Akriti Rastogi

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Enhancing the Web Presence

Summer Training Project Report submitted in partial fulfillment of

the requirements for the

Post Graduate Diploma in Management


Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow


Akriti Rastogi



Prof. Sanchita Ghatak


This is to certify that the Summer Project Study Report, Titled Enhancing the Web Presence
submitted by Ms. Akriti Rastogi as partial fulfillment of requirement of the two year PGDM
(2016-2018) is a bonafide work carried out by the student at our Institute.

This Summer Project Study is his/her original work and has not been submitted to any other

Prof. Sanchita Ghatak Prof

Project Supervisor Program Director- PGDM

Date: 24 July 2017
Place: Lucknow

I, Akriti Rastogi, student of PGDM batch (2016-2018) declare that the project entitled
Enhancing the Web Presence, is my own work conducted under the supervision of Mr.
Ravibabu Chedarla as a partial fulfillment of Summer Internship Program for the course of
PGDM submitted to Dr. Sanchita Ghatak and Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow
I further declare that to the best of my knowledge the project does not contain any part of any
work which has been submitted for any other project either in this institute or in any other
without proper citation.

Date: Signature of the Candidate

I wish to express my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Akash Chander, MD for giving me this
opportunity to complete my summer internship and project at Strengthscape Private Ltd.

I would sincerely thank Mr. Ravibabu Chedarla, IT Head for giving me this opportunity to work
on the project Enhancing the web presence of Strengthscape and for guiding and encouraging
me in completion of this project. I am indebted to the other members of the organization for
helping me through with this project.

I am grateful to the Placement Cell, Jaipuria Institute of Management, the Director, Faculty
Mentor Dr. Sanchita Ghatak and all the other faculty members who helped in successful
completion of this project.

Executive Summary
Strengthscape is a business psychology firm. It helps businesses in the creation of a positive
emotional climate at the workplace. They understand and appreciate the differences that make
each business unique. The assessments, training programs and certifications offered by
Strengthscape can be customized and made to suit every business and organizational culture.

As a Digital Marketing Intern I had to analyze the way consumers are behaving to the online
services and enhance the presence of Strengthscape online. The position of a website on a search
engine mainly Google is determined how effectively we are using the parameters it has set for
us. Effective use of Google Adwords coupled with Google analytics can improve the ranking of
your website. The usage of these tools can make you a market leader.

In this report, I have given a detailed description about my job description, my tasks at hand,
problems I faced during the fulfillment of these problems. This report also contains my key
learnings from this project and a list of recommendations for the organization from my point of

Chapter 1: Introduction ................................................................................................................. 10

1.1 Industry Overview ............................................................................................................... 11

1.2 Problem Statement .............................................................................................................. 12

1.3 Methodology ....................................................................................................................... 13

Chapter 2: Details of the Organization ......................................................................................... 14

2.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 15

What does Strengthscape mean? ........................................................................................ 15

2.2 The Organization ................................................................................................................. 16

What does Strengthscape offer? ............................................................................................ 16

What is the Strengthscape approach? .................................................................................... 16

2.2.1 Products and Services ................................................................................................... 17

2.2.2 Organization Structure .................................................................................................. 19

2.2.3 HR Practices ................................................................................................................. 20

2.2.4 Partners and Clients ...................................................................................................... 21

2.2.5 Competitor analysis ...................................................................................................... 22

2.3 SWOT Analysis................................................................................................................... 23

Chapter 3: The Problem on Hand ................................................................................................. 25

3.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 26

3.2 Problem Area identification ................................................................................................ 27

3.3 Description of the task......................................................................................................... 28

3.4 Detailed Analysis of the task ............................................................................................... 29

3.4.1 Article Writing .............................................................................................................. 29

3.4.2 Reputation analysis ....................................................................................................... 31

3.4.3 Search Engine Optimization (SEO) .............................................................................. 32

3.4.5 Cold Calling.................................................................................................................. 36

3.4.6 Static Website into Dynamic Website .......................................................................... 37

3.4.7 Making a Dynamic Website for contentiSCAPE ......................................................... 39

3.4.8 Conversion of Blogs into Visuals ................................................................................. 40

3.4.9 Understanding Google Analytics.................................................................................. 40

3.4.10 Other work .................................................................................................................. 40

3.5 Conclusion........................................................................................................................... 41

