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OF DAIRY COWS Marija Klopi, Arie Hamoen & Jerey Bewley

University of Ljubljana

CRV Holding
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SI06/IB/AG/02/TL: SI06/IB/AG/02/TL:
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Marija Klopi1, Arie Hamoen2 & Jerey Bewley3

1Biotechnical Faculty, Department of Animal Science, Domale, Slovenia
CRV Holding/NRS, Arnhem, The Netherlands
Department of Animal and Food Sciences University of Kentucky, USA

Domale, 2011


Dr. Marija Klopi
Arie Hamoen
Dr. Jerey Bewley

Dr. Marija Klopi & Dr. Abele Kuipers

Littera Picta d.o.o., Medvode

Ta2To, Anton Jarc s.p., Domale

Edition: 200 copy

University of Ljubljana
Biotechnical Faculty
Department of Animal Science
Groblje 3, 1230 Domale

Year of publishing: 2011

CIP - Kataloni zapis o publikaciji

Narodna in univerzitetna knjinica, Ljubljana


KLOPI, Marija, 1962-

Body condition scoring of dairy cows / Marija Klopi,
Arie Hamoen & Jerey Bewley. - Domale : Biotechnical Faculty,
Department of Animal Science, 2011

ISBN 978-961-6204-54-5
1. Hamoen, Arie 2. Bewley, Jerey



Introduction 7
Why Condition Score? 8
Importance of Body Condition 8
Scoring Body Condition 9
Condition Scoring of Dairy Cows 11
How to Body Condition Score 11
Scoring Method 12
Description of Scores 13
How to Evaluate Body Condition 14
Specication of Scores 20
Explanation of Scores 24
BCS and Management 26
BCS and Milk Production 26
Impact of Body Condition Score at Calving 27
Changes in body condition Score during Lactation 27
Early Lactation 27
Body condition score, energy balance and milk production 28
Nutrition and body condition score 28
Feed guidelines for proper body condition during lactation 28
Body condition by stage of Lactation 29
BCS and Increased Health Risk 29
Excess Body Condition 32
Thin Body Condition 32
BCS and Reproduction 32
BCS and Genetics 34
Body Condition Scoring Actions 35
Summary 35
References 36
Appendix 38
Practice 41
Body Condition Scoring System for Beef Cattle 42


Body condition score is an important management tool. The condition of the cow shows if the ration
meets the need of the animal. A cow that is fed according to its needs functions optimally. Health
problems can be encountered by animals that are too fat (especially at the end of lactation) or too
skinny animals (especially at the beginning of lactation).

Body condition score is an indicator of how well the animal maintains energy reserves, reective of
the relationship between nutrition and milk production in a herd. But nowadays there is also more
interest in body condition score (BCS) from the breeding side. BCS could be an indicator for robust
cows. The breeding goal for dairy cows is actually selecting for a cow, which produces a lot of milk in
an ecient way during a long time without problems. The actual direct selection for the past 20-25
years has been on milk production traits and conformation. Later on, longevity was added but a little
attention was given to traits like fertility. This has changed the last couple of years. Now world wide,
traits like fertility get more attention. One of the major challenges for good fertility in dairy cows is
the negative energy balance during the rst part of the lactation: the energy output, in production,
is higher than the energy input, via feed intake, causing mobilisation of fat reserves. Solution for this
disturbance is, or better attention for feeding during dry period and the beginning of the lactation,
or genetic selection (de Jong & Hamoen, 2009).

BCS is a good indicator for cows energy reserves during the lactation and could be a good measure
for cows which are able to balance in a good way between milk production and feed intake. Animals,
which stay in good condition during the rst part of the lactation, show shorter calving intervals. To
get data for genetic selection herdbook organisations in several countries started to score cows for
BCS. But to get extra value out of this data herdbook organisation could also think about scoring of
BCS as an extra support or service for the farmer his management (de Jong & Hamoen, 2009).

The purpose of this booklet is to show how the simple technique of body condition scoring can
contribute signicantly to good husbandry and management of dairy cows. This will help to ensure
that the cow is in the correct condition for each stage of her annual cycle and that appropriate
dietary changes can be made in order to correct any deciencies. For dairy cows the crucial periods
are at calving and during early lactation. Achieving correct body condition at calving is important
in order to avoid calving diculties and losses. While in early lactation it is important to prevent
excessive weight loss when meeting the extra nutritional demands of high yielding cows.

The technique links together three major factors:

Good Welfare
Good Husbandry
Good Performance


Why Condition Score?
Condition scoring is a technique for assessing the condition of livestock at regular intervals. The
purpose of condition scoring is to achieve a balance between economic feeding, good production
and good welfare. Condition scoring is particularly useful as an aid to dry cow and pre-calving
management. The objective is to ensure that cows calve down safely whether they are on a controlled
diet indoors or outdoors at grass. Subsequently in early lactation the cow is under considerable
nutritional pressure and body condition is a vital indicator of excessive weight loss. This can lead to
metabolic disorders and other welfare problems and should be avoided.

Body condition score is a subjective assessment of the amount of fat, or stored energy a cows carries
within her body. Scoring a cow requires only a simple visual assessment of certain parts of the cows
where adipose tissues tend to accumulate. Body condition score has become a simple, yet powerful
tool to adjust feeding and management practices:

to maximize milk production

to minimize metabolic disorders in early lactation (ketosis, fatty cow syndrome)
to minimize reproductive problems (avoid excess negative energy balance in early lactation).

Most trial work on cow condition has had the objective of showing the ideal condition for maximum
production e.g. linking condition at calving with milking potential or fertility, but equally important
is establishing the correct score for ease of calving. (Body condition score and body weight eects
on dystocia and stillbirths and consequent eects on postcalving performance (Berry et al., 2007)).
Importance of Body Condition
The important stages of production are:
Pre-calving Condition should be fit not fat, and should be such to allow a mod-
(drying o ) erate level of supplementation to prepare cows for early lactation.
At calving Cows should not calve in an excessively fat condition. Fat cows may
develop fatty liver disease or ketosis and are more prone to milk fe-
ver, mastitis, lameness and infertility (also retained placenta).
Early lactation Dairy cows are under considerable nutritional stress and adequate
feeding is essential to avoid excessive weight loss. Excessively thin
cows can suer discomfort in a housing environment such as cu-
At service Dairy cows should not be in energy decit by this stage as this may
result in low fertility.
Source: DEFRA, 2001


Scoring Body Condition
The body condition score is an estimate of lling of cavity around tailhead with fat and fat covering
of pelvic bones and rib bones.

Side view Rear view

Short ribs Short ribs

Hooks Sacral ligament


Tailhead ligament

Pins Thurl

Image 1: Side View (Source: PennState, 2004) Image 2: Rear View (Source: PennState, 2004)

For management purposes BCS is scored on a scale of 1 to 5 with 9 classes. European herdbook
organisations have transformed this to the 1-9 scale, with the same 9 classes. The advantage of the
1-9 scale is that this scale is in line with the other linear scores.

There are multiple scales used across the world. In this book we use both notations.

