Aymara para Angloparlantes
Aymara para Angloparlantes
Aymara para Angloparlantes
Editorq Foreword p.
Lesson A. Inve:Tryzfa;Ay-mae=01: xiv
Lesson I. of vowels; stress.
Rositampi Susanampi (-01-; 707; ra.227; -ma-3
711.47) 1
Lesson II. Personal pronouns; possessive pronouns; possessive
pronominal suffixes.
114. voluntariampi ma 'rokaliampi (-sti; -raoui-;
-sa; -cama-; -tea; 12
Lesson III.
aaa;edrompi (-D27; imperative; -ri) 23
Lesson IV. Aspect and tense: punctual and durrtive verbs;
-(a)ncaria/ -(a)ncascatia;sazTBrisa; relative
clauses; location suffix
Juancits2 Marianompiw jiquisiWe (-pta-;
-cama-) 35
Lesson V. cunans.
cawouins; rah it ins
4a voluntaria ma tiendaru sari (-naca-) 48
Lesson VI. Durative conjugation (positive); objective case;
verbs of motion izith -1117; -ri- with.. infinitive
stems; -12217; cawcs; sims; -217; aspect and
tense; -ita-; -wa.
Lesson VII. Punctual
usut (71.1i7; -requi-;
c-orla:118-:::::217:::::;);* 74
Lesson VIII . Durative conjugation (negative)* 84
Lesson IX. Punctual conjugation (negative).
Davidamp faaginsmi(-waya-; -quima-.1 -A.21.7;
-cama-) 86
Lesson X. Future conjugation (positive); indefinite article.
Mama E21102. mama Teresampiw parlapila (cOmparative
suffix -Yri-) 94
Lesson XI. Numerals: cardinal and ordinal.; animate and
inanimate subjects; 721.1:17; -cama-; -naca-; kawkhas
possessive -na-.
Ma voluntaria4i 1.rhathun alac46 muni.
Mama Lositam Mama MariErmi 103
Lesson XII. Future conjugation (negative).
gpma Rositamplmq voluntariami 115
Lesson XIII. Necessity/ ability (positive); elision of
vowels (adverbs).
Mama PMariamp mama Welk-Tata Earl Barg. maakii9.
wiAp.E mama RosAtsmpiw parlasat
mama Mars
;imperative) 125
(bAseo opt CARmitkro 1943)
(According to J. Harris)
Editor's Foreword
II. External history of the language. Within the borders of Bolivia, repre-
According to the U.S. ArTy Handbook, the year 1952 marks a significant
change in the attitude of local speakers towards Aymara which may signal an
improved status for the language. Since 1952, Aymara (along with Quechua)
has been studied as a tangible link with the national heritage. Recent years
Voegelin (vol. 6, no. 6, June 1964), some 36% of Spanish speakers in the
Highlands have some knowledge of either Quechua or Aymara.
In recent years, interest in Aymara is growing both at home and abroad -
among native speakers themselves and non-native observers. We do not yet
especially clerics, set about to translate religious tractates into the local
languages. The first grammatical description of Aymara was apparently the 350
page work of Ludovico Bertonio, Arte y orammItica mu' copiosa de la lengua
&Tara, Rome 1603. (It is interesting that Forbes, p. 79, a visitor to Bolivia
from 1859-63, talks of meetings of Aymaras in La Paz for the purpose of keeping
up the study of the language and discussing the purity of the pronunciation.)
To those sceptical observers who see the Indian tongues of South America
doomed to gradual extinction with the spread of education in Spanish, we
would only call to mind similar prognoses for new national languages in
Europe in the course of the 19th and 20th centuries. Nevertheless, the
not unexpected to find that some 400 years of contact with Spanish and Quechua
have left a strollg imprint on Aymara vocabulary and grammar. It is
aspect distinction which characterizes verbs formed from verbal roots con
trasts sharply with the weakened aspect distinction of verbs formed from
non-verbal roots, such as in the aspect pair camsminca_A.7(to be) where
(right now)'/ crwquincasca a '(to be) where (in gereral)' where the Spanish
equivalent is the adverb donda with the verb eetar 4t8 .be% Thee
and many other problems are inadequately treated in previous grammars, we are
also sorely hampered by a lack of dialect studies, linguistically sound
VI. Selected-b-Wiealanhydp
anglisis tat
tambign grabadas en cintas magnetoftinicas y ademgs porque un
de memoria las frases patr6n bgsicas que aparecen en cada lecci6n, asf
como las oracicnes de conversaci6n que se presentan en los diglogos.
Primer() hubo que grabar el material sistemIticamente en forma paradig-
mgtica. Luego seleccionamos para cada capttulo diglogos que casen con
el contenido cie los ejercicios de coipletamiento y substituciOn.
wuchos casos, presentamos al mismo tiempo categorlas gramaticales'y
vocabulario nuevos. En lo porvenir, dada mayor familiariead con el
gramatical del aimara parece ser la obra de 350 pgginas escrita por
Roma 1603. (Es interesante que seem Forbes, p. 793 que visit's Bolivia
de 1859-63, los aimaraes se reunian en La Paz con el propOsito de
mantener vivo el estudio de su lengua y de discutir la pureza de su
A aquellos observadores escepticos que creen que debido a la
difusi6n de la ensefianza en castellano los idiomas indios de Sud
America estgn predestinados a gradual desaparici6n, nos gustaria
recordar pron6sticos similares respecto a los idiomas nacionales de los
nuevos to'aises de Europa hechos en el transcurso de los siglos 19 y 20.
A pesar de ellos el n6mero de lenguas nacionales en Europa ha aumentado
el ukranio, o el beloruso.
Paul Wexler
Language Coordinator,
Peace Corps Training Programs,
University of Washington and
Department of. Linguistics,
University of Washington,
Seattle, Washington.
Seattle, Spring l %7
continuous 1 11
Fricatives s j jj
Voiced stops b,d,,E occur only in foreign loans.
Syllabic i
e o
y w
Next to postvelar stops and fricatives, i and .0 in native words
are replaced by e and o respectively:
e.g. warmi 'woman' / Ewartila 'my wpman' (and not *Hanniii2).
2119 ..i.
(35) ili (36) upu (37) utu (38) uchu (39) ucu (40) uku
illi uphu uthu uchhu , uqhu ukhu
up'u ut'u uch'u uc'u uk'u
(41) uju (42) ulu (43) papa (44) papa (45) phapa (46) p'apa
uj j u ullu phapha papha phapha p'apha
p'ap'a papa phapha p'ap'a
(47) tata (48) tata (49) thata (50) t'ata (51) chacha
thatha tatha thatha t'atha chhachha
eat'a tat'a that'a eat'a ch'ach'a
(52) chacha (53) chhacha (54) ch'acha (55) caca (56) caca
chachha chhachha ch'achha cihaqha caqha
chach'a chhach'a ch'ach'a 1
c ac 1 a cac 1 a
(57) qhaca (58) c'aca (59) kaka (60) kaca (61) jaja (62) lala
qhaqha c'aqha khakha khaqha jajja lalla
qhac'a c'ac'a k'ak'a k'ac'a jajj llalla
Vocabulary - Arunaca_
jisa si yes
Susana Scsana.
estatura stature
LESSON I - Grammar
III. Rules of elision: the last vowel of an adjective with more than
two syllables may be dropped in sentence-medial position the vowel
IV.. Rules of stress: most native Aymara words are stressed on tha
last syllable. The stress remains fixed regardless of elision.
e.g. c'umgra / c'umar
The only exceptioas to this rule are the interrogative markers
(e.g. -ti) which bear the strese.
M. Joseajj
M. jayra
M. jakewa
M. ch'iqhi
M. Pablojj
M. jisc'a tansa
M. chachawa
M. khoru
M. suma
M. k'apha
M. pisi chuyma
M. Davidajj
M. clumar
M. yokallawa
M. liq'i
E. Davidajj yokallawa
M. jach'a tansa
M. Enriquejj
M. usut
M. waynawa
N. t'uqba
M. klapha
M. Joseajj
M. j akewa
M. jiscla tansa
Substitution Drill
M. liq'i
M. jisc'a tansa
M. khoru
M. Elenajj
M. c'umar
M. eugha
M. tawakowa
M. Rositajj
M. jach'a tansa
M. usut
M. pisi chuyma
M. k'apha
Substitution Drill
M. liq'i
E. Rositajj tawakowa
M. usut
M. jakewa
M. Susanajj
M. suma
M. jayra
M. imillawa
M. k'apha
M. pisi chuyma
N. jisc'a tansa
M. Mariajj
M. khoru
Affirmative - Chekanaca
M. Pablojj jaketi?
M. Joseajj eughati?
Pronunciation - Arsufia
Pronunciation Review:
Dialogue - Cuento
Rositampi Susanampi
2 'Is Maria's daughter ill?' (Literally 'Is Maria's her daughter ill?)
Marian 'Maria's'
3 'your husband.'
Vocabulary - Arunaca
anu perro :
.= -- dog
naya yo
I. Nayan amigojjajj wali suma jakewa. 'My friend is a very nice man.'
Possession is expressed by the addition of a suffix to the noun.
The possessive personal pronoun may also be added to distinguish
singular and plural possession.
e.g. Amigopajj ch'ighiwa. 'His (her) friend is intelligent:'
Ambiguity is removed by the addition of the possessive
pronoun: jupan 'his (her)' /jupanacan 'their'
There are 8 pronominal forms, distinguished by number but not by
gender. There are 4 numbers which are formally marked: singular,
dual, dual plural, and plural.
1. The dual form includes the speaker and one interlocutor (I and you)
2. The plural of the dual indicates the speaker and more than one
interlocutor (you plural and I)
3. The plural form 'we' does not distinguish the participants referred
to by the speaker.
Possessive pronouns are formed by the addition of the possessive
suffir -na if the preceding word ends in a vowel or -ana if the
preceding word ends in a consonant (e.g. proper and foreign names):
Pedrona 'Pedro's'/Juanana 'Juan's'
The word following a pronoun or noun with -na must have a pronominal
suffix attached to it:
nayan amigoljaji 'my friend7ny'
N.B. The pronominal suffix cannot be contracted when the subject-
object marker -.11a is not present: e.f. amigo-Ha:Ma) 'my friend'
Contraction of amigojja 'my friend'resulfs in the form amigojj 'the
friend' (with subject-object marker).
(Possibly ...ii serves the function of the definite article in Aymara:
e.g. amigo '(a) friend'
saissji(a) 'the friend'
amigojjati(a) 'my friend'
This may be the case in many examples, but the use of -list in this
function is not consistent.
LESSON II - Grammar
1 'my'
-sa 'our' -sa 'our'
('I and you' sing.). CI and you' plur.)
-jig. (! we') 'our'
Personal massa
1 nava 11.2294. 'we' ikaalla 'we'
nanaca 'we'
Possessive pronouns
1 navana my *iwaz_A4na
'our' jiwasanacana 'our'
nanacana 'our'
I .1
Hosted for free on livelingua.com
M. liq'iwa
M. pisi chuymawa
M. cullacajjajj
M. wali k'aphawa
M. jayrawa
M. jach'a tansawa
M. khoruwa
M. mamajjajj
M. eughawa
M. eugha warmiwa
N. ch'icihi
M. khoru
M. wall k'apha
M. jakewa
M. achilamajj
M. usut
M. pisi chuyma . 1
M. tatawa
M. jupan
M. yokapajj
M. khoru
M. imillapajj c'umarawa
M. k'apha
M. jayra
M. waynawa
M. jach'a tansa
M. Jiwasan
M. khoru
M. usut
N. eugha
M. pisi chuyma
M. suma jakewa
N. leapha
M. jisc'a tansa
M. khoru
M. cullacapajj
M. tawakowa
M. c'umar
M. wali k'apha
M. jayra
M. eugha
M. usim
M. Jumanacan
M. Jupanacan
Affirmative - Chekanaca
M. Awichamajj usutati?
Dialogue - Cuento
V. Waliqui3, jumasti4?
Y. Nayajj ukhamaraqui.5
LESSON II - Dialogue
V. Cunas sutimajja?6
Y. Sutijjajj Juancit:uwa.
V. Ichwkha maranYtasa?7
V. AwquinacanYtati?'
Y. nsa, awquinacanYtu.
V. Escuelanctati?
Y. Topcito khoruti?
V. nsa, khoruwa.
Y. Waliquiw, seliorita, uHjasificama.
V. Ufijasificamay.
3 'Fine'.
LESSON II - Dialogue
NOTES (continued)
7 'How old are you?' Literally 'How many years do you have?'
m_ ara 'year': maranifia 'to be old' (literally 'have years')
All infinitives end in The infix -ni- indicates possessor.
--sa question suffix.
Grammar - Sumaparlahataqui
M. merk'e
M. tiojjan
M. okLaa
M. qhaya
M. asnopajj
M. uca tatamaix
M. ch'iArawa
M. jank'owa
M. ovejapajj
M. qhuri warmin
M. qhaya puncojj
M. utapan puncupajj
M. azulawa
M. awichajjan utapan
M. emerk'ewa
M. juman
M. ch'ojjfawa
M. jiwasan
M. wilawa
M. mesasnjj
M. cillaya warmin
N. wali morkowa
M. merk'ewa
M. nayan warmejjan
M. t'ugha
M. tata Andresan
M. jiwasan
M. chachajj
M. tatasawa
M. Pablon
M. juman
M. yokamawa
pisi chuyma
M. Pedron
M. aca
M. wali t'ughawa
M. libropajj ch'ojjfiawa
M. utapajj
M. mama Elenan
M. wali merk'ewa
M. tiapan sillapajj
M. suma machakawa
juman tiaman.
M. wali thanthawa
M. suma antiwa
M. ch'iyarawa
M. jiwasan cullacasan
L. Questions and Answers - 4iset'ailanacampi iyaw safianacampi
Positive - Negative - Chekanaca - Jan chekanaca
[ Cr
M. Mama Rositan imillapajj suma faketi?
E. Janiwa, mama Rositan imillapajj janiw suma jakUquiti.
1. Cunas acajja?
2. Cunas ucajja?
3. Cunas qhayajja?
4. Cunas qhurejja?
Dialogue - Cuento
Andresampi Pedrompi
Pronunciation - Arsufia
Vocabulary - Arunaca
-A27/-227 pluralizer
-sa added to verbs formed from question words.
1D cawquincasipctsa
2P caiquinctasa 2P cawguincaptasa
2D cawquincasctasa 2D cawquincasipctasa
3P cawgenquisa 3P cauquincL:pquisa
LESSON IV - Grammar
1P utanctwa.
1D utancasctw, etc.
Susanaj j marcancasquiwa. 'Susana is in the. village (in general;
Susanail 'aniw marcancasquiti. 'Susana is not in the village (in
girlya jawir qhurcatancquisl uca jank'o uta717...a Ext7iquutaDaLia.
'SelAor Enrique's house is that white house,.Nh2ch is) on that
side of the river.'
Order of components:
[subject clause] + [relative clause] + [predicate clause]
or [relative clause] + [predicate clause] + [subject clause]
Substitution Drill - Wass arunac uscuLa
M. Rositan phuchapajj
M. escuelan
14. juman
M. Chuquiaguncasquiwa.
M. jupan
E. Jupan phuchapajj.Chuquiaguncaskluiwa: t
14. jiwasali r
E. Jiwasan jach'a tansa yokasajj utancasquiwa.
M. yapuncasquiwa
M. nayan amigojjan
M. juman
M. juman
M. warmiman cullacapajj
E. Enriquen
M. tatajjajj
M. kollu patan
M. jiwasan
M. kotancasquiwa
M. nayan
M. amigojjan yokapajj
M. ithaLlun
4 usffv3v3 crvdunol
I4 VOSTr vmulon
ta mimic arcemexon vAvqb Tnbvq3 gstnbouviour eon viosTf tumv-Ac
14 =dn.? rrvdTmavm
4 vamp sTnbouv3voingb
4 uvAvu
14 uemnr rpmeamen
3 uemnr
avmvamv% vAvqb
vamp 6Sinbouv3voinqb on -vmvimuyt
4 uesemTr
M. nayan
M. vacaw
M. tata Franciscon
H. jawir qhurcatancquis
M. ch'oke yapuw
M. juman
M. thaqui accatancquis
M. juman
M. nayan
M. machak utaw
Questions and Answers - 41.stt'efiaracampi ivaw sa-'lanacami
Positive - Chekanaca
T. M. Susanajj marcanquiti?
E. nsa, narcanquiwa.
M. Jilamajj utamanquiti?
E. nsa,utajjanquiwa.
I. Mamasajj khathunquiti?
E. J!sa, khathunquiwa.
E. J7sa, escuelanquiwa.
EL Vacamajj pampanquiti?
E. nsa,pampaaquiwa.
E. JYsa,khathuacasquiwa.
E. Jisa,oficivancasquiwa.
N. Cullacamajj jawirancasquiti?
E. JY.sa, jawirancasquiwa.
E. asa, Chuquiaguncasquiwa.
E. nsa, kolluncasquiwa.
E. nsa, marcancasquiwa7
E. nsa, qhayawa.
E. JIsa, ucawa.
E. Jisa, ucawa
E. JYsa,ucawa.
M. Cullacamajj escuelancasquiti?
M. Cawquincasctansa?
M. Cawquincasipctansa?
M. Cawquincasipctsa?
N. Cawquincasipctasa?
M. Cawquincasipquisa?
Dialogue - Cuento
J. Camisac jilata, cawquirus sarascta?
LESSON IV - ialOpe
2 'What a pity, the teacher gave us many lessons; you should Cove.'
ma 'one'; llaqui 'pity'; vatichiri 'teacher'; tarea (taria)'ifts3one
churapjjetu 'he gives/gave us'.
3 'So, as soon as my mother is well, (then) I will go, I'll see you.'
waliptani: 72.11- signals 'complete change';
Eiijasiiicama 'until we see one another' afinitive uilaia 'to see'i
uijasita 'to see one another' plus -cama 'until.'
Vocabulary - Arunaca
apilla oca oca oxalis with yellow
toLizo mail
' corn
Grammar - Suma parla.lataoui
q--s relative marker 'which'
ui 3rd person singular
V = doubling of the last vowel of the preceding word.
211umla,912STIMEIZL182101fitioman utaPati?
llgistAlhaza calamin utajj, tioman utapati?
7Seora, is that house Wi-ch the roof your uacle's house?'
Miterally: 'Seora, is your uncle's house the one which is that
roof over theral')
41sALAAELRILTwilalkkgPAuclii_tioi'an utaDava-
.1121.2ahata calamlutguiritys.
Jisa, chava calamin.,ucaidliojjen vtapawa.
'Yes, that house over there with the roof is my uncle's house.'
Order of clauses in interrogative sentences:
[Relative clause] + [Subject clause] + [Predicate clause]
gpayajawirsullituplii. 'There is water on that side of the
LESSON V - Grammar
IV. Qhitins 'whose': note the use of the possessive marker -n-.
e.g. Mama, qhitins c'awnajj utji? 'Senora, who has eggs?'
(literally: 'Whose eggs are there?')
M. chawllajj
M. tiendapan
M. mama Marian
M. nayan
M. eant'ajj juman
M. vaca aychajj
M. vaca lechejj,
M. c'awnajj
M. qhaya marcan
M. utajjajj
M. 3uman
M. machak
M. tiendamajj
M. jiwasan
M. phujupajj
M. nayan
M. qhaya ut jac'anquiwa
M. jiwasan
M. apill
M. juman
M. awichajjan"
M. nayan . :
M. vacajjajj
N. jilajjan
M. kawrapajj
M. nayan
M. qhaya jach'a
M. Pedron yapupajj
M. jiwasan
M. kokasajj
M. estanciamajj
M. nayan
M. juman phujumajj
M. awichajjan
M. jiwasan
E. Yapunquiwa.
Cawahanquis mamamajja?
E. Cocinanquiwa.
Cawqu!ris utamajja?
E. Qhaya kleilu utawa.
M. CawquTris Pedron yapapupajje
E. Qhaya jach'a yapuwa.
M. CawquYris jiwasan tiasajja?
E. Qhaya liq'i warmiwa.
M. CawquTris juman sillamajja?
E. Uca merkie sillawa.
Dialogue - Cuento
LESSON V - Dialogue
1 'A volunteer (fem.) goes to a store.' The suffix -ru 'to' may be
omitted. Its use may be motivated by the Spanish verb + preposition:
va a; mg 'a, one'; voluntaria (vuluntaria).
2 'Same to you, young girl. What do you want?'
3 'I want to buy bread and sugar.' -mei 'and' must be attached to
both components of the clause (literally 'and bread and sugar').
The subject/object marker may be omitted: naya- nayajj.
4 'Very good, young girl, here I have good bread and very white sugar.'L.
utjafia 'to havet/utii 3rd person singularkaikAlts1st persona sing.
5 'Then give me 5 breads and a pound of sugar: Ouritliv = imperative
'you give me.' zy. is often added to imperatiVe forms: 'then.'
Note that the pluralizing suffix -naca need not be added with numerals.
Libra (liwra) 'pound'.
6 'There you have the sugar well weighed out and the breads are very good!
Pesadawa (pisatawa) from Spanish pesar 'to weigh.'
7 'Thank you, senora. Here is the money.'
8 'I'll be seeing you; I'll come back soon.'
Mg rat cams = lit. 'until a moment' (Spanish rato 'while, moment'),
an exact translatioh of Spanish haste luego.
Janc'aquiw = janc'a 'fast, soon' + quiwa 'then.'
Cutia 'I will return;' infinitive cutinina.
Vocabulary - Arunaca
comprar to buy
alasifia comprar para si to buy oneself
cafe coffee
cafe (cawia)
carta letter
escribir to write
comer to eat
barrer to sweep
it to go
beber to drink
vicar to visit.
visitafia (wisitafia)
mucho much
Grammar - Suma parlafiataqui
lurascta lurasipcta
-(wa) -(0)
lurasqui lurasipgui
-(wa) -(0)
(lurasquejj a) (lurasipquejja)
- ta
-ta -ta
LESSON VI - Grammar
Ii. The object of the verb is placed before the verb and loses its final
vowel; foreign words in -ia (e.g. io,lasia 'cly,rch') are e;zempt:
e.g. Nayajj mare sarascta. 'I'm goliT, to t.L.1 village.'(trom maeea)
N.B. Often the object of verbs of motion ma:- either lose Lheir final
vowel or take the suffix ru in the meaning of 'to':
e.g. failliiChmuLlEAmmla = Nayaij 'Chuquiagur sarascta
LESSON VI - Grammar
M. jupajj
M. jiwasajj
M. mare sarasctan
M. jumajj
M. jiwasanacajj
M. is eajjsisipctan
E. Jiwasanacajj is t'ajjsisipctan.
E. Jupanacajj is t'ajjsisipqui.
M. nanacajj
E. Nanacajj is t'ajjsisipcta.
M. kawr awatisipcta
M. nayajj
M. jupanacajj
N. jumanacajj
N. aych mank'asipctajja
N. nayajj
M. jiwasajj
M. jumanacajj
M. jiwasanacajj
M. nanacajj
M. ch'ok alasipcta
M. nayajj
M. jiwasajj
M. nanacajj
M. jiwasajj
M. jumajj
M. jiwasanacajj
M. jupajj
M. jumanacajj
M. nanacajj
*N.B. For drill purposes, change the possessive pronoun to agree with
the pronominal subject of the sentence. The grammar of the language
does not require that the possessive pronoun be in person agreement with
M. nayajj
N. jiwasajj
M. tata Pedron
M. jumajj
n. Jichhajj nayajj jilajjan utap pichiriw sarascta.
