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E3051 16
E3051 16
Copyright ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959. United States
E3051 16
Pharmaceutical cGMPs for the 21st Century, A Risk-Based both in a modular manner provided that connectors are
Approach compatible with each other.
2.6 European Medicine Agency: 3.1.4 subject matter experts, nindividuals with expertise
Commission Directive 2003/94/EC of 8 October 2003 in a particular area or field, which will include, but are not
2.7 Other Publications: limited to, material sciences, plastics and molding
PDA Technical Report No. 66 Application of Single-Use technologies, sterilization, particulate assessment, and leach-
Systems in Pharmaceutical Manufacturing ables and extractables.
Consensus Quality Agreement Template for Single-Use Bio- 3.1.5 verification, nverification is a systematic approach
pharmaceutical Manufacturing Products BioProcess Sys- to verify that SUS, acting singly or in combination, are fit for
tems Alliance7 intended use, have been properly installed, and are operating
TAPPI Standard Practice T 564 sp-11 correctly. DiscussionThe manufacturing process for an SUS
3. Terminology consists of multiple steps and verification activities should be
3.1 Definitions: appropriate for the stage of the SUS design and manufacturing
3.1.1 For definitions of terms used in this guide, refer to process (for example, material selection versus component
Terminology E2363, Guide E2500, and PDA Technical Report dimensions versus configuration) and the intended purpose of
No. 66. Terms requiring special consideration as they relate to the component or finished assembly or both. Verification is an
SUS are detailed below. umbrella term that encompasses all types of approaches to
3.1.2 design reviews, npurpose of design reviews is still to assuring systems are fit for use including qualification, com-
evaluate design against standards and requirements, identify missioning and qualification, verification, system validation, or
problems, and propose corrective actions. other and extends across the supply chain as materials and DiscussionHowever, the scope of the review may components are integrated into the completed SUS. Given that
differ depending on whether the end user is considering a each system is partially or completely replaced after use, it is
standard design, configured variants of standard designs which important to confirm that components have been assembled
maintain adherence to the suppliers design space, or custom- correctly, none of the critical attributes of the assembly are
ized designs, which incorporate one or more features that are damaged during installation, and no leaks that may compro-
outside of the suppliers design space. Such features may mise the SUS are evident before use. Suppliers of SUS and
include components, design layout, design dimensions, or their materials and components should apply similar rigor and
materials of construction. The end-user should first consider change control procedures to their sub-suppliers to ensure
the requirements for any given SUS based on the application consistent quality over the lifetime of the SUS (see also 8.2,
(for example, product or process contact, temperature, Change Management).
volumes, flow rates, mixing, requirements for sensors and
controls etc. as applicable) and define them clearly in a 4. Summary of Guide
document such as a user requirement specification (URS). In
4.1 This guide is based on a similar risk-based and science-
the case of standard or configured designs, the review will
based approach taken in Guide E2500 and is similar in
address the suppliers criteria for selection of materials,
purpose, content, and organization.
components, and functional design and align these against the
URS. In the case of end-user-specified custom designs, the 4.2 The objective of this guide is to provide additional
design review should affirm that the combination of supplier- information to support defined and controlled processes rel-
and user-derived design attributes aligns with the URS. evant to SUS, or hybrid traditional SUS to enable the produc-
Additionally, the review should evaluate the risk taken in tion of products that consistently meet defined quality require-
deviating from the supplier design space, and the possible need ments. A further objective is to support supplier manufacturing
for risk mitigation, which generally will be the end users capability that meets quality requirements of SUS or User
responsibility. The risk assessment should be retained as part of Requirement Specifications (URS) or both as applicable.
the development history. Conditions and expectations should 4.3 The approach described within this guide supports
be covered in a quality agreement. The quality agreement continuous process capability improvements and facilitates
should outline the responsibilities of the supplier and the end incorporation of new capabilities as technology evolves.
user with respect to the quality assurance of the system
manufactured or supplied or both by the supplier to the end 4.4 The main elements of this guide are:
user. Quality agreement templates are available from various 4.4.1 The underlying key concepts,
industry groups (for example, Consensus Quality Agreement 4.4.2 A description of the specification, design, and verifi-
Template for Single-Use Biopharmaceutical Manufacturing cation process, and
Products BioProcess Systems Alliance). 4.4.3 A description of the required supporting processes.
