CS Shock
CS Shock
CS Shock
Multiple Cases
Client 1
Huang Mei Lan is a 43 year old unmarried female who lives alone in a major West Coast
city. Three years ago she was diagnosed with breast cancer and underwent a mastectomy
of the affected breast and follow up chemotherapy. Last month, Ms. Lan experienced a
recurrence of cancer in the lymph glands of the affected side. Surgery to remove the
glands was performed and chemotherapy started. Ms. Lan has a central line, a urinary
catheter, and a surgical incision. The nurse enters Ms. Lans room and find her huddled
in the middle of the bed shivering violently.
3. With this additional data, do you agree with your original interpretation of the
kind of shock Ms Lan is experiencing? Why or why not?
4. Now, based on new data, what type of shock is Ms Lan experiencing?
5. What stage of shock is Ms Lan experiencing?
6. What would be the expected laboratory tests for Ms Lan?
7. Apply principles of collaborative care for clients experiencing shock to determine
what are, in general and specific to Ms Lan, the expected
medical/pharmaceutical treatment/interventions?
Client 2
Richard Tanner, a 49 year old truck driver, was admitted earlier this morning through the
ED for chest pain. He was admitted to the CCU for R/O Myocardial Infarction (MI). He
has no prior history of cardiac problems, however, he has been treated for the past 5 years
for a total cholesterol of 285 (HDL 35, LDL 212). He was prescribed Mevacor, which he
doesnt take regularly. He was recently diagnosed with hypertension with his usual BP
160/96 for which he doesnt take medication. He is overweight and exercises little. His
father died of an MI at the age 50. The nurse enters his room and finds him lethargic and
3. With this additional data, do you agree with your original interpretation of the
kind of shock Mr. Tanner is experiencing? Why or why not?
4. Now, based on new data, what type of shock is Mr. Tanner experiencing?
5. What stage of shock is Mr. Tanner experiencing?
6. What would be the expected laboratory tests for Mr. Tanner?
7. Apply principles of collaborative care for clients experiencing shock to determine
what are, in general and specific to Mr. Tanner, the expected
medical/pharmaceutical treatment/interventions?
8. Discuss nursing implication for treatment and medications prescribed for Mr.
9. Utilize the data in the preceding question to develop and prioritize a list of
nursing diagnoses with 3 nursing interventions and one outcome criteria for Mr.
Client 3
Jane House, 20 years old, was admitted to the ED following an MVA (motor vehicle
accident) earlier in the day. She was unrestrained passenger in an automobile that was T-
boned by another motor vehicle on her side of the car. She was pinned in the wreckage
for 30 minutes and an emergency transport helicopter brought her to the ED. She
suffered a partially severed leg, chest contusion, possible fractured pelvis, open head
wound, and fractured jaw. She has lost several units of blood. She has been in post-
anesthesia care unit (PACU) for the past hour following surgery to reattach her leg and
close her head wound. Her vital sign have been stable. The nurse enters the room to find
Janes NG draining copious amounts of sanguineous fluid.
3. With this additional data, do you agree with your original interpretation of the
kind of shock Ms House is experiencing? Why or why not?
4. Now, based on new data, what type of shock is Ms House experiencing?
5. What stage of shock is Ms House experiencing?
6. What would be the expected laboratory tests for Ms House?
7. Apply principles of collaborative care for clients experiencing shock to determine
what are, in general and specific to Ms House, the expected
medical/pharmaceutical treatment/interventions?
Client 4
Timothy Murphy, 30 years old, was admitted to ICU earlier today from ED following a
diving injury. He and his friends were swinging from a rope into a creek below when his
head struck the bottom of the creek resulting in a cervical fracture and paralysis from his
neck down. He has been alert and oriented, but his vital signs have been labile. He was
placed on a ventilator on CMV at 12 BPM. His neck is immobilized in a cervical collar.
The nurse enters the room because the ventilator alarms are going off.
3. With this additional data, do you agree with your original interpretation of the
kind of shock Mr. Murphy is experiencing? Why or why not?
4. Now, based on new data, what type of shock is Mr. Murphy experiencing?
5. What stage of shock is Mr. Murphy experiencing?
6. What would be the expected laboratory tests for Mr. Murphy?
7. Apply principles of collaborative care for clients experiencing shock to determine
what are, in general and specific to Mr. Murphy, the expected
medical/pharmaceutical treatment/interventions?
8. Discuss nursing implication for treatment and medications prescribed for Mr.
9. Utilize the data in the preceding question to develop and prioritize a list of
nursing diagnoses with 3 nursing interventions and one outcome criteria for Mr.
Client 5
Steve Cron is a 76 year old same day surgery patient admistted to the unit a few minutes
ago from PACU following left hip hemi-arthroplasty. The nurse started his second dose
of Ancef IV five minutes ago. He calls the nurses station and complains of itching and
shortness of breath. The nurse arrives in his room and finds him extremely restless,
anxious, and gasping.
3. With this additional data, do you agree with your original interpretation of the
kind of shock Mr. Cron is experiencing? Why or why not?
4. Now, based on new data, what type of shock is Mr. Cron experiencing?
5. What stage of shock is Mr. Cron experiencing?
6. What would be the expected laboratory tests for Mr. Cron each client?
7. Apply principles of collaborative care for clients experiencing shock to determine
what are, in general and specific to Mr. Cron, the expected
medical/pharmaceutical treatment/interventions?
8. Discuss nursing implication for treatment and medications prescribed for Mr.
9. Utilize the data in the preceding question to develop and prioritize a list of
nursing diagnoses with 3 nursing interventions and one outcome criteria for Mr.