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HP 39gs English.

book Page i Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

HP 39gs graphing calculator

user's guide

Part Number F2223AA-90001
title.fm Page ii Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:29 AM

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1994-1995, 1999-2000, 2003, 2006 Hewlett-Packard Development

Company, L.P.
Reproduction, adaptation, or translation of this manual is prohibited without
prior written permission of Hewlett-Packard Company, except as allowed
under the copyright laws.

Hewlett-Packard Company
16399 West Bernardo Drive
MS 8-600
San Diego, CA 92127-1899

Printing History
Edition 2 December 2003
Edition 3 June 2005
EnterpriseTOC.fm Page i Wednesday, May 3, 2006 5:01 PM


Manual conventions .............................................................. P-1
Notice ................................................................................. P-2
1 Getting started
On/off, cancel operations......................................................1-1
The display ..........................................................................1-2
The keyboard .......................................................................1-3
Menus .................................................................................1-8
Input forms ...........................................................................1-9
Mode settings .....................................................................1-10
Setting a mode...............................................................1-11
Aplets (E-lessons).................................................................1-12
Aplet library ..................................................................1-16
Aplet views....................................................................1-16
Aplet view configuration..................................................1-18
Mathematical calculations ....................................................1-19
Using fractions....................................................................1-25
Complex numbers ...............................................................1-29
Catalogs and editors ...........................................................1-30
2 Aplets and their views
Aplet views ..........................................................................2-1
About the Symbolic view ...................................................2-1
Defining an expression (Symbolic view) ..............................2-1
Evaluating expressions ......................................................2-3
About the Plot view ...........................................................2-5
Setting up the plot (Plot view setup).....................................2-5
Exploring the graph ..........................................................2-7
Other views for scaling and splitting the graph ..................2-13
About the numeric view...................................................2-16
Setting up the table (Numeric view setup) ..........................2-16
Exploring the table of numbers .........................................2-17
Building your own table of numbers..................................2-19
Build Your Own menu keys...........................................2-20
Example: plotting a circle ................................................2-20

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3 Function aplet
About the Function aplet........................................................ 3-1
Getting started with the Function aplet ................................ 3-1
Function aplet interactive analysis........................................... 3-9
Plotting a piecewise-defined function ................................ 3-12
4 Parametric aplet
About the Parametric aplet .................................................... 4-1
Getting started with the Parametric aplet............................. 4-1
5 Polar aplet
Getting started with the Polar aplet ......................................... 5-1
6 Sequence aplet
About the Sequence aplet...................................................... 6-1
Getting started with the Sequence aplet .............................. 6-1
7 Solve aplet
About the Solve aplet............................................................ 7-1
Getting started with the Solve aplet .................................... 7-2
Use an initial guess............................................................... 7-5
Interpreting results ................................................................ 7-6
Plotting to find guesses .......................................................... 7-7
Using variables in equations ................................................ 7-10
8 Linear Solver aplet
About the Linear Solver aplet ................................................. 8-1
Getting started with the Linear Solver aplet.......................... 8-1
9 Triangle Solve aplet
About the Triangle Solver aplet .............................................. 9-1
Getting started with the Triangle Solver aplet....................... 9-1
10 Statistics aplet
About the Statistics aplet...................................................... 10-1
Getting started with the Statistics aplet.............................. 10-1
Entering and editing statistical data ...................................... 10-6
Defining a regression model.......................................... 10-12
Computed statistics ........................................................... 10-14
Plotting............................................................................ 10-15
Plot types .................................................................... 10-16
Fitting a curve to 2VAR data ......................................... 10-17
Setting up the plot (Plot setup view) ................................ 10-18
Trouble-shooting a plot ................................................. 10-19

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Exploring the graph ......................................................10-19

Calculating predicted values ..........................................10-20
11 Inference aplet
About the Inference aplet .....................................................11-1
Getting started with the Inference aplet .............................11-1
Importing sample statistics from the Statistics aplet ..............11-4
Hypothesis tests ..................................................................11-8
One-Sample Z-Test..........................................................11-8
Two-Sample Z-Test ..........................................................11-9
One-Proportion Z-Test....................................................11-10
Two-Proportion Z-Test ....................................................11-11
One-Sample T-Test ........................................................11-12
Two-Sample T-Test ........................................................11-14
Confidence intervals ..........................................................11-15
One-Sample Z-Interval...................................................11-15
Two-Sample Z-Interval ...................................................11-16
One-Proportion Z-Interval...............................................11-17
Two-Proportion Z-Interval ...............................................11-17
One-Sample T-Interval ...................................................11-18
Two-Sample T-Interval....................................................11-19
12 Using the Finance Solver
Performing TVM calculations ................................................12-4
Calculating Amortizations................................................12-7
13 Using mathematical functions
Math functions ....................................................................13-1
The MATH menu ............................................................13-1
Math functions by category ..................................................13-2
Keyboard functions.........................................................13-3
Calculus functions...........................................................13-6
Complex number functions...............................................13-7
Constants ......................................................................13-8
Hyperbolic trigonometry ..................................................13-9
List functions ................................................................13-10
Loop functions ..............................................................13-10
Matrix functions ...........................................................13-11
Polynomial functions .....................................................13-11
Probability functions......................................................13-12
Real-number functions ...................................................13-13

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Two-variable statistics ................................................... 13-17

Symbolic functions ....................................................... 13-17
Test functions............................................................... 13-18
Trigonometry functions.................................................. 13-19
Symbolic calculations........................................................ 13-20
Finding derivatives ....................................................... 13-21
Program constants and physical constants ........................... 13-24
Program constants........................................................ 13-24
Physical constants ........................................................ 13-25
14 Variables and memory management
Introduction ....................................................................... 14-1
Storing and recalling variables............................................. 14-2
The VARS menu.................................................................. 14-4
Memory Manager .............................................................. 14-9
15 Matrices
Introduction ....................................................................... 15-1
Creating and storing matrices .............................................. 15-2
Working with matrices ........................................................ 15-4
Matrix arithmetic ................................................................ 15-6
Solving systems of linear equations .................................. 15-8
Matrix functions and commands ......................................... 15-10
Argument conventions .................................................. 15-10
Matrix functions ........................................................... 15-10
Examples......................................................................... 15-13
16 Lists
Displaying and editing lists .................................................. 16-4
Deleting lists .................................................................. 16-6
Transmitting lists............................................................. 16-6
List functions....................................................................... 16-6
Finding statistical values for list elements................................ 16-9
17 Notes and sketches
Introduction ....................................................................... 17-1
Aplet note view .................................................................. 17-1
Aplet sketch view................................................................ 17-3
The notepad ...................................................................... 17-6
18 Programming
Introduction ....................................................................... 18-1
Program catalog ............................................................ 18-2
Creating and editing programs ............................................ 18-4

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Using programs ..................................................................18-7

Customizing an aplet...........................................................18-9
Aplet naming convention ...............................................18-10
Example ......................................................................18-10
Programming commands....................................................18-13
Aplet commands ..........................................................18-14
Branch commands ........................................................18-17
Drawing commands......................................................18-19
Graphic commands ......................................................18-21
Loop commands ...........................................................18-23
Matrix commands.........................................................18-24
Print commands............................................................18-26
Prompt commands ........................................................18-26
Stat-One and Stat-Two commands ..................................18-30
Stat-Two commands ......................................................18-30
Storing and retrieving variables in programs....................18-31
Plot-view variables ........................................................18-32
Symbolic-view variables ................................................18-39
Numeric-view variables .................................................18-41
Note variables .............................................................18-44
Sketch variables ...........................................................18-44
19 Extending aplets
Creating new aplets based on existing aplets .........................19-1
Using a customized aplet ................................................19-3
Resetting an aplet................................................................19-3
Annotating an aplet with notes .............................................19-4
Annotating an aplet with sketches .........................................19-4
Downloading e-lessons from the web.....................................19-4
Sending and receiving aplets ...............................................19-4
Sorting items in the aplet library menu list ..............................19-6
Reference information
Glossary .............................................................................. R-1
Resetting the HP 39gs............................................................ R-3
To erase all memory and reset defaults................................ R-3
If the calculator does not turn on......................................... R-4
Operating details .................................................................. R-4
Batteries .......................................................................... R-4
Variables ............................................................................. R-6
Home variables................................................................ R-6
Function aplet variables..................................................... R-7
Parametric aplet variables ................................................. R-8

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Polar aplet variables ........................................................ R-9

Sequence aplet variables ................................................ R-10
Solve aplet variables ...................................................... R-11
Statistics aplet variables.................................................. R-12
MATH menu categories ....................................................... R-13
Math functions............................................................... R-13
Program constants.......................................................... R-15
Physical Constants ......................................................... R-16
Program commands ....................................................... R-17
Status messages ................................................................. R-18
Limited Warranty
Service ..........................................................................W-3
Regulatory information.....................................................W-5

HP 39gs English.book Page 1 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

The HP 39gs is a feature-rich graphing calculator. It is
also a powerful mathematics learning tool. The HP 39gs
is designed so that you can use it to explore mathematical
functions and their properties.
You can get more information on the HP 39gs from
Hewlett-Packards Calculators web site. You can
download customized aplets from the web site and load
them onto your calculator. Customized aplets are special
applications developed to perform certain functions, and
to demonstrate mathematical concepts.
Hewlett Packards Calculators web site can be found at:

Manual conventions
The following conventions are used in this manual to
represent the keys that you press and the menu options
that you choose to perform the described operations.
Key presses are represented as follows:
, , , etc.
Shift keys, that is the key functions that you access by
pressing the key first, are represented as
Numbers and letters are represented normally, as
5, 7, A, B, etc.
Menu options, that is, the functions that you select
using the menu keys at the top of the keypad are
represented as follows:
, , .
Input form fields and choose list items are represented
as follows:
Function, Polar, Parametric
Your entries as they appear on the command line or
within input forms are represented as follows:
Preface.fm Page 2 Thursday, July 13, 2006 10:33 AM

This manual and any examples contained herein are
provided as-is and are subject to change without notice.
Except to the extent prohibited by law, Hewlett-Packard
Company makes no express or implied warranty of any
kind with regard to this manual and specifically disclaims
the implied warranties and conditions of merchantability
and fitness for a particular purpose and Hewlett-Packard
Company shall not be liable for any errors or for
incidental or consequential damage in connection with
the furnishing, performance or use of this manual and the
examples herein.
19941995, 19992000, 20032006 Hewlett-
Packard Development Company, L.P.
The programs that control your HP 39gs are copyrighted
and all rights are reserved. Reproduction, adaptation, or
translation of those programs without prior written
permission from Hewlett-Packard Company is also

HP 39gs English.book Page 1 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Getting started

On/off, cancel operations

To turn on Press to turn on the calculator.

To cancel When the calculator is on, the key cancels the

current operation.

To turn off Press OFF to turn the calculator off.

To save power, the calculator turns itself off after several
minutes of inactivity. All stored and displayed information
is saved.
If you see the (()) annunciator or the Low Bat message,
then the calculator needs fresh batteries.

HOME HOME is the calculators home view and is common to all

aplets. If you want to perform calculations, or you want to
quit the current activity (such as an aplet, a program, or
an editor), press . All mathematical functions are
available in the HOME. The name of the current aplet is
displayed in the title of the home view.

Protective cover The calculator is provided with a slide cover to protect the
display and keyboard. Remove the cover by grasping
both sides of it and pulling down.
You can reverse the slide cover and slide it onto the back
of the calculator. this will help prevent you losing the
cover while you are using the calculator.
To prolong the life of the calculator, always place the
cover over the display and keyboard when you are not
using the calculator.

Getting started 1-1

HP 39gs English.book Page 2 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

The display
To adjust the Simultaneously press and (or ) to increase (or
contrast decrease) the contrast.

To clear the display Press CANCEL to clear the edit line.

Press CLEAR to clear the edit line and the

display history.

Parts of the

Edit line
Menu key

Menu key or soft key labels. The labels for the menu
keys current meanings. is the label for the first
menu key in this picture. Press means to press the
first menu key, that is, the leftmost top-row key on the
calculator keyboard.
Edit line. The line of current entry.
History. The HOME display ( ) shows up to four
lines of history: the most recent input and output. Older
lines scroll off the top of the display but are retained in
Title. The name of the current aplet is displayed at the top
of the HOME view. RAD, GRD, DEG specify whether
Radians, Grads or Degrees angle mode is set for HOME.
The and symbols indicate whether there is more
history in the HOME display. Press the and to
scroll in the HOME display.
NOTE This users guide contains images from the HP 39gs and
does not display the menu key label.

1-2 Getting started

HP 39gs English.book Page 3 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Annunciators. Annunciators are symbols that appear

above the title bar and give you important status

Annunciator Description

Shift in effect for next keystroke.

To cancel, press again.

Alpha in effect for next keystroke.

To cancel, press again.

(()) Low battery power.


Data is being transferred via

infrared or cable.

The keyboard
Menu keys

HP 39gs
Graphing Calculator

Menu Key

Menu Keys

Aplet Control Cursor


Alpha Key
Shift Key

Getting started 1-3

HP 39gs English.book Page 4 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

On the calculator keyboard, the top row of keys are

called menu keys. Their meanings depend on the
contextthats why their tops are blank. The menu
keys are sometimes called soft keys.
The bottom line of the display shows the labels for the
menu keys current meanings.

Aplet control keys

The aplet control keys are:

Key Meaning

Displays the Symbolic view for the

current aplet. See Symbolic view
on page 1-16.

Displays the Plot view for the current

aplet. See Plot view on page 1-16.

Displays the Numeric view for the

current aplet. See Numeric view on
page 1-17.

Displays the HOME view. See

HOME on page 1-1.

Displays the Aplet Library menu. See

Aplet library on page 1-16.

Displays the VIEWS menu. See

Aplet views on page 1-16.

1-4 Getting started

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Entry/Edit keys
The entry and edit keys are:

Key Meaning
(CANCEL) Cancels the current operation if the
calculator is on by pressing .
Pressing , then OFF turns the
calculator off.
Accesses the function printed in blue
above a key.
Returns to the HOME view, for
performing calculations.
Accesses the alphabetical
characters printed in orange below
a key. Hold down to enter a string
of characters.
Enters an input or executes an
operation. In calculations,
acts like =. When or
is present as a menu key,
acts the same as pressing or
Enters a negative number. To enter
25, press 25. Note: this is not
the same operation that the subtract
button performs ( ).
Enters the independent variable by
inserting X, T, , or N into the edit
line, depending on the current
active aplet.
Deletes the character under the
cursor. Acts as a backspace key if
the cursor is at the end of the line.
CLEAR Clears all data on the screen. On a
settings screen, for example Plot
Setup, CLEAR returns all
settings to their default values.
, , , Moves the cursor around the
display. Press first to move to
the beginning, end, top or bottom.

Getting started 1-5

HP 39gs English.book Page 6 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Key Meaning (Continued)

CHARS Displays a menu of all available
characters. To type one, use the
arrow keys to highlight it, and press
. To select multiple characters,
select each and press , then
press .

Shifted keystrokes
There are two shift keys that you use to access the
operations and characters printed above the keys:
and .

Key Description

Press the key to access the

operations printed in blue above the
keys. For instance, to access the
Modes screen, press , then
press . (MODES is labeled in
blue above the key). You do
not need to hold down when
you press HOME. This action is
depicted in this manual as press

To cancel a shift, press again.

The alphabetic keys are also shifted

keystrokes. For instance, to type Z,
press Z. (The letters are
printed in orange to the lower right of
each key.)
To cancel Alpha, press
For a lower case letter, press
For a string of letters, hold down
while typing.

1-6 Getting started

HP 39gs English.book Page 7 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

HELPWITH The HP 39gs built-in help is available in HOME only. It

provides syntax help for built-in math functions.
Access the HELPWITH command by pressing
SYNTAX and then the math key for which you require
syntax help.

Example Press SYNTAX

Note: Remove the left parenthesis from built-in

functions such as sine, cosine, and tangent before
invoking the HELPWITH command.

Math keys HOME ( ) is the place to do calculations.

Keyboard keys. The most common operations are
available from the keyboard, such as the arithmetic (like
) and trigonometric (like ) functions. Press
to complete the operation: 256
displays 16.

MATH menu. Press

to open the MATH
menu. The MATH menu is a
comprehensive list of math
functions that do not appear
on the keyboard. It also
includes categories for all other functions and constants.
The functions are grouped by category, ranging in
alphabetical order from Calculus to Trigonometry.

The arrow keys scroll through the list ( , )

and move from the category list in the left column
to the item list in the right column ( , ).
Press to insert the selected command onto the
edit line.
Press to dismiss the MATH menu without
selecting a command.
Pressing displays the list of Program
Constants. You can use these in programs that
you develop.

Getting started 1-7

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Pressing displays a menu of physical

constants from the fields of chemistry, physics,
and quantum mechanics. You can use these
constants in calculations. (See Physical
constants on page 13-25 for more information.)
Pressing takes you to the beginning of the
MATH menu.
See Math functions by category on page 13-2 for
details of the math functions.
HINT When using the MATH menu, or any menu on the
hp 39gs, pressing an alpha key takes you straight to the
first menu option beginning with that alpha character.
With this method, you do not need to press first.
Just press the key that corresponds to the commands
beginning alpha character.

Program Pressing CMDS displays the list of Program

commands Commands. See Programming commands on
page 18-13.

Inactive keys If you press a key that does not operate in the current
context, a warning symbol like this ! appears. There is
no beep.

A menu offers you a choice
of items. Menus are
displayed in one or two

The arrow in the

display means more
items below.

The arrow in the

display means more items above.

To search a menu Press or to scroll through the list. If you press

or , youll go all the way to
the end or the beginning of the list. Highlight the item
you want to select, then press (or ).

1-8 Getting started

HP 39gs English.book Page 9 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

If there are two columns, the left column shows

general categories and the right column shows
specific contents within a category. Highlight a
general category in the left column, then highlight an
item in the right column. The list in the right column
changes when a different category is highlighted.
Press or when you have highlighted your
To speed-search a list, type the first letter of the word.
For example, to find the Matrix category in ,
press , the Alpha M key.

To go up a page, you can press . To go

down a page, press .

To cancel a menu Press (for CANCEL) or . This cancels the

current operation.

Input forms
An input form shows several fields of information for you
to examine and specify. After highlighting the field to
edit, you can enter or edit a number (or expression). You
can also select options from a list ( ). Some input
forms include items to check ( ). See below for
examples input forms.

Reset input form To reset a field to its default values in an input form, move
values the cursor to that field and press . To reset all default
field values in the input form, press CLEAR.

Getting started 1-9

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Mode settings
You use the Modes input form to set the modes for HOME.
HINT Although the numeric setting in Modes affects only
HOME, the angle setting controls HOME and the current
aplet. The angle setting selected in Modes is the angle
setting used in both HOME and current aplet. To further
configure an aplet, you use the SETUP keys (
and ).

Press MODES to access the HOME MODES input


Setting Options

Angle Angle values are:

Measure Degrees. 360 degrees in a circle.
Radians. 2 radians in a circle.
Grads. 400 grads in a circle.
The angle mode you set is the angle
setting used in both HOME and the
current aplet. This is done to ensure
that trigonometric calculations done in
the current aplet and HOME give the
same result.

Number The number format mode you set is the

Format number format used in both HOME
and the current aplet.
Standard. Full-precision display.
Fixed. Displays results rounded to a
number of decimal places. Example:
123.456789 becomes 123.46 in
Fixed 2 format.
Scientific. Displays results with an
exponent, one digit to the left of the
decimal point, and the specified
number of decimal places. Example:
123.456789 becomes 1.23E2 in
Scientific 2 format.

1-10 Getting started

HP 39gs English.book Page 11 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Setting Options (Continued)

Engineering. Displays result with an

exponent that is a multiple of 3, and
the specified number of significant
digits beyond the first one. Example:
123.456E7 becomes 1.23E9 in
Engineering 2 format.
Fraction. Displays results as fractions
based on the specified number of
decimal places. Examples:
123.456789 becomes 123 in
Fraction 2 format, and .333 becomes
1/3 and 0.142857 becomes 1/7.
See Using fractions on page 1-25.
Mixed Fraction. Displays results as
mixed fractions based on the specified
number of decimal places. A mixed
fraction has an integer part and a
fractional part. Examples:
123.456789 becomes 123+16/35
in Fraction 2 format, and 7 3 returns
2+1/3. See Using fractions on
page 1-25.

Decimal Dot or Comma. Displays a number

Mark as 12456.98 (Dot mode) or as
12456,98 (Comma mode). Dot mode
uses commas to separate elements in
lists and matrices, and to separate
function arguments. Comma mode
uses periods (dot) as separators in
these contexts.

Setting a mode
This example demonstrates how to change the angle
measure from the default mode, radians, to degrees for
the current aplet. The procedure is the same for changing
number format and decimal mark modes.

1. Press MODES to open the HOME MODES input


Getting started 1-11

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The cursor (highlight) is

in the first field, Angle

2. Press to display a
list of choices.

3. Press to select
Degrees, and press
. The angle measure
changes to degrees.

4. Press to return to
HINT Whenever an input form has a list of choices for a field,
you can press to cycle through them instead of using

Aplets (E-lessons)
Aplets are the application environments where you
explore different classes of mathematical operations. You
select the aplet that you want to work with.
Aplets come from a variety of sources:
Built-in the HP 39gs (initial purchase).
Aplets created by saving existing aplets, which have
been modified, with specific configurations. See
Creating new aplets based on existing aplets on
page 19-1.
Downloaded from HPs Calculators web site.
Copied from another calculator.
Aplets are stored in the Aplet
library. See Aplet library
on page 1-16 for further
You can modify
configuration settings for the graphical, tabular, and

1-12 Getting started

HP 39gs English.book Page 13 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

symbolic views of the aplets in the following table. See

Aplet view configuration on page 1-18 for further

Aplet Use this aplet to explore:


Function Real-valued, rectangular functions y in

terms of x. Example: y = 2x + 3x + 5 .

Inference Confidence intervals and Hypothesis

tests based on the Normal and
Students-t distributions.

Parametric Parametric relations x and y in terms of

t. Example: x = cos(t) and y = sin(t).

Polar Polar functions r in terms of an angle .

Example: r = 2 cos ( 4 ) .

Sequence Sequence functions U in terms of n, or

in terms of previous terms in the same or
another sequence, such as U n 1 and
U n 2 . Example: U 1 = 0 , U 2 = 1
and U n = U n 2 + U n 1 .

Solve Equations in one or more real-valued

variables. Example: x + 1 = x x 2 .

Finance Time Value of Money (TVM)


Linear Solutions to sets of two or three linear

Solver equations.

Triangle Unknown values for the lengths and

Solver angles of triangles.

Statistics One-variable (x) or two-variable (x and

y) statistical data.

In addition to these aplets, which can be used in a variety

of applications, the HP 39gs is supplied with two
teaching aplets: Quad Explorer and Trig Explorer. You
cannot modify configuration settings for these aplets.
A great many more teaching aplets can be found at HPs
web site and other web sites created by educators,
together with accompanying documentation, often with
student work sheets. These can be downloaded free of

Getting started 1-13

HP 39gs English.book Page 14 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

charge and transferred to the HP 39gs using the provided

Connectivity Kit.

Quad Explorer The Quad Explorer aplet is used to investigate the

aplet behaviour of y = a ( x + h ) + v as the values of a, h and
v change, both by manipulating the equation and seeing
the change in the graph, and by manipulating the graph
and seeing the change in the equation.
HINT More detailed documentation, and an accompanying
student work sheet can be found at HPs web site.

Press , select Quad

Explorer, and then press
. The Quad Explorer
aplet opens in
mode, in which the arrow
keys, the and keys,
and the key are used to change the shape of the
graph. This changing shape is reflected in the equation
displayed at the top right corner of the screen, while the
original graph is retained for comparison. In this mode
the graph controls the equation.
It is also possible to have the
equation control the graph.
Pressing displays a
sub-expression of your
Pressing the and key moves between sub-
expressions, while pressing the and key changes
their values.
Pressing allows the user to select whether all three
sub-expressions will be explored at once or only one at a
A button is provided to
evaluate the students
knowledge. Pressing
displays a target quadratic
graph. The student must
manipulate the equations parameters to make the
equation match the target graph. When a student feels
that they have correctly chosen the parameters a
button evaluates the answer and provide feedback. An
button is provided for those who give up!

1-14 Getting started

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Trig Explorer aplet The Trig Explorer aplet is used to investigate the
behaviour of the graph of y = a sin ( bx + c ) + d as the
values of a, b, c and d change, both by manipulating the
equation and seeing the change in the graph, or by
manipulating the graph and seeing the change in the
Press , select Trig
Explorer, and then press
to display the screen
shown right.

In this mode, the graph

controls the equation.
Pressing the and
keys transforms the
graph, with these
transformations reflected in the equation.
The button labelled is Origin
a toggle between
and . When
is chosen, the point of
control is at the origin (0,0)
and the and
keys control vertical and
horizontal transformations. When is chosen the
point of control is on the first extremum of the graph (i.e.
for the sine graph at ( 2 ,1 ) .
The arrow keys change the Extremum
amplitude and frequency of
the graph. This is most easily
seen by experimenting.

Pressing displays the

equation at the top of the
screen. The equation is
controlled by the graph.
Pressing the and
keys moves from parameter
to parameter. Pressing the or key changes the
parameters values.
The default angle setting for this aplet is radians. The
angle setting can be changed to degrees by pressing

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Aplet library
Aplets are stored in the Aplet library.

To open an aplet Press to display the Aplet library menu. Select the
aplet and press or .
From within an aplet, you can return to HOME any time
by pressing .

Aplet views
When you have configured an aplet to define the relation
or data that you want to explore, you can display it in
different views. Here are illustrations of the three major
aplet views (Symbolic, Plot, and Numeric), the six
supporting aplet views (from the VIEWS menu), and the
two user-defined views (Note and Sketch).
Note: some apletssuch as the Linear Solver aplet and
the Triangle Solver apletonly have a single view, the
Numeric view.

Symbolic view Press to display the aplets Symbolic view.

You use this view to define
the function(s) or equation(s)
that you want to explore.
See About the Symbolic
view on page 2-1 for
further information.

Plot view Press to display the aplets Plot view.

In this view, the functions that
you have defined are
displayed graphically.
See About the Plot view on
page 2-5 for further

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Numeric view Press to display the aplets Numeric view.

In this view, the functions that
you have defined are
displayed in tabular format.
See About the numeric
view on page 2-16 for
further information.

Plot-Table view The VIEWS menu contains the Plot-Table view.

Select Plot-Table
Splits the screen into the plot
and the data table. See
Other views for scaling and
splitting the graph on
page 2-13 for futher information.

Plot-Detail view The VIEWS menu contains the Plot-Detail view.

Select Plot-Detail
Splits the screen into the plot
and a close-up.
See Other views for scaling and splitting the graph on
page 2-13 for further information.

Overlay Plot The VIEWS menu contains the Overlay Plot view.
Select Overlay Plot
Plots the current
expression(s) without erasing
any pre-existing plot(s).
See Other views for scaling and splitting the graph on
page 2-13 for further information.

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Note view Press NOTE to display the aplets note view.

This note is transferred with
the aplet if it is sent to
another calculator or to a
PC. A note view contains text
to supplement an aplet.
See Notes and sketches on page 17-1 for further

Sketch view Press SKETCH to display the aplets sketch view.

Displays pictures to
supplement an aplet.
See Notes and sketches on
page 17-1 for further

Aplet view configuration

You use the SETUP keys ( , and
) to configure the aplet. For example, press
SETUP-PLOT ( ) to display the input form for
setting the aplets plot settings. Angle measure is
controlled using the MODES view.

Plot Setup Press SETUP-PLOT.

Sets parameters to plot a

Numeric Setup Press SETUP-NUM. Sets

parameters for building a
table of numeric values.

Symbolic Setup This view is only available in

the Statistics aplet in
mode, where it plays an
important role in choosing
data models.

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To change views Each view is a separate environment. To change a view,

select a different view by pressing , ,
keys or select a view from the VIEWS menu. To change
to HOME, press . You do not explicitly close the
current view, you just enter another onelike passing
from one room into another in a house. Data that you
enter is automatically saved as you enter it.

To save aplet You can save an aplet configuration that you have used,
configuration and transfer the aplet to other HP 39gs calculators. See
Creating new aplets based on existing aplets on
page 19-1.

Mathematical calculations
The most commonly used math operations are available
from the keyboard. Access to the rest of the math
functions is via the MATH menu ( ).
To access programming commands, press CMDS.
See Programming commands on page 18-13 for
further information.

Where to start The home base for the calculator is the HOME view
( ). You can do all calculations here, and you can
access all operations.

Entering Enter an expression into the HP 39gs in the same left-

expressions to-right order that you would write the expression.
This is called algebraic entry.
To enter functions, select the key or MATH menu item
for that function. You can also enter a function by
using the Alpha keys to spell out its name.

Press to evaluate the expression you have in

the edit line (where the blinking cursor is). An
expression can contain numbers, functions, and

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23 14 8
Example Calculate ---------------------------- ln ( 45 ) :

Long results If the result is too long to fit on the display line, or if you
want to see an expression in textbook format, press
to highlight it and then press .

Negative Type to start a negative number or to insert a

numbers negative sign.
To raise a negative number to a power, enclose it in
parentheses. For example, (5)2 = 25, whereas 52 =

4 7
Scientific A number like 5 10 or 3.21 10 is written in
notation scientific notation, that is, in terms of powers of ten. This
is simpler to work with than 50000 or 0.000000321. To
(powers of 10) enter numbers like these, use EEX. (This is easier than
using 10 .)
13 23
( 4 10 ) ( 6 10 )
Example Calculate ----------------------------------------------------
3 10

23 3 EEX

Explicit and Implied multiplication takes place when two operands

implicit appear with no operator in between. If you enter AB, for
example, the result is A*B.

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However, for clarity, it is better to include the

multiplication sign where you expect multiplication in an
expression. It is clearest to enter AB as A*B.
HINT Implied multiplication will not always work as expected.
For example, entering A(B+4) will not give A*(B+4).
Instead an error message is displayed: Invalid User
Function. This is because the calculator interprets
A(B+4) as meaning evaluate function A at the value
B+4, and function A does not exist. When in doubt, insert
the * sign manually.

Parentheses You need to use parentheses to enclose arguments for

functions, such as SIN(45). You can omit the final
parenthesis at the end of an edit line. The calculator
inserts it automatically.
Parentheses are also important in specifying the order of
operation. Without parentheses, the HP 39gs calculates
according to the order of algebraic precedence (the next
topic). Following are some examples using parentheses.

Entering... Calculates...

45 sin (45 + )

45 sin (45) +

85 9 85 9

85 9 85 9

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Algebraic Functions within an expression are evaluated in the

precedence following order of precedence. Functions with the same
precedence are evaluated in order from left to right.
order of
evaluation 1. Expressions within parentheses. Nested parentheses
are evaluated from inner to outer.
2. Prefix functions, such as SIN and LOG.
3. Postfix functions, such as !
4. Power function, ^, NTHROOT.
5. Negation, multiplication, and division.
6. Addition and subtraction.
7. AND and NOT.
8. OR and XOR.
9. Left argument of | (where).
10.Equals, =.

Largest and The smallest number the HP 39gs can represent is

smallest 1 10499(1E499). A smaller result is displayed as
zero. The largest number is 9.99999999999 10499
numbers (1E499). A greater result is displayed as this number.

Clearing clears the character under the cursor. When the

numbers cursor is positioned after the last character,
deletes the character to the left of the cursor, that is, it
performs the same as a backspace key.

CANCEL ( ) clears the edit line.

CLEAR clears all input and output in the

display, including the display history.

Using previous The HOME display ( ) shows you four lines of

results input/output history. An unlimited (except by memory)
number of previous lines can be displayed by scrolling.
You can retrieve and reuse any of these values or

Last input
Last output
Edit line

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When you highlight a previous input or result (by pressing

), the and menu labels appear.

To copy a previous Highlight the line (press ) and press . The

line number (or expression) is copied into the edit line.

To reuse the last Press ANS (last answer) to put the last result from the
result HOME display into an expression. ANS is a variable that
is updated each time you press .

To repeat a To repeat the very last line, just press . Otherwise,

previous line highlight the line (press ) first, and then press .
The highlighted expression or number is re-entered. If the
previous line is an expression containing the ANS, the
calculation is repeated iteratively.

Example See how ANS retrieves and reuses the last result
(50), and updates ANS (from 50 to 75 to 100).
50 25

You can use the last result as the first expression in the edit
line without pressing ANS. Pressing , , , or
, (or other operators that require a preceding
argument) automatically enters ANS before the operator.
You can reuse any other expression or value in the HOME
display by highlighting the expression (using the arrow
keys), then pressing . See Using previous results
on page 1-22 for more details.
The variable ANS is different from the numbers in HOMEs
display history. A value in ANS is stored internally with the
full precision of the calculated result, whereas the
displayed numbers match the display mode.

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HINT When you retrieve a number from ANS, you obtain the
result to its full precision. When you retrieve a number
from the HOMEs display history, you obtain exactly what
was displayed.

Pressing evaluates (or re-evaluates) the last input,

whereas pressing ANS copies the last result (as ANS)
into the edit line.

Storing a value You can save an answer in a variable and use the
in a variable variable in later calculations. There are 27 variables
available for storing real values. These are A to Z and .
See Chapter 14, Variables and memory management
for more information on variables. For example:
1. Perform a calculation.

45 8 3

2. Store the result in the A variable.

3. Perform another calculation using the A variable.

95 2 A

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Accessing the Pressing enables the highlight bar in the display

display history history. While the highlight bar is active, the following
menu and keyboard keys are very useful:

Key Function

, Scrolls through the display history.

Copies the highlighted expression to

the position of the cursor in the edit line.

Displays the current expression in

standard mathematical form.

Deletes the highlighted expression from

the display history, unless there is a
cursor in the edit line.

Clears all lines of display history and

CLEAR the edit line.

Clearing the Its a good habit to clear the display history (

display history CLEAR) whenever you have finished working in HOME. It
saves calculator memory to clear the display history.
Remember that all your previous inputs and results are
saved until you clear them.

