Successors of Imam Mahdi Al Qaim

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Successors of Imam Al Mahdi Al Qaim (a.s.

In the Name of Allah, the Abundantly Merciful, the Intensely Merciful,

0 Allah send your peace and blessings upon Mohammed and the family of
Mohammed the Imams and the Mahdis.

It is prescribed, when death approaches any of you, if he leave any goods that he
make a will (Wasiya) to parents and next of kin, according to reasonable usage; this
is due from the Allah-fearing. {Quran 2:180}
O ye who believe! When death approaches any of you, (take) witnesses among
yourselves during the will (Wasiya), two just men of your own (brotherhood) or
others from outside if ye are journeying through the earth, and the chance of death
befalls you (thus). If ye doubt (their truth), detain them both after prayer, and let
them both swear by Allah: "We wish not in this for any worldly gain, even though
the (beneficiary) be our near relation: we shall hide not the evidence before Allah: if
we do, then behold! the sin be upon us!" {Quran 5:106}

Ghaibat Tusi: A group of scholars has narrated from Bazufari from Ali bin Sinan Musali
from Ali bin Husain from Ahmad bin Muhammad bin Khalil from Ja'far bin Ahmad Misri
from his uncle Husain bin Ali from his father from Imam Ja'far Sadiq (a.s.) from his
respected father from Amirul Momineen (a.s.) from the Messenger of Allah (pbuhap.)
that he said on the eve of his departure from the world:
"O Abul Hasan bring a scroll and pen and ink." Then he dictated his will and came to the
following statement: "O Ali, after me there will be Twelve Imams and after them there
will be Twelve Mahdis and you are the first of them. Then he named one Imam after
another and then said: Then Hasan will entrust this post of Imamate to his son,
Mohammed, who survives from Aale Muhammad (a.s.) and in this way the twelve will be
complete and after that there will be Twelve Mahdis. When the last moments of the
twelfth Imam will approach, he will hand over the leadership to his son, and in this way
he will be the First Mahdi and he will have three names: My name, name of my father
and that will be Abdullah and Ahmad and the third will be Mahdi and he will be the first
of the believers."

No one can ever claim a text from Allah swt because Imam Jafar Al Sadiq (a.s.) said:
Abu Abdullah (a.s): "This matter shall not be claimed by anyone except by its companion
or else Allah shall cut off his age" {Kafi v.1 p.373}
In this hadith it clearly states that non shall claim it [the will] except its rightful owner
and non other than Ahmed Al Hasan (a.s.) claimed it, he is the rightful owner of the will,
his name was mentioned in it to be "Ahmed" and the "first believer".

Narrations that Prove a Will must be made.

The Prophet Muhammad (pbuhap) said: "Who died and didn't make a will died the death
of Jahilya" {Wasael AlShia v.19 p.259 h.8 Manaqib Abi Taleb v.2 p.246}
Reported from Al Abbas son of Aamer from Aban from Abi Baseer from Abi Abdullah
(pbuh) he said: "Who does not perfect his will during death, he would be lacking in his
manhood and his mind. {Man La Yahthiraho AlFaqeeh v.4 h.5416 }

In this hadeeth below about the Prophet's will, it clearly informs us that the will which
was dictated to Imam Ali (a.s.) for the Islamic nation was written by him, we are not
referrong to the will by Imam Ali (a.s.) which was for his family, but the one which is for
the guidance of the Islamic nation for all time dictated by the Prophet (pbuhap). And the
will which was for the Islamic nation must be known to all the Muslims, there is no will
other than it, that will guide the people to the straight path, which mentions the 12 Imams
and 12 Mahdis.
From Imam Musa Al Kathim (a.s) He said: I said to Abi Abdullah a.s: "Wasn't the Prince
of the Believers a.s the writer of the will and the Messenger of Allah (pbuhap) was the
one dictating and Gabriel and the close Angels (pbut)? He said: He (pbuh) put His head
down for a long time and then He said: O Aba Al Hasan it happened what you said."
{Ref: Kafi v.1 p.281}

Claiming the will as the true claimer was also the practise of Prophet Mohammed
(pbuhap) mentioned in the Quran and hadith..
In the Quran it says, that in the Torat and Gospel he (Muhammad) was mentioned, and
Muhammad (pbuhap) claimed that he is the one mentioned in their texts and that makes
him the true claimer.

