/cooperative bank (Coop Bank), thrift bank 3. continually train a specific number of
(TB), commercial bank (KB) or universal bank Filipinos in international banking and foreign
(UB) organized under the laws of the Republic exchange trading with a view to reducing the
of the Philippines. number of expatriates;
9. Local branch of a foreign bank shall 4. provide and maintain in its OBU at
refer to a branch of a foreign bank doing all times net office funds in the minimum
business in the Philippines, pursuant to the amount of USD1 million;
provisions of Republic Act No. 7653 and 5. start operations of its OBU within 180
Republic Act No. 8791 (The General Banking days from receipt of its certificate of authority
Law of 2000) dated 23 May 2000. to operate such unit;
10. Acceptable foreign exchange 6. comply with all applicable local laws
comprise those foreign currencies which are relating to labor and employment; and
Residents include any individual, citizen or otherwise, who has resided in the Philippines for a year or longer,
as defined in Section 83 of the IMF Balance of Payments Textbook, 1996.
Suspended by CBP Circular No. 905-82 dated 10 December 1982, effective 01 January 1983.
(An Act Establishing the Philippine Deposit 2. Representative Office shall refer
Insurance Corporation) dated 22 June 1963, to a liaison office of a foreign bank which
as amended, shall not apply to transactions deals directly with the public by promoting
and/or deposits in OBUs in the Philippines. and giving information about the services
offered by the foreign bank. It does not
Section 57. Accounting and Reporting include the regional or area headquarters
OBUs shall maintain an accounting of a foreign bank registered and licensed
system in accordance with guidelines under existing laws.
prescribed by the BSP. Periodically or as
required, existing reports shall continue Section 62. Criteria for Approval. The
to be submitted in the prescribed forms Monetary Board may authorize qualified
to the BSP. foreign banks to open representative offices
in the Philippines if, in its judgment, the
Section 58. Supervision. The operations and public interest and economic conditions,
activities of OBUs shall be conducted under both general and local, justify the
the supervision of the BSP. establishment of such office. The following
factors, among others, shall serve as basis
Section 59. Taxes, Customs Duties for issuance of authority to open a
Transactions of OBUs in the Philippines representative office in the Philippines:
shall be subject to such taxes as are (1) liquidity and solvency positions; (2) net
prescribed in Presidential Decree No. 1034 worth and resources; (3) financial and credit
(Authorizing the Establishment of an standing in the international banking
Offshore Banking System in the Philippines) community; (4) exposure in the Philippines;
dated 30 September 1976, as implemented and (5) other relevant factors, such as
by regulations of the BIR. Philippine commercial and financial
relationships with the country where
Section 60. Revocation/Suspension. The applicant bank is based.
Monetary Board, upon recommendation of
the Governor, may revoke or suspend the Section 63. Authorized Activities of
authority of an OBU to operate in the Representative Offices. Authorized
Philippines for violation of Presidential representative offices may promote and
Decree No. 1034 or relevant provisions of provide information about the services/
this Manual. products offered by the foreign banks but
may not transact banking business, such as
Chapter II acceptance of deposits, issuance of letters
of credit and foreign exchange trading.
REPRESENTATIVE OFFICES OF Transactions generated through the
FOREIGN BANKS promotional efforts of the representative
office may be booked only by the foreign
Section 61. Definition of Terms. As used bank abroad.
in this Chapter, the following terms shall
have the meaning indicated unless the Section 64. Fees. Foreign banks intending
context clearly indicates otherwise: to establish a representative office shall,
1. Foreign Bank shall refer to a bank upon issuance by the BSP of a Certificate of
or banking corporation formed, organized Authority, pay the BSP a license fee of
and existing under any foreign law. USD2,000.00.
