Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons Vol 2 - Gordon Lindsay PDF
Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons Vol 2 - Gordon Lindsay PDF
Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons Vol 2 - Gordon Lindsay PDF
Published By
Dallas, Texas
Reprint 1982
8 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons
must bear in mind that the Scriptures teach that there has
been age-long warfare in the heavenlies. From time to time
certain principalities are defeated and overthrown. For
example "the prince of Persia" was defeated by the angel
Michael. After this evil prince was shorn of his power and
his kingdom brought to an end, was he left free to
continue his activities, or was he made a prisoner? While it
is true that Satan has some kind of legal claim on the earth
for a limited period, it also appears that his domain is
gradually being overthrown. Many of his kingdoms have
already fallen. Upon the defeat of these kingdoms is it not
possible that prisoners have been taken? One thing is
certain, fallen angels have been taken and imprisoned,
although the time they were apprehended is not definitely
But if certain fallen angels have been bound and their
activities curtailed, it also appears true that at least some
of them will be loosed for a little while during the closing
days of the Great Tribulation when the judgments of God
are in the earth.
"Saying to the sixth angel which had the
trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in
the great river Euphrates, And the four angels were
loosed, which were prepared for an hour, and a
day, and a month, and a year, for to slay the third
part of men." (Rev. 9:14-15).
Moreover, it appears that at the same time a great
army of demons will also be loosed from the bottomless
"And the fifth angel sounded, and I saw a star
fall from heaven unto the earth: and to him was
given the key of the bottomless pit. And he opened
the bottomless pit; and there arose a smoke out of
the pit, as the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun
and the air were darkened by reason of the smoke
10 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons
Demons are a class of fallen spirit beings of which the
Bible takes frequent notice. These are variously called, evil
spirits, demons or devils. Although they are spirit beings,
they are distinctly of a different order than either Satan or
the fallen angels.
With a possible exception such as Satan's entering into
Judas, we do not have record of fallen angels inhabiting
human bodies. The fallen angels apparently have a
spiritual body of some kind and do not have need of
embodiment. Their sphere of activity is in the heavenlies
rather than upon earthalthough it is true that they will
be forced out of the heavenlies during the Great
Tribulation. (Rev. 12:12).
Demons on the other hand eagerly seek human
habitation. All evidence points to the fact that they are
disembodied spirits, and therefore their desire for
embodiment. Although demons are subordinate to the
fallen angels, their activities are in harmony with the
objectives and purposes of Satan. They play an important
role in the devil's program.
II Orders of Demons
As human beings vary greatly in their talents and
abilities, so there is notable variation in the capacities of
evil spirits to do evil. Some demons may be cast out
readily. Others are so stubborn and tenacious that they can
be cast out only by prayer and fasting. (Mark 9:29). The
Bible speaks of many kinds of evil spirits. There are blind
spirits, deaf spirits, deceiving spirits, seducing spirits,
jealous spirits, insane spirits, epileptic spirits, familiar
spirits, and others. In this lesson we shall take note of
some of the habits of and methods employed by these
various orders of evil creatures.
Demons are able to take possession of certain organs of
the body, by oppressing or settling on various nerve
centers of the body. Thus, the auditory nerves, the optic
nerves, the throat nerves, the nervous system of the spine,
are all regions of attack.
When a deaf spirit settles on the auditory nerve of the
ear, the latter becomes paralyzed and ceases to function.
Sometimes the spirit controls the auditory nerves of both
ears and the person goes completely deaf. On occasion the
evil spirit may paralyze not only the nerves of the ears, but
also those of the throat so that the person is not only
unable to hear, but also unable to speak. This, however, is
not true in the majority of cases of the deaf, who are mute
only because they cannot hear. These people often can be
16 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons
It seems strange to some people that demons can cause
blindness. A prominent minister once challenged us as to
the possibility that a demon could make a person blind. In
answer we simply asked him to turn to Matthew 12:22 and
read the verse, quoted below:
"Then was brought unto him one possessed
with a devil, blind, and dumb; and he healed him,
insomuch that the blind and dumb both spake and
He read this verse and was astonished, having never
before caught the significance of it. There are cases in
which a blind spirit resides on the optic nerve, paralyzing
it and making it impossible for the person to see. Usually,
no amount of surgery can help the person who is thus
afflicted. Of course, there are many diseases of the eye
which are not caused by blind spirits. The eye is a very
complex organ and it may be injured or caused to lose its
sight, through a number of causes.
Orders of Demons 17
Infirm spirits control the body in various ways. One is
by settling on the spinal cord, often resulting in the
person's being twisted or bowed over, sometimes in a
grotesque manner. Luke 13:11 tells of a woman who had
an infirm spirit, who was "bowed together and could in no
wise lift herself up."
It is interesting to note that Jesus said that this woman
was a daughter of Abraham. When the Lord spoke in this
way, He indicated that the person or persons were
Abraham's children, not only by natural seed but by faith.