Chapter 4: Learning Outcomes ..................................................................................................... 42

4.1 Problems faced during Accomplishment of the Task ......................................................... 43

4.2 Methods Adopted to Solve the Problems ............................................................................ 44

4.3 Monitoring of the Performance on Daily Basis .................................................................. 45

4.4 Overall Learning from the Task .......................................................................................... 46

Chapter 5: Recommendations ....................................................................................................... 47

Brief Description of Recommendations .................................................................................... 48

Chapter 6: Concluding Remarks ................................................................................................... 49

Summary ................................................................................................................................... 50

References ..................................................................................................................................... 51

Table of Figures
Figure 1: Organizational Structure................................................................................................ 19
Figure 2: Cart Page(Sample) ......................................................................................................... 29
Figure 3: Questionnaire................................................................................................................. 31
Figure 4: Keyword Analysis ......................................................................................................... 34
Figure 5: Extracting the keyword ................................................................................................. 35
Figure 6: HTML tags .................................................................................................................... 35
Figure 7: HTML5 code for Dynamic Website .............................................................................. 37
Figure 8: Services page of the website ......................................................................................... 39

Chapter 1: Introduction

1.1 Industry Overview
Human resources is the department in the organization which is responsible for managing all
aspects like:

HR planning
Recruitment of employees
Employee relation
HR audit
Employee engagement

The training and development sector is booming all across the globe since organizations are
changing at a very fast pace. With the advent of technology the world is becoming smaller day
by day. This change has aroused the need of training and development. Training and
development is also becoming necessary as money is no longer the only motivator for them.

1.2 Problem Statement
Strengthscape is a business psychology firm which provides training and assessment to several
organizations. With the increase in the technology and more people getting indulged in online
media, it is important for an organization to leave there presence in the mind of the customers.

Strengthscape also need to leave a mark in the minds of its customers and make them its clients.
For this they needed an efficient dynamic website, search engine optimization, blog marketing,

In this project with Strengthscape, I have tried to find solutions for these problems commonly
known as enhancing the web presence.

1.3 Methodology
Every issue needs to be sorted. To overcome the problems Strengthscape was facing, I began to
work on one problem at a time.

To generate content for the blogs, I read about the topics related to me and based on the
understanding I composed my articles.
I made a questionnaire for reputation analysis.
For keyword analysis, I used several tools which are described in the later part of the
I studied HTML5 so as to convert a static website into dynamic and also in making a new
website for Contentiscape.

Chapter 2: Details of the

2.1 Introduction

What does Strengthscape mean?

Strength + scape = Strengthscape

The term Strengthscape is derived from the two English words strength, the property
of being strong and scape meaning view. The two words together create a new
word, Strengthscape which means, a collective view of strong properties. In other words,
Strengthscape is an individuals as well as a perceivers collective view of the strengths of the
individual. The concept of Strengthscape was coined by Akash Chander in July 2013. In
relation to individual personalities he defines Strengthscape as follows:

Strengthscape is a landscape of strengths (behaviors) of an individual which are responses

under any situation, frequently displayed, easy to identify and first stress responses often
overused and thereby

2.2 The Organization

What does Strengthscape offer?

Strengthscape offers certifications, assessments, training programs and image consulting services
to corporates and individuals to help you tap your strengths and create a unique competitive

What is the Strengthscape approach?

Organizations today look for a strategic vision that not only meets the bottom-line but also
creates the right environment for people. It is people that bring a unique competitive advantage
which is critical to organizational success. Strengthscape brings together business and
psychology to create the right environment both for organizational and employee growth.
Strengthscapes interventions use the objective approach of assessments and are based on
theories of Neuroscience and Anthropology that help us understand people better.