Pictures of cows scoring 1, 5 and 9 or 1, 3 and 5 are presented in Image 3a and 3b.

System: 1 to 9 scale

1 poor 5 9 grossly fat

Image 3a: Three pictures of cows scoring 1, 5 or 9 for body condition (De Jong & Hamoen, 2009)


System: 1 to 5 scale

1 3 5
poor grossly fat

Image 3b: Three pictures of cows scoring 1, 3 or 5 for body condition (De Jong & Hamoen, 2009).

Body condition changes during the lactation. A cow starts in the beginning of the lactation with
above average condition score and reaches on average the lowest point during the third month,
after which the fat reserves increase again (see image 4).










5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Week in lactation

Image 4: Body condition during the lactation for Black and White Holstein (blue line or lowest
line) and Red and White Holstein (red line or highest line) in the Netherlands - on the
scale 1 - 9 (De Jong & Hamoen, 2008)


Condition Scoring of Dairy Cows
In early lactation, high potential dairy cows frequently produce far more milk than can be supported
by feed intake alone. They do this by drawing on body reserves that were built up before calving.
This phenomenon is shown in Image 5 where the condition score decreases due to the withdrawal
of body reserves.
Body condition score

5 Body condition score

4 Milk yeild
3 Feed intake
0 10 20 30 40 50
Week of lactation

Image 5. Relative changes in milk yield, feed intake and body condition score
(on the scale 1 - 5 ) over the lactation

Few farmers weigh their cows at regular intervals, and, even if they do, live-mass alone is not a good
indicator of body reserves. Cows of similar mass could be small and fat, or large and thin. Similarly,
cows could have the same body reserves and yet have very dierent masses. Live-mass is also aected
by gut ll and by pregnancy. Body condition scoring is a technique for quickly and reliably estimating
the body reserves of cows. These scores can then be used in making management decisions.

How to Body Condition Score

The local condition scoring technique is based on the method developed at the British National
Institute of Research in Dairying (NIRD). Scoring consistently requires handling cattle in order to
assess body reserves but an overall visual inspection is also important. Two score areas are involved
namely the loin area and the tailhead area subjectively, by feeling with the hand the amount of fat
cover over the transverse processes (horizontal projections) of the lumbar vertebrae, and around
the tailhead. You should stand directly behind the cow to score both areas and always handle the
animal quietly and carefully using the same hand. The tailhead is scored by feeling for the amount
of fat around the tailhead and the prominence of the pelvic bones. The loin is scored by feeling the
horizontal and vertical projections of the vertebrae and the amount of fat in-between.

The cow is awarded a condition score on a scale of 1 (very poor) to 5 (grossly fat), with half scores
to give a 9-point scale or on a scale of 1 (extremely thin) to 9 (extremely fat), with 9-point scale.
Consistency in the technique is the key to good condition scoring (DEFRA, 2001).


Scoring Method
Score the tailhead area by feeling the amount of fatness. This gives a better estimate than visual
inspection alone because of the set of tailhead and thickness of coat.
Score the loin area in a similar way, using the same hand, when the cow is relaxed.
Assess the scores to the nearest half point on 5-point scale or one point on 9-point scale. Cows
must be handled for accurate assessment of half points on 5-point scale or of one points on
9-point scale.

Image 6. The two score areas

Loin area covering the horizontal

projections of the lumber vertebrae

Taillhead area covering pelvis from

pin bones to top of tailhead

Get together at regular intervals, at least twice a year, with other condition scorers to revise technique
and scores. Good stockmen who like their cows tend to over score. Experience has shown that people
who work in isolation with only one herd tend to drift away from the denitions. For example, if that
herd is generally a bit thin, and has few or no cows with condition scores greater than 2,5, the 2,5's
will inevitably become 3's and so on. Regular comparison with friends and colleagues is essential
(van der Merwe B.J. & P. G. Stewart, 2010).


Description of Scores tail head sacral ligament short ribs
pin bone
The following is a step by step guide to help
you learn to assign body condition scores (BCS)
based on the process described by Ferguson et thurl
al., 1994.

What to look for when body condition scoring

hook bone
a dairy cow?

short ribs
loin rump (pelvis)

tail head

pin bone



Image 7. Parts of a dairy cow used to score (Neary & Yager, 2002; Michel, 2008; Agric, 2010)

Scorers using this method will be able to assign BCS consistently and accurately. This system will teach
you to evaluate specic areas of the pelvis and loin in an orderly fashion. Scores range from 1 to 9 or
from 1 to 5 in increments of 0.5. This system concentrates on accurately assigning scores from 4 to
7 on 9-point scale or from 2.5 to 4.0 on 5-point scale. Scores outside of this range are extreme and
indicate serious problems. For example, on 9-point scale the dierence between an 8.5 and a 9.0 is
insignicant, both cows are seriously over-conditioned and prone to the same metabolic problems.
The same is probably true of two cows scoring 2.0 and 2.5; both are seriously under-conditioned. Even
with a structured system such as this, some cows will fall between the categories described. In this case,
scorers must decide which score best ts each cow. As you assign scores, it may be helpful to continue
one step past the score you think the cow should receive. This allows you a second opportunity to
consider her nal BCS. For dairy cows, BCS are based on evaluation of the pelvic area and the loin.


How to Evaluate Body Condition

rump loin chine

hip or hoop

tail head

pin bone

Using method: 9-point scale (adapted from Ferguson et al., 1994)

Step 1: Angle between Hooks and Pins
The rst decision you make will divide cows into two groups: those with a BCS less than or equal
to 5 and those with a BCS greater than 5.
From the side view, evaluate the angle between the hooks and pins, using the thurl as a reference

Angle is a V Angle is a U
BSC will be a 5 or less BCS will be more than 5


This decision may be the most dicult one in the BCS process, especially if the cow is near a 5.0 or
5. 5 BCS. If the dierence between a U and a V is not clear, move to the rear and observe the same
angle between the hooks and pins. In addition, evaluate the angularity of the hooks and pins. Cows
with sharp, angular hooks and pins will likely score 5 or less. Cows with round, fat-covered hooks and
pins will likely score above 5.

Angular Cow, V-Angle Rounded Cow, U-Angle

More Practice
Since this rst decision can be a little dicult, here are a few more examples.
Once you have looked at each cow, you can advance to see the answer.

Cows with V-Angle 5.0 or less

Now let's rene your score of 5 or less, starting with an evaluation of the hooks.
Are they round or angular?

Rounded Hooks Angular Hooks

BCS = 5.0 BCS = 4.5 or less



Check Point
If these steps don't seem to t the cow you are scoring, try going through the steps for cows with
a U-angle between the hooks and pins.

Cows with Angular Hooks 4.5 or less

Now let's rene your score of 4.5 or less, by evaluating the pins.
Are they padded or angular?

Padded Pins Angular Pins

Pins visibly padded Pins are angular

BCS = 4.5 BCS is below 4.5

Feel Pins for Fat Pad

Now let's rene your score of less than 4.5 by evaluating the pins more closely.
Can you feel a fat pad on the point of the pins (a palpable fat pad)?

