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Volume 2Fallen Angels and Demons

This volume is second in the series on Satan, Fallen

Angels, and Demons. Satan's angels may be classed into two
groups. One of these includes those angels which at
present are at liberty in the heavenlies and who are
assisting Satan in his war against the hosts of God. The
other group are those whose freedom has been taken away
from them and who have been placed under "chains of
darkness . . . to await the day of judgment" (Jude 6; II
Peter 2:4-5).
This book discusses the question of when and how
some of the angels have been bound and their activities
curtailed. It also notes that some of the angels in chains
will be released during the Great and Terrible Day of the
There is also another class of fallen spirit beings that
the Bible speaks of as demons or devils. Demons seek
human habitation which indicates they have been
disembodied. The book discusses the matter of their
origin, and the strong possibility that they came from the
pre-Adamic world. (Gen. 1:28; Isaiah 24:1; and Jeremiah
The subject of the various orders of demons is taken
up. The Bible speaks of many kinds of evil spiritsblind
spirits, deaf spirits, deceiving spirits, seducing spirits,
jealous spirits, insane spirits, familiar spirits and other.
This volume takes note of some of the habits and activities
of these fallen spirits.
The lessons include the study of the Scriptural method
of casting out evil spirits. They show that dominion over
these spirits is possible through Christ's victory at Calvary
(John 12:31; 16:11). They note the place that prayer and
fasting holds in the casting out of the more powerful
A differentiation is shown between demon oppression,
obsession, and possession. Believers need not be under the
power of Satan in any way. Satan can never take actual
possession of a true believer although because some do not
recognize their true place in Christ, they are at times under
the oppression of evil spirits. The last chapter in the book
answers many questions that people ask concerning the
activities of evil spirits.


Satan, Fallen Angels and

by Gordon Lindsay

Published By
Dallas, Texas

Reprint 1982

All Rights Reserved

Chapter I Fallen Angels and Demons...............................................7

Chapter II Orders of Demons...........................................................15

Chapter III The Casting Out of Devils.............................................23

Chapter IV Demon Oppression, Obsession and Possession........33


I Fallen Angels and Demons

In the previous lessons we have given our main
attention to Satan as the principal character and leader of
the forces of evil. We have observed that under him are a
vast number of fallen angels through which he influences
and controls the destinies of nations. We have also
referred from time to time to the existence of lesser
emissaries, spoken of in the Scriptures as demons, or evil
spirits. Concerning these two orders of demons and fallen
angels, we shall now speak more particularly.


"Satan's angels apparently fall into two groups. One of
these includes those angels which at present are at liberty
in the heavenlies and who are assisting Satan in his war
against the hosts of God. The other group is those whose
freedom has been taken from them, and who have been
placed under "chains of darkness," to await the day of
"And the angels which kept not their first
estate, but left their own habitation, he hath
reserved in everlasting chains under darkness unto
the judgment of the great day." (Jude 6).
This means that certain of the fallen angels no longer
are at liberty but have been imprisoned in the outer
darkness. Having loved darkness rather than light they

8 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

have been given opportunity to taste of the everlasting

darkness. The Apostle Peter also speaks of these angels,
declaring that they have been cast down to "hell" to await
"For if God spared not the angels that sinned,
but cast them down to hell, and delivered them
into chains of darkness, to be reserved unto
judgment; And spared not the old world, but saved
Noah the eighth person, a preacher of
righteousness, bringing in the flood upon the
world of the ungodly ..." (II Peter 2:4-5).
The word "hell" in this isolated case is neither
translated from "hades" (the abode of the dead) nor from
"gehenna" a term used for the lake of fire. The word "hell"
in this instance is translated from the Greek word,
"tartarus." Tartarus evidently is a prison house for fallen
Now the question arises, why are certain of the fallen
angels at liberty, while others are bound "in chains of
darkness" and denied their freedom?
There are two possible answers to this question. Since
the Apostle Peter mentions together in one sentence, the
Judgment of the Flood and the chaining of these angels, it
is believed by some that the two events have a connection.
These Bible scholars believe that Gen. 6:4, refers to the
angels that "left their first estate" and who, cohabitating
with "the daughters of men," produced a race of giants on
the earth. That as punishment, these angels were taken
and placed under chains of darkness. All this is an
interesting possibility, although open to some serious
objections, such as the statement of Jesus that angels do
not marry. (Matt. 22:30).
Yet the fact remains that some fallen angels are bound
while others have retained their liberty. How do we
account for this? In seeking the answer to this question we
Fallen Angels and Demons 9

must bear in mind that the Scriptures teach that there has
been age-long warfare in the heavenlies. From time to time
certain principalities are defeated and overthrown. For
example "the prince of Persia" was defeated by the angel
Michael. After this evil prince was shorn of his power and
his kingdom brought to an end, was he left free to
continue his activities, or was he made a prisoner? While it
is true that Satan has some kind of legal claim on the earth
for a limited period, it also appears that his domain is
gradually being overthrown. Many of his kingdoms have
already fallen. Upon the defeat of these kingdoms is it not
possible that prisoners have been taken? One thing is
certain, fallen angels have been taken and imprisoned,
although the time they were apprehended is not definitely
But if certain fallen angels have been bound and their
activities curtailed, it also appears true that at least some
of them will be loosed for a little while during the closing
days of the Great Tribulation when the judgments of God
are in the earth.
"Saying to the sixth angel which had the
trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in
the great river Euphrates, And the four angels were
loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a
day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third
part of men." (Rev. 9:14-15).
Moreover, it appears that at the same time a great
army of demons will also be loosed from the bottomless
"And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star
fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was
given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened
the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of
the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun
and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke
10 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

of the pit. And there came out of the smoke locusts

upon the earth ... and their faces were as the faces
of men." (Rev. 9:1-3,7).
The time of the activities of these evil powers however
is very short, being limited to five months (verse 10) after
which undoubtedly, they will be returned to the
bottomless pit. (Rev. 20:1-3). But this brings us to the
subject of demons, one which we shall now consider.