(John 8:39). In other words, she was a believer. This shows
that people can be subject to infirm spirits and still be
believers. It should be noted that in all such cases, the
devil is afflicting the body, not the soul. Actually, the devil
has no right to afflict the body of a believer any more than
his soul and if the person understands God's promises in
this respect, he will not tolerate the enemy to continue to
oppress him. It is up to Christians to recognize their
authority and take dominion over evil spirits.
The existence of deceiving or lying spirits is spoken of
in many places in the Bible. Of course, all evil spirits are
lying spirits; nevertheless, certain ones are especially given
to this work. In the days of Ahab, the Prophet Micaiah saw
a vision of the Lord. Ahab, the wicked king of Israel, was
engaged in hostilities with Syria. The king, under the
influence of his wife, Jezebel, was responsible for an
apostasy unparalleled in the history of the nation. Now
the hour of judgment had come. Because of Ahab's crimes,
an evil spirit was permitted to be a lying spirit in the
mouth of Ahab's false prophets. It is interesting to note
that a number of evil spirits solicited for the opportunity
to cause Ahab's downfall. But the one who was "a lying
spirit" was permitted to do the job:
18 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons
Certain spirits oppress the mental faculties of human
beings and cause a very noticeable deterioration in their
spiritual life. Once a demon or demons get such control,
the individual becomes progressively more jealous,
suspicious, and anti-social. There is often a marked change
of personality. Such was the case of Saul who started well,
but who did not seem to understand the importance of
obedience. He would not fully carry out the orders of the
Lord. When Saul saw that his disobedience had caused
him to lose favor with God, instead of repenting he
became suspicious of all others who seemed in any way to
threaten his position.
The king, brooding over his self-imposed misfortunes,
developed an antipathy toward David, until he was ready
to kill him. And that is when the way was opened for a
jealous spirit to take possession of him.
Now it is important to notice that this evil spirit could
Orders of Demons 19
Abimelech, who usurped and made himself king of
Israel in the days of the Judges, was another example of
how a man by his conduct can come under the power of
treacherous and murderous spirits. Abimelech, himself,
committed an infamous act of mass murder, for he was
responsible for the slaughter of seventy of his brethren,
sons of Gideon.
Because of his act of treachery, God permitted
an evil spirit to incite rebellion among the men of
Shechem. "When Abimelech had reigned three
years over Israel, then God sent an evil spirit
between Abimelech and the men of Shechem, and
the men of Shechem dealt treacherously with
Abimelech." (Judges 9:22-23).
The result of the uprising against the usurper was a
civil war that terminated with the death of Abimelech.
There are also religious demons who apparently have
special talents for luring people into false religions. These
spirits give false revelations and teach unscriptural
20 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons
24 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons
The activity of evil spirits is recorded in numerous
places in the Old Testament. In these recorded instances it
can usually be observed that disobedience to God made
the individual vulnerable to the evil spirits. Such was the
case of Saul, the first king of Israel. When the Spirit of the
Lord left Saul, an evil spirit came upon him. "The spirit of
the Lord departed from Saul and an evil spirit from the
Lord troubled him." (I Sam. 16:14). We cannot avoid the
significance of this statement. The implications are clear
that men are faced with two alternatives. They must serve
either God or the devil. One or the other will ultimately be
the master.
It is apparent that Saul did not become completely
demon possessed, but rather he was oppressed by an evil
spirit which gradually increased its grip upon him. It is
significant to note that in the early stages of Saul's malady,
the devil had only a comparatively mild hold upon him.
When David played songs of praise on his harp in the
presence of Saul, the evil spirit left him. "And it came to
pass when the evil spirit from God was upon Saul that
David took an harp, and played with his hands and Saul
was refreshed, and was well, and the evil spirit departed
from him." (I Sam. 16:23). This statement is enlightening.
When sinners enter the house of God and their heart is
open to the worship, they will be deeply affected by the
gospel songs and message. The oppressing spirits will
then leave for a time and if the person does not resist the
conviction of the Spirit, he will become converted to Christ
and freed from the dominion of Satan. (II Tim. 2:26). If
Saul had been sincere, he would have been liberated from
the power of the evil spirit for all time. But because he
continued in his self-will and nourished his jealous spirit,
the demon returned to plague him and lead him down the
road to ruin.
Incidentally, in the above instance it can be seen why
The Casting Out of Devils 25
From these Scriptures certain facts concerning demons
and their habits emerge:
1. That demons seek to inhabit human beings, and when
cast out immediately seek another human abode, or try
to re-enter the one from whence they were cast out.
2. They will not willingly leave a human body. Demons
do not cast each other out, but rather invite other
The Casting Out of Devils 31
34 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons
Nor has Satan the right to touch any one in Christ. The
devil should have "nothing" in the believer also.
"We know that whosoever is born of God
sinneth not: but he that is begotten of God keepeth
himself, and that wicked one toucheth him not. And
we know that we are of God, and the whole world
lieth in wickedness." (I John 5:18-19).
