Line 3 Conveyor VFD Short 5P-Problem-Solving-Form
Line 3 Conveyor VFD Short 5P-Problem-Solving-Form
Line 3 Conveyor VFD Short 5P-Problem-Solving-Form
1-A Problem Definition / Discovery (Consider: Who, What, Where, When, Why, How and How Many) 1-B Problem Definition / Details (Provide an in-depth analysis of the problem, include any past problem history, trends, other known variables and containment measures taken.)
Who 1. Who found the problem? Gopal (elec), Tarak, Bappa (Attach any supporting documents, graphs, illustrations, etc.)
2. What part has the problem? (object) Model and type. VFD of Line 3 monobloc conveyor
3. What is wrong with it? (defect) Symptom of problem; Use illustrations to clarify. Oil was found in the terminal box of the connected Conveyor gear motor
4. Where was the part located when you found the problem? it was found
5. Where on the part is the trouble located?
6. When was the problem first found? Date and Time. 3.8.2017;11:58
When 7. When since then has the problem recurred? Is there a pattern forming? Line 4 labelling outfeed conveyor
8. When in the process was the defect first observed?
Why 9. Why is it a problem? Content of complaint. the gear motor is fixed down because of that when the seal gets seperating the
oil chamber of gearbox & motor gets failed, oil ingresses into the motor & motor
How 10. How was the problem found? Visual inspection or customer complaint? gets short also causing problem to VFD of that motor
11. How many parts or units have this problem?
12. How big is this defect? Size. VFD repair or to be replaced
How Many
13. How many defects on each object? (Same Defect)
14. Is the problem getting better, worse or staying the same? (Go to Page 2, Part 2A)
2-C Identify Root Cause(s) (Analysis of both problem occurrence and non detection) Transfer the Why, Why, Why data from 2B. Use only number of boxes needed and / or add more boxes if needed. 2-D Root Cause(s) Selection Justification (How 2C causes were selected and proven)
WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY WHY Selected cause(s), reason why selected and recreation analysis.
In the box below, insert
Problem Statement from Box
Why Made?
Why Shipped?
Have the following been updated and
PRE POST attached?
Severity O PQCT
Occurrence O OP STD
Detection O Other
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