Demons are a class of fallen spirit beings of which the
Bible takes frequent notice. These are variously called, evil
spirits, demons or devils. Although they are spirit beings,
they are distinctly of a different order than either Satan or
the fallen angels.
With a possible exception such as Satan's entering into
Judas, we do not have record of fallen angels inhabiting
human bodies. The fallen angels apparently have a
spiritual body of some kind and do not have need of
embodiment. Their sphere of activity is in the heavenlies
rather than upon earthalthough it is true that they will
be forced out of the heavenlies during the Great
Tribulation. (Rev. 12:12).
Demons on the other hand eagerly seek human
habitation. All evidence points to the fact that they are
disembodied spirits, and therefore their desire for
embodiment. Although demons are subordinate to the
fallen angels, their activities are in harmony with the
objectives and purposes of Satan. They play an important
role in the devil's program.


Where have demons come from? This is a question
that has often been raised, and it is more easily asked than
answered. While it is evident that the demons are not to be
Fallen Angels and Demons 11

included among the fallen angels which were cast out of

heaven at the time of Satan's rebellion, it nevertheless
seems probable that their fall is in some way associated
with this rebellion.
There is a widely held belief among Bible scholars, that
demons had their origin in a pre-Adamite world. There is
some evidence to support such a conclusion. We shall take
brief note of this evidence and permit the student to draw
his own conclusion.
When God created Adam and Eve and placed them in
the Garden of Eden He gave them the command to
multiply and replenish the earth. Gen. 1:28. This is the same
command that He gave Noah after the Flood. Gen. 9:1.
Since "replenish" means to "refill", the inference in both
cases is that the earth had been previously inhabited
before its population was depleted. This was certainly true
in respect to the Flood. But was there people before the
time of Adam, living on the earth, and did God send a
judgment upon this race? Isa. 24:1 and Jeremiah 4:23-26,
indicate that there was such a judgmentone of even
greater scope than in the time of the Flood. In fact, we are
told that as a result of the judgment there was "no man"
left on the earth, and "the earth was without form and
void" (Gen. 1:2)the very condition the earth was in
before the Adam creation.
"Behold, the Lord maketh the earth empty, and
maketh waste, and turneth it upside down, and
scattereth abroad the inhabitants thereof." (Isa.

"I beheld the earth, and, lo, it was without form,

and void; and the heavens, and they had no light. I
beheld the mountains, and lo, they trembled, and
all the hills moved lightly. I beheld, and, lo, there
was no man, and all the birds of the heavens were
fled. I beheld, and, lo, the fruitful place was a
12 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

wilderness, and all the cities thereof were broken

down at the presence of the Lord, and by his fierce
anger." (Jeremiah 4:23-26).
Was there a previous Eden before the Eden of Adam
and Eve? Did Lucifer, son of the morning have access to it?
Did Satan's fall affect the earth, and were there cataclysmic
earth changes resulting from a divine judgment at that
time? Geologic evidence of the so-called Ice Age bears
witness to the fact that there apparently was some kind of
catastrophe which rendered the world uninhabitable. If
Satan extended his rebellion to the inhabitants of the pre-
Adamite earth, then it would be a simple matter to
account for the existence of demons.
Whatever the truth is in this matter, the undeniable
fact is that vast numbers of demons do exist, and they
eagerly seek embodiment in human beings. Although the
Bible is scanty in its account of the origin of demons, we
are given considerable information concerning their
present habits and activities. In Luke 11:24-26, the Lord
makes a most interesting statement concerning the
eagerness of demons to inhabit the human body, and what
demons do in the event they are ejected from their
"When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man,
he walketh through dry places, seeking rest; and
finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house
whence I came out. And when he cometh, he
findeth it swept and garnished. Then he goeth he,
and taketh to him seven other spirits more wicked
than himself; and they enter in, and dwell there:
and the last state of that man is worse than the
first." (Luke 11:24-26).
From this statement of the Lord we see that a demon
has rest only when he finds habitation in a body. Once he
takes possession of a person, he will remain there, until
Fallen Angels and Demons 13

forcibly ejected (Luke 11:17-22) or until the person's death.

He will not willingly leave on his own accord.
Notwithstanding a demon must respect the power of the
name of Jesus. Christ in the Great Commission said, "In
my name ye shall cast out devils." (Mark 16:17). He also
spoke of this power He gave his disciples over demons,
when the Seventy returned, rejoicing because the demons
had fled at their command.
"And the seventy returned again with joy,
saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us
through thy name. And he said unto them, I beheld
Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give
unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing
shall by any means hurt you. Notwithstanding in
this rejoice not, that the spirits are subject unto you;
but rather rejoice, because your names are written
in heaven." (Luke 10:17-20).
Referring again to the words of Jesus in Luke 11:24, we
see that when a demon is cast out, he is unable to find rest
of any kind. He therefore will seek entrance into another
human body. This he may find difficult to do for reasons
explained in the next lesson. It then occurs to the evil spirit
that perhaps he may re-enter the body of the person from
whence he was cast out. In the case mentioned by Christ,
the demon returns and finds the "house swept and
garnished." Upon this discovery he takes to him seven
more spirits more wicked than himself and they enter in
"and the last state of that man is worse than the first." The
obvious lesson is: Demons have no right to dwell in the
individual who professes the name of Christ. However, if
the person is disobedient, self-willed and intent upon his
own course, and permits his life to continue empty of the
things of God, the demon then has a right to return and
take possession of the person.
14 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons


Further information on the habits of demons is
revealed in the story of the maniac of Gadara. In this case
the man is possessed of a legion of devilsperhaps
several thousand. (Mark 5:9). This shows that the laws
which govern a physical body are not the same as those
which govern a spirit. In the natural two objects cannot
occupy the same space. In the spirit world as many as
several thousand demons may occupy the same person.

II Orders of Demons
As human beings vary greatly in their talents and
abilities, so there is notable variation in the capacities of
evil spirits to do evil. Some demons may be cast out
readily. Others are so stubborn and tenacious that they can
be cast out only by prayer and fasting. (Mark 9:29). The
Bible speaks of many kinds of evil spirits. There are blind
spirits, deaf spirits, deceiving spirits, seducing spirits,
jealous spirits, insane spirits, epileptic spirits, familiar
spirits, and others. In this lesson we shall take note of
some of the habits of and methods employed by these
various orders of evil creatures.