Using fractions
To work with fractions in HOME, you set the number
format to Fraction or Mixed Fraction, as follows:

Setting Fraction 1. In HOME, open the HOME MODES input form.

mode MODES

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2. Select Number Format, press to display the

options, and highlight Fraction or Mixed

3. Press to select the Number Format option, then

move to the precision value field.

4. Enter the precision value that you want to use, and

press to set the precision. Press to return
to HOME.
See Setting fraction precision below for more

Setting fraction The fraction precision setting determines the precision in

precision which the HP 39gs converts a decimal value to a fraction.
The greater the precision value that is set, the closer the
fraction is to the decimal value.
By choosing a precision of 1 you are saying that the
fraction only has to match 0.234 to at least 1 decimal
place (3/13 is 0.23076...).
The fractions used are found using the technique of
continued fractions.
When converting recurring decimals this can be
important. For example, at precision 6 the decimal
0.6666 becomes 3333/5000 (6666/10000) whereas
at precision 3, 0.6666 becomes 2/3, which is probably
what you would want.
For example, when converting .234 to a fraction, the
precision value has the following effect:

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Precision set to 1:

Precision set to 2:

Precision set to 3:

Precision set to 4

Fraction When entering fractions:

You use the key to separate the numerator part
and the denominator part of the fraction.

To enter a mixed fraction, for example, 11/2, you

enter it in the format (1+1/2).

For example, to perform the following calculation:

3(23/4 + 57/8)
1. Set the Number format mode to Fraction or
Mixed Fraction and specify a precision value of
4. In this example, well select Fraction as our


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2. Enter the calculation.

3 2 3
4 5 7

Note: Ensure you are in

the HOME view.
3. Evaluate the calculation.

Note that if you had

selected Mixed
Fraction instead of
Fraction as the
Number format, the answer would have been
expressed as 25+7/8.

Converting To convert a decimal value to a fraction:

decimals to 1. Set the number format mode to Fraction or Mixed
fractions Fraction.
2. Either retrieve the value from the History, or enter the
value on the command line.

3. Press to convert the number to a fraction.

When converting a decimal to a fraction, keep the
following points in mind:
When converting a recurring decimal to a fraction,
set the fraction precision to about 6, and ensure that
you include more than six decimal places in the
recurring decimal that you enter.
In this example, the
fraction precision is set
to 6. The top
calculation returns the
correct result. The
bottom one does not.
To convert an exact decimal to a fraction, set the
fraction precision to at least two more than the
number of decimal places in the decimal.

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In this example, the

fraction precision is set
to 6.

Complex numbers
Complex results The HP 39gs can return a complex number as a result for
some math functions. A complex number appears as an
ordered pair (x, y), where x is the real part and y is the
imaginary part. For example, entering 1 returns (0,1).

To enter complex Enter the number in either of these forms, where x is the
numbers real part, y is the imaginary part, and i is the imaginary
constant, 1 :
(x, y) or
x + iy.
To enter i:



press , or keys to select Constant,

to move to the right column of the menu, to
select i, and .

Storing complex There are 10 variables available for storing complex

numbers numbers: Z0 to Z9. To store a complex number in a

Enter the complex number, press , enter the

variable to store the number in, and press .

4 5

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Catalogs and editors

The HP 39gs has several catalogs and editors. You use
them to create and manipulate objects. They access
features and stored values (numbers or text or other items)
that are independent of aplets.
A catalog lists items, which you can delete or
transmit, for example an aplet.
An editor lets you create or modify items and
numbers, for example a note or a matrix.

Catalog/Editor Contents

Aplet library Aplets.

( )

Sketch editor Sketches and diagrams, See

( SKETCH) Chapter 17, Notes and

List ( LIST) Lists. In HOME, lists are

enclosed in {}. See Chapter 16,

Matrix ( One- and two-dimensional

MATRIX) arrays. In HOME, arrays are
enclosed in []. See Chapter 15,

Notepad ( Notes (short text entries). See

NOTEPAD) Chapter 17, Notes and

Program ( Programs that you create, or

PROGRM) associated with user-defined
aplets. See Chapter 18,

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Aplets and their views

Aplet views
This section examines the options and functionality of the
three main views for the Function, Polar, Parametric, and
Sequence aplets: Symbolic, Plot, and Numeric views.

About the Symbolic view

The Symbolic view is the defining view for the Function,
Parametric, Polar, and Sequence aplets. The other views
are derived from the symbolic expression.
You can create up to 10 different definitions for each
Function, Parametric, Polar, and Sequence aplet. You
can graph any of the relations (in the same aplet)
simultaneously by selecting them.

Defining an expression (Symbolic view)

Choose the aplet from the Aplet Library.

Press or to
select an aplet.

The Function,
Parametric, Polar, and Sequence aplets start in the
Symbolic view.
If the highlight is on an existing expression, scroll to
an empty lineunless you dont mind writing over the
expressionor, clear one line ( ) or all lines

Expressions are selected (check marked) on entry. To

deselect an expression, press . All selected
expressions are plotted.

Aplets and their views 2-1

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For a Function
definition, enter
an expression to
define F(X). The
only independent
variable in the
expression is X.

For a
definition, enter
a pair of
expressions to
define X(T) and
Y(T). The only
independent variable in the expressions is T.
For a Polar
definition, enter
an expression to
define R(). The
only independent
variable in the
expression is .

For a Sequence
definition, either
enter the first term,
or the first and
second terms, for U
(U1, or...U9, or
U0). Then define
the nth term of the sequence in terms of N or of
the prior terms, U(N1) and/or U(N2). The
expressions should produce real-valued
sequences with integer domains. Or define the
nth term as a non-recursive expression in terms of
n only. In this case, the calculator inserts the first
two terms based on the expression that you
Note: You will have to enter the second term if
the hp39gs is unable to calculate it automatically.
Typically if Ux(N) depends on Ux(N2) then you
must enter Ux(2).

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Evaluating expressions
In aplets In the Symbolic view, a variable is a symbol only, and
does not represent one specific value. To evaluate a
function in Symbolic view, press . If a function calls
another function, then resolves all references to
other functions in terms of their independent variable.
1. Choose the Function

Select Function

2. Enter the expressions in the Function aplets Symbolic



3. Highlight F3(X).

4. Press
Note how the values
for F1(X) and F2(X) are
substituted into F3(X).

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In HOME You can also evaluate any expression in HOME by

entering it into the edit line and pressing .
For example, define F4 as below. In HOME, type
F4(9)and press . This evaluates the expression,
substituting 9 in place of X into F4.

SYMB view keys The following table details the menu keys that you use to
work with the Symbolic view.

Key Meaning
Copies the highlighted expression to
the edit line for editing. Press
when done.
Checks/unchecks the current
expression (or set of expressions).
Only checked expression(s) are
evaluated in the Plot and Numeric
Enters the independent variable in the
Function aplet. Or, you can use the
key on the keyboard.
Enters the independent variable in the
Parametric aplet. Or, you can use the
key on the keyboard.
Enters the independent variable in the
Polar aplet. Or, you can use the
key on the keyboard.
Enters the independent variable in the
Sequence aplet. Or, you can use the
key on the keyboard.
Displays the current expression in text
book form.
Resolves all references to other
definitions in terms of variables and
evaluates all arithmetic expressions.
Displays a menu for entering variable
names or contents of variables.

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Key Meaning (Continued)

Displays the menu for entering math
CHARS Displays special characters. To enter
one, place the cursor on it and press
. To remain in the CHARS menu
and enter another special character,
press .
Deletes the highlighted expression or
the current character in the edit line.
CLEAR Deletes all expressions in the list or
clears the edit line.

About the Plot view

After entering and selecting (check marking) the
expression in the Symbolic view, press . To adjust
the appearance of the graph or the interval that is
displayed, you can change the Plot view settings.
You can plot up to ten expressions at the same time.
Select the expressions you want to be plotted together.

Setting up the plot (Plot view setup)

Press SETUP-PLOT to define any of the settings
shown in the next two tables.
1. Highlight the field to edit.
If there is a number to enter, type it in and press
or .
If there is an option to choose, press ,
highlight your choice, and press or .
As a shortcut to , just highlight the field to
change and press to cycle through the
If there is an option to select or deselect, press
to check or uncheck it.
2. Press to view more settings.
3. When done, press to view the new plot.

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Plot view The plot view settings are:

Field Meaning

XRNG, YRNG Specifies the minimum and

maximum horizontal (X) and
vertical (Y) values for the plotting

RES For function plots: Resolution;

Faster plots in alternate pixel
columns; Detail plots in every
pixel column.

TRNG Parametric aplet: Specifies the t-

values (T) for the graph.

RNG Polar aplet: Specifies the angle ()

value range for the graph.

NRNG Sequence aplet: Specifies the

index (N) values for the graph.

TSTEP For Parametric plots: the increment

for the independent variable.

STEP For Polar plots: the increment

value for the independent

SEQPLOT For Sequence aplet: Stairstep or

Cobweb types.

XTICK Horizontal spacing for tickmarks.

YTICK Vertical spacing for tickmarks.

Those items with space for a checkmark are settings you

can turn on or off. Press to display the second

Field Meaning

SIMULT If more than one relation is being

plotted, plots them simultaneously
(otherwise sequentially).

INV. CROSS Cursor crosshairs invert the status

of the pixels they cover.

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Field Meaning (Continued)

CONNECT Connect the plotted points. (The

Sequence aplet always connects

LABELS Label the axes with XRNG and

YRNG values.

AXES Draw the axes.

GRID Draw grid points using XTICK

and YTICK spacing.

Reset plot To reset the default values for all plot settings, press
settings CLEAR in the Plot Setup view. To reset the default
value for a field, highlight the field, and press .

Exploring the graph

Plot view gives you a selection of keys and menu keys to
explore a graph further. The options vary from aplet to

PLOT view keys The following table details the keys that you use to work
with the graph.

Key Meaning
CLEAR Erases the plot and axes.
Offers additional pre-defined views
for splitting the screen and for scaling
(zooming) the axes.
Moves cursor to far left or far right.

Moves cursor between relations.

or Interrupts plotting.

Continues plotting if interrupted.

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Key Meaning (Continued)

Turns menu-key labels on and off.
When the labels are off, pressing
turns them back on.
Pressing once displays the
full row of labels.
Pressing a second time
removes the row of labels to
display only the graph.
Pressing a third time
displays the coordinate mode.
Displays the ZOOM menu list.
Turns trace mode on/off. A white box
appears over the on .
Opens an input form for you to enter
an X (or T or N or ) value. Enter the
value and press . The cursor jumps
to the point on the graph that you
Function aplet only: turns on menu list
for root-finding functions (see
Analyse graph with FCN functions
on page 3-4).
Displays the current, defining
expression. Press to restore the

Trace a graph You can trace along a function using the or key
which moves the cursor along the graph. The display also
shows the current coordinate position (x, y) of the cursor.
Trace mode and the coordinate display are automatically
set when a plot is drawn.
Note: Tracing might not appear to exactly follow your
plot if the resolution (in Plot Setup view) is set to Faster.
This is because RES: FASTER plots in only every other
column, whereas tracing always uses every column.
In Function and Sequence Aplets: You can also
scroll (move the cursor) left or right beyond the edge of
the display window in trace mode, giving you a view of
more of the plot.

To move between If there is more than one relation displayed, press or

relations to move between relations.

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To jump directly to To jump straight to a value rather than using the Trace
a value function, use the menu key. Press , then enter
a value. Press to jump to the value.

To turn trace on/off If the menu labels are not displayed, press first.
Turn off trace mode by pressing .
Turn on trace mode by pressing .
To turn the coordinate display off, press .

Zoom within a One of the menu key options is . Zooming redraws

graph the plot on a larger or smaller scale. It is a shortcut for

changing the Plot Setup.
The Set Factors... option enables you to set the
factors by which you zoom in or zoom out, and whether
the zoom is centered about the cursor.

ZOOM options Press , select an option, and press . (If

is not displayed, press .) Not all options are
available in all aplets.

Option Meaning

Center Re-centers the plot around the

current position of the cursor without
changing the scale.

Box... Lets you draw a box to zoom in on.

See Other views for scaling and
splitting the graph on page 2-13.

In Divides horizontal and vertical

scales by the X-factor and Y-factor.
For instance, if zoom factors are 4,
then zooming in results in 1/4 as
many units depicted per pixel. (see
Set Factors...)

Out Multiplies horizontal and vertical

scales by the X-factor and Y-factor
(see Set Factors...).

X-Zoom In Divides horizontal scale only, using


X-Zoom Out Multiplies horizontal scale, using


Aplets and their views 2-9

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Option Meaning (Continued)

Y-Zoom In Divides vertical scale only, using


Y-Zoom Out Multiplies vertical scale only, using


Square Changes the vertical scale to match

the horizontal scale. (Use this after
doing a Box Zoom, X-Zoom, or

Set Sets the X-Zoom and Y-Zoom factors

Factors... for zooming in or zooming out.
Includes option to recenter the plot
before zooming.

Auto Scale Rescales the vertical axis so that the

display shows a representative
piece of the plot, for the supplied x
axis settings. (For Sequence and
Statistics aplets, autoscaling
rescales both axes.)
The autoscale process uses the first
selected function only to determine
the best scale to use.

Decimal Rescales both axes so each pixel =

0.1 units. Resets default values for
(6.5 to 6.5) and YRNG (3.1 to
3.2). (Not in Sequence or Statistics

Integer Rescales horizontal axis only,

making each pixel =1 unit. (Not
available in Sequence or Statistics

Trig Rescales horizontal axis so

1 pixel = /24 radians, 7.58, or
81/3 grads; rescales vertical axis
1 pixel = 0.1 unit.
(Not in Sequence or Statistics

2-10 Aplets and their views

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Option Meaning (Continued)

Un-zoom Returns the display to the previous

zoom, or if there has been only one
zoom, un-zoom displays the graph
with the original plot settings.

ZOOM examples The following screens show the effects of zooming options
on a plot of 3 sin x .
Plot of 3 sin x

Zoom In:

Note: Press to move to
the bottom of the Zoom list.

Zoom Out:
Now un-zoom.

X-Zoom In:
X-Zoom In
Now un-zoom.

X-Zoom Out:
X-Zoom Out
Now un-zoom.

Aplets and their views 2-11

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Y-Zoom In:
Y-Zoom In
Now un-zoom.

Y-Zoom Out:
Y-Zoom Out

Zoom Square:

To box zoom The Box Zoom option lets you draw a box around the
area you want to zoom in on by selecting the endpoints
of one diagonal of the zoom rectangle.
1. If necessary, press to turn on the menu-key
2. Press and select Box...
3. Position the cursor on one corner of the rectangle.
Press .
4. Use the cursor keys
( , etc.) to drag to
the opposite corner.

5. Press to zoom in
on the boxed area.

2-12 Aplets and their views

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To set zoom factors 1. In the Plot view, press .

2. Press .
3. Select Set Factors... and press .
4. Enter the zoom factors. There is one zoom factor for
the horizontal scale (XZOOM) and one for the vertical
scale (YZOOM).
Zooming out multiplies the scale by the factor, so that
a greater scale distance appears on the screen.
Zooming in divides the scale by the factor, so that a
shorter scale distance appears on the screen.

Other views for scaling and splitting the graph

The preset viewing options menu ( ) contains
options for drawing the plot using certain pre-defined
configurations. This is a shortcut for changing Plot view
settings. For instance, if you have defined a trigonometric
function, then you could select Trig to plot your function
on a trigonometric scale. It also contains split-screen
In certain aplets, for example those that you download
from the world wide web, the preset viewing options
menu can also contain options that relate to the aplet.

VIEWS menu Press , select an option, and press .

Option Meaning
Plot- Splits the screen into the plot and a
Detail close-up.
Plot-Table Splits the screen into the plot and
the data table.
Overlay Plots the current expression(s)
Plot without erasing any pre-existing

Aplets and their views 2-13

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Option Meaning (Continued)

Auto Scale Rescales the vertical axis so that the
display shows a representative
piece of the plot, for the supplied x
axis settings. (For Sequence and
Statistics aplets, autoscaling
rescales both axes.)
The autoscale process uses the first
selected function only to determine
the best scale to use.
Decimal Rescales both axes so each pixel =
0.1 unit. Resets default values for
(6.5 to 6.5) and YRNG (3.1 to
3.2). (Not in Sequence or Statistics
Integer Rescales horizontal axis only,
making each pixel=1 unit. (Not
available in Sequence or Statistics
Trig Rescales horizontal axis so
1 pixel=/24 radian, 7.58, or
81/3 grads; rescales vertical axis so
1 pixel = 0.1 unit.
(Not in Sequence or Statistics

Split the screen The Plot-Detail view can give you two simultaneous views
of the plot.

1. Press . Select Plot-Detail and press .

The graph is plotted twice. You can now zoom in on
the right side.
2. Press ,
select the zoom method
and press or
. This zooms the
right side. Here is an
example of split screen with Zoom In.
The Plot menu keys are available as for the full
plot (for tracing, coordinate display, equation
display, and so on).

2-14 Aplets and their views

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moves the leftmost cursor to the

screens left edge and moves the
rightmost cursor to the screens right edge.
The menu key copies the right plot to the left

3. To un-split the screen, press . The left side takes

over the whole screen.
The Plot-Table view gives you two simultaneous views of
the plot.

1. Press . Select
Plot-Table and
press . The screen
displays the plot on the
left side and a table of
numbers on the right side.

2. To move up and down the table, use the and

cursor keys. These keys move the tra.ce point left or
right along the plot, and in the table, the
corresponding values are highlighted.

3. To move between functions, use the and

cursor keys to move the cursor from one graph to

4. To return to a full Numeric (or Plot) view, press

(or ).

Overlay plots If you want to plot over an existing plot without erasing
that plot, then use Overlay Plot instead of
. Note that tracing follows only the current
functions from the current aplet.

Decimal scaling Decimal scaling is the default scaling. If you have

changed the scaling to Trig or Integer, you can change it
back with Decimal.

Integer scaling Integer scaling compresses the axes so that each pixel is
1 1 and the origin is near the screen center.

Trigonometric Use trigonometric scaling whenever you are plotting an

scaling expression that includes trigonometric functions.
Trigonometric plots are more likely to intersect the axis at
points factored by .

Aplets and their views 2-15

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About the numeric view

After entering and selecting
(check marking) the
expression or expressions
that you want to explore in
the Symbolic view, press
to view a table of
data values for the independent variable (X, T, , or N)
and dependent variables.

Setting up the table (Numeric view setup)

Press NUM to define
any of the table settings.
Use the Numeric Setup
input form to configure the

1. Highlight the field to edit. Use the arrow keys to

move from field to field.
If there is a number to enter, type it in and press
or . To modify an existing number,
press .
If there is an option to choose, press ,
highlight your choice, and press or .
Shortcut: Press the key to copy values
from the Plot Setup into NUMSTART and
NUMSTEP. Effectively, the menu key
allows you to make the table match the pixel
columns in the graph view.

2. When done, press to view the table of


2-16 Aplets and their views

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Numeric view The following table details the fields on the Numeric
settings Setup input form.

Field Meaning

NUMSTART The independent variables

starting value.

NUMSTEP The size of the increment from

one independent variable value
to the next.

NUMTYPE Type of numeric table: Automatic

or Build Your Own. To build your
own table, you must type each
independent value into the table

NUMZOOM Allows you to zoom in or out on a

selected value of the independent

Reset numeric To reset the default values for all table settings, press
settings CLEAR.

Exploring the table of numbers

NUM view The following table details the menu keys that you use to
menu keys work with the table of numbers.

Key Meaning

Displays ZOOM menu list.

Toggles between two character


Displays the defining function

expression for the highlighted
column. To cancel this display, press

Zoom within a Zooming redraws the table of numbers in greater or

table lesser detail.

Aplets and their views 2-17

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ZOOM options The following table lists the zoom options:

Option Meaning
In Decreases the intervals for the
independent variable so a narrower
range is shown. Uses the NUMZOOM
factor in Numeric Setup.
Out Increases the intervals for the
independent variable so that a
wider range is shown. Uses the
NUMZOOM factor in Numeric Setup.
Decimal Changes intervals for the
independent variable to 0.1 units.
Starts at zero. (Shortcut to changing
Integer Changes intervals for the
independent variable to 1 unit.
Starts at zero. (Shortcut to changing
Trig Changes intervals for independent
variable to /24 radian or 7.5
degrees or 81/3 grads. Starts at
Un-zoom Returns the display to the previous

The display on the right is a Zoom In of the display on the

left. The ZOOM factor is 4.

HINT To jump to an independent variable value in the table,

use the arrow keys to place the cursor in the independent
variable column, then enter the value to jump to.

Automatic You can enter any new value in the X column. When you
recalculation press , the values for the dependent variables are
recalculated, and the entire table is regenerated with the
same interval between X values.

2-18 Aplets and their views

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Building your own table of numbers

The default NUMTYPE is Automatic, which fills the table
with data for regular intervals of the independent (X, T, ,
or N) variable. With the NUMTYPE option set to Build
Your Own, you fill the table yourself by typing in the
independent-variable values you want. The dependent
values are then calculated and displayed.

Build a table 1. Start with an expression defined (in Symbolic view) in

the aplet of your choice. Note: Function, Polar,
Parametric, and Sequence aplets only.
2. In the Numeric Setup ( NUM), choose
NUMTYPE: Build Your Own.
3. Open the Numeric view ( ).

4. Clear existing data in the table ( CLEAR).

5. Enter the independent values in the left-hand column.

Type in a number and press . You do not have
to enter them in order, because the function
can rearrange them. To insert a number between two
others, use .

F1 and F2
You enter entries are
numbers into generated
the X column automatically

Clear data Press CLEAR, to erase the data from a table.

Aplets and their views 2-19

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Build Your Own menu keys

Key Meaning

Puts the highlighted independent

value (X, T, , or N) into the edit
line. Pressing replaces
this variable with its current value.

Inserts a zero value at the position

of the highlight. Replace a zero
by typing the number you want
and pressing .

Sorts the independent variable

values into ascending or
descending order. Press
and select the ascending or
descending option from the
menu, and press .

Toggles between two character


Displays the defining function

expression for the highlighted

Deletes the highlighted row.

CLEAR Clears all data from the table.

Example: plotting a circle

Plot the circle, x 2+ y 2 = 9. First rearrange it to read
y = 9x .
To plot both the positive and negative y values, you need
to define two equations as follows:
2 2
y = 9 x and y = 9 x

2-20 Aplets and their views

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1. In the Function aplet, specify the functions.


2. Reset the graph setup to the default settings.


3. Plot the two functions

and hide the menu so
that you can see all the

4. Reset the numeric setup to the default settings.


5. Display the functions in numeric form.

Aplets and their views 2-21

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Function aplet

About the Function aplet

The Function aplet enables you to explore up to 10
real-valued, rectangular functions y in terms of x. For
example y = 2x + 3 .
Once you have defined a function you can:
create graphs to find roots, intercepts, slope, signed
area, and extrema
create tables to evaluate functions at particular
This chapter demonstrates the basic tools of the Function
aplet by stepping you through an example. See Aplet
views on page 2-1 for further information about the
functionality of the Symbolic, Numeric, and Plot views.

Getting started with the Function aplet

The following example involves two functions: a linear
function y = 1 x and a quadratic equation
y = (x + 3) 2 .

Open the 1. Open the Function aplet.

Function aplet Select Function

The Function aplet starts

in the Symbolic view.

The Symbolic view is the defining view for Function,

Parametric, Polar, and Sequence aplets. The other
views are derived from the symbolic expression.

Function aplet 3-1

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Define the 2. There are 10 function definition fields on the Function

expressions aplets Symbolic view screen. They are labeled F1(X)
to F0(X). Highlight the function definition field you
want to use, and enter an expression. (You can press
to delete an existing line, or CLEAR to
clear all lines.)


Set up the plot You can change the scales of the x and y axes, graph
resolution, and the spacing of the axis ticks.
3. Display plot settings.

Note: For our example, you can leave the plot

settings at their default values since we will be using
the Auto Scale feature to choose an appropriate y
axis for our x axis settings. If your settings do not
match this example, press CLEAR to restore the
default values.
4. Specify a grid for the graph.

Plot the 5. Plot the functions.


3-2 Function aplet

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Change the 6. You can change the scale to see more or less of your
scale graphs. In this example, choose Auto Scale. (See
VIEWS menu options on page 2-13 for a
description of Auto Scale).

Select Auto

Trace a graph 7. Trace the linear function.

6 times

Note: By default, the

tracer is active.

8. Jump from the linear function to the quadratic


Function aplet 3-3

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Analyse graph 9. Display the Plot view menu.

with FCN

From the Plot view menu, you can use the functions
on the FCN menu to find roots, intersections, slopes,
and areas for a function defined in the Function aplet
(and any Function-based aplets). The FCN functions
act on the currently selected graph. See FCN
functions on page 3-10 for further information.

To find a root of the 10.Move the cursor to the graph of the quadratic
quadratic function equation by pressing the or key. Then move
the cursor so that it is near x = 1 by pressing the
or key.
Select Root

The root value is

displayed at the
bottom of the screen.

Note: If there is more

than one root (as in our
example), the
coordinates of the root closest to the current cursor
position are displayed.

To find the 11.Find the intersection of the two functions.

intersection of the
two functions

3-4 Function aplet

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12.Choose the linear function whose intersection with the

quadratic function you wish to find.

The coordinates of the

intersection point are
displayed at the
bottom of the screen.

Note: If there is more

than one intersection
(as in our example), the coordinates of the
intersection point closest to the current cursor position
are displayed.

To find the slope of 13.Find the slope of the quadratic function at the
the quadratic intersection point.
Select Slope

The slope value is

displayed at the
bottom of the screen.

To find the signed 14.To find the area between the two functions in the
area of the two range 2 x 1, first move the cursor to
functions F1 ( x ) = 1 x and select the signed area option.

Select Signed area

Function aplet 3-5

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15.Move the cursor to x = 2 by pressing the or


16.Press to accept using F2(x) = (x + 3) 2 2 as the

other boundary for the integral.
17. Choose the end value
for x.

The cursor jumps to

x = 1 on the linear

18.Display the numerical

value of the integral.

Note: See Shading

area on page 3-11
for another method of
calculating area.

To find the 19. Move the cursor to the quadratic equation and find
extremum of the the extremum of the quadratic.
Select Extremum

The coordinates of the

extremum are
displayed at the
bottom of the screen.

3-6 Function aplet

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HINT The Root and Extremum functions return one value only
even if the function has more than one root or extremum.
The function finds the value closest to the position of the
cursor. You need to re-locate the cursor to find other roots
or extrema that may exist.

Display the 20.Display the numeric view.

numeric view

Set up the table 21.Display the numeric setup.


See Setting up the table (Numeric view setup) on

page 2-16 for more information.

22. Match the table settings to the pixel columns in the

graph view.

Explore the 23. Display the table of values.


Function aplet 3-7

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To navigate around 24.Move to X = 5.9.

a table
6 times

To go directly to a 25. Move directly to X = 10.

value 10

To access the zoom 26. Zoom in on X = 10 by a factor of 4. Note: NUMZOOM

options has a setting of 4.

To change font size 27. Display table numbers in large font.

To display the 28.Display the symbolic definition for the F1 column.

symbolic definition
of a column

The symbolic definition of

F1 is displayed at the
bottom of the screen.

3-8 Function aplet

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Function aplet interactive analysis

From the Plot view ( ), you can use the functions on
the FCN menu to find roots, intersections, slopes, and
areas for a function defined in the Function aplet (and any
Function-based aplets). See FCN functions on page 3-
10. The FCN operations act on the currently selected
The results of the FCN functions are saved in the following
For example, if you use the Root function to find the root
of a plot, you can use the result in calculations in HOME.

Access FCN The FCN variables are contained on the VARS menu.
variables To access FCN variables in HOME:

Select Plot FCN

or to choose a

To access FCN variable in the Function aplets Symbolic


Select Plot FCN

or to choose a variable

Function aplet 3-9

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FCN functions The FCN functions are:

Function Description

Root Select Root to find the root of the

current function nearest the
cursor. If no root is found, but only
an extremum, then the result is
labeled EXTR: instead of ROOT:.
(The root-finder is also used in the
Solve aplet. See also Interpreting
results on page 7-6.) The cursor
is moved to the root value on the
x-axis and the resulting x-value is
saved in a variable named

Extremum Select Extremum to find the

maximum or minimum of the
current function nearest the
cursor. This displays the
coordinate values and moves the
cursor to the extremum. The
resulting value is saved in a
variable named EXTREMUM.

Slope Select Slope to find the numeric

derivative at the current position
of the cursor. The result is saved in
a variable named SLOPE.

Signed area Select Signed area to find the

numeric integral. (If there are two
or more expressions
checkmarked, then you will be
asked to choose the second
expression from a list that
includes the x-axis.) Select a
starting point, then move the
cursor to selection ending point.
The result is saved in a variable
named AREA.

3-10 Function aplet

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Function Description (Continued)

Intersection Select Intersection to find the

intersection of two graphs nearest
the cursor. (You need to have at
least two selected expressions in
Symbolic view.) Displays the
coordinate values and moves the
cursor to the intersection. (Uses
Solve function.) The resulting x-
value is saved in a variable
named ISECT.

Shading area You can shade a selected area between functions. This
process also gives you an approximate measurement of
the area shaded.
1. Open the Function aplet. The Function aplet opens in
the Symbolic view.
2. Select the expressions whose curves you want to

3. Press to plot the functions.

4. Press or to position the cursor at the starting
point of the area you want to shade.
5. Press .
6. Press , then select Signed area and press
7. Press , choose the function that will act as the
boundary of the shaded area, and press .
8. Press the or key to shade in the area.
9. Press to calculate the area. The area
measurement is displayed near the bottom of the
To remove the shading, press to re-draw the plot.

Function aplet 3-11

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Plotting a piecewise-defined function

Suppose you wanted to plot the following piecewise-
defined function.

x + 2 ;x 1

f( x ) = x2 ; 1 < x 1

4 x ;x 1

1. Open the Function


2. Highlight the line you want to use, and enter the

expression. (You can press to delete an existing
line, or CLEAR to clear all lines.)




Note: You can use the menu key to assist in the

entry of equations. It has the same effect as pressing

3-12 Function aplet

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Parametric aplet

About the Parametric aplet

The Parametric aplet allows you to explore parametric
equations. These are equations in which both x and y are
defined as functions of t. They take the forms x = f ( t )
and y = g ( t ) .

Getting started with the Parametric aplet

The following example uses the parametric equations
x ( t ) = 3 sin t
y ( t ) = 3 cos t

Note: This example will produce a circle. For this

example to work, the angle measure must be set to

Open the 1. Open the Parametric aplet.

Parametric aplet Select

Define the 2. Define the expressions.

expressions 3

Parametric aplet 4-1

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Set angle 3. Set the angle measure to degrees.

measure MODES

Select Degrees

Set up the plot 4. Display the graphing options.


The Plot Setup input form has two fields not included
in the Function aplet, TRNG and TSTEP. TRNG
specifies the range of t values. TSTEP specifies the
step value between t values.
5. Set the TRNG and TSTEP so that t steps from 0 to
360 in 5 steps.


Plot the 6. Plot the expression.


7. To see all the circle, press twice.

4-2 Parametric aplet

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Overlay plot 8. Plot a triangle graph over the existing circle graph.


Select Overlay Plot

A triangle is displayed
rather than a circle (without changing the equation)
because the changed value of TSTEP ensures that
points being plotted are 120 apart instead of nearly
You are able to explore the graph using trace, zoom,
split screen, and scaling functionality available in the
Function aplet. See Exploring the graph on page 2-
7 for further information.

Display the 9. Display the table of values.


You can highlight a

t-value, type in a
replacement value,
and see the table jump
to that value. You can also zoom in or zoom out on
any t-value in the table.
You are able to explore the table using ,
, build your own table, and split screen
functionality available in the Function aplet. See
Exploring the table of numbers on page 2-17 for
further information.

Parametric aplet 4-3

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Polar aplet

Getting started with the Polar aplet

Open the Polar 1. Open the Polar aplet.
aplet Select Polar

Like the Function aplet,

the Polar aplet opens
in the Symbolic view.

Define the 2. Define the polar equation r = 2 cos ( 2 ) cos ( ) .
expression 2

Specify plot 3. Specify the plot settings. In this example, we will use
settings the default settings, except for the RNG fields.


Plot the 4. Plot the expression.


Polar aplet 5-1

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Explore the 5. Display the Plot view menu key labels.

The Plot view options
available are the same
as those found in the
Function aplet. See
Exploring the graph
on page 2-7 for further information.

Display the 6. Display the table of values for and R1.


The Numeric view

options available are
the same as those
found in the Function
aplet. See Exploring the table of numbers on
page 2-17 for further information.

5-2 Polar aplet

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Sequence aplet

About the Sequence aplet

The Sequence aplet allows you to explore sequences.
You can define a sequence named, for example, U1:
in terms of n
in terms of U1(n1)
in terms of U1(n2)
in terms of another sequence, for example, U2(n)
in any combination of the above.
The Sequence aplet allows you to create two types of
A Stairsteps graph plots n on the horizontal
axis and Un on the vertical axis.
A Cobweb graph plots Un1 on the horizontal
axis and Un on the vertical axis.

Getting started with the Sequence aplet

The following example defines and then plots an
expression in the Sequence aplet. The sequence
illustrated is the well-known Fibonacci sequence where
each term, from the third term on, is the sum of the
preceding two terms. In this example, we specify three
sequence fields: the first term, the second term and a rule
for generating all subsequent terms.
However, you can also define a sequence by specifying
just the first term and the rule for generating all
subsequent terms. You will, though, have to enter the
second term if the hp39gs is unable to calculate it
automatically. Typically if the nth term in the sequence
depends on n2, then you must enter the second term.

Sequence aplet 6-1

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Open the 1. Open the Sequence aplet.

Sequence aplet Select

The Sequence aplet

starts in the Symbolic

Define the 2. Define the Fibonacci sequence, in which each term

expression (after the first two) is the sum of the preceding two
U 1 = 1 , U 2 = 1 , U n = U n 1 + U n 2 for n > 3 .

In the Symbolic view of the Sequence aplet, highlight

the U1(1) field and begin defining your sequence.