2.2.1 Products and Services
1. Coaching- Strengthscape offers Executive Coaching to corporates as well as the
individuals. Coaching is being used as an effective tool for increasing the potential of the
corporations and the individuals. Strengthscape offers 3 different types of trainings:
Leadership Coaching
Managerial Coaching
SME Coaching
2. Assessments- Assessment tools are being used by organizations all across the globe to
find the most suitable candidates for recruitments and also to identify the training needs
of the employees. Strengthscape has partnered with the worlds leader in assessments to
offer a plethora of assessments which have been tailored to suit most of the requirements
of the workplace, i.e., from recruitment to succession planning. Strengthscape offers
assessments for:
Internal Mobility
Development Programs
3. DiSC certification- DiSC is a leading psychometric assessment tool, which is based on
the DiSC model developed by William Mouton Marston. According to the DiSC theory,
each individual has a behavioral priority and is a blend of all the four style- D, i, S, C.
Strengthscape offers DiSC certification in three formats:
In-person Classroom Sessions
Instructor-led Online Classes
Self-Paced e-Learning modules and Enterprise Version.
4. Training- Strengthscape offers customized training interventions for the corporations.
There are different programs designed to meet the competencies that have an effect at the
organizational, team as well as individual level. These training interventions primarily
focus on three types of excellence:
Organizational Excellence
Personal Excellence
Team Excellence

5. Image Consulting- At Strengthscape, they help the clients to build their own personal
brand. Image consulting assignments include clothing, grooming, etiquette and body
language. The Image consulting programs at Strengthscape deal with:
Personal Branding
Corporate Etiquette
Life Coaching
6. Content Development- Strengthscape offers Instructional Design and Content
Development services for systematic development of learning content using the learning
and instructional theory. It offers:
Online Learning Content
Offline Learning Content
Internal Learning Library

2.2.2 Organization Structure
The organization structure of Strengthscape is the decentralized structure, which is most
commonly followed by several startups. The decentralized structure allows companies to be fast,
agile and adaptable. It ensures that almost each and every employee receives a high level of
personal agency. The flatarchy is a newer concept which is also being followed by
Strengthscape. It removes the ill-effects of hierarchy and the chain of command. This allows
them to have a high speed of implementation.


Dipti Pande Chandrani Mary Shilma T.S. Ravibabu

Ghosh Naomi Chedarla

Figure 1: Organizational Structure

Akash Chander is the principal coach, facilitator and psychometrics expert at Strengthscape. He
is also the Managing Director of Strengthscape.

Dipti Pande is a behavioral and soft skill trainer

Shilma T S manages the assessments center for Strengthscape

Mary Naomi is the business development manager at Strengthscape, who generates leads from
all across the globe for the organization.

Ravibabu Chedarla is the IT head of Strengthscape who looks into all the online aspect of the

2.2.3 HR Practices
Although, Strengthscape is a training and assessment firm, it is also necessary for the trainers
and other employees to keep themselves updated and motivated. For this they have several
engaging HR Practices like:

Work from home- Strengthscape works from Monday to Friday, with a few employees
working from home. This has increased the convenience of the employees and they have
some fine people working for them which would not have been possible otherwise.
Open Discussions and Feedback Mechanisms- They get into daily video or audio
meetings over Skype for meeting or brief each other over the cellphones. They generally
discuss their course of action for the week which passed on Fridays and set the upcoming
priorities for the next week.
For bigger projects presentations are also held in a similar manner and discussed upon.
Safe, Healthy and Happy Workplace- The working environment at Strengthscape is
safe and healthy. They celebrate big and small success and appreciate the efforts of each
other. At the beginning of each month they go out for a team breakfast to discuss the
action plan for the new month and what were the challenges faced in the previous. They
also plan a trip once a year to some nearby places as a refresher.
Appraisal- Strengthscape follows an annual appraisal policy to encourage and motivate
its employees.
There are no distinct status and barriers like dressing, language or the office arrangements
at Strengthscape.

2.2.4 Partners and Clients
Strengthscape has partnered with some big brands for its assessments. These include:

i. John Wiley & Sons- USA

ii. Profiles International- USA
iii. Central Test- France
iv. Five Behaviors of a Cohesive Team- USA

The clients of Strengthscape include several organizations from the Fortune 500. A few of the
clients of Strengthscape include:

i. Hindustan Unilever Ltd

ii. HGS
iii. CGI
iv. Levis
v. Deloitte
vi. Dell
vii. Dr. Reddys
viii. Uhlmann
ix. Razorthink
x. Ernst & Young, etc.

2.2.5 Competitor analysis
Being into business has never been easy. There have been several competitors for Strengthscape
as well. They provide similar or same services as Strengthscape and pose a threat for them if they
do not make a unique marketing strategy. Some of these players have been in the market for long
and have already made a mark. A few of its major competitors are:

i. Sweetrush
ii. Commlab India
iii. EI design
iv. Learning light
v. Leolearning

Commlab India is a big competitor for Strengthscape as they have the same services, similar
price structure and already have a good brand image in the market.