Demons are able to take possession of certain organs of
the body, by oppressing or settling on various nerve
centers of the body. Thus, the auditory nerves, the optic
nerves, the throat nerves, the nervous system of the spine,
are all regions of attack.
When a deaf spirit settles on the auditory nerve of the
ear, the latter becomes paralyzed and ceases to function.
Sometimes the spirit controls the auditory nerves of both
ears and the person goes completely deaf. On occasion the
evil spirit may paralyze not only the nerves of the ears, but
also those of the throat so that the person is not only
unable to hear, but also unable to speak. This, however, is
not true in the majority of cases of the deaf, who are mute
only because they cannot hear. These people often can be

16 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

taught to speak, although because they cannot hear, their

words are usually in a dull monotone.
The case of a man who was both deaf and had an
impediment in his speech is mentioned in Mark 7:32: "And
they bring unto him one that was deaf, and had an
impediment in his speech; and they beseech him to put his
hand upon him." Jesus took him aside from the multitude
and healed him, and he was both able to hear and speak
(verses 32-34).
How do demons take possession of the auditory
nerves? These nerves ordinarily, when in a healthy
condition, resist the intrusion of an evil spirit. Sickness or
an accident can weaken this natural resistance, making it
possible for a demon to find entrance.

It seems strange to some people that demons can cause
blindness. A prominent minister once challenged us as to
the possibility that a demon could make a person blind. In
answer we simply asked him to turn to Matthew 12:22 and
read the verse, quoted below:
"Then was brought unto him one possessed
with a devil, blind, and dumb; and he healed him,
insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and
He read this verse and was astonished, having never
before caught the significance of it. There are cases in
which a blind spirit resides on the optic nerve, paralyzing
it and making it impossible for the person to see. Usually,
no amount of surgery can help the person who is thus
afflicted. Of course, there are many diseases of the eye
which are not caused by blind spirits. The eye is a very
complex organ and it may be injured or caused to lose its
sight, through a number of causes.
Orders of Demons 17

Infirm spirits control the body in various ways. One is
by settling on the spinal cord, often resulting in the
person's being twisted or bowed over, sometimes in a
grotesque manner. Luke 13:11 tells of a woman who had
an infirm spirit, who was "bowed together and could in no
wise lift herself up."
It is interesting to note that Jesus said that this woman
was a daughter of Abraham. When the Lord spoke in this
way, He indicated that the person or persons were
Abraham's children, not only by natural seed but by faith.
(John 8:39). In other words, she was a believer. This shows
that people can be subject to infirm spirits and still be
believers. It should be noted that in all such cases, the
devil is afflicting the body, not the soul. Actually, the devil
has no right to afflict the body of a believer any more than
his soul and if the person understands God's promises in
this respect, he will not tolerate the enemy to continue to
oppress him. It is up to Christians to recognize their
authority and take dominion over evil spirits.

The existence of deceiving or lying spirits is spoken of
in many places in the Bible. Of course, all evil spirits are
lying spirits; nevertheless, certain ones are especially given
to this work. In the days of Ahab, the Prophet Micaiah saw
a vision of the Lord. Ahab, the wicked king of Israel, was
engaged in hostilities with Syria. The king, under the
influence of his wife, Jezebel, was responsible for an
apostasy unparalleled in the history of the nation. Now
the hour of judgment had come. Because of Ahab's crimes,
an evil spirit was permitted to be a lying spirit in the
mouth of Ahab's false prophets. It is interesting to note
that a number of evil spirits solicited for the opportunity
to cause Ahab's downfall. But the one who was "a lying
spirit" was permitted to do the job:
18 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

"And the Lord said, Who shall persuade Ahab

that he may go up and fall at Ramothgilead? And
one said on this manner, and another said on that
manner. And there came forth a spirit and stood
before the Lord, and said, I will persuade him. And
the Lord said unto him, Wherewith? And he said, I
will go forth and I will be a lying spirit in the
mouth of all his prophets. And he said, Thou shalt
persuade him, and prevail also; go forth, and do
so." (I Kings 22:20-22).
While devils and demons usually resist the plan of
God, in certain instances they are quite willing to be the
instruments of carrying out sentences of divine judgment.
That is especially true when they can find embodiment in
human beings. It is evident that demon spirits derive a
pleasure in this embodiment.

Certain spirits oppress the mental faculties of human
beings and cause a very noticeable deterioration in their
spiritual life. Once a demon or demons get such control,
the individual becomes progressively more jealous,
suspicious, and anti-social. There is often a marked change
of personality. Such was the case of Saul who started well,
but who did not seem to understand the importance of
obedience. He would not fully carry out the orders of the
Lord. When Saul saw that his disobedience had caused
him to lose favor with God, instead of repenting he
became suspicious of all others who seemed in any way to
threaten his position.
The king, brooding over his self-imposed misfortunes,
developed an antipathy toward David, until he was ready
to kill him. And that is when the way was opened for a
jealous spirit to take possession of him.
Now it is important to notice that this evil spirit could
Orders of Demons 19

not take possession of Saul until God gave permission. But

Saul had rejected God's will and had substituted his own.
As a result, Saul no longer had the right to divine
protection but became vulnerable to the attack of evil
"And Saul eyed David from that day forward.
And it came to pass on the morrow that the evil
spirit from God came upon Saul, and he
prophesied in the midst of the house; and David
played with his hand, as at other times: and there
was a javelin in Saul's hand." (I Sam. 18:9-10).

Abimelech, who usurped and made himself king of
Israel in the days of the Judges, was another example of
how a man by his conduct can come under the power of
treacherous and murderous spirits. Abimelech, himself,
committed an infamous act of mass murder, for he was
responsible for the slaughter of seventy of his brethren,
sons of Gideon.
Because of his act of treachery, God permitted
an evil spirit to incite rebellion among the men of
Shechem. "When Abimelech had reigned three
years over Israel, then God sent an evil spirit
between Abimelech and the men of Shechem, and
the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with
Abimelech." (Judges 9:22-23).
The result of the uprising against the usurper was a
civil war that terminated with the death of Abimelech.