Section 71. Qualification Requirements g. The bank does not have float items
UBs/KBs may be authorized to operate an outstanding for more than 60 calendar days
FCDU or EFCDU: Provided, That they meet the in the Due From/To Head Office/Branches/
minimum capital requirements as prescribed Offices accounts and the Due from Bangko
under Section X106 and Subsections X106.1 Sentral account exceeding one percent (1%)
and X106.2 of the Manual of Regulations of the total resources as of end of preceding
for Banks (MORB) for local banks and month;
Subsections X121.4 and X121.5 of the h. The bank has no past due obligation
MORB for branches of foreign banks. with the BSP or with any financial institution
In addition, the following standard pre- as of date of application;
qualification requirements as prescribed i. The banks facilities pertinent to the
under Appendix 5 of the MORB shall be authority applied for are adequate;
complied with: j. The officers who will be in-charge
a. The bank has complied, during the of the operation relating to the authority
period indicated immediately preceding the applied for have actual experience of at least
date of application, with the following: two (2) years in another bank as in-charge
1) Risk-based capital adequacy ratio (or at least as assistant-in-charge) of the same
for the last 60 days; operation;
2) Ceilings on credit accommodation k. The bank personnel who will handle
to directors, officers, stockholders and the operation relating to the authority
related interests (DOSRI); and applied for, have attended appropriate
3) Liquidity floor on government seminars, workshops or on-the-job training
deposits. or have experience of at least six (6) months;
b. The bank has not incurred net and
weekly reserve deficiencies for the last eight l. The bank has complied with the
(8) weeks; mandatory allocation of credit resources to
c. The bank has generally complied micro, small and medium enterprises for
with banking laws, rules and regulations, two (2) quarters immediately preceding the
orders or instructions of the Monetary Board date of application.
and/or BSP Management; 2. TBs with net worth or combined
d. The banks past due loans do not capital accounts of at least PHP325 million
exceed twenty percent (20%) of its total loan for those with head offices located within
portfolio as of the date of application; Metro Manila and PHP52 million for those
e. The bank has corrected as of date with head offices located outside Metro
of application the major violations noted Manila may, subject to prior Monetary
in its latest examination particularly Board approval, operate an FCDU. A TB
relating to - desiring to operate an FCDU shall file an
1) single borrowers limit; and application with the BSP-SES. The
2) total investment in real estate and application shall be signed by the bank
improvements thereon, including bank president or officer of equivalent rank and
equipment, which shall not exceed fifty shall be accompanied by the following
percent (50%) of net worth; documents:
f. The banks accounting records, a. Certified true copy of the resolution
systems, procedures and internal control of the banks board of directors authorizing
systems are satisfactorily maintained; the application; and
producers/manufacturers, including oil iii. The debt instrument must have the
companies and public utility concerns; same maturity and interest rate.
e. Borrow, subject to existing rules on (2) The lending activity shall have prior
foreign/foreign currency borrowings, (i) from approval of the banks board of directors
EFCDUs, foreign banks abroad and OBUs, and shall be governed by adequate written
regardless of maturity; and (ii) from other policies and procedures duly approved by
FCDUs, on short-term maturity; the said board;
f. Engage in foreign currency-foreign (3) The securities lending shall be done
currency swaps with the BSP, OBUs and through reputable internationally
other FCDUs/EFCDUs; recognized and experienced third-party
g. Engage in securities lending lending agent/intermediary which must be
activities as lender subject to the following a regulated entity in its country of operation;
conditions: (4) The securities lending transaction
(1) The securities to be lent shall be shall be subject to a written legal agreement
limited to securities lodged under the account between the lending bank and the lending
Held for Trading (HFT) Financial Assets and agent which must clearly specify the:
Available for Sale (AFS) Financial Assets. (a) relationship as well as the
The use of Held to Maturity (HTM) respective duties and responsibilities of each
Financial Assets holdings shall also be counterparty;
allowed in securities lending subject to the (b) obligation of the borrower to
following conditions: redeliver a like quantity of the same issue
(a) The lending bank had the positive or series as the loaned securities;
intention and ability to maintain or recover (c) guidelines for selecting investments
control of the same or substantially similar for cash collateral, which shall include a
securities as those lent; provision that cash collateral will not be
(b) The counterpartys failure to reinvested in liabilities of the lender, its
redeliver the securities lent at maturity or at subsidiaries or affiliates; and
the date agreed upon could not have been (d) lending fee or compensation;
reasonably anticipated by the lender at the (5) The loaned securities must be fully
time of the transaction; and secured by debt securities of countries or
(c) In case of failure or default of the entities with highest credit quality, cash in
counterparty to redeliver the securities lent, currencies acceptable as part of
the same shall be immediately replaced by international reserves, letters of credit and
identical or substantially similar securities. certificates of deposits issued by banks with
For this purpose, a replacement security may highest credit quality. For this purpose, a
only be considered substantially similar to foreign country and a bank with highest
the securities lent or sold if all of the credit quality refer to a foreign country and
following circumstances are present: a bank given the highest credit rating by any
i. The security must have the same two (2) of the following internationally
primary obligor and must have the same accepted rating agencies:
guarantor under the same terms and
Rating Agencies Highest Rating
conditions, if guaranteed;
ii. The security must be identical in Moodys Aa3
form and type so as to give the same risks Standard and Poors AA
and rights to the holder; and Others as may be approved by the Monetary Board
Collateral value shall initially be at least these shall not be eligible for the thirty
102% of the current market value of the percent (30%) liquid asset cover.
