MCom (M17) Semester - I-BFG 101book - 24092015
MCom (M17) Semester - I-BFG 101book - 24092015
MCom (M17) Semester - I-BFG 101book - 24092015
Shri. Anand Yadav
Manager, Print Production Centre
Y.C.M. Open University, Nashik - 422 222.
Financial Markets and Financial Institutions In India-I is comprised of 12 Units. It includes units on
money, debt, equity and foreign exchange markets. Apart from these segments of financial markets, units
no 10, 11 and 12 on commercial banks are included in part I.
The unit 1 covers functions of financial system and structure of Indian financial system. The unit 2
discusses about role of financial and capital market intermediaries and significant development in the
financial system. The unit 3 explains features and functions of money market and its various investments.
The unit 4 discusses about repo and CBLO markets and various issues in the Indian money market. The
unit 5 helps to understand various debt instruments and structure of the Government debt market. The unit
6 analyses reforms in the primary and secondary segment of Indian Corporate debt market along with
current issues. The unit 7 gives the background about primary equity market. The unit 8 discusses about
equity market composition in terms of participants and secondary market for shares.This unit also discusses
various measures taken by the SEBI to make equity market more efficient and vibrant. The unit 9 focusses
on foreign exchange market of India in terms of its features, participants and working. The unit 10 studies
the role and functions of commercial banks and structure of the Indian commercial banking system. The
unit 11 helps to understand nature of commercial banking business. The unit 12 explains the format of
financial statements of a bank. This unit also analyses business and financial performance of commercial
banks at macro level.
Unit 1 Financial System of India- I : Financial System of India - I
: Functions and Structure
1.0 Introduction
1.5 Summary
1.0 Introduction
The economic development of any country largely depends on efficiency
of the financial system. The well developed financial system helps economy to
achieve growth in savings and investment. It also ensures proper functioning of
financial intermediaries and facilitates flow of funds from surplus areas to deficit
areas. The government as well as regulators implement suitable policies to make
financial system more efficient and vibrant.
(ii) Financial and Capital Markets Intermediaries which includes banks &
financial institutions
1) Mobilisation of Savings
2) Ensures Liquidity
The financial system not only facilitates to execute business and commercial
transactions but also helps to manage risk in such transactions. On account of
Financial Markets and Financial
deregulation of financial markets, participants are exposed to various market risk.
2 Institutions in India - I The financial system offers various financial products like derivative products
etc. to manage risk in commercial transactions. The players who are part of Financial System of India - I
: Functions and Structure
financial system use variety of derivative products or financial contracts like forward
futures, options and swaps to manage variety types of risk in commercial and
business transactions.
Like financial system of any country, the Indian Financial System is also
comprised of financial markets, financial intermediaries, financial instruments and
regulators. The overall structure of Indian financial system is given in Table 1.1.
vi) Credit Market Banks, NBFCs, Financial Working Capital Loans, RBI, and NHB
Institutions, Specialized Housing Finance, Lease (For Housing
Housing Finance Finance, Hire Purchase F i n a n c e
Companies, Corporate & Finance, Personal Loan & Companies)
Individuals Consumer Loan, Term Loan
v) Derivatives Markets
Flow of Funds from surplus sector (i.e. savers) to Deficit Sector (borrowers)
Servers or Financial
Markets & Borrowers
s like Banks &
The financial markets consist of formal and informal markets. The informal
financial markets are nothing but private money lenders. They are partially
regulated by the Government. Therefore, participants are not interested to
participate in the informal financial markets. As against this, formal markets like
money market, capital market and foreign exchange market etc. are recognized NOTES
and well regulated by the specified regulator as wells by the Government. The
participants in the financial markets like to be associated with formal structure of
financial markets. The reasons for this are as follows:
ii) Due to well defined rules and regulations, the participants have more
confidence in undertaking deals in formal financial markets. The commercial
transactions are carried out according to the well defined terms agreed upon.
iii) It has a proper regulatory framework which ensures adequate legal support
to settle disputes and enforce contracts.
v) It provides move liquidity, low transaction costs and price discovery for
various financial assets.
The financial markets are divided into various segments. These segments
are described below :
I) Money Market :
iii) Term Money 15 days to 365 Banks, PDs, Fixed Income Money
Market days Development MarketDerivatives
Financial Association of India
Institutions (FIMMDA) Issues
The primary market is more about issue of new shares. That is why it is
called as New Issue market. While raising funds from the primary market the
companies have to ensure that the cost of raising of funds is lower. They also
require to disclose all the information in the offer document. The secondary
market is also important as it ensures liquidity for the existing securities. In order
to support primary market, the secondary market needs to be i) active, ii) disclose
all information, iii) less volatile and efficient in terms of lowering transaction cost.
Both primary and secondary markets are linked with each other. If the secondary
market is active and vibrant then the primary market is also likely to be active and
The equity market is deregulated in India and hence, the eligible companies
are free to decide about the premium. In case of public issue of shares in the
primary market, it is mandatory to appoint a registered merchant banker to act as
a lead manager. Therefore, new equity shares are issued with the help of a
merchant banker. The unlisted shares are issued through private placement. As
discussed earlier, the secondary market for equity is noting but stock exchange
which provides liquidity and price discovery. At present there are 21 stock
exchanges in India. Of these, Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) Ltd. and National
Stock Exchange (NSE) Ltd. are the largest and most important stock exchanges
in India. The shares are issued and traded in dematerialized form. This market is
much more volatile. The equity market in India is well developed and vibrant. It is
regulated by SEBI. The structure of Indian equity market is given in Table 1.4.
Banks : The banks are dominant players in the foreign exchange market.
They trade in currency market on their proprietary account as well as on behalf of
Financial Markets and Financial
customers. They are authorised by the central bank of country to trade in currency Institutions in India - I 11
Financial System of India - I : market. They are market makers in the foreign exchange market. They offer
Functions and Structure
two way quotes i.e. bid and offer. Being active traders in the foreign exchange
market commercial banks offer competitive rates to customers and help them to
manage price risk arising on account of fluctuation in currency rates
RBI : Being a central bank of the country, RBI regulates the foreign
exchange market in India. It intervenes in the market to buy or sell foreign
currencies to influence exchange rates. Intervention can be defined as buying or
selling of foreign currency by RBI with a view to maintain price stability in the
foreign exchange market. In the case of limited flexibility or fixed exchange rate
regimes, these interventions are absolutely essential. However, under deregulated
market environment, RBI is not involved to defend any specified rate but may like
to intervene so as to influence market sentiment, reduce short-term volatility and
create orderly conditions in the foreign exchange market. The structure of
Indian Foreign Exchange Market is given in Table 1.5.
Types of Market
Types of Market
Inter-Bank Retail-Market
Participants Authorized Dealers like Individuals
Banks and Financial Exports and Imports
Institutions Companies Brokers
Regulator RBI RBI
Other Institution FEDAI FEDAI
Act which is FEMA FEMA
v) Derivatives Market
The derivatives which are traded on an exchange are called exchange traded
derivatives. Such trades generally take place through clearing house or corporation
of the exchange and therefore trading in such derivatives take place with anonymity.
As against this, a derivative contract which is privately negotiated is called an
Financial Markets and Financial over the counter (OTC) derivative. Such trades have no anonymity and they
12 Institutions in India - I
generally do not get traded through a clearing house of the exchange. Every Financial System of India - I
: Functions and Structure
derivative product can either OTC product (i.e. through private negotiations) or
on an exchange traded product.
Trades in derivatives market are different from trades in cash or spot market.
The spot price is separately observed from the price of derivative product. It is
essential to note that the price of the derivative product is driven by the spot price NOTES
of the underlying variable.
The largest derivatives transactions in the world are found in the context of
Government bonds (to hedge against interest rate risk), the market index (to hedge
against the volatility in the prices of stock) and on exchange rates (to hedge against
currency risk).
Rupee related derivatives like Interest Rate Swaps (IRS), Forward Rate
Agreements (FRA) and Interest Rate Futures. Of these IRS and FRA were
introduced in 1999. Banks and primary dealers have been allowed to be market
makers in IRS and FRA derivatives market. Alongwith banks and primary dealers,
others like financial institutions, insurance companies, corporates, NBFCs etc.,
have been permitted to use IRS and FRA for managing interest rate risk in their
books of accounts. This market is regulated by RBI. The RBI and FIMMDA
have issued detailed guidelines subject to which participants are required to
participate in the IRS and FRA markets.
Stock related derivatives like stock options, stock index options and futures.
Trading in such derivatives was introduced in June 2000. SEBI approved
derivatives trading based on futures contract at both NSE and BSE in accordance
with rules and regulations of the concerned stock exchanges. Stock index futures
in India are available with one month, two months and three months maturities.
This market is regulated by the concerned stock exchange as well as SEBI.
NOTES achieve a growth in savings and investment. The financial system is comprised
of financial markets, instruments, participant and regulators. The financial markets
are comprised of various segments which are regulated by different regulators
and agencies. The financial markets facilitate growth in savings and investment
both of which are must for economic growth of the country. Among the various
functions, the most important function of financial markets is to provide liquidity
and proper valuation of financial assets.
a) Key Terms
(3) Futures Contract : These are special types of forward contracts. Such
contracts are designed and introduced by the stock exchanges. Because of
this, it is called as standardized exchange traded contracts. These contracts
are standard in terms of quantity; date and month of settlement and margin
etc. Such contracts trade on stock exchange where stock exchange itself
is a counter party and transactions are settled through clearing house of a
stock exchange.
(8) Equity Market : It is a market for equity shares and preference shares.
The companies issue such shares in the primary market to raise funds for
longer period. The secondary market for equity is nothing but stock
exchange which provides liquidity and price discovery in respect of listed
shares. Such market is strictly regulated by the SEBI.
(11) Primary Market : It is a market for issue of view securities. Funds are
raised through issue of new securities in the primary market. It is also
called as New Issue Market (NIM).
8) PD : Primary Dealer
4. The primary market does not help to raise funds for the business.
i) Money Market
ii) Deregulations
iii) Globalizations
ii) Why the participants in the financial markets prefer to be associated with
formal markets.
4. Financial Markets and Exchanges Law by Blair Michel and Walker George,
Oxford University Press, Latest Edition
2.1 Introduction
2.6. Summary
2.1 Introduction
The financial intermediaries play a significant role in the financial markets.
They mobilize savings from investors and make available funds to those who are
in need of funds for productive purpose. Thus the financial intermediaries contribute
towards growth in savings and investment. The capital market intermediaries help
the companies to issue securities so as to raise funds from the market. In this unit,
the role of financial and capital market intermediaries along with broad idea about
regulatory framework is discussed.
2. to know who regulates financial and capital market intermediaries and their
regulatory framework.
2.3.1 Banks
Banks accept the deposits for the purpose of creating loan assets. The
banks have various deposit products such as current, savings, recurring and term
deposits. These deposits form almost 90 per cent of total funds of banks. In order
to attract savings from the depositors banks have designed and introduced different
deposit schemes. By offering various deposit products, banks encourage household
sector to save more from their income. This activity of banks helps to nurture
saving habits among the various classes of savers or investors. Banks use these
deposits to provide financial assistance by way of working capital loans, long term
loans and other types of loans to the individuals as well as Institutional borrowers.
Therefore banks act as an agent between depositors and borrowers.
Therefore,banks perform the role of financial intermediaries. Among all the financial
intermediaries, banks are the most important financial intermediaries in the financial
system. Banks also subscribe securities in the primary market and make funds
available for the productive use. In India the RBI being a central bank of a country
regulates the banking system with a view to ensure that banks are financially
viable and strong.
These companies which are registered with the RBI accept term deposits
(i.e. for a minimum period of 6 months and maximum period of 3 years) from the
public. The NBFCs use deposits and other borrowings to provide leasing, hire-
purchase, bill discounting and housing finance to the borrowers. Thus, NBFCs,
like banks are financial intermediaries in the financial system. In India, NBFCs
are allowed to undertake only fund based business. As per the RBIs guidelines,
these NBFCs are classified into several categories such as asset finance companies,
loan companies, investment companies, factoring companies etc. The NBFCs
which accept public deposits and which are other than housing finance companies
are regulated by the RBI. These NBFCs have to carry out their business as per
the guidelines issued by the RBI. The NBFCs which are housing finance companies
are regulated by the National Housing Bank (NHB) and hence these housing
finance companies are required to carry out their business as per the guidelines
issued by the NHB. These NBFCs face competition from banks and find it
difficult to survive in a competitive market environment.
The Insurance Companies mobilize funds through sale of various life and
Financial Markets and Financial
20 Institutions in India - I non-life insurance policies. They get regularly funds in the form of premiums
from the policy holders. The insurance companies invest these funds in the equity Financial System of India - II
: Financial & Capital Market
and debt instruments and also provide financial assistance to the social and Intermediaries & Develop-
infrastructure projects. Thus the insurance companies perform the role of financial ments in Financial System
intermediaries between insurance policy holders and institutions/companies who
are in need of financial assistance.
The mutual funds sale various schemes of mutual funds to the small investors
and mobilize the funds. They invest these funds in the money market instruments,
like commercial papers, certificate of deposits, treasury bills as well as in the
capital and debt market instruments like equity, long term debentures and bonds,
Government securities etc. The nature of mutual funds business clearly shows
that like banks and insurance companies, mutual funds are also act as financial
intermediary institutions in the financial markets.
As per the SEBI guidelines on Merchant Bankers, other than banks and
financial institutions, a body corporate is eligible to get registered as a merchant
banker with the SEBI. In view of this, partnership firms and proprietary concerns
are not allowed to undertake merchant banking business in India.
The SEBI has been authorized to regulate the activities of merchant bankers.
In view of this, merchant banking organizations have to get registered with the
SEBI and obtain certificate to undertake merchant banking business. Unless a
certification of registration is obtained from the SEBI, no corporate body can act
as a merchant banker. Once a registration certificate is issued by the SEBI, it
remains valid for three years from the date of issue. The same certificate must
be renewed after the completion of three years.
Financial Markets and Financial Category IV: To act only as adviser or consultant to an issue.
22 Institutions in India - I
With effect from December 9, 1997, the SEBI has brought a change in the Financial System of India - II
: Financial & Capital Market
categories of merchant banking organizations in India and accordingly haskept Intermediaries & Develop-
only Category I merchant banking organizations for registration. These ments in Financial System
organizations have been permitted to act as a lead manager or co-manager to
any public issue.
The data about number of merchant bankers registered with SEBI during NOTES
2007-2008 to 2012-2013 is given below:
Year No. of Merchant
2007-2008 155
2008-2009 134
2009-2010 164
2010-2011 192
2011-2012 200
2012-2013 198
2. Subsidiaries of Banks : Few banks like SBI, BOB and Indian Bank have
their own subsidiaries to undertake merchant banking business.
The merchant bankers are required to focus on securities related business namely
issue management and underwriting. The main activities of a merchant banker
are as under:
Issue management covering public and right issue of equity (i.e. to act as a
lead manager to a public issue.)
Buy back arrangement for purchase of its own equity shares by the
2.4.2 Underwriters
Underwriters are capital market intermediaries who undertake to subscribe
to the securities which are offered by a company in case these securities are not
fully subscribed by the public, in case of an underwritten issue. Underwriting is an
arrangement wherein an underwriter enters into an agreement with the issuer
company for purchasing the shares or bonds as the case may be as specified in
their agreement if public or other persons fail to subscribe to them, for a commission.
The underwriters help the issuers to raise funds through public issue even if
there is no response from the public.
The category I merchant banking organisations and others who are registered
with the SEBI as underwriters are allowed to provide underwriting support to a
public issue. By and large banks, specialized merchant bankers and stock brokers
provide underwriting support to a public issue.
The data about number of underwriters registered with SEBI during 2007-
8 to 2012-13is given below:
Year No. of (Category I Merchant Independent
Underwriters Bankers) Underwriters
(A) (B) (A+B)
2007-08 155 35 190
2008-09 134 19 153
2009-10 164 05 169
2010-11 192 03 195
2011-12 200 03 203
2012-13 198 03 201
Source : Handbook of Statistics on Indian Securities Market, Published by the
Financial Markets and Financial
24 Institutions in India - I SEBI, 2013
2.4.3 Credit Rating Agencies Financial System of India - II
: Financial & Capital Market
Intermediaries & Develop-
The credit rating agencies provide credit rating services in respect ofdebt ments in Financial System
instrumentsand initial public offering (IPOs). This rating agencies help issuers,
investors, and lenders to take financing and investment decisions optimally. These
agencies play a significant role in the development of capital market.