M. tata Joseajj
N. jumamp nayampejj
M. .jumajj
M. nayamp jumanacampejj
r. nayamp warmejjampejj
N. jumamp yokamampejj
M. nayajj
M. pelot anatiriw
N. tiojjamp nayampejj
M. jumamp tatamampejj
M. jumamp nayampejj
Dialogue - Cuento
Joseampi Mariampi
Jose: Buenos dias, mama Marla!
Maria: Buenos dias, tata Jose!
Jose: Cawcs sarasct mama Maria?
Maria: Nayajj mamajjan utap ovej awatiriw sarasct, tata JOse.
Jose: Mamaman ovejapajj waljati?
Maria: JYs tata Jose, waljawa.
Jose: Waliquiw, waliquiw mara Maria.
1 Buenos dies (winus tias) cf. Spanish imenos dtas.
Vocabulary - Arunaca
Grammar - smaptallattoli
N.B. The particles -wa and -jia may be attached. to the object of the
verb instead of the verb. It is not clear what change in meaning is
involved. Cf. also grammar, Lesson I.
e.g. Navajj Davidan phuchampeij thokoL munta. 'I want, to dance with
David's daughter.'
'I want to dance with
my friend's daughter.'
-wa may be affixed to a verb form in -ri or to the object of such a verb:
ys22aLpagNealnlumaine'famiosanaywanacaper mank' chuririw
ilitaiLmummjilm. 'You and I want to come to feed our friend's
'domestic animals.'
Jtipanicajj'iata AndreSan.caballoparuw Mankt:churir _;uta mullmiie.
'They want to come to feed senor Andres' horses.'
Cne informant seems to differentiate the 1st and 2nd person singular
form by means of
jumojj sarta4ja
II. The verb munafia 'to want' may govern as its object a noun ?hrase
(e.g. cervez munta 'I want beer') or a verb phrase introduced by an
infinitive (e.g. yanapaii munta 'I want to help'). If the object of
the infinitive, in turn, is a verb phrase, a second infinitive may fol-
III. Some verbs require the affixation of -ru to the object they govern;
the Spanish equivalent is frequently a.
e.g. Wall221111_iwnIank'churaiLmunta. (Sp. dar comida a)
'I want to give food to the chickens.'
Egyaidmamadjaruw is t'aiisui. vanaoaii munta.-(Sp. ayudar a)
'I want to help my mother to wash clothes.'
Verbs which must govern ru are marked in the vocabulary by [ru].
Verbs which can govern ru but need not are marked by [itu]. In such
optional cases, we suspect that the use of ru is influenced by the
Spanish model. Cf, earlier reference to ru in grammar, LesJon VI.
The indirect object with --ru- usually precedes the direct object.
M. marc jutafi
M. jupajj
M. ovej awatifi
M. jumajj
M. jiwasajj
N. chawil catufi
M. nanacajj
M. jumanacajj
M. pelot anatafi
M. jiwasanacajj
M. nayajj
N. aymar yatekafi
M. jupajj.
M. jiwasajj
M. cafe uman
M. nanacajj
M. jumajj
M. kot saran
M. jiwasanacajj
M. yap khech'afi
M. jupanacajj
M. aymar yatekan
M. nayajj
M. jupajj
M. jumanacajj
M. cart kellkan
N. jumajj
M. jutan
N. kawr awatiriw
M. caballopar manktchuran
M. nanacajj
N. yokajjan wallpapar
M. wawapar t'ant'
M. jiwasanacajj
M. jumanacajj
M. nayajj
M. amigojjan phuchapar
M. tatamajj
EL ques aljiriw
M. jumamp nayampejj
M. khath saran
M. jumajj
EL is t'ajjsiriw jawir
M. jiwasanacajj
M. nanacajj khartirojj
M. jupanacajj
EL um churir jute
M. Joseajj
Replace the pronoun and verb form for all persons: repeat with different
infinitive constructions
yap luraft
ut pichafi
cart kellkan
pelot anataii
is ch'ucuh
aymar yatekah
chawll jaqhuh
cervez uman
anSoTuTa lump
EN TameTaulunToA Em 3nsn Tdmanuf
4 'very'
6 'temperature' (calintura)
7 'I am also very thin': fugha 'thin'
eughea 'be thin'
-raqui- 'also'
'I am thin' eughat(u)wa
'I am also thin' hara uit(u)wa
. .
10 'Tomorrow'
sarcti sarctanti sarapctanti
sarctati sarapctati
* The verb stem is the infinitive stem minus the final vowel.
N. jupajj
M. jiwasajj
marc sarctanti
M. jumajj
h. jiwasanacajj
M. is t'ajjsipctanti
M. jupanacajj
E. nanacajj
M. kawr awatipcti
M. nayajj
M. jupanacajj
M. jumanacajj
M. aych mank'apctati
M. nayajj
M. jiwasajj
M. jumanacajj
M. jiwasanacajj
M. nanacajj
M. ch'ok alasipcti
M. jupanacajj
M. nayajj
M. jiwasajj
M. nanacajj
M. jumajj
M. jiwasajj
M. jumajj
M. jiwasanacajj
M. jupajj
M. jumanacajj
M. nanacajj
M. nayajj
M. jiwasajj
M. tata Pedron
M. jumajj
M. tata Joseajj
M. jumamp nayampejj
M. nayamp jumanacampejj
M. nayamp warmejjampejj
M. jumamp yokamampejj
M. nayajj
M. jumamp tatamampejj
M. jumamp nayampejj
Dialogue - Cuento
1 'I'll be going now': sargwayija
saa suture tense
way 'in passing'
jia now'
plural: saraptaguinlay.
Future tense: endings are added to the final voyel of the infinitive stem
(-a-, -i-, -u -); in the 1st person singular and plural, the final 'prig
vowel carries the stress:
Verb stem ending in : lkirafa
sarg sarailni AMAPtijaigni
sarMta sarrptigta
sarani sarapiiani
Analysis: sara- root
-pjja- pluralizer
-a (-aa = -g) -Cgni
-a ( -ad -ID
-ate (-aata = -Hta) at (-aata = Mta)
Infinitive stem ending in -i- : awatiLa
awati awatiiMni
Infinitive stem ending in -u-: catea
catg cattflni catupijaLgni
The particles -wa and -jia may be affixed to future tense forms. As
was stated in Lesson VI, -17a seems to introduce the meaning of necessity:
sarRwa ' I have to go' (Sp. d
The particle seems to imply progressive action in the future:
sargija 'I will be going' (Sp. ysysaair).
II. There is no indefinite article in Aymara. The numeral 'one' in it3 short
form (m1) serves this function. (On th., definite article cf.Grammar,
Lesson II .)
M. jupajj
M. yap lurani
M. jupanacajj
M. jiwasajj
M. jiwasanacajj
M. kawr awatipjjata
M. nanacajj
M. jumajj
M. nayajj
M. aych mank'a
M. jiwasajj
M. tiojjan
M. utap pichh
A. jiwasajj
M. jumajj cullacaman
M. jiwasanacajj
M. alasipjjafigni
M. nanacajj
M. cullacajjan vacap
K. jumajj
M. jilapan librop
M. cafeap unani
M. jumanacajj
M. hayajj
M. tata Pedrojj
M. nayamp jumanacampejj
M. cart kellkapjjafigni
M. nayamp tatajjampejj
M. jumamp warmimampejj
M. nayamp jumampejj
M. ch'ok alasiriw
M. jumajj
M. Pedromp cullacapampejj
M. nayamp jilajjampejj
M. jumajj
M. jutata
M. jumamp chachamampejj
M. utap pichiriw
M. nanacajj
M. jutir semanajj
M. kharkirojj tatajjan
M. jiwasanacajj
M. ch'ok alasiriw
Cawcs nayajj sara?
positive Chekanaca
Dialogue - Cuento
Vocabulary - Arunaca
Numerals - Jaqhee;ianaca
Cardinal Ordinal
1 maya, in (mg may also 1st nayriri , nayranquiri
serve as an indefinite
2 -paya, pg (pg is the only 2nd payiri, payanquiri
form used in compound
numerals. Cf. '20,200')
3 quimsa 3rd quimsiri, quimsanquiri
4 pusi 4th pusiri, pusinquiri
5 pheska. 5th pheskeri, pheskanquiri
6 sojjta 6th sojjtiri, sojjtanquiri
7 pakallko 7th pakallkori, pakallkonquiri
8 quimsakallko 8th quimsakallkori, nuimsakallkonquiri
9 llgtunca 9th llgtunquiri, llgtuncanquiri
10 tunca 10th tunquiri, tuncanquiri
11 tunca mayani 11th tunca mayariri, tunca mayaninquiri
12 tunca payani 12th tunca payaniri, tunca payaninquiri
13 tunca quimsani 13th tunca quimsaniri, tunca quimsaninquiri
14 tunca pusini 14th tunca pusiniri, tunca pusininquiri
Cardinal Ordinal
tunca mavni;
:unca payani '12': may be contracted to tursakami.
:1. -ni- in simple numerals and in question words marks the animate quality
of the subject. Inanimate subjects.are unmarked:
Animate subjects
e.g. thaIiswatma.u.aKahil?
'HOE, Many children do yOu have
Inanimate subjects
Kawkhas kawraaalia? 'How many llamas do you have'
t.tjastKawlatatasroa'iut4i? 'Ilow many donkeys does
LESSON XI - Grammar
VIII. The possessive marker -na follows the conjunctional suffix -m217 and,
like the latter, is attached to each member of the construction:
e.g. Juanin warmimam in chhiwchhimajj tunca quimsaniwa.
'You and your wife have 13 little chickens.' Fr'
M. nayan
M. tata Enriquen
M. qhuchipajj pheskawa
M. juman
M. juman warmiman
M. wallpapajj quimsakallkowa
M. quimsakallkoquiwa
M. wanc'upajj pakailkoquiwa
M. jiwasan
M. mama Susanan
M. sojjtaquiwa
M. juman phuchaman
M. juman
M. tunca quimsakallkoniwa
M. tunca pakallkoniwa
M. jiwasan
M. jumanacan
M. nanacan chhiwchhejjajj
M. tunca quimsaniwa
M. jiwasanacan
M. jumampin warmimampin
M. nayan qhuchejjajj
E. Nayan qhuchejjajj tunca quimsaniwa.
M. tunca llatuncaniwa
M. quimsaniquiwa
M. juman
M. sojjtaniwa
M. quimsakallkoniwa
M. juman phuchamajj
M. jiwasan
M. paniniquiwa
M. Pedrompin Mariampin
M. pheskaniquiwa
M. jumampin warmimapin
M. pakailkoniwa
M. juman pokotamajj
M. quimsakallk pataccamawa
M. jiwasan
M. pakallk
M. juman
M. ma arrob azucarajj
M. Ma arrob arrozajj
Horasanaca - Hours
Cuna horasasa? "Mat time is it*?'
11:15 Tunca may= horasa, tunca pheskan rinutoniwa.
12:40 Tunca payan horasa, pusi tunc minutoniwa.
11:55 Pheska minuto faltiwa chica urutaqui. (Lit. '5 minutes to noon')
12 midnight Tunca payan horasa chica aruma.
Give the Aymara for: 6:03, 7:14, 8:43, 9:19, 13:22, 17:0C, 18:43
Dialogue - Cuento
1 'Lower (the price)': e
rebt'aaa from Spanish LeNdal)
2 sapa 'each'
NOTES (continued)
3 kollke 'money'
4 turnui 'change'
5 pH warankan '2000' + n possessive marker; the noun 'of change'
(turqui) is understood.
6 ucampis 'but'
7 utapancasouiti? 'Is she in her house?'
8 apanY 'I will bring.' Future fram
R: Ualic mama.
M: Wawanacamajj acancasquiti?
R: Janiwa. JilYrejj2 escuelancasquiwa. TaypIrejj3 ovej awati,Nui.
N: Chhiwechinacamajj utjiti?
R: JYs mama, utjiwa.
M: Kawkhas utji
R: Tunca mayaniw mama.
Val:law mama, waljawa.
R: Ay mama, cawqhas utamajja?
LESSON XI - Dialogue
Grammar - smgapatlEaLlqagi
1. Future negative
saratati sarepatati
sarcaniti sarancaniti
In interrogative statements, the -ti particle is attached to
negative iani:
ianit sarcaaRni janit sarapcaiani
N.B. The particle -its may also be attached to future negative interrog-
M. jupajj
M. yap lurcaniti
M. jupanacajj
M. jiwasajj
M. jiwasanacajj
M. jumanacajj
M. kawr awatipcatati
M. nanacajj
M. jumajj
M. nayajj
M. aych mank'cati
M. jiwasajj
M. tiojjan
N. jiwasajj
M. jumajj cullacaman
M. jiwasanacajj
M. alasipceaniti
N. cullacajjan vacap
M. jilapan librop
U. cafeap uncaniti
M. nayajj
M. tata Pedrojj
M. nayamp jumanacampejj
M. cart kellkapcaiianiti
M. nayamp tatajjampejj
M. jumamp warmimampejj
M. nayamp jumampejj
M. ch'ok alasir
M. jumajj
M. Pedromp cullacapampejj
M. nayamp jilajjampejj
M. jumajj
M. jumamp chachamampejj
M. utap pichapcatati
M. nanacajj
A. jucir semanajj
M. cervezap umapcati
M. nayajj
M. jiwasanacajj
M. ch'ok alasir
M. jumanacajj
Nayajj jariw t'ant' mank'cHti
IT. Interrogative
Janit nayajj cawcs
9 sarcata
Janit jumajj cawcs
Janit jupajj cawcs ? sarcani
: .lur-'
9 lurcg
Nayajj janit cuns
Jumajj janit cuns
Jupajj janit cuns
Jiwasajj janit cuns
Jiwasanacajj janit cuns lurapce,gni
Yanacajj janit cuns
Jumanacajj janit cuns
Jupanacajj janit cuns
Janit nayajj cuns rankica
Janit jumajj cuns
Janit jupajj cuns
Janit jiwasajj cuns
9 mank'arcegni
Janit jiwasanacajj cuns
Janit nanacajj cuns
? mank'apcata
Janit jumanacajj cuns
Janit jupanacajj cuns
Questions and Answers - Jisceafianacam i iyaw safianacamki
Positive-Negative - Chekanaca-Jan chekanaca
Vocabulary Arunaca
The tense of the verb form may be determined by the adverb used in the
statement, or from the context:
e.g. with imtir domingojj, arumanthei4 = future
with lichhaii.= present (durative, punctual), etc.
2 mank'aiiamawa mank'anjjaifamdwa
3 manklaaiapawa mank'apjjailapawa
II. In Chapter I it was stated that adjectives of two syllables may not lose
their final vowel in sentence mediil position: e.g. suma. Adverbs
comprising only two syllables may lose their final vowel when they are
placed before the verb:
e.g. Jumanacajj aymar sum yatekapjiailamawa = 'You (pl.) need to
learn Aymara well.'
M. nayajj
M. jiwasajj
M. walja is eajjsifiasawa.
M. nanacajj
M. jumanacajj
M. jumajj
M. jupajj
M. jupanacajj
M. nayajj
M. nayajj
M. arumanthejj jumajj
M. jiwasajj
M. jiwasanacajj
M. ovejanac qharipjjeasawa
M. nayajj
M. Josean wawanacapajj
M. nanacajj
M. jumanacajj
N Cpekeu Haqiuumnau
SW PCPswqr
14 ele4 cpcagomTI
rcuovuumnp froinieqN
la geoeuuu
am dmekeu Cradmemnr
lg dTsT emeseunontqo
.11 ftemetiontid
41183euumnp ccetploTp
.g cruednf 61pelitioTC mem ueTieN demem .emedeuTief
lg CCueoeuednp
lg cCuulteu cpartimpi
dmemnf ffadmvicuu
1/1 ppeffetiontid
attmsod - epsuelau
ccemni 40.'e L'Flutunl.m;Xuvm
Dialogue - Cuento
M: Ucaruw nayajj jutte, rayajj callacamampiw oarsrl munta, uc3m?!..0
jupajj jichhilrojj janiw sarcaniti. Jupan phuchapaw usuta uc
ufijaaapawa. SarafiHniy mama Elena.
E: Waliquiwa, saraatini, cunanacs alanYtajja?
T'ant'a, choke, aycha, arroza, azucaia take ucanac
alaniaajjawa, jumasti?
E: Nayajj uqhamaraquiwa.
Uqhamajj jin sarafidni.
1 jichhliru 'today'
10 sarananiy 'let's go then': The 1st person dual form in the future also
711A) 'then' functions as an imperative form.
1 Jutascaguis 'come on in.' The imperative can be formed from a durative
Vocabulary - Arunaca
t'ajjsuhamgquiti sLaitsszilliiiloicuit
t' aj
negative Janiw may occur .directly ,after the subject or
directly before the verb:
e.g. Easii_cmRnisam19-id alasinaijaquiti.
'I don't have to buy a shirt or hat.'
Emajj janiw mamaj jar vanapanajjaquiti. 'I don't have to help
my mother.'
Substitution Wasa arunac uscufia
M. nayajj
M. jiwasajj
M. walja is eajjsifiasgquiti
M. nanacajj
M. jumanacajj
M. jumajj
M. jiwasanacajj r-
M. jumajj
M. jupanacajj
M. nayajj
14. rce.geu
ew rratpuemnie gemnp
.14 PCsoeueu C pn i
g CpAeu
2 CpeiteN IT4nC presgetid mpler epram Tsbn peuepailo -T4TrIbEffeuzieqb
UVOSOf PCBdeopusloic
6N queAuu Ccatpuumnau
g PcueAum cCatpuumna mTuec elloitlo de& aTiqoaqx T3TnbEccull3nr
N ffuesumTP
g Crueoeuumnp
N Hemon
-a ccemoTy aT44 qua= umum ueTaeN dolaaqmos mplec T3Tnlygde%!etioTnbst3
1g PrueeuudnC
*g Ccuupeuudni aprq ppeaem audenoA aeini mTuer
1g queoeuemnC Pcoamgatil
-a quepeuumnf cCoalyelpi aumeAoA de& e:JIT mTuec *T37nbtpe4eprdedeunA
*N CCuepeueu
*g queoeueN Ccoavelpi uurcogTme audationtid mTuef 11E3 Hosted for free on livelingua.com
'.NOSSTI uoT3n4-Rs.qrtS ITTaa
N due4eu Uadiummq
N utpuelp 34TnbRgeuri3nitp.oruTsT
6N PPmeqpntid
cCeotruemnC ppeipmc
N qydrif
6N fpouued4
a Nepuuedu pplitinc F mpte lupum vetrysT ane 2eTnbnlio
Dialogue - Cuento
Dialogue - Cuento
J: Jan lak'a sartaiapataqui.
M: Waliquiw tata Jose, jichherut ucsarojj nayajj uqhem lure, 10
mayninacaruw yaticharaquY utanacap sum pichasipjja7apataqui.
4 sapa 'each'
pichasifia 'to sweep (for oneself)'; cf. pichafis 'to sweep.'
NOTES (continued)
not rising')
10 'Good, from tomorrow on I will do that, and I'll also teach the
others so that they sweep their houses well.'
The infix raaui is attached to the last vowel of the verb stem
(yat:icha -) and the future endings follow the -raqui-
Pichasipjiafiapataqui, lit., 'for the sake of their cleaning.' Cf.
No. 1 above.
11 'Fine, dona Maria, next week I'll come, then I'll teach you more
so that you can become a good mistress of the house (housekeeper).'
malkharaouima 'I'll also teach you.'
tjtaj&asi 'mistress of the house ;' ktiafia 'to see, take care of
u0asiri 'one who takes care'
t_ ucufia 'to finish; become' (takes ru.in the latter meaning).
Vocabulary Arunaca
Grammar L111222g.I1SSIAILL
Impersonal constructions : pronoun
subject is expressed by the personal
In these constructions, the
Where English has 'I am hungry', the
with ru ('to me, to you' etc.). verbs
'to me it makes me hungry.' The impersonal
Aymara equivalent may be
the following three types of construction:
may participate in
it appears, it takes the suffix -ta
I. (a) noun is optional; where
indicating 'material' or
(cf. also below III(c))
awtjafia 'to be hungry' usuna 'to hurt'
212gyialla 'to be
'I'm hungry'
e.g. y2L2aNaaro"(mac'at)awt..."itu
'You're thirsty'
JumarojA (umat) pharjtam
two verbs:
construction is also possible with the above
04.B. persot
nayaij avtiatatwa (inf. awtiataga)
navaii pharjatatwa (inf. is
implies that the action is beginning or
Verbal infix -ta-
and is attached to the verb stem.
being intensified,
'to. become windy'
it&be / thavtafia
e.g. thayafia
'to lift up'
apaaa 'to carry' / aptaga
'to escape'
jalaha 'to run' / jaltaia
'to jump, spring')
thokaaa 'to dance' / thoktaha
is required.
(b) Noun with the suffix -ta
thayaEa 'to be cold'
lulligrla 'to be hot'
'Our heads are cold'
p'eket lupj itu 'My head is
LESSON XV - Grammar
The third person impersonal forms are identical to the third person
punctual forms.