1 1

Note: You can use the

, , ,
, and menu keys to assist in the entry of

Specify plot 3. In Plot Setup, first set the SEQPLOT option to

settings Stairstep. Reset the default plot settings by
clearing the Plot Setup view.


6-2 Sequence aplet

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Plot the 4. Plot the Fibonacci

sequence sequence.

5. In Plot Setup, set the SEQPLOT option to Cobweb.


Select Cobweb

Display the table 6. Display the table of values for this example.

Sequence aplet 6-3

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Solve aplet

About the Solve aplet

The Solve aplet solves an equation or an expression for
its unknown variable. You define an equation or
expression in the symbolic view, then supply values for all
the variables except one in the numeric view. Solve works
only with real numbers.
Note the differences between an equation and an
An equation contains an equals sign. Its solution is a
value for the unknown variable that makes both sides
have the same value.
An expression does not contain an equals sign. Its
solution is a root, a value for the unknown variable
that makes the expression have a value of zero.
You can use the Solve aplet to solve an equation for any
one of its variables.
When the Solve aplet is started, it opens in the Solve
Symbolic view.
In Symbolic view, you specify the expression or
equation to solve. You can define up to ten equations
(or expressions), named E0 to E9. Each equation can
contain up to 27 real variables, named A to Z and .
In Numeric view, you specify the values of the known
variables, highlight the variable that you want to
solve for, and press .
You can solve the equation as many times as you want,
using new values for the knowns and highlighting a
different unknown.
Note: It is not possible to solve for more than one variable
at once. Simultaneous linear equations, for example,
should be solved using the Linear Solver aplet, matrices
or graphs in the Function aplet.

Solve aplet 7-1

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Getting started with the Solve aplet

Suppose you want to find the acceleration needed to
increase the speed of a car from 16.67 m/sec (60 kph)
to 27.78 m/sec (100 kph) in a distance of 100 m.
The equation to solve is:
2 2
V = U + 2AD

Open the Solve 1. Open the Solve aplet.

aplet Select Solve

The Solve aplet starts in

the symbolic view.

Define the 2. Define the equation.

equation V

Note: You can use the menu key to assist in the

entry of equations.

Enter known 3. Display the Solve numeric view screen.


7-2 Solve aplet

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4. Enter the values for the known variables.

27 78
16 67

HINT If the Decimal Mark setting in the Modes input form
( MODES) is set to Comma, use instead of .

Solve the 5. Solve for the unknown variable (A).


Therefore, the acceleration needed to increase the

speed of a car from 16.67 m/sec (60 kph) to 27.78
(100 kph) in a distance of 100 m is approximately
2.47 m/s2.
Because the variable A in the equation is linear we
know that we need not look for any other solutions.

Plot the The Plot view shows one graph for each side of the
equation selected equation. You can choose any of the
variables to be the independent variable.
2 2
The current equation is V = U + 2AD .
One of these is Y = V , with V = 27.78 , that is,
Y = 771.7284 . This graph will be a horizontal line.
The other graph will be Y = U + 2AD , with
U = 16.67 and D = 100 , that is,
Y = 200A + 277.8889 . This graph is also a line. The
desired solution is the value of A where these two
lines intersect.

Solve aplet 7-3

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6. Plot the equation for variable A.

Select Auto

7. Trace along the graph

representing the left
side of the equation
until the cursor nears
the intersection.
20 times

Note the value of A displayed near the bottom left

corner of the screen.
The Plot view provides a convenient way to find an
approximation to a solution instead of using the
Numeric view Solve option. See Plotting to find
guesses on page 7-7 for more information.

Solve aplets NUM view keys

The Solve aplets NUM view keys are:

Key Meaning

Copies the highlighted value to the

edit line for editing. Press when

Displays a message about the

solution (see Interpreting results on
page 7-6).

Displays other pages of variables, if


Displays the symbolic definition of the

current expression. Press when

Finds a solution for the highlighted

variable, based on the values of the
other variables.

7-4 Solve aplet

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Key Meaning (Continued)

Clears highlighted variable to zero or

deletes current character in edit line,
if edit line is active.

CLEAR Resets all variable values to zero or

clears the edit line, if cursor is in edit

Use an initial guess

You can usually obtain a faster and more accurate
solution if you supply an estimated value for the unknown
variable before pressing . Solve starts looking for
a solution at the initial guess.
Before plotting, make sure the unknown variable is
highlighted in the numeric view. Plot the equation to help
you select an initial guess when you dont know the range
in which to look for the solution. See Plotting to find
guesses on page 7-7 for further information.
HINT An initial guess is especially important in the case of a
curve that could have more than one solution. In this case,
only the solution closest to the initial guess is returned.

Number format You can change the number format for the Solve aplet in
the Numeric Setup view. The options are the same as in
HOME MODES: Standard, Fixed, Scientific, and
Engineering. For the latter three, you also specify how
many digits of accuracy you want. See Mode settings
on page 1-10 for more information.
You might find it handy to set a different number format
for the Solve aplet if, for example, you define equations
to solve for the value of money. A number format of
Fixed 2 would be appropriate in this case.

Solve aplet 7-5

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Interpreting results
After Solve has returned a solution, press in the
Numeric view for more information. You will see one of
the following three messages. Press to clear the

Message Condition

Zero The Solve aplet found a point where

both sides of the equation were
equal, or where the expression was
zero (a root), within the calculator's
12-digit accuracy.

Sign Reversal Solve found two points where the

difference between the two sides of
the equation has opposite signs, but
it cannot find a point in between
where the value is zero. Similarly,
for an expression, where the value
of the expression has different signs
but is not precisely zero. This might
be because either the two points are
neighbours (they differ by one in the
twelfth digit), or the equation is not
real-valued between the two points.
Solve returns the point where the
value or difference is closer to zero.
If the equation or expression is
continuously real, this point is
Solves best approximation of an
actual solution.

Extremum Solve found a point where the value

of the expression approximates a
local minimum (for positive values)
or maximum (for negative values).
This point may or may not be a
Or: Solve stopped searching at
9.99999999999E499, the largest
number the calculator can
Note that the value returned is
probably not valid.

7-6 Solve aplet

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If Solve could not find a solution, you will see one of the
following two messages.

Message Condition

Bad Guess(es) The initial guess lies outside the

domain of the equation.
Therefore, the solution was not a
real number or it caused an error.

Constant? The value of the equation is the

same at every point sampled.

HINT It is important to check the information relating to the

solve process. For example, the solution that the Solve
aplet finds is not a solution, but the closest that the
function gets to zero. Only by checking the information
will you know that this is the case.

The Root-Finder You can watch the process of the root-finder calculating
at work and searching for a root. Immediately after pressing
to start the root-finder, press any key except .
You will see two intermediate guesses and, to the left, the
sign of the expression evaluated at each guess. For
+ 2 2.219330555745
1 21.31111111149
You can watch as the root-finder either finds a sign
reversal or converges on a local extrema or does not
converge at all. If there is no convergence in process, you
might want to cancel the operation (press ) and start
over with a different initial guess.

Plotting to find guesses

The main reason for plotting in the Solve aplet is to help
you find initial guesses and solutions for those equations
that have difficult-to-find or multiple solutions.
Consider the equation of motion for an accelerating

AT 2
X = V0T +
Solve aplet 7-7
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where X is distance, V0 is initial velocity, T is time, and A

is acceleration. This is actually two equations, Y = X and
Y = V0 T + (AT 2) / 2.
Since this equation is quadratic for T, there can be both
a positive and a negative solution. However, we are
concerned only with positive solutions, since only positive
distance makes sense.
1. Select the Solve aplet and enter the equation.
Select Solve

T 2
2. Find the solution for T (time) when X=30, V=2, and
A=4. Enter the values for X, V, and A; then highlight
the independent variable, T.

to highlight T
3. Use the Plot view to find an initial guess for T. First set
appropriate X and Y ranges in the Plot Setup. With
equation X = V x T + A x T 2 /2, the plot will produce
two graphs: one for Y = X and one for
X = V x T + A x T 2 /2. Since we have set X = 30 in
this example, one of the graphs will be Y = 30 .
Therefore, make the YRNG 5 to 35. Keep the XRNG
default of 6.5 to 6.5.

5 35

4. Plot the graph.

7-8 Solve aplet

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5. Move the cursor near the positive (right-side)

intersection. This cursor value will be an initial guess
for T.

Press until the

cursor is at the
The two points of
intersection show that
there are two solutions for this equation. However,
only positive values for X make sense, so we want to
find the solution for the intersection on the right side
of the y-axis.
6. Return to the Numeric

Note: the T-value is filled in with the position of the

cursor from the Plot view.
7. Ensure that the T value is highlighted, and solve the

Use this equation to solve for another variable, such as

velocity. How fast must a bodys initial velocity be in
order for it to travel 50 m within 3 seconds? Assume the
same acceleration, 4 m/s2. Leave the last value of V as
the initial guess.


Solve aplet 7-9

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Using variables in equations

You can use any of the real variable names, A to Z and
. Do not use variable names defined for other types,
such as M1 (a matrix variable).

Home variables All home variables (other than those for aplet settings, like
Xmin and Ytick) are global, which means they are
shared throughout the different aplets of the calculator. A
value that is assigned to a home variable anywhere
remains with that variable wherever its name is used.
Therefore, if you have defined a value for T (as in the
above example) in another aplet or even another Solve
equation, that value shows up in the Numeric view for this
Solve equation. When you then redefine the value for T
in this Solve equation, that value is applied to T in all
other contexts (until it is changed again).
This sharing allows you to work on the same problem in
different places (such as HOME and the Solve aplet)
without having to update the value whenever it is
HINT As the Solve aplet uses existing variable values, be sure
to check for existing variable values that may affect the
solve process. (You can use CLEAR to reset all
values to zero in the Solve aplets Numeric view if you

Aplet variables Functions defined in other aplets can also be referenced

in the Solve aplet. For example, if, in the Function aplet,
you define F1(X)=X2+10, you can enter F1(X)=50 in
the Solve aplet to solve the equation X2+10=50.

7-10 Solve aplet

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Linear Solver aplet

About the Linear Solver aplet

The Linear Solver aplet allows you to solve a set of Linear
Equations. The set can contain two or three linear
In a two-equation set, each equation must be in the form
ax + by = k . In a three-equation set, each equation must
be in the form ax + by + cz = k .
You provide values for a, b, and k (and c in three-
equation sets) for each equation, and the Linear Solver
aplet will attempt to solve for x and y (and z in three-
equation sets).
The hp39gs will alert you if no solution can be found, or
if there is an infinite number of solutions.
Note that the Linear Solver aplet only has a numeric view.

Getting started with the Linear Solver aplet

The following example defines a set of three equations
and then solves for the unknown variables.

Open the 1. Open the Linear Sequence aplet.

Linear Solver Select Linear
aplet Solver

The Linear Equation

Solver opens.

Linear Solver aplet 8-1

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Choose the 2. If the last time you used

equation set the Linear Solver aplet
you solved for two
equations, the two-
equation input form is
displayed (as in the
example in the
previous step). To solve a three-equation set, press
. Now the input form displays three equations.
If the three-equation input form is displayed and you want
to solve a two-equation set, press .
In this example, we are going to solve the following
equation set:

6x + 9y + 6z = 5

7x + 10y + 8z = 10

6x + 4y = 6
Hence we need the three-equation input form.

Define and 3. You define the equations you want to solve by

solve the entering the co-efficients of each variable in each
equation and the constant term. Notice that the cursor
equations is immediately positioned at the co-efficient of x in the
first equation. Enter that co-efficient and press or

4. The cursor moves to the next co-efficient. Enter that co-
efficient, press or , and continue doing
likewise until you have defined all the equations.
Note: you can enter the name of a variable for any
co-efficient or constant. Press and begin
entering the name. The menu key appears.
Press that key to lock alphabetic entry mode. Press it
again to cancel the lock.
Once you have entered
enough values for the
solver to be able to
generate solutions,
those solutions appear
on the display. In the
example at the right,
the solver was able to find solutions for x, y, and z as

8-2 Linear Solver aplet

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soon as the first co-efficient of the last equation was

As you enter each of
the remaining known
values, the solution
changes. The example
at the right shows the
final solution once all
the co-efficients and
constants are entered for the set of equations we set
out to solve.

Linear Solver aplet 8-3

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Triangle Solve aplet

About the Triangle Solver aplet

The Triangle Solver aplet allows you to determine the
length of a side of a triangle, or the angle at the vertex of
a triangle, from information you supply about the other
lengths and/or other angles.
You need to specify at least three of the six possible
valuesthe lengths of the three sides and the size of the
three anglesbefore the solver can calculate the other
values. Moreover, at least one value you specify must be
a length. For example, you could specify the lengths of
two sides and one of the angles; or you could specify two
angles and one length; or all three lengths. In each case,
the solver will calculate the remaining lengths or angles.
The hp39gs will alert you if no solution can be found, or
if you have provided insufficient data.
If you are determining the properties of a right-angled
triangle, a simpler input form is available by pressing the
menu key.
Note that the Triangle Solver aplet only has a numeric

Getting started with the Triangle Solver aplet

The following example solves for the unknown length of
the side of a triangle whose two known sidesof lengths
4 and 6meet at an angle of 30 degrees.
Before you begin: You should make sure that your angle
measure mode is appropriate. If the angle information
you have is in degrees (as in this example) and your
current angle measure mode is radians or grads, change
the mode to degrees before running the solver. (See
Mode settings on page 1-10 for instructions.) Because
the angle measure mode is associated with the aplet, you
should start the aplet first and then change the setting.

Triangle Solve aplet 9-1

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Open the 1. Open the Triangle Solver aplet.

Triangle Select
Solver aplet Triangle Solver

The Triangle Solver

aplet opens.
Note: if you have already used the Triangle Solver,
the entries and results from the previous use will still
be displayed. To start the Triangle Solver afresh, clear
the previous entries and results by pressing

Choose the 2. If the last time you used

triangle type the Triangle Solver
aplet you used the
right-angled triangle
input form, that input
form is displayed
again (as in the
example at the right). If the triangle you are
investigating is not a right-angled triangle, or you are
not sure what type it is, you should use the general
input form (illustrated in the previous step). To switch
to the general input form, press .
If the general input form is displayed and you are
investigating a right-angled triangle, press to
display the simpler input form.

Specify the 3. Using the arrow keys, move to a field whose value
known values you know, enter the value and press or .
Repeat for each known value.
Note that the lengths of
the sides are labeled
A, B, and C, and the
angles are labeled ,
, and . It is important
that you enter the
known values in the
appropriate fields. In our example, we know the
length of two sides and the angle at which those
sides meet. Hence if we specify the lengths of sides A
and B, we must enter the angle as (since is the
angle where A and B meet). If instead we entered the

9-2 Triangle Solve aplet

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lengths as B and C, we would need to specify the

angle as . The illustration on the display will help
you determine where to enter the known values.
Note: if you need to change the angle measure
mode, press MODES, change the mode, and
then press to return to the aplet.
4. Press . The solver
calculates the values of
the unknown variables
and displays. As the
illustration at the right
shows, the length of
the unknown side in our example is 3.2296. (The
other two angles have also been calculated.)
Note: if two sides and
an adjacent acute
angle are entered and
there are two solutions,
only one will be
displayed initially.
In this case, an
menu key is displayed
(as in this example).
You press to
display the second
solution, and
again to return to the
first solution.

Errors No solution with

given data
If you are using the general
input form and you enter
more than 3 values, the
values might not be
consistent, that is, no
triangle could possibly have all the values you specified.
In these cases, No sol with given data appears on
the screen.
The situation is similar if you are using the simpler input
form (for a right-angled triangle) and you enter more than
two values.

Triangle Solve aplet 9-3

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Not enough data

If you are using the general
input form, you need to
specify at least three values
for the Triangle Solver to
be able to calculate the
remaining attributes of the
triangle. If you specify less than three, Not enough
data appears on the screen.
If you are using the simplified input form (for a right-
angled triangle), you must specify at least two values.
In addition, you cannot specify only angles and no

9-4 Triangle Solve aplet

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Statistics aplet

About the Statistics aplet

The Statistics aplet can store up to ten data sets at one
time. It can perform one-variable or two-variable
statistical analysis of one or more sets of data.
The Statistics aplet starts with the Numeric view which is
used to enter data. The Symbolic view is used to specify
which columns contain data and which column contains
You can also compute statistics values in HOME and
recall the values of specific statistics variables.
The values computed in the Statistics aplet are saved in
variables, and many of these variables are listed by the
function accessible from the Statistics aplets
Numeric view screen.

Getting started with the Statistics aplet

The following example asks you to enter and analyze the
advertising and sales data (in the table below), compute
statistics, fit a curve to the data, and predict the effect of
more advertising on sales.

Advertising minutes Resulting Sales ($)

(independent, x) (dependent, y)

2 1400

1 920

3 1100

5 2265

5 2890

4 2200

Statistics aplet 10-1

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Open the 1. Open the Statistics aplet and clear existing data by
Statistics aplet pressing .

Select Statistics

The Statistics aplet

starts in the Numerical 1VAR/2VAR
menu key label
At any time the Statistics aplet is configured for only
one of two types of statistical explorations: one-
variable ( ) or two-variable ( ). The 5th
menu key label in the Numeric view toggles between
these two options and shows the current option.

2. Select .
You need to select because in this example
we are analyzing a dataset comprising two
variables: advertising minutes and resulting sales.

Enter data 3. Enter the data into the columns.

2 1
3 5
5 4

to move to the next


1400 920
1100 2265
2890 2200

10-2 Statistics aplet

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Choose fit and 4. Select a fit in the Symbolic setup view.

data columns SETUP-SYMB

Select Linear

You can create up to five explorations of two-variable

data, named S1 to S5. In this example, we will create
just one: S1.
5. Specify the columns that hold the data you want to

You could have entered

your data into columns
other than C1 and C2.

Explore statistics 6. Find the mean advertising time (MEANX) and the
mean sales (MEANY).

MEANX is 3.3 minutes

and MEANY is about

7. Scroll down to display the value for the correlation

coefficient (CORR). The CORR value indicates how
well the linear model fits the data.

9 times
The value is .8995.

Statistics aplet 10-3

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Setup plot 8. Change the plotting range to ensure all the data
points are plotted (and select a different point mark, if
you wish).



Plot the graph 9. Plot the graph.

Draw the 10.Draw the regression curve (a curve to fit the data
regression curve points).

This draws the

regression line for the
best linear fit.

Display the 11.Return to the Symbolic view.

equation for
best linear fit

12.Display the equation for the best linear fit.

to move to the
FIT1 field

The full FIT1

expression is shown.
The slope (m) is 425.875. The y-intercept (b) is

10-4 Statistics aplet

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Predict values 13.To find the predicted sales figure if advertising were
to go up to 6 minutes:

S (to highlight
(to highlight
14.Return to the Plot view.

15.Jump to the indicated point on the regression line.

Observe the predicted

y-value in the left
bottom corner of the

Statistics aplet 10-5

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Entering and editing statistical data

The Numeric view ( ) is used to enter data into the
Statistics aplet. Each column represents a variable named
C0 to C9. After entering the data, you must define the
data set in the Symbolic view ( ).
HINT A data column must have at least four data points to
provide valid two-variable statistics, or two data points
for one-variable statistics.

You can also store statistical data values by copying lists

from HOME into Statistics data columns. For example, in
HOME, L1 C1 stores a copy of the list L1 into the
data-column variable C1.

Statistics aplets NUM view keys

The Statistics aplets Numeric view keys are:

Key Meaning

Copies the highlighted item into the

edit line.

Inserts a zero value above the

highlighted cell.

Sorts the specified independent

data column in ascending or
descending order, and rearranges
a specified dependent (or
frequency) data column

Switches between larger and

smaller font sizes.

A toggle switch to select one-

variable or two-variable statistics.
This setting affects the statistical
calculations and plots. The label
indicates which setting is current.

Computes descriptive statistics for

each data set specified in Symbolic

10-6 Statistics aplet

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Key Meaning (Continued)

Deletes the currently highlighted


CLEAR Clears the current column or all

columns of data. Pregss
CLEAR to display a menu list,
then select the current column or all
columns option, and press .

Moves to the first or last row, or first

cursor key or last column.

Example You are measuring the height of students in a classroom

to find the mean height. The first five students have the
following measurements 160cm, 165cm, 170cm,
175cm, 180cm.
1. Open the Statistics aplet.

2. Enter the measurement


3. Find the mean of the
Ensure the /
menu key label
reads . Press
to see the
statistics calculated from the sample data in C1.

Statistics aplet 10-7

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Note that the title of the

column of statistics is
H1. There are 5 data
set definitions available
for one-variable
statistics: H1H5. If
data is entered in C1, H1 is automatically set to use
C1 for data, and the frequency of each data point is
set to 1. You can select other columns of data from
the Statistics Symbolic setup view.

4. Press to close the

statistics window and
press key to see
the data set definitions.
The first column
indicates the associated column of data for each data
set definition, and the second column indicates the
constant frequency, or the column that holds the
The keys you can use from this window are:

Key Meaning

Copies the column variable (or

variable expression) to the edit line
for editing. Press when done.

Checks/unchecks the current data

set. Only the checkmarked data
set(s) are computed and plotted.

or Typing aid for the column variables

( ) or for the Fit expressions ( ).

Displays the current variable

expression in standard
mathematical form. Press when

Evaluates the variables in the

highlighted column (C1, etc.)

10-8 Statistics aplet

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Key Meaning (Continued)

Displays the menu for entering

variable names or contents of

Displays the menu for entering math


Deletes the highlighted variable or

the current character in the edit line.

CLEAR Resets default specifications for the

data sets or clears the edit line (if it
was active).
Note: If CLEAR is used the
data sets will need to be selected
again before re-use.

To continue our example, suppose that the heights of the

rest of the students in the class are measured, but each
one is rounded to the nearest of the five values first
recorded. Instead of entering all the new data in C1, we
shall simply add another column, C2, that holds the
frequencies of our five data points in C1.

Height Frequency

160 5

165 3

170 8

175 2

180 1

5. Move the highlight bar

into the right column of
the H1 definition and
replace the frequency
value of 1 with the
name C2.

Statistics aplet 10-9

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6. Return to the numeric view.

7. Enter the frequency data shown in the above table.

8. Display the computed

The mean height is

9. Setup a histogram plot for the data.

Enter set up information

appropriate to your
10.Plot a histogram of the

Save data The data that you enter is automatically saved. When you
are finished entering data values, you can press a key for
another Statistics view (like ), or you can switch to
another aplet or HOME.

Edit a data set In the Numeric view of the Statistics aplet, highlight the
data value to change. Type a new value and
press , or press to copy the value to the edit
line for modification. Press after modifying the
value on the edit line.

10-10 Statistics aplet

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Delete data To delete a single data item, highlight it and press

. The values below the deleted cell will scroll up
one row.
To delete a column of data, highlight an entry in that
column and press CLEAR. Select the column

To delete all columns of data, press CLEAR.

Select All columns.

Insert data Highlight the entry following the point of insertion. Press
, then enter a number. It will write over the zero that
was inserted.

Sort data 1. In Numeric view, highlight the column you want to

values sort, and press .
2. Specify the Sort Order. You can choose either
Ascending or Descending.
3. Specify the INDEPENDENT and DEPENDENT data
columns. Sorting is by the independent column. For
instance, if Age is C1 and Income is C2 and you
want to sort by Income, then you make C2 the
independent column for the sorting and C1 the
dependent column.
To sort just one column, choose None for the
dependent column.
For one-variable statistics with two data columns,
specify the frequency column as the dependent
4. Press .

Statistics aplet 10-11

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Defining a regression model

The Symbolic view includes an expression (Fit1 through
Fit5) that defines the regression model, or fit, to use for
the regression analysis of each two-variable data set.
There are three ways to select a regression model:
Accept the default option to fit the data to a straight
Select one of the available fit options in Symbolic
Setup view.
Enter your own mathematical expression in Symbolic
view. This expression will be plotted, but it will not be
fitted to the data points.

Angle Setting You can ignore the angle measurement mode unless your
Fit definition (in Symbolic view) involves a trigonometric
function. In this case, you should specify in the mode
screen whether the trigonometric units are to be
interpreted in degrees, radians, or grads.

To choose the fit 1. In Numeric view, make sure is set.

2. Press SETUP-SYMB to display the Symbolic Setup
view. Highlight the Fit number (S1FIT to S5FIT) you
want to define.
3. Press and select from the list. Press when
done. The regression formula for the fit is displayed in
Symbolic view.

Fit models Ten fit models are available:

Fit model Meaning

Linear (Default.) Fits the data to a

straight line, y = mx+b. Uses a
least-squares fit.

Logarithmic Fits to a logarithmic curve,

y = m lnx + b.

Exponential Fits to an exponential curve,

y = bemx.

Power Fits to a power curve, y = bxm.

10-12 Statistics aplet

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Fit model Meaning (Continued)

Quadratic Fits to a quadratic curve,

y = ax2+bx+c. Needs at least
three points.

Cubic Fits to a cubic curve,

y = ax3+bx2+cx+d. Needs at least
four points.

Logistic Fits to a logistic curve,

y = -------------------------
( bx )
1 + ae
where L is the saturation value for
growth. You can store a positive
real value in L, orif L=0let L
be computed automatically.

Exponent Fits to an exponent curve,

y = ab .

Trigonometric Fits to a trigonometric curve,

y = a sin ( bx + c ) + d . Needs at
least three points.

User Defined Define your own expression (in

Symbolic view.)

To define your 1. In Numeric view, make sure is set.

own fit 2. Display the Symbolic view.
3. Highlight the Fit expression (Fit1, etc.) for the
desired data set.

4. Type in an expression and press .

The independent variable must be X, and the
expression must not contain any unknown variables.
Example: 1.5 cos x + 0.3 sin x .
This automatically changes the Fit type (S1FIT, etc.) in
the Symbolic Setup view to User Defined.

Statistics aplet 10-13

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Computed statistics
Statistic Definition

N Number of data points.

TOT Sum of data values (with their


MEAN Mean value of data set.

PVAR Population variance of data set.

SVAR Sample variance of data set.

PSDEV Population standard deviation of

data set.

SSDEV Sample standard deviation of data


MIN Minimum data value in data set.

Q1 First quartile: median of values to

left of median.

MEDIAN Median value of data set.

Q3 Third quartile: median of values to

right of median.

MAX Maximum data value in data set.

When the data set contains an odd number of values, the

data sets median value is not used when calculating Q1
and Q3 in the table above. For example, for the following
data set:
only the first three items, 3, 5, and 7 are used to calculate
Q1, and only the last three terms, 15, 16, and 17 are
used to calculate Q3.

10-14 Statistics aplet

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Statistic Definition
MEANX Mean of x- (independent) values.
X Sum of x-values.
X2 Sum of x2-values.
MEANY Mean of y- (dependent) values.
Y Sum of y-values.
Y2 Sum of y2-values.
XY Sum of each xy.
SCOV Sample covariance of independent
and dependent data columns.
PCOV Population covariance of
independent and dependent data
CORR Correlation coefficient of the
independent and dependent data
columns for a linear fit only
(regardless of the Fit chosen).
Returns a value from 0 to 1, where
1 is the best fit.
RELERR The relative error for the selected
fit. Provides a measure of accuracy
for the fit.

Plotting You can plot:

histograms ( )
box-and-whisker plots ( )

scatter plots ( ).
Once you have entered your data ( ), defined your
data set ( ), and defined your Fit model for two-
variable statistics ( SETUP-SYMB), you can plot your
data. You can plot up to five scatter or box-and-whisker
plots at a time. You can plot only one histogram at a time.

Statistics aplet 10-15

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To plot statistical 1. In Symbolic view ( ), select ( ) the data

data sets you want to plot.
2. For one-variable data ( ), select the plot type in
Plot Setup ( SETUP-PLOT). Highlight STATPLOT,
press , select either Histogram or
BoxWhisker, and press .
3. For any plot, but especially for a histogram, adjust the
plotting scale and range in the Plot Setup view. If you
find histogram bars too fat or too thin, you can adjust
them by adjusting the HWIDTH setting.
4. Press . If you have not adjusted the Plot Setup
yourself, you can try select Auto Scale
Auto Scale can be relied upon to give a good starting
scale which can then be adjusted in the Plot Setup view.

Plot types
Histogram One-variable statistics.
The numbers below the plot
mean that the current bar
(where the cursor is) starts at
0 and ends at 2 (not
including 2), and the
frequency for this column, (that is, the number of data
elements that fall between 0 and 2) is 1. You can see
information about the next bar by pressing the key.

Box and One-variable statistics.

Whisker Plot The left whisker marks the
minimum data value. The
box marks the first quartile,
the median (where the cursor
is), and the third quartile.
The right whisker marks the maximum data value. The
numbers below the plot mean that this column has a
median of 13.

10-16 Statistics aplet

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Scatter Plot Two-variable statistics.

The numbers below the plot
indicate that the cursor is at
the first data point for S2, at
(1, 6). Press to move to
the next data point and
display information about it.
To connect the data points as
they are plotted, checkmark
CONNECT in the second
page of the Plot Setup. This is
not a regression curve.

Fitting a curve to 2VAR data

In the Plot view, press . This draws a curve to fit the
checked two-variable data set(s). See To choose the fit
on page 10-12.

The expression in Fit2

shows that the
and the y-

Correlation The correlation coefficient is stored in the CORR variable.

coefficient It is a measure of fit to a linear curve only. Regardless of
the Fit model you have chosen, CORR relates to the linear

Statistics aplet 10-17

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Relative Error The relative error is a measure of the error between

predicted values and actual values based on the specified
Fit. A smaller number means a better fit.
The relative error is stored in a variable named RELERR.
The relative error provides a measure of fit accuracy for
all fits, and it does depend on the Fit model you have
HINT In order to access the CORR and RELERR variables after
you plot a set of statistics, you must press to access
the numeric view and then to display the
correlation values. The values are stored in the variables
when you access the Symbolic view.

Setting up the plot (Plot setup view)

The Plot Setup view ( SETUP-PLOT) sets most of the
same plotting parameters as it does for the other built-in
See About the Plot view on page 2-5. Settings unique
to the Statistics aplet are as follows:

Plot type (1VAR) STATPLOT enables you to specify either a histogram or

a box-and-whisker plot for one-variable statistics (when
is set). Press to change the highlighted

Histogram width HWIDTH enables you to specify the width of a histogram

bar. This determines how many bars will fit in the display,
as well as how the data is distributed (how many values
each bar represents).

Histogram range HRNG enables you to specify the range of values for a set
of histogram bars. The range runs from the left edge of the
leftmost bar to the right edge of the rightmost bar. You
can limit the range to exclude any values you suspect are

Plotting mark S1MARK through S5MARK enables you to specify one of

(2VAR) five symbols to use to plot each data set. Press to
change the highlighted setting.

Connected points CONNECT (on the second page), when checkmarked,

(2VAR) connects the data points as they are plotted. The resulting
line is not the regression curve. The order of plotting is
according to the ascending order of independent values.

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For instance, the data set (1,1), (3,9), (4,16), (2,4) would
be plotted and traced in the order (1,1), (2,4), (3,9),

Trouble-shooting a plot
If you have problems plotting, check that you have the
The correct or menu label on (Numeric
The correct fit (regression model), if the data set is
Only the data sets to compute or plot are
checkmarked (Symbolic view).

The correct plotting range. Try using Auto

Scale (instead of ), or adjust the plotting
parameters (in Plot Setup) for the ranges of the axes
and the width of histogram bars (HWIDTH).
In mode, ensure that both paired columns contain
data, and that they are the same length.
In mode, ensure that a paired column of frequency
values is the same length as the data column that it refers

Exploring the graph

The Plot view has menu keys for zooming, tracing, and
coordinate display. There are also scaling options under
. These options are described inExploring the
graph on page 2-7.

Statistics aplets PLOT view keys

Key Meaning

CLEAR Erases the plot.

Offers additional pre-defined views

for splitting the screen, overlaying
plots, and autoscaling the axes.

Moves cursor to far left or far right.

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Key Meaning (Continued)

Displays ZOOM menu.

Turns trace mode on/off. The white

box appears next to the option when
Trace mode is active.

Turns fit mode on or off. Turning

on draws a curve to fit the data points
according to the current regression

(2var Enables you to specify a value on the

statistics only) line of best fit to jump to or a data
point number to jump to.

Displays the equation of the

regression curve.

Hides and displays the menu key

labels. When the labels are hidden,
any menu key displays the (x,y)
coordinates. Pressing
redisplays the menu labels.

Calculating predicted values

The functions PREDX and PREDY estimate (predict) values
for X or Y given a hypothetical value for the other. The
estimation is made based on the curve that has been
calculated to fit the data according to the specified fit.

Find predicted 1. In Plot view, draw the regression curve for the data
values set.

2. Press to move to the regression curve.

3. Press and enter the value of X. The cursor
jumps to the specified point on the curve and the
coordinate display shows X and the predicted value
of Y.

Enter PREDX(y-value) to find the predicted

value for the independent variable given a
hypothetical dependent value.

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Enter PREDY(x-value) to find the predicted value of the

dependent variable given a hypothetical independent
You can type PREDX and PREDY into the edit line, or you
can copy these function names from the MATH menu
under the Stat-Two category.
HINT In cases where more than one fit curve is displayed, the
PREDY function uses the most recently calculated curve. In
order to avoid errors with this function, uncheck all fits
except the one that you want to work with, or use the Plot
View method.

Statistics aplet 10-21

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Inference aplet

About the Inference aplet

The Inference capabilities include calculation of
confidence intervals and hypothesis tests based on the
Normal Z-distribution or Students t-distribution.
Based on the statistics from one or two samples, you can
test hypotheses and find confidence intervals for the
following quantities:
difference between two means
difference between two proportions

Example data When you first access an input form for an Inference test,
by default, the input form contains example data. This
example data is designed to return meaningful results that
relate to the test. It is useful for gaining an understanding
of what the test does, and for demonstrating the test. The
calculators on-line help provides a description of what
the example data represents.

Getting started with the Inference aplet

This example describes the Inference aplets options and
functionality by stepping you through an example using
the example data for the Z-Test on 1 mean.