loaned securities and maintained at 100% h. Engage in repurchase agreements
of the value of the loaned securities plus involving foreign currency denominated
accrued interest thereon during the course government securities subject to the
of the loan; following conditions:
(6) The lender shall do daily mark-to- (1) Such repurchase agreements shall
market on the loaned securities and on the be limited to:
securities where cash collateral is invested/ a. HFT and AFS securities held under
reinvested; the FCDU/EFCDU books;
(7) The lender shall require from the b. HTM securities holdings, subject to
lending agent/intermediary timely and the following conditions:
comprehensive reports on the lending i. The selling bank had the positive
activity; intention and ability to maintain or recover
(8) For proper identification and control of the same or substantially similar
monitoring, the outstanding book balance securities as those sold;
on the loaned securities shall be reclassified ii. The counterpartys failure to
to the sub-account Government Securities redeliver the securities sold at maturity or
(GS)/Debt Securities (DS) Lent under at the date agreed upon could not have been
Securities Lending and Borrowing reasonably anticipated by the seller at the
Transactions under the HFT/AFS/HTM time of the transaction;
Financial Asset accounts; iii. In case of failure or default of the
(9) The bank has in place a risk counterparty to redeliver the securities
management system commensurate to the sold, the same shall be immediately
nature, volume and complexity of its replaced by identical or substantially
operations and characterized by clear similar securities. For this purpose, a
delineation of responsibility for risk replacement security may only be
management, adequate risk measurement considered substantially similar to the
systems, appropriately structured risk securities sold if all of the following
limits, effective internal controls and circumstances are present:
complete, timely and efficient risk a. The security must have the same
reporting system: Provided, That this primary obligor and must have the same
requirement shall be automatically guarantor under the same terms and
considered complied with by banks with conditions, if guaranteed;
derivatives license; b. The security must be identical in
(10)The banks CAMELS composite form and type so as to give the same risks
rating in the last BSP regular examination is and rights to the holder; and
at least 3, with a minimum score of 3 c. The debt instrument must have the
on management; and same maturity and interest rate.
(11)The foreign currency denominated (2) For proper identification and
debt securities lent or used as collateral monitoring, the outstanding book
by the borrowing bank in securities balance of the government securities
lending and borrowing transactions shall sold under repurchase agreements are
be considered as eligible asset cover for to be reclassified to the sub-account GS
the 100% cover requirement. However, Sold under Repurchase Agreement
under the HFT/AFS/HTM Financial Asset (2) That the maximum term of the resale
accounts; agreements shall be one (1) year; and
(3) The borrowings shall only be from (3) That such government securities
FCDUs/EFCDUs, non-resident financial purchased under resale agreements shall be
institutions and OBUs; classified as Loans and Receivables Arising
(4) The maximum term of the from Repurchase Agreements/Certificates of
repurchase agreements shall be one (1) year; Assignment/Participation with Recourse and
(5) The borrowings shall be booked Securities Lending and Borrowing
under Bills Payable and included in the Transactions.
