Osce explainingHIV

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HIV attacks the immune system and without treatment can lead to AIDS. There are now good treatments available and most people with HIV live a normal lifespan. Transmission can occur through unprotected sex, sharing needles, or from mother to child during pregnancy or birth.

HIV is a virus that attacks the immune system. It is transmitted through bodily fluids like blood, semen, vaginal fluids, breast milk. Untreated it can cause AIDS, but with treatment most people live a normal lifespan.

Early symptoms may include fever, swollen glands, and rash. Later symptoms are usually related to infections that occur when the immune system is weakened. Many people have no symptoms for years.


HIV is a common condition, with over 100,000 people in the UK living with the disease. Up to
a third of these do not know they have HIV and you may be asked to explain HIV to a patient
with a new diagnosis.

OSCE scenario: This 25 year old man has recently been diagnosed with HIV and has some
questions. Please discuss with him.

Introduce yourself
Wash your hands
Ask permission to discuss his recent diagnosis with him
Remind him that anything you discuss will be confidential
Start by checking his understanding tell me what you understand about HIV

What is HIV?
HIV is a virus that attacks the bodys immune system
Untreated it can be serious and cause you to suffer from infections
However, good treatments are now available and most people living with the disease
in the UK live a normal life-span
If they ask about AIDS:
o AIDS is acquired immunodeficiency syndrome
o This is when the HIV virus has become very active in the body, usually
because no treatment has been taken
o Increased risk of unusual, difficult-to-treat and potentially life-threatening

How did I get it?

There are lots of different ways you can contract HIV:
o Sexual intercourse with an affected individual
o Sharing of needles during intravenous drug use
o Transfusion of infected blood products (rare in modern medicine)
o Transmission from mother to baby
o Healthcare workers: needlestick injury, blood splash
If there is a known method of transmission then explain to the patient that other
people at risk will have to be tested for the condition
The patient may not know how they contracted HIV the test cannot tell them where
or when they contracted it.

What are the symptoms?

May not have any symptoms
Acute HIV can cause a fever, lymph node swelling and a generalised rash
Chronic HIV symptoms are usually related to infections that you contract rather than
underlying HIV

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What is the treatment?
There are three main-stays of treatment:

1. Treatment of HIV virus

a. Using antiretroviral therapy (ART)
b. This is usually a combination of three medications (can sometimes be
given in one tablet)
c. Medications can have serious side effects but you will be informed
about these and how to look out for them
d. You will likely be starting ART soon and will be on medications for life

2. Preventing infections
a. Depending on your blood tests (CD4 count) you may be given
medications to prevent you developing serious infections before you
get them (primary prophylaxis see Table A below)
b. Depending on occupational and environmental exposure other
treatments may also be given e.g. syphilis prophylaxis

3. Treating infections
a. There are different types of infection which will be treated with
different types of medication (see Table B below)
b. Some infections can cause an increased risk of cancer e.g. Kaposis
sarcoma, lymphoma

Your HIV care will be looked after by a specialised HIV team who will monitor your
treatment and any potential complications

Can I give the virus to others?

Advise yes, the virus can be transmitted by sexual and blood-transmission, as well as
vertical transmission (i.e. mother to baby) if they become pregnant
To avoid this they should:
o Have protected sex (and inform their sexual partner)
o Not donate blood products
o Not share products that may contain traces of blood e.g. razors,
toothbrushes, needles
o Comply with ARV treatment which will lower viral load and reduce
transmission probability
If they want to become pregnant reassure them that with well-managed HIV many
women have HIV negative children
Advise that anyone at risk of previous transmission should have an HIV test

Ask if they have any further questions
Offer leaflets/information as to where they can get further information e.g.
counselling services
Thank them for their time and give contact details of yourself/HIV team

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For reference: prophylaxis and treatment of infections in HIV

Table A primary prophylaxis in HIV

Condition Medication When to start When to stop

Pneumocystis Co-trimoxazole CD4 < 200 CD4 > 200

TB Isoniazid +ve Tuberculin skin After 6 months

test but no signs
active TB OR close
contact with known
active TB

Mycobacterium Azithromycin CD4 < 50 and no CD4 > 50

avium complex once/week signs active MAC

Influenza A + B Influenza vaccine All HIV patients

Streptococcus Pneumococcal All HIV patients, then

pneumonia infections repeat depending on
CD4 count

Table B Infections in HIV

Class Agent Condition Treatment

Bacterial Mycobacterium TB Anti-TB medication


Mycobacterium Respiratory illness Azithromycin + ethambutol

avium complex

Salmonella Diarrhoea Ciprofloxacin

Viral CMV Retinitis Gangciclovir

CNS disease

EBV Non-Hodgkins CHOP


Herpes zoster Shingles Aciclovir

Hepatitis B Hepatitis, cirrhosis ART containing tenofovir and

lamivudine (active against HBV)

JC virus Progressive ART


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Human herpes Kaposis sarcoma ART

virus 8

Fungal Crytococcus Cryptococcal Amphotericin B + flucytosine

neoformans meningitis fluconazole maintenance

Candida albicans Candida (oral, Nystatin

oesophageal, vaginal)

Histoplasmosis Rash, respiratory Amphotericin


Pneumocystis Pneumonia Co-trimoxazole


Parasitic Toxplasma gondii Cerebral Pyrimethamine + sulphadiazine

Toxoplasmosis + folinic acid

Cryptosporidium Diarrhoea Start ART


BHIVA guidelines: http://www.bhiva.org/guidelines.aspx

Oxford handbook of tropical medicine pages 69-150


OSCE-Aid | www.osce-aid.co.uk

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