3.1.3 modular, adjSUS can consist of assemblies of com-
5. Significance and Use
ponents or subassemblies that can be built or reconfigured or
5.1 Application of the approach described within this guide
is intended to satisfy international regulatory expectations in
Available from BioProcess Systems Alliance, http://www.bpsalliance.org. ensuring that SUS are fit for their intended use and to satisfy
E3051 16
requirements for sourcing, supply, design, specification, 6.3.2 Examples of end-user product and process informa-
installation, operation, and performance. tion to consider include: critical quality attributes (CQAs),
5.2 The approach described in this guide applies concepts critical process parameters (CPPs), process control strategy
and principles introduced in the FDA initiative, Pharmaceutical information, and prior production experience. For SUS, these
cGMPs for the 21st Century A Risk-Based Approach. It can include extractables information, certificates of analysis,
supports and is consistent with the framework described in sterilization records, change control documents, and product
FDA Guidance for Industry, Process Validation: General Prin- design specifications.
ciples and Practices, in ICH Q7, ICH Q8 (R2), ICH Q9, and 6.3.3 Additional information to consider is the processing
ICH Q10. parameters and materials for the SUS themselves. Materials
and designs should be selected and developed based on the
5.3 This guide includes concepts developed in the PDA
intended use of the SUS (for example, cell culture, buffer bag,
Technical Report No. 66.
and product container) using quality by design approaches,
5.4 This guide may be used independently or in conjunction such that sources of variability are understood and are managed
with other ASTM Committee E55 proposed standards to be such that they do not impact the performance of the end users
published by ASTM International. process or product quality.
5.5 Specific standard practices about extractables, 6.3.4 Special consideration should be given to the suppliers
leachables, particulate matter, and integrity testing/leak evaluation and selection of materials of construction (for
detection, biocompatibility, and raw materials as available example, films, tubing, and connectors) as related to their
should be used by suppliers and end users and applied to their fitness for intended use based on parameters such as physico-
own manufacturing process facilities. chemical properties, mechanical strength, optical properties,
and anticipated operating temperature. Materials should be
6. Key Concepts robust and compatible with product and process fluids and
6.1 This guide follows similar key concepts to those cov- should not be excessively prone to damage, which compro-
ered by Guide E2500 focusing on clarification and discussion mises structural integrity. The shedding of any materials, either
of SUS, good engineering practice, good manufacturing as solid particles or soluble leachables, that impact product
practice, and use of supplier and end user documentation. The quality or process performance should be well characterized.
concepts are listed in the following: For SUS, this is particularly important since changes may be
6.1.1 Risk-based approach, made in the construction materials, production and sterilization
6.1.2 Science-based approach, processes, additives such as anti-oxidants and dyes, and
6.1.3 Critical aspects of SUS, material origin based on their availability over the lifetime of
6.1.4 Quality by design, a given process. Such changes should be evaluated with the
6.1.5 Good engineering/manufacturing/distribution/ appropriate diligence based on the risk to the product or the
documentation practices, process.
6.1.6 Subject matter expert, 6.3.5 Consideration should be given to the possible impact
6.1.7 Use of supplier documentation, of materials of construction or in-process leachables from
6.1.8 Continuous improvement and change management, materials of construction, or both, on product quality or process
and performance.
6.1.9 Supply chain. 6.4 Critical Aspects of SUS:
6.2 Risk-Based Approach: 6.4.1 Critical aspects of SUS are typically functions,
6.2.1 The underlying principle of risk management focuses features, abilities, and performance or characteristics necessary
on the issues which have the highest probability of occurring or for the manufacturing process and systems to ensure consistent
have the greatest effect on the product quality and consequently product quality and patient safety. They should be identified
patient safety. and documented based on scientific product and process
6.2.2 Risk management underpins the specification, design, understanding for both the SUS manufacturing process and the
verification, and documentation activities as described in end-user process.
Guide E2500 and in ICH Q9. 6.4.2 SUS often consist of multiple combinations of indi-
6.2.3 SUS are an integral part of the drug manufacturing vidual components. Often, multiple design configurations can
process and it is critical that SUS suppliers provide SUS in a be considered with varied materials and components, each of
timely manner. Special consideration should be given to which can be demonstrated as capable of meeting the critical
mitigating the risk of an interruption of the supply chain of performance requirements for a given system such as volume,
SUS, which may have an impact on the security of supply of compatibility, low bioburden, freedom from leaks, and mixing
drug to patients. if required.