And Allah swt said: And if he invents any false sayings against our sayings
We would have seized him by the right hand And cut off his heart's artery
{Quran Surah Al Haaqa v,44-46}

In the book, Kamal Al Deen Wa Tamam Al Nima by Sheikh Al Sadooq is a saying that
the Monk reads the "descriptions" of Prophet Muhammad (pbuhap) and the "description"
of Imam Ali (pbuh) as the first believer, mirroring the Prophet's will which mentions
Ahmed as "the first believer".
The monk asked: Was there a child from his uncle [Prophet Muhammad's uncle] Abi
Taleb who is called Ali? So we said: No. So he said: He might be either born or he will be
born during his tradition being the first of the believers from what we know and we see
his description with us in the will, like how we see the description of Muhammad
(pbuhap) with Prophethood...."
{Kamal AlDeen Wa Tamam AlNima p.190} {Arabic references: 49 76 }

12 Mahdis (pbut)

Muntakhabul Basair: Sayyid Ali Ibne Abdul Hamid has narrated through his chains from
Imam Ja'far Sadiq (a.s.) that he said: "After Imam Qaim (a.s.), there will be twelve
Mahdis from us, the descendant of Imam Hussain (a.s.)."
(Bihar Al Anwar v 53, Ch 35,p,465)

Jabir ibn Abdullah alAnsari said that Imam Al Baqir (a.s.) said that the Messenger of
Allah sawas said: Verily, there is a treasure for Allah in Taliqan, it is not gold nor silver,
[it is] twelve thousand in Khorasan, their motto/slogan is AHMED AHMED, they are
led by a youth from Bani Hashem, on a gray mule, on him is a red band. As if I am
looking at him while he is crossing the Euphrates. So if you hear of that, then hurry to
him, even if crawling on ice)
(Source: Muntakhab alAnwar alMudheea page 343) - (Bisharat al-islam page 30)
Ghaibat Tusi: Fazal has narrated from Ibne Mahbub from Amr bin Abu Miqdam from
Jabir Jofi that he heard Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) say: By Allah, after Imam Qaim
(a.s.) a person from us, Ahle Bayt (a.s.) will rule for 309 years. I said: When will this be?
He said: After Imam Qaim (a.s.). I asked: For how many years will Imam Qaim rule on
the earth after reappearance? He replied: Nineteen years from his reappearance to his
death. I said: Would there will be a great confusion after that? He replied: Yes, for fifty
years. Then Muntasir will do Rajat and he will kill his enemies and imprison them. After
that Saffah will rise up.
(Bihar Al Anwar v,53, ch, 35, p, 466)

Kaamiluz Ziyaraat: Saad has narrated from Jamurani from Husain bin Saif from his
father Saif from Hadhrami from Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) and Imam Ja'far Sadiq
(a.s.) that they said regarding Kufa: "There is Masjid Suhail there, such that every
Prophet prayed there and from there Divine justice will become apparent and the Imam
Qaim will be there and after him there will be many Qaims and that Masjid is the abode
of Prophets, Successors and the Righteous people."
Ikmaaluddin: Daqqaq has narrated from Asadi from Nakhai from Naufali from Ali Ibne
Abi Hamza from Abu Basir that he asked Imam Ja'far Sadiq (a.s.): "O son of Allah's
Messenger, I have heard from your respected father that there will be twelve Mahdis after
Imam Qaim (a.s.)? Imam (a.s.) replied: Yes, he had said twelve Mahdis and not twelve
Imams, but they would be from our Shia and they would invite people to our Wilayat and
recognition of our rights."
Ghaibat Tusi: Muhammad Himyari has narrated from his father from Muhammad bin
Abdul Hamid and Muhammad bin Isa from Muhammad bin Fudail from Abu Hamza
from Imam Ja'far Sadiq (a.s.) a lengthy report, in which he said: "O Abu Hamza, after
Imam Qaim (a.s.) there will be twelve Mahdis from us, the descendants of Imam Hussain
Ghaibat Tusi: Fazal has narrated from Ibne Mahbub from Amr bin Abu Miqdam from
Jabir Jofi that he heard Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) say: By Allah, after Imam Qaim
(a.s.) a person from us, Ahle Bayt (a.s.) will rule for 309 years. I said: When will this be?
He said: After Imam Qaim (a.s.). I asked: For how many years will Imam Qaim rule on
the earth after reappearance? He replied: Nineteen years from his reappearance to his
death. I said: Would there be a great confusion after that? He replied: Yes, for fifty years.
Then Muntasir will do Rajat and he will kill his enemies and imprison them. After that
Saffah will rise up."

