Cough Mechanism
Cough Mechanism
Cough Mechanism
Cough performs an essential protective function for human airways and lungs. Without
an effective cough reflex, we are at risk for retained airway secretions and aspirated
material predisposing to infection, atelectasis, and respiratory compromise. At the other
extreme, exces- sive coughing can be exhausting; can be complicated by emesis, syn-
cope, muscular pain, or rib fractures; and can aggravate abdominal or inguinal hernias
and urinary incontinence. Cough is often a clue to the presence of respiratory disease. In
many instances, cough is an expected and accepted manifestation of disease, as in acute
respira- tory tract infection. However, persistent cough in the absence of other respiratory
symptoms commonly causes patients to seek medical attention.
Spontaneous cough is triggered by stimulation of sensory nerve end- ings that are thought
to be primarily rapidly adapting receptors and C fibers. Both chemical (e.g., capsaicin)
and mechanical (e.g., particulates in air pollution) stimuli may initiate the cough reflex. A
cationic ion channelthe type 1 vanilloid receptorfound on rapidly adapting receptors
and C fibers is the receptor for capsaicin, and its expression is increased in patients with
chronic cough. Afferent nerve endings richly innervate the pharynx, larynx, and airways
to the level of the terminal bronchioles and extend into the lung parenchyma. They may
also be located in the external auditory meatus (the auricular branch of the vagus nerve,
or the Arnold nerve) and in the esophagus. Sensory signals travel via the vagus and
superior laryngeal nerves to a region of the brainstem in the nucleus tractus solitarius
vaguely identified as the cough center. The cough reflex involves a highly orchestrated
series of involuntary muscular actions, with the potential for input from cortical pathways
as well. The vocal cords adduct, leading to transient upper-airway occlusion. Expiratory
muscles contract, generating posi- tive intrathoracic pressures as high as 300 mmHg.
With sudden release of the laryngeal contraction, rapid expiratory flows are generated,
exceeding the normal envelope of maximal expiratory flow seen on the flow-volume
curve (Fig. 48-1). Bronchial smooth-muscle contrac- tion together with dynamic
compression of airways narrows airway lumens and maximizes the velocity of
exhalation. The kinetic energy available to dislodge mucus from the inside of airway
walls is directly proportional to the square of the velocity of expiratory airflow. A deep
breath preceding a cough optimizes the function of the expiratory muscles; a series of
repetitive coughs at successively lower lung volumes sweeps the point of maximal
expiratory velocity progressively further into the lung periphery.
Weak or ineffective cough compromises the ability to clear lower respiratory tract
infections, predisposing to more serious infections and their sequelae. Weakness,
paralysis, or pain of the expiratory (abdominal and intercostal) muscles is foremost on the
list of causes of impaired cough (Table 48-1). Cough strength is generally assessed
qualitatively; peak expiratory flow or maximal expiratory pressure at the mouth can be
used as a surrogate marker for cough strength. A variety of assistive devices and
techniques have been developed to improve cough strength, running the gamut from
simple (splinting of the abdominal muscles with a tightly-held pillow to reduce postop-
erative pain while coughing) to complex (a mechanical cough-assist device supplied via
face mask or tracheal tube that applies a cycle of positive pressure followed rapidly by
negative pressure). Cough may fail to clear secretions despite a preserved ability to
generate normal expiratory velocities; such failure may be due to either abnormal air-
way secretions (e.g., bronchiectasis due to cystic fibrosis) or structural abnormalities of
the airways (e.g., tracheomalacia with expiratory col- lapse during cough).