6.3 Science-Based Approach: 6.4.3 Adopting a modular design approach allows for the
6.3.1 Product and process information, as it relates to interchangeable use of functionally equivalent components and
product quality and patient safety, remain the basis for making provides flexibility, which can be used to the advantage of both
science- and risk-based decision that ensure that the SUS are end user and supplier to manage the risk to supply continuity,
designed and verified to be fit for their intended use. subject to the appropriate qualification of alternative suppliers,
E3051 16
materials, components, and designs and the existence of a in sources of materials and processing conditions, both planned
well-planned connectivity strategy. and inadvertent, and should be managed by effective change
6.4.4 Critical aspects of SUS may be compromised through- management communication and transparency on the part of
out the lifetime of an SUS, which extends across component the supplier.
manufacturing, final assembly, sterilization, transportation, 6.6 Good Engineering, Manufacturing Practices:
receiving, warehousing, installation, deployment, and use. 6.6.1 Good engineering and manufacturing practices (GXP)
6.4.5 A risk-based approach analyzing potential points and should underpin and support the specification, design, and
types of failures through the lifetime of an SUS from verification activities.
fabrication, shipment, installation, deployment, and operation
6.6.2 The extent to which suppliers and sub-suppliers ad-
should be used to determine the appropriate controls and
here strictly to GXP may vary. Many may also manufacture
testing to be used at each point.
medical devices and adhere to other relevant standards (for
6.4.6 Additional activities to qualify alternative components example, ISO 13485).
and suppliers should be documented to facilitate improvements
6.6.3 The end user should engage in quality audit and
to the design or as part of change control in response to
technical due diligence activities to ensure that suppliers have
discontinuation of supply. This is detailed in following sec-
defined designs and specifications and implemented quality
management systems that are appropriate for the intended
6.4.7 Where suppliers provide standard designs for specific
purpose of the SUS.
unit operations, the supplier should provide documentation to
6.6.4 Appropriate distribution practices should be imple-
support the selection and qualification of materials,
mented and ensured throughout the entire lifecycle of the SUS
components, or functional design, or combination thereof, in
to minimize damage to assemblies. (Good manufacturing
relation to its intended use (for example, cell type, fed-batch
practice and good distribution practice compliance, European
versus perfusion, mixing and sparging, temperature shift ramp
Medicines Agency)
rates, and so forth).
6.4.8 Where the end user has requested a custom design 6.7 Subject Matter Experts (SMEs)The role of subject
based on specific preferences for components, or a different matter experts is the same in this guidance as for Guide E2500.
combination of inlets, outlets, or ports, the responsibility for Specific areas of subject matter expertise may differ with
traceability of individual components and the performance of knowledge of material properties, extractables and leachables,
various parts of the assembly should be defined in the URS or and particulate generation being particularly important. Quali-
a specific quality agreement as appropriate, along with the fied suppliers are an important source of SMEs as they have
supply agreement and technical diligence as appropriate. industry-wide exposure to SUS performance and best prac-
6.4.9 SUS are susceptible to variances in appearance be- tices.
cause of creases made throughout assembly, packing, handling, 6.8 Use of Supplier Documentation:
transit, inspection and deployment. End users and suppliers 6.8.1 Clear and comprehensive documentation between the
should establish what constitutes normal and acceptable cos- end user and supplier is critical to define the design, specifi-