The credit rating agencies are regulated by the SEBI. A credit rating agency
can be promoted by any of the following organization or combination thereof.
(a) Public financial institution as defined in section 4-A of the Companies Act
of 2013
(d) Foreign credit rating agency having at least five years experience in rating
of financial instruments and
(e) Any company incorporated under the Companies Act or body corporate
having continuous minimum networth of Rs. 100 crore as per its audited
annual accounts for the previous five years prior to filing of the application
with the SEBI for registration.
At present in India there are six credit rating agencies which rate debt
instruments. The name of these rating agencies are given below:
4) Brickwork ratings
I) Registrars to an Issue
According to the section 12 of SEBI Act, 1992 only those entities which are
registered with the SEBI and having a certificate of registration are allowed to
undertake the business of registrar to a public issue and act as a transfer agent.
The data about number of registrars to an issue and share transfer agents
registered with the SEBI during 2007-08 to 2012-13 is given below :
2008-09 71
2009-10 74
2010-11 73
2011-12 74
2012-13 72
With the help of bankers to a public issue it becomes easy to make funds
available to issuers and to submit status report to the registrars.
The various segments of financial markets are integrated with each others.
For example changes in the yield on money market instruments affect the prices
of securities market as well as exchange rates. Because of this, banks, financial
institutions and companies have opted for integrated treasury which helps them to
improve performance of treasury operations.
The Government has liberalized many economic policies and relaxes norms
for participation of NRIs, foreign institutional investors and multinational companies
in the domestic financial markets. This has made domestic markets more venerable
to the investment decisions of FIIs, NRIs and Multinational companies. Further
local banks and companies have been permitted to raise funds in international
money and capital markets and bring those funds in the domestic market. Because
of this, domestic markets are not only linked with international financial markets
Financial Markets and Financial
but have become much more volatile. Institutions in India - I 27
Financial System of India - II
: Financial & Capital Market
2.6 Summary
Intermediaries & Develop-
ments in Financial System The financial intermediary institutions like banks, NBFCs, Insurance
companies act as agent between savers and borrowers.Capital market
intermediaries play an important role in the development of a capital market. These
NOTES intermediaries help the companies to issue financial instruments to raise short
term as well as long term funds The financial markets in India have dynamic and
vibrant due to deregulation, use of information technology, globalizations etc.The
various segments of domestic financial markets are integrated with each other.
Similarly domestic markets are also integrated with international markets.
1) Financial Intermediaries
3) Merchant Bankers
4) Deregulation of Markets
5) Integration of Markets
6) Credit Rating
Financial Markets and Financial
28 Institutions in India - I Credit rating may be defined as an expression, through use of symbols, of
opinion about the quality of credit of the issuer of debt securities with Financial System of India - II
: Financial & Capital Market
reference to a particular instrument. As per the SEBI regulations, credit Intermediaries & Develop-
rating is nothing but as an opinion regarding securities expressed in the ments in Financial System
form of standard symbol or in any other standardized form assigned by a
credit rating agency. The symbol given by rating agency for credit rating
indicates a credit character of that particular security and thus it only facilitates
to take a view on credit risk pertaining to that security. NOTES
7) Market Risk
Market risk refers to the risk or loss resulting from changes in market
prices of financial assets and commodities like gold and foreign currency
due to the changes in interest rates and foreign exchange rate. In simpler
terms, it may be defined as the possibility of loss caused by changes in the
equity and commodity prices
8) Underwriters
2. Mutual funds are allowed to accept demand deposits from the public.
6. Most of the markets are not deregulated. Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 29
Financial System of India - II Q.2 Explain various functions of following capital market intermediaries
: Financial & Capital Market
Intermediaries & Develop-
i) Merchant Bank
ments in Financial System
ii) Underwriter
Q.3 Explain in brief the roll of following financial intermediaries in the financial
i) Banks
ii) Deregulations
iii) Globalizations
4. Financial Markets and Exchanges Law by Blair Michel and Walker George,
Oxford University Press, Latest Edition
3.1 Introduction
3.6 Summary
3.1 Introduction
The money market is an important segment of financial markets which
deals with money and short-term financial assets which are close substitutes for
money. The short term financial assets are those which can be quickly converted
into money with minimum transaction cost. In other words, the money market is
a market for borrowing and lending of funds for short period i.e. up to 12 months
or a year. In addition to the funds, short term financial instruments are also used
to lend or borrow funds for a short period i.e. up to 12 months. This market acts as
an equilibrating mechanism for evening out short term surplus and deficit. The
money market in India is fully regulated by the Reserve Bank of India (RBI). In
other words, the players, the instruments and other regulations are decided by the
RBI. Further the RBI through its intervention in the money market brings out
variations in liquidity profile in the economy. Along with the RBI, the Fixed Income Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 31
Indian Money Market - I : Money Market Derivatives Association of India (FIMMDA) a self regulatory
Features, Functions &
Instruments organization also makes rules for market participants for executing transactions
both in the primary and secondary money market. The various participants including
banks, primary dealers and others undertake transactions in the money market in
respect of various instruments with a view to manage liquidity and improve yield
NOTES on short term instruments.
a. It is a wholesale market. The size of each transaction is very large like say,
` 5 crore, 50 crore and 100 crore, etc.
b. Large number of instruments are used in this market. This is mainly because
the market is highly innovative and regulator also brings innovations in the
existing money market instruments and introduce new instruments.
c. Since financial instruments are used to raise funds for very short period,
this market provides high liquidity, low price risk and less degree of credit
risk for such instruments.
e. The transactions in the money market are short term in nature i.e. upto one
year or less than one year.
f. The money market does not have a physical location but all participants are
linked by a sophisticated network of telex, telephones, faxes and computers
and transactions are carried out in electronic form through use of computer
2. This market helps the government and non government institutions to raise
large amount of funds with out any difficulties to meet its current expenditure
or working capital needs.
3. The RBI use money market to implement its monetary policy keeping in
view available liquidity, existing inflation rate and current economic conditions.
(ii) To recommend the pattern of money market interest rates and to indicate
whether these should be administered or determined by the market
(iii) To study the feasibility of increasing the participants in the money market
(iv) To assess the impact of changes in the cash credit system on the money
market and to examine the need for developing institutions such as discount
houses, and
(v) To consider any other issue having a bearing on the development of the
money market.
(i) To increase the number of participants to broaden the base of the money
(ii) To activate the existing instruments and developing new ones so as to have
a diversified mix of instrument
The RBI accepted most of the recommendations of the Vaghul Committee and
had taken a number of steps to develop the money market.
The various features of the Indian money market can be studied in relation
to the various instruments as well as participants or players. These features are
Financial Markets and Financial discussed below :
Institutions in India - I
3.5.1 Call and Notice Money Market Indian Money Market - I :
Features, Functions &
The Call and notice money market is an important segment of the money
market. In the call money market, the money is borrowed or lent for a day. It is
also called as inter bank market or known as overnight money market. When
money is borrowed or lent for more than a day but upto 14 days it is called notice
money. No collateral security is involved in such type of transactions. Participants NOTES
use call money market to manage their day to day surpluses or deficits in their
daily cash inflows and cash outflows.
The participants in the call and notice money market are banks and primary
dealers. Both the banks and primary dealers are permitted to lend and borrow
simultaneously. The primary dealers have been permitted to lend in call and notice
money market upto 25 per cent of their Net Owned Funds (NOF) on a fortnightly
average basis. State Co-operative Banks (SCBs) and District Central Co-operative
Banks (DCCBs) have been permitted to borrow from call and notice money market
upto 2.0 per cent of their aggregate deposits as at the end of March of the previous
financial year. The transactions done by the banks and primary dealers in call and
notice money markets are being monitored on a daily basis by the RBI.
The screen based negotiated quote driven system (NDS-Call) was introduced
in September 2006 in respect of dealings in call and notice money market. It does
not require separate reporting. If the deals are not done through NDS-Call system
then such deals must be reported within 15 minutes on Negotiated dealing system
(NDS) screen. The interest rates in call and notice money market are determined
by the market participants based on demand and supply of funds. The data relating
to the weighted average call money rates during 2005-06 to 2013-14 is given in
Table 3.1.
iii) Banks and financial institutions are not permitted to buy-back their own
CDs before maturity. Futher these lending institutions cannot lend against
their own CDs.
The select data about issue of CDs during 2008-09 to 2013-14 is given in Table 3.3.
Table 3.3
August 1 163546 8.92 11.05
January 16 162883 6.10 11.50
August 14 230198 3.75 8.00
January 15 264698 3.38 6.61
August 13 327582 6.25 7.90
January 14 371881 7.18 9.82
August 12 404743 8.70 9.92
January,13 374890 9.25 10.10
August 10 414630 8.44 9.30
January 11 338286 8.19 8.88
April 15 150355 7.80 13.25
June 30 135588 7.58 12.71
i) The tangible net worth of an issuer is not less than Rs.4 crore
ii) Lending institutions like banks and financial institution have appraised the
borrowers loan proposal and sanctioned working capital limit.
iii) The account is classified as standard asset by the financing bank and/ or All
India Financial Institutions (AIFIs).
Such CPs are issued in the form of usance promissory notes, which are
negotiable, by endorsement and delivery. Such CPs cannot be issued with put and
call options. The issuer of CP has to appoint a scheduled commercial bank as an
Issuing and Paying Agent (IPA) to raise funds through CP. The role of IPA is to
act as a merchant banker and help the issuer to raise funds through CP. Since
each issue of CP is required to be rated by a credit rating agency and subjected to
a minimum rating of A3 given by any recognized rating agency, only well-rated
companies can issue CPs. The minimum issue size of CP is ` 5 lakh. Such paper
can be issued for a minimum period of 7 days and maximum period of 1 year. CPs
have been subscribed by financial institutions, banks, mutual funds, insurance and
other companies. Of these, the banks, financial institutions and PDs have been
directed to make fresh investments and hold CPs in only dematerialized form with
effect from June 30, 2001. Because of this, now-a-days CPs are issued in demat
form. The secondary market for CP is active in India. The issuers are allowed to
buy back of CPs from secondary market at prevailing market price. The select
data about issue of commercial papers by companies is given in Table 3.4.
August 15 52831 9.54 12.50
January 15 40803 7.75 14.00
August 15 77352 3.43 9.20
January 15 92363 3.15 7.55
August 15 127271 4.65 9.10
January 15 98913 6.60 11.95
April 15 105518 7.15 12.30
June 30 104689 8.35 13.50
Check your progress
Q. 1 State whether the
following statements are true April 13 110350 8.51 14.50
or false
June 30 125811 8.24 15.25
(i) All type of banks have
been permitted to issue
certificate of deposits for a Source: RBI Publication on Handbook on Indian Economy
period up to 1 year.
(ii) The minimum size of
commercial paper is of ` 1 3.5.7 Inter-Bank Participation Certificate (IBPC)
(iii) Banks have been
permitted to buy-back their Such certificates are issued by a scheduled commercial bank to another
Certificate of Deposits (CDs) bank against existing standard loan assets. The amount which is raised through
before maturity date
(iv) The issuer of CP has to issue of IBPC should not exceed 40 per cent of the outstanding advance at the
appoint a scheduled bank as time of issue. During the validity of participation certificate, the amount that is
an Issuing and Paying Agents
(IPA) to raise funds through raised must be covered by an outstanding standard loan assets. If such certificates
CP are to be issued without sharing of risk, the period should not exceed 90 days. If
(v) Banks and financial
institutions are allowed to issue
it is with risk participation, such certificates can be issued for a period of 91 to 180
IBPCs days. The main features of IBPC are as under :
Q. 2 Explain main
characteristics of certificate of i) The IBPCs are not transferable and hence such instruments cannot be
deposits (CDs)
Q. 3
traded in the secondary market. Therefore, the secondary market does not exist
(i) Who can issue a for such instruments.
commercial paper ?
(ii) For what purpose a ii) Only the banks are allowed to issue IBPCs.
commercial paper is issued ?
Q. 4 Explain various iii) Both the issuing and participating banks have to decide about interest rate
features of IBPCs.
on IBPCs. Thus on can conclude that rate of interest on such certificate is freely
Financial Markets and Financial decided by the concerned parties
40 Institutions in India - I
iv) The IBPC is issued based on agreement between the issuing and Indian Money Market - I :
Features, Functions &
participating bank. Instruments
3.6 Summary
The money market is an important segment of financial markets. This NOTES
market has grown in terms of instruments, players and size of turnover. The
banks and non-bank entities participate in the money market to manage liquidity.
The RBI has taken a number of positive steps to make the money market more
efficient and vibrant. This has resulted in the active secondary market for a
variety of money market instruments. This has led to the development of their
own markets for money market instruments like T-bills market and commercial
paper market. The RBI regulates the money market. It intervenes in the market
at appropriate time to ensure its stability and credibility.
1) Money Market :
This is market for those instruments which are used to borrow or lend
funds for a short period i.e. up to 12 months.
In call market money is borrowed or lent for a day i.e. 24 hours. Because
of this, it is called as overnight money market. In notice money market money
is borrowed or lent for more than 1 day but up to 14 days. The call and notice
money market is also called as inter-bank market.
9) Treasury Bills :
Treasury bills are short term instruments. The RBI issues three types of
treasury bills having different maturities namely 91 day, 182 day and 364 day.
These treasury bills are issued on behalf of the Government of India under multiple
price auctions.
2) CP : Commercial Paper
3) CD : Certificate of Deposit
(I) Only commercial banks are allowed to participate in the call and notice
money market
4. Reddy, Y V, Development of Money Market in India, RBI Bulletin, 53(3), Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 43
March, 1999.
Indian Money Market - I : 5. Gopalan, M S, Indian Money Market: Structure, Operations and
Features, Functions &
Instruments Development, Deep and Deep Publishing Company, New Delhi, 2000.
(Latest Edition)
4.1 Introduction
4.7 Comparison of Repo Deals with call Money and CBLO Transactions
4.9 Summary
4.1 Introduction
Repo and CBLO are an important money market instruments. These two
instruments are extensively being used in Indian money market. Both these
instruments are mainly used by institutional investors to manage liquidity in their
own business. The RBI has taken a number of positive steps to develop repo
market in India which has two components namely market repo and repo with the
RBI. The CBLO product is introduced by the Cleaning Corporation of India Ltd.
(CCIL) for those entities that cannot participate in the call, notice and term money
market. The CCIL takes care of settlement of transactions both in market repo
segment and CBLO segment of the Indian money market. In this unit, these two
money market instruments along with issues in the Indian money market are
Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 45
Indian Money Market - II :
Repo Market, CBLO &
4.2 Unit objectives
Issues in Money Market
To know about repo and CBLO money market instruments and Liquidity
Adjustment Facility (LAF).
Repo deals are also known as repurchase agreements or ready forward deals
Both regulatory authorities like the RBI and participants in the money and
securities markets have special interest in repo deals and thus in the development
of repo market.
Financial Markets and Financial
46 Institutions in India - I
a) Utility of Repo instrument at micro level Indian Money Market - II :
Repo Market, CBLO &
Participants in the money and securities market use repo instrument for the Issues in Money Market
following objectives:
1. The RBI uses repo as an integral part of its open market operations with
the objective of injecting/withdrawing liquidity into and from the market and also
to reduce volatility in short term market in particular in call money market. As
repos are being used as short term money market instruments, repo market has
strong linkages with inter-bank or call money market, term money market, securities
market, derivatives market etc.
2. Increase in repo deals will help to increase in turnover in the money and
securities market thereby improving liquidity and depth of such markets.
3. A large number of repo transactions for varying tenors will effectively result
in a term interest rate structure and this will lead to the development of term
money market.
Earlier, the RBI, in consultation with the GOI, selected few dated securities
of the GOI for the purpose of repo deals. However, vide credit policy circular
dated April 15, 1997, the RBI permitted to undertake repo deals in respect of all
dated Central Government securities besides Treasury bills of all maturities. Further,
vide circular (IDMC No. PDRS/10.02.01/99-2000) dated March 7, 2000, the
RBI also allowed to undertake repo transactions in respect of securities issued by
the State Governments. In view of this, repo deals are carried out in respect of
treasury bills of varying maturities, the Government of India dated securities and
securities issued by the state Governments.
Since March 1, 2010, the RBI has allowed to use listed corporate debt
securities which are rated AA or above by credit rating agency, that are held in
the security accounts of the repo seller for executing market repo deals.
Above discussion clearly points that repo deals are carried out in respect of
following securities which are used as collateral securities:
i) Treasury bills of varying maturities like 91 day, 182 day and 364 day
iv) Corporate bonds, which are listed, having credit rating of AA or above and
which are held in the security account of the repo seller in demat form.