computation of the total FCDU/EFCDU j. Issue Hybrid Tier 1 (HT1) capital
liabilities subject to the mandatory 100 instruments subject to the requirements
percent asset cover and thirty percent (30%) under existing regulations;
liquidity cover; k. Engage in USD-denominated
(6) The foreign currency-denominated repurchase agreements (R/P) with the BSP
debt securities sold or used as additional as provided under Subsection X601.1 of the
collateral in repurchase agreement shall be MORB, subject to the guidelines under
considered as eligible asset cover for the Appendix 13.
100% cover requirement. However, these Sanctions. Without prejudice to the
shall not be eligible for the thirty percent criminal and administrative sanctions
(30%) liquid asset cover; provided for under Sections 36 and 37,
(7) Banks shall, at all times, comply respectively, of Republic Act No. 7653,
with the 100% FCDU/EFCDU asset cover violation of any provision of Items 1.g.1
and thirty percent (30%) liquid asset cover; and 1.h.1.b of this Section pertaining to
and HTM financial assets, shall be considered
(8) Banks shall monitor and assess the a violation of the tainting provision under
risks inherent in these repurchase Subsection X388.5(b) of the MORB in
transactions. relation to Section 3.a of Appendix 33 of
The provisions/requirements under the MORB. In such a case, the entire HTM
Item g which are not inconsistent with the portfolio shall be reclassified to the AFS
foregoing shall be strictly observed by the category and the financial institution shall
bank concerned. be prohibited from using the HTM account
i. Purchase foreign currency during the year the violation was committed
denominated government securities under and for the succeeding two (2) full financial
resale agreements from other banks FCDU/ years. Failure to reclassify the HTM portfolio
EFCDU, non-resident financial institutions to AFS shall subject the bank and concerned
and OBUs, subject to the following officers to the penalties and sanctions
conditions: provided under Subsection X388.5(c) of the
(1) That the government securities MORB.
purchased shall be limited to those issued Moreover, the Monetary Board may at
by central governments and/or central banks its discretion, impose any or all of the
of foreign countries with the highest credit following sanctions to a bank and/or its
quality given by any two internationally director/s or officer/s found to be responsible
accepted rating agencies (i.e., currently the for violation of Item k of this Subsection:
equivalent of Standard and Poors AA- or a. Termination of eligibility and
Moodys Aa3 or better); pre-termination of any outstanding balance
i.e., Customers' Liability on Import Bills-Foreign, Customers' Liability under Trust Receipts-Foreign, Customers' Liablity for
this Bank's Acceptances Outstanding-Foreign, Export Bills Purchased and Foreign Bills Purchased-Documentary, excluding
past due accounts and Items in Litigation.
data) as of end of the second week prior to reference month, a certification under oath
the reference week. Total outstanding (Appendix 14), signed by the Banks
balance of FCDU/EFCDU lending to the President or Country Manager, in case of
RBU shall, at all times, be within the local branch/subsidiary of foreign banks,
prescribed cap. Any breach thereon shall Compliance Officer and Head of Treasury,
be subject to the imposition of a monetary to the effect that, at any day of the
penalty of PHP30,000 per calendar day, reference month, the outstanding balance
commencing on the day the cap was on funds borrowed from FCDU/EFCDU
breached until the same is corrected; did not exceed the prescribed cap (i.e.,
(2) Charged interest at prevailing lower of total outstanding balance on
market rates, computed monthly at the RBUs on-balance sheet foreign currency
average daily balance of the receivable from trade assets or thirty percent (30%) of the
the RBU; and level of FCDU/EFCDU deposit liabilities)
(3) On short-term maturity, or for a and were utilized by the RBU solely for
period of one (1) year or less. Balances shall foreign currency trade transactions.
be settled, within a year from availment, by The foregoing rule shall be subject to
way of actual transfer of foreign currency quarterly review by the BSP.
