COSO Internal Control - Integrated Framework May 2013
COSO Internal Control - Integrated Framework May 2013
COSO Internal Control - Integrated Framework May 2013
F ramewo r k an d Ap p en d ice s
May 2013
This project was commissioned by COSO, which is dedicated to providing thought lead-
ership through the development of comprehensive frameworks and guidance on internal
control, enterprise risk management, and fraud deterrence designed to improve organi-
zational performance and oversight and to reduce the extent of fraud in organizations.
COSO is a private sector initiative, jointly sponsored and funded by:
ISBN 978-1-93735-239-4
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Co m m it te e o f S p o n s o r in g O rgani z ati o ns o f the Tre adway Co mmi ssi o n
C o m m i t t e e o f S p o n s o r i n g O r g a n i z a t i o n s o f t h e T r e a d w a y C o m m i s s i o n
F ramewo r k an d Ap p en d ice s
May 2013
Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of
the Treadway Commission
Board Members
David L. Landsittel Mark S. Beasley Richard F. Chambers
COSO Chair Douglas F. Prawitt The Institute of Internal Auditors
American Accounting Association
Principal Contributors
Miles E.A. Everson Stephen E. Soske Frank J. Martens
Engagement Leader Project Lead Partner Project Lead Director
New York, USA Boston, USA Vancouver, Canada
Members at Large
Jennifer Burns James DeLoach Trent Gazzaway
Deloitte Protiviti Grant Thornton
Partner Managing Director Partner
4. Additional Considerations...................................................................................23
5. Control Environment........................................................................................... 31
6. Risk Assessment................................................................................................59
7. Control Activities.................................................................................................87
In the twenty years since the inception of the original framework, business and operat-
ing environments have changed dramatically, becoming increasingly complex, techno-
logically driven, and global. At the same time, stakeholders are more engaged, seeking
greater transparency and accountability for the integrity of systems of internal control
that support business decisions and governance of the organization.
The experienced reader will find much that is familiar in the Framework, which builds
on what has proven useful in the original version. It retains the core definition of internal
control and the five components of internal control. The requirement to consider the five
components to assess the effectiveness of a system of internal control remains funda-
mentally unchanged. Also, the Framework continues to emphasize the importance of
management judgment in designing, implementing, and conducting internal control, and
in assessing the effectiveness of a system of internal control.
At the same time, the Framework includes enhancements and clarifications that are
intended to ease use and application. One of the more significant enhancements is
the formalization of fundamental concepts that were introduced in the original frame-
work. In the Framework, these concepts are now principles, which are associated with
the five components, and which provide clarity for the user in designing and imple-
menting systems of internal control and for understanding requirements for effective
The Framework has been enhanced by expanding the financial reporting category of
objectives to include other important forms of reporting, such as non-financial and
internal reporting. Also, the Framework reflects considerations of many changes in the
business and operating environments over the past several decades, including:
Appendices within the Framework and Appendices publication provide reference, but
are not considered a part of the Framework. The Illustrative Tools for Assessing Effec-
tiveness of a System of Internal Control provides templates and scenarios that may be
useful in applying the Framework.
Finally, the COSO Board would like to thank PwC and the Advisory Council for their
contributions in developing the Framework and related documents. Their full consid-
eration of input provided by many stakeholders and their insight were instrumental in
ensuring that the core strengths of the original framework have been preserved, clari-
fied, and strengthened.
David L. Landsittel
COSO Chair
This definition of internal control is intentionally broad for two reasons. First, it captures
important concepts that are fundamental to how organizations design, implement, and
conduct internal control and assess effectiveness of their system of internal control,
providing a basis for application across various types of organizations, industries, and
geographic regions. Second, the definition accommodates subsets of internal control.
Those who want to may focus separately, for example, on internal control over reporting
or controls relating to complying with laws and regulations. Similarly, a directed focus
on controls in particular units or activities of an entity can be accommodated.
1 The Framework uses the term board of directors, which encompasses the governing body, including the
board, board of trustees, general partners, owner, or supervisory board.
These distinct but overlapping categoriesa particular objective can fall under more
than one categoryaddress different needs and may be the direct responsibility of
different individuals. The three categories also indicate what can be expected from
Where external events are unlikely to have a significant impact on the achievement
of specified operations objectives or where the organization can reasonably predict
the nature and timing of external events and mitigate the impact to an acceptable
level, the entity may be able to attain reasonable assurance that these objectives can
A Process
Internal control is not one event or circumstance, but a dynamic and iterative process2
actions that permeate an entitys activities and that are inherent in the way management
runs the entity. Embedded within this process are controls consisting of policies and
procedures. These policies reflect management or board statements of what should be
done to effect internal control. Such statements may be documented, explicitly stated in
other management communications, or implied through management actions and deci-
sions. Procedures consist of actions that implement a policy.
Business processes, which are conducted within or across operating units or functional
areas, are managed through the fundamental management activities, such as planning,
executing, and checking. Internal control is integrated with these processes. Internal
control embedded within these business processes and activities are likely more effec-
tive andefficient than stand-alone controls.
Effected by People
Internal control is effected by the board of directors, management, and other personnel.
It is accomplished by the people of an organization, by what they do and say. People
establish the entitys objectives and put actions in place to achieve specified objectives.
The boards oversight responsibilities include providing advice and direction to manage-
ment, constructively challenging management, approving policies and transactions,
and monitoring managements activities. Consequently, the board of directors is an
important element of internal control. The board and senior management establish the
tone for the organization concerning the importance of internal control and the expected
standards of conduct across the entity.
Issues arise every day in managing an entity. People may not fully understand the nature
of such issues or alternatives available to them, communicate effectively, or perform
consistently. Each individual brings to the workplace a unique background and ability,
and each has different needs and priorities. These individual differences can be inher-
ently valuable and beneficial to innovation and productivity, but if not properly aligned
with the entitys objectives they can be counterproductive. Yet, people must know their
responsibilities and limits of authority. Accordingly, a clear and close linkage needs to
exist between peoples roles and responsibilities and the way in which these duties are
communicated, carried out, and aligned with the entitys objectives.
Reasonable assurance does not imply that an entity will always achieve its objectives.
Effective internal control increases the likelihood of an entity achieving its objectives.
However, the likelihood of achievement is affected by limitations inherent in all systems
of internal control, such as human error, the uncertainty inherent in judgment, and
the potential impact of external events outside managements control. Additionally, a
system of internal control can be circumvented if people collude. Further, if manage-
ment is able to override controls, the entire system may fail. Even though an entitys
system of internal control should be designed to prevent and detect collusion, human
error, and management override, an effective system of internal control can experience
The legal entity structure is typically designed to follow regulatory reporting require-
ments, limit risk, or provide tax benefits. Often the organization of legal entities is quite
different from the management operating model used to manage operations, allocate
resources, measure performance, and report results.
Internal control can be applied, based on managements decisions and in the context of
legal or regulatory requirements, to the management operating model, legal entity struc-
ture, or a combination of these.
An organization adopts a mission and vision, sets strategies, establishes objectives it
wants to achieve, and formulates plans for achieving them. Objectives may be set for
an entity as a whole or be targeted to specific activities within the entity. Though many
objectives are specific to a particular entity, some are widely shared. For example,
objectives common to most entities are sustaining organizational success, reporting to
stakeholders, recruiting and retaining motivated and competent employees, achieving
and maintaining a positive reputation, and complying with laws and regulations.
Supporting the organization in its efforts to achieve objectives are five components of
internal control:
Control Environment
Risk Assessment
Control Activities
Monitoring Activities
These components are relevant to an entire entity and to the entity level, its subsidiaries,
divisions, or any of its individual operating units, functions, or other subsets of the entity.
3 Throughout the Framework, the term the entity and its subunits refers collectively to the
overall entity, divisions, subsidiaries, operating units, and functions.
Each component cuts across and applies to all three categories of objectives. For
example, attracting, developing, and retaining competent people who are able to
conduct internal controlpart of the control environment componentis relevant to all
three objectives categories.
The three categories of objectives are not parts or units of the entity. For instance,
operations objectives relate to the efficiency and effectiveness of operations, not
specific operating units or functions such as sales, marketing, procurement, or
Internal control is a dynamic, iterative, and integrated process. For example, risk
assessment not only influences the control environment and control activities, but also
may highlight a need to reconsider the entitys requirements for information and com-
munication, or for its monitoring activities. Thus, internal control is not a linear process
where one component affects only the next. It is an integrated process in which compo-
nents can and will impact another.
No two entities will, or should, have the same system of internal control. Entities, objec-
tives, and systems of internal control differ by industry and regulatory environment, as
well as by internal considerations such as the size, nature of the management operat-
ing model, tolerance for risk, reliance on technology, and competence and number of
personnel. Thus, while all entities require each of the components to maintain effective
internal control over their activities, one entitys system of internal control will look differ-
ent from anothers.
Management, with board oversight, sets entity-level objectives that align with the
entitys mission, vision, and strategies. These high-level objectives reflect choices made
by management and board of directors about how the organization seeks to create, pre-
serve, and realize value for its stakeholders. Such objectives may focus on the entitys
unique operations needs, or align with laws, rules, regulations, and standards imposed
by legislators, regulators, and standard setters, or some combination of the two.
Setting objectives is a prerequisite to internal control and a key part of the management
process relating to strategic planning.
Individuals who are part of the system of internal control need to understand the overall
strategies and objectives set by the organization. As part of internal control, manage-
ment specifies suitable objectives so that risks to the achievement of such objectives
can be identified and assessed. Specifying objectives includes the articulation of spe-
cific, measurable or observable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound objectives.
However there may be instances where an entity might not explicitly document an
objective. Objectives specified in appropriate detail can be readily understood by the
people who are working toward achieving them.
Categories of Objectives
The Framework groups entity objectives into the three categories of operations, report-
ing, and compliance.
Operations Objectives
Operations objectives relate to the achievement of an entitys basic mission and vision
the fundamental reason for its existence. These objectives vary based on manage-
ments choices relating to the management operating model, industry considerations,
and performance. Entity-level objectives cascade into related sub-objectives for opera-
tions within divisions, subsidiaries, operating units, and functions, directed at enhancing
effectiveness and efficiency in moving the entity toward its ultimate goal.
Safeguarding of Assets
The efficient use of an entitys assets and prevention of loss through waste, inefficiency,
or poor business decisions (e.g., selling product at too low a price, extending credit to
bad risks, failing to retain key employees, allowing patent infringement to occur, incur-
ring unforeseen liabilities) relate to broader operations objectives and are not a specific
consideration relating to safeguarding of assets.
Laws, rules, regulations, and external standards have created an expectation that
management reporting on internal control includes controls relating to preventing and
detecting unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of entity assets. In addition,
some entities consider safeguarding of assets a separate category of objective, and that
view can be accommodated within the application of the Framework.
Reporting Objectives
Reporting objectives pertain to the preparation of reports for use by organizations and
stakeholders. Reporting objectives may relate to financial or non-financial reporting
and to internal or external reporting. Internal reporting objectives are driven by internal
requirements in response to a variety of potential needs such as the entitys strategic
directions, operating plans, and performance metrics at various levels. External report-
ing objectives are driven primarily by regulations and/or standards established by regu-
lators and standard-setting bodies.
Reporting objectives are different from the Information and Communication component
of internal control. Management establishes, with board oversight, reporting objectives
when the organization needs reasonable assurance of achieving a particular report-
ing objective. In these situations all five components of internal control are needed.
For instance, in preparing internal non-financial reporting to the board on the status of
merger integration efforts, the organization specifies internal reporting objectives (e.g.,
prepares reliable, relevant, and useful reports), assigns competent individuals, assesses
risks relating to specified objectives, selects and develops controls within the five com-
ponents necessary to mitigate such risks, and monitors components of internal control
supporting the specified non-financial reporting objective.
Compliance Objectives
Entities must conduct activities, and often take specific actions, in accordance with
applicable laws and regulations. As part of specifying compliance objectives, the orga-
nization needs to understand which laws, rules and regulations apply across the entity.
Many laws and regulations are generally well known, such as those relating to human
resources, taxation, and environmental compliance, but others may be more obscure,
such as those that apply to an entity conducting operations in a remote foreign territory.
Laws and regulations establish minimum standards of conduct expected of the entity.
The organization is expected to incorporate these standards into the objectives set for
the entity. Some organizations will set objectives to a higher level of performance than
established by laws and regulations. In setting those objectives, management is able
to exercise discretion relative to the performance of the entity. For instance, a particu-
lar law may limit minors working outside school hours to eighteen hours in a school
week. However, a retail food service company may choose to limit its minor-age staff to
working fifteen hours per week.
For purposes of the Framework, compliance with an entitys internal policies and pro-
cedures, as opposed to compliance with external laws and regulations as discussed
above, relates to operations objectives.
The category in which an objective falls may vary depending on the circumstances. For
instance, controls to prevent theft of assetssuch as maintaining a fence around inven-
tory, or having a gatekeeper to verify proper authorization of requests for movement
of goodsfall under the operations category. These controls may not be relevant to
reporting where inventory losses are detected after a periodic physical inspection and
recorded in the financial statements. However, if for reporting purposes management
relies solely on perpetual inventory records, as may be the case for interim or internal
financial reporting, the physical security controls would then also fall within the report-
ing category. These physical security controls, along with controls over the perpetual
inventory records, are needed to achieve reporting objectives. A clear understanding is
needed of the entitys business processes, policies and procedures, and the respective
impact on each category of objectives.
These objectives are established largely by law or regulation, and fall into the category
of compliance, external reporting, or, in these examples, both.
Conversely, operations and internal reporting objectives are based more on the orga-
nizations preferences, judgments, and choices. These objectives vary widely among
entities simply because informed and competent people may select different objectives.
For example, one organization might choose to be an early adopter of emerging tech-
nologies in developing new products, whereas another might be a quick follower, and
yet another a late adopter. These choices would reflect the entitys strategies and the
competencies, technologies, and controls within its research and development function.
Consequently, no one formulation of objectives can be optimal for all entities.
Where entity-level objectives are consistent with prior practice and performance, the
linkage between activities is usually known. Where objectives depart from an entitys
past practices, management addresses the linkages or accepts increased risks. For
example, an entity-level objective relating to customer satisfaction depends on linked
sub-objectives dealing with the introduction of services that use a newer and less
proven technology infrastructure. These sub-objectives might need to be substantially
changed if past practice used older, proven technologies.
Sub-objectives for operating units and functional activities also need to be specific,
measurable or observable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. In addition, they must
be readily understood by the people who are working toward achieving them. Manage-
ment and other personnel require a mutual understanding of both what is to be accom-
plished and the means of determining to what extent it is accomplished in order to
ensure individual and team accountability.
Entities may specify multiple sub-objectives for each activity, flowing both from the
entity-level objectives and from established standards relating to compliance and
reporting objectives, as deemed suitable in the circumstances. For example, procure-
ment operations objectives may be to:
Purchase goods from companies that meet environmental, health, and safety
specifications (e.g., no child labor, good working conditions)
applicable to the entity and its subunits. For example, management may set an entity-
level external financial reporting objective as follows: Our company prepares reliable
financial statements reflecting transactions and events in accordance with generally
accepted accounting principles.
Below is a summary of each of the five components of internal control and the prin-
ciples relating to each component. Each of the principles is covered in the respective
component chapters.4
Control Environment
The control environment is the set of standards, processes, and structures that provide
the basis for carrying out internal control across the organization. The board of direc-
tors and senior management establish the tone at the top regarding the importance of
internal control and expected standards of conduct.
4 For purposes of the Framework, when describing principles the term organization is used to capture the
meaning of, collectively, the board of directors, management, and other personnel. Typically the board of
directors serves in an oversight capacity within this term.
5. The organization holds individuals accountable for their internal control responsibili-
ties in the pursuit of objectives.
Risk Assessment
Risk assessment involves a dynamic and iterative process for identifying and ana-
lyzing risks to achieving the entitys objectives, forming a basis for determining how
risks should be managed. Management considers possible changes in the external
environment and within its own business model that may impede its ability to achieve
6. The organization specifies objectives with sufficient clarity to enable the identifica-
tion and assessment of risks relating to objectives.
8. The organization considers the potential for fraud in assessing risks to the achieve-
ment of objectives.
9. The organization identifies and assesses changes that could significantly impact the
system of internal control.
Control Activities
Control activities are the actions established by policies and procedures to help ensure
that management directives to mitigate risks to the achievement of objectives are
carried out. Control activities are performed at all levels of the entity and at various
stages within business processes, and over the technology environment.
10. The organization selects and develops control activities that contribute to the miti-
gation of risks to the achievement of objectives to acceptable levels.
11. The organization selects and develops general control activities over technology to
support the achievement of objectives.
12. The organization deploys control activities through policies that establish what is
expected and procedures that put policies into action.
13. The organization obtains or generates and uses relevant, quality information to
support the functioning of internal control.
15. The organization communicates with external parties regarding matters affecting
the functioning of internal control.
Monitoring Activities
Ongoing evaluations, separate evaluations, or some combination of the two are used
to ascertain whether each of the five components of internal control, including controls
to effect the principles within each component, is present and functioning. Findings are
evaluated and deficiencies are communicated in a timely manner, with serious matters
reported to senior management and to the board.
16. The organization selects, develops, and performs ongoing and/or separate evalu-
ations to ascertain whether the components of internal control are present and
Setting the overall level of acceptable risk and associated risk appetite5 is
part of strategic planning and enterprise risk management, not part of internal
control. Similarly, setting risk tolerance levels in relation to specific objectives
is also not part of internal control.
5 Risk appetite is defined as the amount of risk, on a broad level, an entity is willing to accept in pursuit of
its mission/vision.
The following diagram illustrates establishing and setting objectives as part of the
management process outside of internal control, and specifying and using objec-
tives as part of internal control in the context of an external financial reporting and an
External parties establish Set strategic objectives Articulate specific, mea- Use specified objec-
laws, rules, and stan- and select strategy surable or observable, tives and sub-objectives
dards (where applicable) within the context of attainable, relevant and as the basis for risk
relating to compliance an entitys established time-based objectives assessment.
and external financial mission or vision. and sub-objectives.
reporting objectives. Set entity-wide objec- Assess and affirm
tives and develop risk tol- suitability of objectives
erances based on entity and sub-objectives for
requirements suitable in internal control based
the circumstances. on facts, circumstances,
and established laws,
Align objectives with
rules, and standards.
entity strategy and
overall risk appetite. Communicate objec-
tives and sub-objectives
Set objectives and sub-
throughout the entity and
objectives for the entity
its subunits.
and its subunits suitable
in those circumstances.