The cough of chronic bronchitis in long-term cigarette smokers rarely leads the patient to
seek medical advice. It lasts for only seconds to a few minutes, is productive of benign-
appearing mucoid sputum, and generally does not cause discomfort. Cough may occur in
the context of other respiratory symptoms that together point to a diagnosis; for example,
cough accompanied by wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest tightness after exposure
to a cat or other sources of allergens suggests asthma. At times, however, cough is the
dominant or sole symptom of disease, and it may be of sufficient duration and severity
that relief is sought. The duration of cough is a clue to its etiology. Acute cough (<3
weeks) is most commonly due to a respiratory tract infection, aspiration, or inhalation of
noxious chemicals or smoke. Subacute cough (38 weeks in duration) is a common
residuum of tracheobronchitis, as in pertussis or postviral tussive syndrome. Chronic
cough (>8 weeks) may be caused by a wide variety of car- diopulmonary diseases,
including those of inflammatory, infectious, neoplastic, and cardiovascular etiologies.
When initial assessment with chest examination and radiography is normal, cough-
variant asthma, gastroesophageal reflux, nasopharyngeal drainage, and medications
(angiotensin-converting enzyme [ACE] inhibitors) are the most com- mon causes of
chronic cough.
Details as to the sound, the time of occurrence during the day, and the pattern of
coughing infrequently provide useful etiologic clues. Regardless of cause, cough often
worsens upon first lying down at night, with talking, or with the hyperpnea of exercise; it
frequently improves with sleep. An exception may involve the cough that occurs only
with certain allergic exposures or exercise in cold air, as in asthma. Useful historical
questions include what circumstances sur- round the onset of cough, what makes the
cough better or worse, and whether or not the cough produces sputum.
In virtually all instances, evaluation of chronic cough merits a chest radiograph. The list
of diseases that can cause persistent cough with- out other symptoms and without
detectable abnormalities on physical examination is long. It includes serious illnesses
such as sarcoidosis or Hodgkins disease in young adults, lung cancer in older patients,
and (worldwide) pulmonary tuberculosis. An abnormal chest film prompts an evaluation
aimed at explaining the cough. In a patient with chronic productive cough, examination
of expectorated sputum is warranted. Purulent-appearing sputum should be sent for
routine bacterial culture and, in certain circumstances, mycobacterial culture as well.
Cytologic examination of mucoid sputum may be useful to assess for malignancy and to
distinguish neutrophilic from eosinophilic bron- chitis. Expectoration of bloodwhether
streaks of blood, blood mixed with airway secretions, or pure blooddeserves a special
approach to assessment and management (see Hemoptysis, below).
It is commonly held that (alone or in combination) the use of an ACE inhibitor; postnasal
drainage; gastroesophageal reflux; and asthma account for more than 90% of cases of
chronic cough with a normal or noncontributory chest radiograph. However, clinical
experience does not support this contention, and strict adherence to this concept
discourages the search for alternative explanations by both clinicians and researchers.
ACE inhibitorinduced cough occurs in 530% of patients taking these agents and is not
dose dependent. ACE metabo- lizes bradykinin and other tachykinins, such as substance
P. The mech- anism of ACE inhibitorassociated cough may involve sensitization of
sensory nerve endings due to accumulation of bradykinin. In support of this hypothesis,
polymorphisms in the neurokinin-2 receptor gene are associated with ACE inhibitor
induced cough. Any patient with
chronic unexplained cough who is taking an ACE inhibitor should have a trial period off
the medication, regardless of the timing of the onset of cough relative to the initiation of
ACE inhibitor therapy. In most instances, a safe alternative is available; angiotensin-
receptor blockers do not cause cough. Failure to observe a decrease in cough after 1
month off medication argues strongly against this etiology. Postnasal drainage of any
etiology can cause cough as a response to stimulation of sensory receptors of the cough-
reflex pathway in the hypopharynx or aspiration of draining secretions into the trachea.
Clues suggesting this etiology include postnasal drip, frequent throat clearing, and
sneezing and rhinorrhea. On speculum examination of the nose, excess mucoid or
purulent secretions, inflamed and edema- tous nasal mucosa, and/or polyps may be seen;
in addition, secretions or a cobblestoned appearance of the mucosa along the posterior
pha- ryngeal wall may be noted. Unfortunately, there is no means by which to quantitate
postnasal drainage. In many instances, this diagnosis must rely on subjective information
provided by the patient. This assessment must also be counterbalanced by the fact that
many people who have chronic postnasal drainage do not experience cough.