assets from the RBU books to the FCDU/
EFCDU books. Section 73. Foreign Currency Cover
c. The lending transaction shall be Requirements. Depository banks under the
booked as Loans to RBU by FCDU/ foreign currency deposit and expanded
EFCDU in the FCDU/EFCDU books and foreign currency deposit systems shall
Loans by RBU from FCDU/EFCDU in the maintain at all times a 100% cover for their
RBU books; foreign currency liabilities, except for
d. The Loans to RBU by FCDU/ USD-denominated repurchase agreements
EFCDU account balance (net of (R/P) with the BSP. Provided, That
transactions outstanding for more than one violation of the terms and conditions of
(1) year) shall qualify as eligible asset cover, the USD- denominated R/P facility shall
but not as liquid asset cover, for FCDU/ subject the borrowings of the bank to the
EFCDU liabilities; FCDU/EFCDU asset and liquid asset cover
e. Banks shall establish and maintain requirements. For purposes of complying
systems to with this requirement, the principal offices
(1) monitor the foreign currency funds in the Philippines of the authorized banks
flow of RBU and the average daily balances and all their branches located therein shall
of foreign currency trade assets, with be considered as a single unit. The foreign
minimum database covering a two (2)- currency cover shall consist of the net
month rolling period; and carrying amount of the following:
(2) account for the utilization of funds 1. For banks authorized to operate an
borrowed from FCDU/EFCDU. FCDU:
The systems as well as periodic a. Foreign currency cash on hand;
reports generated therefrom shall be made b. Foreign currency checks and other
available to the BSP examiners for cash items;
verification. c. Due from BSP Foreign Currency;
f. Banks shall submit to the d. Due from other banks (other
appropriate BSP supervising department, FCDUs/EFCDUs, OBUs, and non-resident
within five (5) banking days from end of banks);
e. Derivatives with Positive Fair Value loans to resident private sector borrowers
Held for Trading and/or Hedging to be serviced using foreign exchange
(Derivatives with Negative Fair Value Held purchased from entities that are not AABs
for Trading and/or Hedging shall require or AAB-forex corps under Section 24.1.a:
corresponding asset/liquid asset cover); Provided, That all applicable banking rules
f. Investments in readily marketable and regulations are complied with including
foreign currency-denominated debt single borrowers limit as provided in
instruments, booked under the following Section X303 of the MORB;
control accounts: (i) Held for Trading (HFT); h. Loans and receivables arising from
(ii) Designated at Fair Value through Profit repurchase agreements, certificates of
or Loss (DFVPL); (iii) Available for Sale assignment/participation with recourse, and
(AFS); and (iv) Held to Maturity (HTM). securities lending and borrowing
Foreign currency-denominated debt transactions, maturing within one (1) year;
securities sold/lent in repurchase agreement/ i. Foreign currency accrued interest
securities lending and borrowing income from financial assets;
transactions shall be considered as eligible j. Accounts receivable arising from
asset cover for the 100% asset cover sale of financial assets under the trade date
requirement. The same treatment shall accounting pending actual settlement/
likewise apply to foreign currency delivery of the underlying securities
denominated debt securities used as (Accounts payable arising from the purchase
additional collateral in repurchase of financial assets under the trade date
agreements or as collateral by borrowing accounting pending actual settlement/
bank in securities lending and borrowing receipt of the underlying securities shall
transactions. require corresponding asset/liquid asset
g. Foreign currency loans and cover);
receivables maturing within one (1) year k. Loans to RBU (net of transactions
authorized by the BSP, booked under the outstanding for more than one (1) year):
following: Provided, That the conditions under Item 3
i. Loans to BSP of Section 72 are complied with;
ii. Interbank loans receivable l. Receivable from the RBU book
iii. Loans and receivables others arising from the exercise of warrants paired
Loans and receivables authorized by the with ROP Global Bond Holdings in the
BSP shall refer to those granted pursuant to FCDU/EFCDU book: Provided, That it shall
this Manual and shall include the following: be settled by the RBU book to the FCDU/
(a) those with specific approval by the BSP EFCDU book within six (6) months from the
under Section 23 (Loans Requiring Prior BSP date of receipt of the Exchange Securities;
Approval); (b) those short term loans to and
resident private and public sector borrowers m. Such other assets as may be
which under existing regulations require no determined by the Monetary Board as
prior BSP approval but allowed to be eligible asset cover.