M. jupanacarojj
M. nanacarojj
M. cullacajjarojj
M. Pablon wawanacaparojj
M. jiwasarojj
E. Jiwasarojj mank'at
M. jumampir amigomampirojj
M. jiwasanacarojj
M. umat pharjapjjestu
M. Pedrompir Joseampirojj
M. jumarojj
M. Rositampir, Susanampir,Elenampirojj
M. jumanacarojj
E. Nayarojj jalluw.jurintitu.
M. juparojj
M. nanacarojj jichhajj
M. jumarojj
M. jiwasanacarojj
M. jilanacajjampir cullacanacajjampirojj
M. jumanacarojj
M. nayampir jumampirojj
M. thayaw thayjistu
Mr, jakerojj
M. nanacarojj
N. waynanacampir tawakonacampirojj
14 ccesEmTc
'N ccupeum
'N ccBccu4e4
ime)1 Tnbspeme
'N TcAut13
14 ccupeueuAum
dmeasor ccadmeAeu
dmercepeueTTF PcadmepPeoeuepuTTno
141 Celan
M. jumampir warmimampirojj
M. jiwararojj
M. lupiw lupjistu
M. jumampir yokallanacampirojj
M. thayaw thayjapjje
M. tiojjampir nayampirojj
M. umat pharjapjje
M. nayampir jumanacampirojj
M. p'ekew usupjjestu
M. nayarojj
M. jumarojj
Positive - Chekanaca
Dialogue - Cuento
Vocabulary - Arunaca
phari-c-tam-ti 21911:1=1:12mtsi.
The third person impersonal forms are identical to the third
person punctual forms.
IV. In subordinate e. avoes after ucat, the negative May be contracted to jan:
e.g. Nayajj la, q yap lurcti, ucat nayarojj jan karjquituti.
'I didn't work the field, so I'm not tired.'
M. jupanacarojj
M. nanacarojj
M. cullacajjarojj
M. Pablon wawanacaparojj
M. jiwasarojj
M. jumampir amigomampirojj
M. jiwasanacarojj
M. mank'at awtjapquistuti
M. Pedrompir Joseampirojj
M. jumarojj
M. jilanacajjampir cullacanacajjampirojj
M. jumanacarojj
Hosted for free on livelingua.com
E. Jumanacarojj janiw mank'at witjapctamti.
M. juparojj
M. nanacarojj jichhajj
M. jumarojj
M. jiwasanacarojj
M. jilanacajjampir cul1acanacajjampirojj
M. jumanacarojj
M. thayajj thayjapctamti
M. jakenacaroji
M. nanacarojj
M. jumampir nayampirojj
M. nayarojj
.N cCepeueu
a crerreaul caTuer duA "mnbanT 2ebn Croierfelel uer T4Tr64911
imeN mnbleme
.a rcerrelreI mTuBC ameN "mnineme won croaarce4B4 uur 0T4Tribraex
14 T4TnbrAetil
.N dmumnC CradmemeoeueoeTTno
an pelodegoTnbse
Ig CrorreC TqwevdeluTing
ig dureAeu CredureCCatuerx
g rCumnr
'TA croTqc1
M. nayarojj
M. jumampir warmimampirojj
M. cullacajjampir nayampirojj
M. lupejj lupjapquituti
M. jumampir yokallanacamampirojj
M. jumarojj
K. jumampir nayampirojj
M. nayampir jumanacampirojj
M. jumanacarojj
E. nayarojj
II. rayajj aymar yatekascta, ucat nayarojj janiw mankiat
Dialogue - Cuento
T4 . 10
UghUmajj aca chawilanp ch'unurup mank aan 4a t
M: Iyaw tata,yuspagar tata.
1 Ma kollu patan 'on a mountain': pats 'over plus -n location marker.
2 2hunu kollu jac'ar.ctanwa 'Tie are near the snow-covered mountain.'
jaeancala 'to be near'; jac'a 'near'; ghunu 'snow'
3 Infinitive ponchosia 'to put on a poncho;' -si- reflexive particle.
4 janiw thaviquitaniti 'I won't be colef; thaqiatafia.
On the verbal infix -ta-. Cf. Grammar, Lesson XV. The -ni-
indicates future tense. Cf. Grammar, Lesson XX for further
5 sumaraquisr'is it also good?' sums- verbal root (with vowel length)
-raqui- 'also' -sa interrogative marker; vowel length is carried over
to the last vowel.
6 .
laka 'fast, rapid(ly)'; sawurapitu: -rapi7 indicates action 'in favor
of, for': e.g. iiatlarana 'to open'j
7 antisasa 'rather'
iist'ararapifia 'to open (for
8 ucan 'there'; -n location marker. someoLe)n.
9 Cuna sutinis? 'What is its name?' Suti 'name', -ni- possessive marker.
Achacach satawa. 'It is called Achacachi.'(The derivation of sata-
is unclear.)
10 chtlevu'dried potatoes'
11 Ivaw 'very well, o.k.'
Vocabulary - Arunaca
II. When a punctual verb is used with an adverb of time past, the verb has the
meaning of completed action in the past.
e.g. NayrUroij nava:1j tiojjan ovejap awatta. 'The other day I pastured
my uncle's sheep.
an2oTeTa oauano
1 kollkenina 'to have money': kollke 'money;' -ni- possession
marker added to a noun.
2 Es222EanciAlasain 'from that community' (Lit., 'Those who are in
that community')
n location marker
gui relative marker (Cf. Grammar, Lesson IV)
r(i) 'people who are' (Cf. notes on -ri, pp. 83, 102)
3 'Are your husband and son active men?' Vowel length converts the
noun into a verb form.
1 'How are you?' camisabcaa
camiasctsa camisgsctansa camisasipctansa
camislisctasa camisgsipctasa
camisSsquisa camisgsingla
m22.410271. yallgesipquiwa
Egiaqi is said to connote 'temporary quality.'
LESSON XVII - Dialogue - Notes
4 (continued)
c'achhata 'slowly'
9 nintEALaria 'to cook' flcir- nine 'fire' and nhayafia 'to cook'
10 lflgIl 'to be a person, man': fake 'man' + vowel lengthening (to form
a verb stem) + infinitive ending.
Vocabulary - Arunaca
What is that flower (are those flowers)
Uca for?'
II. The suffix -na-which indicates possession (Lesson II) is synonymous with
the -na-which marks location (cf. Lesson IV). The resulting ambiguity is
usually resolved by context:
e.g. Aca melotaji.Josean yokallapanquiwa. 'This ball is Jose's
Aca pelotajj Josean utapanquiwa. 'This ball is in JoWs house. '=
'This ball belongs to Jose's house.'
into a verb phrase
To convert a noun phrase ending in the suffix -111-4 the verbalizer g is
attached to the -n-. With interrogative pronouns, the suffix -sa is
added to the verb ending; in dedlarative sentences, -wa is attached to
the verb ending; in interrogative sentences without an interrogative
pronoun, the particle is added:
e.g. ghitinquis aca utaija?
'Whose (lit. of whom) house is this?'
Aca utajj qhitinauisa?
M. juman
M. jupan
M. uca wacullajj
M. jiwasan
M. juman
M. allchhimataquiwa
M. qhaya lamanajj
M. jiwasanacan
M. jumanacan
M. wawanacamataquiwa
M. qhuri kokajj
M. jupanacan
M. jiwasan
M. juman
M. jumanacan
M. jiwasan
M. juman
M. qhuri adobenacajj
M. jupanacan 4".
M. aca wacullanacajj
M. Rositan phuchapanquiwa
M. juman
M. jiwasan
N. nanacan allchhinacajjanquiwa
M. jumanacan
M. qhaya kalanacajj
M. jiwasanacan
M. Joseampin Mariampin
M. nayan
N. juman
M. jiwasan
N. uca jichhojj
M. anusatac ut utachafiataquiwa
M. nanacan
M. jiwasanacan
M. qhaya adobenacajj
M. tata Davidan
M. jumampin nayampin
M. Joseampin Andresampin
Dialogue - Cuento
Pas: Uqhamajj and lamanac all, inas jutir semanajj phuqh alchY.
Jumasti, qhititaquis uca pelot altajja?
Pat: Wawanacajjataquiw alta, jupanacajj wal pelot munapjje.
Pas: Walic uqhamajj tAta Patricio, nayajj laman ala,ucat sarjjafiani.
Pat: Waliquiw tata, alanimay, suylmaw tata, chicaw sarjjafiani.
3 Antisasa 'rather'
10 saylawHr 'I'll wait for you': suvaLa 'to wait for, expect'
chicaw sarariani 'We'll go (back) together.' Chica 'together.'
Vocabulary - ArunacL
-ita -ita
-ni -ni
Dubitative forms may take the particle 711a but not -wa.
e.g. NalAdj_ inas lurch!. 'I might do it.'
klayadi inas lurchejia. 'I might do it.'
M. jupajj
M. jiwasanacajj
M. chawli mank'apjjchiiigni
M. nanacajj
M. jupanacajj
M. yap khollipjjchini
M. jiwasajj
M. nana,;ajj
M. khath sarapjjch!
M. nayajj
M. jumanacajj
M. jupanacajj
ereovuuu proidAuauKx
'N CCuovuudnC
oruTsT TuplorrdTsreo
-]g rpeoeueu
CCeoeuumnr CCoandanC
a pcsicet4 rpoindanc suuT uoTquj du3n wpipTd Hosted for free on livelingua.com
M. jumajj
M. jupanacajj
M. jumanacajj
. If
E. Jumanacajj jutir phajjsejj inas caballonacar mank' churapnchita.
M. jiwasanacajj
M. jiwasajj
M. aymar yatekchifiani
M. jumajj khartirojj
M. jumanacajj
M. jupanacajj
M. Mariamp S'Asanampejj
jumamp warmimampajj
M. nayamp cullacanacajjampejj
N. jumamp nayampejj
M. Timoteojj
M. jumanacajj
Dialogue - Cuento
6 ch'ama 'difficult'
Dialogue - Cuento
1 ay ampi 'oh'
Vocabulary - Arunaca
alaya arriba up
Grammar - SLETLparlaataoui
infinitive ending +
Analysis: Infinitive + (plural infix) / pronominal suffix
N.B. -chi- doubt mi marks future ten se.
Neither the -its nor the -ma suffix is attached to the verb. Interrog-
Jutir phajjsejj nayanjj inas cullacajjar Chuouiakirpanajjachini.
III. Future necessitative: 'I will have to...' sarameanitwa 'You will have
M. jupanjj
M. cart kellkanasgchini
M. nanacanjj
M. jumanjj
M. jupanccanjj
M. kollkenac jaqhupjjaBapachini
M. nayanjj
M. jiwasanjj
M. jiwasanacanjj
M. nanacanjj
M. nayanjj
M. jupanacanjj
lluch' lurapjjaiapgchini
M. jumanjj
M. jiwasanacanjj
M. nanacanjj
M. jupanjj
M. jiwasanacanjj
M. anatapjja:asachini
M. jupanjj
M. jiwasanjj
M. jumanacanjj
IL nanacanjj jurpayp'ojj
t. jiwasanacanjj
M. nayanjj
M. jupanacanjj
N. jumanjj
M. jiwasanjj
M. jumanacanjj
M. nayanjj
M. jumanjj jurpayp'ojj
M. jiwasanjj
M. nanacanjj
M. Enriquenjj
M. jumanjj kharerojj
M. j upanacanj j
M. nayanjj
Dialogue - Cuento
Justina: Jilata
David: Cullaquitay.. .
J: Cuns lurascta?
D: Chac asquichascta.
J: Walic asquichtajja, inas qhaya jisc'a chacamp asquichaiiamach:Lri.
LESSON XX - Dialogue
LESSON XX - Dialogue
D: Cunarac lurpachani?
J: Take cunan jakenacar yanapan siwa. Ovejanac sum uywati yatichani,
lee.1 kellkafi yatichan siwa.9
D: Ah, uqhamajj nayajj jichhayp'uw sara uca waynamp jiquisiri.
J: Janit yatctasti? Jichhilrojj fiest lurapjjan siwa.
D: Uqhgmajjnayajj jicitipachawilsara.
J: Nayas12 ucat jichhaj,, tak marcat jutta, cunalaycutejj wank'
D: Thokorejj utjaniti? 13
stories. The infinitive is safia 'to say', the only monosyllabic root
sista sistan sapj j tan
sapjj ta
si sapjje
, Luture
sad sabani saLajatiini
sata sap!ijata
seni sapjjani
encontrarse con.
N.B. The negative takes the form jan. With dubitative verb forms,-wa
is not permitted in the sentence (the form janiw is thus impossible);
jani can then be contracted to jan. The suffix -its may be attached
to the verb.
e.g. Jiwasajj arumanthejj inas jan cafe umcchianiti.
'Tomorrow morning we probably won't drink coffee.'
raj j, kharliroj j inas i an isinac t'a lscchiti.
'This morning I may not wash clothes.'
Jutir marajj jumajj inas jan Chuquiag sarcchYti.
'Next year you probably won't go to La Paz.'
M. jumajj
E. Jumajj inas jan yap lurcchTtati.
M. chawil catcch!tati
E. Jumajj inas jan chawll catcchTtati.
M. jupanacajj
E. Jupanacajj inas jan chawll catupcchiniti.
M. jupajj
E. Jupajj inas jan chawll catcchiniti.
M. jumanacajj
E. Jumanacajj inas jan chawil catupcchYtati.
M. isinac ch'ucupcch!tati
E. Jumanacajj inas jan isinac ch'ucupcch2tati.
M. jiwasajj
E. Jiwasajj inas jan isinac ch'ucchianiti.
M. jupajj
E. Jupajj inas jan isinac ch'ucchiniti.
N. jiwasanacajj
E. Jiwasanacajj inas jan isinac ch'ucupcchianiti.
N. Chuquiagur puripcchianiti.
E. Jiwasanacajj inas jan Chuquiagur puripcchinllniti.
M. nayajj
E. Nayajj inas jan Chuquiagur purcchiti.
M. tatajjajj
E. Tatajjajj inas jan Chuquiagur purcchiniti.
M. Nayajj arumanthejj inas jan uywanacar mank' churcch!ti.
E. Nayajj arumanthejj inas jan uywanacar mank' churcchYti.
M. jiwasajj
E. Jiwasajj arumanthejj inas jan uywanacar mank' churcchifiNniti.
E. Jupanacajj arumanthejj inas jan uywanacar mank' churapcchiniti.
M. Pedron utap visitir sarapcchiniti
E. Jupanacajj arumanthejj inas jan Pedron utap visitir sarapcchiniti.
M. jiwasanacajj
E. Jiwasanacajj arumanthejj inas jan Pedron utap visitir sarapcehifill-j.ti.
M. jumajj
E. Jumajj jutir semanajj inas jan yapunacam khech'cchitati.
M. tata Timoteojj
E. Tata Timoteojj jutir semanajj inas jan yapunacap khech'cchiniti.
M. jumamp nayampejj kharayp'ojj
E. Jumamp nayampejj kharayp'ojj inas jan yapunacas khech'cchifiHniti.
M. Josean uywanacapar mank' churcchinUniti
E. Jumamp nayampejj kharayp'ojj inas jan Josean uywanacapar mank'
M. nayamp yokanacajjampejj
E. Nayamp yokanacajjampejj kharayp'ojj inas jan Josean uywanacapar
mank' churapcchYti.
EL jiwasanacajj jurpayp'ojj
E. Jiwasanacajj jurpayp'ojj inas jan Josean uywanacapar mank'
EL Marian utapan mank' phayapcchiFiHniti
E. Jiwasanacajj jurpayp'ojj inas jan Marian utapan mank' phayapcchifigniti.
n i jan mamajjar
Nayajj jutir juevesanas
uT.jir .(sarea) sarc-chiti
Dialogue - Cuento
5 an ha 'much, very'
6 Inas mama Susanajj sum p'itchi. 'Possibly dofia Susana weaves well.'
Doubt is expressed by the addition of -chi- to the punctual verb stem.
Note also the addition of -chi- to the future stem just described in
Lesson XIX.
7 htarag31 'I will come again.' Future very_ stem + -raqui7 + person z.1
Vocabulary - Arunaca
lurailamgcchiniti lurapilaieNcgtiniti
M. jiwasanjj
E. Jiwasanjj inas jan jachafiasacchiniti.
M. kollanasacchiniti
E. Jiwasanjj inas jan kollafiasacchiniti.
N. jumanacanjj
E. Jumanacanjj inas jan kollapjjafiamacchiniti.
M. jiwasanacanjj
E. Jiwasanacanjj inas jan kollapjjafiasacchiniti.
U. jumanjj
E. Jumanjj inas jan kollaftamacchiniti.
M. ayrufiamacchiniti
E. Jumanjj inas jan ayrufiamacchiniti.
M. jupanacanjj
E. Jupanacanjj inas jan ayrupjjafiapacchiniti.
M. jiwasanacanjj
E. Jiwasanacanjj inas jan ayrupjjafiasacchiniti.
M. nanacanjj
E. Nanacanjj inas jan ayrupjjaiajjacchiniti.
M. khollipjjadajjacchiniti
E. Nanacanjj inas jan khollipjjanajjacchiniti.
M. nayanjj
E. Nayanjj inas jan khollifiajjacchiniti.
t. jumanacanjj
E. Jumanacanjj inas jan khollipjjanamacchiniti.
Nayanjj inas jan chawll catufiajjacchiniti.
E. Nayanjj inas jan chawll catufiajjacchiniti.
M. jumanacanjj
E. Jumanacanjj inas jan chawll catupjjafiamacchiniti
N. jumanjj
E. Jumanjj inas jan chawll catufiamacchiniti.
M. Marian utap jutafiamacchiniti
E. Jumanjj inas jan Marian utap jutafiamacchiniti.
Ni. jiwasanjj
E. Jiwasanjj inas jan Marian utap jutatlasaccbiniti.
H. nanacanjj
E. Nanacanjj inas jan Marian utap jutapjjatiajjgcchiniti.
M. Josean libronacap leepjjarlajjacchiniti
E. Nanacanjj inas jan Josean libronacap leepjjafiajjacchiniti.
E. Jupanjj inas jan Josean libronacap lee apcchiniti.
M. jiwasanacanjj
E. Jiwasanacanjj inas jan Josean libronacap leepjjanasacchiniti.
M. jach'a kawranac alasipjjanasMcchiniti
L. Jiwasanacanjj inas jan jach'a kawranac alasipjjailasacchiniti.
M. jumanacanjj
E. Jumanacanjj inas jan jach'a kawranac alasipjjanamgcchiniti.
M. jupanacanjj
E. Jupanacanjj inas jan jach'a kawranac alasipjjafiapacchiniti.
E. Nayanjj inas jan jach'a kawranac alasifiajjkchiniti.
M. ch'oke yapunac khech'afiajjHcchiniti
E. Nayanjj inas jan ch'oke yapunac khech'afiajjgcchiniti.
M. Nayanjj inas jan jach'a lawanac Chuquiagur apanajjacchiniti.
E. Nayanjj inas jan jach'a lawanac Chuquiagur apanajjacchiniti.
M. jiwasanjj
E. Jiwasanjj inas jan jach'a lawanac Chuquiagur apeasacchiniti.
N. jupanjj
E. Jupanjj inas jan jach'a lawanac Chuquiagur apaaapgcchiniti.
M. Boliviat apanihapilcchiniti.
E. Jupanjj inas jan jach'a lawanac Boliviat apaniilapticchiniti.
N. jumanacanjj
E. Jumanacanjj inas jan jach'a lawanac Boliviat apanipjjadamacchiniti.
M. walja kawranac
E. Jumanacanjj inas jan walja kawranac Boliviat apanipjjaaamacchiniti.
T1. jiwasanacanjj
E. Jiwasanacanjj inas jan walja kawranac Boliviat apanipjjafiasacchiniti.
M. lechuganac ayrupjjafiasilcchiniti.
E. Jiwasanacanjj inas jan welja lechuganac ayrupjjanasacchiniti.
IL jumanjj
E. Jumanjj inas jan walja lechuganac ayrufiamHcchiniti
M. jupanacanjj
E. Jupanacanjj inas jan walja lechuganac ayrupjjatiapHcchiniti.
escuel wawanacar kollapjjallapHcchiniti
E. Jupanacanjj inas jan walja escuel wawanacar kollapjjagapacchiniti.
M. nanacanjj
E. Nanacanjj inas jan walja escuel wawanacar kollapjjariajgcchiniti.
N. nayanjj
E. Nayanjj inas jan walja escuel wawanacar kollanajjgcchiniti.
M. jupanjj
E. Jupanjj inas jan walja escuel wawanacar kollahapHcchiniti.
M. Nayanjj arumanthejj inas jan uywanacar mank' churailajjgcchiniti.
E. Nayanjj arumanthejj inas yan uywanacar mank' churanajjgcchiniti.
N. jupanacanjj
E. Jupanacanjj arumanthejj inas jan uywanacar mank' churapjjafiapacchiniti.
IL jumanjj
E. Jumanjj arumanthejj inas jan uywanacar mank' churafiamUcchiniti.
M. walja koll umafiamacchiniti
E. Jumanjj arumanthejj inas jan walja koll umanamgcchiniti.
N. jiwasanji jutir marajj
E. Jiwasanjj jutir marajj inas jan walja koll umaliasacchiniti.
E. Jumanacanjj jutir marajj inas jan walja koll umapjjaiiamacchiniti.
tunca pheskan wawanacar jaripjjaiiamacchiniti
E. Jumanacanjj jutir marajj, inas jan tunca pheskan wawanacar
N. jupanjj jutir phajjsejj
E. Jupanjj jutir phajjsejj inas jan tunca pheskan wawanacar
N. jiwasanacanjj
E. Jiwasanacanjj jutir phajjsejj, inas jan tunca pheskan wawanacar
Pablon vacapar ajjsarapjjanaacchiniti
-s ppuednr MIT MP fox 4T4TuTgooRdege4np pcs4npATeuno Tanosa qn
ss guesemTr seuT uuC 4o1 gmuTtipoNseuelnp ppaanoAeTsuna Tanosa qn
.2 lob, gpTuTtionsrqe4np PpalnpLeTeuno lotaa
CtuesemTr SeuT ueP
la PPUEOEUVU SeUf u-op TToctao 70TupporCpegeppdnake
-2 quepeueg seuT uep TTogao 'T4TuTtionpreterpdnaAy fra3np1eTsuno 4oTad
lg ffunwnp
a PcuPtulf sent uep TTociao T4TuppoRmequalte CpalnnAeTsuno loTad
aiNaam ovueln -eammenetioTnbse
-a puemnr seuT uep -Rogan 4T4TuppoRmeunake ppa4n3AeTeuno as%aam osueln
4 alum T4TupponmexpAegd
-a ppuemnr seuT uef slum 6T1TuppoRmelleAugd CPalnoAuTeuno
4 ,CPuezeuemnp.
a Cpueoeuemnr sent uep Mew !4TuTtraziRel4arpdeifetid ppalnpAereuno aolaam
H CrueoeuesumTr seuT ueC opium 4T3TuTtlooRsegerrde1Lvqd rre3noAv1euno
eanaem outman .emeseuvCCdulloTnbse
4 usup!) amen emuseuerrdputib
-a CrueoeuesemTr seuT uur anuum 'T1TuTtionsugurrdeAvqd Cre3noAuTeuno
esmTnb sumesuuurrdpeqb
14 Crueovueu
-a Crueoeuem seuT uer opium gmuTtloorirrewecrdeAutid Cre3nokeTeuno esmTnb
amen semerregerrdTaeqb
4 an an muppogrutmccdutia
-a Crueoeuuti seuT uer 3n gmuTiloogreuerrdetiouln rre3noAvieuno esmTnb
amen .emeCrupprdputib
1 Crueoeuednr
-a queoeuvdnr seuT 3n gmuTtioondeuurrdetiouln Cra3noAvieuno
tier usupb
amen .umudeuerrdTavqb
.0.00.110MMOMOMMIAMMO .........
uopetdmoD TTT41 - ouunav vuegovnotid
Dialogue - Cuento
14 chha 'so'
Vocabulary - Arunaca
The imperfect tense may be formed in two ways for all but the third
person singular and plural:
2 munKvata munapijUvata
munanta munapjjanta
3 munUna ETASPijana,
II. -taqui with verbs (infinitives) and nouns-proaouas: cf. Grammar, Lesson
N.B.: The suffix -ta, may appear more than once in a. sentence:
e.g. Nayajj jutwa Susanatac mg ut utachaEata uiwa. 'I came (in order)
to build a house for Susana.'