metic variances. cation and performance of the SUS and clarify other expecta-
6.5 Quality by Design: tions (for example, technical support).
6.5.1 SUS are heavily reliant on quality by design concepts. 6.8.2 The end user of SUS is considerably more dependent
The degree to which post-installation verification can be on supplier documentation than traditional reusable systems
applied to SUS is limited. Quality depends upon clearly stated that are verified by the end-user. In some cases the supplier
expectations defined in a URS; design specifications that match may be the only practical source for justifying designs and
expectations; a qualified design and manufacturing process; the confirming ongoing quality (for example, pre-sterilized assem-
suppliers quality and supply chain systems; and proper blies). Supplier documentation, including test documentation,
handling, deployment, and use procedures. may be used as part of the verification documentation provid-
6.5.2 The critical aspects of the design and associated ing the regulated company has assessed the supplier and has
acceptance criteria should be documented in the URS. evidence of:
6.5.3 Assurance that manufacturing systems are fit for An acceptable supplier quality system,
intended use should not rely solely upon verification after Supplier technical capability, and
installation but also be achieved by a planned and structured Supplier application of appropriate practices (GXP,
verification approach applied throughout the system lifecycle. ISO) such that information obtained from the supplier will be
6.5.4 Suppliers should apply and maintain a similar level of accurate and suitable to meet the purpose of verification.
stringency and scrutiny as is applied to them to their own 6.8.3 It is incumbent on the end user to understand the
sub-suppliers to provide a higher degree of assurance that the suppliers product testing strategy and release criteria, as this
critical aspects of the SUS can be routinely and reliably met. technical understanding will form the basis of an overall risk
6.5.5 The end user should work with the supplier to be assessment on the use of supplier documentation. One should
knowledgeable of potential sources of variation in the raw be aware that suppliers may take different, but equally valid,
materials used to make the SUS to determine any potential approaches to controlling and testing for SUS critical quality
effects that such raw material variation may have on their attributes. The end-user assessment should focus on the desired
process and product quality. Variability can arise from changes outcome relative to the URS or specification.
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6.8.4 The supplier and end user should also develop a 6.10.2 To have good assurance of quality in the overall
shared understanding of the end-users acceptance criteria to sourcing and management of materials and components, end
ensure alignment between the suppliers capabilities, the func- users should assure that they understand sources of product and
tional requirements of the SUS, and the relevance of the testing process risk that derive from their suppliers and sub-suppliers
methods used. Such understanding will come through transparent dialog with
6.8.5 The end user may mitigate potential inadequacies in suppliers and technical due diligence activities described in
quality systems or GXP by applying specific, targeted addi- 6.8.
tional checks or other controls, which may be extended to 6.10.3 Special consideration should be given to the qualifi-
sub-suppliers, rather than repeating supplier activities and cation of additional suppliers and alternative designs and
replicating documentation. materials in the event of a supply chain failure at a single
6.8.6 The suppliers technical capability should be assessed supplier. This may be managed in part at the level of the
through a technical diligence exercise. Suppliers should dem- supplier who should already have qualified alternatives for
onstrate sufficient technical capability to have control over sub-supply of materials and components.
their design, development and manufacturing processes. They 6.10.4 Many SUS are pre-sterilized process components or
benefit from being given an understanding of how their systems and often are implemented without pre-use testing by
materials are used by the end user such that there is an the end user. Therefore, the supply chain, especially packaging
understanding of the potential impact of any changes and and transportation, should be qualified and controlled to assure
ensure they are communicated, and should have sufficient that the SUS remains undamaged and that the leveraging of
technical resources and procedures to support investigations of supplier activities and documentation remains relevant.
complaints (Section 8). A technical diligence exercise differs 6.10.5 SUS have a finite shelf life, due to materials of
from a quality audit in that it is an open ended exchange of construction and the resulting stress put on such by sterilization
information between SMEs at the supplier and end user to or bioburden reduction processes. Steps should be taken
provide a shared understanding of expectations and together with the supplier to ensure suitable storage conditions
capabilities, rather than confirm compliance with a quality and inventory management. Attention should be given to
system. planning and logistics.
6.8.7 The decision and justification to use supplier docu- SUS shelf life has two main phases:
mentation to support the verification of critical aspects of the (1) Raw materials, resins and components supply chain
manufacturing element should take into consideration the prior to assembly, and
intended use of the manufacturing system and its potential (2) Finished SUS product shelf life.
impact to product quality or process performance (for example, Shelf life typically refers to post sterilization (if
primary product containers versus upstream buffer containers). applicable and should be given highest consideration by all
The assessment should be documented and approved by the stakeholders).
appropriate SME(s) including the quality unit. Suppliers and assemblers should have systems in
6.8.8 Understanding the suppliers testing strategy and re- place to specify and maintain shelf life claims for component,
lease criteria is critical. Suppliers may take different, but and to manage inventory.
