Type Certificate Holder:
1,, Rond-Point Maurice Bellonte
31707 Blagnac
‘DE AviAgAS eM
-212, -232,
A318-111, -112,
Sheet 01
14 and -233
A321-131,-112, -111, -211,
-212, -213, -231 and -232
“114, -131, -132 and -133
, 121, -122
13 March 2015
This data sheet, which is part of Type Certificate No. 9607, prescribes conditions and limitations under which
the product, for which the Type Certificate was issued, meets the airworthiness requirements of the Brazilian
Aeronautical Regulations,
\- Mode! 4320-114 (Transport Category), approved 07 November 1996.
‘Two CFMI model CFM 56-5A1 or CFM 56-5A1/F turbofan engines.
(See note 5)
VARIANT 000 001 002
BASIC __| MOD 20939 | MOD 22520
Max. Ramp Weight 68 400kg | 66 400kg | 68400kg |
Max. Takeoff Weight | 68000kg | 66000kg | 68000kg |
Max. Landing Weight [63.000 kg _| 63.000 kg | 63.000 kg |
Max. Zero Fuel Weight | 59000kg | 59000kg | 59800ka |
Minimum Weight 36750kg | 36750kg | 36750kg |
FUEL CAPACITY (0.8 kgf!)
TANK Usable fuel | Unusable fuel |~ Usable fuel | Unusable
liters (kg) liters (kg) liters (kg) fuel
liters (kg)
WING [basic 15 688 (12470) | 57.3 (45.8) | 15 588 (12 470) | $8.9 (47.1)
mod 27145 _| 15 843 (12.674) = 15 843 (12 674) =
CENTER [basic = = 8 079 (6 463) | 23.2 (18.6)
mod 21145 = 5 250 (6 600) =
TOTAL [basic 15 688 (12470) |__57.3(45.8) [23 667 (18 933) | 82.1 (65.7)
mod 27145 | 15.843 (12674) | = 24 093 (19 274) -
* See note 6.AIRBUS, 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 2/33,
I Models A320-211, A320-231, A320-212, A320-232, A320-214 and 320-233 (Transport Category),
approved 07 November 1996.
ENGINE 320-211: Two CFMI turbofan engines CFM 56-5A1 or CFM 56-
BAIIF. (See note 5)
4320-212: Two CFM turbofan engines CFM 56-5A3.
320-214: Two CFMI turbofan engines CFM 56-584, CFM 56-
5B4/P, CFM 56-5B4/2 or CFM 56-5B4/2P. (See note 5)
‘Two IAE turbofan engines V2500-A1.
Two IAE turbofan engines V2527-AS.
Two IAE turbofan engines V2527E-AS.
MAXIMUM WEIGHTS 320-211, A320-212, A320-214* and 320-231:
VARIANT ‘000 BASIC 007 ‘002 003
(MoD 20802)| MOD 20966 | MOD 21601 | MOD 22269
Max. Ramp Weight 73900kg | 68400kg | 70400kg | 75900kg |
Max. Takeoff Weight 73 500kg | 68000kg | 70000kg | 75500kg |
Max. Landing Weight 64500kg | 64500kg | 64500kg | 64500kg |
Max. Zero Fuel Weight 60 500 kg 60 500 kg 60 500 kg 60 500 kg
Minimum Weight 37.230kg | 37230kg | 37230kg | 37 230kg
VARIANT ‘004 005 ‘006 007
Mop 21532 | MoD 21711 | MoD 22436 | MOD 23264
Max. Ramp Weight 71.900 kg | 67400kg | 66400kg | 77 400kg
Max. Takeoff Weight 71500 kg | 67000kg | 66 000kg | 77.000 kg
Max. Landing Weight 64 500kg | 64500 kg | 64500kg | 64500 kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight | 60500kg | 60500kg | 60500kg | 60500 kg
Minimum Weight 37230kg | 37230kg | 37230kg | 37230kg
VARIANT 008 009 O70 OT
MOD 23900 | MOD 23900 | MOD 23900 | MOD 30307
MOD 22269 | MOD 23264
Max. Ramp Weight 73900kg | 75900kg | 77400kg | 75900kg |
Max. Takeoff Weight 73500kg | 75500kg | 77000kg | 75500kg |
Max. Landing Weight |_64500kg | 64500kg | 64500kg | 68000 kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight 61 000 kg 61 000 kg 61.000 kg 62 500 kg |
Minimum Weight 37230kg | 37230kg | 37230kg | 37 230kg
* See note 14
VARIANT, 012 013 O14 016
MOD 30479 | MOD 31132 | MoD 31385 | MoD 34094
Max. Ramp Weight 77 400kg | 71 900kg | 73900kg | 73900kg |
Max. Takeoff Weight 77 000kg | 74 500kg | 73500kg | 73500kg |
Max. Landing Weight 66.000kg | 64500kg | 64500kg | 66.000 kg
‘Max. Zero Fuel Weight 62500kg | 61000kg | 61500kg | 62500 kg
[Minimurn Weight 37 230kg | 37 230kq | 37230kg | 37230kg
* For A320-214 except WV004 (mod 21532) and WV006 (mod 22436), which are not applicable to.
this A/C model.AIRBUS 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 3/33
MAXIMUM WEIGHTS (Cont.) 320-232, A320-233
VARIANT ‘000 001 002 003
BASIC__| MOD 20966 | MOD 21601 | MOD 22269
Max, Ramp Weight 73. 900kg | 68400kg | 70400kg | 75900kg |
Max. Takeoff Weight 73500kg | 68000kg | 70 000kg | 75500 kg |
Max. Landing Weight 64 500kg | 64500kg | 64500kg | 64500 kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight | 60 500kg | 60500kg | 60500kg | 60500 kg
Minimum Weight 37.230kg | 37230kg | 37230kg | 37 230kg
VARIANT 005 007 008 —~|~—«Ooe
MoD 21711 | MoD 23264 | MOD 23900 | MOD 23900
MOD 22269 |
Max. Ramp Weight 67 400k | 77 400kg | 73900kg | 75900 kg
‘Max. Takeoff Weight 67. 000kg | 77. 000kg | 73500kg | 75500 kg
Max. Landing Weight 64500kg | 64500kg | 64500kg | 64500kg |
| Max. Zero Fuel Weight | 60500kg | 60500kg | 61000kg | 61000kg
Minimum Weight 37 230kg | 37 230kg | 37230kg | 37 230kg
VARIANT O10" O11 012 013
MOD 23900 | MOD 30307 | MOD 30479 | MOD 31132
MOD 23264
‘Max. Ramp Weight 77 400 kg | 75900kg | 77 400kg | 71 900Kg |
‘Max. Takeoff Weight Tr000kg | 75500kg | 77 000kg | 71500 kg
Max. Landing Weight 64500 kg | 66. 000kg | 66.000kg | 64500kg |
Max. Zero Fuel Weight | 61 000kg | 62500kg | 62500kg | 61000kg
Minimum Weight 37 230kg | 37 230kg | 37230kg | 37230kg
* See note 14.
VARIANT 014 015 016
MOD 31385 | MOD 34047 | MOD 34094
Max. Ramp Weight 73.900kg | 78400kg | 73900 kg
‘Max. Takeoff Weight 73.500 kg | 78000 kg | 73500 kg
‘Max. Landing Weight 64500 kg | 64500kg | 66 000 kg _|
Max. Zero Fuel Weight | 61 500 kg | 61 000kg | 62 500kg |
Minimum Weight 37 230kg | 37230kg | 37 230kg
FUEL CAPACITY (0.8 kg/l)
TANK Usable fuel liters (kg) | Unusable fuel liters (kg) |
WING 15 609 (12 487) 58.9 (47.1)
CENTER 8 250 (6 600) 23.2 (18.6)
TOTAL 23 859 (19 087) 82.1 (65.7)
See installation manual document CFM 2026 or document IAE-0043.
Kerosene: Air 3405C, ASTM D 1655 (JET AJA1) or DERD 2494
MIL-T-83133 (JP8).
Wide cut: Air 3407, ASTM D 1655 (JET B) or DERD 2454
Air 3407(TR4), MIL-T 5624 (JP 4) or DERD 2454. *
High flash point: Air 3404, MIL-T 5624 (JP5) or DERD 2452
Additives: See CFMI “Specific Operating Instructions", CFM TPOI-13, or AE
2600 “Installation and Operating Manual’ IAE-0043 Sec 4.5.
‘The above mentioned fuels and additives are also suitable for the APU.AIRBUS 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 4/33
ENGINE LIMITS AND OIL (2 2482 Ib/daN) (See Note 15) (see Note 16)
ENGINE GFMSESAT | CFMS6-5A3 | CFMSE5B4 ] 600 q, | V2527-A5
CFMS6-5A1/F CFM56-5B4/2 \V2527E-A5
Data FAA E28NE E28NE E37NE, E38NE| E31NE E40NE
Sheets | ANAC EM-9604 EM-g604 | EM-9604 M9703 | _EM-9704
Static thrust at sea level
= Takeoff (5min.)* 11420daN | 11787 daN | 12010daN | 11031daN | 11031 daN
(Flat rated 30°C) (250001b) | (265001) | (270001) | (248001b) | (24800 1b)
~ Maximum continuous 10.542 daN 10.542 daN 10 840 daN 9.893 daN 9893 daN
(Flat rated 25°C) (23 700 Ib) (23 700 Ib) (24 370 Ib) (22 240 Ib) (22 240 Ib)
Maximum engine speed: |
= N14 rpm (%) | 5100(102) | 5100(102) | 5200(104) | 5465 (100) | 5650 (100)
-N2 rpm (%) 15 183.(105) | 15183105) | 15 183 (105) | 14915 (100) | 14.950 (100)
Maximum gas
~ Takeoff (Smin.)* 890°C 890°C 950°C 635°C 610%
Maximum continuous 855°C 855°C 15°C 610°C 645°C
|_- Starting*"* 725°C 725C | 725°C. 635°C 650°C
‘Maximum oil temperature |
(supply pump iniety: |
- Takeoff, stabilized | 140°C 140°C 140°C. 155°C. 155°C
~Transient (15min. max.)| 165°C 155°C | 155°C 165°C 165°C
Minimum oil pressure: 13 psid 13psid | 13 psid __ 60 psig 60 psig
| Approved oils see SB CFMI 79-001-0X Saeco naitioeeay
*10 minutes at Takeofl thrust allowed only incase of engine Tale (at Takeoff or during go-around) Th
accordance with the engine TCDS.
™ See note 7. ** See note 8.