Open the 1. Open the Inference aplet.

Inference aplet
Select Inference
The Inference aplet
opens in the Symbolic

Inference aplet 11-1

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Inference aplets SYMB view keys

The table below summarizes the options available in
Symbolic view.

Hypothesis Confidence Intervals


Z: 1 , the Z-Test Z-Int: 1 , the confidence

on 1 mean interval for 1 mean, based on
the Normal distribution

Z: 1 2, the Z-Int: 1 2, the confidence

Z-Test on the interval for the difference of
difference of two two means, based on the
means Normal distribution

Z: 1 , the Z-Test Z-Int: 1 , the confidence

on 1 proportion interval for 1 proportion,
based on the Normal

Z: 1 2, the Z-Int: 1 2, the confidence

Z-Test on the interval for the difference of
difference in two two proportions, based on the
proportions Normal distribution

T: 1 , the T-Test on T-Int: 1 , the confidence

1 mean interval for 1 mean, based on
the Students t-distribution

T: 1 2, the T- T-Int: 1 2, the confidence

Test on the interval for the difference of
difference of two two means, based on the
means Students t-distribution

If you choose one of the hypothesis tests, you can choose

the alternative hypothesis to test against the null
hypothesis. For each test, there are three possible choices
for an alternative hypothesis based on a quantitative
comparison of two quantities. The null hypothesis is
always that the two quantities are equal.Thus, the
alternative hypotheses cover the various cases for the two
quantities being unequal: <, >, and .
In this section, we will use the example data for the Z-Test
on 1 mean to illustrate how the aplet works and what
features the various views present.

11-2 Inference aplet

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Select the 2. Select the Hypothesis Test inferential method.

method Select HYPOTH TEST

3. Define the type of test.

ZTest: 1

4. Select an alternative hypothesis.

< 0

Enter data 5. Enter the sample statistics and population


The table below lists the fields in this view for our current
Z-Test: 1 example.

Field Definition

0 Assumed population mean

Population standard deviation

x Sample mean

n Sample size

Alpha level for the test

Inference aplet 11-3

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By default, each field already contains a value.

These values constitute the example database and
are explained in the feature of this aplet.

Display on-line 6. To display the on-line

help help, press
7. To close the on-line help,
press .

Display test 8. Display the test results in numeric format.

results in
numeric format
The test distribution value
and its associated
probability are
displayed, along with
the critical value(s) of the test and the associated
critical value(s) of the statistic.
Note: You can access the on-line help in Numeric

Plot test results 9. Display a graphic view of the test results.

Horizontal axes are

presented for both the
distribution variable and
the test statistic. A
generic bell curve represents the probability
distribution function. Vertical lines mark the critical
value(s) of the test, as well as the value of the test
statistic. The rejection region is marked R and the
test numeric results are displayed between the
horizontal axes.

Importing sample statistics from the Statistics aplet

The Inference aplet supports the calculation of confidence
intervals and the testing of hypotheses based on data in
the Statistics aplet. Computed statistics for a sample of
data in a column in any Statistics-based aplet can be
imported for use in the Inference aplet. The following
example illustrates the process.

11-4 Inference aplet

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A calculator produces the following 6 random numbers:

0.529, 0.295, 0.952, 0.259, 0.925, and 0.592

Open the 1. Open the Statistics aplet and reset the current
Statistics aplet settings.

The Statistics aplet opens in the Numeric view.

Enter data 2. In the C1 column, enter the random numbers

produced by the calculator.

HINT If the Decimal Mark setting in the Modes input form
( modes) is set to Comma, use instead of .

3. If necessary, select 1-variable statistics. Do this by

pressing the fifth menu key until is displayed
as its menu label.

Calculate 4. Calculate statistics.


The mean of 0.592

seems a little large
compared to the
expected value of 0.5. To see if the difference is
statistically significant, we will use the statistics
computed here to construct a confidence interval for
the true mean of the population of random numbers
and see whether or not this interval contains 0.5.

5. Press to close the computed statistics window.

Inference aplet 11-5

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Open Inference 6. Open the Inference aplet and clear current settings.
aplet Select

Select inference 7. Select an inference method.

method and

8. Select a distribution statistic type.

Select T-Int: 1

Set up the 9. Set up the interval calculation. Note: The default

interval values are derived from sample data from the on-line
help example.

11-6 Inference aplet

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Import the data 10.Import the data from the Statistics aplet. Note: The
data from C1 is displayed by default.

Note: Press to see

the statistics before
importing them into the
Numeric Setup view.
Also, if there is more than one aplet based on the
Statistics aplet, you are prompted to choose one.

11.Specify a 90%
confidence interval in the C: field.

to move to
the C: field

Display Numeric 12.Display the confidence interval in the Numeric view.

view Note: The interval setting is 0.5.

Display Plot 13.Display the confidence interval in the Plot view.


You can see, from the

second text row, that the
mean is contained within the 90% confidence
interval (CI) of 0.3469814 to 0.8370186.
Note: The graph is a simple, generic bell-curve. It is
not meant to accurately represent the t-distribution
with 5 degrees of freedom.

Inference aplet 11-7

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Hypothesis tests
You use hypothesis tests to test the validity of hypotheses
that relate to the statistical parameters of one or two
populations. The tests are based on statistics of samples
of the populations.
The HP 39gs hypothesis tests use the Normal
Z-distribution or Students t-distribution to calculate

One-Sample Z-Test
Menu name Z-Test: 1
On the basis of statistics from a single sample, the
One-Sample Z-Test measures the strength of the evidence
for a selected hypothesis against the null hypothesis. The
null hypothesis is that the population mean equals a
specified value 0: = 0.
You select one of the following alternative hypotheses
against which to test the null hypothesis:

H 1 : 1 < 2
H 1 : 1 > 2
H 1 : 1 2

Inputs The inputs are:

Field name Definition

x Sample mean.

n Sample size.

0 Hypothetical population mean.

Population standard deviation.

Significance level.

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Results The results are:

Result Description

Test Z Z-test statistic.

Prob Probability associated with the

Z-Test statistic.

Critical Z Boundary values of Z

associated with the level that
you supplied.

Critical x Boundary values of x required

by the value that you

Two-Sample Z-Test
Menu name Z-Test: 12
On the basis of two samples, each from a separate
population, this test measures the strength of the evidence
for a selected hypothesis against the null hypothesis. The
null hypothesis is that the mean of the two populations are
equal (H 0: 1= 2).
You select one of the following alternative hypotheses
against which to test the null hypothesis:

H 1 : 1 < 2
H 1 : 1 > 2
H 1 : 1 2

Inputs The inputs are:

Field name Definition

x1 Sample 1 mean.

x2 Sample 2 mean.

n1 Sample 1 size.
n2 Sample 2 size.
1 Population 1 standard

Inference aplet 11-9

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Field name Definition (Continued)

2 Population 2 standard
Significance level.

Results The results are:

Result Description

Test Z Z-Test statistic.

Prob Probability associated with the

Z-Test statistic.

Critical Z Boundary value of Z

associated with the level that
you supplied.

One-Proportion Z-Test
Menu name Z-Test: 1
On the basis of statistics from a single sample, this test
measures the strength of the evidence for a selected
hypothesis against the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis
is that the proportion of successes in the two populations
is equal: H0 : = 0
You select one of the following alternative hypotheses
against which to test the null hypothesis:

H 1 : < 0
H 1 : > 0
H 1 : 0

11-10 Inference aplet

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Inputs The inputs are:

Field name Definition

x Number of successes in the sample.

n Sample size.

0 Population proportion of successes.

Significance level.

Results The results are:

Result Description

Test P Proportion of successes in the sample.

Test Z Z-Test statistic.

Prob Probability associated with the Z-Test


Critical Z Boundary value of Z associated with

the level you supplied.

Two-Proportion Z-Test
Menu name Z-Test: 1 2
On the basis of statistics from two samples, each from a
different population, the Two-Proportion Z-Test measures
the strength of the evidence for a selected hypothesis
against the null hypothesis. The null hypothesis is that the
proportion of successes in the two populations is equal
H0: 1 = 2.
You select one of the following alternative hypotheses
against which to test the null hypothesis:

H 1 : 1 < 2
H 1 : 1 > 2
H 1 : 1 2

Inference aplet 11-11

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Inputs The inputs are:

Field name Definition

X1 Sample 1 mean.

X2 Sample 2 mean.

n1 Sample 1 size.

n2 Sample 2 size.

Significance level.

Results The results are:

Result Description

Test 12 Difference between the

proportions of successes in the
two samples.

Test Z Z-Test statistic.

Prob Probability associated with the

Z-Test statistic.

Critical Z Boundary values of Z

associated with the level that
you supplied.

One-Sample T-Test
Menu name T-Test: 1
The One-sample T-Test is used when the population
standard deviation is not known. On the basis of statistics
from a single sample, this test measures the strength of the
evidence for a selected hypothesis against the null
hypothesis. The null hypothesis is that the sample mean
has some assumed value,
0 : = 0
You select one of the following alternative hypotheses
against which to test the null hypothesis:
H 1 : < 0
H 1 : > 0
H 1 : 0
11-12 Inference aplet
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Inputs The inputs are:

Field name Definition

x Sample mean.

Sx Sample standard deviation.

n Sample size.

0 Hypothetical population mean.

Significance level.

Results The results are:

Result Description

Test T T-Test statistic.

Prob Probability associated with the

T-Test statistic.

Critical T Boundary value of T associated

with the level that you

Critical x Boundary value of x required

by the value that you

Inference aplet 11-13

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Two-Sample T-Test
Menu name T-Test: 1 2
The Two-sample T-Test is used when the population
standard deviation is not known. On the basis of statistics
from two samples, each sample from a different
population, this test measures the strength of the evidence
for a selected hypothesis against the null hypothesis. The
null hypothesis is that the two populations means are
equal H 0: 1 = 2.
You select one of the following alternative hypotheses
against which to test the null hypothesis
H 1 : 1 < 2
H 1 : 1 > 2
H 1 : 1 2
Inputs The inputs are:

Field Definition

x1 Sample 1 mean.

x2 Sample 2 mean.

S1 Sample 1 standard deviation.

S2 Sample 2 standard deviation.

n1 Sample 1 size.

n2 Sample 2 size.

Significance level.

_Pooled? Check this option to pool samples

based on their standard deviations.

11-14 Inference aplet

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Results The results are:

Result Description

Test T T-Test statistic.

Prob Probability associated with the T-Test


Critical T Boundary values of T associated with

the level that you supplied.

Confidence intervals
The confidence interval calculations that the HP 39gs can
perform are based on the Normal Z-distribution or
Students t-distribution.

One-Sample Z-Interval
Menu name Z-INT: 1
This option uses the Normal Z-distribution to calculate a
confidence interval for m, the true mean of a population,
when the true population standard deviation, s, is known.

Inputs The inputs are:

Field Definition

x Sample mean.

Population standard deviation.

n Sample size.

C Confidence level.

Inference aplet 11-15

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Results The results are:

Result Description

Critical Z Critical value for Z.

min Lower bound for .

max Upper bound for .

Two-Sample Z-Interval
Menu name Z-INT: 1 2
This option uses the Normal Z-distribution to calculate a
confidence interval for the difference between the means
of two populations, 1 2, when the population standard
deviations, 1 and 2, are known.

Inputs The inputs are:

Field Definition

x1 Sample 1 mean.

x2 Sample 2 mean.

n1 Sample 1 size.

n2 Sample 2 size.

1 Population 1 standard deviation.

2 Population 2 standard deviation.

C Confidence level.

Results The results are:

Result Description

Critical Z Critical value for Z.

Min Lower bound for 1 2.

Max Upper bound for 1 2.

11-16 Inference aplet

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One-Proportion Z-Interval
Menu name Z-INT: 1
This option uses the Normal Z-distribution to calculate a
confidence interval for the proportion of successes in a
population for the case in which a sample of size, n, has
a number of successes, x.

Inputs The inputs are:

Field Definition

x Sample success count.

n Sample size.

C Confidence level.

Results The results are:

Result Description

Critical Z Critical value for Z.

Min Lower bound for .

Max Upper bound for .

Two-Proportion Z-Interval
Menu name Z-INT: 1 2
This option uses the Normal Z-distribution to calculate a
confidence interval for the difference between the
proportions of successes in two populations.

Inputs The inputs are:

Field Definition

x1 Sample 1 success count.

x2 Sample 2 success count.

Inference aplet 11-17

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Field Definition (Continued)


n1 Sample 1 size.

n2 Sample 2 size.

C Confidence level.

Results The results are:

Result Description

Critical Z Critical value for Z.

Min Lower bound for the difference between

the proportions of successes.

Max Upper bound for the difference between

the proportions of successes.

One-Sample T-Interval
Menu name T-INT: 1
This option uses the Students t-distribution to calculate a
confidence interval for m, the true mean of a population,
for the case in which the true population standard
deviation, s, is unknown.

Inputs The inputs are:

Field Definition

x1 Sample mean.

Sx Sample standard deviation.

n Sample size.

C Confidence level.

11-18 Inference aplet

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Results The results are:

Result Description

Critical T Critical value for T.

Min Lower bound for .

Max Upper bound for .

Two-Sample T-Interval
Menu name T-INT: 1 2
This option uses the Students t-distribution to calculate a
confidence interval for the difference between the means
of two populations, 1 2, when the population
standard deviations, s1and s2, are unknown.

Inputs The inputs are:

Field Definition

x1 Sample 1 mean.

x2 Sample 2 mean.

s1 Sample 1 standard deviation.

s2 Sample 2 standard deviation.

n1 Sample 1 size.

n2 Sample 2 size.

C Confidence level.

_Pooled Whether or not to pool the samples

based on their standard deviations.

Inference aplet 11-19

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Results The results are:

Result Description

Critical T Critical value for T.

Min Lower bound for 1 2.

Max Upper bound for 1 2.

11-20 Inference aplet

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Using the Finance Solver

The Finance Solver, or Finance aplet, is available by

using the APLET key in your calculator. Use the up and
down arrow keys to select the Finance aplet. Your screen
should look as follows:

Press the key or the soft menu key to

activate the aplet. The resulting screen shows the different
elements involved in the solution of financial problems
with your HP 39gs calculator.

Background information on and applications of financial

calculations are provided next.

The Finance Solver application provides you with the
ability of solving time-value-of-money (TVM) and
amortization problems. These problems can be used for
calculations involving compound interest applications as
well as amortization tables.
Compound interest is the process by which earned
interest on a given principal amount is added to the
principal at specified compounding periods, and then the

Using the Finance Solver 12-1

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combined amount earns interest at a certain rate.

Financial calculations involving compound interest
include savings accounts, mortgages, pension funds,
leases, and annuities.
Time Value of Money (TVM) calculations, as the name
implies, make use of the notion that a dollar today will be
worth more than a dollar sometime in the future. A dollar
today can be invested at a certain interest rate and
generate a return that the same dollar in the future cannot.
This TVM principle underlies the notion of interest rates,
compound interest and rates of return.
TVM transactions can be represented by using cash flow
diagrams. A cash flow diagram is a time line divided into
equal segments representing the compounding periods.
Arrows represent the cash flows, which could be positive
(upward arrows) or negative (downward arrows),
depending on the point of view of the lender or borrower.
The following cash flow diagram shows a loan from a
borrower's point of view:

Present value (PV)


Money Equal periods

received is

a positive
1 2 3 4 5 (PMT)
Money Payment Payment Payment Payment
paid out is (PMT) (PMT) (PMT) (PMT) Future value
a negative (FV)
number Equal payments

On the other hand, the following cash flow diagram

shows a load from the lender's point of view:
Equal payments

} 1 2 3 4 5

Equal periods

In addition, cash flow diagrams specify when payments

occur relative to the compounding periods: at the
beginning of each period or at the end. The Finance
Solver application provides both of these payment
modes: Begin mode and End mode. The following cash
12-2 Using the Finance Solver
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flow diagram shows lease payments at the beginning of

each period.


} value of

1 2 3 4 5



The following cash flow diagram shows deposits into an

account at the end of each period.


1 2 3 4 5


As these cash-flow diagrams imply, there are five TVM


N The total number of compounding periods

or payments.

I%YR The nominal annual interest rate (or

investment rate). This rate is divided by
the number of payments per year (P/YR)
to compute the nominal interest rate per
compounding period -- which is the
interest rate actually used in TVM

The present value of the initial cash flow.

To a lender or borrower, PV is the amount
PV of the loan; to an investor, PV is the initial
investment. PV always occurs at the
beginning of the first period.

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The periodic payment amount. The

payments are the same amount each
period and the TVM calculation assumes
that no payments are skipped. Payments
can occur at the beginning or the end of
each compounding period -- an option
you control by setting the Payment mode
to Beg or End.

The future value of the transaction: the

amount of the final cash flow or the
compounded value of the series of
previous cash flows. For a loan, this is the
FV size of the final balloon payment (beyond
any regular payment due). For an
investment this is the cash value of an
investment at the end of the investment

Performing TVM calculations

1. Launch the Financial Solver as indicated at the
beginning of this section.
2. Use the arrow keys to highlight the different fields and
enter the known variables in the TVM calculations,
pressing the soft-menu key after entering each
known value. Be sure that values are entered for at
least four of the five TVM variables (namely, N, I%YR,
PV, PMT, and FV).
3. If necessary, enter a different value for P/YR (default
value is 12, i.e., monthly payments).
4. Press the key to change the Payment mode (Beg
or End) as required.
5. Use the arrow keys to highlight the TVM variable you
wish to solve for and press the soft-menu key.

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Example 1 - Loan calculations

Suppose you finance the purchase of a car with a 5-year
loan at 5.5% annual interest, compounded monthly. The
purchase price of the car is $19,500, and the down
payment is $3,000. What are the required monthly
payments? What is the largest loan you can afford if your
maximum monthly payment is $300? Assume that the
payments start at the end of the first period.
Solution. The following cash flow diagram illustrates the
loan calculations:

PV = $16,500 FV = 0
l%YR = 5.5
N = 5 x 12 = 60
P/YR = 12; End mode

1 2 59 60
PMT = ?

Start the Finance Solver, selecting P/YR = 12 and End

payment option.
Enter the known TVM variables as shown in the
diagram above. Your input form should look as

Highlighting the PMT field, press the soft

menu key to obtain a payment of -315.17 (i.e., PMT
= -$315.17).
To determine the maximum loan possible if the
monthly payments are only $300, type the value
300 in the PMT field, highlight the PV field, and
press the soft menu key. The resulting value is
PV = $15,705.85.

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Example 2 - Mortgage with balloon payment

Suppose you have taken out a 30-year, $150,000 house
mortgage at 6.5% annual interest. You expect to sell the
house in 10 years, repaying the loan in a balloon
payment. Find the size of the balloon payment, the value
of the mortgage after 10 years of payment.
Solution. The following cash flow diagram illustrates the
case of the mortgage with balloon payment:

l%YR = 6.5
PV = $150,000 N = 30 x 12 = 360 (for PMT)
N = 10 x 12 = 120 (for balloon payment)
P/YR = 12; End mode

1 2 59 60
PMT = ?
Balloon payment,
FV = ?

Start the Finance Solver, selecting P/YR = 12 and

End payment option.
Enter the known TVM variables as shown in the
diagram above. Your input form, for calculating
monthly payments for the 30-yr mortgage, should
look as follows:

Highlighting the PMT field, press the soft

menu key to obtain a payment of -948.10 (i.e., PMT
= -$948.10)
To determine the balloon payment or future value (FV)
for the mortgage after 10 years, use N = 120,
highlight the FV field, and press the soft menu
key. The resulting value is FV = -$127,164.19. The
negative value indicates a payment from the
homeowner. Check that the required balloon
payments at the end of 20 years (N=240) and 25
years (N = 300) are -$83,497.92 and
-$48,456.24, respectively.

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Calculating Amortizations
Amortization calculations, which also use the TVM
variables, determine the amounts applied towards
principal and interest in a payment or series of payments.

To calculate amortizations:
1. Start the Finance Solver as indicated at the beginning
of this section.
2. Set the following TVM variables:
a Number of payments per year (P/YR)
b Payment at beginning or end of periods
3. Store values for the TVM variables I%YR, PV, PMT,
and FV, which define the payment schedule.
4. Press the soft menu key and enter the
number of payments to amortize in this batch.
5. Press the soft menu key to amortize a batch of
payments. The calculator will provide for you the
amount applied to interest, to principal, and the
remaining balance after this set of payments have
been amortized.

Example 3 - Amortization for home mortgage

For the data of Example 2 above, find the amortization of
the loan after the first 10 years (12x10 = 120 payments).
Pressing the soft menu key produces the
screen to the left. Enter 120 in the PAYMENTS field, and
press the soft menu key to produce the results
shown to the right.

To continue amortizing the loan:

1. Press the soft menu key to store the new
balance after the previous amortization as PV.
2. Enter the number of payments to amortize in the new

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3. Press the soft menu key to amortize the new

batch of payments. Repeat steps 1 through 3 as
often as needed.

Example 4 - Amortization for home mortgage

For the results of Example 3, show the amortization of the
next 10 years of the mortgage loan. First, press the
soft menu key. Then, keeping 120 in the PAYMENTS
field, press the soft menu key to produce the results
shown below.

To amortize a series of future payments starting at payment p:

1. Calculate the balance of the loan at payment p-1.
2. Store the new balance in PV using the soft
menu key.
3. Amortize the series of payments starting at the new
The amortization operation reads the values from the
TVM variables, rounds the numbers it gets from PV and
PMT to the current display mode, then calculates the
amortization rounded to the same setting. The original
variables are not changed, except for PV, which is
updated after each amortization.

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Using mathematical functions

Math functions
The HP 39gs contains many math functions. The functions
are grouped in categories. For example, the Matrix
category contains functions for manipulating matrices.
The Probability category (shown as Prob. on the MATH
menu) contains functions for working with probability.
To use a math function, you enter the function onto the
command line, and include the arguments in parentheses
after the function. You can also select a math function
from the MATH menu.

The MATH menu

The MATH menu provides access to math functions,
physical constants, and programming constants.
The MATH menu is organized by category. For each
category of functions on the left, there is a list of function
names on the right. The highlighted category is the
current category.

When you press , you see the menu list of

Math categories in the left column and the
corresponding functions of the highlighted category
in the right column. The menu key indicates
that the MATH FUNCTIONS menu list is active.

To select a function 1. Press to display the MATH menu. The

categories appear in alphabetical order. Press or
to scroll through the categories. To skip directly to
a category, press the first letter of the categorys
name. Note: You do not need to press first.
Using mathematical functions 13-1
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2. The list of functions (on the right) applies to the

currently highlighted category (on the left). Use
and to switch between the category list and the
function list.
3. Highlight the name of the function you want and
press . This copies the function name (and an
initial parenthesis, if appropriate) to the edit line.

Function categories

Calculus Loop Symbolic

Complex Matrix Tests
numbers Polynomial Trigonometry
Constant Probability (Trig)
Convert Real numbers
Hyperbolic (Real)
trigonometry Two-variable
(Hyperb.) statistics
Lists (Stat-Two)

Math functions by category

Syntax Each functions definition includes its syntax, that is, the
exact order and spelling of a functions name, its
delimiters (punctuation), and its arguments. Note that the
syntax for a function does not require spaces.

Functions common to keyboard and menus

These functions are common to the keyboard and MATH

For a description, see on

page 13-8.

ARG For a description, see ARG on

page 13-7.

For a description, see on

page 11-7.

AND For a description, see AND on

page 13-19.

13-2 Using mathematical functions

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! For a description, see

COMB(5,2) returns 10. That is,
there are ten different ways that
five things can be combined two
at a time.! on page 13-12.

For a description, see on

page 13-11.

EEX For a description, see Scientific

notation (powers of 10) on
page 1-20.

For a description, see on

page 11-7.

1 The multiplicative inverse

function finds the inverse of a
square matrix, and the
multiplicative inverse of a real or
complex number. Also works on
a list containing only these object

Keyboard functions
The most frequently used functions are available directly
from the keyboard. Many of the keyboard functions also
accept complex numbers as arguments.

, , , Add, Subtract, Multiply, Divide. Also accepts complex

numbers, lists and matrices.
value1+ value2, etc.

ex Natural exponential. Also accepts complex numbers.

e^5 returns 148.413159103

Natural logarithm. Also accepts complex numbers.

LN(1) returns 0

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10x Exponential (antilogarithm). Also accepts complex

10^3 returns 1000

Common logarithm. Also accepts complex numbers.

LOG(100) returns 2

, , Sine, cosine, tangent. Inputs and outputs depend on the

current angle format (Degrees, Radians, or Grads).
TAN(45) returns 1 (Degrees mode).

ASIN Arc sine: sin1x. Output range is from 90 to 90, /2

to /2, or 100 to 100 grads. Inputs and outputs depend
on the current angle format. Also accepts complex
ASIN(1) returns 90 (Degrees mode).

ACOS Arc cosine: cos1x. Output range is from 0 to 180, 0 to

, or 0 to 200 grads. Inputs and outputs depend on the
current angle format. Also accepts complex numbers.
Output will be complex for values outside the normal
COS domain of 1 x 1 .
ACOS(1) returns 0 (Degrees mode).

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ATAN Arc tangent: tan1x. Output range is from 90 to 90,

2/2 to /2, or 100 to 100 grads. Inputs and outputs
depend on the current angle format. Also accepts
complex numbers.
ATAN(1) returns 45 (Degrees mode).

Square. Also accepts complex numbers.


182 returns 324

Square root. Also accepts complex numbers.


324 returns 18

Negation. Also accepts complex numbers.

-(1,2) returns (-1,-2)

Power (x raised to y). Also accepts complex numbers.

2^8 returns 256
2 2
ABS Absolute value. For a complex number, this is x +y .
ABS(1) returns 1
ABS((1,2)) returns 2.2360679775

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Takes the nth root of x.
root NTHROOT value
3 NTHROOT 8 returns 2

Calculus functions
The symbols for differentiation and integration are
available directly form the keyboard and S
respectivelyas well as from the MATH menu.

Differentiates expression with respect to the variable of

differentiation. From the command line, use a formal
name (S1, etc.) for a non-numeric result. See Finding
derivatives on page 13-21.

s1(s12+3*s1) returns 2*s1+3

Integrates expression from lower to upper limits with

respect to the variable of integration. To find the definite
integral, both limits must have numeric values (that is, be
numbers or real variables). To find the indefinite integral,
one of the limits must be a formal variable (s1, etc).
(lower, upper, expression, variable)

See Using formal variables on page 13-20 for

further details.

finds the indefinite result 3*s1+2*(s1^2/2)
See To find the indefinite integral using formal
variables on page 13-23 for more information on
finding indefinite integrals.

13-6 Using mathematical functions

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TAYLOR Calculates the nth order Taylor polynomial of expression

at the point where the given variable = 0.
TAYLOR (expression, variable, n)

TAYLOR(1 + sin(s1)2,s1,5)with Radians

angle measure and Fraction number format (set in
MODES) returns 1+s1^2-1/3*s1^4.

Complex number functions

These functions are for complex numbers only. You can
also use complex numbers with all trigonometric and
hyperbolic functions, and with some real-number and
keyboard functions. Enter complex numbers in the form
(x,y), where x is the real part and y is the imaginary part.

ARG Argument. Finds the angle defined by a complex number.

Inputs and outputs use the current angle format set in
ARG((x, y))
ARG((3,3)) returns 45 (Degrees mode)

CONJ Complex conjugate. Conjugation is the negation (sign

reversal) of the imaginary part of a complex number.
CONJ((x, y))
CONJ((3,4)) returns (3,-4)

IM Imaginary part, y, of a complex number, (x, y).

IM ((x, y))
IM((3,4)) returns 4

RE Real part x, of a complex number, (x, y).

RE((x, y))
RE((3,4)) returns 3

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The constants available from the MATH FUNCTIONS
menu are mathematical constants. These are described in
this section. The hp 39gs has two other menus of
constants: program constants and physical constants.
These are described in Program constants and physical
constants on page 13-24.

e Natural logarithm base. Internally represented as


i Imaginary value for 1 , the complex number (0,1).


MAXREAL Maximum real number. Internally represented as

9.99999999999 x 10499.

MINREAL Minimum real number. Internally represented as


Internally represented as 3.14159265359.

The conversion functions are found on the Convert
menu. They enable you to make the following

C Convert from Fahrenheit to Celcius.

C(212) returns 100

F Convert from Celcius to Fahrenheit.

F(0) returns 32

CM Convert from inches to centimeters.

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IN Convert from centimeters to inches.

L Convert from US gallons to liters.

LGAL Convert from liters to US gallons.

KG Convert from pounds to kilograms.

LBS Convert from kilograms to pounds.

KM Convert from miles to kilometers.

MILE Convert from kilometers to miles.

DEG Convert from radians to degrees.

RAD Convert from degrees to radians.

Hyperbolic trigonometry
The hyperbolic trigonometry functions can also take
complex numbers as arguments.

ACOSH Inverse hyperbolic cosine : cosh1x.


ASINH Inverse hyperbolic sine : sinh1x.


ATANH Inverse hyperbolic tangent : tanh1x.


COSH Hyperbolic cosine


SINH Hyperbolic sine.


TANH Hyperbolic tangent.


ALOG Antilogarithm (exponential). This is more accurate than

10^x due to limitations of the power function.

Using mathematical functions 13-9

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EXP Natural exponential. This is more accurate than e due
to limitations of the power function.
EXPM1 Exponent minus 1 : e 1 . This is more accurate than
EXP when x is close to zero.

LNP1 Natural log plus 1 : ln(x+1). This is more accurate than

the natural logarithm function when x is close to zero.

List functions
These functions work on list data. See List functions on
page 16-6.

Loop functions
The loop functions display a result after evaluating an
expression a given number of times.

ITERATE Repeatedly for #times evaluates an expression in terms of

variable. The value for variable is updated each time,
starting with initialvalue.
ITERATE(expression, variable, initialvalue,

ITERATE(X2,X,2,3) returns 256

RECURSE Provides a method of defining a sequence without using

the Symbolic view of the Sequence aplet. If used with |
(where), RECURSE will step through the evaluation.
RECURSE(sequencename, termn, term1, term2)


RECURSE(U,U(N-1)*N,1,2) U1(N)
Stores a factorial-calculating function named U1.
When you enter U1(5), for example, the function
calculates 5! (120).

13-10 Using mathematical functions

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Summation. Finds the sum of expression with respect to

variable from initialvalue to finalvalue.
(variable=initialvalue, finalvalue, expression)

(C=1,5,C2) returns 55.

Matrix functions
These functions are for matrix data stored in matrix
variables. See Matrix functions and commands on
page 15-10.

Polynomial functions
Polynomials are products of constants (coefficients) and
variables raised to powers (terms).

POLYCOEF Polynomial coefficients. Returns the coefficients of the

polynomial with the specified roots.
POLYCOEF ([roots])
To find the polynomial with roots 2, 3, 4, 5:
POLYCOEF([2,-3,4,-5]) returns[1,2,-25,
-26,120], representing x4+2x325x226x+120.

POLYEVAL Polynomial evaluation. Evaluates a polynomial with the

specified coefficients for the value of x.
POLYEVAL([coefficients], value)

For x4+2x325x226x+120:
POLYEVAL([1,2,-25,-26,120],8) returns

POLYFORM Polynomial form. Creates a polynomial in variable1 from

POLYFORM(expression, variable1)
POLYFORM((X+1)^2+1,X) returns X^2+2*X+2.

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POLYROOT Polynomial roots. Returns the roots for the nth-order

polynomial with the specified n+1 coefficients.

For x4+2x325x226x+120:
POLYROOT([1,2,-25,-26,120]) returns
HINT The results of POLYROOT will often not be easily seen in
HOME due to the number of decimal places, especially if
they are complex numbers. It is better to store the results
of POLYROOT to a matrix.

For example, POLYROOT([1,0,0,-8] M1 will

store the three complex cube roots of 8 to matrix M1 as
a complex vector. Then you can see them easily by going
to the Matrix Catalog. and access them individually in
calculations by referring to M1(1), M1(2) etc.

Probability functions
COMB Number of combinations (without regard to order) of n
things taken r at a time: n!/(r!(n-r)).
COMB(n, r)
COMB(5,2) returns 10. That is, there are ten
different ways that five things can be combined two
at a time.!
Factorial of a positive integer. For non-integers, ! = (x +
1). This calculates the gamma function.

PERM Number of permutations (with regard to order) of n things

taken r at a time: n!/(r!(n-r)!
PERM (n, r)
PERM(5,2) returns 20. That is, there are 20
different permutations of five things taken two at a

13-12 Using mathematical functions

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RANDOM Random number (between zero and 1). Produced by a

pseudo-random number sequence. The algorithm used in
the RANDOM function uses a seed number to begin its
sequence. To ensure that two calculators must produce
different results for the RANDOM function, use the
RANDSEED function to seed different starting values
before using RANDOM to produce the numbers.
HINT The setting of Time will be different for each calculator, so
using RANDSEED(Time) is guaranteed to produce a set of
numbers which are as close to random as possible. You
can set the seed using the command RANDSEED.

UTPC Upper-Tail Chi-Squared Probability given degrees of

freedom, evaluated at value. Returns the probability that
a 2 random variable is greater than value.
UTPC(degrees, value)

UTPF Upper-Tail Snedecors F Probability given numerator

degrees of freedom and denominator degrees of freedom
(of the F distribution), evaluated at value. Returns the
probability that a Snedecor's F random variable is
greater than value.
UTPF(numerator, denominator, value)

UTPN Upper-Tail Normal Probability given mean and variance,

evaluated at value. Returns the probability that a normal
random variable is greater than value for a normal
distribution. Note: The variance is the square of the
standard deviation.
UTPN(mean, variance, value)
UTPT Upper-Tail Students t-Probability given degrees of
freedom, evaluated at value. Returns the probability that
the Student's t- random variable is greater than value.
UTPT(degrees, value)

Real-number functions
Some real-number functions can also take complex

CEILING Smallest integer greater than or equal to value.


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CEILING(3.2) returns 4
CEILING(-3.2) returns -3

DEGRAD Degrees to radians. Converts value from Degrees angle

format to Radians angle format.
DEGRAD(180) returns 3.14159265359, the
value of .