equally relevant, approaches to qualifying and verifying a
critical aspect of an SUS. Different approaches are acceptable 7. Process
if relevant and validated. The end user assessment should focus 7.1 OverviewThe process of specification, design, and
on the desired outcome relative to the URS or specification. verification of manufacturing systems should include the
6.8.9 Effective management of suppliers shall include peri- following activities:
odic review meetings involving analysis of the suppliers 7.1.1 Requirements definition,
performance for quality and delivery performance during the 7.1.2 Specification and qualification of components,
preceding period. Suppliers should be able to provide informa- 7.1.3 Development of design from qualified components,
tion on the performance of standard or similar assemblies 7.1.4 Verification,
across the industry to help in identifying if an issue is related
7.1.5 Acceptance and release, and
to the design or the specific application of the end user.
7.1.6 Installation and deployment.
6.9 Continuous Improvement and Change Management 7.1.7 GXP and risk management should be performed
Over time, advances will be made in the materials used and throughout the process.
designs of SUS. These changes may provide an opportunity for 7.1.8 Design reviews should be performed throughout the
improvements in process performance but they may also lifecycle of the manufacturing system, notably in the event of
impact critical aspects of SUS. Timely change notification and changes in design or materials.
change management is required to mitigate any risks to
end-user product quality or process performance. See also 8.2. 7.2 Requirements Definition:
7.2.1 Quality RequirementsA formal quality agreement,
6.10 Supply Chain: with or without a specifications document, should be provided
6.10.1 The supply chain for SUS is complex, starting with by end users to suppliers to define overarching requirements
petrochemicals, and materials undergo multiple manipulations and expectations. A consensus template is available from
and processes before becoming a completed assembly. BPSA Consensus Quality Agreement.
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7.2.2 User Requirement Specification (URS)Specific re- specifications can facilitate the replacement of components if
quirements should be identified and provide the basis of they become discontinued or are superseded by superior
detailed specification, design, and verification of the SUS. designs. The specific requirements relative to product quality 7.5 Verification:
and patient safety should be based upon the following: 7.5.1 The performance of individual manufacturing Product knowledge and understanding, systems/component assemblies may be the responsibility of the Process knowledge and understanding, supplier, sub-supplier/assembler, or end user depending on Materials knowledge and understanding, where the assembly was completed and inspected. Supply chain knowledge and understanding, 7.5.2 The responsibility of verifying that final assemblies, Regulatory requirements, and acting singly or in combination, are fit for their intended use, Company quality requirements. have been properly installed, and are operating correctly is the
7.2.3 Product and process knowledge and understanding, responsibility of the end user and a systematic approach should
including knowledge of sources of variability in the materials, be in place.
product, and process should be based upon scientific data 7.5.3 The verification approach should be defined,
gathered during experimental and development work and documented, and reviewed by independent experts. The extent
manufacturing experience with the current or similar pro- of verification and the level of detail should be based on risk as
cesses. detailed in Guide E2500.
7.2.4 Multiple combinations of materials, components, and 7.6 Acceptance and Release:
designs may exist that are capable of meeting the functional 7.6.1 Acceptance criteria should be defined by subject
requirements of a specific manufacturing process. To mitigate matter experts.
risks in supply continuity, user requirements in the URS should 7.6.2 Acceptance of an SUS is initially based on acceptance
be documented in such a way as to capture the important of the design and acceptable variations in that design based on
attributes or capabilities of a given design rather than a availability or preferences for qualified materials and compo-
prescriptive solution to allow maximum flexibility in providing nent preferences.
the desired outcome. 7.6.3 Suppliers quality documentation will form the basis
of acceptance of SUS as delivered to the end user. In many
7.3 Specification and Qualification of Components:
cases, a more detailed inspection of a given assembly may not
7.3.1 A science- and risk-based approach can be taken to
be possible until immediately before installation based on
specifications, such that a range of materials and components
packaging of components.
(for example, films, tubing connectors, and so forth) can be
7.6.4 The reliability of the suppliers certificate of analysis
used that are functionally equivalent and comparable in their
should be established through confirmation of the results of the
ability to meet user requirements in terms of structural
suppliers tests or examinations by repeating testing or by
integrity, physicochemical properties, and biocompatibility
supplier audits.
without impacting process performance or patient safety.