Palpable Fat Pad on Pins No Fat Pad on Pins

Fat pad present No fat pad

BCS = 4.0 BCS is bellow 4.0


Evaluate the Visibility of Short Ribs
The nal decision to rene your score of less than 4 requires a close look at the short ribs and
Look for the boney ridges of the short ribs.
Estimate the distance that these ridges are easily seen from the tip of the short ribs to the spine.
Are the ridges visible half of the distance, three-fourths of the distance, more?
Visible 1/2 the distance Visible 3/4 the distance

Ribs visible halfway to the spine Ribs visible 3/4 of the distance to the spine
BCS = 3.5 BCS = 3.0

Cows with a U-Angle Score over 5

Now let's rene your score of over 5 starting with an evaluation of the tailhead and sacral
The tailhead ligament is found between the tailhead and the pins.
The sacral ligament is found between the spine and the hooks.
The visibility of these ligaments will help you score cows with more condition.
Which ligaments can you see?

Sacral Visible - Tailhead Visible Sacral Visible - Tailhead Barely Visible

Both ligaments easily seen Tailhead ligament partly covered in fat

BCS = 5.5 BCS = 6.0


Sacral barely visible - Tailhead not visible Sacral not visible - Tailhead not visible

Neither ligament easily seen Neither ligament visible

BCS = 6.5 BCS = 7.0 or more

Check Point
If none of these descriptions t the cow you are scoring, try going through the steps for cows with
a V-angle between the hooks and pins.

Scores Greater than 7.0

Now let's rene your score of over 4, by evaluating the thurl, short ribs, pins, and hooks.
The score will increase as more of these parts are covered with fat.
Which parts can you see?

Thurl Flat - Short Ribs Visible Thurl Flat - Short Ribs Barely Visible

Area between hooks and pins lled with fat Area between hooks and pins lled with fat
Tips of short ribs visible Tips of short ribs barely visible
BCS = 7.0 BCS = 7.5




Thurl Flat - Pins not visible All boney prominences -

Well rounded & fat covered

Area between hooks and pins lled with fat No bones visible
Tips of short ribs not visible
Pins not visible
BCS = 8.0 BCS =9.0


Specification of Scores

Score Condition Detailed description Visual guide

1 Poor Tail head deep cavity
with no fatty tissue under skin.
Skin fairly supple but coat
condition often rough.
Loin spine prominent and
horizontal processes sharp.

Individual short ribs have a thin covering of esh.

Bones of the chine, loin, and rump regions are prominent.
Hook and pin bones protrude sharply, with a very thin covering of esh
and deep depressions between bones.
Deep cavity under tail and around tail head (between pin bones).
Bony structure protrudes sharply, and ligaments and vulva are prominent.
SHORT RIBS: The ends of the short ribs are sharp to the touch and together
give a prominent shelf-like appearance to the loin. Scalloping over the top
and ends of the short ribs is very obvious.
BACKBONE: the vertebrae in the chine, loin and rump area are prominent
and easily seen as individual bones.
HOOK AND PIN BONES: the hook and pin bones are sharply dened and very
angular in appearance with no discernable fat pad.
THURL: the area over the pelvis, between the hook and pin bones, forms a
severe V shaped depression without fat cover
TAIL HEAD: the area on either side of the tail head is sunken and hollow with
obvious folds of skin. The ligaments connecting the pin bones to the spine
are sharply dened. The vulva is prominent. Source: DEFRA, 2001


Fat cover

Short ribs


Eye muscle

Cross - section, score 1


Score Condition Detailed description Visual guide
3 Moderate Tail head shallow cavity but pin
bones prominent; some fat under
skin. Skin supple.

Loin horizontal processes can be

identied individually with ends

Individual short ribs can be felt but are not prominent.

Ends of ribs are sharp to the touch but have a thicker covering of esh.
Short ribs do not have as distinct an overhanging shelf eect.
Individual bones in the chine, loin, and rump regions are not visually
distinct but are easily distinguished by touch.
Hook and pin bones are prominent, but the depression between them is
less severe.
Area below tail head and between pin bones is somewhat depressed,
but the bony structure has some covering of esh
SHORT RIBS: The ends of the short ribs can be felt but are not as prominent
as in condition score 1 cows. The edges of the short ribs can be easily felt
but have a slight amount of fat cover giving them a slightly more rounded
appearance. The over hanging shelf eect is less apparent.
BACKBONE: the vertebrae in the chine, loin and rump area are less visually
distinct but are easily felt.
HOOK AND PIN BONES: the hook and pin bones are still prominent, angular
with no fat pad palpable.
THURL: the area over the pelvis forms a less severe but still V shaped
depression with little tissue cover
TAIL HEAD: the area on either side of the tail head is sunken and hollow. The
ligaments connecting the pin bones to the spine are sharply dened.
Source: DEFRA, 2001


Fat cover

Short ribs


Eye muscle

Cross - section, score 3


Score Condition Detailed Description Visual Guide
5 Good Tail head fat cover over whole
area and skin smooth but pelvis
can be felt.

Loin end of horizontal process

can only be felt with pressure;
only slight depression in loin.

Ends of short ribs can be felt by applying slight pressure.

Short ribs appear smooth and the overhanging shelf eect is not so
The backbone appears as a rounded ridge; rm pressure is necessary to
feel individual bones.
Hook and pin bones are rounded and smooth.
Area between pin bones and around tail head appears smooth, without
signs of fat deposit.
SHORT RIBS: The ends of the short ribs can be felt with moderate pressure.
Taken together, the short ribs appear smooth without noticeable scalloping.
The over hanging shelf eect is much less apparent.
BACKBONE: the vertebrae in the chine, loin and rump area appear rounded.
The backbone can still be seen but the individual vertebrae are not distinct.
HOOK AND PIN BONES: the hook and pin bones can be easily seen but are
smooth with a more rounded appearance with some palpable fat pad.
THURL: the area over the pelvis forms more of a U shaped depression.
TAIL HEAD: the area on either side of the tail head is somewhat hollow but
the folds of skin are not distinct. The ligaments connecting the pin bones to
the spine are more rounded in appearance. Source: DEFRA, 2001


Fat cover

Short ribs


Eye muscle

Cross - section, score 5


Score Condition Detailed Description Visual Guide
7 Fat Tail head completely lled and
folds and patches of fat evident.

Loin cannot feel processes and

will have completely rounded

Individual short ribs are distinguishable only by rm palpation.