**" 4 consecutive cycles of 2 minutes each.
AUXILIARY POWER UNIT Garrett Airesearch GTCP 36-300(A) (Specification 31-5306B).
~ Approved oils: see Garrett report GT-7800.
APIC APS 3200 (Mod. 22562, option) (Specification ESR 0802,
Rev. A),
- Approved oils: MIL-L-7808, MIL-L-23699 or DERD 2487,
Allied Signal 131-9[A] (Mod, 25888 or 35864) (Specification 4900
MIE 03 19.01)
- Approved oils: according to Model Specification 31-12048A-3A.
AIRSPEED LIMITS Maximum operating (VMo/MMo): 360 kv/0.82
(IAS, unless otherwise stated) Design maneuvering (V,) Refer to Chapter 2.0 of the AFM.
Flaps extended (Vr): Siats
Config. | ietaps)| re (Kt
Intermediate approach 7 18/0 230
Takeoff = 18/10" 215
‘Takeoff and approach 2 22/15 200
Takeoff, approach and landing 3 22/20 185
Landing Full [27/35 177
* Auto flap retraction at 210 kt in take-off configuration.
L. G. extended (Vic) 280 kt/ Mach 0.67
L. G. operation (V.q) - Extension: 250 ktAIRBUS 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 5/33
AIRSPEED LIMITS (Cont) - Retraction 220 kt
(AS, unless otherwise stated) - Tyre limit (ground speed) 195.5 kt (225 mph)
CENTER OF GRAVITY RANGE ‘See DGAC/EASA approved Brazilian Airplane Flight Manual
DATUM Station 0 (100 inches forward of fuselage nose),
MEAN AERODYNAMIC CHORD 165.10 inches (leading edge of MAC: Sta. 700.85 inches).
LEVELING MEANS Clinometer on the cabin seat track rails.
2 pilots.
Cargo Compartment Maximum Load (kg)
- Forward: 3.402
~ Aft: 4536
~ Rear (Bulk): 4497
For the positions and the loading conditions authorized in each
position (references of containers, pallets and associated weights)
see Weight and Balance Manual, ref 00 D 080 A 0001 / C1S
Chapter 1.10.
‘Type IV or Type V - Specification NSA 30.7110.
See SB A320-32-1007.
11 918 m (39 100 ft)
12 100 m (39 800 ft) if modification 30748 is embodied
A Brazilian Certificate of Airworthiness may be issued on the basis of
on a EASA Export Certificate on Airworthiness (or a third country
Export Certificate on Airworthiness, in case of used aircraft imported
from such country), including the following statement:
“The aircraft covered by this certificate has been inspected, tested
and found to be in conformity with the Brazilian approved type design
as defined by the Brazilian Type Certificate no. 9607 and in condition
for safe operation’
The ANAC Report H.10-1530-02, dated 15 March 2005 or further
revisions, contains the Brazilian requirements for the acceptance of
these airplanes. (See note 4)
RBHA 25 Airworthiness Requirements — Transport Airplane
Category - corresponding to 14 CFR Part 25, _ including
amendments 25-1 through 25-56 effective 31 Jan. 83, plus the
JAR 25.107(6)(1)(Wv) - Vice margins;
Special Conditions (SC), Harmonization Conditions (HC) and
Experience Related Conditions (EC)
Models A320-111, A320-211, A320-231 and A320-212 Variants 001
thru 006
EC-A3.6.1-High Lift Devices;
EC-G11-General Definition;
EC-S30-Autoflight System;AIRBUS, 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 6/33
CERTIFICATION BASIS (Cont) - EC-S54-Circuit Protective Devices;
- HC-A4.4-Manoeuvre Loads with High Lift Devices Deployed;
~ HC-A4.5-Braked Roll Conditions;
- HC-A4.6-Speed Control Device;
- HC-F103-ASD-TOD-TOR on Wet Runways;
- HC-F114-Approach and Target Threshold Speeds;
- HC-S23-Standby Gyroscopic Horizon;
~ HC-S24-Vio/lMuo Warning (Setting);
- HC-S61-Design Landing Brake Kinetic Eneray;
- HC-S62-Rejected Takeoff Brake Kinetic Energy;
- HC-S72-Flight Recorder;
- SC-A2.1.1-Certification Criteria for Aircraft Designed with
Systems Interacting with Structural Performance;
- SC-A2.2.2-Design Manoeuvre Requirement;
- SC-A2.2.3-Design Dive Speed;
- SC-A4.3-Tuned Gust Loads;
- SC-F1-Stalling and Scheduled Operating Speeds;
- SC-F3-Cockpit Control - Motion and Effect of Cockpit Control;
+ SC-F4-Static Longitudinal Stability;
- SC-F6-Static Directional and Lateral Stability;
- SC-F7-Flight Envelope Protection;
- SC-F8-Normal Load Factor Limiting;
- SC-F9-Dual Control System;
- SC-G17-Operational Proving Flights (France);
~ SC-PO1-Fulll Authority Engine Control System (FADEC);
- SC-S11-Limit Pilot Forces and Torques;
- SC-$33-Autothrust System;
- SC-S52-Operation without Normal Electrical Power;
- SC-S74-Abnormal Attitudes;
- SC-875-Lightning Protection (Indirect Effects);
- SC-S76-Effect of External Radiations up on Aircraft Systems; and
- SC-S77-Integrity of Signal Control
Models: A320-211, A320-231 and A320-242 Variants 007 thru 010;
‘4320-232; A320-214; and A320-233.
~ EC-A3.6.1-High Lift Devices;
- EC-G11-General Definition;
- EC-S30-Autofiight System;
- EC-$54-Circuit Protective Devices;
~ HC-A4.5-Braked Roll Conditions;
- HC-A4,6-Speed Control Device;
- HC-F103-ASD-TOD-TOR on Wet Runways (not applicable to
model A320-233);
- HC-F114-Approach and Target Threshold Speeds;
- HC-S23-Standby Gyroscopic Horizon;
= HC-$24-Vjo/Myo Warning (Setting);
- HC-S61-Design Landing Brake Kinetic Energy (not applicable
to model A320-233);
- HC-S82-Rejected Takeoff Brake Kinetic Eneray (not applicable
to model A320-233);
~ HC-S72-Flight Recorder;
- SC-A2.1.1-Certification Criteria for Aircraft Designed with
Systems Interacting with Structural Performance;
- SC-A2.2.2-Design Manoeuvre Requirement,
- SC-A2.2.3-Design Dive Speed;
- SC-F1-Stalling and Scheduled Operating Speeds;
- SC-F3-Cockpit Control - Motion and Effect of Cockpit ControlAIRBUS
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 ‘Sheet 7/33
MOD 160500: Special Conditions.
- SC-F4-Static Longitudinal Stability;
- SC-F6-Static Directional and Lateral Stability;
- SC-F7-Flight Envelope Protection;
- SC-F8-Normal Load Factor Limiting;
- SC-F9-Dual Control System;
-SC-F11-Accelerate-Stop | Distances and _Related
Performances, Worn Breaks - CR! F2012 (applicable only to
model A320-233);
- SC-G17-Operational Proving Flights (France);
- SC-P01-Full Authority Engine Control System (FADEC);
- SC-S11-Limit Pilot Forces and Torques:
- SC-$33-Autothrust System;
~ SC-S52-Operation without Normal Electrical Power;
- SC-S74-Abnormal Attitudes;
- SC-875-Lightning Protection (Indirect Effects);
- SC-S76-Effect of External Radiations upon Aircraft Systems;
- SC-S77-Integrity of Control Signal; and
- SC-S79-Brakes Reauirements, Qualification and Testing, CRI
‘SE2003 (applicable only to model A320-233)
Equivalent Safety Demonstrations
~ RBHA/14 CFR Part 25.783(e)-Cargo Doors (CRI SM 2005);
-RBHA/14 CFR Part 25.783(f}-Passenger Doors and Bulk
Cargo Doors (CRI SM 2004/2007);
~ RBHA/14 CFR Part 25.807-Maximum Number of Passengers
(CRI E2107); and
- RBHA/14 CFR Part 25.933(a) — Thrust Reverser Autorestow
Function (CRI P1002). Page14
Extended Range Twin Engine Airplane Operations Technical
- CAP 513-ETOPS.
- SC G-1008: ETOPS
Precision Approach and Landing:
- JAR AWO Change 1-Alll Weather Operation
Airbus Industrie elect-to-comply documents:
Models: 320-211, A320-231 and A320-212 Variants 007 thru 010;
4320-232, A320-214: and A320-233.
- NPA 25.C.205-Discrete Gust Requirements - Flight Profile
Attitude Weighted Analysis
Noise Standard
- RBHA/14 CFR Part 36 (corresponding to ICAO Annex 16 Vol. |).
Fuel Venting and Exhaust emission:
-_RBHA/14 CFR Part 34 (corresponding to ICAO Annex 16 Vol. Il)
SC F-46 Static directional and lateral stability
A318 SC F-5001 Stalling and scheduled operating speeds
A318 SC F-5004 Static Longitudinal Stability and Low energy
A318 SC A-5003 Design Dive Speed Vd
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the Certification
Standard Equipment List 00 D 000 A 0101/C1S
Cabin furnishings, equipment and arrangement shall be in
conformance to the following specifications:
- 00 D 252 K 0004 / C01 for cabin seats; and
- 00 D 252 K 0019 / C01 for galleys.
Model A320-214, A320-232, A320-233 can be modified as perAIRBUS,
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 8/33
Mod 160500 “Sharklet Installation” EASA approved on December
21st 2012,
According to procedures established under RBAC 21.101 the
Certification Basis is updated according to EASA application date
April 8, 2010: as establish in EASA CRI A-0001-001, Issue 2,
Weiaht and Balance: a current weight balance report, including list of equipment
included in the certificated empty weight and loading instructions when necessary, must
be provided for each aircraft at the time of original certification.
Markings and Placards: all markings and placards for passenger information, external
markings for emergency, and load limits in cargofbaggage compartments must be
presented in Portuguese or bilingual. Documents titled "A320 Family External Markings
Booklet’ reference n° CC1300235 and “A320 Family Aircraft Passengers, Crew Placards
and Illuminated Signs” reference n* CC1300236 are approved for acceptable translation
in Portuguese or English.
Continuing Airworthiness: service bulletins, structural repair manuals, aircraft flight
manuals, and overhaul and maintenance manuals, which contain a statement that the
document is DGAC/EASA approved, are accepted by the ANAC and are considered
‘ANAC approved. These approvals pertain to the type design only.