7.6.5 The suppliers documentation shall include a descrip-
7.3.2 Each of these components and their suppliers should tion of the test or examination method(s) used, limits of the test
be qualified for their fitness for purpose and ability to meet the or examinations, and actual results of the tests or examinations
quality requirements of the manufacturing process. Compo- for the completed assembly or for components used in the
nents may be qualified individually or as part of an assembly assembly.
by end users or assemblers or both. If an SUS is qualified as an 7.6.6 The end user shall reconfirm the suppliers documen-
assembly, then it should be used as such and any change to the tation on a periodic basis. In addition, the end user may
assembly should be managed through change control. conduct a more exhaustive assessment of the suppliers proce-
7.3.3 Suppliers may have made independent assessments of dures as part of supplier management. This could be by
alternative sources of materials and components. The criteria destructive testing in the case of smaller components, through
for evaluation and assessment for performance should be an on-site observation of manufacturing and testing processes
documented by the supplier and reviewed and approved by the at the suppliers facility, or, in certain circumstances, through
end user based on the intended use of the component/ post-use inspection or investigation of non-conformances.
manufacturing system.
7.7 Installation and Deployment:
7.4 Development of Design from Qualified Components: 7.7.1 In contrast to traditional multi-use systems, SUS are
7.4.1 A modular approach driven by process performance installed anew each time they are used.
and product quality requirements can be used to facilitate the 7.7.2 Pre-use testing post-installation is limited for practical
development of the design of a SUS. reasons; the act of testing may itself be damaging (for example,
7.4.2 The design and specification for the SUS should focus inflation-re-inflation cycles, detecting small perforations in
on aspects that have been identified as being critical to product large assemblies). The end user should develop and qualify
quality and patient safety. These aspects of a manufacturing detailed procedural measures to ensure, for example, continued
system should be identified and documented by end-user structural integrity of assemblies and sterility (where an
subject matter experts. assembly is not sterilized in situ). Testing shall be performed
7.4.3 The existence of a modular design based on functional on a statistical basis where practical to ensure reliable perfor-
requirements and qualified components rather than unique mance.
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7.7.3 These procedures should be documented and ap- (4) Complex SUS (for example, bioreactors) should be
proved by subject matter experts. Qualified suppliers of SUS inspected post use as further assurance of consistent quality
typically have broader industry experience than end users and and adherence to design as part of the ongoing assessment of
are in a position to provide well informed advice as to industry the effectiveness of the verification activities.
best practices. 7.7.6 Sterilization or Bioburden Reduction Procedures:
7.7.4 Procedures include: Many SUS are supplied pre-sterilized. If sterility is
a critical aspect of a given SuS component, this component is Material handling and inspection; accepted as sterile based on the suppliers documentation (for Sterilization or bioburden reduction procedures; example, certificate of analysis). End user shall perform steps Facilities and equipment; and to qualify the supplier by establishing the reliability of suppli- Personnel training (installation, use, disposal, and so ers documentation through confirmation of the results of the
forth). suppliers tests or examinations through appropriate methods
(for example, repeating the test or auditing the supplier).
7.7.5 Material Handling and Inspection: If the SUS is to be sterilized at the end user site pre- The entire lifetime of the SUS at the end users or post-assembly by other means than the suppliers method, a
facility should be planned, documented, and approved. Proce- validation strategy should be documented and executed in
dures to transfer SUS from the warehouse through intermediate accordance with appropriate validation plans by the end user.
assembly (if required) to the point for final deployment and The validation strategy and associated performance qualifica-
installation should be designed to meet requirements (for tion results should be documented and available to regulatory
example, freedom from bioburden, leaks), documented and authorities.
reviewed by SMEs. 7.7.7 Facility and Equipment Considerations: Assemblies inspected on receipt for documentation Care should be taken to avoid damage to the SUS.
should undergo further inspection for conformance to drawings Areas used for the inspection and further assembly of SUS
and other criteria (freedom from damage and visible defects) (tables, light tables) should be demonstrated to be free from
sharp surfaces and angles. As far as is practical, there should be
relevant to the critical aspects after removal from final
no sharp equipment (box cutters, shears) in assembly or
packaging, typically immediately prior to installation and
implementation areas. If they are required, they should be
managed via an appropriate methodology to ensure they are
(1) Acceptance criteria should be based on what is normal only used when needed.