This construction is very close in meaning to the verb form in -rfL:
e.g. Na al utwa Susanatac mg ut utachiriv. !I came to build a house
for Susana.'
M. jiwasajj
E. Jiwasajj masUrojj yap lurgyHtan.
M. k'ep chhakayHyHtan
E. Jiwasajj masUrojj k'ep chhakay2yHtan.
M. nanacajj masUrmanthejj
E. Nanacajj masHrmanthejj.k'ep chhakayapjgyata.
M. jumanacajj
E. Jumanacajj masHrmanthejj k'ep chhakayapjgyHtajja.
M. Kollk armasipjjayHtajja
E. Jumanacajj maarmanthejj kollk armasipjjgyHtajja.
M. jumajj nayrayp'ojj
E. Jumajj nayrayp'ojj kollk armagyHtajja.
M. jupanacajj
E. Jupanacajj nayrayp'ojj kollk armasipjjHna.
M. wal llaquisipjjka
E. Jup6.nacejj nayraypgojj wal llaquisipjOna.
M. nayajj pasir marajj
E. Nayajj pasir maraji wal llaquisiyHta.
M. nanacajj
E. Nanacajj pasir marajj wal llaquisipjjHyHta.
M. jiwasanacajj
E. Jiwasanacajj pasir marajj wal llaquisipjjRyHtan.
M. khollipjjkAtan
E. .3iwasanacajj pasir marajj wal khollipjjWitan.
M. Nayajj nayrUrojj Pedron utap sarHylita.
'N CCepuuudnC
ea guovuudnr gatiluumanaleu uoa3oury depuuramex mTaTlymu suungdelnr
'N uuasor depeuTdaix mTaTdu euncrdulutibum
ea geouuudnr gagluumana4uu uuasor deoeuTdaix mTaTde uungdulutibum
14 ' getieu pcoldAvaituu
' quAeN CCosclAyaiteu masor depeuTdalA mTaTde -u1RAn3u4bum
N fpouuusumTp
a PPepeuesumTr gold4u1Auu ueasor depuuTdall mTzTdu uunARgduletibum
ccumnr ccoldiCealtuu treaSOf dupeuTdaill mTaTdu ucculnicputibum
W S uumemum Anum dupuunAn mTaTtioTnbse uppelOgNeaus
'a gonnr gold/W.24Ru UUMEMBM umAn dupeunAn mTaTtioTnbsu .effelnAsuaus
IcVOEUVU aTsed gasgutid
'a guouuum aTspd gascpeqd uugumem emAn depeunAn mTaTtioTnbse
'N PpednC
.a Ccudnr aTsed ccascpcd uudgmum umAn cluovunAn A:yam-pine .vtlpluips
uudeup duouundeic mTaTTIom eun3sTm
3. cpudnr aTsud CcasCcutld uuduTTC duouundeA nTaTrica34 4sTm 'Bun
'N quAubi aTsud [Team TluT 3nsTec puT mumuoluerep u1HAzsgell
.a gulium aTsud guaum puT ansiec puT memeoluutup ST .u3nAzsgell
'N ppednp
a crudnr aTspd [Team puT ans-ep puT memuoluuTur ST .eupffell
11 rpoeuudnp
gypeuednr aTsed guaum TluT 3nsTuf puT ABWBOWETUP sT seugfdTsgell
14 lesaunT memuosauaaTA 3n uungdutveln
14.-Enbrardsmemuovied an uulos3Td
ea PesemTr croiniAsu uoiqrd mTnbuardrmum an .1.1e4HABoTd
%I PPOEUVU ccetpuemaTikeu
3 cpaeuem CcatiallemaRIAru uoTqed mTnbszedumm an e.i.p.AiadaLlaTd
*a crupeuemnr ccallausmapAeu uoTqed mTnbuardumuu an escpaRAgresturcd
*1,1 usuusns mTnbrasdnuu rosTc an ecruallAgtdepuan
*a pgrouuumnr 'cCallauswaRaAuu usussns mTnbuapdnue siosTf an
ccroeuesumTP iTsud Cpexem
*3 crepsussumTr at 'PrexEm mTnbuardnue,usussns vosTp an
'q CCedric
*3 cCudnr iTsrd grim umarsns Apbuardnue rosTC an et/II/wean
E. asa, phayHyatwa.
Dialogue - Cuento
Jose: Buenas noches tata Miguel, niyat icjjta?
Miguel: Buenas noches tata Jose, janTraw iccti.
J: Jichharmanthiw nayaJj visitir jutta, ucampis janiw jicjjatcsmati,
cawquirac sartasti?i
M: Ay tata, jicharojj tiajjar visitiriw sarta. Tiajjan anunacapajj
waljawa, nayajj utap jac'ar purt ucqhajj wal ajjsarHyHta,
cunalaycutejj anunacapajj wali khorunacawa.4
J: Jichhasti, camacharanuisti?
M: Ay tata, tiajjan ma anupaw ovej uyut jalsuni, ucat nayar achjaa
munitu, ucampis nayajj mil jisc'a uyu pataruw mistta.6
J: Ucatsti?
M: Ucat anojj pantalonat achthapitu nayar achjantafiataqui.
J: Achjtamti?8
ME: JYs tata achjituwa, untam aqhHm luritu...
J: Ay tata, aqhgmajjH, lacpach achjantataraqui a.
M: Jichhajj janiw sarnakaa puedcti, wal usutu.
J: Alal umamp jarekasim, ucatsti doctoran utap saram, jupaw kollgtam12.
M: Arumanthiw sarU tata Jose, walpin usutu.13
J: Jan llaquisimt tata, inas jan kollir achicafiamacchiniti.
M: Jumasti tata, cuns jichhprojj lurtajja?
J: JichhHrojj nayamp warmejjampejj yap khollipjjta.
M: Cuns yalmehapjjntajja?
J: Ch'ok yapuchapj0. Maya15 rajj ch'6kpij jsniw ittjanti, inas
jutir marajj utjchini.
munitu lit., 'He wanted me.' The pronominal object of the verb must
the infiniiu stem, indicates the action took place 'from outside
to within.' e.g. dalle.a 'to rain:' Lialluntaaa 'to rain in'
15 maymarati2last year'
Vocabulary - Arunaca
Necessitative Past 'I had to...'
Infinitive stem + (plural infix) + infinitiveFending44-ppssessime pronoun
t -an- .4- -via.
e.g. itaLaiigEn1 had to work'
lismikildignal 'We had to work', etc.
In interrogative sentenc::s, -wa is replaced by -tl:
e.g. larailajjklIi? 'Did I have to work?'
lurapjjailailMnti? 'Did we ....?
Thy subject of the sentence may or may tot :take the -n- infix:
One informant gives alternative/forms with a final vowel:
e.g. lureajjkawa, etc.
II. On the function of the infix -ni- in verbs, cf. Grammar, Lesson XVII;
on the function of the infix -lea- in verbs, cf. Grammar, Lesson XIX.
M. wawar kollapjjafiapanwa
E. Jupanacajj wawar kollapjjafiaplinwa.
.a Ccumnr UoiniAeu Caro dare ..emuNmeeCurvdmeamen
dmettmetip dmosenb emuNmetrecTe
.a crumnr PP:mai/Wu dmeumego allosenb .eAupeuerTe
dmemnc ccedmeiceu
'7 dmemni ccedmeAeu ccoapaltru dmetimew dmosenb .emuESeuecTe
N dumteu eradumgcmizem
-a dmeitem ccedmuccemaem CroinaAeu dint-rimeqp dmosenb cemuErce-geppecTe
.a ccatiluemaRsem.PrepeuesemTf dmnouem dmorreq-e3 equEseileccdncbec
.3 proviva ffallauvmansvm deal 4vmuRdeurrim aeon uvdemem dean uvp
dmvmnr rpadmvAvu
a dmvmnr rfadmv4eu pragauemansvm deal cemugsemlogn lvon uesemem duln
uur pue3zoies
rreoeuea aTsed rfesatooaaTm oaym gemunrre=lerrdeays aeon uerroTa dndeA
urf TapdrInT
uerfevionqd mum dnue uur TaodeAemTr
a freoeueN aTsed rfesriopaaTm oaym 4umunfcdvaps aeon uefregonqd naoim
dnue uer TaodeAemTf
N rpoeuemnr rfoanaAeu 4eauswr-leffdeter
a preoeuumni froanakeu gemeNmeuerrderef anon uemeqonqd naoql dram
war T1v3pdvAgmTr
N c rpovuesenT
a preoeuesemTr proanaAeu gemuNsegefrdster aeon uusegonqd naoqx Jnut
uer TaueaadvicenTr
.N rfekeu
a rreAeli rroanaAeu 4umuRfrernef aeon uecreqonqd naoql dnue urc
a frednr rroanaAeu lox 4.emuridu7eTer aeon updeqonqd nam dnue uer
Li usaTsou deoeueova uur TaTafie
a rrednr rroanaAeu aol gemuRdeueTur aeon ueaTsoll deoeuvoyA uer oTaTnbl:Te
74 rremnr aTsed Cream 6w1unmeLleqopeA
'a rremni aTsed Cream 41.3muper.eqopeA aeon ueaTsoa deoeueoen uer
E. JMsa, yanapailamanwa.
E. Arroz mankiafiapanwa.
M. Cunats tata Carlosajj khept'ani?
E. Jarekasifiapanwa.
E. Cunats jiwasanacajj nayrt' anipjjtan?
E. Lak jutapjjalasgnwa.
M. Cunats jupanacajj anatir khept'anipjje?
E. Namanacapar yanapapjjafiapgnwa.
M. Qhitir yanapafiamgnsa?
E. Mamajjar yanapaAajjgnwa.
M. Qhitirus tata Franciscojj mank' churafiapgna?
E. Jilapar churaijapgnwa.
Dialogue - Cuento
L: Aljeaquitay tata, pg arrob chtokec munta.
ma rat suyt'it chhU.
(Ignaciojj warmipam7 parliriw yakha utar sari)
Ucapi, kawkha cargsa muntajja?
L: Mg carga munta, nayanjj uywa mank'ajj imafiajjgnwa, ucampis 7anlw
imcti, inas jutir marajj imehi, nayan orakeacajjajj wall
jIsc'anacawa, janiw uywa mank'ajj imadjamgquiti.11
I: nsa, nayajj janiw kollker aljail muncti 000 Jumanjj azucaramajj
utjiwa, azucaramp uywa mank'amp turceigni, waliquiti?"
IL: Waliquiw tata, uqhgmajj azucar apani.
I: Waliquiwa 000 Kakha libra azucarsa in carga uywa wank' at
Pg tune pheskan libra.
1 AssuLipmnu'good evening'
2 g242kLlaingslEglaillIgIi. 'There is nothing to be done.'
-iama- idfter arrinfiaitille,ending (with the loss of final vmsel of
the infinitive ending),indicates possibility or opportunity of
performing the action; in the negative, the compound negative suffix
-4_ guiti is added (cf. Lesson III).
e.g. Thaeuelj lurail'amawa. 'The road is ready (in condition) to br.
5 imassa2intwa 'You are always saving' imalla 'to save;' -Rini:- placed
after the infinitive stem and before personal endings.
alleita 'sell me some (just for awhile)'
-t'a- infix attached to the verl%' stem connotes a limited space of tire.
e.g. sart'a 'I will go (for a moment).'
Vocabulary - Arunaca
I. Imperfect negative:
1 sareqgta sarckyltanti sarapcgvgtanti
sarcgtanti sarcantanti sarapcgntanti
2 sarcavgtati sPr42.21111121i.
sarcgntati sarapcRntati
sarcRnti sarapauti
Analysis: all but third person formst
verb stem + (plural infix) + negative -ea- + 7aym7 +
ending + negative -ti.
or: all forms except the first person forms:
verb stem + (plural infix) + -ca- + -an- + ending + -ti.
1st person forms: verb stem + (plural infix) + -ca- +
-atan- + -ti.
(N.B. Rudimentos gives this form without -n- before the
ending: e.g. jumaii sarcgtati.)
The endings are identical to those of the imperfect positive
(cf. lesson XXIII).
III. Infinitives may serve as nouns and may be combined with nominal
M. kollk chhaitayasipcgyHtanti
E. Jiwasanacajj janiw kollk chhakayasipaygtanti.
N. jupajj
E. Jupajj janiw kollk chhakayascHnti.
E. Jumanacajj janiw kollk chhakayasipcHygtati.
E4 pantjasipcgygtati
E. Jumanacajj janiw alasii paatjasipcgygtati.
1!. nayajj
E. Nayajj janiw alasii pantjascgygtti.
N. Jupajj janiw eawr kapcHnti.
E. Jupajj janiw eawr kapcgnti.
M. jumajj
E. Jumajj janiw t'awr kapcgygtati.
N. jiwasajj
E. Jiwasajj janiw t'awr kapayHtanti.
N. ponch sawcHyHtanti
E. Jiwasajj janiw ponch sawaygtanti.
N. nayajj
E. Nayajj janiw ponch sawcHyHtti.
M. jupanacajj
E. Jupanacajj janiw ponch sawupcHnti.
mamapat llaquisipcgnti
E. Jupanacajj janiw mamapat llaquisipcgnti.
E. Jumanacajj janiw mamamat llaquisipaygtati.
M. jiwasanacajj
E. Jiwasanacajj janiw mamasat llaquisipcgygtanti.
M. wawasat jachapcgygtanti
E. Jiwasanacajj janiw wawasat jachapcgygtanti.
14. jupajj
E. Jupajj janiw wawapat jachcHnti.
M. nayajj
E. Nayajj janiw wawajjat jachcHygtti.
14 fCepanatunC
.3 Ccuosuemnr cpagluemapAru mTuar dmeuesns eimanbTaua .T4e4RAgodTsuouoA r.
.a fcesemTr cpailluemap4eu LATueC direuesns dmanbTana .Tlue3RARoseiluoll
'11 sT dmeuTsffes4 iluai4
duiel2aanT TluelE4RoupT4e4
a Cfesumu cgatpuemniKuu mTuaC sT duinuTsCceo ouzo dmeuelni
la gcepeuednc iTsed cream
a Creaeuednr iTsed Cceiem mTneC sT dmeuTsgfes3 ouell dmeueint
4 cceReu
a Page's' ATSEd UVIEM mi.uer sT dmuu.pacCus4 lnuo duluueAut 41J114pictiC
4 uercerg
crerfauf cfodheakeu mTuac Traccamoy ardevaunds4 TTTdr T;--irptiond?!.
uamoSTmy aadvavuet..am Tanzsa TmoRodediT
.a dmemnr fradmamTmiam rCoaDsam mTuaC uyino2Tme iadapeuemem Tanasa
4 Cragteu
ig PreAuti froansam mTuaf uaccoSTma aadapauamam Tanasa *T33RICHodaT
14 rreket4 aTsed cream ['cal-Fr 0e2v ITI1eK3 craanwo mpluf 104 .T33Ricroles
.a rreAaN aTsad PPIVM DET4TETTP 'Imago rcaanzez mTuaC T33RARaaas
4 Ppednp
.3 L.
ppednr iTsed ppieta peleffer4 'pimp ppainleo mTuec 404 --Fluipags
'N ciesemc ccolniAsu
'a PcBswqr pPoiniAvu peleseTTP Trmetio gain3vo muec T4nu3NARoaes
'N OVA ppapeme mTuec TluelHANolsTm
-a ccesemu Uoinakeu peTessup ovit ccalTlemu mTuec Hon -puingAgo3sTm
N cpaeueu
*3 pezeumN ppinaheu oelepprup zeis rcexpemr mTuec troll .T33BAHadn3sTm
14 ccumnp CcetiluemillaSuu
-a ccemnr ccaq3ustuagalteu Mum-UP ova PPIT3eme ATIIBC TT04 *T2e3RARD3sTm
N ppetteu cconsem omasor
-a cce4n1 Uoinsem OV4VOSOr DELL ffaiTleme mTuec Ttol .T32HAP3sTm
4 3n ccaaploBln mTuuc T33/1q34nc
Cegelnc) paNARode44
ppeouuemnr ccoadAyakeu oeluovuetiocuA ouuTsT
creine mIttec alem (egules) TaelliAnodeaes
Dialogue - Cuento
vetagR ttv alciod ;et/tem epTem meoeuemem -gem aTnbuTT 4aCpdv4euxes uer
6TuTnbme uvp .Tueoicel C
ppemnr dmednp ijavaTavd 0:seqpedouTaT4o
maaell sir 6emem ppeSvu pcadmemnr
.vmaHAHTaed uednr PPede4ea mTuvP
6TaTnbpan ppedvmem mTuvp 6TaTnbpan mTnbeaTuvp sedemmej TaTnbCan
Eui : n
iy aaciod 6vmem emeqoudopem pPeoeuvqoPem mTuTdemHqbn
sappdell sTnbuTnbmeo viypPeqmoTp
maaeN uednr pPedean mTuep cTaTnbpan seuT Ppednp ,Tposeouerreo
ppadmednr mTuep mns ...TaaH4HoTavd
vemeN 64emvm ppaqauemnae von umelloit on 6vmemetleays 9 seuT cpednr
oeuvcano 11Taeme 6Tqoavit ppeseaTC ppoavdnp 6e4Nuem 6voeuTsT
6-tum.leanqo e,T4TnbTivm
I WiiiWfi cm, paTqnoal anTssed aTdvaTaxed
emueaTdatiasT sez !ipassamy iwt71.41uTya
TiggfE sTepuess
10 Wel mankfat awtipacha. 'He should be very hvngry.' Cf. above note 4.
Vocabulary - Arunaca
I. Namanaylal<at isthapisi, ucat mare sara. 'First I'll get dressed, then
I'll go to the village.'
N.B. Before ucat, the verb may lose its final vowel, except when the
final vowel is long.
arrive (when I arrive), I'll buy myself some bananas.'
Future verb + jan + future verb ucspachaw 'as soon as, immediately'
The final vowel of the verb may be elided if it is not long.
e.g. Khatin (khatini) 9cspachaw, mank'asifiUni. 'As soon as lie cooks,
(b) rt i:nkaranacayrli
ata. ia ucsaw,
EFYiEher arrives,
uri a naval
I'll plant flowers.'
''As soon as
E. Jumanacajj nayrakat yap lurapjjgt, ucat kaWr awatilijjgta.
M. nayajj
E. Nayajj.naYrakat yap lurg, ucat"kawk.awati..
N. aymar yatekI
E. Nayajj nayrakat yap lurg, ucat aythar yatekg.
M. jupajj nayrakat cart kellkan
E. Jupajj nayrakat cart kellkan, ucat aymaryatekani
M. nanacajj
E. Nanacajj nayrakat cart kellkapjjg ucat aymar yatekapjjg.
E. Jiwasanacajj nayrakat cart kellkapjjafigni.
M. ch'oke yap khechlapjjaagni
E. Jiwasanacajj nayrakat cart Lellkapjjaagni, ucat choke yap khech'ap-1'
M. jiwasajj nayrakat mank'afign
E. Jiwasajj nayrakat mank'afign, ucat ch'oke yap khech'afigni.
E. Jumajj nayrakat mank'gt, ucat ch' oke yap khech'gta.
N. Nayajj, jail purcan ucapachaw, tiojjan utap visitir sarg.
E. Nayajj, jail purcan licapachaw, tiojjan utap visitir sarg.
M. jupajj
E. Jupajj, jail purcan ucapachaw,'tiopan utap visitir sarani.
M. jilapan isinacap t'ajjsini
E. Jupajj, jail purcan ucapachaw, jilapan isinac p t'ajjsini.
M. jiwasajj, suma junt'Ucan
E. Jiwasajj, suma junt'Ucan ucapachaw, jilasan isinicap t'ajjsingni.
M. jupanacajj
E. Jupanacajj, suma junt'Ucan ucapachaw, jilapan isinicap eajjsipjjani.
escuel ut utachapjjani
E. Jupanacajj, suma junt'Ucan ucapachaw, escuel ut utachapjjani.
nayajj, kollkenicg ucapachaw,
E. Nayajj, kollkenkg ucapachaw, escuel ut utachg.
E. Jumanacajj, kollkenYpcgt ucapachaw, escuel ut utachapjjgta.
M. nanacajj
E. Nanacajj, kollkenYpca ucapachaw, escuel ut utacha;jja.
M. walja machak isinac alasipjja
E. Nanacajj kollkenipca ucapachaw, walja machak isinac alasipjja.
N. jiwasajj trabajcafian
E. Jiwasajj, trabaj caiUin ucapachaw, walja machak isinac alasifiani.
M. jiwasanacajj
E. Jiwasanacajj, trabajapcafian ucapachaw, walja machak isinac
M. jumajj
E. Jumajj, trabajcat ucapachaw, walja machak isinac
M. machak ut utachasYta
E. Jumajj, trabajcat ucapachaw, machak ut utachasita.
M. Int jalsunipan, ucsaw, nayajj pankaranac aye'.
E. Int jalsunipan ucsaw, nayajj pankaranac ayrU.
M. jiwasajj
E. Int jalsunipan ucsaw, jiwasajj pankaranac ayrufiani.
N. jupajj
E. Int jalsunifTn ucsaw, jupajj pankaranac ayruni.
M. aymar yatichani
E. Int jalsunipan ucsaw, jupajj aymar yatichani.
M. int jalantipan ucsaw, nanacajj
E. Int jalantipan ucsaw, nanacajj aymar yatichapjja.
M. jiwasanacajj
E. Int jalantipan ucsaw, jiwasanacajj
aymar yatichapjjafiNni.