Short ribs appear at or rounded, with no overhanging shelf eect.
Ridge formed by backbone in chine region is rounded and smooth.
Loin and rump regions appear at.
Hooks are rounded and the span between them is at.
Area of tail head and pin bones is rounded, with evidence of fat deposit.
SHORT RIBS: The ends of the short ribs cannot be seen as individual bones
and can only be felt with rm pressure. The over hanging shelf eect is slight
and is just visible.
BACKBONE: the vertebrae in the chine rounded and smooth. The area over
the loin and rump appear at.
HOOK AND PIN BONES: the hook and pin bones are rounded with an obvious
fat covering.
THURL: the area over the pelvis, between the hooks and pins is almost at.
The pelvic bone can be felt only with rm pressure.
TAIL HEAD: the area on either side of the tail head is not hollow and there are
no skin folds. Some fat deposit can be felt. Source: DEFRA, 2001


Fat cover

Short ribs


Eye muscle

Cross - section, score 7


Score Condition Detailed Description Visual Guide
9 Grossly Fat Tail head buried in fatty tissue,
pelvis impalpable even with rm

Bony structures of backbone, short ribs, and hook and pin bones are not
apparent; subcutaneous fat deposit very evident.
Tail head appears to be buried in fatty tissue.
SHORT RIBS: The ends of the short ribs cannot be seen or felt. There is no
overhanging shelf.
BACKBONE: the vertebrae in the chine loin and rump cannot be seen and
only felt with diculty.
HOOK AND PIN BONES: the hook and pin bones are very round and buried in
fatty tissue, almost disappearing.
THURL: the area over the pelvis, between the hooks and pins has lled in and
appears to be at. Source: DEFRA, 2001
TAIL HEAD: the hollow is lled in and the area on


Fat cover

Short ribs


Eye muscle

Cross - section, score 9

Explanation of Scores
Body Condition Score = 2.0
This cow is too thin and is hopefully rarely seen on a farm. This cow will not milk well or reproduce.
This cow probably isnt healthy. The vertebrae, short ribs, hooks, pins, and tail head are very sharp
and visible. One-half of the length of the transverse processes is visible. The ligaments are easily seen
and the thurl area is very dished. The area around the tail head is very dished and there are folds of
skin seen between the tail head and pins.


Body Condition Score = 3.0
This cow is very thin, causing low milk production and poor reproduction. Health may be O.K. The
spine and short ribs can be easily seen, but the individual vertebrae are not real apparent. The short
ribs appear scalloped. The upper surfaces of the short ribs can be felt. One-half to 1/3 of the length
of the transverse processes is visible. The hooks and pins stand out and the thurl area is very dished.
No fat can be felt on the pin bones. The ligaments are sharp and easily seen. The area around the tail
head is very dished and there are folds of skin seen between the tail head and pins.

Body Condition Score = 4.0

It is a reasonable goal not to have more than 10% of the herd scoring 2.5 or less. This is the lowest
acceptable condition score. A cow with a score of 2.5 has vertebrae showing but they cannot be
seen as individual bones. The short ribs can be counted but are not scalloped. One-third to of the
length of the transverse processes is visible. The ligaments are easily seen but not as sharp as with a
BCS of 2.0. Both the hooks and pins are angular but some fat can be felt on the pin. The thurl area is
dished. The area around the tail head is dished.

Body Condition Score = 5.0

This cow could be a healthy, high-producing cow. But, if a cow calves in at a score of 3.0 or less, she
may not have enough body fat to use for high peak milk production and to carry her through until
dry matter intake increases. At this score the dish of the rump (thurl area) is at the transition between
looking like a U and looking like a V. Any cow under a BCS of 3.0 has a thurl area which looks like
a V. The backbone is seen but the individual vertebrae are rounded. Covering the short ribs is to
1-inch of esh. Less than of the length of the transverse processes is visible. There is fat covering
the ligaments but they are still obvious. The hooks and pins have some fat that can be felt. The area
around the tail head is dished but no folds of skin are seen.

Body Condition Score = 6.0

Dry cows and calving cows should have a body condition score of 3.5. On this cow, fat can be felt on
the backbone, short ribs, and ligaments. The hooks and pins are rounded. No individual transverse
processes can be seen. The thurl is somewhat dished. The coccygeal (tail head) ligament is barely
visible but the sacral ligament can still be seen. The area around the tail head is rounded and lled
in but not fat.

Body Condition Score = 7.0

Cows calving in at this condition will eat less, lose more weight, and have more metabolic problems.
This cows back is at because of the fat that has lled in. The short ribs cannot be seen as individuals
but they can just barely be felt. The hooks and pins are obviously fat.The U between the hooks and
pins is very at with no depression. The ligaments cannot be seen. The area around the tail head is
lled in and folds of fat are seen.

Body Condition Score = 9.0

This cow is extremely fat and will have metabolic and breeding problems. The backbone
and short ribs cannot be seen and are hard to feel. The hooks and pins are buried in fat
and hard to feel. The thurl is totally lled in. The tail head is buried in fat. (Source: DeLaval, 2008)


BCS and Management
BCS has relationship with many traits, which are important to a dairy farmer. Cows, which score in the
extreme classes, so too fat or too thin, are culled earlier during her life. Further cows, which produce
1.000 kg milk more, the BCS is 0.5 point lower. The relation with fertility is one of the most interesting.
Cows with one point higher BCS have a 5-day shorter interval calving to rst insemination and a
5-day shorter calving interval.

BCS and Milk Production

Body condition score is a critical measure of a dairy feeding system's eectiveness (Grant & Keown,
1993). Adequate body fat reserves promote milk production, reproductive eciency and herd
longevity. Excessively fat cows or overly thin cows run much greater risks of metabolic problems,
lower milk yield, poor conception rates and dystocia (diculty calving). Failure to attain proper body
condition or rapid changes in body condition score during early lactation may indicate problems
in herd health or feeding management. Condition score should be monitored at each reproductive
examination, including:
At calving,
Postpartum examinations,
Pregnancy checking,
Late lactation (about 250 days in milk), and
At dry-o.

The modern dairy cow cannot consume enough feed in early lactation to provide her with enough
energy to meet her needs for maintenance and milk production. Under these circumstances, the cow
mobilizes body fat to be used to supply the needed energy and as a result, loses body condition.

During a normal lactation cycle (the period of time between two consecutive calving), cows undergo
changes in their body conditions. In early lactation a cow loses adipose (fat) tissues that supply
a substantial amount of energy. Here is a short list of practical facts that research has helped us
Cows mobilized adipose tissues from a few days before calving until approximately 8-10 weeks
after calving
During this early lactation period a cow may lose from 0.5 to 1.0 kg of body weight per day
One kg of body weight mobilized (i.e., lost), provides a amount of energy equivalent to the
production of approximately 7 kg of milk
In mid to late lactation cows recover the body condition lost in early lactation more slowly (0.25
to 0.5 kg/day) and over a longer period of time (from week 10 to 40 or whenever the lactation

The information collected when scoring cows help us determine whether the feeding program of
groups of cows within a herd need to be adjusted or not. Are cows in early lactation loosing too
much weight too fast? or may be cows in mid and late lactation tend to become too fat.


Impact of Body Condition Score at Calving

Cows in body condition score BCS 5 (on the scale 1 = emaciated to 9 = obese; Herd & Sprott, 1986)
or better at calving have fewer days to rst estrus and increased pregnancy rates (Rasby et al.,
1981, Wettemann et al., 1981). Cows calving in BCS less than or equal to 4 had a 9 % to 29 % lower
pregnancy rate compared to cows calving at BCS greater than or equal to 5 (Makarechain & Arthur,
1990). Research from Oklahoma indicates that changes in BCS between 4 and 6 have a greater
impact on pregnancy rate than changes in BCS above 6 or below 4 (Selk et al., 1988). In other words,
little improvement in pregnancy rates is seen when cows calve in BCS above 6 while pregnancy rate
does not get much worse below BCS 4.