Cough alone as a manifestation of asthma is common among children but not among
adults. Cough due to asthma in the absence of wheezing, shortness of breath, and chest
tightness is referred to as cough-variant asthma. A history suggestive of cough-variant
asthma ties the onset of cough to exposure to typical triggers for asthma and the
resolution of cough to discontinuation of exposure. Objective testing can establish the
diagnosis of asthma (airflow obstruction on spirometry that varies over time or reverses
in response to a bron- chodilator) or exclude it with certainty (a negative response to a
bronchoprovocation challengee.g., with methacholine). In a patient capable of taking
reliable measurements, home expiratory peak flow monitoring can be a cost-effective
method to support or discount a diagnosis of asthma.
Chronic eosinophilic bronchitis causes chronic cough with a normal chest radiograph.
This condition is characterized by sputum eosinophilia in excess of 3% without airflow
obstruction or bronchial hyperresponsiveness and is successfully treated with inhaled
gluco- corticoids.
Treatment of chronic cough in a patient with a normal chest radio- graph is often
empirical and is targeted at the most likely cause(s) of cough as determined by history,
physical examination, and possibly pulmonary-function testing. Therapy for postnasal
drainage depends on the presumed etiology (infection, allergy, or vasomotor rhinitis) and
may include systemic antihistamines; antibiotics; nasal saline irri- gation; and nasal pump
sprays with glucocorticoids, antihistamines, or anticholinergics. Antacids, histamine type
2 (H2) receptor antagonists, and proton-pump inhibitors are used to neutralize or decrease
the production of gastric acid in gastroesophageal reflux disease; dietary changes,
elevation of the head and torso during sleep, and medica- tions to improve gastric
emptying are additional therapeutic measures.
Patients who fail to respond to treatment targeting the common causes of chronic cough
or who have had these causes excluded by appropriate diagnostic testing should undergo
chest CT. Diseases causing cough that may be missed on chest x-ray include tumors,
early interstitial lung disease, bronchiectasis, and atypical mycobacterial pulmonary
infection. On the other hand, patients with chronic cough who have normal findings on
chest examination, lung function test- ing, oxygenation assessment, and chest CT can be
reassured as to the absence of serious pulmonary pathology.
Hemoptysis, the expectoration of blood from the respiratory tract, can arise at any
location from the alveoli to the glottis. It is important to distinguish hemoptysis from
epistaxis (bleeding from the nasophar- ynx) and hematemesis (bleeding from the upper
gastrointestinal tract). Hemoptysis can range from the expectoration of blood-tinged spu-
tum to that of life-threatening large volumes of bright red blood. For most patients, any
degree of hemoptysis can cause anxiety and often prompts medical evaluation.
While precise epidemiologic data are lacking, the most common etiology of hemoptysis
is infection of the medium-sized airways. In the United States, the cause is usually viral
or bacterial bronchitis. Hemoptysis can arise in the setting of acute bronchitis or during
an exacerbation of chronic bronchitis. Worldwide, the most common cause of hemoptysis
is infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis, pre- sumably because of the high
prevalence of tuberculosis and its predi- lection for cavity formation. While these are the
most common causes, the differential diagnosis for hemoptysis is extensive, and a step-
wise approach to evaluation is appropriate.
One way to approach the source of hemoptysis is to search system- atically for potential
sites of bleeding from the alveolus to the mouth. Diffuse bleeding in the alveolar space,
often referred to as diffuse alveolar hemorrhage (DAH), may present as hemoptysis.