and acceptable. Visual imperfections in plastic films and 7.7.8 Personnel Training:
components are not atypical and are not necessarily indicative Personnel should be trained in appropriate handling,
of a leak or other failure. These may arise at multiple points inspection and nonconformance investigation procedures.
from film extrusion, component molding through handling and Training should be documented and training records main-
installation. Normal and acceptable appearance should be tained.
discussed with the supplier. The use of TAPPI Chart T 564 can Training by third-party providers (suppliers, consul-
be useful in characterizing defects. tants) may be desirable because of their broad experience
(2) The significance to the end users manufacturing process subject to appropriate qualification. Supplier engagement is
of particulate materials in SUS depends on the location, the recommended as it also provides an opportunity to demonstrate
point of use (before or after filtration), and the nature of the the specific use of a given SUS.
particle and its origin (known material or extraneous matter).
8. Supporting Processes
Particles in SUS intended as final containers require stringent
limits to meet pharmacopeia standards. Various approaches can 8.1 SUS Life-Cycle:
be taken, one acceptable solution is to qualify fluid path rinse 8.1.1 Supply Chain ManagementLife-cycle of SUS
volumes to meet USP<788> (sub visible) and USP<790> should be managed in a collaborative manner from end to end
(visible) or equivalent standards for large-volume injectables. between stakeholders of the supply chain from raw material
suppliers to end users.
For further discussion and recommendations, see PDA Tech-
8.1.2 Manufacturing Environment for SUSA stage-
nical Report No. 66 and applicable ASTM standards, including
appropriate clean environment should be applied to the manu-
those in development.
facturing area of SUS at the supplier facility. Manufacturing
(3) A risk control strategy for managing leaks should be operations should stay under control throughout the SUS
developed and documented for each type of assembly as far as manufacturing process. The appropriate classification in activ-
is practical, and giving consideration to impact and where the ity is the ISO 7/Grade C (ISO 14644-1, FDA cGMP, EU
greatest risk for leaks may be. If a leak is detected, and a root cGMP) for final manufacturing operations.
cause assessment eliminates damage post receipt, the user 8.1.3 DisposalAt the end of SUS lifecycle, a disposal
should initiate a supplier quality investigation including a procedure should be implemented. Depending on regional
detailed root cause analysis with the supplier in order to take regulations, waste management for biologics and/or highly
the appropriate corrective action. Failures should be tracked active, potent, or sensitizing compounds should be imple-
along with the effectiveness of implementation of corrective mented with regard to local requirements and available op-
actions. tions.
E3051 16
8.2 Change Management: 8.3.2 Suppliers should validate packaging and transporta-
8.2.1 Due to the repeated installation of manufacturing tion methods for standard designs and be able to provide
systems and the significant potential for changes in materials, documentation in support of the chosen approaches.
sub-suppliers, and designs across the supply chain over time, 8.3.3 End users requiring custom designs are at greater risk
an in-depth understanding of the impact of changes in the as packaging and transportation methods are untested. There
supply chain is required. may be sufficient evidence from transportation of standard
8.2.2 Change control notifications should be assessed by assemblies where minor changes have been made to give
SMEs with appropriate knowledge in the field of investigation. confidence of fitness for use on receipt before installation,
They should assess the notification using a science- and however the end user should give due consideration to the risk
risk-based approach based on the nature of the change and the and take additional precautions as appropriate.
impact to the end users process. SMEs from suppliers who 8.3.4 For larger changes, the end user should work with the
meet the requirement of understanding the end users applica- supplier to demonstrate the robustness of packaging and
tion (6.8.6) should assess sub-suppliers change notification transportation procedures.
information to determine how the information should be 8.4 Handling Defects:
further communicated to end users, outlining if and how the 8.4.1 End users should establish a monitoring program to
change will impact functional specification, extractable profile, track damage for correlation with potential failure points.
and operational robustness. In the event of any uncertainty, 8.4.2 In the event of a defect resulting in a nonconformance,
complete transparency is required. a supplier quality investigation including a detailed root cause
8.2.3 Transparency across the supply chain is a fundamental analysis should be initiated together with the supplier to
starting point for advancing understanding of the impact of determine the cause. End users and suppliers should keep track
changes. This is an opportunity for communication between of failures and the effectiveness of implementation of correc-
end users and sub-suppliers demonstrating prudence and pro- tive actions.
viding confidence in continued assurance of quality and supply. 8.4.3 If the cause is determined to arise from the supplier,
8.2.4 Prequalification of alternative materials, designs, the supplier should be able to provide information concerning
configurations, suppliers, and sub-suppliers facilitates rapid material sourcing and processing, component sourcing and
response to interruptions in the supply of product. traceability, and systems assembly and final testing.
