Schintro Paul Wilson

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An Introduction to Scheme and its Implementation

Paul R. Wilson, University of Texas

[email protected]
Copyright c 1996 Paul R. Wilson
Chapter 1: Overview 2

1 Overview

This book provides an introduction to Scheme for programmers|it is not for

rst-time pro-
grammers, but for people who already know how to program (at least a little) and are interested
in learning Scheme.

1.1 Scheme: A Small But Powerful Language

 need to improve this introductory blather...]

Scheme is a clean and fairly small but powerful language, suitable for use as a general-purpose
programming language, a scripting language, an extension language embedded within applications,
or just about anything else.

Scheme was designed to lend itself to a variety of implementation strategies, and many imple-
mentations exist|most of them free software. There are straightforward interpreters (like BASIC
or Tcl), compilers to fast machine code (like C or Pascal), and compilers to portable interpretive
virtual machine code (like Java).

Several extended implementations of Scheme exist, including our own RScheme system, an
extremely portable implementation of Scheme with an integrated object system and powerful ex-
tensibility features.

This is the
rst of three planned documents on Scheme, Scheme implementation, and the
RScheme language and its implementation. When they're all
nished, I may combine them into a
big book. All three will be in Texinfo format, so that they can be printed out as hardcopy manuals,
browsed online as info documents (with the Info browser, or the Info system for the Emacs editor),
or converted automatically to HTML format for browsing with a web browser. Whichever way
you're reading, this, welcome to Scheme.

note: the current draft is only available in postScript form, because I haven't done all of the
hyperlinking for the Info and HTML versions. ]
Chapter 1: Overview 3

1.2 Who Is this Book For?

This book is for people who are interested in how Scheme works, or people who are interested
in Scheme in terms of programming language design|as well as people who are just interested in
using Scheme.

There's not much conict between these goals, since one of the best ways to learn Scheme|
and important principles of language design|is to see how to implement Scheme, in Scheme. I'll
illustrate the power of Scheme by showing a couple of simple interpreters for subsets of Scheme,
and a simple compiler. A compiler for Scheme can be surprisingly simple and understandable.

This is a fairly traditional approach, pioneered by Abelson and Sussman in Structure and Inter-
pretation of Computer Programs, which is a widely used and excellent introductory programming
text. This approach has been followed, more or less, in several other introductory books on Scheme
programming. Most of those books, though, are for beginning programmers. While I think Scheme
is a great
rst language, there are many people out there who've had to suer through C or Pascal
or whatever, and don't want to wade through an introductory programming book just to learn

My approach is dierent from most of the current books on Scheme, in several ways. When it's
nished, this book will be hypertext, and can be kept online in online for handy reference in any
of several cross-indexed formats...]

I will breeze through basic programming ideas|for example, I assume you have some idea what
a variable is, and what recursion is.

I take a more concrete approach than many Scheme writers do, because I've found many students

nd it easier to understand. Every now and then I'll dip below the language level, and tell you how
most actual implementations of the language work. I
nd that this concreteness helps disambiguate
things in many students' minds|as well as in my own.

I do not start from a functional programming perspective that pretends that Scheme executes
by rewriting expressions. (If that doesn't mean anything to you, de
nitely don't worry about it!)

I take Scheme to be a special case of a weakly object-oriented procedural language. By weakly

object oriented, I don't mean that it's object-oriented in the sense of having inheritance and so
on|though several extended versions of Scheme do. I just mean that the values in the language are
data objects (records, etc.) whose identities may be signi
cant|that is, you can compare pointers
to two objects to see whether they are the very same object, not just and whether they have the
Chapter 1: Overview 4

same state|and objects may have mutable (changable) state. (This view is developed further in
RScheme, which is a fully object-oriented language that happens also to be Scheme. But that's a
dierent book, not yet written.)

Some people may not like this approach, since I start talking about state and assignment very
early. It is generally considered bad style in Scheme to use assignments freely, and good style to write
mostly \functional" or \applicative" programs. While I agree that mostly-functional programming
is usually the right thing for Scheme, my intent is to make the semantics of the language clear early
on, and to make it clear to new Schemers that Scheme is a fairly normal programming language,
even if it is unusually clean and expressive. My experience in teaching Scheme has convinced me
that many people bene
t from an early exposure to the use of assignment it clari
es fundamental
issues about variables and variable binding. Style is discussed later, when alternatives are clearer.

If you've ever tried to learn Lisp or Scheme before, but not gotten very far, this book may be
for you. Many people take to Lisp or Scheme like ducks to water. Some people don't, however,
and I think that's often because of the way that the material is presented|there's nothing hard
about learning Lisp or Scheme. In this book, I try to explain things a little dierently than they're
usually explained, to avoid the problems that some people have learning from most of the existing
books. The concreteness of the explanations here may help overcome the unfamiliarity of these
languages. Scheme is really just a normal programming language, but one with powerful features
that can be used in special ways, too.

If you're a programming language designer, but not uent in Scheme or Lisp, this book may
help clarify what these languages are all about. It's my belief that there has been a damaging split
between the Lisp world and the \conventional" imperative programming language world, largely
due to the dierent vocabularies of the dierent communities. Recent developments in Scheme have
not been widely appreciated by designers of other languages. (This theme will be developed further
in the other documents in this series.) Even old features of Lisp, such as macros, have not been
properly understood by language designers in general, and their problems have been substantially
solved in Scheme.

If you're a programming language implementor, or teaching programming language implemen-

tation, this book may be of use. (I use it in a course on languages and implementation.) I'll
present interpreters and a compiler for Scheme. Scheme an excellent vehicle for teaching principles
of language implementation, because its syntax is simple, and there is a straightforward evolution
from simple interpreters to more complex ones, and another straightforward move from a simple
interpreter to a compiler. This supports teaching the principles of language implementation with
a minimum of irrelevant detail.
Chapter 1: Overview 5

1.3 Why Scheme?

 Warn people that this is partisan propaganda... ]

Scheme is a very nice language for implementing languages, or for transformational programming
in general|that is, writing programs that write programs|or for writing programs that can easily
be extended or customized. The features that make Scheme attractive for implementing Scheme
also make it good for all kinds of things, including scripting, the construction of new languages and
c programming environments, and so on.

 As you learn Scheme, you'll probably realize that all interesting programs end up being, in
eect, application-speci
c programming environments...]

Most Scheme systems are interactive, allowing you to incrementally develop and test parts of
your program. In this respect, it is much like BASIC or Tcl|but a far cleaner and more expressive
language. Scheme can also be compiled, to make programs run fast. This makes it easy to develop
in, like BASIC or Tcl, but still fast, like C. (Scheme isn't usually quite as fast as C, but it's usually
not too much slower, if you get a good Scheme compiler.) So if you're a Tcl or BASIC programmer
looking for a less crufty and/or fossilized language, Scheme may be for you.

Unlike most interactive languages, Scheme is well-designed: it's not a kludge cobbled up by
some people with very limited applications in mind, and later extended past its reasonable scope
of application. It was designed from the outset as a general-purpose language, combining the best
features of two earlier languages. It is fairly radical revision of Lisp, incorporating the best features
of both Lisp and Algol (the ancestor of C, Pascal, et al.).

(This is why Scheme has been adopted by several groups as an alternative to kludgey languages
like Tcl and Perl. The Free Software Foundation's Guile extension language is based on Scheme. So
is the Scheme Shell (scsh), which is a scripting language for UNIX. The CAD Framework Initiative
has adopted Scheme as the glue for controlling Computer-Aided Design tools. The Dylan language
is also based on Scheme, though with a dierent syntax and many extensions.)

If you want to learn Lisp, Scheme is a good place to start. Common Lisp is a big, somewhat messy
language, which is probably easiest to learn by starting with Scheme. Then you can understand
Common Lisp as a series of extensions (and signi
cant obfuscations) of Scheme. Some of the best
features of Common Lisp were copied from Scheme.
Chapter 1: Overview 6

If you want to get something of the avor of functional programming, you can do that in
Scheme|most well-written Scheme programs are largely functional, because that's simply the
easiest way to do many interesting things.

And if you just want to learn to program better, Scheme may open your eyes to new ways of
thinking about programs. Many people prototype programs in Scheme, because it's so easy, even
if they eventually have to recode them in other languages to satisfy their employers.

1.4 Why Scheme Now?

Scheme is not a new language|it's been around and evolving slowly for 20 years.

The evolution of Scheme has been slow, because the people who standardize Scheme have been
very conservative|features are only standardized when there is a near-universal consensus on how
they should work. The focus has been on quality, not industrial usability.

This policy has had two consequences. The

rst is that Scheme is a beautiful, extremely well-
designed language. The second is that Scheme has been \behind the curve," lacking several features
that are useful in general-purpose languages. Gradually, though, Scheme has grown from a very
small language, suitable only for teaching concepts, to a very useful language.

The most important new feature of Scheme (in my view) is lexically-scoped (\hygeinic") macros,
which allow the implementation of many language features in a portable and fairly ecient way.
This allows Scheme to remain small, but also allows useful extensions to the base language to be
written as libraries, without a signi
cant performance penalty.

1.5 What this Book Is Not

This book isn't a language de
nition for Scheme, or a manual for using any particular Scheme
implementation. There is a free language de
nition document for Scheme, easily available via
the internet, called the Revised Scheme Report. (There's also an IEEE standard.) I recommend
getting the Scheme report and printing it out, or browsing the html version with a web browser.
( It's not very big, be-
cause Scheme is a pretty small language. I also recommend having a look at the documentation
for the particular implementation of Scheme you're using.
Chapter 1: Overview 7

On the other hand, this book may serve as a passable approximation of a language manual most
of the time. (It may work better for this purpose once it's eshed out more and I've devised more
online indexing.) It describes all of the important features of standard Scheme, clearly enough
that you can use them for most purposes. This is possible because Scheme is very clean and
\orthogonal"|most of its features don't interact in surprising ways, so if you understand Scheme,
and do the \Scheme-ish" thing, Scheme will generally do what you expect.

For more information on Scheme, particular Scheme implementations, and so on, see the FAQ
(Frequently Asked Questions) List on the usenet newsgroup comp.lang.scheme. It's available from
the Scheme Repository via anonymous internet ftp from in the directory
pub/scheme-repository. Or if you're a World Wide Web user, visit the Scheme repository at The Scheme repository contains several free
implementations of Scheme, as well as a variety of useful programs, libraries, and papers.

1.6 Structure of this Book

This book's structure reects its tutorial intent, rather than any strong grouping of concepts.
In the next three chapters, ideas are introduced in the order that I think they're easiest to learn.
Each chapter introduces a few more or less related ideas, with small code examples, and ends with
more examples of Scheme programs to show why the ideas are useful. The later chapters introduce
relatively independent topics.

 The following needs to be reworked a little, after the actual document structure settles down.

Chapter 2 Introduction], page 9 describes some basic features of Scheme, including a little syn-
tax, and gives code examples to show that Scheme can be used like most programming languages|
you don't give up much when using Scheme, and it's not hard to switch.

Chapter 3 Using Scheme (A Tutorial)], page 83 gives a tutorial on Scheme programming,

intended to be used while sitting at a running Scheme system and trying examples interactively.

Chapter 4 Writing an Interpreter], page 149 presents an simple interpreter for a subset of

Chapter 5 Environments and Procedures], page 167 describes Scheme's binding environments
and procedures, and shows how procedural abstraction can be very powerful in a language with
Chapter 1: Overview 8

rst-class procedures, block structure inde

nite extent (garbage collection). It then shows an imple-
mentation of binding environements and procedures for the interpreter from the previous chapter,
and shows how to use Scheme's binding and procedure-de
ning constructs in fairly sophisticated

Section 6.3.2 Recursion in Scheme], page 218 discusses recursion, and especially tail recursion.

Chapter 7 Quasiquotation and Macros], page 223 presents quasiquotation, a means of construct-
ing complex data structures and variants of stereotyped data structures, and then presents macros,
a facility for de
ning your own \special forms" in Scheme. Macros let you de
ne your own control
constructs, data-structuring systems such as object systems, etc. (If you've ever been daunted by
problems with C or Lisp macros, don't worry|Scheme macros
x the major problems with older
macro systems.) Macros are also interesting because they're often used in the implementation of
Scheme itself. They allow the language implementation to be structured in a layers, with most of
the language written in the language itself, by bootstrapping up from a very small core language
understood by the compiler.

Chapter 9 Other Useful Features], page 254 presents a variety of miscellaneous features of
Scheme that are useful in writing real programs. They're not part of the conceptual core of Scheme,
but any useful language should have them.

Section Records and Object Orientation], page 253 : : :

Section 10.6 call-with-current-continuation], page 262 discusses

rst-class continuations, the
most powerful control construct in Scheme. Continuations allow you to capture the state of the
activation stack (sort of), and return to that state to resume at a given point in a program's
execution. Continuations are conceptually weird, and are not to be used casually, but tremendously
expressive for things like backtracking, threads, etc.

Section 11.15.7 Compiling Scheme], page 309 presents an example Scheme program that happens
to be a simple compiler for Scheme. It's a \toy" compiler, but a real compiler nonetheless, with
all of the basic features of any Scheme compiler, but minimal boring \support" hacks to perform
tokenization, storage management, etc.
Chapter 2: Introduction 9

2 Introduction
In this chapter, I'll give a quick overview of some basic features of Scheme, enough to get started
writing some programs.

This chapter moves fairly quickly, briey introducing about half of the ideas in Scheme. In
later chapters, I'll explain and demonstrate these features more fully, and introduce other advanced

This chapter is meant to be read concurrently with the

rst half of the next one, which includes a
tutorial on using Scheme interactively. I've put in directives saying when you should work through
parts of the next chapter. After becoming familiar with Scheme, it will serve as a basic reference
you can consult the next chapter for basic examples, and later chapters for advanced techniques.

If you're uent in concepts of programming languages, and especially if you've programmed in

Lisp, you may be able to breeze through this chapter to get a sense of what Scheme is about. If
you're uent in programming language concepts, you may be able to read straight through this

(NOTE TO MY CS345 STUDENTS: don't try to breeze through this. Do the tutorial hunks
after each hunk of this chapter.)

If you intend to actually program in Scheme, you should de

nitely follow the directives and read
parts of the next chapter, rather than trying to plow straight through this one.

2.1 What is Scheme? (Hunk A)

Hunk A starts here:

First, a bunch of jargon|ignore it if you want to:

Scheme is a lexically-scoped, block structured, dynamically typed, mostly functional language.

It is a variant of Lisp. It has
rst-class procedures with block structure and inde
nite extent.
Parameter passing is by value, but the values are references. It has
rst-class continuations to
Chapter 2: Introduction 10

allow the construction of new control abstractions. It has lexically-scoped (\hygeinic") macros to
allow de
nition of of new syntactic forms, or rede
nition of old ones.

If none of that means anything to you right now, don't worry. Keep reading.

Scheme is designed to be an interactive and safe language. A normal Scheme system is really an
interactive program that you can use to run parts of your Scheme program in the order you want.
When one has run, your program doesn't just terminate, and your data don't disappear|Scheme
askes you what to do next, and you can examine the data or tell Scheme to run another part of
the program.

Scheme is safe in that the interactive system generally won't crash. If you make a mistake
that would crash the system, Scheme detects that, and asks you what to do about it. It lets you
examine and change the system's state, and go on. This is a very dierent style of programming and
debugging from the normal edit-compile-link-run-crash cycle of \batch" programming languages like
C and C++.

2.2 Basic Scheme Features

I'll go briey through some of the basic features of Scheme, giving little code examples for clarity.

2.2.1 Code Consists of Expressions

Like Lisp, Scheme is written as pre
x expressions, with parentheses for grouping. Pre
x means
that the name of an operation comes
rst, before its operands (the things it operates on).

In Scheme, there's no distinction between expressions (like arithmetic operations) and statements
(like an if or a loop or a declaration). They're all \expressions"|it's a very general term. Parenthesized Prex Expressions

In C or Pascal, a call to procedure foo with arguments bar and baz is written

Chapter 2: Introduction 11

but in Scheme it's written

(foo bar baz)

Note that the procedure name goes inside the parentheses, along with the arguments. Get used
to it. It may seem less odd if you think of it as being like a operating system shell command|e.g.,
rm foo, or dir bar|but delimited by parentheses.

Just as in C, expressions can be nested. Here's a call to a procedure foo, with nested procedure
call expressions to compute the arguments.

(foo (bar x) (baz y))

This is pretty much equivalent to C's


As in C or Pascal, the argument expressions in a procedure call are evaluated before actu-
ally calling the procedure the resulting values are what's passed to the procedure. In Scheme
terminology, we say that the procedure is applied to the actual argument values.

You'll notice soon that Scheme has very few special characters, and that expressions are generally
delimited by parentheses or spaces. For example, a-variable is a single identi
er, not a subtraction
expression. Identi
ers in Scheme can include not only alphabetic characters and digits, but several
other characters, such as !, ?, -, and _. Long identi
ers are often constructed from phrases, to make
it clear what they mean, using hyphens to separate words for example, you can have a variable
named list-of-first-ten-lists. You can use characters like +, -, *, and / within an identi
as in before-tax-total+tax, or estimate+epsilon.

One consequence of Scheme's liberal rules for constructing identi

ers is that spaces are impor-
tant. You must put one or more spaces (or carriage returns) between identi
ers except where special
characters (usually parentheses) make the divisions obvious. For example, the addition expression
(+ 1 a) can't be written (+1 a) or (+1a) or (+ 1a). (It can be written ( + 1 a ), because extra
whitespace between tokens is ignored.)
Chapter 2: Introduction 12 Expressions Return Values, But May Have Side-Eects

Scheme expressions combine the features of expressions and statements. They return values, but
they can also have side eects|i.e., they can change the state of variables or objects by assignment.

The variable assignment operation in Scheme is set!, pronounced \set-bang." If we want to

assign the value 3 to the variable foo, we write

(set! foo 3)

which is pretty much equivalent to C's

foo = 3

Note that (set! foo 3) looks like a function call, because everything uses pre
x notation, but
it's not really a call it's a dierent kind of expression.

You should not use assignments a lot in Scheme programs. It's usually a sign of bad style, as I'll
explain later. I'll also show how to program in a style that doesn't need side eects much. They're
there if you need them, though.

When you write a procedure that modi

es its arguments, rather than just just returning a
value, it's good style to give it a name that ends with an exclamation mark. This reminds you and
anybody reading your code that the procedure changes something that already exists, rather than
just returning a value such as a new data structure. Most of the standard Scheme procedures that
change state are named this way.

Most Scheme procedures don't modify anything, however. For example, the standard procedure
reverse takes a list as its argument and returns a list of the same elements in the opposite order.
That is it returns a kind of reversed copy of the original list, without modifying the original at all.
If you wrote a procedure that returned the same list, but modi
ed so that its elements were in the
opposite order, you'd probably call it reverse!. This warns people that a list that is passed to
reverse! may be changed.

One side-eecting procedure we'll use in examples is display. display takes a value and writes
a printed representation to the screen or a
le. If you give it one argument, it writes to the \standard
output" by default, that's the terminal or other display.
Chapter 2: Introduction 13

For example, if you want to show the user the printed representation of the number 1022, you
can use the expression

(display 1022)

The side eect of executing this expression is to write the 1022 on the user's screen. (display
automatically converts the number to a string of characters so that you can read it.)

Note that display doesn't have an exclamation point at the end of its name, because it doesn't
side-eect the argument you give it to print. You can give it a data structure and be sure that it
won't modify it display does have a side-eect, though|it changes the state of the screen (or
that it writes to.

display is fairly exible, and can write the printed representations of many common Scheme
objects, and even fairly complex data structures.

Among many other things, display can print character strings. (Strings are another kind of
Scheme object. You can write a literal string in double quotes, "like this", and Scheme constructs
a string object to hold that character sequence.

The expression (display "Hello, world!) has the side eect of writing Hello, world! to the
standard output, which is usually the user's screen.

This makes display very useful for debugging, and for little examples, as well as for writing
interactive programs. A similar procedure, write is used for saving data structures to
les they
can then be copied back into memory using read.

In a later chapter, I'll show how to write to

les by passing a second argument to display that
tells it where to send the output. For now, you should just use display with exactly one argument.
Don't try to pass display several things and expect it to print them all. Dening Variables and Procedures

You can de
ne a variable in Scheme using a define:

(define my-variable 5)
Chapter 2: Introduction 14

This tells Scheme to allocate space for my-variable, and initialize that storage with the value

In Scheme, you always give a variable an initial value, so there's no such thing as an uninitialized
variable or an unininitialized variable error.

Scheme values are always pointers to objects, so when we use the literal 5, Scheme interprets
that as meaning a pointer to the object 5. Numbers are objects you can have pointers to, just like
any other kind of data structure. (Actually, most Scheme implementations use a couple of tricks
to avoid pointer overheads on numbers, but that doesn't show up at the language level. You don't
have to be aware of it.)

After the above de

nition, we can draw the resulting situation like this:

foo | *---+--->5

The define expression does three things:

 It declares to Scheme that we're going to have a variable named foo in the current scope. (I'll
talk about scoping a lot, later.)
 It tells Scheme to actually allocate storage for the variable. The storage is called a binding|we
\bind" the variable foo to a particular piece of memory, so that we can refer to that storage
by the name foo.
 It tells Scheme what initial value to put in the storage.

These three things happen when you de

ne variables in other languages, too. In Scheme we
have names for all three.

In the picture, the box represents the fact that Scheme has allocated storage for a variable. The
name foo beside the box means that we've given that storage the name foo. The arrow says that
the value in the box is a pointer to the integer object 5. (Don't worry about how the integer object
is actually represented. It doesn't really matter.)

You can de
ne new procedures with define, too:
Chapter 2: Introduction 15

(define (two-times x)
(+ x x))

Here we've de
ned a procedure named two-times, which takes one argument, x. It then calls
the addition procedure + to add the argument value to itself, and returns the result of the addition.

Notice the sytnactic dierence between the variable de

nition and the procedure de
nition: for
a procedure de
nition, there are parentheses around the name, and the argument name(s) follow
that inside the parentheses.

This resembles the way the procedure is called. Consider the procedure call expression (two-
times 5), which returns 10 it looks like the de
nition's (two-times x), except that we've put the
actual argument 5 in place of the formal parameter x.

Here's a bit of programming language terminology you should know: the arguments you pass to
a procedure are sometimes called actual parameters. The argument variables inside the procedure
are called formal parameters|they stand for whatever is actually passed to the procedure at run
time. \Actual" means what you actually pass to the procedure, and \formal" means what you call
that on the inside of the procedure. Usually, I'll just talk about \arguments," but that's the same
thing as \actual parameters." Sometimes I'll talk about \argument variables," and that's the same
thing as \formal parameters."

You can de
ne a procedure of zero arguments, but you still have to put parentheses around the
procedure name, to make it clear that you're de
ning a procedure. You put parentheses around its
name when you call it, too, to make it clear that it's a procedure call.

For example, this is a de

nition of a variable whose initial value is 15:

(define foo 15)

but this is a de
nition of a procedure foo which returns 15 when called.

(define (foo) 15)

foo | *---+--->#<procedure>
Chapter 2: Introduction 16

This picture shows that when you de

ne a procedure, you're really de
ning a variable whose
value happens to be a (pointer to a) procedure. For now, you don't really have to worry about that.
The main thing to know is that now you can call the procedure by the name foo. For example,
the procedure call expression (foo 2) will return 15, because all the body of the procedure does is
return the value 15.

Usually, we indent procedure de

nitions like this, with the body starting a new line, and indented
a few characters:
(define (foo)

This makes it clearer that it's a procedure de

nition. Most Operators are Procedures

In conventional programming languages like C and Pascal, there's an awkward distinction be-
tween procedure calls and other kinds of expressions. In C, for example, (a + b) is an expression,
but foo(a,b) is a procedure call. In C, you can't do the same things with an operator like + that
you can do with a procedure.

In Scheme, things are much more uniform, both semantically and syntactically. Most basic
operations such as addition are procedures, and there is a uni
ed syntax for writing expressions|
parenthesized pre
x notation. So rather than writing (a + b) in Scheme, you write (+ a b). And
rather than writing foo(a,b), you write (foo a b). Either way, it's just an operation followed by
its operands, all inside parentheses.

For any procedure call expression (also called a combination), all of the values to be passed are
computed before the actual call to the procedure. (This is no dierent from C or Pascal.)

2.2.2 Denitions vs. Assignments

Notice that we can give a variable a value in two ways: we can de
ne it, specifying an initial
value, or we can use set! to change its value.

The dierence between these two is that define allocates storage for a variable, and gives that
storage a name. set! does not. You must always define a variable before set! will work on it.
Chapter 2: Introduction 17

For example, if there's not already a de

nition of quux, the expression (set! quux 15) is an
error, and Scheme will complain. You're asking Scheme to put (a pointer to) 15 in the storage
named by quux|but quux doesn't name any storage yet, so it makes no sense.

It's rather like I'd told you, \give this to Philboyd" and handed you some object, (say, a pencil).
If you don't know anybody named Philboyd, you're probably going to complain. set! is like that.
We have to agree on what the word \Philboyd" means to before it makes sense to ask you to do
something to Philboyd. define is a way of giving meaning to an identi
er|making it refer to a
piece of storage|as well as giving a value to put there. Special Forms

While most operations in Scheme are procedure calls, there are a few other kinds of expressions
you need to know about, which behave dierently. They are called special forms.

You've already seen two of the

ve or six important special forms, define and the assignment
operator set!.

Notice that set! isn't a procedure, because its

rst argument is not really an expression to be
evaluated in the normal way, to get a value to pass as an argument. It's the name of a place to put
a value. (e.g., if we say (set! a b), we get the value of b, and put it into the storage named by a.)

Likewise, define treats its

rst argument specially|the name of a variable or procedure isn't
an expression that is evaluated and passed to define|it's just a name, and you're telling de
to allocate some storage and use that name for it.

Other special forms we'll see include control constructs, like if and do, and forms for de
local variables, like let. Control Structures are Expressions

Scheme control structures are expressions, and return values. An if expression is a lot like a
C if-then statement, but the \then" branch and the \else" branch are also expressions that return
values the if expression returns the value of whichever subexpression it evaluates.

For example,
Chapter 2: Introduction 18

(if (< a b)

returns the value of either the variable a, or the variable b, whichever is less (or the value of
b if they're equal). If you're familiar with ternary1 expressions in C, this is like (a < b) ? a : b.
In Scheme, there's no need for both an if statement and an if-like ternary expression operator,
because if \statements" are expressions.

Note that even though every expression returns a value, not all values are used|you can ignore
the return value of an if expression. The if special form can therefore be used to control what gets
executed, or to return a value, or both. It's up to you.

The uniformity of value returning means that we never have to explicitly use a return statement,
so Scheme doesn't have them. Suppose we wanted to write a function min to return the minimum
of two numbers. In C, we might do it this way:

int min(int a, int b)

if (a < b)
return a
return b

In Scheme, we can just do this:

(define (min a b)
(if (< a b)

Whichever branch is taken, the value of the appropriate variable (a or b) will be returned as the
value of that branch of the if, which is returned as the value of the whole if expression, and that
is returned as the return value of the procedure call.

Of course, you can also write a one-branch if, with no \else" clause.
1 \Ternary" just means \takes three arguments," the ternary operator in C is called that because
it's the only ternary operator in C all the others take fewer than three arguments.
Chapter 2: Introduction 19

(if (some-test)

The return value of a one-branch if is unspeci

ed in the case the condition is false, so if you're
interested in the return value, you should use a two-branch if, and explicitly specify what should
be returned in both cases.

Notice that the ow of control is top-down, through the nesting of expressions|if controls which
of its subexpressions is evaluated, which is like the nesting of control statements in most languages.
Values ow back up from expressions to their callers, which is like the nesting of expressions in
most languages.

You can write an expression that is an ordered sequence of other expressions, using begin. For

(begin (foo)

calls foo and then calls bar. In terms of control ow, a (begin ... ) expression is rather like a
begin ... end block in Pascal, or a { ... } block in C. (We don't need an end keyword, because the
closing parenthesis does the job.)

Scheme begin expressions aren't just code blocks, though, because they are expressions that
return a value. A begin returns the value of the last expression in the sequence. For example, the
begin expression above returns the value returned by the call to bar.

The bodies of procedures work like begins as well. If the body contains several expressions,
they are evaluated in order, and the last value is returned as the value of the procedure call.

Here's a procedure baz that calls foo and then calls bar and returns the result from the call to

(define (baz)
Chapter 2: Introduction 20

2.2.3 The Boolean Values #t and #f

Scheme provides a special unique object, whose written representation is #f, called false. This
object counts as false if it's the result of a condition expression in an if (or cond) expression. In
most Schemes, this is the only value that counts as false, and all others count as true.

The false object is not the same thing as the integer zero (as it is in C), and it's not the same
thing as a null pointer (as it is in Lisp). The false object is a unique object.

For convenience and clarity, Scheme also provides another boolean value, written #t, which can
be used as a true value. Note that in general, any value other than false is true, but the special
boolean object #t is a good one to use when all you want to say is that something is true|returning
the true boolean makes it clear that all you're returning is a true value, not some other value that
conveys more information.

Like other objects, Booleans are conceptually objects on the heap, and when you write #t or
#f, it means \a pointer to the canonical true object" or \a pointer to the false object."

Scheme provides a few procedures and special forms for operation on booleans. The procedure
not acts as a not operator, and always returns true or false (#t or #f). If applied to #f, it returns
#t. Since all other values count as true, applying not to anything else returns #f.

2.2.4 Some Other Control-Flow Constructs: cond, and, and or

We've already seen that the special form if is a kind of expression, which returns a value as
well as aecting control ow. Scheme also has cond, a more general conditional construct, and and
and or. These are all value-returning expressions they're also special forms, not procedures: they
control whether expressions get evaluated, depending on the values returned by other expressions. cond

In most procedural programming languages, you can write a sequence of if tests using a an
extended version of if, something like this:
Chapter 2: Introduction 21

if test1 then
else if test2 then
else if test3 then

Scheme has a similar construct, a special form called cond. The above example might be written
in Scheme as

(cond (test1

Notice that each test-and-action pair is enclosed in parentheses. In this example, test1 is just
a variable reference, not a procedure call, i.e., we're testing to see if the value of the variable test1
is #f if not, we'll execute (action1), i.e., call the procedure action1. If it is false, control \falls
through" to the next test, and keeps going until one of the tests evaluates to a true value (anything
but #f).

Notice that we indent the actions corresponding to a test by one character. This lines the actions
up directly under the tests, rather than under the opening parenthesis that groups them together.

The else clause of a cond is optional if present, that branch will be taken \by default"|if
none of the other conditions evaluates to a true value, the else branch will be taken.

We don't really need the else clause, because we could get the same eect by using a test
expression that always evaluates to a true value. One way of doing this is to use the literal #t, the
true boolean, because it's always true.
Chapter 2: Introduction 22

(cond (test1
(#t literal #t is always true, so
(action4))) this branch is taken if we get this far

The code above is equivalent to a nested set of if expressions:

(if test1
(if test2
(if test3
(if #t

Like an if, a cond returns the value of whatever \branch" it executes. If test1 is true, for
example, the above cond will return the value returned from the procedure call (action1).

Remember that each branch of an if is a single expression if you want to execute more than one
expression in a branch, you have to wrap the expressions in a begin. With cond, you don't have
to do this. You can follow a test expression with more than one action expression, and Scheme will
evaluate all of them, in order, and return the value of the last one, just like a begin or a procedure

Suppose we want to modify the above cond example so that it prints out the branch it's taking,
as well as evaluating the action expression and returning its value. We can do this:
Chapter 2: Introduction 23

(cond (test1
(display "taking first branch")
(display "taking second branch")
(display "taking third branch")
(display "taking fourth (default) branch")

This cond will return the same value as the original, because it always returns the value of the
last expression in a branch. As it executes, however, it also displays what it's doing. We can use
the cond both for value and for eect.

Be particularly careful about parentheses with cond. You must enclose each branch with a pair
of parentheses around the test expression and the corresponding sequence of action expressions. If
you want to call a procedure in any of those expressions, you must also put parentheses around
the procedure call. In the above example, if we wanted the
rst test to be a call to a procedure
test1|rather than just fetching the value of the variable test1|we'd write

(cond ((test1)
(display "taking first branch")

instead of

(cond (test1
(display "taking first branch")

(Note the indenting here. We usually line up a test and the corresponding sequence of actions
vertically, whether or not the expression starts with a parentheses. That is, we indent one space
past the opening parenthesis of the pair of parentheses that goes around them all.)
Chapter 2: Introduction 24

Don't be afraid to use cond for conditionals with only one or two branches. cond is often more
convenient than if because it can execute a sequence of expressions, instead of just one. It's not
uncommon to see things like this:

(cond ((foo)

Don't be confused by this|there's only one branch to this cond, like a one-branch if. We could
have written it

(if (foo)
(begin (bar)

It's just more convenient to use cond so that we can call bar before calling baz and returning
its result, without explicitly writing a begin expression to sequence them.

We say that cond is syntactic sugar for nested ifs with begins around the branches. There's
nothing we can do with cond that we can't do straightforwardly with if and begin|cond just
gives us a \sweetened" syntax, i.e., one that's more convenient.

Most of the special forms in Scheme are like this|they're just a convenient way of writing things
that you could write using more basic special forms. (There are only
ve \core" special forms that
are really necessary, and the others are equivalent to combinations of those special forms.) and and or

The special forms and and or can be used as logical operators, but they can also be used as
control structures, which is why they are special forms.

and takes any number of expressions, and evaluates them in sequence, until one of them returns
#f or all of them have been evaluated. At the point where one returns #f, and returns that value
Chapter 2: Introduction 25

as the value of the and expression. If none of them returns #f, it returns the value of the last

This is really a control construct, not just a logical operator, because whether subexpressions
get evaluated depends on the reults of the previous subexpressions.

and is often used to express both control ow and value returning, like a sequence of if tests.
You can write something like
(and (try-first-thing)

If the three calls all return true values, and returns the value of the last one. If any of them
returns #f, however, none of the rest are evaluated, and #f is returned as the value of the overall

Likewise, or takes any number of arguments, and returns the value of the
rst one that returns
a true value (i.e., anything but #f). It stops when it gets a true value, and returns it without
evaluating the remaining subexpressions.
(or (try-first-thing)

or keeps trying subexpressions until one of them does return a true value if that happens, or
stops and returns that value. If none of them returns anything but #f, it returns #f.
This is the end of Hunk A.


At this point, you should go read Hunk B of the next chapter

and work through the examples using a running Scheme system.
Then return here and resume this chapter.

(Go to Hunk B, which starts at Section 3.1 Interactive Prog Envt], page 83.)

2.2.5 Comments (Hunk C)

Chapter 2: Introduction 26

Hunk C starts here:

 I should say this earlier: ]

You can and should put comments in your Scheme programs. Start a comment with a semicolon.
Scheme will ignore any characters after that on a line. (This is like the // comments in C++.)

For example, here's a variable de

nition with a comment after it:

(define foo 22) define foo with an initial value of 22

Of course, most comments should tell you things that aren't patently obvious from looking at
the code.

Standard Scheme does not have block comments like C's /*: : :*/ comments.

2.2.6 A Note about Parentheses and Indenting

The two biggest barriers to learning Scheme are probably parentheses and indenting. In Scheme,
parentheses are used a little dierently than in most programming languages. Indenting is also
very important, because the surface syntax of the language is so regular. When reading Scheme
code, experienced programmers read the indenting structure as much as the tokens. If you don't
parenthesize correctly, your programs won't run correctly. And if you don't indent them correctly,
they'll be hard to understand.

The syntax of Scheme is more similar to that of C or Pascal than it may appear at
rst glance.
After all, almost all programming languages are based on nested (statements or) expressions. Like
C or Pascal, Scheme is free-form, and you can indent it any way you want.

Some people write Scheme code indented like C, with closing parentheses lined up under opening
parentheses to show nesting. (People who do this are usually beginners who haven't learned to use
an editor properly, as I'll explain later.) They might write
Chapter 2: Introduction 27

(if a
(if b

rather than

(if a
(if b

rst version looks a little more like C, but it's not really easier to read. The second
example shows its structure just as clearly if you know how to read Scheme, and is in fact easier
to read because it's not all stretched out. The second example takes up less space on the page or
a computer screen. (This is important when editing code in a window and doing other things in
another window|you can see more of your program at a time.)

There are a couple of things to keep in mind about parentheses in Scheme. The
rst thing is
that parentheses are signicant. In C or Pascal, you can often leave parentheses out, because of
\operator precedence parsing," where the compiler
gures out the grouping. More importantly,
you can often add extra parentheses around expressions without aecting their meanings.

This is not true in Scheme! In Scheme, the parentheses are not just there to clarify the association
of operators. In Scheme, parentheses are not optional, and putting extra parentheses around things
changes their meaning. For example, the expression foo is a variable reference, whose eect is to
fetch the value of the variable foo. On the other hand, the expression (foo) is a call to the
procedure named foo with zero arguments.

(Notice that even in C, it's not generally acceptable to write a procedure call with too few
parentheses or too many: a call foo(a, b) can't be written just foo a, b or as foo((a, b)).)

In general, you have to know where parentheses are needed and where they are not, which
requires understanding Scheme's rules. Some parentheses indicate procedure calls, while others are
Chapter 2: Introduction 28

just delimiters of special forms. Luckily, the rules are simple they should become very clear in the
next chapter or two.

The other thing to know about parentheses is that they have to match. For every opening
parenthesis there has to be a closing parenthesis, and of course it must be in the right place. Let Your Editor Help You

Matching parentheses is easy if you have a decent text editor. For example, in vi, you can
position the cursor over a parenthesis and hit %, and it will scan forward or backward (from an
opening or closing parenthesis, respectively) to
nd the matching parenthesis and highlight it,
skipping over any matched parenthesis pairs it will warn you if no match is found.

Most editors have a feature like this. Learn to use it. It's usually easy to get the opening
parentheses right, and then if you're in doubt, use the editor to make sure you get the closing
parentheses in the right place.

Some editors, like Emacs, have special modes for editing Lisp and Scheme. This can be helpful,
but just helping match parentheses is the crucial thing for an editor for Scheme. One of the nice
things about the Emacs Scheme mode is that it will indent your code automatically if you like,
which will show you whether your expressions nest the way they think you do|if you don't get
the parentheses right, the text will look funny and tip you o to your error.

(One Emacs mode for Scheme is cmuscheme, which is available from the usual sources of Emacs
mode code. It's just a set of Emacs Lisp routines that customizes Emacs to \understand" Scheme
syntax and help you format it. You use the Emacs Lisp package cmuscheme.el, and it gives you a
handy Scheme editing mode. It's available from the Scheme Repository.)

Even without a special package, an editor can help you a lot. For example, most modes in Emacs
automatically match parentheses, ashing an opening parentheses when you type the corresponding
closing parenthesis. A few minutes
guring out how your editor matches parentheses will save you
a lot of time. Indenting Procedure Calls and Simple Control Constructs

Chapter 2: Introduction 29 Indenting cond

Be careful about parentheses and indenting with cond. Notice that the expressions within a
test-action clause are indented by only one character, but that's very signi
cant. Without that
indenting, a cond is very hard to read.
(if (a)
(begin (b)
(begin (e)

We could write it like this:

(cond ((a)

Sometimes, when the clauses of a cond are small, a whole clause will be written out horizontally.
The above example is likely to be written like this:

(cond ((a) (b) (c))

(else (d) (e)))

Also be careful about the parentheses around condition expressions. Notice that the parentheses
around (a) are there because the condition is call to a with zero arguments, not because you always
put parentheses around the condition expression. (Notice that there are no parentheses around #t,
and there wouldn't be parentheses around a if we just wanted to test the value of the variable a,
rather than call it and test the result.) Indenting Procedure Denitions

As I hinted earlier, there's a special rule for indenting procedure de
nitions. You generally
indent the body of a procedure a few characters (I use 3), but you don't line the body expressions
up directly under the list of variable names.

Don't do this:
Chapter 2: Introduction 30

(define (double x)
(+ x x))

If you do this, a procedure de

nition looks like looks like a procedure call, or a normal variable
nition. To make it clearer you're de
ning a procedure, do this:

(define (double x)
(+ x x))

This makes it clear that the (double x) is a dierent kind of thing from (+ x x). The former
declares how the procedure can be called, and the latter says what it will do.

2.2.7 All Values are Pointers to Objects

As I said earlier, all values are conceptually pointers to objects on a heap, and you don't ever
have to explicitly free memory.

By \object," I don't necessarily mean object in the object-oriented sense. I just mean data
objects like Pascal records or C structs, which can be referenced via pointers and may (or may not)
hold state information.

Some versions of Scheme do have object systems for object-oriented programming. (This in-
cludes our own RScheme system, where standard Scheme types are all classes in a uni
ed object
system.) In this book, however, we use the word \object" in a broader sense, meaning an entity
that you can have a pointer to. All Values are Pointers

 some of this needs to be moved up: ]

Conceptually, all Scheme objects are allocated on the heap, and referred to via pointers. This
actually makes life simple, because you don't have to worry about whether you should dereference
a pointer when you want to use a value|you always do. Since pointer dereferencing is uniform,
procedures always dereference a pointer to a value when they really use the value, and you never
have to explicitly force the dereferencing.
Chapter 2: Introduction 31

For example, the prede

ned Scheme procedure + takes two pointers to numbers, and automati-
cally dereferences both pointers before doing the addition. It returns a pointer to the number that's
the result of the addition.

So when we evaluate the expression (+ 2 3) to add two to three, we are taking a pointer to the
integer 2 and a pointer to integer 3, and passing those as arguments to the procedure +. + returns
a pointer to the integer 5. We can nest expressions, e.g., (* (+ 2 3) 6), so that the pointer to
is passed, in turn, to the procedure *. Since these functions all accept pointers as arguments and
return pointers as values, you can just ignore the pointers, and write arithmetic expressions the
way you would in any other language.

When you think about it, it doesn't make any sense to change the value of an integer, in a
mathematical sense. For example, what would it mean to change the integer 6's value to be 7? It
wouldn't mean anything sensible, for sure. 6 is a unique, abstract mathematical object that doesn't
have any state that can be changed|6 is 6, and behaves like 6, forever.

What's going on in conventional programming languages is not really changing the value of an
integer|it's replacing one (copy of an) integer value with (a copy of) another. That's because most
programming languages have both pointer semantics (for pointer variables) and value semantics
(for nonpointer variables, like integers). You make multiple copies of values, and then clobber the
copies when you perform an assignment.

In Scheme, we don't need to clobber the value of an integer, because we get the eect we want
by replacing pointers with other pointers. An integer in Scheme is a unique entity, just as it is in
mathematics. We don't have multiple copies of a particular number, just multiple references to it.
(Actually, Scheme's treatment of numbers is not quite this simple and pretty, for eciency reasons
I'll explain later, but it's close.)

As we'll see later, an implementation is free to optimize away these pointers if it doesn't aect
the programmer's view of things|but when you're trying to understand a program, you should
always think of values as pointers to objects.

The uniform use of pointers makes lots of things simpler. In C or Pascal, you have to be careful
whether you're dealing with a raw value or a pointer. If you have a pointer and you need the actual
value, you have to explictly dereference the pointer (e.g., with C's pre
x operator *, or Pascal's
x operator ^). If you have a value and you need a pointer to it, you have to take its address
(e.g., with C's pre
x & operator, or Pascal's pre
x operator ^).
Chapter 2: Introduction 32

In Scheme, none of that mess is necessary. User-de

ned routines pass pointers around, consis-
tently, and when they bottom out into prede
ned routines (like the built-in + procedure or set!
special form) those low-level built-in operations do any dereferencing that's necessary.

(Of course, when traversing lists and the like, the programmer has to ask for pointers to be
dereferenced, but from the programmer's point of view, that just means grabbing another pointer
value out of a
eld of an object you already have a pointer to.)

It is sometimes said that languages like Scheme (and Lisp, Smalltalk, Eiel, and Java) \don't
have pointers." It's at least as reasonable to say that the opposite is true|everything's a pointer.
What they don't have is a distinction between pointers and nonpointers that you have to worry
about.2 Implementations Optimize Away Pointers

You might think that making every value a pointer to an object would be expensive, because
you'd have to have space for all of the pointers as well as the things they point to, and you'd have
to use extra instructions to access things via pointers.

Everything's a pointer at the language level|i.e., from the programmer's point of view|but
a Scheme system doesn't actually have to represent things the way they appear at the languages

Most Scheme implementations optimize away a lot of pointers. For example, it's inecient to
actually represent integer values as pointers to integer objects on the heap. Scheme implementations
therefore use tricks to represent integers without really using pointers. (Again, keep in mind that
this is just an implementation trick that's hidden from the programmer. Integer values have the
semantics of pointers, even if they're represented dierently from other things.)

Rather than putting integer values on the heap, and then passing around pointers to them, most
implementations put the actual integer bit pattern directly into variables|after all, a reasonable-
sized integer will
t in a machine word.
2 This also has to do with what you mean by \pointer." I use the word to mean pointers in the
sense of building pointer-linked data structures. (Scheme clearly has those.) Some people use
\pointers" to mean addresses that are bit patterns you can manipulate directly|the way you
can in C, where you can \cast" (coerce) a pointer to an integer and operate on the bits. Some
people use \pointer" synonymously with \address", and call what Scheme has object references.
Chapter 2: Introduction 33

A short value (like a normal integer) stored directly into a variable is called an immediate value,
in contrast to pointers which are used to refer to objects indirectly.

The problem with putting integers or other short values into variables is that Scheme has to tell
them apart from each other, and from pointers which might have the same bit patterns.

The solution to this is tagging. The value in each variable actually has a few bits devoted to a
type tag which says what kind of thing it is|e.g., whether it's a pointer or not. The use of a few
bits for a tag slightly reduces the amount of storage available for the actual value, but as we'll see
next, that usually isn't a problem.

It might seem that storing integer bit patterns directly in variables would break the abstraction
that Scheme is supposed to present|the illusion that all values are pointers to objects on the
heap. That's not so, though, because the language enforces restrictions that keep programmers
from seeing the dierence.

In the case of numbers and a few other types, you can't change the state of the object itself.
There's no way to side-eect an integer object and make it behave dierently. We say that integers
are immutable, i.e., you can't mutate (change) them.

If integers were actually allocated on the heap and referred to via pointers, and if you could
change the integer's value, then that change would be visible through other pointers to the integer.

(That doesn't mean that a variable's value can't be one integer at one time, and another integer
at another|the variable's value is really a pointer to an integer, not the integer itself, and you're
really just replacing a pointer to one integer with a pointer to another integer.) Objects on the Heap

Most Scheme objects only have
elds that are general-purpose value cells|any
eld can hold
any Scheme value, whether it's a tagged immediate value or a tagged pointer to another heap-
allocated object. (Of course, conceptually they're all pointers, so the type of a
eld is just \pointer
to anything.")

So, for example, a pair (also known in Lisp terminology as a \cons cell") is a heap-allocated
object with two
elds. Either
eld can hold any kind of value, such as a number, a text character,
a boolean, or a pointer to another heap object.
Chapter 2: Introduction 34

eld of a pair is called the car
eld, and the second
eld is called the cdr
eld. These
are among the dumbest names for anything in all of computer science. (They are just a historical
artifact of the
rst Lisp implementation and the machine it ran on.)

Pairs can be created using the procedure cons. For example, to create a pair with the number
22 as the value of its car
eld, and the number 15 as the value of its cdr
eld, you can write the
procedure call (cons 22 15).

elds of a pair are like variable bindings, in that they can hold any kind of Scheme value.
Both bindings and
elds are called value cells|i.e., they're places you can put any kind of value.

In most implementations, each heap-allocated object has a hidden \header"

eld that you, as
a Scheme programmer, are not supposed to know about. This extra
eld holds type information,
saying exactly what kind of heap allocated object it is. So, laid out in memory, the pair looks
something like this:

header| <PAIR-ID> |
car| +-----+----->22
cdr| +-----+----->15

In this case, the car

eld of the pair (cons cell) holds the integer 22, and the cdr
eld holds the
integer 15.

The values stored in the

elds of the pair are drawn as arrows, because they are pointers to the
numbers 22 and 15.

(The actual representation of these values might be a 30-bit binary number with a two-bit tag

eld used to distinguish integers from real pointers, but you don't have to worry about that.)

Scheme provides a built-in procedure car to get the value of the car
eld of a pair, and set-car!
to set that
eld's value. Likewise there are functions cdr and set-cdr! to get and set the cdr

eld's values.
Chapter 2: Introduction 35

Suppose we have a top-level variable binding for the variable foo, and its value is a pointer to
the above pair. We would draw that situation something like this:

+---------+ header| <PAIR> |
foo | *----+------------->+=========+
+---------+ car| *----+---->22
cdr| *----+---->15

Most other objects in Scheme are represented similarly. For example, a vector (one-dimensional
array) is typically represented as a linear array of value cells, which can hold any kind of value.

Even objects that aren't actually represented like this can be thought of this way, since concep-
tually, everything's on the heap and referred to via a pointer.

2.2.8 Scheme Reclaims Memory Automatically

In languages like C or Pascal, data objects may be allocated in several ways. (Recall that by
\objects" I just mean data objects like records.) They may be allocated statically (as in the case of
global variables), or on an activation stack as part of a procedure activation record (as in the case
of local variables), or dynamically allocated on the heap at run time using an alloction routine like
malloc or new.

Scheme is simpler|all objects are allocated on the heap, and referred to via pointers. The
Scheme heap is garbage collected, meaning that the Scheme system automatically cleans up after
you. Every now and then, the system
gures out which objects aren't in use anymore, and reclaims
their storage. (This determination is very conservative and safe|the collector will never take back
any object that your program holds a pointer to, or might reach via any path of pointer traversals.
Don't be afraid that the collector will eat objects you still care about while you're not looking!)

The use of garbage collection supports the abstraction of indenite extent. That means that all
objects conceptually live forever, or at least as long as they might matter to the program|there's
no concept (at the language level) of reusing memory. From the point of view of a running program,
memory is in
nite|it can keep allocating objects inde
nitely, without ever reusing their space.
Chapter 2: Introduction 36

Of course, this abstraction breaks down if there really isn't enough memory for what you're
trying to do. If you really try to create data structures that are bigger than the available memory,
you'll run out. Garbage collection can't give you memory you don't have.

Some people think that garbage collection is expensive in time and/or space. While garbage
collection is not free, it is much cheaper than is generally believed. Some people have also had bad
experiences with systems that stop for signi
cant periods to collect garbage, but modern GC's can
solve this problem, too. (If you're interested in how ecient and nondisruptive garbage collectors
are implemented, a good place to start is my GC survey paper, available from my research group's
web site at

2.2.9 Objects Have Types, Variables Don't

If I use my
nger as a pointer, I can use it to point to all kinds of things|a computer, a painting,
a motorcycle, or any number of things. Variables in Scheme are like this, too. Dynamic typing

In Scheme, all variables have the same type: \pointer to anything."

Scheme is dynamically typed, meaning that variables don't have

xed types, but objects do. An
object carries its type around with it|an integer is an integer forever, but a variable may refer to
an integer at some times, and a string (or something else) at other times. The language provides
type-checking at run time to ensure that you don't perform the wrong operations on objects|if
you attempt to add two strings, for example, the system will detect the error and notify you.

Sometimes, people refer to languages like Scheme (and Lisp and Smalltalk) as untyped. This
is very misleading. In a truly untyped language (like FORTH and most assembly languages), you
can interpret a value any way you want|as an integer, a pointer, or whatever. (You can also do
this in C, using unsafe casts, which is a source of many time-consuming bugs.3 )
3 An unsafe cast is one that the compiler doesn't really understand. A safe cast is one that makes
sense to the compiler, such as converting an integer to a oating point number. With unsafe
casts, you're essentially telling the compiler \trust me", and bypassing the type systems. This
is what happens when you cast a structure pointer to a void* or char* and later cast it back
to a structure pointer|you're promising the compiler that the pointer will actually point to a
structure of the declared type, and it's up to you to make sure that's true.
Chapter 2: Introduction 37

In dynamically typed systems, types are enforced at runtime. If you try to use the numeric
procedure + to add two lists together, for example, the system will detect the error and halt
gracefully|it won't blithely assume you know what you're doing and corrupt your data. You also
can't misinterpret a nonpointer value as a pointer, and generate fatal segmentation violations that
kill your program.

You might think that dynamic typing is expensive, and it can be. But good Scheme compilers can
remove most of the overhead by inference at compile time, and most advanced implementations
also let you declare types in performance-critical places so that the compiler can generate code
similar to that for C or Pascal.

 I've left out some text from my course notes about tagging and immediate values (more
detailed)... put back in, maybe in an appendix ]

This is the end of Hunk C


At this point, you should go read Hunk D of the next chapter

and work through the examples using a running Scheme system.
Then return here and resume this chapter.

(Go to Hunk D, which starts at Section 3.1.10 Making Some Objects], page 95.)

2.2.10 The Empty List (Hunk E)

Hunk E starts here:

In Scheme, there is one null pointer value, called \the empty list," which prints as (). (Later,
we'll see why it's written that way, and why it's called \the empty list.")

Conceptually, the empty list is a special object, and a null pointer is a pointer to this special
end-of-list object. You can ignore that fact and think of it as just a null pointer, because there's
nothing interesting you can do with the object it points to.
Chapter 2: Introduction 38

(In some implementations, the empty list object '() is actually an object referred to via a
pointer, and null pointers are really pointers to it. In others, an empty list is an immediate value, a
specially tagged null pointer. At the level of the Scheme language, it doesn't matter which way it's
implemented in a particular Scheme system. All you can really do with the null pointer is compare
it against other pointers, to see if they're null pointers, too.)