From the above passage we see that sin is the main
avenue through which the devil can attack men. The
believer therefore must keep himself from evil, if the
wicked one is not to touch him. The latter part of this
Scripture is of solemn import. "The whole world lieth in
wickedness." It is through the prevalence of evil in the
world that the devil is able to make such inroads against
the human race.
But let us now consider the various ways and methods
in which the devil carries on his warfare against mankind.
Particularly we shall note the operation of demon agencies
against the mind and body of the individuals he attacks.
Satan's initial method of approach is usually through
the mind. He cannot go up to people and take possession
of either their mind, or body by direct action. Though he
eventually dominates the lives of myriads of people it is a
process that generally requires time. If the individual
deliberately refuses to accept Christ into his life, the
demon influences will gradually exercise a stronger
control, until at length chains are forged that cannot be
broken by human power.
There is such a thing as absolute demon possession, as
was the case of the man who lived among the tombs.
(Mark 5). In that instance the man was completely insane.
It is not necessary to suppose that Satan aims at taking
such absolute control over all people. That is not his plan.
Demon Oppression, Obsession and Possession 35
When the human mind is not in harmony with the
revealed will of God, it is particularly open to suggestions
from evil spirits. Suggestion is the first step in the enemy's
strategy to control the mind. Notice how quickly Satan
was able to influence Peter, even after he had made the
Great Confession of Christ's deity, which had come to him
by direct revelation of God. (Matt. 16:16-17). Yet a short
while later under the influence of the devil, Peter took it
upon himself to rebuke the Lord and advise Him that He
was not to die upon the cross. (verse 22). Notice the
significance of Christ's answer. His reply to Peter was
actually not to him, but to Satan!
"But he turned, and said unto Peter, Get thee
behind me, Satan: thou art an offence unto me: for
thou savourest not the things that be of God, but
those that be of men." (Matt. 16:23).
Because Peter was so carnal the devil was able to get
his suggestion to him without his being aware of the
identity of the one who gave him the suggestion. Small
wonder then, that Christians today who live in a carnal
plane, receive and accept many suggestions which actually
originate from no one else but the devil. Jesus always
tested the suggestions that came to Him by measuring
them with the word of God. Consequently the devil was
unable to get anywhere with Him.
"As (a man) thinketh in his heart so is he," (Pro. 23:7)
said the inspired writer.
The secret of continuous victory is to guard the gates
of the mind so that the enemy may not intrude. But many
Christians fail at this point. The devil tells the young
convert that he has lost his feelings and therefore is no
longer saved. He suggests to another who has been healed
that the symptoms of his disease are coming back. In
Demon Oppression, Obsession and Possession 37
either case if they listen to, and accept the suggestions, the
enemy at once follows up his advantage. The devil's plan
is to get people to live in the negative, and in so doing they
become a target for his suggestions. Even though they still
hold their faith in Christ, if they give heed to these
suggestions they lose the victory, and thus help to swell
the ranks of the army of neurotic Christians.
What is the answer? The victory lies in the spirit and in
the mind. Our warfare is not against flesh and blood but
against these unseen spiritual powers. We must reject their
suggestions, and cast them down as imaginations that
spring from our enemy, Satan.
"Casting down imaginations, and every high
thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of
God, and bringing into captivity every thought to
the obedience of Christ;" (II Cor. 10:5).
The answer to negative thinking is not to reduce the
mind to a blank. We must rather think positive thoughts,
God's thoughtsthen the negative thoughts will have no
place. In the book of Philippians, the Apostle Paul tells us
what God's thoughts are:
"Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true,
whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things
are just, whatsoever things are pure, whatsoever
things are lovely, whatsoever things are of good
report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any
praise, think on these things." (Phil. 4:8).
The next step that Satan takes to draw an individual
deeper under his influence, is to distort the person's
thinking so as to bring his mind if possible into a state of
This is a more dangerous condition than oppression.
38 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons
powerful delusion.
There are many other deceptions, perhaps less
dangerous than spiritualism of which people today are
victims. It is common knowledge that some good
Christians become obsessed with teachings that are
patently at variance with the Scriptures, and they will hold
to them with a tenacity that is worthy of a better cause.
While some of these doctrines might be harmless, were it
not that they seriously divide the church, others are
definitely of the spirit of antichrist and lead their devotees
to spiritual ruin.
In almost all cases, those who come under the spell of
any of these doctrinal obsessions consider them more
important than anything else, and in fact regard belief in
them as the acid test of fellowship. The thing has become a
fixation in their mind, and usually they are not content
unless they are proselyting others to their peculiar
We now come to the matter of actual demon
possession. This is the most deadly form of demon activity
and is a subject in which there is considerable
misunderstanding. To properly understand the manner in
which Satan operates in this field, we must recognize what
is clearly taught in the Scriptures, that man is a three-fold
being. Therefore any one or more of these departments of
his nature are in danger of being attacked by the enemy.
Fortunately, God has provided ample means by which the
believer can be made completely secure against all attacks
by the enemy.
"Behold, I give unto you power to tread on
serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of
the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt
you." (Luke 10:19).
40 Satan, Fallen Angels and Demons