Anecdotal Records
Anecdotal Records
Anecdotal Records
Anecdotal Records
Anecdotal Record: A method of formative assessment in which an unbiased
observer records information about a students behavior after it takes place.
These records are used to analyze student progress, and inform instructional
decisions for differentiation.
Ways to Record:
Take note of your
Sticky Notes
observations on a sticky note, Anecdotal Records & Students with
and then later transfer to an
assessment binder
Tape index cards to a
Teachers of all students especially those with disabilitiesshould use
Index Cards clipboard so the name of the
anecdotal records as a method of formative assessment, because these
child can be seen and
observations provide data that helps the teacher organize groups, plan
accessed. File completed
instruction that meets the needs of the individual learner, and give directed,
index cards.
useful feedback to students.
Print or draw a seating chart After analyzing anecdotal recordsunbiased, real time reports of what a
Anecdotal with enlarged boxes for student did either behaviorally or academicallythe teacher can identify
Seating desks. Record. your individual needs, which can be used to plan ways to differentiate that
observations of each student students instruction rather than providing them with untargeted, generic
in the box that represents lessons.
Bates, C. c. (2013). How Do Wii Know: Anecdotal Records Go Digital. Reading Teacher, 67(1), 25-29. doi:10.1002/TRTR.1178
Cornelius, K. k. (2013). Formative Assessment Made Easy. Teaching Exceptional Children, 45(5), 14-21.
McFarland, L. (2008). Anecdotal Records: Valuable Tools for Assessing Young Children's Development.Dimensions Of
Early Childhood, 36(1), 31-36.
Schleper, D. R. (1996). Write that one down!: Using anecdotal records to inform our teaching. Volta Review,98(1), 201.
www.evern hingw ithhaley.c
Press www.teac
RTI- Word
DIY with
1. WHAT: What medium 3. WHERE: Where are you observations to make sure youre
are you going to use to going to observe your not seeing what you want to see
record your observations? student? Make sure that over from the student.
See Ways to Record time, the student in observed
above for ideas in varying situations and 5. WHEN: When will you use
2. WHO: Who are you going environments. your anecdotal records? How will
to observe? Do they have these be used to help your student?
any IEP goals or 4. HOW: How are you going Set aside some time to analyze the
developmental concerns to ensure that your records of your students, and
that should be considered observations are unbiased? consider how their instruction can
during your observation? Check in during your be differentiated to fit their needs.