Limitations applicable to Safe Life Airworthiness Limitation Items are provided in the
‘A318/A319/A320/A321 Airworthiness Limitations Section (ALS) sub-parts 1-2 and 1-3
approved by the EASA.
For other limitations see the DGAC/EASA-Approved Brazilian Airplane Flight Manual.
Certification Maintenance Requirements are provided in A318/A319/A320/A321
Airworthiness Limitations Section (ALS) Part 3 approved by the EASA.
Limitations applicable to Damage Tolerant Airworthiness Limitation Items are provided in
the A318/A319/A320/A321 Airworthiness Limitations Items document (ALS Part 2)
approved by the EASA.
Ageing Systems Maintenance (ASM) limitations are provided in the
‘A318/A319/A320/A321 Airworthiness Limitations Section (ALS) Part 4 EASA approved.
Fuel Airworthiness Limitations are provided in A318/A319/A320/A321 Fuel Airworthiness
Limitations document (ALS Part 5) approved by the EASA.
The ANAC approved Type Design corresponds to the EASA approved Type Design plus.
the following specific requirements:
~ Brazilian approved AFM
- markings and placards in Portuguese or bilingual as NOTE 2 above.
- Installation of Cabin Ozone Filter
- Additional Flight Recorder Parameter: (i) pilot and copilot pitch controller position,
pitch control surface position , pilot and copilot roll controller position, aileron and
spoiler surface position, rudder pedal position and rudder surface position; (ii) the
auto-thrust system commanded thrust parameter; and (iil) actual thrust (N1/EPR),
electronic control, command thrust and thrust lever position for each engine installation
(if Mod 25591 is installed the FDR parameters are in compliance)
- ADF1 powered by emergency bus bar
- Acceptance of internal configuration
- MMEL categorized; and the following operational requirements: floor emergency escape
path marking [RBHA 121.310(c)(3)]; interior materials flammability [RBHA 121.312(a),
RBHA/FAR 25 Amdt. 68)]; cargo/baggage compartment fire protection [RBHA 121.314AIRBUS
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 9/33
(a)(1)};_ emergency locator transmitter TSO-C91a[RBHA 21.207]; Ground Proximity
Waming System [RBHA 121.360]
CFM 56-5A1 engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-SA‘/F engine (mod 23755) on the
same aircraft.
CFM 56-5B4 engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-5B4/2 engine (mod 24405) on the
same aircraft (AFM supplement)
CFM 56-5B/ “non-P* engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-5B/P engine (mod 25800)
on the same aircratt
CFM 56-5B/2 “non-P” engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-5B/2P engine (mod 26610)
on the same aircraft (AFM supplement)
CFM 56-5B/P or / “non-P” engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-5B/2P engine on the
same aircraft (AFM supplement).
If modification 20024 is embodied on the A320-100 Series, the central wing box is used
as a central fuel tank.
‘A320-212 (CFM §6-5A3 engines) - A320-111/-211 (CFM 58-5A(/F engines): the maximum
permissible gas temperature at Takeoff and max. continuous is extended to 915°C and
880°C respectively. However, the ECAM indication remains at 890°C and 855°C.
‘320-231 with modification 23872 (EGT redline increase for |AE engines):
- For consolidated bump rating operation (mod 22461 or 23408), the maximum
permissible gas temperature is extended to 650°C at Takeoff. The ECAM indication
Femains at 635°C.
~ For non rating bump operation, the maximum permissible gas temperature is extended
to 640°C at Takeoff, the ECAM indication remains at 635°C.
- For max. continuous and Takeoff operation, the maximum permissible gas
temperature is extended to 615°C. The ECAM indication remains at 610°C.
4320-231 with modification 25000 (FADEC Standard SCN12C for IAE engines):
= For Takeoff operation, the maximum permissible gas temperature is extended to
650°C; the ECAM indication remains at 635°C.
= For max. continuous operation, the maximum permissible gas temperature is
‘extended to 625°C; the ECAM indication remains at 610°C.
Autoflight certification: if modification 20758 is embodied, the aircraft is qualified to Cat.
IILB precision approach.
ETOPS certification: The Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures Standards for
extended range twin engine airplane operations are contained in the document AVEA
4000. Certificated models are A320-1 1 1/-211/-212/-214/-231/-2321-233,
A320-111 aircraft serial numbers eligible are restricted from ISN 001 up to MSN 021
If Mod. 28722 is incorporated, the A320-214/-232/233 performance complies with IAC 3502-
121-0888 requirements for landing on the Santos Dumont Airport porous friction course
runway in wet conditions.AIRBUS
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 10/33,
NOTE 43,
If Mod. 25615 is incorporated, the A320-214/-232/-233 is approved for operations at
airports up to 4 298 m (14 100 ft).
If Mod. 28547 is incorporated, aircraft is certificated to operate with weight variants 002
or 010. (Change of weight variant in service via Service Bulletin)
Introduction of CFM56-5Bx/3 “Tech Insertion” engine is done through embodiment of
modification 37147.
This modification is only applicable on CFMS56-5Bx /P SAC engines.
If modification 37147 is embodied on models with CFM-SB engines, the engine
denomination changes to /3.
‘The modification is currently applicable for:
A320-214: CFM 56-5B4 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B4/3
Modification 37147 has been demonstrated as having no impact on previously certified
noise levels.
CFMS6-5Bx/3 engine can be intermixed with CFMS56-SBx/P engine under considerations
as prescribes in modification 38573,
RNP AR certification: Major Change (150371) “Airplane approved to approach RNP AR
0.3 e missed approach RNP AR 1.0."
“Airplane is approved to approach RNP AR less than 0.3 and missed approach less than
4.0 when approach procedures are not established to avoid obstacles or terrain’.
“The airplane operational approval for RNP AR less than 0.3 (based on Airbus RNP AR
ACD) or missed approach less than 1.0 when those procedures are required to avoid
obstacles or terrain, is conditioned to the use of operational mitigation measures to be
evaluated and approved for each procedure/operator/aircraft model combination”AIRBUS 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 11/33
WV. Models A321-134, A321-111 and A321-112 (Transport Category), approved 07 November 1996.
Models_A321-211,_A321-212, A321-213, A321-231 and _A321-232 (Transport Category),
approved 06 July 2007.
ENGINE A321-111 ‘Two CFMI turbofan engines CFM 56-5B1 or CFM 56-5B1/2 (see
note 5, 10, 11 & 16)
321-112: ‘Two CFMI turbofan engines CFM 56-582 (see note 10)
4321-131: ‘Two IAE turbofan engines V2530-A5
321-211 ‘Two CFM turbofan engines CFM 56-5B3/P or CFM 56-5B9/2P
A321-212: Two CFMI turbofan engines CFM 56-581 or CFM 56-5B1/2
(see note 10, 11 & 16)
821-213; ‘Two CFMI turbofan engines CFM 56-682
321-231 ‘Two IAE V2533-A5 turbofan engines
321-232: ‘Two IAE V2530-AS turbofan engines
FUEL See installation manual document CFM 2026 or document IAE-0043.
Kerosene: MIL-T-83133A (JP 8); Air 3405C, ASTM D 1655 (JET A/A1) or
Wide cut:
High flash point:
DERD 2494.
Air 3407, ASTM D 1655 (JET B) or DERD 2454; Air 3407(TR4),
MIL-T 5624 (JP 4) or DERD 2454. *
Air 3404, MIL-T-5624 (JP5) or DERD 2452
See CFMI "Specific Operating Instructions’, CFM TPOI-13, or
IAE 2500 “Installation and Operating Manual’ IAE-0043 Sec 4.5.
The above mentioned fuels and additives are also suitable for the APU.
ENGINE LIMITS AND OIL (2.2482 Ibi/daN) (See Note 15 & 16)
cFMs6-5B2 | cFMs6- | (PoRY) | vasso-a5 | 2533-05
5B1/2 5B3/2P_
Data FAA |E37NE, E38NE| E37NE, E38NE E40NE E40NE
Sheets ANAC. EM-9604 EM-9604 EM-9704 EM-9704
Static thrust at sea level:
- Takeoff (Smin.)* 13789 daN |13344daN| 14 234daN | 13300daN | 14055 daN
(Flat rated 30°C) (31.000 ib) | (30.000 1b) | (82 0001») | (299001) | (31 600 Ib)
-Maximum continuous | 12.940daN | 12940 daN| 12.940 daN | 11988 daN | 11 988 daN
(Flat rated 25°C) (29.080 ib) | (29.090 1b) | (29.0901») | (26950 1b) | (26 950 Ib)
Maximum engine speed:
- NA rpm (%) 5200 (104) |5 200 (104) | 5 200 (104) | 5 650 (100) | 5 650 (100)
= N2 rpm (%) 415 183 (105) |15 183 (105)| 15 183 (105) | 14 950 (100)| 14 950 (100)
Maximum gas temperature:
~ Takeoff (Smin.)* 950°C 950°C 950°C 650°C 670°C
~ Maximum continuous: 915°C 915°C 915°C. 610°C 610°C
- Starting” 725°C 725°C 725°C 635°C 635°C
Maximum oil temperature
(supply pump inlet):
- Takeoff, stabilized 140°C 140°C 155°C
~~ Transient (15 min. max.) | 155°C 155°C 165°C
= Minimum oil pressure | 13 psid 13 psid 60 psid
see doc. |AE-0043,
Approved oils see SB CFMI 79-001-0X Sect. 4.9
* 10 minutes at Takeoff thrust allowed only in case of engine failure (at Takeoff or during go-eround)
in accordance with the engine TCDS.
** 4 consecutive cycles of 2 minutes each.AIRBUS 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 12/33
AUXILIARY Garrett Airesearch GTCP 36-300(A) (Specification 31-5306B).
POWER UNIT - Approved oils: see Garrett report GT-7800.
APIC APS 3200 (Mod. 22562 or mod. 35864, option) (Specification ESR 0802, Rev. A)
-Approved oils: MIL-L-7808, MIL-L-23699 or DERD 2487.
Allied Signal 131-9[4] (Mod. 25888, option) (Specification4900 M1E 03 19 01),
-Approved oils: according to Model Specification 31-12048A-3A
AIRSPEED Maximum operating (VMo/MMo). 350 kt/0.82
Limits Design maneuvering (V,): Refer to Chapter 2.0 of the AFM.
(IAS, unless: Flaps extended (Vs): _ Config. | Slats/Flaps(*) Vee (kt)
otherwise stated) | Intermediate approach ‘i 18/0 230°
Takeoff 18/10 215"
Takeoff and approach 2 22114 ae
‘Takeoff, approach and landing 3 22/24 195
Landing Full 27/25 190
* See note 7. * see note 12.