A detailed description about the competitor analysis is discussed later in the report.

2.3 SWOT Analysis

Strengths Opportunities
Strengthscape offers several online The biggest opportunity for
training programs. These online Strengthscape is on the online platform.
programs enable the clients to attend There are very few major competitors
these sessions from all across the globe. in India who are offering online
The organizations now prefer a unified services as well as assessments. They
training for the same level of managers can cater to the need of the clients
all across the globe. The online worldwide with the help of these online
trainings can be self-paced or via Skype services.
for meeting. The self-paced trainings Strengthscape can convert their blogs
enable the employees to move at a into several interesting media like
convenient pace and at their convenient presentations and videos which can be
time along with timely assessments. updated regularly on the YouTube,
One of the few players in the market Slideshare, as their Blogs and on social
who are into competency mapping. media like Facebook, Twitter, etc.
Adding video clips explaining what
will be delivered in the particular
service to make it more user-friendly
and interesting for the prospect clients
as well as existing clients.
They are presently offering their
services only to the corporates. They
can expand these services to several
other fields like Educational Institutes.
Strengthscape can offer the mobile
learning services along with
gamification for the services they are

presently offering.
Weakness Threats
Strengthscape has a weak CRM. The There are many big players in the
main lead they generate is from market like Dale Carnegie, Sweetrush,
LinkedIn and the feedback/ query form Leolearning, etc. in the international
on the website. market. These are presently not
They lack in coordination and transfer established in India, but in the times to
of message within the team. Due to this come as India is a developing nation.
it creates a lot of tension within the The advent of these players in the
team. Indian market will be a threat to
Low employee turnover ratio due to Strengthscape.
very high expectations within a very The digital media is increasing rapidly,
short span of time. so the competitors who have been in
business will strengthen themselves
better than Strengthscape.
Lack of coordination might lead to loss
of projects or even clients in the future.

Chapter 3: The Problem on Hand

3.1 Introduction
When I joined Strengthscape as a Digital Marketing Intern, it was the first time they had taken
interns to help them and also me to understand the corporate world. Being a startup
Strengthscape was and is still facing a few crucial problems. These problems were ranging from
lack of content, shortage of employees to not enough marketing of their products and services.

It is important for the clients and the prospects to be aware about their offerings if Strengthscape
wants to have business with them in the future.

3.2 Problem Area identification
I joined Strengthscape as a Digital Marketing Intern. The major problem which they were facing
was how to increase their web presence. They have to make a reputation in the market before the
players of the world enter the Indian Market. They need to understand how the digital media and
technology affecting the consumer behavior.

Strengthscape being a startup needs to understand the different digital marketing strategies and
which ones do they need. They need to devise methods by which they can convince their clients
for the digital media instead of the traditional methods of imparting training interventions.

They need to track the online advertising and the several key performance indicators (KIPs).
They also need to analyze the traffic on their website and is it desirable or not from that source.
Strengthscape needs to analyze if they have potential for mobile marketing and how to go about
it. They also need to understand the role of mobile app for their website and how they can make
it more interesting.

Strengthscape often sends mails to its clients regarding its new services or the upcoming events.
But they need to make sure that the email marketing campaign is not reported as spam or going
to the spam box. It is also important to make sure whether the clients have received the mail and
was the campaign a success or not. They need to harness the power of social media to reach and
target a large audience.

Another problem which they were facing was analyzing the key trends of the digital world and
the overcoming them.

During my internship I was able to resolve a few problems and give some suggestions for others
because it is not possible to rectify each and every problem within a span of 2 months.

3.3 Description of the task
I joined Strengthscape on the 24th of April, 2017. On the day of my joining I was explained my
roles in the organization along with the expectations they had from me.

I was given a new email id for the official work. All the communications were done through this
email id. A new account on Outlook was also signed in. I had access to a folder of my name in
which I was supposed to upload all the work which I completed. This enabled them to keep a
track of the progress and keep all the documents in place.

Since I was a Digital Marketing Intern, I needed access to several accounts which were both paid
as well as unpaid. They gave me full access to their websites login which was otherwise only for
the employees or the trainers. They also gave me the access to Google Analytics so that I could
study and understand how it works.