M. jumajj
E. Int jalantipan ucsaw, jumajj aymar, yatichata.
N. chawll manktata
E. Int jalantipan ucsaw, jumajj chawll manklata.
M. tata Pedrojj purin ucsaw
E. Tata Pedrojj purin ucsaw, jumajj chawll manleata.
M. nanacajj
E. Tata Pedrojj purin ucsaw, nanacajj chawll manktapjja.
M. jupajj
E. Tata Pedrojj purin ucsaw, jupajj chawll stank' ani.,
ovej qharini
E. Tata Pedrojj purin ucsaw, jupajj ovej qharini.
M. mama Maria puripan
E. Mama Maria puripan ucsaw, jupajj ovej qharini.
N. nanacajj
E. Mama Maria puripan ucsaw nanacajj ovej qharipjjg.
EL Pablojj, Chuquiagur purin jan purin ucspachaw, sombrer alasini.
E. Pablojj, Chuquiagur purin jan purin ucspachaw, sombrer alasini.
N. jumajj
E. Jumajj, Chuquiagur purMt jan purMt ucspachaw, sombrer alasMta.
M. jupajj
E. Jupajj, Chuquiagur purin jan purin ucspachaw, sombrer alasini.
M. tatapamp parlani
E. Jupajj, Chuquiagur purin jan purin ucspachaw, tatapamp parlani.
M. nanacajj yap luraii tucuyapjjg jan tucuyapjjg
E. Nanacajj, yap lurafi tucuyapj0 jan tucuyapjjg ucspachaw, tatajjamp
M. nayajj
E. Nayajj yap lurad tucuyg jan tucuya ucspachaw, tatajjamp par1H.
M. vacanac aljg
E. Nayajj, yap luran tucuyg jan tucuyg ucspachaw vacanac aljg.
jupanacajj mank'apjjan jar. mank'apjjan
E. Jupanacajj, mank'apjjan jan mank'apjjan ucspachaw, vacanac aljapjjan5..
M. jiwasajj
E. Jiwasajj, mank'afign jan mank'afign ucspachaw, vacanac aljafigni.
E. Jupanacajj, mank'apjjan jan mank'apijan ucspachaw, vacanac aljapjjani.
M. yap khollir jutapjjani
E. Jupanacajj, mank'apjjan jan mank'apjjan ucspachaw, yap khollir
isthapisipjjan jan isthapisipjjan
E. Jupanacajj, isthapisipjjan jan isthapisipjjan ucspachaw, yap
khollirejj jutapjjani.
M. jumanacajj
E. Jumanacajj, isthapisipjjgt jan isthapisipjjgt ucspachaw, yap
khollirejj jutapjjgta.
'N quAeu
gpreAvm zsTdeqlsT met' 4sTdvq3sT gmegovdson deL cra1nfoq4 pnr
'N ccorrvf uvoind 4mumeoTtetioon freAvu lava .R1TTal
croTter uvoind gmemeourgoon rreiceu lavo RTriall
'N rresemg
fforier uvoind gmvulualwtioon rrveemTC lava .Tuvvx-ETax
H. jiwasajj
Jilajjajj cafe umcan uca khepat, jiwasajj caft umaraquiLani.
M. merk'e sill asquichaaani
E. Jilajjajj cafe umcan uca khepat, jiwasajj merkve sill asquichelni,
M. jallojj purcan uca khepat
E. Jallojj purcan uca khepat, jiwasajj merk'e sill asquichaani."
M. nanacajj
E. Jallojj purcan uca khepat, nanacajj merk'e sill asquichapjja.
M. jumanacajj
E. Jallojj purcan uca khepat, jumanacaij merk'e sill asquichapjjata.
M. jiwasanacajj mank' phayaii yAtichap,I;jaEhni
E. Jallojj purcan uca khepat, jiwasanacajj mank' phayala yatichapjjaatni.
M. pelot anatapjjaan uca khepat
E. Pelot anatapjjaaan uca khepat; jiwasanacajj milk! phayaa yatichapjja-
E. Pelot anatan uca khepat, Joseajj mank' phayad yatichani;
M. jumamp warmimampejj
E. Pelot anatapjjat uca khepat, jumamp warmimampejj mank' phayail
M. nayamp cullecajjampejj
E. Pelot anatapjja uca khepat, nayamp cullacajjampejj mank' phaya
M. nayajj chaull cat!"
E. Pelot anata uca khepat, nayajj chawll catU.
M. jumajj
E. Pelot anatat uca khepat, jumajj chawl]. catata.
Replace the underlined forms to agree with the subject of the main verb:
e.g. Purl__un.Y ucspachaw nayajj pokot alasY.
ucspachaw jumajj pokct alasTta. Purit jan purlt
ucspachaw jupajj pokot alasini. Purin jan purin
E. Jisa, mank'araquYwa.
Dialogue - Cuento
1 'Is it of tin or oil: straw?'
2 Fiest lurana 'to have a fiesta.' Cf. Spanish hacer una fiesta.
Santiago: Nayrakat aca babas yap khech'afi tucuyg, ucat utacha i7. yanapir
P: Nayajj jichhpachaw sarg, cuLalaycutejj utachirinacajj
tucuyapjjan ucspachaw, umapjjani.
S: Ay tata,. nayaij khech'afi tucufiajjanwa, ucampis umaw jan
utjquiti, qhaya jisc'a jawiran wafiawa, lupiw wal lupi, ucat
umaj j vaaa.2
1 .jichhpacha 'right now.'
2 wafia 'dry
ig Apbpoeueu zgoccdeaes
a ffeuoaaad mTuup Diem ueaes 4T3Tribunm gerNnbeavccdetioemeo 1;:nbeoeueu
'N Creasor mTuec upeme 'TaTnbunm
a ccuesor mTuec ameA upeme 'TaTnbunm 'eURnbezercdegoemeo 4Lnb.coeueu
g Sisnbuoruednp TurtioccdTaume
.g pgrasor mTurc ameA uTaume TaTnbunm " auTnbeavccdeuemeo
q ff 'e
AInbeveuednC .TuTgocCdTleme
1,1 Aznbeveuelmq eazipcCdTaeme
.a ffeasor mTuec ameA upeme 'TaTnbunm 'ecCeaxnbelergderpemeo -Euemnf
ANnbuo eaploccdTaume
ccucce4e3 mTuec go Time naeo u 'TaTnbum
'2 CcercuTele mPluf UmB14.3 unavp 'TaTnbunm 'eppapbeaeccdegoemma
Aznbeoeuemnp .eapoccdnavo
'H xylbesuATc Tuflupp1B0
.a cpcpae/ mTuef umeup unaup 'TaTnbunm 'eppeur.Tnbeautiormeo
Aznbesemg !Tugrtipaeo
lg AInbriteu wipavo
H Necce3n mTuuP navq3 unaup 6T4Tnbunm 6e4finbeautpumeo Apbeiteu
ea cpegear/ mTuec umego unlep 'TaTnbunm 'erreapbeaegoemn
.a uoaped Hut:lean-Eno mTuup unmes 'TaTnbunm gurCeapbeaerNelpemea
Apbeoeuumnp easgopcdnmes
g egeapbeaelloymeo
uoxpad CcedeourEno mTuep unmes 'TaTnbunm gecceapbeaegoemeo 4,:bemnp
ig cpuesns mTuec *Allem uukelid 'TaTnbunm 'ercauHuInbeaercdevemeD
ApbeoeuesumTp .TuRuplocrdeSeqd
4/nbudnc TnTrippeln
PPerfnu mTuvC uetpuln 6-mnbunm geccauTniniviloymeo ATinbudnc
r- gmnbunm Aisnbes
Tutgt.17:71:.eTTf umpean geccauHuTnb'eampewno
Cgroeueuitym viTuec Tanosa putpTnbse "mnbd-ounm gyfcennbyampemvp
AlnbemnC -elistmloTninz
cpccemiem mTusC undeA -mnbunm
ccercemaem mTuBC undyN "mnbunm 44Cylisnberet3uurep ANnbemnr 1,44tiodyN
ccuppwiem LiqueC undeq "mnbunm guccRnbvivcrdellouteo Asnbeaeuvu
lq eCCauTnbuielpemin
.a gecramiem ATurC uncle% "mnbunm 4eccauTnbulegaymeo ApbucinC .Tuplodell
Nossaq IIAXX
an8oTuTa - -6475filY
:asor ".
augedsn4 4Boruu4e4 megbn.uTdaTTem 9ZBCCasappecmAntip
='ITI cretplOtr e4U4 coSu t11.44uuMAU .60:1 muovu.yquav
1 utachafiar: infinitives, like nouns and pronouns, may take the
21 .
uiicateaL_giuJumarchur'ia:ietga 'If you return... 1 The infix -dja.7,
inserted after the verb stem and before the plu-al infix, indicater,
the return of the action: e.g. iutafia 'to come'/jutjiafia 'to come
Vocabulary - Arunaca
Grammar - pa
Analysis: For all forms except 1st person singular and plural:
infinitive stem .+ (plural infix) + -s- + personal ending.
1st person singular and plural: verb stem + (plural infix) + -iri-s-
+ personal endings. When the infinitive stem eads in -u-, uri-q- is
added: e.g. kaput
endings: -ta -na -na
-ma --ma
The particles --wa and -iia may be attached to the potential positive
forms (in the 1st person singular and plural, the last vowel is elided:
sariristwa). Interrogative statements are formed by the addition of-..ti
to the personal ending (in the 1st person singular and plural, to the
last consonant: sariristti?)
After ucamisa 'but' the negative is contracted to ips; -wa is rarely
found in subordinate clauses.
e.g. Nayajj marc sariristwa, ucampis yap 'I would go
'My mouth hurts,.so I don't eat meat; if not, .Y would (could) eat'
'My father died, so I'm not happy; otherwise, I would be.'
II. Optative mood: 'would that ' To express doubt in the future,
anchaqui 'rather' is used with the future tense forms; the negative
infix -c- is inserted after the verb stem; the particle -ti is attached
to anchaqui. The particle -ti (stressed) often occurs in gd4ordinate
e.g. Nayajj khartkoij*Chtiag sariristwa ancha.uit tatEu41i muncani
'I would go to La Paz tomorrow, I hope my father wants to (would
that my father go).'
by -ta:
e.g. chhakafia 'to lose' /chhakata 'lost'
7, W
uoT.Inapsqns mac( - asem aeunau annosn
ccupsuessmTr xostia 4pmeuscperiandeA sTdmean luol .emeseueccdnqbec
ffeasuem qostio gem4sTaappetiondeA sTchuson utol .stsucCeusfpntitreC
asuedmow -smecCegepaTelTid
preaeueN vitio gemsTiegdegandeA sTdmsan peuedmoto ..eneffeueppielTd
CCeAeu osuouse gealsTaTingo sTdmean asuedmoqo .eauCceualTsd
rr frednr aeuguse semedseinga sTdmean peuedmoga semedeue3Tid
N xostia.PCrken gem4sTaTcondeA sTdmean toZtEC ueC 'tvtnbind Sean uer
U. jupajj
E. Jupajj ch'ok yapuchaspawa, ucampis jallow jan purquiti, ucat jan
E4 nanacajj adob lurapjjeristwa
E. Nanacajj adob lurapjjeristwa, ucampis jallow jan purquiti, ucat jan
N. jichhuw jan utjquiti
E. Nanacajj adob lurapjjeristwa, ucampis jichhuw jan utjquiti, ucat jan
N. jumanacajj
E. Jumanacajj adob lurapjjasmawa, ucampis jichhuw jan utjquiti, ucat
jan lurapctati.
N. jupanacajj
E. Jupanacajj adob lurapjjaspawa, ucampis jichhuw jan utjquiti, ucat
jan lurapquiti.
N. jumajj utachasmawa
E. Jumajj utachasmawa, ucampis jichhuw jan utjquiti, ucat jan
N. calaminaw jan utjquiti
E. Jumajj utachasmawa, ucampis calaminaw jan utjquiti, ucat jan
M. jiwasanacajj
E. Jiwasanacajj utachapjjsnawa, ucampis calaminaw jan utjquiti, ucat
jan utachapctanti.
N. jupajj
E. Jupajj utachaspawa, ucampis calaminaw jan utjquiti, ucat jam
N. nayajj pouch sawuristwa, ucampis kollkew jan utjquiti
E. Nayajj pouch sawuristwa, ucampis kollkew jan utjquiti, ucat jan
M. nanacajj
E. Nanacajj ponch sawupjjeristwa, ucampis kollkew jan utjquiti, ucat
jan sawupcti.
N. jumanacajj
E. Jumanacajj pouch sawupjjasmawa, ucampis kollkew jan utjquiti; ucac
jan sawupctati.
mossaa IIIAX
medele4 u8C -T4Tnbunm
CroidAutitpu fresemTC TTmego stdmeon emeueun
mesulel. uer -p.pbuniu
Dialogue - Cuento
1 Todos Santos (tot sant14 turu_santu) 'All Saint's Day.'
2 alma 'soul'
3 iryasifia 'to send (for)': the causative form of irafia. Note the
use of ru, corresponding to Spariish errw;ar a.
rezayaii 'to say pray%rs, have pn:7ei:s ca- i; 4..m
Cf. SpatIsh re7ar 'to say prayerc-1.
7 'My fields are still not worked.' Lurata: pes:Ave participle; in.
14 ittatap! 'you must come (of course)' cf. above, note #12.
Vocabulary - Arunaca
Grammar - SmiapaIlanatrqui
I. Potential/conditional negative:
slrapiyistti sarcsnati sarawcsnati
sarcaspati sarapcaspati
Analysis: negative -c- is inserted after the verb stem and -ti affixec:
at end. Endings same as potential/conditional positive.
N.B. If the infinitive stem ends in a long vowel, that
vowel is retained and the negative -c- is attached to it:
e.g. kollkenYquiristti 'I wouldn't have money'
a' CPBAUM MTUBP BOVA Trell 4-pasTaTnbieqb ffalnoiteTuuno meoesqper mns
'1i usasof emedeutieqb
H ffeken mtuec eaeA TTeA 4T34sTaTnbieqb CC94flD,CAsTeuno ueasof --e-4Tareqb
N grepeueu mTuec amyl T41sTaTnbdTieqb
-a crepeueN mTuec amyl gT44sTaTnbdTieqb cColnokuve,aa ueasof eL,Iudepraeqb
N CCovIed Ccotpuemnie g mTue 'Tamp 6T3edee33uo seat CCatiluewifidanC
a Cpatpuetuni.:=
mTueC 43 4Tlvdsuolv suuT cTaziamm/Raing
a CCuseau CCetpuumme TueC L hmrq3 gTleusoleo
sruT CragluemandanC
'14 ffeopueu
scut cCati3uutandinC
-a CCeopueN Cfatpuemnae mTuep hmeip 4T34sTaTnbdulv3
CCeAsu CCoinietil MTUEr IVOSOf T31sTaTnbrioA
a 4'e/cum CCoinam leesocmTuer 4T41sTaTnbuo4 seuT CCoaldanf -aicoTTol
DI cpneuesemTp
3 cpemni croanzetil mtueC aeasof 6T3ewsuouol seuT Cfoandinf: -1714goitol
N cCuoutiednr
a Cpeoeuedur Croinautm mTueC aeasor 4T3edseodnioA
scut CCoandanc
N CCepeueu CColditeietil mTuer T13sTaTnbderipp3n
1t. stuT CCo1d4edinC
rot CCeoeuen Ft:old/Wimp' mTueC 4T-43sTaTnbdau3aln
2 Ccedu CroadAeietil mTueC 4T3edVeowe3n
scut Croadkedint: TuTtiotioe4n
.w CpezeuemrIC
a Cfezeuemnr CCoadAuletil mTuep 4T4ualmeodetperl
sent Croad4edinf
'N cresmiTc
`a CCesemu CCoadkeielm mTurr 6T3eusovoeln smut CCoadAedanc
'N Cpeicuu cro4pqmpTc mTuec 1101 plsTaTaxnzuT1
a ppeAuN groastmg &Tuvg nox 4T13sTaTnb4Cn3uT4 seuy ['poi-pew! -Ati34nauT3
id CCeDeul;dnr
s'uT CCoinietlx
*a Cpepeuednr CroantmTC mTuer Aol gfludge3deAnJuT4
crumnr TtidAnc quipud mTuur loTad 4Tlemsvoluuu sTdmuon deA .umrmseinT
crusumTr TudAnc ccugoud mTusC loTed 6T3uusoluue sTdmuon duA umuusinT
uoun. tipAu umvusiluum
cruswiTr r TtidAn quipud mTuur 3oTed 6T38usoluue sTdmeon UOVA tioAu
'14 cream= OPEC crutioud mTuer TlIsTaTubdutpuln
a cruaeuum orrer Cputpud mTuur 4T43sTITnbdet3uln sTdmeon UOVA qoAr
'N umSn An um4sTiecrdetiou4n
a crupLum (Truer rpriped mTuec 4T44sTaTubdutpuln sTdmuon An um An
a ci'aDBUVIUrtf wiTuC crerpsid mTuup 'Tlemseodullou3n sTdmuon umAn An
a rpeouuusemTr oner Ccutpud mTuer 6z4nusodut3u3n sTdmeon umAn An
Ski SuTnlango umuuscrdeaus
4 PC70811E11
a geoeuem Tulle ccuped mTusC avlued 4T33sTaTnbdna4te sTdmuon orEec
rpqaud um2sTiscrdna1e
CCuuesns fccanleqx mTurg orem 6Taveissoass Trnbutpus ccseinTr sdnf
.a Cceuesns Cpanimpi mTusc paym 6TTedsrarss 3Tnbetpus rchic*credeur
cruiveN rpanarqx mTurC 31VM 4T33sTaTnbays 3Tnbetpue cperpetTp sAsu
3un .Tuvales
4. ccusuATc
-a CCVSVIATf CcOlnlegn MTLEC DIEM gpeusaass lInbutpue gessur saag. lun
'11 ccuTysou sumTf urn preolus
11 ffeoeued4
'3 frupeuednr itlnr qui= ApreC 6Tledsrodempnunitio 3Tnimpue rfeaeuedn;
Deuednp duel TueDdegonuniqo
'N CpeAym gosdAeamil aTtlec TalsTaTnbtioeSeo
gaga cgoidAezetm mplec 4-EllstaTnbtpekep lTnbetiouy cpaetredric eAeu
3un TueodeweAo
11 creAem mTueC peuecatio 6TalsTaTnbpre metionocceTTC eeccedsecie
.a rceitem mTuec peuvcaAo 4p4sTaInbpre metionoCCuTTC eeppedsepre
cpesumTr mTueC peueceAo 4Tzeusopre metionoseTTC .eccedsepre
11 rcemq
a cCemnr tiTueC aeueceAo gpemsepfte metionomeTTC -4TedseCie
N dmeuenr cCadmeuesns mplup pedseodetpeAeo
dmeuenr fCadmeuesns mTuec gpedsvodelpeAeo mellomdeTTC Fre -epredse
TAI ftetionopTAea eqedgeweAvo
.a dmetrenr Pradtueuesns mTuec 4TTedseodutpeiteo metionDpTAva .Eccedsevekeo
N .UonbTaua
L:;rkbp.7.:ar mTueC 4-pedsempekep mmionopTivea -eppedsetpuiCep
N dmuunp cCadureurmal
e.g. Jichhayp'ojj nayajj janiw chawll catquiristti, ucampis tatajjaj
JichhayWojj jumajj janiw chawll catcasmati
ucampis tatamajj catuspawa.
Kharayp'ojj jupajj janiw chawll catcaspati
ucampis jumanacajj catupjjasmawa.
Jichhayplojj jiwasajj janiw chawll catcsnati
ucampis tatasajj catvspawa.
Dialogue - Cuento
V: -1'
Waliquiw tatanaca, nayaw ma'tni Voluntarionacamp par1H,
ucatsti oficin sara jupanacar avisiri. Ucchaficamasti
jumanacajj ch'ufiuchafiatac waquichasipj jam.
Jutir semana
nayajj juc'amp jumanacarojj avisapjjama, cunatf lurafia.ea::=1-
sajj waquisqui ucanacjjata?
1 Note the choice of voluntario"" in place of voluntariomn.
rmitted because of its
is possible. Possibly the first =mpi_is
distance from iierylca"almniwe
aru 'word'
jayrasipguiristti 'we can't be lazy'
12 mavni in the plural can have the meaning of 'other' (from mava 'one')
oficina (abisina) 'office' (Spanish)
ucchaficamasti 'in the meantime'
cunati 'concerning those matters which it is possible to do.'
LESSON XXX - Quimsa tuncanir lecciona
Vocabulary - Arunaca
Analysis: for all forms except 1st person singular and plural:
infinitive stem + (plural infix) + (potential/conditiona
marker) + personal ending + -ana (past tense marker).
The suffixes -wa and -jja may be attached to the verb, with elision c'
the final vowel.
e.g. lupiiplefgpmagleji ovei awatiriscqyka, jurew jan munctatcji.z
'Yesterday morning I would have pasturiA sheep, (but) you didn't
want to.'
N.B. No conjunction links the two clauJ'as; in the si-ccnd clause, lie
particle is attached to the su,lject and to the veo.
sarcasamanti .sarapcasamanti
sarcasapanti sarapcasapanti
AAalysis: Same as the positive forms, plus the negative -c- inserted
after the verb stem (after the plural infdx);the negative -ti
is attached to the consonant of the ending.
janipini 'never' (lit. 'certainly neat')
The infinitive stem is combined with the suffix -sa-; -sa- can be acta4:11,:sd
only to verb stems, and modifies the action performed by the main verb,
the subject of the main verb and the -sa verb is the same.
e.g. EvaiiiichhUrojj jan t'awr eallsouiriscgOtti, ian_xptisaw lurta.