L. G. extended (Viz) 280 kt /Mach 0.67
L. G. operation (V,.)_ - Extension 250 kt
- Retraction: 220 kt
Tyre limit (ground speed) ‘ 195.5 kt (225 mph)
CENTER OF ‘See ANAC approved Airplane Flight Manual.
DATUM Station 0 (100 inches forward of fuselage nose)
MEAN AERODYNAMIC CHORD 165.10 inches (ieading edge of MAC: Sta. 700.85 inches),
LEVELING MEANS: Clinometer on the cabin seat track rails.
000 002 003 004
VARIANT sasic__| mop 24178 | MOD 24899 | MoD 24308
Max Takeoff Weight $3 000Kg | 83000kg | 85000kg | 78000kg
Max. Landing Weight 73 500 kg 74 500kg | 74500 kg 73 500 kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight 68 500 ka | 70500kg | 70800 kg | 69 500 kg
Minimum Weight 47 500 kg 47 500 kg 47 500 kg 47 500 kg
= (006 007 (008
VARIANT: Mob 26600 | Mop 26888 | MOD 30334
Max. Takeoff Weight 78 000 kg | 80.000 kg | 89.000 kg
Max. Landing Weight 74500 kg | 73500kg | 75 500 kg_|
Max. Zero Fuel Weight 70 500 kg | 69500kg | 71 500kg
Minimum Weight 47 500kg | 47 500 kg | 47500 kg
AB21-114/-112 es
‘000 002 003 004
AABANT Basic __| MOD 24178 | MoD 24899 | MoD 24308
Max. Takeot Weight 83.000 kg | 83000kg | 85000kg | 78 000kg |
‘Max. Landing Weight 73 500kg | 74500kg | r4500kg | 73500kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight 69 500 kg | 70 500kg | 70 500 kg | 69500 kg
Minimum Weight 47 500kg | 47 500kg | 47500ka | 47 500 kgAIRBUS 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 13/33
005 006 007 008
VARIANT Mop 25649 | Mop 26800 | MoD 26888 | MOD 30334
Max Takeoff Weight 83 000 kg | 78 000kg | 80000kg | 89.000 kg
Max. Landing Weight 75.000 kg | 74500 kg | 73.500 ka | 75.500 kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight 74 000kg | 70500kg | 69500kg | 71500kg |
Minimum Weight 47 500 kg 47 500 kg 47 500 kg 47 500 kg
VARIANT 000 001 002 003
sasic__| mop 28060 | mop 28721 | MoD 31613
Max Takeoff Weight | 89 000kg | 93000kg | 89.000kg | 91 000 kg
Max. Landing Weight_| 75 500kg | 77 800kg | 77 800kg | 77800 kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight |_71500kg | 73 800kg | 73800kg | 73 800kg |
Minimum Weight 47 500 kg | 47 600kg | 47 500kg | 47 500kg
‘VARIANT 004 005 006 011
MOD 31614 MOD 27553 _| MOD 31616 MOD 32456
Max Takeoff Weight | 87000kg | 85000kg | 83000kg | 93 500 kg
Max. Landing Weight | _75.500kg | 75500kg | 75 500kg | 77 800 kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight |_71500kg | 71500kg | 71600kg | 73.800 kg
Minimum Weight 47 500kg | 47 500kg | 47 500kg | 47 500 kg
000 001 002 003
MARIANT, Basic | mop 28960 | mop 28721 | MoD 31613,
MaxTakeof Weight | 89000kg | 93000kg | 89000kg | 91 000Kg
Max. Landing Weight _| 75 500kg | 77 800kg | 77 800kg | 77 800 kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight |_71500kg | 73800kg | 73800kg | 73.800 kg
Minimum Weight 47 500kg | 47 500kg | 47 600kg | 47 500 kg
004 005 006 007
NATIANT: Mop 31614 | Mop 31615 | MOD 31616 | MOD 31617
Max. Takeoff Weight 87 000 kg 85 000 kg 83 000 kg _ 83 000 kg
Max. Landing Weight | _75.500kg | 75500kg | 75500kg | 73 500 kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight | 71 500 kg 71 500 kg 71500 kg (69.500 kg
Minimum Weight 47.500kg | 47 500kg | 47 500kg | 47 500kg |
008 008 O10 oT
VARIANT mop 31618 | Mop 31619 | mop 31321_| MoD 32456
MaxTakeof Weight | 80000kg | 78000kg | 85000kg | 93 500kg
Max. Landing Weight_| 73 500 kg 73.500 kg 7 800 kg 77 800 kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight | 69500Kg | 69500kg | 73800kg | 73.800 kg
Minimum Weight 47 800kg | 47 500kg | 47 500kg | 47 500kg |
MAXIMUM BAGGAGE Cargo Compartment Maximum Load (kg)
- Forward: 5.670
~ Aft: 5670
= Rear (Bulk): 1497AIRBUS
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 14/33
For the positions and the loading conditions authorized in each
position (references of containers, pallets and associated weights)
see Weight and Balance Manual, ref. 00 E 080 A 0001 / C1S
Chapter 1.10.
TANK Usabie fuel | Hnusable Usable fuel Unusable fuel
liters (kg) liters (kg) liters (kg)
WING 15 500 15500 26
(12.400) (12.400) (18)
CENTER 8200 23.2 8 200 23.2
(6.560) (18.6) (6560) (18.8)
ACT () (*) 2800 or 2902/5 084 17734
(2 320) or (2 303/.4 786)" | (13.6/27.2)
TOTAL 23 700 458 26 600 or 26 692 /29684** | 628/798
(18.960) | (36.6) | (21.280) or (21 353/23 746)" _| (50.2/63.8)
* See notes 13 and 14 on additional center tanks (ACT)
“* 1 ACT high pressure system, 2900 liters on A321-200, 1 / 2 ACT low pressure system
2982/5984 liters on A321-200
Type IV or V - Specification NSA 30.7110
See SB A320-32-1007
11 918 m (39 100 ft)
12 100 m (39 800 ft) if modification 30748 is embodied
A Brazilian Certificate of Airworthiness may be issued on the basis
of on a EASA Export Certificate on Airworthiness (or a third country
Export Certificate on Airworthiness, in case of used aircrat imported
from such country), including the following statement:
“The aircraft covered by this certificate has been inspected, tested
‘and found to be in conformity with the Brazilian approved type
design as defined by the Brazilian Type Certificate no. 9607 and in
condition for safe operation’.
The ANAC Report H.10-1530-02, dated 06 July 2007 or further
revisions, contains the Brazilian requirements for the acceptance of
these airplanes. (See note 4)
RBHA 25 Airworthiness Requirements - Transport Airplane
Category — corresponding to FAR Part 25, including amendments
25-1 through 25-56 effective 31 Jan, 83, plus the following
1.JAR 25.107(2)(1)(iv) - Vice margins;
2. Special Conditions (SC), Harmonization Conditions (HC) and
Experience Related Conditions (EC)
RBHA 25 Airworthiness Requirements -— Transport Airplane
Category — corresponding to FAR Part 25, including amendments
25-1 through 25-56 effective 31 Jan, 83, plus the following
1. JAR 25.107(e)(1)(iv) - Vice margins;AIRBUS 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 15/33
CERTIFICATION BASIS (Cont) 2. Special Conditions (SC), Harmonization Conditions (HC) and
Experience Related Conditions (EC)
- EC-S30-Autoflight System
- HC-A4.5-Brake Roll Conditions
- HC-A4.6-Speed Control Device
- HC-S23-Standby Gyroscopic Horizon
~ HC-S24-Vyo/Myo Warning (Setting)
- HC-S72-Flight Recorder
- SC-A1-Interaction of Systems and Structure (CRI A3001)
- SC-A2-Stalling Speed for Structural Design (CRI A3002)
- SC-A2.2.2-Design Manoeuvre Requirement
~ SC-A2.2.3-Design Dive Speed
- SC-E1-Resistance to Fire Terminology (CRI E3005)
- SC-E3-Exit Configuration (CRI £3001)
- SC-F1-Stalling and Scheduled Operating Speeds (CRI F3001)
- SC-F3-Cockpit Control - Motion and Effect of Cockpit Control
- SC-F4-Static Longitudinal Stability
- SC-F6-Static Directional and Lateral Stability
- SC-F7-Flight Envelope Protection
- SC-F8-Normal Load Factor Limiting
- SC-F9-Dual Control System
- SC-F10-Accelerate-Stop Distance (CRI F3002)
- SC-G17-Operational Proving Flights (France)
- SC-P1-FADEC (CRI P3001)
~ SC-S11-Limit Pilot Forces and Torques
- SC-S33-Autothrust System
- SC-S52-Operation without Normal Electrical Power
- SC-S54-Circuit Protective Devices
- SC-S74-Abnormal Attitudes
- SC-S75-Lightning Protection (Indirect Effects)
- SC-S76-Effect of External Radiations upon Aircraft Systems
- SC-S77-Integrity of Control Signal
- SC-S79-Brakes Requirements Qualification and Testing
{CRI SE3003)
- E-3002; Reclassification of doors 2 & 3 to type Ill (optional)
3. Equivalent Safety Demonstrations:
- FAR 25.783(f)-Passenger Doors and Bulk Cargo Doors (CRI SM
~ FAR 25.933(a) ~ Reversing Systems (CRI P3008)
4.Extended Range Twin Engine Airplane Operations Technical
- CRI G3007-ETOPS - One Engine Inoperative Cruise Speed
- AMJ 120-42/iL 20-
- SC G-1008: ETOPS
5. Precision Approach and Landing:
- JAR AWO Change 1-All Weather Operation
6.AIRBUS elect-to-comply documents:
-NPA 25.BDG.244-Accelerate-Stop Distances and Associated
7. Noise Standard:
~ RBHA 36 (corresponding to ICAO Annex 16 Vol. |).
8.Fuel Venting and Exaust emission:
~ RBHA 34 (corresponding to ICAO Annex 16 Vol. II)AIRBUS
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 16/33
MOD 160023: Special Conditions SC F-16 Static directional and lateral stability
A318 SC F-5001 Stalling and scheduled operating speeds
A318 SC F-5004 Static Longitudinal Stability and Low energy
A318 SC A-5003 Design Dive Speed Vd
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT Equipment approved for installation is listed in the following
Certification Standard Equipment List:
= 00 E 000 A 0006/C1S (A321-112);
= 00 E 000 A 0007/C1S (A321-111);
= 00 E 000 A 0004/COS (A321-131);
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT (Cont) - 00 E 000 A 0211/COS (4321-211);
- 00 E 000 A 0231/COS (4321-231);
- 00 E 000 A 0212/COS (4321-212);
- 00 E 000 A 0213/COS (A321-213),
= 00 E 000 A 0232/C0S (A321-232);
Cabin furnishings, equipment and arrangement shall be in
conformance to the following specifications:
= 00 D 252 K 0004 / CO1 for cabin seats; and
- 00 D 252 K 0019// C01 for galleys.