3.4 Detailed Analysis of the task

3.4.1 Article Writing

For me the day began with writing articles for the blogs. I wrote 42 articles of approximately 500
words each and 26 cart pages for the various services they are offering during my internship. A
few articles also ranged from 800 to 1200 words.

Out of these 42 articles, 20 were based on the genre of training and development. The articles
covered aspects from designing a training program to effectively delivering it. About 5 articles
were based on mixed genre like communication skills, effective meetings, effective
presentations, rapport building and negotiation.

The cart pages are a summary and gist of the offerings so that the customers can understand what
they will gain from the service they are opting for.

Figure 2: Cart Page (Sample)

This is an example of a cart page for a service DiSC Classic. It has an assessment and a report is
generated about your behavioral type. This cart page gives all the necessary information about
the DiSC Classic in brief but summarized format.

Another genre of articles that I wrote was on DiSC. DiSC is a behavioral assessment tool which
tells the behavioral pattern of an individual or a group. To complete these articles, I studied about
the DiSC profiles. These articles were based on how people with different DiSC styles behave in
different environments.

3.4.2 Reputation analysis
Reputation analysis is a technique which is used to analyze the information about the products
and services. The reputation of a brand also includes the information about the competitors. For
this reputation analysis I chose to design a questionnaire which could be forwarded to the clients
for a feedback of the products and services as well as the organization from their point of view as
a whole.

Figure 3: Questionnaire

This is a questionnaire designed by me which was sent to the clients. To design this
questionnaire I used the basic concept of designing it. I studied the website and made some
mandatory as well as some optional questions.

3.4.3 Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
The searches results rank of any website are very important as it is a leading factor driving the
traffic on your website. The general tendency of the people that has been observed is that, they
do not even prefer to look at the second page of the SERP (Search Engine Result Page). So what
should be done to stay on the first page of the search engine, primarily Google?

Optimization of the search is different from PPC (Pay per Click) ads. The ranking is not based on
PPC ads or the influential blogs; it is based on the quality of the website.

For improving the search engine rankings, you need to optimize your website. This is the process
of Search Engine Optimization or SEO. In general, SEO requires us to focus the content of our
website to match the keywords which the customers are looking for.

As a part of my internship, I covered several aspects of SEO.

Keyword analysis
I was given a set of 4 keywords to find how the behaving based upon these keywords.

1. Instructional design certificate

2. e-content development services
3. e-content development companies
4. Digital marketing

To identify the competitors based upon the following keywords, I used several functions.

I looked up for the keyword on Google and took the top three and bottom three results for my
analysis. From the first website, I took the domain name and searched it on Google using the
SEO tool. The syntax for it is

url: //name of the website// intext: //keyword//

This gives us the list of the pages in the website where the particular keyword has been used. It
gives approximately 8-12 pages results if the search has been done properly. After this the task
was to open each page and look for keywords. This was done easily by having a view of the

source code of the page, the shortcut key for which is Ctrl+U. Upon reaching the source code I
looked up for keyword and title tags using the Find tool.

Since I had to do a competitor analysis, I had maintained an Excel for the same. The criteria were
already set by my industry mentor and I did this keyword analysis for some major competitors of

Figure 4: Keyword Analysis

Figure 5: Extracting the keyword

HTML tags
Apart from doing the keyword analysis, another important aspect a search engine looks for is the
pages HTML code, mostly the metadata in that code. The metadata has the name of the site and
keyword content which is mentioned in the <META> tag. This tag can be located at the
beginning of the HTML document before the <BODY> tag.

Figure 6: HTML tags

3.4.5 Cold Calling
As a part of my internship, gave calls to approximately 700 people in 35 days. These calls were
in regard to an upcoming event Strengthscape Learning Festival. I was given a script for the
calling, but it was not easy to stick to the script. Since cold calling is the call to the customer, it is
important that it leave an impact on them.

I was provided the list of prospects that I had to target from the ZOHO CRM. I was also required
to update the status of the call on ZOHO and maintain an Excel for the same. Through the
ZOHO CRM we can send mails to several people at once. If the call was successful and the
prospect was interested, I forwarded them the scripted email.

The task of cold calling does not end here. To ensure whether the prospects have received the
email, and that they have read it and not only willing to register but pay for the registration, you
need to call them after 2-3 days. Anytime sooner than 2 days might agitate the prospect and they
might feel they are being disturbed. Anytime later than 3 days and they might even forget about
the mail and conversation you had with them.