The empty list object acts as a null pointer for any purpose|there's only one kind of pointer
(pointer to anything), so there's only one kind of null pointer (pointer to nothing).

Scheme provides a procedure, null? to check whether a value is (a pointer to) the empty list,
i.e., a null pointer. For example, (null? foo) returns #t if the value of the variable foo is the
empty list, and #f otherwise.

You might be wondering why the null pointer object is called \the empty list" I'll explain that
later. Given the way lists are usually used in Scheme, it turns out to make perfect sense.

You can write the empty list as a literal in your programs as '(). That is, the expression '()
returns the empty list (null pointer), (). Later I'll explain why you have to put the single quote
mark in front of the empty set of parentheses when writing the empty list as a literal.

2.3 Pairs and Lists

Scheme, like Lisp, has built-in procedures for dealing with a particularly exible kind of list|a
list of pairs, whose cdr
elds hold pointers that string them together, and whose car
elds hold
the values. (That is, the cdr
elds act as \next" pointers, linking the pairs into a linear list.)

2.3.1 cdr- linked lists

In Lisp and Scheme, you don't typically string objects together into a list by giving each one a
eld that points right to the next object. Instead, you create a list of pairs whose car
hold the pointers to the objects, and whose cdr
elds link the pairs together into a \spine."

There isn't really a special list data type in Scheme. A list is really just a sequence of pairs,
ending with a null pointer. A null pointer is a list, too|it's a sequence of zero pairs ending in a
null pointer. We sometimes talk about \the car of a list" or \the cdr of a list," but what that really
means is \the car of the
rst pair in the list" and \the cdr of the
rst pair in the list."
Chapter 2: Introduction 39

Suppose we have a variable foo holding a pointer to a list containing the integers 22, 15, and
6. Here's one way of drawing this situation.

+---------+ +---------+ +---------+

+---------+ | <PAIR> | | <PAIR> | | <PAIR> |
foo | *----+--->+=========+ +-->+=========+ +-->+=========+
+---------+ | 22| / | 15| / | 6|
+---------+ / +---------+ / +---------+
| *----+---+ | *----+-+ | * |
+---------+ +---------+ +---------+

This shows something pretty close to the way things are likely to actually represented in memory.
But there's usually a better way of drawing the list, which emphasizes the fact that number values
are conceptually pointers to numbers, and which corresponds to the way we usually think about

+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+

bar | *-+--->| * | *-+----->| * | *-+----->| * | * |
+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+
| | |
\|/ \|/ \|/
22 15 6

I've left o the header

elds of objects, which are not visible to a Scheme programmer.

I've also drawn pairs in a special way, with the car and cdr
elds side-by-side. I've drawn the
integers outside the pairs, with pointers to them from the car
elds, because that's the way things
look at the language level.

This emphasizes the fact that lists are generally separate things from the items \in" the list.

A major advantage of this is that you don't have to modify an object to put it on a list|an
object can easily be in many lists at once, because a list is really just a spine of pairs that holds
pointers to the items in the list. This is much cleaner than the way people are typically taught
to create simple lists in most beginning programming classes. (It's also very natural in a language
where all values are pointers|of course lists of objects are really just lists of pointers to objects.)
Chapter 2: Introduction 40

For example, you can have two lists with the same elements, or some of the same elements, but
perhaps in a dierent order.

+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+

bar | *-+--->| * | *-+----->| * | *-+----->| * | * |
+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+
| | |
\|/ \|/ \|/
22 15 6
/|\ /|\
| |
+---+ +-|-+---+ +-+-+---+
baz | *-+--->| * | *-+-------------------->| * | * |
+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+

Here I've drawn two lists, bar and baz|that is, lists that are the values of the variables bar
and baz. bar holds the elements 22, 15, and 6, while baz just holds the elements 22 and 6.

Since these two lists are really just made up of pairs, and they're dierent pairs, we can modify
one list without modifying the other, and without modifying the objects \in" the lists. For example,
we can reverse the order of one of the lists without aecting the other.

(We also don't have to create a special kind of list node that has two next
elds, so that
something can be in two lists at a time. We can just have two separate lists of pairs, or three or

Scheme has a standard way of writing a textual representation of a list. Given the pictured
situation, evaluating the expression (display bar) will print (22 15 6). Evaluating the expression
(display baz) will print (22 6). Notice that Scheme just writes out a pair of parentheses around
the items in the list|it doesn't represent the individual pairs, but just their car values.

Dynamic typing also helps make lists useful. A list of pairs can hold any type of object, or even
a mixed bag of dierent types of objects. So, for example, a pair list can be a list of integers, a list
of lists, a list of text characters, or a list of any of the kinds of objects we haven't gotten to yet.
It can also be a mixed list of integers, other lists, and whatnot. A few list routines can therefore
be useful in a variety of situations|a single list search routine can search any kind of list for a
particular target object, for example.
Chapter 2: Introduction 41

This picture shows two variable bindings, for the variables bar and foo. bar's binding holds a
list (10 15 6), while foo's holds a list (22 15 6). We say that these lists share structure, i.e., part
of one list is also part of the other.

+-------- +
+---------+ | <PAIR> |
bar | *----+--->+=========+
+---------+ | 10|
| *----+-+
+---------+ \
+---------+ \ +---------+ +---------+
+---------+ | <PAIR> | \ | <PAIR> | | <PAIR> |
foo | *----+--->+=========+ +-->+=========+ +-->+=========+
+---------+ | 22| / | 15| / | 6|
+---------+ / +---------+ / +---------+
| *----+---+ | *----+-+ | * |
+---------+ +---------+ +---------+

This picture may correspond well to how things are represented in memory, but it's a little

The more common way of drawing this data structure is

+---+ +---+---+
bar | *-+--->| * | *-+------+
+---+ +-+-+---+ |
| |
\|/ |
10 |
+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
foo | *-+--->| * | *-+----->| * | *-+----->| * | * |
+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+
| | |
\|/ \|/ \|/
22 15 6
Chapter 2: Introduction 42

Again, this emphasizes the idea that everything's a pointer|conceptually, the pairs hold pointers
to the integers.

Generally, pairs are drawn as pairs of little boxes, and they're typically drawn with the boxes
side by side|that's just handy because pairs are often used for linear lists, which you want to
display horizontally|it's easy to draw the spine of the list horizontally if the cdr
eld (used as a
\next" pointer) is on the right. (Of course, when there's shared structure, as in the above picture,
you can't draw all cdrs going directly to the right.)

We leave o the headers because they're a low-level detail anyway, because they're a hidden
implementation detail that may vary from system to system, and because Scheme programmers
immediately recognize this kind of two-box drawing of a pair.

In the above picture, we can talk about \the car of foo", which really means the value in the
eld of the pair pointed at by the value stored in (the binding of) foo. It's (a pointer to) 10.
We would often call this \the car of the list foo."

Notice that the cdr of foo is also a list, and it's the same list as the cdr of bar|the cdrs of the

rst pairs in each list point to the same list.

We can say that the cdr of foo and the cdr of bar \are eq?," because the expression (eq? (cdr
foo) (cdr bar)) returns true. That is, (car foo) and (cdr foo) return (pointers to) exactly the
same object.

2.3.2 Lists and Quoting

Scheme allows you to write lists as literals using quoting. Just as you can write a literal boolean
or number in your program, you can write a literal list if you use the special form quote.

For example, the expression (quote (1 2 3)) returns a pointer to a list (1 2 3), i.e., a sequence
of cdr linked pairs whose car values are (pointers to) to 1, 2, and 3.

You can use quote expressions as subexpressions of other expressions, because they just return
pointer values like anything else.

For example, the expression (define foo (quote (1 2 3))) de

nes (and binds) a variable foo,
and initializes its binding with (a pointer to) a three-element list.
Chapter 2: Introduction 43

We can draw the resulting situation this way:

+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+

foo | *-+--->| * | *-+----->| * | *-+----->| * | * |
+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+
| | |
\|/ \|/ \|/
1 2 3

quote takes exactly one argument, and returns a data structure whose printed representation is
the same as what you typed in as the argument to quote. Scheme does not evaluate the argument
to quote as an expression|it just gives you a pointer to a data structure.

Note that quote does not generally construct a character string|it constructs a data structure
that may be a list or tree or even an array. It's a very general quoting facility, much more powerful
than the double quotes around character strings, which only construct string objects.

Scheme provides a cleaner way of writing quoted expressions, using the special single-quote
character '. Rather than writing out (quote some-expression,) you can just precede the quoted
expression with the single-quote character. For example, we can write the same de
nition of foo as
(define foo '(1 2 3)). You don't need a closing quote, because of Scheme's parenthesized pre
syntax|it can
gure out where the quoted data structure ends.

2.3.3 Where the Empty List Got its Name

Now that you understand Scheme lists and simple quoting, I can explain why the null pointer
is called \the empty list," and written '().

Consider a list foo of three elements:

(define foo '(1 2 3))

The cdr of that list is a list (2 3). We could write a literal list like that as '(2 3)

The cdr of that list is a one-element list, (3). We could write a literal list like that as '(3).
Chapter 2: Introduction 44

The cdr of that list is a zero-element list, (), that is, it's the empty list. We could write it in
quoted form as '().

Given the way that Scheme lists work, a list of zero items is the same thing as a null pointer,
and it's natural to for Scheme to print it as a list with zero elements, ()|and for you to write it
as a literal with a single quote, '().
This is the end of Hunk E.


At this point, you should go read Hunk F of the next chapter

and work through the examples using a running Scheme system.
Then return here and resume this chapter.

(Go to Hunk F, which starts at Section 3.1.11 Lists], page 101.)

 Maybe I should introduce strings and symbols here, moving some material from the tutorial
chapter here and possibly expanding the tutorial with more examples. ]

2.4 Type and Equality Predicates (Hunk G)

Hunk G starts here:

Since a pointer can point to any kind of thing, it's often good to know what kind of thing it
does point to. For example, you might have a mixed list of dierent kinds of things, and want to
go through the list, doing a dierent operation for each kind of object you encounter. For this,
Scheme provides type predicates, which are procedures which test to see whether the pointed-to
object is of a particular type.

You also often want to know whether two values refer to the same object, or to data structures
with the same structure. For this, Scheme provides equality predicates.

These procedures are called \predicates" because they test whether a property is true of a value,
and return a yes-or-no answer|that is, the boolean #t or the boolean #f. (This is like a \predicate"
in formal logic, which is a kind of statement with a \truth value" that depends on its arguments.)
Chapter 2: Introduction 45

The names of predicates generally end with a question mark, to signify that they return a
boolean. When you write your own programs, it's good style to end the names of boolean-valued
(true/false) functions with a question mark.

(An exception to this rule is the standard numeric comparison predicates like <, >, and =. By
the rule, they should have question marks after their names, but they're used very frequently and
people generally recognize that they're predicates. We don't bother with question marks in their
names, because it would clutter up arithmetic expressions.)

2.4.1 Type Predicates

Scheme provides built-in procedures to test whether values refer to objects of particular types.
If you want to know whether the value of variable x is (a pointer to) pair, you can use the predicate
pair?, like this: (pair? x).

Likewise, if you want to know if something is a number, you can use the predicate number?. If
you want to know whether a value is an integer, and not just some kind of number, you can use

Several other type predicates are provided, for other data types we'll discuss later, including
string?, character?, vector?, and port?.

2.4.2 Equality Predicates

Equality predicates tell whether one value is \the same as" another. There are actually several
important senses of \the same as," so Scheme provides four equality predicates.

Sometimes you want to know whether two data structures are structurally the same, with the
same values in the same places. For example, you may want to know whether a list has the
same structure and elements as another list. For this, you can use equal?, which does a deep,
element-by-element structural comparison.

For example (equal? '(1 2 3) '(1 2 3)) returns #t, because the arguments are both lists con-
taining 1, 2, 3, in that order. equal? does a deep traversal of the data structure, so you can hand
it nested lists and other fairly complicated data structures as well. (Don't hand it structures with
directed cycles of pointers, though, because it may loop forever without
nding the end.)
Chapter 2: Introduction 46

equal? works to compare simple things, too. For example, (equal? 22 22) returns #t, and
(equal? #t 15) returns #f. (Note that equal? can be used to compare things that may or may
not be of the same type, but if they're not, the answer will always be #f. Objects of dierent types
are never equal?.)

Often you don't want to structurally compare two whole data structures|you just want to know
if they're the exact same object. For example, given two pointers to lists, you may want to know
if they're pointers to the very same list, not just two lists with the same elements.

For this, you use eq?. eq? compares two values to see if they refer to the same object. Since
all values in Scheme are (conceptually) pointers, this is just a pointer comparison, so eq? is always

(You might think that tagged immediate representations would require eq? to be slower than a
simple pointer comparision, because it would have to check whether things were really pointers. This
isn't actually true|eq? just compares the bit patterns without worrying whether they represent
pointers or immediates.)

Equality tests for numbers are treated specially. When comparing two values that are supposed
to be numbers, = is the appropriate predicate. Using = has the advantage that using it on non-
numbers is an error, and Scheme will complain when it happens. If you make a mistake and have a
non-number where you intend to have a number, this will often show you the problem. (You could
also use equal?, but it won't signal an error when applied to non-numbers, and may be a little bit

There is another equality predicate, eqv?, which does numeric comparisons on numbers (like =),
and identity comparisons (like eq?) on anything else.

This is the end of Hunk G


At this point, you should go read Hunk H of the next chapter

and work through the examples using a running Scheme system.
Then return here and resume this chapter.

(Go to Hunk H, which starts at Section 3.2 Using Predicates], page 107.)
Chapter 2: Introduction 47

2.4.3 Choosing Equality Predicates (Hunk I)

Hunk I starts here:

The reason that the = and eqv? predicates are needed is that the numeric system of Scheme is
not quite as clean as it could be, for eciency reasons.

Ideally, there would be exactly one copy of any numeric value, and all occurrences of that value
would really be pointers to the same unique object. Then you could use eq? to compare numbers
for identity, just as you can for other kinds of values. (For example, there would be just one oating-
point number with the value 2.36529, and any computation that returned that oating-point value
would return a pointer to that unique object. ((eq? 2.36529 2.36529) would return #t.)

Unfortunately, for numbers it would be too expensive to do this|it would require keeping a
table of all of the numbers in the system, and probing that table to eliminate duplicate copies of
the same values. As a concession to eciency, Scheme allows multiple copies of the same number,
and the = and eqv? predicates mask this wart in the language|they perform numeric comparisons
when faced with numbers, so that you don't have to worry about whether two numbers with the
same value are literally the same object.

eqv? thus tests whether two values are \equivalent," when two objects with the same numeric
value are treated as \the same," like =, but all other objects are distinguished by their object
identity, like eq?. In general,

 eq? is useful for fast identity (same object) comparisons of non-numbers,

 = performs numeric comparisons on numbers,
 eqv? is like eq?, but treats copies of the same number as though they were the same object,
 equal? performs a \deep" comparison of the structure of data structures. (It uses eqv? for
components that are numbers.)

2.5 Quoting and Literals

Programs often need to refer to literal data values|data that you type directly into the program.
In many languages, the only literals are fairly simple values like integers and strings. In Scheme,
Chapter 2: Introduction 48

you can use simple literals or complicated ones that represent (pointers to) data structures like
nested lists. Earlier, I showed how using quoting to create list literals.

You've probably noticed that the syntax of Scheme code and the textual representation of
Scheme data are very similar. So, for example, (min 1 2) is a combination if it's viewed as code,
but it's also the standard textual representation of a list containing the symbol min and the integers
1 and 2.

(A symbol is a data object that's sort of like a string, but with some special properties, which
will be explained in the next chapter.)

The resemblance between code and data is no accident, and it can be very convenient, as later
examples will show. It can be confusing, too, however, so it's important to know when you're
looking at a piece of code and when you're looking at a piece of data.

rst thing to understand is quoting. In Scheme, the expression (min 1 2) is a procedure
call to min with the arguments 1 and 2.

As I explained earlier, we can quote it by wrapping it in the special form (quote...), however,
and get a literal list (min 1 2).

For example, the de


(define foo (quote (min 1 2)))

nes and binds foo, initializing the binding with (a pointer to) the list (min 1 2).

We can draw this situation this way:

+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+

foo | *-+--->| * | *-+----->| * | *-+----->| * | * |
+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+
| | |
\|/ \|/ \|/
min 1 2

Of course, as I explained earlier, we can use ' as a euphemism for (quote ... )
Chapter 2: Introduction 49

We can de
ne very complicated literals this way, if we want to. Here's a procedure that returns
a nested list of nested lists of integers and booleans and symbols:
(define (fubar)
'(((1 two #f) (#t 3 four))
((five #f 6) (seven 8 #t))
((#f 9 10)) ((11 12 #f))))

that's a pretty useless procedure, but it's very convenient to just be able to type in printed
representations of nested data structures and have Scheme construct them automatically for you.
In most languages you'd have to do some fairly tedious hacking to construct a list like that. As we'll
see in a later chapter, Scheme also supports quasiquotation, which lets you construct mostly-literal
data structures, and create customized variations on them easily quasiquotation will be discussed
a later chapter.

2.5.1 Simple Literals and Self-Evaluation

You might have noticed by now that we've already been using literals a lot in our examples|
numeric literals and boolean literals. Why didn't we have to quote them to keep Scheme from
trying to evaluate them like other expressions? Because Scheme has a special rule, which is that
the value of a number or boolean is that number or boolean. For these data types, the result of
attempting to evaluate it is the same as what you started with. So the value of 4 is 4, and the
value of #f is #f. (This also works for a few other types, such as characters and character strings.)
Scheme lets you type in the text representation of a value as an expression, and by convention the
value of that expression is the value you typed the printed representation of. Such an expression is
called self-evaluating, because it is evaluated to itself.

What's the deep meaning of this rule? There isn't any. It's just to keep you from having to
type a lot of quotes to use simple literals. Notice that that means that you can quote a number
or boolean if you want, and it doesn't make any dierence. The expression '0 means \literally the
number 0," but since Scheme de
nes the value of a number to be itself, the value of plain 0 is 0,

Likewise, the value of '#f or (quote #f is the same as #f|they're all pointers to the false
object. You can write a string literal '"foo" as "foo". In either case, the value of the expression
is a pointer to a string object with the character sequence f o o.

Minor warning: don't add extra quotes inside expressions that are already quoted. '(foo 10
baz) is not the same thing as '('foo '10 'baz). One quote for a whole literal expression is enough,
Chapter 2: Introduction 50

and extra quotes inside quotes do something that will seem surprising until you understand how
quoting really works.

Expression evaluation in Scheme is simple, for the most part, but you must remember the rules
for the special forms (which don't always evaluate their arguments) and self-evaluation. Later,
I'll show how an interpreter implements self-evaluation by analyzing expressions before evaluating
them. Still later, I'll show how a compiler can do the same work at compile time, so that using
literals doesn't cost any evaluation overhead at run time.

2.6 Local Variables and Lexical Scope

Scheme is a block-structured language with nested scopes. You can declare local variables whose
scope is a block of code, and blocks can have blocks inside them with their own local variables.

Scheme uses a lexical scope rule. (We can also say that Scheme is statically scoped, rather than
dynamically scoped, like some old Lisps.) When you see a variable name in the code, you can tell
what variable it refers just to by looking at the source code for the program. A program consists
of possibly nested blocks of code, and the meaning of the name is determined by which variable
binding constructs it's used inside.

2.6.1 let

You can create code blocks that have local variables using the let special form.

You've seen local binding environments in other languages before. In C or Pascal you've probably
seen blocks with local variables of their own, e.g., in C:

{ int x = 10
int y = 20


Here we've got a block (inside curly braces) where local variables named x and y are visible.
(The same thing can be done with begin...end blocks in Pascal.)
Chapter 2: Introduction 51

When we enter the block, storage is allocated for the local variables, and the storage is initialized
with the appropriate initial values. We say that the variables are bound when we enter the block|
the names x and y refer to something, namely the storage allocated for them. (In C, the storage
for local variables may be allocated on an activation stack.)

This is a simple but important idea|when you enter a scope, you \bind" a name to storage,
creating an association (naming) between a name and a place you can put a value. (In later
chapters, we'll see how interpreters and compilers keep track of the association between names and

Sometimes, we refer to the storage allocated for a variable as \its binding," but really that's a
shorthand for \the storage named by the variable," or \the storage that the variable is bound to."

Inside the block, all references to the variables x and y refer to these new local variable bindings.
When execution reaches the end of the block, these variable bindings cease to exist and references
to x or y will again refer to whatever they did outside the block (perhaps global variables, or block
variables of some intermediate-level block, or nothing at all).

In this example, all that happens inside the block is a call to the procedure foo, using the values
of the block variables, i.e., 10 and 20. In C or Pascal, these temporary variables might be allocated
by growing the stack when the block is entered, and shrinking it again when the block is exited.

In Scheme, things are pretty similar. Blocks can be created with let expressions, like so:

(let ((x 10)
(y 20))
(foo x y))

rst part of the let is the variable binding clause, which in this case two subclauses, (x
10) and (y 20). This says that the let will create a variable named x whose initial value is 10,
and another variable y whose initial value is 20. A let's variable binding clause can contain any
number of clauses, creating any number of let variables. Each subclause is very much like the
name and initial value parts of a define form.

The rest of the let is a sequence of expressions, called the let body. The expressions are simply
evaluated in order, and the value of the last expression is returned as the value of the whole let
Chapter 2: Introduction 52

expression. (The fact that this value is returned is very handy, and will be important in examples
we use later.)

A let may only bind one variable, but it still needs parentheses around the whole variable
binding clause, as well as around the (one) subclause for a particular binding. For example:

(let ((x 10))
(foo x))

(Don't forget the \extra" parentheses around the one variable binding clause|they're not really
extra, because they're what tells Scheme where the variable binding clause starts and stops. In this
case, before and after the subclause that de
nes the one variable.)

In Scheme, you can use local variables pretty much the way you do in most languages. When
you enter a let expression, the let variables will be bound and initialized with values. When you
exit the let expression, those bindings will disappear.

You can also use local variables dierently, however, as we'll explain in later chapters. In general,
the bindings for Scheme variables aren't allocated on an activation stack, but on the heap. This
lets you keep bindings around after the procedure that creates them returns, which will turn out
to be useful.

(You might think that this is inecient, and it could be, but good Scheme compilers can almost
always determine that it's not really necessary to put most variables on the heap, and avoid the cost
of heap-allocating them. As with good compilers for most languages, most variables are actually
in registers when it matters, so that the generated code is fast.) Indenting let Expressions

In general, we indent let expressions in a way that shows the block structure of the program.
The binding forms (variable names and initial values) are lined up vertically after the keyword let,
and the body expressions are indented a few characters and lined up vertically, like so:
Chapter 2: Introduction 53

(let ((x 10) bindings of x

(y 20)) and y
(foo x)
(let ((a (bar)) bindings of a
(b (baz))) and b
(quux x a)
(quux y b))

Notice that the binding forms of each let are lined up vertically, and the body expressions are
not indented as far. This is important for making it obvious where the binding forms stop and
the body expressions start. (In this example, the body of the outer let consists of a call to foo,
another let, and a call to baz. The body of the inner let consists of two calls to quux.)

2.6.2 Lexical Scope

If nested lets de
ne variables by the same name, then the uses of that name in the body of the
inner let will refer to the bindings created by the inner let.

Consider the following code fragment:

(let ((x 10) outer binding of x

(a 20)) binding of a
(foo x)
(let ((x (bar)) inner binding of x
(b (baz x x))) binding of b
(quux x a)
(quux y b))
(baz x a) refers to outer x (and a)
(baz x b)) illegal?

When control enters the outer let, the inital values for the variables are computed. In this case,
that's just the literal values 10 and 20. Then storage is allocated for the variables, and initialized
with those values. Once that's done, the meaning of the names x and a changes|they now refer
to the new storage for (bindings of) the let variables x and a|and then the body expressions are
Chapter 2: Introduction 54

Similarly, when control enters the inner let, the inital values are computed by the calls to bar
and baz, and then storage for x and b is allocated and initialized with those values. Then the
meanings of the names x and b change, to refer to the new storage (bindings) of those variables.
(For example, the value of x when (baz x x) is evaluated is still 10, because x still refers to the
outer x.)

In this example, the meaning of the identi

er x changes when we enter the inner let. We say
that the inner let variable x shadows the outer one, within the body of the let. The outer x is no
longer visible, because the inner one is.

When we exit a let (after evaluating its body expressions), the bindings introduced by the let
\go out of scope," i.e., aren't visible anymore. (For example, when we evaluate the expression
(baz x a) in the body of the outer let, x refers to the binding introduced by the outer let|the
x introduced by the inner let is no longer visible.

Likewise, in the example code fragment, the b in the last expression, (baz x b), does not refer
to the inner let's binding of b. Unless there is a binding of b in some outer scope we haven't shown
(such as a top-level binding), then this will be an error. Binding Environments and Binding Contours

The set of all bindings that are visible at a given point during program execution is called a
binding environment. That is, a binding environment maps a set of names to the pieces of storage
they name.

A top-level binding environment is the mapping that the Scheme system maintains between
top-level variable names and the storage they're bound to. This might be implemented as a hash

With local variables, a simple \at" table isn't sucient. Entering a let, for example, adds new
bindings to the environment that code is executing in|it makes the new variable bindings visible,
changing the mapping from names to storage.

We say that each binding contruct we execute introduces a new binding contour. We call it a
contour because it changes the \shape" of the environment.

You can think of a binding contour as being implemented by a new table that's created when
you enter a let, or any other construct that binds variables. When Scheme looks for a binding of
Chapter 2: Introduction 55

an identi
er, it looks
rst in this new table, then in the old table that represented the environment
outside the let. Since Scheme looks in the \inner" environment's table
rst, it will always
nd the
innermost binding of any identi
er, such as x in the example above.

At any given point, the environment consists of all of the variable bindings that are visible. This
includes all of the bindings in the table for the innermost contour, and all of the bindings in the
table for the contours it's nested inside, except those that are shadowed by inner bindings of the
same names. Block Structure Diagrams for lets

We can make environments and contours clearer by drawing a block diagram showing where the
dierent variables are visible:

(let ((x 10) bindings of x

(a 20)) and a
| (foo x) scope of outer x |
| (let ((x (bar)) and a |
| (b (baz x x))) |
| +------------------------------------------------+ |
| | (quux x a) scope of inner x | |
| | (quux y b) and b | ) |
| +------------------------------------------------+ |
| (baz x a) |
| (baz x b) | )

(This kind of block diagram is the origin of the term \block structure.")

Each box represents a contour: it shows where in the program each variable binding will be

We can interpret a block structure diagram by looking outward from an occurrence of a variable
name, and using the nearest enclosing box that corresponds to a binding of that name. Now we
can see that the
nal call (baz x b) does not refer to the let variable b|it's not inside the box
corresponding to that variable. We can also see that the occurrence of x in that expression refers
Chapter 2: Introduction 56

to the outer x. The occurrence of x in the calls to quux refer to the inner x, because they're inside
its box, and inner de
nitions shadow outer ones.

There's something a little tricky to notice here. When we evaluate the initial value expressions
for the inner let, the inner bindings are not visible yet. x still refers to the outer binding of x, not
the inner one that we are about to create. Sometimes this is exactly what you want, but sometimes
it's not. Because it isn't always what you want, Scheme provides two variants of let, called let*
and letrec.

2.6.3 let*

let is useful for most local variables, but sometimes you want to create several local variables
in sequence, with each variable's value available to compute the next variable's value.

For example, it is common to \destructure" a data structure, extracting part of the structure,
then a part of that part, and so on. We could do this by simply nesting expressions that extract
parts, but then we don't have understandable names for the intermediate results of the nested

(In other cases, we may want to do more than one thing with the results of one of the nested
expressions, so we need to create a variable so that we can refer to it in more than one body

Consider the code fragment:

(let ((a-structure (some-procedure)))

(let ((a-substructure (get-some-subpart a-structure)))
(let ((a-subsubstructure (get-another-subpart a-substructure)))
(foo a-substructure))))

Scheme provides a convenient syntax for this sort of nested let can be written as a single let*

(let* ((a-structure (some-procedure))

(a-substructure (get-some-subpart a-structure))
(a-subsubstructure (get-another-subpart a-substructure)))
(foo a-substructure))))
Chapter 2: Introduction 57

Notice that this wouldn't work if we wrote it as a normal let that binds three variables. A
block structure diagram shows why:

(let ((a-structure (some-procedure))

(a-substructure (get-some-subpart a-structure))
(a-subsubstructure (get-another-subpart a-substructure)))
| (foo a-substructure) scope of all three variables | )))

Now we see that all of the initial value expressions for the let variables are outside the scope of
any of the variables. a-substructure and a-substructure will not refer to the bindings introduced
by this let, but to whatever bindings (if any) are visible outside the let.

With let*, it's dierent:

(let ((a-structure (some-procedure))

| (a-substructure (get-some-subpart a-structure)) |
+----------------------------------------------------------------+ |
| (a-subsubstructure (get-another-subpart a-substructure))) | |
+-------------------------------------------------------------+ | |
| (foo a-subsubtructure) | | | )))

Each initial value clause is in the scope of the previous variable in the let*. From the nesting
of the boxes, we can see that bindings become visible one at a time, so that the value of a binding
can be used in computing the initial value of the next binding.

There's another local binding construct in Scheme, letrec, which is used when creating mutually
recursive local procedures. I'll discuss that later, when I describe how local procedures work in

This is the end of Hunk I


At this point, you should go read Hunk J of the next chapter

and work through the examples using a running Scheme system.
Then return here and resume this chapter.
Chapter 2: Introduction 58


Go to Hunk J, which starts at Section 3.3 Local Variables], page 112.

2.7 Procedures (Hunk K)

Hunk K starts here:

Scheme procedures are \

rst class," meaning that they're objects in the language. They can
be anonymous, meaning that you can have pointers to procedures that don't have printed names.
They can be higher-order, meaning that procedures can operate on procedures.

2.7.1 Procedures are First Class

In Scheme, procedures are data objects|you can have a pointer to a procedure and do the same
things you can do with any other Scheme value. Technically, we say that procedures are rst class
objects in the language|you can pass a procedure value as an argument to a procedure, return
it as the value of a procedure call, store it in a variable or a
eld of another object. A procedure
pointer is just a value that you can pass around like any other value, like a pair or a boolean.

Procedures are special, of course, because they're the only kind of object that supports the
procedure call operation.

In Scheme terminology, a procedure call expression is called a combination. Evaluation of a

combination includes evaluation of the argument expressions and application of the procedure to
the arguments, i.e., actually calling it with (\applying it to") those values.

An unusual feature of Scheme is that it uses a unied namespace, which means that there's
only one kind of name for both normal variables and procedures|in fact, procedure names are
really just variable names, and there's only one kind of variable. A named procedure is really just
rst-class procedure object that happens to be referenced from a variable.

When you de
ne a procedure as we did above for the min example, you're really doing three
things: creating a procedure, creating a normal variable (named min), and initializing the variable
with a pointer to the procedure.
Chapter 2: Introduction 59

(This means that you can't have both a procedure variable and a \normal" data variable by the
same name in the same scope|there's really only one kind of variable, so you can only have one
binding in a given scope.)

When you de
ne a procedure as we did above for the min example, Don't let the special syntax
for procedure de
nitions fool you|a procedure name is really just the name of a variable that
happens to hold a procedure value. You can use any variable that way, by storing a procedure
value in it. You can also assign a new procedure value to a variable, and then use it to name the
new procedure.

For example, if you've de

ned min as above, you can change the value in the binding of min by
saying (set! min +). That assignment expression will look up the value of the variable +, which is
the addition procedure, and assign that into the variable min.

Then when you call min as before, it will do addition instead, because it will call the same
procedure as +. For example (min 5 10) will return 15, not 5.

You could also change the meaning of +, just by assigning a new value to the (the binding of)
the variable +. This is probably a bad idea unless you really have a good reason, because if the
new procedure doesn't do addition, any code that calls + will return dierent answers!

It is important to understand how procedure calls actually work in Scheme, which is actually
very simple. Consider the combination (procedure call expression) (+ a b). What this really means

1. look up the value of (the current binding of) the variable +, which we assume is a procedure,
2. look up the values of (the current bindings of) the variables a and b, and
3. apply the procedure to those values, i.e., call it with those values as arguments.

rst subexpression of the combination is evaluated in just the same way as the others,
although the result is used dierently. The
rst subexpression is just a subexpression that should
return a procedure value, and the others give the arguments to pass to it.

This won't work if the

rst subexpression doesn't evaluate to a procedure value. For example,
you can change the meaning of + with an assignment expression (set! + 3). Then if you attempt
to call + with the combination (+ 2 3) you'll get an error. Scheme will say something like \ERROR:
Attempt to apply non-procedure."
Chapter 2: Introduction 60

The fact that the

rst (operator) subexpression is evaluated just like any other expression can
be very useful. Rather than giving the name of a particular procedure to call, we can use any
expression whose result is a procedure. For example, we might have a table of procedures to use
in dierent kinds of situations, and search that table for the procedure to call at a particular time:

((look-up-appropriate-procedure key) foo bar)

Here we call the procedure look-up-appropriate-procedure with the argument key to get a
procedure, and then apply it to the values of foo and bar.

One warning about combinations: the Scheme language doesn't specify the order in which the
subexpressions of a combination are evaluated. Don't write code that depends on whether the
operator expression is evaluated
rst, or on the order of evaluation of the argument expressions.

You might wonder what's so special about

rst-class procedures, since some other languages
(like C) let you pass around pointers to procedures, and call them via those pointers. Scheme's
procedures work like Pascal's if you use them for the kinds of things Pascal allows, but also lets
you use them in more general ways that I'll explain later.

2.7.2 Higher-Order Procedures

Scheme is designed to make it easy to use higher-order procedures, i.e., procedures that may
take other procedures as arguments or return them as values.

For example, you can easily write a sort procedure that takes a comparison procedure as an
argument, and uses whatever procedure you hand it to determine the sorted order.

To sort a list in ascending order, you can then call sort with (a pointer to) the procedure <
(\less than") as its argument, like this:

(sort < '(5 2 3))

and you'll get back a sorted list (2 3 5).

Note that the expression < here is just a variable reference. We're fetching the value of the
variable < and passing it to sort as an argument.
Chapter 2: Introduction 61

If you'd rather sort the list in descending order, you can pass it the procedure > (\greater than")

(sort > '(5 2 3))

and get back a sorted list (5 3 2).

The same procedure can be used with lists of dierent kinds of objects, as long as you supply a
comparison operator that does what you want.

For example, to sort a list of character strings into alphabetic order, you can pass sort a pointer
to the standard string-comparison procedure string<?,

(sort string<? '("foo" "bar" "baz" "quux"))

and get back a list ("bar" "baz" "foo" "quux").

 give map example here? ]

2.7.3 Anonymous Procedures and lambda

Scheme has a special form that is very special, called lambda. It creates a
rst-class procedure
and returns a pointer to it.

For example, you can create a procedure that doubles its argument by evaluating the expression
(lambda (x) (+ x x)). The second subform of the expression is a list of formal arguments, and
the third subform is the body of the procedure.

lambda doesn't give a name to the procedure it creates|it just returns a pointer to the procedure

Actually, the procedure-de

ning variant of define is exactly equivalent to a variable-de
define, with a lambda expression as its initial value form.

For example,
Chapter 2: Introduction 62

(define (double x)
(+ x x))

is exactly equivalent to

(define double (lambda (x)

(+ x x)))

In either case, we're creating a one-argument procedure, and we're also de

ning and binding a
variable named double, and initializing its storage with a pointer to the procedure.

The procedure-de
ning syntax for define is just syntactic sugar|there's nothing you can do
with it that you can't do with local variables and lambda. It's just a more convenient notation for
the same thing.

This is the end of Hunk K.


At this point, you should go read Hunk L of the next chapter

and work through the examples using a running Scheme system.
Then return here and resume this chapter.

(Go to Hunk L, which starts at Section 3.4.2 Using Procedures], page 116.)

2.7.4 lambda and Lexical Scope (Hunk M)

Hunk M starts here:

lambda creates a procedure that will execute in the scope where the lambda expression was

Except for local variables of the procedure itself, including its arguments, names in the body
of the procedure refer to whatever they refer to at the point where the procedure is created by
Chapter 2: Introduction 63

This is necessary for preserving lexical scope|the meanings of variable names must be obvious
at the point where the procedure is de

Local variables created by the procedure have the usual scope rule within the body. (Argument
variables are just a special kind of local variable, which get their initial values from the caller.) Other
variables are called free variables|that is variables de
ned outside the procedure, but referred to
from inside it.

We say that lambda creates a closure, a procedure whose free variable references are \
xed" at
the time the procedure is created. Whenever the procedure references a free variable, it will will
refer to the bindings of those variables in the environment where the procedure was created.

Consider the following small program

(define foo 1)

(define (baz)

(define (quux)
(let ((foo 6))


When quux is called, it will bind its local variable foo and then call baz. When baz is called
from quux, however, it will still see the top level binding of foo, whose value is 1. The result of the
call to baz will be 1, and that value will be returned as the value of the call to quux as well.

There is a very good reason for this, and it's the rule used by most programming languages. It
is important that the meaning of a procedure be
xed where it is de
ned, rather than having the
meaning depend on where it is called from. You want to be able to look at the code, and see that
the name foo refers to particular variable, namely the one that's visible there, at the top level.
You don't want to have to worry about the meaning of the procedure baz changing, depending on
where it's called from.

A block structure diagram may make this clearer. I'll just show the part for the procedure baz:
Chapter 2: Introduction 64

(define (quux)
(let ((foo 6))
| (baz) scope of foo | ))

This emphasizes the fact that the local foo really is local. The de
nition of baz is not inside
the box, so it can't ever see foo's local variable foo. (The fact that baz is called from inside the
box doesn't matter.)

Conceptually, the procedure baz returns to the environment where it was created before it
executes, and even before it binds its arguments.

In early Lisps, a dierent rule was used, called dynamic scope. In those Lisps, the call to baz
would see the most recent binding of foo. In this case, it would see the binding created by quux
just before the call to foo. This led to very inscrutable bugs, because a procedure would work
sometimes, and not others, depending on the names of variables bound in other procedures.

(Dynamic scoping is generally considered to have been a big mistake, and was
xed in recent
versions of Lisp, such as Common Lisp, which were inuenced by Scheme.)

2.7.5 Local Denitions

Scheme lets you de
ne local procedures, scoped inside other procedures or blocks with local
variables. This lets you \hide" procedures that only make sense in a certain context, so that they
can only be called in that context.

You can de
ne local procedures using let and lambda, like this:

(define (quadruple x)
(let ((double (lambda (x)
(+ x x))))
(double (double x))))

Here we've de
ned a procedure named quadruple, with a local variable named double its value
is a procedure that will double its argument value, created with lambda.
Chapter 2: Introduction 65

Notice that when we call double from inside the procedure quadruple, we call it by the name
double, which is really the name of a local variable. That's okay, because there's no dierence
between variable names and procedure names|a call to a named procedure is always a lookup of
a variable value followed by a call to the procedure it points to.

Also notice that the inner procedure's argument variable x shadows the outer procedure's argu-
ment variable x. Inside the body of double, it refers to double's argument, but outside it doesn't.
(The code might be easier to read if we chose dierent names for the two procedures' arguments,
but this is just for illustration.)

As with a top-level de
nition, we can write a local de
nition using define instead of let. For
example, we could have written the above procedure as:

(define (quadruple x)
(define (double (x)
(+ x x))))
(double (double x))))

A local define acts a lot like let with lambda. (Actually, it's exactly like a letrec with lambda,
but we haven't discussed letrec yet we will later.)

There's a restriction on internal defines|they must be at the beginning of the procedure body
(or the beginning of another body, like a let body, before the normal executable expressions in
the body.

Local procedure de
nitions follow the normal lexical scope rule, like nested lets. For example,
in the above example, the formal argument x of double is local to the body of double|it's a
dierent variable x than the argument x of quadruple.

(define (quadruple x)
(define (double (x)
| +--------+ |
| | (+ x x)|))) |
| +--------+ |
| (double (double x)) | ))
Chapter 2: Introduction 66

Here the inner box is the scope of double's argument x, and the outer one is the scope of the
variable double.

We could have used a dierent name for the argument to the local procedure, and it wouldn't
change the meaning of either procedure:

(define (quadruple x)
(define (double (y) local defn. of double
(+ y y))) body of local procedure
(double (double x))) body of quadruple

On the other hand, since there are no local bindings of +, + refers to whatever it refers to in
the context where quadruple is de
ned. Assuming that quadruple is a top-level procedure, not
a local procedure in some other scope, + refers to the top-level binding of +. (Remember that a
procedure name is really just a variable name, so the scope rules for variables apply to procedure
names too.)

2.7.6 Recursive Local Procedures and letrec

Using let and lambda to de
ne local procedures will often work, but generally we use letrec
rather than let, because it supports recursive local procedures. (That's why it's called letrec|it
means let with recursive de

Suppose we tried to use let and lambda to de

ne a recursive local procedure:

(define (foo x)
(let ((local-proc (lambda (y)
(local-proc ...) recursive call? No.
(local-proc x)

The problem with this example is that what appears to be a recursive call to local-proc from
inside local-proc actually isn't. Remember that let computes the initial values of variables, then
initializes all of the variables' storage, and only then do any of the bindings become visible|when
we enter the body of the let. In the example above, that means that the local variable local-
Chapter 2: Introduction 67

proc isn't visible to the lambda expression. The procedure created by lambda will not see its
own name|the name local-proc in the body of the procedure will refer to whatever binding of
local-proc exists in the enclosing environment, if there is one.

A block structure diagram may make this clearer:

(define (foo x)
(let ((local-proc (lambda (y)
| ... scope |
| (local-proc ...) of y |
| ... | )))
| ... scope of |
| (local-proc x) local-proc |
| ... | )

Unlike let, letrec makes new bindings visible before they're initialized. Storage is allocated,
and the meanings of names are changed to refer to the new local variable bindings, and then the
initial values of those variables are computed and the variables are initialized.

For most purposes, this wouldn't make any sense at all|why would you want variable bindings
to be visible before they have had their initial values installed? For local procedure de
however, it makes perfect sense|we want to use lambda to create a procedure that can operate on
the variables later, when it's called.

lambda creates a procedure that will start executing in the scope where the lambda expression
is evaluated, so we need to make the bindings visible before we evaluate the lambda expression.

If we use letrec in our example, instead of let, it works. The procedure local-proc can see
the variable local-proc, so it can call itself by its name.

The block structure diagram looks like this:

Chapter 2: Introduction 68

(define (foo x) +-----------------------------------+

(let ((local-proc | (lambda (y) |
| +--------------------------+ |
| | ... scope | |
| | (local-proc ...) of y | |
| | ... | ))) |
| +--------------------------+ |
+----------------+ |
| ... scope of |
| (local-proc x) local-proc |
| ...) |

The recursive call to local-proc will work, because the call is inside the box that corresponds
to the scope of the variable local-proc.

letrec works for multiple mutually recursive local procedures, too. You can de
ne several local
procedures that can call each other, like this:

(define (my-proc)
(letrec ((local-proc-1 (lambda ()
(local-proc-2 (lambda ()
(local-proc-1))) start off mutual recursion by calling local-proc-1

A block structure diagram shows that each local procedure de

nition can see the bindings of
the other's names:
Chapter 2: Introduction 69

(define (my-proc)
(letrec ( | (local-proc-1 (lambda () scope of local-proc-1 |
| ... and local-proc-2 |
| (local-proc-2) |
| ...)) |
| (local-proc-2 (lambda () |
| ... |
| (local-proc-1) |
+--------+ ...))) |
| (local-proc-1) | ))

You can also de

ne plain variables while you're at it, in the same letrec, but letrec is mostly
interesting for de
ning local procedures.

When the initial value of a letrec variable is not a procedure, you must be careful that the
expression does not depend on the values of any of the other letrec variables. Like let, the order
of initialization of the variables is unde

For example, the following is illegal:

(letrec ((x 2)
(y (+ x x)))

In this case, the attempt to compute (+ x x) may fail, because the value of x may not have
been computed yet. For this example, let* would do the job|the second initialization expression
needs to see the result of the
rst, but not vice versa:

(let* ((x 2)
(y (+ x x)))

Be sure you understand why this is illegal, but the lambda expressions in the earlier examples
are not. When we create recursive procedures using letrec and lambda, the lambda expressions
can be evaluated without actually using the values of the bindings they reference. We are creating
procedures that will use the values in the bindings when those procedures are called, but just
creating the procedure objects themselves doesn't require the bindings to have values yet. It does
Chapter 2: Introduction 70

require that the bindings exist, because each lambda expression creates a procedure that \captures"
the currently visible bindings|the procedure remembers what environment it was created in.

2.7.7 Multiple defines are like a letrec

Now that you understand letrec, I can explain what define really does.

Notice that when you define top-level variables and procedures, the procedures you create can
refer to other variables in the same top-level environment.

It is as though all of the top-level bindings were created by a single big letrec, so that the
initial value expressions create procedures that can \see" each others' name bindings. Expressions
that aren't de
nitions make up the \body" of this imaginary letrec.

Recall that a procedure-de

ning define is equivalent to a variable-de
ning define with a
lambda expression to compute its initial value.

The following top-level forms


(define (foo)
(... (bar) ...))

(define (bar)
(... (baz) ...))

(define (baz)
(... (quux) ...))

are therefore equivalent to

Chapter 2: Introduction 71


(define foo
(lambda ()
(... (bar) ...)))

(define bar
(lambda ()
(... (baz) ...)))

(define baz
(lambda ()
(... (foo) ...)))

When we view top-level defines as being implicitly like parts of a letrec, the program takes
the equivalent form

(letrec (...

(foo (lambda ()
(... (bar) ...)))
(bar (lambda ()
(... (baz) ...)))
(baz (lambda ()
(... (foo) ...)))

(Actually, things are scoped like this, but the initial value expressions of defines and the non-
nition expressions are evaluated in the order they occurred in the source program. For top-level
expressions, you can depend on Scheme executing the executable parts of de
nitions in the order
Chapter 2: Introduction 72

Local defines work pretty this way, too. A Scheme interpreter or compiler recognizes any
defines that occur at the beginning of a body as being parts of an implicit letrec the subsequent
expressions in the same body are treated as the body of the implicit letrec.

So the following procedure

(define (my-proc)
(define (local-proc-1)
(define (local-proc-2)

is equivalent to

(define (my-proc)
(letrec ((local-proc-1 (lambda () ...))
(local-proc-2 (lambda () ...)))

If we \desugar" the outer define, too, we get

(define my-proc
(lambda ()
(letrec ((local-proc-1 (lambda () ...))
(local-proc-2 (lambda () ...)))
Chapter 2: Introduction 73

2.7.8 Variable Arity: Procedures that Take a Variable Number of

In Scheme, you can easily write procedures that can take a variable number of arguments.
Technically, the number of arguments a procedure accepts is called its arity, and we call a procedure
that accepts a variable number a variable arity procedure.4

Often, you write procedures that take a certain number of normal (required) arguments, but
can take more. When you pass a procedure more arguments than it requires, Scheme packages up
the extra arguments in a list, called a rest list.

The syntax for a variable arity procedure declaration is the same as for a
xed-arity procedure
declaration, except that the last argument is preceded by a dot (.). This last argument will hold
the rest list of extra arguments, or () if no extra arguments are passed.

The rest list argument is just a normal argument, except that it is initialized in a funny way|
with a list of all the actual arguments that followed the required ones. Inside the procedure, you
can access it like any other variable, and operate on the list with the normal list-manipulating

Here's a simple variable-arity procedure, which accepts zero required arguments and any number
of other arguments. It simply accepts a rest list of however many arguments are given, and then
displays that list of the arguments it was given.

(define (display* . args)

(display args))

Calling this procedure with the combination (display* 1 2 3) displays the list (1 2 3).

The syntax for declaring variable arity is a little weird, but it's easier to understand if you're
familiar with dot notation for improper lists. Intuitively, what's to the right of the dot in dot
notation is the \rest" of the list being written. Here we use a symbol as a formal parameter that
symbolizes the \rest" of the \list" of arguments, beyond the required ones.
4 Note that here \variable" just means that it varies, and arity means that what's varying is the
number of argument variables. \Arity" comes from words like \nullary," \unary," \binary,"
and \ternary"|these mean zero-argument, one-argument, two-argument, and three-argument,
respectively. (Sometimes people say things like \1-ary" for unary (one argument), \2-ary" for
binary, and \n-ary" for \variable arity.")
Chapter 2: Introduction 74

2.7.9 apply

The procedure apply allows you to call any procedure, and specify a list of values to be passed
as arguments. apply takes a procedure and a list of values, and then calls the procedure with those
values as arguments.

For example, (apply + '(1 2)) passes the values 1 and 2 to +, and is equivalent to (+ 1 2).

You'll seldom need to use apply, because normal procedure calling works
ne in most situations.
Occasionally, though, it is convenient to be able to apply a procedure to a list of values that have
already been computed. (I'll show an example in  chapter 4? ].)

2.8 Variable Binding Again

So far, I've sometimes casually talked about variables holding values, but that's not quite right.
Variables are bound to storage, and storage holds values.

I've also sometimes casually talked about fetching \the value of a variable," but that's really
just a shorthand for fetching the value of the current binding of a variable, from the current

Consider what happens when we de

ne a variable foo with the de
nition (define foo 10). We
can draw the binding of the variable in this way:

foo | *--+---> 10

When speaking precisely, we say that the variable foo is bound to the memory location rep-
resented by the box on the left. Binding just means making an association between a name and
something. (There are several senses of \binding"|it's a very general word|but in this book, I'm
generally talking about associating program variables with actual storage.)

For brevity, we refer to the location as the variable's binding, but binding is really the relationship
between the name and the storage it names.
Chapter 2: Introduction 75

In Scheme terminology, we talk about \bindings" as distinct from variables, because they are
two dierent things. This is true in most other languages as well (e.g., C and Pascal), but usually
people don't make the distinction explicit. They'll refer to a program variable as a variable, but
they'll also call the storage allocated for a particular instance of that variable a \variable." Usually,
experienced programmers aren't confused by this.

In this book, I try to be a little more precise, because the distinction between variables and
bindings is especially important in discussing advanced topics that will come up later. For now,
rest assured that there's nothing really unusual here|when I distinguish between variables and
bindings, that's applicable to most programming languages, not just Scheme. I'm just giving a
name to something you probably already know.

(So far, we haven't seen anything really special about Scheme variables and bindings, except
that the values in bindings are always pointers.)

2.8.1 Identiers and Variables

In isolation, a textual identi
er (name) such us as foo isn't even a variable.

The static scoping structure of a program gives names a certain aspect of meaning, and the
dynamic execution of the program gives them more meaning.

In isolation, foo doesn't mean anything. Used in a program, it can be the name of a variable.
At dierent places in a program, it can be the name of dierent variables, e.g., a toplevel variable,
or a local variable in one or more procedures.

In Scheme an identi
er such as foo may not represent a variable at all. In the quote expressions
'foo and '(baz foo bar) it identi
es a symbol object, but in an entirely dierent sense than vari-
able binding. It doesn't name a variable foo, or a variable whose binding holds a pointer to foo|it
is a literal representation of a pointer to the unique symbol object whose printed representation is

2.8.2 Variables, Bindings and Values

The distinction between variables, bindings, and values is particularly important in Scheme, and
important for understanding interpreters and compilers, so I'll take a little time to discuss it with
Chapter 2: Introduction 76

What is this distinction? Why not just say that the variable holds a value, i.e., why not call the
unit of storage a variable? Because that's not right. Consider the following short program.

(define (double x) define a procedure that doubles its argument

(+ x x))
(define (quadruple x) define a procedure that quadruples
(+ (double x) its argument.
(double x)))
(define (foo x) define a recursive procedure that calls
(if (> x 0) itself if its argument is more than 0,
(foo (- x 1))) handing the recursive call an argument
that's one less.

Notice that we've de

ned three procedures, double, quadruple, and foo, each of which has a
local (argument) variable x. (An argument variable is just a local variable that gets its initial value
in a special way, passed from the caller of the procedure.)

There are therefore three dierent variables named x in this code. In each of the procedures, it
means something dierent. Each procedure de
nes a dierent meaning for the name x, and each
separate meaning is a dierent variable.

This becomes obvious when we talk about \the variable x de

ned in the procedure double"
versus \the variable x in the procedure foo," and so on.

Notice also that when we de

ne the procedures, there is no storage allocated for their local
variables the variables named x in the procedures are just de
nitions|no space will be allocated
for them until the procedures are actually called. That's when binding happens|some storage is
allocated at run time to hold the value.

(Bear in mind that this happens in other languages too, even if people don't discuss it clearly|
for example, a C argument variable is bound when you enter the procedure, because suddenly space
is allocated for it and the name refers to that space.)

When we call something a \variable," that's not because we can assign to it and change its value.
None of the above variables has a value that varies in that sense none of these procedures happens
to modify the values they're given as arguments. In some languages, such as pure functional
languages, you can't do assignment at all, but those languages still have variables.
Chapter 2: Introduction 77

In programming language terminology, the term \variable" means pretty much what it means
in mathematics|at dierent times we invoke the same procedure and the variable will refer to
something dierent. For example, I may call double with the argument 10, and while executing
in that call to double, the value of x will be 10. Later, I may call double with the value 500, and
while executing in that call the value of x will be 500.

Consider how similar this is to variables in logic. I may have a logical statement that \for all
x, if x is a person then x is mortal". (Forall x, person(x) -> mortal(x)). I can use the same logical
rule (statement) and apply it to lots of things.