8.2.5 Inventory management and timely notification are 8.4.4 Suppliers can provide broader assurance of SUS
additional supporting practices to secure supply continuity. performance and robustness across multiple users and over the
8.3 Shipping and Transportation Procedures: lifetime of a given design to justify further the appropriateness
8.3.1 Shipping and transportation of SUS are potential of supplier testing.
sources of damage. The use of validated, robust packaging and
transportation methods are part of the overall assurance that 9. Keywords
SUS will be fit for use upon receipt (Practice D4169, ISTA 2A 9.1 biopharmaceutical manufacturing process; end users;
or 3A). quality risk management; single-use system; suppliers; SUS
(Mandatory Information)
A1.1 Test Methods Matrices for SUS ValidationThis an- prehensive list and do not address aspects of functional
nex provides a listing of test methods that may be used by performance of complex assemblies such as mixers,
suppliers or end users, or both, to qualify materials, bioreactors, filters, or pre-packed chromatography columns.
components, or assemblies. They are not intended as a com- See Table A1.1.
E3051 16
TABLE A1.1 Test Methods Matrices for SUS Validation
Test Method Test Frequency Applicability
Specific Gravity ASTM D792 Qualification Films and Containers
Tensile Strength ASTM D638 Qualification Films and Containers
ASTM D882 Qualification Films and Containers
Tensile Strength ASTM D412 Qualification Tubing
Elongation at Break ASTM D638 Qualification Films and Containers
Tear Resistance ASTM D1004 Qualification Films and Containers
Low Temperature Brittleness ASTM D1790 Qualification Films and Containers
ASTM D1709 Qualification Films and Containers
ASTM D746 Qualification Films and Containers
WVTR (Water Vapor Transmission ASTM F1249 Qualification Films and Containers
ISO 15106 Qualification Films and Containers
Compression Set Constant ASTM D395 02 (B method) Qualification Films and Containers
Transmission Rate O2 ASTM D3985 Qualification Films and Containers
ASTM F1927 Qualification Films and Containers
ISO 15105 Qualification Films and Containers
Transmission Rate CO2 ASTM 1434 Qualification Films and Containers
Testing Integrity
ANSI/AAMI BF7 Qualification or lot release, or Connectors
Visual Inspection USP<790> Routine
Particulate Release USP<788> Particulates in Large Varies by filter supplier Filters
Volume Injection
Biological Reactivity USP<87>&<88> Qualification Films, Containers, Connectors,
Tubing, Filters
Transmissible Spongiform En- Proprietary Method Qualification Films, Containers, Connectors,
cephalopathy (TSE) / Bovine Tubing, Filters
Spongiform Encephalopathy
(BSE) Tests
E3051 16
(Nonmandatory Information)
X1.1 Table of Unit Operations in Single-Use System Appli- X1.2 Table of Unit Operations in Single-Use System Appli-
cations: cations (Second Option):
Bag Cultures Bioreactor Harvest
Production bioreactors Cell Lysis Equipment
Bioreactor Harvest Precipitation
Bench-top bioreactors (laboratory scale, but could also Sedimentation
be used for seed train) Clarification
Centrifugation Filtration
Depth filtration Prefiltration
Chromatography columns Sterilizing filtration
Membrane chromatography Viral filtration
Chromatography skids Membrane capture
In-process microfiltration Ultra-Filtration/Dia-Filtration
Ultra-Filtration / Dia-Filtration membranes
Ultra-Filtration / Dia-Filtration skids
Viral filtration
Sterile Filtration
Mixing (for example, bag mixing with rocking, rotating
stirrer, recirculating loop, low shear reciprocal motion)
Bulk drug substance cold storage
Bulk drug substance freeze-thaw
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and should be addressed to ASTM International Headquarters. Your comments will receive careful consideration at a meeting of the
responsible technical committee, which you may attend. If you feel that your comments have not received a fair hearing you should
make your views known to the ASTM Committee on Standards, at the address shown below.
This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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