FLOOR Greatest integer less than or equal to value.

FLOOR(-3.2) returns -4

FNROOT Function root-finder (like the Solve aplet). Finds the value
for the given variable at which expression most nearly
evaluates to zero. Uses guess as initial estimate.
FNROOT(expression, variable, guess)
FNROOT(M*9.8/600-1,M,1) returns

FRAC Fractional part.

FRAC (23.2) returns .2

HMS Hours-minutes-seconds to decimal. Converts a number or

expression in H.MMSSs format (time or angle that can
include fractions of a second) to x.x format (number of
hours or degrees with a decimal fraction).
HMS(8.30) returns 8.5

HMS Decimal to hours-minutes-seconds. Converts a number or

expression in x.x format (number of hours or degrees

13-14 Using mathematical functions

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with a decimal fraction) to H.MMSSs format (time or

angle up to fractions of a second).
HMS(8.5) returns 8.3

INT Integer part.

INT(23.2) returns 23

MANT Mantissa (significant digits) of value.

MANT(21.2E34) returns 2.12

MAX Maximum. The greater of two values.

MAX(value1, value2)
MAX(210,25) returns 210

MIN Minimum. The lesser of two values.

MIN(value1, value2)
MIN(210,25) returns 25

MOD Modulo. The remainder of value1/value2.

value1 MOD value2
9 MOD 4 returns 1

% x percent of y; that is, x/100*y.

%(x, y)
%(20,50) returns 10

%CHANGE Percent change from x to y, that is, 100(yx)/x.

%CHANGE(x, y)

Using mathematical functions 13-15

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%CHANGE(20,50) returns 150

%TOTAL Percent total : (100)y/x. What percentage of x, is y.

%TOTAL(x, y)
%TOTAL(20,50) returns 250

RADDEG Radians to degrees. Converts value from radians to

RADDEG (value)
RADDEG() returns 180

ROUND Rounds value to decimal places. Accepts complex

ROUND(value, places)
Round can also round to a number of significant digits as
showed in example 2.
ROUND(7.8676,2) returns 7.87
ROUND (0.0036757,-3) returns 0.00368

SIGN Sign of value. If positive, the result is 1. If negative, 1. If

zero, result is zero. For a complex number, this is the unit
vector in the direction of the number.
SIGN((x, y))
SIGN (2) returns 1
SIGN((3,4)) returns (.6,.8)

TRUNCATE Truncates value to decimal places. Accepts complex

TRUNCATE(value, places)
TRUNCATE(2.3678,2) returns 2.36

13-16 Using mathematical functions

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XPON Exponent of value.

XPON(123.4) returns 2

Two-variable statistics
These are functions for use with two-variable statistics.
See Two-variable on page 10-15.

Symbolic functions
The symbolic functions are used for symbolic
manipulations of expressions. The variables can be
formal or numeric, but the result is usually in symbolic
form (not a number). You will find the symbols for the
symbolic functions = and | (where) in the CHARS menu
( CHARS) as well as the MATH menu.

= (equals) Sets an equality for an equation. This is not a logical

operator and does not store values. (See Test functions
on page 13-18.)

ISOLATE Isolates the first occurrence of variable in expression=0

and returns a new expression, where
variable=newexpression. The result is a general solution
that represents multiple solutions by including the (formal)
variables S1 to represent any sign and n1 to represent
any integer.
ISOLATE(expression, variable)
ISOLATE(2*X+8,X) returns -4
ISOLATE(A+B*X/C,X) returns -(A*C/B)

LINEAR? Tests whether expression is linear for the specified

variable. Returns 0 (false) or 1 (true).
LINEAR?(expression, variable)
LINEAR?((X^2-1)/(X+1),X) returns 0

Using mathematical functions 13-17

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QUAD Solves quadratic expression=0 for variable and returns

a new expression, where variable=newexpression. The
result is a general solution that represents both positive
and negative solutions by including the formal variable
S1 to represent any sign: + or .
QUAD(expression, variable)

QUAD((X-1)2-7,X) returns

QUOTE Encloses an expression that should not be evaluated


QUOTE(SIN(45)) F1(X) stores the

expression SIN(45) rather than the value of SIN(45).
Another method is to enclose the expression in single
For example, X^3+2*X F1(X) puts the
expression X^3+2*X into F1(X) in the Function

| (where) Evaluates expression where each given variable is set to

the given value. Defines numeric evaluation of a symbolic
expression|(variable1=value1, variable2=value2,...)
3*(X+1)|(X=3) returns 12.

Test functions
The test functions are logical operators that always return
either a 1 (true) or a 0 (false).

< Less than. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.


Less than or equal to. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.


13-18 Using mathematical functions

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== Equals (logical test). Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.


Not equal to. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.


> Greater than. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.


Greater than or equal to. Returns 1 if true, 0 if false.


AND Compares value1 and value2. Returns 1 if they are both

non-zero, otherwise returns 0.
value1 AND value2

IFTE If expression is true, do the trueclause; if not, do the

IFTE(expression, trueclause, falseclause)


NOT Returns 1 if value is zero, otherwise returns 0.

NOT value

OR Returns 1 if either value1 or value2 is non-zero, otherwise

returns 0.
value1 OR value2

XOR Exclusive OR. Returns 1 if either value1 or value2but

not both of themis non-zero, otherwise returns 0.
value1 XOR value2

Trigonometry functions
The trigonometry functions can also take complex
numbers as arguments. For SIN, COS, TAN, ASIN,
ACOS, and ATAN, see the Keyboard category.

ACOT Arc cotangent.


Using mathematical functions 13-19

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ACSC Arc cosecant.


ASEC Arc secant.


COT Cotangent: cosx/sinx.


CSC Cosecant: 1/sinx


SEC Secant: 1/cosx.


Symbolic calculations
The HP 39gs has the ability to perform symbolic
calculations, for example, symbolic integration and
differentiation. You can perform symbolic calculations in
HOME and in the Function aplet.

In HOME When you perform calculations that contain normal

variables, the calculator substitutes values for any
variables. For example, if you enter A+B on the command
line and press , the calculator retrieves the values
for A and B from memory and substitutes them in the

Using formal To perform symbolic calculations, for example symbolic

variables differentiations and integrations, you need to use formal
names. The HP 39gs has six formal names available for
use in symbolic calculations. These are S0 to S5. When
you perform a calculation that contains a formal name,
the HP 39gs does not carry out any substitutions.
You can mix formal names and real variables. Evaluating
(A+B+S1)2 will evaluate A+B, but not S1.
If you need to evaluate an expression that contains formal
names numerically, you use the | (where) command,
listed in the Math menu under the Symbolic category.
For example to evaluate (S1*S2)2 when S1=2 and
S2=4, you would enter the calculation as follows:

13-20 Using mathematical functions

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(The | symbol is in the CHARS menu: press CHARS.

The = sign is listed in the MATH menu under Symbolic

Symbolic You can perform symbolic operations in the Function

calculations in aplets Symbolic view. For example, to find the derivative
of a function in the Function aplets Symbolic view, you
the Function define two functions and define the second function as a
aplet derivative of the first function. You then evaluate the
second function. See To find derivatives in the Function
aplets Symbolic view on page 13-22 for an example.

Finding derivatives
The HP 39gs can perform symbolic differentiation on
some functions. There are two ways of using the HP 39gs
to find derivatives.
You can perform differentiations in HOME by using
the formal variables, S1 to S5.
You can perform differentiations of functions of X in
the Function aplet.

To find derivatives To find the derivative of the function in HOME, use a

in HOME formal variable in place of X. If you use X, the
differentiation function substitutes the value that X holds,
and returns a numeric result.
For example, consider the function:
dx ( sin ( x ) + 2 cos ( x ) )
1. Enter the differentiation function onto the command
line, substituting S1 in place of X.


Using mathematical functions 13-21

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2. Evaluate the function.

3. Show the result.

To find derivatives To find the derivative of the function in the Function aplets
in the Function Symbolic view, you define two functions and define the
aplets Symbolic second function as a derivative of the first function. For
view example, to differentiate sin ( x ) + 2 cos x :
1. Access the Function aplets Symbolic view and define

2. Define F2(X) as the

derivative of F(1).


3. Select F2(X) and

evaluate it.

13-22 Using mathematical functions

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4. Press to display
the result. Note: Use
the arrow keys to view
the entire function.

You could also just define

F1 ( x ) = dx ( sin ( x ) + 2 cos ( x ) ) .

To find the For example, to find the indefinite integral of

indefinite integral 2
using formal 3x 5 dx use:

variables (0 , S 1, 3 X 5, X )

1. Enter the function.

S1 3
X 5
2. Show the result format.

3. Press to close the

show window.
4. Copy the result and

Thus, substituting X for S1, it can be seen that:

2 3
3x 5 dx = 5x + 3 ---------------
( X )


Using mathematical functions 13-23

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This result is derived from substituting X=S1 and X=0 into

the original expression found in step 1. However,
substituting X=0 will not always evaluate to zero and may
result in an unwanted constant.
4 (x 2 )
To see this, consider: ( x 2 ) dx = -------------------
The extra constant of 6.4
results from the
substitution of x = 0 into
(x 2)5/5, and should be
disregarded if an
indefinite integral is

Program constants and physical constants

When you press , three menus of functions and
constants become available:
the math functions menu (which appears by default)
the program constants menu, and
the physical constants menu.
The math functions menu is described extensively earlier
in this chapter.

Program constants
The program constants are numbers that have been
assigned to various calculator settings to enable you to
test for or specify such a setting in a program. For
example, the various display formats are assigned the
following numbers:
1 Standard
2 Fixed
3 Scientific
4 Engineering
5 Fraction
6 Mixed fraction
In a program, you could store the constant number of a
particular format into a variable and then subsequently
test for that particular format.

13-24 Using mathematical functions

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To access the menu of program constants:

1. Press .
2. Press .
3. Use the arrow keys to navigate through the options.

4. Click and then to display the number

assigned to the option you selected in the previous
The use of program constants is illustrated in more detail
in Programming on page 18-1

Physical constants
There are 29 physical constantsfrom the fields of
chemistry, physics and quantum mechanicsthat you
can use in calculations. A list of all these constants can be
found in Physical Constants on page R-16.
To access the menu of physical constants:

1. Press .
2. Press .

3. Use the arrow keys to navigate through the options.

4. To see the symbol and value of a selected constant,
press . (Click to close the information
window that appears.)
The following example shows the information
available about the speed of light (one of the physics

5. To use the selected constant in a calculation, press

. The constant appears at the position of the
cursor on the edit line.
Using mathematical functions 13-25
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Suppose you want to know the potential energy of a mass
of 5 units according to the equation E = mc .

1. Enter 5

2. Press and then press .

3. Select light s...from the Physics menu.

4. Press . The menu closes and the value of the

selected constant is copied to the edit line.

5. Complete the equation as you would normally and

press to get the result.

13-26 Using mathematical functions

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Variables and memory management

The HP 39gs has approximately 200K of user memory.
The calculator uses this memory to store variables,
perform computations, and store history.
A variable is an object that you create in memory to hold
data. The hp 39gs has two types of variables, home
variables and aplet variables.
Home variables are available in all aplets. For
example, you can store real numbers in variables A
to Z and complex numbers in variables Z0 to Z9.
These can be numbers you have entered, or the
results of calculations. These variables are available
within all aplets and within any programs.
Aplet variables apply only to a single aplet. Aplets
have specific variables allocated to them which vary
from aplet to aplet.
You use the calculators memory to store the following
copies of aplets with specific configurations
new aplets that you download
aplet variables
home variables
variables created through a catalog or editor, for
example a matrix or a text note
programs that you create.
You can use the Memory Manager ( MEMORY) to
view the amount of memory available. The catalog views,
which are accessible via the Memory Manager, can be
used to transfer variables such as lists or matrices
between calculators.

Variables and memory management 14-1

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Storing and recalling variables

You can store numbers or expressions from a previous
input or result into variables.

Numeric Precision A number stored in a variable is always stored as a 12-

digit mantissa with a 3-digit exponent. Numeric precision
in the display, however, depends on the display mode
(Standard, Fixed, Scientific, Engineering, or Fraction). A
displayed number has only the precision that is
displayed. If you copy it from the HOME view display
history, you obtain only the precision displayed, not the
full internal precision. On the other hand, the variable
Ans always contains the most recent result to full

To store a value 1. On the command line,

enter the value or the
calculation for the result
you wish to store.
2. Press
3. Enter a name for the

4. Press .

To store the results If the value you want to store is in the HOME view display
of a calculation history, for example the results of a previous calculation,
you need to copy it to the command line, then store it.
1. Perform the calculation for the result you want to store.

3 8 6

2. Move the highlight to the result you wish to store.

3. Press to copy the result to the command line.
4. Press .

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5. Enter a name for the variable.

6. Press to store the result.

The results of a calculation can also be stored directly to
a variable. For example:

2 5 3

To recall a value To recall a variables value, type the name of the variable
and press .

To use variables in You can use variables in calculations. The calculator

calculations substitutes the variables value in the calculation:
65 A

To clear a variable You can use the CLRVAR

command to clear a
specified variable. For
example, if you have
stored {1,2,3,4} in variable
L1, entering CLRVAR L1
will clear L1. (You can find the CLRVAR command
by pressing and choosing the PROMPT
category of commands.)

Variables and memory management 14-3

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The VARS menu

You use the VARS menu to access all variables in the
calculator. The VARS menu is organised by category. For
each variable category in the left column, there is a list of
variables in the right column. You select a variable
category and then select a variable in the category.
1. Open the VARS menu.

2. Use the arrow keys or press the alpha key of the first
letter in the category to select a variable category.
For example, to select
the Matrix category,
press .
Note: In this instance,
there is no need to
press the ALPHA key.
3. Move the highlight to the variables column.

4. Use the arrow keys to select the variable that you

want. For example, to select M2, press .

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5. Choose whether to place the variable name or the

variable value on the command line.
Press to indicate that you want the
variables contents to appear on the command
Press to indicate that you want the
variables name to appear on the command line.
6. Press to place the value or name on the
command line. The selected object appears on the
command line.

Note: The VARS menu can also be used to enter the

names or values of variables into programs.

Example This example demonstrates how to use the VARS menu to

add the contents of two list variables, and to store the
result in another list variable.
1. Display the List Catalog.
to select L1

2. Enter the data for L1.

88 90 89
65 70

3. Return to the List Catalog to create L2.


to select L2

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4. Enter data for L2.

55 48 86
90 77

5. Press to access HOME.

6. Open the variable menu and select L1.

7. Copy it to the command line. Note: Because the

option is highlighted, the variables name,
rather than its contents, is copied to the command

8. Insert the + operator and select the L2 variable from

the List variables.

9. Store the answer in the List catalog L3 variable.


Note: You can also

type list names directly
from the keyboard.

14-6 Variables and memory management

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Home variables It is not possible to store data of one type in a variable of

another type. For example, you use the Matrix catalog to
create matrices. You can create up to ten matrices, and
you can store these in variables M0 to M9. You cannot
store matrices in variables other than M0 to M9.

Cate- Available names


Complex Z0 to Z9
For example, (1,2) Z0 or 2+3i
Z1. You can enter a complex
number by typing (r,i), where r represents
the real part, and i represents the
imaginary part.

Graphic G0 to G9
SeeGraphic commands on page 18-21
for more information on storing graphic
objects via programming commands. See
To store into a graphics variable on
page 17-5 for more information on
storing graphic object via the sketch view.

Library Aplet library variables can store aplets

that you have created, either by saving a
copy of a standard aplet, or downloading
an aplet from another source.

List L0 to L9
For example, {1,2,3} L1.

Matrix M0 to M9 can store matrices or vectors.

For example, [[1,2],[3,4]] M0.

Modes Modes variables store the modes settings

that you can configure using

Notepad Notepad variables store notes.

Program Program variables store programs.

Real A to Z and .
For example, 7.45 A.

Variables and memory management 14-7

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Aplet variables Most aplet variables store values that are unique to a
particular aplet. These include symbolic expressions and
equations (see below), settings for the Plot and Numeric
views, and the results of some calculations such as roots
and intersections.
See the Reference Information chapter for more
information about aplet variables.

Category Available names

Function F0 to F9 (Symbolic view). See Function

aplet variables on page R-7.

Parametric X0, Y0 to X9, Y9 (Symbolic view). See

Parametric aplet variables on page

Polar R0 to R9 (Symbolic view). See Polar

aplet variables on page R-9.

Sequence U0 to U9 (Symbolic view). See

Sequence aplet variables on page

Solve E0 to E9 (Symbolic view). See Solve

aplet variables on page R-11.

Statistics C0 to C9 (Numeric view). See

Statistics aplet variables on page

To access an aplet 1. Open the aplet that contains the variable you want to
variable recall.

2. Press to display the VARS menu.

3. Use the arrow keys to select a variable category in
the left column, then press to access the variables
in the right column.
4. Use the arrow keys to select a variable in the right
5. To copy the name of the variable onto the edit line,
press .( is the default setting.)

14-8 Variables and memory management

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6. To copy the value of the

variable into the edit
line, press and
press .

Memory Manager
You can use the Memory Manager to determine the
amount of available memory on the calculator. You can
also use Memory Manager to organize memory. For
example, if the available memory is low, you can use the
Memory Manager to determine which aplets or variables
consume large amounts of memory. You can make
deletions to free up memory.

Example 1. Start the Memory Manager. A list of variable

categories is displayed.

Free memory is
displayed in the top
right corner and the
body of the screen lists
each category, the memory it uses, and the
percentage of the total memory it uses.
2. Select the category with which you want to work and
press . Memory Manager displays memory
details of variables within the category.

3. To delete variables in a category:

Press to delete the selected variable.

Press CLEAR to delete all variables in the

selected category.

Variables and memory management 14-9

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You can perform matrix calculations in HOME and in
programs. The matrix and each row of a matrix appear
in brackets, and the elements and rows are separated by
commas. For example, the following matrix:

1 2 3
4 5 6
is displayed in the history as:
(If the Decimal Mark mode is set to Comma, then separate
each element and each row with a period.)
You can enter matrices directly in the command line, or
create them in the matrix editor.

Vectors Vectors are one-dimensional arrays. They are composed

of just one row. A vector is represented with single
brackets; for example, [1,2,3]. A vector can be a real
number vector or a complex number vector, for example
[(1,2), (7,3)].

Matrices Matrices are two-dimensional arrays. They are composed

of more than one row and more than one column.
Two-dimensional matrices are represented with nested
brackets; for example, [[1,2,3],[4,5,6]]. You can create
complex matrices, for example, [[(1,2), (3,4)], [(4,5),

Matrix Variables There are ten matrix variables available, named M0 to

M9. You can use them in calculations in HOME or in a
program. You can retrieve the matrix names from the
VARS menu, or just type their names from the keyboard.

Matrices 15-1
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Creating and storing matrices

You can create, edit,
delete, send, and receive
matrices in the Matrix
To open the Matrix
catalog, press MATRIX.

You can also create and store matricesnamed or

unnamed-in HOME. For example, the command:
POLYROOT([1,0,1,0]) M1
stores the root of the complex vector of length 3 into the
M1 variable. M1 now contains the three roots of
x x = 0

Matrix Catalog The table below lists the operations of the menu keys in
keys the Matrix Catalog, as well as the use of Delete ( )
and Clear ( CLEAR).

Key Meaning

Opens the highlighted matrix for


Prompts for a matrix type, then

opens an empty matrix with the
highlighted name.

Transmits the highlighted matrix to

another hp 39gs or a disk drive.
See Sending and receiving aplets
on page 19-4.

Receives a matrix from another

hp 39gs or a disk drive. See
Sending and receiving aplets on
page 19-4.

Clears the highlighted matrix.

CLEAR Clears all matrices.

or Moves to the end or the beginning

of the catalog.

15-2 Matrices
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To create a matrix 1. Press MATRIX to open the Matrix Catalog. The

in the Matrix Matrix catalog lists the 10 available matrix variables,
Catalog M0 to M9.
2. Highlight the matrix variable name you want to use
and press .
3. Select the type of matrix to create.
For a vector (one-dimensional array),
select Real vector or Complex vector.
Certain operations (+, , CROSS) do not
recognize a one-dimensional matrix as a vector,
so this selection is important.
For a matrix (two-dimensional array),
select Real matrix or Complex matrix.
4. For each element in the matrix, type a number or an
expression, and press . (The expression may
not contain symbolic variable names.)
For complex numbers, enter each number in
complex form; that is, (a, b), where a is the real part
and b is the imaginary part. You must include the
parentheses and the comma.
5. Use the cursor keys to move to a different row or
column. You can change the direction of the highlight
bar by pressing . The menu key toggles
between the following three options:
specifies that the cursor moves to the cell
below the current cell when you press .
specifies that the cursor moves to the cell to
the right of the current cell when you press
specifies that the cursor stays in the current
cell when you press .
6. When done, press MATRIX to see the Matrix
catalog, or press to return to HOME. The
matrix entries are automatically stored.

Matrices 15-3
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A matrix is listed with two dimensions, even if it is 31. A

vector is listed with the number of elements, such as 3.

To transmit a You can send matrices between calculators just as you

matrix can send aplets, programs, lists, and notes.
1. Align the HP 39gs calculators infrared ports (or
connect the calculators using an appropriate cable).
2. Open the Matrix catalogs on both calculators.
3. Highlight the matrix to send.
4. Press and choose the method of sending
(infrared or cable).
5. Press on the receiving calculator and choose
the method of receiving (infrared or cable).
For more information on sending and receiving files, see
Sending and receiving aplets on page 19-4.

Working with matrices

To edit a matrix In the Matrix catalog, highlight the name of the matrix
you want to edit and press .

Matrix edit keys The following table lists the matrix edit key operations.

Key Meaning

Copies the highlighted element to

the edit line.

Inserts a row of zeros above, or a

column of zeros to the left, of the
highlighted cell. (You are prompted
to choose row or column.)

A three-way toggle for cursor

advancement in the Matrix editor.
advances to the right,
advances downward, and
does not advance at all.

Switches between larger and

smaller font sizes.

15-4 Matrices
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Key Meaning (Continued)

Deletes the highlighted cells, row,

or column (you are prompted to
make a choice).

CLEAR Clears all elements from the matrix.

Moves to the first row, last row, first

column, or last column respectively.

To display a matrix In the Matrix catalog ( MATRIX), highlight the

matrix name and press .
In HOME, enter the name of the matrix variable and
press .

To display one In HOME, enter matrixname(row,column). For example,

element if M2 is [[3,4],[5,6]], then M2(1,2) returns

To create a matrix 1. Enter the matrix in the edit line. Start and end the
in HOME matrix and each row with square brackets (the shifted
and keys).
2. Separate each element and each row with a comma.
Example: [[1,2],[3,4]].

3. Press to enter and display the matrix.

The left screen below shows the matrix
[[2.5,729],[16,2]] being stored into M5. The
screen on the right shows the vector [66,33,11] being
stored into M6. Note that you can enter an expression
(like 5/2) for an element of the matrix, and it will be

Matrices 15-5
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To store one In HOME, enter, value matrixname(row,column).

element For example, to change the element in the first row and
second column of M5 to 728, then display the resulting

M5 1 2
An attempt to store an element to a row or column beyond
the size of the matrix results in an error message.

Matrix arithmetic
You can use the arithmetic functions (+, , , / and
powers) with matrix arguments. Division left-multiplies by
the inverse of the divisor. You can enter the matrices
themselves or enter the names of stored matrix variables.
The matrices can be real or complex.
For the next examples, store [[1,2],[3,4]] into M1 and
[[5,6],[7,8]] into M2.

Example 1. Create the first matrix.


1 2
3 4

2. Create the second



5 6

15-6 Matrices
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3. Add the matrices that

you created.


To multiply and For division by a scalar, enter the matrix first, then the
divide by a scalar operator, then the scalar. For multiplication, the order of
the operands does not matter.
The matrix and the scalar can be real or complex. For
example, to divide the result of the previous example by
2, press the following keys:

To multiply two To multiply the two matrices M1 and M2 that you created
matrices for the previous example, press the following keys:
M1 M
To multiply a matrix by a
vector, enter the matrix
first, then the vector. The
number of elements in the vector must equal the number
of columns in the matrix.

To raise a matrix to You can raise a matrix to any power as long as the power
a power is an integer. The following example shows the result of
raising matrix M1, created earlier, to the power of 5.
M1 5
Note: You can also raise a
matrix to a power without
first storing it as a variable.

Matrices can be raised to negative powers. In this case,

the result is equivalent to 1/[matrix]^ABS(power). In the
following example, M1 is raised to the power of 2.

Matrices 15-7
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To divide by a For division of a matrix or a vector by a square matrix,

square matrix the number of rows of the dividend (or the number of
elements, if it is a vector) must equal the number of rows
in the divisor.
This operation is not a mathematical division: it is a left-
multiplication by the inverse of the divisor. M1/M2 is
equivalent to M21 * M1.
To divide the two matrices M1 and M2 that you created
for the previous example, press the following keys:

To invert a matrix You can invert a square matrix in HOME by typing the
matrix (or its variable name) and pressing x1
. Or you can use the matrix INVERSE command.
Enter INVERSE(matrixname) in HOME and press

To negate each You can change the sign of each element in a matrix by
element pressing before the matrix name.

Solving systems of linear equations

Example Solve the following linear system:
2x + 3y + 4z = 5
x+yz = 7
4x y + 2z = 1
1. Open the Matrix
catalog and create a

15-8 Matrices
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2. Create the vector of the

constants in the linear

5 7
3. Return to the Matrix

In this example, the

vector you created is
listed as M1.
4. Create a new matrix.

Select Real matrix

5. Enter the equation

2 3
1 1
1 4
1 2
In this example, the matrix you created is listed as
6. Return to HOME and enter the calculation to
left-multiply the constants vector by the inverse of the
coefficients matrix.


The result is a vector of the

solutions x = 2, y = 3 and z = 2.
An alternative method, is to use the RREF function. See
RREF on page 15-12.

Matrices 15-9
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Matrix functions and commands

About functions Functions can be used in any aplet or in HOME. They
are listed in the MATH menu under the Matrix
category. They can be used in mathematical
expressionsprimarily in HOMEas well as in
Functions always produce and display a result. They
do not change any stored variables, such as a matrix
Functions have arguments that are enclosed in
parentheses and separated by commas; for example,
CROSS(vector1,vector2). The matrix input can be
either a matrix variable name (such as M1) or the
actual matrix data inside brackets. For example,

About commands Matrix commands are listed in the CMDS menu (

CMDS), in the matrix category.

See Matrix commands on page 18-24 for details of the

matrix commands available for use in programming.
Functions differ from commands in that a function can be
used in an expression. Commands cannot be used in an

Argument conventions
For row# or column#, supply the number of the row
(counting from the top, starting with 1) or the number
of the column (counting from the left, starting with 1).
The argument matrix can refer to either a vector or a

Matrix functions
COLNORM Column Norm. Finds the maximum value (over all
columns) of the sums of the absolute values of all elements
in a column.

15-10 Matrices
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COND Condition Number. Finds the 1-norm (column norm) of a

square matrix.

CROSS Cross Product of vector1 with vector2.

CROSS(vector1, vector2)

DET Determinant of a square matrix.


DOT Dot Product of two arrays, matrix1 matrix2.

DOT(matrix1, matrix2)

EIGENVAL Displays the eigenvalues in vector form for matrix.


EIGENVV Eigenvectors and Eigenvalues for a square matrix.

Displays a list of two arrays. The first contains the
eigenvectors and the second contains the eigenvalues.

IDENMAT Identity matrix. Creates a square matrix of dimension

size size whose diagonal elements are 1 and off-
diagonal elements are zero.

INVERSE Inverts a square matrix (real or complex).


LQ LQ Factorization. Factors an m n matrix into three

{[[ m n lowertrapezoidal]],[[ n n orthogonal]],
[[ m m permutation]]}.

LSQ Least Squares. Displays the minimum norm least squares

matrix (or vector).
LSQ(matrix1, matrix2)

Matrices 15-11
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LU LU Decomposition. Factors a square matrix into three

The uppertriangular has ones on its diagonal.

MAKEMAT Make Matrix. Creates a matrix of dimension rows

columns, using expression to calculate each element. If
expression contains the variables I and J, then the
calculation for each element substitutes the current row
number for I and the current column number for J.
MAKEMAT(expression, rows, columns)
MAKEMAT(0,3,3) returns a 33 zero matrix,

QR QR Factorization. Factors an mn matrix into three

matrices: {[[mm orthogonal]],[[mn
uppertrapezoidal]],[[nn permutation]]}.

RANK Rank of a rectangular matrix.


ROWNORM Row Norm. Finds the maximum value (over all rows) for
the sums of the absolute values of all elements in a row.

RREF Reduced-Row Echelon Form. Changes a rectangular

matrix to its reduced row-echelon form.

SCHUR Schur Decomposition. Factors a square matrix into two

matrices. If matrix is real, then the result is
{[[orthogonal]],[[upper-quasi triangular]]}.
If matrix is complex, then the result is

SIZE Dimensions of matrix. Returned as a list: {rows,columns}.


15-12 Matrices
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SPECNORM Spectral Norm of matrix.


SPECRAD Spectral Radius of a square matrix.


SVD Singular Value Decomposition. Factors an m n matrix

into two matrices and a vector:
{[[m m square orthogonal]],[[n n square orthogonal]],

SVL Singular Values. Returns a vector containing the singular

values of matrix.

TRACE Finds the trace of a square matrix. The trace is equal to

the sum of the diagonal elements. (It is also equal to the
sum of the eigenvalues.)

TRN Transposes matrix. For a complex matrix, TRN finds the

conjugate transpose.

Identity Matrix You can create an identity matrix with the IDENMAT
function. For example, IDENMAT(2) creates the 22
identity matrix [[1,0],[0,1]].
You can also create an identity matrix using the
MAKEMAT (make matrix) function. For example, entering
MAKEMAT(IJ,4,4) creates a 4 4 matrix showing the
numeral 1 for all elements except zeros on the diagonal.
The logical operator returns 0 when I (the row number)
and J (the column number) are equal, and returns 1 when
they are not equal.

Matrices 15-13
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Transposing a The TRN function swaps the row-column and column-row

Matrix elements of a matrix. For instance, element 1,2 (row 1,
column 2) is swapped with element 2,1; element 2,3 is
swapped with element 3,2; and so on.
For example, TRN([[1,2],[3,4]]) creates the matrix

Reduced-Row The following set of equations x 2y + 3z = 14

Echelon Form 2x + y z = 3
4x 2y + 2z = 14
can be written as the augmented matrix

1 2 3 14
2 1 1 3
4 2 2 14

which can then stored as a

3 4 real matrix in any
matrix variable. M1 is used
in this example.

You can use the RREF

function to change this to
reduced row echelon form,
storing it in any matrix
variable. M2 is used in this
The reduced row echelon
matrix gives the solution to
the linear equation in the
fourth column.
An advantage of using the
RREF function is that it will also work with inconsistent
matrices resulting from systems of equations which have
no solution or infinite solutions.
For example, the following set of equations has an infinite
number of solutions:
x+yz = 5
2x y = 7
x 2y + z = 2

15-14 Matrices
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The final row of zeros in the

reduced-row echelon form
of the augmented matrix
indicates an inconsistent
system with infinite

Matrices 15-15
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You can do list operations in HOME and in programs. A
list consists of comma-separated real or complex
numbers, expressions, or matrices, all enclosed in braces.
A list may, for example, contain a sequence of real
numbers such as {1,2,3}. (If the Decimal Mark mode is
set to Comma, then the separators are periods.) Lists
represent a convenient way to group related objects.
There are ten list variables available, named L0 to L9. You
can use them in calculations or expressions in HOME or
in a program. Retrieve the list names from the VARS
menu, or just type their names from the keyboard.
You can create, edit, delete, send, and receive named
lists in the List catalog ( LIST). You can also create
and store listsnamed or unnnamedin HOME lists
List variables are identical in behaviour to the columns
C1.C0 in the Statistics aplet. You can store a statistics
column to a list (or vice versa) and use any of the list
functions on the statistics columns, or the statistics
functions, on the list variables.

Create a list in 1. Open the List catalog.

the List Catalog LIST.

2. Highlight the list name

you want to assign to
the new list (L1, etc.)
and press to
display the List editor.

Lists 16-1
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3. Enter the values you want in the list, pressing

after each one.
Values can be real or
complex numbers (or
an expression). If you
enter a calculation, it is
evaluated and the
result is inserted in the

4. When done, press LIST to see the List catalog,

or press to return to HOME.

List catalog keys The list catalog keys are:

Key Meaning

Opens the highlighted list for


Transmits the highlighted list to

another hp 39gs or a PC. See
Sending and receiving aplets on
page 19-4 for further information.

Receives a list from another

hp 39gs or a PC. See Sending and
receiving aplets on page 19-4 for
further information.

Clears the highlighted list.

CLEAR Clears all lists.

or Moves to the end or the beginning

of the catalog.

16-2 Lists
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List edit keys When you press to create or change a list, the
following keys are available to you:

Key Meaning

Copies the highlighted list item into

the edit line.

Inserts a new value before the

highlighted item.

Deletes the highlighted item from

the list.

CLEAR Clears all elements from the list.

or Moves to the end or the beginning

of the list.

Create a list in 1. Enter the list on the edit line. Start and end the list
HOME with braces (the shifted and keys) and
separate each element with a comma.

2. Press to evaluate and display the list.

Immediately after typing in the list, you can store it in
a variable by pressing listname . The
list variable names are L0 through L9.
This example stores the
list {25,147,8} in L1.
Note: You can omit the
final brace when
entering a list.

Lists 16-3
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Displaying and editing lists

To display a list In the List catalog, highlight the list name and press
In HOME, enter the name of the list and press

To display one In HOME, enter listname(element#). For example, if L2 is

element {3,4,5,6}, then L2(2) returns 4.

To edit a list 1. Open the List catalog.


2. Press or to highlight the name of the list you

want to edit (L1, etc.) and press to display the
list contents.

3. Press or to highlight the element you want to

edit. In this example, edit the third element so that it
has a value of 5.