There were also several instances when the person whom the call was made was busy with
something else, and demanded to be called at some later point of time. It was necessary to keep a
track of such people because they might turn out to be prospective customers. There were some
instances where the people either hung up the call or spoke very rudely also.

Figure 7: Call Tracker for SLF (Sample)

3.4.6 Static Website into Dynamic Website
Websites are mainly of two types: Static and Dynamic.

Static websites are written in HTML. The main advantage of a Static website is that each and
every page can be customized as per our desire. They are quick and cheap to develop. On the
other hand, Dynamic websites are written using the server- side scripting languages like PHP,
etc. These websites can be connected to the database and create content management systems.
These are more functional as compared to the static websites and easier to update.

The static websites require developers if you need to update the site unlike the dynamic websites.
The dynamic website is although expensive to develop and cost of hosting is more than the static

Strengthscape offers executive coaching to its clients. Originally this was a static website. Any
changes needed on the website meant a change in all the pages of the website. My task was to
convert this old website into new dynamic website.

For this I learnt HTML5. Since it was an existing website, I did not had to make a lot of changes
apart from a few title tags, heading tags and image tags for HTML5 to make this website
dynamic. I learnt the basics of HTML5 from https://www.w3schools.com/html/.

gure 8: HTML5 code for Dynamic Website

<div> tag is used to define a section in the HTML document. It is used with CSS to format the
elements of that block.

<h1> to <h6> tags help in defining the HTML headings. The <h1> heading is the most
important while <h6> being the least.

<p> tag is used for designing paragraphs.

<ul class=list1><li> tag is used for inserting bullets.

These are a few tags which helped me in converting the original executive coaching website of
Strengthscape into a dynamic website.

3.4.7 Making a Dynamic Website for contentiSCAPE
ContentiSCAPE is a new website of Strengthscape which offers information about Instructional
Design Certificate. To create this website I was given a template that I could follow; however my
mentor did not bind me that template and allowed me to learn and experiment with several looks
for each page of the website. The website was entirely designed by me using several HTML5

Figure 9: Services page of the website

To design this website I took the codes from several sources and this is its appearance now that it
has been launched. The images to be inserted were given to me by the developers as per the sizes
specified by me for each. I also added several elements the CSS code for the font size, color and
style. The content which was inserted everywhere was given by the content developers.

A major drawback of HTML5 is that it does not have the align feature. Due to this, the text is not
justified and looks clumsy.

3.4.8 Conversion of Blogs into Visuals
I converted four of the blogs, written by several bloggers for Strengthscape, into visuals. The
visuals could be presentations or videos or presentations with voice-overs.

Presentations with voice-overs had slide notes for the instructor, who delivers them. I recorded
these voice notes so that they could be synced with the presentation. These presentations
required a lot of skill in searching for the correct images for them. I could not use just any
random image; the images which could be used were the ones which were labeled for use with
modification as per the usage rights.

3.4.9 Understanding Google Analytics

As a part of digital marketing, I also analyzed the Google Analytics. It showed us the traffic on
our website. It showed the country and cities from where maximum traffic was coming. It also
showed the keywords which were being used. It also tells us how many people are active at point
of time on the website.

3.4.10 Other work

Apart from working on the project, I also did some extra client work for Strengthscape. These
were priority tasks which were needed by the clients. This work included making a rough draft
of the proceedings of their brainstorming sessions about their past, present and future stand in the

3.5 Conclusion
To every problem, there lies a hidden solution. The problems in hand were big and difficult, but
they had a solution; tools of digital marketing. Under the guidance of my mentor I applied these
tools effectively and efficiently and got desired results as well. The coding was a challenging
part, but with the help of the tutorials and my mentor I was able to do it effectively.

Chapter 4: Learning Outcomes

4.1 Problems faced during Accomplishment of the Task
When I joined Strengthscape, I had no knowledge about digital marketing or content
development. I had to read several blogs related to the topic of the article for my understanding.

I faced several challenges while doing the keyword analysis and while working with the HTML
codes. The codes were not functional at times if the blocks were not opened and closed properly
at the correct location. To make changes in the header or footer of the website or to change the
colors the CSS code needed to be modified which I had no knowledge.