Changes in body condition score during lactation

Production eciency of a lactating cow refers to her ability to partition energy intake as eectively
and eciently as possible into milk production. The energy demand for yield typically exceeds
energy derived from intake in the early stage of a lactation resulting in a period of negative energy
balance (EB). Higher-producing cows express more severe prolonged negative EB, thereby resulting
in greater biological stress (Berry et al., 2002). This stress may impact upon the reproduction and
immune systems leading to fertility and health problems during and beyond the negative EB period
(Collard et al., 2000). During the negative EB period, lactating dairy cows typically mobilize body
reserves to meet the energy demand for yield. The depletion of body reserves is indicative of the
severity of negative EB, but body reserves of a living lactating cow are impossible to measure directly.
Like milk yield and dietary intake, which are functions of amount and composition, body reserves
are a function of weight and composition. Weight can be easily measured, but body composition
of a lactating cow can only be approximated. Body condition score (BCS) has been proposed to
approximate the body composition of a dairy cow. Among others, Edmonson et al. (1989) and
Ferguson et al. (1994) indicated that not only is BCS a good measure of total body fat, but also the
method is accurate and repeatable between assessors of body condition.

Early lactation

We know that a signicant amount of the energy a high-producing cow uses to make milk in early
lactation comes from her body fat reserves. Weight losses of one to one and- a-half kilograms per
day, are not uncommon during the rst 100 days in milk. Fortyve grams of mobilised fat can support
about three kilograms of milk. Many herds will average 1.0 body condition loss by 30 days in milk.
A good goal is not to exceed 1.0 body condition loss during that time. It is critical that cows do not
exceed one point of body condition loss by 30 days in milk. Cows with excessive body condition
losses will have irregular heats, longer time to rst ovulation and may fail to conceive. These cows
will also be less persistent in milk production. Cows with a BCS over 6.5 at two weeks prior to calving
are more prone to having depressed intakes, weight loss, fatty liver, ketosis, high non-esteried fatty
acid (NEFA) levels, calving and reproductive problems. When a cow loses body fat reserves, especially
two weeks before and after calving, the liver takes up fat and processes it. Fatty liver and ketosis can
then develop. Cows that had a BCS of 7.0 or greater at dry o were 2.5 times more likely to have


reproductive problems. Even if one could avoid the health and reproductive problems associated
with fat cows, it is inecient to put excessive weight on (>6.5 BCS) during late lactation and the dry
period, then have to take it o after calving. It takes energy for the cow to process body fat and then
to mobilise it for later use (DeLaval, 2008).

Body condition score, energy balance and milk production

High-producing dairy cows simply cannot consume enough feed during the rst 60 to 90 days of
lactation to support high milk yields and avoid weight loss. Body fat must be mobilized to support
high milk production. Energy balance is the dierence between intake of feed energy and energy
output in the milk. Energy balance is related to body condition loss or gain. Maximum negative
energy balance occurs within two to three weeks after calving, and cows may reach positive energy
balance by approximately 60 days in milk. A primary goal is to manage the feeding program to
properly manipulate body condition loss and minimize the duration of negative energy balance.
High milk yield does not cause excessive weight loss if the feeding program is well-tuned. Two or
three times daily milking does not alter target body condition scores.

Nutrition and body condition score

British research indicates cows that are fat at calving (condition score 7 to 9 on 9-point scale or 4 to
5 on 5-point scale) experience a longer delay between peak milk yield and peak intake, prolonging
negative energy balance. On the other hand, less conditioned cows at calving (condition score 3
(1-5) or 5 (1-9)) have higher feed intake that more closely coincides with peak milk yield. Overly fat
cows (condition score 7 to 9 (1-9) or 4 to 5 (1-5)) at calving typically lose body condition, while cows
closer to condition score 3 (1-5) or 5 (1-9) at calving gain body condition. Body fat appears to inhibit
feed intake, so cows fat at calving cannot reach maximum feed intake until they lose some of the
excess conditioning. Cows may have a target body condition in early lactation, which they try to
reach if diets are properly formulated. The ideal, or target, body condition score is probably lower for
genetically superior, highproducing dairy cows.

Feeding guidelines for proper body condition during lactation

When troubleshooting reasons for poor body condition, consider feet and leg problems, overall
herd health and feeding management. Any health problem that limits a cow's movement to the feed
bunk or her ability to aggressively consume feed will likely limit intake and the ability to maintain
proper body condition and milk production. The major aspects of feeding management that can be
adjusted to control body condition include:
Maximizing feed intake,
Adjusting energy concentration,
Adjusting crude and escape protein levels,
Providing adequate ber to prevent o-feed problems or chronic intake uctuations, and
Checking macro mineral (Ca, P, Mg and K) levels and water availability.

A major goal of proper feeding is to maximize feed intake during early lactation. The sooner


a cow reaches high levels of feed intake, the sooner she moves out of negative energy balance.
Consequently, reproductive performance improves and milk production is greater. Diets that contain
adequate ber help prevent low intake and chronic intake uctuations, poor body condition scores
and erratic and low milk production. Diets should always be properly formulated to meet energy
and protein requirements for high levels of milk production.

Generally, when high energy diets are fed to fully meet the cow's requirements, both fat and thin
cows produce more milk compared to when energy is limiting. Adequate dietary energy should
come from high quality forages, grains or supplemental fats. The trick is to meet the cow's energy
requirement without feeding excessive grain or fat causing acidosis, metabolic disorders or o-feed
problems. Diets formulated to contain proper levels of crude protein and escape protein promote
highest milk yields and optimum condition scores. Overly fat cows in early lactation especially
respond to proper escape protein levels. Proper ration formulation includes adjusting the ration
before body condition losses become great and persistency of lactation or reproductive eciency
are hurt. Large changes in condition score are stressful, lower appetite and may cause ketosis and
fatty livers. The following sections detail specic parts of the feeding program to evaluate during
each stage of lactation if poor body condition is a problem in the herd.

Body condition by stage of lactation

Fresh cows (0 to 4 weeks after calving)
Remember that cows should calve at condition score 3.0 to 3.5 (5-point scale) or 5.0 to 6.0 (9-point
scale). By four weeks they should not have fallen below 3.0 to 2.5 (5-point scale) or below 5.0 to 4.0
(9-point scale) (very high producing cows may drop to 2.0 (5-point scale) or to 3.0 (9-point scale).
If rapid loss of body condition occurs during the rst four weeks, and the cow is otherwise healthy,
examine intake, dietary energy and protein, ber adequacy, and feeding strategy.