4. Press .

16-4 Lists
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To insert an element 1. Open the List catalog.

in a list

2. Press or to
highlight the name of
the list you want to edit
(L1, etc.) and press
to display the list

New elements are inserted above the highlighted

position. In this example, an element, with the value
of 9, is inserted between the first and second
elements in the list.

3. Press to the
insertion position, then
press , and press

4. Press .

To store one In HOME, enter value listname(element). For

element example, to store 148 as the second element in L1, type
148 L1(2) .

Lists 16-5
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Deleting lists
To delete a list In the List catalog, highlight the list name and press .
You are prompted to confirm that you want to delete the
contents of the highlighted list variable. Press to
delete the contents.

To delete all lists In the List catalog, press CLEAR.

Transmitting lists
You can send lists to calculators or PCs just as you can
aplets, programs, matrices, and notes.
1. Align the HP 39gs calculators infrared ports (or
connect the calculators using an appropriate cable).
2. Open the List catalogs on both calculators.
3. Highlight the list to send.
4. Press and choose the method of sending
(infrared or cable).
5. Press on the receiving calculator and choose
the method of receiving (infrared or cable).
For more information on sending and receiving files, see
Sending and receiving aplets on page 19-4.

List functions
List functions are found in the MATH menu. You can use
them in HOME, as well as in programs.
You can type in the name
of the function, or you can
copy the name of the
function from the List
category of the MATH
menu. Press (the
alpha L character key). This
highlights the List category in the left column. Press to
move the cursor to the right column which contain the List
functions, select a function, and press .
List functions have the following syntax:
Functions have arguments that are enclosed in
parentheses and separated by commas. Example:

16-6 Lists
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CONCAT(L1,L2). An argument can be either a list

variable name (such as L1) or the actual list. For
example, REVERSE({1,2,3}).
If Decimal Mark in Modes is set to Comma, use
periods to separate arguments. For example,
Common operators like +, , , and / can take lists as
arguments. If there are two arguments and both are lists,
then the lists must have the same length, since the
calculation pairs the elements. If there are two arguments
and one is a real number, then the calculation pairs the
number with each element of the list.
5*{1,2,3} returns {5,10,15}.
Besides the common operators that can take numbers,
matrices, or lists as arguments, there are commands that
can only operate on lists.

CONCAT Concatenates two lists into a new list.

CONCAT({1,2,3},{4}) returns {1,2,3,4}.

LIST Creates a new list composed of the first differences, that

is, the differences between the sequential elements in
list1. The new list has one fewer elements than list1. The
first differences for {x1 x2 ... xn} are {x2 x1 ... xn xn1}.

Lists 16-7
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In HOME, store {3,5,8,12,17,23} in L5 and find the first
differences for the list.

Select LIST

MAKELIST Calculates a sequence of elements for a new list.

Evaluates expression with variable from begin to end
values, taken at increment steps.
The MAKELIST function generates a series by
automatically producing a list from the repeated
evaluation of an expression.
In HOME, generate a series of squares from 23 to 27.

L Select
A 23
27 1

LIST Calculates the product of all elements in list.

LIST({2,3,4}) returns 24.

POS Returns the position of an element within a list. The

element can be a value, a variable, or an expression. If
there is more than one instance of the element, the

16-8 Lists
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position of the first occurrence is returned. A value of 0 is

returned if there is no occurrence of the specified element.
POS(list, element)
POS ({3, 7, 12, 19},12) returns 3

REVERSE Creates a list by reversing the order of the elements in a


SIZE Calculates the number of elements in a list.

Also works with matrices.

LIST Calculates the sum of all elements in list.

LIST({2,3,4}) returns 9.

SORT Sorts elements in ascending order.


Finding statistical values for list elements

To find values such as the mean, median, maximum, and
minimum values of the elements in a list, use the Statistics

Example In this example, use the Statistics aplet to find the mean,
median, maximum, and minimum values of the elements
in the list, L1.
1. Create L1 with values 88, 90, 89, 65, 70, and 89.
{ 88 90
89 65 70 89

Lists 16-9
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2. In HOME, store L1 into

C1. You will then be
able to see the list data in the Numeric view of the
Statistics aplet.


3. Start the Statistics aplet, and select 1-variable mode

(press , if necessary, to display ).


Note: Your list values are now in column 1 (C1).

4. In the Symbolic view, define H1 (for example) as C1
(sample) and 1 (frequency).

5. Go to the Numeric view to display calculated


See One-variable on page 10-14 for the meaning

of each computed statistic.

16-10 Lists
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Notes and sketches

The HP 39gs has text and picture editors for entering
notes and sketches.
Each aplet has its own independent Note view and
Sketch view. Notes and sketches that you create in
these views are associated with the aplet. When you
save the aplet, or send it to another calculator, the
notes and sketches are saved or sent as well.
The Notepad is a collection of notes independent of
all aplets. These notes can also be sent to another
calculator via the Notepad Catalog.

Aplet note view

You can attach text to an aplet in its Note view.

To write a note in 1. In an aplet, press NOTE for the Note view.

Note view 2. Use the note editing keys shown in the table in the
following section.
3. Set Alpha lock ( ) for quick entry of letters. For
lowercase Alpha lock, press .
4. While Alpha lock is on:
To type a single letter of the opposite case, press
To type a single non-alpha character (such as 5
or [ ), press first. (This turns off Alpha
lock for one character.)
Your work is automatically saved. Press any view key
( , , , ) or to exit
the Notes view.

Notes and sketches 17-1

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Note edit keys

Key Meaning

Space key for text entry.

Displays next page of a multi-page


Alpha-lock for letter entry.

Lower-case alpha-lock for letter

Backspaces cursor and deletes


Deletes current character.

Starts a new line.

CLEAR Erases the entire note.

Menu for entering variable names,

and contents of variables.

Menu for entering math

operations, and constants.

CMDS Menu for entering program


CHARS Displays special characters. To

type one, highlight it and press
. To copy a character without
closing the CHARS screen, press

17-2 Notes and sketches

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Aplet sketch view

You can attach pictures to an aplet in its Sketch view
( SKETCH). Your work is automatically saved with the
aplet. Press any other view key or to exit the
Sketch view

Sketch keys
Key Meaning

Stores the specified portion of the

current sketch to a graphics
variable (G1 through G0).

Adds a new, blank page to the

current sketch set.

Displays next sketch in the sketch

set. Animates if held down.

Opens the edit line to type a text


Displays the menu-key labels for


Deletes the current sketch.

CLEAR Erases the entire sketch set.

Toggles menu key labels on and

off. If menu key labels are hidden,
or any menu key, redisplays
the menu key labels.

To draw a line 1. In an aplet, press SKETCH for the Sketch view.

2. In Sketch view, press and move the cursor to
where you want to start the line
3. Press . This turns on line-drawing.
4. Move the cursor in any direction to the end point of
the line by pressing the , , , keys.
5. Press to finish the line.

Notes and sketches 17-3

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To draw a box 1. In Sketch view, press and move the cursor to

where you want any corner of the box to be.
2. Press .
3. Move the cursor to mark the opposite corner for the
box. You can adjust the size of the box by moving the
4. Press to finish the box.

To draw a circle 1. In Sketch view, press and move the cursor to

where you want the center of the circle to be.
2. Press . This turns on circle drawing.
3. Move the cursor the distance of the radius.
4. Press to draw the circle.

DRAW keys
Key Meaning

Dot on. Turns pixels on as the cursor


Dot off. Turns pixels off as the cursor


Draws a line from the cursors starting

position to the cursors current position.
Press when you have finished. You
can draw a line at any angle.

Draws a box from the cursors starting

position to the cursors current position.
Press when you have finished.

Draws a circle with the cursors starting

position as the center. The radius is the
distance between the cursors starting
and ending position. Press to draw
the circle.

17-4 Notes and sketches

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To label parts of a 1. Press and type the text on the edit line. To lock
sketch the Alpha shift on, press (for uppercase) or
(for lowercase).
To make the label a smaller character size, turn off
before pressing .( is a toggle
between small and large font size). The smaller
character size cannot display lowercase letters.

2. Press .
3. Position the label where you want it by pressing the
, , , keys.
4. Press again to affix the label.
5. Press to continue
drawing, or press
to exit the
Sketch view.

To create a set of You can create a set of up to ten sketches. This allows for
sketches simple animation.
After making a sketch, press to add a new,
blank page. You can now make a new sketch, which
becomes part of the current set of sketches.
To view the next sketch in an existing set, press
. Hold down for animation.
To remove the current page in the current sketch
series, press .

To store into a You can define a portion of a sketch inside a box, and
graphics variable then store that graphic into a graphics variable.
1. In the Sketch view, display the sketch you want to
copy (store into a variable).
2. Press .
3. Highlight the variable name you want to use and
press .
4. Draw a box around the portion you want to copy:
move the cursor to one corner, press , then move
the cursor to the opposite corner, and press .

Notes and sketches 17-5

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To import a You can copy the contents of a graphics variable into the
graphics variable Sketch view of an aplet.

1. Open the Sketch view of the aplet ( SKETCH).

The graphic will be copied here.
2. Press , .

3. Highlight Graphic, then press and highlight the

name of the variable (G1, etc.).
4. Press to recall the contents of the graphics
5. Move the box to where you would like to copy the
graphic, then press .

The notepad
Subject to available memory, you can store as many
notes as you want in the Notepad ( NOTEPAD).
These notes are independent of any aplet. The Notepad
catalog lists the existing entries by name. It does not
include notes that were created in aplets Note views, but
these can be imported. See To import a note on
page 17-8.

To create a note in 1. Display the Notepad

the Notepad catalog.

2. Create a new note.

3. Enter a name for your


17-6 Notes and sketches

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4. Write your note.

See Note edit keys
on page 17-2 for more
information on the
entry and editing of

5. When you are finished, press or an aplet key

to exit Notepad. Your work is automatically saved.

Notepad Catalog keys

Key Meaning
Opens the selected note for
Begins a new note, and asks
for a name.
Transmits the selected note to
another HP 39gs or PC.
Receives a note being
transmitted from another HP
39gs or PC.
Deletes the selected note.
CLEAR Deletes all notes in the

Notes and sketches 17-7

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To import a note You can import a note from the Notepad into an aplets
Note view, and vice versa. Suppose you want to copy a
note named Assignments from the Notepad into the
Function Note view:
1. In the Function aplet, display the Note view
( NOTE).

2. Press , highlight Notepad in the left

column, then highlight the name Assignments in the
right column.
3. Press to copy the contents of
Assignments to the Function Note view.
Note: To recall the name instead of the contents,
press instead of .
Suppose you want to copy the Note view from the current
aplet into the note, Assignments, in the Notepad.

1. In the Notepad ( NOTEPAD), open the note,

2. Press , highlight Note in the left
column, then press and highlight NoteText in
the right column.
3. Press to recall the contents of the Note
view into the note Assignments.

17-8 Notes and sketches

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This chapter describes how to program using the hp
39gs. In this chapter youll learn about:
using the Program catalog to create and edit
programming commands
storing and retrieving variables in programs
programming variables.
HINT More information on programming, including examples
and special tools, can be found at HPs calculators web

The Contents of a An HP 39gs program contains a sequence of numbers,

Program mathematical expressions, and commands that execute
automatically to perform a task.
These items are separated by a colon ( : ). Commands
that take multiple arguments have those arguments
separated by a semicolon ( ; ). For example,
PIXON xposition;yposition:

Structured Inside a program you can use branching structures to

Programming control the execution flow. You can take advantage of
structured programming by creating building-block
programs. Each building-block program stands
aloneand it can be called from other programs. Note:
If a program has a space in its name then you have to put
quotes around it when you want to run it.

Programming 18-1
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This program is separated into three main tasks, each an
individual program. Within each program, the task can
be simpleor it can be divided further into other
programs that perform smaller tasks.

Program catalog
The Program catalog is where you create, edit, delete,
send, receive, or run programs. This section describes
how to
open the Program catalog
create a new program
enter commands from the program commands menu
enter functions from the MATH menu
edit a program
run and debug a program
stop a program
copy a program
send and receive a program
delete a program or its contents
customize an aplet.

Open Program 1. Press PROGRM.

Catalog The Program Catalog displays a list of program
names. The Program Catalog contains a built-in entry
called Editline.
Editline contains the last expression that you
entered from the edit line in HOME, or the last data
you entered in an input form. (If you press
from HOME without entering any data, the HP 39gs
runs the contents of Editline.)
Before starting to work with programs, you should
take a few minutes to become familiar with the
Program catalog menu keys. You can use any of the
following keys (both menu and keyboard), to perform
tasks in the Program catalog.
18-2 Programming
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Program catalog keys

The program catalog keys are:

Key Meaning

Opens the highlighted program

for editing.

Prompts for a new program

name, then opens an empty

Transmits the highlighted

program to another HP 39gs or to
a disk drive.

Receives the highlighted program

from another HP 39gs or from a
disk drive.

Runs the highlighted program.

or Moves to the beginning or end of

the Program catalog.

Deletes the highlighted program.

CLEAR Deletes all programs in the

program catalog.

Programming 18-3
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Creating and editing programs

Create a new 1. Press PROGRM to open the Program catalog.
program 2. Press .
The HP 39gs prompts
you for a name.

A program name can contain special characters,

such as a space. However, if you use special
characters and then run the program by typing it in
HOME, you must enclose the program name in
double quotes (" "). Don't use the " symbol within your
program name.
3. Type your program
name, then press .
When you press ,
the Program Editor
4. Enter your program. When done, start any other
activity. Your work is saved automatically.

Enter commands Until you become familiar with the HP 39gs commands,
the easiest way to enter commands is to select them from
the Commands menu from the Program editor. You can
also type in commands using alpha characters.

1. From the Program editor, press CMDS to open

the Program Commands menu.

18-4 Programming
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2. On the left, use or to highlight a command

category, then press to access the commands in
the category. Select the command that you want.

3. Press to paste the command into the program


Edit a program 1. Press PROGRM to

open the Program

2. Use the arrow keys to highlight the program you want

to edit, and press . The HP 39gs opens the
Program Editor. The name of your program appears
in the title bar of the display. You can use the
following keys to edit your program.

Programming 18-5
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Editing keys The editing keys are:

Key Meaning

Inserts the character at the

editing point.

Inserts space into text.

Displays previous page of the


Displays next page of the program.

Moves up or down one line.

Moves right or left one character.

Alpha-lock for letter entry. Press

A...Z to lock lower case.

Backspaces cursor and deletes


Deletes current character.

Starts a new line.

CLEAR Erases the entire program.

Displays menus for selecting variable

names, contents of variables, math
functions, and program constants.

CMDS Displays menus for selecting program


CHARS Displays all characters. To type one,

highlight it and press .
To enter several characters in a row,
use the menu key while in the
CHARS menu.

18-6 Programming
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Using programs
Run a program From HOME, type RUN program_name.
From the Program catalog, highlight the program you
want to run and press
Regardless of where you start the program, all programs
run in HOME. What you see will differ slightly depending
on where you started the program. If you start the
program from HOME, the HP 39gs displays the contents
of Ans (Home variable containing the last result), when
the program has finished. If you start the program from
the Program catalog, the hp39gs returns you to the
Program catalog when the program ends.

Debug a If you run a program that contains errors, the program

program will stop and you will see an error message.

To debug the program:

1. Press to edit the program.

The insert cursor appears in the program at the point
where the error occurred.
2. Edit the program to fix the error.
3. Run the program.
4. Repeat the process until you correct all errors.

Stop a program You can stop the running of a program at any time by
pressing CANCEL (the key). Note: You may have to
press it a couple of times.

Programming 18-7
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Copy a program You can use the following procedure if you want to make
a copy of your work before editingor if you want to use
one program as a template for another.

1. Press PROGRM to open the Program catalog.

2. Press .
3. Type a new file name, then choose .
The Program Editor opens with a new program.

4. Press to open the variables menu.

5. Press to quickly scroll to Program.

6. Press , then highlight the program you want to

7. Press , then press .
The contents of the highlighted program are copied
into the current program at the cursor location.
HINT If you use a programming routine often, save the routine
under a different program name, then use the above
method to copy it into your programs.

Transmit a You can send programs to, and receive programs from,
program other calculators just as you can send and receive aplets,
matrices, lists, and notes.
After aligning the calculators infrared ports, open the
Program catalogs on both calculators. Highlight the
program to send, then press on the sending
calculator and on the receiving calculator.
You can also send programs to, and receive programs
from, a remote storage device (aplet disk drive or
computer). This takes place via a cable connection and
requires an aplet disk drive or specialized software
running on a PC (such as a connectivity kit).

18-8 Programming
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Delete a To delete a program:

program 1. Press PROGRM to open the Program catalog.

2. Highlight a program to delete, then press .

Delete all You can delete all programs at once.

programs 1. In the Program catalog, press CLEAR.

2. Press .

Delete the You can clear the contents of a program without deleting
contents of a the program name.
program 1. Press PROGRM to open the Program catalog.
2. Highlight a program, then press .
3. Press CLEAR, then press .
4. The contents of the program are deleted, but the
program name remains.

Customizing an aplet
You can customize an aplet and develop a set of
programs to work with the aplet.
Use the SETVIEWS command to create a custom VIEWS
menu which links specially written programs to the new
A useful method for customizing an aplet is illustrated
1. Decide on the built-in aplet that you want to
customize. For example you could customize the
Function aplet or the Statistics aplet. The customized
aplet inherits all the properties of the built-in aplet.
Save the customized aplet with a unique name.
2. Customize the new aplet if you need to, for example
by presetting axes or angle measures.
3. Develop the programs to work with your customized
aplet. When you develop the aplets programs, use
the standard aplet naming convention. This allows
you to keep track of the programs in the Program
catalog that belong to each aplet. See Aplet naming
convention on page 18-10.

Programming 18-9
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4. Develop a program that uses the SETVIEWS

command to modify the aplets VIEWS menu. The
menu options provide links to associated programs.
You can specify any other programs that you want
transferred with the aplet. See SETVIEWS on page
18-14 for information on the command.
5. Ensure that the customized aplet is selected, then run
the menu configuration program to configure the
aplets VIEWS menu.
6. Test the customized aplet and debug the associated
programs. (Refer to Debug a program on page

Aplet naming convention

To assist users in keeping track of aplets and associated
programs, use the following naming convention when
setting up an aplets programs:
Start all program names with an abbreviation of the
aplet name. We will use APL in this example.
Name programs called by menu entries in the VIEWS
menu number, after the entry, for example:
APL.ME1 for the program called by menu option
APL.ME2 for the program called by menu option
Name the program that configures the new VIEWS
menu option APL.SV where SV stands for SETVIEWS.
For example, a customized aplet called Differentiation
might call programs called DIFF.ME1, DIFF.ME2, and

This example aplet is designed to demonstrate the
process of customizing an aplet. The new aplet is based
on the Function aplet. Note: This aplet is not intended to
serve a serious use, merely to illustrate the process.

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Save the aplet 1. Open the Function aplet and save it as

EXPERIMENT. The new aplet appears in the Aplet


2. Create a program
called EXP.ME1 with
contents as shown. This
program configures the
plot ranges, then runs a
program that allows
you to set the angle format.
3. Create a program
called EXP.ME2 with
contents as shown. This
program sets the
numeric view options
for the aplet, and runs
the program that you can use to configure the angle
4. Create a program
called EXP.ANG which
the previous two
programs call.

5. Create a program
called EXP.S which runs
when you start the
aplet, as shown. This
program sets the angle
mode to degrees, and
sets up the initial function that the aplet plots.

Configuring the In this section we will begin by configuring the

Setviews menu VIEWS menu by using the SETVIEWS command. We
will then create the helper programs called by the
option VIEWS menu which will do the actual work.

Programming 18-11
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6. Open the Program catalog and create a program

named EXP.SV. Include the following code in the
Each entry line after the command SETVIEWS is a trio
that consists of a VIEWS menu text line (a space
indicates none), a program name, and a number that
defines the view to go to after the program has run its
course. All programs listed here will transfer with an
aplet when the aplet is transferred.
Sets the first menu option to be Auto
scale. This is the fourth standard Function
aplet view menu option and the 18 Auto
scale, specifies that it is to be included in
the new menu. The empty quotes will
ensure that the old name of Auto scale
appears on the new menu. See
SETVIEWS on page 18-14.
My Entry1;EXP.ME1;1;
Sets the second menu option. This option
runs program EXP.ME1, then returns to
view 1, Plot view.
My Entry2;EXP.ME2;3;
Sets the third menu option. This option
runs the program EXP.ME2, then returns to
view 3, the NUM view.
This line specifies that the program to set
the View menu (this program) is
transferred with the aplet. The space
character between the first set of quotes in
the trio specifies that no menu option
appears for the entry. You do not need to
transfer this program with the aplet, but it
allows users to modify the aplets menu if
they want to.

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The program EXP.ANG is a small routine
that is called by other programs that the
aplet uses. This entry specifies that the
program EXP.ANG is transferred when the
aplet is transferred, but the space in the
first quotes ensures that no entry appears
on the menu.
This specifies the Start menu option. The
program that is associated with this entry,
EXP.S, runs automatically when you
start the aplet. Because this menu option
specifies view 7, the VIEWS menu opens
when you start the aplet.
You only need to run this program once to configure
your aplets VIEWS menu. Once the aplets VIEWS
menu is configured, it remains that way until you run
You do not need to include this program for your
aplet to work, but it is useful to specify that the
program is attached to the aplet, and transmitted
when the aplet is transmitted.
7. Return to the program
catalog. The programs
that you created should
appear as follows:
8. You must now the
program EXP.SV to execute the SETVIEWS command
and create the modified VIEWS menu. Check that the
name of the new aplet is highlighted in the Aplet
9. You can now return to the Aplet library and press
to run your new aplet.

Programming commands
This section describes the commands for programming
with hp 39GS. You can enter these commands in your
program by typing them or by accessing them from the
Commands menu.

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Aplet commands
CHECK Checks (selects) the corresponding function in the current
aplet. For example, Check 3 would check F3 if the current
aplet is Function. Then a checkmark would appear next
to F3 in Symbolic view, F3 would be plotted in Plot view,
and evaluated in Numeric view.

SELECT Selects the named aplet and makes it the current aplet.
Note: Quotes are needed if the name contains spaces or
other special characters.
SELECT apletname:

SETVIEWS The SETVIEWS command is used to define entries in the

VIEWS menu for aplets that you customize. See
Customizing an aplet on page 18-9 for an example of
using the SETVIEWS command.
When you use the SETVIEWS command, the aplets
standard VIEWS menu is deleted and the customized
menu is used in its place. You only need to apply the
command to an aplet once. The VIEWS menu changes
remain unless you apply the command again.
Typically, you develop a program that uses the
SETVIEWS command only. The command contains a trio
of arguments for each menu option to create, or program
to attach. Keep the following points in mind when using
this command:
The SETVIEWS command deletes an aplets standard
Views menu options. If you want to use any of the
standard options on your reconfigured VIEWS menu,
you must include them in the configuration.
When you invoke the SETVIEWS command, the
changes to an aplets VIEWS menu remain with the
aplet. You need to invoke the command on the aplet
again to change the VIEWS menu.
All the programs that are called from the VIEWS
menu are transferred when the aplet is transferred, for
example to another calculator or to a PC.
As part of the VIEWS menu configuration, you can
specify programs that you want transferred with the
aplet, but are not called as menu options. For
example, these can be sub-programs that menu

18-14 Programming
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options use, or the program that defines the aplets

VIEWS menu.
You can include a Start option in the VIEWS menu
to specify a program that you want to run
automatically when the aplet starts. This program
typically sets up the aplets initial configuration. The
START option on the menu is also useful for resetting
the aplet.
Command syntax
The syntax for the command is as follows:
(You can repeat as many Prompt/ProgramName/
ViewNumber trios of arguments as you like.)
Within each Prompt/ProgramName/ViewNumber trio,
you separate each item with a semi-colon.
Prompt is the text that is displayed for the corresponding
entry in the Views menu. Enclose the prompt text in
double quotes.
Associating programs with your aplet
If Prompt consists of a single space, then no entry appears
in the view menu. The program specified in the
ProgramName item is associated with the aplet and
transferred whenever the aplet is transmitted. Typically,
you do this if you want to transfer the Setviews program
with the aplet, or you want to transfer a sub-program that
other menu programs use.
Auto-run programs
If the Prompt item is Start, then the ProgramName
program runs whenever you start the aplet. This is useful
for setting up a program to configure the aplet. Users can
select the Start item from the VIEWS menu to reset the
aplet if they change configurations.
You can also define a menu item called Reset which is
auto-run if the user chooses the button in the APLET

Programming 18-15
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ProgramName is the name of the program that runs when
the corresponding menu entry is selected. All programs
that are identified in the aplets SETVIEWS command are
transferred when the aplet is transmitted.
ViewNumber is the number of a view to start after the
program finishes running. For example, if you want the
menu option to display the Plot view when the associated
program finishes, you would specify 1 as the
ViewNumber value.
Including standard menu options
To include one of an aplets standard VIEWS menu
options in your customized menu, set up the arguments
trio as follows:
The first argument specifies the menu item name:
Leave the argument empty to use the standard
Views menu name for the item, or
Enter a menu item name to replace the standard
The second argument specifies the program to run:
Leave the argument empty to run the standard
menu option.
Insert a program name to run the program before
the standard menu option is executed.
The third argument specifies the view and the menu
number for the item. Determine the menu number
from the View numbers table below.
Note: SETVIEWS with no arguments resets the views
to default of the base aplet.

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View numbers
The Function aplet views are numbered as follows:

0 HOME 11 List Catalog

1 Plot 12 Matrix Catalog
2 Symbolic 13 Notepad Catalog
3 Numeric 14 Program Catalog
4 Plot-Setup 15 Plot-Detail
5 Symbolic-Setup 16 Plot-Table
6 Numeric-Setup 17 Overlay Plot
7 Views 18 Auto scale
8 Note 19 Decimal
9 Sketch view 20 Integer
10 Aplet Catalog 21 Trig

View numbers from 15 on will vary according to the

parent aplet. The list shown above is for the Function
aplet. Whatever the normal VIEWS menu for the parent
aplet, the first entry will become number 15, the second
number 16 and so on.

UNCHECK Unchecks (unselects) the corresponding function in the

current aplet. For example, Uncheck 3 would uncheck F3
if the current aplet is Function.

Branch commands
Branch commands let a program make a decision based
on the result of one or more tests. Unlike the other
programming commands, the branch commands work in
logical groups. Therefore, the commands are described
together rather than each independently.

IF...THEN...END Executes a sequence of commands in the true-clause only

if the test-clause evaluates to true. Its syntax is:
IF test-clause
THEN true-clause END

Programming 18-17
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1 A :
IF A==1

IF... THEN... ELSE... Executes the true-clause sequence of commands if the test-
END clause is true, or the false-clause sequence of commands
if the test-clause is false.
IF test-clause
THEN true-clause ELSE false-clause END
1 A :

CASE...END Executes a series of test-clause commands that execute

the appropriate true-clause sequence of commands. Its
syntax is:
IF test-clause1 THEN true-clause1 END
IF test-clause2 THEN true-clause2 END
IF test-clausen THEN true-clausen END
When CASE is executed, test-clause1 is evaluated. If the
test is true, true-clause1 is executed, and execution skips
to END. If test-clause1 if false, execution proceeds to test-
clause2. Execution with the CASE structure continues until
a true-clause is executed (or until all the test-clauses
evaluate to false).

IFERR... Many conditions are automatically recognized by the HP

THEN... 39gs as error conditions and are automatically treated as
ELSE errors in programs.

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IFERR...THEN...ELSEEND allows a program to intercept

error conditions that otherwise would cause the program
to abort. Its syntax is:
IFERR trap-clause
THEN clause_1
ELSE clause_2
60/X Y:
MSGBOX "Error: X is zero.":
MSGBOX "Value is "Y:

RUN Runs the named program. If your program name contains

special characters, such as a space, then you must
enclose the file name in double quotes (" ").
RUN "program name": or RUN programname:

STOP Stops the current program.


Drawing commands
The drawing commands act on the display. The scale of
the display depends on the current aplet's Xmin, Xmax,
Ymin, and Ymax values. The following examples assume
the hp 39gs default settings with the Function aplet as the
current aplet.

ARC Draws a circular arc, of given radius, whose centre is at

(x,y) The arc is drawn from start_angle_measurement, to
ARC x;y;radius;start_angle_measurement ;

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ARC 0;0;2;0;2:
Draws a circle centered
at (0,0) of radius 2. The
FREEZE command
causes the circle to
remain displayed on the screen until you press a key.

BOX Draws a box with diagonally opposite corners (x1,y1) and

BOX x1;y1;x2;y2:
BOX -1;-1;1;1:
Draws a box, lower
corner at (1,1),
upper corner at (1,1)

ERASE Clears the display


FREEZE Halts the program, freezing the current display.

Execution resumes when any key is pressed.

LINE Draws a line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2).

LINE x1;y1;x2;y2:

PIXOFF Turns off the pixel at the specified coordinates (x,y).


PIXON Turns on the pixel at the specified coordinates (x,y).

PIXON x;y:

TLINE Toggles the pixels along the line from (x1, y1) to (x2, y2)
on and off. Any pixel that was turned off, is turned on;
any pixel that was turned on, is turned off. TLINE can be
used to erase a line.
TLINE x1;y1;x2;y2:

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TLINE 0;0;3;3:
Erases previously drawn 45 degree line from (0,0) to
(3,3), or draws that line if it doesnt already exist.

Graphic commands
The graphic commands use the graphics variables G0
through G9or the Page variable from Sketchas
graphicname arguments. The position argument takes the
form (x,y). Position coordinates depend on the current
aplets scale, which is specified by Xmin, Xmax, Ymin,
and Ymax. The upper left corner of the target graphic
(graphic2) is at (Xmin,Ymax).
You can capture the current display and store it in G0 by
simultaneously pressing + .

DISPLAY Stores the current display in graphicname.

DISPLAY graphicname:

DISPLAY Displays graphic from graphicname in the display.

DISPLAY graphicname:

GROB Creates a graphic from expression, using font_size, and

stores the resulting graphic in graphicname. Font sizes
are 1, 2, or 3. If the fontsize argument is 0, the HP 39gs
creates a graphic display like that created by the SHOW
GROB graphicname;expression; fontsize:

GROBNOT Replaces graphic in graphicname with bitwise-inverted

GROBNOT graphicname:

GROBOR Using the logical OR, superimposes graphicname2 onto

graphicname1. The upper left corner of graphicname2 is
placed at position.
GROBOR graphicname1;(position);graphicname2:
GROBOR G0; (1,1); G1:

Programming 18-21
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will superimpose G1 onto G0 starting a position (1,1),

where the position is given in terms of the current axes
settings, not as a pixel position.

GROBXOR Using the logical XOR, superimposes graphicname2 onto

graphicname1. The upper left corner of graphicname2 is
placed at position.
graphicname1;(position) ;graphicname2:

MAKEGROB Creates graphic with given width, height, and

hexadecimal data, and stores it in graphicname.
MAKEGROB graphicname;width;height;hexdata:

PLOT Stores the Plot view display as a graphic in graphicname.

PLOT graphicname:
PLOT and DISPLAY can be used to transfer a copy
of the current PLOT view into the sketch view of the aplet
for later use and editing.
1 PageNum:
PLOT Page:
This program stores the current PLOT view to the first page
in the sketch view of the current aplet and then displays
the sketch as a graphic object until any key is pressed.

PLOT Puts graph from graphicname into the Plot view display.
PLOT graphicname:

REPLACE Replaces portion of graphic in graphicname1 with

graphicname2, starting at position. REPLACE also
works for lists and matrices.

SUB Extracts a portion of the named graphic (or list or matrix),

and stores it in a new variable, name. The portion is
specified by position and positions.
SUB name;graphicname;(position);(positions):

18-22 Programming
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ZEROGROB Creates a blank graphic with given width and height,

and stores it in graphicname.
ZEROGROB graphicname;width;height:

Loop commands
Loop hp allow a program to execute a routine repeatedly.
The HP 39gs has three loop structures. The example
programs below illustrate each of these structures
incrementing the variable A from 1 to 12.

DOUNTIL END Do ... Until ... End is a loop command that executes the
loop-clause repeatedly until test-clause returns a true
(nonzero) result. Because the test is executed after the
loop-clause, the loop-clause is always executed at least
once. Its syntax is:

DO loop-clause UNTIL test-clause END

1 A:
A + 1 A
UNTIL A == 12 END:

WHILE While ... Repeat ... End is a loop command that

REPEAT repeatedly evaluates test-clause and executes loop-clause
END sequence if the test is true. Because the test-clause is
executed before the loop-clause, the loop-clause is not
executed if the test is initially false. Its syntax is:
WHILE test-clause REPEAT loop-clause END
1 A:
A+1 A

FORTOSTEP FOR name=start-expression TO end-expression

...END [STEP increment];
loop-clause END
FOR A=1 TO 12 STEP 1;

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Note that the STEP parameter is optional. If it is omitted,

a step value of 1 is assumed.

BREAK Terminates loop.


Matrix commands
The matrix commands take variables M0M9 as

ADDCOL Add Column. Inserts values into a column before

column_number in the specified matrix. You enter the
values as a vector. The values must be separated by
commas and the number of values must be the same as
the number of rows in the matrix name.

ADDROW Add Row. Inserts values into a row before row_number in

the specified matrix. You enter the values as a vector. The
values must be separated by commas and the number of
values must be the same as the number of columns in the
matrix name.
ADDROW name;[value1,..., valuen];row_number:

DELCOL Delete Column. Deletes the specified column from the

specified matrix.
DELCOL name;column_number:

DELROW Delete Row. Deletes the specified row from the specified
DELROW name;row_number:

EDITMAT Starts the Matrix Editor and displays the specified matrix.
If used in programming, returns to the program when user
presses .