SIGNIFICANT CHANGES Model A321-231 & 321-211 can be modified as per Mod 160023
“Sharklet Installation” EASA approved in July 30, 2013.
According to procedures established under RBAC 21.101 the
Certification Basis is updated according to EASA application date
April 8, 2010: as establish in EASA CRI A-0001-001, issue 2,
Weight and Balance: note 1 of the A-320 series is also applicable to the A321 series.
Markings and Placards: note 2 of the A-320 series is also applicable to the A321 series.
Continuing Airworthiness: note 3 of the A-320 series is also applicable to the A321 series.
Note 4 of the A-320 series is also applicable to the A321 series.
A321-111CFM 56-5B1 engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-5B1/2 engine (mod 24404)
on the same aircraft (AFM supplement).
DOOR 2 and/or DOOR 3 may be derated to Type Ill
If FWC Standard D2 and FAC Standard BAM 0510 are fitted on A321 aircraft, Ver speed
in Conf. 2 is increased from 205 kt to 215 kt (as identified by speed limitation placard
installed by modification 24641).
Autoflight certification: If the following modifications are embodied, the aircraft is qualified
for the applicable precision approach:
Engines [Precision approach category Modification Nr.
CFM Cat. Il 24064
Cat 1 25198
Cat. Il 24173 and 22853
AE Cat. IIT 24066
Cat NB 25200AIRBUS
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 17/33
NOTE 12,
NOTE 13,
ETOPS certification: The Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures Standards for
extended range twin engine airplane operations are contained in the document AV/EA
4000. Certificated models are A321-111/-112/-131
If modification 25800 is embodied on models with CFM-5B engines, the engine
performance is improved. The engine denomination changes to /P.
‘The modification is currently applicable for
- A321-111 : CFM 56-5B1 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B1/P
- A 321-112 : CFM 56-5B2 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B2/P
- A 321-212 : CFM 56-5B1 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B1/P
CFM 56-5B/'non-P" engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-5B/P engine on the samé aircraft.
If modification 26610 is embodied on models with CFM-5B/2 (DAC) engines, the engine
performance and gaseous emission levels are improved. The engine denomination
changes to /2P.
The modification is currently applicable for
A 321-111 : CFM $6-5B1/2 (DAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B1/2P (DAC II C)
321-212 : CFM §6-5B1/2 (DAC) which changes to CFM 56-581/2P (DAC II C)
CFM 56-58/2 "non P" (DAC) engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-SB/2P (DAC II C)
engine on the same aircraft (AFM supplement).
CFM 56-5B/P or /“non-P" (SAC) engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-5B/2P (DAC II C:
engine on the same aircraft (AFM supplement).
On the series A321-200, Weight Variant 001, 002 & 011, VFE speed in Configuration 1 is
increased from 230 to 235 kt, and in Configuration 1+F increased from 215 to 225 kt (as
identified by speed limitation placard installed by modification 28960 or 28721).
On the series A321-200, one Additional Center Tank (ACT) in bulk version is defined by
modification 25453 (high pressure system). Its approval together with structural and
system provisions is subject of Major Change E2-001 (compliance to CRI P9).
On the series A321-200, one or two Additional Center Tanks (ACT) in bulk version are
defined by modification 30422 (low pressure system). Their approval together with structural
and system provisions is subject of Major Change E2-002 (compliance to CRI P9).
Introduction of CFMS6 5Bx/3 “Tech Insertion’ engine is done through embodiment of
modification 37147.
‘This modification is only applicable on CFMS6 SBx /P SAC engines.
If modification 37147 is embodied on models with CFM-5B engines, the engine denomination
changes to /3.
‘The modification is currently applicable for:
321-111: CFM 56-5B1 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B1/3.
‘321-412: CFM 56-5B2 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B2/3
‘321-211: CFM 56-5B3 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B3/3
‘321-212: CFM 56-5B1 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B1/3.
321-213: CFM 56-5B2 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-582/3.
Modification 37147 has been demonstrated as having no impact on previously certified noise
CFMS6 5Bx/3 engine can be intermixed with CFM56 5Bx/P engine under considerations as
prescribes in modification 38573,
From 31 March 2008, there is no longer:
= any CFMS56-5B1 non /P in field or in production.
- any CFM56-5B1/2 non /P in field or in production.
For all A321 models but:AIRBUS
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 18/33,
~A321-211 CFMS6-5B3/P,
= A321-211 CFM56-5B3/P mod 27772,
= A321-211 CFM§6-583/2P mod 27727 with or without mod 27772,
- A321-111 CFM56-5B1/P,
= A321-111 GFM56-5B1/2P mod 26610 with or without mod 27772,
= A321-112 CFM56-582/P,
- A321-112 CFM56-582/P mod 27772,
~~ A321-111 CFM56-5B1/P mod 27772,
compliance with ICAO Annex 16 chapter 4 requirement is achieved when modification
36521 is embodied.
RNP AR certification: Major Change (150373) “Airplane approved to approach RNP AR
0.3 € missed approach RNP AR 1.0."
“Airplane is approved to approach RNP AR less than 0.3 and missed approach less than
4.0 when approach procedures are not established to avoid obstacles or terrain”.
“The airplane operational approval for RNP AR less than 0.3 (based on Airbus RNP AR
ACD) or missed approach less than 1.0 when those procedures are required to avoid
obstacles or terrain, is conditioned to the use of operational mitigation measures to be
evaluated and approved for each procedure/operator/aircraft model combination”.AIRBUS
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 19/33
V- Models A319-111, A319-112, A319-113 and A319-114 (Transport Category), approved 07
November 1996.
Models A319-131 and A319-132 (Transport Category), approved 18 January 1999.
Models 319-115 and A319-133 (Transport Category), approved 02 March 2005.
ENGINE A319-111
‘Two CFMI turbofan engines CFM 56-585. (see notes 10, 11 & 12)
‘Two CFM turbofan engines CFM 56-5B6 or CFM 56-5B6/2. (see note
10, 11 & 12)
‘Two CFM turbofan engines CFM 56-5A4.
‘Two CFM turbofan engines CFM 56-5A5
‘Two CFMI turbofan engines CFM 56-587 (see notes 10, 11 & 12)
‘Two IAE turbofan engines V2522-A5
‘Two IAE turbofan engines V2524-A5
‘Two IAE turbofan engines V2527M-A5
FUEL See installation manual document CFM 2026 or document IAE-0043.
Wide cut:
High flash
MIL-T-83133A (JP 8); Air 3405C, ASTM D 1655 (JET A/A1) or
DERD 2494.
ASTM D 1655 (JET B) or DERD 2454; Air 3407(TR4), MIL-T
5624 (JP 4)* or DERD 2454,
Point: Air 3404, MIL-T-5624 (JP5) or DERD 2452
‘See CFMI “Specific Operating Instructions’, CFM TPOI-13, or IAE
2500 “Installation and Operating Manual" |AE-0043 Sec 4.5.
‘The above mentioned fuels and additives are also suitable for the APU.
a) CMI Engines:
/daN) (See Note 10)
ENGINE CFMS6-5A4] CFMS6-5A5 | CFMSS-SBS Crvice caao|CFMS6-SB7|
Data FAA E28NE E28NE |E37NE,ES8NE|E37NE,E38NE)_E37NE
Sheets ANAC EM-9604 | EM-9604 | EM-9604 _EM-9604 | EM-9604
Static thrust at sea level
- Takeoff (6min.)* 9786 daN | 10453daN | 9786daN 10.453 daN | 12 010 daN
(Flat rated 30°C) (22.000 Ib) | (23500 Ib) | (22.0001b) | (23.500 Ib) | (27 000 Ib)
-_ Maximum continuous} 9195 daN.| 9195daN | 9008daN | 9008daN | 10 840 daN
(Flat rated 25°C) (20.670 1b) | (20670 ib) | (20250 ib) | (20 250 1b) | (24 370 Ib)
Maximum engine speed
~N1 rpm (%) 5 100 (102)| 5 100 (102) | 5 200(104) | 5200 (104) |5 200 (104)
= N2 rpm (%) 115 183 (105) 15 183 (105) | 15 183 (105) | 15 183 (105) |15 183 (105)
Maximum gas temperature
~ Takeoff (6min.)* 890°C 890°C 950°C 950°C 950°C
~ Maximum continuous 855°C 855°C 915°C | | 915°C 915°C
=Starting"* 725°C 725°C 725°C | 725°C 725°C
‘Maximum oil temperature
(supply pump inlet)
- Takeoff, stabilized 140°C 140°C 140°C 140°C 140°C.
- Transient (15 min. max) 155°C 155°C 155°C 155°C 155°C
Minimum oil pressure 13 psid 13 psid 13 psid 13 psid 13 psid
‘Approved oils
see SB CFMI 79-001-0X
* 10 minutes at Takeoff thrust allowed only in case of engine failure (at Takeoff or during go-around)
in accordance with the engine TCDS.
** 4 consecutive cycles of 2 minu
ites each.AIRBUS,
13 March 2015 EA9607-14 Sheet 20/33
b) IAE Engines: -
ENGINE V2522-A5 V2524-A5 V2527M-A5
__ Sheets ANAC EM 9704 EM 9704 EM 9704
Static thrust at sea level:
- Takeoff (Smin,)* 10240daN | 10.889 daN 11.031 dan
(Flat rated 30°C) (23 040 tb) (24.480 ib) (24 800 Ib)
= Maximum continuous 8 540 deN 8 540 daN 9 893 daN
(Flat rated 25°C) (19 200 Ib) (19-200 Ib) (22.240 Ib)
Maximum engine speed: a
= N1 rpm (2) 5650 (100) | 5650 (100) 5 650 (100)
~N2 rpm (%) 14 950 (100) 14 950 (100) 14 950 (100)
‘Maximum gas temperature:
= Takeot (5min,)* 620°C 620°C 645°C
= Maximum continucus 610°C e10°c 610°C
=Starting’* 650°C 650°C 850°C
Maximum oil temperature
(supply pump inlet):
- Takeof, stabilized 185°C 155°C 155°C
- Transient (15 min. max) 165°C 165°C 165°C
Minimum oil pressure 60 psig 60 psig 60 psig
388 Doc. IAE-0043
approved ally Sect. 4.9 (MIL-L-23699)
* 10 minutes at Takeo? thrust allowed only in case of engine failure (at Takeoff or during go-
around) in accordance with the engine TCDS.