In order to further develop the repo market, the RBI has permitted to execute
repo transactions in other collateral securities such as CP, CD and Non Convertible
Debentures of less than one year of original maturity. The minimum hair cut
requirement in corporate debt repo has been brought down from existing 10 per
cent,12 per cent, 15 per cent to 7.5 per cent, 8.5 per cent, 10 per cent respectively
for AAA/AA+/AA rated corporate bonds.
2011-12 2186877 (58.10 per 1554121 (41.29 per 22878 (0.61 per
2012-13 2918337 (54.02 per 2413144 (44.66 per 71282 (1.32 per
2013-14 3364069 (46.54 per 3832478 (53.02 per 31580 (0.44 per
Theoretically speaking, repo deals can be transacted for any length of time
or period. However in practice, the period is usually short - generally from one
day (an overnight repo) to several months. In India, market rapo deals are executed
for a minimum period of one day. Though there is no restriction on the maximum
period for which banks and others can undertake repo transaction, normally in
India, banks and others including primary dealers enter into repo deals for a period
upto 14 days. This is so because in India, rapo instrument is considered as a short
term money market instrument.
Banks and other participants enter into a repo deal for a single day. Further
as per the RBIs guidelines repo-transactions in corporate/ debt securities shall be
for a minimum period of one day and a maximum period of one year.
The data about repo term analysis is given in Table 4.2. This data highlights
that almost 66 per cent of total trades in the repo market were carried out for a
one day period (i.e. overnight) during 2013-2014. In the same year 28 per cent of
total trades in the repo market were carried out for a period of 2 to 3 days. Only
around 5 per cent of total trades in the repo market were carried out for 4-7 days.
As against this during 2003-04 to 2013-14, less than 1 per cent of total repo trades
were carried out for a period beyond 8 days. This analysis clearly brings out the
fact that by and large market participants execute repo deals for 1 day period.
Trades Value Trades Value Trades Value Trades Value Trades Value
2002-03 50.05 50.15 30.96 31.01 15.46 15.95 2.26 1.78 1.27 1.11
2003-04 53.00 52.29 32.68 32.94 13.63 14.37 0.58 0.34 0.11 0.06
2004-05 68.29 69.29 26.30 24.23 5.30 6.35 0.09 0.11 0.02 0.02
2005-06 70.93 72.06 25.73 25.11 3.06 2.71 0.19 0.08 0.08 0.04
2006-07 73.68 75.19 21.58 21.06 4.32 3.57 0.12 0.07 0.31 0.11
2007-08 74.00 73.97 22.86 23.25 2.80 2.69 0.03 0.01 0.30 0.09
2008-09 68.24 68.19 27.17 27.04 4.35 4.17 0.07 0.03 0.17 0.07
2009-10 70.42 69.51 23.07 24.25 6.23 6.00 0.19 0.23 0.09 0.02
2010-11 68.51 65.99 27.94 31.12 2.56 2.68 0.27 0.08 0.32 0.13
2011-12 67.46 65.94 26.27 28.53 5.17 5.24 0.39 0.11 0.72 0.18
2012-13 69.06 67.82 27.13 27.75 3.49 4.16 0.14 0.21 0.18 0.05
2013-14 66.29 65.24 27.73 28.34 5.60 6.17 0.16 0.18 0.23 0.07
The following entities have been permitted to participate in the market repo
1. Banks
2. Primary Dealers
3. Financial Institutions
Year Public Private Foreign Co- All the Mutual FIs Primary Others
2002-03 14.83 41.86 11.58 1.26 69.53 0.00 0.19 30.24 0.04
2003-04 14.26 38.06 16.80 2.84 71.96 0.08 0.17 27.79 0.00
2004-05 20.90 32.50 8.27 0.04 61.71 0.08 0.64 37.57 0.00
2005-06 11.00 29.26 13.97 0.08 54.31 0.00 0.08 45.16 0.02
2006-07 1.96 18.64 40.14 0.18 60.92 0.00 0.00 39.08 0.00
2007-08 3.02 24.89 46.58 0.07 74.56 0.00 0.00 25.44 0.00
2008-09 2.99 40.78 34.59 0.03 78.39 0.00 0.00 21.61 0.00
2009-10 1.01 62.37 22.30 0.02 85.70 0.00 0.00 14.30 0.00
2010-11 8-71 29.47 32.51 2.30 73.00 0.00 0.00 27.00 0.00
2011-12 6.04 23.73 29.82 1.85 61.44 0.00 0.00 38.56 0.00
2012-13 1.97 8.17 49.99 1.07 61.20 0.00 0.00 37.60 1.20
2013-14 7.38 13.38 43.74 1.68 66.28 0.00 0.00 26.03 7.79
ii) The repo-rate is likely to be higher when the market in the particular collateral NOTES
security is less liquid. This is so because, the buyer can early realize less
amount as compared to the value of the collateral in the event of default.
iii) Repo tenor: If the repo period is longer say 30 days or 60 days, then repo
rate is likely to be more as compared to repo rate for overnight or 1 day
The repo deals in the Government securities are settled through the Clearing
Corporation of India Ltd (CCIL) which ensures guaranteed settlement and
therefore there is no credit or default risk. The CCIL has introduced Clearing
Repo Order Matching System (CROMS). Around 79 per cent of total market
repo transactions, where government securities are used as collateral securities,
are done through CROMS. The salient features of this system are as follows.
b) It is based on order matching on best repo rate which provides time priority.
c) Such transactions are not needed to report on the RBIs PDO NDS
Only banks and primary dealers have been permitted to avail liquidity support
from the RBI under LAF. The current repo rate and reverse rate are 7.25 per
cent and 6.25 per cent respectively. In other words under repo transactions banks
and PDs are permitted to borrow funds from the RBI against their own investment
in Government securities at 7.25 per cent interest. Similarly under reverse repo
transactions banks and PDS can lend funds to the RBI at 6.25 per cent interest
rate. The LAF offers various benefits. The few of these benefits are mentioned
below :-
1. It has helped the RBI to shift from direct instruments of monetary policy to
indirect instruments
Check Your Progress 2. It has provided the RBI much more flexibility in determining both the quantum
of adjustment in the availability of Liquidity as well as in the repo and reverse
Q 1: State whether the
following statements are true repo rates
or false:
a) Under reverse repo 3. It helps the RBI to control supply of funds on a daily basis to meet day-to-
transaction funds are borrowed
against Government security.
day liquidity mismatches in case of individual banks and primary dealers
b) Market repo deals are
executed in respect of 4. It enables the RBI to bring desire changes in the demand for funds through
Government securities only. changes in repo and reverse repo rates.
c) Repo transactions are
executed mainly for liquidity
purpose. Thus LAF is an important tool of monetary policy and enable the RBI to
d) Only banks and primary
dealers are allowed to transmit interest rate signals to the market. Operation of LAF through repos by
participate in the market repo means of daily auctions has provided the benchmark for collateralized lending and
e) Repo transactions in
borrowing in the money market. The call rate is expected to be largely within a
corporate debt securities are corridor set by repo and reverse repo rates. This mechanism has helped in providing
settled through the Clearing
Corporation of India Ltd. liquidity to the government securities market as well as imparting grater stability in
Q 2: the financial markets.
a) What do you mean by
repo instrument?
b) Explain the utility of
repo instrument at micro 4.5 Collateralized Borrowing and Lending
Q 3: Distinguish between Obligation (CBLO)
market repo and repo with the
RBI under liquidity
adjustment facility (LAF) The CBLO product is introduced by the CCIL especially for those participants
Q 4: Who are allowed to enter who have not been to participate in the call and notice money market. It is a
into repo transactions with
the RBI? discounted instrument which is issued in electronic book form (e.g. .demat form).
As per the RBI guidelines, this instrument can be made available up to one year.
Financial Markets and Financial However, in practice this instrument is considered for the maturity period ranging
54 Institutions in India - I from 1 day to 90 days.
Meaning of CBLO Indian Money Market - II :
Repo Market, CBLO &
It is an obligation on the part of borrower to repay the money borrowed at Issues in Money Market
its face value at a specified future date.
Along with banks and primary dealers, other institutions such as financial
institutions, insurance companies, mutual funds, NBFCs, provident funds
and companies are allowed to use CBLO product for their liquidity purpose.
The borrowers who do not have SGL account with the RBI/CCIL are
required to open constituent SGL account with CCIL and deposit securities
offered as collateral.
The securities, which are offered as collateral, are not transferred in the
name of lender but lenders interest in the underlying securities blocked by
CCIL is recognized by documentation.
The volume in the CBLO market has increased over the years especially
after the phasing out of the non-banks entities from the inter-bank market. The
daily average volume in this market which was only Rs. 6 crore in January 2003
is now over Rs.50,000 crore.
4) A security which is acquired under reverse repo cannot be sold except for
executing short selling transaction. However, in case of CBLO, lender has an
option or privilege to transfer CBLO product for value received.
The data given in Table 4.4 reveals that the proportion of call money
transactions in total money market operations (i.e. for 1 day period) declined from
45.83 per cent in 2004-05 to 15.17 per cent in 2013-14. The proportion of repo
transactions in total money market operations more or less has remained in the
range 22 per cent to 25 per cent. As against this the proportion of CBLO
transactions increased from 20 per cent in200405 to around 60 per cent in 2013-
14. This analysis clearly indicates that size of CBLO market is much more as
compared to the size of repo as well as call money market. Many reasons can be
explained for this phenomenon. The most important reason is that non-bank entities
mainly companies, who otherwise cannot participate either in repo market or in
call money market, are allowed to participate in the CBLO market.
(Value in ` crore)
i) Term money market is not developed in India. Due to lack of interest rate
term structure and yield curve; the banks are not prepared to lend in the
term money market. Further non-bank entities other than financial institutions
cannot participate in this market.
ii) By and large market participants are entered into repo transactions for a
one day period. Occasionally participants enter into repo transaction for a
period up to 3 to 7 days. Therefore, repo market is not developed for
various short term maturity tenors.
iii) Because of lack of bill culture, bills of exchanges are not drawn by the
sellers on their customers. In view of this, bills of exchanges are not being
discounted with the commercial banks. Therefore, the market for
rediscounting of bills of exchange is not developed in India.
Under reverse repo transaction funds are made available to the borrowers
against purchase of a security with an agreement to resell the same security to
the same country party at the end of repo period.
c) Market Repo
Financial Markets and Financial It is a discounted instrument which is issued in electronic book form. It is
58 Institutions in India - I
tradableinstrument and is traded at discount to face value. The borrower is allowed Indian Money Market - II :
Repo Market, CBLO &
to borrow from CBLO market against the Government Securities like Government Issues in Money Market
dated securities and treasury bills. The Clearing Corporation of India Ltd ensures
fully guaranteed settlement of CBLO transactions.
f) Term Money Market: In this market money is borrowed or lent for a period
beyond 14 days but up to 365 days. Banks and primary dealers are allowed to NOTES
borrow and lend in the term money market. Financial institutions like SIDBI,
EXIM and NABARD are allowed to borrow from term money market for a
period of 3 to 6 months.
c) All types of corporate bonds are eligible as a collateral security for executing
repo transaction.
d) Financial institutions are allowed to avail liquidity support under LAF from
the RBI.
d) Equity Shares
Q. 6
7) RBIs Latest Circular on the Guidelines for Uniform Accounting for Repo/ NOTES
Reverse Repo Transactions.
9) Fact Book of Clearing Corporation of India Ltd. For 2008, 2009, 2010,
2011 and 2014
Structure NOTES
5.1 Introduction
5.4.6 Participants
5.6 Summary
5.8 Self-AssessmentQuestions
5.1 Introduction
The debt market is one of the largest segments of Indian financial markets.
This market is comprised of the Government securities and corporate debt
securities. The Government debt securities market is the most dominant segment
of the Indian debt market. Of the combined debt market, the Government debt
securities market accounts for more than 60 per cent of the total primary market
for debt securities. Nearly more than 95 per cent of the total trades in the secondary
debt market are in respect of Government Securities.
Nowadays debt instruments are issued with call and put option. A call
option allows the bond issuer to call back the bonds and repay them at a
predetermined price before maturity. The issuer exercises call option when general
interest rates are lower than the coupon or interest rate on the existing debt
instruments thereby retiring existing expensive debt instrument and refinancing at
a lower interest rate. As against this, put option allows the bond holder or investor
Financial Markets and Financial
64 Institutions in India - I to sell the bonds to the issuer at a predetermined price before maturity or redemption
date. The holder of such debt instrument will exercise the put option when prevailing Indian Debt Market - I :
Instruments & Govern-
interest rates on new issue of bonds are higher than the coupon on the existing ment Debt Market
debt instruments.
Such instruments are issued or sold at its discounted value and accordingly NOTES
have zero interest rate. The best example is of treasury bills which are issued at
discounted value. For example, 91 dayTreasury bill with a face value of ` 100 is
issued at ` 98.50. Therefore such instruments have no coupons or interest rates
at all. The difference between the discounted value and face value of the
instrument is the gain or income for the investors. In other words, investors are
not entitled to any interest income and thus are entitled to receive only repayment
of face value of the security on the maturity date. The zero interest debt instruments
are beneficial both to the issuers because of the deferred payment of interest and
to the investors because of the lucrative yield and absence of reinvestment risk.
The secured debentures are those that are secured by a charge on the
fixed assets belonging to the issuing company. In view of this, even if the issuer Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 65
Indian Debt Market - I : fails to return money to the debenture holders on maturity, the issuers assets on
Instruments & Government
Debt Market which charge is created can be sold to repay dues of the debenture holders. The
unsecured debentures are those where if payment is not made to the debenture
holders on maturity, then their dues are considered along with other unsecured
creditors of the issuing company.
Such securities may be issued for various tenors ranging from two to thirty
years or even for more than 30 years. However, in practice, such securities are
issued for a minimum period of five years. The RBI publishes calendar for issue
of GOI dated securities after every six months (twice in a year.) These securities
are issued either at a fixed interest rate or floating interest rate. The coupon is
paid semiannually. The coupons offered on dated Government securities are either
pre-determined by RBI or arrived through competitive bidding or auction process.
As mentioned earlier, the RBI has issued variety of dated Government securities
such as fixed coupon bonds, bonds with put and call options, zero coupon bonds,
floating rate bonds, etc.
State Government securities are nothing but State Government loans. Such
securities by and large are issued for a minimum period of four years and maximum
period of ten years at fixed coupon. The state Government debt securities are
issued by the RBI on behalf of various State Governments. Such securities like
dated Government securities are issued either through auctions or with pre-
announced coupon rates. There has been significant increase in the market
borrowings by the State governments.
Some State Governments like West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh, Kerala and
Tamilnadu raised funds from the market more frequently. The increase in the
market borrowings of the State Governments has been mainly on account of
additional allocation of funds for various projects, higher fiscal deficit and inadequate
collection of tax revenues.
The RBI has introduced the system of When Issued Market (WIM) in the
Government securities market. The main characteristic of this market is that those
who submit bids under auction system to acquire securities are allowed to sale
before its allotment on date of auction. This policy is expected to facilitate price
Financial Markets and Financial
discovery and reduce uncertainty surrounding auctions. The main features of this Institutions in India - I 69
Indian Debt Market - I : system are as under:
Instruments & Government
Debt Market Period relates to between the date of announcement of auction and date of
Only members having connectivity for NDS are allowed to participate in
the When Issued Market. This means banks, PDs, financial institutions,
insurance companies, etc. are allowed to participate in this market.
All trades must have a Primary Dealer (PD) as a counter party. The primary
dealers are allowed to take both long as well as short positions.
Entities other than Primary Dealers are allowed to take only long positions
If auction is cancelled on any day, then all the trades in When Issued Market
automatically will get cancelled
5.4.6 Participants
Banks and Primary Dealers (PDs) are major holders of Government
securities and thus are main participants in the Government securities market.
The Government securities are approved securities for the maintenance of Statutory
Liquidity Ratio (SLR) by banks. As against Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) of
21.5 per cent of Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL), it is estimated that
these banks still have investments in Government securities around 23 to 26 per Financial Markets and Financial
cent of their NDTL. As per the RBIs guidelines, banks are required to keep their Institutions in India - I 71
Indian Debt Market - I : additional investment portfolio in Government securities (beyond 21.5 per cent of
Instruments & Government NDTL) in the form of Held for Trading (HFT) and/ or Available for Sale (AF)
Debt Market
category. Such securities are identified for sale in the secondary market. In view
of this, by and large commercial banks are active participants in the secondary
market of Government securities. Their primary objective is to earn sizable trading
NOTES profit from trading in Government securities in the secondary market. The share
of commercial banks in the outright market for Government securities seems to
be around 70 per cent. This can be seen from date given in Table 5.2. Along with
commercial banks, co-operative banks and regional rural banks also invest in
Government securities for various reasons. .