If Socrates is a person then Socrates is mortal, and if Bill Clinton is a person then Bill Clinton
is mortal, and so on. (Or even, if my car is human then my car is mortal.)

Each time I use it, x may refer to a dierent thing, and that's why it's called a variable.

Just because it's a variable doesn't mean that when I use it I change the state of the thing I use
it to refer to|for example, Bill Clinton is probably not modi
ed much by the fact that I'm inferring
something about him, and I'm pretty sure Socrates isn't changed much at all by the experience.

It also doesn't mean that the meaning of a variable changes from instant to instant. If I use
the rule above, and apply it to Socrates, saying \if Socrates is a person then Socrates is mortal", x
consistently refers to Socrates|that's the point. But I can also say that \if Bill Clinton is a person
then Bill Clinton is mortal." In that case x refers consistently to Bill Clinton. In logic, we say that
in one case x is bound to Socrates, but then used consistently within the rule and in the other, we
say it's bound to Bill Clinton, and then used consistently within the rule.

The point here is that the same variable can refer to dierent things at dierent times. These
dierent things are called bindings, because the variable is associated with (\bound to") something
dierent each time.

Consider the recursive procedure foo, above. In a recursive procedure, the same variable may
be bound to dierent things at the same time. Suppose I call foo with the argument 15, and it
binds its argument x and gives the binding the initial value 15. Then it examines that value, and
calls itself with the argument 14. The recursive call binds its argument x with the value 14, then
examines that and calls itself with the value 13, and so on.

At each recursive call, a new binding of x is created, even if the old bindings still exist, because
the earlier calls haven't
nished yet|they're suspended for the duration of the recursion.
Chapter 2: Introduction 78

When there are multiple bindings in existence at the same time, only one one is \visible" as
a procedure executes. For example, in a recursive set of calls to a procedure, only one binding is
\in scope," that is, visible) to an executing procedure|the binding for that call. We call this the
current binding of the variable. When a call returns, an older binding becomes visible again, and
becomes the current binding.

But what is a variable bound to, i.e., to what does a variable refer? In Scheme, it refers to a
piece of storage. When you call a procedure, for example, each argument variable is bound to a
piece of storage that can hold the argument value you pass. Inside that call to that procedure, that
variable name will refer to that piece of memory.

A single binding of a Scheme variable may hold dierent values over time, because of assignments,
as in most procedural languages. So not only may the same variable be bound to dierent pieces
of storage, but each piece of storage may hold dierent values over time.5

Sometimes people talk about binding a variable to a value, but in Scheme (and other languages
with assignment) this is not correct, and speaking in this sloppy way causes confusion. If you don't
distinguish between storage and values, you can't talk clearly about assignment.

Always remember that there are three \one-to-many mappings" here:

 a single name (identi

er) can be used for dierent variables at dierent places in a program,
or for a symbol
 a given variable may be bound to dierent pieces of storage, e.g., at dierent calls to the same
 a given binding may hold dierent values if you assign to it and change what's stored there.

To keep these terms straight, it's usually best to think about local variables top-level or global
variables are a special case, because they only have one binding each.

Top-level de
nes can be a little confusing in terms of the variable/binding/value distinction,
because they do three dierent things. They declare a variable that will be visible in a scope (the
top level scope), they bind they variable to new storage (creating the top-level binding), and they
initialize that storage with an initial value.
Here the analogy may not be very intuitive it's as though you used a name like x to refer to
dierent \people" at dierent times, but those people were all alike, and uninteresting except
for what you call them and what they point at with their index
ngers. In this analogy, set! is
like telling one of these very boring people \point at that for now."
Chapter 2: Introduction 79

This is the end of Hunk M.


At this point, you should go read Hunk N of the next chapter

and work through the examples using a running Scheme system.
Then return here and resume this chapter.

(Go to Hunk N, which starts at Section 3.5.3 Interactively Changing a Program], page 123.)

2.9 Tail Recursion (Hunk O)

Hunk O starts here:

Many Scheme programs rely heavily on recursion, and Scheme makes it easy to use recursion in
ways that aren't feasible in most other languages. In particular, you can write recursive procedures
which call themselves instead of looping.

When a procedure calls itself in a way that is equivalent to iterating a loop, Scheme automatically
\optimizes" it so that it doesn't need extra stack space. You can use recursion anywhere you could
use a loop in a conventional language. Technically, loop-like recursion is called tail recursion, which
we'll explain in detail later.

(The basic idea is that you never have to return to a procedure if all that procedure will do is
return the same value ot its caller. Scheme can implement such tail calls as a kind of GOTO that
passes arguments, without saving the state of the caller.)

Some compilers for languages such as C perform a limited form of \tail call optimization," but
Scheme's treatment of tail calls, is more general, and standardized, so you can use recursion more
freely in your programs, without fear of stack overow.

And of course, you can use recursion the way you would in most languages, as well as for loops,
so recursion can do both jobs. While Scheme has conventional-looking looping constructs, they're
ned in terms of recursion.
Chapter 2: Introduction 80

2.10 Macros
Scheme is very procedure-oriented, but procedures can't do everything, at least not in a way
that is syntactically pretty and ecient.

Sometimes you want to de

ne your own control structures and data-de
ning expressions that
can't be clearly and eciently expressed as procedures, and for this Scheme provides a syntactic
extension or macro facility.

With macros, you can de

ne stereotyped pieces of code, and how to transform them for dierent

You might have had bad experiences with macros in other languages, like C, but Scheme's macro
system is special. It's an extremely powerful mechanism for abstracting over programs and putting
things together in special ways.

As we'll see in a later chapter, with Scheme macros you can eectively reprogram the compiler to
change the language and its implementation. This is not something you'll need to do often|most
of the time you'll do
ne with normal programming and higher-order procedures|but sometimes
it's extremely useful for building your own extended version of Scheme to solve particular kinds of
problems, or for automating tedious and repetitive aspects of program construction.

2.11 Continuations
Scheme has the usual control constructs that most languages have|conditionals (if statements),
loops, and recursion|but it also has a very special control structure called call-with-current-

(Warning: call-with-current-continuation is weird.)

call-with-current-continuation allows you to save the state of a computation, package it up

as a data structure, and go o and do something else. Whenever you want, you can restore the old
saved state, abandoning the current computation and and picking up where the saved computation
left o.
Chapter 2: Introduction 81

This is far more powerful than normal procedure calling and returning, and allows you to
implement advanced control structures such as backtracking, cooperative multitasking, and custom

You won't use call-with-current-continuation most of the time, because more conventional
control structures are usually sucient. But if you need to customize Scheme with a special
control structure to solve a particular kind of problem, you can do it with call-with-current-

This is the end of Hunk O.


At this point, you should go read Hunk P of the next chapter

and work through the examples using a running Scheme system.
Then return here and resume this chapter.

(Go to Hunk P, which starts at Section Basic Programming Examples], page 143.)

2.12 Iteration Constructs

You may have noticed that we haven't discussed iteration constructs much. Scheme does include
iteration constructs like do, which we'll describe later, but you'll use them less than in most other
languages. It's usually easier to use recursion, once you get the hang of it. When you do use
iteration constructs, you should also understand that they're really syntactic sugar for recursion.

For most purposes, you can use Scheme's iteration constructs as you would in other languages,
but they're actually interestingly dierent. Scheme's iteration constructs are really syntactic sugar
for tail recursion. Anything you can do iteratively, you can do with recursion, and recursion lets
you do other things that normal iteration doesn't.

The main dierence between Scheme's iteration constructs and the ones you may be used to
is that loop variables aren't updated at each iteration. This doesn't mean you don't have loop
variables|the dierence is that loop variables are rebound at each iteration (tail call), rather than
being bound once on entry to the loop, and updated (assigned to) at each iteration.

(Don't worry if this doesn't make sense yet|it will later.)

Chapter 2: Introduction 82

It turns out that having a new binding of the loop variable at each iteration is very convenient
when using
rst-class procedures and continuations. For example, if you create a
rst-class proce-
dure in a loop body, it can continue to refer to the variable binding for the iteration of the loop
that created it.

2.13 Discussion and Review

Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 83

3 Using Scheme (A Tutorial)

In this chapter, I'll describe how Scheme works from the user's point of view. You should follow
along, experimenting with the actual Scheme system you use.

This chapter is not meant to be read independently of the previous chapter. I've included notes
saying which parts of the previous chapter you should read before working through parts of this
one. If you haven't already, you should read the
rst part of that chapter.

This chapter is also not meant to be read without a running Scheme system to try things out.

(If you haven't read Hunk A of the previous chapter, please go to Section 2.1 What is Scheme?],
page 9 and read until you reach the end of Hunk A and are directed back here.)

3.1 An Interactive Programming Environment (Hunk B)

This is the beginning of Hunk B.

Most Scheme implementations are interactive. The Scheme system is just a program with a
command interpreter. When it starts up, it presents you with a prompt, letting you type in an
expression. The Scheme system \interprets" that expression, and does what it says to do. Then it
prints out a textual representation of the result of the expression.

(Your Scheme system may have a graphical user interface, but the basic idea is the same|you
tell Scheme what to do, and it obediently does it, tells you what happened, and asks for the next
command. With a GUI, you may be able to tell Scheme what to do by clicking on buttons, etc.)

This is very similar to an operating system's command interpreter or \shell." A shell is just an
interpreter for a language|usually a really ugly language.

The nice thing about an interactive programming environment is that your program doesn't go
away after you run it. You're \inside" the program, and you can tell it what to do, but instead of
just running to completion, it comes back and asks you what to do next.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 84

The values of variables are still around, and you can look at them if you want to. This makes
it easy to debug a program. You can type in de
nitions of variables and procedures, and then run
a procedure and see if it does what you expect. If not, you can rede
ne it. In eect, you're inside
your program, and the Scheme system acts as a dispatcher, executing whatever part you want and
letting you examine the results. This makes it easy to build and test your program in small pieces,
and gradually build up larger and larger pieces that use those pieces.

In this section, we'll go through a simple example session with Scheme, fairly slowly, starting
with examples similar to the ones in the previous chapter. I'll assume Scheme is already properly
installed on your system. If it's not, you need to get Scheme and install it, or have someone install
it for you.

(Plug: you might want to use our Scheme, RScheme, which is free. There are other implementa-
tions of Scheme of course, including commercial products and other free implementations. If you're
using a dierent Scheme, its operation should be very similar|see the manual for your system.)

It's a very good idea to follow along with this text in front of a running Scheme system, so that
you get used to using it interactively. I'll assume you are doing this, and say \do this" and \do
that." You don't have to do it, of course, but it's the best way to learn Scheme.

3.1.1 Starting Scheme

First we start up Scheme. If we're using RScheme under UNIX, that's probably by typing rs at
the UNIX % prompt. (RScheme might be installed under a dierent name on your system, perhaps
rscheme, if so, use that name instead. If you're not using UNIX, start up RScheme the way you
start up any program on your system, perhaps by clicking on its icon. If you're using UNIX but
your shell has a dierent prompt, like >, don't worry about it.


Now the Scheme system starts up and prints out some information about itself, usually including
including the name and version version number, and then gives you a Scheme prompt. We'll pretend
that the prompt is Scheme>, but on your system it's probably something dierent. (For RScheme,
it's something like top'0]=>, where the
rst few characters give you some information about the
state of the system, and the => tells you it's ready for input.)

Scheme then waits for you to type in an expression and hit <RETURN>. (By that I mean hit the
"RETURN" or "ENTER" key on the keyboard. In some Scheme systems, these may be distinct
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 85

keys, and you may have to hit "ENTER" the documentation for your system will tell you which
key does what.)

Scheme lets you type, echoing the characters to the screen, and doesn't do anything else until
you hit <RETURN>. Until you hit <RETURN>, you can back up to correct typing mistakes (just as you
can in an operating system's command shell), using the delete or backspace key.

Now type in a variable de

nition (define myvar 10), and hit <RETURN>. What's happening on
the screen looks something like this.

Generational Real-Time Garbage Collector Version 0.5

RScheme version 0.7
Scheme>(define myvar 10)

Here we de
ned a variable named myvar, giving it the initial value 10. Scheme read what we
typed and
gured out what it meant, and then allocated some storage for the variable binding, and
initialized that storage with (a pointer to) 10. Scheme keeps track of the fact that the storage it
allocated is now known as myvar, as well as keeping track of the value in it.

What Scheme prints out after evaluating this expression may be dierent on your system (you
may not see #void). That's because the Scheme standard doesn't specify what's returned as the
value of a de
nition expression. (It's possible that your Scheme system will print out something a
little more verbose, or dierent, or nothing at all as the value of a define expression. Don't worry
about it.)

You don't usually use the result value of a de

nition|you're just de
ning something to use
later. Depending on the implementation you're using, you'll see whatever the implementors chose
to have de
nitions return. In some systems, a special unusable value is returned, and Scheme will
suppress the printing of these meaningless values to avoid clutter on the screen.

3.1.2 Making mistakes and recovering from them

Sometimes you'll make mistakes when interacting with Scheme. This is quite normal, and if
you've done it already, don't worry. When Scheme detects that something's wrong, it will complain.
In most text-based Scheme systems, it will give you a special kind of prompt, so that you can type
in commands to
x the mistake. In other systems, it may invoke a debugger, which is a program for
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 86

diagnosing and
xing mistakes. For now, you need to know the command for your system that tells
Scheme to give up on trying to
x the mistake, and go back to its normal \top level" interaction
mode. Later, you should learn how to use the debugging facilities of your system, but for now just
being able to get back to the normal Scheme prompt will do.

Assuming you've looked up the command for aborting an expression (by reading the manual,
or asking a help system), you should try it out. You should make a mistake intentionally, watch
what the system does, and make sure you can recover from your mistakes.

Here's a good mistake, and a hypothetical response from the Scheme, and a recovery to the
normal Scheme prompt. Try this on your system, and make sure you can do the equivalent things:

Scheme>(2 3 4)
ERROR: attempt to apply non-procedure 2

Here, we typed in the expression (2 3 4), which is illegal. The Scheme system recognized it as
a compound expression that's not a special form, so it attempted to interpret it as a procedure
call, and apply the result of the
rst subexpression to the results of the other subexpressions. In
this case, the
rst subexpression is 2, which evaluates to 2, which isn't a procedure at all. At that
point, Scheme complained, telling us we'd tried to use 2 as a procedure, and switched to a \break
loop" for debugging.

The break loop presented the special debugging prompt break'1]>, asking what to do about
it. We typed in the special command ,toplevel to tell it to go back to normal interaction, and it
did, presenting us with a fresh Scheme> prompt.

In your system, the prompts and commands are likely to be dierent. (For example, special
commands may start with a colon, rather than a comma, and have dierent names.) Whatever they
are, they'll be simple, and you should learn to use them as soon as possible. See the documentation
for your system.

Here's another common mistake, which you will make pretty soon, so you should try it and see
what happens and how to get out of it:
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 87

ERROR: unbound variable: a-variable

Here what happened is that we asked Scheme to evaluate the expression a-variable. Since
a-variable is just a normal identi
er, like a variable name, Scheme assumed it was supposed to be
a variable name, and that we were asking for its value. There wasn't a variable named a-variable,
though, so Scheme complained. In Scheme terminology for giving a piece of memory a name, we
hadn't de
ned that variable and \bound" it to storage. Scheme couldn't
nd any storage by that
name, much less fetch its value.

(Your system may let you get away with using set! on an unde
ned variable, silently creating
a binding automatically. This is not required by the Scheme standard, and programs generally
should not do this.)

As before, we used the special escape command to abort the attempt to evaluate this broken
expression, and get back to normal interaction with Scheme.

3.1.3 Returns and Parentheses

A common mistake in Scheme is to forget the closing parentheses of expressions. If you forget
a closing parentheses|usually because you need several to close nested expressions|most systems
will just hang, waiting you to
nish typing the expression.

This is a feature, not a bug. It lets you put <RETURN>s (line breaks) in your input, to format
the code on the screen as you type it in. When you type in the last closing expression and hit
<RETURN> again, Scheme recognizes that you've typed in a whole expression, and evaluates it and
prints the result.

So if you type in an expression and hit <RETURN>, and Scheme doesn't do anything, check to see
if you closed all of the parentheses you opened. If not, just type in the missing parenthesis and hit
<RETURN> again.

(It's also possible that in your system, you have to do something special to get Scheme to
evaluate an expression|like hitting a dierent key, or clicking on a button or a menu item. In
such systems, <return> may be only for formatting the text you're inputting, and another key tells
Scheme to go ahead and evaluate what you've typed.)
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 88

3.1.4 Interrupting Scheme

Inevitably, you'll sometimes code routines that get stuck in in
nite loops (or in
nite recursion).
You need to know how to stop such loops and get back to the normal Scheme interaction prompt.
Scheme systems generally allow you to \interrupt" what the system is doing, and get a new prompt.

In most UNIX-based Scheme systems, you can use <ctrl>-C, i.e., hold down the CONTROL
key and hit the c key, to send an interrupt. In other systems, there will be another keyboard
command or a button or menu item you can click. Find out what the command is for your system.
You'll need it.

In general, if the system hangs, you should check to see if you closed all of the parentheses you
opened|it may just be waiting for you to
nish your input. If that doesn't work, and you think
the program is stuck in an in
nite loop, or some other computation you don't want to wait for,
interrupt it with <CTRL>-C or the equivalent on your system.

It's possible that even this won't work. After all, Scheme systems can have bugs, too. In very
unusual circumstances, you may have to kill the Scheme program more brutally. If you're using a
window system, you may be able to just kill the window Scheme is running in. Under UNIX, you
can use the ps command to
gure out the process ID of the Scheme process, and kill it with the
kill command. (This may require the -9 option.)

3.1.5 Exiting (Quitting) Scheme

When you're through using Scheme interactively, you need to be able to get out of it. You give
a command to tell the interactive Scheme system (which is just a program) to terminate.

Most systems have a special command (starting with comma or whatever the convention is),
like ,exit. (It might also be ,quit, ,halt, or ,bye.) There may be a Scheme procedure you
can evaluate to kill the system, by evaluating a procedure call expression in the normal way, e.g.,
(exit), (halt), (quit), or (bye).

In many systems (especially under UNIX), you can use an interrupt key sequence to kill the
system, if you're at the top-level. E.g., at the top-level prompt, <ctrl>-D, may do it.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 89

3.1.6 Trying Out More Expressions

Now that you're familiar with typing in erroneous expressions, let's get back to trying legal ones.

If you've exited your Scheme system,

re it up again.

Type in the addition expression (+ 2 3), and hit <return>. (From now on, I'll skip saying \and
hit <return>." I'll also stop showing the prompt Scheme gives you after printing the result of an

Scheme>(+ 2 3)

Again, Scheme evaluated the expression, printed the result, which was (a pointer to) 5, and
gave you a prompt to type in something else. Notice that it didn't save the value anywhere. It just
printed out the result.

The value we gave to myvar earlier is still there, though. We can ask Scheme what it is, just by
typing in a variable reference expression, i.e., just the variable name.


Scheme has kept track of the storage named myvar, and it evaluates the expression myvar by
looking up the value. Then it prints out that result, and gives you another prompt, as it always

To change the value stored in the binding of myvar, and look at the new value, just type in a
set! expression and then the name of the variable, like this:

Scheme>(set! myvar 32)


You may see a dierent result for the set! expression. Standard Scheme doesn't specify the
return value of set!, because you generally use it for its side-eect, not its result. As with define,
your system may return something dierent. It may also suppress the printing of this useless value,
so you may not see anything at all.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 90

In some Scheme systems, the value of a set! expression is the name of the variable being set,
so you may see somthing like this:

Scheme>(set! myvar 32)


(In other systems, it's something else, like the old value of the variable you're clobbering.) You
should not depend on the value returned by the set! if you want your program to be portable. In
the example above, it doesn't really matter what result the set! returns, except that that's what
gets printed out before you get a new prompt. What matters about set! is its eect, which is to
update the value of the variable binding. As we can see, it had its eect|when we evaluate the
expression myvar, it returns the new value, which is printed out: 32.

We can also use more complicated expressions|just about anything. Now we'll increment the
variable by
ve, and again ask Scheme the value of the variable.

Scheme>(set! myvar (+ myvar 5))


Now let's de
ne a procedure that expects a number as its argument, and returns a number
that's twice as big. Then we'll call it with the argument 2.

Scheme>(define (double x) (+ x x))

Scheme>(double 2)

After evaluating the

rst expression, Scheme keeps track of the de
nition of double. When we
type in the second expression, Scheme calls that procedure, which returns a result, which Scheme
prints out.

Since Scheme keeps track of the variables and values we typed in earlier, we can call double to
double the value of myvar:
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 91

Scheme>(double myvar)

We can de
ne new procedures in terms of old ones. (Actually, we did this when we de
double|it's de
ned in terms of +, which is prede
ned, i.e., Scheme knows that de
nition when it
starts up.)

Scheme>(define (quadruple x) (double (double x)))

Scheme>(quadruple 15)

Now try using the prede

ned Scheme procedure display.

Scheme>(display "Hello, world!")

Hello, world!

Here display had the side-eect of printing Hello, world! to the screen, and returned the
value void#, which was printed.

What you see on the screen may vary in a couple of ways, neither of which is worrisome. Your
system may have printed the return value on the same line as the (side-eect) output of display,
without a linebreak. Since the main use of display is for its eect, its return value is unde
so you may see something other than #void, or nothing at all. You might see this:

Scheme>(display "Hello, world!")

Hello, world!
"Hello, world"

If you do, it means that in your system display returns the object you asked it to display.
Then Scheme prints out that return value, with double quotes to tell you it's a string object. This
shouldn't be too surprising|remember that Scheme prints out the return values of expressions
after evaluating them.

Now try displaying a number:

Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 92

Scheme>(display 322)

3.1.7 Booleans and Conditionals

In Scheme, falsity is represented by the value false, written #f. Conceptually, #f is a pointer to
a special object, the false object.

Predicates are procedures that return either #t or #f, and don't have side eects. Calling a
predicate is like asking a true/false question|all you care about is a yes or no answer.

Try out the \greater-than" predicate >.

Scheme>(> 1 2)

Here we told Scheme to apply the predicate procedure to 1 and 2 it returned #f and Scheme
printed that.

The important thing about #f is its use in conditionals. If the

rst subexpression (the condition)
of an if expression returns the value #f, the second subexpression is not evaluated, and the third
one is that value is returned as the value of the if expression.

Try just using the literal value #f as the

rst subexpression of an if, i.e., the \condition" that
controls which branch is taken.

Scheme>(if #f 1 2)

Here the second subexpression was just the literal 2, so 2 was returned.

Now try it using the predicate >

Scheme>(if (> 1 2) 1 2)
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 93

This is clearer if we indent it like this, lining up the \then" part (the consequent) and the \else"
part (the alternative) under the condition.

Scheme>(if (> 1 2)

This is the right way to indent code when writing a Scheme program in an editor, and most
Scheme systems will let you indent code this way when using the system interactively|the you
can hit <RETURN>, and type in extra spaces. Scheme won't try to evaluate the expression until you
write the last closing parenthesis and hit <RETURN>. This helps you format your code readably even
when typing interactively, so that you can see what you're doing.

The false value makes a conditional expression (like an if) go one way, and a true value will
make it go another. In Scheme, any value except #f counts as true in conditionals. Try this:

Scheme> (if 0 1 0)

What result value does Scheme print?

One special value is provided, called the true object, written #t. There's nothing very special
about it, though|it's just a handy value to use when you want to return a true value, making it
clear that all you're doing is returning a true value.

Scheme>(if #t 1 2)

Scheme>(if (> 2 1) 1 2)

Now let's interactively de

ne the procedure min, and then call it:
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 94

Scheme> (define (min a b)

(if (< a b)
Scheme> (min 30 40)

3.1.8 Sequencing
The Scheme system lets you type one expression, then it evaluates it, prints the result, and
prompts you for another expression. What if you want to type two or three expressions and have
them executed sequentially, i.e., in the written order? You can use a begin expression, which just
sequences its subexpressions, and returns the value of the last subexpression in the sequence.

First let's de
ne a ag variable, which we'll use to hold a boolean value.

Scheme> (define flag #f)


Now a sequence to \toggle" (reverse) the value of the ag and return the new value. If the ag
holds #f, we set it to #t, and vice versa.

Scheme> (begin (if flag

(set! flag #f)
(set! flag #t))

This evaluated the if expression, which toggled the ag, and then the expression flag, which
fetched the value of the variable flag, and returned that value.

We can also write a procedure to do this, so that we don't have to write this expression out
next time we want to do it. We won't need a begin here, because the body of a procedure is
automatically treated like a begin|the expressions are evaluated in order, and the value of the
last one is returned as the return value of the procedure.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 95

Scheme> (define (toggle-flag)

(if flag
(set! flag #f)
(set! flag #t))

Now try using it.


3.1.9 Other Flow-of-control Structures Using cond Using and and or

This is the end of Hunk B

At this point, you should go back to the previous chapter and

read Hunk C before returning here and continuing this tutorial.

(Go BACK to read Hunk C, which starts at Section 2.2.5 Comments], page 25.)

3.1.10 Making Some Objects (Hunk D)

Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 96

Hunk D starts here:


I've been talking about \objects," but most of the objects we've seen don't have interesting

One of the most important kinds object in Scheme is the pair, which you can create with the
built-in procedure cons. A pair is a simple kind of structured object, like a Pascal record or a
C struct. It has two
elds, called the car and the cdr, and you can extract their values with the
procedures car and cdr.

cons takes two arguments, which it uses as the initial values of the car and cdr
elds of the
pair it creates. (cons is called that because it constructs a pair the name is short because it's a
common operation. In Lisp, pairs are called \cons cells" because you make them with cons.)

I'll show you some simple examples of playing with pairs, just to show you what they are. Be
warned that these are bad examples, in that there are usually cleaner ways to do things, which
we'll discuss later when we get to lists. (Lists are made of pairs.)

Scheme>(cons 1 2)
(1 . 2)

What happened here was that the call to cons created a pair, and returned (a pointer to) it.
Scheme printed out a textual representation of the pair, showing the values of its car and cdr

We didn't do anything with the pair except let Scheme print it, so we've lost it|we didn't save
a pointer to it, so we can't refer to it. (The garbage collector will take back its space, so we don't
have to worry that we've lost storage space.)

Let's try again, de

ning (and binding) a variable, and initializing it with the pointer that cons

Scheme>(define my-pair (cons 1 2))


(1 . 2)
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 97

Now try extracting the values of the pair's

elds, using car and cdr. (In Scheme, (car foo)
is equivalent to C's foo->car, dereferencing a pointer to an object and extracting the value of the
eld. Likewise , (cdr foo) is like foo->cdr. The operators that access
elds of a pair are just

Scheme>(car my-pair)

Scheme>(cdr my-pair)

We don't need to use any special pointer syntax to dereference the pointer to the pair|car and
cdr expect a pointer, and return the
eld values of the pair it points to.

car and cdr only work on pairs. If you try to take the car or cdr of anything else, you'll get a
runtime type error.

Try it:

Scheme>(car #t)
ERROR: attempt to take the car of a non-pair #t

The messages you'll see vary from system to system, but the basic idea is the same. We tried
to take the car of the boolean #f, which makes no sense because it has no car
eld|it doesn't
have any
elds. Scheme told is it didn't work, and gave us a break prompt for sorting it out. Then
we just used the ,top command (or whatever works on your system) to tell Scheme to give up on
evaluating that expression and go back to normal interaction.

Scheme also supplies procedures to change the values of a pair's

elds, called set-car! and
set-cdr!. They take two arguments, a pair and a value for the
eld being set.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 98

Scheme>(set-car! my-pair 4)

(4 . 2)

Scheme>(set-cdr! my-pair 5)

(4 . 5)

The value of the variable my-pair hasn't actually changed, even though it prints dierently.
my-pair still holds a pointer to the same object, the pair we created with cons. What has changed
is the contents of that object. Its
elds are like variable bindings, in that they can hold (pointers
to) any kind of object, and we've assigned new values to them. (They're value cells.)

We can refer to the same object by another name if we just de

ne another variable and initialize
it with my-pair's value.

Scheme> (define same-pair my-pair)


(4 . 5)

Now suppose we assign a new value to the car of the pair, referring to it via my-pair

Scheme>(set-car! my-pair 6)

(6 . 5)

(6 . 5)

Notice that the change is visible through same-pair as well as my-pair, because we've changed
the object that both of them point to.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 99

Now let's make another pair with the same

eld values.

Scheme>(define different-pair (cons 6 5))


(6 . 5)

(6 . 5)

(6 . 5)

Notice that we have two dierent pairs, but Scheme prints them out the same way, because it
just shows us the structure of data structures. We can't tell that they're dierent just by looking
at the printed output. From the printed representation, we can't tell whether or not my-pair,
same-pair, and different-pair hold the same values.

Scheme provides a predicate procedure, eq?, to tell whether two objects are the exact same

Scheme>(eq? my-pair same-pair)

Scheme>(eq? my-pair different-pair)
Scheme>(eq? same-pair different-pair)

eq? tests object identity, like pointer comparisons in C (using ==) or Pascal (using =).

It may be confusing, but in programming language terminology, two objects are called identical
only if they are the very same object, not just two objects that look alike, like \identical" twins.
When the government issues \identity" cards, this is the kind of \identity" we're talking about.
Two so-called identical twins have dierent identities, because they're actually dierent people.
A pointer is like a a social security number, because it uniquely identi
es a particular individual
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 100

Scheme also has a test to see whether objects \look the same," that is, have the same structure.
It's called equal?. We call this a structural equivalence test.

Scheme>(equal? my-pair same-pair)

Scheme>(equal? my-pair different-pair)
Scheme>(equal? same-pair different-pair)

different-pair is equal? to my-pair and same-pair because it refers to the same kind of
object, and its
eld values are equal?. Notice that that's a recursive de
nition, which we'll discuss
more when we get to lists.

If we didn't have eq?, we could still

gure out whether two objects were exactly the same object,
by changing one and seeing if the other changed, too.

Scheme>(set-car! my-pair 4)

(4 . 5)

(4 . 5)

(6 . 5)

Now I should warn you about set-car! and set-cdr!. The reason we put an exclamation
point in the name of a procedure that side-eects data is because it's dangerous. If you have two
pointers to the same data from dierent places, i.e., dierent variable bindings or data structures,
it's hard to reason about how changes from one of those places aect things at the other place.

Usually, we like to be able to share data structures, for example, having two data structures
that both hold pointers to some third data structure, so the we don't need two copies of it. We
don't want to have subtle interactions between dierent procedures that operate on shared data
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 101

You should only use side eects when you have a very good reason to, and make it clear that
that's what you're doing. Later examples will show how to program in a style that uses very few
side eects, and only where they make sense.

Notice that cons is not considered a side-eecting operation, because it returns a new object
that has never been seen before. Somewhere in the implementation of the language, cons side-
eects memory to initialize it, but you don't see that|from your program's point of view, you're
getting a new piece of memory that magically has values in place.

This is the end of Hunk D.

At this point, you should go back to the previous chapter and

read Hunk E before returning here and continuing this tutorial.

(Go BACK to read Hunk E, which starts at Section 2.2.10 The Empty List], page 37.)

3.1.11 Lists (Hunk F)

Hunk F starts here:

We usually use pairs in Scheme in a particular, stereotyped way, to build lists.

Pairs are really like binary tree nodes|you can use the car and cdr
elds in the same ways.
The normal way of using them treats the car and the cdr dierently, however.

The cdr
eld of a pair is used to hold a pointer to another pair, or a pointer to the empty list,
i.e., a null pointer. This lets you string pairs to gether to make linked lists of pairs. The car
of the pairs hold pointers to any kind of object you want to put in a list.

We can therefore de
ne the term list recursively as

 an empty list, i.e., the null pointer object (), or

 a pair whose cdr value is a list.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 102

Think about this, and make sure that you understand why this covers all null-terminated lists
strung together by the cdrs.

We usually think of lists as holding a sequence of values|we ignore the actual pairs, and think
about their cdr values.

Because this is how lists are usually used, Scheme has a special way of printing lists. In the
earlier examples, I showed that the result of (cons 1 2) prints as (1 . 2). You might think that
(cons (cons 1 2) (cons 3 4)) would print as ((1 . 2) . (3 . 4)), but it doesn't.

The reason is that when Scheme encounters a pair whose cdr points to another pair or the
empty list, it assumes you want to think of it as a list of pairs strung together by the cdrs, and it
only shows you the car values.

Try this in your system:

Scheme>(cons 1 '())
Scheme>(cons 1 (cons 2 '()))
(1 2)
Scheme>(cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '())))
(1 2 3)

Notice that the data structure that prints as (1 2 3) is really a binary tree, and we could draw
it like this:
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 103

| * | * |
/ \
1 +---+---+
| * | * |
/ \
2 +---+---+
| * | * |

We generally wouldn't, though, because we think of it as a sequence of numbers, and the pairs
are just there to string them together in order. We'd draw it more like this, using the box-and-arrow
notation from the previous chapter:

+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+

--->| * | *-+--->| * | *-+-->| * | * |
+-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---*
| | |
| | |
1 2 3

We've really just rotated the picture 45 degrees, so that \down and to the right" in the tree
goes straight right, and looks more like \next" in a linear list.

(The arrow coming in from the left represents the pointer value that was returned, which the
read-eval-print loop handed to write so that we could see the printed representation of the data

Drawing things this way lets us show shared structure, if a list overlaps with another list, e.g, if
one list joins with the other because some car in each list points at the same object.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 104

Note that a list of this form always ends with a pair whose cdr is (), (i.e., the empty list, a.k.a.
the null pointer).

If we had forgotten that, we might have tried to construct the list this way, with the innermost
cons just consing two numbers together:

Scheme>(cons 1 (cons 2 3))

(1 2 . 3)

This is a common beginning mistake. We have constructed an improper list|one which is not
null-terminated. It doesn't end with ().

We could draw the list this way:

+---+---+ +---+---+
--->| * | *-+----->| * | *-+---->3
+-+-+---+ +-+-+---+
| |
\|/ \|/
1 2

Notice the dot in (1 2 . 3)|that's like the dot in (2 . 3), saying that the cdr of a pair points
to 3, not another pair or '(). That is, it's an improper list, not just a list of pairs. It doesn't
the recursive de
nition of a list, because when we get to the second pair, its cdr isn't a list|it's an

Scheme printed out the

rst part of the list as though it were a normal cdr-linked list, but when
it got to the end, it couldn't do that, so it used \dot notation."

You generally shouldn't need to worry about dot notation, because you should use normal lists,
not improper list. But if you see an unexpected dot when Scheme prints out a data structure, it's
a good guess that you used cons and gave it a non-list as its second argument|something besides
another pair or ().

Scheme provides a handy procedure that creates proper lists, called list. list can take any
number of arguments, and constructs a proper list with those elements in that order.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 105

Scheme>(list 1 2 3 4)
(1 2 3 4)

We could draw the result like this:

+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+

--->| * | *-+----->| * | *-+----->| * | *-+----->| * | * |
+-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+
| | | |
\|/ \|/ \|/ \|/
1 2 3 4

Like any other procedure, list can be used with arguments that are procedure calls, such as
calls to list itself.

Scheme>(list (list 1 2) (list 3 4))

((1 2) (3 4))

We can draw the result like this:

+---+---+ +---+---+
--->| * | *-+-------------------->| * | * |
+-+-+---+ +-+-+---+
| |
\|/ \|/
+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
| * | *-+----->| * | * | | * | *-+----->| * | * |
+-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+
| | | |
\|/ \|/ \|/ \|/
1 2 3 4

While Scheme prints lists in normal list notation when it can, and only uses dot notation when
it has to, it can read either one.

We can type in literal lists using the quote special form, which just returns a list of the form
we typed:
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 106

Scheme>(quote (1 2 3 4))
(1 2 3 4)

Since Scheme can read dot notation, we can do this in an equivalent way, using parentheses
around the contents of each pair, and a dot to separate the car and cdr values:

Scheme> (quote (1 . (2 . (3 . ( 4 . ())))))

(1 2 3 4)

The dierence between list and quote is that list is just a procedure, and each time you call
it, it creates a new list. The arguments to list can be any expressions you like, and their results
are what's put in the list.

Scheme>(list (double 1) (double 2) (double 3) (double 4))

(2 4 6 8)

On the other hand, quote is a special form, which only takes one argument, which is not
evaluated at all|it's just a textual representation of a data structure.

Scheme>(quote (double 1))

(double 1)

What happened here is that quote just returned a data structure, the list (double 1). It did
not try to interpret it as an expression and give its value.

rst item in the list is the symbol double. A symbol is just another kind of data object,
roughly like a string, which we'll discuss later. It's not the same thing as a variable, even though
it prints like a variable name.)

Quoting is so common that Scheme provides a special bit of syntactic sugar to make it easier. In
instead of writing out (quote before an expression, and a closing parenthesis after, you can just use
the special character '. Whatever follows should be the textual representation of a data structure,
and Scheme constructs that literal data structure.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 107

Scheme>'(1 2 3 4)
(1 2 3 4)

Scheme>'((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))
((1 2) (3 4) (5 6))

Scheme>'(#f #t)
(#f #t)

Later, I'll talk about quoting things besides lists. Quoted lists are enough for now|we'll use
them a lot in examples.
This is the end of Hunk F.

At this point, you should go back to the previous chapter and

read Hunk G before returning here and continuing this tutorial.

(Go BACK to read Hunk G, which starts at Section 2.4 Type and Equality Predicates], page 44.)

3.2 Using Predicates (Hunk H)

Hunk H starts here:

Suppose we want to sum a list of numbers.

We can write a procedure list-sum to do that, like this:

Scheme> (define (list-sum lis)

(if (null? lis) if empty list?
0 then sum is zero
(+ (car lis) else it's car plus the
(list-sum (cdr lis))))) sum of rest of list

Try typing in this example, or cutting and pasting it from this

le into your running Scheme
system. (If you're reading this in a web browser, that should be easy|just cut the text from the
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 108

browser window, and paste it into your Scheme window at the prompt.) Cutting and pasting is a
lot easier than typing in the whole thing!

This procedure accepts one argument, lis, which should be a list. It checks to see whether the
list is empty, i.e., a null pointer, using the predicate null?. If so, it returns 0 as the sum of the
elements in the list.

If the list is not empty, the sum of the elements is the sum of the car value, plus the sum of the
elements in the rest of the list. In that case, list-sum takes the car of the list and the list-sum
of the rest of the list, adds them together, and returns the result.

Try calling this procedure with some lists of numbers, e.g.,

Scheme>(list-sum '(1 2 3))

Scheme>(list-sum '(4 5 6))
Scheme>(list-sum (cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 3 '()))))

The addition procedure + works with oating-point numbers, not just integers, so we can call
list-sum with a list of oats as well as integers. (As in most languages, oating point numbers are
written with a period to represent the decimal point. Note that there is no space between the digits
and the decimal point, so that Scheme won't confuse this with dot notation for lists.)

Scheme>(list-sum '(1 2.2 3.3))

We can modify list-sum to print out its argument at each call. Then we can watch the recursion:

Scheme> (define (list-sum lis)

(display "in list-sum, lis is: ")
(display lis)
(newline) write a linebreak
(if (null? lis) if empty list?
0 then sum is zero
(+ (car lis) else it's car plus the
(list-sum (cdr lis))))) sum of rest of list
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 109

3.2.1 Using Type Predicates

We can generalize the procedure tree-sum to give us the sum of nested lists of integers. The
routine pair-tree-sum will take a list of integers, or a list of lists of integers, or a mixed list of
such lists, and return the sum of all of the integers in the nested lists at any level.

pair-tree-sum will handle improper lists as well as proper ones it's easier that way.

We call this pair-tree-sum because we're really using nested lists as a binary tree of integers.
(Remember that a Scheme list is just a binary tree, where we're usually think of \down and to the
right" as \next" in a linear list. In this case, we're going to go down and to the left as well, to
compute the sum of nested lists.

In this case, the sum of a pair-tree is 0 if the pair tree is '(), and if it's a pair, the sum of the
whole tree is the sum of its left subtree plus the sum of its right subtree.

Our recursive procedure will have to deal with three cases:

 null lists, e.g., when it's called on the cdr of the last pair in a list
 integers, e.g., when it's called on the car of a list of integers, and
 pairs, e.g., when it's called on the car of a list whose car is another list (i.e., a sublist), or when
it's called on the cdr of a list that's not the end of a list.

If we view a list as a binary tree of pairs, the

rst two cases are the leaves of the tree|either a
number, or a null child pointer.

The third case is the recursive case, where we have a subtree to sum.

Our procedure will work for improper lists as well as proper lists, because we'll treat the car
and the cdr the same way, as \left child" and \right child" pointers of a tree.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 110

Scheme>(define (pair-tree-sum pair-tree)

(cond ((null? pair-tree)
((number? pair-tree)
(+ (pair-tree-sum (car pair-tree))
(pair-tree-sum (cdr pair-tree))))))

Try this out, at make sure you understand why it works.

Scheme>(pair-tree-sum '())
Scheme>(pair-tree-sum 1)
Scheme>(pair-tree-sum '(1 . 2))
Scheme>(pair-tree-sum '(1 2))
Scheme>(pair-tree-sum '((1 2) 3))
Scheme>(pair-tree-sum '((40 . 30) . (20 . 10)))
Scheme>(pair-tree-sum '((40 30) (20 10)))

Add display and newline expressions at the beginning of pair-tree-sum, as we did for list-
sum, and try it out again. Be sure you understand the output in terms of the recursive call pattern.

3.2.2 Using Equality Predicates

Suppose that Scheme didn't provide the predicate equal? to do structural comparisons. We
could write our own, because we have other type and equality predicates.

Let's write a simpli

ed version of equal that works for lists, including nested lists. We'll consider
objects to be our-equal? if they are either

 exactly the same objects or equivalent numbers, i.e., they're eqv?, or

Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 111

 if they're both pairs whose cars are our-equal? and whose cdrs are also our-equal?.

That is, we'll test lists recursively for structural equivalence, \bottoming out" when we hit
something that's not a pair. This is pretty much what the standard Scheme predicate equal? does,
except that it can handle structured data types besides pairs. (For example, it considers two strings
with the same character sequence equal?, even if they're two dierent objects.)

Scheme>(define (our-equal? a b)
(cond ((eqv? a b)
((and (pair? a)
(pair? b)
(our-equal? (car a) (car b))
(our-equal? (cdr a) (cdr b)))

This procedure checks the easy case

rst (which is usually a good idea): if two objects are eqv?,
they're also our-equal?.

Otherwise, they're only our-equal? if they're both pairs and their cars are equal and their cdrs
are equal. Notice the use of and here. We
rst check to see that they're pairs, and then take their
cars and cdrs and compare those. If they're not pairs, we won't ever take their cars and cdrs. (If
we did, it would be an error, but we rely on the fact that and tests things sequentially and stops
when one test fails.)

Try it out:
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 112

Scheme>(our-equal? '() '())

Scheme>(our-equal? 1 1)
Scheme>(our-equal? 1 2)
Scheme>(our-equal? '(1) '(1))
Scheme>(our-equal? '(1) '())
Scheme>(our-equal? '(1 (2)) '(1 (2)))
Scheme>(our-equal? '(((3) 2) 1) '(((3) 2) (1)))
Scheme>(our-equal? '((#f . #t) . (#f . #t))
'((#f . #t) . (#f . #t)))

This is the end of Hunk H

At this point, you should go back to the previous chapter and

read Hunk I before returning here and continuing this tutorial.

(Go BACK to read Hunk I, which starts at Section 2.4.3 Choosing Equality Predicates], page 47.

3.3 Local Variables, let, and Lexical Scope (Hunk J)

Hunk J starts here:

 to be written ]

This is the end of Hunk J

At this point, you should go back to the previous chapter and

read Hunk K before returning here and continuing this tutorial.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 113

(Go BACK to read Hunk K, which starts at Section 2.7 Procedures], page 58.)

3.4 Using First-Class, Higher-Order, and Anonymous Procedures

(Hunk L)
Hunk L starts here:

In this section, we'll play with Scheme's procedures, to illustrate

 rst class procedures, i.e., normal data objects in the language,

 higher order procedures, can take procedures as arguments and return them as values), and
 anonymous procedures, which can be created and referred to via pointers, without giving them

I'll just briey demonstrate those ideas for now later programming examples will show how
they're really useful.

3.4.1 First-Class Procedures

Scheme procedures are
rst-class objects in the language you refer to a procedure in the same
way you refer to any other object, via a pointer. A \procedure name" is really just a variable name,
and you can do the same things with \procedure" variables as with any other variable. There's
really only one kind of variable in Scheme, and it's type is \pointer to anything."

When we \de
ne a procedure" in Scheme, we're really just de
ning a variable and giving it an
initial value that's (a pointer to) a procedure object.

The procedure de
ning syntax with parentheses around the procedure name (and argument
names) is really just syntactic sugar, i.e., a convenient way of writing something that you could do
in another way.  do I use \syntactic sugar" earlier? If so, de
ne earlier. ]

For example,
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 114

Scheme>(define (double x)
(+ x x))

is exactly equivalent to

Scheme>(define double
(lambda (x)
(+ x x))

Try this latter version in your system. Notice that what you're doing is just de
ning a variable
named double and initializing it with the result of the second expression, a lambda expression.

lambda is the real procedure-creating operation. It's a special form, because it lets you de
a new procedure rather than calling an existing procedure in the normal way. lambda creates a
procedure object and returns a pointer to it.

(The predicate procedure? can be used to tell if an object is a procedure.)

You can call the double procedure created this way in exactly the same way as one created with
the sugared procedure-de
nition syntax.

Scheme>(double 3)

Recall how procedure calls really work. When you call a named procedure, e.g., (double 3),
the procedure name is really just a reference to a variable. The
rst position in the procedure call
form is just an expression that's evaluated like any other. In this case, we're using the name double
as an expression, eectively saying \look up the value of double."

Try this


Notice that we didn't put parentheses around double, so we're not calling it|we're fetching
the value of the variable double. What you see on your screen may vary, but it's your system's
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 115

printed representation of a procedure object. Take a look at it, because you'll want to be able to
recognize procedure objects in data structures.

(The printed representation may include the name of the procedure don't be misled by this.
Procedures don't really have names|they're just data objects you can have pointers to, as I'll
explain shortly. Your system your system may put a name inside the procedure when you use the
procedure de
nition syntax, but it's just an annotation saying what the procedure's original name
was|i.e., when it was
rst de

We can call a procedure in other ways, though|the

rst subexpression of a procedure call can
be any expression we want, as long as it returns a procedure. That expression is evaluated just
like the argument expressions|after it and the argument expresssions are evalutated, the resulting
procedure is called with those argument values.

Scheme>(define list-holding-double (list double))



Scheme>((car list-holding-double) 5)

What we did here was to create a list holding the procedure formerly known as double, and
looked at that list. Then we called that procedure by using the expression (car list-holding-
double) as its \name."

What this shows is that procedures are really anonymous, that is, a procedure doesn't have a
name in a direct sense. There are just expressions we can refer to it by, if those expressions result
in pointers to the procedure.

We can create procedures without normal names at all, by just using lambda. Let's create
another doubling procedure by just evaluating a lambda expression:

Scheme>(lambda (x) (+ x x))

Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 116

The lambda expression just created a procedure and returned a pointer to it, and Scheme
displayed it however your system does it. We didn't keep a pointer to the procedure, so we can't
call it now. The procedure is gone and the garbage collector will clean it up.

We could try again, creating a procedure and keeping a pointer to it in a named variable. More
interestingly, we can just hand the pointer to a procedure call, and call it without ever giving it a
Scheme>((lambda (x) (+ x x)) 6)

It may not look like it, but this is just a procedure call expression, where the \name" of the
procedure is a lambda expression to create the procedure we need, and its argument is 6. Note
the nesting of parentheses|this is just like (double 6), except that we give the \de
nition" of the
procedure to call, instead of its name.

Later we'll show why using lambda directly is often much more convenient than having to name
all of our procedures. I'll also explain why lambda is the most important special form in Scheme|it
is so powerful that most of the special forms can easily be translated into it.

(You might be concerned that creating a procedure and just using it once is very expensive, but
it turns out not to be|I'll explain that later, too. For now, don't worry about it.)

3.4.2 Higher-Order Procedures

A higher-order procedure is one that can take procedures as arguments and/or return them
as values. We can use that to write generic procedures that do a basic kind of thing, and take
arguments that specialize its behavior.

Here's a simple example.

Scheme provides a procedure display, which can write textual representation of a data object
on the screen, much like the way the read-eval-print loop displays results of expressions you type in.
(This is a very handy procedure for debugging, as well as for programs that interact with users.)

Suppose, though, that you want to display a list of objects, not just one. You want a routine
list-display to iterate over a list, and display each item in it. The obvious way to write it is to
just call display from inside your list-display routine.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 117

Here's a version like that:

Scheme>(define (list-display lis)

(if (pair? lis)
(begin (display (car lis))
(list-display (cdr lis)))))

I've written this procedure recursively, because it's easy to use recursion over lists|usually it's
easier than using an iteration construct. This procedure checks to see if what it got was a pair,
and if so, it displays the
rst item, and then calls itself recursively to display the rest of the list. I
used a begin to sequence the displaying and the recursive call.

It would be cleaner to use cond, so here's an equivalent version using cond:

Scheme>(define (list-display lis)

(cond ((pair? lis)
(display (car lis))
(list-display (cdr lis)))))

(Notice that this is a one-branch conditional, but we use cond instead of if because a cond
branch can be a sequence.)

Now try it out:

Scheme>(list-display '(1 2 3))


What happened here is that it displayed each item in the list as it was evaluated, and then
Scheme printed out the return value.

(We hadn't speci

ed a return value|the procedure stops when it gets to an the end of the list,
and doesn't take the
rst branch of the one-branch if The return value is whatever your Scheme
system uses as the result of a one branch if when the branch is not taken. It may suppress the
printing of an unspeci
ed value, so you may not see it at all.)

This works, but the procedure is not very general. Iterating over lists is very common, so
it would be nice to have a more general procedure that iterates over lists, and applies whatever
procedure you want.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 118

We can modify our procedure to do this. Instead of taking just a list argument, it can take an
argument that's a procedure, and apply that procedure to each element of the list.

We'll call our procedure list-each, because it iterates over a list and does whatever you want
to each element.

Scheme>(define (list-each proc lis)

(if (pair? lis)
(begin (proc (car lis))
(list-each proc (cdr lis)))))

The only change we made was to add an argument proc, to accept (a pointer to) a procedure,
and to change the call to display into a call to proc.

Now we can call this general procedure with the argument display, to tell it to display each
thing in the list.

Scheme>(list-each display '(1 2 3))


But maybe this isn't what we want. We might want to print each item, and then a newline (go to
the next line), to spread things out vertically. We could write a procedure display-with-newline
to do that, but it's easier just to use a lambda expression to create the procedure we need.

Try this:

Scheme>(list-each (lambda (x)

(display x)
'(1 2 3))

(Scheme has a standard procedure similar to our list-each, but more general, called for-each.)

Rewrite list-each to use a one-branch cond and try it out.

Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 119

This is the end of Hunk L

At this point, you should go back to the previous chapter and

read Hunk M before returning here and continuing this tutorial.

(Go BACK to read Hunk M, which starts at Section 2.7.4 lambda and Lexical Scope], page 62.)

3.5 Interactively Changing a Program (Hunk N)

Hunk N starts here:

3.5.1 Replacing Procedure Values

Earlier we showed how to replace normal data values in variable bindings, using the side-eecting
special form set!.

We can also change procedure values. One way of doing this is just to change the value of
the procedure variable. (Remember that a named procedure is really just a procedure object that
happens to have a pointer to it stored in that variable.)

Just as we changed the value of the variable myvar using set!, we can change the value of the
procedure variable quadruple. Try this:

Scheme>(quadruple 3)
Scheme>(set! quadruple double)
Scheme>(quadruple 3)

What happened here is that when we evaluated the expression (set! quadruple double) it
just did the usual thing set! does when both of its arguments are variables|it computed the
value of the expression on the right, in this case by fetching the value from the binding of double,
and stored it into the (binding of) the variable on the left. In this case, the value of double is
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 120

(a pointer) to a procedure|the one that we created when we define'd double. This pointer was
copied into quadruple, so that it now contains a pointer to the very same procedure.

Calling quadruple now has the same eect as calling double, because either way, a pointer is
fetched from the variable, and whatever it points to is called.

Note that while this illustrates how Scheme works, and we'll show why it's handy later, it's not
usually a great idea to go around changing the values of procedure variables by side-eecting them
with set!.

Usually, once a program has been developed, you don't want to clobber named procedures,
because it makes the code hard to understand|you don't want your
nished program to go around
changing the meaning of procedure names as it runs. (You normally want to be able to look at
your program and see the de
nitions, and not have to worry that some other part of the program
may change the procedures at odd moments.)

During interactive development of a program, however, it's often very convenient to be able to
change a procedure's behavior at will. (We're not really modifying a procedure, though|we're
changing a variable binding's value to aect which procedure is called. We don't have to actually
modify any procedure objects, because we can replace a pointer to one procedure with a pointer
to another.)

Usually you'll want to do this by redening the procedure with another define expression.

For example, suppose we want to restore the old behavior of quadruple, which we foolishly
clobbered above. We can simply define it again, the old way:

Scheme>(define (quadruple x) (double (double x)))


In a
nished program, you generally shouldn't have multiple de
nitions of the same thing|a
define form should de
ne something that doesn't change during program execution. If you want to
change the state of a binding, use set! to make it clear that's what's going on, and put a comment
at the de
nition of the variable warning that it is likely to be changed at runtime.