Early lactation (1 to 4 months)

Recommended score is 2.5 to 3.0 (5-point scale) or 4.0 to 5.0 (5-point scale). Try to maintain cows in
the condition score 3 (5-point scale) or 5 (9-point scale) range and allow the cow to regain positive
energy balance. If man cows fall to condition score 2 (5-point scale) or 3 (9-point scale), especially if
they are not high producers, check feed intake. Remember that high levels of milk production and
good body condition can only be achieved when feed intake is maximized. If cows remain in good
condition (3 to 3.5 on (5-point scale) or 5 to 6 (9-point scale), but do not peak very high, check for
inadequate protein, macro minerals or water intake.

Mid-lactation (4 to 8 months)
Recommended score is approximately 3 (5-point scale) or 5 (9-point scale). The nutritional objective
is to meet or slightly exceed energy requirements so body reserves can be built-up. If cows become
over-conditioned during mid-lactation (3.5 to 4.0 (5-point scale) or 6.0 to 7.0 (9-point scale), reduce
energy intake, check crude protein levels and consider culling inecient producers (cows that fail to
milk or that fatten excessively). If cows become under-conditioned (2 to 2.5 range (5-point scale) or
3 to 4 range (9-point scale), the ration is probably low in energy. Check the early lactation ration as
well because the problem often begins at this time.


Late lactation (8 months to dry-off )
Recommended score is about 3.5 (5-point scale) or 6 (9-point scale). The nutritional goals are to
completely replenish body fat reserves, yet prevent over-conditioning. If many cows reach the
condition 4 (5-point scale) or 7 (9-point scale) range, reduce dietary energy concentration. If cows
are in the low 3 (5-point scale ) or 5 range (9-point scale), increase dietary energy to the mid-lactation
group. Also, examine early lactation diets because conditioning problems in late lactation may begin
during early as well as mid-lactation.

Dry period
It is not recommended to put over-conditioned cows on a diet at dry-o due to the risk of fatty
liver. It is inecient but acceptable to put body condition on during the dry period if it is needed
to achieve a BCS of 3.5 (5-point scale) or 6.0 (9-point scale) at calving. Total body weight should
increase during the dry period regardless of body condition because the calf developing inside the
cow will gain 45 to 68 grams per day.

Body condition and dry cow feeding

Over-conditioning usually begins during the last three to four months of lactation when milk
production decreases, but grain intake remains too high. Prolonged dry periods and overfeeding
grain or corn silage during the dry period also may lead to over-conditioned cows (score 4 to 5
(5-point scale) or 7 to 9 (9-point scale). Remember that low feed intake and milk production,
reproductive disorders, and disease largely can be prevented if cows are in proper body condition at
calving and are fed properly during the several weeks immediately after calving.

Period 1 2 3 4 5

Body stores Body stores Dry period

used for milk regained for next rumen rehab
production location


Month 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Body weight Milk production Dry matter intake

Figure 7: Nutrient and Milk Yield Relationships in the Lactation and Gestation Cycle


Early lactation Mid lactation Late lactation Dry period


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Dry matter intake Milk production Body energy reserves Fetal growth

Desired body condition score

3.5-3.75 2.25-2.5 2.5-3.0 3.0-3.5 3.5-3.75 1 - 5 scale

6.0-6.50 3.50-4.0 4.0-5.0 5.0-6.0 6.0-6.50 1 - 9 scale

Figure 8: Changes of Body Condition during lactation


BCS at calving

< 4.5 reduced milk yield

> 5.5 reduced milk yield
Penn State & Cornell research shows cows with a BCS >5.5 at calving produce 2.3 kg less milk each
day than cows with lower BCS during the rst 30 days of lactation

BCS change after calving

Decrease of 1 BCS unit increase of 420 kg milk in 305-d lactation

Body reserves essential to support milk production


BCS and Increased Health Risk
Excess Body Condition

Fat Cow Syndrome

Displaced Abomasum
Milk Fever
Limited Dry Matter Intake

Thin Body Condition

Metabolic problems can set the stage for consequences of other nutritional-stress complications,
including infections such as mastitis.

BCS and Reproduction

Research indicates that cows that are too fat at calving (BCS >4 (5-point scale) or BCS >7 (9-point
scale), were more prone to reproductive diseases such as dicult calving, retained afterbirth, cystic
ovaries and uterine infections than cows with lower BCS. Cows that lose more than 1 (5-point scale)
or 2 (9-point scale) BCS, experience reduced fertility, which may be more pronounced if the BCS loss
is rapid. Reproduction has been shown to be unaected by BCS loss of up to 0.5 (5-point scale) or
1.0 (9-point scale) units. Cows losing more than 0.5 (5-point scale) or 1.0 (9-point scale) units of
BCS have been observed to suer some impairment in reproduction. Excessive BCS loss (>1 BCS
(5-point scale) or >2 BCS (9-point scale) or too rapid a loss usually results in greater impairment. The
usual observed impairment in reproduction is a longer interval to the successful establishment of
pregnancy. Loeer et al. (2010) presented data that indicate cows with a BCS of 5.0 achieved the
highest rst service conception rates. Cows above and below 5.0 attained poorer conception rates.

Cows > 6.5 BCS at dry o were 2.8 times more likely than cows with average BCS to
experience the following reproductive problems in their next lactation
Retained placenta
Uterine infection
Cystic ovaries


Recomended BSC by Stage Lactation ( on the scale 1 to 9 )
Stage of lactation DIM Goal Min Max
Calving 6.00 5.50 6.50
Early latation 1 to 30 5.00 4.50 5.50
Peak milk 31 to 100 4.50 4.00 5.00
Mid lactation 101 to 200 5.00 4.50 5.50
Late lactation 201 to 300 5.50 5.00 6.50
Dry o > 300 6.00 5.50 6.50
Dry 6.00 5.50 6.50

Some guidelines for managing body condition during the dry period are:

Cows should not lose body condition during the dry period
Cows losing condition most likely are carrying twins and should be moved to theclose-up group
at least two weeks early
Cows should not lose more than one unit of body condition post-calving
The lowest body condition score should not be less than 4.0
Cows that are thin at dry-o may benet from gaining condition during the dry period

BCS < 5.50 BCS > 6.50
Too little energy provided in late lactation or Too much energy provided in late lactation
dry period or dry period
Risk low milk production. Especially if ration Separate dry cows from milking herd
is not balanced or not palatable Feed low-energy ration balanced for protein,
minerals, and vitamins
Niacin may help
Reduce ketosis
Increase fat mobilization
Increase appetite
Early Lactation
BCS < 4.50 and low milk production BCS > 5.50
Too little energy provided in ration Too little protein provided in ration to sup-
High producers may drop below 4.50, but port milk production
condition must be regained to prevent Check intake of water, minerals, and vita-
reproductive problems mins
Peak Milk
BCS < 4.00 and low milk production BCS > 5.50
Too little energy provided in ration Too little protein provided in ration
Check intake of water, minerals, and vita-