** 4 consecutive cycles of 2 minutes each
Garrett Airesearch GTCP 36-300(A) (Specification 31-5306B).
(IAS, unless otherwise stated)
~ Approved oils: see Garrett report GT-7800.
APIC APS 3200 (Mod. 22562 or 35864, option) (Specification ESR
0802, Rev. A)
~ Approved oils: MIL-L-7808, MIL-L-23699 or DERD 2487.
Allied Signal 131-9[A] (Mod. 25888, option) (Specification 4900
M1E 03 19 01)
~ Approved cils: according to Model Specification 31-12048A-3A.
Maximum operating (Vmto/Mwo): 350 kv/0.82
Design maneuvering (V,): Refer to Chapter 2.0 of the AFM.
Flaps extended (Vr) Slats) | Vee
Config. Flaps(°) (kt)
Intermediate approach 78/0 230
| Take-off seor | 215
Take-off and approach 2 2215 | 200
Take-off, approach and landing 3 22/20 185
Lanc Full 27/40 | 477
* Auto flap retraction at 210 kt in Takeoff configuration.
LG. extended (V..)
LG. operation (V0) - Extension
280 kU Mach 0.67
250 kt
Retraction 220 kt
Tire limit (ground speed)
495.5 kt (225 mph)
‘See DGAC/EASA approved Brazilian Airplane Flight Manual.AIRBUS 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 21/33
DATUM Station 0 (100 inches forward of fuselage nose).
MEAN AERODYNAMICGHORD —_165.10 inches (leading edge of MAC: Sta. 700.85 inches).
LEVELING MEANS Clinometer on the cabin seat track rails.
VARIANT 000 007 002" 005
BASIC Mop 25328 | mop 27112 | mop 28136 |
Max. Takeoff Weight 4000kg | 70000kg | 75500kg | 70000kq |
Max. Landing Weight_| "61 000kg | 61.000kg | 62500kg | 62500kg_|
Max, Zero Fuel Weight | 57 000kg | 57000kg | 58500kg | 58500kg_|
Minimum Weight 35.400kg | 35400kg | 35400kg | 35.400kg |
* See Note 7.
MAXIMUM BAGGAGE Cargo Compartment Maximum Load (kg)
- Forward: 2268
~ Aft 3021
~ Rear (Bulk): 1497
For the positions and the loading conditions authorized in each position
(references of containers, pallets and associated weights) see Weight
and Balance Manual, ref. 00 J 080 A 0001 / C18 Chapter 1.10
FUEL CAPACITY (0.8 kg/l) 3-Tank Airplane
TANK Usable fuel -Titers (kg) | Unusable fuel - liters (kg)
WING 15 609 (12 487) 58.9 (47.1)
‘CENTER 8 250 (6 600) 23.2 (18.6)
TOTAL 23 859 (19 087) 82.1 (65.7)
4 to 9 ~ Tank Airplane
TANK Usable fuel - liters (kg) | Unusable fuel - liters (kg) _|
STANK 23 859 (19 087) 82.1 (65.7)
‘ACT 1 3121 (2.497) 47 (13.6)
4-TANK 26 980 (21 584) 99.1 (79.3)
‘ACT 2 3121 (2 497) 17 (13.6)
S-TANK 30 101(24 081) 116.1 (92.9)
ACTS 2-186 (1 749) 22 (17.6)
6-TANK 32 287(25 830) 138.1 (110.5)
ACT 4 2 186 (1749) 22 (17.6)
7-TANK 34 473(25 579) 160.1 (128.1)
AIRPLANES,AIRBUS 413 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 22/33
ACTS 3046 (2 437) 12 9.6)
8-TANK 37 519 (30 016) 172.1(137.7)
ACTS 3121 2 497) 17 (13.6)
9-TANK 40 640 (32 513) 189.1 (151.3)
Type IV or Type V - Specification NSA 30.7110.
See SB A320-32-1007.
11.918 m (39 100 ft)
12100 m (398008) if modification 30748 is embodied
A Brazilian Certificate of Airworthiness may be issued on the basis
of on a EASA Export Certificate on Airworthiness (or a third country
Export Certificate on Airworthiness, in case of used aircraft imported
from such country), including the following statement:
“The aircraft covered by this certificate has been inspected, tested
and found to be in conformity with the Brazilian approved type
design as defined by the Brazilian Type Certificate no. 9807 and in
condition for safe operation”
The ANAC Report H.10-1530-02, dated 06 July 2007 or further
revisions, contains the Brazilian requirements for the acceptance of
these airplanes. (See note 4)
RBHA 25 Airworthiness Requirements — Transport Airplane
Category — corresponding to 14 CFR Part 25, including amendents
25-1 through 25-56 effective 31 Jan. 83, plus the following:
JAR 25.107(€)(1)(iv) - Vice margins;
Special Conditions (SC), Harmonization Conditions (HC) and
Experience Related Conditions (EC):
- EC-S30-Autoflight System
- EC-854-Circuit Protective Devices
- HC-A4.5-Braked Roll Conditions
- HC-A4.6-Speed Control Device
- HC-S23-Standby Gyroscopic Horizon
~ HC-S24-Vyo/Mlyo Warning (Setting)
- HC-872-Flight Recorder
= SC-A1-Interaction of Systems and Structure (CRI A4001)
- SC-A2-Stalling Speeds for Structural Designs (CRI A4002)
- SC-A2,2.2-Design Manoeuvre Requirement
~ SC-A2.2.3-Design Dive Speed
- SC-E1-Resistance to Fire Terminology (CRI £4005)
- SC-F1-Stalling and Scheduled Operating Speeds (CRI F4001)
- SC-F3-Cockpit Control - Motion and Effect of Cockpit Control
- SC-F4-Static Longitudinal Stability
- SC-F6-Static Directional and Lateral Stability
- SC-F7-Flight Envelope Protection
- SC-F8-Normal Load Factor Limiting
~ SC-F9-Dual Control System
~ SC-F11-Accelerate-Stop Distances and Related Performances,
Worn Brakes (CRI F4012)
- SC-G17-Operational Proving Flights (France)
- SC-P1-FADEC (CRI P4001)
= SC-S11-Limit Pilot Forces and TorquesAIRBUS
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 23/33
MOD 160500:
NOTE1 — Weight and Balance:
~ SC-S33-Autothrust System
- SC-S52-Operation without Normal Electrical Power
- SC-S74-Abnormal Attitudes
- SC-S75-Lightning Protection (Indirect Effects)
- SC-S76-Effect of External Radiations up on Aircraft Systems
- SC-S77-Integrity of Control Signal
- SC-S79-Brakes Requirements, Qualification and Testing
(CRI SE4003)
- CRI F-8 Takeoff/Go Around Thrust ~ Third Rating (applicable to
Equivalent Safety Demonstrations:
~RBHA/14 CFR Part 25.783()-Passenger Doors and Buk Cargo
Doors (CRI SM4004),
-RBHA/14 CFR Part 25.807(c)-Passengers Emergency Exits
(CRI E4001); and
- RBHA/14 CFR Part 25.933(a)-Reversing Systems (CRI P4008)
Extended Range Twin Engine Airplane Operations Technical
- CRI G4006-ETOPS;
- CRI G4007-ET OPS - One Engine inoperative Cruise Speed; and
- AMJ 120-42/IL 20-
- SC G-1006: ETOPS,
Precision Approach and Landing:
- JAR AWO Change 1-Alll Weather Operation; and
~ CRI SE4005-Equivalent Safety Finding for JAR AWO 313 -
Minimum Approach Break-off Height.
Noise Standard:
- RBHAVFAR 36 (corresponding to ICAO Annex 16 Vol. 1)
Fuel Venting and Exaust emission:
- RBHAJFAR 34 (corresponding to ICAO Annex 16 Vol. Il)
SC F-46 Static directional and lateral stability
A318 SC F-5001 Stalling and scheduled operating speeds
A318 SC F-5004 Static Longitudinal Stability and Low energy
A318 SC A-5003 Design Dive Speed Vd
Equipment approved for installation is listed in the following
Certification Standard Equipment List:
= 00 J 000 A 0012/COS (4319-111);
- 00 J'000 A 0004/COS (4319-112);
= 00 J 000 A 0113/COS (A319-113);
00 J 000 A 0114/C0S (4319-114);
- 00 J. 000 A 0115/COS (A319-115);
- 00 J 000 A 0131/COS (A319-131),
- 00 J 000 A 0132/COS (4319-132); and
= 00 J 000 A 0133/C0S (A319-133)
Cabin furnishings, equipment and arrangement shall be in
conformance to the following specifications:
- 00 D 252 K 0004 / C01 for cabin seats; and
- 00 D 252 K 0019 / C01 for galleys.
note 1 of the A-320 series is also applicable to the A319 series.
NOTE2 — Markings and Placards: note 2 of the A-320 series is also applicable to the A319 series.
NOTE3 — Continuing Airworthiness: note 3 of the A-320 series is also applicable to the A319 seriesAIRBUS,
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 24/33
Note 5
NOTE 12,
Note 4 of the A-320 series is also applicable to the A319 series.
Autoflight certification: If the following modifications are embodied, the aircraft is qualified
for the applicable precision approach:
Engines | Precision approach category Modification Nr.
CFM Cat. 1B 25469 or 26968
TAE Cat. IB 26717
ETOPS certification: The Configuration, Maintenance and Procedures Standards for
extended range twin engine airplane operations are contained in the document
AV/EA 4000. Certificated models are A319-111/-112/-113/-114/-115/-131/-132/-133
If Mod. 27770 is incorporated, aircraft is certificated to operate with weight variants 002
oF 000. (Change of weight variant in service via Service Bulletin).
If Mod. 28471 or 28722 is incorporated, the A319-111, A319-112, A319-115, A319-131,
A319-132 and 319-133 performance shall comply with IAC 3502-121-0888
requirements for landing on the Santos Dumont Airport porous friction course runway in
wet conditions.
If Mod, 25615 is incorporated, the A319-115/-131/-132/-133 are approved for operations
at airports up to 4 298 m (14 100 ft).
If modification 25800 is embodied on models with CFM-5B engines, the engine
performance is improved. The engine denomination changes to /P.
The modification is currently applicable for:
A319-111: CFM 56-585 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B5/P
A319-112: CFM 56-5B6 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B6/P.