There are also religious demons who apparently have
special talents for luring people into false religions. These
spirits give false revelations and teach unscriptural
20 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

doctrines to persons who lack humility and are possessed

with undue personal ambitions. The Scriptures declare
that this will be especially the case in the last days. The
false religions that are arising on every hand bear witness
to the accuracy of this prophecy:
"Now the Spirit speaketh expressly that in the
latter times some shall depart from the faith, giving
heed to seducing spirits, and doctrines of devils." (I
Timothy 4:1).
These false spirits profess to give "new revelations"
which have a superficial plausibility but actually are at
gross variance with the Word of God. Such "revelations"
almost invariably play to the person's ego or pride by
making him believe he is some great one. Cases have come
under our personal observation in which the individual
being led away by the weakness of his own conceit has
accepted "revelations" that were evidently Satanic. We
shall take notice of some of these in a later lesson.


These are usually spoken of in the Scriptures as
"unclean spirits." They may take possession of a man and
drive him completely out of his mind, in some cases
making him a raving maniac. In the early part of Christ's
ministry while He was ministering in the synagogue at
Capernaum, an unclean spirit cried out saying, "Let us
alone; what have we to do with thee, thou Jesus of
Nazareth? Art thou come to destroy us? I know thee who
thou art, the Holy One of God." Christ cast out the evil
spirit and set the man free, to the amazement of the
There is a similar instance, but one much more violent
in nature, recorded in Mark 5:1-19, which we have noted
in a previous lesson. This was the case of the man who
Orders of Demons 21

was possessed of a legion of devils. They tormented his

body, so that he ran from the presence of men and dwelt
among the tombs. Fetters and chains had been placed
upon him, but so great was the power of the demons, that
they were plucked asunder. "And always day and night he
was in the mountains and in the tombs crying and cutting
himself with stones." (Mark 5:5).
Jesus cast out the evil spirits and the man was made
whole. The demons, incidentally, had so great a desire for
embodiment that they entered a herd of swine, which as a
result, stampeded violently and ran down a steep place
into the sea.
There are also spirits which possess mediums and
impersonate the dead. Because of the importance of this
subject, we shall deal with it more fully in another lesson.

III The Casting Out of Devils

In our study of the casting out of devils, we approach
an important and for that matter a very practical subject.
For today, as well as in past millennials, millions of people
have been, or are being oppressed and tormented by
demons. In this lesson we shall consider the means
ordained of God, whereby these evil spirits may be cast
In the Old Testament little is recorded about the
casting out of demons. The people of that day knew
almost nothing about Satan, except that he existed and
controlled a vast army of evil spirits intent upon the injury
of the human race. The righteous, however, looked
forward to the coming of the Messiah (John 4:25), Who
would reveal all things to His people and Who would
deliver the earth from Satan's curse.
As we have seen, Satan secured, as it were, a lease on
God's fair creation and since the time of Adam, has
influenced its affairs more or less as he pleased. In the
redemption of the children of Israel and bringing them
into covenant relation to Him, it was God's intention of
not only releasing them from the Egyptian taskmasters,
but also from the dominion of Satan (of whom Pharaoh
was a type). God's redeemed people were to be free men.
Unfortunately, the children of Israel disobeyed the Law
and broke the covenant. As a result, they lost their
independence, came under the rule of Gentile nations,
which in turn were under the dominion of the powers of

24 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

The activity of evil spirits is recorded in numerous
places in the Old Testament. In these recorded instances it
can usually be observed that disobedience to God made
the individual vulnerable to the evil spirits. Such was the
case of Saul, the first king of Israel. When the Spirit of the
Lord left Saul, an evil spirit came upon him. "The spirit of
the Lord departed from Saul and an evil spirit from the
Lord troubled him." (I Sam. 16:14). We cannot avoid the
significance of this statement. The implications are clear
that men are faced with two alternatives. They must serve
either God or the devil. One or the other will ultimately be
the master.
It is apparent that Saul did not become completely
demon possessed, but rather he was oppressed by an evil
spirit which gradually increased its grip upon him. It is
significant to note that in the early stages of Saul's malady,
the devil had only a comparatively mild hold upon him.
When David played songs of praise on his harp in the
presence of Saul, the evil spirit left him. "And it came to
pass when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul that
David took an harp, and played with his hands and Saul
was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed
from him." (I Sam. 16:23). This statement is enlightening.
When sinners enter the house of God and their heart is
open to the worship, they will be deeply affected by the
gospel songs and message. The oppressing spirits will
then leave for a time and if the person does not resist the
conviction of the Spirit, he will become converted to Christ
and freed from the dominion of Satan. (II Tim. 2:26). If
Saul had been sincere, he would have been liberated from
the power of the evil spirit for all time. But because he
continued in his self-will and nourished his jealous spirit,
the demon returned to plague him and lead him down the
road to ruin.
Incidentally, in the above instance it can be seen why
The Casting Out of Devils 25

worldly persons, more or less oppressed by evil powers,

do not appreciate Christian music and worship, but must
have a degraded form of music such as jazz, boogie-
woogie, swing, rock-and-roll, etc. Demons are content
only with that which is in sympathy with their own
discordant nature.


With the coming of Christ, a new era dawned in the
world. He was the promised Redeemer of the Old
Testament (Job 19:25), Who was to come and redeem the
human race from bondage. He would do what the Law
could not do. And so at the very beginning of His
ministry, while in the synagogue in His home town,
Nazareth, Jesus proclaimed His message of deliverance.
"The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he
hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor;
he hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to
preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of
sight to the blind, to set at liberty them that are
bruised." (Luke 4:18).
This deliverance which Jesus spoke of included the
setting free of captives who were under the oppression of
Satan and his evil spirits.
Leaving Nazareth, Jesus went immediately to
Capernaum and proceeded to demonstrate the gospel of
deliverance that He preached. A man in the synagogue
was possessed of an insane, or unclean spirit. The demon
at once recognized Christ and cried out to be left alone,
fearing that Jesus had come to destroy him. (Luke 4:33-34).
But Jesus rebuked the devil and cast him out. This was the
first case in which a demon had been cast out in the
presence of a congregation, and naturally it amazed the
26 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

"And they were all amazed, and spake among

themselves, saying, What a word is this! For with
authority and power he commandeth the unclean
spirits, and they come out." (Luke 4:36).