The primary dealers are wholesale traders in the Government securities
Check Your Progress market. They are active participants both in the primary as well as in the secondary
market. They require to achieve a minimum success ratio of 40 per cent for both
Q 1. State whether the
following statements are true
dated Government securities and treasury bills vis--vis bidding commitment and
or false ? provide underwriting support to the auctions of Government securities. As
i) The Government mentioned earlier, they are essentially wholesale traders in the Government
securities market is regulated
jointly by the Securities securities market. Their total portfolio is in the nature of trading portfolio. As
Exchange Board of India (SEBI)
and the Reserve Bank of India
they are market makers in the Government securities market, they require to
(RBI). provide two way quotes at least in respect of few Government securities in the
ii) The auction system for secondary market. At present 21 primary dealers including banks own PDs
issue of treasures bills and
Government dated securities have been operating in this market.
has been introduced with a view
to deregulate market and ensure Along with banks and primary dealers, mutual funds, financial institutions,
price discovery. insurance companies and Foreign Institutional Investors (FIIs) are also active
iii) Only the banks have been
permitted to set up their own participants in the secondary market of government securities. Other investors
subsidiaries to take up primary include charitable trusts, NBFCs, manufacturing companies and individuals.
dealership business.
iv) Treasury Bills issued by The category wise share of various institutional and other investors in the
the State Governments.
outright market for government securities is given in Table 5.2.
v) In when issued market,
primary dealers are allowed to TABLE 5.2: Category wise Share of Various Institutional and Other
take long positions.
vi) Trading in Governement
Investors in the Outright Market
securities is not allowed on the
stock exchange. (Figures are in percentage)
vii) Primary dealers are retail Participants 2013-14 2012-13 2011-12 2010-11 2009-10 2008-09
investors in the Government
securities market. Public Sector Banks 19.00 21.39 18.33 17.18 21.33 21.12
viii) The standardized lot size
of each trade in the wholesale Private Sector Banks 15.81 17.95 15.42 16.12 8.07 17.24
secondary market for
Government securities is of Rs. Foreign Banks 31.33 32.06 29.30 34.14 27.70 27.68
5 crore and in multiplies of Rs.
5 crore.
Primary Dealers 17.82 16.42 26.35 8.98 15.84 18.77
Q 2. What is the role of RBI Mutual Funds 09.86 05.81 04.75 8.67 10.94 07.64
in the Government securities
market ? Co-operative Banks 02.87 02.85 03.05 2.53 2.75 03.75
Q 3. List any four major Financial Institutions 01.97 02.10 01.99 1.59 1.30 01.80
reforms introduced by the RBI
in the Government securities and Insurance
market. Companies
Q 4. Mention various types of
Government Securities. Others 01.35 01.43 0.80 0.79 10.07 02.00
Q 5. Who are the participants 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00 100.00
in the Government securities
market ?
Source : Clearing Corporation of India Limited; Fact Book 2014, 2011 and 2010.
Financial Markets and Financial
72 Institutions in India - I
5.5 Issues Concerned with Government Debt Indian Debt Market - I :
Instruments & Govern-
Market ment Debt Market
Though the size of the government debt market in India is reasonably large,
the market relatively lacks liquidity. Only few Government dated securities and
treasury bills are marketable hence liquid securities in the market. Therefore,
there is need to create active secondary market for other long term Government
dated Securities. The Primary dealers have to become a market maker in respect
of large number of Government dated securities and state government securities.
The problem of illiquid securities in the Government securities market can be
resolved through buyback of such securities and reissue of other securities which
are likely to be perceived by investors as liquid securities.
5.6 Summary
The debt market is an important segment of financial markets in India. One
can find various types of debt instruments in the debt market. With the growing
demand for funds and inadequate tax collection both the Central and State
governments have to raise more funds through issue of government securities.
In this regard Government Security market has an important role to play in the Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 73
Indian Debt Market - I : economy. This market is fully regulated by the RBI. It has introduced many
Instruments & Government
Debt Market reforms in the Government securities market to make it more efficient, liquid and
vibrant. Banks and primary dealers are dominant participants in the Government
securities market.
5.7 Key Terms and List of Select Abbreviations
A) Key Terms
In case of such debt instrument interest rate or coupon is not fixed. The
interest rate is periodically changed so as to reflect changes in market conditions
particularly changes in rate of interest on gilt securities or changes in base rate.
The interest rate which is floating is linked with bench mark or base rate such as
primary market cut off yield of 91 days treasury bills or 182 days treasury bills.
Such debt instruments are also known as adjustable rate or variable interest rate
debt instruments.
A call option allows the issuer of debt instrument to call back the bonds and
repay them at a predetermined price before maturity date. The issuer may like to
exercise call option when interest rates in the market are lower than the coupon
or interest rate on the existing debt instruments thereby retiring expensive debt
instruments and refinancing them at a lower interest rate.
A put option allows the bond holder or investor to sell the bonds to the issuer
at a predetermined price before maturity or redemption date. The holder of such
a debt instrument may like to exercise put option when interest rates in the market
are higher than the coupon or interest rates on the existing debt instruments.
instrument can exercise the right to convert debt instrument either fully or partially
into equity. On conversion of debt instrument into equity, the investors will receive
equity shares. Once this is done then the investors will be paid dividend but not
interest. NOTES
7) Redeemable Debt Instrument
8) Primary Dealers
9) Short Sale
Short sale is defined as sale of securities one does not own. (I.e. a security
which is not part of portfolio at the time of sale of security). The scheduled
commercial banks and primary dealers are allowed to execute short sale transactions
in the Government of India dated securities subject to the short sale position being
covered within a maximum period of 3 months including the date of trade.
Under this auction, once a cut-off price is determined, all the successful
bidders are allotted securities at prices quoted by them (i. e. either at cut-off price
or above). All types of treasury bills are issued under multiple price auction. Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 75
Indian Debt Market - I : 13)Separately Traded Registered Interest and Principal Security (STRIPS)
Instruments & Government
Debt Market
Under STRIPS series of zero coupon securities are created from the cash
flows of a coupon bearing Government security. Such securities are created
separately in respect of cash flows arising on account of coupon payment and
principal payment. Stripping of a security result in coupon STRIPS for all outstanding
coupon payments and one Principal STRIP for the redemption of face or par
value. Each STRIP accordingly becomes a zero coupon bond since it has only one
cash flow at maturity. Each STRIP is considered as a distinct Government security.
5.8 Self-AssessmentQuestions
Question 1 : State whether the following statements are true or false.
(ii) The market for Government debt securities is regulated by the SEBI.
(iii) Primary dealers are wholesale traders in the Government Securities Market
(iv) Banks are major institutional investors in the Government securities market.
(v) All trades in Government securities are settled through the Cleaning
Corporation of India Ltd.
Financial Markets and Financial (iv) Bonds with put and call options.
76 Institutions in India - I
Question 3 : Define following key term in the context of Government debt market Indian Debt Market - I :
Instruments & Govern-
(i) Primary Dealers ment Debt Market
Question 5 : Who are the major participants in the Government securities market?
C. Relevant Provisionsof the RBI Act, Government Securities Act and Fiscal
Responsibility and Budget Management Act 2003.
E. Bond & Money Markets, Taxman Publications Pvt. Ltd., Mumbai (Latest
6.1 Introduction
6.7 Summary
6.1 Introduction
The corporate debt market is an important segment of the overall debt
market in India. The market for corporate bond is regulated by the Securities
Exchange Board of India (SEBI). It is responsible for the development of primary
as well as secondary market for corporate debt instruments. Banks, Financial
Institutions, NBFCs, Public sector undertakings and private companies borrow
long term funds from the capital markets through issue of various debt instruments
having different maturities. For example private companies raise funds for longer
Financial Markets and Financial
period say 5 years or 10 years through issue of a typical long-term debt instruments. Institutions in India - I 79
Indian Debt Market - II : As discussed in Para no. of Unit no. 5 a company registered under the Companies
Corporate Debt Market
Act, 2013, cannot issue debentures for more than ten years. A company which is
engaged in infrastructure projects is allowed to issue debentures for a period
exceeding ten years but not beyond thirty years. The corporate debt market has
assumed a special place in the financial markets due to its support to provide long
NOTES term funds. In the process this market helps to achieve following objectives
(i) to diffuse stress on banks by diversifying credit risk across the economy
.among various investors.
(ii) to supply long term investment products for long term investors.
(iii) to reduce funding cost for corporate and others by eliminating agency or
disinter median cost.
(iv) to ensure that capital is allocated more efficiently among various enterprises.
(iii) to study various issues relating to the Indian corporate debt market
Any person including firm, corporate body, institution, State Government,
provident fund, trust, non-resident Indians (NRI), Foreign Institutions Investors
(FIIs) registered with SEBI and approved by RBI can submit offers including in
electronic form for purchase of Government securities.
(` In billion)
Institutions Resources Raised Weighted Average Cost of Funds (%)
2010-11 2011-12 2012-13 2010-11 2011-12 2012-13
EXIM Bank 111 88 111 3.4 9.0 9.0
NABARD 97 179 174 7.0 7.2 9.3
NHB 75 555 87 7.1 9.5 7.7
SIDBI 100 139 98 7.2 8.3 7.6
Along with financial institutions, banks have also raised funds through issue
of subordinate debts to raise funds to maintain Capital Risk Asset Ratio (CRAR)
as per the prudential norm prescribed by the RBI.
The private corporate enterprises issue debentures to raise funds for longer period.
However, the companies cannot issue any debentures carrying voting rights.
Further, the companies have to issue secured debentures. In recent past the
Companies have issued various types of debentures such as convertible debentures,
debentures with put and call options, floating rate debentures etc., a very large
proportion of such debts instruments have been issued to the institutional investors
such as banks, mutual funds, insurance companies, etc., through private placement.
The companies also issues debentures through public offer to the institutional as
well as retail investors.
The companies are free to issue debt instrument either through private
placement or through public offer. Over the last five years, the companies have
shown a distinct preference for private placements over public issues for issue of
debt securities. The dominance of private placement over public issue can be
attributed to a number of factors which are mentioned below:
c) Larger amount can be easily raised through private placement rather than
through a public issue.
d) Certain debt instrument like commercial paper (CPs) has to be issued through
private placement only.
The issuer may list its debt securities issued through private placement on a
recognized stock exchange subject to the following conditions.
Debt securities are issued in compliance with the provisions of the Companies
Act of 2013.
Credit rating has been obtained in respect of such debt securities from at
least one credit rating agency registered with the SEBI
The issuers take the help of merchant bankers to place debt instruments
with institutional investors like banks, insurance companies and mutual funds, etc.
As banks and financial institutions as per the RBI guidelines require to invest only
in rated debt instruments, the issuers are forced to obtain credit rating in case of
issue of debt instrument through private placement from a recognized credit rating
agency. Further, the issuers have to issue debt instruments in demat form. For
taking help of a merchant banker for private placement issuer pays commission
for the same.
The Companies also have been permitted by the SEBI to issue debt securities
through public issue. The salient features as well as conditions of such issues are
as follows:
Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 83
Indian Debt Market - II : 1) Issuer has to make an application to one or more recognized stock exchanges
Corporate Debt Market
for listing of such debt securities and it has received in principle approval
from the stock exchange / s for listing of its debt securities.
2) Issuer has obtained credit rating from at least one credit rating agency
registered with the SEBI and the same is disclosed in the offer document.
If the issuer has obtained credit rating from more than one credit rating
agencies then all the credit ratings including unaccepted ratings must be
disclosed in the offer document.
4) Issuer has to appoint one or more merchant bankers registered with the
SEBI at least one of whom shall be a lead merchant banker.
8) A draft offer document needs to be filed with the designated stock exchange
through a SEBI registered lead merchant banker who shall be responsible
for due diligence exercise in the issue process.
The Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) has introduced trading in all types of
debt instruments in the Wholesale Debt Market (WDM) segment through GILT
System. This system is an automatic online trading system. Trading members
and participants have identified as entities in the system. Trading members (brokers)
are admitted on the exchange with trading rights. Trading members execute
trades on GILT system for entities like banks, financial institutions, mutual funds,
statutory corporations, etc. Even individuals can also transact in corporate debt
securities through the members of BSE who have been permitted to undertake
deals in debt securities.
In April 2007, the SEBI permitted both the BSE and the NSE to put in place
corporate bond trading platforms to enable efficient price discovery and reliable
clearing and settlement facility having following characteristics:
In August 2007, the SEBI granted approval to the Fixed Income Money
Market Derivatives Association (FIMMDA) for starting corporate bond trade
reporting system. Accordingly in September 2007, the FIMMDAs reporting
platform became operational as the third reporting platform after BSE and NSE.
For reporting of OTC trades, the concerned parties are free to opt for reporting
their trades on any one of the three reporting platforms. The trades in corporate
bonds in OTC market are settled through the clearing corporation of stock
exchanges i.e. the Indian Clearing Corporation Limited (ICCL) and the National
Securities Clearing Corporation Ltd. (NSCCL). All trades in corporate bonds which
are executed in demat mode and reported on any of the specified reporting platform
like FIMMDA and NSE-WDM can be settled through the NSCCL. To facilitate
this, buyers and sellers in corporate bond market are required to indicate their
intention to settle such deals through the NSCCL.
Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 85
Indian Debt Market - II :
Corporate Debt Market
6.5.2 Additional Disclosure as per the SEBI Guidelines
With effect from August 2007 the SEBI has made mandatory that the
companies issuing debentures and the respective debenture trustees as well as
stock exchanges shall disclose all information regarding the debentures to the
NOTES investors and general public by issuing a press release and also displaying the
details on their respective websites with respect to the followings:
6.7 Summary
Even though the corporate debt market has been in existence in India for
long time, it has remained underdeveloped and inefficient. With the reforms in
economy, increasing activities of manufacturing companies, opening of insurance
sector to the private sector, and focus on investment in infrastructure sector, demand
for long term debt securities is bound to increase further. In this regard, corporate
debt market will have an important role to play in the economy. The companies
have been raising funds through issue of various debt instruments mainly through
private placement. Several measures have been taken by the SEBI to develop
the corporate debt market in India. It includes reporting and trading platform at
BSE, NSE & FIMMDA, simplification of the debt issue process and dissemination
of all the information about corporate debt to the investors on the website of the
issuer, stock exchanges etc. Many more reforms are needed to make both primary
and secondary market for corporate debt securities vibrant. In this regard the
regulators and the Government will require to take various policy initiatives to
make corporate debt market broader based and thus efficient in India.
In case of such debt instrument interest rate or coupon is not fixed. The
interest rate is periodically changed so as to reflect changes in market conditions
particularly changes in rate of interest on gilt securities or changes in base rate.
The interest rate which is floating is linked with bench mark or base rate such as
primary market cut off yield of 91 days treasury bills or 182 days treasury bills.
Such debt instruments are also known as adjustable rate or variable interest rate
debt instruments.
A call option allows the issuer of debt instrument to call back the bonds and
repay them at a predetermined price before maturity date. The issuer may like to
exercise call option when interest rates in the market are lower than the coupon
Financial Markets and Financial
88 Institutions in India - I or interest rate on the existing debt instruments thereby retiring expensive debt
instruments and refinancing them at a lower interest rate. Indian Debt Market - II :
Corporate Debt Market
4) Debt instrument with Put option
A put option allows the bond holder or investor to sell the bonds to the issuer
at a predetermined price before maturity or redemption date. The holder of such
a debt instrument may like to exercise put option when interest rates in the market
are higher than the coupon or interest rates on the existing debt instruments. NOTES
Such bond cannot be converted into equity. Therefore such bond remains
bond till it is redeemed.
Such bond is rated by a recognized rating agency. The rating symbols are
AAA, AA, A and BBB etc. In case of a public issue of bonds credit rating is
Interest income from these bonds is completely exempt from income tax
(i) The market for corporate debt market is regulated by the SEBI.
(ii) The reporting of corporate bond deals in OTC market must be made only to
the reporting platform of National Stock Exchange (NSE).