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RANDMAT Creates random matrix with a specified number of rows

and columns and stores the result in name
(name must be M0...M9). The entries will be integers
ranging from 9 to 9.
RANDMAT name;rows;columns:

REDIM Redimensions the specified matrix or vector to size. For a

matrix, size is a list of two integers {n1,n2}. For a vector,
size is a list containing one integer {n}.
REDIM name;size:

REPLACE Replaces portion of a matrix or vector stored in name with

an object starting at position start. start for a matrix is a
list containing two numbers; for a vector, it is a single
number. Replace also works with lists and graphics.
REPLACE name;start;object:

SCALE Multiplies the specified row_number of the specified

matrix by value.
SCALE name;value;rownumber:

SCALEADD Multiplies the row of the matrix name by value, then adds
this result to the second specified row.
SCALEADD name;value;row1;row2:

SUB Extracts a sub-objecta portion of a list, matrix, or

graphic from objectand stores it into name. start and
end are each specified using a list with two numbers for
a matrix, a number for vector or lists, or an ordered pair,
(X,Y), for graphics.
SUB name;object;start;end:

SWAPCOL Swaps Columns. Exchanges column1 and column2 of the

specified matrix.
SWAPCOL name;column1;column2:

SWAPROW Swap Rows. Exchanges row1 and row2 in the specified

SWAPROW name;row1;row2:

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Print commands
These commands print to an HP infrared printer, for
example the HP 82240B printer.

PRDISPLAY Prints the contents of the display.


PRHISTORY Prints all objects in the history.


PRVAR Prints name and contents of variablename.

PRVAR variablename:
You can also use the PRVAR command to print the
contents of a program or a note.
PRVAR programname;PROG:
PRVAR notename;NOTE:

Prompt commands
BEEP Beeps at the frequency and for the time you specify.
BEEP frequency;seconds:

CHOOSE Creates a choose box, which is a box containing a list of

options from which the user chooses one. Each option is
numbered, 1 through n. The result of the choose
command is to store the number of the option chosen in a
variable. The syntax is
CHOOSE variable_name; title; option1; option2 ;

where variable_name is the number of the option that will

be highlighted by default whenever the choose box is
displayed, title is the text displayed in the title bar of the
choose box, and option1...optionn are the options listed
in the choose box.

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CLRVAR Clears the specified variable. The syntax is:

CLRVAR variable :
If you have stored
{1,2,3,4} in variable L1,
entering CLVAR L1
will clear L1.

DISP Displays textitem in a row of the display at the

line_number. A text item consists of any number of
expressions and quoted strings of text. The expressions
are evaluated and turned into strings. Lines are numbered
from the top of the screen, 1 being the top and 7 being
the bottom.
DISP line_number;textitem:
DISP 3;"A is" 2+2
Result: A is 4
(displayed on line 3)

DISPXY Displays object at position (x_pos, y_pos) in size font. The

syntax is:
DISPXY x_pos;y_pos;font;object:
The value of object can be a text string, a variable, or a
combination of both. x_pos and y_pos are relative to the
current settings of Xmin, Xmax, Ymin and Ymax (which
you set in the PLOT SETUP view). The value of font is either
1 (small) or 2 (large).

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DISPTIME Displays the current date and time.

To set the date and time, simply store the correct settings
in the date and time variables. Use the following formats:
M.DDYYYY for the date and H.MMSS for the time.
5.152000 DATE(sets the date to May 15, 2000).
10.1500 TIME (sets the time to 10:15 am).

EDITMAT Matrix Editor. Opens the Matrix editor for the specified
matrix. Returns to the program when user presses
EDITMAT matrixname:
The EDITMAT command can also be used to create

1. Press CMDS

2. Press M 1, and then press .

The Matrix catalog opens with M1 available for
EDITMAT matrixname is an alternative to opening
the matrix editor with matrixname.

FREEZE This command prevents the display from being updated

after the program runs. This allows you to view the
graphics created by the program. Cancel FREEZE by
pressing any key.

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GETKEY Waits for a key, then stores the keycode rc.p in name,
where r is row number, c is column number, and p is key-
plane number. The key-planes numbers are: 1 for
unshifted; 2 for shifted; 4 for alpha-shifted; and 5 for both
alpha-shifted and shifted.
GETKEY name:

INPUT Creates an input form with a title bar and one field. The
field has a label and a default value. There is text help at
the bottom of the form. The user enters a value and
presses the menu key. The value that the user enters
is stored in the variable name. The title, label, and help
items are text strings and need to be enclosed in double
Use CHARS to type the quote marks " ".
INPUT name;title,label;help;default:
INPUT R; "Circular Area";
"Enter Number";1:

MSGBOX Displays a message box containing textitem. A text item

consists of any number of expressions and quoted strings
of text. The expressions are evaluated and turned into
strings of text.
For example, "AREA IS:" 2 +2 becomes AREA IS: 4.
Use CHARS to type the quote marks " ".

MSGBOX textitem:
1 A:
You can also use the NoteText variable to provide text
arguments. This can be used to insert line breaks. For
example, press NOTE and type AREA IS .
The position line
MSGBOX NoteText " " *A^2:
will display the same message box as the previous

Programming 18-29
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PROMPT Displays an input box with name as the title, and prompts
for a value for name. name can be a variable such as
AZ, , L1l9, C1C9 or Z1Z9.
PROMPT name:

WAIT Halts program execution for the specified number of

WAIT seconds:

Stat-One and Stat-Two commands

The following commands are used for analyzing one-
variable and two-variable statistical data.

Stat-One commands
DO1VSTATS Calculates STATS using datasetname and stores the
results in the corresponding variables: N, Tot, Mean,
PVar, SVar, PSDev, SSDev, Min, Q1, Median, Q3,
and Max. Datasetname can be H1, H2, ..., or H5.
Datasetname must include at least two data points.
DO1VSTATS datasetname:

SETFREQ Sets datasetname frequency according to column or

value. Datasetname can be H1, H2,..., or H5, column
can be C0C9 and value can be any positive integer.
SETFREQ datasetname;column:
SETFREQ definition;value:

SETSAMPLE Sets datasetname sample according to column.

Datasetname can be H1H5, and column can be
SETSAMPLE datasetname;column:

Stat-Two commands

DO2VSTATS Calculates STATS using datasetname and stores the

results in corresponding variables: MeanX, X, X2,
MeanY, Y, Y2, XY, Corr, PCov, SCov, and RELERR.

18-30 Programming
HP 39gs English.book Page 31 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Datasetname can be SI, S2,..., or S5. Datasetname must

include at least two pairs of data points.
DO2VSTATS datasetname:

SETDEPEND Sets datasetname dependent column. Datasetname can

be S1, S2, , or S5 and column can be C0C9.
SETDEPEND datasetname;column:

SETINDEP Sets datasetname independent column. Datasetname can

be S1, S2,, or S5 and column can be C0C9.
SETINDEP datasetname;column:

Storing and retrieving variables in programs

The hp 39gs has both Home variables and Aplet
variables. Home variables are used for real numbers,
complex numbers, graphics, lists, and matrices. Home
variables keep the same values in HOME and in aplets.
Aplet variables are those whose values depend on the
current aplet. The aplet variables are used in
programming to emulate the definitions and settings you
make when working with aplets interactively.
You use the Variable menu ( ) to retrieve either
Home variables or aplet variables. See The VARS menu
on page 14-4. Not all variables are available in every
aplet. S1fitS5fit, for example, are only available in the
Statistics aplet. Under each variable name is a list of the
aplets where the variable can be used.

Programming 18-31
HP 39gs English.book Page 32 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Plot-view variables
Area Contains the last value found by the Area function in Plot-
Function FCN menu.

Axes Turns axes on or off.

All Aplets
From Plot Setup, check (or uncheck) AXES.
In a program, type:
1 Axesto turn axes on (default).
0 Axesto turn axes off.

Connect Draws lines between successively plotted points.

From Plot Setup, check (or uncheck) CONNECT.
Polar or
Statistics In a program, type
1 Connectto connect plotted points (default,
except in Statistics where the default is off).
0 Connectnot to connect plotted points.

Coord Turns the coordinate-display mode in Plot view on or off.

From Plot view, use the Menu mean key to toggle
Parametric coordinate display on an off.
Sequence In a program, type
Solve 1 Coordto turn coordinate display on (default).
Statistics 0 Coordto turn coordinate display off.

Extremum Contains the last value found by the Extremum operation

Function in the Plot-FCN menu.

FastRes Toggles resolution between plotting in every other column

Function (faster), or plotting in every column (more detail).
Solve From Plot Setup, choose Faster or More Detail.
In a program, type
1 FastResfor faster.
0 FastResfor more detail (default).

18-32 Programming
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Grid Turns the background grid in Plot view on or off. From Plot
All Aplets setup, check (or uncheck) GRID.
In a program, type
1 Grid to turn the grid on.
0 Grid to turn the grid off (default).

Hmin/Hmax Defines minimum and maximum values for histogram

Statistics bars.
From Plot Setup for one-variable statistics, set values for
In a program, type

n1 Hmin
n2 Hmax
where n 2 > n 1

Hwidth Sets the width of histogram bars.

From Plot Setup in 1VAR stats set a value for Hwidth
In a program, type
n Hwidth

Indep Defines the value of the independent variable used in

All Aplets tracing mode.
In a program, type
n Indep

InvCross Toggles between solid crosshairs or inverted crosshairs.

All Aplets (Inverted is useful if the background is solid).
From Plot Setup, check (or uncheck) InvCross
In a program, type:
1 InvCrossto invert the crosshairs.
0 InvCross for solid crosshairs (default).

Programming 18-33
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Isect Contains the last value found by the Intersection function

Function in the Plot-FCN menu.

Labels Draws labels in Plot view showing X and Y ranges.

All Aplets
From Plot Setup, check (or uncheck) Labels
In a program, type
1 Labelsto turn labels on.
0 Labelsto turn labels off (default).

Nmin / Nmax Defines the minimum and maximum independent variable

Sequence values. Appears as the NRNG fields in the Plot Setup input
From Plot Setup, enter values for NRNG.
In a program, type
n 1 Nmin
n 2 Nmax

where n 2 > n 1

Recenter Recenters at the crosshairs locations when zooming.

All Aplets From Plot-Zoom-Set Factors, check (or uncheck)
In a program, type
1 Recenter to turn recenter on (default).
0 Recenterto turn recenter off.

Root Contains the last value found by the Root function in the
Function Plot-FCN menu.

18-34 Programming
HP 39gs English.book Page 35 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

S1markS5mark Sets the mark to use for scatter plots.

Statistics From Plot Setup for two-variable statistics, S1mark-
S5mark, then choose a mark.
In a program, type
n S1mark
where n is 1,2,3,...5

SeqPlot Enables you to choose types of sequence plot: Stairstep

Sequence or Cobweb.
From Plot Setup, select SeqPlot, then choose
Stairstep or Cobweb.
In a program, type
1 SeqPlotfor Stairstep.
2 SeqPlotfor Cobweb.

Simult Enables you to choose between simultaneous and

Function sequential graphing of all selected expressions.
Parametric From Plot Setup, check (or uncheck) _SIMULT
Sequence or
In a program, type
1 Simultfor simultaneous graphing (default).
0 Simultfor sequential graphing.

Slope Contains the last value found by the Slope function in the
Function Plot-FCN menu.

StatPlot Enables you to choose types of 1-variable statistics plot

Statistics between Histogram or Box-and-Whisker.
From Plot Setup, select StatPlot, then choose
Histogram or BoxWhisker.
In a program, type
1 StatPlotfor Histogram.
2 StatPlotfor Box-and-Whisker.

Programming 18-35
HP 39gs English.book Page 36 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Umin/Umax Sets the minimum and maximum independent values.

Polar Appears as the URNG field in the Plot Setup input form.
From the Plot Setup input form, enter values for URNG.
In a program, type
n1 Umin
n2 Umax

where n 2 > n 1

Ustep Sets the step size for an independent variable.

From the Plot Setup input form, enter values for USTEP.
In a program, type
n Ustep

where n > 0

Tmin / Tmax Sets the minimum and maximum independent variable

Parametric values. Appears as the TRNG field in the Plot Setup input
From Plot Setup, enter values for TRNG.
In a program, type
n1 Tmin
n2 Tmax

where n 2 > n 1

Tracing Turns the tracing mode on or off in Plot view.

All Aplets
In a program, type
1 Tracingto turn Tracing mode on (default).
0 Tracingto turn Tracing mode off.

18-36 Programming
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Tstep Sets the step size for the independent variable.

From the Plot Setup input form, enter values for TSTEP.
In a program, type
n Tstep
where n > 0

Xcross Sets the horizontal coordinate of the crosshairs. Only

All Aplets works with TRACE off.
In a program, type
n Xcross

Ycross Sets the vertical coordinate of the crosshairs. Only works

All Aplets with TRACE off.
In a program, type
n Ycross

Xtick Sets the distance between tick marks for the horizontal
All Aplets axis.
From the Plot Setup input form, enter a value for Xtick.
In a program, type
n Xtick where n > 0

Ytick Sets the distance between tick marks for the vertical axis.
All Aplets
From the Plot Setup input form, enter a value for Ytick.
In a program, type

n Ytick where n > 0

Xmin / Xmax Sets the minimum and maximum horizontal values of the
All Aplets plot screen. Appears as the XRNG fields (horizontal
range) in the Plot Setup input form.
From Plot Setup, enter values for XRNG.
In a program, type

Programming 18-37
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n1 Xmin
n2 Xmax
where n 2 > n 1

Ymin / Ymax Sets the minimum and maximum vertical values of the plot
All Aplets screen. Appears as the YRNG fields (vertical range) in the
Plot Setup input form.
From Plot Setup, enter the values for YRNG.
In a program, type

n1 Ymin
n2 Ymax
where n 2 > n 1

Xzoom Sets the horizontal zoom factor.

All Aplets
From Plot-ZOOM-Set Factors, enter the value for XZOOM.
In a program, type
where n > 0

The default value is 4.

Yzoom Sets the vertical zoom factor.

All Aplets
From Plot-ZOOM-Set Factors, enter the value for YZOOM.
In a program, type
The default value is 4.

18-38 Programming
HP 39gs English.book Page 39 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Symbolic-view variables
Angle Sets the angle mode.
All Aplets
From Symbolic Setup, choose Degrees, Radians, or
Grads for angle measure.
In a program, type
1 Angle for Degrees.
2 Angle for Radians.
3 Anglefor Grads.

F1...F9, F0 Can contain any expression. Independent variable is X.

'SIN(X)' F1(X)
You must put single quotes around an expression to keep
it from being evaluated before it is stored. Use
CHARS to type the single quote mark.

X1, Y1...X9,Y9 Can contain any expression. Independent variable is T.

X0,Y0 Example
'SIN(4*T)' Y1(T):'2*SIN(6*T)'

R1...R9, R0 Can contain any expression. Independent variable is .

'2*SIN(2*)' R1()

U1...U9, U0 Can contain any expression. Independent variable is N.

RECURSE (U,U(N-1)*N,1,2) U1(N)

E1...E9, E0 Can contain any equation or expression. Independent

Solve variable is selected by highlighting it in Numeric View.
'X+Y*X-2=Y' E1

Programming 18-39
HP 39gs English.book Page 40 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

S1fit...S5fit Sets the type of fit to be used by the FIT operation in

Statistics drawing the regression line.
From Symbolic Setup view, specify the fit in the field for
S1FIT, S2FIT, etc.
In a program, store one of the following constant numbers
or names into a variable S1fit, S2fit, etc.
1 Linear
2 LogFit
3 ExpFit
4 Power
5 QuadFit
6 Cubic
7 Logist
8 ExpFit
9 TrigFit
10 User Defined
Cubic S2fit
6 S2fit

18-40 Programming
HP 39gs English.book Page 41 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Numeric-view variables
The following aplet variables control the Numeric view.
The value of the variable applies to the current aplet only.

C1...C9, C0 C0 through C9, for columns of data. Can contain lists.

Enter data in the Numeric view
In a program, type
where n = 0, 1, 2, 3 ... 9

Digits Number of decimal places to use for Number format in

All Aplets the HOME view and for labeling axes in the Plot view.
From the Modes view, enter a value in the second field of
Number Format.
In a program, type
n Digits

where 0 < n < 11

Format Defines the number display format to use for numeric

All Aplets format in the HOME view and for labeling axes in the Plot
From the Modes view, choose Standard, Fixed,
Scientific, Engineering, Fraction or Mixed
Fraction in the Number Format field.
In a program, store the constant number (or its name) into
the variable Format.
1 Standard
2 Fixed
3 Sci
4 Eng
5 Fraction
6 MixFraction

Programming 18-41
HP 39gs English.book Page 42 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Note that if Fraction or Mixed Fraction is chosen, the

setting will be ignored when labeling axes in Plot view. A
setting of Scientific will be used instead.
Scientific Format
3 Format

NumCol Sets the column to be highlighted in Numeric view.

All Aplets except
In a program, type
Statistics aplet
n NumCol
where n can be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.

NumFont Enables you to choose the font size in Numeric view.

Function Does not appear in the Num Setup input form.
Parametric Corresponds to the key in Numeric view.
Polar In a program, type
Statistics 0 NumFont for small (default).
1 NumFont for big.

NumIndep Specifies the list of independent values to be used by

Function Build Your Own Table.
Parametric In a program, type
Sequence LIST NumIndep

NumRow Sets the row to be highlighted in Numeric view.

All Aplets except
In a program, type
Statistics aplet
n NumRow

where n > 0

NumStart Sets the starting value for a table in Numeric view.

From Num Setup, enter a value for NUMSTART.
Polar or
Sequence In a program, type
n NumStart

18-42 Programming
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NumStep Sets the step size (increment value) for an independent

Function variable in Numeric view.
Parametric From Num Setup, enter a value for NUMSTEP.
Sequence or
In a program, type
n NumStep
where n > 0

NumType Sets the table format.

From Num Setup, choose Automatic or Build Your
Parametric Own.
Sequence or
In a program, type
0 NumType for Build Your Own.
1 NumType for Automatic (default).

NumZoom Sets the zoom factor in the Numeric view.

From Num Setup, type in a value for NUMZOOM.
Polar or
Sequence In a program, type
n NumZoom
where n > 0

StatMode Enables you to choose between 1-variable and 2-variable

Statistics statistics in the Statistics aplet. Does not appear in the Plot
Setup input form. Corresponds to the and
menu keys in Numeric View.
In a program, store the constant name (or its number) into
the variable StatMode. 1VAR =1, 2VAR=2.
1VAR StatMode
1 StatMode

Programming 18-43
HP 39gs English.book Page 44 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Note variables
The following aplet variable is available in Note view.

NoteText Use NoteText to recall text previously entered in Note

All Aplets view.

Sketch variables
The following aplet variables are available in Sketch

Page Sets a page in a sketch set. The graphics can be viewed

All Aplets one at a time using the and keys.
The Page variable refers to the currently displayed page
of a sketch set.
In a program, type
graphicname Page

PageNum Sets a number for referring to a particular page of the

All Aplets sketch set (in Sketch view).
In a program, type the page that is shown when
SKETCH is pressed.

n PageNum
HP 39gs English.book Page 1 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM


Extending aplets
Aplets are the application environments where you
explore different classes of mathematical operations.
You can extend the capability of the HP 39gs in the
following ways:
Create new aplets, based on existing aplets, with
specific configurations such as angle measure,
graphical or tabular settings, and annotations.
Transmit aplets between HP 39gs calculators via an
infra red link.
Download e-lessons (teaching aplets) from
Hewlett-Packards Calculator web site.
Program new aplets. See chapter 18,
Programming, for further details.

Creating new aplets based on existing aplets

You can create a new aplet based on an existing aplet.
To create a new aplet, save an existing aplet under a new
name, then modify the aplet to add the configurations
and the functionality that you want.
Information that defines an aplet is saved automatically
as it is entered into the calculator.
To keep as much memory available for storage as
possible, delete any aplets you no longer need.

Example This example demonstrates how to create a new aplet by

saving a copy of the built-in Solve aplet. The new aplet is
saved under the name TRIANGLES contains the
formulas commonly used in calculations involving
right-angled triangles.

Extending aplets 19-1

HP 39gs English.book Page 2 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

1. Open the Solve aplet and save it under the new


2. Enter the four formulas:




3. Decide whether you want the aplet to operate in

Degrees, Radians, or Grads.

4. View the Aplet Library. The TRIANGLES aplet is

listed in the Aplet Library.

The Solve aplet can now

be reset and used for
other problems.

19-2 Extending aplets

HP 39gs English.book Page 3 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Using a customized aplet

To use the Triangles aplet, simply select the appropriate
formula, change to the Numeric view and solve for the
missing variable.
Find the length of a ladder leaning against a vertical wall
if it forms an angle of 35o with the horizontal and
extends 5 metres up the wall.
1. Select the aplet.

2. Choose the sine formula

in E1.

3. Change to the Numeric

view and enter the
known values.


4. Solve for the missing


The length of the ladder

is approximately 8.72 metres

Resetting an aplet
Resetting an aplet clears all data and resets all default
To reset an aplet, open the Library, select the aplet and
press .
You can only reset an aplet that is based on a built-in
aplet if the programmer who created it has provided a
Reset option.

Extending aplets 19-3

HP 39gs English.book Page 4 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Annotating an aplet with notes

The Note view ( NOTE) attaches a note to the current
aplet. See Chapter 17, Notes and sketches.

Annotating an aplet with sketches

The Sketch view ( SKETCH) attaches a picture to the
current aplet. See chapter 17, Notes and sketches.
HINT Notes and sketches that you attach to an aplet become
part of the aplet. When you transfer the aplet to another
calculator, the associated note and sketch are transferred
as well.

Downloading e-lessons from the web

In addition to the standard aplets that come with the
calculator, you can download aplets from the world wide
web. For example, Hewlett-Packards Calculators web
site contains aplets that demonstrate certain mathematical
concepts. Note that you need the Graphing Calculator
Connectivity Kit in order to load aplets from a PC.
Hewlett-Packards Calculators web site can be found at:

Sending and receiving aplets

A convenient way to distribute or share problems in class
and to turn in homework is to transmit (copy) aplets
directly from one HP 39gs to another. This can take place
via the infrared port or via a suitable cable. (You can use
a serial cable with a 4-pin mini-USB connector, which
plugs into the RS232 port on the calculator. The serial
cable is available as a separate accessory.)
You can also send aplets to, and receive aplets from, a
PC. This requires special software running on the PC (such
as the PC Connectivity Kit). A USB cable with a 5-pin mini-
USB connector is provided with the hp39gs for
connecting with a PC. It plugs into the USB port on the

19-4 Extending aplets

HP 39gs English.book Page 5 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

To transmit 1. Connect the PC or aplet disk drive to the calculator by

an aplet cable
align the two calculators infrared ports by matching
up the triangle marks on the rims of the calculators.
Place the calculators no more than 4 inches (10 cm)

2. Sending calculator: Open the Library, highlight the

aplet to send, and press .
The SEND TO menu appears with the following
HP39G (IRDA) = to send via high-speed infrared
HP39/40 (USB) = to send via the USB port
HP39/40 (SER) = to send via the RS232 serial port
USB DISK DRIVE = to send to a disk drive via the USB
= to send to a disk drive via the
RS232 serial port
Note: choose a disk drive option if you are using
the hp39gs connectivity kit to transfer the aplet.
Highlight your selection and press .
If transmitting to a disk drive, you have the
options of sending to the current (default)
directory or to another directory.

3. Receiving calculator: Open the aplet library and

press .
The RECEIVE FROM menu appears with the following
HP39G (IRDA) = to receive via high-speed infrared
HP39G = to receive via low-speed infrared
HP39/40 (USB) = to receive via the USB port
HP39/40 (SER) = to receive via the RS232 serial port
USB DISK DRIVE = to receive from a disk drive via the
USB port
SER. DISK DRIVE = to receive from a disk drive via the
RS232 serial port

Extending aplets 19-5

HP 39gs English.book Page 6 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Note: choose a disk drive option if you are using

the hp39gs connectivity kit to transfer the aplet.
Highlight your selection and press .
The Transmit annunciator is displayed until
transmission is complete.
If you are using the PC Connectivity Kit to download
aplets from a PC, you will see a list of aplets in the PCs
current directory. Check as many items as you would like
to receive.

Sorting items in the aplet library menu list

Once you have entered information into an aplet, you
have defined a new version of an aplet. The information
is automatically saved under the current aplet name, such
as Function. To create additional aplets of the same
type, you must give the current aplet a new name.
The advantage of storing an aplet is to allow you to keep
a copy of a working environment for later use.
The aplet library is where you go to manage your aplets.
Press . Highlight (using the arrow keys) the name
of the aplet you want to act on.

To sort the In the aplet library, press . Select the sorting scheme
aplet list and press .
Chronologically produces a chronological order
based on the date an aplet was last used. (The last-
used aplet appears first, and so on.)
Alphabetically produces an alphabetical order
by aplet name.

To delete an You cannot delete a built-in aplet. You can only clear its
aplet data and reset its default settings.
To delete a customized aplet, open the aplet library,
highlight the aplet to be deleted, and press . To
delete all custom aplets, press CLEAR.

19-6 Extending aplets

HP 39gs English.book Page 1 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Reference information

aplet A small application, limited to one
topic. The built-in aplet types are
Function, Parametric, Polar,
Sequence, Solve, Statistics,
Inference, Finance, Trig Explorer,
Quad Explorer, Linear Solver and
Triangle Solve. An aplet can be filled
with the data and solutions for a
specific problem. It is reusable (like a
program, but easier to use) and it
records all your settings and
command An operation for use in programs.
Commands can store results in
variables, but do not display results.
Arguments are separated by semi-
colons, such as DISP
expression A number, variable, or algebraic
expression (numbers plus functions)
that produces a value.
function An operation, possibly with
arguments, that returns a result. It
does not store results in variables. The
arguments must be enclosed in
parentheses and separated with
commas (or periods in Comma
mode), such as
HOME The basic starting point of the
calculator. Go to HOME to do
Library For aplet management: to start, save,
reset, send and receive aplets.

HP 39gs English.book Page 2 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

list A set of values separated by commas

(periods if the Decimal Mark mode is
set to Comma) and enclosed in
braces. Lists are commonly used to
enter statistical data and to evaluate
a function with multiple values.
Created and manipulated by the List
editor and catalog.
matrix A two-dimensional array of values
separated by commas (periods if the
Decimal Mark mode is set to Comma)
and enclosed in nested brackets.
Created and manipulated by the
Matrix catalog and editor. Vectors
are also handled by the Matrix
catalog and editor.
menu A choice of options given in the
display. It can appear as a list or as
a set of menu-key labels across the
bottom of the display.
menu keys The top row of keys. Their operations
depend on the current context. The
labels along the bottom of the display
show the current meanings.
note Text that you write in the Notepad or
in the Note view for a specific aplet.
program A reusable set of instructions that you
record using the Program editor.
sketch A drawing that you make in the
Sketch view for a specific aplet.
variable The name of a number, list, matrix,
note, or graphic that is stored in
memory. Use to store and use
to retrieve.
vector A one-dimensional array of values
separated by commas (periods if the
Decimal Mark mode is set to Comma)
and enclosed in single brackets.
Created and manipulated by the
Matrix catalog and editor.

ReferenceInfo.fm Page 3 Friday, December 16, 2005 10:00 AM

views The possible contexts for an aplet:

Plot, Plot Setup, Numeric, Numeric
Setup, Symbolic, Symbolic Setup,
Sketch, Note, and special views like
split screens.

Resetting the HP 39gs

If the calculator locks up and seems to be stuck, you
must reset it. This is much like resetting a PC. It cancels
certain operations, restores certain conditions, and clears
temporary memory locations. However, it does not clear
stored data (variables, aplet databases, programs) unless
you use the procedure, To erase all memory and reset

To reset using Press and hold the key and the third menu key
the keyboard simultaneously, then release them.
If the calculator does not respond to the above key
sequence, then:
1. Turn the calculator over and locate the small hole in
the back of the calculator.
2. Insert the end of a straightened metal paper clip into
the hole as far as it will go. Hold it there for 1
second, then remove it.
3. Press If necessary, press and the first and
last menu keys simultaneously. (Note: This will erase
your calculator memory.)

To erase all memory and reset defaults

If the calculator does not respond to the above resetting
procedures, you might need to restart it by erasing all of
memory. You will lose everything you have stored. All
factory-default settings are restored.

1. Press and hold the key, the first menu key, and
the last menu key simultaneously.
2. Release all keys in the reverse order.
Note: To cancel this process, release only the top-row
keys, then press the third menu key.

ReferenceInfo.fm Page 4 Friday, December 16, 2005 10:00 AM

If the calculator does not turn on

If the HP 39gs does not turn on follow the steps below
until the calculator turns on. You may find that the
calculator turns on before you have completed the
procedure. If the calculator still does not turn on, please
contact Customer Support for further information.

1. Press and hold the key for 10 seconds.

2. Press and hold the key and the third menu key
simultaneously. Release the third menu key, then
release the key.

3. Press and hold the key, the first menu key, and
the sixth menu key simultaneously. Release the sixth
menu key, then release the first menu key, and then
release the key.
4. Locate the small hole in the back of the calculator.
Insert the end of a straightened metal paper clip into
the hole as far as it will go. Hold it there for 1
second, then remove it. Press the key.
5. Remove the batteries (see Batteries on page R-4),
press and hold the key for 10 seconds, and
then put the batteries back in. Press the key.

Operating details
Operating temperature: 0 to 45C (32 to 113F).
Storage temperature: 20 to 65C ( 4 to 149F).
Operating and storage humidity: 90% relative
humidity at 40C (104F) maximum. Avoid getting the
calculator wet.
Battery operates at 6.0V dc, 80mA maximum.

The calculator uses 4 AAA(LR03) batteries as main power
and a CR2032 lithium battery for memory backup.
Before using the calculator, please install the batteries
according to the following procedure.

ReferenceInfo.fm Page 5 Friday, December 16, 2005 10:00 AM

To install the main a. Slide up the battery compartment cover as illustrated.

b. Insert 4 new AAA (LR03) batteries into the main
compartment. Make sure each battery is inserted in the
indicated direction.

To install the a. Press down the holder. Push the plate to the shown
backup battery direction and lift it.

b. Insert a new CR2032 lithium battery. Make sure its

positive (+) side is facing up.
c. Replace the plate and push it to the original place.
After installing the batteries, press to turn the power
Warning: It is recommended that you replace this battery
every 5 years. When the low battery icon is displayed,
you need to replace the batteries as soon as possible.
However, avoid removing the backup battery and main
batteries at the same time to avoid data lost.

HP 39gs English.book Page 6 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Home variables
The home variables are:

Category Available name

Complex Z1...Z9, Z0

Graphic G1...G9, G0

Library Function

List L1...L9, L0

Matrix M1...M9, M0

Modes Ans

Notepad User-named

Program Editline

Real A...Z,

HP 39gs English.book Page 7 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Function aplet variables

The function aplet variables are:

Category Available name

Plot Axes Xcross

Connect Ycross
Coord Xtick
FastRes Ytick
Grid Xmin
Indep Xmax
InvCross Ymin
Labels Ymax
Recenter Xzoom
Simult Yxoom

Plot-FCN Area Root

Extremum Slope

Symbolic Angle F6
F1 F7
F2 F8
F3 F9
F4 F0

Numeric Digits NumRow

Format NumStart
NumCol NumStep
NumFont NumType
NumIndep NumZoom

Note NoteText

Sketch Page PageNum

HP 39gs English.book Page 8 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Parametric aplet variables

The parametric aplet variables are:

Category Available name

Plot Axes Tracing

Connect Tstep
Coord Xcross
Grid Ycross
Indep Xtick
InvCross Ytick
Labels Xmin
Recenter Xmax
Simult Ymin
Tmin Ymax
Tmax Xzoom

Symbolic Angle Y5
X1 X6
Y1 Y6
X2 X7
Y2 Y7
X3 X8
Y3 Y8
X4 X9
Y4 Y9
X5 X0

Numeric Digits NumRow

Format NumStart
NumCol NumStep
NumFont NumType
NumIndep NumZoom

Note NoteText

Sketch Page PageNum

HP 39gs English.book Page 9 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Polar aplet variables

The polar aplet variables are:

Category Available names

Plot Axes
Connect Xcross
Coord Ycross
Grid Xtick
Indep Ytick
InvCross Xmin
Labels Xmax
Recenter Ymin
Simult Ymax
Umin Xzoom
Umax Yxoom

Symbolic Angle R6
R1 R7
R2 R8
R3 R9
R4 R0

Numeric Digits NumRow

Format NumStart
NumCol NumStep
NumFont NumType
NumIndep NumZoom

Note NoteText

Sketch Page PageNum

HP 39gs English.book Page 10 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Sequence aplet variables

The sequence aplet variables are:

Category Available name

Plot Axes Tracing

Coord Xcross
Grid Ycross
Indep Xtick
InvCross Ytick
Labels Xmin
Nmin Xmax
Nmax Ymin
Recenter Ymax
SeqPlot Xzoom
Simult Yzoom

Symbolic Angle U6
U1 U7
U2 U8
U3 U9
U4 U0

Numeric Digits NumRow

Format NumStart
NumCol NumStep
NumFont NumType
NumIndep NumZoom

Note NoteText

Sketch Page PageNum

HP 39gs English.book Page 11 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Solve aplet variables

The solve aplet variables are:

Category Available name

Plot Axes Xcross

Connect Ycross
Coord Xtick
FastRes Ytick
Grid Xmin
Indep Xmax
InvCross Ymin
Labels Ymax
Recenter Xzoom
Tracing Yxoom

Symbolic Angle E6
E1 E7
E2 E8
E3 E9
E4 E0

Numeric Digits NumCol

Format NumRow

Note NoteText

Sketch Page PageNum

HP 39gs English.book Page 12 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Statistics aplet variables

The statistics aplet variables are:

Category Available name

Plot Axes S4mark

Connect S5mark
Coord StatPlot
Grid Tracing
Hmin Xcross
Hmax Ycross
Hwidth Xtick
Indep Ytick
InvCross Xmin
Labels Xmax
Recenter Ymin
S1mark Ymax
S2mark Xzoom
S3mark Yxoom

Symbolic Angle S3fit

S1fit S4fit
S2fit S5fit

Numeric C0,...C9 NumFont

Digits NumRow
Format StatMode

Stat-One Max Q3
Mean PSDev
Median SSDev
Min PVar
N SVar
Q1 Tot

Stat-Two Corr X
Cov X2
Fit XY
MeanX Y
MeanY Y2

Note NoteText

Sketch Page PageNum

HP 39gs English.book Page 13 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

MATH menu categories

Math functions
The math functions are:

Category Available name



Complex ARG IM

Constant e MAXREAL






HP 39gs English.book Page 14 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Category Available name (Continued)








Stat-Two PREDX

Symbolic = QUAD

HP 39gs English.book Page 15 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Category Available name (Continued)

Tests < AND

== OR



Program constants
The program constants are:

Category Available name

Angle Degrees

Format Standard Sci

Fixed Eng

SeqPlot Cobweb

S1...5fit Linear QuadFit

LogFit Cubic
ExpFit Logist
Power User
Trigonometric Exponent

StatMode Stat1Var

StatPlot Hist

HP 39gs English.book Page 16 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Physical Constants
The physical constants are:

Category Available Name

Chemist Avogadro (Avogadros Number,

Boltz. (Boltmann, k)
mol. vo... (molar volume, Vm)
univ gas (universal gas, R)
std temp (standard temperature,
St dT)
std pres (standard pressure,
St dP)

Phyics StefBolt (Stefan-Boltzmann, )

light s... (speed of light, c)
permitti (permittivity, 0)
permeab (permeability, 0)
acce gr... (acceleration of
gravity, g)
gravita... (gravitation, G)

Quantum Planks (Planks constant, h)

Diracs (Diracs, hbar)
e charge (electronic charge, q)
e mass (electron mass, me)
q/me ra... (q/me ratio, qme)
proton m (proton mass, mp)
mp/me r... (mp/me ratio,
fine str (fine structure, )
mag flux (magnetic flux, )
Faraday (Faraday, F)
Rydberg (Rydberg, R )
Bohr rad (Bohr radius, a0)
Bohr mag (Bohr magneton, B)
nuc. mag (nuclear magneton,
photon... (photon wavelength,
photon... (photon frequency,
Compt w... (Compton
wavelength, c)

HP 39gs English.book Page 17 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Program commands
The program commands are:

Category Command
Branch IF CASE
Drawing ARC LINE

HP 39gs English.book Page 18 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Category Command (Continued)


Status messages

Message Meaning

Bad Argument Incorrect input for this

Type operation.