How did Christ secure the victory over Satan? It was
his perfect obedience even unto the death of the Cross. It
was at Calvary that Satan, "the prince of this world (was)
judged." (John 16:11). Jesus declared at that hour, "Now is
the judgment of this world; now shall the prince of this
world be cast out." (John 12:31).
As the result of Christ's victory over Satan, first in the
wilderness and then in anticipation of His final victory at
Calvary, He commissioned His disciples to cast out devils:
"Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the
dead, cast out devils; freely ye have received, freely
give." (Matt. 10:8).
And to the Seventy, to whom He gave the same
command, He described the fall of Satan from heaven, and
the coincident return of man's dominion over the powers
of evil, that Adam had lost at the fall:
"And the seventy returned again with joy,
saying, Lord, even the devils are subject unto us
through thy name. And he said unto them, I beheld
Satan as lightning fall from heaven. Behold, I give
unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions,
and over all the power of the enemy; and nothing
shall by any means hurt you." (Luke 10:17-19).
And after Christ's death and resurrection, Jesus could,
in the great Commission, give power over devils, to all
The Casting Out of Devils 27

"And these signs shall follow them that believe.

In my name they shall cast out devils . . . " (Mark


It is important to observe that devils are cast out only
in and through the name of Jesus. Believers are
empowered to have dominion over evil spirits, not
through their own power, but through and by the
authority of the name. Thus could the Seventy rejoice,
saying, "Lord, even the devils are subject to us through thy
Only those who have truly believed may have this
power. Believing means more than an intellectual
conviction. The reference is to those who believe Christ's
words to the extent that they obey His commandments.
"And why call me Lord, Lord, and do not the things which
I say?" (Luke 6:46). The power to cast out devils involves
more than a casual belief in the power of miracles.


An interesting incident occurred in the ministry of
Paul that illustrates the truth of which we are now
speaking. We are told of certain sons of one Sceva, who
witnessed the unusual power of Paul's ministrypower
that when handkerchiefs were taken from Paul's body and
placed on the sick, demons were cast out. Impressed by
the methods that Paul was using, these vagabond exorcists
decided to do likewise. They foolishly assumed that Paul's
power lay in some black magic similar to that which they
used, only a more potent kind. Carefully imitating the
words and phrases that Paul used, they spoke to the spirit
in a demon-possessed man, "We adjure you by Jesus
28 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

whom Paul preacheth". (Acts 19:13). The evil spirit at once

saw that the exorcists were merely parroting words and
did not have the power of Christ in their life. The scene
that followed was of a comic-opera nature.
"And the evil spirit answered and said, Jesus I
know, and Paul I know; but who are ye? And the
man in whom the evil spirit was leaped on them,
and overcame them, and prevailed against them,
so that they fled out of that house naked and
wounded." (Acts 19:15-16).
The result was that the sons of Sceva fled from the
scene, naked, wounded, and in wild disorder.


Some demons are more stubborn than others. Certain
evil powers can only be dislodged if special means are
used. This proved to be the case in the epileptic boy whom
the apostles could not heal. The apostles, emboldened by
past successes, laid hands on him and rebuked the evil
spirit. They confidently expected deliverance to come.
Nevertheless, to their surprise and consternation, the
demon stubbornly refused to go. Instead, it showed its
defiance by hurling the lad to the ground. If anything, it
appeared that the lad was worse off than at the beginning.
The disciples might have supposed that there was
something in the will of God that made healing of the lad
impossible. But Jesus quickly healed the child, showing
that the only cause of failure was unbelief:
"And Jesus said unto them, Because of your
unbelief; for verily I say unto you, If ye have faith
as a grain of mustard seed, ye shall say unto this
mountain, Remove hence to yonder place; and it
shall remove; and nothing shall be impossible unto
The Casting Out of Devils 29

you." (Matt. 17:20).

This is a subject that we cannot enlarge on here.
Nevertheless, we must say that prayer and fasting is one
of the great means God has provided to strengthen faith,
especially for difficult cases.
Fasting is the method that can be used when all other
means fail. The most difficult battle may be won through
prayer and fasting. Why did the demon go when Jesus
ministered to the child? Because Jesus Himself had fasted
until the power of the Spirited rested upon Him. Jesus
showed that there were no cases, as far as God was
concerned, that could not be delivered. Though some
demons are more stubborn than others, all must go before
the faith of those who pray the fasting prayer.


One thing should not be overlooked in this miracle.
When the demon left, Christ expressly forbade it to ever
return. He said, "Enter no more into him." (Mark 9:25).
Since Christ never spoke without a reason, it is evident
that there are times when a demon should be bound so
that it cannot return to the person that was afflicted.
Experience indicates that many people who are delivered
from a Satanic oppression often suffer a recurrence of their
trouble simply because the demon powers are not bound.
Christ said, "Whatsoever ye bind on earth shall be bound
in heaven, and whatsoever ye loose on earth shall be
loosed in heaven." (Matt. 18:18).


It has sometimes been asked, why that with the casting
out of evil spirits, the demons are not bound and cast into
the pit? Elsewhere we have written the following on this
It is perhaps true that demons may be bound for a
30 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

period of time, but whether they can be indiscriminately

sent into the pit, cannot be certainly ascertained. Jesus
spoke to one demon commanding him to come out of the
person and to enter no more into him. It is apparent that
Jesus took perfect control of the demons that were cast out
and they could do nothing except that He suffered them to
do so.
However, when the demons of the demoniac protested
against being sent into the deep (or the pit), declaring that
the time of their punishment had not yet come, He
suffered them to enter into the swine. (Mk. 5:1-13).
Indeed, it would appear from the words of the Lord,
that demons ordinarily are left free to wander about until
they find a body that they may enter, or even re-enter the
one from whence they were cast out. Let us notice the
passage in Luke 11:24-26.
"When the unclean spirit is gone out of a man,
he walketh through dry places seeking rest; and
finding none, he saith, I will return unto my house
whence I came out. And when he cometh he findeth
it swept and garnished. Then goeth he and taketh
to him seven other spirits more wicked than
himself; and they enter in and dwell there: and the
last state of that man is worse than the first."