(iii) The securities in corporate debt market are issued only through private
Question 2 :
Question 3 :
Question 4 :
1. Bond and money Markets, Taxman Publishing Pvt. Ltd, Mumbai (Latest
Published Book)
2. The Bond and Money Markets: Strategy, Trading and Analysis, Oxford,
Butterworth - Heinemann (Latest edition) NOTES
3. Corporate Debt Market in India: Key Issues and some Policy
Recommendations, (Working paper), written by Raja M.T., Bhutani U,
and Sahay A (2004) Published by SEBI (Available on SEBIs website)
5. Fact Book for the years 2013, 2012 & 2011 published by CCIL, Mumbai
7.9 Summary
7.1 Introduction
Equity market is an important segment of the financial markets. This market
helps the corporate to raise funds with long and indefinite maturity and this facilitates
the capital formation in the country. The funds raised through issue of equity
shares are used mainly for purchase of fixed assets. The investors invest their
surplus funds in equity shares for better return and capital appreciation. The
economic growth of a country largely depends on the growth in equity market.
Equity along with debt market forms an integral part of the capital market which
offers a number of investment avenues to the investors. This market is comprised
of primary and secondary market. While issuing shares in the primary market,
companies are required to comply with company law provisions and guidelines
issued by the SEBI. The various aspects of the primary equity market are discussed
in this unit.
Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 93
Indian Equity Market - I :
Primary Market
7.2 Unit Objectives
The objectives of this unit are as follows:
(i) to know various types of shares with reference to its features and
NOTES legal provisions.
(ii) to have proper understanding of primary market where shares are issued.
The issue of the new equity shares increases flexibility of the company in
terms of raising of additional debt capital.
2. Issue of additional shares to the new investors for the purpose of increasing
Financial Markets and Financial share capital dilutes share of promoters in the share capital resulting into
94 Institutions in India - I
loss of control for the existing promoters or management. Indian Equity Market - I :
Primary Market
The Public Limited Company can issue non-voting shares. Such shares
have to be listed by listed companies separately on the stock exchanges. The
investors holding of such shares are entitled to receive dividends and bonus shares NOTES
in the same proportion as that being offered to equity shareholders with voting
ii) the resolution specifies the number of shares, the current market price and
the class or classes of directors or employees to whom such equity shares
are to be issued.
iii) not less than one year has at the date of issue elapsed since the date on
which the company was entitled to commerce business and
iv) where the equity shares of the company are listed on a recognized stock
exchange, the sweat equity shares are issued in accordance with the
regulations made by the SEBI in this behalf and if they are not listed the
sweat equity shares are issued in accordance with the rules made in this
behalf by the Government of India [i. e. Companies (Share Capital &
Debenture Rules) 2014].
(i) to issue fully paid bonus shares to the extent not exceeding unissued share
capital of the company.
NOTES (ii) to write off preliminary expenses of the company
Check Your Progress (iii) to write off the expenses of or commission paid or discount allowed on any
of the shares or debentures issued earlier
Q 1. State whether the
following statements are true
or false ?
(iv) to pay premium on the redemption of preference shares or debentures of
(i) If a share is issued at a
the company.
price below its face value then
it is called issue of shares at (v) To purchase its own shares under Section 68 of The Companies Act, 2013.
a premium
In a primary market a corporate can raise equity capital by using any one of
the following methods:
When shares are offered to the public or new investors through issue of
offer document then it is called a public issue. As per the provision of companies
Act of 2013; issue becomes public if offer to subscribe to the securities is made to
50 or more persons. Such issue can be further categorized into initial public offer
(IPO) and further public offer. In case of initial public offer, shares are offered
first time to the public. Such offer is made by an unlisted company. Initial public
offer can be at fixed price or at a price which is determined through book building
process. In case of issue of shares at fixed price, issuer in consultation with a
Financial Markets and Financial merchant banker decides about the price which is fixed and accordingly applications
Institutions in India - I
are invited from the prospective investors, through offer document which is known
as prospectus. This method is used when the company intends to issue shares at Indian Equity Market - I :
Primary Market
a fixed price. The issuer company has to prepare prospectus based on the SEBI
Guidelines and provisions contained in the Companies Act of 2013. As against
this, equity shares can be offered through book building method. Under this method
share are not issued at fixed price. Instead, floor price or minimum price is fixed
and accordingly price band (where cap or maximum price should not be more
than 120 per cent of the floor price) is fixed. In this method, offers or bids are NOTES
invited from the public stating the price as well as numbers of shares to be
purchased. The cutoff price is calculated by using uniform price auction. As per
the SEBI guidelines, a public issue is required to keep open as per the following
norms :
ii) For book built public issues : 3-7 working days extendable by 3 days in
The public issue made by an infrastructure company may be kept open for a
maximum period of 21 working days.
When existing listed company issues or offers new shares to the public
then it is called as further public issue.
The company cannot offer shares to the public through public issue unless
it enters into an agreement with a depository for dematerialization of shares already
issued or proposed to be issued to the public.
Instead of offering shares to the public at large, companies sell securities to the
merchant bankers, who will offer such securities subsequently for sale to the
institutional or retail investors. The difference between the issue price fixed by
the issuer and offer price by the merchant banker is the gain for the merchant
bankers. The unlisted companies use this method for raising of funds through
issue of shares. The public sector undertakings (PSUs) use this method for selling
of part of equity to the investors through disinvestment process.
In this case, the issuing company does not offer shares through public issue
or rights issue, to the investors. Instead, issuer offers shares to the select group of
investors. In this case, shares are offered to less than 50 investors. It is called a
private placement. Both listed and unlisted companies can issue shares through
private placement. For this, issuer approaches a merchant banker for assistance.
Listed company can allot new shares through private placement under following
options :
A listed company is allowed to issue new shares to the qualified institutional buyers
in terms of provisions of Chapter VIII of SEBI (ICDR) Regulations, 2009
A listed company may like to make public offer of new shares to the qualified
institutional buyers in terms of Chapter VIII of SEBI (ICDR) regulations 2009 to
achieve minimum public shareholding.
Unlisted company may also like to offer new shares through private
placement. In this case, the SEBI Guidelines are not applicable. Therefore, terms
and conditions of an issue are agreed between issuer and institutional investors.
(a) Hundred per cent (100%) of the net offer to the public through the book
Financial Markets and Financial building route.
100 Institutions in India - I
(b) Seventy five per cent (75%) of the net offer to the public through the book Indian Equity Market - I :
Primary Market
building process and 25 per cent (25%) through the fixed price portion.
The SEBI has given permission to the company to go in for initial public
offers through the Stock Exchange On-Line (e-IPO) system. In this regard, such
companies are required to comply with the guidelines of SEBI.
7.6.1 Book Building Concept
As per the SEBI guidelines, the book building method can be defined as
under :
The book building method is looked upon as an aid for price discovery in
respect of issue of new securities. The issuer with the help of merchant banker
sets a floor or base price and a price band within which the investor is allowed to
bid for shares. The investor has to submit a bid for a quantum of share which he
intends to subscribe at a price which falls within the price band. The spread
between the floor price and cap of the price band shall not be more than 20 per
cent. In other words, the cap price cannot be more than 120 per cent of the floor
While using book building method for issue of securities, the issuing company
has to appoint a merchant banker who will manage the public issue and thus will
act as a book running lead manager (BRLM). The order book which is maintained
by a merchant banker is built around investors bid for number of the securities
along with a quoted price (which happens to be within a price band). Thus in
other words, a book runner on receipt of offers records the price and quantity of
shares to which the investors are willing to subscribe at that price.
e) The issuer as well as merchant banker has to follow book building method
for issue of securities as per the guidelines issued by the SEBI.
The issuer, who has planned IPO issue, has to appoint a lead manager (i.e.
merchant banker) to act as a book runner.
The issuer in consultation with the lead manager decides about the number
of securities to be issued and the price band for orders.
The issuer in consultation with the lead manager appoints syndicate members
with whom orders can be placed by the investors. Syndicate members are those
intermediaries who are registered with the SEBI and who are permitted to carry
on activity as an underwriter.
Investors place their order with a syndicate member who enters the same
into the electronic book. This process is called bidding or auction. Investors
cannot submit the bids at a price less than the floor price. Such bids can be
revised by the bidder before the issue closes.
The bid should be open for at least 3 working days and not more than 7
working days which may be extended to 10 working days in case the price band
is revised. At the end of each day of the bidding period, the demand should be
shown graphically on the terminals for information of the syndicate members/
On the close of the book building period the book runner (i.e. lead manager)
evaluates the bids on the basis of the evaluation criteria which may include (i)
quoted price, (ii) type of investor and (iii) timely response from the investors.
The book runner and the issuer have to decide about the final price at
which securities will be issued.
Issuer will allot the share to the successful bidders in consultation with
lead manager and registrar to the public issue.
As discussed in para no. 7.6, the issuer has to decide about the price and
price band in consultation with the merchant banker. The regulator like SEBI has
no role in setting the price or price band. Once the floor price is fixed, the upper
price of the band can be a maximum of 1.2 times of the floor price which is the
maximum price at which bids can be made. The investors are required to submit
their bids for purchase of shares within this price band. It is not possible to enter
bids at a price less than floor price because the system automatically rejects the
bids if price is less than floor price. Similarly, bidder is not supposed to bid at a
price beyond the upper price as fixed under the price band formula fixed by the
SEBI. The issuer has to disclose about the basis of issue price in the offer
document. It is required to disclose in detail about the qualitative and quantitative
factors justifying the issue price.
The issuer has an option to revise price band during the bidding period. The
maximum revision on either side cannot be more than 20 per cent. In other
words, revise floor price of the price band can be reduced or can be increased to
the extent of 20 per cent of existing floor price and accordingly price band also
needs to be revised which cannot be more than 20 per cent of the revised floor
price. In case the issuer has decided to revise price band, it must be communicated
to the stock exchange and to the investors through press release, change on the
relevant website. In this case, bidding period will be extended by 3 days.
Once the issue is over and the book has been built, the lead manager in
consultation with the issuer arrives at a cut off price based on Dutch auction (i.e.
Uniform Price Auction). This is the price discovered by the market. The shares
are allotted to the prospective investors at the cut-off price. The bids submitted
by the investor at a price below the cut-off price will be ignored. In view of this,
those investors, who submit bids at a price higher than cut-off price, will get
shares of a company.
The cut-off price is arrived at by using uniform price auction system. The
example is given below:
Suppose ABC Ltd. has decided to issue 100,000 shares. The floor price for
one share of face value ` 100 is fixed at ` 200 and price band is ` 200 and `
240. The lead manager, who has maintained the book, has received the following
1. 80,000 240
2. 20,000 230
The cut price is set at ` 230. All one lakh shares will be issued at cut-off
price of ` 230/-Those investors, who have submitted bids at ` 240/- will receive
shares at ` 230/-. The extra money paid by these investors will be returned to
them along with allotment letter.
There are three kinds of investors which are normally found in book building
process. They are as under:
Retail individual investor is an investor who applies for shares for a value
not exceeding ` 2,00,000. As per the SEBI guidelines, only retail individual investors
have an option of applying at cut-off price. Any bid or offer exceeding this amount
is considered in the non-institutions investor category. Such category is comprised
of high-net worth individuals. The Qualified Institutions Buyers (QIB) are
institutional investors who possess the expertise and have large financial resources
to invest in the securities market. Various institutional investors like commercial
banks, insurance companies, financial institutions, mutual funds and provident fund,
etc., belong to the group of Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIB). Each of these
categories is allocated a certain percentage of the total issue. In case an issuer
company makes an issue of 100 per cent of the net offer to public through book
building process then, the total allotment to the Retail Individual Investor (RII)
group has to be at least 35 per cent of the net offer to the public Non-Institutional
Investors (NIIs) are to be given at least 15 per cent of the net offer to the public.
The Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIB) are to be issued not more than 50 per
cent of the net offer to the public. Once the shares are allotted, the same must be
Financial Markets and Financial issued in demat mode. If an investor intends to have securities in demat mode,
104 Institutions in India - I
then he has to indicate name of the depository and also of the depository participant Indian Equity Market - I :
Primary Market
with whom an account is maintained. It is appropriate on the part of the investors
to hold securities in demat form as physical securities carry the risk of being fake,
forged or stolen. For this, there is a need to open a demat account with depository
participant like a bank. This will facilitate to carry our transactions like sale and
purchase of shares.
7.6.6 IPO Grading
The SEBI has issued guidelines for grading of the IPO by the rating agencies.
The IPO grading has been introduced with a view to provide additional information
about IPOs to the investors so as to facilitate proper assessment about IPOs
before applying for subscription. The IPO grading is nothing but the grade given
by the recognized credit rating agency to the initial public offer (IPO) of equity
shares or any other security which may be converted into equity at a later date.
Such grading is generally assigned on a five point scale which is as under:
Earlier IPO Grading was made mandatory. But now it is optional. Any
issuer who decides to offer shares through an IPO may like to obtain a grade for
the same from at least one recognized credit rating agency. The IPO grading can
be done either before filing the draft offer documents with the SEBI or thereafter.
However, the grades given to the IPO by credit rating agencies may be disclosed
in the prospectus or red herring prospectus as the case may be.
(i) In case of normal public issue, the price at which the shares are offered or
allotted is known in advance to the investor. In case of book building process,
price at which shares are offered or allotted is not known in advance to the investor.
Only an indicative price range (i.e. price band) is known to the investor.
(ii) In case of normal public issue, demand for the shares offered is known only
after the closure of the issue. However, in case of book building method, the
Financial Markets and Financial
demand can be known everyday as the book is built or maintained by a lead Institutions in India - I 105
Indian Equity Market - I : manager (merchant banker) of a public issue on daily basis.
Primary Market
(iii) In case of normal public issue, payment for subscription is made at the time
of submission of application form. The refund if any, for non-allotment of shares
is made after allotment of shares. In case of book building method, institutional
investors are required to pay 10 per cent of subscription amount at the time of
submission of bid. However, retail investors are required to make full payment at
the time of submission of application.
2005-06 27,382 103 23,294 36 4,088 60 16,446 79 10,936 10 372 128 27,000
Table 7.1 : Resources Mobilized from the Primary Market (Amt. in Rs. crore)
Source : Handbook of Statistics on Indian Securities Market, Published by the SEBI, 2009, 2010, 2011 and 2013
Institutions in India - I
Primary Market
1) Equity Shares : Such shares are called as ordinary shares. The investors
holding such shares are owners of the company and receive dividend on such
shares if the company has earned profit or adequate reserves. Such share holders
have voting rights.
9) Public Issue at Fixed Price : It is nothing but inviting offers from the
public at large to subscribe the shares through issue of offer document at a fixed
price. In case of such issue, the issuer in consultation with a merchant banker
decides about the fixed price of a share.
10) Book Building Method : Under this method shares are not issued at
fixed price. Instead floor or minimum price is arrived at and price band is decided.
(Here maximum price of a share cannot be more than 120 per cent of the floor
price). Under this method bids are invited from prospective investors who have
to state the price as well as numbers of shares to be purchased. In this method
cut off price is decided through use of uniform price sanction.
11) IPO Grading : IPO grading is the grade given by a credit rating agency to
the IPOs of equity shares. Such grading is assigned on a five point scales with
IPO Grade I with poor fundamentals and IPO grade 5 with strong fundamentals.
j) provident funds with minimum corpus of Rs. 25 crore Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 109
Indian Equity Market - I : k) pension funds with minimum corpus of Rs. 25 crore.
Primary Market
l) insurance funds set up and managed by army, navy or air force of the
Union of India.
It is a document which is used to invite offers from the public for the
subscription or purchase of shares of a registered company.
14) Red Herring Prospectus : In case of book building method, red herring
prospectus is prepared. It includes floor price or price band but does not include
the final price at which securities are allotted. Once a cut-off price is finalized; the
final prospectus with all the details including the final issue price and issue size is
filed with ROC.
15) Uniform Price Auction : Under this method all successful bidders or
applicants are allotted shares at cut-off price which is uniform irrespective of
prices quoted by them.
16) Initial Public Offering (IPO) : The first or initial public issue by a public
limited company
17) Book Runner : A lead merchant banker who is appointed by the issuer
company to maintain the book under book building method. The name of the book
running lead merchant banker is mentioned in the red herring prospectus prepared
by the issuer company.
Q. 2
i) IPO Grading
8.1 Introduction
8.7 Measures Taken by the Government of India (GOI) and SEBI to make
Equity Market more Efficient
8.8 Summary
8.1 Introduction
The equity market is comprised of various participants such as issuers,
investors, capital market intermediaries, stock exchanges and regulatory body
like the SEBI. The secondary market provides a place for trading in shares. As
far as listed shares are concerned, the secondary market is nothing but a stock
exchange. The unlisted shares are traded in the over the counter (OTC) market.
The secondary market for equity shares is different from primary market. There
is a close relationship between primary and secondary market. The primary market
is likely to be active and vibrant provided secondary market is also active and
vibrant. The SEBI, being a regulatory body for equity market, has initiated several
measures to make equity capital more efficient and vibrant. All these aspects of
equity market are discussed in this unit.