Most interactive Scheme systems let you define the same variables multiple times, though, so
that you can change things during program development. (Note that we're talking about rede
the same program variable here, not de
ning dierent variables with the same name in dierent
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 121

3.5.2 Loading Code from a File

When you're actually developing a program, you often want to save the text in a
le, rather
than just typing it in and losing it when you exit the Scheme system.

The simplest way of doing this is to use an editor in one window and Scheme in another. From
the editor, save your program text into a
le, and then load it into Scheme with the load procedure.
load takes a string as an argument, which is the name of the
le to load, and reads it in just as
though you had typed it in by hand, at the prompt. (A string literal is written with double quotes
around it there'll be more about strings more later.)

Type the following text into your editor and save it into a
le named triple.scm.

(define (triple x)
(+ x (+ x x)))

Now, at the Scheme prompt, load the

le and call the procedure:

Scheme>(load "triple.scm")
Scheme>(triple 3)

(Notice that in the above example, there's no connection between the string we used to name
le, "triple.scm", and the name of the procedure, triple. We just chose to call the
"triple.scm" to remind us what's in it.)

Usually, when you're developing a program, you should put only a few de
nitions in a
maybe just one. This lets you change small parts of your program, saved the changed
le, and
reload the
le to change the de
nitions in your running Scheme system.

Good editors also have packages that allow you to run Scheme and use an editor command to
send the contents of a
le (or a selected region of a
le) to Scheme, as though you'd typed it in.
(Emacs has excellent facilities for this.)

If you're using a graphical user interface, you may be able to simply cut text from your editor,
and paste it into the window you have Scheme running in, so that it appears to Scheme as though
you'd just typed it in.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 122

Be careful about reloading de

nitions. When you load a
le, the Scheme system will reuse the
same top-level bindings, and reinitialize them. In general, new objects will be constructed, even if
the textual de
nitions haven't changed.

For example, suppose we have the following code in a

le, which we've already loaded once:

(define my-list (list 1 2))

(define my-other-list (cdr my-list))

If we reload this
le, all three de
nitions will be processed again. A new list will be constructed
and the existing binding of my-list will be updated to point at the new list.

Likewise, the existing binding of my-other-list will be updated with the cdr of that new
list. Each time we reload the
le, we'll recreate the intended data structure, including the sharing
relationship between the two lists.

But now consider what happens if this code is spread across two
les, with the de
nition of
my-other-list in a dierent
le, which we don't reload. If we just reload the
rst de
nition, then
the binding my-other-list will still refer to the cdr of the old list, not the new one. If your code
depends on the two lists sharing structure, it not behave as expected, because the two variables'
bindings will refer to distinct lists.

Procedures can cause the same sorts of problems. If you have a pointer to a procedure in a
data structure, and then you rede
ne the procedure by modifying the de
nition and reloading it,
a new procedure object will be created, but the old data structure will still hold a pointer to the
old procedure object.

In general, you should be careful to recreate any data structures holding procedures if you rede-

ne those procedures. This is usually easy, if you reload the code that creates the data structures,
after reloading the new de
nitions of the procedures.

Notice that this is not necessary if you just call top-level procedures (or look up variable values)
in the usual way. For example, given our earlier de
nitions of double and quadruple, changing
double aects quadruple immediately. Every time we call quadruple, it fetches the current value
of the binding of double, which ensures that it sees the most recent version. We can reload the
code for double, without reloading the code for quadruple.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 123

3.5.3 Loading and Running Whole Programs

 to be written ]

3.6 Some Other Useful Data Types

Scheme has several important kinds of data objects that are useful in programming in general,
and particularly for writing an interpreter, as we'll do in the next chapter. These include character
strings, symbols, and lists.

Scheme has two data types that represent sequences of characters, called strings and symbols.
Strings are pretty much like character strings in most programming languages|they represent a
sequence of text characters. Symbols are sort of like strings, but have a very special property|
there's only one symbol object with any particular sequence of characters.

Symbols have a special role in the implementation of Scheme, because they're part of the normal
representation of source code symbols are used to represent names of variables, procedures, special
forms, and macros. They're really just a kind of data object, though|you can use them in your
programs, whether or not you want to represent code.

Lists are used in interpreters and compilers to represent compound expressions in the source
code nested expressions are generally represented by nested lists.

More generally, there's a category of Scheme data structures called s-expressions, which consist
of basic types including symbols, strings, numbers, booleans, and characters, and list of those simple
types, or lists of such lists.

\S-expression" is short for \symbolic expression," but it's something of a misnomer. An expres-
sion is really a piece of a program. An \s-expression " is just a data structure, which may or may
not represent an expression in a programming language, although interpreters and compilers often
happen to use them that way.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 124

3.6.1 Strings
Character strings in Scheme are written between double quotes. For example, suppose we want
an object that represents the text \Hello world!" We can just write that in a program, in between
double quotes: "Hello, world!".

You can use a string as an expression|the value of a string is the string itself, just as the value
of an integer is the integer itself. Like numeric literals and booleans, strings are \self-evaluating,"
which just means that if you have an expression in your program that consists of just a string,
Scheme assumes you mean the value to be literally that string. There's nothing deep about this|it
just turns out to be handy, because it makes it easy to use strings as literals.

Try typing the string "Hello, world." at the Scheme prompt.

Scheme>"Hello, world!"
"Hello, world!"

What happened here is that Scheme recognized the sequence of characters between double
quotes as a string, and constructed a Scheme string object with that sequence of characters. It
then evaluated that object as an expression. Recognizing it as a string, it simply returned the
string object as the value of the expression. Then, as it always does, Scheme printed out the value
of the expression, namely the string object. The standard printed representation of a string object
includes the double quotes, so that you know it's a string object.

If you want to print out a string, but without the double quotes, you can use the standard
procedure display. If you pass display a string, it just prints out the characters in the string,
without any double quotes. display is useful in programs that print information out for normal
users. Another useful procedure is newline, which prints a newline character, ending a line and
starting a new one.

Try typing a (display "Hello, world!") (newline) at the Scheme prompt. What you get
may look like this:

Scheme>(display "Hello, world!") (newline)

Hello, world!

You might see something slightly dierent on your screen, depending on the return value of
newline, which is unspeci
ed in the Scheme standard.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 125

If you type in an expression using a string literal like "foo" at the Scheme prompt, Scheme may
construct a new string object with that character sequence each time.

Try this:

Scheme>(define foo1 "foo")

Scheme>(define foo2 "foo")
Scheme>(eq? foo1 foo2)
Scheme>(equal? foo1 foo2)

For each of the define forms, Scheme has constructed a string with the character sequence
f-o-o, and saved it in a new variable binding. When we ask the value of each variable, Scheme
prints out the usual text representation of the string. The printed representations are the same,
since each string has the same structure, but they're two dierent objects|when we ask if they're
eq?, i.e., the very same object, the answer is no (#f).

It's possible that in your system the eq? comparison will return #t, because Scheme implemen-
tations are allowed to use pointers to the same string if you type in two strings with the same
character sequence. For that reason, you should be careful not to depend on whether Scheme
strings are eq? you should only distinguish whether they're equal?. You can also use the predi-
cate string-equal? if you know the arguments are supposed to be strings. This has the advantage
of signaling an error if the arguments are of unexpected type.

Strings can be used as one-dimensional arrays (vectors) of characters. There are procedures for
accessing their elements by an integer index, extracting substrings given two indices, and so on.

3.6.2 Symbols
Symbols are like strings, in that they have a character sequence. Symbols are dierent, however,
in that only one symbol object can have any given character sequence. The character sequence is
called the symbol's print name. A print name is not the same thing as a variable name, however|
it's just the character sequence that identi
es a particular unique symbol.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 126

Unlike strings, booleans, and numbers, symbols are not self-evaluating. To refer to a literal
symbol, you have to quote it. Since print names of symbols look just like variable names, you have
to tell Scheme which you mean.

If we type in the character sequence f o o without double quotes around it, Scheme assumes we
mean to refer to a variable named foo.

In interpreters and compilers, symbol objects are often used as variable names, and Scheme
treats them specially. If we just type in a character string that's a symbol print name, and hit
return, Scheme assumes that we are asking for the value of the binding of the variable with that
name|if there is one.

Scheme>(define foo 10)



If we quote the symbol name with the single quote character, Scheme interprets that as meaning
we want the symbol object foo.


Since we've already de

ned (and bound) the variables foo1 and foo2, we can ask Scheme to
look up their values.


Here we've typed in the names that we gave to variables earlier, and Scheme looked up the
values of the variables.

As we've seen before, this doesn't work if there isn't a bound variable by that name. Symbols
can be used as variable names, if you de
ne the variable, but by default a symbol is just an object
with a particular print name that identi
es it.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 127

If we want to refer to the symbol object foo, rather than using foo as a variable name, we
can quote it, using the special quote character '. This tells Scheme not to evaluate the following
expression, but to treat it as literal data.

Scheme> 'foo

rst time you type in a symbol name, Scheme constructs a symbol object with that character
sequence, and puts it in a special table. If you later type in a symbol name with the same character
sequence, Scheme notices that it's the same sequence. Instead of constructing a new object, as it
would for a string, it just
nds the old one in the table, and uses that|it gives you a pointer to
the same object, instead of a pointer to a new one.

Try this:

Scheme>(define bar1 'bar)

Scheme>(define bar2 'bar)
Scheme>(eq? bar1 bar2)

Here, when we typed in the

rst de
nition, Scheme created a symbol object with the character
sequence b a r, and added it to its table of existing symbols, as well as putting a pointer to it in
the new variable binding bar1. When we typed in the second de
nition, Scheme noticed that there
was already a symbol object named bar, and put a pointer to that same object in bar2 as well.

When we asked Scheme if the values of bar1 and bar2 referred to the same object, the answer
was yes (#t)|they both referred to the unique symbol bar there is only one symbol by that name.

The big advantage of symbols over strings is that comparing them is very fast. If you want to
know if two strings have the same character sequence, you can use equal?, which will compare
their characters until it either
nds a mismatch or reaches the ends of both strings.

With symbols, you can use equal?, but you can get the same results using eq?, which is faster.
Recall that eq? just compares the pointers to two objects, to see if they're actually the same object.
For symbols, this works to compare the print names, too, because two symbols can have the same
name only if they're the same object. You don't have to worry about symbols being equal? but
not eq?.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 128

This makes symbols good for use as keys in data structures. For example, you can zip through
a list looking for a symbol, using eq?, and all it has to do is compare pointers, not character

Another advantage of symbols is that only one copy of its character sequence is actually stored,
and all occurrences of the same symbol are represented as pointers to the same object. Each
additional occurrence of symbol thus only costs storage for a pointer.

If you're doing text processing in Scheme, e.g., writing a word processor, you probably want to
use strings, not symbols. Strings support more operations that make it convenient to concatenate
them, modify them, etc.

Symbols are mainly used as key values in data structures, which happen to have a convenient
human-readable printed representation.

If you need to convert between strings and symbols, you can use string->symbol and symbol-
>string. string->symbol takes a string and returns the unique symbol with that print name, if
there is one. (If there's not, and the string is a legal symbol print name, it creates one and returns
it.) symbol->string takes a symbol and returns a string representing its print name. (There is
no guarantee as to whether it always returns the same string object for a given symbol, or a copy
with the same sequence of characters.) A Note on Identiers

When you type in a string, e.g., "This here is a string, you know.", you can type in pretty
much whatever you want, as long as it's between double quotes and doesn't have double quotes or
nonprinting characters in the middle. (You can have strings with double quotes in them, but you
have to use a special escape sequence trick.)

When you type in a symbol, on the other hand, you have to be a little more careful|some
character sequences count as symbol names, but others don't. For example, the character sequence
1 2 3 doesn't count as a symbol 123, because it's a number. Character sequences with spaces,
parentheses, and single quotes in them are also a no-no, because those characters have special
meaning when reading and writing the printed representations of Scheme data structures.

A symbol name has to start with an \extended alphabatic" character|that a letter or any of a
fairly large set of printing characters, followed by a string of other extended alphabetic characters
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 129

or digits. (The extended alphabetic characters are a-z, A-Z, and these: +-.*/<=>!?:$%_
& ~ ^.)

For example, the following are all symbols:


There is a slight restriction that you can't use a symbol name that starts with a character that
could begin a literal number. This includes not only digits, but +, -, . and #. A special exception
to this is that +, and -, by themselves, are symbols, and so is ... (the ellipsis identi
er used in

Scheme identi
ers (variable names and special form names and keywords) have almost the
same restrictions as Scheme symbol object character sequences, and it's no coincidence. Most
implementations of Scheme happen to be written in Scheme, and symbol objects are used in the
interpreter or compiler to represent variable names.

Don't read too much into this, however: it's easy to write a Scheme interpreter or compiler in
Scheme, and that is why the rules for symbol names are the same as the rules for variable names,
but symbols and variables are very, very dierent things. A symbol is just a data object, like a
string, that has the special property of being unique. You can use symbols like any other data
object, as part of any data structure.

It just happens that interpreters and compilers generally use symbol objects to represent the
names of variables and whatnot, so it's convenient that the rules for symbol object names are the
same as the rules for identi
ers in the language|but there is no other connection.

Symbols are not necessarily variable names, they're just a kind of data object (like strings) that
happen to get used that way, by some programs (interpreters and compilers). Your programs can
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 130

use them any old way you choose. (Sorry to be repetitive on this point, but confusing symbols
and variables is one of the most common and avoidable problems in learning Scheme. It's worse in
Lisp, where symbols and variables do have a deep connection, but not an obvious one.)

3.6.3 Lists Again

Suppose we want to make a list of symbols whose print names are the English words for the

ve integers. We could do it using quoting, of course, like this:

Scheme>(define firstfive '(one two three four five))

(one two three four five)

We don't have to quote each symbol individually. Within a quote expression, everything is
assumed to be literal data, not expressions to evaluate.

We could also do it by calling list to construct the list, and handing it each of the
ve symbols
as literals. To do that, we have to quote them, so that Scheme won't think we're referring to
variables named one, two, etc.

Scheme>(define firstfive (list 'one 'two 'three 'four 'five))

(one two three four five)

Since list is a procedure, its argument expressions are evaluated. We use a quote around each
expression, so that it will return a pointer to the appropriate symbol, rather than the value of the
variable by the same name.

This works whether or not there is a variable by that name, because names of symbols and
names of variables are completely dierent things.

For example, even after evaluating the above expressions, attempting to evaluate the expression
four will be an error, unless we've de
ned a variable named four. The existence of a symbol with
a given print name doesn't say anything about the existence of a variable with that name.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 131 Heterogeneous Lists

Since Scheme is dynamically typed, we can put any kind of object in a list. So far, we've made
a list of integers and a list of symbols. We can also make a list of dierent kinds of things, such as
a list of integers, symbols, and lists.

Scheme>(define mixed5 '(one 2 (three and a) "four" 5))

(one 2 (three and a) "four" 5)

Here we've constructed a mixed list whose

rst element is a symbol, the second is an integer,
the third is a list of symbols, the fourth is a string, and the
fth is another integer. (The technical
term for a mixed list is a \heterogeneous list.")

We can draw it like this:

mixed5 | +--+-->+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
+-----+ | + | +-+->| + | +-+->| + | +-+->| + | +-+->| + | * |
+-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+
| | | | |
\|/ \|/ | \|/ \|/
one 2 | "four" 5
+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
| + | +-+->| + | +-+->| + | * |
+-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+
| | |
\|/ \|/ \|/
three and a

Notice that we draw the symbols (one, three, and, and a) as simple sequences of characters.
This is just a drawing convention. They're really objects, like pairs are. We draw strings similarly,
but with double quotes around them. Don't be fooled|these are objects on the heap, too. We just
draw them this way to keep the picture from getting cluttered up.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 132 Operations on Lists

We've already seen two list-processing procedures that you'll use a lot, car and cdr. car takes
a pointer to a pair, and extracts the value of its
rst (car)
eld. cdr takes a pointer to a pair and
returns the value of its second (cdr)

(It might have been better if car had been called first and cdr had been called rest, since
that's more suggestive of how they're used: a pointer to the
rst item in a list, and a pointer to
the pair that heads the rest of the list.)

Given our list stored in mixed5, we can extract parts of the list using car and cdr.

Scheme>(car mixed5)
Scheme>(cdr mixed5)
(2 (three and a) "four" five)

By using car and cdr multiple times, we can extract things beyond the
rst element. For
example, taking the cdr of the cdr of a list skips the
rst two elements, and returns the rest:

Scheme>(cdr (cdr mixed5))

((three and a) "four" 5)

Taking the car of that list (that is, the car of the cdr of the cdr) returns the
rst item in that

Scheme>(car (cdr (cdr mixed5)))

(three and a)

We can keep doing this, for example taking the second element of that sublist by taking the car
of its cdr.

Scheme>(car (cdr (car (cdr (cdr mixed5)))))


This starts to get tedious and confusing|too many nestings of procedures that do too little at
each step|so Scheme provides a handful of procedures that do two list operations at a whack. The
two most important ones are cadr and cddr.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 133

cadr takes the car of the cdr, which gives you the second item in the list. cddr takes the cdr
of the cdr, skipping the
rst two pairs in a list and returning the rest of the list.

This lets us do the same thing we did above, a little more concisely and readably:

Scheme>(cadr (car (cddr mixed5)))


With a little practice, it's not hard to read a few nested expressions like this. In this example,
taking the cddr of mixed5 skips down the list two places, giving us the list that starts with the
sublist we want. Then taking the car of that gives us the sublist itself o the front of that list, and
taking the cadr of that gives us the second item in the sublist.

Of course, even if Scheme didn't provide cadr and cdr, you could write them yourself in terms
of car and cdr:

(define (cadr x)
(car (cdr x)))

(define (cddr x)
(cdr (cdr x)))

Scheme actually provides prede

ned list operations for all combinations of up to four car's and
cdr's. For example, cadadr takes the cadr of the cadr. (The naming scheme is that the pattern
of a's and d's reects the equivalent nesting of calls to car and cdr.)

You probably won't want to bother with most of those, because the names aren't very intuitive.
Two procedures that are worth knowing are list-ref and list-tail.

(list-ref list n) extracts the nth element of a list list, which is equivalent to n-1 applications
of cdr followed by car. For example, (list-ref '(a b c d e) 3) is equivalent to (car (cdr (cdr
'(a b c d e)))), and returns d.)

In eect, you can index into a list as though it were an array, using list-ref. (Of course, the
access time for an element of a list is linear in the index of the element. If you need constant-time
access, you can use vectors, i.e., one-dimensional arrays.) Notice that the numbering is zero-based,
which is why (list-ref lis 3) returns the fourth element of a lis. This is consistent with the
indexing of vectors, which are also zero-based, as well as reecting the number of cdr operations.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 134

(list-tail list n) skips the

rst n elements of a list and returns a pointer to the rest, which is
equivalent to repeated applications of cdr. (This is standard R4RS Scheme, but not IEEE Scheme.
If your Scheme doesn't provide list-tail, you can easily write your own.)

These two procedures can make it much clearer what you're doing when you extract elements
from nested lists. Suppose that we have a list foo, which is a triply-nested list|a list of lists of
lists, and we want to extract the second element of the bottom-level list that is the third element
of the middle-level list that is the fourth element of the outermost list.

We could write (car (cdr (car (cdr (cdr (car (cdr (cdr (cdr foo))))))))), but that's
pretty hard to read. If we use cadr, caddr, and cadddr, we can make it somewhat more readable
by using one function call at each level of structure: (cadr (caddr (cadddr foo))). But it's still
clearer to write (list-ref (list-ref (list-ref foo 4) 3) 2)

or (indented)

(list-ref (list-ref (list-ref foo 4)


list-ref and list-tail are much more convenient than things like caddr when the indexes
into a list vary at run time. For example, we might use an index variable i (or some other expression
that returns an integer) to pick out the ith member of a list: (list-ref foo i). Writing this with
car and cdr would require writing a loop or recursion to perform n-1 cdr's and a car.

This is the end of Hunk N

At this point, you should go back to the previous chapter and

read Hunk O before returning here and continuing this tutorial.

(Go BACK to read Hunk O, which starts at Section 2.9 Tail Recursion], page 79.)

3.7 Basic Programming Examples (Hunk P)

 From here on, the text is not structured as a type-along tutorial interleaved with Chapter
2. However, it's a good idea to experiment with the examples interactively in a running Scheme
system . ]
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 135

In this section, I'll give a few simple examples of Scheme programming, mostly using recursion
to manipulate lists without side eects. (Later, I'll revisit some of these examples, and show how
to implement them more eciently, using tail recursion, but still without side eects.)

I'll show how to implement simple versions of some standard Scheme procedures this may help
you understand what those procedures do, and how to use them. (Later, I'll return to some of
these examples and show how to implement more general versions.) I'll also give some examples
that aren't standard Scheme procedures, but illustrate common idioms.

Some of these examples use higher-order procedures|procedures which operate on procedures|

and toward the end of the section, I'll discuss currying, a technique for creating specialized versions
of procedures in a particular context.

You should get used to thinking recursively, and avoiding side eects most of the time. It's often
easier to write things recursively than using normal loops and side eects.

3.7.1 An Error Signaling Routine

It's often useful to put error-checking code in your procedures, to make sure that their arguments
satisfy whatever preconditions they need to operate correctly.

In a dynamically-typed language, this is often good for making sure that you detect errors where
pass values to a procedure that can't handle arguments of those types. Usually when you do that,
nd out soon enough, because you'll perform an illegal operation (like taking the car of a
number), and Scheme will detect the error and tell you.

Scheme doesn't yet have a standard error signaling routine, but we can make a simple portable

 In fact, if you don't have one, you'll get an error signaled anyway, in the form of an unbound
variable exception when you try to call error : : :... ]

 We should discuss portable and system-speci

c error-handling in class, ]
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 136

3.7.2 length

length is the standard Scheme procedure that returns the length of a list. It only counts the
elements along the spine of the list (down the cdr's).

It's easy to do this using recursion. The length of a list is 0 if the list is empty, and otherwise
it's 1 plus the length of the rest of the list. Here's the easiest way to de
ne length:

(define (length lis)

(if (null? lis)
(+ 1 (length (cdr lis)))))

Note that in this example, I've used lis as the name of a list argument, rather than list.
That's because there's a standard Scheme procedure named list, which will be shadowed by any
local variable with the same name. (This is because of Scheme's uni
ed namespace list seems to
be the only identi
er for which this is commonly a problem.)

The above de
nition of length is not tail recursive|after calling itself, there must be a return
so that 1 can be added to the value and returned.

Later we'll show a more ecient, tail-recursive version of length, and a more general procedure
called reduce that can be used to construct a variety of procedures whose basic algorithm is similar.

3.7.3 Copying Lists

There are two common senses of copying, shallow copying, and deep copying. A shallow copy
makes a copy of one object, and the copy has pointers to the same objects that the original did.

A deep copy copies not only the top-level objects in a data structure, but the ones below that,
and so on recursively, so that a whole new data structure is created.

For lists, which are made up of more than one object, it is often useful to copy the spine of the
list, i.e., doing a deep copy along the cdr's only. We typically think of a list as being like a special
kind of object, even though it's really a sequence of pair objects. It's therefore natural to copy
\just the list."
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 137

If we just want to do a shallow copy, we can de

ne pair-copy to copy a pair, without copying
anything else.

In these examples, I'll assume we only want to copy list structure|that is a connected set of
pairs. Whenever we come to something that's not a pair, we stop copying and the copy shares
structure with the original. (These aren't standard Scheme procedures.)

Here's a truly shallow copy, just copying a single pair:

(define (pair-copy pr)

(cons (car pr) (cdr pr)))

If we want to do a deep copy, we can use recursion to copy car or cdr values that are also pairs.
The following code for lists-deep-copy assumes that the structure to be copied is a tree of pairs.
(If there is any shared structure, it will be copied each time it is reached. If there's a directed cycle,
deep-copy will loop in

(define (lists-deep-copy thing)

(if (pair? thing)
(cons (lists-deep-copy (car thing))
(lists-deep-copy (cdr thing)))

To copy the spine of a list, we can use this

(define (list-copy lis)

(cond ((pair? lis)
(cons (car lis)
(list-copy (cdr lis))))
((null? lis)

 need to discuss error checking, tastefulness...]

3.7.4 append and reverse

Two handy operations on lists are append and reverse both are standard Scheme procedures.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 138

append takes any number of lists as arguments, and returns a list with all of their elements.
reverse takes a list and returns a new list, with the same elements but in the opposite order.

Note that like most Scheme procedures, neither of these procedures is destructive|each creates
a new list without modifying its argument. append

Here's a simple two-argument version of append:

(define (append2 lis1 lis2)

(if (null? lis1)
(cons (car lis1)
(append2 (cdr lis1) lis2))))

Note that append2 copies its

rst list argument, but the result simply shares a pointer to the
last list argument|the last list is not copied, so the result shares structure with that list. This is
also true of the standard Scheme function append, which can take any number of lists as arguments.
rst n-1 lists are copied, but the last is shared.

Suppose we have de
ned two lists, foo and bar, like this:

(define foo '(x y z))

(define bar '(a b))
(define baz (append bar foo))

The result will be that baz shares structure with foo, but not with bar. Changes to the list via
foo will also be visible via baz.
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 139

| |
\|/ |
+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ |
foo | *-+--->| * | *-+---->| * | *-+----->| * | * | |
+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ |
| | | |
\|/ \|/ \|/ |
x y z |
+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ |
bar | *-+--->| * | *-+---->| * | * | |
+---+ +-+-+---+ +-+-+---+ |
| | |
\|/ \|/ |
a b |
/|\ /|\ |
| | |
+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ |
baz | *-+--->| * | *-+---->| * | *-+--------------------+
+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+

 give code for full-blown append, using dot notation for variable arity arg list? Do it later, fwd
ref from here? ] reverse

reverse returns a reversed copy of a list.

There's an easy (but slow) way to de

ne reverse in terms of append. We just take the
element o the list, reverse the rest of the list, and append the
rst element to the end.

(define (reverse lis)

(if (null? lis)
(append (reverse (cdr lis))
(list (car lis)))))
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 140

Think about how this works. reverse recurses down the list, calling itself on the cdr of the list
at each recursive step, until the recursion stops at the end of the list. (This last call returns the
empty list, which is the reverse of the empty list.) At each step, we use car to peel o one element
of the list, and hold onto it until the recursive call returns.

The reversed lists are handed back up through the returns, with the cars being slapped on the
rear of the list at each return step. We end up constructing the new list back-to-front on the way
up from the recursion.

There are two problems coding reverse this way, and later I'll show better versions. (They'll
still be recursive, and won't use loops or assignment.)

rst problem is that each call to append takes time proportional to the length of the list
it's given. (Remember that append has to copy all of the elements in the
rst list it's given.) We
have to copy the \rest" of the list (using append starting at each pair in the list. On average, we
copy half the list at a given recursive step, so since we do this for every pair in the list, we have an
n-squared algorithm.

Another problem is that we're doing things on the way back up from recursion, which turns out
to be more expensive than doing things on the way down. As I'll explain in a later chapter, Scheme
can do recursion very eciently if everything is done in a forward direction|it can optimize away
all but one of the returns. (Luckily, this is easy to do.)

3.7.5 map and for-each

map and for-each are used to apply a procedure to elements of lists. They're good for coding
repetitive operations over sets of objects. map

map takes a procedure and applies it to the elements of a list (or corresponding elements of a
set of lists), returning a list of results.

For example, if we want to double the elements of a list, we can use map and the double
procedure we de
ned earlier:
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 141

Scheme>(map double '(1 2 3))

(2 4 6)

If the procedure we're calling takes more than one argument, we can pass two lists of arguments
to map. For example, if we want to add corresponding elements of two lists, and get back a
corresponding list of their sums, we can do this:

Scheme>(map + '(1 2 3) '(4 5 6))

(5 7 9)

Right now, we'll just write a simpli

ed version of map, which takes one list of values and applies
a one-argument procedure to them.

(define (map proc lis)

(cond ((null? lis)
((pair? lis)
(cons (proc (car lis))
(map proc (cdr lis))))))

Notice that map may construct a list of results front-to-back, or back-to-front, depending on the
order of the evaluation of the arguments to cons. That is, it may apply the mapped procedure on
the way down during recursion, or on the way back up. (This is allowed by the Scheme standard|
the order of the results in the resulting list corresponds to the ordering of the argument list(s), but
the dynamic order of applications is not speci
ed.) for-each

Like map, for-each applies a procedure to each element of a list, or to corresponding elements
of a set of lists. Unlike map, for-each discards the values returned by all of the applications except
the last, and returns the last value. (The applications are also guaranteed to occur in front-to-back
list order.) This is sort of like what a begin expression does, except that the \subexpressions" are
not textually written out|they're applications of a
rst-class procedure to list items.

Like begin, for-each is used to execute expressions in sequence, for eect rather than value,
except that the last value may be useful.

 give code ]
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 142

3.7.6 member and assoc, and friends

The standard Scheme procedures member and assoc are used for searching lists. I'll show how
they can be implemented in Scheme, even though every Scheme system includes them.

Each of these procedures has two alternative versions, which use dierent equality tests (eq? or
eqv?) when searching for an item in list. ,
member memq , and memv
member searches a list for an item, and returns the remainder of the list starting at the point
where that item is found. (That is, it returns the pair whose car refers to the item.) It returns #f
if the item is not in the list.

For example, (member 3 '(1 4 3 2)) returns (3 2), and (member 'foo '(bar baz quux)) re-
turns #f.

Lists are often used as sets, and member serves nicely as a test of set membership. If an item
is not found, it returns #f, and if it is, it returns a pair. Since a pair is a true value, the result of
member can be used like a boolean in a conditional.

Since member returns the \rest" of a list, starting with the point where the item is found, it
can also be particularly useful with ordered lists, by skipping past all of the elements up to some
desired point, and returning the rest.

(define (member thing lis)

(if (pair? lis)
(if (equal? (car lis) thing)
(member thing (cdr lis)))))

Note that member uses the equal? test (data structure equivalence) when searching. This makes
sense in situations where you want same-structured data structures to count as \the same." (For
example, if you're searching a list of lists, and you want a sublist that has the same structure as the
target list to count as \the same.") Note that if the elements of the list are circular data structures,
member may loop in
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 143

If you want to search for a particular object, you should use memq?, which is like member except
that it uses the eq? test, and may be much faster.

If the list may include numbers, and you want copies of the same number to count as \the
same", you should use memv. ,
assoc assq , and assv
assoc is used to search a special kind of nested list called an association list. Association lists
are often used to represent small tables.

An association list is a list of lists. Each sublist represents an association between a key and a
list of values. The car of the list is taken as the key
eld, but the whole list of values is returned.

(Typically, an association list is used as a simple table to map keys to single values. In that
case, you must remember to take the cadr of the sublist that assoc returns.)

Some example uses:

Scheme>(assoc 'julie '((paul august 22) (julie feb 9) (veronique march 28)))
(julie february 9)

Scheme>(assoc 'key2 '((key1 val1) (key2 val2) (key0 val0)))

(key2 val2)

Scheme>(cadr (assoc 'key2 '((key1 val1) (key2 val2) (key0 val0))))


Scheme>(assoc '(feb 9)
'(((aug 1) maggie phil) ((feb 9) jim heloise) ((jan 6) declan)))
((feb 9) jim heloise)

And the code:

Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 144

(define (assoc thing alist)

(cond ((pair? alist))
(if (equal? (car (car alist)) thing)
(car alist)
(assoc thing (cdr alist)))
(#t #f)))

Like member, assoc uses the equal? test when searching a list. This is what you want if (and
only if) you want same-structured data structures to count as \the same."

assq is like assoc, but uses the eq? test. This is the most commonly-used routine for searching
association lists, because symbols are commonly used as keys for association lists. (The name assq
suggests \associate using the eq? test.")

If the keys may be numbers, assv? should probably be used instead. It considers = numbers
the same, but otherwise tests object identity, like eq?. (The name assv suggests \associate using
the eqv? test.")

3.7.7 Procedure Specialization, Composition, and Currying Procedure Specialization

Suppose that we are writing a program where we need to take a list of numbers and produce a
corresponding lists with numbers ten times as big.

Notice that we already have a procedure, map, that can iterate over a list, apply a function to
each item, and return the list of function values. We also have a multiplication procedure, * that
can multiply numbers by any value we want.

We can't just write (map * some-list), though, because when map iterates over a single list, it
expects a procedure that takes exactly one argument, and * takes two arguments. Somehow, we
need to supply the argument 10 to each of the calls map makes to *.

What we need is a one-argument function that multiplies its argument by ten. We could de
our own multiplication-by-ten procedure, *10, and then use map to apply it to the elements of
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 145

(define (*10 number)

(* 10 number))

(map *10 some-list)

Here we've specialized * to create *10|we've taken a function with some number of arguments,
and produced a function with fewer arguments, which is equivalent to calling the original procedure
with the missing argument always the same.

If *10 is only used in one place, there's really no need to create a named procedure|we can
just use a lambda expression to create the procedure where we need it, at the call to map:

(map (lambda (number)

(* 10 number))

Here we create an anonymous procedure that multiplies its argument by 10, and pass that
procedure and a list to map, which will map the procedure over the list and return the corresponding
list of results.

It is often a good idea to design procedures with specialization in mind.

Consider the similarities between member, memv, and memq. All of them do almost the same
thing, with the dierence being which equality test they use during a search.

We can de
ne a general procedure, mem, which expresses the similarities between these proce-
dures, and then specialize that procedure.

Our general procedure will look like member, except that it will take an argument saying which
test to use. In Scheme, this is easy|we can simply hand it a
rst-class procedure like equal? or
eq?, or any other test we want to use, and have it call that procedure to perform the test.

(define (mem test-proc thing lis)

(if (pair? lis)
(if (test-proc (car lis) thing)
(mem test-proc thing (cdr lis)))))
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 146

To get the eect of (member some-key some-list), we can write (mem equal? some-key some-

Note that here we're not calling equal?, we're just passing the value of the variable equal?
(i.e., the procedure
rst-class procedure object equal?) to mem. mem receives this value when the
argument variable test-proc is bound, and can call it by that name.

(In the *10 example, we specialized * with data|the number 10|but here we're specializing
mem with a procedure. The same technique works, because procedures are data objects, and can
be passed as arguments like any other data, then called as procedures.)

If Scheme didn't provide member, we could easily de

ne it by specializing mem|we simply de
member to call mem, but always pass equal? as the
rst argument:

(define (member thing lis)

(mem equal? thing lis))

Likewise, we could de
ne memq and memv by specializing mem with eq? and eqv?, respectively.

This kind of function specialization is particularly useful when you have a pattern for a proce-
dure, but may need arbitrary variants of it in the future.

For example, suppose you want to search a list of lists, and you want your search routine to
return the
rst sublist whose
rst two elements match a particular two-element list. (This might
be an ordered list of birthdays, and you could be searching for the part of the list that starts with
a particular month of a particular year.)

You might search the list for any list whose

rst elements are 1964 and December, by handing
it a target list (1964 December), like this:

(mem-first-two? '(1964 December)

'((1961 January 15 "Susan")
(1964 March 28 "Edward")
(1964 March 29 "Selena")
(1964 December 31 "Anton")
(1965 January 8 "Booker"))))

and get back the result

Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 147

((1964 December 31 "Anton")

(1965 January 8 "Booker"))))

member, memq, and memv are useless for this, but it's pretty easy with mem. First we de
ne a
match predicate for our purpose:

(define (first-two-eqv? target thing)

(and (eqv? (car target) (car thing))
(eqv? (cadr target) (cadr thing))))

Then we curry mem with that predicate to create our search procedure:

(define (mem-first-two? thing lis)

(mem first-two-eqv? thing lis))

If first-two-eqv? is only likely to be used in mem-first-two, we can put it inside mem-first-

two, as a local procedure, instead of leaving it hanging out where it can be called from other
procedures. This is a good idea for a procedure that is so specialized that it's unlikely to be useful
in any other way|especially if you're sure it works for what you designed it for, but think it may
be tricky to use for slightly dierent purposes. (For example, we've chosen to use the eqv? test for
matching list elements, but for some purposes this might be the wrong choice.)

(define (mem-first-two thing lis)

(let ((first-two-eqv? (lambda (target thing)
(and (eqv? (car target) (car thing))
(eqv? (cadr target) (cadr thing))))))
(mem first-two-eqv? thing lis)))

In this routine, first-two-eqv? is only called from one place|the call to mem. Rather than
ning it as a named procedure, using letrec and lambda, we can simply use the lambda expres-
sion at the one place the procedure is needed:

(define (mem-first-two thing lis)

(mem (lambda (target thing)
(and (eqv? (car target) (car thing))
(eqv? (cadr target) (cadr thing))))
Chapter 3: Using Scheme (A Tutorial) 148

This idiom is very common in situations where you need a small procedure in exactly one place.

Likewise, if mem-first-two itself is only useful in one place, it would be reasonable to avoid
making it a procedure at all, and instead to simply call mem from that place:

(mem (lambda (target thing)
(and (eqv? (car target) (car thing))
(eqv? (cadr target) (cadr thing))))

3.8 Discussion and Review

Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 149

4 Writing an Interpreter
In this Chapter, I'll show a simple interpreter for a subset of Scheme, written in Scheme.

I'll start out with a very simple interpreter for a tiny subset of Scheme, which only understands
simple arithmetic expressions.

Then I'll improve the interpreter in variety of ways.

In a later chapter, we'll return to this interpreter and add macros, blah blah blah... ]

4.1 Interpretation and Compilation

Programming languages are usually implemented by interpreters or compilers, or some mix of
both. In reality, almost all language implementations are a mix of both, to at least a small degree,
and the line between them is surprisingly fuzzy.

A pure interpreter reads the source text of a program, analyzes it, and executes it as it goes.
This is usually very slow|the interpreter spends a lot of time analyzing strings of characters to

gure out what they mean. A pure interpreter must recognize and analyze each expression in the
source text each time it is encountered, so that it knows what to do next. This is pretty much how
most command shell languages work, including UNIX shells and Tcl.

A pure compiler reads the source text of a program, and translates it into machine code that
will have the eect of executing the program when it is run. A big advantage of compilers is that
they can read through and analyze the source program once, and generate code that you can run
to give the same eect as interpreting the program. Rather than analyzing each expression each
time they encounter it, compilers do the analysis once, but record the actions an interpreter would
take at that point in the program.

In eect, a compiler is a weird kind of interpreter, that \pretends" to interpret the program,
and records what an interpreter would do. It then goes through its record of actions the interpreter
would take, and spits out instructions whose eect is the same as what the interpreter would have
done. Most of the decision-making that the interpreter does|like
guring out that an expression is
an assignment expression, or a procedure call|can be done at compile time, because the expression
is the same each time it's encountered in running the program.
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 150

The compiler's job is to do the work that's always the same, and spit out instructions that will
do the \real work" that can only be done at runtime, because it depends on the actual data that
the program is manipulating. For example, an if statement is always an if statement each time
it's encountered, so that analysis can be done once. But which branch will be taken depends on the
runtime value of an expression, so the compiler must emit code to test the value of the expression,
and take the appropriate branch.

Most real interpreters are somewhere in between pure interpreters and compilers. They read
through the source code for a program once, and translate it into an \intermediate representation"
that's easier to work with|a data structure of some kind|and then interpret that. Rather than
stepping through strings of source text, they step through a data structure that represents that
source text in a more convenient form, which is much faster to operate on. That is, they do some
analysis once, while converting the source text into a data structure, and the rest as they execute
the program by stepping through the data structure.

In this chapter, I'll demonstrate Scheme programming by showing a simple a simple interpreter
for a small subset of Scheme, in Scheme. In the next chapter, I'll present a slightly fancier interpreter
that implements all of the really important parts of Scheme. There are four good reasons for using
a Scheme interpreter as an example Scheme program:

1. A simple interpreter really is simple, but it can show o some of the handy features of Scheme.
It's a good example of Scheme programming.
2. Most serious programs include some kind of command interpreter, so every programmer should
know how to write a decent one. Often, the command interpreter has a tremendous impact on
the usability and power of a system, and too many programs have bad ones.
3. Understanding how a Scheme interpreter works may clarify language issues. It gives you a
nice, concrete, understanding of what Scheme does when it encounters an expression, so you
know what your programs will do|it'll be obvious when you need a quote, or parentheses,
and when you don't.
4. Every programmer should understand the basics of how a compiler works. Understanding a
Scheme interpreter gets you half-way to understanding a Scheme compiler. A Scheme compiler
is really very much like a Scheme interpreter|it analyzes Scheme expressions and
gures out
what to do. The main dierence between an interpreter and a compiler is just that when an
gures out what to do, it does it immediately, while a compiler records what to do
when you run the program later.
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 151

4.2 Implementing a Simple Interpreter

In this section, we'll use Scheme to implement an interpreter for a tiny subset of Scheme|just
simple arithemetic expressions. The interpreter we'll show is simple, but it's a real interpreter|it
works on the same principles as many real Scheme systems. In the next chapter, we'll show how a
slightly more complicated interpreter which implements most of Scheme's important features, and
the skeleton of a compiler for Scheme.

The interpreter is a good example for learning Scheme programming, because it makes heavy
use of recursion|the processes of reading and evaluation are naturally recursive. As you'll see,
the code is also an example of mostly-functional programming (with very few side eects) using
recursion in the natural way avoids the need for side eects, because data structures are generally
created at the right times, rather than being created too early and having to be updated later.

Our interpreter will use Scheme's built-in read procedure to accept input in the form of s-
expressions, i.e., expressions represented as standard Scheme data structures such as symbols,
numbers, and possibly nested lists of those consituents. Recall that...] S-expressions can be
simple, as in the case of symbols, or complex, as in the case of nested lists.

4.2.1 The Read-Eval-Print Loop

(This section could be skimmed if you're not interested in the read-eval-print-loop, which is just
a simple command interpreter that acts as a \front end" to the evaluator.)

When you're interacting with Scheme by typing text, you're interacting with a Scheme procedure
called the read-eval-print loop. This procedure just loops, accepting one command at a time,
executing it, and printing the result.

The three steps at each iteration of the loop are:

1. calling read to an expression from the keyboard input buer, constructing a data structure to
represent it,
2. calling eval interpreter to \interpret" the expression,
3. calling write to print the resulting value so that the user can see it.

You can write your own read-eval-print loop for your own programs, so that users can type
in expressions, and you can interpret them any way you want. Later, I'll show how to write an
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 152

interpreter, and this will come in handy. You can start up your read-eval-print loop (by typing
in (rep-loop)), and it will take over from the normal Scheme read-eval-print loop, interpreting
expressions your way.

Here's a very simple read-eval-print loop:

(define (rep-loop)
(display "repl>") print a prompt
(write (eval (read))) read expr., pass to eval, write result
(rep-loop)) tail call to do it again

We've coded the iteration recursively, rather than using a looping construct. The procedure is
tail-recursive, since all it does at the end is call itself. Remember that Scheme is smart about this
kind of recursion, and won't build up procedure activation information on the stack and cause a
stack overow. You can do tail recursion all day. Since nothing happens in a given call to the
procedure after the tail-call, Scheme can avoid returning to it at all, and avoid saving any state to
return to.

The above read-eval-print loop isn't very friendly, because it loops in

nitely without giving you
any chance to break out of it. Let's modify it to allow you to stop the tail recursion by typing in
the symbol halt.

(define (rep-loop)
(display "repl>") print a prompt
(let ((expr (read))) read an expression, save it in expr
(cond ((eq? expr halt) user asked to stop?
(display "exiting read-eval-print loop")
(#t otherwise,
(write (eval expr)) evaluate and print
(rep-loop))))) and loop to do it again

Notice that this is still tail recursive, because the branch that does a the recursive call doesn't
do anything else after that.

This read-eval-print loop could be improved a little. By using the symbol halt as the command
to tell the loop to stop, we prevent people from being able to evaluate halt as an expression. We
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 153

could get around this by ensuring that the halt command doesn't have the syntax of any expression
in the language, but we won't bother right now.

Another improvement would be to make it possible to use dierent interpreters with the same
read-eval-print loop. The rep-loop procedure above assumes that it should call a procedure named
eval to evaluate an expression. We'd like to write a rep-loop that works with dierent evaluators,
so instead of having it call eval by name, we'll hand it an argument saying which evaluator to use.
Since procedures are
rst class, we can just hand it a pointer to the evaluation procedure.

(define (rep-loop our-eval)

(display "repl>") print a prompt
(let ((expr (read))) read an expression, save it in expr
(cond ((eq? expr 'exit) user asked to stop?
(display "exiting read-eval-print loop")
(#t otherwise,
(write (our-eval expr)) evaluate and print
(rep-loop our-eval))))) and loop to do it again

Here we just made three changes. We added an argument our-eval, which is expected to be a
procedure. Then we changed the call to eval to call our-eval, i.e., whatever evaluator was given.
Then we changed the recursive call to rep-loop to pass that argument on to the next recursive

4.2.2 The Reader

(Note: this section could be skimmed if you're not interested in how the reader works|it is just
a front end to the evaluator, where the interesting work is done.)

We won't write our own reader for our interpreter, but I'll sketch how the reader works.

(Our interpreter will just snarf the reader from the underlying Scheme system we're implement-
ing it in, but it's good to know how we could write a reader, and it's a nice example of recursive

The reader is just the procedure read, which is written in terms of a few lower-level procedures
that read individual characters and construct tokens, which read puts together into nested data
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 154

structures. A token is just a fairly simple item that doesn't have a nested structure. For example,
lists nest, but symbol names don't, strings don't, and numbers don't.

The low-level routines that read uses just read individual tokens from the input (a stream of
characters). These tokens include symbols, strings, numbers, and parentheses. Parentheses are
special, because they tell the reader when recursion is needed to read nested data structures.

(I haven't explained about character I/O, but don't worry|there are Scheme procedures for
reading a character of input at a time, testing characters for equality, etc. For now, we'll ignore
those details and I'll just sketch the overall structure of the reader.)

Lets assume we have a simple reader that only reads symbols, integers, and strings, and (possibly
nested) lists made up of those things. It'll be pretty clear how to extend it to read other kinds of
things. Implementing read

read uses recursion to construct nested lists while reading through the character input from left
to right.

When it sees a left parenthesis, it calls an auxiliary procedure we'll call read-list to read the
elements of a list.

read and read-list are mutually recursive. read-list reads the elements of a list by calling
read (if the list elements are simple tokens), which may call read-list recursively to read nested

Notice that hitting a right parenthesis is the termination condition for the recursion. If we're
reading a sublist of a list, and hit a right parenthesis, read-list recognizes that as the sign to
stop, and return a complete (nested) list to read.

Here's a slightly oversimpli

ed version of read. (The main oversimpli
cation is that we've left
out any error-checking code. We assume that what we're reading is a legal textual representation
of a Scheme data structure. We also haven't dealt with reading from
les, instead of the standard
input, or what to do when reaching the end of a

(Our little reader will use the standard Scheme procedure read-char to read one character of
input at a time, and also the predictate procedures char-alphabetic? and char-digit? these
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 155

tell whether a character represents a letter or a number. We'll also use the character literals #\"
and #\(, which represent the double quote character and the left parenthesis character.)

 this code is o the top of my head and needs to be debugged ]

(define (read)
(let ((first-char (read-char)))
(if (eq? first-char #\() char a left parenthesis?
(cond ((char-alphabetic? first-char)
(read-symbol first-char))
((char-digit? first-char)
(read-number first-char))
((eq? first-char #\") char a double quote?

Notice that the

rst if is the recursion test. If we see a left parenthesis, which is a special token,
and we call read-list to read a list. read list can call read again to read the elements of the
list, so read is indirectly recursive.

If we're not reading a list, we call any of several auxiliary procedures to read tokens:

read-symbol. If the character we read is a letter, we're reading a symbol, so we call read-
symbol to
nish reading it. (We pass it the character we read, since it's the
rst character
of the symbol's print name.) read-symbol (not shown) just reads through more characters,
saving them until it hits a special token (space or parenthesis). When it
nishes reading the
whole print name of the symbol, it checks the table of symbols to see if there's already a symbol
by that name. If so, it just returns a pointer to it. If not, it constructs a symbol by that name,
adds it to the table, and returns a pointer to that.
read-number. If the character we read is a digit, we're reading a number, so we call read-
number. (We pass it the
rst character we read, since that's the
rst digit of the number.) read-
number just reads through successive characters, saving them until it hits a special token such
as a space or parenthesis. Then it calls another procedure, string->number which converts the
sequence of digit characters into a binary number in the usual Scheme number representation,
and returns that.
read-string. If the character we read is a double quote ("), we're reading a string, so we
call read-string. (We don't have to pass it the character we read, since the double quote
isn't actually part of the string. It's done its job by telling us that we're reading a string.)
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 156

read-string just reads through characters, saving them until it hits another double quote. It
then calls another procedure that constructs a string with that sequence of characters. Implementing read-list

Here's a slightly oversimpli
ed version of read-list. (Again, the main oversimpli
cation is that
we don't check for illegal syntax, like extra closing parentheses.)

 need to explain peek-character ]

 this code is o the top of my head and needs to be debugged ]

(define (read-list list-so-far)

(let ((next-char (peek-char)))
if we hit a right parenthesis,
(if (eq? next-char #\))
then return list we've read, reversing it into proper order
(reverse list-so-far)
else read next item and call self recursively to read rest
(cons (read)
(read-list list-so-far)))))

Notice that we've coded read-list recursively in two ways.

We code the iteration that reads successive items in the list as a recursion, passing the list so
far as an argument to the recursive call.  This is not tail-recursive, but we could
x it. ]

We read list elements by calling read, and then cons them onto the list so far, and pass that
to a recursive call to read-list. This constructs a list that's backwards, because we push later
elements onto the front of the list. When we hit a right parenthesis and end a recursive call, we
reverse the list we've read, to put it in the proper order. Comments on the Reader

The reader is really a simple kind of recursive descent parser. A parser converts a sequence of
tokens into a syntax tree that describes the nesting of expressions or statements.) It is a \top-
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 157

down" parser, because it recognizes high-level structures before lower-level ones (e.g., it recognizes
the beginning of a list before reading and recognizing the tokens and sublists inside it).12

It converts a linear sequence of characters into a simple parse tree.

(If you're familiar with standard compiler terminology, you should recognize that read performs
lexical analysis (a.k.a. scanning or tokenization) using read-string, read-symbol, and read-
number. It performs predictive recursive-descent parsing via the mutual recursion of read and

Unlike most parsers, the data structure read generates is a data structure in the Scheme lan-
guage, rather than a data structure internal to a compiler or interpreter. This is one of the nice
things about Scheme|there's a simple but exible parser you can use in your own programs. You
can use it for parsing data as well as programs.

When implementing the Scheme language, that's not all there is to doing parsing. The reader
does the
rst part of parsing, translating input into s-expressions. The rest of parsing is done
during interpretation or compilation, in a very straightforward way. The rest of the parsing isn't
much more complicated than reading, and is also done recursively.3

1 Unsurprisingly, a bottom-up parser would do the opposite|it would recognizes the smaller
rst, and then recognizes the larger groupings that enclose them.
2 In the technical terminology of programming language processors, the reader is a predictive
parser for an LL grammar. It can parse s-expressions top-down in a single pass through the
sequence of tokens, without looking ahead more than one token, because it only needs to see
the next token to know what action to take. (E.g., if it sees a left parenthesis, it immediately
\knows" that it is parsing a nested list.)
3 It's often said that Lisp and Scheme have such a simple syntax that they \don't need a parser,"
but this is just false. Lisp and Scheme actually have \em two parsers, because their syntax has
a two levels. The \surface" syntax is parenthesized pre
x expressions, recognized by the reader,
but there is a \deeper" syntax that is recognized by the interpreter or compiler, which analyzes
s-expressions in the process of evaluating or compiling them.

As we'll see when we get to macros, Scheme syntax is even more sophisticated than this, despite
its simplicity. Technically, Scheme has a \em transformational grammar that is not \context-free,"
but is easy to parse. (If you don't know what that means, don't worry about it. Scheme is easy to
understand without knowing the fancy technical terms.)
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 158

4.2.3 Recursive Evaluation

The evaluator is the core of the interpreter|it's what does all of the interesting work to evaluate
complicated expressions.

Evaluation is done recursively. We write code to evaluate simple expressions, and use recursion
to break down complicated expressions into simple parts.

I'll show you a simple evaluator for simple arithmetic expressions, like a four-function calculator,
which you can use like this, given the read-eval-print-loop above:

Scheme>(repl math-eval) start up read-eval-print loop w/arithmetic eval

repl>(+ 1 2)
repl>(* (+ 1 3) (- 4 2))

As before, the read-eval-print-loop reads what you type at the repl> prompt as an s-expression,
and calls math-eval.

Here's the main dispatch routine of the interpreter, which

gures out what kind of expression
it's given, and either evaluates it trivially or calls eval-combo to help:

(define (math-eval expr)

(cond self-evaluating object? (we only handle numbers)
((number? expr)
compound expression? (we only handle two-arg combinations)
((and (list? expr)
(eq? (length expr) 3))
(math-eval-combo expr))
(error "invalid expression" expr))))

First math-eval checks the expression to see if it's something simple that it can evaluate straight-
forwardly, without recursion.
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 159

The only simple expressions in our language are numeric literals, so math-eval just uses number?
to test whether the expression is a number. If so, it just returns that value. (Voila! We've
implemented self-evaluating objects.)

If the expression is not simple, it's supposed to be an arithmetic expression with an operator
and two operands, represented as a three element list. (This is the subset of Scheme's combinations
that this interpreter can handle.) In this case, math-eval calls eval-combo.