Causes of DAH can be inflammatory or noninflammatory. Inflammatory DAH is due to
small- vessel vasculitis/capillaritis from a variety of diseases, including granu- lomatosis
with polyangiitis and microscopic polyangiitis. Similarly,
systemic autoimmune diseases such as systemic lupus erythematosus 245 can manifest as
pulmonary capillaritis. Antibodies to the alveolar base-ment membrane, as are seen in
Goodpastures disease, can also resultin alveolar hemorrhage. In the early period after
bone marrow trans- plantation, patients can develop a form of inflammatory DAH that
can be catastrophic and life-threatening. The exact pathophysiology of this process is not
well understood, but DAH should be suspected in patients with sudden-onset dyspnea
and hypoxemia in the first 100 days after bone marrow transplantation.
Alveoli can also bleed due to direct inhalational injury, including thermal injury from
fires, inhalation of illicit substances (e.g., cocaine), and inhalation of toxic chemicals. If
alveoli are irritated from any pro- cess, patients with thrombocytopenia, coagulopathy, or
antiplatelet or anticoagulant use will be at increased risk of hemoptysis.
Bleeding in hemoptysis most commonly arises from the small- to medium-sized airways.
Irritation and injury of the bronchial mucosa can lead to small-volume bleeding. More
significant hemoptysis can result from the proximity of the bronchial artery and vein to
the air- way, with these vessels and the bronchus running together in what is often
referred to as the bronchovascular bundle. In the smaller airways, these blood vessels are
close to the airspace, and lesser degrees of inflammation or injury can therefore result in
their rupture into the airways. While alveolar hemorrhage arises from capillaries that are
part of the low-pressure pulmonary circulation, bronchial bleeding generally originates
from bronchial arteries, which are under systemic pressure and thus are predisposed to
larger-volume bleeding.
Any infection of the airways can result in hemoptysis, although acute bronchitis is most
commonly caused by viral infection. In patients with a history of chronic bronchitis,
bacterial superinfection with organisms such as Streptococcus pneumoniae, Haemophilus
influ- enzae, or Moraxella catarrhalis can also result in hemoptysis. Patients with
bronchiectasis (a permanent dilation of the airways with loss of mucosal integrity) are
particularly prone to hemoptysis due to chronic inflammation and anatomic abnormalities
that bring the bronchial arteries closer to the mucosal surface. One common presentation
of patients with advanced cystic fibrosisthe prototypical bronchiectatic lung disease
is hemoptysis, which can be life-threatening.
Pneumonias of any sort can cause hemoptysis. Tuberculous infec- tion, which can lead to
bronchiectasis or cavitary pneumonia, is a very common cause of hemoptysis worldwide.
Patients may present with a chronic cough productive of blood-streaked sputum or with
larger- volume bleeding. Rasmussens aneurysm (the dilation of a pulmonary artery in a
cavity formed by previous tuberculous infection) remains a source of massive, life-
threatening hemoptysis in the developing world. Community-acquired pneumonia and
lung abscess can also result in bleeding. Once again, if the infection results in cavitation,
there is a greater likelihood of bleeding due to erosion into blood ves- sels. Infections
with Staphylococcus aureus and gram-negative rods (e.g., Klebsiella pneumoniae) are
especially likely to cause necrotizing lung infections and thus to be associated with
While not common in North America, pulmonary paragoni- miasis (i.e., infection with
the lung fluke Paragonimus wester- mani) often presents as fever, cough, and
hemoptysis. This
infection is a public health issue in Southeast Asia and China and is frequently confused
with active tuberculosis, in which the clinical pic- ture can be similar. Paragonimiasis
should be considered in recent immigrants from endemic areas who have new or
recurrent hemopty- sis. In addition, pulmonary paragonimiasis has been reported second-
ary to ingestion of crayfish or small crabs in the United States.
Perhaps the most feared cause of hemoptysis is bronchogenic lung cancer, although
hemoptysis is a presenting symptom in only 10% of patients. Cancers arising in the
proximal airways are much more likely to cause hemoptysis, but any malignancy in the
chest can do so. Because both squamous cell carcinomas and small-cell carcinomas are
CHAPTER 48 Cough and Hemoptysis
246 more commonly in or adjacent to the proximal airways, and large at presentation,
they are more often a cause of hemoptysis. These can- cers can present with large-volume
and life-threatening hemoptysis because of erosion into the hilar vessels. Carcinoid
tumors, which are found almost exclusively as endobronchial lesions with friable
mucosa, can also present with hemoptysis.