(iii) to study various measures taken by the SEBI to make equity market more
efficient and vibrant.
3) Stock exchanges: The stock exchange is place where shares are listed and
trading takes place in listed securities. It provides a transparent and safe
mechanism for executing transactions of sale and purchase in listed securities
which includes shares. It provides liquidity and fair value in respect of
listed shares. As on March 31, 2013, there were 20 stock exchanges.
The stock exchanges perform three important functions in the orderly growth
of capital formation. These are as under:
2. Market place: A stock exchange provide a market place for the purchase
and sale of listed securities including shares thereby enabling free
transferability from one investor to another one. Thus it provides liquidity
to the listed shares.
There were 20 stock exchanges with cash segment in India on March 31, NOTES
2013. Of these the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) and National Stock Exchange
(NSE) are main stock exchanges which operates at National level.
The BSE Ltd. was set up in 1875. It is the oldest stock exchange in India.
In 1957, the Government of India granted permanent recognition to BSE as a
stock exchange under Securities Contracts (Regulation) Act (SCRA). The BSE
which was set up in the form of mutual association was incorporated as a limited
company under existing companies Act. It became a corporate entity on August
19, 2005. The SEBI issued notification on June 29, 2007 for recognizing BSE Ltd
as a corporatization and demutualization stock exchange. It has broad shareholders
base that includes global stock exchanges like Deutsche Bourse and Singapore
exchange. Besides providing efficient and transparent trading in listed securities
like equity, debt, derivatives etc., it also provides a platform for trading in equity
shares issued by small and medium size enterprises. The shares of more than
5500 companies are listed on the BSE Ltd. It has established Central Depository
Services Ltd. to provide depository services to the investors. The BSEs popular
equity index- the S & P BSE Sensex is Indias most widely watched and reported
stock market benchmark index.
NSE Ltd.
The National Stock Exchange (NSE) was established in 1992 with the
following objectives :
The NSE has captured a big chunk of the market. This has been made
possible primarily because of the fact that the NSE is much better equipped
technologically as compared to the BSE and other regional stock exchanges.
All stock exchanges in India have been permitted by the SEBI to open
trading terminals anywhere in India.
The following companies are not required to have their shares listed on the
stock exchange
(ii) A public limited company who has not issued its shares to the public.
If a listed company makes a fresh issue of shares to public then the fresh
shares will also have to be listed on the stock exchange. If a company is listed on
NSE or BSE, it need not be registered with any other regional stock exchange for
listing of its shares.
Advantages of Listing
Financial Markets and Financial It helps the listed companies to mobilize more resources from the existing
Institutions in India - I
shareholders through rights issue or from market for expansion of existing Indian Equity Market - II :
Market Composition &
business or undertake new projects without depending on banks and financial Secondary Market
institutions for line of credit. It helps companies to enjoy tax concession
under the Income Tax Act as the listed companies are subject to lower
income tax rate.
Listed securities can be used to obtain loans from lending institutions like NOTES
banks and non-banking finance companies. The investors having investment
in listed shares can obtain credit facilities from lending institutions.
Delisting of shares
i) The cost associated with listing of shares which includes listing fee is very
ii) The promoters want to increase their stake in the capital of listed company
so as to acquire complete control over the companys business.
iii) Poor or lack of trading in shares of listed company; or the trading in such
shares is suspended or cancelled by the stock exchange due to certain
reasons such as violation of provisions in the listing agreement; non-
submission of financial and other information to the stock exchange, etc.
The SEBI through its notification dated March 21, 2015, has issued new
regulations relating to the delisting of equity shares.
1. Nature of Securities
The primary market deals with issue of new shares i.e. shares which are
offered to the investing public for the first time. These are new block of shares
for public subscription.
2. Nature of Financing
Since the primary market is concerned with issue of new shares, it provides
NOTES additional funds to the issuing companies either for starting a new enterprise or
for the expansion or diversification of existing business and therefore, its contribution
Check Your Progress to company financing is direct.
Q.1. State whether the
following statements are true
The secondary market does not help to get additional funds for the company
or false? who is not involved in the transaction. However, the existence of secondary
(i) A stock exchange market provides liquidity and marketability and thus play an important role in the
provides liquidity to the listed
and unlisted shares. development of primary market for shares and other securities.
(ii) Only individuals are
allowed to become trading 3. Organizational Differences
members of Stock Exchanges.
(iii) If a company is listed on The primary market has no specified location and therefore, no geographical
NSE Ltd. or BSE Ltd. It shares
need not be listed with any existence. Similarly the primary market has neither any tangible form nor any
other regional stock exchange. administrative organizational set up like that of stock exchanges.
(iv) A private limited
company is required to have
their shares listed on a stock
The secondary market, which is represented by a stock exchange, has
exchange. organizationally physical existence and is located in a particular geographical area.
Q 2: Who are major However, both NSE and BSE have been permitted to open trading terminals at
participants in the equity
market? different places.
Q.3. Explain in brief various
functions of stock exchanges.
Q.4. (i) What do you mean
by listing of shares? 8.6 Trading in Equity Shares
(ii) Explain in brief various
advantages of listing of shares?
(iii) Distinguish between The trading in equity shares is done on a stock exchange through a broker
primary and secondary market (trading member of stock exchange) or sub-broker who is registered with the
SEBI. Anyone who intends to sell or buy equity security through a broker or sub-
broker, it is necessary to enter into a broker-client agreement and file a client
registration form. Once an investor books an order for sale or purchase of equity
security with a broker, he will get a contract note which is legally enforceable
Trading in equity on the stock exchange is screen based. The brokers are
required to trade during trading hours fixed by the management of stock exchange.
Settlement is done through stock exchange on T + 2 basis. The management of
stock exchange exercises control over trading in market so that speculation is
either eliminated or remained under control.
The S&P BSE Sensex increased from 3262 in 2001 to 20237 in 2007. Due
to the financial crisis in the USA, sale of equity shares by Foreign Institutional
Investors (FII) and negative market sentiment the Sensex declined to 9647 in
2008. However, on account of growth in the economy, good performance of
companies and fresh investment of FIIs the Sensex increased to 20509 in 2010. It
increased to 21170 in 2013. Due to change in the Central Government and its
economic policies and high expectation from domestic and foreign investors BSE
Sensex further increased to 27499 in 2014.
The SEBI has decided to have stock exchanges in the form of Joint Stock
Company. Accordingly the BSE stock exchange was converted into a corporate
entity with Limited Liability. New stock exchanges were formed as Joint Stock
Company registered under companies Act. This has made stock exchanges to
have two types of members namely shareholders and trading members. The
trading members have been permitted to trade in the listed securities on stock
exchange. But they are not allowed to participate in the administration of stock
exchanges. This policy has helped to eliminate the possibility of having inside
trading in the listed securities. Further the SEBI has directed all stock exchanges
to have all operations including trading fully computerized. Accordingly all stock
exchanges have opted for full computerization of their operations. This has helped
to introduce on line trading in electronic form and to display market information on
line basis. This has resulted into increase in turnover and speedy settlement of
The SEBI has permitted stock exchanges like BSE Ltd. and NSE Ltd. to
open their trading terminals at different places in the country. Because of this, it
has become possible for investors and traders to trade in various listed securities
through using trading terminals at different places.
In the past trading in securities was in physical form. Now a days trading
in securities is done in demat or in electronic form. The financial instruments like
equity shares are issued in demat form. The investors use depository services to
facilitate holding and trading of such securities in electronic form. It provides
following advantages:
c) It ensures that securities are held in safe and are transferred immediately.
Financial Markets and Financial e) The payment of dividend and interest as well as other benefits like issue of
122 Institutions in India - I
bonus shares are credited directly to the investors depository account with Indian Equity Market - II :
Market Composition &
depository participant. Secondary Market
Under the section of 68, of the Companies Act of 2013, companies are
allowed to buy back their own shares from the open market. The companies opt NOTES
for buy back of shares for the following reasons.
(a) To increase earning per share (EPS): thus to improve the intrinsic value of
shares by virtue of the reduced level of floating stock.
The companies are free to buy-back of its own shares subject to the following
(ii) The shares are fully paid and not partly paid.
(iii) Every buy back shall be completed within 12 months from the date of passing
special resolution or resolution passed by the board.
(iv) The time gap between two buy back offers must be at least 365 days.
(v) The buy-back shall not exceed 25 per cent of the total paid up capital and
free reserves of the company.
(vi) The buy-back of equity shares in any financial year shall not exceed 25 per
cent of the total paid-up equity capital in that financial year.
(vii) After buy-back the ratio of debt owed (Covering secured and unsecured)
shall not be more than twice the paid up capital and its free reserves.
In order to develop the secondary market for equity shares and help investors
for managing price risk in their equity portfolio; the SEBI has introduced equity
linked derivative products like stock option, stock future and stock index futures Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 123
Indian Equity Market - II : etc. All these derivative products have been designed by stock exchanges.
Market Composition &
Secondary Market Therefore, these derivative products are called exchange traded derivative
products. As on March 31, 2013, only two exchanges namely BSE & NSE were
allowed to offer equity linked derivative products. Institutional investors like mutual
funds, financial institutions, insurance companies and retail investors are quite
NOTES active participants in equity linked derivatives market. The participants in this
market use such products both for hedging as well as for speculative purposes.
The size of derivative segment in equity market is much more as compared to the
size of cash segment.
3) Depositories: These are institutions which hold securities like equity shares
in demat or electronic form on behalf of investors.
8) Buy back of shares: It is nothing but purchase of shares from open market.
The companies are allowed, under the section 68 of Companies Act, 2013, to Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 125
Indian Equity Market - II : purchase its own shares.
Market Composition &
Secondary Market
9) Trading in Demat form: Trading in dematerialization or in electronic form.
This is possible because shares are issued in demant form. The SEBI has made it
mandatory to have trading in shares in demat but not in physical form.
NOTES 10) Delisting of shares: Permanent removal of securities like shares of a
listed company from a stock exchange. Because of this, such shares cannot be
traded on stock exchange.
ii) Public limited companies have to list their shares on both NSE Ltd and BSE
v) The companies are allowed to purchase (i.e. buy-back) its own both fully
Financial Markets and Financial paid and partly paid shares..
126 Institutions in India - I
Q.2 i) What do you mean by secondary market. Indian Equity Market - II :
Market Composition &
ii) Explain various functions of a stock exchange. Secondary Market
Q.4 Discuss in brief various measures taken by the SEBI to make equity market
more effective and vibrant. NOTES
Q.5 Write short notes:
9.5 Exchange Rate Quotations: Direct v/s Indirect Quotes and two way
9.8 Summary
9.1 Introduction
The foreign exchange market is the most volatile and dynamic segment of
the overall financial markets of a country. This is the market where local currency
or currency of a local Government is exchanged with currencies of other countries
or Governments. Foreign exchange means foreign currency which includes
deposits in foreign currencies and credit balances payable in any foreign currency.
It includes any draft, travelers cheques, letter of credit, bills of exchange expressed
or drawn in Indian currency but payable in foreign currency, instrument payable
at the option of drawee or holder either in Indian currency or
In foreign currency. The foreign exchange term is also used to indicate the
method and process by which local currency is exchanged for foreign currency.
The foreign exchange market has become very active due to international trade
or cross broader transactions, opening of local market to foreign companies and
investors, setting of companies and joint ventures in broad by local entrepreneurs,
globalisations etc. This market provides mechanism to facilitate such international
trade and business by allowing local and foreign parties to exchange their currencies
and settle their transactions. This market is dominated by banks who are allowed
to become market maker and provide liquidity. Because of globalisation and
increase in cross broader transactions the size of this market has increased
significantly. The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) regulates this market through Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 129
Foreign Exchange Market issue of various guidelines, directives etc.
in India
i) This market has no physical existence like that of stock exchange or market
for commodities. The participants transact with each other by using various
communication channels like telephone, telex, internet etc. and settle this
transaction on their own. Because of this, it is over the country (OTC)
ii) This market remains open for 24 hours throughout the world. And hence it
has no specified business hours. The business in this market starts early at
Sydney, Tokyo, and Hong Kong and later it opens at Middle East and then
in Europe to USA and finally it comes back to Australia. Even though the
forex market is scattered all over the world it is concentrated at important
international financial centres like London, Zurich, New York, Tokyo, Hong
Kong, Singapore etc. In India, this market opens at 9.00 am and closes at
5.00 pm on all business working days between Mondays to Friday. It remains
closed on Saturday and Sunday.
iii) The foreign exchange market has no specified location. This market
functions across the globe. Any one from any part of the world can
participate in this market. For example a bank having corporate office in
Mumbai can buy or sell any foreign currency in the London market.
iv) As compared to other segments of financial markets like bond market, the
foreign exchange market is very volatile. This is caused by changes in the
economic conditions, international conflicts, natural calamities, changes in
government policy, etc. Due to the deregulation of forex market, the exchange
rates are decided by market forces including demand for and supply of
foreign currencies.
1. Banks :
The RBI being a central bank of the country regulates the foreign exchange
market. Besides this, it also intervenes in the market to buy or sell foreign
currencies to reduce volatility and thus to influence market sentiment and
improve market conditions. Intervention of central bank of a country in the
foreign exchange market is essential irrespective of whether it is regulated
Check Your Progress or deregulated
Q.1. State whether the
following statements are true 3. Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India (FEDAI)
or false
(i) The foreign exchange The Foreign Exchange DealersAssociation of India (FEDAI) is an important
market has physical existence institution in the foreign exchange market. It issues guidelines and frames
like that of stock exchange.
(ii) The foreign exchange rules for fixation of commission and other charges, etc. to facilitate
market is over the counter transactions in the foreign exchange market. It also addresses various
(OTC) market.
concerns in the matters of mutual interest of the authorised dealers. The
(iii) The foreign exchange
market is very volatile and RBI has recognised its role and made mandatory for the authorised dealers
to become members of the FEDAI. In view of this, all the authorised
(iv) The RBI has issued
licenses to all the banks to act dealers I and other authorised dealers are required to become members of
as authorised dealers in the the FEDAI and execute an undertaking to the effect that they will undertake
foreign exchange market.
(v) The select financial transaction in foreign exchange market as per the terms and conditions
institutions like IFCI, EXIM stipulated by the FEDAI.
Bank, SIDBI and NHB etc. are
part of group of authorised
dealers category I. 4. Customers and Brokers
(vi) The brokers in the
foreign exchange market do Various customers comprising of individuals and institutions who are in need
not undertake transactions on of foreign exchange participate in this market. Individuals need foreign
their own-account.
Q. 2. Explain in brief various exchange for visits to various countries in connection with education and
features of the foreign medical treatment etc. The institutional customers segment of the foreign
exchange market.
Q.3. Describe the role of
exchange market is comprised of public sector units, non-Government
following participants in the companies and business enterprises with foreign exchange exposure. This
foreign exchange market.
segment is dominated by select large public sector companies such as Indian
(i) Banks
(ii) Central Bank of a Oil Corporation, Oil and Natural Gas Commission (ONGC), Bharat Heavy
country Electrical Ltd (BHEL), Steel Authority of India Limited (SAIL) and private
(iii) Customers & Brokers
sector enterprises. These institutional customers depend on the authorised
(iv) Foreign Exchange
Dealers Association of India dealers and foreign exchange brokers for all their foreign exchange needs.
(FEDAI) The brokers act as middlemen between the two authorised dealers as well
as between authorised dealers and customers. They help their customers
to execute deals in the foreign exchange market at the most competitive
Financial Markets and Financial rates. The authorised dealers also use services of brokers to get more
132 Institutions in India - I
information about the market conditions. The brokers do not undertake Foreign Exchange Market
in India
transactions on their own account.
The exchange rate can be quoted in two ways i.e. direct quote and indirect
Direct Quote
Indirect Quote
It is used to express the exchange rate in terms of foreign currency per unit
of local currency. For example, ` 1 = 0.0158 US $. Therefore, indirect quote
gives an idea about the number of units of foreign currency required to buy or sell
one unit of home currency. In an indirect quote the domestic currency is the
Direct quote for a given currency in one country (i.e. for US $ dollar in
India) is considered as indirect quote for dollar currency in the USA. Let us take
an example of direct quote for US dollar in India i.e. ` 63 = 1 US dollar. This is
also considered as indirect quote for US dollar in the USA. The same can be
expressed in terms of value of `1 which is as follows :
` 63 = 1 US Dollar
This is nothing but a direct quote for the Indian Rupee in USA and indirect
quote for Indian rupees (INR) in India. This proves that an indirect quote is the
reciprocal of the direct quote and vice-versa.