(define (math-eval-combo expr)

(let ((arg1 (math-eval (cadr expr)))
(arg2 (math-eval (caddr expr))))
(cond ((eq? (car expr) '+)
(+ arg1 arg2))
((eq? (car expr) '-)
(- arg1 arg2))
((eq? (car expr) '*)
(* arg1 arg2))
((eq? (car expr) '/)
(/ arg1 arg2))
(error "Invalid operation in expr:" expr)))))

eval-combo handles a combination (math operation) by calling math-eval recursively to eval-

uate the arguments, checking which operator is used in the expression, and calling the appropriate
Scheme procedure to perform the actual operation.

4.2.4 A Note on Snarng and Bootstrapping

Two concepts worth knowing about language implementation are snarfing and bootstrapping.
ng is \stealing" features from an underlying language when implementing a new language.
Bootstrapping is the process of building a language implementation (or other system) by using the
system to extend itself. Snarng
Our example interpreter implements Scheme in Scheme, but we could have written it in C or
assembly language. If we had done that, we'd have to have written our own read-eval-print loop,
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 160

and a bunch of not-very interesting code to read from the keyboard input and create data structures,
display data structures on the screen, and so on. Instead, we \cheated" by snar
ng those features
from the underlying Scheme system|we simply took features from the underlying Scheme system
and used them in the language we interpret. Our tiny language requires you to type in Scheme lists,
because it uses the Scheme read-eval-print to get its input and call the interpreter. If we wanted
to, we could provide our own read routine that reads things in a dierent syntax. For example, we
might read input that uses square brackets instead of parentheses for nesting, or which uses in
operators instead of pre
x operators. (That is, the middle item in a three-element list would be
the operator name.)

There are some features we didn't just snarf, though|we wrote our own evaluation procedure
which controls recursive evaluation. For example, we use basic Scheme arithemetic procedures
to implement individual arithmetic operations, but we don't simply snarf them: the interpreter
recognizes arithmetic operations in its input language, and maps them onto procedure calls in the
underlying language. We can change our language by changing those mappings: for example, we
could use the symbols sum, difference, product, and quotient instead of +, -, *, and *. Or we
could use the same names, but implement the operations dierently. (For example, we might have
our own arithmetic routines that allow a representation of in
nity, and do something reasonable
for division by zero.)

We also use recursion to implement recursion, when we recursively call eval). But since we
coded that recursion explicitly, we can easily change it, and do something dierent. Our arithmetic
expressions don't have to have the same recursive structure as Scheme expressions.

We could also implement recursion ourselves. As written, our tiny interpreter uses Scheme's
recursion \stack" to implement it's own stack|each recursive call to eval implements a recursive
call in our input language. We didn't have to do this. We could have implemented our own stack
as a data structure, and written our interpreter as a simple non-recursive loop.

What counts as \snar

ng"? The term is a good one, but not clearly de
ned. We clearly just
snarfed the Scheme reader, but we've done something a little dierent with recursion. We've done
something very dierent with the interpretation of operator names. Bootstrapping and Cross-compiling

Implementing a programming language well requires attention to the
ne art of bootstrapping|
how much of the system do you have to build \by hand" in some lower-level system, and how much
can you build within the system itself, once you've got a little bit of it working.
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 161

Most Scheme systems are written mostly in Scheme, and in fact it's possible (but not particularly
fun) to implement a whole Scheme system in Scheme, even on a machine that doesn't have a Scheme
system yet.

How are these things possible?

First, let's take the simple case, where you're willing to write a little code in another language.
You can write an interpreter for a small subset of Scheme in, say, C or assembler. Then you can
extend that little language by writing the rest of Scheme in Scheme|you just need a simple little
subset to get started, and then things you need can be de
ned in terms of things you already
have. Writing an interpreter for a subset of Scheme in C is not hard|just a little tedious. Then
you can use lambda to create most of the rest of the procedures in terms of simpler procedures.
Interestingly, you can also implement most of the de
ning constructs and control constructs of
Scheme in Scheme, by writing macros, which we'll discuss later.

You can start out this way even if you want your Scheme system to use a compiler. You can
write the compiler in Scheme, and use the interpreter to run it and generate machine code. Now
you have a compiler for Scheme code, and can compile procedures so that they run faster than if
you interpreted them. You can take most of the Scheme code that you'd been interpreting, and
use the compiler to create faster versions of them. You then replace the old (interpreted) versions
with the new (compiled) versions, and the system is suddenly faster.

Once the compiler works, you can compile the compiler, so that \em it runs faster. After all,
a compiler is just a program that takes source code as input and generates executable code|it's
just a program that happens to operate on programs. Now you're set|you have a compiler that
can compile Scheme code that you need to run, including itself, and you don't need the interpreter

To get Scheme to work on a new system, without even needing an interpreter, you can \em
cross-compile. If you have Scheme working on one kind of machine, but want to run it on another,
you can write your Scheme compiler in Scheme, and have it run on one machine but generate code
for the new machine. Then you can take the executable code it generates, copy it onto the new
machine, and run it.

Most Scheme systems are built using tricks like this. For example, the RScheme system never
had an interpreter at all. Its compiler was initially run in a dierent Scheme system (Scheme-48)
and used to compile most of RScheme itself. This code was then used to run RScheme with no
further assistance from another implementation.
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 162

rst Scheme system was built by writing a Scheme interpreter in Lisp,  or was it a compiler

rst? ... blah blah ... ]

4.2.5 Improving the Simple Interpreter

We can easily improve the little interpreter in lots of ways.  We should put the code in a
minieval.scm so people can experiment with it. Need to debug it
rst, of course. It's changed since
the one I've used in class. ]

First, we can add a toplevel binding environment, so we can have some variables. (Local
variables will be discussed in the next chapter.) To make them useful, we need some special forms,
like define and (while we're at it) set!.

We can also add a few more data types for now, we'll just add booleans.

Here's what our new main dispatch routine looks like:

(define (eval expr)

(cond variable reference
((symbol? expr)
(eval-symbol expr))
combination OR special form
((pair? expr)
(eval-list expr))
any kind of self-evaluating object
((self-evaluating? expr)
(error "Illegal expression: " expr))))

Since we're adding variables to our interpreter, symbols can be expressions by themselves now|
references to top-level variable bindings. We've added a branch to our cond to handle that, and a
helper procedure eval-symbol. (We'll discuss how the variable lookup is done shortly.)

We need to recognize two kinds of self-evaluating types now (and may add more later), so we
come up with a procedure self-evaluating? that covers both cases and can easily be extended.
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 163

(define (self-evaluating? expr)

(or (number? expr) (boolean? expr)))

We also need to recognize two basic types of compound expressions: combinations and special
forms. These (and only these) are represented as lists, so we can use pair? as a test, and dispatch
to eval-list.

Here's the code for eval-list, which just checks to see whether a compound expression is a
special form, and dispatches to eval-special-form if it is, and eval-combo if it's not.

(define (eval-list expr)

(if (and (symbol? (car expr))
(special-form-name? (car expr)))
(eval-special-form expr)

We could use a cond to check whether symbols are special form names, but using member on a
literal list is clearer and easily extensible|you can just add names to the list.

(define (special-form-name? expr)

(member '(if define set!)))

eval-special-form just dispatches again, calling a routine that handles whatever kind of special
form it's faced with. (Later, we'll see prettier ways of doing this kind of dispatching, using
procedures.) From here, we've done most of the analysis, and are dispatching to little procedures
that actually do the work.

 need to come back to this after discussing backquote|this would make a good example ]

(define (eval-special-form expr)

(let ((name (car expr)))
(cond ((eq? name 'define)
(eval-define expr))
((eq? name 'set!)
(eval-set! expr))
((eq? name 'if)
(eval-if expr)))))
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 164

Once the evaluator has recognized an if expression, it calls eval-if to do the work. eval-if
calls eval recursively, to evaluate the condition expression, and depending on the result, calls it
again to evaluate the \then" branch or the \else" branch. (One slight complication is that we may
have a one-branch else, so eval-if has to check to see if the else branch is there. If not, it just
returns #f.)

(define (eval-if expr)

(let ((expr-length (length expr)))
(if (eval (cadr expr))
(eval (caddr expr))
(if (= expr-length 4))
(eval (cadddr expr))

 note that what we're doing includes parsing... one-branch vs. two branch if. Should actually
be doing more parsing, checking syntax and signaling errors gracefully. E.g., should check to see
that expr-length is a legal length. ]

 Also note that we're snar

ng booleans, and our if behaves like a Scheme if... but we don't
have to. We could put a dierent interpretation on if, e.g., only interpreting #t as a true value. ]

For a toplevel binding environment, we'll use an association list. (A more serious interpreter
would probably use a hash table, but a association list will suce to demonstrate the principles.)

We start by declaring a variable to hold our interpreter's environment, and initializing it with
an empty list.

(define envt '())

To add bindings, we can de

ne a routine to add an association to the association list.

(define (toplevel-bind! name value)

(let ((bdg (assoc name toplevel-envt)))
if binding already exists, put new value (in cadr) of association
else create a new association with given value
(if bdg
(set-car! (cdr bdg) value)
(set! envt
(cons (list name init) envt)))))
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 165

Recall that the elements of an association list are \associations," which are just lists whose
value is used as a key. We'll use the second element of the list as the actual storage for a variable.

For example, an environment containing just bindings of foo and bar with values 2 and 3
(respectively) would look like ((foo 2) (bar 3)).

At the level of the little Scheme subset we're implementing, we'd draw this environment this

+-------+ 'envt]
envt | *---+------>+-------+
+-------+ foo | *---+---> 2
bar | *---+---> 3

This emphasizes the fact that these are variable bindings with values, i.e., named storage loca-
tions. Notice that envt is a variable in the language we're using to implement our interpreter, but
foo and bar are variables in the language the interpreter implements.

If we want to show how it's implemented at the level of the Scheme we're writing our interpreter
in, we can draw it more like this:

envt | *---+---->+---+---+ +---+---+
+-------+ | * | *-+------------------>| * | * +
+-|-+---+ +-+-+---+
| |
+---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+ +---+---+
| * | +-+-->| * | * | | * | *-+-->| * | * |
+-|-+---+ +-|-+---+ +-|-+---+ +-+-+---+
| | | |
foo 2 bar 3

Now we can add the four procedures we had in the math evaluator:
Chapter 4: Writing an Interpreter 166

(toplevel-bind! '+ +)
(toplevel-bind! '- -)
(toplevel-bind! '* *)
(toplevel-bind! '/ /)

Again, we're just snar

ng procedures straight from the Scheme we're implementing our inter-
preter in. We put them in our binding environment under the same names.

Now we need accessor routines to get and set values of bindings for variable lookups and set!

(define (toplevel-get name)

(cadr (assoc name envt)))

(define (toplevel-set! name)

(set-car (cdr (assoc name envt))))

 of course, these really should have some error checking ]

Given this machinery, we can now write eval-define and eval-set!. All they do is extract a
variable name from the define or set! expression, and create binding for that name or update its
(define (eval-define expr)
(toplevel-bind! (cadr expr)
(eval (caddr expr))))

(define (eval-set! expr)

(toplevel-set! (cadr expr)
(eval (caddr expr))))

4.3 Discussion and Review

Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 167

5 Environments and Procedures

5.1 Understanding let and lambda

5.1.1 let

One dierence between C or Pascal blocks and Scheme let's is that let variable bindings don't
necessarily cease to exist when the let is exited, and the bindings therefore can't be allocated on
a stack in the general case. (The reason for this will become clear when we talk about lambda and

One way to visualize the creation of block variables is to see it as the creation of a new table
mapping names to storage, like the toplevel environment in our interpreter.

Except for the new variables, the new environment (table) is the same as the one that was in use
when the block was entered. We say that the let expression \extends" the \outer" environment
with bindings for the let variables.

Suppose we type a let expression at the Scheme prompt, (Assume we we're just doing the usual
expression evaluation in the usual top-level environment.)

Scheme>(let ((x 10) (y 20))

(+ x y))

The interpreter maintains a pointer to the \current environment" when evaluating an expression.
This pointer always points to the environment the currently-executing code must execute in, i.e.,
the variable bindings it must see for the variables it uses.

Before evaluating the let expression, Scheme's environment pointer points to the top-level
environment, which contains the usual bindings holding the built-in Scheme procedures, plus any
top-level variables we've de
ned. Supposing we've de
ned a variable foo, we can draw the top-level
environement like this:
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 168

+-----+ +------+-----+
envt | +--+------->| car | *--+----> #<proc ...>#
+-----+ +------+-----+
| cons | *--+----> #<proc ...>#
| + | *--+----> #<proc ...>#
| * |
| * |
| foo | +--+----> #<proc ...>#

(Here' we've drawn the environment as a simple table of names and bindings. It might actually
be implemented as an association list, as in our simple example interpreter, or more likely as a hash

After entering the let and creating the bindings for x and y, the interpreter changes the en-
vironment pointer to point to the resulting new environment. This is typically implemented by
representing the environment as a chain of tables, rather than a simple table. The newest table is
rst, and so on down the chain, to
nd the appropriate bindings. This environment chain
is used as a pointer-linked stack, for the most part, with new environments being pushed onto the
stack when a let is entered, and popped o the stack when a let is exited.
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 169

| car | +--+----> #<proc ...>#
| cons | +--+----> #<proc ...>#
| + | +--+----> #<proc ...>#
| * |
| * |
| foo | +--+----> #<proc ...>#
+-----+ +-------+--+--+
envt | +--+------->|'scope]| * |
+-----+ +-------+-----+
| x | 10 |
| y | 20 |

The link that connects the two tables is called a scope link. It reects the nesting of naming
scopes in the program. In this case, when a variable is referenced inside the let, the search for a
binding begins at the new (small) table. If it is not found, the search follows the scope link to the
next table and looks there. This can continue for as many levels as there are nested scopes in the

While we're executing in the new environment, its bindings shadow (hide) any bindings of
variables with the same name in the outer environment. For example, if there's a top-level variable
named x bound in the top-level environment, they won't be seen by code executing in the let

When we exit the let, the current environment pointer is set back to point to the same envi-
ronemnt as before entering the let. In the usual case, that environment becomes garbage because
there are no pointers to it, and the garbage collector will eventually reclaim its space.
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 170

5.1.2 lambda

In Scheme, you can create anonymous (unnamed) procedures any time you want, using the
lambda special form.

 Say this here, or in Intro chapter?: A better name for lambda might be make-procedure. ... ]

For example, suppose you want to write a piece of code that needs to double the values of the
items in a list. You could do what we did before, and de
ne a named double procedure, but if you
only need to use the procedue in one place, it's easier to use an anonymous procedure created with

Instead of writing

(define (double x)
(+ x x))

and then using it like this

(map double mylist)

You can simply de

ne it where it's used, using lambda.

(map (lambda (x) (+ x x)) mylist)

This can help avoid cluttering your code with lots of auxiliary procedures. (Don't overdo it,
though|if a procedure is nontrivial, it's good to give it a name that reects what it does.) This is
very convenient when using higher-order procedures like map, or higher-order procedures you come
up with for your own programs.

 As we'll see in a little while, lambda has some very interesting properties that make it more
useful than it might seem right now. ]
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 171

 point out that variable arity works with lambda arg lists just like with de
ne arg lists ] define and lambda

 Have we already said that procedure de
ne is equivalent to variable de
ne plus lambda? If
not, say so here. Either way, maybe explain more clearly here. ] Currying Procedures are Closures

Scheme procedure's aren't really just pieces of code you can execute they're closures.

A closure is a procedure that records what environment it was created in. When you call it, that
environment is restored before the actual code is executed. This ensures that when a procedure
executes, it sees the exact same variable bindings that were visible when it was created|it doesn't
just remember variable names in its code, it remembers what storage each name referred to when
it was created.

Since variable bindings are allocated on the heap, not on a stack, this allows procedures to
remember binding environments even after the expressions that created those environments have
been evaluated. For example, a closure created by a lambda inside a let will remember the let's
variable bindings even after we've exited the let. As long as we have a pointer to the procedure
(closure), the bindings it refers to are guaranteed to exist. (The garbage collector will not reclaim
the procedure's storage, or the storage for the let bindings.)

Here's an example that may clarify this, and show one way of taking advantage of it.

Suppose we type the following expression at the Scheme prompt, to be interpreted in a top-level
Scheme> (let ((count 0))
(lambda ()
(begin (set! count (+ count 1))
#<proc ....>#
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 172

Evaluating this let expression

rst creates a binding environment with a binding for count.
The initial value of this binding is 0. In this environment, the lambda expression creates a closure.
When executed, this procedure will increment the count, and then return its value. (Note that
the procedure is not executed yet, however|it's just created.) This procedure, returned by the
lambda expression, is also returned as the value of the let expression, because a let returns the
value of its last body expression. The read-eval-print loop therefore prints a representation of the
(anonymous) procedure.

Unfortunately, we didn't do anything with the value, like give it a name, so we can't refer to
it anymore, and the garbage collector will just reclaim it. (OOPS.) Now suppose we want to do
the same thing, but hold onto the closure so that we can do something with it. We'll bind a new
variable my-counter, and use the above let expression to create a new environment and procedure,
just like before.

Scheme> (define my-counter (let ((count 0))

(lambda ()
(set! count (+ count 1))

Now we have a top-level binding of my-counter, whose value is the procedure we created. The
procedure keeps a pointer to the environment created by the let, which in turn has a pointer to
the top-level environment, thus:

 should simplify this picture and use it earlier, for the simpler example where we don't keep a
pointer to the closure. Should show the envt register pointing to the let envt at the moment the
closure is created. ]
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 173

| | car | *--+--> ...
| +------------+-----+
| | cons | *--+--> ...
| +------------+-----+
| | * |
| *
| | * |
| +------------+-----+
| | my-counter | *--+------------+
| +------------+-----+ |
| /|\ |
| | |
| 'envt] | |
| +------------+--+--+ |
| | 'scope] | * | |
| +------------+-----+ |
| | count | *--+-->10 |
| +------------+-----+ \|/
| /|\ 'closure]
| | +---------+
| +----------------+----* |
| +---------+
| | * |
| +----+----+
| |
| \|/
| 'code]
| +--------------------+
+---+---+ | (set! count |
envt | * | | (+ count 1)) |
+-------+ | count |

Now if we call the procedure my-counter, it will execute in its own \captured" environment
(created by the let). It will increment the binding of count in that environment, and return the
result. The environment will continue to exist as long as the procedure does, and will store the
latest value until next time my-counter is called:
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 174


Notice that if we evaluate the let form again, we will get a new let environment, and a new
procedure that will increment and return its count value|in eect, each procedure has its own little
piece of state which only it can see (because only it was created in that particular environment).

If we want, we can de
ne a procedure that will create new environments, and new procedures that
capture those environments|we can generate new counter procedures just by calling that \higher-
order" procedure. (Recall that a higher-order procedure is just a procedure that manipulates other
procedures. In this case, we're making a procedure that generates procedures.)

Each time make-counter is called, it will execute a let, creating an environment, and inside
that it will use lambda to create a counter procedure.

Scheme> (define (make-counter)

(let ((count 0))
(lambda ()
(set! count (+ count 1))

Each of the resulting procedures will have its own captured count variable, and keep it indepen-
dently of the other procedures.

Make sure you understand that the above procedure de

nition could have used an explicit
lambda to create the procedure make-counter, rather than the special procedure de
nition syntax:

Scheme> (define make-counter

(lambda ()
(let ((count 0))
(lambda ()
(set! count (+ count 1))
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 175

You may actually

nd this easier to understand, because it shows you exactly what's going on:
binding make-counter and creating a procedure (with the outer lambda) that when called, will
evaluate a let to create an environment, and a lambda (the inner one) to create a procedure that
captures it.)

Now we'll call the procedure created by the above de

nition, three times, and each time it will
create a new procedure:

Scheme> (define c1 (make-counter))

Scheme> (define c2 (make-counter))
Scheme> (define c3 (make-counter))

Now we'll call those procedures and look at their return values, to illustrate that they're inde-
pendent counters:

Scheme> (c1)
Scheme> (c1)
Scheme> (c2)
Scheme> (c2)
Scheme> (c1)
Scheme> (c1)
Scheme> (c3)

Neat, huh? The combination of block structure (local environments) with

rst-class proce-
dures (closures), allows us to associate state with procedures. Garbage collection makes this very
convenient, because we know that the environments will hang around as long as the procedures do.

If you're familiar with object-oriented programming, you may notice a resemblance between
closures and \objects" in the object-oriented sense. A closure associates data with a procedure,
where an object associates data with multiple procedures. After we get to object-oriented pro-
gramming, we'll explain how object-oriented programming facilities can be implemented in Scheme
using closures.
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 176

If you're familiar with graphical user interface systems, you may notice that GUI's often use
\callbacks," which are procedures that are executed in response to user input events like button
clicks and menu selections, and do something application-speci
c. (The application \registers"
callback procedures with the GUI system, which then calls them when the user clicks on the
ed buttons.) Closures make excellent GUI callback procedures, because the application can
create a closure for a speci
c context by capturing variable bindings, to customize the behavior of
the procedure.

5.2 Lambda is cheap, and Closures are Fast

It may seem that lambda is an expensive operation|after all, it creates procedure objects on the
y. At
rst glance, you might think that executing lambda would require a call to the compiler each
time. This is not the case, though, and lambda is actually a fairly cheap constant-time operation.

Notice that the procedure part of a lambda expression is known at compile time|each time the
lambda is executed at run time, it will create a new closure, and may capture a new environment,
but the expression closed in that environment is determined solely by the body of the lambda
expression. A compiler for scheme will therefore compile the lambda like any other procedure,
when it compiles the enclosing procedure. So, for example, when our example procedure make-
counter is compiled, the compiler will also compile the code for the lambda body. This code will
be kept around for use by make-counter.

The actual run-time code for lambda just consists of fetching the address of the code, and the
current environment pointer, and putting them in a closure object on the heap. lambda is therefore
about as fast as cons|all that's really happening is the creation of the closure object itself, not
anything expensive like calling the compiler at run-time.

 cost of lambda calling is a handful of instructions...]

5.3 An Interpreter with let and lambda

In this section, I'll present a new interpreter for a bigger subset of Scheme it handles all of the
essential special forms of Scheme, except for macro de
nitions. (A macro facility would be easy
to add, as well, and would make it easy to implement the remaining special forms by automatic
transformation, in terms of the special forms the interpreter \understands" directly.)
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 177

The new interpreter is very much like the one from the last chapter, with three important

It implements local binding environments as well as a top-level environment. Evaluating an

expression (such as a let) may create a new environment, and subexpressions (such as the
let body) can simply be evaluated in the new environment by recursive calls to eval
It allows new procedures to be de
ned, creating closures. Closures pair environments with
code bodies that are interpreted by the interpreter. Calling a closure is much like evaluating
a let. The arguments are bound in a local environment (like let variables), and the body is
interpreted in that environment.
We will treat special forms dierently, binding special form names in much the same way as
normal variable names. This will make the interpreter cleaner and more extensible.

Here is our new eval:

(define (eval expr envt)
(cond ((symbol? expr)
(eval-symbol expr envt))
((pair? expr)
(eval-list expr envt))
((self-evaluating? expr)
(syntax-error "Illegal expression form" expr))))

Notice that not much has changed|eval still just analyzes expressions and dispatches to more
specialized helper procedures that handle particular kinds of expressions.

The important dierence is that eval expects and environment argument envt, which represents
the binding environment in which to evaluate an expression.

5.3.1 Nested Environments and Recursive Evaluation

Instead of using the old \at" representation of an environment, which was just a table of
name-value pairs, we'll represent nested environments as a list of tables, or environment chain.

When we begin interpretering, the environment chain will consist of one table, the top-level
environment. When we evaluate a binding construct such as a let, we will create a new table, or
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 178

enviornment frame, which binds the local variables. This frame will contain the name-value pairs
bound locally, plus a pointer to the next enclosing environment. The environment chain is thus
a linked list that acts like a stack, for the most part|new enviornment frames are pushed on the
front of the list when entering a binding construct, and popped o the front of the list when exiting

We could implement this stack-like behavior with an explicit stack data structure in the inter-
preter, but it's easier to use the activation \stack" of the language we're using to implement the
interpreter. (In this case, that happens to be Scheme, but if we were implementing the interpreter
in C, we could use C's activation stack.)

At any given point during evaluation, the current environment is the environment referred to
by the interpreter's variable eval, an in particular the most recent binding of eval.

When we evaluate an expression that doesn't change the interpretive environment, and call eval
recursively to evaluate subexpressions, we simply pass the envt variable's value to the recursive
calls. This will ensure that the subexpressions execute in the same environement as the containing

When we evaluate a binding construct, and evaluate subexpressions in that environment, we

create a new environment and pass that to the recursive calls to eval, so the subexpressions will
execute in the new enviornment instead.

Notice that we don't actually modify the environment chain when creating a new environment|
we simply create a new frame which holds a pointer to the old environment, and pass it to
the recursive eval. The fact that we don't actually modify the structure of the environment is
important|it's will let us implement closure correctly.

When the interpreter returns from evaluating a subexpression, it returns to an enclosing invo-
cation of eval the old environment will become visible again because we return to an eval where
that environment is the value of the envt argument.

For example, consider what happens when we interpret the following expression, starting at the
top level
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 179

(let ((foo 1))

(if (a)
(let ((bar 2))
(if (b)

 We'll focus on the nested calls to eval corresponding to the nesting of let, if, let, if ]

If we look at the nested calls to eval, we

rst see a call that evaluates the whole expression in
the top-level environment:

eval expr: (let...) envt: | *--+--> 'toplevel envt]

(I've given a textual representation of the expr argument, but a pictorial representatio of the
envt argument.)

eval will dispatch to eval-let, passing it the same environment. eval-let will evaluate the
initial value expression 1 in that environment, and create a new environment binding foo. (I'll
ignore the recursive call to eval to evaluate the argument.) It will then call eval recursively to
evaluate the let body in that environment.

I'll depict the nested invocations of eval and eval-let top-to-bottom, showing the stack grow-
ing twoard the bottom of the picture. (This just turns out to be simpler than drawing the stack
growing up.)
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 180

eval expr: (let...) envt: | *--+--> 'toplevel envt]
+-----+ /|\ /|\
| |
+-----+ | |
eval-let expr: (let...) envt: | *--+-------+ |
+-----+ |
+-----+ |
eval expr: (if...) envt: | *--+--> ' 'foo 1] * ]

eval-if will evaluate the condition expression (a) in the given environment. We'll ignore that
recursive call to eval, but assume it returns a true value. In that case, eval-if will evaluate its
consequent, the inner let expression, by another recursive call to eval.

At this point, the \stack" of invocations of eval, eval-let, and eval-if looks like this:

eval expr: (let...) envt: | *--+--> 'toplevel envt]
+-----+ /|\ /|\
| |
+-----+ | |
eval-let expr: (let...) envt: | *--+-------+ |
+-----+ |
+-----+ |
eval expr: (if...) envt: | *--+---> ' 'foo 1] * ]
+-----+ /|\
+-----+ |
eval-if expr: (if...) envt: | *--+-------+
+-----+ |
+-----+ |
eval expr: (let...) envt: | *--+-------+
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 181

Again, the let will evaluate the intial value expression, 2, by a recursive call to eval, which we
will ignore here. Then it will bind bar in a new environment frame, and call eval recursively to
evaluate the body in that environment. The body consists of another if, so eval-if will be called,
and it will evaluate its argument expression and either the consequent or the alternative in that

Assuming the condition returns true and it evaluates the consequent, (c), here's the \stack" of
invocations of eval, eval-let, and eval-if at the point where (c) is evaluated:

eval expr: (let...) envt: | *--+--> 'toplevel envt]
+-----+ /|\ /|\
| |
+-----+ | |
eval-let expr: (let...) envt: | *--+-------+ |
+-----+ |
+-----+ |
eval expr: (if...) envt: | *--+---> ' 'foo 1] * ]
+-----+ /|\ /|\
| |
| |
+-----+ | |
eval-if expr: (if...) envt: | *--+-------+ |
+-----+ | |
| |
+-----+ | |
eval expr: (let...) envt: | *--+-------+ |
+-----+ |
+-----+ |
eval expr: (if...) envt: | *--+---> ' 'bar 2] * ]
+-----+ /|\
+-----+ |
eval expr: (c) envt: | *--+-------+
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 182

 Note that the pictures above all depict evaluation of nested non-tail expressions. In the case
of tail expressions, the \stack" will not include as much information, because the state of the calls
to eval, etc., will not be saved before the calls that evaluate subexpressions.

Our interpreter is written in good tail-recursive style, with tail calls to evaluate expressions that
are tails of expressions in the language we're interpreting. This means that the intepreter is tail-
recursive wherever the program it's implementing is tail-recursive, and since it's implemented in a
tail-recursive language (Scheme), we preserve the tail-recurson of the program we're interpreting. In
eect, we snarf tail-call optimization from the underlying Scheme system. If we were implementing
our interpreter in C, we'd have to use special tricks to preserve tail recursion. We'll show how this
can be done later, when we discuss our compiler. ]

5.3.2 Integrated, Extensible Treatment of Special Forms

In the interpreter in the last chapter, we implemented special forms directly in the interpreter|
eval-list checked compound expressions to see if they began with a special form name. In eect,
we hardcoded the meanings of special form names in the procedure eval-special-form.

In our new interpreter, we'll use a cleaner approach, which treats special form de
nitions pretty
much like variable de
nitions. This will let us put special forms in particular environments, and
use the normal scoping mechanisms to look up the routines that compile them.

This has several advantages. The

rst is that it makes our interpreter more modular. We
can create dierent environments with dierent special forms, and use the same interpreter to
interpret dierent languages. That is, we separate out the basic operation of the interpreter from
the particular special forms we decide on.

The second advantage is that it will allow us to build an elegant macro facility, so that new
special forms can be de
ned in terms of old ones. (This will be described in detail in  a later
chapter ].)

 this is out of place, but fwd ref idea anyway? Shorten? Or just move?]

A Scheme interpreter or compiler only needs to \understand" procedure calling and a few basic
special forms|if, lambda, set!, quote, did I leave one out?], and one very special special form
for de
ning new special forms (macros). (We can write cond as a macro using if, let as a macro
using lambda, letrec as a macro using let, lambda, and set!, and so on.)
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 183

The third advantage is that we can use the same scoping rules for special forms that we use
for variables. This will be very convenient later, because we will be able to de
ne local macros, in
much the same way we de
ne local procedures.

To support this, we need to represent bindings slighly dierently. In the simple interpreter from
the last chapter, each binding was just a name-value pair. Now we'll have a third part to each
binding, telling what kind of binding it is|a variable binding, a special form binding, or a macro

We can still use associations to represent the bindings. Where the simpler interpreter repre-
senting each binding as an association of the form (name value), the new one will use bindings of
the form (name type whatever). In the case of a normal variable binding, the \whatever" is the
actual value of the variable. In the case of a special form, the \whatever" is the information the
interpreter needs to interpret that particular special form, including the procedure to evaluate it.
For example, when binding the name let, we can store a pointer to the procedure eval-let right
there in the binding information.

Since the exact representation of bindings is irrelevant, and we may want to change it, we'll call
the whole thing a binding-info data structure. This reects that fact that it may not hold just
a binding, but also any auxiliary information we want to store.

To abstract away from exactly how bindings are implemented, we'll de

ne several procedures
that operate on binding-info's. These include:

binding-type, which returns a symbol saying what kind of binding it is: <variable> for
a normal variable, <special-form> for a built-in special form binding, and <syntax> for a
syntax (macro) binding.
bdg-variable-ref, which returns the value of a normal variable binding.

bdg-special-form-evaluator, which returns an evaluation procedure for a special form bind-


For now we'll ignore <syntax> bindings, which will be discussed in a later chapter.

 give actual code for accessors, etc? ]

Here's our new eval-list for handling compound expressions:

Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 184

(define (eval-list list-expr envt)

only try to consider it specially if the head is a symbol
(if (symbol? (car list-expr))

look it up in the current lexical environment

(let ((binding-info (envt-lexical-lookup envt (car list-expr))))

switch on the type of thing that it is

(cond ((not binding-info)
(run-time-error "Unbound symbol" (car list-expr)))
special forms just call the special-form
evaluator, which is stored in the binding-info
object itself
((eq? (binding-type binding-info) '<special-form>)
((bdg-special-form-evaluator binding-info) list-expr envt))

((eq? (binding-type binding-info) '<variable>)

(eval-combo (bdg-variable-ref binding-info)
(cdr list-expr)
((eq? (binding-type binding-info) '<syntax>)
(eval-macro-call (bdg-syntax-transformer binding-info)
(internal-error "Unrecognized binding type"))))))

the head of the list is not a symbol, so evalute it

and then do an eval-combo to evaluate the args and
call the procedure
(eval-combo (eval (car list-expr) envt)
(cdr list-expr)

rst checks to see whether the head of the list is a symbol if not, it's just a combina-
tion (procedure call expression), and is handled by eval-combo. (Remember that a combination can
have an arbitrary expression as its operator, and that expression is assumed to return a procedure
to call.)

If it is a symbol, the binding of the variable is looked up. If it's a special from binding, the
evaluation procedure is extracted from the binding info, and called to evaluate the expression.

If the head of the list is just the name of a normal variable, that's also just a combination, and
eval-combo is called in that case, too.
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 185

If the head of the list is the name of a syntax binding (macro), we call eval-macro-call to deal
with it don't worry about this for now|it will be discussed in detail in Chapter  whatever ].

Notice that in all cases, the environment is passed along unchanged to whatever procedure
handles the expression.

5.3.3 Interpreting let

The procedure eval-let will be stored in the binding for the special form let. In the case
of a let expression, eval-let (above) will extract this procedure from the binding and call it to
evaluate the expression.

(define (eval-let let-form envt)

extract the relevant portions of the let form

(let ((binding-forms (cadr let-form))
(body-forms (cddr let-form)))

break up the bindings part of the form

(let ((var-list (map car binding-forms))
(init-expr-list (map cadr binding-forms)))

evaluate initial value expressions in old envt, create a

new envt to bind values,
(let ((new-envt (make-envt var-list
(eval-multi init-expr-list envt)
evaluate the body in new envt
(eval-sequence body-forms new-envt)))))

rst thing let does is to extract the list of variable binding clauses and the list of body
expressions from the overall let expression. Then it further decomposes the variable binding
clauses, extracting a list of names and a corresponding list of initial value expressions. (Notice how
easy this is using map to create lists of car's and cadr's of the original clause list.)

eval-let then calls a helper procedure, eval-multi, to recursively evaluate the list of initial
value expressions and return a list of the actual values.
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 186

Then it calls make-envt to make the new environment. This creates a new environment frame,
scoped inside the old environment|i.e., with a scope link to it|with variable bindings for each of
the variables, initialized with the corresponding values.

Then eval-let calls eval-sequence to recursively evaluate the body expressions in the new
environment, in sequential order, and return the value of the last expression. This value is returned
from eval-let as the value of the let expression.

Here's the code for eval-multi, which just uses map to evaluate each expression and accumulate
a list of results.

eval-multi calls eval recursively to evaluate each subexpression in the given environment. To
do this, it must pass two arguments to eval. It uses map to iterate over the list of expressions,
but instead of calling eval directly, map calls a helper procedure that takes an expression as its
argument, and then passes the expression and the environment to eval.

Recall from section  whatever ] that technique is known as currying. We use lambda to create a
specialized version of a procedure (in this case eval), which automatically supplies one of the argu-
ments. In eect, we create a specialized, one-argument version of eval that evaluates expressions
in a particular environment, and then map that procedure over the list of expressions.

(define (eval-multi arg-forms envt)

(map (lambda (x)
(eval x envt))

Here's the code for eval-sequence, which is very much like eval-multi|it just evaluates a
list of expressions in a given environment. It's dierent from eval-multi in that it returns only
the value of the last expression in the list, rather than a list of all of the values.

(define (eval-sequence arg-forms envt)

(if (pair? arg-forms)
(cond ((pair? (cdr arg-forms))
(eval (car arg-forms) envt)
(eval-sequence (cdr arg-forms) envt))
(eval (car arg-forms) envt)))
'*undefined-value*)) the value of an empty sequence
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 187

(Notice that we've written eval-sequence tail-recursively, and we've been careful to evaluate
the last expression using a tail-call to eval. This ensures that we won't have to return to eval-
sequence, so if the expression we're interpreting is a tail-call, we won't lose tail-recursiveness in
the interpreter.)

5.3.4 Variable References and set!

eval-symbol handles variable references. It looks up the binding of the symbol, if there is
one|if not, it's an unbound variable error|and checks to see that it's a variable reference and not
a special form or macro. If it is a normal variable, it fetches the value from the binding and returns

(define (eval-symbol name-symbol envt)

(let ((binding-info (envt-lexical-lookup envt name-symbol)))
(cond ((not binding-info)
(run-time-error "Symbol does not have value"
((eq? (binding-type binding-info) '<variable>)
(bdg-variable-ref binding info))
(syntax-error "non-variable name referenced as variable"

eval-set! handles the set! special form. It will be stored in a special form binding of the
name set!, and extracted and called (by eval-list) to evaluate set! expressions.

(define (eval-set! set-form envt)

(let ((name (cadr set-form))
(value-expr (caddr set-form)))
(let ((binding-info (envt-lexical-lookup envt name)))
(cond ((not binding-info)
(run-time-error "Attempt to set! undeclared variable" name))
((eq? (binding-type binding-info) '<variable>)
(bdg-variable-set! binding-info (eval value-expr envt)))
(syntax-error "Attempt to set! a non-variable" name))))))
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 188

5.3.5 Interpreting lambda and Procedure Calling

Our new interpreter will handle de
ning and calling new procedures. This is not dicult,
because all of the major mechanisms are already in place. We need the ability to de
ne local
variables (e.g., arguments), which we already implemented for let. We also need the ability to
interpret the procedure bodies, but the interpreter we've got is just
ne for that. We'll simply
store the procedure bodies as s-expressions, and interpret them like any other expressions when the
procedure is called.

Our representation of closures will be very simple. A closure mainly pairs an environment with
a procedure body, but we also need to specify a list of argument the procedure will accept.

We'll de
ne a procedure make-closure to construct a closure, given a pointer to an environ-
ment, a pointer to a list of argument names (symbols), and pointer to a procedure body (a list of

We'll also de
ne the procedures closure-envt, closure-args, and closure-body to extract
those parts when we call the procedure.

As a slight complication, we'd like to start out with some prede

ned procedures, and the easiest
way to do that is simply to snarf the corresponding procedures from the underlying Scheme system,
i.e., the language we're using to implement our interpreter. (If we were writing our interpreter in
C or assembly language, we might write the code bodies of built-in procedures in that language.)

These snarfed procedures will be the built-in \primitive" operations in our language, which
can be \glued together" by the interpreter to build new procedures, which may be arbitrarily

In the simple interpreter in the last chapter, we snarfed procedures directly|we just used
closures in the underlying Scheme as procedures in our language. In the new interpreter, we need
to distinguish between snarfed procedures (which we can simply call from inside the interpreter)
and user-de
ned procedures, which we must interpret via recursive calls to eval.

Our representation of closures will therefore support two predicates. closure? will test an object
to see if it is a closure of either sort. primitive-closure? will test whether a closure represents a
snarfed procedure from the underlying Scheme system.

In the case of a primitive closure, calling the closure just consists of extracting the underlying
Scheme closure, and calling it with the given argument values. (We don't snarf any procedures
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 189

that depend on what environment they execute in. We only snarf functions like + and cons, which
depend only on their arguments.)

A closure therefore has three important

elds: a pointer to an environment, a pointer to a list
of argument names, and a pointer to a code body. It also has a \hidden" type
eld, saying that
what kind of object it is.

 I'm glossing over the actual representation in the underlying Scheme system, because it really
doesn't matter. It could be an association list, a vector, or whatever. ]

eval-lambda is the procedure called from eval-list to handle lambda expressions. It will be
stored in binding of lambda of the name lambda (with binding type <special-form>, and extracted
and called to actually interpret lambda's.

(define (eval-lambda lambda-form envt)

(let ((formals (cadr lambda-form))
(body (cddr lambda-form)))
(make-closure envt formals body)))

eval-lambda simply extracts the argument list and body expression list from the lambda ex-
pression, and calls make-closure with them (and the current environment) to create the closure
object. Storing the current environment in the closure ensures that when the closure is interpreted
later, it will still be able to refer to the same bindings that were visible when it was created.

eval-combo is called from eval-list to evaluation combinations (procedure call expressions).

(Note that eval-list evaluates the operator expression before calling eval-combo, and hands it
the closure plus a list of unevaluated argument expressions. This is not particularly signi
could have passed the operator expression to eval-combo unevaluated, like the argument expres-
sions, and have eval-combo evaluate it instead. As we've written it, we ensure that the operator
expression is evaluated before the arguments. We could change it to get the opposite eect. This
would still be legal|the Scheme standard does not specify the order of evaluation, and an imple-
mentation may even use dierent orders at dierent call sites.)

 DONOVAN|maybe we should change it. RScheme evaluates the operator expression last, so
maybe the interpreter should, too. ]

eval-combo evaluates the argument expressions in the given environment to get the argument
values, using eval-multi, and calls eval-apply to call the given closure with those values.
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 190

(define (eval-combo proc arg-expr-list envt)

use our own kind of apply to run our own kind of closures
(eval-apply proc
evaluate the arguments, collecting the results into a list
(eval-multi arg-expr-list

eval-apply does the actual procedure call, after the arguments have been evaluated. That is,
it applies the given procedure (closure) to the given arguments.

If the closure we're calling is a primitive closure, we simply extract the underlying Scheme
procedure and call that, using the standard Scheme procedure apply. Scheme's apply takes a list
of any number of values, and calls the procedure as though the arguments had been passed to it in
the normal way.

(To make sure that you understand that, here's a simple usage of Scheme's apply: (apply +
'(1 2)). This call to apply will take the procedure + and call it with the values 1 and 2, just as if
we had written (+ 1 2). Likewise, (apply list '(1 2 3 4)) returns the same thing as (list 1 2
3 4).)
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 191

(define (eval-apply proc arg-list)

(if (primitive-closure? proc)

it's a primitive, so extract the underlying language's

closure for the primitive, and do a real (underlying Scheme)
apply to call it
(apply (closure-primitive proc) arg-list)

it's not a primitive closure, so it must be something

we created with make-closure

first, bind the actuals into a new environment, which
is scoped inside the environment in which the closure
was closed
(let ((new-envt (make-envt (closure-args proc)
(closure-envt proc))))
then, evaluate the body forms, returning the
value of the last of them.
(eval-sequence (closure-body proc)

In the case of a user-de

ned (interpreted) closure, eval-combo creates a new environment to
bind the arguments values, much as it does to bind the local variables of a let it calls make-envt
with the name list, the corresponding value list, and the old environment, and gets back a pointer
to the new environment frame, scoped inside the old one.

There's a big dierence here, though. The \old" environment that's used in creating the new
one is not the environment that was passed to eval-combo. (Notice that eval-combo did not even
pass that environment to eval-apply.)

When we call the closure, we extract the environment stored in the closure, and use that as the
\old" environment. This ensures that the closure body will evaluate in the environment where it
was de
ned, augmented with the bindings of its arguments. This is the crucial step in preserving
lexical scope|the meanings of identi
ers in the procedure body are
xed at the moment the closure
is created, because it captures the current environment at that point.

Once the new environment is created, eval-combo simply calls eval-sequence to evaluate the
sequence of body expressions and return the value of the last one. eval-combo simply returns this
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 192

value as the return value of the procedure call. (Notice that the call to eval-sequence is a tail
call, preserving the tail recursion of the program we're interpreting.) Mutual Recursion Between Eval and Apply

It is important to understand the relationship between eval and apply in the interpreter.
This will help you understand how scoping is implemented, and will also help you understand the
relationship between an interpreter and a compiler.

eval calls itself to evaluate normal nested expressions. It may do this indirectly, by using helper
procedures that discriminate dierent kinds of expressions, but in general recursive calls to eval
correspond to the nested structure of a procedure.

apply is very dierent. When the interpreter gets to a procedure call, it calls apply to jump to
a dierent procedure, not a nested expression of the same procedure. (Note that the arguments to
a procedure call are evaluated like any other nested expressions, by calling eval, but the call itself
is done by apply.)

Normal recursive calls to eval therefore correspond to the local nesting structure of the code,
but calls to apply correspond to transfers of control to dierent procedures.

 Any other miscellaneous stu I should explain? Should have a pointer to the source
le for
the whole interpreter... ]

 Say that's it for the interpreter for now... we'll come back to it when we talk about macros,
and we'll talk about a compiler with very similar structure later... ]

5.4 Variants of let: letrec and let*

Scheme provides two useful variants of let. letrec supports the creation of recursive local
procedures, including mutually recursive sets of procedures. let* supports the sequenced binding
of variables, where each initial value expression can use the previous bindings.
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 193

5.4.1 Understanding letrec

When a normal let is evaluated, the initial value expressions are evaluated before binding
is done. The initial value expressions execute in the environment outside the let, and then the
bindings are created and initialized with those values.

Often, we want the initial value expression for a binding to be able to create a procedure that
will see the new bindings. For example, suppose we want to create a local procedure which is
recursive. We might try this:

buggy example with tail-recursive local procedure

(define (some-procedure...)
(let ((helper (lambda (x)
(if some-test?
(helper ...))))) broken recursive call
(helper ...) call to recursive local procedure

The problem with this example is that when the let is evaluated, the lambda expression will
create the helper procedure in the wrong environment|before the variable helper is bound. The
resulting procedure will be scoped in the environment outside the let, not the new environment
where helper is visible. When the procedure calls helper|which we had intended to be a recursive
call|it will not use new binding of helper that we created. Inside the lambda body, helper will
still refer to whatever binding of helper was visible before intering the let. (Very likely, that's no
variable at all, and this will cause an unbound variable error.)

letrec lets us create an environment before evaluating the initial value expressions, so that the
initial value computions execute inside the new environment. We can
x the problem by using a
letrec instead of a let:

(define (some-procedure...)
(letrec ((helper (lambda (x)
(if some-test?
(helper ...))))) recursive call
(helper ...) call to recursive local procedure
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 194

Now the procedure helper can \see its own name," since the lambda expression is evaluated in
the environment where helper is bound.

A letrec expression is equivalent to a let where the bindings are initialized with dummy values,
and then the initial values are computed and assigned into the bindings. The above example is
equivalent to:

(define (some-procedure ...)

(let ((helper '*dummy-value*))
(set! helper (lambda (x)
(if some-test?
(helper ...))))) recursive call
(helper ...) call to recursive local procedure

letrec can be used when de

ning mutually recursive procedures, each of which can see the
others' names and call them.

(define (some procedure ...)

(letrec ((helper1 (lambda ()
... (helper2) ...))
(helper2 (lambda ()
... (helper1) ...)))
(helper1) start up mutual recursion

Notice that all letrec does is bind variables and (re-)initialize them. You can use it to de
plain variables as well as procedure variables. For example, if the recursive procedures above need
to reference a shared variable, you can do this:
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 195

(define (some procedure ...)

(letrec ((helper1 (lambda ()
... var1 ... (helper2) ...))
(helper2 (lambda ()
... (helper1) ... var1 ...))
(var1 #f))
(helper1) start up mutual recursion

 should come up with some simple concrete examples...]

As with let, the order of evaluation of a letrec's initial value expressions is unde
ned. For
example, the above letrec might be compiled as though it were a let like this:

(define (some procedure ...)

(let ((helper1 '*dummy-value*)
(helper2 '*dummy-value*)
(var1 '*dummy-value*))
(set! helper2 (lambda ()
... (helper1) ... var1 ...))

(set! var1 #f)

(set! helper1 (lambda ()
... var1 ... (helper2) ...))
(helper1) start up mutual recursion

When using letrec and lambda to de

ne local procedures, in the usual way, the order of
evaluation is irrelevant|the lambda expressions can be executed in any order, because they only
refer to the bindings of the letrec variables, not their values. The values are only used when
the resulting procedures are called. The following would be an error, however:
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 196

(define (some procedure ...)

(letrec ((helper1 ...)
(helper2 ...)
(var1 (list helper1 helper2)))
((car (var1 helper1))) start up mutual recursion

Here the initialization of var1 depends on the values of helper1 and helper2, which may not
have been computed yet. Using letrec and lambda to Implement Modules

Standard Scheme does not have a module system, but letrec and lambda are powerful enough
to implement modules in portable Scheme.

Suppose we would like to de

ne a module that encapsulates a set of procedures and variables,
but only exports a subset of those procedures.

We can represent the module as a letrec environment which exports an association list of of

Here we'll create a module called foo module, which de

nes four procedures and two variables,
and exports two of the procedures, foo and bar.

(define foo-module
create a letrec environment with internal definitions
of some variables and procedures
(letrec ((private-proc1 (lambda (...) ...))
(private-proc2 (lambda (...) ...))
(private-var1 ...)
(private-var2 ...)
(foo (lambda (...) ...))
(bar (lambda (...) ...)))
return an association list of "exported" closures
(list (list 'foo foo)
(list 'bar bar))))
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 197

The letrec expression will create an environment, and within that environment it will evaluate
the initial value expressions to initialize the bindings. All of the procedures in the letrec can see
each other's names, and call each other freely. Procedures outside the letrec cannot.

The only procedures that can be called from outside the letrec are foo and bar, which are
returned from the letrec in an association list. We've saved this list in the binding of foo-module,
so that we can look those procedures up and call them.

We can clean this up a little by providing an accessor function that will extract a single procedure
from a module, by using assq to
nd the appropriate closure:

(define (module-get mod name)

(cadr (assq mod name)))

To import a procedure and give it a name in another environment, we can do this:

(define foo (module-get foo-module 'foo))

If we want to, we can give it a dierent name in the environment we're \importing" it into.

(define quux (module-get foo-module 'foo))

This lets us rename a procedure imported from a module, to avoid naming conicts. quux is
exactly the same procedure as foo, but by a dierent name in a dierent scope. When we call it,
it will execute in the environment where it was de
ned, namely the \private" environment of the
module we created with letrec.

5.4.2 let*

For situations where the order of initialization is important, Scheme provides a variant of let
called let*.

Suppose we tried the following using let:

Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 198

(define (foo x)
(let ((a 0)
(upper (+ a epsilon))
(lower (- a epsilon)))

This will not do what we probably meant, because the initial values of upper and lower will
be computed before a is bound. We could
x this by using nested let's, to force evaluation and
binding to happen in the desired order:

(define (foo epsilon)

(let ((a 0))
(let ((lower (- a epsilon))
(upper (+ a epsilon)))

This ensures that a is bound before we evaluate the initial value expressions for upper and

Scheme provides let* to avoid needing lots of nested lets when initilizing a series of bindings,
each of which may depend ont the previous ones, e.g.,

(define (bar x y)
(let* ((diff (- x y))
(diff-squared (* diff diff))
(diff-cubed (* diff-squared diff)))

is exactly equivalent to

(define (bar x y)
(let ((diff (- x y)))
(let ((diff-squared (* diff diff)))
(let ((diff-cubed (* diff-squared diff)))

5.5 Iteration Constructs

Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 199

5.5.1 Named let

Named let is a general and exible iteration construct that is really just syntactic sugar for a
letrec and one or more lambda's. It looks like a let, but it's usually used as a loop.

Named let implements iteration as recursion. If you use it in normal ways, you write loops that
act as tail-recursive procedures. You can also use it to write \loops" that aren't tail recursive, but
that's uncommon.

Named let binds loop variables, and executes the loop body. Anywhere in the loop body, you
can call a procedure to iterate the loop.

Here's an example loop, which prints out the integers from 0 to 9:

(let loop ((i 0))

(display i)
(if (< i 10)
(loop (+ i 1))))

Here we've written a loop and given it an identi

er, loop that's just a name we chose for this
particular loop|we could have used any identi

This loop binds the loop variable i, giving it the intial value 0. Then it enters the body of the
loop, which prints out i using display, and evaluates the if expression. If the if condition returns
a true value, it evaluates the expression (loop (+ i 1)), which iterates the loop. This looks like a
call to a procedure named loop, which iterates the loop. The argument passed is the new value of
the loop variable for the next iteration.

The reason that the expression that iterates a loop looks like a procedure call is that it is a
procedure call. A named let is exactly equivalent to a letrec that de
nes a named procedure,
whose body is the body of the named let, and then calls that procedure to start the recursion.
When you write a \loop" with named let, you're really writing a recursive procedure and a call to
that procedure. The loop variable(s) are really arguments to the procedure, and the initial values
of the loop variables are just the
rst argument passed to the procedure to start the recursion.

The above example is exactly equivalent to:

Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 200

(letrec ((loop (lambda (i) define a recursive

(display i) procedure whose body
(if (< i 10) is the loop body
(loop (+ i 1))))))
(loop 0)) start the recursion with 0 as arg i

When you supply the name of a named let, you're really supplying the name of a letrec
variable that will name a procedure. When you supply the body of the named let, you're really
supplying the body of the named procedure. When it iterates the loop, it is calling itself recursively,
passing the new invocation the new value of the loop variable as an argument.

To start o the loop, named let passes this procedure the initial value expression for the loop

We can provide any expression we want to compute the new value of the loop variable|we don't
have to increment it by one. We can also provide any test we want to decide whether to iterate the

For example, here's procedure which uses a loop to search a list of alternating key/value pairs.
(This is not an association list, but a linear list of alternating keys and values, called a property
list.) It iterates through the list two elements at a time. If it
nds an odd-numbered element that's
eq? to what it's looking for, it returns the next (even-numbered) element otherwise, it continues
through the loop.