Bad Argument The value is out of range for this

Value operation.

Infinite Result Math exception, such as 1/0.

Insufficient You must recover some memory

Memory to continue operation. Delete
one or more matrices, lists,
notes, or programs (using
catalogs), or custom (not built-
in) aplets (using

Insufficient Not enough data points for the

Statistics Data calculation. For two-variable
statistics there must be two
columns of data, and each
column must have at least four

Invalid Dimension Array argument had wrong


Invalid Statistics Need two columns with equal

Data numbers of data values.

HP 39gs English.book Page 19 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Message Meaning (Continued)

Invalid Syntax The function or command you

entered does not include the
proper arguments or order of
arguments. The delimiters
(parentheses, commas,
periods, and semi-colons) must
also be correct. Look up the
function name in the index to
find its proper syntax.

Name Conflict The | (where) function

attempted to assign a value to
the variable of integration or
summation index.

No Equations You must enter and check an

Checked equation (Symbolic view)
before evaluating this function.

(OFF SCREEN) Function value, root, extremum,

or intersection is not visible in
the current screen.

Receive Error Problem with data reception

from another calculator. Re-
send the data.

Too Few The command requires more

Arguments arguments than you supplied.

Undefined Name The global variable named

does not exist.

Undefined Result The calculation has a

mathematically undefined result
(such as 0/0).

Out of Memory You must recover a lot of

memory to continue operation.
Delete one or more matrices,
lists, notes, or programs (using
catalogs), or custom (not built-
in) aplets (using

HP 39gs English.book Page 20 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM
HP 39gs English.book Page 1 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Limited Warranty
HP 39gs Graphing Calculator; Warranty period: 12
1. HP warrants to you, the end-user customer, that HP
hardware, accessories and supplies will be free from
defects in materials and workmanship after the date
of purchase, for the period specified above. If HP
receives notice of such defects during the warranty
period, HP will, at its option, either repair or replace
products which prove to be defective. Replacement
products may be either new or like-new.
2. HP warrants to you that HP software will not fail to
execute its programming instructions after the date of
purchase, for the period specified above, due to
defects in material and workmanship when properly
installed and used. If HP receives notice of such
defects during the warranty period, HP will replace
software media which does not execute its
programming instructions due to such defects.
3. HP does not warrant that the operation of HP
products will be uninterrupted or error free. If HP is
unable, within a reasonable time, to repair or replace
any product to a condition as warranted, you will be
entitled to a refund of the purchase price upon
prompt return of the product with proof of purchase.
4. HP products may contain remanufactured parts
equivalent to new in performance or may have been
subject to incidental use.
5. Warranty does not apply to defects resulting from (a)
improper or inadequate maintenance or calibration,
(b) software, interfacing, parts or supplies not
supplied by HP, (c) unauthorized modification or
misuse, (d) operation outside of the published
environmental specifications for the product, or (e)
improper site preparation or maintenance.

HP 39gs English.book Page 2 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM


SET FORTH ABOVE. Some countries, states or
provinces do not allow limitations on the duration of
an implied warranty, so the above limitation or
exclusion might not apply to you. This warranty gives
you specific legal rights and you might also have
other rights that vary from country to country, state to
state, or province to province.
OR OTHERWISE. Some countries, States or provinces
do not allow the exclusion or limitation of incidental
or consequential damages, so the above limitation or
exclusion may not apply to you.
8. The only warranties for HP products and services are
set forth in the express warranty statements
accompanying such products and services. HP shall
not be liable for technical or editorial errors or
omissions contained herein.

HP 39gs English.book Page 3 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Europe Country : Telephone numbers
Austria +43-1-3602771203
Belgium +32-2-7126219
Denmark +45-8-2332844
Eastern Europe +420-5-41422523
Finland +35-89640009
France +33-1-49939006
Germany +49-69-95307103
Greece +420-5-41422523
Holland +31-2-06545301
Italy +39-02-75419782
Norway +47-63849309
Portugal +351-229570200
Spain +34-915-642095
Sweden +46-851992065
Switzerland +41-1-4395358
Turkey +420-5-41422523
UK +44-207-4580161
Czech Republic +420-5-41422523
South Africa +27-11-2376200
Luxembourg +32-2-7126219
Other European +420-5-41422523
Asia Pacific Country : Telephone numbers
Australia +61-3-9841-5211
Singapore +61-3-9841-5211

HP 39gs English.book Page 4 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

L.America Country: Telephone numbers

Argentina 0-810-555-5520
Brazil Sao Paulo 3747-7799;
ROTC 0-800-157751
Mexico Mx City 5258-9922;
ROTC 01-800-472-6684
Venezuela 0800-4746-8368
Chile 800-360999
Columbia 9-800-114726
Peru 0-800-10111
Central 1-800-711-2884
America &
Guatemala 1-800-999-5105
Puerto Rico 1-877-232-0589
Costa Rica 0-800-011-0524

N.America Country : Telephone numbers

Canada (905) 206-4663 or
ROTC = Rest of the country
Please logon to http://www.hp.com for the latest service
and support information.h

HP 39gs English.book Page 5 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Regulatory information
Federal This equipment has been tested and found to comply with
Communications the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to Part 15
Commission Notice of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to provide
reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates, uses,
and can radiate radio frequency energy and, if not
installed and used in accordance with the instructions,
may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not
occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television
reception, which can be determined by turning the
equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following
Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
Increase the separation between the equipment and
the receiver.
Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit
different from that to which the receiver is connected.
Consult the dealer or an experienced radio or
television technician for help.

Modifications The FCC requires the user to be notified that any changes
or modifications made to this device that are not
expressly approved by Hewlett-Packard Company may
void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

Cables Connections to this device must be made with shielded

cables with metallic RFI/EMI connector hoods to maintain
compliance with FCC rules and regulations.

Declaration of This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules.

Conformity for Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1)
Products Marked this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
with FCC Logo, this device must accept any interference received,
United States Only including interference that may cause undesired
For questions regarding your product, contact:
Hewlett-Packard Company
P. O. Box 692000, Mail Stop 530113

HP 39gs English.book Page 6 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Houston, Texas 77269-2000

Or, call
For questions regarding this FCC declaration, contact:
Hewlett-Packard Company
P. O. Box 692000, Mail Stop 510101
Houston, Texas 77269-2000
Or, call
To identify this product, refer to the part, series, or model
number found on the product.

Canadian Notice This Class B digital apparatus meets all requirements of

the Canadian Interference-Causing Equipment

Avis Canadien Cet appareil numrique de la classe B respecte toutes les

exigences du Rglement sur le matriel brouilleur du

European Union This product complies with the following EU Directives:

Regulatory Notice
Low Voltage Directive 73/23/EEC
EMC Directive 89/336/EEC
Compliance with these directives implies conformity to
applicable harmonized European standards (European
Norms) which are listed on the EU Declaration of
Conformity issued by Hewlett-Packard for this product or
product family.
This compliance is indicated by the following conformity
marking placed on the product:

This marking is valid for non-Tele- This marking is valid for EU
com prodcts and EU harmonized non-harmonized Telecom products.
Telecom products (e.g. Bluetooth). *Notified body number (used only if
applicable - refer to the product label)

Japanese Notice

HP 39gs English.book Page 7 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Korean Notice

Disposal of Waste This symbol on the product or on its

Equipment by Users packaging indicates that this product
in Private must not be disposed of with your other
Household in the household waste. Instead, it is your
European Union responsibility to dispose of your waste
equipment by handing it over to a
designated collection point for the
recycling of waste electrical and
electronic equipment. The separate collection and
recycling of your waste equipment at the time of disposal
will help to conserve natural resources and ensure that it
is recycled in a manner that protects human health and
the environment. For more information about where you
can drop off your waste equipment for recycling, please
contact your local city office, your household waste
disposal service or the shop where you purchased the

HP 39gs English.book Page 8 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM
HP 39gs English.book Page 1 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM


A definition 14-1, 14-8

absolute value 13-5 in Plot view 18-32
new 14-1
add 13-3
aplet views
algebraic entry 1-19
canceling operations in 1-1
alpha characters changing 1-19
typing 1-6 note 1-18
alphabetical sorting 19-6 Numeric view 1-17
angle measure 1-10 Plot view 1-16
in statistics 10-12 sketch 1-18
setting 1-11 split-screen 1-17
animation 17-5 Symbolic view 1-16
creating 17-5 arc cosecant 13-20
annunciators 1-3 arc cosine 13-4
Ans (last answer) 1-24 arc cotangent 13-19
antilogarithm 13-4, 13-9 arc secant 13-20
aplet arc sine 13-4
attaching notes 19-4 arc tangent 13-5
clearing 19-3 area
copying 19-4 graphical 3-10
definition of R-1 interactive 3-10
deleting 19-6 variable 18-32
Function 13-21 arguments
Inference 11-1 with matrices 15-10
key 1-4 attaching
library 19-6
a note to an aplet 17-1
Linear Solver 8-1
a sketch to an aplet 17-3
opening 1-16
auto scale 2-14
Parametric 4-1
Polar 5-1 axes
receiving 19-5 plotting 2-7
resetting 19-3 variable 18-32
sending 19-4, 19-5
Sketch view 17-1 B
Solve 7-1 bad argument R-18
sorting 19-6 bad guesses error message 7-7
statistics 10-1 batteries R-4
transmitting 19-5 box-and-whisker plot 10-16
Triangle Solver 9-1 branch commands
aplet commands
CASE...END 18-18
CHECK 18-14 IF...THEN...ELSE...END 18-18
SELECT 18-14 IFERR...THEN...ELSE 18-18
SETVIEWS 18-17 branch structures 18-17
build your own table 2-19
aplet variables

HP 39gs English.book Page 2 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

C connectivity kit 19-4

calculus constant? error message 7-7
operations 13-7 constants
catalogs 1-30 e 13-8
chronological sorting 19-6 i 13-8
circle drawing 17-4 maximum real number 13-8
minimum real number 13-8
physical 1-8, 13-25, R-16
aplet 19-3 program R-15, R-16
characters 1-22 contrast
display 1-22
decreasing display 1-2
display history 1-25
increasing display 1-2
edit line 1-22
conversions 13-8
lists 16-6
plot 2-7 coordinate display 2-9
cobweb graph 6-1 copying
coefficients display 1-22
polynomial 13-11 graphics 17-6
columns notes 17-8
programs 18-8
changing position 18-25
combinations 13-12
coefficient 10-17
CORR 10-17
aplet 18-14 statistical 10-15
branch 18-17 cosecant 13-20
definition of R-1
cosine 13-4
drawing 18-19
graphic 18-21 inverse hyperbolic 13-9
loop 18-23 cotangent 13-20
print 18-26 covariance
program 18-4, R-17 statistical 10-15
stat-one 18-30 creating
stat-two 18-30 aplet 19-1
with matrices 15-10 lists 16-1
complex number functions 13-5, matrices 15-3
13-16 notes in Notepad 17-6
conjugate 13-7 programs 18-4
imaginary part 13-7 sketches 17-3
real part 13-7 critical value(s) displayed 11-4
complex numbers 1-29 cross product
entering 1-29 vector 15-11
math functions 13-7 curve fitting 10-12, 10-17
storing 1-29
confidence intervals 11-15 D
conjugate 13-7 data set definition 10-8
connecting date, setting 18-28
data points 10-19 debugging programs 18-7
variable 18-32 decimal
via infrared 19-5 changing format 1-10
via serial cable 19-5 scaling 2-14, 2-15
via USB cable 19-5 decreasing display contrast 1-2

HP 39gs English.book Page 3 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

definite integral 13-6 E

deleting e 13-8
aplet 19-6 edit line 1-2
lists 16-6 editing
matrices 15-5
matrices 15-4
programs 18-9
notes 17-2
statistical data 10-11
programs 18-5
delimiters, programming 18-1
Program catalog 18-2
definition of 13-6 editors 1-30
in Function aplet 13-22
eigenvalues 15-11
in Home 13-21
determinant eigenvectors 15-11
square matrix 15-11 element
differentiation 13-6 storing 15-6
display 18-21 E-lessons 1-12
adjusting contrast 1-2 engineering number format 1-11
annunciator line 1-2 equals
capture 18-21 for equations 13-17
clearing 1-2 logical test 13-19
date and time 18-28 equations
element 15-5 solving 7-1
elements 16-4 erasing a line in Sketch view 18-20
engineering 1-10 error messages
fixed 1-10 bad guesses 7-7
fraction 1-10 constant? 7-7
history 1-22 exclusive OR 13-19
line 1-23 exiting views 1-19
matrices 15-5 exponent
parts of 1-2 fit 10-13
printing contents 18-26 minus 1 13-10
rescaling 2-13 of value 13-17
scientific 1-10 raising to 13-5
scrolling through history 1-25 expression
soft key labels 1-2
defining 2-1, R-1
standard 1-10
entering in HOME 1-19
divide 13-3
evaluating in aplets 2-3
drawing literal 13-18
circles 17-4 plot 3-3
keys 17-4 extremum 3-10
lines and boxes 17-3
drawing commands
ARC 18-19
BOX 18-20 factorial 13-12
ERASE 18-20 FastRes variable 18-32
FREEZE 18-20 fit
LINE 18-20 a curve to 2VAR data 10-17
PIXOFF 18-20 choosing 10-12
PIXON 18-20 defining your own 10-13
TLINE 18-20 fixed number format 1-10

HP 39gs English.book Page 4 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

font size split-screen view 2-14

change 3-8, 17-5 splitting into plot and close-up
forecasting 10-20 2-13
fraction number format 1-11 splitting into plot and table 2-13
full-precision display 1-10 stairsteps 6-1
function statistical data 10-15
t values 2-6
analyze graph with FCN tools 3-4
tickmarks 2-6
definition 2-2, R-1
tracing 2-8
entering 1-19
two-variable statistics 10-18
gamma 13-12
Graphic commands
intersection point 3-5
math menu R-13 GROB 18-21
slope 3-5 DISPLAY 18-21
syntax 13-2 GROBNOT 18-21
tracing 2-8 GROBOR 18-21
Function aplet 2-20, 3-1 GROBXOR 18-22
function variables
PLOT 18-22
area 18-32 REPLACE 18-22
axes 18-32 SUB 18-22
connect 18-32 ZEROGROB 18-23
fastres 18-32 graphics
grid 18-33
copying 17-6
in menu map R-7
copying into Sketch view 17-6
indep 18-33
storing and recalling 17-6, 18-21
isect 18-34
labels 18-34
Recenter 18-34 H
root 18-34 histogram 10-15
ycross 18-37 adjusting 10-16
range 10-18
G setting min/max values for bars
glossary R-1 18-33
width 10-18
history 1-2, 18-26
analyzing statistical data in 10-19
Home 1-1
auto scale 2-14
box-and-whisker 10-16 calculating in 1-19
capture current display 18-21 display 1-2
cobweb 6-1 evaluating expressions 2-4
comparing 2-5 reusing lines 1-23
connected points 10-17 variables 14-1, 14-7, R-6
defining the independent variable horizontal zoom 18-38
18-36 hyperbolic
drawing axes 2-7 maths functions 13-10
expressions 3-3 hyperbolic trigonometry
grid points 2-7 ACOSH 13-9
histogram 10-15 ALOG 13-9
in Solve aplet 7-7 ASINH 13-9
one-variable statistics 10-18 ATANH 13-9
overlaying 2-15 COSH 13-9
scatter 10-15, 10-17 EXP 13-10

HP 39gs English.book Page 5 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

EXPM1 13-10 interpreting

LNP1 13-10 intermediate guesses 7-7
SINH 13-9 intersection 3-11
TANH 13-9 invalid
hypothesis dimension R-18
alternative 11-2 statistics data R-18
inference tests 11-8 syntax R-19
null 11-2 inverse hyperbolic cosine 13-9
tests 11-2 inverse hyperbolic functions 13-10
inverse hyperbolic sine 13-9
I inverse hyperbolic tangent 13-9
i 13-8 inverting matrices 15-8
implied multiplication 1-20 isect variable 18-34
graphics 17-6 K
notes 17-8
increasing display contrast 1-2
editing keys 1-5
indefinite integral
entry keys 1-5
using symbolic variables 13-23 inactive keys 1-8
independent values list keys 16-2
adding to table 2-18 math functions 1-7
independent variable menu keys 1-4
defined for Tracing mode 18-33 Notepad keys 17-8
inference shifted keystrokes 1-6
confidence intervals 11-15
hypothesis tests 11-8 L
One-Proportion Z-Interval 11-17 labeling
One-Sample Z-Interval 11-15
axes 2-7
One-Sample Z-Test 11-8
parts of a sketch 17-5
Two-Proportion Z-Interval 11-17
letters, typing 1-6
Two-Proportion Z-Test 11-11
Two-Sample T-Interval 11-19 library, managing aplets in 19-6
Two-Sample Z-Interval 11-16 linear fit 10-13
infinite result R-18 Linear Solver aplet 8-1
infrared list
transmission of aplets 19-5 arithmetic with 16-7
initial guess 7-5 calculate sequence of elements
input forms 16-8
resetting default values 1-9 calculating product of 16-8
setting Modes 1-11 composed from differences 16-7
insufficient memory R-18 concatenating 16-7
counting elements in 16-9
insufficient statistics data R-18
creating 16-1, 16-3, 16-4, 16-5
integer rank deleting 16-6
matrix 15-12 deleting list items 16-3
integer scaling 2-14, 2-15 displaying 16-4
integral displaying list elements 16-4
definite 13-6 editing 16-3
indefinite 13-23 finding statistical values in list ele-
integration 13-6 ments 16-9

HP 39gs English.book Page 6 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

generate a series 16-8 real-number 13-13

list function syntax 16-6 symbolic 13-17
list variables 16-1 trigonometry 13-19
returning position of element in MATH menu 13-1
16-8 math operations 1-19
reversing order in 16-9 enclosing arguments 1-21
sending and receiving 16-6 in scientific notation 1-20
sorting elements 16-9 negative numbers in 1-20
storing elements 16-1, 16-4, 16-5 matrices
storing one element 16-6 adding rows 18-24
logarithm 13-4 addition and subtraction 15-6
logarithmic arguments 15-10
fit 10-13 arithmetic operations in 15-6
functions 13-3 assembly from vectors 15-1
logical operators changing row position 18-25
AND 13-19 column norm 15-10
equals (logical test) 13-19 comma 16-7
greater than 13-19 commands 15-10
greater than or equal to 13-19 condition number 15-11
IFTE 13-19 create identity 15-13
less than 13-18 creating 15-3
less than or equal to 13-18 creating in Home 15-5
NOT 13-19 deleting 15-5
not equal to 13-19 deleting columns 18-24
OR 13-19 deleting rows 18-24
XOR 13-19 determinant 15-11
logistic fit 10-13 display eigenvalues 15-11
loop commands displaying 15-5
BREAK 18-24 displaying matrix elements 15-5
DO...UNTIL...END 18-23 dividing by a square matrix 15-8
FOR I= 18-24 dot product 15-11
WHILE...REPEAT...END 18-23 editing 15-4
loop functions extracting a portion 18-25
ITERATE 13-10 finding the trace of a square ma-
RECURSE 13-10 trix 15-13
summation 13-11 inverting 15-8
low battery 1-1 matrix calculations 15-1
lowercase letters 1-6 multiplying and dividing by scalar
multiplying by vector 15-7
M multiplying row by value and add-
mantissa 13-15 ing result to second row 18-25
math functions multiplying row number by value
complex number 13-7 18-25
hyperbolic 13-10 negating elements 15-8
in menu map R-13 opening Matrix Editor 18-28
keyboard 13-3 raised to a power 15-7
logical operators 13-18 redimension 18-25
menu 1-7 replacing portion of matrix or vec-
polynomial 13-11 tor 18-25
probability 13-12 sending or receiving 15-4

HP 39gs English.book Page 7 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

singular value decomposition angle measure 1-10

15-13 decimal mark 1-11
singular values 15-13 number format 1-10
size 15-12 multiple solutions
spectral norm 15-13 plotting to find 7-7
spectral radius 15-13 multiplication 13-3
start Matrix Editor 18-24 implied 1-20
storing elements 15-3, 15-5
storing matrix elements 15-6 N
swap column 18-25
name conflict R-19
swap row 18-25
transposing 15-13, 15-14 naming
variables 15-1 programs 18-4
matrix functions 15-10 natural exponential 13-3, 13-10
COLNORM 15-10 natural log plus 1 13-10
COND 15-11 natural logarithm 13-3
CROSS 15-11 negation 13-5
DET 15-11 negative numbers 1-20
DOT 15-11 no equations checked R-19
EIGENVAL 15-11 Normal Z-distribution, confidence in-
EIGENVV 15-11 tervals 11-15
IDENMAT 15-11 note
copying 17-8
LQ 15-11
editing 17-2
LSQ 15-11
importing 17-8
LU 15-12
printing 18-26
viewing 17-1
QR 15-12
writing 17-1
RANK 15-12
Notepad 17-1
RREF 15-12 catalog keys 17-7
SCHUR 15-12 creating notes 17-6
SIZE 15-12 writing in 17-6
SPECNORM 15-13 nrng 2-6
SPECRAD 15-13 nth root 13-6
SVD 15-13 null hypothesis 11-2
SVL 15-13 number format
TRACE 15-13 engineering 1-11
TRN 15-13 fixed 1-10
maximum real number 1-22, 13-8 fraction 1-11
memory R-18 in Solve aplet 7-5
clearing all R-3 mixed fraction 1-11
organizing 14-9 scientific 1-10
out of R-19 Standard 1-10
saving 1-25, 19-1 numeric precision 14-9
viewing 14-1 Numeric view
menu lists adding values 2-18
searching 1-8 automatic 2-16
minimum real number 13-8 build your own table 2-19
mixed fraction format 1-11 display defining function for col-
modes umn 2-17

HP 39gs English.book Page 8 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

recalculating 2-18 in Solve aplet 7-7

setup 2-16, 2-19 integer scaling 2-14
one-variable statistics 10-18
O overlay plot 2-13
off overlaying 2-15, 4-3
automatic 1-1 scaling 2-13
power 1-1 scatter 10-15, 10-17
on/cancel 1-1 sequence 2-6
setting up 2-5, 3-2
One-Proportion Z-Interval 11-17
split-screen view 2-14
One-Sample T-Interval 11-18 splitting 2-14
One-Sample T-Test 11-12 splitting into plot and close-up
One-Sample Z-Interval 11-15 2-13
One-Sample Z-Test 11-8 splitting into plot and table 2-13
order of precedence 1-21 stairsteps 6-1
overlaying plots 2-15, 4-3 statistical data 10-15
statistics parameters 10-18
P t values 2-6
tickmarks 2-6
to capture current display 18-21
paired columns 10-11 tracing 2-8
parametric variables trigonometric scaling 2-14
axes 18-32 two-variable statistics 10-18
connect 18-32 plotting resolution
grid 18-33 and tracing 2-8
in menu map R-8 plot-view variables
indep 18-33 area 18-32
labels 18-34 connect 18-32
recenter 18-34 fastres 18-32
ycross 18-37 function 18-32
parentheses grid 18-33
to close arguments 1-21 hmin/hmax 18-33
to specify order of operation 1-21 hwidth 18-33
pause 18-30 isect 18-34
permutations 13-12 labels 18-34
pictures recenter 18-34
attaching in Sketch view 17-3 root 18-34
plot s1mark-s5mark 18-35
analyzing statistical data in 10-19 statplot 18-35
auto scale 2-14 tracing 18-33
box-and-whisker 10-16 umin/umax 18-36
cobweb 6-1 ustep 18-36
comparing 2-5 polar variables
connected points 10-17, 10-19 axes 18-32
decimal scaling 2-14 connect 18-32
defining the independent variable grid 18-33
18-36 in menu map R-9
drawing axes 2-7 indep 18-33
expressions 3-3 labels 18-34
grid points 2-7 recenter 18-34
histogram 10-15 ycross 18-37

HP 39gs English.book Page 9 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

polynomial halt program execution 18-30

coefficients 13-11 insert line breaks 18-29
evaluation 13-11 prevent screen display being up-
form 13-11 dated 18-28
roots 13-12 set date and time 18-28
Taylor 13-7 store keycode 18-29
polynomial functions
POLYEVAL 13-11 quadratic
POLYFORM 13-11 extremum 3-6
POLYROOT 13-12 fit 10-13
ports 19-5 function 3-4
position argument 18-21 quotes
power (x raised to y) 13-5 in program names 18-4
precedence 1-22
predicted values R
statistical 10-20 random numbers 13-13
print real number
contents of display 18-26 maximum 13-8
name and contents of variable minimum 13-8
18-26 real part 13-7
object in history 18-26 real-number functions 13-13
variables 18-26 % 13-15
probability functions %CHANGE 13-15
! 13-12 %TOTAL 13-16
COMB 13-12 CEILING 13-13
RANDOM 13-13 DEGtoRAD 13-14
UTPC 13-13 FNROOT 13-14
UTPF 13-13 HMSto 13-14
UTPN 13-13 INT 13-15
UTPT 13-13 MANT 13-15
program MAX 13-15
commands 18-4 MIN 13-15
copying 18-8 MOD 13-15
creating 18-4 RADtoDEG 13-16
debugging 18-7 ROUND 13-16
deleting 18-9 SIGN 13-16
delimiters 18-1 TRUNCATE 13-16
editing 18-5 XPON 13-17
naming 18-4 recalculation for table 2-18
pausing 18-30 receive error R-19
printing 18-26 receiving
sending and receiving 18-8
aplet 19-5
structured 18-1
lists 16-6
prompt commands
matrices 15-4
beep 18-26 programs 18-8
create choose box 18-26 redrawing
create input form 18-29
table of numbers 2-17
display item 18-27
reduced row echelon 15-12
display message box 18-29

HP 39gs English.book Page 10 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

regression sequence variables

analysis 10-17 Axes 18-32
fit models 10-13 Grid 18-33
formula 10-12 in menu map R-10
user-defined fit 10-13 Indep 18-33
relative error Labels 18-34
statistical 10-18 Recenter 18-34
resetting Ycross 18-37
aplet 19-3 serial port connectivity 19-5
calculator R-3 setting
memory R-3 date 18-28
result time 18-28
copying to edit line 1-22 sign reversal 7-6
reusing 1-22 sine 13-4
root inverse hyperbolic 13-9
interactive 3-10 singular value decomposition
nth 13-6 matrix 15-13
variable 18-34 singular values
root-finding matrix 15-13
displaying 7-7 sketches
interactive 3-9 creating 17-5
operations 3-10 creating a blank graphic 18-23
variables 3-10 creating a set of 17-5
erasing a line 18-20
S labeling 17-5
S1mark-S5mark variables 18-35 opening view 17-3
scaling sets 17-5
automatic 2-14 storing in graphics variable 17-5
decimal 2-10, 2-14 slope 3-10
integer 2-10, 2-14, 2-15 soft key labels 1-2
options 2-13 solve
resetting 2-13 error messages 7-7
trigonometric 2-14 initial guesses 7-5
scatter plot 10-15, 10-17 interpreting intermediate guesses
connected 10-17, 10-19 7-7
SCHUR decomposition 15-12 interpreting results 7-6
scientific number format 1-10, 1-20 plotting to find guesses 7-7
scrolling setting number format 7-5
in Trace mode 2-8 solve variables
searching axes 18-32
menu lists 1-8 connect 18-32
speed searches 1-8 fastres 18-32
secant 13-20 grid 18-33
in menu map R-11
indep 18-33
aplets 19-4 labels 18-34
lists 16-6 recenter 18-34
programs 18-8 ycross 18-37
sequence sorting 19-6
definition 2-2 aplets in alphabetic order 19-6

HP 39gs English.book Page 11 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

aplets in chronological order 19-6 Labels 18-34

elements in a list 16-9 Recenter 18-34
spectral norm 15-13 S1mark-S5mark 18-35
spectral radius 15-13 Ycross 18-37
square root 13-5 step size of independent variable
stack history 18-37
printing 18-26 storing
stairsteps graph 6-1 list elements 16-1, 16-4, 16-5,
standard number format 1-10 16-6
statistics matrix elements 15-3, 15-5, 15-6
analysis 10-1 results of calculation 14-2
analyzing plots 10-19 value 14-2
angle mode 10-12 strings
calculate one-variable 18-30 literal in symbolic operations
calculate two-variable 18-30 13-18
data set variables 18-41 subtract 13-3
data structure 18-41 summation function 13-11
define one-variable sample 18-30 symbolic
define two-variable data sets de- calculations in Function aplet
pendent column 18-31 13-21
define two-variable data sets in- defining expressions 2-1
dependent column 18-31 differentiation 13-21
defining a fit 10-12 displaying definitions 3-8
defining a regression model evaluating variables in view 2-3
10-12 setup view for statistics 10-12
deleting data 10-11 symbolic functions
editing data 10-10 | (where) 13-18
frequency 18-30 equals 13-17
inserting data 10-11 ISOLATE 13-17
plot type 10-18 LINEAR? 13-17
plotting data 10-15 QUAD 13-18
predicted values 10-20 QUOTE 13-18
regression curve (fit) models Symbolic view
10-12 defining expressions 3-2
saving data 10-10 syntax 13-2
sorting data 10-11 syntax errors 18-7
specifying angle setting 10-12
toggling between one-variable
and two-variable 10-12
tracing plots 10-19 table
troubleshooting with plots 10-19 navigate around 3-8
zooming in plots 10-19 numeric values 3-7
statistics variables numeric view setup 2-16
Axes 18-32 tangent 13-4
Connect 18-32 inverse hyperbolic 13-9
Grid 18-33 Taylor polynomial 13-7
Hmin/Hmax 18-33 rng 2-6
Hwidth 18-33 step 2-6
in menu map R-12 tickmarks for plotting 2-6
Indep 18-33 time 13-14

HP 39gs English.book Page 12 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

setting 18-28 upper-tail Snedecors F 13-13

time, converting 13-14 upper-tail students t-probability
times sign 1-20 13-13
tmax 18-36 USB connectivity 19-5
tmin 18-36 user defined
too few arguments R-19 regression fit 10-13
functions 2-8 V
more than one curve 2-8 value
not matching plot 2-8 recall 14-3
plots 2-8 storing 14-2
transmitting variables
lists 16-6 aplet 14-1
matrices 15-4 categories 14-7
programs 18-8 clearing 14-3
transposing a matrix 15-13 definition 14-1, 14-7, R-2
Triangle Solver aplet 9-1 in equations 7-10
trigonometric in Symbolic view 2-3
fit 10-13 independent 18-36
functions 13-19 local 14-1
scaling 2-10, 2-14, 2-15 previous result (Ans) 1-23
trigonometry functions printing 18-26
ACOT 13-19 root 18-34
ACSC 13-20 root-finding 3-10
ASEC 13-20 step size of independent 18-37
COT 13-20 types 14-1, 14-7
CSC 13-20 use in calculations 14-3
SEC 13-20 VARS menu 14-4, 14-5
trng 2-6 vectors
truncating values to decimal places column 15-1
13-16 cross product 15-11
tstep 2-6, 18-37 definition of R-2
Two-Proportion Z-Interval 11-17 views 1-18
Two-Proportion Z-Test 11-11 configuration 1-18
Two-Sample T-Interval 11-19 definition of R-3
Two-Sample T-test 11-14
Two-Sample Z-Interval 11-16
typing letters 1-6 warning symbol 1-8
where command ( | ) 13-18
name R-19 Xcross variable 18-37
result R-19 xrng 2-6
un-zoom 2-11
upper-tail chi-squared probability Y
13-13 Ycross variable 18-37
upper-tail normal probability 13-13 yrng 2-6

HP 39gs English.book Page 13 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

Z options within a table 2-17

Z-Interval 11-15 out 2-9
redrawing table of numbers op-
zoom 2-17
tions 2-17
axes 2-12 square 2-10
box 2-9 un-zoom 2-11
center 2-9 within Numeric view 2-17
examples of 2-11 X-zoom 2-9
factors 2-13 Y-zoom 2-10
in 2-9
options 2-9, 3-8

HP 39gs English.book Page 14 Wednesday, December 7, 2005 11:24 PM

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