'I wouldn't have worked the wool today *zdthout knowing wl,at I was
or intensity:
usufia 'to be ill'iusuntana 'to be sericusly ill'
catuna 'to seizet/catnntafia 'to capture, arrest'
VII. 'already': parldia 'to talk, speak'/ 12.2Ildjafia 'to speak already'
M. nanacajj
E. Nanacajj masgimaLthejj chhokh catur sarapjjariscgigta.
M. qhH aynach estancia sarakapjjerisegyHta.
E. Nanacajj masHrmanthejj qhH aynach estancia snrakamjjeriscHyHta.
N. jumajj nayarmenthejj
E. Jumajj nayarmanthejj aynach estaacia sara:msamana.
M. jiwasanacajj
E. Jiwasanacajj nayrHrmanthejj ql1H aynach estaneia sarakapjjasana.
N. jupajj
E. Jupajinayarmenthejj qhg aynach estaacia saralrasapHna.
M. qhN alay koll mistusapHna
E. Jupajj nayarmanthejj qhM -lay kull mistusepana.
M. jumanacajj wayarajj
E. Jumanacajj mayarajj qhg alay koll mistupjjasamHna.
N. jupanacajj
L. Jupanacajj mayarajj qhg alay koll nistupjjasepara.
M. nayajj
E. Nayajj mayarajj qhg alay koll misturisc HyHta.
M. walja achacunac jiwayiriscHyUta
E. Nayajj mayriHrajj walja achacunac jiwayir iscHygta.
N. nanacajj pasir phajisejj
E. Nanacajj pasir phajjsejkvalja achacunac jiwayapjjeriscHyHta.
M. jiwasajj
E. Jiwasajj pasir phajjsejj walja achacunac jiwayasPna.
MasUrojj nayajj jan LhollquirlselyHtti.
E. MasUrojj nayajj jan khollquiriscRyHtti.
N. jumajj
E. MasUrojj jumajj jan khollcasamHnti.
Ni. jiwasajj
E. MasUrojj jivasajj jan khollcaanti.
usutanacar jan kollcaanti
E. MasUrojj jiwasajj usutanacar jan koilcasHnti.
F. nanacajj nayrUrojj
E. Nanacajj nayArojj usutanacar jan kollapquiriscHyHtti.
-a CCuouurdnf CCoanaAvu aupeuulnsn ueC .T4uHdesuodurrol
'1 aeoeuutioCem uep oeuTsT puRdseodeantio
-a geoeuednr CCoanaAeu aupeurtiopm ueC aeuTsT .T4uNdeseodeanip
-a Cpropuemnr CroanaLeu aeoeuutioCum ue peuTsT .punmeseoduanuip
-21 aTsed Cfasffutid semTC gyuRsmpeln LaTuTdpreC Cpeln puRdesvospan
Cpuplinez TzuRftsvolimplo
-a aTsed CCesffetid serig geunsetpean mTuTdpreC CpuTmeTuo .T.:apidesepletmo
ccunuisem outreu
-a peaRmARN veueu geTRARosTa6CCdetpeln mTuTdTuef CpuTtusleo
N oeuetanc
a cpeaRuaeK peuetunc crclutpu4n se UttEMB 6 LATuTdTuer CpuTtueTeu
geoeueu T43HAR3sTaTnbde4nC
-a cgeap&eirg -Juueunir guuipticeprdetpu4n rtpivdIutac cfuJuuou
ifoiniSeu dnp .
'2 froansvN peuesemtf deg( GrupeffdvanT nTuTd-puef ffeovued4 svode4nf
'N qvuesns pundesvotiondeA
'a CroinseK ovuesemTC dui 6euRseffdL..in1 m-cdTuep ffeuesns ai7deseogondvA
eN CfatpuemaniAvu ovum oluem ffdeAvqd v4RARosTi3
ea ffaviquemalliAvN peuvu &Num GunAposTaaffdeAevid ffrunsnsn.TuTdiusp
eN Avu
pfaxIluemarlikeN Avu oluvut 6e1BAEosTaT4eqd eIvICTuef fTeuesns
ccuAelq pfoaritmoTP urf ammo. unc.6133hApsTaTflbmvS .eu-prstme4
pfeAux CCoantmaTc uef imeo 6T41RAHosTaTnbmeA mnr ....uuTesTmeA
Husurau ccoingtipTC tier 2M283 4puRsvokleA tune ..euplesTme4
peovuem rfointmoTf use amvil 6T4TRARosTaTnbdTmeA mnf .4tigmesTmeA
PaaJTV euRdesTmeir.
.a ffvoeuvm ffoinKtiog uvf ariE ,T3.2NANDsTaTnirnme4 peam .vundesTme4
.N ccednf ffoiniAvu uvf pugdusvoAnouTz
ea pfednr ffoinaAvu uvp Ion 4-puRdeOvAnouT4 PaaJIV ..euildesvAnoLIT4
'N ffeoeuvatnf
ca. ffeDeuvwnr ffoinakeu uef xol 6T4uNwegeoduAnoup PaaJTV euRdeseAnoup
Aeu vnAt3sTaTAnoup
ffeovuemnr ffoaniAvu uvf no4 4-puresvodeitnoup Suit *e...10RosT4TAmap.
4 crusymTc
.g gpesamTr ffaqauemaRsum uup dmoqo 6T4uNsup1Tid Lett .ETNAHosTaTaTad
'N aim:Inc suRdesuffdeaTad
.g ffesemu ffaq4uumaNsum usf dmoqo 'TqufisepaTid osuednf .sulidesaffdeaTid
gfekeu ffoanakeu use paRAHosTaTnbdel
g ffeAuti ffoanaAeu uEC 4TanAflosTaTnbdal =ming' -auEdusaffdndex
.11 ccRopuesemTc
a ffeoeuesemu fpoanalieu uef 6TauRsuodndag oruednf .euBdusaffdndell
dnf euNdesndeN
a ffezeuesamTr fpoanaAau uEC 4TauNsu3dndel dnf ..euRdesndex
suoT4sanb pue sailmsuv Tame3uueues43STI mmXi Tuureaeueues
PcuAuN 30Tad ZTTRAN3sTaT3vue
3 gessi rCemnr 4oTad euRmese4eue
14 prawn- aTsed Cpuemas wdeTsb 03upeeeoluem
3 cent- cfeAuti uTdstab eulnApspeoplym
'N rCednr aTsed rpoSuTmop non azufideeeies
3 gent. aTsed pfo2uTmop non -emuNduseles
'N FPOJIIIAVR 4E3E11E12 nociao anus anxpeperrdevir
3 gesu Crepeuemnr nociao anaAe seupluseffde44
4 rCeAvm CCatpueuiansem rano LI4opeppeme
3 gesisr CCemnC ffatpuemansum euRtuespema
3 Noom *eunmesetiondeA
Dialogue - Cuento
wari 'vicuna'
2 _away 'shawl for carrying articles, baby' (The word has entered
Bolivian Spanish as maysi)
yatichitu 'she taught me'
imclEtjusliaLl 'little by little
Vocabulary - Arunaca
cusiscH.14na estar gozando (siempre) to be enjoying
consolar to console
chuymjana (ru)
tener fuerza to have strength
fuerza strength
tener papas to have potatoes
estar sano to be healthy
leventarse de la cama to get up from bed
iquinat sartafia
lugar donde se duerme place to sleep
estar llorando to be crying
desayuno breakfast
junt'u uma (junt'u 'hot')
tener vivires to have food stap2c2s
pedregoso stony
piedra stone
ser rico to be rich
rico rich (man)
estar sucio to be dirty
limpiar to clean
emplorado covered with dust
tierra, polvo dirt, dust
estar riendo (siempre) to be laughing
acabarse, faltar to be consumed
falto, menos lacking, less
Grammar - Sisaparlarlataaui
III. The verbal suffix -Vssri- is added to verb stems to indicate the 'place
where the action is performed',:
The resulting form with lengthening of the final vowel mPy function as
an infinitive stem:
e.g. Nayatejj jan k'omachquiristja,acacaaziakaTgcasati.
'If I didn't clean up, these places would be impossible to walk
IV. Verbal stem -ca- + -awi- (= -cawi-)inserted before the endings expresses
continuous action:
suysgwkia 'to be waiting all the time/suvana 'to wait'
iachcawna 'to be (always) crying'/jachana 'to cry'
larcHwYria 'to be (always) laughing'ilarutia 'to laugh'
VII. The suffix -rara may be added to nouns to form an adjective indicating
lot of :
k'ala 'rock' /k'alarara 'stony'
chlaphi 'thorn/ch'aphirara 'thorny'
.2 rpelmni 494-Fuer gerrelpipncleit mTuer .-Fle4p4u9Aostp
'N Pv3R3SualIT0.11
q rpumni rre4-Fuer 4errelplondeA mTuer .-F4e4113,-poltiol
N rpeoeueu Crag-Fuer -onb-F ecrRodnmes
2 PPEOPUEN crelplec uTnbT IperEodnmes vA-Fuer .T4R341194T-rol
yi rreoeuednr
2 rcepeuedni .494-pur uTnbT 'erraueodnmes mTuer T4Tue3quaAtiox
.2 crrpeuedni 4'94-Fuer uTnbT gerraueodnmes aTuer sT4Tuenquem417,
N fpcdnr 494Tuer DEA DcPUVOTE
2 gednf 493TUVP DEA 4eppueore aTuvr -pTueopemAn
2 PPROVUESEMTI ccelprec DELI gecreuRlupdeiv mTuec .74Tuovo4uptaKn
.2 rceoeuemnr 4'94-Fuer ,EA 4ErcelipdVIE kiTuar --FlulipdpemiZn
N, Tlelpdp-Fure%
'a ccupeuemnr ccal.prec OVA grrelpdete m-Fuer -T4e4HodIaTmell
preAva 494-Fuer Tem errpregea4
'H PeAvM cce3Tuec Tum cuccRoCequa3 fiTurc 'TTPAITwRA
2 pesumr ccalTuur Tem 4urraupe3reqe14 mTuer T4TuRuenaTmen
-a rpm', rra4Tueg Tea gecrelprectea4 m-Fuer T41-14HapTmen
494-Fuer cpukeu cerrlsTaTnbi4uum nTurle .T44sTaTniaLuemuitp
.2 fra4Tuer rpeAuu 4e44sTaTnbgluem mplec T33e-FiTnbyremeolo
'j prednr
g rpednr rralTuec )Luem 4erredse31 A-Fuer pedseppeweitio
.2 ccesumTr Cre4Tuec gucPuspoluem mpleC .peusopumvitio
'N T3Bus3ptiemno
.2 ccESUMTC cca3TUBP 4.4Cuuspoluem LARIBC .puusoiliumno
rreoeueu ce94Tuvc vvc4sT1pbduluue
creavueN 494-Fuer 'errle-FiTnbdeTeue 44114 -F44sTaTnbdpemn13
N' Ppeoeuemq
a' cfeoeuemnf fTelTuec geppemsuodeleue mplec pemseodRaemnso-
'N Fcepeuednp
a' CCeoeuednr cCe4Tuec ceffedseodeleue mper Tledsepdpemno .
w pedsepdpnen
Crepeuednr cce3Tuec 6ecCedseodeTeue typec .pedseodElnen
'N Cped4 CCallueC Towne ecredseoun
Credni ccalpleC Towne 4eqedsumun apec .T4edsvapnen
ffeoeuesemu rcalTuef Towne gepreusodemn mprec speusodprisn
'N Cceoeueu
PCepeuem CcelTuec Toqopre 44T1sTaTnbdumn mTuef .T.34sTaTniaL:sonsn
'N plemnbdflawd
'a CrepeueN PCelTuer Togone 6eCrlsTaTnbdemn apec .T14sTaTnIARiqod
N erelsTapbselAec.rcesuu
a cceiveN Na3TueC 4.4c4sTaTnbsax&ec mTuec T14sTaTaRawd
a geoeuemnr Cce3Tuec gepfeluseodTseiAec taplec TlemseodRawd
1/1 Ccemnp
.g ccewnr pre3Tuer geqemseoseakeC nTuer -Flemseniqod
14 pPeArm crelTueC 6e4Nowelm nTuef gplinueln mnoAerezn qope ,34LLein
g rcupettednr qe4TueC gecceueodewean wpu gmueoque4n mnpAereon
qope TnbdTeeinT
.a ppeunr rcalTuer gecpenoweln mplec 4pennueln nnoAereon qope
peueceito equaosefTe
.a cpetanr CCelTueC geCpelpweln mpiec gflennue4n mnolieTeon OVUUPAO
cpecinc cCalTuec CeCreueoixuem mTuer .maenuemesqo
-a Ccednr Cceltuec 4eccaueol.nuem mTuvg gmuu34ueme,go mnokeTeon OUUT:c0A0
ppepruednr ppalTuup gepPaueodetionduA mTuep cmueodicueliinp mnaiaquon
deb plbdTsTrotix
ppeimu ppa3Tuep TTTdE guppfiationduA mTueP .T4EnueTude
H ppeken ppagTuef Tude 6eppfiationdeA Mprec .1:17RDLUVITTdE n re Am
a cpusemu craTruec TTTdu geffauNgeotiondeA mTueP de 6T4p4u0711BITT
mn3AeTuon duF "m33sITT0q1
lg CCednE
a cPsdnr cpa4Turp TTTde gepPauvotimdeA mTuer gmusopeTTTde nnuAuTeon
deA Tnbsmotill
1,1 PpaavAeN aePfemem uep capplsTaTnbfmAntlo ppappemez -emedc4mNosTnbuTT
.a eralimem IBPPMEM uup 4ePPasTaTnbplaknqo geppemem -emedqmOsTnbeTT
F1 ppalednp
a fft3ednr aademem tier geppecisepimAhlio
ppedemem eiTn_h .emedsImpsT
pPalepeueu aanbTaug
a ppaaeoeuem aanbTaug ueC gupp4sTaTnbdapwAntio ppedumem ..eAudsismfiosTnbeTT
Pfeasof emedszmppep
ppaleoeueN aanbTaug tier geppasTaTubdupwAntlo ppeasor ..emods4mHoTpuf
.a ppalezeuumnr lanbTaug uep geccVMSE3dEPMATIRD PPOSOf .emedszaRavep
a preleoeuednr aanbTaug uep 4eqedse3depantio emedsicmptioef-preasof
1 crulupuuusumTr
'a CF93E3EUESELviTf auSETTc tier Peusodatcpeit c E 4 crusuLATF rvirusNitvroltetn.
i4 ppalepeueu leTaelq ueP surcluTaTnbdudiT
-a ppalapeuum avTaeR ueP gePP3sTaTnbdedaT PpesemTC aemeusismnaxetp
N pPeoeuednp emedseprqmpAns
0g CPalypeuem leTaeN ueP 4uppasTaTubdedaT ppe3euednp oymedsePpdAmpAtis
.g ppaTesemu auTaell uep geppeus?daT Cpeoeuednp emedsepPdzmpAns
.14t pfal.ekeu uep epplsTaTnbaus
ag gale/Cum uup 4epplsTainbaes ppepeuednp .emedserpTmpAns
.g Cpaludni uup guppedsupays ppeoeuednp eemedsuppdismpAns
- ouunav euelpexoqd
uoT3aidwo0 ITTaa
janiw trabajcaspajja
Janitejj jupajj ,
janiw trabajapcasmajja
Janitejj jumanacajj ,
saraiia, kollkeniha
janiw ucat marcjj sarcsnajja
Janitejj marc , ,
sara, 6.
albat sartapjjapintawa.
janiw , ucat sartapcaspajja
Janitejj iquifiat
albat sartapjjap.tniwa.
j aniw k'omachquiristjja
III. Ilayatejj jan (k'omachafia), acacaj
omachatia) AcItcajj janiw k'omachcasmajja
Jumatejj jan
omachana) ucacajj janiw klomachcaspajja
Jupatejj jan ,
uckajj janiw L'omachcsnajja
Jiwasatejj jan (k'omachafia),
2 mTuellsTsd
gent. Cre2TueC 4.effenozies Cfewnounr
craTFUEr DIM 4UPPEMSBOIUS azewszummoll
.3 gesu fpa3tueC palm mperefr3sTaTnbies Tz2sTatnbzummol
14 rrepeuemnr frazTuef 4upenodesquem ltzemseCCdluemeatio
2 'eqf rfeoeueu CfercueC 4eCTRodeoluem mTuef T4Hodaueme1tio
14 Cfelemnr tier rpopegeCfemseodetpde num Lpedsnues3
3 6.eszr Cfa4eAvu uef' 6eff4sTaTnbdetilde preppy
nem -emedsnyzol
E. Janiw mank'anYpcsnati.
M. Janitejj jumanacajj lak ajan jarekasipcasmajja, junt'u umajj
E. Jisa, pist'aspawa.
N. Janitejj nayajj k'anu isinac t'ajjsquiristjja, k'oma isejj
E. Jisa, pisespawa.
U. Tata Marcos, cunats jumajj sapa doming mare sarapintajje
E. Janitejj sarquiristjja, janiw kollkenYquiristti.
M. Tata Esteban, cunats jupanacajj wali albat sartapjjapini?
E. Janitejj sartapcaspajja, janiw trabajonipcaspati.
M. Jumatejj acticanac jan sum kalanac apthapcasmajja, cunjamHspasa?
E. Wali kalararHspawa.
M. Jisc'a yokalla, jumatejj mamamar jan chuymjcasmajja, mamamajj
E. Jupajj jachcHwYspawa.
Dialogue - Cuento j
Luis: Jis tata, ucajj chekawa, wawanacasajj wal escuelar saran munapi5t
ucampis aca estancianjj janiw yatichirejj utjquiti. Jaya
marcacamaw yakhep wawanacajj escuelarojj sarapjje.2
Tomas: Ughamawa, nayan wawajjajj sapa albataw escuelarojj sarasqui,
yakhep urojj jallojj wal purl, thayas thayaraqui, take ucanacan
wawajjajj wal llaquisi. Jiwasanacatejj and yatichir thakapjjaa-
nejja, wawanacasajj janiw jaya escuelar sarapcaniti.
Pablo: Cuns lurapjjaani? Cunjamats ma escuel yatichirini-sn'ajja?
Janitejj jiwasanacajj thakapcaanejja, janiw escuel yatichirinY-
Luis: Cawqhats irpanindni? Aca jac'a estancianacanjj janiw yatichiri-
nacajj utjquiti.
Pablo: Chuquiag sarapjjananacasaa, cunalaycutejj janitejj Chuquiag
sarapcaanejja, janiw yatichir jicjjatcafianiti.
Tomas: Nanacajj janiw thakerejj sarapquiristti, cunalaycutejj yapunac
lurarlanacajjawa, uqhamarus jallupachajj jac'anquiwa. Nanacajj
janiw sarapquiristti, cunalaycutejj janiw castellan pariah
yatipcti. Tata Pablo, jupaquYy sarchita, nanacajj.antisas junian
yapum luran yanapapjjama.0
Pablo: Ucapi, camacharaquajja, nayaelay sarchY. Inas yatichirejj
Chuquiaquh utjchi. Takenit mtnapjjtag
(Takpachaniw Pablon saranap munapjje)
Pablo: Arumanthpachaw Chuquiag sara, jumanacasti escuel ut utacltan
kalltapjjam. Janitejj escuel utaacafilinejja, janiw yatichi-:3jj
jutan muncaniti.
Luis: Waliquiw tata Pablo, nanacajj adobenac luran kalltapjja,
kalanac uchapjjg, lawanac thakapjja, ucatsti calamin alapjjaraqui-
Pablo: Waliquiw tatanaca, takpechan trabajapjjaani, and urojj ma escual
yatichirinianiwa, wat'anacasasti leen kellkan juc'amp
Todos: Waliquiw tata Pablo, nanacajj trabajapjjawa.
Pablo: Jichhajj utanacasar sarjjapjjaani, jutir semanaw wasitat
Todos: Waliquiw, waliquiw tata Pablo.
1 jichharcamaji 'up until today'
2 lava 'far'
yakhea (or yakha) 'other'
Vocabulary - Arunaca
inal object:
e.g. Kawkha kawrs nayajj jumar chursme 'How many llamas did I give 7,rit?'
P_ akallk kawr nayajj jumat apaksma. 'I took seven llamas away
from you.'
Pronominal objects are also used when the object of the verb is a pronoun
not necessarily expressed in its full form .
e.g. Ct1'JLISSjAILAMrALpArj._.._1Sta.9 'Why don't you speak to me in Aymara?'
Pronominal objects are also used to indicate the object of a verb in -ri:
e.g. Visitiriw,iuma. 'I have come to visit you.'
In interrogative statements which lack a question word (how many...?)
the interrogative suffix -tT is appended to the pronominal object; the
suffixes -wa and may also be attached to the pronominal object.
N.B.: In the following frames, the plural infix in the verb seems to be
'we' (dual) to 'them'
'they' to 'us' (dual)
Optionality of the plural infix will be marked by an asterisk ( *),.
after the plural infix.
Verb stem: chur-
to 'you' -sma
'him' -ta (= 1st sg. punctual)
'you' -tam
'him' -1/-11 (=Srd sg. ymActual forri.)
to 'us' (dual)/(dual
ii. Verbal infix -ya- in causative meaning. Cf. grammar, Lesson XIX.
III. Word order: direct object may precede indirect pronominal object.
e.g. Quiuksakallk vacanac jupajj jiwasar catuyistu. 'He gave over to us
eight cows.'
or Jukeilliwa.sar quimsakallk vacanac catuvistu.
M. jupajj jumar
E. Sojjta t'ant'anac jupajj jumar mayt'tam.
M. nayajj jumanacar
E. Sojjta eantianac nuyajj jitmanacar mayeapjjsma.
E. Sojjta eant'anac nayajj jumanacar Ji
M. quimsakallk vacanac
E. Qhimsakallk vacanac nayajj jumanacar catuyapjjsma
jupajj nanacar
E. Quimsakallk vacanac jupajj nanacar cetuyapjjetu.
jupajj jiwasar
E. Quimsakallk vacanac jupajj jiwasar catuyistu.
M. churistu
E. Quirsakallk vacanac jupajj jiwasar churistu.
P. tunca pheskan lamananac nayajj jupar
E. Tunca pheskan lamananac nayajj jupar churta.
M. jiwasanacajj jupanacar
E. Tunca pheskan lamananac jiwasanacajj jupanacar churapjjtan.
N. Walja suma ranklanac,jupajj jiwasar manktayistu,
E. Walja suma mank'anac jupajj jiwasar ranktayistu.
M. jupajj ju )ianacar
Cuns nayajj jumar masUrojj chursma
Pakallk kawr nayajj jumat apaksma
Pakallk kawr jumajj nayat apakesta
Sojjta liq'i chawllanac jiwasanacajj j upat mayeasipjjtan
Sojjta liq'i chawllanac nanacajj jumat mayeasipjjsma
Sojjta chawllanac jumanacajj nanacat . mayeasipjjesta.
