Chap10no1 PDF
Chap10no1 PDF
Chap10no1 PDF
Period: _____________________ Magnetism
What is a Magnet?
Properties of magnets:
A magnet is something that can attract metal or another Magnets have two opposite poles: north and south.
magnet. A magnet can also repel another magnet. If divided, each part of a magnet will also have a
north and south pole (you can never make an un-
paired pole)
Magnets exert forces on other magnets, called
Magnetic forces
Opposite poles attract (North attracts South)
Like poles repel (North repels North, etc)
Permanent and Permanent magnet a magnet that retains its magnetism and does not need to
Temporary Magnets be recharged. Lodestone and magnetite are the only two permanent
magnetic substances.
Iron makes the best Temporary magnet a magnet that occurs when near a permanent magnet,
temporary magnets. but loses its magnetism away from the permanent magnet; many metals
Only lodestone and magnetite can be temporary magnets.
are permanent magnets.
1. Magnet A. Where a compass points to (in Hudson 1. Compass A. The center of an electromagnet.
Bay, Canada).
2. Permanent B. A magnetic navigational device that
B. Becomes a magnet near a magnet, then 2. Electromagnet point toward magnetic north.
loses its magnetism when moved away.
C. The area in which magnets will feel
3. Temporary C. Anything that attracts or repels another 3. Magnetic field magnetic force. More arrows show a
magnet magnet or magnetic material. stronger one.
4. True north D. The North Pole; where maps point to as 4. Core D. Best magnetic substance; more of this
north. in an electromagnetic core makes it
5. Magnetic 5. Iron stronger.
north E. Does not lose its magnetism: lodestone
and magnetite are only types. E. A magnet made from electricity.
Two magnetic north poles: attract or repel? Draw a simple electromagnet:
1) Label the north and Name three ways you could increase the strength of an
south poles of the nail electromagnet:
2) Draw the magnetic
field lines.
(dont forget arrows).
An 5 kg object is 6 meters up a hill. Find potential
You move a 3N object 15 meters. Find work.
A rock is thrown 0.8 meters into the air. Find how
fast it was thrown.
You push on a 35 N object for 3 seconds. Find work.
You move a 4 N object 10 meters. Find work. _________________________________________
You do 25 J of work to move a 4 N object 5 meters.
Find your efficiency.