From these Scriptures certain facts concerning demons
and their habits emerge:
1. That demons seek to inhabit human beings, and when
cast out immediately seek another human abode, or try
to re-enter the one from whence they were cast out.
2. They will not willingly leave a human body. Demons
do not cast each other out, but rather invite other
The Casting Out of Devils 31

demons to join them in their habitation. (Luke 11:11-

17, 18, 26).
3. Only the power of God can cast out demons, and a
ministry in which this power is manifested to cast
them out is an attestation of its genuineness. (Matt.
4. In the casting out of demons, faith should be exercised
against their attempts to enter the body from whence
they came or into others nearby. In the case of the deaf
and dumb child, Christ not only cast out the demon
but commanded it to "enter no more into him." (Mark
5. The power of God can cast out a demon, also bind and
send it into the pit, yet there is little record in the
Scriptures that Jesus actually did so. On the other
hand, he warned that a demon, when it was cast out,
immediately sought to enter another body. Failing in
this, he took other demons more wicked than himself,
and made an attempt to return into the body out of
which he had been cast. Jesus showed that this attempt
by demons might well be successful if the individual
fails to obey God, and the Spirit of the Lord does not
dwell in his heart and life.
Nevertheless Revelation 9:1-11 indicates that some
demons, indeed a great multitude of them, have in some
previous time been bound and cast into the bottomless pit.
However, the circumstances and time in which this
happened is not clear. Matthew 8:29, seems to indicate that
demons are free to continue their activities during this age,
and for this reason they protested against Jesus sending
them into the "deep." Christ acceded to their request and
permitted them to go into the herd of swine.

IV Demon Oppression, Obsession and

We have now come to the subject of demon oppression
in its various forms, which includes progressively,
oppression, depression, obsession and possession. It is a
matter of grave concern, to observe the number of ways
that demons are attacking, harassing, and actually
dominating people who are professing Christians.
Unfortunately, too, there is a vast amount of ignorance on
the part of the people on this vital subject. Many are sadly
confused on the manner of certain of Satan's operations in
this respect.
In studying this subject we should, first of all,
emphasize that it is certainly not the will of God for the
believer to be under Satan's oppressions in any way, no,
not for a moment! Satan is a defeated foe as far as the
believer is concerned and he has neither part nor lot in a
life that is under the protection of the Blood of Jesus.
Notwithstanding, it is also true that the devil respects
nothing but force, and he will intrude himself anywhere,
and take advantage of anyone, who will not stand up for
his rights. The devil even attacked Christ, but was unable
to touch Him simply because the Lord refused to accept
his suggestions and rather resisted him through the sword
of the Spirit, which is the word of God. Thus Jesus could
say, "The prince of this world cometh and hath nothing in
me." (In. 14:30).

34 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

Nor has Satan the right to touch any one in Christ. The
devil should have "nothing" in the believer also.
"We know that whosoever is born of God
sinneth not: but he that is begotten of God keepeth
himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not. And
we know that we are of God, and the whole world
lieth in wickedness." (I John 5:18-19).
From the above passage we see that sin is the main
avenue through which the devil can attack men. The
believer therefore must keep himself from evil, if the
wicked one is not to touch him. The latter part of this
Scripture is of solemn import. "The whole world lieth in
wickedness." It is through the prevalence of evil in the
world that the devil is able to make such inroads against
the human race.
But let us now consider the various ways and methods
in which the devil carries on his warfare against mankind.
Particularly we shall note the operation of demon agencies
against the mind and body of the individuals he attacks.

Satan's initial method of approach is usually through
the mind. He cannot go up to people and take possession
of either their mind, or body by direct action. Though he
eventually dominates the lives of myriads of people it is a
process that generally requires time. If the individual
deliberately refuses to accept Christ into his life, the
demon influences will gradually exercise a stronger
control, until at length chains are forged that cannot be
broken by human power.
There is such a thing as absolute demon possession, as
was the case of the man who lived among the tombs.
(Mark 5). In that instance the man was completely insane.
It is not necessary to suppose that Satan aims at taking
such absolute control over all people. That is not his plan.
Demon Oppression, Obsession and Possession 35

A lunatic is unable to promote the devil's cause beyond

providing a habitation for one or more of his evil spirits.
The devil seeks rather to control the minds of people so as
to influence them into a state of unbelief in God's word
and, to live a worldly life. If he succeeds in this he knows
that eventually they will die without God and go to a
Christless grave, which is his real objective. To get men
liberated from demon influence, it is important in all cases
to bring them to repentance unto God. To exorcise the
devil without a change of heart in the man, would only be
an invitation for the devil to return.
"In meekness instructing those that oppose
themselves; if God peradventure will give them
repentance to the acknowledging of the truth; And
that they may recover themselves out of the snare
of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his
will." (II Tim. 2:25-26).
Under Satan's malign influence, the soul without God
steadily gravitates into sin, and gradually loses all taste for
spiritual things. In this condition he will never of himself,
seek after God unless the word of God comes to him,
quickened by the Holy Spirit.
"And you hath he quickened, who were dead
in trespasses and sins; Wherein in time past ye
walked according to the course of this world,
according to the prince of the power of the air, the
spirit that now worketh in the children of
disobedience ..." (Eph. 2:1-2).
The awakened sinner then realizes that he must make
a decision. What decision he makes will influence his life
not only for time, but for the eternity which is to come. It
will determine whether he will be a free man or
henceforth a slave to demon power.