Examples of Financial Reporting Objectives and Sub-Objectives
The Financial Accounting Our company pre- Management assesses Management identifies
Standards Board (FASB) pares reliable financial and affirms that US and assesses risk to pre-
established account- statements reflecting GAAP is suitable in the paring reliable financial
ing principles generally transactions and events circumstances. If not, statements reflecting
accepted in the United in accordance with US management provides activities in accordance
States of America (US GAAP. feedback to the objec- with US GAAP.
GAAP). tive-setting process.
A regulatory body Our company recognizes Operating unit financial Operating unit financial
establishes an account- sales revenue upon management assesses management identifies
ing standard on revenue installation of equipment and affirms suitability and assesses risk to
recognition. for sales-type capital of applicable account- recording revenue on
leases or recognizes ing standards relating equipment sales in accor-
rental revenue over the to all equipment sales. dance with US GAAP.
operating lease term. If not, operating unit
financial management
provides feedback to
the objective-setting
Example of Operations Objectives
Not applicable for opera- Our company seeks to Operating unit manage- Operating unit manage-
tions objectives. improve performance ment assesses suitability ment identifies and
by increasing inventory of operations objectives assesses risk to the
turnover ratio to twelve relating to inventory achievement of an inven-
times per year, recogniz- turnover and customer tory turnover ratio of
ing that lower inventory back-order goals. If not, twelve times per year.
levels may result in more operating unit financial
backorder items for management provides
customers. feedback to the objec-
tive-setting process.
Reality that human judgment in decision making can be faulty and subject
These limitations preclude the board and management from having absolute assurance
of the achievement of the entitys objectivesthat is, internal control provides reason-
able but not absolute assurance.
When internal control is determined to be effective, senior management and the board
of directors have reasonable assurance of the following categories ofobjectives:
Operationsthe organization:
-- achieves effective and efficient operations when external events are con-
sidered unlikely to have a significant impact on the achievement of objec-
tives or when the organization can reasonably predict the nature and timing
of external events and mitigate the impact to an acceptable level
The Framework sets forth that components and relevant principles are requisite to an
effective system of internal control. It does not prescribe the process for how manage-
ment assesses its effectiveness.
Principles are fundamental concepts associated with components. As such, the Frame-
work views the seventeen principles as suitable to all entities. The Framework presumes
that principles are relevant because they have a significant bearing on the presence
and functioning of an associated component. Accordingly, if a relevant principle is not
present and functioning, the associated component cannot be present and functioning.
Operating Together
The Framework requires that all components operate together in an integrated manner.
Operating together refers to the determination that all five components collectively
reduce, to an acceptable level, the risk of not achieving an objective.
When a major deficiency exists, the organization cannot conclude that it has met the
requirements for an effective system of internal control. A major deficiency exists in the
system of internal control when management determines that a component and one
or more relevant principles are not present or functioning or that components are not
operating together.
In determining whether components and relevant principles are present and function-
ing, management can consider controls to effect principles.7 For instance, in assessing
whether the principle Assesses Fraud Risk may not be present and functioning, the
organization can consider controls to effect other principles, such as those relating to
Establishes Structure, Authority, and Responsibility and Enforces Accountability. By
considering controls initially considered in the context of other principles, manage-
ment may be able to determine that the principle Assesses Fraud Risk is present and
Regulators, standard-setting bodies, and other relevant third parties may establish
criteria for defining the severity of, evaluating, and reporting internal control deficiencies.
The Framework recognizes and accommodates their authority and responsibility as
established through laws, rules, regulations, and external standards.
In those instances where an entity is applying a law, rule, regulation, or external stan-
dard, management should use only the relevant criteria contained in those documents
to classify the severity of internal control deficiencies, rather than relying on the classifi-
cations set forth in the Framework. The Framework recognizes that any internal control
deficiency that results in a system of internal control not being effective pursuant to
such criteria would also preclude management from concluding that the entity has met
the requirements for effective internal control in accordance with the Framework (e.g.,
a major non-conformity relating to operations or compliance objectives, or a material
weakness relating to compliance or external reporting objectives).
For internal reporting and operations objectives, senior management, with board of
director oversight, may establish objective criteria for evaluating internal control defi-
ciencies and for how deficiencies should be reported to those responsible for achieving
these objectives.
7 The role of controls and how they effect principles is further described in Chapter 4, Additional
Other Considerations
Although the organization may rely on an outsourced service provider to conduct
business processes, policies, and procedures on behalf of the entity, management
retains ultimate responsibility for meeting the requirements for an effective system of
The Framework requires judgment in designing, implementing, and conducting internal
control and assessing its effectiveness. The use of judgment enhances managements
ability to make better decisions about internal control, but cannot guarantee perfect
Within the boundaries established by laws, rules, regulations, and standards, manage-
ment exercises judgement in important areas such as:
Applying internal control components and principles within the entity structure
Assessing whether principles are relevant to the entity and present and
Points of Focus
The Framework describes points of focus that are important characteristics of prin-
ciples. Management may determine that some of these points of focus are not suitable
or relevant and may identify and consider others based on specific circumstances of
the entity. Points of focus may assist management in designing, implementing, and
conducting internal control and in assessing whether the relevant principles are, in fact,
present and functioning. The Framework does not require that management assess
separately whether points of focus are in place.
The Framework does not prescribe specific controls that must be selected, developed,
and deployed for an effective system of internal control. That determination is a function
of management judgment based on factors unique to each entity, such as:
Organizational Boundaries
Many organizations choose to shift some business processes and activities to outside
service providers. This approach has become prevalent because of the benefits of
obtaining access to low-cost human resources, reducing costs in the day-to-day
This dependence on outsourced service providers changes the risks of business activi-
ties, increases the importance of the quality of information and communications from
outside the organization, and creates greater challenges in overseeing its activities and
related controls. While management can use others to execute business processes,
activities, and controls for or on behalf of the entity, it retains responsibility for the
system of internal control. For instance, management retains responsibility for specify-
ing objectives, managing associated risks, and selecting, developing, and deploying
control to effect components and relevant principles.
The Framework can be applied to the entire entity regardless of what choices manage-
ment makes about how it will execute business activities that support its objectives,
either directly or through external relationships.
Technology may be essential to support managements pursuit of the entitys objec-
tives and to better control the organizations activities. The number of entities that use
technology continues to grow as does the extent that technology is used.
Technology innovation creates both opportunities and risks. It can enable the develop-
ment of new business markets and models, generate efficiencies through automation,
and enable entities to do things that were previously hard to imagine. It may increase
complexity, which makes identifying and managing risks more difficult.
The principles presented in the Framework do not change with the application of
technology. This is not to say that technology does not change the internal control
landscape. Certainly, it affects how an organization designs, implements, and conducts
internal control, considering the greater availability of information and the use of auto-
mated procedures, but the same principles remain suitable and relevant.8
Smaller entities typically have unique advantages, which can contribute to effective
internal control. These may include a wider span of control by senior management
and greater direct interaction with personnel. For instance, smaller companies may
find informal staff meetings highly effective for communicating information relevant to
operating performance, whereas larger companies may need more formal mechanisms
such as written reports, intranet portals, periodic formal meetings, or conference calls
to communicate similar matters.
Conversely, larger entities may enjoy certain economies of scale, which often affect
support functions. For example, establishing an internal audit function within a smaller,
domestic entity likely would require a larger percentage of the entitys economic
resources than would be the case for a larger, multinational entity. A smaller entity
may not have an internal audit function or might rely on co-sourcing or outsourcing
to provide needed skills, where the larger entitys function might have a significantly
broader range of experienced in-house personnel. But in all likelihood the relative cost
for the smaller entity would be higher than for the larger one.
8 As this is a principles-based framework and because technology is continually evolving, the Framework
does not address specific technologies, such as cloud computing or social media.
Internal control provides many benefits to an entity. It provides management and boards
of directors with added confidence regarding the achievement of objectives, it provides
feedback on how a business is functioning, and it helps to reduce surprises. Among the
most significant benefits of effective internal control for many entities is the ability to
meet certain requirements to access capital markets, providing capital-driven innova-
tion and economic growth. Such access of course comes with responsibilities to effect
timely and reliable reporting for shareholders, creditors, capital providers, regulators,
and other third parties with which an entity has direct contractual relationships. For
instance, effective internal control supports reliable external financial reporting, which in
turn enhances investor confidence in providing the requisite capital.
Focusing on those areas of risk that exceed acceptance levels and need to be
managed across the entity may reduce efforts spent mitigating risks in areas
of lesser significance.
Coordinating efforts for identifying and assessing risks across multiple objec-
tives may reduce the number of discrete risks assessed and mitigated.
Entities always have limits on human and capital resources and constraints on how
much they can spend, and therefore they will often consider the costs relative to the
benefits of alternative approaches in managing internal control options.
Generally, it is easier to deal with the cost aspect in the cost-benefit equation because
in most cases financial costs can be quantified fairly precisely. Usually considered are
all direct costs associated with implementing internal control actions and responses,
plus indirect costs, where practically measurable. Some entities also include opportu-
nity costs associated with use of resources.
Assessing the efforts required to select, develop, and perform control activi-
ties; the potential incremental efforts that the activity adds to the busi-
ness process; and the efforts to maintain and update the control activity
Entities develop and maintain documentation for their internal control system for a
number of reasons. One is to provide clarity around roles and responsibilities, which
promotes consistency in adhering to the entitys practices, policies, and procedures in
managing the business. Effective documentation assists in capturing the design of inter-
nal control and communicating the who, what, when, where, and why of internal control
execution, and creates standards and expectations of performance and conduct.
Another purpose of documentation is to assist in training new personnel and to offer a
refresher or reference for other employees. Documentation also provides evidence of
the conduct of internal control, enables proper monitoring, and supports reporting on
internal control effectiveness, particularly when evaluated by other parties interacting
with the entity, such as regulators, auditors, or customers. Documentation also provides
a means to retain organizational knowledge and mitigate the risk of having the knowl-
edge within the minds of a limited number of employees.
Management must also determine how much documentation is needed to assess the
effectiveness of internal control. Some level of documentation is always necessary to
assure management that each of the components and relevant principles is present
and functioning and components are operating together. This may include, for example,
documents showing that all shipments are billed or that periodic reconciliations are
performed. Two specific levels of documentation requirements must be considered in
relation to external financial and non-financialreporting:
There may still be instances where controls are informal and implied through manage-
ment actions and decisions. This may be appropriate where management is able to
obtain evidence captured through the normal conduct of the business that indicates
personnel regularly performed those controls. However, it is important to keep in mind
that controls, such as those embedded within monitoring activities or risk assessments,
cannot be performed entirely in the minds of senior management without some docu-
mentation of managements thought process and analyses.
The level and nature of documentation can also vary by the size of the organization and
the complexity of the control. Larger entities usually have a more extensive system of
internal control and greater complexity in business processes, and therefore typically
find it necessary to have more extensive documentation, such as in-depth policy and
procedure manuals, flowcharts of processes, organizational charts, and job descrip-
tions. Smaller entities often find less need for formal documentation. In smaller compa-
nies, typically there are fewer people and levels of management, closer working rela-
tionships, and more frequent interaction, all of which promote communication of what
is expected and what is being done. Consequently, management of a smaller entity can
often determine that controls are in place through direct observation.
5. Control Environment
Chapter Summary
The control environment is influenced
by a variety of internal and external
factors, including the entitys history,
values, market, and the competitive and
regulatory landscape. It is defined by the
standards, processes, and structures
that guide people at all levels in carry-
ing out their responsibilities for internal
control and making decisions. It creates
the discipline that supports the assess-
ment of risks to the achievement of the
entitys objectives, performance of control
activities, use of information and com-
munication systems, and conduct of
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
Sets the Tone at the TopThe board of directors and management at all
levels of the entity demonstrate through their directives, actions, and behavior
the importance of integrity and ethical values to support the functioning of the
system of internal control.
9 The Framework uses the term board of directors, which encompasses the governing body, including
board, board of trustees, general partners, owner, or supervisory board.
Operating principles
These elements reflect the expectations of integrity and ethical values and the degree to
which they are applied in decisions made at all levels of the organization, by outsourced
service providers, and by business partners (e.g., joint venture partners, strategic alli-
ances). They articulate and reinforce the commitment to doing what is right, not just
what complies with laws and regulations, so that these priorities are understood and
embraced across the organization. The degree to which these expectations are not
only communicated but also applied by senior management and the board as well as all
other levels of leadership within the organization characterizes the tone at the top and
throughout the organization.
Tone is impacted by the operating style and personal conduct of management and
the board of directors, attitudes toward risk, and positions, which may be conserva-
tive or aggressive (e.g., position on estimates, policy choices), and degree of formality
(e.g., in a smaller family business, controls may be more informal), all of which sends a
message to the organization. Personal indiscretions, lack of receptiveness to bad news,
or unfairly balanced compensation practices could impact the culture and ultimately
provide an incentive for inappropriate conduct. In contrast, a history of ethical and
responsible behavior by management and the board of directors and demonstrated
commitment to addressing misconduct send strong messages in support of integ-
rity. Employees are likely to develop the same attitudes about right and wrongand
about risks and controlsas those shown by management. Individual behavior is often
influenced by the knowledge that the chief executive officer has behaved ethically when
faced with a tough business-based or personal decision, and that all managers have
taken timely action to address misconduct.
A consistent tone from the board and senior management through to operating unit
management levels helps establish a common understanding of the values, business
drivers, and expected behavior of employees and partners of the organization. This
includes the various layers and divisions sometimes referred to as tone in the middle
in larger organizations. Such consistency helps pull the organization together in the
pursuit of the entitys objectives. Challenges to such consistency can arise in various
forms. For instance, different markets may call for different motivational approaches,
different degrees of evaluation of suppliers, and different customer service levelshow
management responds to such pressures can create different tones at different levels
of the organization. The messages from management about what is or is not acceptable
may vary to address particular challenges at those different levels, but the more they
remain consistent with the tone at the top, the more homogenous the performance of
internal control responsibilities in the pursuit of the entitys objectives will be.
In some cases, the tone set by the chief executive may result in unintended conse-
quences. Consider, for example, a management team that readily modifies the entitys
standard contractual terms to compete in the local business environment. While such
modification may be seen as positive for purposes of satisfying customer needs and
generating revenuefor instance getting products to customers fasterit may be det-
rimental to the achievement of other objectives, such as complying with product safety
standards, quotas, fair sales practices, or other requirements. Clear guidance and
direction from the top, as well as congruence across different levels of management,
facilitate the achievement of the entitys objectives.
Tone at the top and throughout the organization is fundamental to the functioning of an
internal control system. Without a strong tone at the top to support a strong culture of
internal control, awareness of risk can be undermined, responses to risks may be inap-
propriate, control activities may be ill defined or not followed, information and commu-
nication may falter, and feedback from monitoring activities may not be heard or acted
upon. Therefore tone can be either a driver or a barrier to internal control.
Standards of Conduct
Standards of conduct guide the organization in behavior, activities, and decisions in the
pursuit of objectives by:
Ethical expectations, norms, and customs can vary across borders. Management and
the board of directors or equivalent oversight body establish the standards and mecha-
nisms for the organization to understand and adhere to doing what is right, and define
the process and resources for interpreting and addressing the potential for deviations.
These expectations are translated into an organizational statement of beliefs, values,
and standards of conduct.
The organization demonstrates its commitment to integrity and ethical values by apply-
ing the standards of conduct and continually asking challenging questions, particularly
when faced with difficult decisions. For example, it might ask: Does it infringe on the
organizations standards of conduct? Is it legal? Would we want our shareholders, cus-
tomers, regulators, suppliers, or other stakeholders to know about it? Would it reflect
negatively on the individual or the organization?
Integrity and ethical values are core messages in the organizations communications
and training. For example, a company that regularly receives awards for best places to
work and achieves high employee retention rates typically provides training on corpo-
rate ethical values and organizational culture, with the support of senior management
and the board. The training sessions are conducted quarterly or biannually depending
on the number of new employees hired. During such training, employees learn how the
ethical climate has developed in the organization. In addition, employees are provided
with examples of how integrity and ethical values have assisted in identifying issues and
solving problems and the importance of speaking up and raising concerns.
The lack of adherence to standards of conduct often stems from situations such as:
Tone at the top that does not effectively convey expectations regarding adher-
ence to standards
A board of directors that does not provide impartial oversight of senior man-
agements adherence to standards
A weak internal audit function that does not have the ability to detect and
report improper conduct
For example, standards of conduct may prohibit practices that could be perceived
as collusion to fix prices, but the organization must establish mechanisms to enforce
standards, such as awareness communications and training, scanning market pricing
activity to identify potential issues, and other measures to prevent or detect a deviation
from the organizations standards of conduct. The organization communicates estab-
lished tolerance levels for deviations. Depending on the significance of the impact to the
organization, the level of remedial action may vary but is applied consistently across the
organization. Evaluations of individual and team adherence to standards of conduct are
part of a systematic process for escalation and resolution of exceptions. The process
requires that management:
Identify, analyze, and report business conduct issues and trends to senior
management and the board of directors. Mechanisms for identifying issues
include direct reporting lines, human resource functions, and hotlines. Analy-
sis often requires cross-functional teams to determine the root cause and
what corrective actions are needed.
Deviations from expected standards of conduct are addressed in a timely and consis-
tent manner. Depending on the severity of the deviation determined through the evalu-
ation process, management may take different actions and may also need to consider
local laws, but the standards to which it holds employees remain consistent. Depending
on the severity of the deviation, the employee may be issued a warning and provided
coaching, put on probation, or terminated.
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
The board has the authority to hire as well as terminate, as necessary, and establish
succession planning for the chief executive officer or equivalent, who is then charged
with overall execution of the entitys strategy, achievement of its objectives, and effec-
tiveness of the system of internal control. The board is responsible for providing over-
sight and constructive challenge to management.
Audit committees to oversee internal control over financial reporting and the
integrity and transparency of external reporting, including financial reports
While the board retains oversight responsibility, the chief executive officer and senior
management bear direct responsibility for developing and implementing the internal
control system. Depending on the type of organization and its strategy, structure, and
objectives, operating units may have more or less autonomy designing the processes
and structures to enable internal control. For example, while one organization may
implement an enterprise resource planning system that standardizes all major pro-
cesses and controls, another organization may leave it to each division to determine and
implement those most suitable to its business activities.
Because a board must be actively engaged at all times and be prepared to question
and scrutinize managements activities, present alternative views, and have the courage
to act in the face of obvious or suspected wrongdoing, it is necessary that the board
include independent directors. Certainly, officers and employees bring deep knowledge
of the entity to the table, but independent directors with relevant expertise provide value
through their impartiality, healthy skepticism, and unbiased evaluation.