A319-112: CFM 56-5B6/2 (DAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B6/2P
‘A319-115: CFM 56-587 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-SB7/P
CFM 56-5B/"non-P" engine can be intermixed with CFM 56-5B/P engine on the same
Introduction of CFM56-5Bx/3 “Tech Insertion" engine is done through embodiment of
modification 37147.
This modification is only applicable on CFM56 5Bx /P SAC engines.
If modification 37147 is embodied on models with CFM-5B engines, the engine
denomination changes to /3.
‘The modification is currently applicable for:
A319-111: CFM 56-5B5 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-585/3
319-112: CFM 56-5B6 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B6/3
A319-115: CFM 56-5B7 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-587/3
Modification 3747 has been demonstrated as having no impact on previously certified
noise levels.
CFMS6 5Bx/3 engine can be intermixed with CFM56 SBx/P engine under considerations
as prescribes in modification 38573.
From 31 March 2008, there is no longer
- any CFM56-5B5 non /P in field or in production,AIRBUS 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 25/33
~ any CFMS56-5B6 non /P in field or in production.
~ any CFMS56-5B7 non /P in field or in production.
~ any CFMS56-5B6/2 non /P in field or in production
NOTE 13 For all A319 models compliance with ICAO Annex 16 chapter 4 requirements are
achieved when modification 36521 is embodied,
NOTE 14 RNP AR certification: Major Change (150372) "Airplane approved to approach RNP AR
0.3 e missed approach RNP AR 1.0."
“Airplane is approved to approach RNP AR less than 0.3 and missed approach less than
1.0 when approach procedures are not established to avoid obstacles or terrain’.
“The airplane operational approval for RNP AR less than 0.3 (based on Airbus RNP AR
ACD) or missed approach less than 1.0 when those procedures are required to avoid
obstacles or terrain, is conditioned to the use of operational mitigation measures to be
evaluated and approved for each procedure/operator/aircraft model combination’.
Vi- Models A318-111, A318-112, A318-121 and A318-122 (Transport Category), approved 15
March 2011.
ENGINE A318-111 Two CFMI turbofan engines CFM 56-SB8/P (see note 7)
A318-112 Two CFMI turbofan engines CFM 56-SBQIP (see note 7)
318-121 Two Pratt & Whitney turbofan engines PW6122A
A318-122 Two Pratt & Whitney turbofan engines PW6124A
FUEL See installation manual document CFM 2026 or document PWA-7707.
Kerosene MIL-T-83133A (JP 8); Air 3405C, ASTM D 1655 (JET A/A1) or
DERD 2494
Wide cut: ASTM D 1655 (JET B) or DERD 2454; Air 3407(TR4), MIL-T
5624 (JP 4)* or DERD 2454.
High flash point: Air 3404, MIL-T-5624 (JP5) or DERD 2452
Additives: See CFMI “Specific Operating Instructions’, CFM TPOI-13, or Pratt
& Whitney Service Bulletin 2016.
‘The above mentioned fuels and additives are also suitable for the APU.
“Note: JP4 fuel is not suitable for double annular combustor (DAC) engines.
a) CFM Engines
Data FAA ES7NE, E38NE | E37NE, E38NE
Sheets _ ANAC EM-9604 EM-9604
Static thrust at sea level
- Takeoff (5min.)* 9 608 daN 10 364 daN
(Flat rated 30°C) (21.6001) | (23300 Ib)
- Maximum continuous (Flat rated 25°C) 8 478 daN 9 008 daN
(19060 1b)_| (20 250 Ib)
Maximum engine speed
~N1 rpm (%) 5200(104) | 5200 (104)
=N2 rpm (%) :
Maximum gas temperature
- Takeoff (Smin.)* 950°C 950°C
- Maximum continuous 915°C 915°C
= Starting” 725°C. 725°CAIRBUS 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 ‘Sheet 26/33
Maximum oil temperature (supply pump inlet)
- Takeoff, stabilized 140°C 140°C
~ Transient (15 min. max) 155°C 155°C
Minimum oil pressure 13 psid 13 psid
‘Approved oils, see SB CFMI 79-001-0X
* 10 minutes at Takeoff thrust allowed only in case of engine failure (at Takeoff or during go-around)
in accordance with the CFMI engine TCDS.
* 5 min TO time limit can be extended to 10 min for one engine inoperative. For other engine
limitations, see the relevant engine TCDS.
** 4 consecutive cycles of 2 minutes each
b) Pratt & Whitney Engines’
ENGINE 7 PW6122A PW6124A°
Data FAA E00064EN E00064EN
Sheets ANAC | _EM-2011T02_| _EM-2011T02
Static thrust at sea level: 9.830 daN 10 587 daN
- Takeoff (5min.)* (22 100 Ib) (23 800 Ib)
(Flat rated 30°C) 9297 daN
- Maximum continuous 9.030 daN (20 900 Ib)
(Flat rated 25°C) (20 300 Ib)
‘Maximum engine speed:
= N41 rpm (%) 6350 6350
= N2 rpm (%) 18850, 18850
Maximum gas temperature:
= Takeoff (Smin.)" 760°C 760°C
- Maximum continuous 727°C 727°C
- Starting™ 760°C 760°C
Maximum oil temperature
(supply pump inlet): 163°C 163°C
- Takeoff, stabilized 177°C 177°C
- Transient (15 min. max) 25 psig 25 psig
Minimum oil pressure
‘Approved oils See PW SB 238
* The 5 minute takeoff time limit may be extended to 10 minutes for one engine(s) inoperative or
shutdown of a muttiengine aircraft.
* 4 consecutive cycles of 2 minutes each.AIRBUS
(AS, unless otherwise stated)
(IAS, unless otherwise stated)
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 27/33
APIC APS 3200 (Specification ESR 0802, Rev. A).
APU APIC installation defined by MOD 22562 or 35864.
‘Approved oils: in conformance to MIL-L-7808, MIL-L-23699 or DERD
AlliedSignal 131-9[A] (Specification 4900 M1E 03 19 01)
The APU AlliedSignal installation is defined by MOD 25888.
Approved oils: according to Model Specification 31-12048A-3A
AlliedSignal 131-9[A] (Specification 4900 M1E 03 19 01).
The APU AlliedSignal installation is defined by MOD 25888.
Approved oils: according to Model Specification 31-12048A-3A.
Note: For A318 models, the APU APIC APS 3200 (Mod 35864) is the
production standard from MSN 2686 and on.
Maximum operating (VMo/MMo): 350 kt/O0.82,
Design maneuvering (V,): Refer to Chapter 2.0 of the AFM.
Flaps extended (Vi): Slats) | Vre
Config. | Fiaps(’) |__ (x0
Intermediate approach 4 18/0 230
Take-off senor | 245
Take-off and approach 2 22/15. 200
“Take-off approach and landing 3 [2220185 |
Landing Full_|_2740 [1477
* Auto flap retraction at 210 kt in Takeoff configuration.
Maximum operating (VMO/MMO): 350 kt0.82
Design maneuvering (V,): Refer to Chapter 2.0 of the AFM.
Flaps extended (Vie) Slats) | Vee
Gonfid. | Flaps?) | ce)
intermediate approach 7) tao 230
Take-off senor | 245
Take-off and approach B: 225 200
"Take-off, approach and landing iz 2220 | 185
Landing Full_| 2740 | 177,
* Auto flap retraction at 210 kt in Takeoff configuration.
L.G. extended (Vi.) 280 kt/ Mach 0.67
L.G. operation (V,.) «Extension: 250 kt
= Retraction 220 kt
Tire limit (ground speed) 195.5 kt (225 mph)
See DGAC/EASA approved Brazilian Airplane Flight Manual.
Station 0 (100 inches forward of fuselage nose).
165.10 inches (leading edge of MAC: Sta. 700.85 inches).
Clinometer on the cabin seat track rails.AIRBUS 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 28/33
VARIANT 000 00% 002 | ~——«OOS
BASIC MOD 31672 | MOD 31673 MOD 31674
Max. Takeoff Weight 59 000 kg 61 500 kg 63000kg | 64 500 kg
Max. Landing Weight | ~56000kg | 56000kg | 57500kg | 57 500kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight | 53000kg | 53000kg | 54500kg | _54500kg
Minimum Weight 34500kg | 34500kg | 34500kg | 34 500kq
‘VARIANT 004 005 006: 007
Mob 31675 | MoD 31676 | MOD 33235 |_ MOD 33126
Max. Takeoff Weight 66 000kg | 68000 kg 61 000 kg
Max. Landing Weight | 57 500 kg _| 57 500 kg 56 000 kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight | 54500kg | 54500kg 53. 000kg |
Minimum Weight 34500kg | 34500 kg 34500 kg
MOD 33128
Max. Takeoff Weight 64 000 kg_|
Max. Landing Weight 56 000 kg
Max. Zero Fuel Weight_| 53000 kg _|
Minimum Weight 34.500 kg
MAXIMUM BAGGAGE Cargo Compartment Maximum Load (kg)
~ Forward: 1614
Aft: 2131
MAXIMUM BAGGAGE (Cont.) - Rear (Bulk): 1372
For the positions and the loading conditions authorized in each position
(references of containers, pallets and associated weights) see Weight and
Balance Manual, ref. 00 P 080 A 0001 / C1S Chapter 1.10.
FUEL CAPACITY (0.8 kg/l)
3=Tank Airplane
TANK Usable fuel -liters (ka)_| Unusable fuel - Iters (kg)
WING: 15 609 (12 487) 58.9 (47.1)
CENTER ‘8 250 (6 600) 23.2 (18.6)
TOTAL 23 859 (19 087) 82.1 (65.7)
Type IV or Type V - Specification NSA 30.7110.
See SB A320-32-1007.