INR/US $ = 63.39/41
In case of direct quote by convention the first rate is the buying rate and the
second rate is the selling rate. The first rate i.e. ` 63.39 indicates the rate at
which a bank is prepared to buy US $ (i.e. second currency in the pair of two
currencies i.e. INR and US $). The second rate i.e. ` 63.41 indicates the rate at
which a bank is prepared to sell US $ (i.e. the second currency in the pair of two
currencies i.e. INR and US $).
Banks who are authorized dealers (Category I) provide two way quotes in
respect of exchange rate with a view to make market more liquid. They offer
these quotes to their customers on a day to day basis. Further banks are engaged
in the business of buying and selling of home currency against foreign currency by
offering two way quotes with the objective of earning profit. The difference
between a banks Bid rate and Ask rate is called the spread. The quote for bid
will be lower than the quote for asks. This means the customer has to pay more
while buying a base currency as against amount to be received by selling a base
currency. For example, if the bid rate for US $ is ` 63 and ask rate is 64, and
then the spread will be of `1. If the foreign exchange market is stable then the
spread is like to be narrow. As against this, if the foreign exchange market is
volatile then the spread is like to be wider or more.
(i)_ inter-bank dealers market and (ii) market for commercial and merchant deals.
1. It is OTC Market
2. Both parties to the transaction are banks i.e. authorised dealers (I). These
banks offer two way quotes i.e. bid rate and ask rate. NOTES
3. It is a wholesale market with average size of transaction is very large.
1. In this market the transaction is between a bank and customer like exporter
or importer and other categories of authorized dealers.
The following types of transactions are found in the foreign exchange market.
(i) Cash
Such transactions are settled on the same day (i.e. T+O). This means
delivery of the currencies takes place on the same day. In other words trade day
and settlement day is the same.
(ii) Tom
All the transactions which are settled on T + 1 basis are known as tom
transactions. In this case, the delivery of foreign exchange or currency is made
on the next working business day to the date of transaction. These transactions
are known as tom transactions. The rates for settlement of cash and tom
transactions are different from spot rate. Such rates are calculated based on
interest rate differentials, in both the countries whose currencies are being
considering for exchange.
Forward contract can be executed for various periods like one month, 3
months, 6 months and 12 months. The value dates are arrived at by adding relevant
days of a contract period to the appropriate spot value date. For example, suppose
one month forward contract is executed on June 18, then the corresponding spot
value date is June 20. Because of this, the one month forward value date is July
20. If the value date so arrived is holiday then like in a spot deal forward deal is
executed on the next business working day.
A forward rate is different from spot rate. It can be either lower or higher
than the prevailing spot rate. The forward rate is comprised of two components
namely (i) spot rate and (ii) forward differentials which is nothing but interest
differentials between the pairs of currencies. In view of this, forward rates are
quoted based on the spot rate and premium or discount. Therefore the forward
rate is equal to the spot rate (+) premium or discount. If the forward rate is
greater than the spot rate then the foreign currency is said to be at premium in the
forward market. Similarly, if the forward rate is lower than the spot rate then the
foreign currency is said to be at discount in the forward market. Like spot rates
the banks also offer quotes for buying and selling of foreign currencies in the
forward market.
Let us assume the following are the bid quotes rates in respect of pair of
INR and US $. In this case base currency is US dollar which is being bought.
Of US $ 1
If one has to buy US $ under one month forward contract he has to pay 6
paise more as compared to purchase the same in the spot market. Therefore, one
can say that the US $ as against rupee is said to be at premium in the forward
Financial Markets and Financial market as compared to the price in the spot market.
136 Institutions in India - I
Forward Rate at Discount Foreign Exchange Market
in India
Let us assume the following are the bid quotes in respect of pair of INR
and US $.
(i) If the spot rate and forward rate are the same then foreign currency as
against home currency is neither at a premium nor at discount.
The business units having export and import business use forward contract
to hedge against price or exchange risk. By entering into a forward contract
uncertainty regarding exact cash inflow on account of conversion of foreign
currency into domestic currency and exact cash outflow on account of purchase
of foreign currency from use of domestic currency can be eliminated. Further
banks speculate on exchange rates and enter into forward transactions with a
view to have profits. Further spot deals and forward transactions are used to
facilitate money market operations through swap transactions.
In India transactions in the inter-bank market like cash, tom, spot and forward
covering US Dollar and INR pair are settled through Clearing Corporation of
India Ltd. (CCIL). It ensures guaranteed settlement in respect of settlement of
such trades.
(Amount in US $ billion)
Year Merchant Interbank Total Ratio of Inter
Bank to Merchant
(No. of times)
2000-01 281 1153 1434 3.10
2001-02 272 1215 1487 4.47
2002-03 329 1256 1585 3.82
2003-04 495 1645 2140 3.32
2004-05 705 2187 2892 3.10
2005-06 1217 3187 4404 2.62
2006-07 1788 4746 6534 2.65
2007-08 3562 8741 12303 2.45
2008-09 3231 8861 12092 2.74
Financial Markets and Financial 2009-10 1914 5554 7467 2.90
138 Institutions in India - I
Spot Segment Foreign Exchange Market
in India
The spot segment has remained the most important segment of foreign
exchange market in India. It accounts for around 50 per cent of total transactions
in inter-bank market and around 40 per cent of total merchant transactions. In
fact the share of spot transactions in all merchant transactions declined from
62.63 per cent in 200-01 to 39.91 percent in 2009-10. This can be seen from data
given in Table 9.3. This may be due to increase in turnover of forex derivatives
like forward contract, currency options, etc.
Table 9.3
Share of Spot Transactions in total merchant and Inter-bank
(Amount in US $ billion)
Merchant Inter-Bank
Year Total Spot Spot Others Total Spot Spot Others Combined
as % as % Total
of Total of Total
2000- 01 281 176 62.63 105 1153 505 43.80 648 1434
2001-02 272 164 60.39 108 1215 463 26.42 752 1487
2002-03 329 188 57.14 141 1256 528 42.04 728 1585
2003-04 495 260 52.53 235 1645 793 48.21 852 2140
2004-05 705 340 48.23 365 2187 1106 50.57 1081 2892
2005-06 1217 547 44.95 670 3187 1677 52.62 1510 4404
2006-07 1788 825 46.14 963 4746 2563 54.11 2178 6534
2007-08 3562 1631 45.79 1931 8741 4477 51.22 4264 12303
2008-09 3231 1217 37.67 2014 8861 4254 48.01 4607 12092
2009-10 1914 764 39.91 1150 5554 2934 52.84 2619 7467
The foreign exchange market is the most volatile and dynamic segment of
the overall financial markets of a country. This market has witnessed growth due
to globalization, increase in the international trade and business. Commercial
banks are dominant players in this market. These banks have been authorised by
the RBI to handle all types of current and capital account transactions involving
foreign exchange. These banks are market makers and accordingly offer two
way quotes in order to make market more liquid. The foreign exchange market is
comprised of two segments namely inter-bank market and market for commercial
and merchant transactions. In India the size of inter-bank transaction is around
2.9 times that of merchant transactions. The spot segment has remained the most
important segment of foreign exchange market in India. The Reserve bank of
India (RBI) is a regulator of this market and accordingly has issued various
guidelines and directives to facilitate proper functioning of the market. Along with
this, FEDAI is an important institution in the foreign exchange market. It frames
rules and code of conduct for foreign exchange dealers to ensure proper functioning
of the market.
1. OTC Market
2. Volatile Markets
Volatile markets are those markets where the prices of financial assets and
commodities, which cannot be predicted with accuracy, moves
very fast. Examples of such markets are foreign exchange market, commodities
market and equity market. Because of volatile conditions, such markets generate
more price risk.
(i) Payment due in connection with foreign trade, other current business, and
services and short term banking and credit facilities in the ordinary course Financial Markets and Financial
of business. Institutions in India - I 141
Foreign Exchange Market (ii) Payment due as interest on loans and net income from investment
in India
(iii) Remittances towards living expenses of relatives or dependents.
5. Exchange Rate
Exchange rate which is called as foreign exchange rate is the rate at which
one currency is exchanged for another currency. It is nothing but the value of one
countrys currency in terms of another currency. For example exchange rate of
R upeesin relation to one U S dollaris`63. This means that ` 63 will be exchanged
for each US $ 1. Due to the deregulation of the foreign exchange market,
exchange rates are determined by demand and supply forces. Because of this,
participants in the foreign exchange market are exposed to the currency risk.
8. Authorised Dealer
Authorised dealers are those who have been authorised by the RBI to deal
in foreign exchange. The Authorised dealers (category I) are comprised of
commercial banks and select state and urban co-operative banks. They have
been permitted to handle all current and capital account transactions subject to
the RBIs guidelines issued from time to time. All merchant transactions in the
foreign exchange market have to be necessarily undertaken through the authorised
(a) Only the authorized dealers (category I) have to become members of the
(c) Banks are market makers and provide liquidity by offering two way quotes
i.e. bid and offer rates.
(d) In an indirect quote the domestic currency is the commodity and price is
quoted accordingly.
(ii) Banks
(iii) Customers
10.1 Introduction
10.8 Summary
10.1 Introduction
Commercial banks are an important part of financial system of a country.
These banks have substantial financial resources & hence are dominant players
in all segments of financial markets like credit, money, securities, foreign
exchange and derivatives. They mobilize funds mainly in the form of deposits
including demand deposits. Banks use deposits and borrowings mainly for giving
loans & investing funds in various financial assets. Thus they are an important
financial intermediaries in the financial system of a country. The countrys industry
development and economic growth largely depends on the efficiency of commercial
banking system. If a country has sound and strong commercial banking system
then its economy is likely to witness significant growth in savings, investment and
lending to various industries and agriculture sectors. In India the RBI being a
central bank of a country regulates the commercial banking system with a view to
ensure that commercial banks are financially viable and strong. In India, all
commercial banks are considered as schedule commercial banks. These banks
are included in the second schedule of RBI Act of 1934 and permitted to carry out
the normal business of banking such as acceptance of deposits, giving of loans
and other banking services, etc. The various aspects of commercial banks with
respect to its role, functions and structure of Indian commercial banking system
are explained in this unit.
Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 145
Commercial Banks - I :
Role, Functions, Structure
10.2 The objectives of this unit are as follows
& Reforms
1. To study the role and functions of commercial banks in the financial system.
(1) Banks encourage individuals and others to save money and keep that money
in deposits with them. In order to attract savings from the depositors, banks
have designed and introduced different deposit schemes. This activity of
banks helps to nurture saving habits among the various classes of savers or
(2) Banks provide financial assistance in the form of working capital and term
loans to the manufacturing and commercial enterprises. This helps
enterprises to produce goods and contribute towards industrial growth and
generate employment opportunities.
(3) Banks provide personal, consumer and housing loans to buy houses, consumer
durable goods etc. This helps to create demand for houses and consumer
durable goods which leads to growth in investment and thus economic
(5) Banks also provide non-fund facilities like guarantees and letter of credits
(LCs) to their customers. This helps them to undertake commercial
transactions both in the domestic and international markets without any
Financial Markets and Financial difficulties.
146 Institutions in India - I
(6) Banks invest in the financial securities like equity shares, bonds and Commercial Banks - I :
Role, Functions,
debentures. Such securities are issued by private sector enterprises, public Structure & Reforms
sector enterprises and the Government. This helps them to raise funds for
a longer period from various markets which results into capital formation in
the economy.
(7) Banks also provide various other services like merchant banking, corporate NOTES
advisory services, portfolio management services etc. to their customers.
This helps various companies to raise funds through issue of securities and
develop primary and secondary markets for the same.
Main Functions :
6) Acquiring, holding and dealing in shares, bonds, debentures and other types
of Financial assets.
Other Functions :
Agency Functions :
2. to facilitate opening of bank branches in semi urban and rural areas so that
ordinary people can have access to the banking services for Improving
economic conditions.
3. to make available bank credit to the agriculture sector; small scale industries,
self-employed entrepreneurs and cottage industries.
Financial Markets and Financial
148 Institutions in India - I
4. to eliminate misuse of banking business by the promoters or owners of Commercial Banks - I :
Role, Functions,
large banks for their own private business and for other industry groups. Structure & Reforms
Types of Bank
Schedule Non-Schedule
Private Foreign RRB LAB
Sector Banks (64) (4)
Banks (43)
These banks are owned and controlled by the Government of India (GOI).
It includes 19 nationalized banks, and State Bank of India and its associated banks
(total 6). Two others banks namely the IDBI Bank Ltd. and the Bharatiya Mahila
Financial Markets and Financial Bank have been notified by the RBI as public sector banks. In view of this in all
150 Institutions in India - I
there are 27 public sector banks in India. Nationalized banks are regulated by the Commercial Banks - I :
Role, Functions,
Banking Companies (Acquisition and Transfer of Undertakings Act of 1970 and Structure & Reforms
1980). The State Bank of India and its associated banks are regulated by the
State Bank of India Act 1958 and the State Bank of India Subsidiaries Act. of
1959 respectively.
Initially the whole of capital of these public sector banks were vested with NOTES
the Government of India. Subsequently the Indian Government had decided to
bring down its share in the capital and allowed these banks to offer their equity
shares to the public at large and institutional investors. All these public sector
banks have offered their shares to the public. The percentage of private share
holding in public sector banks is given in Table 10.1. The data given in Table 10.1
clearly indicates that as on March 31, 2012 Government of Indias share in share
capital of all the public sector banks was more than fifty one percent.
Up to 10 per cent -
The State Bank of India is the largest commercial bank in India. This bank
and its associated banks together have more than 25 per cent of total banking
business in India.
There are two types of private sector banks in India. These are old private
sector banks and new private sector banks. The equity capital in such banks is
held by individuals and private companies and institutions. As the Government is
not a shareholder in such banks, Government is not directly or indirectly involved
in the management of such banks. There are 13 old private sector banks which
are as follows :
The RBI had issued three more licenses in 1995-96 and accordingly the
following three more new banks were set up in the private sector.
The Global Trust Bank Ltd. was amalgamated with Oriental Bank of
Commerce. The Centurion Bank Ltd. and Bank of Punjab Ltd. were merged to
form Centurion Bank of Punjab. However, this bank was amalgamated with
HDFC Bank Ltd. The Times Bank Ltd was also amalgamated with HDFC Bank
Ltd. The UTI Bank Ltd was renamed as Axis Bank Ltd. The IDBI Bank Ltd
was amalgamated with IDBI and accordingly it became a public sector bank. In
view of this, IDBI Bank Ltd is not a part of group of private sector banks.
Few old banks in the private sector were merged with other banks. The
United Western Bank Ltd. was amalgamated with the IDBI Bank Ltd. The Sangli
Bank Ltd. was amalgamated with the ICICI Bank Ltd. At present there are
seven new private sector banks which are as follows:
Foreign Banks
Many foreign banks have banking business in India. Foreign banks in India
NOTES operate only through their branches with no subsidiaries. At the end of March
2013, there were 43 foreign banks in India having 331 branches. Another 46
foreign banks have representative offices in India. Among various foreign banks
standard chartered bank has 96 branches in India. Apart from this, other foreign
banks like HSBC, Citi Bank and Royal bank of Scotland have large number of
branches in India.
These banks have been set up with a view to ensure balanced regional
economic development and provide loans to the weaker sections of the society in
the rural areas. Most of these banks have been sponsored by the commercial
banks. Now-a-days along with core banking business RRBs focus mainly on
financial inclusion.
Due to the consolidation and amalgamation, the number of RRBs has reduced
to 64. As on March 31, 2012 all the RRBs together had a branch network of
16,914. In order to promote financial inclusion the RBI has advised RRBs to
undertake an aggressive branch expansion programme in those rural areas where
banking services are not available. The RBI has made branch authorization policy
very liberal for RRBs. They have been permitted to open new branches in Tier 3
to Tier 6 centers with a population up to 49,999 as per 2001 census with out
having any permission from the RBI, provided they meet certain/conditions as
stipulated by the RBI.
The RBI took initiative to set up Local Area Banks (LAB) and accordingly
these banks were set in private sector in 1996. These banks were set up with a
minimum paid up capital of Rs. 500 million. These banks extend credit to agriculture
sector, small scale industries and agro based industries. Like other commercial
banks, LABs are also subject to the priority sector lending norms. They require to
achieve a target of 40 per cent of adjusted net bank credit (ANBC) and at least
25 per cent of their priority sector deployed should be disbursed to the weaker
sections. Initially RBI issued six licenses for setting up of local area banks. However
only following four LABs have remained in the business.
the largest local area bank and has more than 70 per cent of total business of all
four LABs put together. Considering its operations in semi urban and rural areas,
LABs focus more on financial inclusion.