Mid Lactation
BCS < 4.50 BCS > 5.50
Too little energy provided in ration Reduce energy intake to avoid over condi-
Problem probably began in early lactation tioning
Late Lactation
BCS < 5.00 BCS > 6.50
Too little energy provided in ration Too much energy provided inration
Problems likely began earlier in the lactation Also may result from extended calving
Dry Cows
BCS < 5.50 BCS > 6.50
Too little energy provided in ration Too much energy provided in ration
Problems likely began earlier in the lactation Also may result from extended calving
Avoid BCS loss in dry period

BCS at calving affects lactation performance

If too thin, peak milk yields will be low and reproduction will be delayed
If too fat, metabolic diseases are very likely

Early lactation BCS lost

Used to support milk production
Extreme loss hurts reproductive activity

By 80 to 120 days into the lactation

Weight loss should be minimal
Cows should begin to regain condition
Essential for strong exhibition of estrus (heat) and conception

After 120 days, all cows should be gaining about 0.75 to 1.0 pounds per day

If a cow enters the dry period fat

Maintain body condition DO NOT LOSE

If a cow enters the dry period thin

May add a little condition early (rst 3 weeks)

BCS and genetics

BCS is for sure a heritable trait. Heritability estimates for BCS range from 0.30 to 0.40. The genetic
standard deviation on a scale of 1-9 is in the range of 0.8 to 0.9 points. So using a bull which is one
standard deviation in his breeding value above population average can increase the body condi-
tion with 0.4 to 0.45 points in a herd. Up to now countries like Great Britain, the Netherlands, Ger-


many, USA, Ireland, New Zealand and Denmark score cows during the type classication of herds.
The Netherlands, Ireland and New Zealand have breeding values available on bulls. In near future
more countries will follow. Breeding values for BCS are valuable in breeding as it can be a help to
breed more robust cows. The genetic correlation with fertility traits is considerable: -0.53 and 0.45
with respectively interval calving to rst insemination and calving interval. The genetic correlation
between BCS and non-return after 56 days is close to zero. Therefore the breeding value for BCS can
be used as an early predictor for fertility, which helps to increase the reliability for fertility traits.

Body condition score has the strongest relationship with linear conformation traits angularity and
chest width. The phenotypic correlations of BCS with angularity and chest width are 0.51 and 0.55
respectively. The genetic correlations of BCS with angularity and chest width are 0.75 and 0.71 re-
spectively (based on Dutch data).

Body Condition Scoring Actions

Body condition scoring should be conducted during these four phases of lactation:
1. Dry-o ;
2. Calving;
3. 30 days in milk; and
4. 150 to 200 days in milk.

Listed below are ideal body condition scores at each lactation stage:
5.0 to 6.5 at dry-o
5.0 to 6.5 at calving
3.5 to 4.5 at peak milk
5.0 to 6.0 at 150 to 200 days postpartum

Body condition score can give management information for the dairy farmer. First the farmer can use
the score of the classier as a reference for his body condition scores. Second, the herdbook could
use the BCS to present trend in the herd in time, which can help the farmer to analyse his (feed)
management. Body condition scores is of interest for the farmer as it has a strong relation with milk
production and fertility. Body condition of a cow is a heritable trait with genetic variation. Selection
is possible. Breeding values on BCS for bulls could help to breed a more robust cow which can pro-
duce a lot of milk, while keep enough body condition as sign for enough energy (feed) intake. Cows
with enough body condition have fewer problems with fertility and health. Therefore BCS is a tool in
selecting cows which balance production, fertility and health in the right way.


AGRIC, 2010. Whats the Score: Dairy Cow - Body Condition Scoring (BCS) Guide$department/deptdocs.nsf/all/agdex9622/$FILE/bcsdairy-cow.pdf

Berry, D.P., Buckley, F., Dillon, P., Evans, R.D., Rath, M., Veerkamp, R.F., 2002. Genetic parameters for
level and change of body condition score and body weight in dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 85: 2030

Berry D.P., Lee M.J., Macdonald K.A., Roche J.R. 2007. Body condition score and body weight eects
on dystocia and stillbirths and consequent eects on postcalving performance. J. Dairy. Sci. 90:

Bewley J. M. & M. M. Schutz, 2008. Review: An Interdisciplinary Review of Body Condition Scoring for
Dairy Cattle. The Professional Animal Scientist 24: 507529

Body Condition Score.

Body condition scoring.

Collard, B.L., Boettcher, P.J., Dekkers, J.C.M., Petitclerc, D., Schaeer, L.R., 2000. Relationship between
energy balance and health traits of dairy cattle in early lactation. J. Dairy Sci. 83: 26832690
Condition scoring of dairy cows

de Jong G. & Hamoen, A., 2009. Body condition score, an extra service from hedbook organisation for
farmers and cattle improvement. NRS The Netherlands, 6 p.

DEFRA, 2001. Condition scoring of dairy cows. 12 p.

( )

DeLaval, 2008. Cow comfort: Body condition score

Edmonson, A.J., Lean, I.J., Weaver, L.D., Farver, T., Webster, G., 1989. A body condition scoring chart for
Holstein dairy cows. J. Dairy Sci. 72, 68 78.

Elanco Animal Health, 1997. Body Condition Scoring in Dairy Cattle. Indianapolis, IN.

Ferguson, J. D., D. T. Galligan, and N. Thomsen. 1994. Principal descriptors of body condition score in
Holstein cows. J. Dairy Sci. 77: 2695-2703.


Garcia A. & A. Hippen, 2008. Feeding Dairy Cows for Body Condition Score.

Grant R.J. & J.F. Keown, 1993. Feeding Dairy Cattle for Proper Body Condition Score.

Heinrichs A.J. & V. A. Ishler, 2011. Body Condition Scoring as a Tool for Dairy Herd Management. Ex-
tension Circular 363.

Keown J.F., 2005. How to Body Condition Score Dairy Animals.

Kennedy Derek, 2007. Managing Body Condition Score in Dairy Cows. Technical Note TN 587, 2p.

Loeer et al., 2010. Why Its Important to Use Body Condition Scoring

Michel W., 2008. Body Condition Score.

Mulligan F., OGrady L., Rice D. & M. Doherty, 2006. Production diseases of the transition cow: Body
condition score and energy balance. Irish Veterinary Journal, 59: 505-510

Neary M. & A. Yager, 2002. Body Condition Scoring in Farm Animals. New 9/2002.

PennState, 2004. Learn to Score Body Condition Step by Step.

Price, J. E., M. P. Coey and S. Brotherstone, 2000. The genetic relationship between calving interval,
body condition score and linear type and management traits in registered Holsteins. J. Dairy Sci.
83: 2664-2671.

Van der Merwe B.J. & P. G. Stewart, 2005. CONDITION SCORING OF DAIRY COWS.