(define (property-list-search lis target)

(let loop ((l lis))
(cond ((null? l)
((eq? (car l) target)
(cadr l))
(loop (cddr l))))))

 same as: ]
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 201

(define (property-list-search lis target)

(letrec ((loop (lambda (l)
(cond ((null? l)
((eq? (car l) target)
(cadr l))
(loop (cddr l))))))))
(loop lis))) start the recursion

The reason we supply a name for a loop in a named let is so that we can have nested loops
with dierent names, and we can iterate any of the loops by calling it by name.

For example, suppose we want to have a nested pair of loops, but want to be able to bail out of
the iteration of the inner loop, and go directly to the next iteration of the outer loop. We can do

 need example here ]

(let outer-loop ((i ...))

(let inner-loop ((j ...))
(if (should-abort-inner-loop)
(outer-loop ...)) go directly to next iteration of outer loop
... do normal inner loop action
...(inner-loop ...) iterate inner loop normally
... (outer-loop ...)) iterate outer loop normally

Some things to notice about Scheme loops:

Loops can have any number of loop variables, each updated in any way you like. This cor-
responds to having a recursive procedure with any number of arguments, and passing it any
values you like at each recursion.
Unlike most languages' loops, each time we iterate a loop, we rebind the loop variable. There's
a new binding at each iteration, because each iteration is really a call to a procedure that binds
arguments. We don't bind the loop variable once and side-eect it at each iteration.
Since loop bodies are really just procedure bodies, and loop iterations are really just procedure
calls, we can put calls that iterate a loop anywhere in the body we can have multiple points
in the body that call the procedure to iterate the loop.
Chapter 5: Environments and Procedures 202

The variable bindings created at each iteration of a loop are independent, and can be captured
by lambda expressions in the loop body. Each closure created by lambda will capture the
bindings for that iteration of the loop.

5.6 Programming with Procedures and Environments

5.7 do

Scheme provides an iteration construct, do similar to do or for loops in other languages.

 blah blah ... ]

5.8 Exercises
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 203

6 Recursion in Scheme
In this chapter, I'll discuss procedure calling and recursion in more depth.  blah blah blah ]
Scheme's procedure-calling mechanism supports ecient tail-recursive programming, where recur-
sion is used instead of iteration.

After clarifying how recursion works, I'll give examples of how to program recursively in Scheme.

(In a later chapter, I'll show how the mechanisms that support tail recursion also support a
powerful control feature called call-with-current-continuation that lets you implement novel
control structures like backtracking and coroutines.)

6.1 Subproblems and Reductions (non-tail and tail calls)

In most implementations of most programming languages, an activation stack is used to imple-
ment procedure calling. At a call, the state of the \caller" (calling procedure) is saved on the stack,
and then control is transferred to the callee.

Because each procedure call requires saving state on the stack, recursion is limited by the stack
depth. In many systems, deep recursions cause stack overow and program crashes, or use up
unnecessary virtual memory swap space. In most systems, recursion is unnecessarily expensive in
space and/or time. This limits the usefulness of recursion.

In Scheme, things are somewhat dierent. As I noted earlier, recursive calls may be tail recursive,
in which case the state of the caller needn't be saved before calling the callee.

More generally, whether a procedure is recursive or not, the calls it makes can be classi
ed as
subproblems or reductions If the last thing a procedure does is to call another procedure, that's
known as a reduction|the work being done by the caller is complete, because it \reduces to" the
work being done by the callee.

For example, consider the following procedures:

(define (foo)
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 204

(define (baz)

Notice that when foo is called, it does two things: it calls bar and then calls baz. After the
call to bar, control must return to foo, so that it can continue and call baz. The call to bar is
therefore a subproblem|a step in the overall plan of executing foo. When foo calls baz, however,
that's all it needs to do|all of its other work is done.

In a normal programming language implementation, foo's state would be saved before the call
to baz, as well as before the call to bar. Each call would return control to foo. In the case of the
call to baz, all foo will do is return the result of the call to its caller. That is, all foo does after
the return from baz is to leave the result wherever its caller expects it, and return again to pop a
stack frame o the activation stack.

In Scheme, things are actually simpler. If the last thing a procedure does is to call another
procedure, the caller doesn't save its own state on the stack. When the callee returns, it will return
to its caller's caller directly, rather than to its caller. After all, there's no reason to return to the
caller if all the caller is going to do is pass the return value along to its caller.

In eect, this optimizes away the unnecessary state saving and returning at tail calls.

Consider both foo and baz above. Neither ever returns|each just calls the other. In Scheme,
these two procedures will repeatedly call each other, without saving their state on the stack, produc-
ing an in
nite mutual recursion. Will the stack overow? No. Each will save its state before calling
bar, but the return from bar will pop that information o of the stack. The in
nite tail-calling
beetween foo and baz will not increase the stack height at all.

Above I said that a callee may return to its caller's caller, but that doesn't really capture the
extent of what's going on. In general a procedure may return to its caller (if it was non-tail called),
or it's caller's caller (if it was tail-called but its caller wasn't) or it's caller's caller's caller (if it
and it's caller were both tail-called), and so on. A procedure returns to the last caller that did a
non-tail call.

Because of this \tail call optimization," you can use recursion very freely in Scheme, which is a
good thing|many problems have a natural recursive structure, and recursion is the easiest way to
solve them.
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 205

Notice that this tail call optimization is a feature of the language, not just some implementations|
any implementation of standard Scheme is required to support it, so that you can count on it and
write portable programs that rely on it.

Also notice that the interpreter we presented earlier is tail-recursive. The recursive calls to eval
are tail calls, and since it's implemented in Scheme, the interpreter relies on the underlying Scheme's
tail-call optimization. The evaluator thus snarfs the tail-call optimization from the underlying
Scheme system. If you implement a Scheme interpreter in another language, you have to be more
careful, and implement the tail call optimization yourself. This is not actually dicult, as I'll show
in the next section.

It's something of a misnomer to call Scheme's procedure calling mechanism an \optimization."

What's really going on is that Scheme simply distinguishes between two things that most languages
lump together|saving the caller's state, and actually calling the callee. Scheme notices that these
things are distinct, and doesn't bother to do the former when only the latter is necessary.

A procedure call is really rather like a (safe) goto that can pass arguments: control is transferred
directly to the callee, and the caller has the option of saving its state beforehand. (This is safer
than unrestricted goto's, because when a procedure does return, it returns to the right ancestor in
the dynamic calling pattern, just as though it had done a whole bunch of returns to get there.)

6.2 The Continuation Chain

In this section, I'll describe a straightforward implementation of Scheme's state-saving for pro-
cedure calling. Readers uninterested in implementation issues may want to skip it. It may clarify
things that are discussed later, however, such as call-with-current-continuation and our ex-
ample compiler's code generation strategy.

In most conventional language implementations, as noted above, calling a procedure allocates

an activation record (or \stack frame") that holds the return address for the call and the variable
bindings for the procedure being called. The stack is a contiguous area of memory, and pushing an
activation record onto the stack is done by incrementing a pointer into this contiguous area by the
size of the stack frame. Removing a stack frame is done by decrementing the pointer by the size of
the stack frame.

Scheme implementations are quite dierent. As we've explained previously, variable bindings
are not allocated in a stack, but instead in environment frames on the garbage-collected heap. This
is necessary so that closures can have inde
nite extent, and can count on the environments they use
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 206

living as long as is necessary. The garbage collector will eventually reclaim the space for variable
bindings in frames that aren't captured by closures.

(Actually, I'm oversimplifying a bit here. Some implementations of Scheme do use a relatively
conventional stack, often so that they can compile Scheme straightforwardly to C. They must pro-
vide tail-call optimization somehow, though. I won't go into alternative implementation strategies

Scheme implementations also dier from conventional language implementations in how they
represent the saved state of callers. (In a conventional language implementation, the callers' state
is in two places: the variable bindings are in the callers' own stack frames, and the return address
is stored in the callee's stack frame.)

In a Scheme implementation, the caller's state is saved in a record on the garbage-collected

heap, called a partial continuation. It's called a continuation because it says how to resume the
caller when we return into it|i.e., how to continue the computation when control returns. It's
called a partial continuation because that record, by itself, it only tells us how to resume the caller,
not the caller's caller or the caller's caller's caller. On the other hand, each partial continuation
holds a pointer to the partial continuation for its caller, so a chain of continuations represents
how to continue the whole computation: how to resume the caller, and when it returns, how to
resume its caller, and so on until the computation is complete. This chain is therefore called a full

In most Scheme implementations, a special register called the continuation register is used to
hold the pointer to the partial continuation for the caller of the currently-executing procedure.
When we call a procedure, we can package up the state of the caller as a record on the heap (a
partial continuation), and push that partial continuation onto the chain of continuations hanging
o the continuation register.

part. cont. (saved state of caller's

/|\ caller's caller)
part. cont. (saved state of caller's caller)
+-------+ |
CONT | +---+-----> part. cont. (saved state of caller)
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 207

(It is often convenient to draw stacks and continuations as growing downward, which is our
convention here|the newer elements are on the bottom.)

Note that the continuation register may be a register in the CPU, or it may just be a particular
memory location that our implementation uses for this purpose. The point is just that when we're
executing a procedure, we always know where to
nd a pointer to the partial continuation that
lets us resume its caller. We will sometimes abbreviate this register's name as CONT. A typical
implementation of Scheme using a compiler has several important registers that encode the state
of the currently-executing procedure:

The environment register (ENVT) holds the pointer to the chain of environment frames that
make up the environment that the procedure is executing in.

The program counter register (PC) holds the pointer to the next instruction to execute. In a
normal system that compiles to normal machine code, this is the actual program counter of
the underlying hardware.

The continuation register (CONT), as we've said, holds the pointer to the chain of partial
continuations that lets us resume callers. This is very roughly the equivalent of an activation
stack pointer.

Before we call a procedure, we must save a continuation if we want to resume the current
procedure after the callee returns.

Since the important state of the currently-executing procedure is in the registers listed above,
we will create a record that has
elds to hold them, and push that on the continuation chain. We
will save the value of the CONT, ENVT, and PC registers in the partial continuation, then put
a pointer to this new partial continuation in the continuation registers. We also need to save any
other state that the caller will need when it resumes, as suggested by the ellipsis below. (We'll
discuss what else goes in a partial continuation when we talk about compilers in detail.)
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 208

old cont.
+-------+ |
+-------+ |p.cont.| |
CONT | +---+------->+=======+ |
+-------+ cont | +---+-------+
envt | +---+-------->old envt
pc | +---+-------->return address
+ ...
| |

Notice that since we saved the old value of the continuation register in the partial continuation,
that serves as the \next" pointer in the linked list that makes up the full continuation. This is
exactly as it should be. The value of the continuation register is part of the caller's state, and
saving it naturally constructs a linked list, because each procedure's state is fundamentally linked
to the state of its caller. Saving the return address is a little bit special|rather than just copying
the program counter and saving it, we must save the address we want to resume at when we resume
this procedure.

Once a procedure has pushed a continuation, it has saved its state and can call another proce-
dure. The other procedure can use the ENVT, CONT, and PC registers without destroying the values
of those registers needed by the caller. This is called a caller saves register usage convention the
assumption is that the callee is allowed to freely clobber the values in the registers, so it's the
caller's responsibility to save any values it will need when it resumes.

To do a procedure return, it is only necessary to copy the register values out of the continuation
that's pointed to by the cont register. This will restore the caller's environment and its pointer to its
caller's continuation, and setting the PC register will branch to the code in the caller where execution
should resume. We often call this \popping" a continuation, because it's a stacklike operation|
saving a (partial) continuation pushes the values in registers onto the front of the \stack," and
restoring one pops the values back into the registers. (As we will explain later, however, Scheme
continuation chains don't always observe this simple stack discipline, which is why they can't be
implemented eciently as contiguous arrays.)
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 209

If we save state and do a procedure call, and before returning our caller saves its state and does
a procedure call, the chain of continuations gets longer. For the most part, this is like pushing
activation information on a stack.

+---------+ |
| p.cont. | |
+=========+ |
cont | +----+-------+
envt | +----+-------->old envt
pc | +----+-------->return address
+ ...
| |
+---------+ |
+-------+ | p.cont. | |
cont | +---+------->+=========+ /
+-------+ cont | +----+---'
envt | +----+-------->old envt
pc | +----+-------->return address
+ ...
| |
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 210

Notice that when we say we save the \state" of the caller, we mean the values in our important
registers, but we don't directly save particular variable values|when we save the environment
pointer, we don't save the values in the bindings in the environment. If other code then executes
in that same environment and changes those values, the new values will be seen by this procedure
when it returns and restores the environment pointer. This policy has two important consequences:

1. we can save an environment pointer into a continuation very quickly, and restore it quickly,
because we're just saving and restoring one pointer, and
2. it ensures that environments have the right semantics: closures that live in the same environ-
ment should see each others' changes to variables. This is one of the ways that procedures are
supposed to be able to communicate|by operating on variables that they can see.

Executing a return (\popping a continuation") does not modify the partial continuation being
popped|it just involves getting values out of the continuation and putting them into registers.
Continuations are thus created and used nondestructively, and the continuations on the heap form
a graph that reects the pattern of non-tail procedure calls. Usually, that graph is just a tree,
because of the tree-like pattern of call graphs, and the current \stack" of partial continuations is
just the rightmost path through that graph, i.e., the path from the newest record all the way back
to the root.

Consider the following procedures, where a calls b twice, and each time b is called, it calls c

(define (a)

(define (b)

(define (c)

All of these calls are non-tail calls, because none of the procedures ever ends in a (tail) call.
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 211

Suppose we call a after pushing a continuation for a's caller, then a calls b the
rst time. a
will push a continuation to save its state, then call b. While executing b, b's state will be in the
registers, including a pointer to the continuation for a in the CONT register.

cont for a's caller

cont. for a
+---+ |
CONT | +-+----+

b will then push a continuation and call c.

cont for a's caller

cont. for a
cont. for b
CONT | + |

When c returns, it will restore b's state by popping the partial continuation's values into regis-
ters. At this point, the CONT register will point past the continuation for b to the continuation for
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 212

cont for a's caller

cont. for a
/ /|\
/ |
cont. for b |
+---+ |
CONT | +-+-------+

Then b will push another continuation and call c again.

cont for a's caller

cont. for a
/ \
/ \
cont. for b cont for b
+---+ |
CONT | +-+----------+

Again, c will return, restoring b's state, and the CONT register will point past the continuation
for b to the continuation for a.
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 213

cont for a's caller

cont. for a <-------+
/ \ |
/ \ |
cont. for b cont for b |
+---+ |
CONT | +-+-------------------+

After returning to a, the CONT register will point past the continuation for a to the continuation
for a's caller. Then before a calls b again, it will push another continuation to save its state.

cont for a's caller

/ \
/ \
cont. for a cont for a
/ \ /|\
/ \ |
cont. for b cont for b |
+---+ |
CONT | +-+----------------------+

Then a will return and the CONT register will point past the continuation for a to the continuation
for a's caller.
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 214

cont for a's caller <--+

/ |
/ |
cont. for a |
/ \ |
/ \ |
cont. for b cont for a |
+---+ |
CONT | +-+----------------------------+

This continues in the obvious way, so that at the time of the fourth and last call to C, the
continuations on the heap look like this:

cont for a's caller

/ \
/ \
cont. for a cont. for a
/ \ / \
/ \ / \
cont for b cont for b cont for b cont for b
+---+ |
CONT | +-+--------------------------------+

Most of the time, the rest of this graph becomes garbage quickly|each continuation holds
pointers back up the tree, but nothing holds pointers down the tree. Partial continuations therefore
usually become garbage the
rst time they're returned through.

The fact that this graph is created on the heap will allow us to implement call-with-current-
continuation, a.k.a. call/cc, a very powerful control construct. call/cc can capture the control
state of a program at a particular point in its execution by pushing a partial continuation and saving
a pointer to it. Later, it can magically return control to that point by restoring that continuation,
instead of the one in the continuation register. (We will discuss call/cc in detail in Chapter XX.)
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 215

6.3 Exploiting Tail Recursion

In an earlier section, we presented example recursive implementations of several Scheme func-
tions some of them were tail recursive, and some not.

rst glance, many routines seem as though they can't conveniently be coded tail recursively.
On closer inspection, many of them can in fact be coded this way.

6.3.1 Passing Intermediate Values as Arguments Summing a List

Suppose we want to sum a list of numbers. The most obvious way of doing it is the way we did
it earlier, like this:

(define (list-sum lis)

(if (null? lis)
(+ (car lis)
(list-sum (cdr lis)))))

The problem with this code is that it's not particularly ecient, because it's not tail recursive.
After each recursive call to list-sum, we must return to do the addition that adds one element to
the sum of the rest of the list. We're adding the elements of the list back-to-front, on the way back
up from nested recursion. (This means that Scheme must push a partial continuation before every
recursive call, and each one must be popped when we're
nished, to return the sum back from each
call to its caller.)

We can write a tail-recursive version of list-sum that adds things in front-to-back order instead.
The trick is to do the addition before the tail call, and to pass the sum so far to the recursive call,
i.e., to pass it forward as an argument until a non-tail call returns it.

To do this, we have to keep a running sum, and each recursive call must pass it as an argument
to the next. To start it o, we have to have a \running sum" of 0.

We can do this by de
ning two procedures. The one that does the real work takes a list and
a running sum, adds one element to the running sum, and tail-calls itself to add the rest of the
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 216

elements to the running sum. When it reaches the end of the list, it just returns the value. (Scheme
doesn't need to save a partial continuation before each call, since only the last call ever returns.)

For convenience, we also wrap this procedure up in a friendlier procedure that will start o the
recursion, by supplying an initial \running sum" of 0.

a tail-recursive list summing procedure

(define (lsum lis sum-so-far)
(cond ((null? lis)
(lsum (cdr lis)
(+ sum-so-far (car lis))))))

a friendly wrapper that supplies an initial running sum of 0

(define (list-sum lis)
(l-s-aux lis 0))

We can make this cleaner by encapsulating lsum, since it's only used by list-sum. We make
lsum a local procedure using letrec and lambda.

(define (list-sum lis)

define a local, tail-recursive list summing procedure
(letrec ((lsum (lambda (lis sum-so-far)
(cond ((null? lis)
(lsum (cdr lis)
(+ sum-so-far (car lis))))))))
(lsum lis 0))) start off recursive summing with a sum of 0

We can write this more clearly using named let:

Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 217

(define (list-sum lis)

(let loop ((lis lis)
(sum-so-far 0))
(cond ((null? lis)
(loop (cdr lis)
(+ sum-so-far (car lis)))))))

Notice that here we're using two loop variables, rebound at each iteration. One keeps track of
the remaining part of the original list, and the other the sum of the list items we've seen so far.

Also notice that the version using named let is exactly equivalent to the version using explicit
tail-recursion. Implementing length tail-recursively

Recall that in  Chapter whatever ] we implemented length this way:

(define (length lis)

(if (null? lis)
(+ 1 (length (cdr lis)))))

This de
nition looks a lot like the de
nition of list-sum, and has the same basic problem. By
using straightforward recursion (adding one to the length of the rest of the list), we're ensuring
the addition happens back-to-front. We can compute the list length front to back by passing the
running sum forward through tail recursions, as an argument. Each tail call will add to the running
sum, and pass it forward. When the last tail call returns to its caller, it just returns the sum.

To do this, it's convenient to write the length procedure as a wrapper around a two-argument
procedure that passes the running sum (as well as the remainder of list) to recursive calls to itself.
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 218

(define (length lis)

(letrec ((len (lambda (lis length-so-far)
(if (null? lis)
(len (cdr lis)
(+ 1 length-so-far)))))))
(len lis 0))

Or equivalently, using named let:

(define (length lis)

(let loop ((lis lis)
(length-so-far 0))
(if (null? lis)
(loop (cdr lis)
(+ (car lis) length-so-far)))))

6.3.2 reduce

In this section, I'll give an extended example of the use of higher-order functions to express pat-
terns common to many functions, and customizing general procedures with procedural arguments
and closure creation.

Consider the following function to sum the elements of a list

(define (list-sum lis)

(if (null? lis)
(+ (car lis)
(list-sum (cdr lis)))))

Given this de

(list-sum '(10 15 20 25))

is equivalent to
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 219

(+ 10 (+ 15 (+ 20 (+ 25 0)))).

 the following couple of examples are now redundant with earlier material... trim and refer
back. ]

Now consider a very similar function to multiply the elements of a list, where we've adopted the
convention that the product of a null list is 1. (1 is probably the right value to use, because if you
multiply something by 1 you get back the same thing|just as if you add something to 0 you get
back the same thing.)

(define (list-prod lis)

(if (null? lis)
(+ (car lis)
(list-prod (cdr lis)))))

Given this de

(list-prod '(2 3 4 5))

is equivalent to

(* 2 (* 3 (* 4 (* 5 1))))

Given these de
nitions, you can probably imagine a very similar function to subtract the ele-
ments of a list, or to divide the elements of a list. For subtraction, the base value for an empty list
should probably be zero, because subtracting zero doesn't change anything. For division it should
probably be one.

At any rate, what we want is a single function that captures the pattern

(op thing1 (op thing2 ...(op thingn base-thing )...))

We can write a higher-order procedure reduce that implements this pattern in a general way,
taking three arguments: any procedure you want successively applied to the elements of a list, an
appropriate base value to use on reaching the end of the list, and the list to do it to.
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 220

(define (reduce fn base-value lis)

(if (null? lis)
(fn (car lis)
(reduce fn base-value (cdr lis)))))

This is a very general procedure, that can be used for lots of things besides numerical operations
on lists of numbers: it can be used for any computation over successive items in a list.

 need to check the following couple of examples|they're o the top of my head ]

What does (reduce cons '() '(a b c d)) do? It's equivalent to (cons 'a (cons 'b (cons 'c
(cons 'd '()))). That is, (reduce cons '() list) copies a list. We could de
ne list-copy that

(define (list-copy lis)

(reduce cons '() lis))

We could also de
ne append that way, because reduce allows you to specify what goes at the
end of a list|we don't have to end our list with '(). Here's a two-argument version of append:

(define (append list1 list2)

(reduce cons list2 list1))

The reduction of a list using (lambda (x rest) (cons (* x 2) rest)) constructs a new list whose
elements are twice the values of the corresponding elements in the original list.

Scheme>(reduce (lambda (x rest)

(cons (* x 2) rest))
'(1 2 3 4))
(2 4 6 8)

The reduce procedure above is handy, because you can use it for many dierent kinds of
computations over dierent kinds of lists values, as long as you can process the elements (and
construct the result) front-to-back. It's a little awkward, though, in that each time you use it, you
have to remember the appropriate base value for the operation you're applying to a list.
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 221

Sometimes it would be preferable to come up with a single specialized procedure like list-sum,
which implicitly remembers which function it should apply to the list elements (e.g., +) and what
base value to return for an empty list (e.g., 0).

We can write a procedure make-reducer that will automatically construct a reducer procedure,
given a function and a base value. Here's an example usage:

Scheme> (define list-sum (make-reducer + 0))


Scheme> (define list-product (make-reducer * 1))


Scheme> (list-sum '(1 2 3 4))


Scheme> (list-product '(1 2 3 4))


Make sure you understand the expressions above. The de

ne forms are not using procedure
nition syntax|they're using plain variable de
nition syntax, but the initial value expressions
return procedures constructed by make-reducer. If we hadn't wanted to de
ne procedures named
list-sum and list-product, and hang on to them, we could have just taken the procedures returned
by make-reducer and called them immediately:

Scheme> ((make-reducer + 0) '(1 2 3 4))


Scheme> ((make-reducer * 1) '(1 2 3 4))


This is very much like calling our original reduce procedure, except that each time we're con-
structing a specialized procedure that's like reduce customized for particular values of its
rst two
arguments then we call that new, specialized procedure to do the work on a particular list.

Here's a simple de
nition of make-reducer in terms of reduce:
Chapter 6: Recursion in Scheme 222

(define (make-reducer fn base-value)

(lambda (lis)
(reduce fn base-value lis)))

Notice that we are using procedure de

nition syntax here, so the lambda in the body will create
and return a closure.

But suppose we don't already have a reduce procedure, and we don't want to leave one lying
around. A cleaner solution is to de
ne the general reduce procedure as a local procedure, and create
closures of it in dierent environments to customize it for dierent functions and base values.
(define (make-reducer fn base-value)
(letrec ((reduce (lambda (lis)
(if (null? lis)
(fn (car lis)
(reduce (cdr lis)))))))
reduce)) return new closure of local procedure

This procedure uses closure creation to create a customized version of reduce When make-
reducer is entered, its arguments are bound and initialized to the argument values|i.e., the
function and base value we want the custom reducer to use. In this environment, we create a
closure of the standard reducer procedure using lambda. We wrap the lambda in a letrec so that
the reducer can see its own name. Notice that since reduce is a local procedure, it can see the
arguments to make-reducer, and we don't have to pass it those arguments explicitly.

By using local procedure de

nition syntax|which not all Schemes support|we can write this
(define (make-reducer fn base-value)
(define (reduce lis)
(if (null? lis)
(fn (car lis)
(reduce (cdr lis)))))
reduce)) return new closure of local procedure

Make sure that you understand that these are equivalent|the local procedure define is equiva-
lent to a letrec and a lambda, and in either case the closure created (by the lambda or the define)
will capture the environment where the arguments to make-reducer are bound.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 223

7 Quasiquotation and Macros

Scheme provides facilities for transforming expressions automatically to create new expressions.
These facilities are called quasiquotation and syntax extension (or \macros"). Transformational
programming is one of the most powerful features of Scheme.

Quasiquotation allows you to specify patterns that can be used to construct data structures,
and also specify how to
ll in \holes" in the patterns. In eect, you can de
ne a template for a
data structure, much like a quoted data structure, but also specify how to
ll in holes to create
variations on the data structure.

Syntax extension allows you to do something very similar for code. You can write \macros" that
specify most of an expression, and you can
ll in the holes in these templates to create particular
expressions. With macros, you can write \templates" for programs, which you can customize by

lling in the holes. This lets you create both code-structuring and data-structuring facilities that
express stereotyped patterns with variations.

 Scheme macros are actually more powerful than this, however, because you can use them to
analyze code before transforming it... sort of... ]

With Scheme macros, you can de

ne new control constructs, data structuring facilities, full-
blown object systems with inheritance, parameterized coding facilities (like C++ templates), and
other more application-speci
c facilities to make your life easier.

7.1 quasiquote

The special form quasiquote behaves a lot like quote, allowing you to write out literal ex-
pressions in your program, using the standard textual representation of s-expressions. Scheme
automatically constructs the data structures. quasiquote is much more powerful than quote,
however, because you can write expressions that are mostly literal, but leave holes to be
lled in
with values computed at runtime.

For example, the value of the expression (quote (foo bar baz)) is a list (foo bar baz). Like-
wise, the value of the expression (quasiquote (foo bar baz)) is a list (foo bar baz).
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 224

There's a big dierence, though. quote constructs an s-expression at compile time, when the
procedure containing the quote expression is compiled.1 quasiquote constructs an s-expression
at run time, when the quasiquote form is executed. This allows Scheme to \customize" a data
structure, so that you actually get a dierent data structure each time you execute the same
quasiquote form. You can use the unquote operator to specify which parts should be customized.

For example, suppose you want to write a procedure that creates a three-element list whose
and last elements are the literal symbols foo and baz, but whose middle element is the value of
the variable bar.

Try this in your scheme system:

Scheme>(define bar 2)
Scheme>(quasiquote (foo (unquote bar) baz))
(foo 2 baz)

Without and unquote, you could get the same eect by replacing (quasiquote
(foo (unquote bar) baz)) with (list (quote foo) bar (quote baz)), or the equivalent sugared
form (list 'quote foo 'baz). For this simple example, that's probably at least as clear, because
the use of (quasiquote ...) and (unquote ...) is rather clunky.

To make it easier to write quasiquoted expressions, Scheme provides a little syntactic sugar.
Just as you can use a single quote character and write '(foo bar baz) instead of (quote (foo bar
baz), you can use a backquote character (`) to replace (quote ...) and a comma character (,)
to replace (unquote ...).

Now we can do this:

Scheme>`(foo ,bar baz)

(foo 2 baz)

1 This is something of an oversimpli

cation. The quoted expression is generally converted to a
list at read time, and the value of the quote expression may be the very same data structure, or
it may be a copy made later during compilation or interpretation. At any rate, you should only
count on the structure of a quoted data structure, not its identity. A compiler or interpreter is
allowed to return the same list for dierent quoted data structures with the same structure.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 225

This is much clearer. Intuitively, the backquote character means \construct an s-expresson of
the following (literal) form, except where commas appear," and the comma character means \use
the value of the following expression here, instead of using it literally."

Now you can see why it's called quasiquote|it's a way of writing \mostly quoted" expressions,
instead of pure literals. You can turn quoting o where you want to. This is particularly useful in
constructing s-expressions that are in fact mostly literal, especially if they're complicated.

For a simple example, suppose you want to write a procedure that constructs a greeting to print
to a user. The greeting is always mostly the same, but includes the current day of the week:

Scheme> (define day-of-week 'Sunday)


Scheme> (define (make-greeting)

`(Welcome to the FooBar system! We hope you
enjoy your visit on this fine ,day-of-week)))

(Welcome to the FooBar system! We hope you enjoy your visit on this
fine Sunday)

Scheme>(set! day-of-week 'Monday)


(Welcome to the FooBar system! We hope you enjoy your visit on this
fine Monday)

You may have notice that this is somewhat similar to formatted output in other languages
you've used, like C. (C's printf procedure takes a string that is (mostly) quoted, but has special
escape characters in it to tell where to substitute the printed representation of runtime values. For
example, if day_of_week holds a pointer to the string "Sunday", printf("Welcome. It's %s.",
day_of_week) prints "Welcome. It's Sunday.")

The nice thing about Scheme quasiquotation is that it works on normal data structures. For
example, suppose you want to write a routine that creates an association list with several literal
elements, and a several customized ones.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 226

(define (create-shipping-employee-association name)

`((name ,name)
(employee-id-no ,(get-next-employee-id!))
(department shipping)
(hire-date ,(get-day) ,(get-month) ,(get-year))))

(Notice that here that most of the unquoted expressions are calls to procedures, whose return
values will be used. We can
ll the holes in our templates with anything we want, not just variable

Depending on the value of the variable the values returned by the procedure calls, (new-
shipping-employee-alist "Philboyd Studge") will return something like

((name "Philboyd Studge")

(employee-id-no 6357)
(department shipping)
(hire-date 18 August 1997))

Here it should be clear that quasiquote has let us write out a stereotyped data structure, and
unquote lets us
ll in the varying parts. More complicated examples would be make this bene
clearer, but I'll leave them to your imagination.

7.1.1 unquote-splicing

Scheme provides a variant of unquote for use when you want to merge an unquoted list into a
literal list, rather than nesting it.

For example, suppose you want to embed a phrase in a sentence, where the phrase is a list of
symbols, and the sentence is a list of symbols.

If you tried this with unquote, you'd get a nested list, rather than just a list of symbols:
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 227

Scheme> (define phrase-of-the-day '(the Lord helps those who take a big
helping for themselves))

Scheme> `(Remember that ,phrase-of-the-day)

(Remember that (the Lord helps those who take a big helping for

Rather than using ,expr ), we can use use (unquote-splicing expr ), or the syntactically sug-
ared form, ,@expr.

Scheme> `(And remember that ,@phrase of the day)

(And remember that the Lord helps those who take a big helping for

7.2 Dening New Special Forms

Sometimes we want to write stereotyped code, not just stereotyped data structures. As with
data, we sometimes want part of our stereotyped piece of code to vary. We can do this with syntax
extensions, also known as macros.

(If you're familiar with macros from C, don't sco. Macros in C are stunningly lame and hard to
use compared to Lisp or Scheme macros. Read on to
nd out what you've been missing. If you're
familiar with Lisp macros, but have never done advanced programming with them, you probably
don't realize how powerful they are|Lisp macros are so error-prone that people often avoid them.
Scheme macros are very powerful, but automate away some of the tricky parts.)

Macros are syntax extensions to a programming language, expressed as a translation of expres-

sions. By writing a macro, what you're really doing is extending the functionality of the compiler
or interpreter|you're telling it how to compile (or interpret) a new construct, by telling it how to
rewrite that construct into something it already knows how to compile or interpret.

(Conceptually, de
ning a macro is extending the compiler|you're telling the parser how to
recognize a new construct, to change the grammar of the language, and also specifying how to
generate code for the new construct. This is something you can't do in most languages, but it's
easy in Scheme.)
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 228

Scheme recognizes macro de

nitions, and then uses them to recognize and translate the new
constructs into other constructs. The interpreter or compiler's process of translating a level con-
structs is often called \macro expansion," despite the fact that the resulting expression may not
be bigger than the original expression. Macroexpansion can be recursive, because macros can use
macros, and a macro can even use itself, like a recursive procedure.

Syntax extension is powerful, and hence somewhat dangerous when used too casually. Be aware
that when you write a macro, you can change the syntax of your programming language, and that
can be a bad thing|you and others may no longer be able to easily understand what the program
does. Used judiciously, however, such syntactic extensions are often just what you need to simplify
your programs. They are especially useful for writing programs that write programs, so that you
can avoid a lot of tedious repetitive coding.

Macros are so useful that they're usually used in the implementation of Scheme itself. Most
Scheme compilers actually understand only a few special forms, and the rest are written as macros.

In a later chapter, I'll describe some advanced uses of macros, which let your \roll your own"
language with powerful new features.

7.2.1 Macros vs. Procedures

Why do we want macros? In Scheme, the main code abstraction mechanism is procedural
abstraction, e.g. using define or lambda to write procedures that do stereotyped things. In a
sense, we \specialize" procedures by passing them argument values|a procedure can do dierent
things depending on the values it's given to work with. We can also \specialize" procedures by
creating closures in dierent environments. Isn't this enough?

Not in general. While procedural abstraction is very powerful, there are times when we may
want to write stereotyped routines that can't be written as procedures.

Suppose, for example, you have a Scheme system which gives you things like let and if, but
not or. (Real Schemes all provide or, but pretend they don't. It makes a nice, simple example.)

You want an or construct (rather like the one actually built into Scheme). This or can take two
arguments it evaluates the
rst one and returns the result if it's a true value, otherwise it evaluates
the second one and returns that result.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 229

Notice that you can't write or as a procedure. If or were a procedure, both of its arguments
would always be evaluated before the actual procedure call. Since or is only supposed to evaluate
its second argument if the
rst one returns #f, it just wouldn't work.

If Scheme didn't have or, you could fake it at any given point in your program, by writing an
equivalent let expression with an if statement in it.

For example, suppose you wanted to write the equivalent of (or (foo?) (bar?)).

As a
rst try, you might do this:

(if (foo?)

That is, test (foo?), and return its value if it's a true value. That's not really quite right
though, because this if statement evaluates foo? twice: once to test it, and once to return it.

We really only want to evaluate it once|if (foo?) is an expression with side eects, evaluating
it twice could make the program incorrect as well as inecient.

To avoid this, we can always evaluate the

rst expression just once to get the value, and store
that value in a temporary variable so that we can return it without evaluating it again:

You could instead write

(let ((temp (foo?)))

(if temp

This let expression gives the same eect as (or (foo?) (bar?)), because it evaluates foo
exactly once, and then tests the value if the value is true, it returns that value. (The use of a let
variable to stash the value allows us to test it without evaluating (foo?) again.) If the value is #f,
it evaluates (bar?) and returns the result.

This is the transformation we'd like to be able to automate by de

ning or as a macro.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 230

Here's a simple version of or written as a macro. I've called it or2 to distinguish it from Scheme's
normal or.
(define-syntax or2
(syntax-rules ()
((or2 a b) pattern
(let ((temp a)) template
(if temp

What we're saying to Scheme is that we want to de

ne the syntax of or by giving syntax rules
for recognizing it and translating it. For this simple version of or, we only need one rule, which
says to translate (or a b) into the desired let expression.

(or a b) is called the rule's pattern, which speci

es what counts as a call to the or macro, and
the let expression is the rule's template, which speci
es the equivalent code that Scheme should
translate calls into.

The variables a and b are called pattern variables. They stand for the actual expressions passed
as arguments to the macro. They are \matched" to the actual expressions when the pattern is
recognized, and when the template is interpreted or compiled, the actual expressions are used
where the pattern variables occur.

You can think of this in two steps. When a macro is used,

1. the template is copied, except that the pattern variables are replaced with the macro's argument
2. the result is interpreted (or compiled) in place of the call expression.

(It's really not quite this simple, but that's the basic idea.)

In some ways, macro arguments are a lot like procedure arguments, but in other ways they're
very dierent. The pattern variables are not bound at run time, and don't refer to storage locations.
They're only used in translating a macro call into the equivalent expression.

Always remember that arguments to a macro are expressions used in transforming the code,
and then the code is executed. (For example, the output of the or macro doesn't contain a variable
named a a is just a shorthand for whatever expression is passed as an argument to the macro. In
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 231

the example use (or (foo?) (bar?)), the expression (foo?) is what gets evaluated at the point
where a is used in the macro body.)

This is why our macro has to use a temporary variable, like the hand-written equivalent of or.
If we tried to write the macro like a procedure, without using a temporary variable, like this

(define-syntax or
(syntax-rules ()
((or a b)
(if a

then (or (foo?) (bar?)) would be translated into

(if (foo?)

As with the buggy handwritten version, (foo?) would be evaluated twice when this expression
was evaluated.

(This is the most common mistake in writing macros|forgetting that while macros give you
the ability to control when argument expressions are evaluated, they also require you to control it.
It's safe to use a procedure argument multiple times, because that's just referring to a value in a
run-time binding. Using a macro argument causes evaluation of the entire argument expression at
that point.)

We can make a better or by using more rules. We might want or to work with any number of
arguments, so that

1. of zero arguments returns #f, because it has zero true arguments,

2. or of one argument is equivalent to that argument|it's true if and only if that argument is
3. or of two or more arguments evaluates its
rst argument, and returns its value if it's true.
Otherwise, it computes the or of the rest of its arguments, and returns its result.

Here's the Scheme de

nition with these three rules:
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 232

(define-syntax or
(syntax-rules ()
((or) OR of zero arguments
#f) is always false
((or a) OR of one argument
a) is equivalent to the argument expression
((or a b c ...) OR of two or more arguments
(let ((temp a)) is the first or the OR of the rest
(if temp
(or b c ...))))))

Notice that this de

nition is recursive. (The third rule's template uses the or macro recursively.)
If we hand or four arguments, like this: (or foo bar baz quux), it should be equivalent to (or
foo (or bar (or baz (or quux)))).

Scheme will use recursion to translate the expression, one step at a time. When Scheme en-
counters a macro call, it transforms the call into the equivalent code, using the appropriate rule.
It then interprets (or compiles) the resulting expression. If the result itself includes a macro call,
then the interpreter (or compiler) calls itself recursively to translate that before evaluating it. For
a correctly written macro, the recursive translation will eventually \bottom out" when no more
macro calls result, and the code will be evaluated in the usual way.

(As I'll show later, this

ts in very neatly with the interpreter's or compiler's recursive evaluation
of expressions.)

This recursion is recursion in Scheme's transformation of the call expression into equivalent
code|it doesn't mean that the resulting code is recursive. A Scheme compiler will do all of the
recursive transformation at compile time, so there's no runtime overhead. Of course, the recursion
has to terminate, or the compiler will not be able to
nish the translation.

In this de
nition of or, the third rule contains the symbols c .... The Scheme identi
er ... is
treated specially, to help you write recursive rules. (In previous examples, I used ... as an ellipsis
to stand for code I didn't want to write out, but here we're usuing the actual Scheme identier
... it's actually used in the Scheme code for macros.)

Scheme treats a pattern variable followed by ... as matching zero or more subexpressions. In
this or macro, c ... matches all of the arguments after the
rst two.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 233

Scheme matches (or foo bar baz quux) by the third rule, whose pattern (or a b c ...), be-
cause it has at least two arguments. In applying the rule, Scheme matches a to foo, b to bar, and
c ... to the sequence of expressions baz bleen.

 This is similar to how you use unquote-splicing inside backquote|you can splice a list into
a list at the same level, rather than nesting it. ]

The result of processing this or is

(let ((temp foo))

(if temp
(or bar baz quux)))

Now Scheme evaluates this expression.

But there's another or in there|when Scheme gets to (or bar baz quux) it will match the
third rule again, with a matched to bar, b matched to baz, and c ... being matched to just quux.
The result of this macro-processing step is

(let ((temp foo))

(if temp
(let ((temp bar))
(if temp
(or baz quux)))))

And the new let expression is evaluated.

There or is again, so Scheme will treat (or baz quux) the same way, again using the third
rule|this time matching a to baz, b to quux, and c ... to nothing at all, producing
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 234

(let ((temp foo))

(if temp
(let ((temp bar))
(if temp
(let ((temp baz)
(if temp
(or quux))))))))

And this will be evaluated.

Now the resulting or matches the second rule in the or macro, because it has only one argument
quux, which is matched to a. The whole translation is therefore:

(let ((temp foo))

(if temp
(let ((temp bar))
(if temp
(let ((temp baz)
(if temp

There are no more macro calls here, so the recursion terminates.

You might have noticed that the example translation of (or foo bar baz quux) has several
dierent variables named temp in it. You might have wondered if this could cause problems|is
there a potential for accidentally referring to the wrong variable in the wrong place in the code
generated by a macro?

The answer no. Scheme's macro system actually does some magic to avoid this, which I'll discuss
later in a later section. Scheme actually keeps track of which variables are introduced by dierent
applications of macros, and keeps them distinct|the dierent variables named temp are treated
as though they had dierent names, so that macros follow the same scope rules as procedures.
(Scheme macros are said to be hygienic what that really means is that they respect lexical scope.)
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 235

You can think of this as a renaming, as though Scheme had sneakily changed the names each
time the macro was applied to transform the expression, and the result were

(let ((temp_1 foo))

(if temp_1
(let ((temp_2 bar))
(if temp_2
(let ((temp_3 baz)
(if temp_3

Scheme implements the same scoping rule for macros and their arguments as for procedures and
their arguments. When you call a procedure, the argument expressions are evaluated at the call
site, i.e., in the call site environment, and the values are passed to the procedure|the environment
inside the called procedure doesn't aect the meaning of the argument expressions. Likewise

In writing macros like or, we want to control when and whether the arguments are evaluated,
but otherwise we want them to mean the same thing they would if they were arguments to a

For example, suppose we call or with an argument expression that happens to use a name
that's used inside or. or uses a local variable named temp, and we might just happen to pass it an
expression using the name temp.

Consider the following procedure, which uses local variables perm and temp, and calls or in their

(define (employee? person)

(let ((perm (member person permanent-employees))
(temp (member person temporary-employees)))
(or perm temp))

If we translated the or macro naively, without worrying about accidental naming conicts, we'd
get this:
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 236

(define (employee? person)

(let ((perm (member person permanent-employees))
(temp (member person temporary-employees)))
(let ((temp perm)
(if temp

(This is not what R5RS Scheme macros do!)

Note what's wrong here. The name temp was passed into the macro from the call site, but it
appeared in the body of the macro inside the let binding of temp. At the call site, it referred to
the \outer" temp, but inside the macro, it turne out to refer to something else|in the process of
moving the expression around, we accidentally changed its meaning.

7.3 Implementing More Scheme Special Forms

As examples of Scheme macros, I'll show how to implement several special forms in terms of
lambda. This is how most real Scheme compilers work|the compiler itself only \understands" how
to compile a few special forms directly, but the others can be de
ned as macros.

Traditionally, the compiler understands lambda, and all other binding forms are implemented
in terms of lambda and procedure calling. The compiler must also understand a few other special
forms, if, set!, quote, a simple version of define  did I leave one out? ].)

7.3.1 let

Recall that in chapter  whatever ], I explained how the semantics of let can be explained in
terms of lambda. For any let expression, which binds variables and evaluates body expressions
in that scope, there is an exactly equivalent expression using lambda and procedure calling. The
lambda creates a procedure which will bind the variables as its argument variables, and execute
the body of the let. This lambda is then used in a combination|calling the procedure makes it
bind variables when it accepts arguments.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 237

(define-syntax let ()
((_ ((var value-expr) ...) body-expr ...) pattern
((lambda (var ...)
body-expr ...)
(value-expr ...)))))

Here I've used an underscore to stand for the keyword let in the macro call pattern. This is
allowable, and recommended, because it avoids having to write the keyword in several places. (If
you had to write out the keyword in each pattern, it would make it more dicult and error-prone
to change the name of a macro.)

I've also taken advantage of the fact that Scheme is pretty smart about patterns using the ...
(ellipsis) symbol. The pattern has two ellipses. One matches any number of binding forms (variable
names and initial value expressions) the other matches any number of body expressions.

The body expressions matched by body-expr ... are simply used in the body of the lambda

The expressions matched by (var value-expr) ... are used dierently, however|they are not
simply substituted into the macro template. Instead, (var ...) is used to generate the argument
list for the lambda, and value-expr ... is used to generate the list of initial expressions.

Scheme's macro system is smart enough to

gure out what's going on. If the pattern contains
an ellipsis following a compound form (like (var init-expr) ..., and the template uses one of
the pattern variables from that compound form (followed by an ellipsis), then Scheme assumes you
want the corresponding part of each form matched by the pattern form.

If we think of the expressions as s-expressions, we've matched a pattern that is one list of two-
element lists, and restructured it into two separate lists of elements. (That is, we're going from a
list of cars and cadrs to a list of cars and a list of cadrs.)

As an example of use, consider

(let ((var-a (some-procedure foo))

(var-b (some-procedure bar)))
(quux var-a)
(quux var-b))
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 238

which translates to

((lambda (var-a var-b)

(quux var-a)
(quux var-b))
(some-procedure foo)
(some-procedure bar))

 The following is out of place|here I should just be showing some uses of macros. The problem
is that I don't want to lie and pretend that it's all very simple|Scheme does something sophisticated
when you write binding contstructs as macros...

This stu will all be clearer after I've talked about hygiene problems with Lisp macros, and
laziness and call-by-name... how to fwd ref gracefully? ]

An extraordinarily astute and thoughtful reader might wonder if there's something wrong here.
(Luckily, there's actually nothing to worry about.) Recall that when discussing or, I said that
Scheme is careful to treat names introduced by a macro as though they were distinct, eectively
renaming variables introduced in a macro. What about the argument variables to lambda in this
example? One might think var-a and var-b would just be renamed and we'd get:

((lambda (var-a-1 var-b-1)

(quux var-a)
(quux var-b))
(some-procedure foo)
(some-procedure bar))

Clearly, this isn't what we want|we want var-a and var-b in the lambda body to refer to the
variables introduced in by lambda|that's what it's for.

Scheme's macro processor is smart enough to infer that this is what you want. When you write
a macro that accepts a name as an argument and binds it, Scheme assumes you're doing that for a
good reason. If you then take another argument to the same macro and use it in the scope of that
new variable, Scheme assumes you want occurrences of the name to refer to the new variable.

That is, Scheme uses an algorithm that checks what you do with names in forms that get passed
as arguments into a macro. If you just use them in the normal ways, evaluating or assigning to
them as variable names, Scheme assumes you mean to refer to whatever those names refer to at
the call site of the macro. (That's normal lexical scope.) But if you take the name and use it as
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 239

the name of a new variable, Scheme assumes you're de

ning a binding construct, and that any
other arguments you put in that scope should see the new binding, instead of being scoped at the
call site.)

Scheme can generally assume this, because if you're not implementing a scoping binding form
(like let or do), there's no reason for a macro to accept a name as an argument and then turn
around and bind it.

7.3.2 let*

Once we have let, we can implement let* in terms of that. We simply write a recursive macro
that peels o one binding form at a time and generates a let, so that we get a nested set of lets
that each bind one variable.

(define-syntax let* ()
((_ () body-expr ...)
(begin body-expr ...))
((_ ((var1 value-expr1)(var value-expr) ...)
(let ((var1 value-expr))
(_ ((var value-expr) ...)
body-expr ...)))))

This macro uses two syntax rules. The

rst is the termination case for recursive macroexpansion.
A let* that has an empty binding form (i.e., binds zero variables) should be translated into a begin
it will just sequence the body expressions.

The recursive rule says that a let* with one or more binding subforms should translate into a
let that performs the
rst binding and another let* to bind the rest and evaluate the body. (Note
that I've used the _ shorthand for let* in the recursive call, as well as in the pattern.)

As with let, Scheme recognizes this as a binding construct, and does the right thing|it notices
that the var argument passed into the macro is used as a name of a new binding in the macro, so
it assumes that the new binding should be visible to the body expressions.

7.3.3 cond
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 240

7.3.4 Discussion
Scheme macros also have several features I haven't demonstrated, to make it easier to write
more sophisticated macros than or, and I'll demonstrate those later, too.

In the next section, though, I will discuss a dierent and simpler kind of macro system, which
is not standard Scheme, and does have problems with variable names.

7.4 Lisp-style Macros

In this section, I'll discuss a simple kind of macro system that isn't standard in Scheme (and
you might be able to skim this section without too much loss) but is interesting for several reasons.

 It is very easy to explain how it works|it is a real macro system, but one which is very easy
to implement. We can add it to our interpreter with a few function de
nitions. This should
clear up any confusion about what macros basically are, and how to think about them. (It's
also another nice example of Scheme programming|we'll get to cheat and use quasiquote to
do most of our work for us. Then I'll show how to implement quasiquote, too.)
 The simple Lisp-style macro system also demonstrates two important issues in macros: the
power of procedural transformation, and problems with scoping when code is transformed. An
understanding of Lisp macros can only help later when we return to Scheme macros for an
in-depth discussion of how to work and how to use them.
 The new standard Scheme macro system is safer than Lisp macros, and very useful, but not
quite as powerful. Sometimes it's they're still useful, if you use them for simple things they're
appropriate for. Some of our later examples will use this kind of macro.

 R5RS will have macros, but IEEE/ANSI Scheme does not, and may not for some time. Most
Schemes do support Lisp-style macros, even though they're not part of the standard... and
you can use them to bootstrap a portable implementation of R5RS macros.
Guile uses Lisp-style macros fairly heavily, so Guile programmers should de
nitely pay atten-
tion.] ]
  You might need to program in Lisp some day, or talk intelligently about Lisp. ]
  People keep reinventing them, and not noticing that they were invented decades ago, for
Lisp|I've seen at least three languages with reinventions of Lisp macros, usually in an inferior
form. I want to make it clear what Lisp macros do, and what's good and bad about them, to
avoid further awkward reinventions of the wheel. ]
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 241

7.4.1 Ultra-simple Lispish Macros

The classic macro system is the Lisp macro system, which allows the user to de
ne an arbitrary
Lisp procedure to rewrite a new construct. (Most dialects of Lisp, e.g., Common Lisp, have a macro
facility of the same general kind, called defmacro.) We'll talk for a moment about a simpli
version of Lisp-style macros. Later we'll explain why and how Scheme macros are better, at least
for most purposes.

Suppose we have a macro system that we can use to tell the interpreter or compiler that when it
sees an expression that's a list starting with a particular symbol, it should call a particular routine
to rewrite that expression, and use the rewritten version in its place.

For the or example, we want to tell the compiler that if it sees an expression of the form (or a
b) it should rewrite that into an expression of the form

(let ((temp a)
(if temp

So now we want to tell the compiler how to rewrite expressions like that. Since Lisp expressions
are represented as lists, we can use normal list operations to examine the expression and generate
the new expression. Let's assume our system has a special form called define-rewriter that lets
us specify a procedure of one argument to write a particular kind of expression.

Here's a rather ugly rewriter macro for or:

OR with subtle scope bug

(define-rewriter 'or tell compiler how to rewrite (or ...)
(lambda (expr)
(let ((a (cadr expr))
(b (caddr expr)))
(cons 'let make LET form
(cons (list (list 'temp a))) make let binding form
(append '(if temp temp) make IF form
(list b))
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 242

There's actually a scoping problem with this macro, which I'll ignore for now|it's the problem
that de
xes. Later, I'll show what's wrong and
x it, but for a while I just want to talk
about basic syntax of Lisp-style macros.

Now when the interpreter or compiler is about to evaluate an expression represented as a list,
it will check to see if it starts with or. If so, it will pass the expression to the above rewriter
procedure, and interpret or compile the resulting list instead.

(Actually, macroexpansion doesn't have to happen just before interpreting or compiling a par-
ticular expression. The system might rewrite all of the macro calls in a whole procedure, or a whole
program, before feeding the procedure or program to the normal part of the compiler. It's easier
to understand macros if they're interleaved with expression evaluation or compilation, though|it's
just an extra case in the main dispatch of your interpreter or compiler.)

Implementing define-rewriter is easy. (We'll show an implementation for our example inter-
preter in a later section.) We only need to do two simple things:

 Provide a procedure that can add rewriter procedures to a table, keyed by the name of the
forms they rewrite.
 Modify the interpreter (or compiler) to check whether expressions of the form (symbol ...)
begin with the name of a rewriter macro, and if so, to call the rewriter to transform the
expression before interpreting (or compiling) it.

That's all.

The above system works, but it has several awkwardnesses. One is that it is tedious to write
routines that construct s-expressions directly. We can use quasiquote to make this easier. It will
allow us to simply write the s-expression we want the macro to produce, and use unquote to
ll in
the parts we get from the arguments to the macro.

OR with subtle scope bug

(define-rewriter 'or tell compiler how to rewrite (or ...)
(lambda (expr)
(let ((a (cadr expr))
(b (caddr expr)))
`(let ((temp ,a)) return an s-expression of this form
(if temp
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 243

This is much easier to read. The backquoted expression is now readable as code|it tells us the
general structure of the code produced by the macro, and the commas indicate the parts that vary
depending on the arguments passed to the macro.