36 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

When the human mind is not in harmony with the
revealed will of God, it is particularly open to suggestions
from evil spirits. Suggestion is the first step in the enemy's
strategy to control the mind. Notice how quickly Satan
was able to influence Peter, even after he had made the
Great Confession of Christ's deity, which had come to him
by direct revelation of God. (Matt. 16:16-17). Yet a short
while later under the influence of the devil, Peter took it
upon himself to rebuke the Lord and advise Him that He
was not to die upon the cross. (verse 22). Notice the
significance of Christ's answer. His reply to Peter was
actually not to him, but to Satan!
"But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee
behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for
thou savourest not the things that be of God, but
those that be of men." (Matt. 16:23).
Because Peter was so carnal the devil was able to get
his suggestion to him without his being aware of the
identity of the one who gave him the suggestion. Small
wonder then, that Christians today who live in a carnal
plane, receive and accept many suggestions which actually
originate from no one else but the devil. Jesus always
tested the suggestions that came to Him by measuring
them with the word of God. Consequently the devil was
unable to get anywhere with Him.
"As (a man) thinketh in his heart so is he," (Pro. 23:7)
said the inspired writer.
The secret of continuous victory is to guard the gates
of the mind so that the enemy may not intrude. But many
Christians fail at this point. The devil tells the young
convert that he has lost his feelings and therefore is no
longer saved. He suggests to another who has been healed
that the symptoms of his disease are coming back. In
Demon Oppression, Obsession and Possession 37

either case if they listen to, and accept the suggestions, the
enemy at once follows up his advantage. The devil's plan
is to get people to live in the negative, and in so doing they
become a target for his suggestions. Even though they still
hold their faith in Christ, if they give heed to these
suggestions they lose the victory, and thus help to swell
the ranks of the army of neurotic Christians.
What is the answer? The victory lies in the spirit and in
the mind. Our warfare is not against flesh and blood but
against these unseen spiritual powers. We must reject their
suggestions, and cast them down as imaginations that
spring from our enemy, Satan.
"Casting down imaginations, and every high
thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of
God, and bringing into captivity every thought to
the obedience of Christ;" (II Cor. 10:5).
The answer to negative thinking is not to reduce the
mind to a blank. We must rather think positive thoughts,
God's thoughtsthen the negative thoughts will have no
place. In the book of Philippians, the Apostle Paul tells us
what God's thoughts are:
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things
are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever
things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good
report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any
praise, think on these things." (Phil. 4:8).

The next step that Satan takes to draw an individual
deeper under his influence, is to distort the person's
thinking so as to bring his mind if possible into a state of
This is a more dangerous condition than oppression.
38 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

When a person is oppressed of the enemy, he still has

control of his faculties and can choose to be delivered from
his condition. In demon obsession the man comes under
the spell of his delusion and does not wish to be freed
from it. He, in fact, is now its willing victim and desires
the perpetuation of the evil thing that has come into his
life. Demon obsession is not quite the same as demon
possession, but it is an escape from reality and can lead,
and often does, to this final state.
King Saul became obsessed with the demon of
jealousy. Even though the demon that oppressed him was
exorcised, such was his ungratefulness for his deliverance,
that he continued to brood over his misfortunes and
imagined that they were caused by David rather than by
himself. This entertaining of altogether unfounded
suspicions against David who was entirely innocent, and
actually his friend, opened the door wide for the demon to
return. When this occurred, Saul's mind became so
warped that he found himself obsessed with a desire to
kill the one who had done him the signal service of
defeating his enemies. He seemed to entertain an insane
belief that if David were out of the way, God would be
forced to retain him as king. Saul continued on his mad
course, until at length, the Spirit of the Lord long grieved,
left him altogether. So far had Saul departed from the way
of the Lord, that he was ready to employ the services of a
witch in an attempt to communicate with the dead.
Spiritualists and their devotees are victims of delusions
caused by seducing spirits. Although the Bible condemns
attempted communication with the dead, and strictly
forbids its practice with the severest penalties attached,
spiritualists find a way of rationalizing all this, and are
able to persuade themselves that these spirits are what
they claim to be. This, despite the fact that these familiar
spirits are notorious liars. Only the power of God can
deliver people once they become obsessed with this
Demon Oppression, Obsession and Possession 39

powerful delusion.
There are many other deceptions, perhaps less
dangerous than spiritualism of which people today are
victims. It is common knowledge that some good
Christians become obsessed with teachings that are
patently at variance with the Scriptures, and they will hold
to them with a tenacity that is worthy of a better cause.
While some of these doctrines might be harmless, were it
not that they seriously divide the church, others are
definitely of the spirit of antichrist and lead their devotees
to spiritual ruin.
In almost all cases, those who come under the spell of
any of these doctrinal obsessions consider them more
important than anything else, and in fact regard belief in
them as the acid test of fellowship. The thing has become a
fixation in their mind, and usually they are not content
unless they are proselyting others to their peculiar

We now come to the matter of actual demon
possession. This is the most deadly form of demon activity
and is a subject in which there is considerable
misunderstanding. To properly understand the manner in
which Satan operates in this field, we must recognize what
is clearly taught in the Scriptures, that man is a three-fold
being. Therefore any one or more of these departments of
his nature are in danger of being attacked by the enemy.
Fortunately, God has provided ample means by which the
believer can be made completely secure against all attacks
by the enemy.
"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on
serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of
the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt
you." (Luke 10:19).
40 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