Privately owned, not-for-profit, or other entities may find it costly or otherwise difficult to
attract competent independent directors. Depending on applicable requirements (some
may not be required to have a board of directors), it may be incumbent on these orga-
nizations to identify professional and personal qualities of the candidate important to
the entity (e.g., understanding of stakeholder perspectives, internal control mindset) and
establish a board with members who demonstrate these qualities. In such rare cases
where entities are unable to have an independent board, they recognize this factor and
evidence different processes and controls that result in adequate oversight.
Board composition is determined considering the mission, values, and various objec-
tives of the entity as well as the skills and expertise needed to oversee, probe, and
evaluate the senior management team most appropriately. The size of the board is
determined by considering the appropriate number of members to adequately facilitate
constructive criticisms, discussions, and decision making. Capabilities expected of all
board members include integrity and ethical standards, leadership, critical thinking, and
problem-solving. Further, the board is expected to include more specialized skills and
expertise, with sufficient overlap to enable discussion and deliberation, such as:
The expertise and independence of the board of directors are evaluated regularly in
relation to the evolving needs of the entity. Board members participate in training as
appropriate to keep their skills and expertise current and relevant.
Control Environment Oversee the definition of and apply the standards of conduct of the
Establish the expectations and evaluate the performance, integrity,
and ethical values of the chief executive officer or equivalent role
Establish oversight structures and processes aligned with the objec-
tives of the entity (e.g., board and committees as appropriate with
requisite skills and expertise)
Commission board oversight effectiveness reviews and address
opportunities for improvement
Exercise fiduciary responsibilities to shareholders or other owners
(as applicable) and due care in oversight (e.g., prepare for and
attend meetings, review the entitys financial statements and other
Challenge senior management by asking probing questions about the
entitys plans and performance, and require follow-up and correc-
tive actions, as necessary (e.g., questioning transactions that occur
repeatedly at the end of interim or annual reportingperiods)
Risk Assessment Consider internal and external factors that pose significant risks to
the achievement of objectives; identify issues and trends (e.g., sus-
tainability implications of the entitys business operations)
Challenge managements assessment of risks to the achievement of
objectives, including the potential impact of significant changes (e.g.,
risks associated with entering a new market), and fraud orcorruption
Evaluate how proactively the organization assesses risks relating to
innovations and changes such as those triggered by new technology
or economic and geopolitical shifts
Monitoring Activities Assess and oversee the nature and scope of monitoring activities, any
management overrides of controls, and managements evaluation and
remediation of deficiencies
Engage with management, internal and external auditors, and others,
as appropriate, to evaluate the level of awareness of the entitys
strategies, specified objectives, risks, and control implications
associated with evolving business, infrastructure, regulations, and
other factors
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
The management operating model may follow product or service lines to facil-
itate development of new products and services, optimize marketing activities,
rationalize production, and improve customer service or other operational
Legal entity structures are often designed to manage business risks, create
favorable tax structures, and empower managers at foreign operations.
Each of these lenses may provide a different evaluation of the system of internal control.
While the aggregation of risks along one dimension may indicate no issues, the view
along a different dimension may show concentration risk around certain customer
types, overreliance on a sole vendor, or other vulnerabilities. Ownership and account-
ability at each level of aggregation enables such multidimensional review and analysis.
For each type of structure it operates (e.g., geographic market structure, business
segment structure, legal entity structure), management designs and evaluates the lines
of reporting so that responsibilities are carried out and information flows as needed.
It also verifies there is no conflict of interest inherent in the execution of responsibili-
ties across the organization and its outsourced service providers. Variables to consider
when establishing and evaluating organizational structures include the following:
Risks related to the entitys objectives and business processes, which may
be retained internally or outsourced, and interconnections with outsourced
service providers and business partners
Responsibilities can generally be viewed as falling within three lines of defense against
the failure to achieve the entitys objectives, with oversight by the board of directors:
Management and other personnel on the front line provide the first line of
defense in day-to-day activities. They are responsible for maintaining effective
internal control day to day; they are compensated based on performance in
relation to all applicable objectives.
Internal auditors provide the third line of defense in assessing and reporting
on internal control and recommending corrective actions or enhancements for
management consideration and implementation; their position and compen-
sation are separate and distinct from the business areas they review.
Key roles and responsibilities assigned across the organization typically include
Personnel, which includes all employees of the entity, are expected to under-
stand the entitys standards of conduct, objectives as defined in relation to
their area of responsibility, assessed risks to those objectives, related control
activities at their respective levels of the entity, information, and communica-
tion flow, and any monitoring activities relevant to achieving objectives.
Delegation of authority provides greater agility, but it also increases the complexity of
risks to be managed. Senior management, with guidance from the board of directors,
provides the basis for determining what is or is not acceptable, such as non-compliance
with the organizations regulatory or contractual obligations.
Limitation of Authority
Authority empowers people to act as needed in a given role, but it is also necessary to
define the limitations of authority, sothat:
Delegation occurs only to the extent required to achieve the entitys objectives
(e.g., review and approval of new products involves the requisite business and
support functions, separate from the sales execution team).
Inappropriate risks are not accepted (e.g., a new vendor is not taken on
without the requisite due diligence review).
Third-party service providers who are tasked with carrying out activities on
behalf of an entity understand the extent of their decision-making rights.
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
Policies and practices enable the focus on competence to permeate the organiza-
tion, starting with the board of directors relative to the chief executive officer, the chief
executive officer relative to senior management, and cascading down to various levels
of management. The resulting commitment to competence facilitates measuring the
achievement of objectives at all levels of the organization and by outsourced service
providers by establishing how processes should be carried out and what skills and
behavior should be applied.
Evaluate Competence
Competence is the qualification to carry out assigned responsibilities. It requires
relevant skills and expertise, which are gained largely from professional experience,
training, and certifications. It is expressed in the attitude, knowledge and behavior of
individuals as they carry out their responsibilities.
The human resources function of an organization can often help define competence and
staffing levels by job role, facilitating training and maintaining completion records, and
evaluating the relevance and adequacy of individual professional development in rela-
tion to the entitys needs.
The board of directors evaluates the competence of the chief executive officer and,
in turn, management evaluates competence across the organization and outsourced
service providers in relation to established policies and practices, and then acts as
necessary to address any shortcomings or excesses. In particular, a changing risk
profile may cause the organization to shift resources toward areas of the business that
require greater attention. For example, as a company brings a new product to market, it
may elect to increase staffing in its sales and marketing teams, or as a new applicable
regulation is issued, it may focus on those individuals responsible for implementa-
tion. Shortcomings may arise relating to staffing levels, expertise, or a combination of
factors. Management is responsible for acting on such shortcomings in a timely manner.
AttractSeek out candidates who demonstrate a fit with the entitys culture,
operating style, and organizational needs, and who have the competence for
the proposed roles.
Through this process, any behavior not consistent with standards of conduct, policies
and practices, and internal control responsibilities is identified, assessed, and corrected
in a timely manner or otherwise addressed at all levels of the organization. This enables
the organization to actively address competence to support the achievement of the
entitys objectives balancing costs and benefits.
Senior management and the board of directors develop contingency plans for assign-
ing responsibilities important to internal control. In particular, succession plans for key
executives are defined, and succession candidates are trained and coached for assum-
ing the target role.
Enforces Accountability
Principle 5: The organization holds individuals
accountable for their internal control responsibilities in the
pursuit of objectives.
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
Accountability refers to the delegated ownership for the performance of internal control
in the pursuit of objectives considering the risks faced by the entity. Outsourced service
providers may be used to carry out responsibilities together with or on behalf of man-
agement, in which case management establishes the requisite levels of performance
and oversight mechanisms and retains ultimate accountability for internal control. Man-
agement provides guidance to enable the understanding of risks faced by the entity, to
communicate expectations of conduct of internal control responsibilities in support of
the achievement of the entitys objectives, and to hold personnel accountable.
Accountability is interconnected with leadership, insofar as a strong tone at the top con-
tributes to internal control responsibilities being understood, carried out, and continu-
ally strengthened across the entity. Tone helps to establish and enforce accountability,
morale, and a common purpose through:
Control and information flow (e.g., communicating how decisions are made,
and soliciting and acting on 360-degree feedback on performance)
Accountability is driven by tone at the top and supported by the commitment to integrity
and ethical values, competence, structure, processes, and technology, which col-
lectively influence the control culture of the organization. Corrective action is taken as
necessary to re-establish the necessary accountability for internal control.
Clear Objectives Consider all levels of personnel to support the achievement of the
entitys objectives.
Consider the multiple dimensions of expected conduct and per-
formance of the organization, outsourced service providers and
business partners (e.g., per service-level agreements), and define
objectives and related incentives and pressures.
Defined Implications Communicate/reinforce the entitys objectives and how each area
and level of the organization is expected to support the achieve-
ment of objectives.
Identify and discuss events that the market has rewarded in the
past and those that the market has punished.
Communicate consequences (positive and negative) of not achiev-
ing or fully/partially achieving specific entity objectives.
Meaningful Metrics Define metrics to transform disparate data into meaningful infor-
mation on performance.
Measure expected versus actual conduct and the impact of the
deviations, both positive and negative.
Assess the expected impact on the entitys objectives.
Incentives provide the motivation for management and other personnel to perform.
Salary increases and bonuses are commonly used, but greater responsibility, visibility,
recognition, and other forms of non-monetary reward are other effective incentives.
Management consistently applies and regularly reviews the organizations measurement
and reward structures to ensure that it does not encourage inappropriate conduct (e.g.,
lack of balance between revenue goals and other objectives key to the viability of the
business can create conduct that is not in line with expected standards). Similarly, com-
pensation and reward structures, including hiring and promotion structures, incorporate
the review of historical conduct against expectations of ethical behavior. Individuals who
do not adhere to the entitys standards of conduct are sanctioned and not promoted or
otherwise rewarded.
Regardless of the form they take, incentives drive behavior. An entity that limits its focus
to only increasing the bottom line may be more likely to experience unwanted behavior
such as manipulation of the financial statements or accounting records, high-pressure
sales tactics, negotiations directed at increasing quarterly sales or profit at any cost, or
implicit offers of kickbacks.
Management and the board regularly evaluate the performance of individuals and teams
in relation to defined performance measures, which include business performance
factors as well as adherence and support for standards of conduct and demonstrated
Performance measures are reviewed periodically for ongoing relevance and adequacy in
relation to incentives and rewards. If necessary, internal or external factors are realigned
to objectives and other expectations of management, personnel, and outside providers.
Management and the board of directors establish goals and targets toward the achieve-
ment of objectives that by their nature create pressures within the organization. Pres-
sures can also result from cyclical variations of certain activities, which organizations
have the ability to influence by rebalancing workloads or increasing resource levels, as
appropriate, to reduce the risk of employees cutting corners where doing so could be
detrimental to the achievement of objectives.
These pressures which are further impacted by the internal or external environment can
positively motivate individuals to meet expectations of conduct and performance, both
in the short and long term. However, undue pressures can cause employees to fear
the consequences of not achieving objectives and circumvent processes or engage in
fraudulent activity or corruption.
For example, pressure to generate sales levels that are not commensurate with market
opportunities can lead sales managers to falsify numbers or engage in bribery or other
illicit acts. Pressures to demonstrate the profitability of investments can cause traders
to take off-strategy risks to cover incurred losses. Similarly, pressures to rush a product
to market and generate revenues quickly may cause personnel to take shortcuts on
product development or safety testing, which can be harmful to consumers or lead to
poor acceptance or impaired reputation.
To align individual and business unit objectives to those of the entity, the organization
considers how risks are taken and managed as a basis for compensation and other
rewards. For example, as traders take risks on behalf of their clients and the orga-
nization, they are aware that their remuneration, advancement, and position can be
boosted, reduced, or lost depending on their performance. Incentive structures that fail
to adequately consider the risks associated with the business model can cause inap-
propriate behavior.
Compensation policies and practices are based on the compensation philosophy of the
organization, which considers the competitive positioning it seeks to achieve (methods
and levels of incentive and compensation to attract the highest caliber talent needed
to be superior to offers from industry peers). Compensation and other rewards are
awarded on the basis of performance evaluation, competencies, and skill acquisition,
as well as available market pricing information, with the goal of retaining high perform-
ers and encouraging attrition of lower-end performers. Human resources manages the
process of obtaining, processing, and communicating the relevant information to appro-
priate levels of management and other personnel.
6. Risk Assessment
Chapter Summary
Every entity faces a variety of risks from external and internal sources. Risk
is defined as the possibility that an event will occur and adversely affect
the achievement of objectives. Risk assessment involves a dynamic and
iterative process for identifying and assessing risks to the achievement
of objectives. Risks to the achievement of these objectives from across
the entity are considered relative to established risk tolerances. Thus, risk
assessment forms the basis for determining how risks will be managed.
A precondition to risk assessment is the establishment of objectives,
linked at different levels of the entity. Management specifies objectives
within categories relating to operations, reporting, and compliance
with sufficient clarity to be able to identify and analyze risks to those
objectives. Management also considers the suitability of the objectives
for the entity. Risk assessment also requires management to consider
the impact of possible changes in the external environment and within its
own business model that may render internal control ineffective.
All entities, regardless of size, struc-
ture, nature, or industry, encounter
risks at all levels. Risk is defined in the
Framework as the possibility that an
event will occur and adversely affect
the achievement of objectives.
As part of the process of identifying and assessing risks, an organization may also
identify opportunities, which are the possibility that an event will occur and positively
affect the achievement of objectives. These opportunities are important to capture and
to communicate to the objective-setting processes. For instance, in the above example,
management would channel new sales opportunities to the objective-setting processes.
However, identifying and assessing potential opportunities such as new sales opportu-
nities is not a part of internal control.
Risk affects an entitys ability to succeed, compete within its industry, maintain its
financial strength and positive reputation, and maintain the overall quality of its prod-
ucts, services, and people. There is no practical way to reduce risk to zero. Indeed, the
decision to be in business incurs risk. Management must determine how much risk is to
be prudently accepted, strive to maintain risk within these levels, and understand how
much tolerance it has for exceeding its target risk levels.
Risk often increases when objectives differ from past performance and when manage-
ment implements change. An entity often does not set explicit objectives when it con-
siders its performance to be acceptable. For example, an entity might view its historical
service to customers as acceptable and therefore not set specific goals on maintaining
current levels of service. However, as part of the risk assessment process, the organiza-
tion does need to have a common understanding of entity-level objectives relevant to
operations, reporting, and compliance and how those cascade into the organization.
Risk Tolerance
Risk tolerance is the acceptable level of variation in performance relative to the achieve-
ment of objectives. Operating within risk tolerance provides management with greater
confidence that the entity will achieve its objectives. Risk tolerance may be expressed
in different ways to suit each category of objectives. For instance, when considering
financial reporting, risk tolerance is typically expressed in terms of materiality,10 whereas
for compliance and operations, risk tolerance is often expressed in terms of the accept-
able level of variation in performance.
As well, senior management considers the relative importance of the competing objec-
tives and differing priorities for pursuing these objectives. For instance, a chief operat-
ing officer may view operations objectives as requiring a higher level of precision than
materiality considerations in reporting objectives, and vice versa for the chief financial
officer. However, it would be problematic for public companies to overemphasize opera-
tional objectives to an extent that adversely impacts the reliability of financial report-
ing. These views are considered as part of the strategic-planning and objective-setting
process with tolerances set accordingly. This kind of decision may also impact the level
of resources allocated to pursuing the achievement of those respective objectives.
Performance measures are used to help an entity operate within established risk toler-
ance. Risk tolerance is often best measured in the same unit as the related objectives.
For example, an entity:
Targets on-time delivery at 98%, with acceptable variation in the range of 97%
to 100%
Targets training with 90% of those taking the training attaining a pass rate, but
accepts that only 75% may pass
10 Regulators and standard-setting bodies define the term materiality. Management develops an under-
standing of materiality as defined by laws, rules, and standards when applying the Framework in the
context of such laws, rules, and standards.
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to operations,
reporting, and compliance objectives:
Operations Objectives
Reflects Managements ChoicesOperations objectives reflect manage-
ments choices about structure, industry considerations, and performance of
the entity.
Compliance Objectives
Reflects External Laws and RegulationsLaws and regulations establish
minimum standards of conduct which the entity integrates into compliance
Specifying Objectives
A precondition to risk assessment is the establishment of objectives, linked at various
levels of the entity. These objectives align with and support the entity in the pursuit of
its strategic direction. While setting strategies and objectives is not part of the internal
control process, objectives form the basis on which risk assessment approaches are
implemented and performed and subsequent control activities are established. As part
of internal control, management specifies objectives and groups them within broad cat-
egories at all levels of the entity, relating to operations, reporting, and compliance. The
grouping of objectives within these categories allows for the risks to the achievement of
those objectives to be identified and assessed.
In affirming the suitability of objectives, management may consider such matters as:
Where objectives within these categories are unclear, where it is unclear how these
objectives support the strategic direction, where there are concerns that the objectives
are not suitable based on the facts, circumstances, and established laws, rules, regula-
tions, and standards applicable to the entity, or where the organization would be basing
its risk assessment on understood but unapproved objectives, management communi-
cates this concern for input to the strategy-setting and objective-setting process.
Operations Objectives
Operations objectives reflect management choices within the particular business,
industry, and economic environments in which the entity functions. For instance, a
municipal government sets out several operations objectives, each supported by initia-
tives and criteria. Among its objectives are to, for example:
Increase seatbelt use by 30%, reduce speeding by 10% in general and 20% in
school zones, and reduce intersection encroachment by 25%
A for-profit entity may set operations objectives that focus on the efficient uses of
resources. For instance, a larger retailer has among its objectives to:
Increase inventory turnover ratio to twelve times per year within the next
Lower its CO2 emissions by 5% and reduce and recycle packaging material by
10% over the next year
As part of operations objectives, management also specifies risk tolerance set during
the objective-setting process. For operations objectives, risk tolerance may be
expressed in relation to the acceptable level of variation relative to the objective.
Reporting Objectives
Reporting objectives pertain to the preparation of reports that encompass reliability,
timeliness, transparency, or other terms as set forth by regulators, standard-setting
bodies, or by the entitys policies. This category includes external financial reporting,
external non-financial reporting, internal financial reporting, and internal non-financial
reporting. External reporting objectives are driven primarily by laws, rules, regulations,
and standards established by governments, regulators, standard-setting bodies, and
accounting bodies. Internal reporting objectives are driven by the entitys strategic
directions, and by reporting requirements and expectations established by manage-
ment and the board of directors.
Financial reporting objectives are consistent with accounting principles suitable and
available for that entity and appropriate in the circumstances. External financial report-
ing objectives address the preparation of financial statements for external purposes,
including published financial statements, other financial statements and reports, and
other forms of external financial reporting derived from an entitys financial or manage-
ment accounting books and records.