serviced using foreign exchange purchased 2. For banks authorized to operate an
from AABs or AAB-forex corps (i.e., loans EFCDU The foregoing accounts,
to commodity and service exporters, regardless of maturity, and in the case of
indirect exporters, producers/manufacturers, investment in foreign currency denominated
including oil companies and public utility debt instruments (including debt
concerns) under Section 24.4 (Loans Not instruments booked under Unquoted Debt
Requiring Prior BSP Approval); and (c) those Securities Classified as Loans and
same currency as that of the liability and amended. Depositors are entitled to receive
thirty percent (30%) or less, at the option of payment in the same currency in which the
the FCDU/EFCDU, may be denominated in insured deposits are denominated.
other acceptable foreign currencies.
Section 80. Rates of Interest. Foreign
Section 76. Secrecy of Deposits. Pursuant currency deposits shall not be subject to
to Republic Act No. 6426, as amended, all interest rate ceilings.
foreign currency deposits are declared as
and considered of an absolutely Section 81. Eligibility as Collateral. Deposits
confidential nature and, except upon the under the foreign currency deposit system
written permission of the depositor, or are eligible as collateral for peso loans or
pursuant to a lawful order issued by a for foreign currency loans to residents and
competent court, in no instance shall such non-residents.
foreign currency deposits be examined,
inquired or looked into by any person, Section 82. Taxes. Pursuant to the National
government official, bureau or office Internal Revenue Code of 1997, as amended
whether judicial, administrative or and its Implementing Rules and Regulations,
legislative, or any other entity whether any income of non-residents (whether
public or private. individuals or corporations) from
transactions with depository banks covered
Section 77. Numbered Accounts. Pursuant under this Chapter shall be exempt from
to Section 9 of Republic Act No. 9160 (The income tax. Interest income derived by
Anti-Money Laundering Act of 2001) dated residents (whether individuals or
29 September 2001, as amended, and its corporations) from depository banks covered
Revised Implementing Rules and under this Chapter shall be subject to a final
Regulations, foreign currency non-checking income tax at the rate of seven and one-half
numbered accounts shall be allowed: percent (7.5%) of such interest income. The
Provided, that the true identity of the transactions of FCDUs/EFCDUs shall,
customers of all foreign currency non- however, be subject to such taxes as
checking numbered accounts are provided under the National Internal
satisfactorily established based on official Revenue Code, as amended and its
and other reliable documents and records Implementing Rules and Regulations.
and the information and documents required
are obtained and recorded by the bank. Section 83. Exemption from Court Order
or Process. Subject to the provisions of
Section 78. Withdrawability and Republic Act No. 9160, as amended,
Transferability of Deposits. There shall be foreign currency deposits shall be exempt
no restrictions on the withdrawal by the from attachment, garnishment, or any other
depositor of his deposit or on the transfer order or process of any court, legislative
of the same abroad except those arising from body, government agency or any
the contract between the depositor and the administrative body whatsoever.
Section 84. Accounting. The foreign
Section 79. Insurance Coverage. Foreign currency deposits and their corresponding
currency deposits shall be insured under the cover shall be considered as funds separate
provisions of Republic Act No. 3591, as and distinct from the regular assets and
liabilities of the AABs. AABs shall maintain the banks compliance with the provisions
a separate accounting for transactions of law and these regulations.
covered by these rules that will enable
preparation of the Balance Sheet and Income Section 86. Prospective Effect of
Statement covering said funds. Regulations. In the event a new enactment
For purposes of preparing the FCDU/ or regulation is issued decreasing the rights
EFCDU financial statements, the bank shall hereunder granted, such new enactment or
use the US dollar (USD) as its functional regulation shall not apply to foreign
currency. However, for purposes of currency deposits already made or existing
consolidating the FCDU/EFCDU financial at the time of issuance of such new
statements with the RBU financial enactment or regulation, but such new
statements, these shall be translated into the enactment or regulation shall apply only to
presentation currency, i.e. Philippine Peso foreign currency deposits made after its
(PHP). issuance.