Shaykh Saduq has mentioned in Ikmaaluddin (Vol. 1, Pg. 339) that: "There is always a
Divine Proof on the earth who is aware of the lawful and the prohibited and who calls the
people to Allah, the Mighty and Sublime. And the earth shall not be without Divine Proof
but forty days prior to Judgment Day. When that Divine Proof will be taken up by Allah,
the door of repentance shall be closed and the faith of those who accept it after the going
away of Divine Proof will be of no use. They shall be the worst of creatures. The
Judgment Day will be established after that." Also Barqi has mentioned in Mahasin
quoting from Masabihuz Zulam (Chapter 21, Tradition 202, Pg. 236) the same with a
slight difference and this shows that Shia had the same belief in the early period also.

Note: Allamah Tabarsi has written in Elamul Wara that it is mentioned in authentic
reports that there will be no rule of anyone after the rule of Imam Al Qaim except his
sons who will be his successors.
Ahmed Al Hasan (pbuh) is the first of the 12 Mahdis, he is the soul son of Imam Al
Mahdi Mohammed Ibn Al Hasan (pbuh) and Abdullah Hashem - Aba Al Sadiq (pbuh) is
the second Mahdi, the soul son of Ahmed Al Hasan (pbuh), and the third Mahdi, Moses
(pbuh) is also the son of Ahmed Al Hasan (pbuh).
Imam Ahmed Al Hasan a.s. the Leader of the Blessed Black Banners of the East, is the
only one who has used that as a proof upon us.

Al-Mufaddal ibn Umar narrated that Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s.) said:

"Verily, Allah chose between the souls in the Shadows, then He made them inhabit the
bodies. So when our Qa'im emerges, he (or the brother) will inherit his brother whom
Allah had partnered him with in the Shadows, and he will not inherit his brother from
birth. Know him from that, and whoever knows, then no further proof remains upon
Imam Al Sadiq (a.s.) said: Verily Allah The Blessed the Exalted partnered the souls as
brothers in the Shadows, two thousand years before He created the bodies. So when the
Qa'im of us Ahlul Bayt rises, he (or the brother) will inherit the brother whom he was
partnered with in the Shadows, and he will not inherit his brother from birth"


The Will of the Prophet >

Prophet Muhammad (pbuhap) said to Ali Ibn Abi Taleb during the night of his death: "O
Father of Al Hassan, bring me a paper and a utensil", and he dictated his will until he
came to a position where he said "O Ali, there will be twelve Imams and after them there
will be twelve Mahdi's. You, O Ali, are the first of the twelve Imams, God has named you
in his heavens Ali Al Mortada,The Prince of the believers, Grand truthful, the bright
Farouq (Judge and differentiating between true and false), the trusted, and the Mahdi
(rightly guided). These names may not be truly attributed to other than you. O Ali, you
are my guardian on my own family, their living and their dead. My women, whom you
maintain shall find me tomorrow, and whom you reject I am acquitted of her. I will not
see her and she will not see me on the day of resurrection, and you are the successor
(Khalifa) on my nation after me. If the day of death comes to you, hand it over to my son
Hassan the very beneficial. Then if the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to
my son Al Hussein, the Martyr, the Pure and the Assassinated. If the day of death comes
to him, let him hand it over to his son, the master of the servants and worshipers Ali.If the
day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Mohamed Al Baqir.If the day
of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Jafar Al Sadiq (the honest).If the
day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Moussa Al Kadhim (The
Patient).If the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Ali Al Reda.If
the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Mohamed Al Thiqa (The
Trustworthy).If the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Ali Al
Nasih (The Advisor). If the day death of comes to him, let him hand it over to his son, Al
Hassan Al Fadil. If the day of death comes to him, let him hand it over to his son,
Mohammed the Mandate/Preserver of the Holy Family of Mohamad Peace be upon them
all. These are the twelve Imams. Then there will be twelve Mahdi's after them. Then
when Allah receiveth him, let him hand it over to his son, the first of the close ones,
he has three names, one like mine and my Father's: Abdullah (Servant of God),
Ahmad and the third name is The Mahdi (the guided) and he is the first Believer."
{Gaibat Al Toosi p.150-151 460 A.H}