Other external financial reporting derived from an entitys financial and man-
agement accounting books and records rather than from financial state-
ments for external purposes may include earnings releases, selected financial
Qualitative Characteristics
External financial reporting reflects transactions and events to show the qualitative
characteristics and assertions that underlie financial statements established by the
respective accounting standard setters. There are many sources of such characteristics
and assertions relating to financial reporting.
suitable for external users needs and presents the underlying entity activities, transac-
tions, and events within the range of acceptable limits.13
The qualitative characteristics noted above are applied along with suitable accounting
standards and financial statement assertions. These assertions typically fall into the
categories relating to:
Presents transactions and events within the required level of precision and
accuracy suitable for user needs
Uses criteria established by the third parties and as set out in external stan-
dards or frameworks, as appropriate
13 Derived from International Financial Reporting Standards. Some jurisdictions may use different descrip-
tions of financial statement materiality.
Internal reporting objectives vary among entities because different organizations have
different goals, strategic directions, and levels of risk tolerance. As with external report-
ing, internal reporting reflects the required level of precision and accuracy suitable for
internal needs and the underlying entity activities, presenting transactions and events
within a range of acceptable limits.
Many organizations will apply external standards to assist in managing their operations.
Such standards may relate to the control over technology, human resource manage-
ment, or records management. However, as standards that apply to external reporting
may not apply to internal reporting, management may choose to set different levels of
acceptable variation for external and internal reporting.
Uses criteria established by the third parties and as set out in external stan-
dards or frameworks, as appropriate
Presents transactions and events within the required level of precision and
accuracy suitable for user needs
Compliance Objectives
Laws and regulations establish minimum standards of conduct that the entity integrates
into its compliance objectives. For example, occupational safety and health regula-
tions might cause an entity to define its objective as package and label all chemicals
in accordance with regulations. Policies and procedures would then deal with com-
munications programs, site inspections, and training relating to the entitys compliance
objectives. And, similar to external reporting objectives, management considers the
acceptable levels of variation in performance within the context of complying with laws
and regulations. Such laws and regulations may cause management to set lower levels
of acceptable variation to remain in compliance with those laws and regulations.
Entities must conduct their activities, and often take specific actions, in accordance
with applicable laws and regulations. As part of specifying compliance objectives, the
organization needs to understand which laws and regulations apply across the entity.
Many laws and regulations are generally well known, such as those relating to reporting
on anti-bribery, fair labor practices, and environmental compliance, but others may not
be as well known to the organization, such as those that apply to operations in a foreign
Many laws and regulations depend on external factors and tend to be similar across all
entities in some cases and across an industry in others. These requirements may relate,
for example, to markets, pricing, taxes, the environment, employee welfare, or interna-
tional trade. Many entities will establish objectives such as:
Preparing and filing tax returns prior to the filing deadlines and in accordance
with regulatory requirements
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
Risk Identification
Identifying and analyzing risk is an ongoing iterative process conducted to enhance
the entitys ability to achieve its objectives. Although an entity might not explicitly state
all objectives, this does not mean that an implied objective is without either internal or
external risk. Regardless of whether an objective is stated or implied, an entitys risk
assessment process should consider risks that may occur. This process is supported
by a variety of activities, techniques, and mechanisms, each relevant to overall risk
assessment. Management develops and implements controls relating to the conduct of
such activities.
Management considers risks at all levels of the entity and takes the necessary actions
to respond. An entitys assessment considers factors that influence the severity, veloc-
ity, and persistence of the risk, likelihood of the loss of assets, and the related impact on
operations, reporting, and compliance activities. The entity also needs to understand its
tolerance for accepting risks and its ability to operate within those risk levels.
Further, risks related primarily to one category of objectives may impact objectives
in other categories. For instance, a risk relating primarily to an operations objective
for the timely production and delivery of a companys product may also impact finan-
cial reporting if the companys sales contract contains penalties for late shipments.
In those instances where an organization is considering risks relating primarily to one
category of objectives, for instance financial reporting, the risk assessment process
may need to consider objectives in other categories that can also impact financial
Risk identification is an iterative process and is often integrated with the planning
process. However, it may be useful to take a fresh look at the identified risks, and not
merely default to making an inventory of risks as noted in the previous review. The focus
is on identifying all risks that potentially impact the achievement of objectives as well as
on emerging risksthose risks that are increasingly relevant and important to the entity
and that may be addressed by scanning and analyzing relevant risk factors, as remote
as they may seem.
Entity-Level Risks
Risks at the entity level can arise from external or internal factors. External factors
Identifying external and internal factors that contribute to risk at an entity level is critical
to comprehensive risk assessment. Once the major factors have been identified, man-
agement can then consider their relevance and significance and, where possible, link
these factors to specific risks and activities.
Transaction-Level Risks
Risks are identified at the transaction level within subsidiaries, divisions, operating units,
or functions, including business processes such as sales, purchasing, production, and
marketing. Dealing with risks at this level helps focus on the achievement of objectives
and/or sub-objectives that have cascaded down from the entity-level objectives. Suc-
cessfully assessing risk at the transaction level also contributes to maintaining accept-
able levels at the entity level.
In most instances, many different risks can be identified. In a procurement process, for
example, an entity may have an objective related to maintaining adequate raw materi-
als inventory. The risks to not achieving this objective might include suppliers providing
materials that do not meet specifications or are not delivered in needed quantities, on
time, or at acceptable prices. These risks might affect entity-level objectives pertain-
ing to the way specifications for purchased goods are communicated to vendors, the
use and appropriateness of production forecasts, identification of alternative supply
sources, and negotiation practices.
Potential causes of failing to achieve an objective range from the obvious to the
obscure. Certainly, readily apparent risks that significantly affect the entity should be
identified. To avoid overlooking relevant risks, this identification is best made apart
from assessing the likelihood of the risk occurring. There are, however, practical limita-
tions to the identification process, and often it is difficult to determine where to draw
the line. For example, it may not make sense to conduct a detailed assessment of the
risk of a meteor falling from space onto an entitys production facility, while it may be
reasonable for a facility located near an airport to consider in some detail the risk of an
Risk Analysis
After risks have been identified at both the entity level and the transaction level, a risk
analysis needs to be performed. The methodology for analyzing risks can vary, largely
because many risks are difficult to quantify. Nonetheless, the processwhich may be
more or less formalusually includes assessing the likelihood of the risk occurring and
estimating its impact. In addition, the process could consider other criteria to the extent
management deems necessary.
Levels of Management
As with other processes within internal control, responsibility and accountability for risk
identification and analysis processes reside with management at the overall entity and
its subunits. The organization puts into place effective risk assessment mechanisms
that involve appropriate levels of management with expertise.
Significance of Risk
As part of risk analysis, the organization assesses the significance of risks to the
achievement of objectives and sub-objectives. Organizations may assess significance
using criteria such as:
Likelihood and impact are commonly used terms, although some entities use
instead probability, severity, seriousness, or consequence. Likelihood repre-
sents the possibility that a given event will occur, while impact represents its effect.
Sometimes the words take on more specific meaning, with likelihood indicating the
possibility that a given risk will occur in qualitative terms such as high, medium, and
low, and probability indicating a quantitative measure such as a percentage, fre-
quency of occurrence, or other numerical metric.
Risk velocity refers to the pace with which the entity is expected to experience the
impact of the risk. For instance, a manufacturer of consumer electronics may be con-
cerned about changing customer preferences and compliance with radio frequency
energy limits. Failing to manage either of these risks may result in significant erosion
in the entitys value, even to the point of being put out of business. In this instance,
changes in regulatory requirements develop much more slowly than do changes in
customer preferences.
Management often uses performance measures to determine the extent to which objec-
tives are being achieved, and normally uses the same or a congruent unit of measure
when considering the potential impact of a risk on the achievement of a specified
objective. An entity, for example, with an objective of maintaining a specified level of
customer service will have devised a rating or other measure for that objectivesuch
as a customer satisfaction index, number of complaints, or measure of repeat business.
When assessing the impact of a risk that might affect customer servicesuch as the
possibility that the entitys website might be unavailable for a time periodimpact is
best determined using the same measures.
A risk that does not have a significant impact on the entity and that is unlikely to occur
generally does not require a detailed risk response. A risk with a higher likelihood of
occurrence and/or the potential of a significant impact, on the other hand, typically
results in considerable attention. But even those risks with a potentially high impact that
have a low likelihood will be considered, avoiding the notion that such risks couldnt
happen here, as even low likelihood risks can occur. The importance of understanding
risks assessed as having a low likelihood is greater when the potential impact of the risk
might persist over a longer period of time. For instance, the long-term impact on the
entity from environmental damage caused by the entitys actions may be viewed much
differently than the long-term impact of losing technology processing in a manufactur-
ing plant for several days.
Estimates of significance of the risk often are determined by using data from past
events, which provides a more objective basis than entirely subjective estimates. Inter-
nally generated data based on an entitys own experience may be more relevant and
provide better results than data from external sources. Even in these circumstances,
however, external data can be useful as a checkpoint or to enhance the analysis.
For example, a companys management assessing the risk of production stoppages
because of equipment failure looks first at frequency and impact of previous failures of
its own manufacturing equipment. It then supplements that data with industry bench-
marks. This allows a more precise estimate of likelihood and impact of failure, enabling
more effective preventive maintenance scheduling. Note, too, that using data from past
events can provide incomplete conclusions where events occur infrequently.
In addition, management may wish to assess risks using a time horizon consistent
with the time horizon of the related objectives. Because the objectives of many entities
focus on the short- to mid-term, management analyzes risks associated with those time
frames. However, some objectives extend to the longer term, and management must
not ignore those risks that might be further into the future.
Risk Response
Once the potential significance of risks has been assessed, management considers
how the risk should be managed. This involves applying judgment based on assump-
tions about the risk and reasonable analysis of costs associated with reducing the level
of risk. The response need not necessarily result in the least amount of residual risk. But
where a risk response would result in residual risk exceeding levels acceptable to man-
agement and the board, management revisits and revises the response. Accordingly,
the balancing of risk and risk tolerance may be iterative.
The potential effect on risk significance and which response options align with
the entitys risk tolerance
Resources always have constraints, and entities must consider the relative costs and
benefits of alternative risk response options. Before installing additional procedures,
management should consider carefully whether existing ones may be suitable for
addressing identified risks. Because procedures may satisfy multiple objectives, man-
agement may discover that additional actions are not warranted or that existing proce-
dures may be sufficient or simply need to be performed to a higher standard.
Selected Responses
There is a distinction between risk assessment, which is part of internal control, and
the choice of specific risk responses and the related plans, programs, or other actions,
which are part of the management process and not internal controls. Internal control
does not encompass ensuring that the optimal risk response is chosen. For instance,
the management of one entity may choose to share technology risk by outsourcing
certain aspects of its technology processing with an entity experienced in that field
(recognizing that this may also introduce new risks to the organization), while another
entity may choose to retain its technology processing and develop general controls
over activities for managing related technology risks. Neither of these choices should
be viewed as right or wrong, as both can be effective at managing technology risks. But
where a risk response would result in the residual risk exceeding risk tolerances for any
category of objectives, management revisits and revises the response accordingly.
Once management has chosen to reduce or share a risk, then it can determine actions
to respond to the risk and select and develop associated control activities. The nature
and extent of the risk response and any associated control activities will depend, at
least in part, on the desired level of risk mitigation (which is the focus of Chapter 7).
In some instances, management may select a response that requires action within
another component of internal controlfor instance enhancing a part of the control
Typically, control activities are not needed when an entity chooses to either accept or
avoid a specific risk. For instance, a mining company with significant commodity price
risk may decide to accept the risk as it believes that investors are aware of and accept
price risk exposure. In this case, management would not implement control activities
relating to commodity price exposures, but would likely implement control activities
relating to other external financial reporting assertions, including completeness and
valuation. There may, however, be instances where the organization decides to avoid a
risk, and chooses to develop control activities in order to avoid that risk. For instance,
to avoid concerns over possible fair trade practices, an organization may implement
control activities barring purchasing from certain entities. Management may also need
to review the level of risk in light of changes that make it no longer desirable to accept
that risk, for instance if the risk exceeds the organizations risk tolerance. When man-
agement chooses not to assess a risk or does not identify a risk, it is tantamount to
accepting the risk without considering potential changes in the related level of risk and
whether that risk remains within its risk tolerance.
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
Types of Fraud
Risk assessment includes managements assessment of the risks relating to the fraudu-
lent reporting and safeguarding of the entitys assets. In addition, management consid-
ers possible acts of corruption, both by entity personnel and by outsourced service
providers directly impacting the entitys ability to achieve its objectives.
The actions being conducted as part of applying this principle link closely to the pre-
ceding principle (Identifies and Analyzes Risks), which assesses risks based on the
presumption that the entitys expected standards of ethical conduct are adhered to
by management, other personnel, and outsourced service providers. This principle,
Assesses Fraud Risk, assesses risk in a different context, when an individuals actions
may not align with the expected standards of conduct. Management may also consider
the point of focus relating to the principle Identifies and Analyzes Risk when developing,
implementing, and conducting internal control. For instance, responses to risks identi-
fied as part of this principle fall within the same categories noted above (accept, avoid,
reduce, and share). And, as above, the selection and development of controls to effect
specific risk responses chosen by management is essential to mitigating fraud risks
Fraudulent Reporting
Fraudulent reporting can occur when an entitys reports are wilfully prepared with
omissions or misstatements. These events may occur through unauthorized receipts or
expenditures, financial misconduct, or other disclosure irregularities. A system of inter-
nal control over financial reporting is designed and implemented to prevent or detect, in
a timely manner, a material omission from or misstatement of the financial statements
due to error or fraud.
As part of the risk assessment process, the organization should identify the various
ways that fraudulent reporting can occur, considering:
Fraud schemes and scenarios common to the industry sectors and markets in
which the entity operates
There may be instances where the organization is not able to directly manage the infor-
mation captured for financial reporting, yet is expected to have controls within the entity
that identify, analyze, and respond to that particular risk. For instance, management of
a software vendor may not be able to prevent personnel within an on-line retailer from
underreporting sales numbers to reduce payments to the software vendor. However, the
software company can implement control activities to detect such reporting by compar-
ing new software registration levels to sales volumes.
Further, risks pertaining to the complete and accurate recording of asset losses in the
entitys financial statements represent a reporting objective. More specifically related
to financial reporting, omission or misstatements may arise from failing to record the
loss of assets, manipulating the financial statements to conceal such a loss, or record-
ing transactions outside the appropriate reporting period. For instance, an entity may
hold its books open for an extended time after a period end to include additional sales,
improperly account for intercompany transfers of inventory, or manipulate the amortiza-
tion of its capital assets.
Safeguarding of Assets
Safeguarding of assets refers to protecting against the unauthorized and wilful acquisi-
tion, use, or disposal of assets. The inappropriate use of an entitys assets occurs to
benefit an individual or group. The unauthorized acquisition, use, and disposal of assets
may relate to activities such as illegal marketing, theft of assets, theft of intellectual
property, late trading, and money laundering.
Regardless of what objective may be affected, the responsibility and accountability for
loss prevention and anti-fraud policies and procedures reside with management of the
entity and its subunits in which the risk resides.
In addition to assessing risks relating to the safeguarding of assets and fraudulent
reporting, management considers possible corruption occurring within the entity. Cor-
ruption is generally relevant to the compliance category of objectives but could very well
influence the control environment that also affects the entitys external financial report-
ing objectives. This includes considering incentives and pressures to achieve objectives
while demonstrating adherence to expected standards of conduct and the effect of the
control environment, specifically actions linked to Principle 4 (Demonstrates Commit-
ment to Competence) and Principle 5 (Enforces Accountability). Aspects of corruption
that are considered in an external financial reporting context typically relate to illegal
acts that are considered in government statutes relevant to the activity.
In assessing possible corruption, the entity is not expected to directly manage the
actions of personnel within third-party organizations, including those relating to out-
sourced operations, customers, suppliers, or advisors. However, depending on the level
of risk assessed within this component, management may stipulate the expected level
of performance and standards of conduct through contractual relations, and develop
control activities that maintain oversight of third-party actions. Where necessary, man-
agement responds to unusual actions detected in others.
Management Override
Management override describes action taken to override an entitys controls for an
illegitimate purpose including personal gain or an enhanced presentation of an entitys
financial condition or compliance status. For example, to allow a large shipment of
goods to a customer with unacceptable credit in order to increase revenue, a manager
improperly overrides internal control by approving the sale transaction placed on credit
hold by a supervisor who conducted the control properly. Actions to override are typi-
cally not documented or disclosed, because the intent is to cover up the actions.
As part of assessing fraud risk, management assesses the risk of management over-
ride of internal control. The board of directors or subset of the board (e.g., audit com-
mittee) oversees this assessment and challenges management depending on the
circumstances. The entitys control environment can significantly influence the risk of
management override. This is especially important for smaller entities where senior
management may be very involved in conducting many controls.
Opportunity refers to the ability to actually acquire, use, or dispose of assets, which
may be accompanied by altering the entitys records. Those involved in the inappropri-
ate actions usually also believe that their activities will not be detected. Opportunity is
created by weak control activities and monitoring activities, poor management over-
sight, and management override of control. For instance, the likelihood of a loss of
assets or fraudulent external reporting increases when there is:
A person believing that something is owed to him or her because of job dis-
satisfaction (salary, job environment, treatment by managers, etc.)
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
Assessing Change
As economic, industry, and regulatory environments change, the scope and nature of
an entitys leadership, priorities, business model, organization, business processes, and
activities need to adapt and evolve. Internal control effective within one set of condi-
tions may not necessarily be effective when those conditions change significantly. As
part of risk assessment, management identifies changes that could significantly impact
the entitys system of internal control and takes action as necessary. Thus, every entity
will require a process to identify and assess those internal and external factors that can
significantly affect its ability to achieve its objectives.
This process will parallel, or be a part of, the entitys regular risk assessment process.
It involves identifying the changes to any significant assumption or condition. It requires
having controls in place to identify and communicate changes that can affect the
entitys objectivesand assess the associated risks. Such analysis includes identifying
potential causes of achieving or failing to achieve an objective, assessing the likelihood
that such causes will occur, evaluating the probable effect on achievement of the objec-
tives, and considering the degree to which the risk can be managed.
Although the process by which an entity manages change is similar to, if not a part of,
its regular risk assessment process, it is discussed separately. This is because it is
important to effective internal control and because it can too easily be overlooked or
given insufficient attention in the course of dealing with everyday issues.