We will begin by noting the attacks of demons against

the physical body, and from there proceed to the more
dangerous phases of demon possession. In previous
lessons, we have noted that the evil spirits can oppress, or
actually do possess, one or more organs of the human
body, by settling on the vital nerves of those organs. It is
clearly possible for believers to become a victim of the
physical oppression of demonsbut only if those
believers through ignorance, or wrong teaching, fail to
take their rightful authority over the devil. It is definitely
taught by the Scriptures that it is not God's will that Satan
should have power over the believer at all. (I Jn. 5:18-19).
Nevertheless while Christians are regularly taught to put
their soul in the hands of God, unfortunately, not all are
taught to also put their body in the hands of God.
To defeat an enemy we must first be able to recognize
and identify his activities. That evil spirits are the cause of
many afflictions is plainly taught by the Scriptures. Christ
cast deaf spirits out of the deaf, blind "spirits out of the
blind, and infirm spirits out of the infirm. Yet Christians
who have these afflictions, are sometimes offended by the
implication that their sickness could be caused by evil
spirits, since they are convinced that no evil spirit can
touch a Christian. But what saith the Scriptures? Jesus cast
an infirm spirit out of the body of a woman whom He
spoke of as a believer, a daughter of Abraham. When Jesus
referred to people as being sons or daughters of Abraham,
He meant their spiritual relationship (Jn. 8:39) not natural
descent. (Jn. 8:37). This woman, a daughter of Abraham by
the flesh, was one also by faith. Notwithstanding an infirm
spirit had taken residence in the nervous system of her
back, causing her to be bowed over in a most distressing
manner and position. Jesus cast the devil outmuch to the
annoyance of the ruler of the synagogue, an ecclesiastic,
who apparently was not interested in evil spirits being cast
out of his parishioners, at least not on the Sabbath day.
Jesus told him that he was more interested in seeing his ox
Demon Oppression, Obsession and Possession 41

watered on the Sabbath day, than this woman being

delivered from the bonds of Satan. (Luke 13:15-16).
As this daughter of Abraham suffered physically from
the tyranny of Satan, so today there are many of
Abraham's sons and daughters by faith (Rom. 4:16), who
are oppressed in their body by the enemy. The devil
cannot take possession of their soul, for they have placed it
in the hands of God, but he does oppress their body
because they have not yet learned that the devil has no
right to do so, and they have not stood on their rights.


That the devil can take possession of the body,
although the soul and spirit may be saved, is clearly
shown in I Corinthians 5. Here was a believer that had
fallen into great sinsin of the darkest hue, for he had his
own father's mother to wife. Paul delivered this man over
to Satan for the "destruction" of his body in order that his
spirit might be saved.
"In the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, when ye
are gathered together, and my spirit, with the
power of our Lord Jesus Christ, To deliver such an
one unto Satan for the destruction of the flesh, that
the spirit may be saved in the day of the Lord
Jesus." ( I Cor. 5:4-5).
It is probable that some professing Christians are
suffering bodily affliction for a similar cause that this man
did. They have disobeyed God, or are tolerating known
sin in their life. Certainly however, the above instance is
no reason for a sincere believer being under the
oppression of the devil. In this case the affliction had come
upon the man because of his deeds. Paul gave him a taste
of the devil's power so that he would repent and turn from
Satan, and be saved. The incident clearly shows that
42 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

demon possession of the soul and of the body are two

different things.


That there is a difference between the human mind
and the brain is shown in the symptoms of the disease of
epilepsy. According to the Scriptures (Luke 9:39) epileptic
seizures are the result of demon possession and
apparently affecting a part of the brain. The boy of Luke 9,
that fell into the water and into the fire was a victim of an
epileptic demon. When a demon spirit possesses a willing
victim such as a spiritualist medium, it enters into a kind
of covenant relationship with the person. In the case of an
epileptic, however, the demon seizes the mind against the
will of the person, who sincerely desires deliverance. It is a
matter of common knowledge that some Christians have
epileptic seizures. The evil spirit which torments them, is
unable to possess their soul but he does injure their body.
Through some physical or inherited weakness the devil is
enabled to take such possession of the person's brain, as at
times to cause consciousness to black out.
As we have mentioned, in spiritualism, the medium
enters into a sort of covenant relationship with the familiar
spirit, which acts as a "control" in the impersonations
carried on during the trances. This evil spirit, given the
privilege of habitation, in return, allows the medium to
retain possession of his faculties, except at times when he
is in trance. His alleged communication with the dead, is
one of the devil's schemes in drawing people away from
the word of God and under the influence of seducing


Absolute demon possession generally means insanity.
Usually the symptoms develop by slow stages and
Demon Oppression, Obsession and Possession 43

increase in character, especially if more than one evil spirit

takes possession of the individual. The uncontrolled
emotions of suspicion, jealousy and hatred open the door
to these unclean spirits. Such people who come under the
influence of this kind of oppression, instead of recognizing
their danger and seeking help from God, are inclined to
brood over their troubles and thus encourage the very
thing that seeks their ruin. Due to the negative attitude
they assume, the way may be opened for more than one
evil spirit to enter. This process may develop to the point
where the person becomes violently insane. Since such
victims resist any assistance and actually wish to live in
their world of delusion, there is little that can be done for
them. Notwithstanding, it is a matter of record that the
power of God, has delivered many such cases.
Psychiatry is the modern profession, which seeks to
assist people with sick minds or who are maladjusted.
Psychiatrists of course have no power to cast out evil
spirits, but they must work as a physician on the natural
plane. They seek to get the person to recognize the basic
cause of their frustrations. Hours of consultation, over a
period of many months, are often required in the effort to
trace some unpleasant circumstance in their youth that is
responsible for the frustration. Sometimes psychiatrists are
able to uncover a cause long buried in the mind, and in so
doing they release the pent-up neurosis. The person may
then show improvement. Psychiatrists as physicians, have
definite limitations. Their profession cannot relieve the
guilt of the sinner before God, nor can it exorcize demons.
They can only help nature in its fight against
psychological and mental blocks.
Man was made in the image of God and it was the
divine purpose that he become a habitation of God, a
temple of the Spirit of God. "What? know ye not that your
body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you,
which ye have of God, and ye are not your own?" ( I Cor.
44 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons

6:19). If the Spirit of God is not permitted to dwell in that

temple, another spirit sooner or later, will. If the
individual closes his nature to God and opens it to evil,
these evil powers will enter and in time will take
possession of the person's faculties. Judas Iscariot was
perhaps one of the most notorious examples of this result.
There are many differences in degree and kind, of
demon possession. Some persons so possessed, are
harmless. In many instances however, the person may
become violent and prove a menace to society as to require
confinement in a mental institution. In any case it is a sad
and tragic thing to see a man, who made in the image of
God, is robbed of his dominion, and, like Samson of old is
made a slave to evil powers over which he has no control,
and who are interested only in his ruin.
Demon Oppression, Obsession and Possession 45

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