Sojjta liq'i wallpanac jupanacajj jumanacat . mayeasipjjtam
MasUrojj pheska wanc'unac nayajj jupar catuyta
Dialogue - Cuento
1 anata 'carnival'
waguichasifia 'to prepare oneself, get ready'
Vocabulary - Arunaca
olvidar to forget
cuchillo knife
cuchillo (cuchillu)
resentir to resent
chuym usuyana
chuyma heart
usuyana to make sick
ocultar to hide
prestar to lend
mayt'ana (ru)
ningrin no
comunicar to make known,
Grammar - Splaparlafiatagpi
g ppedng avAeu
aun4 uelseqd umesa sT1n1Tnbpie
.a ppoansull mTurp ppednp aeAeu usmInb
creumc is"ExeN
umusa "Pu30Pre
'a PconsuN mtuuP. fpumnp aeTaBH usmTnb aunl ueAsaqd
H PeTaw aemnp
aunl umisatid umuip TamelorTe
.a rpanser4 mTuup ppsTauN armnP esmTnb
N Tu Em usonc soluem Tlmelooppam
3 ppoansen mTuep preTauK aumnP Tu
Rm vamp saluem Tamelooppem
ppoanalcuu Ppeoeuemnp .aeauueu
.a pcoaRaAvm ppeaeuemnp arm= to Hm esanC soluem .T4e1sTnbdeorpem
ppesor aeAvu
'a Pfasccull4.1Tsed mTurp quasor arAuu lotad T4n1Tnbilicem
'N Irrox TlnaTnbAnleo
rpErm op No pnaTnbantp
.a ccoiniArm mTurg cceTarli arkeu rpTem .T4n4Tnbantio
ardnr peqoaluto
prrtunr tiTuer
(catuyafia). catuyapctamti
NayrUrojj janiw nayajj jumar chuymjcsmati
MasUrojj janiw nayajj jumar kollk mayecsmati
cunalaycutej j tatajjar maytlafiajjanwa.
chuymjafia, sismIgaujia
MasUrojj janiw jupajj nayar , antisaw chuymjquituti
chuym usuyitu
MasUrojj janiw jupajj jumar , antisaw chuyinjetamti
chuym usuytam
chuymiana, laruna
MasUrojj janiw jupajj jiwasar , antisaw chuymjquistuti
rayrUrojj janiw jupajj jiwasanacar chuymjaqpquistuti
antisaw larusi
yatiyafia, imantana
Nayrllrojj janiw jupajj nanacar antisaw yatiyapquituti
NayrUrojj janiw jupajj jumanacar yatiyapctamti
antisaw imanti
NayrUrojj janiw jupajj jupanacar yetiyapquiti
antisaw imanti
E. Janiw churapquistati.
M. Mama, jupanacajj jumanacar kollk alasipjjanamatac mayeapjjtamti?
E. Janiw mayt'apquituti.
M. Qhitis nanacar chompamp polleramp aljapjjetu?
E. Janiw qhitis aljapctamti.
Qhitinacas jumar vac lunthatapjjtam?
E. Janiw qhitis lunthatapctamti.'
FL MasUrojj jupaji jumar chuymj tamti?
E. Janiw chuymiquituti, antisaw laruei.
M. Masarmanthejj nanacajj jumanacar chuymjapjjsmati?
E. Janiw chuymjapquistati, antisaw larusipjjtajja.
NE. Pasir semanajj jupajj nayar iquifi mayeituti?
E. Janiw mayectamti.
N. Pasir semanajj jupajj jiwasanacar yatiyistuti?
E. Janiw yatiyquistuti.
Dialogue - Cuento
1 future tense with pronominal object 'I am not going to
teach you.'
2 yijapjjkLatclla: future tense with pronominal object 'I am going to
teach you.'
1 ovej ka7tu (iwij kallu) 'lamb' (lit.'sheep offspring!).
2 utani 'tz ter of the house' The -ni possessive suffix may be
attached to nouns; verb endings may be attached to form a verb
e.g. .autoni 'owner of the car' meaning 'to have, own ':
sarat1ta saraujiatata
saratayna sarapjjatayna
The suffixes -wa and -tea may also be attached; in the 1st person
singular and plural, the final vowel is elided when a suffix follows:
saratatwa, sarapiiattitaa, etc. In the negative, -c- is inserted after
the end; in the
the verb stem (or plural infix) and -ti is attached at
negative, the plural infix takes the form -2s7:
e.g. nmiLimjajgang15gssi
nanacajj janiw sarapcat4tti, etc.
final vowel.
7.94.1-7 'only'
-m imperative suffix
16 uniasinsti 'seeing'
The infix -sine- attached to the infinitive stem (and after the plural
infix) forms a past active participle. The action of the particip;
in -sine.- precedes that of the main verb; the subject cf the
part'4.ciple and the main verb is the same.
e.g. mank'asina sarjjewa 'having eaten, he left.'
The suffixes -wa and EA may be attached to -sine-, with elision
the final vowel (e.g. mank'asinija)
Vocabulary - Arunaca
1 1
'I' to you sg. -Hma
'him' -a (=1st sing. future)
'you' pl. -(aPii)-Hma
'them' -a (=1st sing. future)
you ' to 'me' -it1ta
'him' -Hta (= 2nd singular future)
'us' (pl) -(apjj4etHta
'them' -Hta (= 2nd singular future)
'you' to ms -(aqij)-eata
The negative verb forms are identical to the positive forms, plus the
discontinuous negative infix: - c...ti.
uocreC smgrdurie
;Fatpuemniv aemnp.Cceoeueu ucciec'esmTnb .um3cfctucte
geoeuesemTr aepeuednC
.g Ccetiwymniv fCroeuesemc lepeuednF esmTnb uoger .TuRtlecfclecTv
.3 CCold4uaelx prepeuesumTf aezeuednp esmTnb uocier TuRueccdefte
rpeiceu leDeuednr
.3 ppidiceieqx ppekeu aeoeuednc esumb uocier .Ecie
T1 Hozsit7
3 cpidAexera ppeAvu aezeuednr Tem g,33sTF
N. ffeouemnC aviceu
.3 proldiceamix ppezeuemnC asAtu
Tea 0.0:2N2a4deoosTc
lg cgesemc xecinc
jg ppednr aekeu
.a ?Cedric arSeu mTuec .T3Tue3Tnbanp
3 ptednr leAeu mTuec TlywnTnbzecclu
gepeueu aemnp
3 eryeuem aemnf mTuec TTem.Rodevccae
,1 rcesemTC iednc
3 gesemu iednr mpeC T4Tupea4eccar
lg cCeAeu ispeuedaC
11 - geoeueu aeoeuum4
uum spewRodeArde
preqluemniv ccupeueu avoeuem4 mTuec calt0
N DeueiAnC pumpdeoppem
'a prailluemniv ppeamteu aeouumunp mruep
oeuei44 .pruillodeoppa
'14 iT34 claim Cpumnp aultuu
xprif ppiem 4=4 aeleu mTuup osueiAnc -FlunTynboccem
141 presemTC aeoeuednC
a army cceiem ccusemTp aeoeued4 mayuec oeueiAnc
cpovuednr avommu
.a Ccoanamix cfpoeurdng aupsum TEI011 Gpielaggdeantio
'14 mplup
a ccoaaleu cCepeurcITIC aemuru mtueC ITTo4 -T;lue4Tnbdeantio
a Proanaeu cppeuednC aymmu ITIoA Tup3accduil4em
14 apnc ffeuemas aukeuctednp
.a apnr Cpuemas ppednp aukau ATM 'T1103T,44em
14 &pup
a ITUT ccEUEMS ffecinC aelteu c hype xuol pTuu3Tnbi3Aem
ccepeueu avommunc
a afar ffeuemas CCepeueu aeostremnp aTuer Tyrol .pumodsolCum
pAsatid veugamln .emardeAnwo
.a apnr preuumes Nem= aeoeuemnf elsatid orueamel ..eultUdeknlep
4 Ccutiaem ccupeued4 imam'
.a Munn,' rfeapuednr avoeueu exsatid ovueamex .TuvlacCdeAnwo
.a ccusaw rpoeuednc atioeueu ATtlec ensatid ammammi *T4TuelTnbd4AnTeo
M. jumajj jupanacar
E. Maranjj jumajj jupanacar janiw pheska kawranac catuycttati.
jiwasanacajj jupanacar
E. Maranjj jiwasanacajj jupanacar janiw pheska kawranac catuyapcanHniti.
M. pakallk ari cuchillonac aljapcanHniti
E. Maranjj jiwasanacajj jupanacar janiw pakallk ari cuchillonac
M. kharUrojj jupajj jumanacar
E. KharUrojj jupajj jumanacar janiw pakallk ari cuchillonac aljapcHtamti.
mart' of
JurpUruw mank' phayafiatac jupajj nayar machak
phuqhunac mayt'itani
Jutir maraw yap khech'afiatac jiwasajj jupar
picomp lampamp . mayeafigni
JurpUruw mank' phayafiatac jiwasanacajj jupanacar
machak phuqhunac mayeapjjaani
JurpUruw isinac t'ajjsinatac nanacajj jumanacar
tunca jabonanac mayeapjjgma
JurpUruw isinac eajjsifiatac jumanacajj nanacar
tunca jabonanac mayt'apjjetgta
KharUruw vacanac qharifiatac jupanacajj jumanacar
jach'a ari cuchillonac mayt'apjjgtam
E. JMsa, aljatamwa.
M. Tata, warmimajj cuns nanacar churapjjetani?
E. Janiw cuns churapcHtamti.
M. Mama, jupanacajj jiwasanacar liq'i vacanac aljapjjestaniti?
E. Janiw aljapquistaniti.
M. Jutir semanajj jupanacajj Mariar mamamatac kollk apayapjjHtHti?
E. Janiw apayapcHti.
M. JurpUrojj nanacajj jumanacar anatayapjjHmati?
E. Janiw anatayapquYtatati.
M. KharUrojj cunanacs jupanacajj jumar mank'ayapjjHtam?
E. Janiw cuns mank'ayapcHtamti.
Dialogue - Cuento
1 sataia !to plant (potatces, oca, etc.)!
alhuna 'to bear fruit.; produce' : achu 'fruit'
3 faltafia (p1-.1saLia.) 'to be lacking;' cf. Spanish faltar; ucempirus
4 NiyalLalampnafl.tta.'I spoke with her.' The pronominal object is
not necessary with the conjunction Men the full pro71Jmilpl
or -ta
object can be combined with -ru/of-is not expressed, the pronominal
object is attached to the verb:
e.g. AJEAmjamarat nar15.sta? 'Why don't, you speak to me in
Aymara: ?' (cf. Grammar, Lesson XXXII) ,
5 inaquiw 'are free.' A verb stem may be formed by IenEphening the final
vowel and attaching a verbal suffix: ingscafia 'to be free, unocetpied!
(inasciri 'one who does nothing').
Grammar - Sumasaylafiataqui
to 'you' -avasma
'him' -lygtE ( -1st sing. imperfect)
'you' (pl.) -(aPii)-Hvasma
'them' -ta (= 1st sing. imperfect)
you sing.
'you' to me -ista *
'him' -117Hta (= 2nd sing. imperfect)
'us' (pl.) - (apij)-esta *
'you' -gyHtam
'him' - Hna (= 3rd sing. imperfect)
'us' (dual) -estana
'us (dual pl.) -(apjj1.7-estana
Ebbing gives alternate forms for some of the other persons. Cf. alternate
forms for imperfect tense, Grammar, Lesson 23.
The plural infix in the negative is 727 . When the negative -ti (or
and -wa) suffix is attached to the following verbs, the last vovel of
and when the subject and/or object of the above forms are plural in
II. Preferred word order for positive forms: direct object :4-* subject
seven fish.'
Preferred word order for negative forms: subject + full pronominal
ppekeu auanuelunr
qvaHmkepl ppekeu anovuelunC Trueved ovuTtispld EalsRARCpurie
a cPeaRMAER crUDBUEU ap7euednc vledInt sTqd
putt-Ell srlgi.RqclerTe
PPOOVUEU immuemq
pailram creDEUVU aUDEUPWric mp.mf 412.emsR4RoduArmT
ppeoullemic .mauttuu
Crwmmice:H cceopumunc avortreu tt4i.mc plelsTn5dwiremT
aptec pulTnbdesluetin
cpaRwARN pporuemnc aoutreu mTutf TTelsTadelaum
aped prescceqd cCrleu aeOutyminc
iTsea Ccescpqd creAeu aummtunc mTuef pumsHipde4Juvq1
Cpcsymtf au3EUed4
iTsed Cresqeqd cresmair auovuednr ATIlup .FluelNicnoilue44
rCicuu iednf
itsua CcasCNO CCulieu iscinc muer .T32HAN343umil
mpler 7:410Roolcum
jumanacajj nanacar
E. Cullacaman wawapwasHrmanthejjjaniw jumanacajj nanacar catuyapquistat!.
nayajj jupar
Cpeorum arprurmq
ppeapArg Fporueu aromemnr m4114 eTTArtia VIVA 'PrulsOfloderie
4 Tangb Heim ffednr avAru
a Tango Pcuarm ppydnp aa4yu mTurp go viTme Nunea -FlupTnbcTr
Pakallk chawll jupanacajj jupanacar churapjjana
Dialogue - Cuento
1 ajjsarasaw 'fearing.' The verbal suffix -sa- before endings creates
an active participle, whose action is contemporaneous with that of the
main verb and whose subject is the same as that of the main verb.
Vocabulary Azunaca
to 'you -irisma
'him' -irista (= 1st sing. pat./cond.)
'you'(pl.) (aPii)-erisma
'them' -irista (= 1st sing. pot./flon0
'you' sing. to
me I
'him' -asma (= 2nd sing. pot./cor...d,)
'he' to e -itaspa
'you' - iristarn
e.g. lancturguirismati
The plural infix is -13-:
The elision of the final vowel before the negative -ti (and -wa)
rcVDEUEU aeoeuemnr
a Creqq3u cceoeueu aeoeuemq lemetionc emsTaafpleouetpl
la lumellonr gmspecgdu4B3IT
-a fferitiou cpeoeueu lepeuetunc Temetptir emsTaaCcdowpaT
rcatiluemnau CcesinC avaeuemq
-a Cratpuemnav fFecitiC avoeuewrIC lumetionc melstaacCde3e3aT
ccekeu aeoeuednl
-a cptpuemnav creAeu aypeuednf ledvq34 .elstapepaT
611 crepeutsemTc aepeuednc
-a ccetpueurtav rcepeuesemTP aepeuedric ledetionr .uuscpeleoaT
2eTnbmID euscpedaT
-a CcatpuemniV cppeuesemTr aeoeuednr Setnbritio BusUdedaT
14 rpoeuednf lepeuesekrcr
-a rcatiluemnav crepeurd4 araeuesumTG geTnimm eedselscpudat
4 rroanastm grednp aeAuu
-a croanaela Hump avAeu SeTnbntip sumselTdaT
'fa cceArti awanC mTuer lemnsn TlemsTaTnbumi
a preAuN aviunc mTuec lymnsu pumsTaTnbroA
4 Urcinf avAeu
-a ccednf aeAuu xpec Terrnsn -peds.e4Tnbuoll
gpeoeueu aemnr
-a Crepeuem xemnr mTuec 4umnsn -FlumsTaTnbderroll
14 ccesemTp aedng
ea rCusvmTr f aedn miueC 3ednen .TleusDderroA
de3napTu mTuer peuspananm
ea crusemTr iednC Tuec delninu -Fleusaananm
4 CCeoeuetunc aineueu
-a Cpezeuetunf aeoeueu mTueC Uelnioni .pums.mnbduananm
4 Cpeveuemnr aeoeuedrq
-a creopuemni ae3euedrIC mTuer delnoTu Tlemseodeananta
pretunr aeituu
rrsemtr leovuednr
rretiliotr rreseaTr arovuednr 3edutpnr uup uspoueql 'tit
CreoeuesemTC avoeuednp
rregauemnav CrepeuesemTC aupeuedur ledutionr uer speusodesquetiq
qmegetpop uer peusodudaT
rresumg aeoeued4
presear, avoeuedur apmr Creaem ueC Tedetpur Reusodurplo4
NTT01 Tleusodellhem
preseau aroeuudnr apnr Cream imp vuroA peusodeohem
Creheu avoeuemnr
rTeheN aezeuemnp aT4nr [Team tier -moll pemsTaTnbdellhem
CreheN aeoeuemnr IT4nr rpaem Anol eemsTaorrdeilkem
Crepeuemnr aupeuednc
rpeoeuemng ae7)euednr at rpeima -4TioN
14 preltem
ea 4eaTuer ppemnp aeiteu mTueP T3'emselTnbanw
N Ppemnr aeLu aTuep i,emselTnbanqo
-a Ppelieu.4emTuer aemnp mTuep .T3emsTaTnbanqo
4 ardnperesemu azeusanqo
g 4eaTuer ppesemTp audap mTuer T3eusoanqo
'N rpednr aeheu 3Tuep Ledse3Tnbanq3
63 gmTuer Ppednp =imp mTuep pmegsTaTnbaaqo
ex PPeleueN zemnp 3Tuep ;,emsTaTnbdeantio
q gemTuer Cceaeuemnp aeAeu mTueP pmsegTadeanqp
ppezeuednr aekeu zpedselaPPdvanqo
-a gemTuer PCepeuednp mTue.P.aemap eT3melsTaTnbdzanlo
PpeOeuednr LTiedse3eppeanqo
*3 gemTuer mTueccceoeuednp eTweqsTaTnbdeanqo
ex 6.5.3ex cpuiceu ellseldiumnp oeueumeso LT3emspTple
63 mTuer eTTemse4TnbpTe
'N 'vmeli snamqb eon peuemei ppeoeueu zelsTaappdeLede
-a mTuer snamqb eTTemseodeicede
'N neqg Ccepeuemnp aekeu ,..c3eme3sefPdeopPem
-a mTurr -T3emsTaTnbdeoppem
ex 4r3s1 ppeoeueu aemap'ppoanavq4 2,T3emsTaeprdeuppe
eg mTuer ertemselTadeoTqoe
4 ccopled ppaqwemnae aese,:4? 14edse3sdeue4
3 mTuer epedselszdeit
Dialogue - Cuento
1 jawklana 'to thresh'
2 uca lawanac apt'at 'with those.sticks' (lit. carrying those sticks').
Besides functioning as passive participles, verb forms in -.4-a nay alp,'
jiwasaji wajskanacjamarjjtanwa
Vocabulary - Arunaca
I' to you
'you' -sma (= 1st sing. punctual with
pronominal object)
'him' -sta (= 1st sing. dubitative) i
'you' (pl.) -(apjj)-sma (= 1st pl. punctual
with pronominal objects)
'them' -sta (= 1st sing. dubitative)
'you' singular to me - chista
we to you
'you' (= 1st pl. punzt-:al
with pronominal object)
'him' -(Apii)-sta (= 1st pl. dubita-
'you' (pl.) to I
me I -(apjj)-chista
'him' -(apj j) -sta (= 2nd pl. dubita-
The subject of a verb in -(au)iri- is not the same as that of the mai1
verb. When the subject of -(s.92isi- 5.s the sar,e thL, of the main
ccupeuemnp aupeueu
21 cruovuemnr avorueu sent mama Hm via u4spi3cpullaus
Cpouuednp aupeuumnp
-a prpovuudnr aeoeuemnp suuT ueiem Hm Ono melscpyilaus
'N tpudlumn smut mulsUdennu
g ffeoeuedrif avopuemnp smut wedlumn me4sffdemnu
14 ccesemTp ard4
H ccesemu audnr scut wedTemn uelsmnu
g ccuouuednc aeopuvu
-a cPaaeuedur avovueu sent tord4ymn n4Ttlogdnmnu
34 prekeu avoeuednp
-a ppekeN zuouuednp smut tpudTemn .elsmnu
'N vftem NTT04 v4sOkem
-a leovueducTrekem seat yftea ATToA .elsokem
4 ppeouueu aemnp
-a ppepuuem avmnr sent rftea NIT0A .ewsUdellAum
14 preaeuesumTp aupeuminc
'a ppouuesemT1 aeoBuedrq smut ecTum TET0A Pue4s4des4Aum
g ppekell aemq smut uec T3emsodeueA
.g ccedieN aymnp smut uec epemsodeuvA
I. jupajj nayar
E. Jupajj nayar inas jan yanapcchituti.
M. jamajj nayar
Jumajj nayar inas jan yanapcchistati.
He achicchistati
E. Jumajj nayar inas jan achicchistati,
M. nanacajj jumanacar
E. Nanacajj jumanacar inas jan achicapcsnati.
M. jumanacajj nanacar
E. Jumanacajj nanaaar inas jan achicapcchistatie
M. jupanacajj jumanacar
E. Jupanacajj jumanacar inas jan achicapcstamti.
M. jakonucupcstamti
E. Jupanacajj jumanacar inas jan jakonucupcstamti.
jiwasajj jupar
E. Siwasajj jupar inas jan jakonvccstantie
M. nayajj jupanacar
E. Nayajj jupanacar inas jan jakonuccstti.
M. umat arnakcsti
E. Nayajj jupanacar inas jan umat arnakcsti.
M. nanacajj jumar
E. Nanacajj jumar inas jan umat arnakapcsmati.
M. jiwasanacajj jupanacar
E. Jiwasanacajj jupanacar inas jan umat arnakapcstanti.
M. nanacajj jumanacar
E. Nanacajj jumanacar inas jan umat arnakapcsmati.
M. Nayajj jumar inas jan chawll churcsmati.
E. Nayajj jupar inas jan chawll churcsmati.
U. jupajj nayar
E. Jupajj nayar inas jan chawll churcchituti.
M. jumajj nayar
E. Jumajj nayar inas jan chawll churcchistati.
M. kollk mayecchistati
ppeovuemnf avoeuvu
a pfeaeuemnr aeovueu suet imp drA peleuvani .T4e4sTwodeoppy
II . elsplopfdeoppe
.3 pfeoeuemnr avoeuvu sent dell ov3vgvanT elsploffdeoppe
mays' aDA
wad' ana
Jivasajj jupar inas pokot wajjeana
Jiwasajj jupanacar inas pokot 0.1.1= elIONOl.
geAnauo e
uegoTauK e
Jiwasajj jupar inas jan pokot wajjecstanti
Jiwasajj jupanacar inas jan pokot waj j t t cs taut iiwaj j t -
Cpeoeuednr avAeu scut ueC sTseAnwe
CCepsuedni aulanC scut u8C sTseAnwe melscCdemnu
PCepeuednr audnC scut ueC sTsuAnme
CPeoeuednr lesemTC sent ueC sTsuAnue n4sTtio
CpekeN aumnp suuT pelemeTe4 xuol 4(Wnlro)
mTueC floselme
Ccemnf auAeu seuT Deleffele4 uTol 4(eueingo)
mTuer -poselme
Ccednr xuAeu seat aeloapaa xTIox '(fileanip)
mTuep T3Tnbselme
gesumTr aednC smut peledezel ATTol 6(eueintp)
mTuer -Flue4oselme
rcepeuesemu aeoeuednr seuT pe4e4n uTmeTeo
g(eueslAvu) mTuep 0T4uulDdTseame uelsgdellitem
'A uyeAnzeo
CCetimou Nekeu aumnp scut IMP CaAO pewspAnlep
CCetplou Ccemnp leAvu scut uec PAO
getimpu CCesemTC aupeued4 smut uup paAo
EasUrojj nanacajj jupar inas jan yap luran yanapapcsti
MasErojj jumanacajj nayar inas jan yap lurafi yanapapcchistati
MasErojj jupanacajj nanacar inas jan yap lurad yanapapcchituti
VI. munafia
Jupajj jumar jichhajj Inas janiw tokstam
Jiwasanacajj jupanacar jichhajj inas , tokepjjstan
janiw amuyasipctanti.