This focus on change is founded on the premise that, because of their potential impact,
certain conditions should be the subject of special consideration. The extent to which
such conditions require managements attention, of course, depends on the effect they
may have in particular circumstances.
External Environment
Changing External EnvironmentA changing regulatory or economic envi-
ronment can result in increased competitive pressures, changes in operating
requirements, and significantly different risks. Large-scale operations, report-
ing, and compliance failures by one entity may result in the rapid introduction
of broad new regulations. For instance, the release of harmful materials near
populated or environmentally sensitive areas may result in new industry-
wide transportation restrictions that impact an entitys shipping logistics; the
external information that is viewed as having poor transparency may result
in enhanced regulatory reporting requirements for all publicly traded compa-
nies; and the poor treatment of elderly patients in a care facility may prompt
additional care requirements for all care facilities. Each of these changes
may require an organization to closely examine the design of its internal
Business Model
Changing Business ModelWhen an entity enters new business lines, alters
the delivery of its services through new outsourced relationships, or dramati-
cally alters the composition of existing business lines, previously effective
internal controls may no longer be relevant. The composition of the risks
initially assessed as the basis for establishing internal controls may have
changed, or the potential impact of those risks may have increased so that
prior internal controls are no longer sufficient. Some financial services organi-
zations, for example, may have expanded into new products and concentra-
tions without focusing on how to respond to changes in the associated risks
of their products.
Leadership Changes
Significant Personnel ChangesA member of senior management new to an
entity may not understand the entitys culture and reflect a different philoso-
phy or may focus solely on performance to the exclusion of control-related
activities. For instance, a newly hired chief executive officer focusing on
revenue growth may send a message that a prior focus on effective inter-
nal control is now less important. Further, high turnover of personnel, in the
absence of effective training and supervision, can result in breakdowns. For
instance, a company that reduces its staffing levels by 25% in an attempt to
reduce costs may erode the overall internal control structure.
7. Control Activities
Chapter Summary
Control activities are the actions established through policies and pro-
cedures that help ensure that managements directives to mitigate risks
to the achievement of objectives are carried out. Control activities are
performed at all levels of the entity, at various stages within business
processes, and over the technology environment. They may be preven-
tive or detective in nature and may encompass a range of manual and
automated activities such as authorizations and approvals, verifications,
reconciliations, and business performance reviews. Segregation of du-
ties is typically built into the selection and development of control activi-
ties. Where segregation of duties is not practical, management selects
and develops alternative control activities.
11. The organization selects and develops general control activities over
technology to support the achievement ofobjectives.
Control activities serve as mecha-
nisms for managing the achievement
of an entitys objectives and are
very much a part of the processes
by which an entity strives to achieve
those objectives. They do not exist
simply for their own sake or because
having them is the right or proper
thing to do.
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
Control activities are those actions that help ensure that responses to assessed risks,
as well as other management directives such as establishing standards of conduct in
the control environment, are carried out properly and in a timely manner. For example,
suppose a company sets an operations objective to meet or exceed sales targets for
the ensuing reporting period, and management identifies a risk that the organizations
personnel have insufficient knowledge about current and potential customers needs.
Managements response to address this identified risk includes developing buying his-
tories for existing customers and undertaking market research initiatives to increase the
organizations understanding of how to attract potential customers. Control activities
might include tracking the progress of the development of the customer buying histo-
ries against established timetables, and taking steps to help ensure the quality of the
reported marketing data.
Entity-Specific Factors
Because each entity has its own set of objectives and implementation approaches,
there will be differences in objectives, risk, risk responses, and related control activities.
Even if two entities have identical objectives and structures, their control activities could
be different. Each entity is managed by different people with different skills who use
individual judgment in effecting internal control. Moreover, controls reflect the environ-
ment and industry in which an entity operates, as well as the complexity of its organiza-
tion, its history and its culture, nature, and scope of operations.
Entity-specific factors can impact the control activities needed to support the system of
internal control. For instance:
The environment and complexity of an entity, and the nature and scope of its
operations, both physically and logically, affect its control activities.
Highly regulated entities generally have more complex risk responses and
control activities than less-regulated entities.
The scope and nature of risk responses and control activities for multinational
entities with diverse operations generally address a more complex internal
control structure than those of a domestic entity with less-varied activities.
Transaction controls are the most fundamental control activities in an entity since
they directly address risk responses in the business processes in place to meet man-
agements objectives. Transaction controls are selected and developed wherever
the business process may reside, ranging from the organizations financial consoli-
dations process at the entity level to the customer support process at a particular
14 The term transactions tends to be associated with financial processes (e.g., payables transactions),
while activities is more generally applied to operational or compliance processes. For the purposes of
the Framework, the term transactions applies to both.
15 The term transaction controls is used in the Framework to refer to both manual and automated controls.
A business process will likely cover many objectives and sub-objectives, each with
its own set of risks and risk responses. A common way to consolidate these business
process risks into a more manageable form is to group them according to information-
processing objectives16 of completeness, accuracy, and validity.
While the information-processing objectives are most often associated with financial
processes and transactions, the concept can be applied to any activity in an organiza-
tion. For instance, a candy maker will strive to have control activities in place to help
16 While related in concept and terminology, information-processing objectives and financial statement asser-
tions are different. Financial statement assertions are specific to the reliability of financial reporting, while
information-processing objectives apply to transaction processing.
17 Information-processing objectives refers to an entitys goals for control activities and thus are sub-objec-
tives in the context of a system of internal control.
ensure that all the ingredients are included in its cooking process (completeness), in the
right amounts (accuracy), and from approved vendors whose products passed quality
testing (validity).
This does not mean that if management considers the information-processing objec-
tives the organization will never make a faulty judgment or estimate; judgments and
estimates are always subject to human error. However, when appropriate control activi-
ties are in place, and the information management uses is, in its judgment, accurate,
complete, and valid, then the likelihood of better decision making is improved.
Controls over Standing DataStanding data, such as the price master file,
is often used to support the processing of transactions within a business
process. Control activities over the processes to populate, update, and main-
tain the accuracy, completeness, and validity of this data are put in place by
the organization.
When selecting and developing control activities, the organization considers the
precision of the control activitythat is, how exact it will be in preventing or detect-
ing an unintended event or result. For example, suppose the purchasing manager of a
company reviews all purchases over $1 million. This control activity may mitigate the
risk of errors over $1 million, helping to cap the entitys exposure, but it does not cover
all transactions. In contrast, an automated edit check that compares prices on all pur-
chase orders to the price master file and produces a report of variances that is reviewed
by a purchasing supervisor addresses accuracy for all transactions. Control activity
precision is closely linked to the organizations risk tolerance for a particular objective
(i.e., the tighter the risk tolerance, the more precise the actions to mitigate the risk and
the related control activities need to be).
18 Supervisory reviews can be either control activities or monitoring activities. The difference is discussed
further in Chapter 9, Monitoring Activities.
Most business processes have a mix of manual and automated controls, depending on
the availability of technology in the entity. Automated controls tend to be more reliable,
subject to whether technology general controls, discussed later in this chapter, are
implemented and operating, since they are less susceptible to human judgment and
error, and are typically more efficient.
19 Technology is a broad term. In the Framework its use applies to technology that is computerized, includ-
ing software applications running on a computer, manufacturing controls systems, etc.
20 Business performance reviews can be either control activities or monitoring activities. The difference is
discussed further in Chapter 9, Monitoring Activities.
different sets of operating or financial data. The relationships are analyzed and inves-
tigated and corrective actions are taken when not in line with policy or expectations.
Transaction controls and business performance reviews at different levels work together
to provide a layered approach to addressing the organizations risks and are integral to
the mix of controls within the organization.
For example, an operating unit may have business performance reviews over the pro-
curement process that include purchase price variances, the percentage of orders that
are rush purchase orders, and the percentage of returns to total purchase orders. By
investigating any unexpected results or unusual trends, management may detect cir-
cumstances where the underlying procurement objectives may not have been achieved.
Another form of business performance review occurs when senior management con-
ducts reviews of actual performance versus budgets, forecasts, prior periods, and
competitor results. Major initiatives are trackedsuch as marketing programs, improve-
ments to production processes, and cost containment or reduction programsto
measure the extent to which targets are being reached. Management reviews the status
of new product development, joint venture opportunities, or financing needs. Manage-
ment actions taken to analyze and follow up on such reporting are control activities.
The scope of a business performance review (i.e., how many detailed risks it covers) will
tend to be greater than for a transaction control. Also, the span of the review across the
organization will tend to be greater as a business performance review is usually per-
formed at higher levels in the organization than a transaction control. However, to effec-
tively respond to a set of risks, the review must be precise enough to detect all errors
that exceed the risk tolerance. A transaction control may address a single specific risk,
whereas an operating unit business performance review typically addresses a number
of risks. For example, the business performance review over rush purchase orders
covers several risks in the procurement process but may not address risks concerning
the accuracy and completeness of processing specific transactions.
Most business performance reviews are detective in nature because they typically occur
after transactions have already taken place and been processed. So while higher-level
controls are important in the mix of control activities, it is difficult to fully and efficiently
address business process risks without transaction controls.
Segregating Duties
When selecting and developing control activities management should consider whether
duties are divided or segregated among different people to reduce the risk of error or
inappropriate or fraudulent actions. Such consideration should include the legal envi-
ronment, regulatory requirements, and stakeholder expectations. This segregation of
duties generally entails dividing the responsibility for recording, authorizing, and approv-
ing transactions, and handling the related asset. For instance, a manager authorizing
credit sales is not responsible for maintaining accounts receivable records or handling
cash receipts. If one person is able to perform all these activities he or she could, for
The segregation of duties can address important risks relating to management over-
ride. Management override circumvents existing controls and is an often-used means
of committing fraud. The segregation of duties is fundamental to mitigating fraud risks
because it reduces, but cant absolutely prevent, the possibility of one person acting
alone. However, there is always the risk that management can override control activities.
Collusion is needed to perform fraudulent activities when key process responsibilities
are divided between at least two employees. Also, the segregation of duties reduces
errors by having more than one person performing or reviewing transactions in a
process, increasing the likelihood of an error being found.
21 The Framework prefers the term alternative controls over compensating controls. The latter term has
been used to describe additional control activities put in place when segregation of duties could not be
achieved. However, this term has evolved to refer to control activities that mitigate the impact of an identi-
fied control deficiency when evaluating the operating effectiveness of controls and is used in this context
in the Framework.
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
For instance, suppose an organization wants to deploy an automated matching and edit
check control that examines data entered on-line. If something does not match, or is
22 Terminology typically used to describe these controls includes general computer controls, general con-
trols, or information technology controls. The term technology general controls is used here to refer to
general control activities over technology.
in the wrong format, immediate feedback is provided so that corrections can be made.
Error messages indicate what is wrong with the data, and exception reports allow for
subsequent follow-up. Technology general controls over system development help
ensure that this automated control works properly when first designed and implemented
(e.g., the edit checks follow the business logic defined by management, the checks
match data with the right transaction or standing data file, any error message com-
pletely and accurately reflects what is wrong, and all exceptions are reported according
to the organizations policies).
As with other entity functions, processes are put in place to select, develop, operate,
and maintain an entitys technology. These processes may be limited to a few activities
over the use of standard technology purchased from an external party (e.g., a spread-
sheet application) or expanded to support both in-house and externally developed tech-
nology. Selected and developed control activities contribute to the mitigation of specific
risks surrounding the use of technology processes.
Technology Infrastructure
Technology requires an infrastructure in which to operate, ranging from communication
networks for linking technologies to each other and the rest of the entity, to the com-
puting resources for applications to operate, to the electricity to power the technology.
The technology infrastructure can be complex. It may be shared by different business
units within the entity (e.g., a shared service center) or outsourced either to third-party
service organizations or to location-independent technology services (e.g., cloud com-
puting). These complexities present risks that need to be understood and addressed.
Given the broad range of possible changes in the use of technology likely to continue
into the future, the organization needs to track these changes and assess and respond
to the new risks.
Security threats can come from both internal and external sources. The external threat
is particularly important for entities that depend on telecommunications networks
and the Internet. Technology users, customers, and malicious parties may be halfway
around the world or down the hall. The many potential uses of technology and points
of entry underscore the importance of security management. External threats have
become prevalent in todays highly interconnected business environments, and con-
tinual effort is required to address these risks.
Internal threats may come from former or disgruntled employees who pose unique risks
because they may be both motivated to work against the entity and better equipped to
succeed in carrying out a malicious act because they have greater access and knowl-
edge of the entitys security management systems and processes.
In some companies the development methodology covers the continuum from large
development projects to the smallest changes. In other companies there is one distinct
process for developing new technology and a separate process for change manage-
ment. In either case, a change management process will be in place to track changes
from initiation to final disposition. Changes may arise as a result of a problem in the
technology that needs to be fixed or a request from the user community.
23 There are many names for this process. One common name is systems development life cycle (SDLC).
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
Control activities specifically relate to those policies and procedures that contribute to
the mitigation of risks to the achievement of objectives to acceptable levels. A policy, for
instance, might call for review of customer trading activities by a securities dealer retail
branch manager. The procedure is the review itself, performed in a timely manner and
with attention given to factors set forth in the policy, such as the nature and volume of
securities traded, and their relation to customer net worth and age.
Policies and procedures are often communicated orally. Unwritten policies can be effec-
tive where the policy is a long-standing and well-understood practice, and in smaller
organizations where communications channels involve limited management layers and
close interaction with and supervision of personnel. Though a cost-effective alternative
for some entities, unwritten policies and procedures can be easier to circumvent, be
costly to the organization if there is turnover in personnel, and can reduce accountabil-
ity. When subject to external party review, policies and procedures would be expected
to be formally documented.24
But whether or not a policy is in writing, it must establish clear responsibility and
accountability, which ultimately resides with the management of the entity and subunit
where the risk resides. Procedures should be clear on the responsibilities of person-
nel performing the control activity. Also, policies need to be deployed thoughtfully and
conscientiously, and the related procedures must be timely and be performed diligently
and consistently by competent personnel.
The procedures should include the timing of when a control activity and any follow-up
corrective actions are performed. Untimely procedures can reduce the usefulness of the
control activity. For example, a regular review of user accounts for inappropriate access
rights is conducted by the business process owner on a timely basis to reduce the
risk of unauthorized access to an acceptable level. Longer intervals between reviews
increase the potential for untimely detection of unauthorized access.
Corrective Action
In conducting a control activity, matters identified for follow-up should be investigated
and, if appropriate, corrective action taken. For example, consider a case where a rec-
onciliation of cash accounts detects a discrepancy in one of the accounts. The account-
ing clerk follows up with the person in charge of recording cash and determines that
a cash receipt was not posted properly. The receipt is reapplied and the correction is
reflected in the reconciliation.
A well-designed control activity generally cannot be conducted without competent per-
sonnel with sufficient authority to perform the control activity. The level of competency
required to perform a control activity will depend on factors such as the complexity of
the control activity and the complexity and volume of the underlying transactions. Fur-
thermore, a procedure will not be useful if performed by rote, without a sharp, continu-
ing focus on the risks to which the policy is directed. Sufficient authority may be needed
to fully perform all aspects of the control such as taking corrective action.
Periodic Reassessment
Management should periodically reassess policies and procedures and related control
activities for continued relevance and effectiveness, unrelated to being responsive to
significant changes in the entitys risks or objectives. Significant changes would be
evaluated through the risk assessment process. Changes in people, process, and tech-
nology may reduce the effectiveness of control activities or make some control activi-
ties redundant. Whenever one of these changes occurs, management should reassess
the relevance of the existing controls and refresh them when necessary. For example,
management may upgrade the purchasing module of an ERP system and introduce
automated transaction control activities that cause the old manual control activities to
be redundant and, hence, no longer necessary.
Chapter Summary
Information is necessary for the entity to carry out internal control re-
sponsibilities to support the achievement of its objectives. Management
obtains or generates and uses relevant and quality information from
both internal and external sources to support the functioning of internal
control. Communication is the continual, iterative process of providing,
sharing, and obtaining necessary information. Internal communication is
the means by which information is disseminated throughout the organi-
zation, flowing up, down, and across the entity. It enables personnel to
receive a clear message from senior management that control respon-
sibilities must be taken seriously. External communication is twofold: it
enables inbound communication of relevant external information and
provides information to external parties in response to requirements and
The Information and Communica-
tion component of the Framework
supports the functioning of all
components of internal control. In
combination with the other compo-
nents, Information and Communica-
tion supports the achievement of the
entitys objectives, including objec-
tives relevant to internal and external
reporting. Controls within Informa-
tion and Communication support the
organizations ability to use the right
information within the system of inter-
nal control and to carry out internal
control responsibilities.
An information system is the set of activities, involving people, processes, data and/or
technology, which enable the organization to obtain, generate, use, and communicate
transactions and information to maintain accountability and measure and review the
entitys performance or progress toward achievement of objectives.
The Framework distinguishes this component from the internal reporting category of
objectives. Information and Communication is only one component of the Framework.
This component serves to provide relevant, quality information to support all compo-
nents of internal control. On the other hand, an organization seeking reasonable assur-
ance in preparing external reports requires all five components of internal control. Com-
munication can appear broad at times (e.g., information communicated about external
trends or events), but in the context of the Framework, its use may be narrower (e.g.,
communication enabling a user to carry out controls within Risk Assessment).
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
Information Requirements
Information is necessary for the organization to carry out its internal control responsibili-
ties to support the achievement of objectives. Information about the entitys objectives
is gathered from board and senior management activities and summarized in a way that
management and others can understand objectives and their role in their achievement.
For example, a wholesale distributor found that its managers did not have a solid under-
standing of the key objectives for the organization. The business plan was detailed and
difficult to concisely communicate. The board of directors worked with senior man-
agement to summarize the entitys key objectives into a clear narrative document that
accompanied internally distributed financial statements. In addition, the board provided
a balanced scorecard that mapped these goals to metrics and actual results, both
non-financial and financial, on a monthly basis. Feedback from a subsequent employee
survey indicated that management and other personnel better understood the organiza-
tions objectives.
Monitoring Activities A large utility company gathers, processes, and reports accident and
injury records related to the power generation operating unit. Com-
paring this information with trends in workers compensation health
insurance claims identifies variations from established expectations.
This may indicate that control activities over the identification, pro-
cessing, reporting, investigation, and resolution of accident and injury
events may not be functioning as intended.
Achieving the right balance between the benefits and the costs to obtain and manage
information, and the information systems, is a key consideration in establishing an infor-
mation system that meets the entitys needs.