Conversion of blogs to visuals also had some issues because the images required for the
presentations should not have a copywrite. The voice- overs were to be done in a quite
environment which was a challenge.

Cold calling was a different experience. But as the CRM was not updated, many calls used to go
unanswered or were a wrong number. This wasted a lot of crucial time. There were some
professionals who were not into HR at all but were present in the database; which was of no use
when inviting HR professionals for a HR specific event. Around 75% of the people had not
heard about Strengthscape, so it was difficult to convince them about the authenticity of the

There were several times when the work burden was too much to handle due to lack of
communication within the team.

4.2 Methods Adopted to Solve the Problems
To every problem there is a solution. And what did I do to solve my problems at Strengthscape?

Writing skills improve only when you continuously write. Within a week of my start my writing
skills began to improve and originally the time I used to take of 2.5 to 3 hours came down to
2hours. Since I was also doing the keyword analysis simultaneously, it was comparatively easy
for me now to look for the topic of the article.

To do the voice- overs for the presentations, I stayed up late and even came early to record in a
quiet and peaceful environment.

There was no solution to the problem of opening and closing blocks in the coding and it had to
be checked altogether if the desired results were not being displayed.

The time management problem was solved by discussing it with the mentors who had assigned
us the different tasks.

4.3 Monitoring of the Performance on Daily Basis
Each day the time slot of approximately 17:15 to 17:45 was allotted for the follow ups and
assigning the task for the next day. These daily meeting helped both, the organization as well as
ourselves to keep a track of the work assigned and its progress.

Every Friday, a meeting was set up with all the employees over Skype at 17:00. This meeting
had the agenda of discussing the problems of the previous week and how were they handled.
This meeting also discussed the action plan for the next week for each and every employee.

At the beginning of each month, the performance of all the employees was discussed over a team
breakfast. This meeting also talked about the course of action for the entire next month.

4.4 Overall Learning from the Task
I had several learning experiences at Strengthscape.

1. Working in a team and realizing that if a task is given to a team, all of them are equally
countable for the success or failure; even if an individual does not perform or out-
2. Deadlines should be met. If it not possible to complete a certain task within the allotted
time frame, it is important to bring it to the notice of the person assigning the task. This is
valid for both internal as well as external client work, if you want to maintain good
relations with them.
3. Work with full potential on the working days and rest completely on the weekends, until
you have some client work to deliver.
4. Discuss your thoughts and ideas with the team. Even a small idea can be helpful.
5. While making the cold calls, when people hung up the phone or were rude and I felt bad,
I realized this is a behavior even I can change in myself.

Chapter 5: Recommendations

Brief Description of Recommendations
A few recommendations which I would give for Strengthscape are:

1. The competency of employee is different. Each of them brings a separate skill set on the
table. The expectations from a newly hired employee should not be the same as those
from the old employees. For a startup, Strengthscape is in a better position than its
competitors when they were of the same age. I would recommend that they should give
some time to the employee to display his potential and not make unrealistic demands
from them.
2. Since it is a startup and has a decentralized system of hierarchy, all the employees should
feel the same way about it.
3. When working in a team or on several projects, it is important to pass on the same
message to every member. So I would recommend them to have a better channel of
communication which involves all the employees.
4. The ZOHO CRM of Strengthscape has very old contact list. The people have switched
jobs, changed the industry and even taken up retirements. Such contacts do not help us in
any way. So it is recommended to clean the database and update it.
5. It is also recommended that when organizing events at large which are held once in a year
and calls need to made in bulk, contacting a BPO is a better option. The follow up calls
can be done by the employees to the people who are interested. This save a lot time and

Chapter 6: Concluding Remarks

Being a part of Strengthscape was a great learning experience. I have had a few great learnings
working there. It gave a clear picture of how an organization works. There was a great deal of
fun working there because although there were deadlines for every work, but the working culture
was very friendly and positive. While working on this project, I explored my dark area that I can
write some good articles and remain focused. I learnt about my DiSC style, and also understood
how people with different behavioral styles affect me. Another important gain for me was brain
storming to make the website look different, which required hit and trial with the placement of
the codes in different blocks.

There is always scope for something more. In this project, I could cover only 2 factors which
affect the Search Engine Optimization. There are several other factors which are responsible for

1. http://www.strengthscape.com/
2. http://econtentdevelopment.com/
3. https://www.wetfeet.com/articles/industry-overview-human-resources


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