The Wasiya (Will/Testament) in the apparent can be interpreted in a way as if the three
names mentioned after the 12. Imam (a.s.) only pertain to one successor, but the fact is,
those who want to recognize the successors of the 1st. Mahdi (a.s.), have to believe and
follow the true Imam Ahmed al Hassan (a.s.) in the first place to get to this precious
information about his (a.s.) successors. The Wasiya will not protect you if you don't
follow the Mahdi (a.s.) mentioned in it and instead follow fallible interpretations and
impure scholars.
And infact the successors of Muhammad (pbuhap). are all one, and this is a mystery and
Allah knows best what it means.
Amir Al Mumineen Ali ibn Abi Talib a.s. conveyed to Archangel Salman Al Muhammady

"OSalman (a.s)! Myself and the Divine Guides from My Family, Imams (a.s), are the
hidden mystery of Allah and Most Beloved by Him. We are all One. Our Amr (authority)
is One. Our mystery is One. Thus do not try to find differences amongst Us or you will be
killed (gone astray)."
From Imam Ali (a.s.) Sermon, Khutba an-Nooraniyya
{-Mashariq al Anwar al Yaqeen fi Asrar Ameer al Mu'mineen
{-Bihar ul Anwar, Vol. 26, Page 1
{-Nahjul Asrar, Vol. 1, Pages 82-88\l "
Aba Abdullah (a.s.) said: "If we said a statement about a man and it did not occur in him
but it occurred in his son or his grandson, you must not deny that. It is because Allah the
Almighty does whatever He wills." {AlKafi vol.1 p.535 Hadith.2}

The laws of knowing the Hujah are defined in these hadiths >
Al-Harith ibn Al-Mugheera said to Abi Abdullah Imam Jafar (pbuh): "How do we know about
Saahib Al-Amr (Companion of the Matter)?" He said: "Peacefulness, dignity, knowledge,
and the will." { Basaer Al-Darajat Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan Al-Safar}
Abi Abdullah (Imam Jafar) (pbuh) said: "The companion of the matter will be known for
three qualities it will not be given to anyone except himself. He is the first before
anybody (with these qualities), he is his successor and he has the weapon of the Holy
Prophet (pbuh & his family), and his will and that is something that I do not separate myself
from." { Basaer Al-Darajat Muhammad ibn Al-Hassan Al-Safaar p.202}
Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s.) said, "The Imam is a guide between Allah and His creation,
therefore whoever acknowledges him is a believer, and whoever rejects him is a
disbeliever." [Bihar al-Anwar, v. 23, p. 88, no. 32]

The laws of knowing the Hujjah of Allah swt:

1, The Will and final testament of the Prophet (pbuhap)
2, Knowledge, and wisdom, it is the weapon of the Prophets and the Vicegerents, which
is knowledge and wisdom, and this is known from their speech, and their solutions for
problems, and the existing matters.
3, In knowing the Vicegerent of Allah on His Earth, it is: The Banner (Pledging -
Allegiance to Allah/Allegiance to God. These are the first major steps to knowing the
Imam a.s. and this is a Sunnah from the beginning of time passed down from Prophet to
Successor to the Imams of the Ahl Al Bayt (pbut).
The Prophet (pbuhap) said, Whoever dies without having an Imam has died a pagan
[pre-Islamic] death. [Kanz al-`Ummal, no. 464]
The Prophet (pbuhap) said, Whoever dies without knowing his Imam has died a pagan
[pre-Islamic] death. [Ibid. v. 23, p. 76, no. 1]

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