Data received from outsourced service providers Products shipped from contract manufacturer
Industry research reports Competitor product information
Peer company earnings releases Market and industry metrics
Regulatory bodies New or expanded requirements
Social media or other blog posts Opinions about the entity
Trade shows Evolving customer preferences
Whistle-blower hotline Claim of misuse of funds, bribery
The nature and extent of information requirements, the complexity and volume of infor-
mation, and the dependence on external parties impacts the range of sophistication of
information systems, including the extent of technology deployed. Regardless of the
level of sophistication adopted, information systems represent the end-to-end informa-
tion processing of transactions and data that enable the entity to collect, store, and
summarize quality and consistent information across the relevant processes, whether
manual, automated, or a combination of both.
Information Quality
Maintaining quality of information is necessary to an effective internal control system,
particularly with todays volume of data and dependence on sophisticated, auto-
mated information systems. The ability to generate quality information begins with
the data sourced. Inaccurate or incomplete data, and the information derived from
such data, could result in potentially erroneous judgments, estimates, or other
Information that is obtained from outsourced service providers that manage busi-
ness processes on behalf of the entity, and other external parties on whom the entity
depends, is subject to the same internal control expectations. Information requirements
are developed by the organization and communicated to outside service providers and
other similar external parties. Controls support the organizations ability to rely on such
information, including internal control over outsourced service providers such as vendor
due diligence, exercise of right-to-audit clauses, and obtaining an independent assess-
ment over the service providers controls.
Communicates Internally
Principle 14: The organization internally communicates
information, including objectives and responsibilities for
internal control, necessary to support the functioning of
internal control.
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
Specified objectives
The organization establishes and implements policies and procedures that facilitate
effective internal communication. This includes specific and directed communication
that addresses individual authorities, responsibilities, and standards of conduct across
the entity. Senior management communicates the entitys objectives clearly through
the organization so that other management and personnel, including non-employees
such as contractors, understand their individual roles in the organization. Such com-
munication occurs regardless of where personnel are located, their level of authority, or
All personnel also receive a clear message from senior management that their internal
control responsibilities must be taken seriously. Through communication of objectives
and sub-objectives, personnel understand how their roles, responsibilities, and actions
relate to the work of others in the organization; what responsibilities for internal control
they have; and what is deemed acceptable and unacceptable behavior. As discussed
under Control Environment, by establishing appropriate structures, authorities, and
responsibilities, communication to personnel of the expectations for internal control is
effected. However, communication about internal control responsibilities may not on
its own be sufficient to ensure that management and other personnel embrace their
accountability and respond as intended. Often, management must take timely action
that is consistent with such communication to reinforce the messages conveyed.
Management selects, develops, and deploys controls that help ensure that information
is shared through internal communication and that help management and other per-
sonnel carry out control responsibilities across multiple functions, operating units, or
divisions. For example:
The internal audit department conducts an audit over the commissions paid
to distributors in one international location. The audit reveals instances of
fraudulent reporting of sales through certain distributors. Further investigation
exposes payments by the distributor to the sales representative responsible
for the related distributors. This information is shared with those responsible
for responding to potential fraud and with sales management in other interna-
tional locations, enabling them to analyze information more critically to deter-
mine if the issue is more pervasive and take any necessary actions.
those results on the achievement of objectives. Additionally, the frequency and level of
detail must be sufficient to enable the board of directors to respond to indications of
ineffective internal control in a timely manner.
Method of Communication
Both the clarity of the information and effectiveness with which it is communicated are
important to ensuring messages are received as intended. Active forms of communica-
tion such as face-to-face meetings are often more effective than passive forms such as
broadcast emails and intranet postings. Periodic evaluation of the effectiveness of com-
munication helps to ensure methods are working. This can be done through a variety
of existing processes such as employee performance evaluations, annual management
reviews, and other feedback programs.
Management selects the method of communication, taking into account the audience,
nature of the communication, timeliness, cost, and any legal or regulatory requirements.
Communication can take such forms as:
Email messages
One-on-one discussions
Performance evaluations
Text messages
Communicates Externally
Principle 15: The organization communicates with external
parties regarding matters affecting the functioning of
internal control.
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
External Communication
Communication occurs not only within the entity, but with those outside as well. With
open external communication channels, important information concerning the entitys
objectives may be provided to shareholders or other owners, business partners, cus-
tomers, regulators, financial analysts, government entities, and other external parties.
Outbound communication should be viewed distinctly from external reporting as dis-
cussed in Chapter 2 Objectives, Components, and Principles.
The organization develops and implements controls that facilitate external communica-
tion. These may include policies and procedures to obtain or receive information from
external parties and to share that information internally, allowing management and other
personnel to identify trends, events, or circumstances that may impact the achievement
of objectives. For example, customer or supplier complaints or inquiries about ship-
ments, receipts, billings, or other unusual activities may indicate operating problems,
fraudulent activities, or errors.
Outbound Communication
Communication to external parties allows them to readily understand events, activities,
or other circumstances that may affect how they interact with the entity. Managements
communication to external parties sends a message about the importance of internal
control in the organization by demonstrating open lines of communication. Communi-
cation to external suppliers and customers supports the entitys ability to maintain an
appropriate control environment. Suppliers and customers need to fully understand the
entitys values and cultures. They are informed of the entitys code of conduct and rec-
ognize their responsibilities in helping to ensure compliance with the code of conduct.
For example, management communicates its controls relating to business dealings with
vendors upon approval of a new vendor and requires the vendor to acknowledge its
adherence prior to the approval of an initial purchase order with the vendor.
Technology and communication tools enable external parties to have access to public
forums to post and discuss an entitys business, activities, and controls. When an
organization uses, or authorizes its employees to use public forums, such as social
media and similar unrestricted communication tools, management develops and
implements controls that guide expectations for proper use to avoid jeopardizing the
assessment of internal control over the security and privacy of externally transmitted
data (including data transmitted over the Internet) is performed by a third party. The
results of the assessment reveal weaknesses in internal control that could impact the
security and privacy of data. Management assesses the significance of the weaknesses
and reports information necessary to enable the board of directors to carry out its
The interdependence of business processes between the entity and outsourced service
providers can blur the lines of responsibility between the entitys internal control system
and that of outsourced service providers. This creates a need for more rigorous con-
trols over communication between the parties. For example, supply chain management
in a global retail company occurs through a dynamic, interactive exchange of activi-
ties between the company, vendors, logistics providers, and contract manufacturers.
Internal control over the end-to-end processes becomes a shared responsibility, but
there may be uncertainty about which entity is responsible at a particular stage of the
process. Communicating with outsourced service providers responsible for activities
supporting the entitys objectives may facilitate the risk assessment process, the over-
sight of business activities, decision making, and the identification of responsibility for
internal control throughout the process regardless of where activities occur.
Method of Communication
The means by which management communicates externally affects the ability to obtain
information needed as well as to ensure that key messages about the organization are
received and understood. Management considers the method of communication used,
which can take many forms, taking into account the audience, the nature of the commu-
nication, timeliness, and any legal or regulatory requirements. For example, customers
who regularly access entity information through a customer portal may receive mes-
sages through postings on the corporate website.
Press and news releases issued through investor or public relations channels are often
effective for reaching a broad audience of external parties, ensuring wide distribution
and increasing the likelihood that information is received. Blogs, social media, elec-
tronic billboards, and email are also common forms of external communication because
they can be tailored and directed to the specific party, help to control the information
obtained by external parties, and support expectations that information can be sent and
received quickly with greater use of mobile communication devices.
9. Monitoring Activities
Chapter Summary
Monitoring activities assess whether
each of the five components of
internal control and relevant prin-
ciples is present and functioning. The
organization uses ongoing, separate
evaluations, or some combination
of the two, to ascertain whether
the components of internal control
(including controls to effect principles
across the entity and its subunits) are
present and functioning. Monitoring
is a key input of the organizations
assessment of the effectiveness
of internal control. It also provides
valuable support for assertions of
the effectiveness of the system of
An entitys system of internal control will often change. The entitys objectives and the
components of internal control may also change over time. Also, controls may become
less effective or obsolete, may no longer be deployed in the manner in which they were
selected or developed, or may be deemed insufficient to support the achievement of
the new or updated objectives. Monitoring activities are selected, developed, and per-
formed to ascertain whether each component continues to be present and functioning
or if change is needed. Monitoring activities provide valuable input for management to
use when determining whether the system of internal control continues to be relevant
and is able to address new risks.
Where appropriate, monitoring activities identify and examine expectation gaps relat-
ing to anomalies and abnormalities, which may indicate one or more deficiencies in an
entitys system of internal control. When reviewing and investigating expectation gaps,
management often identifies root causes of such gaps. In ascertaining whether the
five components of internal control are present and functioning, monitoring activities
consider controls within each of the five components. Management evaluates these
controls and how they effect principles; for example, assessing controls selected and
deployed by the organization for:
monitoring activity would ask why there were errors in the first place and assign man-
agement the responsibility of fixing the process to prevent future errors. In simple terms,
a control activity responds to a specific risk, whereas a monitoring activity assesses
whether controls within each of the five components of internal control are operating as
The examples below illustrate the relationship between control activities and monitoring
activities of a payable reconciliation.
The accounts payable (AP) clerk at Division A Management independent of those involved in
reconciles the Division A payables sub-ledger to the performance of the control activity:
the general ledger on a periodic basis. Reconcil- -- Inspects documentation that the reconcilia-
ing items are investigated and resolved on a tions were performed across all divisions or
timely basis. subsidiaries.
-- Examines for identifiable trends in the
volume and/or nature of the reconciling
items noted.
Management evaluates whether the sources and
the quality of information used for the payable
reconciliation are appropriate.
Management evaluates whether new risks relat-
ing to changes in internal and external factors
were identified, assessed, and responded to in
the payables reconciliation.
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
Separate evaluations can employ the same techniques as ongoing monitoring, but
they are designed to evaluate controls periodically and are not ingrained in the routine
operations of the entity. Since separate evaluations take place periodically, problems
will often be identified more quickly by ongoing evaluations. Many entities with sound
Rate of Change
Management considers the rate that an entity or the entitys industry is anticipated to
change. An entity in an industry that is quickly changing may need to have more fre-
quent separate evaluations and may reconsider the mix of ongoing and separate evalu-
ations during the period of change. For example, banks subject to financial regulatory
reforms select and develop monitoring activities that anticipate future change and reac-
tions to the changing regulatory environment. Usually, some combination of ongoing
and separate evaluations will validate whether or not the components of internal control
remain present and functioning.
Baseline Information
Understanding the design and current state of a system of internal control provides
useful baseline information for establishing ongoing and separate evaluations. When
using monitoring activities it is necessary to have an understanding of how manage-
ment has designed the system of internal control and how controls within each of the
five components effect principles. As management gains experience with monitoring
activities, its understanding will evolve based on the results of such activities. If an entity
does not have a baseline understanding in areas with risks of higher significance, it may
need to perform a separate evaluation of those areas to establish the baseline. When
change occurs within any of the five components of internal control, the baseline may
need to be evaluated to make sure monitoring activities remain appropriate or updated
so they are aligned with other components of internal control.
Ongoing Evaluations
Manual and automated ongoing evaluations monitor the presence and functioning of
the components of internal control in the ordinary course of managing the business.
Ongoing evaluations are generally performed by line operating or functional manag-
ers, who are competent and have sufficient knowledge to understand what is being
evaluated, giving thoughtful consideration to implications of information they receive.
By focusing on relationships, inconsistencies, or other relevant implications, they raise
issues and follow up with other personnel as necessary to determine whether corrective
or other action is needed.
Control activities embedded in the procurement process use software to automate the
review of all payment transactions. A software routine embedded within the payable
process immediately identifies any unusual transactions based on pre-established
parameters (e.g., possible duplicate payments). The accounts payable supervisor
daily investigates any identified anomalies, determines root causes, and evaluates and
communicates any internal control deficiency to those in the procurement process
responsible for taking corrective action.
The human resource department has developed policies and practices that support
the organizations commitment to attract, develop, and retain competent staff. These
practices include training, mentoring, and evaluation practices that encourage devel-
opment and promotion of management positions. As part of the entitys human
resource policies and practices, staff mentors semiannually prepare and present to
the human resource supervisors a review of assigned individuals actual performance
against expected performance levels and standards of conduct. The director of per-
sonnel attends these semiannual presentations as part of the ongoing evaluation of
human resource policies and practices and provides objective, real-time feedback to
department supervisors and mentors about the effectiveness of the review process,
compliance with labor laws, and recommendations for improving subsequent
An entity authorizes its accounts payable clerks to process contractor invoices with
up to a 5% variance from amounts specified for services pursuant to executed con-
tracts without seeking supervisory approval. The accounts payable manager moni-
tors this control activity at the end of each month by reviewing disbursement activity
and focusing specifically on two trends: the volume of disbursements where there are
variances from contracts, and the frequency with which a particular clerk processes
any variance payments. The accounts payable manager investigates any instance of
an excessive variance or abnormal frequency or trend from both an operational and
potential fraud perspective and takes action to assess and resolve root causes.
Separate Evaluations
Separate evaluations are generally not ingrained within the business but can be useful in
taking a fresh look at whether each of the five components of internal control is present
and functioning. Such evaluations include observations, inquiries, reviews, and other
examinations, as appropriate, to ascertain whether controls to effect principles across
the entity and its subunits are designed, implemented, and conducted. Separate evalu-
ations of the components of internal control vary in scope and frequency, depending on
the significance of risks, risk responses, results on ongoing evaluations, and expected
impacts on the control components in managing the risks. Higher priority risks and
responses should be evaluated often in greater depth and/or more often than lower pri-
ority risks. While higher priority risks can be evaluated with both ongoing and separate
evaluations, separate evaluation may provide feedback on the results of ongoing evalua-
tions, and the number of separate evaluations can be increased as necessary.
Knowledgeable Personnel
Separate evaluations are often conducted through the internal audit function, and while
having an internal audit function is not a requisite of internal control, it can enhance
the scope, frequency, and objectivity of such reviews.25 Since separate evaluations are
conducted periodically by independent managers, employees, or external reviewers to
provide feedback with greater objectivity, evaluators need to be knowledgeable about
the entitys activities and how the monitoring activities function, and understand what is
being evaluated. Procedures designed to operate in a particular way may be modified
over time to operate differently, or they may no longer be performed. Sometimes new
procedures are established, but are not known to those who described the process and
are not included in available documentation. Determining the actual functioning can be
accomplished by holding discussions with personnel who perform or are affected by
controls, by examining performance records, or by a combination of procedures.
The evaluator analyzes the presence and functioning of components of internal control,
and the results of evaluations. The analysis is conducted against the backdrop of
managements established standards for each component, with the ultimate goal of
determining whether the process provides reasonable assurance with respect to the
25 Some external bodies may require an entity to have an internal audit function. For example the New York
Stock Exchange requires all corporations who list securities on the exchange to have an internal audit
function (NYSE Listed Company Manual 303A.07(d)).
26 An entity might use ISO/IEC 27002, published by the International Organization for Standardization (ISO)
and by the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), which provides recommended practices for
information security management for use by those responsible for designing, implementing or maintaining
information security management systems.
Entities may use the following approaches to understand the outsourced service pro-
viders system of internal control:
The user of outsourced services may conduct its own separate evaluations of
the outsourced service providers system of internal control as relevant to the
entity. In these circumstances an entity should build into its contract with any
outsourced service provider a right-to-audit clause to allow for its own sepa-
rate evaluation and access to visit the provider.
27 Examples of attestations for external financial reporting include a Service Organization Control (SOC)
report issued pursuant to the AICPAs Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No 16 (SSAE
16 or SOC 1) or the International Standard on Assurance Engagements 3402 report (ISAE 3402).
Points of Focus
The following points of focus highlight important characteristics relating to this principle:
Assess Results
In conducting monitoring activities, the organization may identify matters worthy of
attention. Those that represent a potential or real shortcoming in some aspect of the
system of internal control that has the potential to adversely affect the ability of the
entity to achieve its objectives are referred to as internal control deficiencies. In addition,
the organization may identify opportunities to improve the efficiency of internal control,
or areas where changes to the current system of internal control may provide a greater
likelihood that the entitys objectives will be achieved. Although identifying and assess-
ing potential opportunities is not part of the system of internal control, the organization
will typically want to capture any opportunities identified and communicate those to the
strategy or objective-setting processes.
This higher level of management provides needed support or oversight for taking
corrective action and is positioned to communicate with others in the entity whose
activities may be affected. Where findings cut across organizational boundaries, the
deficiencies are reported to all relevant parties and to a sufficiently high level to drive
appropriate action. For instance, deficiencies relating to a board member or sub-
committee where the board member or sub-committee is not independent to the extent
required, or where the board did not provide sufficient oversight, would be reported as
prescribed by the entitys reporting protocols to the full board, the chair of the board,
lead director, and/or the nominating/governance or other appropriate board committees.
As is the case with the initial communication of internal control deficiencies, deficiencies
that are not remediated on a timely basis are usually communicated to at least one level
of management above the party responsible for taking corrective action. In addition,
management may need to revisit the selection and deployment of monitoring activities,
including a mix of ongoing and separate evaluations, until corrective actions have reme-
diated the internal control deficiency.
Chapter Summary
Internal control has been viewed by some observers as ensuring that an entity will not
failthat is, the entity will always achieve its operations, reporting, and compliance
objectives. In this sense, internal control sometimes is looked upon as a cure-all for all
real and potential business ills. This view is misguided. Internal control is not a panacea.
Reasonable assurance does not imply that systems of internal control will frequently
fail. Many factors, individually and collectively, serve to strengthen the concept of
reasonable assurance. Controls that support multiple objectives or that effect multiple
principles within or across components reduce the risk that an entity may not achieve
its objectives. Furthermore, the normal, everyday operating activities and responsibili-
ties of people functioning at various levels of an organization are directed at achieving
the entitys objectives. Indeed, it is likely that these activities often apprise manage-
ment about the process toward the entitys operations objectives, and also support the
achievement of compliance and reporting objectives. However, because of the inherent
limitations discussed here, there is no guarantee that, for example, an uncontrollable
event, mistake, or improper incident could never occur. In other words, even an effective
system of internal control may experience failures. Reasonable assurance is not abso-
lute assurance.
The effectiveness of internal control is limited by the realities of human frailty in the
making of business decisions. Such decisions must be made with human judgment in
the time available, based on information at hand, subject to management biases, and
under the pressures of the conduct of business. Some decisions based on human judg-
ment may later, with the clarity of hindsight, be found to produce less than desirable
results, and may need to be changed.
External Events
Internal control, even effective internal control, operates at different levels for differ-
ent objectives. For objectives relating to the effectiveness and efficiency of an entitys
operationsachieving its mission, value propositions (e.g., productivity, quality, and
customer service), profitability goals, and the likeinternal control cannot provide
reasonable assurance of the achievement when external events may have a significant
impact on the achievement of objectives and the impact cannot be mitigated to an
acceptable level. In these situations, internal control can only provide reasonable assur-
ance that the organization is aware of the entitys progress, or lack of it, toward achiev-
ing such objectives.