12100 m (3980081)AIRBUS
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 29/33
A Brazilian Certificate of Airworthiness may be issued on the basis
of on a EASA Export Certificate on Airworthiness (or a third country
Export Certificate on Airworthiness, in case of used aircraft imported
from such country), including the following statement:
“The aircraft covered by this certificate has been inspected, tested
and found to be in conformity with the Brazilian approved type
design as defined by the Brazilian Type Certificate no. 9607 and in
condition for safe operation’
The ANAC Report H10-02411-(), dated March 14, 2011 or further
revisions, contains the Brazilian requirements for the acceptance of
these airplanes. (See note 4)
A) RBHA 25, which corresponds to the FAA FAR Part 25 effective
01 February 1965 as amended by 25-1 through 25-56 thereto.
a) Plus the following sections of RBHA 25 corresponding to the FAA
Part 25 as amendments 25-1 through 25-97 applied per ANAC
derivative aircraft process to the changes and areas affected by the
changes for all A318 models:
25.21, 26.23, 25.25, 25.27, 25.29, 25.31, 25.101, 25.103, 25.105,
25.107, 25.109, 25.111, 25.113, 25.115, 25.117, 25.119, 25.121,
25.123, 25.125, 25.143, 25.145, 25.147, 25.149, 25.161, 25.171,
25.173, 25.175, 25.177, 25.181, 25.201, 25.203, 25.207, 25.231,
25.233, 25.235, 25.237, 25.251(e), 25.253, 25.255, 25.571 (welded
structure only), 25.801, 25.803, 25.807, 25.809, 25.810, 25.811,
25.812, 25.813, 25.855, 25.857, 25.858, 25.1501, 25.1517, 25.1583,
b) Plus the following sections of RBHA 25 corresponding to the FAA
Part 25 as amended by amendments 25-1 through 25-105 applied
per the FAA derivative aircraft process to the changes and areas
affected by the changes for the A318-121, and -122 models:
25.361, 25.363, 25.367, 25.371, 25.901, 25.903, 25.933, 25.934,
25.939, 25.941, 25.943, 25.945, 25.1041, 25.1043, 25.1045,
25.1091, 25.1093, 25.1103, 25.1105, 25.1107, 25.1121, 25.1123,
25.1125, 25.1127, 25.1141, 25.1143, 25.1163, 25.1165, 25.1167,
25.1181, 25.1182, 25.1183, 25.1185, 25.1187, 25.1189, 25.1191,
¢) Plus the following sections of RBHA 25 corresponding to the FAA
Part 25 amended as indicated below per Airbus elect to comply
25.305 Amdt. 86 25.363 Amdt 91 25.483 Amat 91
25.321 Amdt. 86 25.371 Amdt 91 25.485 Amat 91
25.331 Amdt. 91 25.373 Amdt 86 25.491 Amdt 91
25.333 Amdt. 86 25.391 Amdt 86 25.499 Amdt 91
25.335 Amdt. 94 25.415 Amdt 91 25.561(c) Amdt 91
25.341 Amdt. 86 25.427 Amdt 83 25.571 Amdt 86"
25,343 Amdt 86 25.445 Amdt 83 25.735 Amdt 92
25.345 Amdt 91 25.473 Amdt 91 25.853 Amdt 83
25.349 Amdt. 86 25.479 Amdt $1 25.1533 Amdt 92
25.351 Amdt. 91 25.481 Amdt 91
* Not applicable to welded structureAIRBUS
13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 30/33
d) Plus RBHA/FAA section 25.772 & 25.795 correspondent to FAA
Part 25 amendment 25-106 per Airbus elect to comply.
€) Plus portions of RBHA/FAA section 25.562, correspondent to FAA
Part 25 amendment 64, for the passenger seats only per Airbus
elect to comply. RBHA/FAR paragraphs 25.562(c)(5), (c)(6) do not
B) RBHA 34 correspondent to the FAA 14 CFR Part 34, effective
September 10, 1990, including Amendments 34-1 through 34-3
C) RBHA 36 correspondent to the FAA 14 CFR Part 36, effective
December 1, 1969, including Amendments 36-1 through 36-26
D) Based on RBAC 21 section 21.29(a) for new import Type
Certificates (TCs), or section 21.101(g) for changes to TCs,
applicable provisions of RBAC 26 are included in the certification
basis. For any future RBAC 26 amendments, the holder of this TC
must demonstrate compliance with the applicable sections.
—) The following A320 Special Conditions, Experience Related
Conditions and Harmonization Conditions which are kept for the
Reminder: Within the scope of the establishment of the A320
Joint Certification Basis, three types of special conditions were
+ Special conditions: raised to cover novel or unusual features not
addressed by the JAR.
+ Experience related conditions: raised to record an agreed text for
the A320 Joint Certification Basis when evolution of JAR was in
progress under the NPA procedure.
* Harmonization conditions: to record, for the purpose of the A320
Joint Certification Basis, a common understanding with respect to
National variant. This should not be confused with the FAA/JAA
harmonized regulations.
(DGAC-F) SC-G17 Operational proving flights
(CAA-UK) SC-G17 Operational flight before certification
SC-F3 Cockpit control - motion and effect of
cockpit contro!
SC-FE Static directional and lateral stability
SC-FT Flight envelope protection
SC-F8 Normal load factor limiting
SC-F9 Dual control system
SC-A2.2.2 Design manoeuvre requirements
SC-S11 Limit pilot forces and torques
SC-S33 ‘Auto-thrust system
SC-S52 Operation without normal electrical power
SC-S74 Abnormal attitudes
SC-S75 Lightning protection indirect effects
SC-S77 Integrity of control signal
HC-A4.6 ‘Speed control device
HC-S23 ‘Standby gyroscopic horizon
HC- $24 VMO/MMO warning (setting)
HC-S72 Flight recorderAIRBUS 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 31/33
EC-G11 General definition
EC-$30 Autoflight system
EC-S54 Circuit protective devices
The following A319 Special Conditions, are kept for the A318:
SC-A2 Stalling speeds for structural design
SC-F11 Accelerate-stop distances and relates
performances, worn brakes
SC-A1 Interaction of systems and structure
SC-P1 FADEC for CFMS6 and AMJ20X-1 change
14 for PW6000
SC-S78 Brakes requirements, qualification and
The following A319/A320/A321 Special Conditions are kept for
the A318:
‘SC-IM76 Effect of external radiations upon aircraft
systems (modified by CRI SE14)
‘The following Special Conditions developed for the A318:
‘SC-F5001 Stalling and scheduled operation speed
‘SC-F5004 Static longitudinal stability and low eneroy
SC-A5001 awareness
SC-A5003 Engine Failure Loads (PW engine only)
SC-P5004 Design Dive Speed
SC-SE5002 Engine Sustained Imbalance (PW engine
AFM — RVR limits
No exemptions.
Equivalent Safety findings:
Equivalent Safety findings to the following requirements are
granted, as documented
in relevant CRIs:
JAR 25.783(f) "Doors (see A319 CRI SM 4004
JAR 25.807(d) "passenger doors")
"Passenger emergency exits" (see CRI E
JAR 26.813(c)(1) 5004 "Exit" configuration" similar to A319
CRI E 4001)
JAR 25.831(a) "Emergency exit access" (see CRI E 5005
JAR 25.933(a)(1) "Type Ill overwing emergency exit
JAR AWO 313 "Ventilation" (see CRI E 5006 "Packs Off
JAR AWO 236 "Reversing systems" (see A319 CRI P
4008 "Thrust Reverser Auto restow")AIRBUS 13 March 2015 EA-9607-14 Sheet 32/33
NPA AWO 10 “Minimum Approach Break-Off Height"
(see A319 CRI SE 4005 "Minimum.
Approach Break-Off Height")
“Excess Deviation Alerts" (see CRI SE
5005 "Cat Ill Operation ~ Excess Deviation
“Airworthiness Harmonization package
n°2" (see CRI SE-5002" AFM - RVR
JAR AWO Change 1 for autoland and operations in low visibility.
Environmental requirements:
ICAO Annex 16:
Vol. |, Part Il, Noise Requirements (see also notes 4.3.3
Chapter 3 and 4.3.4)
Vol. Il, Part I Fuel Venting
Vol. 1, Part Ill Emissions
Chapter 2
For the Extended Twin Engine Airplane Operations the
applicable tectmical conditions are contained in AMJ 120-42/IL
CRIG-22ETOPS — One engine inoperative cruise speed.
SC G-1006: ETOPS
REQUIRED EQUIPMENT See the Type Design Definition references:
~ 03006056 Issue 6 for A318-111
- 03006716 Issue 2 for A318-112
- 05028326 Issue 5 for A318-121
- 05028327 Issue 5 for A318-122
Cabin fumishings, equipment and arrangement shall be in
conformance to the following specifications:
- 00 D 252 K 0004 / C01 for cabin seats; and
- 00 D 252 K 0019/ C01 for galleys
Weight and Balance: note 1 of the A-320 series is also applicable to the A318 series.
Markings and Placards: note 2 of the A-320 series is also applicable to the A318 series.
NOTE3 — Continuing Airworthiness: note 3 of the A-320 series is also applicable to the A318 series
NOTE4 Note 4 of the A-320 series is also applicable to the A318 series.
NOTES — Autoflight certification: If the following modifications are embodied, the aircraft is qualified
for the applicable precision approach:AIRBUS
13 March 2015, EA-9607-14 Sheet 33/33
Engines Precision approach category Modification Nr.
CFM Cat. IIB 32997, 33310 and 33299
PW. Cat. 1B Included in the Type
If Mod. 25615 is incorporated, the A318-111/-112 are approved for operations at airports
up to 4 298 m (14 100 ft).
Introduction of CFMS6-5Bw/3 “Tech Insertion” engine is done through embodiment of
modification 37147.
This modification is only applicable on CFMS6 5Bx /P SAC engines.
If modification 37147 is embodied on models with CFM-5B engines, the engine
denomination changes to /3.
The modification is currently applicable for:
318-111: CFM 56-5B8 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B@/3
A318-11: FM 56-5B9 (SAC) which changes to CFM 56-5B9/3
Modification 37147 has been demonstrated as having no impact on previously certified
noise levels.
CFM56 5Bx/3 engine can be intermixed with CFMS6 5BwP engine under considerations
as prescribes in modification 38573.
A318-121/-122 models are basically compliant with ICAO Annex 16 chapter 4
For A318-111/-112 models compliance with ICAO Annex 16 chapter 4 requirements are
achieved when modification 36521 is embodied.
If Mod. 28722 is incorporated, the 318-111/-112/-121/-122 performance complies with IAC
3502-121-0888 requirements for landing on the Santos Dumont Airport porous friction
course runway in wet conditions.
RNP AR certification: Major Change (150371) “Airplane approved to approach RNP AR
0.3 e missed approach RNP AR 1.0.”
“Airplane is approved to approach RNP AR less than 0.3 and missed approach less than
1.0 when approach procedures are not established to avoid obstacles or terrain’.
“The airplane operational approval for RNP AR less than 0.3 (based on Airbus RNP AR
ACD) or missed approach less than 1.0 when those procedures are required to avoid
obstacles or terrain, is conditioned to the use of operational mitigation measures to be
evaluated and approved for each procedure/operator/aircraft model combination”.
th | gu 2
Mario Igawa
Gerente-Geral de Certificacao de Produto Aerondutico
(General Manager, Aeronautical Product Certification)