Note that there is no magic here: define-rewriter and quasiquotation can be used indepen-
dently, and are very dierent things. It just happens that quasiquotation is often very useful for
the things you want to do in macros|returning an s-expression of a particular form.

This simple rewriting system is still rather tedious to use, for several of reasons. First, we always
have to quote the name of the special form we're de
ning. Second, it's tedious to write a lambda
every time. Third, it's tedious to always have to destructure the expression we're rewriting to get
the parts we want to put into the expression we generate. (\Destructure" means take apart to get
at the components|in this case, subexpressions.) Better Lisp-style Macros

It would be nice if the macro facility allowed you to declare the argument pattern to the macro,
and automatically destructured it for you. Most Lisp systems have a special form called defmacro
that does this for you, and avoids the need to write a lambda expression every time. For consistency
with Scheme naming conventions, we'll call our equivalent define-macro.

define-macro implicitly creates a transformation procedure whose body is the body of the
ne-macro form. It also implicitly destructures the expression to be transformed, and passes the
subexpressions to the transformation procedure.

Using define-macro, we can write or this way, specifying that or takes two arguments:

OR with subtle scope bug

(define-macro (or a b)
`(let ((temp ,a))
(if temp

We didn't have to write the code that destructures the form into a and b|define-macro
did that for us. We also didn't have to explicitly write a lambda to generate the transformation
procedure define-macro did that too.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 244

This makes the syntax of define-macro similar to a procedure-de

ning define form. Still, you
should always remember that you're not writing a normal procedure: you're writing a procedure
to transform code before it is interpreted or compiled. The combination of automatic argument
destructuring and template-
lling (using backwuote and comma) makes it easier to do this in many

Like a procedure, a macro can take a variable number of arguments, with the non-required ones
automatically packaged up into a rest list. We can de
ne a variable-arity or with define-macro:

 need to check this example|it's o the top of my head ]

variable arity OR with subtle scope bug

(define-macro (or . args)
(if (null? args) zero arg or?
(if (null? (cdr? arg-exprs)) one arg or?
(car arg-exprs)
`(let ((temp ,(car arg-exprs)))
(if temp
(or ,@(cdr arg-exprs)))))))

Here we're just accepting the list of argument expressions to the or expression as the rest list

If it's an empty list, we return #f. Keep in mind that we're returning the #f object, which will be
used in place of the or expression, i.e. as the literal #f to use in the resulting code. (Conceptually,
it's a fragment of a program code, even though that program fragment will in fact return the value
#f when it executes, because #f is self-evaluating. We could have quoted it to make that clearer.)

If it's a one-element list, we just return the code (s-expression) for the
rst argument.

If it's a list of more than one argument expression, we return an s-expression for the let with
a nested if. (Note the use of unquote-splicing (,@) to splice the cdr of the expression list into
the or form as its whole list of arguments.)

You should be aware, though, that what you're really doing is specifying a procedure for trans-
forming expressions before they're compiled or interpreted, and that quasiquote is just syntactic
sugar for procedural code that constructs an s-expression.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 245

define-macrois easy to write, once we've got define-rewriter we don't have to modify the
interpreter or compiler at all. We just use define-rewriter to write define-macro as a simple
macro. We'll make define-macro a macro that generates transformation procedures, and uses
define-rewriter to register them with the interpreter. Problems With Lisp-Style Macros

Earlier we alluded to a lurking bug in our define-rewriter and define-macro de
nitions for

Suppose we use the or macro this way|we check to see if someone is employed as either a
permanent or temporary employee, and generate a w2 tax form if either of those is true.

(let ((temp (member x temporary-employees))

(perm (member x permanent-employees)))
(if (or temp perm)
(generate-w2 x)))

The expansion of this is:

(let ((temp (member x temporary-employees))

(perm (member x permanent-employees)))
(if (let ((temp temp))
(if temp
temp))) BUG! (should refer to outer temp, not inner)
(generate-w2 x)))

The problem here is that we happened to use the same name, temp, at both the call site and
inside the macro de
nition. The reference to temp in (or temp perm) gets \captured" by the
binding of temp introduced in the macro.

This occurs because a normal macro facility does not understand issues of name binding|the
name temp refers to one program variable at the call site, and another at the site of its use inside the
macro|and the macroexpander doesn't know the dierence. To the macroexpansion mechanism,
the symbol temp is just a symbol object, not a name of anything in particular, i.e., a particular
program variable.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 246

There are two ways to get around this problem. One is for the macro-writer to be very careful to
use names that are very unlikely to conict with other names. This makes code very ugly, because
of the unnatural names given to variables, but more importantly, it's harder to get right than it
may seem. The other way around the problem is to get a much smarter macro facility, like the new
Scheme define-syntax macro system. Ugly Hacks Around Name Conicts

One way to avoid name conicts is to pick names for variables used inside macros in such a way
that they're unlikely to conict with names that users of the macros might pick, e.g.,

(define-macro (or first-arg second-arg)

`(let ((temp!in!or!macro ,first-arg)
(if temp!in!or!macro

It's unlikely that anyone will name a dierent variable temp!in!or!macro someplace else, so
the problem is solved, right? Not necessarily.

Besides the fact that this is incredibly tacky, there's still a situation where this kind of solution
is likely to fail|when people nest calls to the same macro. Each nested call will use the same name
for dierent variables, and things can go nuts. (Food for thought: is this true of the or macro
above? Does it nest properly?)

The standard hack around that problem is to have each use of the macro use a dierent name
for each local variable that might get captured. This requires some extra machinery from the
underlying system|there has to be a procedure that generates new, unique symbols, and which
can be called by the macro code each time the macro is expanded. The traditional Lisp name for
this procedure is gensym, but we'll call it generate-symbol for clarity.

Now we can write a

xed version of the two-argument OR macro.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 247

Version of 2-arg OR with scope bug fixed

(define-macro (or first-arg second-arg)

(let ((temp-name (generate-symbol)))
`(let ((,temp-name ,first-arg)
(if ,temp-name

Notice that the outer let is outside the backquote|it will be executed when the macro is used
(i.e., once each time an or expression is rewritten the quasiquoted part is the code to be interpreted
or compiled (after the comma'd holes are
lled in).

Each time a call to or is processed by the compiler (or interpreter), this let will generate a
new symbol before translating it quasiquote will
ll in the holes for the new symbol. (Be sure to
get your metalevels right here: temp-name is the name of a variable in the macro transformation
procedure, whose binding will hold a pointer to the the actual name symbol that will be used for
the variable.)

Isn't this ugly? To some degree, Lisp macros are nice because you can use the same language
(Lisp) in macros as you can in normal code. But due to these funky scoping issues, you eectively
end up having to learn a new language|one with lots of generate-symbol calls and commas.

On the other hand, maybe it builds character and abstract reasoning abilities, because you have
to think a lot about names of names and things like that. Fun, maybe, but not for the faint of

7.5 Implementing Simple Macros and Quasiquote

7.5.1 Implementing Simple Macros

7.5.2 Implementing quasiquote and unquote

 This section is particularly rough and needs to be reworked. Sorry. ]
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 248

quasiquote is a special form that (like quote) has a very special sugared syntax. Part of this
syntax is recognized by the reader, rather than the compiler or interpreter proper the rest of the
work is done by the compiler or interpreter. Translating backquotes to quasiquote

A backquote character is interpreted very specially by the Scheme (or Lisp) reader, and back-
quoted expressions are converted into quasiquote expressions with a normal-looking nested-pre
expression syntax. The expression `(a b c) is actually just shorthand for (quasiquote (a b c))
Similarly, comma'd expressions are converted, e.g. `(a ,b ,c) is read in as (quasiquote (a (unquote
b) (unquote c))). Notice that as far as the reader is concerned, these are just lists|it is up to
the compiler or interpreter to process them further, and the reader just preprocesses them into lists
that the compiler or interpreter can deal with. quasiquote

The quasiquote special form may be built into the compiler or interpreter, but it can be
implemented as a macro, in Scheme. That's the easy way to do it, and it's what we'll do.

I'll show a simpli

ed version of quasiquote that only deals with commas at the top level of a
list, e.g.,

(quasiquote (foo ,bar (baz x y)))

but not

(quasiquote (foo ,bar (baz ,x y)))

Notice that (quasiquote (foo ,bar (baz x y))) should expand to something like

(list 'foo bar '(baz x y))

We'll actually generate an expression that uses cons instead of list, because we want to write
quasiquote recursively if its argument is a list, it will peel one element at a time of o the list of
arguments, and either quote it or not before using it in the resulting expression that is the rewritten
version of the macro call.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 249

Given this strategy, (quasiquote (foo ,bar (baz x y))) should expand to

(cons 'foo
(cons bar
(cons '(baz x y))

Notice that what we've done is generate an expression to generate a list whose components
are explicitly quoted where necessary, as opposed to the original backquoted list where things are
quoted by default and explicitly unquoted.

And since 'thing is just a shorthand for (quote thing ), we'll really generate an ugly expression

(cons (quote foo)

(cons bar
(cons (quote baz x y)

written as a straighforward low-level macro. We'll de

ne it as a trivial macro that just calls a
procedure quasiquote1 to do the actual transformation.


(define-macro (quasiquote expr)

(quasiquote1 expr))
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 250

(define (quasiquote1 expr)

(if (not (pair? expr)) if quoted expr is not a list, it's just
expr a literal
else we'll grab a subexpression and cons it (appropriately
quoted or not) onto the result of recursively quasiquoting
the remaining arguments
(let ((first-subexpr (car expr))
(rest-subexprs (cdr expr)))
(if (and (pair? next-subexpr)
(eq? (car first-subexpr) 'unquote)))
(list 'cons
first-subexpr gen expr to eval this subexpr
(quasiquote1 rest-subexprs))
(list 'cons
(list 'quote first-subexpr) quote this subexpr
(quasiquote1 rest-subexprs)))))

A full implementation of quasiquote is a little trickier, because it must deal with nested uses of
quasiquote and unquote each subexpression that is not unquoted must be traversed and treated
similarly to the top-level list|i.e., rather than just using the subexpressions as literals and quoting
them, an equivalent expression should be constructed to create a similarly-structured list with the
unquoted holes
lled in. Also, a full implementation should handle unquote-splicing as well as
unquote. define-rewriter

In Chapter  whatever ], I showed the code for an interpretive evaluator that was designed to
support macros. In this section, I'll explain how to implement the macro processor and install it
in the interpreter.

Recall that when eval encounters an expression that's represented as a list, it must determine
whether the list represents a combination (procedure call), a built-in special form, or a macro call.
It calls eval-list to do this dispatching.

Also recall that we implemented environments that can hold dierent kinds of bindings|of
normal variables or macros. A macro binding holds a transformation procedure that can be used
to rewrite an expression before it is interpreted.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 251

eval-list checks to see if the list begins with a symbol, which might be the name of a macro,
or the name of a procedure. It looks in the environment to
nd the current binding of the symbol.

If it's a syntax (macro) binding, eval-list it extracts the transfromer procedure from the
binding information, and calls eval-macro-call to evaluate the list expression.

Here's eval-macro-call:

(define (eval-macro-call transformer expr envt)

(eval (transformer expr) envt))

All it does is apply the transformation procedure to the expression, and call eval recursively to
evaluate the result.

This is sucient to be able to use macros, once they're de

ned. We also need to be able to
ne macros, so that we can use them.

For that, we'll add one special form to our interpreter, define-rewriter, which takes a name
symbol and a transformation procedure as its arguments.

 Show define-rewriter ... has to accept a closure in our language, not the underlying Scheme
] define-macro

Once we've added de

ne-rewriter to our interpreter, we don't have to modify the interpreter
at all to add define-macro. We can simply de
ne it as a macro in the languauge we interpret,
using define-rewriter \from the inside." We had to add define-rewriter to the language
implementation itself, but once that's done, we can bootstrap a better macro system with no extra
help from the interpreter.

define-macro does three things:

It analyzes the calling form of a macro (the argument pattern) and generates code to destruc-
ture expressions of that form.
it creates a procedure that will do the destructuring and the transformation expressed in the
macro body.
Chapter 7: Quasiquotation and Macros 252

it installs a new syntax binding in the current binding environment, holding that transformation

Bear in mind that the following code is not code in the interpreter, but code to be interpreted,
to create a define-macro macro, from inside our language.

 show define-macro ... pattern matching on arg form and creating a routine to destructure
and bind... ]

7.6 Procedural Macros vs. Template-lling Macros

7.7 Programming Examples Using Macros

Chapter 8: Records and Object Orientation 253

8 Records and Object Orientation

8.1 Records

8.1.1 Data Abstraction

8.1.2 Implementing Records

8.2 Objects

8.2.1 Object Orientation

8.2.2 Implementing a Simple Object System Generic Functions and Dynamic Dispatch Inheritance
Chapter 9: Other Useful Features 254

9 Other Useful Features

9.1 Special Forms

9.2 Input-Output Facilities

9.2.1 read and write

9.2.2 display

9.2.3 Ports

9.2.4 with-input-\ dots Forms

9.3 Useful Types and Associated Procedures

9.3.1 Numeric Types Floating-Point Numbers Arbitrary-Precision Integers Ratios
Chapter 9: Other Useful Features 255 Coercions and Exactness

9.3.2 Vectors

9.3.3 Strings and Characters

Chapter 10: call-with-current-continuation 256

10 call-with-current-continuation

call-with-current-continuation is a very powerful control construct, which can be used to

create more conventional control constructs, like catch and throw in Lisp (or setjmp and longjmp
in C), or coroutines, and many more. It is extremely powerful because it allows a program to
manipulate its own control \stack" so that procedure calls and returns needn't follow the normal
rst textual call ordering.

Recall that we said  WHERE? ] that Scheme's equivalent of an activation stack is really a chain
of partial continuations (suspension records), and this chain is known as a full continuation. And
since continuations are immutable, they usually form a tree reecting the call graph (actually, only
the non-tail calls). Normally, the parts of this tree that are not in the current continuation chain
are garbage, and can be garbage collected.

If you take a pointer to the current continuation, and put it in a live variable or data structure,
however, then that continuation chain will remain live and not be garbage collected. That is, you
can \capture" the current state of the stack.

If you keep a captured state of the stack around, and later install the pointer to it in the system's
continuation register, then you can return through that continuation chain, just as though it were
a normal continuation. That is, rather than returning to your caller in the normal way, you can
take some old saved continuation and return into that instead!

You might wonder why anybody would want to do such a weird thing to their \stack," but there
are some useful applications. One is coroutines. It is often convenient to structure a computation
as an alternation between two dierent processes, perhaps one that produces items and another
that consumes them. It may not be convenient to either of those processes into a subroutine that
can be called once to get an item, because each process may have complex state encoded into its
control structure.

(You probably wouldn't want to have to structure your program as a bunch of incremental
operations that were called by successive calls to a do-next-increment routine. It may be that the
program it gets its data from can't easily be structured that way, either. Each program should
probably be written with its own natural control structure, each suspending its operation when it
needs the other to do its thing.)

Coroutines allow you to structure cooperating subprograms this way, without making one sub-
servient to (and callable piecemeal from) another.
Chapter 10: call-with-current-continuation 257

Coroutines can be implmemented as operations on continuations. When a coroutine wants to

suspend itself and activate another (co-)routine, it simply pushes a partial continuation to save its
state, then captures the value of the continuation register in some way, so that it can be restored
later. To resume a suspended routine, the continuation chain is restored and the top partial
continuation is popped into the system state registers. Alternation between coroutines is thus
accomplished by saving and restoring the routines' continuations.

Note that in this case, we can have two (or more) trees of continuations that represent the course
of the computation, and that control ow can alternate back and forth between trees. Usually,
computations are structured so that most of the work is done in the usual depth-
rst procedure
calling and returning, with occasional jumps from one routine's depth-
rst activity to another's.

Another use of continuations is to implement catch and throw, which are roughly like setjmp
and longjmp in C. The idea is that you may want to abort a computation without going through the
normal nested procedure returns. In a normal stack-based lagnuage (without continuations), this is
usually accomplished by storing a pointer into the stack before starting the abortable computation.
If it is necessary to abort the computation, all of the activation records above the point of call can
be ignored, and the stack pointer can be restored to that point, just as though all of the invocations
above it had returned normally.

This can be implemented with call-with-current-continuation by saving the continuation

at the point where an abortable computation is begun. Anywhere within that computation, that
continuation may be restored (clobbering the \normal" value of the continuation register, etc.) to
resume from that point.

But call-with-current-continuation is more powerful than coroutines or catch and throw.

Not only can we escape \downward" from a computation (by popping multiple partial continuatons
at once without actually returning through them), we can also escape \upwards" back into a
computation that we bailed out of before. This can be useful in implementing exception handling,
where we may want to transfer control to a special coroutine that may \
x up" an error that was
detected, but then resume the procedure that encountered the error, after the problem is

call-with-current-continuation can also be used to implement backtracking, where the

control ow backs up and re-executes from some saved continuation. In this case, we may save the
continuation for some computation, but go ahead and return through it normally. Later, we may
restore the saved continuation and return through it again.

Note that in general, continuations in Scheme can be used multiple times. The essential idea
is that rather than using a stack, which dictates a depth-
rst call graph, Scheme allows you to
Chapter 10: call-with-current-continuation 258

view the call graph AS A GRAPH, which may contain cycles, even directed cycles (which represent

The syntax of call-with-current-continuation is fairly ugly, but for some good reasons in
its raw form, it is very powerful, but correspondingly hard to use. Typically, it is encapsulated in
macros or other procedures to implement other, higher-level control constructs.

call-with-current-continuation is itself a normal

rst-class procedure, which encapsulates
the very low-level continuation munging abilities in something like a civilized package. Since it's
rst-class procedure, you can write higher-order procedures that treat it like data, or call it, or

call-with-current-continuation is a procedure of exactly one argument, which is another

procedure to execute after the current continuation has been captured. The current continuation
will be passed to that procedure, which can use it (or not) as it pleases.

The captured continuation is itself packaged up as a procedure, also of one argument. That's
so that you can't muck around with the continuation itself in any data-structure-like way. There
are only two things you can do with captured continuations|capture them and resume them.
Continuations are captured by executing call-with-current-continuation, which creates an
escape procedure. They are resumed by calling the escape procedure. When called, the escape
procedure abandons whatever computation is going on, restores the saved continuation, and resumes
executing the saved computation at the point where call-with-current-continuation occurred.

Note that call-with-current-continuation is a procedure of one argument. We'll call that

procedure the abortable procedure. The abortable procedure must also be a procedure of exactly
one argument. (If you want to call a procedure that takes a bunch of arguments, and still make it
abortable using call-with-current-continuation, you have to use a trick I'll describe below.)

The abortable procedure's argument is the escape procedure that encapsulates the captured

call-with-current-continuation does the following:

Creates an escape procedure that captures the current continuation. If called, this procedure
will restore the continuation at the point of call to call-with-current-continuation.
Calls the procedure passed as its (call-with-current-continuation's) argument, handing it the
escape procedure as its argument.
Chapter 10: call-with-current-continuation 259

If and when the escape procedure is called, it restores the continuation captured at the point
of call to call-with-current-continuation. We refer to this as a nonlocal return|from the
point of view of the caller of call-with-current-continuation, it looks as though call-with-
current-continuation had returned normally.

The (abortable) procedure we want to call must take one argument, which is the escape proce-
dure that can resume the computation just beyond the call to call-with-current-continuation.

As if this weren't cryptic enough, the escape procedure is also a procedure of exactly one
argument. When the escape procedure is used to perform a nonlocal return, it returns a value as
the result of the call to call-with-current-continuation.

The argument to the escape procedure is the value that will be returned as the value of the call.
Note that if the escape procedure is not called, and the abortable procedure returns normally, the
value it returns is returned as the value of the call to call-with-current-continuation.

A call to call-with-current-continuation therefore can return in two ways. Either the

abortable procedure returns normally, and call-with-current-continuation simply returns that
value, or the escape procedure can be called, and its argument is returned as the value of the call
to call-with-current-continuation.

Consider the following example, where I've given line numbers to refer to later:

0: (define some-flag #f)

1: (define (my-abortable-proc escape-proc)

2: (display "in my-abortable-proc")
3: (if some-flag
4: (escape-proc "ABORTED"))
5: (display "still in my-abortable-proc")

7: (define (my-resumable-proc)
8: (do-something)
9: (display (call-with-current-continuation my-abortable-proc))
10: (do-some-more))

11: (my-resumable-procedure)
Chapter 10: call-with-current-continuation 260

At line 11, we call my-resumable-procedure. It calls do-something, and then calls display.
But before it calls display it has to evaluate its argument, which is the call to call-with-current-

call-with-current-continuation saves the continuation at that point, and packages it up as

an escape procedure. (Line 9) The escape procedure, if called, will return its argument as the value
of the call-with-current-continuation form.

That is, if the escape procedure is called, it will resume execution of the display procedure,
which prints that value, and then execution will continue, calling do-some-more.

Once call-with-current-continuation has created the escape procedure, it calls its argu-
ment, my-abortable-proc, with the escape procedure as its argument.

my-abortable-proc then displays (prints) "in my-abortable-proc." Then it checks some-

flag, which is false, and does not execute the consequent of the if|that is, it doesn't execute
the escape procedure. It continues executing, displaying "still inmy-abortable-proc." It then
evaluates its last body form, the string "NOT ABORTED", which evaluates to itself, and returns that
as the normal return value of the procedure call.

At this point, the value returned from my-abortable-proc is printed by the call to display in
line 9.

But suppose we set some-flag to #t, instead of #f.

Then when control reaches line 3, the if does evaluate its consequent. This calls the escape
procedure, handing it the string "ABORTED" as its argument. The escape procedure resumes the cap-
tured continuation, returning control to the caller of call-with-current-continuation, without
executing lines 5 and 6.

The escape procedure returns its argument, the string "ABORTED" as the value of the call-with-
current-continuation form. It restores the execution of my-resumable-proc at line 9, handing
display the string "ABORTED" (as the value of its argument form). At this point "ABORTED" is
displayed, and execution continues at line 10.

Often we want to use call-with-current-continuation to call some procedure that takes arguments
other than an escape procedure. For example, we might have a procedure that takes two arguments
besides the escape procedure, thus:
Chapter 10: call-with-current-continuation 261

(define (foo x y escape)

(if (= x 0)
(escape 'ERROR))

We can
x this by currying the procedure, making it a procedure of one argument.

 An earlier chapter should have a discussion of currying! ]

Suppose we want to pass 0 and 1 as the values of x and y, as well as handing foo the escape
procedure. Rather than saying
(call-with-current-continuation foo)

which doesn't pass enough arguments to the call to foo, we say

(call-with-current-continuation (lambda (escape) (foo 0 1 escape)))

The lambda expression creates a closure that does exactly what we want. It will call foo with
arguments 0, 1, and the escape procedure created by call-with-current-continuation.

10.1 Implementing a Better Read-Eval-Print Loop

10.2 Implementing Catch and Throw

10.3 Implementing Backtracking

10.4 Implementing Coroutines

10.5 Implementing Cooperative Multitasking

Chapter 10: call-with-current-continuation 262

10.6 Caveats about call-with-current-continuation

Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 263

11 A Simple Scheme Compiler

 The example compiler in compiler.scm is the skeleton of a simple compiler for a subset of
Scheme, whose structure corresponds fairly closely to the example interpreter in eval.scm. ]

 this is out of place, or needs more introductory intro

rst: ]

Where the interpreter has a basic dispatch routine called eval, which can evaluate any kind
of expression, the compiler has a basic dispatch routine called compile, which can compile any
kind of expression. Like eval, compile examines the expression to be compiled, and dispatches to
an appropriate routine for that kind of expression. The routine that compiles an expression may
recursively call compile to compile subexpressions, just as the interpretive evaluator may call eval
recursively to evaluate subexpressions.

11.1 What is a Compiler?

 This is somewhat redundant with earlier stu, but more concrete. Should I cut it down?]

Before answering what a compiler is, let's backtrack and talk about interpreters.

11.1.1 What is an Interpreter?

An interpreter really does two things:

1. it examines expressions and dispatches to the appropriate code for that kind of expression
2. it performs the actual operations speci
ed by the program

Typically, most of the work done by an interpreter is in the

rst category|our example inter-
preter, for example, spends a lot of time examining expressions to see if they're self-evaluating or
symbols or lists, and dispatching to the appropriate procedure to evaluate that kind of expression.
This dispatching is interleaved with the actual work that evaluates the expressions.

One of the problems with an interpreter is that every time an expression is encountered, it is
analyzed again. Consider an expression like (+ foo bar) embedded in a loop that iterates many
times. Our interpreter will encounter this expression at each iteration of the loop, and at each
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 264

iteration of the loop it will do mostly the same things: it will examine the expression and
nd out
it's a list, then call eval-list, which will further examine it to
nd out it's a combination (not
a special form or macro), and call eval-combo. Then eval-combo will call eval recursively to
evaluate the subexpressions, and each call to eval will examine the subexpressions and dispatch to
the appropriate specialized evaluation routine. Only then do we start actually computing the value
of the expression, by computing the values of the subexpressions +, foo, and bar, i.e., looking up
the values of those variables.

11.1.2 OK, so what's a compiler?

We would rather factor out most of this redundant work, and examine the expression just once
to see what to do. Then each time we \evaluate" the expressions, we can just do those things. For
the expression (+ foo bar), the set of actions an interpreter will execute (leaving out all of the
analysis and dispatching is):

look up variable bar

look up variable foo
look up variable +

(Here we've assumed that we evaluate subexpressions of a combination from right-to-left, rather
than the more intuitive left-to-right order that's a legal way to do it in Scheme an it turns out to
be handy in a very simple compiler, as we'll explain in a minute.)

 maybe I should change this to do args left-to-right, but the operator last, like RScheme. ]

For code like this, which doesn't have any conditionals in it, we can convert an interpreter into
a compiler very easily. We just modify the interpreter so that instead of actually evaluating the
expressions, it just records what operations it would execute if it were interpreting the expression.
I'm intentionally being vague as to how exactly these simple operations (like look-up-variable)
work, but you should be able to see that each of them should be translatable into a handful of
machine instructions. That's how most compilers work: they
rst translate a program into an
intermediate code representation, like our look-up-variable operations, and then translate that rep-
resentation into machine instructions. (In between there may be one or more steps that \optimize"
the intermediate code, and each step may represent the code in a dierent way.)

So this simple compiler just \pretends" to evaluate the expression, but whenever it gets to an
actual action (like looking up a variable, or calling a procedure), it simply records what action it
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 265

would take if it were just an interpreter. The result is a list of actions which, if taken, will have the
same eect as interpreting the expression.

Here's another example:

(let ((x 22)

(y 15))
(+ x (* x y)))

Supposing that our intermediate code representation is a sequence of lists that represent oper-
ations and their operands, the code that our simple compiler will generate is:

(fetch-literal 22)
(fetch-literal 15)
(bind x y)
(look-up-variable y)
(look-up-variable x)
(look-up-variable *)
(look-up-variable x)

Later on, we'll talk in more concrete detail about where values are temporarily stored when
they're looked up, and various tweaks to make it possible to translate intermediate code into
smaller and faster sequences of machine instructions. For now just notice that we can string
together sequences of these intermediate code operations, and if we just translate each of them
into some machine instructions, we can string those sequences of machine instructions together and
get a larger sequence that we can execute to evaluate the whole expression. We can execute it as
many times as we want, and all of the expression analysis and dispatching will already have been
done|the only work done each time it's executed is the work that actually binds variables, looks
up values, calls procedures, and so on.

It's not much harder to compile conditional expressions like if. When we compile an if, we
need to generate code for the condition expression, the consequent expression, and the alternative
expression. (The \consequent" is the code executed if the condition is true, and the \alternative"
is the code executed if it's false.) Then we need to string the code for those expressions together
appropriately with some conditional branches:
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 266

<code for condition>

(branch-if-false "else-action-label")
<code for consequent>
(branch-unconditionally "end-label")
<code for alternative>

The labels here will actually be translated into the addresses of the code they label, and the
branches will be
lled in with those addresses. (We have to be careful to use a unique pair of new
labels for each if we compile, so or some other trick like that, so that we can nest if expressions
and keep their labels straight.)

(One way of generating machine code from this representation is to translate each of the state-
ments into a short sequence of assembly instructions and each label into an assembly label, stringing
them together as shown. Then the assembly code can be assembled into machine code.)

Note that for an if, the control structure of the compiler is actually simpler than the control
structure of an interpreter. The interpreter will evaluate the condition expression, and then decide
at run time whether to evaluate the consequent (\then") expression or the alternative (\else") ex-
pression. The compiler will always compile all three subexpressions, and string them together with
conditional branches that will do the deciding at run time, based on the runtime value computed
by the code for the condition expression.

Here's a slightly more complicated example:

(let ((x 15))

(if x
(let ((y (* 2 x)))
(+ x y))

translates to intermediate code roughly like:

Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 267

(fetch-literal 15)
(bind x)
(lookup-variable x)
(branch-if-false "else22")
(lookup-variable x)
(fetch-literal 2)
(lookup-variable *)
(bind y) create and enter envt that binds y
(lookup-variable y)
(lookup-variable x)
(lookup-variable +)
(unbind) exit envt that binds y
(branch "end22")
(fetch-literal #t)

There are actually a couple of minor things wrong with the code we've generated, but this is
pretty close to a workable intermediate representation.

11.2 What Does a Compiler Generate?

 Talk about machine code, interpretive virtual machines, etc. ]

11.3 Basic Structure of the Compiler

The main function of the compiler is compile, which generates intermediate code for an expres-
sion, and which may call itself recursively to generate code for subexpressions.

Calls to compile hand it an expression and some bookkeeping information we'll discuss later.
Compile returns intermediate code, plus updated versions of some of the bookkeeping information.

To start this process o, top-level forms (like the ones you type into the read-compile-run-
print loop, or de
nitions of top-level procedures) are massaged a little, then intermediate code for
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 268

them is generated. Then the intermediate code is converted into real executable code and packaged
up as a closure that can be called.

We will discuss these issues of massaging top-level forms and generating executable closures
later for now, the main thing to understand is the recursive generation of intermediate code for
nested expressions.

Here's the main dispatch routine of the compiler, which is analagous to the interpreter's eval:

(define (compile expr c-t-envt literal-state c-t-cont)

(cond ((symbol? expr)
(compile-symbol expr c-t-envt literal-state c-t-cont))
((pair? expr)
(compile-list expr c-t-envt literal-state c-t-cont))
((self-evaluating? expr)
(compile-self-eval expr c-t-envt literal-state c-t-cont))
(syntax-error "Illegal expression form" expr))))

For now, ignore most of the arguments to compile, we'll explain them later. The main thing to
notice is that it looks a lot like eval.

 blah blah blah...]

 Somewhere, it's important to bring out the dierence between the mutual recursion of eval and
apply in the interpreter and the way the compiler works. Eval recurs locally, but just generates
code for apply... The control structure of the compiler is actually simpler than for the interpreter,
because the hairy stu just happens at run time... ]

11.4 Data Representations, Calling Convention, etc.

Before trying to understand the compiler itself in more detail, it is probably best to have a
concrete idea of what the representations of data are, how procedure calls work, and how registers
are used. That is, you have to understand the \abstract machine" that the compiler compiles for.

An abstract machine is an abstraction of low-level operations and objects. The compiler

compiles code from the source language into this lower-level representation, and then translates the
\abstract machine language" into actual executable code. (The executable code may be machine
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 269

code that runs directly on the hardware, or an interpretive executable code such as bytecodes,
which are interpreted by a fast interpreter.)

You can think of an abstract machine as being more like an assembler than an interpreter, but
maybe a little smarter than most assemblers.

I will describe one particular set of features to make things concrete this is not quite how
RScheme works, or Scheme-48, or any particular other system that I know of, but there's nothing
unusual about it except maybe its simplicity.

In eshing out our example compiler, let's suppose our system works this way:

1. We have several important registers used in stereotyped ways, e.g., to hold a pointer to the
current binding environment.
2. We have an evaluation stack that's used to store intermediate values while evaluating nested
3. We use a continuation chain to represent the saved state of callers, their callers, and so on, so
that they can be resumed after a procedure returns.

The registers of the abstract machine may represent hardware registers, or just storage locations
that are used in these stereotyped ways. (For example, if compiling to C, the registers might be C
global variables, and the C compiler might or might not let you specify that the variables should
be put in hardware registers.)

11.4.1 The Registers

We'll assume that there are several important registers that can be used by the code our compiler

1. The VALUE register, where an expression leaves a value so that it can be used by an enclosing
expression. In The case of a procedure, this is where the value is left for the caller when the
procedure returns. The value register is also used when calling a procedure.
2. The ENVT register, which holds a pointer to the environment that code is currently executing
3. The CONT register, which holds a pointer to the chain of saved continuations of callers.
4. The TEMPLATE register, which holds a pointer to a special data structure associated with the
procedure that is currently executing, and
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 270

5. The PC (program counter) register, which says which instruction we are currently executing.
(If we're compiling to normal machine code, this is a special register built into the CPU for
this purpose, and we use it pretty much like any other code would. If we're compiling to an
interpretive executable code, this is probably variable in the interpreter.)

11.4.2 The Evaluation Stack (or Eval Stack, for short)

The eval stack is used for holding values that have been computed by evaluating subexpressions,
but not yet used or bound.

In evaluating the expression (+ foo 22), the three values will be computed. When each value
is computed, it will be left in the VALUE register. We evaluate right to left, and after evaluating
each argument, we perform a PUSH operation on the eval stack, which copies the value in the value
register onto the eval stack. When we get to the
rst subexpression (the one that's supposed to
return a function to call), we leave the value in the value register, because that's where we put the
closure pointer for a procedure call.

The eval stack is used for two main purposes:

1. storing intermediate values for nested expressions, and

2. passing arguments to procedures.

The eval stack is not used to hold intermediate values or local variables for suspended
procedures|it isn't like the activation stack in a conventional implementation of C or Pascal.
The values in the eval stack at any given time are only the intermediate values stored for the
currently executing procedure. Intermediate values for suspended procedures are saved in the
continuation chain as necessary.

When we call a procedure, the only values on the eval stack are the arguments to the procedure.
Any other values used by the caller are moved from the eval stack into a continuation before calling.

11.4.3 The Continuation Chain

The continuation chain is a data structure that
lls roughly the role of an activation stack in
the implementation of a conventional programming language. The continuation chain is a linked
list of partial continuations, each of which is a record that stores the saved state of a procedure.
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 271

When a procedure performs a non-tail procedure call, it packages its important state information
up into a partial continuation this record saves the values of the environment, template, PC, and
continuation registers, and any temporary values on the eval stack.

Once a caller has saved its state in a partial continuation, then the callee can do whatever it
wants with the important registers and the evaluation stack. (This is called a caller-saves register
usage convention, because the caller of a procedure is obliged to save any values that it will need
when it resumes.)

Remember that continuations are allocated on the garbage collected heap and are immutable|
we never modify a continuation once it's created. When we resume from a saved partial continu-
ation, we copy the values from the partail continuation into the registers and eval stack, but that
doesn't modify the partial continuation itself|it's still sitting out there on the heap. This is im-
portant for being able to implement call-with-current-continuation: it's what allows us to resume
from the same continuation any number of times.

11.4.4 Environments
The compiler assumes that a binding environment is a chain of frames, each of which is a vector
of slots which are the variable bindings. Each frame also has a static link or scope link
eld, which
points to the frame representing the next lexically enclosing environment.

Top-level environments are represented specially, as hash tables that map names to bindings.
We'll use a hash table instead of the association lists we used in our simple interpreter, because
they're faster if you have a lot of bindings. A binding object for a top-level environment is pretty
much the same as in the interpreter: a little vector with two important slots: a slot for its name
and another slot that is the actual value

Local environments are represented very dierently from toplevel environments: each frame is
a vector of slots, and does not store the names of the bindings. It turns out that the names are
only needed at compile time, so they don't actually have to be stored in the runtime environment.
(The compiler also turns out to be able to do most of the work for looking up a toplevel variable
at compile time, so the speed of our hash tables is not going to be critical to our runtime speed.)
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 272

11.4.5 Closure Representation and Calling

Closures in our system are represented as objects with two

elds: a pointer to the environment
captured by the closure, and a pointer to an object called a template, which in turn contains a
pointer to the code for the procedure.

When we evaluate the following expression

(let ((foo 22)

(bar 15))
(lambda (...)

we'll create an environment frame to hold the bindings of foo and bar, and initialize them to 22
and 15, respectively. This environment frame will have a scope link pointing to the environment
we were executing in when we entered the let. Inside this environment, we'll create a closure. The
closure will hold a pointer to the new environment, and a pointer to a template object representing
the anonymous procedure being closed. The template will have a pointer to the actual executable
code. All of these things will be heap-allocated objects, and in our implementation we'll give each
one header
eld showing what kind of object it is:
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 273

<to envt. frame

for enclosing

+----------+ |
| envt. fr.| |
,------>+==========+ |
/ scope | +----+----+
+----------+ / +----------+
| closure | / foo | 22 |
+==========+ / +----------+
envt | +----+--' bar | 15 |
+----------+ +----------+
proc | +----+--.
+----------+ \ +----------+
\ | template | +----------+
`--->+==========+ | code |
code | +----+-----> +==========+
+----------+ |executable|
| | + code for +
+----------+ |procedure |
| | + +
+----------+ | ... |
| ... | +----------+

The template object holds not only the pointer to the actual code, but any other handy values
that the compiler can compute or look up at compile time, and which should be available to the
procedure at run time. We'll discuss that more later.

When we want to apply a procedure to some argument values, we put the argument values on
the eval stack, and a pointer to the closure we want to call in the VALUE register. Then we execute
a short sequence of instructions that does the call:

Extract the environment pointer from the closure and put it in the environment register. (This
is basically just an indexed load using the value register as a base.)
Extract the template pointer from the closure and put it in the template register. (This is
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 274

basically just another indexed load using the value register as a base.)
Extract the code pointer from the template and put it in the program counter register, i.e.,
jump to that code. (This is basically just another indexed load using the template register as
a base, and a jump to that address.)

Thus actual machine code for our \apply" operation in our intermediate representation is just a
handful of instructions that do this stu|a stereotyped little instruction sequence that destructures
a closure and puts the appropriate values in registers before beginning execution of the procedure.

Because this is the way the procedure calling convention works, we know that when we begin
executing the code for a procedure, the environment register will point to the right environment
(where the procedure was de
ned) and the template register will point to the template for that
procedure. Any values stored in the template by the compiler can be fetched at compile time by
doing an indexed load with the template register as a base.

Consider this procedure:

(define (foo x y)
(list 'bar x y))

Here, the literal bar is needed by the procedure|there must be some code in foo that will
somehow fetch a pointer to the symbol bar. That's what the template object is for. When this
procedure is compiled, the compiler accumulates a list of such literals, and when the template
object for the procedure is created, all of those values will be stored into it. When the compiler
generates code to fetch the symbol bar, it just looks at the symbol's position in the literal list (and
thus its oset in the template object), and generates code to do an indexed load to fetch that value
from the template at run time.

11.5 Continuations

11.5.1 Applying a Procedure Doesn't Save the Caller's State

Remember that when we do a procedure call, we do not necessarily save the state of the caller.
For a non-tail call, the compiler must generate code to save the caller's state plus code for the
actual call. For a tail call, there is no need to save the state. Because of this, there isn't really a
single \procedure call" operation that saves the caller's state and invokes the callee. There are two
separate operations, save-continuation and apply.
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 275

As mentioned above, the code sequence that performs a procedure applicatin assumes that the
pointer to the closure to be called is in the VALUE register. The procedure will leave its value in
that register when it returns.

11.5.2 Continuation Saving

save-continuation is the operation that saves the state of the currently executing procedure
in a partial continuation, and pushes it onto the continuation chain.

When pushing a continuations, it is important to save all of the values on the eval stack, except
for the arguments to the procedure being called. Therefore, when generating code for a combination
(procedure call) expression, the code to save the caller's state does not come just before the actual
code to call the procedure. This would remove the arguments to the procedure from the eval stack.
Instead, the continuation save comes just before the code that generates the argument values that
will be passed to the procedure:

(save-continuation <label>) save everything else before computing args

<compute argn>
<compute arg1>
<compute callee>

that way, the arguments to the call (and nothing else) will be on the eval stack when the
procedure is called, and when the procedure returns, it will restore the other values from the
partial continuation onto the eval stack.

This separation of the saving and calling code looks especially funny for nested expressions that
call procedures, but it makes perfect sense.

save-continuation takes an argument which is the address of the code to execute when the
continuation is resumed. This address is saved in the partial continuation, and when the continu-
ation is resumed, it will be branched to (put in the PC register).
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 276

11.5.3 An Example
Now that we have a more detailed idea how the registers, eval stack, and continuations work,
here's an example:

(+ (- a b) (/ c d))

compiles to intermediate code something like:

(push-continuation "resume23") save cont for call to +

(push-continuation "resume24") save cont for call to -
(lookup-variable d) get value of d into value reg
(push) push value of d on eval stack
(lookup-variable c) get value of c into value reg
(push) push value of c on eval stack
(lookup-variable /) look up /
(apply) call /, which is in value reg after lookup
(push-continuation "resume25") save cont for -, incl. value of (/ c d)
(lookup-variable b) get value of b
(lookup-variable a) get value of a
(lookup-variable -) get value of -
(apply) call -
(push) push returned value on top of restored e stack
(lookup-variable +) look up +
(apply) tail call +

Things to notice:

1. after the
rst apply, the called routine (or something it directly or indirectly tail calls) will
eventually do a procedure return, and pop the latest continuation we pushed, restoring anything
that was on the eval stack at that point, and resuming execution at label1.  OOPS...
x this
2. after the second apply, the called routine will eventually (directly or indirectly) do a procedure
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 277

return, which will pop the second continuation we pushed, restoring the already-computed
value of the subexpression (/ c d) to the eval stack.
3. we generated code for the expression (+ (- a b) (/ c d)) to be used in tail position. This
code doesn't save a continuation before the
nal call to +. If the expression is to be used in
non-tail position, we must generate slightly dierent code, which will save a continuation that
will resume after this expression.

11.5.4 Generating Unique Labels

 where does this go? ]

Like compile-if, compile-combo generates labels as necessary to be able to name the code
where execution should be resumed after a call|in the code it generates, it puts the label just before
the intermediate code instruction to resume, and the same label in the call to save-continuation
that should resume there.

It is easy to generate unique labels for every resumable point in a program. We just keep a
counter of labels we've used so far, and to create a new one we append the digits representing this
number to the string "resume", so that we get "resume1", "resume2", and so on.

We can write a Scheme procedure, generate-label, which keeps a counter, and when given a
string as an argument, returns the a new string with the same characters plus the digits representing
the number in the counter. That way, we can use labels that start with "else" and "end" to label
the branch targets of an if expression, and labels that start with "resume" to represent the
resumption points for continuation saving. This makes the intermediate code we generate fairly
understandable, while ensuring that labels are still unique, and easy to use as assembler labels
when translating intermediate code to machine language.

11.6 More on Representations of Environments

To get reasonable performance for our system, we'll want to treat the top-level environment
dierently from local variable binding environments. We'll use a trick involving lexical scope to
precompute most of the work done in looking up a local variable binding, and a dierent trick to
make it fast to look up top-level variables.
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 278

As we said before, each local variable binding contour (e.g., the bindings introduced by a let,
or by binding the args to a procedure) is represented at run time as a frame with slots for each
variable, plus a scope link that points to the frame representing the enclosing contour.

A top-level environment is likely to be large, and we will want to be able to access it in special
ways. We will represent it as a hash table that maps symbols (variable names) to their toplevel
bindings. The bindings themselves will be represented as objects, whose main function is to have
eld that holds the current value of the variable. For simplicity, we'll make them self-identifying
as well: not only will the names be used as keys in the hash table, but the binding objects will hold
pointers to their names as well as values.

Keep in mind that this representation is just one that's convenient. A toplevel environment
could be represented as any kind of table (e.g., an association list), but we want it to be reasonably
fast to access even if there are thousands of top-level variables. (We'll use a special trick to make
normal accesses to top-level variable bindings very fast at run time, but we want to make them
reasonably fast at compile time as well, and hash tables are good for that.)

Suppose we evaluate the following expressions at the top level, to de

ne and initialize a couple
of variables:

(define quux "fubar")

(define (double x) (+ x x))

This will modify the toplevel environment by adding bindings for quux and double, in addition
to what's already there:
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 279

| |
| |
\|/ |
+------------------+ |
| toplevel env. | |
+==================+ +----------+ |
| cons | *----+-------->| binding | |
+--------+---------+ +==========+ |
| | | value | *----+------><closure for cons> |
. . +----------+ |
. . name | cons | |
. . +----------+ |
| | | +----------+ |
+--------+---------+ | binding | |
| quux | *----+-------->+==========+ |
+--------+---------+ value | *----+------>"fubar" |
| | | +----------+ |
. . name | quux | |
. . +----------+ |
. . |
| | | +----------+ |
+--------+---------+ | binding | +----------+ |
| double | *----+-------->+==========+ | closure | |
+--------+---------+ value | *----+--------->+==========+ |
| | | +----------+ envt | *----+-----+
. . name | double | +----------+
. . +----------+ proc | *----+---> ...
. . +----------+

Several things to note:

The representation of the hash table itself may not really be a simple array of name-value
pairs, but I didn't want to clutter up the picture with overow buckets and whatnot.
In principle, we don't need to have pointers to separate binding objects. We could just store
the values of bindings right in the table, using the value
elds of the name-value pair to hold
the actual variable values. (After all, a binding is really just a location with a name, used
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 280

to hold a value.) It will turn out to be convenient for our implementation to have separate
objects that hold the values.
The occurrences of symbol names in the picture would really be pointers to symbol objects, and
the string "fubar" would really be an object itself as well. As usual, we selectively abbreviate
our pictorial representation to avoid cluttering things up.
We refer to the toplevel binding objects as objects, but they're not Scheme objects|standard
Scheme doesn't give you any way to get a pointer to one of these and play with it from inside
the language. These \objects" are objects in the sense that they're allocated on the heap and
referred to via pointers by the compiler and by compiled code, but they're not \
rst class." (An
extended version of the Scheme language may let you get at them from inside the language,
but that's not standard.)

11.7 Compiling Code for Literals

When the compiler compiles code for a literal, like 'foo or "foo" or 22 in the following expres-

(list 'foo "foo" 22)

it notices which literals the expression will need at run time, and ensures that those literals
will appear in the template of the procedure. It keeps a list of literals needed by the procedure
it's compiling, and after compiling the code for the procedure, it uses that list to construct the
template that goes with the code.

If foo is the
rst literal encountered, it might be put into the list
rst, and assigned the
free slot in the template (after the code pointer). "foo" might be assigned the second slot, and so
on. In the terminology of language implementation, the template acts as a literal frame, as well as
holding the pointer to the procedure's code.

After assigning a literal a position in the template, the compiler can generate one or two instruc-
tions that can fetch the value out of the template, by using the address of the template, adding the
oset of that slot, and loading from the resulting address. Since the template address is guaranteed
to be in the TEMPLATE register, this is probably just a single indexed load instruction. In pseudo-C,
it might look like:

value_register = *(template_register + offset)

Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 281

where oset is computed by the compiler and therefore is probably an immediate operand to
the load instruction that loads the value into the value register.

Notice that here we're taking advantage of the fact that the compiler runs in our system, and
generates code that's just data in our system. The code will run in the same heap, and the compiler
can therefore just compute values and put them in the template, and they'll stay around until that
code is executed. (Life gets a little more complicated if you want to generate code that will be
loaded into a dierent system and executed there.)

 Now we should explain that the literal-state argument to compile is the list of literals seen
so far in compiling a procedure. The return value of compile is intermediate code that includes an
updated literal-state. ]

11.8 Compiling Code for Top-Level Variable References

Because of lexical scoping, it is easy for the compiler to tell the dierence between a reference to
a top-level variable binding and a reference to a local variable. We'll talk about that in detail later,
but for now just assume that the compiler knows the dierence at the point where it generates code
for a variable reference.

When the compiler generates code for a top-level variable, it can usually look up the binding of
that variable in the environment that the code is being generated for|the expression that de
the variable has already been executed, so the binding already exists.

The compiler can therefore do the actual lookup at compile time, e.g., hashing into the hash-
table that implements a toplevel environment and getting a pointer to the actual binding object
that will be referenced at run time.

To make references to this object fast, the compiler can simply put this pointer in the template
for the procedure being compiled, as though it were a literal value.

Be clear on what's going on here: the compiler can't look up the value of the variable, because
that's not known until the moment the variable is referenced at run time. (Before the code is
executed, some other piece of code might run and change the value stored in the binding.) But the
identity of the binding itself is known, and can be stashed in the literal frame.

Actually, it's just slightly more complicated than this. A variable can be used in a procedure
nition before the variable itself is de
ned. (This is called a \forward reference.") To get around
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 282

this, the compiler \cheats," and goes ahead and creates the binding object and its entry in the
toplevel environment before the de
nition of the variable is actually encountered. At the language
level, the variable hasn't been bound or given a value, but we go ahead and create the unique
binding object and use it in compiling other expressions. For error checking, we put a special value
in the binding to indicate that the binding isn't \real" yet|we put a reference to some object we
consider \not a real value," so that we can detect uses of a variable that isn't really bound.

(In a system designed for maximum safety and early error checking, we could ensure that each
reference to a toplevel variable would check for this value, and signal an error if it's found. If we're
not quite so concerned with early error checking, we can wait until somebody attempts to use such
a value, e.g., by adding it to something, or taking the car of it, and we rely on the normal type
checking of the language to tell us something's wrong at the point that operation occurs.)

Now consider compiling a procedure like

(define (make-foo-list)
(list 'foo "foo"))

The compiler will accumulate a list of toplevel bindings and literals needed for the procedure,
namely a string "foo", the symbol foo, and toplevel binding of the symbol list. These will be
put in the template for the procedure, in the
rst, second, and third slots after the code pointer.
The code generated for this procedure (assuming right-to-left evaluation) will be something like:

(fetch-literal 1) get string "foo" from template slot 1

(push) push it on eval stack
(fetch-literal 2) get symbol foo from template slot 2
(push) push it on eval stack
(fetch-literal 3) get toplevel binding of list from template slot 3
(t-l-bdg-get) extract value from binding
(apply) (tail-)call list

Notice, of course, that we've made our intermediate code representation more concrete now|we
use slot numbers as the arguments to fetch-literal, and we explicitly get the value of the toplevel
variable from the toplevel binding object in the value register. For setting the value in a binding,
we'll use a dierent intermediate code instruction, t-l-bdg-set! (t-l-binding-set! expects the
value register to hold a pointer to a toplevel binding object it extracts the value of the binding,
and leaves that value in the value register.)
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 283

 Now we can explain more about literal states|we accumulate a list of literal values and
top-level variable bindings that must be accessible when the procedure runs. ]

By now it should be very clear how you would translate each of these little operations in our
intermediate representation into a few assembly-language instructions.

 need picture? ]

11.9 Precomputing Local Variable Lookups using Lexical Scope

We can't really look up local variable bindings at compile time the way we can toplevel
bindings|local variable bindings don't exist yet when we're compiling the expressions that create
and use them. (Consider the fact that every time you enter a let, or call a procedure that binds
arguments, a new binding environment frame is created. Code that executes in such environments
will see a dierent binding environment frame in the environment register each time it runs.)

What we can do is take advantage of lexical scope to precompute most of the search for a
variable in an environment.

Consider the execution of this procedure:

(lambda (x y)
(let ((a <some-expression>
(b <some-expression>))
(list a b x y)))

When we compute the arguments to the call to list, it's obvious that the
rst and second
variables (a and b) will be in the
rst and second slots of the
rst binding environment frame,
pointed directly to by the ENVT register. This is the environment created by the let. The third
and fourth variables (x and y) will be in the next environment frame, pointed to by the scope link
of the

The compiler can compute the lexical address of each variable binding at the point where a ref-
erence to it is's compiled|that's the relative location of the variable starting from the environment
register. A lexical address has two parts: the number of environment frames to skip to
nd the
right frame, and the oset of the binding in that frame. In the above example, the lexical addresses
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 284

a: 0,1
b: 0,2
x: 1,1
y: 1,2

(We use the convention that frame numbers start at zero, but slot numbers appear to start at
1 because the scope link is in slot 0.)

The code generated for the reference to a can simply be an indexed load instruction, using the
environment register plus an oset to grab the value in the
rst variable binding slot. In pseudo-C,
that's something like

value_register = *(envt_register + offset)

where oset is probably 4 (bytes) to index past the scope link slot. Slightly more abstractly, its
lexical address is  WHAT? ]

The code for the reference to the variable y would involve one level of indirection|
rst the
scope link pointer must be extracted from the
rst environment frame, and then that can be used
for an indexed load to get the value of the second slot of the second frame:

value_register = *(envt_register) get ptr to 2nd envt frame

value_register = *(envt_register + offset)

where oset is probably 8 (bytes) to index past the scope link and the binding of x.

Given this scheme, accessing a local variable takes time proportional to the number of envi-
ronment frames intervening between between the expression being compiled and the environment
where the referenced variable is de
ned. That's usually fairly fast, for two reasons:

1. The depth of lexical nesting is usually small|it corresponds to the nesting of binding expres-
sions in the program, and is usually between one and three, an only rarely greater than
ve or
2. Most references that are executed at run time are to variables in the current scope, or maybe a
level or two back from that. (Consider references to variables in inner loops, which constitute
the most frequently-executed code in most programs.)
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 285

For these reasons, most references to local variables will take between one and
ve instructions.
To a
rst approximation, the time to reference local variables can be regarded as a small constant.
(A slightly snazzier compiler can reduce this by using more registers, and leaving many values in
registers instead of pushing and popping them from the eval stack, but that's a more advanced
technique than we want to address here.)