Even a well-designed system of internal control can break down. Personnel may mis-
understand instructions, make mistakes in judgment, or commit errors due to careless-
ness, distraction, or being asked to focus on too many tasks. For example, a depart-
ment supervisor responsible for investigating exceptions might simply forget or fail to
pursue the investigation far enough to be able to make appropriate corrections. Tempo-
rary personnel conducting controls for vacationing or sick employees might not perform
correctly. Changes in information technology application controls may be implemented
before personnel have been trained to recognize indicators that they may not be func-
tioning as designed.
Management Override
Even an entity with an effective system of internal control may have a manager who is
willing and able to override internal control. The term management override is used
here to mean overruling prescribed policies or procedures for illegitimate purposes with
the intent of personal gain or an enhanced presentation of an entitys performance or
compliance. A manager of a division or operating unit, or a member of senior manage-
ment, might override the control for many reasons such as to:
Boost the market value of the entity prior to a public offering or sale
Collusion can result in internal control deficiencies. Individuals acting collectively to per-
petrate and conceal an action from detection often can alter financial or other manage-
ment information so that it cannot be detected or prevented by the system of internal
control. Collusion can occur, for example, between an employee who performs controls
and a customer, supplier, or another employee, Sales and/or operating unit manage-
ment might collude to circumvent controls so that reported results meet budgets or
incentive targets.
Entity-levelHigher levels of the entity, separate and distinct from other parts
of the entity including subsidiaries, divisions, operating units, and functions.
RiskThe possibility that an event will occur and adversely affect the achieve-
ment of objectives.
Internal control is effected by personnel internal to the organization, including the board
of directors or equivalent oversight body and its committees, management and person-
nel, business-enabling functions, and internal auditors. Collectively, they contribute to
providing reasonable assurance that specified objectives are achieved. When out-
sourced service providers perform controls on behalf of the entity, management retains
responsibility for those controls.
Management and other personnel on the front line provide the first line of
defense as they are responsible for maintaining effective internal control day
to day; they are compensated based on performance in relation to all appli-
cable objectives.
Internal auditors provide the third line of defense as they assess and report
on internal control and recommend corrective actions or enhancements for
management to consider and implement; their position and compensation are
separate and distinct from the business areas they review.
Responsible Parties
Every individual within an entity has a role in effecting internal control. Roles vary in
responsibility and level of involvement, as discussed below.
The board is responsible for overseeing the system of internal control. With the power
to engage or terminate the chief executive officer, the board has a key role in defining
expectations about integrity and ethical values, transparency, and accountability for the
performance of internal control responsibilities. Board members are objective, capable,
and inquisitive. They have a working knowledge of the entitys activities and environ-
ment, and they commit the time necessary to fulfill their governance responsibilities.
They utilize resources as needed to investigate any issues, and they have an open and
unrestricted communications channel with all entity personnel, the internal auditors,
independent auditors, external reviewers, and legal counsel.
Boards of directors often carry out certain duties through committees, whose use varies
depending on regulatory requirements and other considerations. Board committees
may be used for oversight of audit, compensation, nominations and governance, risk,
and other topics significant for the organization. Each committee can bring specific
emphasis to certain components of internal control. Where a particular committee has
not been established, the related functions are carried out by the board itself.
Senior Management
Maintaining oversight and control over the risks facing the entity (e.g., direct-
ing all management and other personnel to proactively identify risks to the
system of internal control, considering the ever-increasing pace of change and
networked interactions of business partners, outsourced service providers,
customers, employees, and others and resulting risk factors)
Evaluating control deficiencies and the impact on the ongoing and long-
term effectiveness of the system of internal control (e.g., meeting regularly
with senior management from each of the operating units such as research
and development, production, marketing, sales, and major business-
enabling functions such as finance, human resources, legal, compliance,
risk management to evaluate how they are carrying out their internal control
These senior management roles support the CEO with respect to internal control, spe-
cifically by:
Maintaining oversight over the risks facing the entity (e.g., directing all man-
agement and other personnel to proactively identify risks to the system of
internal control, considering the ever-increasing pace of change and net-
worked interactions of business partners, outsourced service providers,
customers, employees, and others and resulting risk factors)
Evaluating internal control deficiencies and the impact on the ongoing and
long-term effectiveness of the system of internal control (e.g., meeting regu-
larly with finance, controllership, risk management, information technology,
human resources, and business management from each of the operating units
to evaluate how they are carrying out their internal control responsibilities)
Senior management assigns responsibility for establishing even more specific inter-
nal control procedures to those personnel responsible for the units functions or
departments. These subunit managers can play a more hands-on role in devising and
executing particular internal control procedures. Often, these managers are directly
responsible for determining resource requirements, training needs, and internal control
procedures that address unit objectives, such as developing authorization procedures
for purchasing raw materials, accepting new customers, or reviewing production reports
to monitor product output. They also make recommendations on the controls, monitor
their application within processes, and meet with upper-level managers to report on the
operation of controls.
The chief financial officer (CFO) supports the CEO in front-line responsibilities, includ-
ing internal control over financial reporting. In certain reporting jurisdictions, the CFO is
required by law to certify to the effectiveness of internal control over financial reporting,
alongside the CEO.
Business-Enabling Functions
Various organizational functions or operating units support the entity through special-
ized skills, such as risk management, finance, product/service quality management,
technology, compliance, legal, human resources, and others. They provide guidance
and assessment of internal control related to their areas of expertise, and it is incum-
bent on them to share and evaluate issues and trends that transcend organizational
units or functions. They keep the organization informed of relevant requirements as
they evolve over time (e.g., new or changing laws and regulations across a multitude of
jurisdictions). Such business-enabling functions are referred to as the second line of
defense, while front-line personnel execute their control activities.
While all controls function to serve a purpose, their efforts are coordinated and inte-
grated as appropriate. For example, a companys new customer acceptance process
may be reviewed by the compliance function from a regulatory perspective, by the risk
management function from a concentration risk perspective, and by the internal audit
function to assess the design and effectiveness of controls. Disruptions to the busi-
ness process are minimized when the timing and approach to reviews and management
of issues are coordinated to the extent possible. Integration of efforts helps create a
common language and platform for evaluating and addressing internal control matters,
as business-enabling functions guide the organization in achieving its objectives.
Responsibilities of risk and control personnel include identifying known and emerging
risks, helping management develop processes to manage such relevant risks, com-
municating and providing education on these processes across the organization, and
evaluating and reporting on the effectiveness of such processes. The chief risk/control
officer is responsible for reporting to senior management and the board on significant
risks to the business and whether these risks are managed within the entitys estab-
lished tolerance levels, with adequate internal control in place. Despite such significant
responsibilities, risk and control personnel are not responsible for executing controls,
but support overall the achievement of internal control.
A close working relationship between business management and legal and compliance
personnel provides a strong basis for designing, implementing, and conducting internal
control to manage adverse outcomes such as regulatory sanctions, legal liability, and
failure to adhere to internal compliance policies and procedures. At smaller organiza-
tions, legal and compliance roles may be shared by the same professional, or one of
these roles can be outsourced with close oversight by management.
Other Personnel
Internal control is the responsibility of everyone in an entity and therefore constitutes
an explicit or implicit part of everyones job description. Front-line personnel con-
stitute the first line of defense in the performance of internal control responsibilities.
The care with which those activities are performed directly affects the effectiveness of
the internal control system. Internal control relies on checks and balances, including
segregation of duties, and on employees not looking the other way. Personnel under-
stands the need to resist pressure from superiors to participate in improper activi-
ties, and channels outside normal reporting lines are available to permit reporting of
Internal Auditors
As the third line of defense, internal auditors provide assurance and advisory support
to management on internal control. Depending on the jurisdiction, size of the entity, and
nature of the business, this function may be required or optional, internal or outsourced,
large or small. In all cases, internal audit activities are expected to be carried out by
competent and professional resources aligned to the risks relevant to the entity.
The internal audit activity includes evaluating the adequacy and effectiveness of con-
trols in responding to risks within the organizations oversight, operations, and informa-
tion systems regarding. For example:
Safeguarding of assets
All activities within an organization are potentially within the scope of the internal audi-
tors responsibility. In some entities, the internal audit function is heavily involved with
controls over operations. For example, internal auditors may periodically monitor pro-
duction quality, test the timeliness of shipments to customers, or evaluate the efficiency
of the plant layout. In other entities, the internal audit function may focus primarily on
compliance or financial reportingrelated activities. In all cases, they demonstrate the
necessary knowledge of the business and independence to provide a meaningful evalu-
ation of internal control.
The scope of internal auditing is typically expected to include oversight, risk manage-
ment, and internal control, and assist the organization in maintaining effective control
by evaluating its effectiveness and efficiency and by promoting continual improvement.
Internal audit communicates findings and interacts directly with management, the audit
committee, and/or the board of directors.
Internal auditors maintain an impartial view of the activities they audit through their skills
and authority within the entity. Internal auditors have functional reporting to the audit
committee and/or the board of directors and administrative reporting to the chief execu-
tive officer or other members of senior management.
Internal auditors are objective when not placed in a position of subordinating their judg-
ment on audit matters to that of others and when protected from other threats to their
objectivity. The primary protection against these threats is appropriate internal auditor
reporting lines and staff assignments. These assignments are made to avoid potential
and actual conflicts of interest and bias. Internal auditors do not assume operating
responsibilities, nor are they assigned to audit activities with which they were involved
recently in connection with prior operating assignments.
External Parties
A number of external parties can contribute to the achievement of the entitys objec-
tives, whether by performing activities as outsourced service providers or by providing
data or analysis to functional/operational personnel. In both cases, functional/opera-
tional management always retains full responsibility for internal control.
Experts can provide market data to help the organization adapt its busi-
ness model and supporting processes and controls to new challenges
Such information sharing between management and external parties can be important
to the entity in achieving its operations, reporting, and compliance objectives. The entity
has mechanisms in place with which to receive such information and to take appropriate
action on a timely basisthat is, it not only addresses the particular situation reported,
but also investigates the underlying source of an issue and fixes it.
In addition to customers and vendors, other parties, such as creditors, can provide
insight on the achievement of an entitys objectives. A bank, for example, may request
reports on an entitys compliance with certain debt covenants and recommend perfor-
mance indicators or other desired targets or controls.
Independent Auditors
In some jurisdictions, an independent auditor is engaged to audit or examine the effec-
tiveness of internal control over external financial reporting in addition to auditing the
entitys financial statements. (In some jurisdictions, the auditor is also legally required
to express an opinion on the effectiveness of the internal control over external financial
reporting in addition to his or her opinion on the financial statements.) Results of these
audits enable the auditor to provide information to management that will be useful
in conducting its oversight responsibilities. These reports and communications may
Notwithstanding the depth and nature of the independent auditors work, this is not a
replacement or a supplement to an adequate system of internal control, which remains
the full responsibility of management.
Such information frequently relates not only to financial reporting but to operations and
compliance activities as well. The information is reported to and acted upon by manage-
ment and, depending on its significance, to the board of directors or audit committee.
External Reviewers
Subject matter specialists can be solicited or mandated to review specific areas of the
organizations internal control. Recognizing the various requirements or expectations of
its stakeholders, an organization often seeks expert advice to translate these into poli-
cies and procedures, as well as communications and training, and evaluation of adher-
ence to such requirements and standards. Workplace safety, environmental concerns,
and fair trade practices are some examples of areas where an organization proactively
seeks to ensure that it is complying with governing rules and standards. Certain func-
tional areas may also be reviewed to promote greater effectiveness and efficiency of
operations, such as compliance reviews, information systems penetration testing, and
employment practices assessments.
Various regulations require that public companies establish and maintain internal
accounting control systems that satisfy specified objectives. Various laws and regu-
lations apply to financial assistance programs, which address a variety of activities
ranging from civil rights to cash management, and specify required internal control
procedures or practices. Several regulatory agencies directly examine entities for
which they have oversight responsibility. For example, federal and state bank examin-
ers conduct examinations of banks and often focus on certain aspects of the banks
internal control systems. These agencies make recommendations and are frequently
empowered to take enforcement action. Thus, legislators and regulators affect the inter-
nal control systems in several ways:
They establish rules that provide the impetus for management to establish an
internal control system that meets statutory and regulatory requirements.
Limited ability to maintain deep resources in line as well as support staff posi-
tions such as legal, human resources, accounting, and internal auditing
The last bulleted item, limited ability to maintain deep resources, is a frequent cause of
smaller entities being lower on the economies-of-scale curve. Often, but not always,
smaller entities have a higher per unit cost of producing a product or providing a
service. On the other hand, many smaller entities achieve competitive advantage in cost
savings through innovation, lower overhead (by retaining fewer people and substituting
variable for fixed costs via a part-time workforce or variable compensation plans), and
narrower focus in terms of product, location, and complexity.
Economies of scale is often a factor affecting support functions, including those that
directly support internal control. For example, establishing an internal audit function
within a hundred-million-dollar entity likely would require a larger percentage of eco-
nomic resources than would be the case for a multi-billion-dollar entity. Certainly, the
smaller entitys internal audit function would be smaller, and might rely on co-sourcing
or outsourcing to provide needed skills, where the larger entitys function might have a
broad range of experienced personnel in-house. But in all likelihood the relative cost for
the smaller entity would be higher than for the larger one.
None of the above characteristics by themselves are definitive. Certainly, size, by what-
ever measureassets, revenue, spending, personnel, or otheraffects and is affected
by these characteristics, and shapes thinking about what constitutes smaller.
Despite resource constraints, smaller entities usually can meet these challenges and
succeed in attaining effective internal control in a reasonably cost-effective manner.
Segregation of Duties
Many smaller entities have limited numbers of employees performing various func-
tions, which sometimes results in inadequate segregation of duties. There are, however,
actions that management can take to compensate for this circumstance. Following are
some types of controls that can be implemented:
Segregation of duties is not an end in itself, but rather a means of mitigating a risk inher-
ent in processing. When developing or assessing controls that address risks in an entity
with limited ability to segregate duties, management should consider whether other
controls satisfactorily address these risks and are applied conscientiously enough to
reduce risk.
Management Override
Many smaller entities are dominated by the founder or a leader who exercises a great
deal of discretion and provides personal direction to other personnel. This positioning
may be key to enabling the entity to meet its growth and other objectives, and can also
contribute significantly to effective internal control. With this leaders in-depth knowl-
edge of different facets of the entityits operations, processes, policies and proce-
dures, contractual commitments, and business riskshe or she is positioned to know
what to expect in reports generated by the system and to follow up as needed. Such
concentration of knowledge and authority, however, comes with a downside: the leader
typically is able to override controls.
There are a few basic but important things that can help to mitigate the risk of manage-
ment override:
Maintain a corporate culture where integrity and ethical values are held in high
esteem, embedded throughout the organization, and practiced on an every-
day basis. This can be supported and reinforced by recruiting, compensat-
ing, and promoting individuals where these values are appropriately reflected
Attract and retain qualified board members that take their responsibilities
seriously to perform the critical role of preventing or detecting instances of
management override.
Such practices mitigate the risk of impropriety and promote accountability of leader-
ship, while gaining the unique advantages of cost-effective internal control in a smaller
entity environment.
Board of Directors
The discussion above highlights the need for a board of directors with requisite exper-
tise to perform its oversight responsibilities well. With appropriate knowledge, attention,
and communication, the board is positioned to provide an effective means of offsetting
the effects of improper management override. In smaller entities, the board of directors
typically has in-depth knowledge of what usually are relatively straightforward business
operations, and it communicates more closely with a broader range of personnel.
Many smaller entities, however, find it very difficult to attract independent directors with
the desired skills and experience. Typical challenges to finding suitable directors include
inadequate knowledge of the entity and its people, the entitys limited ability to provide
compensation commensurate with board responsibilities, a sense that the chief execu-
tive might be unaccustomed or unwilling to appropriately share governance responsibili-
ties, or concerns about potential personal liability.
Some entities address such concerns of desired board candidates and expand their
search of valued or required expertise such as financial and accounting expertise. In
this way, they can shape the board to not only appropriately monitor senior manage-
ment, but also to provide value-added advice.
Information Technology
Many smaller entities do not have the extensive technical resources necessary to select,
develop, and deploy software applications in a controlled manner. Thus, these entities
consider alternatives to meet their needs of business processes and internal control.
Many smaller entities use software developed and maintained by others. These pack-
ages still require controlled implementation and operation, but many of the risks asso-
ciated with systems developed in-house are reduced. For example, typically there is
less need for program change controls, inasmuch as changes are done exclusively by
the developer, and generally the personnel in a smaller entity dont have the technical
expertise to attempt to make unauthorized program modifications.
Monitoring Activities
Monitoring activities routinely performed by managers running a business can provide
information on the presence and functioning of other components and relevant prin-
ciples. Management of many smaller entities regularly perform such activities, but have
not always taken sufficient credit for their contribution to the effectiveness of internal
control. These activities, usually performed manually and sometimes supported by
computer software, should be fully considered in designing, implementing, and con-
ducting internal control and assessing the effectiveness of internal control.
In November 2010, the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Com-
mission (COSO) announced a project to review and update its Internal ControlInte-
grated Framework (original framework). This initiative was expected to make the original
framework and related evaluation tools more relevant in the increasingly complex indus-
try, operating, and regulatory environment so that organizations worldwide could better
design, implement, and conduct internal control and assess its effectiveness. As the
author of the original framework, PwC conducted this project by bringing together in-
depth understanding of the original framework and rationale for decisions made in cre-
ating the Framework, and sought input from users, stakeholders, and senior resources
who provided current perspectives on internal control.
The COSO Board formed an Advisory Council comprising representatives from indus-
tries, academia, government agencies, and non-profit entities, and observers from
regulators and standard setters to provide input as the project progressed. In addition,
the Framework has been exposed to the public to capture additional input. Such due
process has helped the update adequately address current challenges for organizations
within their internal control.
The project consisted of five phases:
Build and DesignPwC, with COSO Board oversight, developed the updated
Framework. Multiple drafts of the documents were reviewed by the Advisory
Council, and various user and stakeholder groups provided additional insight
about proposed updates via participation in conferences, webinars, and semi-
nars sponsored by COSO organizations.