Nanacajj jumanacar jichhajj inas , janiw tokepjjsma
Jumanacajj jupar jichhajj inas , janiw tokepjjsta
Nossaa Halm -
uopeTdmoo Tula
.2 suui uu3sgmnu
Dialogue - Cuento
1 chhijchhi 'hailstorm'
jasqlaiia 'to intercept, impede'
IP 1
chhijsniisn'iri 'one who is in charge of intercept5ng or preventing
4 nina 'fire'
phuchhafia (also phichhafia) 'to burn piles of dead grass, etc.'
achachila 'evil spirit' (cf. achila, achachila 'grandfather')
de color.
color (culur) t'awra 'dyed wool.' Cf. Spanish construction lana de color.
Vocabulary - Arunace
to you
'you' -chima
'him! -chi(= 1st sing. future dubitative)
'you' (pl.)-(vpii)-chYma (V = infinitive stem
'them' -chi (= 1st sing. future dubitative)
Iv you' to 1
me 1 -chitilta
'you' (pl.)-(V0i)-chitpa
'them' -(Vgji)-chini (= 3rd plural future
'you' (pl.)-(VpjA)-chYma
'them' -(Vpjj)-chi (= 1st plural future
'they' to 'me'
'you' -0/0:0-chtna
'him' -(Vp1j)-chini (= 3rd pl. future
'us'(dual) -(V0i)*-stani
'us'(dual pl.) -(Vpjj)-stani
'us' (pl.) -(Vpjj)-chitani
'you' (pl.)-(Vpjj)-chitoa
'them' (2 2rd plural fut/:.;:e
M. nayajj jumanacar
E. I:ayajj jumanacar inas azoeipjjchNa.
M. lupajj jumanacar
`N rcepeuednC ae3eueu
.3 rpeoeuedni aeoeueu suuT lumn Tue2ploccduAeuau
'N Cpednp avAuu
qednr avAeu smut 2emn TuelTimuule
am ppeSum armnp seuT Ppanautm -emyloskep
'a cpageg aumnC scut Ccoanaeqx iumplosAup
-N [Ter:Inc aeoeueu
pedni aeorueu seuT ffoanaexpi TuvaTtiocCdpskeC
i4 CCepeuedng aypeuemnp
ppeoeuednr avoeuemng seuT Cfoanaum .me2plopplesliec
pCuelem mulivloppeleore
Cpeoeuednr aeoeuemnp seuT ffuvaem .m.e2414aCcdelene
14 cCepeuesemg aeoeued4
-a Ue3euesemu aupeuednp smut Crueaem TuRuTtioffde2epie
cpukeu aupeuumnp
-a ffekeN aypeuemnr seuT CCueaem symylocCdeTene
'N cpeolnc aupeuemnp
-a qudnf araeuem4 ccueaem, seuT --ed2isqaccdelepie
M. jumanacajj nanacar
E. Jumanacajj nanacar escuelanjj inas ygkapjjchitgta.
M. jiwasajj jupar
E. Jiwasajj jupar escuelanjj inas yUkchifigni.
M. fiieut mururchingni
E. Jiwasajj jupar escuelanjj inas fiic'ut mururchifigni.
M. jupanacajj nanacar kharayp'ojj
E. Jupanacajj nanacar kharayp'ojj iras escuelanjj fiic'ut mururapjj-
M. jupaj j nayar
E. Jupajj nayar kharayp'ojj inas escuelanjj nic'ut mururchitani.
M. Nayajj jupar inas jan yanapcchYti.
E. Nayajj jupar inas jan yanapcchiti.
M. jupajj nanacar
E. Jupajj nanacar inas jan yanapapcchitaniti.
M. jumajj nanacar
E, Jumajj nanacar inas jan yanapapcchitgtati.
M. cuchill mayeapcchitgtati
E. Jumajj nanacar loos jan chuchill mayeapcchitgtati,.
N. jiwasanacajj jupanacar
E. Jiwasanacajj jupanacar inas jan cuchill mayeaucchifigniti.
M. nayajj jumanacar
E. Nayajj jumanacar inas jan cuchill mayeapcchYmati.
M. jupajj jumanacar
E. Jupajj jumanacar inas jan cuchill mayeancchYtamti.
M. asc lorapcchitamti
E. Jupajj jumanacar inas jan asc lurapcchYtamti.
N. nenacajj jumaracar
E. Nanacajj jumanacar inas jan asc lurapcchYmati.
M. jumanacajj nanacar
E. Jumanacajj nanacar inas jan asc lurapchitgtati.
M. jiwasajj jupar
E. Jiwasajj jupar inas jan asc lurnchifigniti.
H. take chuym alcatcelifigniti
rpovuednc aeoutleu
ppeAvu xepeuemnp
ppeAvn avoeuemnp seuT avitio mAntio uvp sTlemAquodelemie
14 CpudnC avoeuemnp
pCudnr avovuemnp seuT op amp mAntio uLC T4mezypode4euxe
uep Tnbsv 4vCCovuTmilinT TamentloodeAT4vA
sa CCednr avoeuemnp seuT urP Tase lepCovuTmninT .T4melypodvAT4vA
N geovueu aupeuemq
Cpeoeuvm avoeuemnp seuT uep Tnbse leCppeuTmHanT .T4vmyloodeAT4vA.
Cpuovuemnp avoeuvu
Cprovuemnr avovueu seuT ueC Tase TeppovuTmRInT T3v4N4Ttl3odeATIRA
14 ppesumTC audnC
a presemu iednr seuT uep -mine 48CCoeuTmHani T4TuBuTtiozAT4vA
deA peleuvani muguppoppe
ea CCesemTr audnp smuT uec deaf oulevani .T4TuRuppoppe T
Cpeovuednp avaeuvu
a prepeuedni lepeueu smuT uvC deA peleuvanI T4TuulTtp3deDpipe
14 CrednC IvAvu
.a ppedni leAvu seuT treC deA ovqvueanT T3TuV1Ttpoppe e
creprueu aydnr
proinarqx ccupeueu seuT audnc wipprdexescce
Ccoglieqx crupeueu sent uec iedric .TaBoodelescre
Ccoanaeqx ffemng scut 4eavueu C uE -T4a4R3modeildeue4
ccoandanc crepauessmTr aeoeuednc
ppoindinr CcepauesamTp arpeuednr seuT Cer .TaTupploodeodeueA
Ccoandanr crepeuesemTg arovuednc sauT 2TuNuTqaccdpi4deuel.
'N rceAeu aezeuemnp
rcoandinr cracteu aeoeuemric scut -emIT4cda,3dareA
"N rcadric isoruwwng
a croand;nr rgedni avommunc scut .mul.wpi:cdealdeuW:
'N elsaqd uoram Arran seat ue44qopCdainqo
'a Croladinr CCedn; :momlemur scut exseqd
uoium InTox .1.13.elpprplainqo
14 . fcypeuednC ABOVUEU
ucruum Arm. -Tqozduanqo
.a CcuriaN Creaeuedric aupeueu seuT uac exsaqd
'11 PresamTp iedriC
uorum )1-awl qp sT4TuRuppoan
a qtre.rqvi rcesemTP aedric seuT uuC elsaqd
Inas nayajj jumar kollk churchima
Inas nayajj jupar kollk churchY
Inas nayajj jumanacar kollk churapj j chima
Inas nayajj jupanacar kollk churchl
may t ana
Inas jumajj nayar kollk mayOchitHta
Inas jumajj jupar kollk mayttchita
Inas jumajj nanacar kollk mayeapjjchiata
Inas jumajj jupanacar kollk mayechYta
Jupajj inas nayar yap luran - yanapchitani
Jupajj inas jumar yap lurafi yanapchitpa
Jupajj inas jupar yap lurafi yanapchini
Jupajj inas jiwasar yap lurafi yanapstani
Jupajj inas jiwasanacar yap luran yanapapjjstani
Jupajj inas nanacar yap luraii yanapapjjchitani
Jupajj inas jumanacar yap luran yanapapjjchitpa
Jupajj inas jupanacar yap luran yanapapjj chini.
seui ppeAeu aemng uep pauTgazaysppy
seyi ppeAeu aydnf uep T47,twaasppe
seta ppekeu lepeumnp uuP TTemwodeaecppy
sell/ ppeAeu aepeuednp uep Tlistmassppe
sEUI ppednP aeAula tier ----- T3Tue4TtiozaTzsTp
ssui eresume iedne use T1TuEuTtp3rm1ntip
mu/ CessemTe isomedne use /T4TuRuppodurmAntio
sell/ resoeussumTr amine uee TaTuRuppodefwAnqo
sett/ CesomessmTe isomedne use T1TuNuppodurmAntio
fecoeucti suuT use /mune pemstooduslass
CesomeN seuT use ardne Tlypodeoass
Cesomum suuT use isomemnf Tvmpoodsolus
CesomeN seuT uur isomsdne pploodsoiss
resomemnr suuT use 1s4eu
Cesomemnr seuT uur ledne T12341130du4ucc1e
eeposumunf seuT UBc imuusu pe4R4T1133dulucc1r
ersoeumunf scut use imeuednr ccie Tau4ppodul1
Cesomedni seuT use av4eu T4Tue4Tpods6erausd
rempuednf seuT use ismnr Tuis4vmdeAsr3ued
CCuosuudnf seuT use assmiTe -luedimuulsolisraued
Ceeosuudnf suuT use ispeuessmTe mus4sodukerausd
resomsdnr sent use imuusu ;:4Tus2Tippds1urlued
rCednr nem
anSoreTa oquanD
rrvuomoa NH aHHOVIIIHD Ithsa ITIOX
:aovoa guTey mina zmulsn sun mnqbn ;u1.44e
mqnsa &v gulel znsn gnqnquo mTuup sTdmuuno T1TnbnurepuTsunol
:fa seqbmuo gmulsn lTsTau g,ntplo ppuXuu umumsTaTuox
:n riaTH guaoloop.uAulTsuorrox suppeovuumum svccumaum Tram
mulTnbuTT 'appdeleuars mTnbuaTuef Tqn4Tnbdepqn Auem
oeuum ilTnbeqvuTsuTu
Cuuapachats uqhgmatajja?
U: Pasir phajjsiw yungas sarta, ucat walja kokanac taypiruW mantta,
nayajj wal,ajjsargygta, ucat ma jamach'iw sustjitu, ucat p'ekejj
wal usutu.
Jichhajj aca and botell quinin koll jaytawaygma, sapa l hora pasipan
pg kol umantgta, jan armasisa, ucatarac armasiscasrda.16
1 chhuichhu 'malaria'
2 alyf.:.ofia 'to moan, groan'
14 koli 'please'
15 umt'Uta 'you will drink': .=.t'a- implies an action circumscribed in
time or space.
16 botella (nutilla) 'bottle.; cf. Spanish betella,
nasipan: on verbs with the suffix -Apar:IL cf. grammar, lesson XXVI.
ucacarac armasiscasma 'take care lest you forget'.
Vocabulary - Arunaca
Grammar - Sumaparlafiataqui
3 sarpasaya sarinif2q.part
-am- -am-
e.g. Nayajj sarasaya,'I'll go then; let me go then'.
Jutir maraj j naysi j uca yapu tayp thaouichasaya
'Newt year let me build a read across that field'
Aca k'afiunac payaji waranuclisava 'Let me throw out the
Nardi aca arad aca chekar aynokasava 'Let me leave this
Mow here'
II. Ucatarac 'be careful' is followed by the optative mood, which expresses
a wish. The optative is formed from the infinitive stea plus -c-,
followed, by personal endings. (Ebbing and 'Rudimentos list alternative
forms for the optative.) The optative is very similar to the potential/
conditional present which is given alongside for comparison.
Note the identity of the dual plural/form. Cf. also discussion of
potential/ conditional present and the optative after anchaciLI.Lt ia
lesson XXVIII.
Positive optative
1 saraquirista saracsna sarapijsna
2 EamslEisma sarapijaquisma
3 lAan2422a saraiztiaqtzista+
2 sarasma ggaRiiSsma
3 sarasaa sareptiama
In the negative optative, -c- is removed from the verb and attached
either to lard.- (to form janic) or to the adverb which -introduces
the optative clause: ucatarac jan...; -ti is attached to the verb
LESSON XXXIX - Grammar 444
Negative optative
1 sariristti sarsnati sarapjjsnati
2 sarismati sarapjjasmati
3 sarimasi sarapijaspati
Etagt;ntia./corlit-tional present
1 sarquiristti sarcsnati sarapcsnati
2 sarcasmati sarapcasmati,
3 sarcaspati sarapcaspati
*(In verb stems with more than two syllables, the infinitive sten
vowel is elided.)
(c) The verbal infix -iigsi- inserted after Cie-verb St_MI E:.-
phasizes the prolangeticn cf the action:
ichufia 'to. carry in one's arms' / ichligsifia 'to cradle in
one's arms (for a while)'
(d) The verbal infix -ra- following the infinitive stem connotes
distribution of the action: 'to one by one, all over';
-ra- precedes other suffixes:
liwafia 'to die'/ jimaiia 'to kill' / liwarayefia 'to kill
one by one, all over'
miatufia 'to leave' / misturafia 'to leave one by one'
fiusafia 'to rot' / fiusarafia 'to rot throughout'
(e) The compound infix -quipa- preceding the infinitive ending
implies that the action is carried out from two sides, or in
two directions:
ufiiafia 'to look' / ufiaouipafia 'to look to both sides'
tharuia 'to weed' / tharuquipafia 'to turn over the soil'
jakofia 'to throw, hurl' / jakoouipaia 'to turn over'
The infix may also denote action through or along:
jalgia 'to run' / jalaguipafia 'to walk along, pass by'
thokoiia 'to dance' /1htsmialill 'to jump on top of somthi-ag'
avisafia 'to advise' r ayisliaLmil 'to advise from one tc the
*(In verb stems with more than two syllables, the infinitive
stem vowel is elided.)
M. jupajj
M. nanacajj
N. jumanacajj kharayp'ojj
M. jupanacajj
M. ch'ufi chulluchapjjpasaya
M. jupajj
M. nanacajj maranjj
M. ninar juneuchasipjjafignisaya
M. nayajj
N. jumanacajj
M. jumajj
M. nanacajj kharayp'ojj
N. jumanacajj
wal liwinucusipcasmati.
M. nayajj
M. jiwasanacajj
M. jupajj
M. jumanacajj
M. jupanacajj
M. nanacajj
M. jumajj
N. naya;:i
N. jiwasajj
M. jumajj
N. jupanacajj
nanacajj khaarojj
M. jumanacajj
N. nayajj
M. jupajj
M. jiwasanacajj
H. nanacajj khardyP'-gj
Dialo3ue Cvento
The following Aymara folktale "The Duck and the Fox" was recorded by
Vincr;_lte Quispe.
MU cutejj wallatamp tiwulampiw jiquisipjjUn, siwa. Wallatajj wija
suma paru wawanacanin, siwa. Tiwulasti wawanazaniraquin, siwa.
Ucampis tiwulan wawanacapajj janiw sumanacHpant, siwa.
janit juoajj yatctajja? Yatira, nayajj. urojj nin japuchta.5 Uca nina
anti, tiwulan puracapaquiw phallirjamHjjHna. Tiwulajj janiw sartlr-
jamtcjjanti, ucat jupajj utap uficatataw warart'asis jutjjan, siwa:
--Sicuyaw junt'itan, ch'aphiw junt'itan --sasa.
5 japanci. 'to burn (r-,;bble, red-hot coals) in the fields'. The under-
lying noun is jlanl 'red-hot coal, burnt ash'.
"Ittt" ylloci.on'
LMoo isOm ism
apsufia 'to raise, to take out'. The verbal .infix -su -, heforo the i n-
16 k'ala 'completely'
naohana 'to scald, burn, be consumed by fire.'
18 kota lake'
20 kotalaca 'lakeshore'
tuvuha 'to swim, float (in air or water)'
24 tzEica. 'stomach'
sicuya 'straw'
Vocabulary - Arunaca
fishing tomorrow'
Arumanthej luraquirista, ianic jalloii purispati
'I hope to work the field tomorrow; I hope it doesn't rain'
Maranji ut utachaquirista. anchati tata4iaii munanelia 'This
year I hope to build a house, if my father wants to'
(N.B. anchaquiti+ optative; itnchati + future)
When the interrogative suffix -ti is added in positive questions,
the final vowel of the 1st person singular and plural ending is
may be translated as 'or' in some contexts. Cf. notes for the Dialogue,
14 Prualem gemnr
H rruarow gamic aTuec Aolgo TlemsniComen
4 preoeuusumTc
'N ememnuTdvlIsTsno
*a apnr grasgpqd rcetunr opler 'TzetusTsTnbuiT .1-ImewsLutd-mstsno
'N CCurame
a ccurauki rcemnp oprec 4-putusTsTnbsu ..eArmsiiuTdp4TsTsno
a gueaull geoutlydnp oTuer 4p3cIsvcrdTsTnbyTT .ymndlTuTdurcdptsTeno
Tez snanclus lamedsTuTd4cdpRo)loql
a croinieqx creoeuesemTc oTueC num snaTCTIo gpeusgpltand snalides
snandus umeusuTduppyibppno
.g pro:In/au rcepeussymTP oTuyp yuno snaTcpp 4-peuspcdTand snandes
opmc trec qoavoutregesneki TTousqdTand
.g rPoinima PpeovuusemTp oprep trep cpauvetreuesTrum 4-putiscCdTand
snandes vmuusuTd4cdpirponso
premnr petrysT tusTnbTsquo u
ppecinc ovuTsT dsTnbtscp44 e
cceslamic ovuTsT yusoTsccuil
ccupeuusemTC ovuTsT yusaeccdTscps4
PPoutivil peuTsT N4sTatnbygpdTscps4
ppeommainc ovuTsT umsTnbuccdTscrus3
quoutiednC DeuTsT eds-mbeccdTspela
apnr cculum TpeAuu 4n 3sTiTnbtsns. u
iTanc Uviem ffemnr an ems-pbTsere
iptic PPermu 4'2414 4n udsTnbTsvie
iTlnt ccelym ppesemTP In uuszTgere
Arumanthejj nayajj janic llaquisiristti
. .
Khaarojj nayajj janic chawll Alow caturistti
KharUrojj jupajj janic chawll catusma-ci
E. Ucapi, t'ajjsiquisma.
N. Jumamp nayampejj jutir marajj utanac alasnati?
E. Alasicsna, kollkejj utjaquispa.
M. Tata Andresan mamapajj masUrojj jiwicha?
E. asa, jupajj janic llaquisispati.
M. KharUrojj jiwasanacajj kotan chawll catupjjsnacha?
E. UcaAjanic thayaj j thayaspati.
M. Tata, arumanthejj nanacajj qhaya alay khath sarapjjeristcha?
E. nsa, sarapjjasmawa, janic usuntapjjasmati.
E4 Jumanacajj jutir semanajj qhuchinac inamay qharipjjasmati?
E. UcapY, janic inamay qharipjjerYstti.
N. Mama, phuchamajj cervez umaspache
E. Janie umaspati.
M. llama Teresa, nayajj qhaya liq'i vacanac alicha9
E. Alaquisma, janic carUspati.
M. Tata Mateo, jupanacajj qhuri kalanac utachnnatec apanipjjw;:paci-L-.?
E. Apanipjjaquispa, janic jayrasipjjaspati.
N. Mama Cristina, arumanthejj jumanacajj apill cayachapjjatache
E. nsa, cayachapjjgquirista.
Mamay, nayajj arumanthejj ch'ok ch'ufiuchgcha?
E. JMsa, ch'ufiuchaquisma, janic jallojj purispati.
Dialogue - Cuento
LESSON XL - Dialogue
1 navra 'early'
pacha 'time'
aruma 'might'
sarapiterias (imperfect) 'they used to go' (sarafia + -iri)
2 purapa 'both'
acullifia 'to chew oca'
9 amuqui 'quiet'
13 sinti 'much'
sinti urlijjepansti 'when it was already verybr ;ht daylight'.
tucufia (ru) ' to become'
1.aysu 'for'
Asnitujiaoui utlitaspe
Asnitujjaqu5_ utjitaspa, vidita
khartirpachaw sarjjerista
polleritajjata caronani, vidita (bis)
waq'itajjata sinchitan.
Casarjetta casarjjeta
sullca phuchamampi
uywascawa, uywascawa (bis)
ch'oke khatitampi.
Sarjjafiani, sarjjaiiHni
suma torcasita
sarjjafiUni, sarjjaiiHni (bis)
Chuquiagu marcaru.
Jiwata wawita
Pedramp sarapifs_
wali kftritglijjewa,
Pedromp Joseampejj utaparuw sarjjapjje. Jupanacajj
jupx:acajj uali
cunalaycutejj jupanacarojj iquiw puripjje. Jichhajj
cusisitaw utapan icjjapjje.
yapuchiri / worker
yatekafia / to learn
yatichafia / to teach
yatichiri / teacher
Yatichirinifia / to have a teacher
yatina / to know
yatisifia / to get to know
yatiyafia / to make known,
yawifia / to shear, cut
yoka / son
yokalla / boy
yungasa (yuncasa) / yungas region
yuspagara ( yuspagara) / thanks
yuspagaraha (yuspajarafia) / to