Score Score Spinous Spinous to Transverse Overhang- Tuber coxae Between Between the Tailhead to
processes tramsverse processes ing shelf & tuber shll pins & hooks hooks pins (ano-
1-5 1 -9 (SP) prcesses (TP) (care rumen tomy varies
scale scale (anatomy ll)
Severe Individual deep very promi- denite shelf, extremely severe severely bones very
undercon- processes dis- depression nent >1/2 gaunt, sucked sharp, no tis- depression depressed prominent
1.00 1.0 tinct giving lenght visible sue cover devoid of with deep V
(emaci- a saw - toth esh shaped cavity
ated) appearance under tail
1.25 1.5

1.50 2.0
1/2 length
of process
1.75 2.5 visible

Individual obvious prominent Prominent very sunken Bones promi-

Frame processes depression shelf nant U under
obvious 2.00 3.0 evident cavity formed
under tail
between 1/2
to 1/3 of pro-
2.25 3.5 cess vsible

prominent thin esh denite rst evidence
2.50 4.0 ridge covering depression of fat
between 1/3 - shelf
1/4 visible
2.75 4.5
smooth Bones
concave moderate smooth
Frame & 3.00 5.0 curve 1/4 visible slight shelf smooth depression depression cavity under
covering tail shallow
well - bal- appears & fatty tissue
lanced smooth, lined
3.25 5.5 TPs just
smooth ridge, smooth slope District ridge, covered
the SPs not no individual slight slight
3.50 6.0 evident processes depression depression

3.75 6.5
at, no nearly at smooth, none rounded with at bones
processes rounded fat rounded with
Frame 4.00 7.0 discerneble edge fat and slight
not as fat lled
visible as at depression
covering under tail
4.25 7.5

edge barely
4.50 8.0 discernable buried in fat

bones buried
in fat cavity
4.75 8.5 lled with fat
Severe forming tis-
overcon- sue folds
5.00 9.0 buried in fat (convex) buried in fat bulging rounded rounded

Figure 1: Body condition scoring chart for Holstein/Friesian dairy cows. (Reproduced from Edmondson et al. (1989) Journal Dairy Science 72 pp 68-78.)


Table 2: Target BCS scores for Holstein dairy cattle
On the scale 1 to 5 On the scale 1 to 9
BCS at drying o 2.75 4.50
BCS at calving 3.00 5.00
BCS at breeding >2.50 >4.00
BCS at 150 days in milk 2.75 4.50
BCS at 200 days in milk 2.75 4.50
BCS at 250 days in milk 2.75 4.50
Adapted from Mulligan et al., 2006

The chart below should help you determine a score for your cow. Some people like to start with the
drawing an imaginary line between the hook and the pin bone as the rst point of decision. If the
line forms a V, the score will be less or equal to three. If the line forms a U, the score will be three
or above. I prefer to use a combination of at least two factors to help me make my mind up.

Verte- Cavity
Body brae in Cross section at the Line from the hook bone
Score between tailhead and
parts the loin hook bones to the pin bone pin bone
Scale Scale
1-9 1-5 Rear Rear Side Rear Angled

1 1 tioning or
extremly thin

Frame obvi-
3 2 ous

Frame and
5 3 covering well

Frame not
7 4 as visible as

Severe over-
9 5
or extremly

Source: Michel, 2008


In the image below, you can easily distinguish the line between the hook and the pin in combination
with the depression (overhang shelf ) helps me determine whether a cow should be scored less or
equal to three or not.

1 2 3 4 5 scale 1-5
1 3 5 7 9 scale 1-9

Then, I try to move my eyes to image the cross section through the hook bones and the vertebrae
in front of the hook bones. The lateral (side) protuberance of the vertebrae and the vertical pro-
tube ance of the vertebra between the hooks help me make additional decision. If the vertebrae are
hardly apparent because they are burried deeply in adipose tissue, then we talk of a score of four or
ve. However, at the other extreme, the degree with which the vertebrae stick out and the degree
to which they are surrounded by deep depressions on each side of them, is the criteria that I use to
separate a score of two from a score of one

1 2 3 4 5 scale 1-5
1 3 5 7 9 scale 1-9

Finally, we try to focus our attention on the tail-head area and the tight. Here we are looking for
actual amount of fat covering. A score of one shows very deep depression around the tail. The tails
falls into a sharp V formed by the bony area between the pins. There is just no fat to keep the
tail up. Also the absence of subcutaneous fat (fat right underneath the skin, makes the demarcation
between muscle visible in low body condition scores.

1 2 3 4 5 scale 1-5
1 3 5 7 9 scale 1-9


Practice scale
Start with deciding if her score will be:
3 (5-point scale) or 5 (9-point scale)
above, or
1 1
3 (5-point scale) or 5 (9-point scale)
or below.
From there, built your decision tree.
Be methodical and consistent.

2 3

Period of Score Score

lactation scale 1-5 scale 1-9
Calving 3.25 -3.75 5.5-6.5
Remark: Adjust energy density of the ration
maintaining minimum ber to minimize BCS
3 5 loss.
Breeding 2.5- 2.75 4.0 - 4.5
Remark: Cows that are too thin run low in
fuel resulting in poor production and fertil-
ity. Cows should not be losing more than 1
unit of BCS between calving and breeding.
Late lactation 3.0 - 3.5 5.0-6.0

4 7 Remark: Watch out, it is hard to prevent

obesity in cows with more than 450 d calving
Dry period 3.25 -3.75 5.5-6.5
Remark: DO NOT use the dry period to alter
BCS. There is just not enough time!

5 9


Body condition scoring system for beef cattle
Score Description
Severely emaciated;
starving and weak;
no palpable fat detectable over back, hips or ribs;
tailhead and individual ribs prominently visible;
1 all skeletal structures are visible and sharp to the touch; animals
are usually disease stricken.
Under normal production systems cattle in this condition score
are rare.
similar to BCS 1, but not weakened;
2 little visible muscle tissue;
tailhead and ribs less prominent.
Very thin;
3 no fat over ribs or in brisket;
backbone easily visible, slight increase in muscling over BCS
Very thin;
borderline 4 no fat over ribs or in brisket;
backbone easily visible, slight increase in muscling over BCS
increased fat cover over ribs, generally only 12th and 13th ribs are
5 individually distinguishable;
optimum tailhead full, but not rounded.
6 back, ribs, and tailhead slightly rounded and spongy when palpated;
slight fat deposition in brisket.
cow appears eshy and carries fat over the back, tailhead, and
7 ribs are not visible;
area of vulva and external rectum contain moderate fat deposits;
may have slight fat in udder.
Very fat;
squared appearance due to excess fat over back, tailhead, and
fat hindquarters;
8 extreme fat deposition in brisket and throughout ribs;
excessive fat around vulva and rectum, and within udder;
mobility may begin to be restricted.
similar to BCS 8, but to a greater degree;
9 majority of fat deposited in udder limits eective lactation.
Under normal production systems cattle in this condition score
are rare.


Energy 26 Energy required
24 Energy ingested

Mcal NEI/day
18 Increasing risk of
16 over - feeding
Unavoidable Energy stored as
4 under - feeding body fat

balance -4 Energy balance
-6 Energy requrement

Increasing risk of
Too fat
condition 3
Risk of becoming
too thin
Cow 70
( % conception)


Period of
Days open Pregnancy (282 days)
(70 - 105 days open)

Week of lactation 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 32 40 44 48 52
Days from calving 30 60 90 120 140 168 196 224 252 280 308 336 365

Figure 2: Energy balance of dairy cows in early lactation



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