Public ExposureIn this phase, PwC refined the update through reviews
with the general public. The Framework was issued for public exposure for a
104-day comment period. During this phase, PwC, COSO Board members,
and Advisory Council members presented the updated Framework at numer-
ous professional conferences, seminars, round tables, and meetings with
users and stakeholders. The updated Framework was also made available for
comment during the public exposure of the companion documents: Internal
Control over External Financial Reporting: Compendium of Approaches and
Examples, and Illustrative Tools for Assessing Effectiveness of a System of
Internal Control. PwC reviewed and analyzed all comments received during
these public exposure periods, and reviewed resolutions and modifications
related to more significant issues raised during public exposure with the
COSO Board and Advisory Council.
Within each project phase and between phases, as one might expect, many different
and sometimes contradictory observations or recommendations were expressed on
fundamental issues relating to internal control. PwC, with COSO Board oversight, care-
fully considered the merits of positions put forth, both individually and in the context of
related issues, and revised the Framework to help the development of a relevant, logical,
and internally consistent publication on internal control.
Interested parties were also invited to comment on the Framework during the 78-day
public exposure of Internal Control over External Financial Reporting: A Compen-
dium of Approaches and Examples. Responses to the on-line survey questions and
twenty-three public comment letters related to the post-public exposure version of the
This appendix summarizes the more significant comments and any resulting modifica-
tions to the Framework arising from these exposure periods. Many respondents con-
curred with COSO that the updates to the Framework are expected to help management
strengthen existing systems of internal control by responding to many changes in the
business and operating environments over the past twenty years, codifying principles
associated with the five components of internal control, and expanding the reporting
objective to include other important forms of reporting. There were divergent views
as to whether the updates to the Framework would set a higher threshold for attaining
effective internal control, impose additional burdens on entities that report on internal
control, and should incorporate additional aspects of enterprise risk management.
The Framework revises the definition to remove the modifiers from each category of
objectives. The reasons for this change are that the objectives are discussed in some
detail later in Chapter 1, Definition of Internal Control, and with the broadening of the
reporting category, respondents appropriately identified additional relevant aspects of
the reporting objective beyond just reliability.
Other than this change, the Framework retains a broad definition as other suggestions
are either encompassed in the definition, as amended, or are discussed more appropri-
ately as part of the components of internal control. Finally, incorporating the notion of
reducing risk to a low level potentially pre-empts managements judgment and may be
too restrictive for some objectives.
Respondents acknowledged the benefit of formalizing into principles internal control
concepts introduced in the original framework, providing clarity for management in
designing, implementing, and conducting internal control, and assessing the effective-
ness of systems of internal control.
Some respondents suggested folding Principle 11, Selects and Develops General
Controls over Technology, into Principle 10, Selects and Develops Control Activities,
based on a view that selecting and developing technology general controls is a subset
of selecting control activities in general, which are part of Principle 10.
Some also suggested combining Principle 8, Assessing Fraud Risk, with Principle 7,
Identifies and Analyzes Risks, on the basis that fraud risk may be viewed as only one
type of risk potentially impacting objectives.
The Framework carries forward the seventeen principles. It retains the principles
that focus on the use of technology and the assessment of fraud risks, recognizing
their important role in achieving effective internal control. Some principles were also
enhanced or clarified based on respondents comments.
The Framework has been updated to recognize that when external events are consid-
ered unlikely to have a significant impact on the achievement of objectives or where the
organization can reasonably predict the nature and timing of external events and miti-
gate the impact to an acceptable level, internal control can provide reasonable assur-
ance that operations are being managed effectively and efficiently.
However, there may still be instances when external events may have a significant
impact on the achievement of objectives and the impact cannot be mitigated to an
acceptable level. In those instances effective internal control can only provide man-
agement and the board with an understanding of the extent to which operations are
managed effectively and efficiently.
Relevant Principles
Comments on the post-exposure version focused on the requirements for effective
internal control and whether management can conclude that a system of internal control
is effective when principles are not present and functioning. The Framework presumes
that principles are relevant. However, there may be a rare industry, operating, or regula-
tory situation in which management has determined that a principle is not relevant to
the associated component. Considerations in applying this judgment may include the
entity structure recognizing any legal, regulatory, industry, or contractual requirements
for governance of the entity, and the level of use and dependence on technology used
by the entity. The Framework clarifies the requirement that relevant principles must be
present and functioning to achieve effective internal control.
Points of Focus
Some respondents expressed concern that including point of focus (named as attri-
butes in the initial public exposure draft) may trigger an undesirable checklist mental-
ity by management, auditors, and regulators. Other respondents requested clarity on
whether the attributes represent requirements relating to whether principles are present
and functioning or whether the Framework presumes that attributes are present and
The Framework now replaces the term attributes with points of focus, consistent
with the original framework, to reduce the perception that the use of points of focus is
a requirement. The Framework clarifies the relevance of points of focus by positioning
them as important characteristics of principles. The Framework allows management
greater flexibility to exercise judgment in considering which points of focus are relevant
for the entity. The Framework was revised to remove the presumption that points of
focus must be in place and separately assessed.
Points of focus have been removed from Chapter 3, Effective Internal Control, to clarify
that they are not to be considered requirements associated with the relevant principles.
Instead, they are introduced and their relevance clarified in Chapter 4, Additional Con-
siderations. Within the respective component chapters, they are listed after the principle
to which they apply.
The Framework presents a revised terminology when generally referring to the severity
of deficiencies, and uses the terms internal control deficiencies and major deficien-
cies. However, for certain objectives, the Framework acknowledges that management
should use only the relevant criteria established in laws, rules, regulations, and stan-
dards with respect to the severity classification of internal control deficiencies.
Some respondents suggested that the Framework include objective-setting as a com-
ponent of internal control. Others suggested that objective-setting remain a precondi-
tion of internal control, and that the Framework provide greater clarity of the role of
assessing suitability of objectives within internal control.
The Framework retains the five components and the concept that establishing objec-
tives is a precondition to internal control. It clarifies the distinction between establishing
objectives (outside the system of internal control) and specifying objectives (within the
system of internal control) in Chapter 2, Objectives, Components, and Principles. The
Framework expands discussion on suitability of objectives and explains how manage-
ment should respond when specified objectives are viewed as unsuitable (see Chapter
4, Risk Assessment).
Safeguarding of Assets
Some respondents suggested including safeguarding of assets as a category of objec-
tives based on established laws, rules, regulations, and standards. Others suggested
that safeguarding of assets is part of each category of objectives.
The Framework acknowledges that some laws, rules, regulations, and standards have
established safeguarding of assets as a separate category of objective. When manage-
ment reports on an entitys system of internal control, there may be established objec-
tives or sub-objectives relating to physical security, prevention, or timely detection of
unauthorized acquisition, use, or disposition of assets. The Framework retains the view
that safeguarding of assets is primarily related to operations, but may be viewed within
the context of reporting and compliance objective categories.
Strategic Objectives
Some respondents suggested the addition of strategic objectives as a category of
objectives. Some also suggested that this change was already made in Enterprise Risk
ManagementIntegrated Framework (ERM Framework) and that the Framework should
adopt a similarchange.
The Framework retains operations, reporting, and compliance objective categories and
the concept that strategic objectives are not part of internal control. Including strategy-
setting and strategic objectives would require adding other concepts, including risk
appetite and risk tolerance, to provide a complete discussion of this objective category.
These concepts are more appropriate in the context of enterprise risk management, as
discussed below.
The COSO Board considered merging the two frameworks and decided to keep them
separate and distinct. Accordingly, strategy-setting, strategic objectives, and risk
appetite remain part of the ERM Framework. The Framework retains the definition of
risk appetite and the application of risk tolerance and retains strategy-setting as a pre-
condition of internal control.
The Framework expands the Foreword to acknowledge that the two frameworks are
intended to be complementary, neither superseding the other. The Framework includes
a discussion of overlapping concepts in Appendix G.
Some respondents commented, in general, on expanding the guidance on technology in
the Framework. Others suggested including detailed technology topics such as backup
and recovery in Principle 11, Selects and Develops General Controls over Technology.
And still others suggested adding detailed risks associated with current technology
initiatives such as cloud computing or continuous auditing techniques. Some recom-
mended referring to or incorporating other established frameworks specifically address-
ing technology controls and other considerations.
The COSO Board continues to believe that the Framework comprises all chapters. The
Board acknowledges, however, the importance of clearly setting forth that components
and relevant principles are requirements of an effective system of internal control.
Due Process
Some respondents questioned the sufficiency of the overall due process activities
surrounding COSOs initiative to update the Framework, suggesting, for instance, that
PwC and COSO conduct additional outreach and public consultations before releas-
ing the Framework. The COSO Board believes the extensive level of activities over the
past several years have captured a wide range of views on the proposed revisions to the
Made available a revised draft of the Framework for public comments, in con-
nection with providing exposure drafts of the proposed Internal Control over
External Financial Reporting: A Compendium of Approaches and Examples,
along with Framework and Illustrative Tools for Assessing Effectiveness of a
System of Internal Control (September to December 2012)
COSO believes there has been a substantive due process effort to capture views on
proposed updates to the Framework and Appendices, Internal Control over External
Financial Reporting: A Compendium of Approaches and Examples, and Illustrative Tools
for Assessing Effectiveness of a System of Internal Control.
Broadbased Changes
The following significant changes are evident across all areas of the updated
Achievement of Objectives
The original framework noted that internal control can be judged effective in each of the
three categories, respectively, if the board of directors and management have reason-
able assurance that:
They understand the extent to which the entitys operations objectives are
being achieved
The original framework noted that achievement of operations objectives is not always
within the entitys control. For these operations objectives, the system of internal control
can provide reasonable assurance only that management and, in its oversight role, the
board are made aware, in a timely manner, of the extent to which the entity is moving
toward those objectives.
Control Environment
In the two decades since the publication of the original framework in 1992, a number
of factors have pointed to the need for an update on what to consider in establishing a
sound control environment. There is now greater complexity in business models, with
enterprises extending to a wide network of third parties and business partners that are
not only accountable for delivering results but also for adhering to expected standards
that the organization seeks to uphold. The multiple structures that define organizations
today, whether by product line, geography, legal entity, or some other factor, require
a flexible and multidimensional approach to governance and control and the ability to
report accordingly.
Today, there is an increased need for transparency of how the organization operates
and governs itself; reporting now extends beyond financial performance; risk discus-
sions are expected to be more robust and detailed; corporate social responsibility
reporting matters more to stakeholders; and the pace for publishing such information
has accelerated. Changes in expectations of governance as a result of regulatory devel-
opments, listing standards, and other stakeholder requirements have mandated certain
structures and processes. These include independence of board members, disclosures
of skill profiles, processes for board and audit committee evaluation, and alignment of
incentives, pressures, and rewards to ensure the right behavior is promoted and nega-
tive behavior is corrected. All of this is designed to keep pace with the evolving risk
profile of the organization.
Combining into five principles the discussions relating to integrity and ethical
values, commitment to competence, board of directors or audit commit-
tee, managements philosophy and operating style, organizational structure,
assignment of authority and responsibility, and human resource policies
Expanding the notion of risk oversight and strengthening the linkages between
risk and performance to help allocate resources to support internal control in
the achievement of the entitys objectives
Risk Assessment
Since 1992 the attention given to risk and the risk assessment component of internal
control has continued to increase, with risk and control being more closely aligned.
Consequently, many organizations have shifted their thinking away from being prescrip-
tive to taking a more risk-based approach to internal control. Some users of the original
framework suggested that updates were needed to further enhance the understanding
of risk and its link to the overall system of internal control. As companies embrace risk
management and enterprise risk management programs, they are also seeking greater
clarity of how risk assessments are considered in the context of internal control, and
what aspects of risk management remain incremental to internal control.
Users also noted that almost half of the original chapter on risk assessment focused on
objectives, and that this focus was not needed if objective-setting was truly a precon-
dition to internal control. Many organizations have expanded their reporting efforts,
moving to include many other types of external reporting beyond just financial report-
ing. Finally, often in response to events occurring within their organizations, industry, or
within the general business community, and as a result of expanding legislative pres-
sures in some jurisdictions, many organizations have also increased their efforts relating
to anti-fraud efforts.
Clarifying that risk assessment includes processes for risk identification, risk
analysis, and risk response
Expanding the discussion on the risk severity beyond impact and likelihood to
include velocity and persistence
Control Activities
Since 1992, the evolving role of technology in business has perhaps been most evident
in the implementation of control activities. While the fundamental concepts around
control activities put forth in the original framework have not changed, technology has
changed many of the details. Today, information technology is much more integrated
into business processes throughout any entity. The variety of technologies being used
at most entities has mushroomed beyond largely centralized information systems in an
organizations own data center to myriad decentralized, mobile, intelligent and web-
enabled technologies, which are increasingly located at third-party service organiza-
tions. Also, the recent focus on improving controls in organizations, which has been
provoked by the marketplace and regulation, has led to a deeper understanding of how
control activities are effectively designed and implemented.
Clarifying that control activities are actions established by policies and proce-
dures rather than being the policies and procedures themselves
The volume of information, particularly in the form of raw data, accessible to and col-
lected by organizations, creates both opportunity and risk. The scope of regulatory
regimes has created greater demand for information, greater expectations for quality
and protection, and greater requirements for communication. And, as organizations
and business models have become more complex in structure and geographic reach,
quality information and its communication within the organization has become an
imperative. Additionally, the importance of the free flow of information within the orga-
nization to allow management and employees to understand new or changed events or
circumstances to re-evaluate risks and modify the internal control system has become
more critical as the legal, management, and functional structures of business entities
have become more complex.
Monitoring Activities
In applying the original framework, users often focused monitoring efforts extensively
on control activities. With the change in regulatory reporting requirements in many juris-
dictions, organizations have begun to consider monitoring in its broader and intended
contextassisting management in understanding how all components of internal
control are being applied and whether the overall system of internal control operates
effectively. To enhance internal consistency among components in the Framework and
make the discussion more actionable, the title of this component has been updated to
Monitoring Activities and the discussion has been enhanced.
The changes to the principles in the Framework will not substantially alter the
approaches developed for COSOs Guidance on Monitoring Internal Control Systems.
Refining the terminology, where the two main categories of monitoring activi-
ties are now referred to as ongoing evaluations and separate evaluations
This appendix outlines the relationship between the Internal ControlIntegrated Frame-
work and the ERM Framework.
A Broader Concept
Enterprise risk management is broader than internal control, elaborating on internal
control and focusing more directly on risk. Internal control is an integral part of enter-
prise risk management, while enterprise risk management is part of the overall gover-
nance process. This relationship is depicted in the illustration below.
Categories of Objectives
Both Internal ControlIntegrated Framework and Enterprise Risk ManagementInte-
grated Framework cover all reports developed by an entity, disseminated both internally
and externally. These include reports used internally by management and those issued
to external parties, including regulatory filings and reports to other stakeholders.
The two publications handle categories of objectives differently. While both specify the
three categories of objectives of operations, reporting, and compliance, ERM Frame-
work adds a fourth category: strategic objectives (illustrated in the diagram below).
Strategic objectives operate at a higher level than the others. They flow from an entitys
mission or vision, and the operations, reporting, and compliance objectives should be
aligned with them. Enterprise risk management is applied in setting strategies, as well
as in working toward achievement of objectives in the other three categories.
Operating within risk tolerance provides management greater assurance that the entity
remains within its risk appetite, which in turn provides added comfort that the entity will
achieve its objectives. The concept of risk tolerance is included in the Framework as a
precondition to internal control, but not as a part of internal control.
Portfolio View
Enterprise risk management requires considering composite risks from a portfolio
perspective. This concept is not contemplated in the Internal ControlIntegrated
Framework, which focuses on achievement of objectives on an individual basis. Internal
control does not require that the entity develop a portfolio view.
With the enhanced focus on risk, the ERM Framework expands the internal control
frameworks risk assessment component, creating three components: event identifica-
tion, risk assessment, and risk response (shown in the illustration below).
Expanded into
3 components
The objective-setting component of the ERM Framework considers the process used by
management and the board for setting operations, reporting, and compliance objec-
tives. Setting risk appetite and risk tolerance are key tenets of enterprise risk manage-
ment. In contrast, internal control views the setting of objectives and risk tolerance as
preconditions to an effective system of internal control.
Common to both internal control (IC) and enterprise risk management (ERM)
The principles for each component contained in the Framework are used where pos-
sible to depict these similarities and differences.
Control Environment
In discussing the Control Environment component, the ERM Framework discusses (in
the chapter titled Internal Environment) an entitys risk management philosophy, which
is the set of shared beliefs and attitudes characterizing how an entity considers risks,
reflecting its values and influencing its culture and operating style. As described above,
the Framework encompasses the concept of an entitys risk appetite, which is sup-
ported by more specific risk tolerances.
Because of the critical importance of the board of directors and its composition, ERM
Framework expands on the call for a critical mass of independent directors (normally at
least two) stating that for enterprise risk management to be effective, the board must
have at least a majority of independent outsidedirectors.
Risk Assessment
While both frameworks call for assessment of risk, ERM Framework suggests viewing
risk assessment through a sharper lens. Risks are considered as inherent and residual,
preferably expressed in the same unit of measure established for the objectives to
which the risks relate. Time horizons should be consistent with an entitys strategies,
objectives and, where possible, observable data. ERM Framework also calls attention to
interrelated risks, describing how a single event may create multiple risks.
As noted, enterprise risk management encompasses the need for an entity-level portfo-
lio view, with managers responsible for business unit, function, process, or other activi-
ties having a composite assessment of risk for individual units.
Like the Internal ControlIntegrated Framework, the ERM Framework identifies four
categories of risk response: avoid, reduce, share, and accept. However, enterprise
risk management requires an additional consideration: potential responses from these
categories with the intent of achieving a residual risk level aligned with the entitys risk
tolerances. Management also considers as part of enterprise risk management the
aggregate effect of its risk responses across the entity and in relation to the entitys risk
Control Activities
Both frameworks present control activities as helping ensure that managements risk
responses are carried out. The Internal ControlIntegrated Framework presents a more
current view of technology and its impact on the running of an entity.
The ERM Framework takes a broader view of information and communication, highlight-
ing data derived from past, present, and potential future events. Historical data allows
the entity to track actual performance against targets, plans, and expectations, and
provides insights into how the entity performed in the periods under varying conditions.
Current data provides important additional information, and data on potential future
events and underlying factors completes the analysis. The information infrastructure
sources and captures data in a timeframe and at a depth of detail consistent with the
entitys need to identify events and assess and respond to risks and remain within its
risk appetite. The Internal ControlIntegrated Framework focuses more narrowly on
data quality and relevant information needed for internal control.
Monitoring Activities
Both frameworks present monitoring activities as helping to ensure that the compo-
nents of internal control and enterprise risk management continue to function and
remain suitable over time. The Internal ControlIntegrated Framework presents a more
current view of monitoring using baseline information and the monitoring of external