The transfer of net realized/unrealized
losses recognized in profit or loss and equity Section 87. Sanctions
and Undivided Profits/(Losses) from FCDU/ 1. Any willful violation of Republic
EFCDU to the Regular Banking Unit (RBU) Act No. 6426, as amended, or any
shall be subject to the guidelines and regulation duly promulgated by the
conditions under Appendix 16. Monetary Board pursuant thereto shall
The policy guidelines on the conversion subject the offender upon conviction to
and transfer of foreign currency- an imprisonment of not less than one (1)
denominated loans, and Real and Other year nor more than five (5) years or a fine
Properties Acquired (ROPA) in the books of not less than Five Thousand Pesos
of the FCDU/EFCDU to peso loans and (PHP5,000.00) nor more than Twenty-
ROPA in the books of the RBU shall be Five Thousand Pesos (PHP25,000.00), or
subject to the conditions provided under both such fine and imprisonment at the
Appendix 17. discretion of the court.
Banks which are authorized to operate The BSP may revoke or suspend the
under this Chapter shall submit to the BSP- authority of a bank to accept new foreign
SES a separate audited financial statement currency deposits for violation of Republic
(Category B report) of the FCDU/EFCDU for Act No. 6426, as amended, or these
the past year within ninety (90) calendar regulations, or if such bank ceases to possess
days after the start of the audit which audit the minimum qualifications required.
shall start not later than thirty (30) calendar 2. Delayed submission of report by
days after the close of the calendar/fiscal year a bank and/or submission of erroneous/
adopted by the bank in accordance with the incomplete report shall be subject to the
provisions of Section X166 of the MORB. monetary penalties under Section 103.
3. Any violation of the provisions of
Section 85. Supervision. The Governor and this Chapter shall be subject to Section 37
the head of the appropriate department of of Republic Act No. 7653. The guidelines
the BSP personally, or by deputies, are for the imposition of monetary penalty for
authorized to verify the books of account violations/offenses with sanctions falling
and transactions of each AAB, to verify the under Section 37 of Republic Act No. 7653
eligible cover, as well as review all other on banks, their directors and/or officers are
requirements under these regulations and shown in Appendix 67 of the MORB.
where only the net difference between the pretermination of the contract due to
contracted forward rate and the market rate prepayment of the underlying obligation or
at maturity (i.e., the fixing rate) shall be exposure: Provided, That for foreign
settled on the forward date. currency loans, prior BSP approval has been
obtained for the prepayment and a copy of
Section 90. Documentation. Minimum such approval is presented to the AAB
documentary requirements for foreign counterparty.
exchange forward and swap transactions b. Foreign Exchange Swaps
listed in Appendix 18 shall be presented on No restriction on tenor.
or before deal date to AABs unless c. Settlement of NDFs
indicated. All NDF contracts with residents shall
Foreign exchange selling AABs shall be settled in pesos.
stamp the supporting documents upon d. Remittance of foreign exchange
presentation by customers as follows: proceeds of deliverable forward and swap
a. For hedging transactions: FX contracts
HEDGED/DELIVERABLE or FX HEDGED/ Foreign exchange proceeds of
NON-DELIVERABLE; deliverable forward and swap contracts shall
b. For funding transactions: FX be delivered by the AAB counterparty
SOLD, directly to the beneficiaries concerned
except for foreign investments where said
indicating the contract date and amount FX proceeds are reconverted to Philippine
involved, and signed by the AABs pesos and re-invested in eligible peso
authorized officer. Copies of all duly marked instruments such as those listed in Item
supporting documents shall be retained by A.2.2 of Appendix 18. For this purpose,
AABs and made available to the BSP for beneficiaries shall refer to the FCDU/
verification. The retained copies shall also EFCDU of a bank or a non-resident entity
be marked DOCUMENTS PRESENTED AS (e.g., creditor, supplier, investor) to whom
REQUIRED and signed by the AABs the customer is committed to pay/remit
authorized officer. foreign exchange.