As with most signs of possible illness, the initial step in the evaluation of hemoptysis is a
thorough history and physical examination (Fig. 48-2). As already mentioned, initial
questioning should focus on ascer- taining whether the bleeding is truly from the
respiratory tract and not the nasopharynx or gastrointestinal tract; bleeding from the latter
sources requires different approaches to evaluation and treatment.
History and Physical Examination The specific characteristics of hemop- tysis may be
helpful in determining an etiology, such as whether the expectorated material consists of
blood-tinged, purulent secretions; pink, frothy sputum; or pure blood. Information on
specific triggers
of the bleeding (e.g., recent inhalation exposures) as well as any previ- ous episodes of
hemoptysis should be elicited during history-taking. Monthly hemoptysis in a woman
suggests catamenial hemoptysis from pulmonary endometriosis. Moreover, the volume of
blood expecto- rated is important not only in determining the cause but also in gauging
the urgency for further diagnostic and therapeutic maneuvers. Patients rarely
exsanguinate from hemoptysis but can effectively drown in aspirated blood. Large-
volume hemoptysis, referred to as massive hemoptysis, is variably defined as hemoptysis
of >200600 mL in 24 h. Massive hemoptysis should be considered a medical
emergency. All patients should be asked about current or former cigarette smok- ing; this
behavior predisposes to chronic bronchitis and increases the likelihood of bronchogenic
cancer. Practitioners should inquire about symptoms and signs suggestive of respiratory
tract infection (including fever, chills, and dyspnea), recent inhalation exposures, recent
use of illicit substances, and risk factors for venous thromboembolism.
The physical examination begins with an assessment of vital signs and oxygen saturation
to gauge whether there is evidence of life- threatening bleeding. Tachycardia,
hypotension, and decreased oxygen saturation mandate a more expedited evaluation of
hemoptysis. A specific focus on respiratory and cardiac examinations is important; these
examinations should include inspection of the nares, ausculta- tion of the lungs and heart,
assessment of the lower extremities for symmetric or asymmetric edema, and evaluation
for jugular venous distention. Clubbing of the digits may suggest underlying lung
diseases such as bronchogenic carcinoma or bronchiectasis, which predispose to
hemoptysis. Similarly, mucocutaneous telangiectasias should raise the specter of
pulmonary arterial-venous malformations.
Diagnostic Evaluation For most patients, the next step in evaluation of hemoptysis
should be a standard chest radiograph. If a source of bleed- ing is not identified on plain
film, CT of the chest should be performed. CT allows better delineation of bronchiectasis,
alveolar filling, cavitary infiltrates, and masses than does chest radiograph. The
practitioner should consider a CT protocol to assess for pulmonary embolism if the
history or examination suggests venous thromboembolism as a cause of bleeding.
Laboratory studies should include a complete blood count to assess both the hematocrit
and the platelet count as well as coagulation studies. Renal function should be evaluated
and urinalysis conducted because of the possibility of pulmonary-renal syndromes
presenting with hemoptysis. The documentation of acute renal insufficiency or the
detection of red blood cells or their casts on urinalysis should elevate suspicion of small-
vessel vasculitis, and studies such as anti- neutrophil cytoplasmic antibody,
antiglomerular basement membrane antibody, and antinuclear antibody should be
considered. If a patient is producing sputum, Grams and acid-fast staining as well as
culture should be undertaken.
If all of these studies are unrevealing, bronchoscopy should be considered. In any patient
with a history of cigarette smoking, airway inspection should be part of the evaluation of
new-onset hemoptysis as endobronchial lesions are not reliably visualized on CT.