11.9.1 Lexical Addressing and Compile-Time Environments

Computing lexical addresses is very easy for the compiler. All it needs to do is maintain a
data structure called a compile-time environment, which records the structure of the runtime

Each time the compiler compiles an expression that creates new bindings, it extends the compile-
time environment to reect the change to the environment structure, and when compiling expres-
sions that will execute in that environment, it hands the new compile-time environment to the
recursive call to compile which will compile that expression.

For example, when compiling a let, the compiler dispatches to compile-let, the analogue of
eval-let, which does four things:

1. Compiles code for the initial value expressions. This code executes in the environment outside
the let, so the compile-let uses the environment is was given when making recursive calls
to compile to generate the initial value code.
2. Generates code to create a binding environment and intialize it with those values.
3. Extends the compile-time environment with a new frame, reecting the fact that the body of
the let will execute in a new scope including the new bindings.
4. Calls compile-sequence to compile the body of the let, passing it the new compile-time

Just as the overall recursive structure of the compiler closely resembles the recursive structure
of the interpreter, the role of the compile-time environment is very much like the role of the
environment in the interpreter.

When the interpreter (compiler) evaluates (compiles) subexpressions that execute in the same
environment as their parent expressions, it hands the recursive invocation the same environment it
was given. When the interpreter (compiler) evaluates (compiles) an expression in a new environ-
ment, it hands the recursive call the new (compile-time) environment.
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 286

The structure of the compile time environment at any point in the compilation process mirrors
the structure of the runtime environment where the code will execute. Unlike the interpreter's
representation of the environment, however, the compile-time environment doesn't contain actual
bindings|it can't, and it doesn't need to.

In eect, we split the interpreter's environment into two parts with parallel structure. Where
the interpreter's environements are chains of frames holding name-binding pairs, the compiler splits
those into two chains of frames: the runtime environment, whose frames hold the actual bindings,
and the compile-time environment, whose frames hold the corresponding names.

Consider the expression

(let ((x 1)
(y 2))
(let ((foo 3)
(bar 4))
(list foo bar x y)))

At the point where (list a b x y) is compiled or executed, the environment for an interpreted
system appears as shown on the left, below, while the environments for a compiled system appear
as shown on the right:
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 287


(compile time) (run time)
/\ /\ /\
| | |
+---------------+ | +----------+ | +----------+ |
| envt. frame | | || | | envt. fr.| |
+===============+ / +==========+ / +==========+ /
| +----+-' | +----+-' | +----+-'
+-------+-------+ +----------+ +----------+
| x | 1 | | x | | 1 |
+-------+-------+ +----------+ +----------+
| y | 2 | | y | | 2 |
+-------+-------+ +----------+ +----------+
_ _ _
|\ |\ |\
\ \ \
\ \ \
+---------------+ | +----------+ | +----------+ |
| envt. frame | | || | | envt. fr.| |
+===============+ / +==========+ / +==========+ /
| +----+-' | +----+-' | +----+-'
+-------+-------+ +----------+ +----------+
| foo | 3 | | foo | | 3 |
+---------------+ +----------+ +----------+
| bar | 4 | | bar | | 4 |
+-------+-------+ +----------+ +----------+

Note that there is a many-to-one relationship between the compile-time environments and the
run-time environments: a let or lambda expression is compiled once, and the corresponding envi-
ronment frame is created and passed to the recursive calls that compile subexpressions. The code
may be executed many times, however, and each time a run-time environment frame will be created
so that the code for subexpressions can be executed in that environment.

11.9.2 A Detailed Example

Taking it step by step, let's look at the compilation of the expression
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 288

(let ((x 1234)

(y 3456))
(let ((foo z))
(+ (- foo x)
(+ bar y))))

goes as follows. (We'll assume that this expression occurs at the top level.)

Since we're compiling a top-level expression, we compile it in a compile-time environment that

corresponds to the top-level environment. Toplevel environments are treated specially, because
they're not created dynamically the way local binding environments. There's a one-to-one relation-
ship bewteen top-level compile-time environments and the corresponding run-time environments.
We'll represent the top-level compile-time environment as a special kind of environment frame,
which really just holds a pointer to the top-level runtime environment so that top-level variables
can be looked up.

So we start in a top-level environment, which we'll depict as 'top-level] we hand this to

compile along with the expression to compile. compile is the main dispatch that analyzes the
expression in this case, it analyzes it and dispatches (via compile-list and compile-special-
form) to compile-let, the specialized procedure for compiling let expressions.

compile-let compiles the initial value expressions for x and y using compile-multi, which
in turn calls compile recursively they are compiled in the (top-level) environment, which is just
passed along because no new environments have been created yet. In this case it doesn't matter,
though, because they're just literals. (The values 1234 and 3456 get added to the literal list at this
point.) Then compile-let generates the code to bind x and y.

So far, the code generated looks like:

(fetch-literal #1) fetch 1234

(push) push it on eval stack
(fetch-literal #2) fetch 3456
(push) push it on eval stack
(bind 2) bind 2 vars (x and y), w/values form eval stack

and the literals list holds 1234 and 3456.

Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 289

compile-let then calls compile-sequence to compile the body of the let, but
rst it creates
a new compile-time environment, to represent the fact that the body sequence will execute in the
new runtime environment after x and y have been bound. The structure of this environment is

' x y ] -> 'toplevel]

(This is our new, terse way of drawing the box-and-arrow data structure for compile time
environments. I got tired of drawing ascii art.)

compile-sequence calls compile recursively to evaluate a sequence of expressions in this case,

there's only one expression in the body.

The recursive call to compile dispatches (again via compile-list and compile-special-form
to compile-let, to compile the inner let.

compile-let compiles the initial value expressions using compile-multi. compile-multi calls
compile recursively to compile the one expression in the list, the symbol z. (Again, the same
environment is just passed along, because we haven't created a new environment.)

The recursive call to compile now dispatches to compile-symbol, which looks up the binding
information for the symbol z in the compile-time environment. There's no binding in the
rst frame
(containing x and y), so the search goes to the second frame, which is the top-level environment, and
the top-level binding is returned. This causes a dispatch to compile-toplevel-var-ref, which
adds the toplevel binding of z to the literals list and generates code to get it from the template and
extract its value at run time.

Then compile-let generates code to bind the fetched value as the local variable foo.

The code generated so far is:

(fetch-literal 1) fetch 1234

(fetch-literal 2) fetch 3456
(bind 2) bind 2 values (x and y)
(fetch-literal 3) get toplevel binding (of z)
(t-l-bdg-get) get value from (z's) binding
(bind 1) bind one variable (foo)
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 290

and the literals list contains 1234, 3456, and the binding of z.

Now compile-let creates a new compile-time environment to represent the environment created
by the inner let its structure is

' foo ] -> ' x y ] -> 'toplevel]

and it passes this to compile-sequence to compile the body of the let. compile-sequence calls
compile recursively once, handing it the new environment, to compile the one body expression, (+
(- foo x) (+ bar y)).

The recursive call to compile dispatches (through compile-list) to compile-combo, which

recursively calls compile three times, to generate code for the subexpressions (+ bar y), (- foo x),
and +. Since no new bindings are being created, the recursive calls are given the same environment.

The recursive call to call (+ bar y) similarly dispatches to compile-combo and compiles y, bar,
and +. Each of these calls dispatches to compile-symbol and the variables are looked up in the
compile-time environment. The lookup for y returns a lexical address of 1,2, so the intermediate
code generated is

(local-var-ref 1 2)

The lookup for bar doesn't

nd any local bindings and returns the toplevel binding so the
binding is added to the literal list and the intermediate code is

(literal-lookup 4)

Similarly, the lookup for + doesn't

nd any local bindings and returns the toplevel binding, so
the binding is added to the literal list and the intermediate code is

(literal-lookup 4)

now the call to compile-combo that compiles (+ bar y) can string these three fragments together
to get
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 291

(save-continuation "resume26") save state for call to +

(local-var-ref 1 2) look up y
(literal-lookup 4) get toplevel binding (of bar)
(t-l-bdg-get) get value from bdg (of bar)
(literal-lookup 5) get toplevel binding (of +)
(t-l-bdg-get) get value from binding (of +)
(apply) call +

and return that. Notice that for the argument subexpressions, compile-combo inserts (push)es
to save the values on the eval stack. For the
rst (function position) subexpression, it leaves the
value in the value register, which is where it's expected (by apply).

The recursive call to compile-combo to compile (- foo x) goes pretty similarly to the one for (+
bar y), the main dierence being that both foo and x are found to be local variables and compiled
appropriately, with the result being the sequence

(save-continuation "resume27") save state for call to -

(local-var-ref 1 2) look up x
(local-var-ref 0 1) look up foo
(literal-lookup 4) get toplevel binding (of -)
(t-l-bdg-get) get value from binding (of -)
(apply) call -

The recursive call to compile the symbol + goes striaghtforwardly to compile-symbol, which
looks up + and
nds that it's a toplevel variable the binding is already on the literals list, so the
code generated is:

(literal-lookup 5) get toplevel binding (of +)

(t-l-bdg-get) get value from binding (of +)

and this is returned to the outer invocation of compile combo. It can then string together the
code for the outer + expression, putting a save-continuation at the front and adding an apply
at the end. This code is returned to the inner invocation of compile-let, which appends it to its
code and returns it to the outer invocation of compile-let, which returns the entire code sequence
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 292

(fetch-literal 1) fetch 1234

(fetch-literal 2) fetch 3456
(bind 2) bind 2 values (x and y)
(fetch-literal 3) get toplevel binding (of z)
(t-l-bdg-get) get value from (z's) binding
(bind 1) bind one variable (foo)
(save-continuation "resume26") save state for call to +
(local-var-ref 1 2) look up y
(literal-lookup 4) get toplevel binding (of bar)
(t-l-bdg-get) get value from bdg (of bar)
(literal-lookup 5) get toplevel binding (of +)
(t-l-bdg-get) get value from binding (of +)
(apply) call +
(save-continuation "resume27") save state for call to -
(local-var-ref 1 2) look up x
(local-var-ref 0 1) look up foo
(literal-lookup 4) get toplevel binding (of -)
(t-l-bdg-get) get value from binding (of -)
(apply) call -
(literal-lookup 5) get toplevel binding (of +)
(t-l-bdg-get) get value from binding (of +)
(apply) (tail-)call +

11.10 Preserving Tail-Recursiveness using Compile-Time

One very important thing we glossed over just now when describing the workings of the compiler
was when exactly to save continuations, and when not to. It is important to save continuations
before calling procedures, if the callee must return and resume the execution of the caller. This
is not necessary for tail calls, and in fact Scheme requires that continuations not be saved for tail
calls|if we save continuations before tail-calls that happen to implement loops, we may end up
with an unbounded accumulation of unnecessary continuations.

Another important question is when returns should be executed. If a procedure ends in a tail-
call, it is assumed that the callee will do a return. But eventually something actually has to do a
return, and pass control back to its caller (or the caller of its caller... whatever). This situation
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 293

occurs when the tail expression of a procedure is not another procedure call, e.g., returning the
value of a variable or a literal.

11.10.1 When Should We Save Continuations?

The general rule is that if a procedure call is the last thing a procedure does, no continuation
should be saved|we can just jump into the callee, and since our state was not saved, the callee's
return will resume our caller. To get this right, we just have to keep track of which expressions are
being compiled in \tail position."

In the procedure

(lambda (x)
(if (foo x)
(bar (quux x))

the if expression is in tail position, because the value of the if will be returned as the value of
the procedure. The condition expression (foo x) is not in tail position, because after it is executed,
control must return to this procedure so that either the consequent expression (bar (quux x)) or
the alternative expression (baz) can be executed.

Note that both the consequent and the alternative expressions are in tail-position whichever is
executed, that will be the last thing this procedure does, and the value computed will be the result
of this procedure.

On the other hand, if we modify the procedure to always return #f, none of these expressions
is in tail position.

(lambda (x)
(if (foo x)
(bar (quux x))

That's because now the expression #f is in tail position, not the if expression whatever the if
does, control must come back to this procedure so that the value #f can be returned.
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 294

Notice that the values to compute the arguments of a combination (procedure call) are never in
tail position|after computing them, control must always come back so that the procedure can be
applied. The combination itself may be a tail call, of course, in which case once the arguments are
computed, the apply may happen and control may never return.

To get this kind of right, all that is necessary is that each recursive call to compile should know
whether the code being compiled is going to be used in tail position or not for this we use a
compile-time continuation. (Fear not|it's simpler than compile time environments. It's really just
a ag that gets passed along to recursive calls to compile, sometimes getting turned o along the

Keep in mind that tails of tails are in tail positions, but non-tail subexpressions are not. So in
the case of nested if's where the outer if is in tail position, only the consequent and the alternative
of the consequent and the alternative are in tail position, e.g., in

(lambda ()
(if (if (a)
(if (d)
(if (g)

the tail calls are (e), (f), (h), and (i). All of the calls in the
rst inner if must return,
because the value returned must be used by the outer if. The calls to the condition expressions
in the other two inner ifs must also return, because the values must be used to tell which of their
alternative and consequent to use.

For each basic kind of expression, we can tell which subexpressions should be considered tails if
the overall expression is:

For a sequence, only the last subexpression can be a tail|the rest are non-tails.
For let, the initial value expressions for bindings are never tails, and the body is just a
sequence, whose last subexpression can be a tail.
For an if, the consequent and alternative can be tails, but the condition never can.
For a procedure, the body is a sequence that's always in tail position.
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 295

When we compile something in tail position, we pass compile a ag saying so. The ag will be
examined, and passed along to subexpressions if appropriate for compiling the kind of subexpression
in question.

For example, if compile-sequence is handed a ag saying it should compile for tail position, it
will pass the tail ag along when calling compile recursively on its last subexpression. For its other
subexpressions, however, it will always pass the non-tail ag, because they must always return to
execute the next expression in the sequence.

Similarly, compile-if will pass whatever ag it is given along to when calling compile for its
consequent and alternative subexpressions, but never when compiling its condition expression.

compile-combo will always pass along a non-tail ag when calling compile on its subexpressions,
but will examine the ag it's given to tell whether it should save a continuation before evaluating
all of them.

compile-lambda will always compile body expressions in non-tail position, except for the last
one, which is always compiled in tail position. (For simplicitly, compile-lambda just hands the
whole body to compile-sequence, with a tail ag.)

compile-let, always compiles its initial value expressions in non-tail position, and its body
expressions like a sequence. (For simplicity, it just hands the whole body to compile-sequence,
with whatever ag it's given.) Compiling Returns

As mentioned above, when an expression other than a procedure call is a tail of a procedure,
it must be accompanied by a return. That is, every tail of a procedure must be either an apply
(which will call something which will return, perhaps indirectly because of tail calling) or a return.

The compiler can handle this by putting ensuring that wherever we generate intermediate code
that is a leaf of the expression graph (e.g., in compile-variable-ref and compile-literal), we
check the compile-time continuation ag to see if the expression occurs in tail position. If so, rather
than simply leaving the value in the value register, we also execute a return sequence|a series of
instructions that will grab the values out of the
rst partial continuation on the chain, and restore
them into the registers and evaluation stack to resume the suspended procedure. We have a special
intermediate code instruction that stands for this sequence, called return.
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 296

Consider the following procedure:

(lambda (a b c)
(if (if a

When compiling its body, we dispatch through compile-sequence and recursively call compile
to compile the if in tail position. It recursively calls compile to compile the nested if in non-tail
position, which in turn recursively calls compile to compile a, (b) and c in non-tail position.

Note that a is a leaf expression, and since it's in non-tail position, it can just leave its value in
the value register. The subsequent code (the test for false and conditional branch that's part of the
code for the inner if) will expect that value there, so that's

The expression (b) is not in tail position, because it inherits non-tail position from the inner
if, so a continuation must be saved before the call to b. When b returns, its value will be in the
value register and execution will resume at the branch that is part of the if.

Similarly, the expression c is in non-tail position (which it also inherited from the inner if) it
can just leave its value in the value register where subsequent code can
nd it. (In this case, it's the
value returned by the inner if, and tested by the outer if's test for false and conditional branch.)

The expression d is dierent. It's in tail position, and it's a leaf (not a call). It can't just leave
it's value in the register, because it's the end of the procedure it must therefore have a return
sequence tagged onto it.

The expression (e) is just a tail call, which can just call e without saving a continuation.
Whatever e calls can do whatever it wants, and probably something will eventually leave something
in the value register and pop the caller's continuation.

The code generated for the above procedure is:

Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 297

(bind 3) bind args (a, b, and c)

(local-var-ref 0 1) get value of a
(branch-on-false "else32") compare and maybe br to inner else
(save-continuation "resume33")
(local-var-ref 0 2) get value of b
(apply) call b
(branch end)
(local-var-ref 0 3) get value of c
(branch-on-false else1) compare and may br to outer else
(fetch-literal 1) get toplevel binding of d
(t-l-var-get) get value of d from binding
(return) and return it
(branch end1)
(fetch-literal 2) get toplevel binding of e
(t-l-var-get) get value of e from binding
(apply) and tail-call it

(Notice that when we generated the code for the outer else, we generated a branch that can
never be taken. compile-if generates a label for the end of the code, so that after executing
the consequent, control will resume at whatever code follows the if. In the case of this if, the
consequent will always execute a return before encountering the branch. A slightly smarter compiler
would probably recognize this situation, and eliminate the branch.)

11.11 Compiling Top-Level Expressions

We said earlier that the compiler mainly uses recursion to generate intermediate code for nested
expressions. To make this useful, though, at some point the intermediate code for a top-level
expression must be converted into actual executable code and packaged up so that it can be called.

Suppose we interact with our system via a read-eval-print loop where eval is really implemented
by compiling the expression and executing the resulting compiled code.

To make it easy to implement this, it's nice if there aren't very many kinds of top-level expressions
that the compiler has to generate code for and be able to actually call. In particular, it's convenient
if dierent kinds of expression can be transformed into the same kind of expression. The easy way
to do this is to make all dierent kinds of executable expressions into expressions that generate
procedures, and then call those procedures.
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 298

If we type

(let ((x 2))

(+ x x))

to the r.e.p. loop, the r.e.p. loop can simply wrap this up in a procedure expression compile
that and package it up as something executable, and call it. In eect the read-eval-print loop will
convert it to

(lambda ()
(let ((x 2))
(+ x x))

before compiling it, and call the resulting closure to execute it.

Likewise, expressions like

(set! foo quux)


(if bar baz)

can be wrapped up as

(lambda () (set! foo quux))


(lambda () (if bar baz))

Now when we start compiling, we only have to deal with one kind of thing|a whole procedure,
and when we get the resulting code back and package it up to run it, we'll always be dealing with
the code for a whole procedure. That makes it easy to create an actual closure to call.

The main routine we use to start o compilation is compile-procedure, which takes an expres-
sion, a compile-time environment, a compile-time continuation, and a literal list as arguments. It
returns intermediate code and an updated literal list for the procedure.
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 299

We take the intermediate code and hand it to the procedure intermediate-code->executable-

code which generates the executable code object. (This may be by translating the sequence of
intermediate code instructions into the equivalent sequences of assembly language instructions, and
running that through an assembler. Before doing the assembly, it may run the intermediate code
through one or more optimization phases.

We take the resulting executable code and the literals list, and hand them to make-template
to create the template object.

Now we can hand the appropriate runtime environment and the template to make-closure and
get back a callable closure for the procedure.

11.12 Compiling lambda Expressions Inside Procedures

When we compile a lambda expression, we must generate code that will create a closure at
run time. A very naive way to do this would be to generate code that would call the compiler at
runtime to compile the lambda expression into a procedure, plus a little code to create a closure of
that object in the runtime environment.

Luckily, this is not necessary, and the compiler can do all of the real compilation at compile
time|since the code for the lambda expression will be the same every time it's executed, and since
lexical scope guarantees that it will always execute in an environment with the same structure,
only one version of the code is needed, and it can be shared among all closures of that procedure.
The template can be shared as well.

The compiler therefore generates code and a template for the lambda procedure at run time,
the actual code for the lambda expression just makes a closure on the heap and initializes its
environment pointer and template pointer. This code will get the environment pointer from the
environment register (and put it in the environment
eld of the new closure) the template pointer
will be the ponter to the template for the lambda procedure.

To allow this little code sequence to quickly grab the template for the procedure being closed,
the compiler stores a pointer to that template in the template of the procedure which executes the
lambda expression. For example, if a lambda expression is encountered while compiling procedure
foo, the compiler will compile the lambda procedure and store its template in the template of foo.
(While compiling foo, it simply records the pointer to the new lambda procedure's template as
another literal. Then it will end up in foo's template like other literals.)
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 300

So the code generated for

(lambda (x)

looks like

(envt-reg-get) primitive to copy envt. reg. onto eval stack
(fetch-literal 15) grab template pointer for lambda proc
(make-closure) code that will create closure w/those values

The real trick is in compiling the lambda procedure and stung its template into the template
of the procedure that contains the lambda expression. The compiler just calls itself to generate the
code and template then saves the template in the literal list and generates code like the above to
reference the right literal.

11.13 Compiling Top-level Denitions

We said above that we can deal with top-level expressions by turning them all into lambda
expressions, which will have the eect of evaluating those expressions when called.

This is a little bit tricky when dealing with top-level de

nitions, because top-level de
can't be nested inside lambda expressions in the obvious way|they'd just become local de

We therefore have to treat them specially. We use a special procedure, environment-define!,

which operates on top-level environments and allows us to create top-level bindings. This is not a
standard Scheme procedure|it's a special procedure that the compiler can generate calls to, but
normal portable Scheme code cannot use directly.

The read-eval-print-loop will therefore recognize top-level de

nitions and treat them specially.
When it encounters one, the initial-value expression will be wrapped up as a lambda and compiled,
and the results turned into code, a template, and a closure. (The closure is given the runtime
toplevel environment pointer.)
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 301

The closure will be called to get a result for the initial value expression, and environment-
define! will be used to create and initialize the toplevel variable.

(This might appear at

rst to cause a scoping problem: if the binding isn't created until after
the initial value expression is compiled, the compiler won't see the binding. But recall that if we
compile an expression that uses an unde
ned variable, we assume it's a toplevel variable and create
a binding object for it, and mark that object invalid. If the binding has already been created by
a forward reference in this way, environment-define! will just overwrite the marker with a real

Of course, if the top-level de

nition uses procedure de
nition syntax, it is necessary to massage
that into a lambda expression before doing the above massaging and compiling.

11.14 Interfacing to the Runtime System

In order to support garbage collection (as is required for Scheme), there must be some agreement
between the compiler and the garbage collector, so that the collector can
nd the pointers that the
running program might
nd, and ensure that all objects the program could reach from them are

A common way of doing this (used in RScheme and Scheme-48) is to have a

xed set of registers
(plus maybe an eval stack) that hold all of the root values that the collector needs to know about,
and guarantee that whenever garbage collection occurs, all pointers will be identi
able as such.
Any given register must be known to never contain pointers, to always contain a pointer, or to
contain self-identifying (tagged) values that are decodable to see if they're pointers.

For example, in the straightforward compiled system we've described in detail, the VALUE register
and the EVAL stack only contain normal Scheme values: tagged values that can be checked to see if
they're pointers. On the other hand, the template and procedure, pointers would probably always
contain raw pointers, since they can only point at one kind of thing, and the tags would slow some
things down.

There might also be some other registers, which always contain nonpointers.

11.14.1 Garbage Collection

Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 302 Safe Points

Many systems (like RScheme and Scheme-48) ensure that garbage collection can only happen
when a program is at a well-de
ned "safe point", not at an arbitrary point in the code. At a safe
point, all pointer values are known to be recognizable. In between safe points, it's okay for the code
to use values that aren't properly decipherable by the GC. (For example, a register that normally
contains only tagged values might briey hold a raw pointer.)

This is easy in a single-threaded system the GC just keeps some space in reserve, so that it
never runs out of memory between safe points. If an allocation requires dipping into this reserve,
a ag is set so that a GC will occur at the next safe point.

The usual trick is to ensure that each procedure call and backward branch is a safe point. This
ensures that the a program (or thread) reaches safe points periodically,

It's a little bit trickier in a multithreaded system|you have to make sure that you suspend
threads at safe points, so that if another thread forces a GC while another thread is suspended. GC at Any Time

Some systems do not use safe points, and in eect make every point in the code a safe point
for collection. They ensure that no matter where a GC occurs (or where a thread was suspended
before the GC occurred), there will be enough information lying around so that the collector can

nd all of the pointers it needs to


Some compilers do this by restricting the way registers are used and code is generated. (For
example, the Orbit compiler only uses certain registers to hold pointers, and only uses certain others
to hold nonpointers. In addition, all pointers in registers must point directly to the beginning of
an object array indexing cannot be converted into arbitrary ponter arithmetic by the optimizing

Other compilers allow more use of odd representations and more exible use of registers, so
that values can be
gured out at run time. For example, a register might be assumed to hold
nonpointers, except at points in the code agged by the compiler, based on its having register
allocated a variable there.

11.14.2 Interrupts
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 303

11.15 Advanced Compiler and Runtime System Techniques

11.15.1 Inlining Small Procedures

The system we've described so far generates fairly slow code, and a major culprit is the frequency
of continuation saving and procedure calls. Even very small, frequently-executed procedures like
eq?, car, cdr, and + require a handful if instructions to call and another handful to return, plus
another handful to save a continuation if it's a non-tail call. This is much slower that the cost of
similar operations in conventional languages like C or Pascal in those languages, these simple little
"operations" don't have the semantics of calls to
rst-class procedures.

Sometimes it is desirable to trade away some of the purity and elegance of a language like
Scheme, and trade reduced exibility for better performance. One way of doing this is by declaring
frequently-used small procedures not to be rede
nable, and allowing the compiler to compile those
operations inline rather than as procedure calls. In some systems this only works for built-in
procedures that the compiler understands, but in others the compiler is smart enough to inline
ned procedures if so directed.

In some Scheme systems, you can declare procedures to be inlinable, or use a compiler ag that
says you promise not to rede
ne the common little procedures that are most valuable to inline. This
means that you can't change the de
nition of something like + on the y, but you seldom want to. A
common tradeo is to avoid inlining any but the most frequently-called procedures during program
development, and once the program is
nished, recompile with lots of inlining. This gives you the
exibility to modify procedure de
nitions on the y during debugging, while getting maximum
speed once it's clear which procedures won't ever be rede
ned in normal operation.

Some high-tech compilers use advanced techniques to do lots of inlining when it's safe, without
reducing exibility much or requiring the user to supply a lot of declarations.

The Self compiler aggressively inlines code, and automatically recompiles the code that is in-
validated by changes to procedure de
nitions. (This compiler is for the language Self, not Scheme,
but similar techniques could be applied to Scheme.)

Some compilers currently in development have a special mode for compiling

nished programs
which will not be used with a read-eval-print loop. Such a compiler takes advantage of the fact that
if it can look at the whole program (rather than having parts typed in by the user interactively), it
can tell which variables could ever be modi
ed at run time. (As long as there are no calls to eval
at run time, the compiler can tell that all of the code for the program exists at compile-time new
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 304

closures may be created at run time, but not totally new procedures.) After globally determining
that there is no code in the program that could change the de
nition of a procedure, it is free to
inline the code for that procedure into its callers.

11.15.2 Type Declarations and Type Analysis

Another key performance problem with naive implementations of Scheme (or other dynamically
typed languages) is that basic operations are generally slow relative to their execution in conven-
tional statically-typed languages. For example, the Scheme procedure + must check the types of its
arguments and (depending on those types) execute any of several possible code sequences to add
two numbers. Usually, the checking overhead alone is several times greater than the cost of the
actual addition.

One way of reducing this cost is by extending Scheme to allow the user to declare the types
of some variables. The compiler may be able to use this information to compile fast versions of
operations for values of known types. (This is especially true if common operations are inlined|the
compiler can choose to inline the appropriate version rather than the more general code.)

Another way of reducing type checking cost is for the system to automatically infer the types
of some expressions. For example, consider the expression (+ a 22). Since 22 is a literal, its type
is known at compile time. If the compiler can inline the + procedure, it may at least omit the type
check of that argument.

A combination of declarations and inferencing can work well. For example, if the user has
declared variable a to be of type <integer>, then the compiler can tell that (+ a 22) is an expression
whose arguments are integers (so no run time type test are necessary there) and whose result is an
integer, which may eliminate the need for type checks by the expression that uses the value.

More aggressive schemes are possible for reducing the frequency of dynamic type checks. For
example, the Self compiler aggressively inlines and transforms code so that multiple dynamic type
checks can be collapsed into a single one.

11.15.3 Using More Hardware Registers

 blah blah ]
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 305

For example, it's very likely a good idea to use more registers, and either not have an eval
stack or not use it as often. Our simple abstract machine requires arguments to be passed on the
eval stack, which means storing into memory at least once for each argument, and loading back
from memory when arguments are used. Most modern machines have several hardware registers
available for argument passing, and more for holding intermediate values of computations.

If we have a few more registers that can be used for argument passing, we could just leave
the argument values in those known registers, and procedures could expect them there. In many
cases, argument values could be computed in a way that the result is left in the appropriate
argument-passing register, without having to copy it there from somwhere else. Similarly, in many
cases, procedures could leave their arguments in the argument passing registers and use them
there, without actually copying them into a binding environment on the heap. (Even if only a few
registers can be devoted to this, it will account for the large majority of arguments passed, since
most procedure calls are to procedures that take between one and three arguments.)

Similarly, in many cases a temporary value generated by evaluating a subexpression could be

left in a register, and then used by another expression, without pushing and popping the eval stack.

This can be a big performance win|it is much faster to operate on arguments and temporary
values that are already in registers, rather than copying them to and from memory all of the time.

Using more registers can make the compiler and runtime system more complicated. If variables
are in registers when continuations are saved, their values must be saved in the continuations and
restored at procedure returns. This requires the compiler to keep track of which registers are in
use at which points, and generate appropriate code. It also complicates the interface between the
compiled code and the garbage collector the garbage collector must be able to
nd all of the pointer
values that are stored in registers, so that it can
nd all of the reachable objects. The compiler must
therefore record sucient information that all pointer values can be found at garbage collection
time. (Alternatively, the compiler may record a safe approximation of the information, and require
the collector to make conservative guesses about what's what.)

11.15.4 Closure Analysis

One of the performance problems with a naive implementation of Scheme is that in the general
case, variable bindings must be allocated on the garbage-collected heap, and procedure calls must
be via pointers to closures. This is often much slower than the usual implementation of conventional
programming languages, which don't have to support lambda. Allocating closures and environments
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 306

on the heap is mainly slow because creating and accessing variable bindings is slower than if the
variables were allocated on a stack or in registers.

A smart Scheme compiler can get rid of most of this overhead by analyzing programs and
noticing that many closures are used in stereotyped ways, and calls to them can be implemented
more cheaply than the naive implementation. Similarly, analysis of expressions may reveal that
most binding environments can't possibly be captured by closures, and therefore don't need to be
allocated on the garbage-collected heap. The bindings can be saved in continuations along with
temporary values, or a more conventional stack may be used, or (best of all), the bindings can be

A simple example of a language-level closure that doesn't need the fully general naive imple-
mentation is a closure created by a lambda expression that appears in the function position of a

((lambda (x)
(+ x x))

(Recall that constructs like this are often generated by macros that implement binding constructs
like let|this one is equivalent to

(let ((x 2)
(+ x x))

In this case, we can tell from the fact that the lambda expression appears in the function position
that the closure can't \escape" and have anything weird done with it. That is, no pointer to the
closure is assigned into a variable binding, or passed to a procedure call, or inserted into a data
structure. It's clear that the only thing that can happen to this closure is that it will be called, and
then the pointer to it will be \dropped," i.e., not passed anywhere else. The closure will therefore
become garbage immediately after it's executed.

A smart compiler will therefore recognize that all the closure really does is bind its variable and
execute it's body it will leave out the code to create the closure and just compile in the equivalent
code|in this case, it will generate the obvious code for a let expression.

(Some compilers always transform let's and letrec's into lambda combinations, and rely on
their optimizers to recognize the unnecessary lambda's and remove them. This may seem backwards,
but it's nice because the same optimizations work whether the lambda combinations were the result
of transforming a let, or macroexpanding a user-de
ned macro, or written directly by the user, or
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 307

whatever. The more sophisticated the optimizer, the more simply the user can write macros and
procedures, and expect the compiler to sort it all out and generate ecient code.)

Another simple case for closure and environment analyis is binding environments that don't
have any closures created in their scopes. Suppose that our compiler inlines calls to car, eq?, and
cdr, and consider the expression

(let ((x (car a))

(if (eq? (car x) target)
(car (cdr x))

in this case, the body of the let can be compiled into entirely inline code, and it is clear that
there is no possible path of execution that can create a closure that captures x. x can therefore be
allocated in a register for its whole lifetime, making this code much faster.

 separate section? Figure out structure here... ]

Actually, some of these analyses are trickier than they appear, due to the presence of side eects
and call/cc.

 Haven't talked about call/cc yet! ]

Consider the expression, where we don't assume any inlining

(let ((x (car a)))

(if (eq? (car x) target)
(car (cdr x))
(set! x (foo))))

rst it appears that since there are no lambda's in the expression, x can be allocated in a
register, and saved in continuations across calls. (E.g., when calling car, we could just save the
value of x in the continuation and have it restored when car returns, right?) Unfortunately, if we
don't have any guarantees that car won't be rede
ned in weird ways, then it's possible that the call
will be to procedure that will (directly or indirectly) call call/cc, and capture a continuation that
could be used to return into this procedure any number of times. In that case, we can't be sure
that we won't return into this code and modify x. If we did, then each time we returned into this
environment, we should see the latest value of x. This will happen if the value of x is in a normal
binding environment on the heap, but not if it's in a register that gets saved in a continuation.
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 308

Recall that when we restore a continuation, we just copy the values out into the registers. If we
restore the same continuation multiple times, we'll just keep copying the same value of x back out.

To get this right, we have to ensure that if there are any assignments to x, then all references
to x go through a pointer to a heap-allocated binding. Then when we save a continuation, we save
this pointer to the binding of x, not the state (value) of the binding of x. Every time set or read
the value of x, we go through this indirection to the same binding, and see the latest value.

Because of this, high-tech scheme compilers keep track of which variables are ever set! anywhere
in their scopes, and make sure to allocate those variables' bindings on the heap.

In Scheme, it is a common idiom to code iteration as recursion macros for dierent looping
constructs often compile into letrec's with tail-calling lambda expressions.

While this is a very powerful framework for expression various patterns of iteration, a naive
implementation is slow. In most cases, loops created in this way are actually just used as loops,
and it is desirable to compile away the overhead of closure creation and calling. For example,
consider a named let like

(let loop ((x 0))

(if (< x 10)
(loop (+ x 1))))

that has been transformed to

(let ((loop (lambda x)

(if (< x 10)
(loop (+ x 1))))))
(loop 0)

We can look at this expression, and if no reference to the variable loop occurs in the <body>
expression, we can tell that we can compile it as a loop.

The analysis here is just slightly more complicated than the one that allows us to optimize
closures that are produced by lambda expressions in function position of a combination.
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 309

When compiling the let, we can keep track of each let variable and see whether it is ever used
for as anything but the name of a procedure to tail-call|if the value of loop is never assigned, and
never read except to call it, then we know that the "calls" to loop don't really need to be full-blown
closure calls at all. We can inline the code for the body of the loop and compile these calls as jumps
directly to that code.

FOOD FOR THOUGHT|does it matter whether the calls are tail-calls or not, if we just treat
them as procedure calls to a known address, and go ahead and save a continuation with the right

11.15.5 Register Allocating Loop Variables for Loops

Notice that register closure analysis is particularly important for loop control variables and
variables for little let's inside loops. Because Scheme requires that a loop variable be bound again
(to fresh memory) at each iteration of a loop, actually allocating them on the heap is expensive. If
it can be determined that the variable is dead at the end of the loop, however, then the variable
can be re-bound at each iteration by simply re-using the same register. (We're binding the name
to a particular piece of memory|the register|over and over again, and it just happens that these
conceptual rebindings incur no runtime cost.)

With good closure analysis, loop conversion, and register allocation, a Scheme compiler can
compile \normal" loops into code that's just as ecient as any compiler's.

11.15.6 Conventional Optimizations

Besides the optimizations described above, conventional compiler optimizations are applicable
to optimizing languages like Scheme.

Just as in a FORTRAN or C compiler, data ow analysis and control ow analysis can let the
compiler simplify intermediate code and produce better machine code.

11.15.7 Stack Caches

Inlining and closure analyisis can greatly reduce the amount of heap allocation in a Scheme
implementation. Allocating all binding environments and continuations on the heap may inate
allocation rates by an order of magnitude over the rate of allocation of normal data structures like
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 310

pairs and vectors. With a simple compiler and garbage collector, this can greatly inate garbage
collection costs. Despite the high rate at which continuations and environments are allocated, there
are typically relatively few of them live at any given time|the vast majority of them are used very,
very briey and then become garbage.

Inlining procedure calls may greatly reduce the allocation of continuations, and closure analysis
may allow most bindings to be allocated in registers instead of on the heap.

Still, it may be desirable to keep most of the continuations and environments from making it to
the normal garbage-collected heap.

A stack cache is an area of memory (or pool of discontiguous chunks of memory) that's used
to for initial allocation of continuations and/or binding environments, in the expectation that most
of them will die quickly. A stack cache caches part of the continuation chain it's called a stack
cache because it behaves mostly like a stack. Stack caches may be used for continuatons, with
environments still being allocated on the heap, or a more complex design may be used to keep most
environments from making it to the heap as well.

For the most part, a stack cache is treated like a stack, in that continuations are pushed and
popped as though it were a stack. When a continuation is captured by call/cc, however, the
continuation chain is
rst moved to the heap so that it can be preserved in the usual way. This is
generally a good tradeo, because call/cc is not typically executed very often, and the stack cache
can behave like a stack most of the time. The large majority of continuations will be reclaimed
very quickly, by popping the stack cache, while a small minority will be moved out to the normal

Caching binding environments is a little trickier, but the basic principle is the same most
environments are created in the stack cache, and only moved to the garbage-collected heap when
necessary, i.e., when a closure is created on the heap. At that moment, the environment is moved
to the heap, one frame at a time, until a frame is reached that is already on the heap. (The code
that does this must ensure that an environment is never copied to the heap twice, destroying the
sharing of outer environements by inner environments created in their scope.)

It is not clear how desirable a stack cache for environments is, given a compiler that does a
reasonably good job of closure analysis. Using a stack cache for environments makes closure creation
slower, and if most of the short-lived environments have been eliminated by closure analysis and
register allocation, it may not be worth it.
Chapter 11: A Simple Scheme Compiler 311

There is also some controversy about whether stack caches are worthwhile in general, or whether
a generational garbage collector will take care of the large volume of short-lived data eciently.

One interesting point is that a stack cache really is a kind of generational garbage collection
scheme, which exploits the typically short lifetimes of particular kinds of data. (When environments
and continuations are moved to the normal heap, that can be viewed as moving objects from one
generation to the next. This special generation is cheaper than a normal generational scheme,
however, because of the stereotyped structures of continuation chains and binding environments.)

A stack cache, because it's small, can reduce the amount of memory that is used very frequently,
compared to a generational GC without a stack cache. (A stack cache may only be a few kilobytes,
but the youngest generation of a generational GC may be hundreds of kilobytes, or megabytes.) For
some cache architectures, frequent reuse of this large an area causes signi
cant cache miss penalties.
(For some other architectures, the misses still occur but the cost is surprisingly low. I believe that
stack caches are nonetheless a good idea, because they never hurt much and may sometimes help
a lot.)

Scheme-48 has a stack cache that caches both continuations and binding environments. RScheme
has a stack cache for continuations only, and relies on the compiler to compile away most heap
allocation of binding environments. (This may not currently be as eective as it should be|the
compiler needs more testing and improvement before it will generate really good code.)
Concept Index 312

Concept Index

actual parameter : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 15 let : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 50
apply (standard Scheme procedure) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 74 lexical scope : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 50
argument : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 15 local variables : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 50
argument variable : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 15
B object identity : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 99
binding contour : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 54 object representation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 33
binding environment : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 54 operators are procedures : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 16
block structure diagrams for lets : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 55
boolean : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 20 P
pair-tree-sum : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 109
C parentheses : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 26
control structures : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17 pointers : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 30
predicates : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 44
D procedure specialization : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 144
dynamic scoping : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 64
E quitting Scheme : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 88
equality predicates : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 45
equality predicates, choosing : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 47 R
exiting Scheme : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 88 recovering from mistakes : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 85
rest lists : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 73
F RETURN and ENTER keys : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 84
formal parameter : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 15 return values : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17

garbage collection : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 35 side eects : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 12
special forms : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17
I structural equivalence : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 99
if expressions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17 syntactic sugar : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 24
immediate values : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 32 system hangs : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 88
immutability of numbers : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 33
indenite extent : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 35 T
indenting : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 26 truth : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 20
innite loops, breaking out of : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 88 type predicates : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 45
innite recursion, breaking out of : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 88
interactive programming environment : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 83 V
interrupting Scheme : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 88 value cells : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 34
Concept Index 313

values : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 30 variable arity : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 73


Table of Contents
:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 1
1 Overview :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 2
1.1 Scheme: A Small But Powerful Language : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 2
1.2 Who Is this Book For? : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 3
1.3 Why Scheme? : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 5
1.4 Why Scheme Now? : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 6
1.5 What this Book Is Not : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 6
1.6 Structure of this Book : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 7
2 Introduction :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 9
2.1 What is Scheme? (Hunk A) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 9
2.2 Basic Scheme Features : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 10
2.2.1 Code Consists of Expressions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 10 Parenthesized Pre
x Expressions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 10 Expressions Return Values, But May Have
Side-Eects : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 12 De
ning Variables and Procedures : : : : : : : : : : : : : 13 Most Operators are Procedures : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 16
2.2.2 De
nitions vs. Assignments : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 16 Special Forms : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17 Control Structures are Expressions : : : : : : : : : : : : : 17
2.2.3 The Boolean Values #t and #f : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 20
2.2.4 Some Other Control-Flow Constructs: cond, and, and or
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 20 cond : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 20 and and or : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 24
2.2.5 Comments (Hunk C) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 25
2.2.6 A Note about Parentheses and Indenting : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 26 Let Your Editor Help You : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 28 Indenting Procedure Calls and Simple Control
Constructs : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 28 Indenting cond : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 29 Indenting Procedure De
nitions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 29
2.2.7 All Values are Pointers to Objects : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 30 All Values are Pointers : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 30 Implementations Optimize Away Pointers : : : : : : 32
ii Objects on the Heap : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 33
2.2.8 Scheme Reclaims Memory Automatically : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 35
2.2.9 Objects Have Types, Variables Don't : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 36 Dynamic typing : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 36
2.2.10 The Empty List (Hunk E) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 37
2.3 Pairs and Lists : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 38
2.3.1 cdr-linked lists : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 38
2.3.2 Lists and Quoting : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 42
2.3.3 Where the Empty List Got its Name : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 43
2.4 Type and Equality Predicates (Hunk G) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 44
2.4.1 Type Predicates : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 45
2.4.2 Equality Predicates : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 45
2.4.3 Choosing Equality Predicates (Hunk I) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 47
2.5 Quoting and Literals : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 47
2.5.1 Simple Literals and Self-Evaluation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 49
2.6 Local Variables and Lexical Scope : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 50
2.6.1 let : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 50 Indenting let Expressions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 52
2.6.2 Lexical Scope : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 53 Binding Environments and Binding Contours : : : 54 Block Structure Diagrams for lets : : : : : : : : : : : : : 55
2.6.3 let* : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 56
2.7 Procedures (Hunk K) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 58
2.7.1 Procedures are First Class : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 58
2.7.2 Higher-Order Procedures : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 60
2.7.3 Anonymous Procedures and lambda : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 61
2.7.4 lambda and Lexical Scope (Hunk M) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 62
2.7.5 Local De
nitions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 64
2.7.6 Recursive Local Procedures and letrec : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 66
2.7.7 Multiple defines are like a letrec : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 70
2.7.8 Variable Arity: Procedures that Take a Variable Number of
Arguments : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 73
2.7.9 apply : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 74
2.8 Variable Binding Again : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 74
2.8.1 Identi
ers and Variables : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 75
2.8.2 Variables, Bindings and Values : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 75
2.9 Tail Recursion (Hunk O) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 79
2.10 Macros : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 80
2.11 Continuations : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 80
2.12 Iteration Constructs : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 81
2.13 Discussion and Review : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 82
3 Using Scheme (A Tutorial) ::::::::::::::::::::::::: 83
3.1 An Interactive Programming Environment (Hunk B) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 83
3.1.1 Starting Scheme : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 84
3.1.2 Making mistakes and recovering from them : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 85
3.1.3 Returns and Parentheses : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 87
3.1.4 Interrupting Scheme : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 88
3.1.5 Exiting (Quitting) Scheme : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 88
3.1.6 Trying Out More Expressions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 89
3.1.7 Booleans and Conditionals : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 92
3.1.8 Sequencing : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 94
3.1.9 Other Flow-of-control Structures : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 95 Using cond : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 95 Using and and or : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 95
3.1.10 Making Some Objects (Hunk D) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 95
3.1.11 Lists (Hunk F) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 101
3.2 Using Predicates (Hunk H) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 107
3.2.1 Using Type Predicates : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 109
3.2.2 Using Equality Predicates : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 110
3.3 Local Variables, let, and Lexical Scope (Hunk J) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 112
3.4 Using First-Class, Higher-Order, and Anonymous Procedures (Hunk
L) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 113
3.4.1 First-Class Procedures : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 113
3.4.2 Higher-Order Procedures : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 116
3.5 Interactively Changing a Program (Hunk N) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 119
3.5.1 Replacing Procedure Values : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 119
3.5.2 Loading Code from a File : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 121
3.5.3 Loading and Running Whole Programs : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 123
3.6 Some Other Useful Data Types : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 123
3.6.1 Strings : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 124
3.6.2 Symbols : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 125 A Note on Identi
ers : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 128
3.6.3 Lists Again : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 130 Heterogeneous Lists : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 131 Operations on Lists : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 132
3.7 Basic Programming Examples (Hunk P) : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 134
3.7.1 An Error Signaling Routine : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 135
3.7.2 length : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 136
3.7.3 Copying Lists : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 136
3.7.4 append and reverse : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 137 append : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 138 reverse : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 139
3.7.5 map and for-each : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 140
iv 140
map : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :
for-each : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 141
3.7.6 member and assoc, and friends : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 142 member, memq, and memv : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 142 assoc, assq, and assv : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 143
3.7.7 Procedure Specialization, Composition, and Currying : : : 144 Procedure Specialization : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 144
3.8 Discussion and Review : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 148
4 Writing an Interpreter ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 149
4.1 Interpretation and Compilation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 149
4.2 Implementing a Simple Interpreter : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 151
4.2.1 The Read-Eval-Print Loop : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 151
4.2.2 The Reader : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 153 Implementing read : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 154 Implementing read-list : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 156 Comments on the Reader : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 156
4.2.3 Recursive Evaluation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 158
4.2.4 A Note on Snar
ng and Bootstrapping : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 159 Snar
ng : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 159 Bootstrapping and Cross-compiling : : : : : : : : : : : 160
4.2.5 Improving the Simple Interpreter : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 162
4.3 Discussion and Review : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 166
5 Environments and Procedures :::::::::::::::::::: 167
5.1 Understanding let and lambda : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 167
5.1.1 let : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 167
5.1.2 lambda : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 170 define and lambda : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 171 Currying : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 171 Procedures are Closures : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 171
5.2 Lambda is cheap, and Closures are Fast : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 176
5.3 An Interpreter with let and lambda : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 176
5.3.1 Nested Environments and Recursive Evaluation : : : : : : : : 177
5.3.2 Integrated, Extensible Treatment of Special Forms : : : : : : 182
5.3.3 Interpreting let : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 185
5.3.4 Variable References and set! : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 187
5.3.5 Interpreting lambda and Procedure Calling : : : : : : : : : : : : : 188 Mutual Recursion Between Eval and Apply : : : 192
5.4 Variants of let: letrec and let* : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 192
5.4.1 Understanding letrec : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 193
v Using letrec and lambda to Implement Modules
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 196

5.4.2 let* : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 197

5.5 Iteration Constructs : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 198
5.5.1 Named let : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 199
5.6 Programming with Procedures and Environments : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 202
5.7 do : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 202
5.8 Exercises : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 202
6 Recursion in Scheme ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 203
6.1 Subproblems and Reductions (non-tail and tail calls) : : : : : : : : : : : : 203
6.2 The Continuation Chain : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 205
6.3 Exploiting Tail Recursion : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 215
6.3.1 Passing Intermediate Values as Arguments : : : : : : : : : : : : : 215 Summing a List : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 215 Implementing length tail-recursively : : : : : : : : : : 217
6.3.2 reduce : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 218
7 Quasiquotation and Macros ::::::::::::::::::::::: 223
7.1 quasiquote : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : :223
7.1.1 unquote-splicing : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 226
7.2 De
ning New Special Forms : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 227
7.2.1 Macros vs. Procedures : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 228
7.3 Implementing More Scheme Special Forms : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 236
7.3.1 let : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 236
7.3.2 let* : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 239
7.3.3 cond : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 239
7.3.4 Discussion : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 240
7.4 Lisp-style Macros : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 240
7.4.1 Ultra-simple Lispish Macros : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 241 Better Lisp-style Macros : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 243 Problems With Lisp-Style Macros : : : : : : : : : : : : : 245 Ugly Hacks Around Name Conicts : : : : : : : : : : : 246
7.5 Implementing Simple Macros and Quasiquote : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 247
7.5.1 Implementing Simple Macros : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 247
7.5.2 Implementing quasiquote and unquote : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 247 Translating backquotes to quasiquote : : : : : : : : 248 quasiquote : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 248 define-rewriter : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 250 define-macro : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 251
7.6 Procedural Macros vs. Template-
lling Macros : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 252
7.7 Programming Examples Using Macros : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 252
8 Records and Object Orientation :::::::::::::::::: 253
8.1 Records : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 253
8.1.1 Data Abstraction : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 253
8.1.2 Implementing Records : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 253
8.2 Objects : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 253
8.2.1 Object Orientation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 253
8.2.2 Implementing a Simple Object System : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 253 Generic Functions and Dynamic Dispatch : : : : : 253 Inheritance : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 253
9 Other Useful Features ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 254
9.1 Special Forms : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 254
9.2 Input-Output Facilities : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 254
9.2.1 read and write : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 254
9.2.2 display : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 254
9.2.3 Ports : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 254
9.2.4 with-input-\dots Forms : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 254
9.3 Useful Types and Associated Procedures : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 254
9.3.1 Numeric Types : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 254 Floating-Point Numbers : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 254 Arbitrary-Precision Integers : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 254 Ratios : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 254 Coercions and Exactness : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 255
9.3.2 Vectors : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 255
9.3.3 Strings and Characters : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 255
10 call-with-current-continuation : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 256
10.1 Implementing a Better Read-Eval-Print Loop : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 261
10.2 Implementing Catch and Throw : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 261
10.3 Implementing Backtracking : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 261
10.4 Implementing Coroutines : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 261
10.5 Implementing Cooperative Multitasking : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 261
10.6 Caveats about call-with-current-continuation : : : : : : : : : : : : : 262
11 A Simple Scheme Compiler :::::::::::::::::::::: 263
11.1 What is a Compiler? : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 263
11.1.1 What is an Interpreter? : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 263
11.1.2 OK, so what's a compiler? : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 264
11.2 What Does a Compiler Generate? : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 267
11.3 Basic Structure of the Compiler : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 267
11.4 Data Representations, Calling Convention, etc. : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 268
11.4.1 The Registers : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 269
11.4.2 The Evaluation Stack (or Eval Stack, for short) : : : : : : : 270
11.4.3 The Continuation Chain : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 270
11.4.4 Environments : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 271
11.4.5 Closure Representation and Calling : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 272
11.5 Continuations : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 274
11.5.1 Applying a Procedure Doesn't Save the Caller's State : : 274
11.5.2 Continuation Saving : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 275
11.5.3 An Example : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 276
11.5.4 Generating Unique Labels : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 277
11.6 More on Representations of Environments : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 277
11.7 Compiling Code for Literals : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 280
11.8 Compiling Code for Top-Level Variable References : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 281
11.9 Precomputing Local Variable Lookups using Lexical Scope : : : : : : 283
11.9.1 Lexical Addressing and Compile-Time Environments : : 285
11.9.2 A Detailed Example : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 287
11.10 Preserving Tail-Recursiveness using Compile-Time Continuations
: : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 292

11.10.1 When Should We Save Continuations? : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 293 Compiling Returns : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 295
11.11 Compiling Top-Level Expressions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 297
11.12 Compiling lambda Expressions Inside Procedures : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 299
11.13 Compiling Top-level De
nitions : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 300
11.14 Interfacing to the Runtime System : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 301
11.14.1 Garbage Collection : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 301 Safe Points : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 302 GC at Any Time : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 302
11.14.2 Interrupts : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 302
11.15 Advanced Compiler and Runtime System Techniques : : : : : : : : : : 303
11.15.1 Inlining Small Procedures : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 303
11.15.2 Type Declarations and Type Analysis : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 304
11.15.3 Using More Hardware Registers : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 304
11.15.4 Closure Analysis : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 305
11.15.5 Register Allocating Loop Variables for Loops : : : : : : : : : 309
11.15.6 Conventional Optimizations : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 309
11.15.7 Stack Caches : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : : 309
Concept Index ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 312

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