Section 91. Tenor/Maturity and Settlement Section 92. Forward Contracts with Non-
a. Forward Sale of Foreign Exchange residents
(whether deliverable or non-deliverable) All forward contracts to sell foreign
The tenor/maturity of such contracts exchange to non-residents (including OBUs)
shall not be longer than: with no full delivery of principal, including
(i) the maturity of the underlying cancellations, roll-overs/renewals shall be
foreign exchange obligation; or submitted to the BSP for prior clearance.
(ii) the approximate due date or However, every roll-over of short-term (ST)
settlement of the foreign exchange exposure. deliverable forward contracts with non-
For deliverable foreign exchange forward residents need not be prior approved:
contracts, the tenor/maturity shall be Provided, That:
co-terminus with the maturity of the 1. The underlying transaction for each
underlying obligation or the approximate ST deliverable foreign exchange forward
due date or settlement of the foreign contract is a foreign investment in long-term
exchange exposure. This shall not preclude (LT) Philippine government securities for
There are two facets to this role. First, banks must be able to quote rates to their customers at which they stand ready to buy
and sell currencies. Second, banks themselves may take open positions in currencies.
transactions (also referred to as invisibles) advances in order to assure that revenues from
excluding those related to foreign/foreign the shipment are used to repay the advances
currency loans and foreign investments. made.
Non-trade transactions refer to all other Representative Office shall refer to a
foreign exchange transactions not included in liaison office of a foreign bank which deals
the definition of trade transactions. These shall directly with the public by promoting and
include foreign loans and foreign investments. giving information about the foreign banks
(See Trade Transactions) services offered. It does not include the
Offshore Banking refers to the conduct regional or area headquarters of a foreign bank
of banking transactions in foreign currencies registered and licensed under existing laws.
involving the receipt of funds principally from Resident shall refer to
external sources and, as allowed in this a) an individual citizen of the Philippines
Manual, from internal sources and utilization residing therein; or
of such funds, as provided herein. b) an individual who is not a citizen of
Offshore Banking Unit (OBU) refers to a the Philippines but is permanently residing1
branch, subsidiary, or affiliate of a foreign therein; or
banking corporation which is duly authorized c) a corporation or other juridical person
by the BSP to transact offshore banking organized under the laws of the Philippines;
business in the Philippines. For purposes of or
this Manual, OBUs are classified as non- d) a branch, subsidiary, affiliate,
residents. extension office or any other unit of
Open Account (O/A) is an arrangement corporations or juridical persons which are
whereby the shipping documents are sent and organized under the laws of any country and
released by the exporter directly to the buyer, operating in the Philippines, except OBUs.
without coursing the documents through the Short-term loans are credits with maturity
banks, upon the buyers promise to pay at not exceeding one (1) year.
some future date after shipment. Socialized housing refers to housing
Red Clause is a clause (originally typed in packages with loan ceilings of not more than
red) added to a letter of credit authorizing the PHP400,000, or in such other amounts which
advising/negotiating bank to make an advance the HUDCC may prescribe in the future.
payment to the beneficiary (exporter) before Small-scale mining refers to mining
the actual shipment to the buyer. The advance activities which rely heavily on manual labor
may be up to 100% of the export contract using simple implement and methods and do
value and may be used by the exporter to buy not use explosives or heavy mining equipment
the inputs for manufacturing or shipment. Red Subsidiary (of a bank) refers to a
clause credits are used primarily when the corporation or firm more than fifty percent
buyer (importer) has an agent in the exporting (50%) of the outstanding voting stock of which
country. To finance its purchases, the importer is directly or indirectly owned, controlled or
may arrange for the opening of a red clause held with power to vote by a bank.
letter of credit. Negotiations of red clause Trade transactions refer to merchandise
credits are limited to the bank making the export and/or import transactions.
Residents include any individual, citizen or otherwise, who has resided in the Philippines for a year or longer,
as defined in Section 83 of IMF Balance of Payments Textbook 1996.