The Reserve Bank of India (RBI) being a Central Bank of the country is a
regulator for the banking system. It has power to issue License under the Banking
Regulation Act of 1949 to the eligible institutions/promoters to undertake banking
business. It has issued various circulars which includes guidelines and directives
to the commercial banks on various aspects of banking business. The various
functions of the RBI are as under:
ii) to ensure price stability and flow of bank credit to the various sectors of the
economy for productivity purpose.
iv) to regulate and monitor the performance of banks, financial institutions and Check your progress
NBFCs etc within its own broad parameters prescribed for them
Q.1. State whether the
v) to issue new currencies for circulation and eliminate those currency and following statements are true
or false?
coins not suitable for circulation i) Commercial banks were
nationalized in 1969 with a
vi) to act as a banker to the Government and help them to raise funds from the view to ensure proper
distribution of wealth and
market through issue of Government securities. economic power among various
classes of
vii) to act as a banker to all scheduled banks and maintain their bank accounts society.
ii) At present the whole of
iv) to undertake various promotional activities/projects to strengthen the equity capital of all the public
sector banks is vested
financial system including that of banking system with the Government of India
iii) The IDBI Bank Ltd is a
vii) to regulate and supervise payment system in India private sector bank
Q.2. Explain various
The RBI was established on the basis of recommendations of the Hilton objectives of nationalization of
major commercial banks in
Young commission. The RBI act was passed in 1934 and commenced its operations India
on April 1, 1935. It was nationalized in 1949. Q.3. Discuss in brief various
functions of the RBI
The credit facilities given by the banks where funds are not used are called
as non-fund based facility. It is comprised of bank guarantee and letter of credit
2. Financial Intermediaries
3. Bank Guarantee
Both are considered as plastic money which are used to settle payment.
Both these cards are considered as a substitute for cash or cheque. In case of a
Debit card, payment is deducted directly from his cash balance in account with a
bank. Therefore no credit is extended in case Debit card. In case of credit card
credit limit is sanctioned to a credit card holder. If a credit card is used then the
credit card holder has to make payment once credit period gets over. Otherwise
credit card has to pay penalty. The debit and credit cards holders enjoy consumer
protections when it is issued by major payment processors like Visa or MasterCard.
6. Nationalization
The RBI was nationalized in 1949. The fourteen major commercial banks
were nationalized in 1969. The six more schedule commercial banks (with an
aggregate deposits of ` 200 crore or more per banks) were nationalized in April
b) List of Abbreviations
1) LC : Letter of Credit.
10.10 Self-Assessment Questions
Q 1. State whether the following statements are true or false ?
3) Banks provide financial assistance only in the form of working capital finance.
4) In 1969 and 1980, major commercial banks were nationalized with a view
to ensure proper distribution of wealth and economic power among various
classes of society.
5) The State Bank of India is one of the largest commercial bank in India.
7) Foreign banks in India are not subject to priority sector lending norms.
11.1 Introduction
11.4 Maintenance of Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio
11.6 Summary
11.1 Introduction
Commercial banks accept deposits for the purpose of lending. This business
is considered as core business of commercial banks. Along with this, these banks
have investment banking business that includes investment in various financial
assets like Government securities, shares, etc., merchant banking business and
investment advisory services. In fact, commercial banks in India are entitled to
undertake any kind of fee based financial services along with fund based financial
services as a part of universal banking business provided it is not specially prohibited
by the RBI. While undertaking commercial banking business, banks are required
to maintain Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR) as
per the legal provisions and guidelines issued by the RBI. All these aspects are
discussed in this unit.
3. to study how commercial banks maintain Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR) and
Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR).
Commercial banks accept deposits from the public for the purpose of giving
loans to the borrowers. The deposits of commercial banks can be classified into
two groups (i) demand deposits and (ii) term deposits.
Demand Deposits
The demand deposits are such deposits which are repayable on demand.
Only banks are allowed to accept demand deposits. Such deposits are comprised
of current deposits and savings deposits.
Current Deposits
The Customers use such deposits for business purpose. Such deposit holders
are free to withdraw money as many times as they want without any restrictions.
Some banks put certain restrictions with regard to minimum credit balance, which
is to be maintained in the account. Banks do not pay interest on such deposit
accounts. The customers having current accounts with banks have privilege to
avail overdraft facility.
Savings Deposits
Such deposits are designed and introduced by banks with a view to develop
habit of savings and using bank facilities. The interest rate on such deposits is
deregulated by the RBI. In view of this, banks are free to decide and offer
interest rates on such deposits. By and large most of banks offer 4 per cent
interest on such deposits. Very few banks like Yes Bank Ltd., and Kotak Mahindra
Bank Ltd. offers more than 4 per cent interest on these deposits. The depositors
Financial Markets and Financial are free to withdraw money subject to the rules of banks.
164 Institutions in India - I
Term Deposits Commercial Banks - II :
Nature of Business
These deposits are accepted for a specified period like 3 months, 6 months,
1 year etc. The period is decided at the time of accepting deposits. The data
given in table 11.1 reveals that around sixty six per cent of total term deposits
were accepted for a period up to 24 months or 2 years during 2013. Banks also
accept deposits for a period beyond 5 years. During 2011 to 2013, share of over 5 NOTES
years deposits in total term deposits was in the range of 13 to 18 per cent. Banks
are free to decide interest rates on term deposits. Because of this, interest rates
on term deposits are varied from one bank to another. However small banks
more or less keep interest rates on term deposits in line with interest rates fixed by
large banks. As per the RBI guideline banks cannot accept term deposits for
more than 120 months. The depositors are free to withdraw their deposits before
its maturity. However, for this, depositors require to pay penalty in the form
forging a part of interest income. The depositors holding term deposits with banks
are allowed to borrow funds from banks against term deposit receipts. Term deposits
are also described as time deposits.
I. Term Deposits
Apart from above mentioned deposit schemes banks have designed different
schemes such as deposit schemes for non-resident Indians, recurring deposit
schemes, and reinvestment deposit schemes including cash certificates for
mobilization of more financial resources.
Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 165
Commercial Banks - II : Of the various deposits, commercial banks focus more on mobilizing demand
Nature of Business
deposits comprising current and savings deposits. This helps them to bring down
their cost of funds. The share of demand deposits in total deposits of scheduled
commercial banks declined from 48.0 per cent in 2010 to 33.0 per cent in 2013
indicating that cost of funds in these banks increased. The data relating to the
NOTES share of demand deposits in total deposits of scheduled commercial banks is given
in Table 11.2.
Table 11.2 : Share of Current Deposits and Savings Deposits in Total Deposits
of Scheduled Commercial Banks
2010 48.0
2011 35.5
2012 33.5
2013 33.0
Credit Products
Banks provide credit facility to the borrowers for working capital and also
for purchase of fixed assets. Such facility is divided into two groups namely fund
based facility and non-fund based facility. Under fund based facility funds are
made available to the borrowers for specified purpose. It affects liquidity position
of a bank. Under non-fund based facility banks provide credit but not funds to
facilitate commercial transactions. In view of this, as far as banks are concerned,
there is no immediate cash out flow and hence it does not affect its liquidity
The various fund based facilities (i.e. credit products) of banks are as
follows :
Overdrafts Facilities
Demand Loans
Banks provide demand loans to the borrowers which are repayable on demand NOTES
without having repayment schedule i.e bulk repayment. Such loans are provided
against securities such as term deposits, shares of approved companies, surrender
value of insurance policies, pledge of gold and mortgage of immovable property.
A separate account is maintained for each and every demand loan at the branch
of a bank. Demand loan is comprised of fixed amount and the borrower is allowed
to use this facility upto a certain limit sanctioned by the branch of a bank. Only
interest, and other charges are debited to this account.
Cash Credit
Once cash credit is sanctioned, the borrower is allowed to use credit facility
uninterruptedly. This means such limit becomes a permanent feature. This facility
operates similar to that of current accounts with overdraft facilities. Cash credit
facility is sanctioned against pledge/hypothecation of goods, pledge of documents
of title to goods, mortgage of immovable properly, accounts receivables etc. Under
this facility the borrower is allowed to draw an amount within limits as sanctioned
by a bank.
Term Loans
Banks offer term loans to the borrowers for purchase of fixed assets like
building, plant and machinery, office equipments, furniture etc. and transport vehicles
under various loan schemes. It is not a demand loan. However term loan is
repayable within the specified period through installments. Such loans are
sanctioned against hypothecation of moveable assets and mortgage of immovable
properties. Term loans are normally sanctioned for a period ranging from 2 to 7
years. In exceptional cases banks extend term loans for a period which is beyond
7 years. Besides this, banks sanction term loans for infrastructure projects for a
longer period like 10 years or 15 years.
The details regarding deployment of bank credit is given in Table 11.3. This
data reveals that banks have provided more credit to the infrastructure and small
enterprises. It accounts for almost 15 per cent of total non-food gross bank credit.
Within the services sector, banks have given more loans to the NBFCs, trade and
commercial real estate. Within the personal loans (i.e. retail banking) banks have
extended loans mainly for housing purpose and education.
Companies (NBFCs)
Sector Housing)
Source : The RBI Report on THE RBIs Report on Trend and Progress of
Banking in India, 2011-12 and 2012-13.
As stated earlier, the credit facilities given by banks where funds are not
used are described as non-fund based facilities. These facilities are bifurcated
into two categories as under:
Banks provide guarantee facilities to its customers who require these facilities
for executing commercial transactions. The guarantees are broadly divided into
three categories as under:
(iii) Deferred payment guarantee: Such guarantees are provided to finance the
purchase of fixed assets.
The RBI has directed commercial banks to lend to the priority sector and
accordingly has issued guidelines. Local commercial banks and foreign banks
with 20 or more branches are required to give not less than 40 per cent of adjusted
net bank credit or credit equivalent amount of off balance sheet exposure whichever
Financial Markets and Financial
is higher to the priority sector. This sector is comprised of following categories :
Institutions in India - I 169
Commercial Banks - II : 1. Agriculture (covering Direct and Indirect Finance)
Nature of Business
2. Micro and Small Enterprises
3. Education
NOTES 4. Housing
5. Export Credit
6. Other
The RBI has fixed sub targets within the overall target of 40 per cent of
adjusted net bank credit to the various categories of priority sector. These are as
1. Lending the to the agriculture and allied agriculture activities covering direct
and indirect advances should not be less than 18 per cent of adjusted net
bank credit. If banks fail to achieve a target of 18 per centadvances to the
agriculture and allied activities, then banks are required to deposit shortfall
with The National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development (NABARD)
under the Rural Infrastructure Development Fund Scheme (RIDF). But
such deposits under RIDF should not exceed 1.5 per cent of their net credit.
The interest on such deposits is paid at the prevalent bank rate i.e. 8.25
per cent. Further lending to weaker sections shall not be less than 10 per
cent of adjusted net bank credit or credit equivalent amount of off balance
sheet exposure whichever is higher.
2. In case of foreign banks, with less than 20 branches, are required to achieve
overall target of 32 per cent of adjusted net bank credit advances to the
priority sector. For these banks there are no separate targets. Within this
overall target of 32 per cent, they require to lend to the small scale industries
and export business. Foreign banks have been permitted to invest any shortfall
in respect of advances to SSI sector in the bonds issued by the SIDBI.
During 2011-12 public and private sector banks advances to the priority
sector were less than 40 per cent of adjusted net bank credit or credit equivalent
of balance sheet exposure whichever is higher. This can be seen from data given
in table 11.4. This data further reveals that during 2011-12 credit to agriculture
and weaker sector by public and private sector banks were less than 18 per cent
and 10 per cent respectively at the macro level.
Financial Markets and Financial
170 Institutions in India - I
Table 11.4: Priority Sector Lending by Banks
(As on last reporting Friday of March 2012)
(Amount in ` Billion)
Item Public Sector Private Sector Foreign
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Total Priority
of which
Institutions in India - I
Nature of Business
Commercial Banks - II : All priority sector advances carries a confessional rate of interest. Banks
Nature of Business
have been permitted to charge borrowers different interest rates based on size of
The RBI has issued following prudential norms in respect of loan assets.
Income Recognition
Asset classification
Banks are required to classify their loan assets into following two categories.
i) Substandard Assets
Financial Markets and Financial These assets are those which have remained non-performing assets (NPA)
172 Institutions in India - I
for a period less than or equal to 12 months. Commercial Banks - II :
Nature of Business
ii) Doubtful Assets
These assets are those which have remained sub-standard assets for a
period of More than 12 months.
are not covered by the realizable value of security. (iii) As per the RBI
guidelines banks
cannot accept term
In case of those advances which are covered by realizable value of security, deposits for more than
provision is made at rates ranging from 20 per cent to 100 per cent depending on 60 months.
period. These are as follows: (iv) Banks are allowed to
execute guarantees
covering inter
Period for which the advance has Provision Requirement (%) company deposits/
loans accepted by
remained as Doubtful Asset for the secured portion NBFCs / firms from
other NBFCs /Firms.
Upto 1 year 25
Q.2. What do mean by fund
based and non-fund
1 to 3 years 40 based facility ?
securities offered. In case of unsecured substandard assets additional provision Q.4. Explain in brief
of 10 per cent is made. following prudential
norms in respect of
loan assets originated
by commercial banks
(iii) Provisioning
As per the regulatory norm, commercial banks in India have to set aside a
certain portion of their Liabilities in the form of assets to meet reserves requirement.
These reserves are referred to as maintenance of Cash Reserve Ratio (CRR)
and Statutory Liquidity Ratio (SLR).
Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 173
Commercial Banks - II : At present, all scheduled commercial banks are required to maintain CRR
Nature of Business
and SLR in a certain percentage of their Net Demand and Time Liabilities (NDTL)
in India. The liabilities, which are considered for computation of CRR and SLR,
have been defined and stated in details in the section 42 of the RBI Act, 1934 and
in the section 24 of the Banking Regulation Act, 1949 respectively. The RBI
NOTES enjoys the right to specify from time to time any liabilities in India that shall be
included in the computation of NDTL and in case of any difference of opinion,
decision of the RBI is final.
Maintenance of CRR
The RBI through issue of circular dated April 04, 2007, has discontinued
the practice of paying any interest on balances in current accounts with it for
maintenance of CRR with effect from March 31, 2007. In view of this, at present
the RBI does not pay interest on eligible cash balances maintained with it under
CRR requirement.
In order to improve the cash management by banks, the RBI has introduced
a lag of two weeks i.e. one fortnight in the maintenance of CRR stipulated by
banks. This has been introduced with effect from the fortnight beginning November
06, 1998. In view of this, the prescribed CRR during a fortnight is maintained by
every scheduled commercial bank based on its NDTL as on the last Friday of the
second preceding fortnight. Suppose fortnight beginning from September 21, 2014
is to be considered for maintenance of CRR, then the NDTL as on reporting
Friday September 06, 2014 must be considered.
(i) to ensure adequate liquidity with banks by forcing them to hold liquid and
near liquid assets NOTES
(ii) to create and develop primary and secondary market for the Government
(iii) to make funds available to the Central and State Governments for augmenting
their financial resources for planned current and capital expenditures.
Earlier the RBI had a power to prescribe SLR in the range of 25 per cent to
40 per cent of the NDTL. However, with the amendment to the section 24 of the
Banking Regulation Act of 1949 through the Banking Regulation (amendment)
Act, 2007 minimum ceiling of 25 per cent SLR is removed. In view of this, the
RBI has freedom to decide about SLR ratio subject to a maximum of 40 per cent
of NDTL. Scheduled commercial banks have been directed to maintain a statutory
liquidity ratio of 21.5 per cent of NDTL. Banks are required to maintain SLR on
a daily basis i.e. every day of a fortnight. It should be equal to or more than the
obligatory level of SLR based on the NDTL of banks as on the second preceding
fortnight of SLR maintenance period.
2. Excess cash balances maintained in current accounts with the RBI over
statutory CRR requirements under the section 42 of the RBI act of 1934.
4. Net balances in current accounts with the SBI, subsidiaries of SBI and
nationalized banks.
(a) Government Securities (b) other approved securities (c) shares (d)
debentures and bonds (e) investment in the subsidiaries and joint ventures and (f)
others like CPs, CDs and schemes of mutual funds.
For accounting and valuation purpose, as per the RBIs guidelines, commercial
banks are required to classify their investment portfolio into following three
2. Term Deposits : Such deposits are accepted for a specific period like
three months, six months, and one year. Such deposits are also called as time
Deposits. Banks cannot accept term deposits for a period exceeding 120 months.
(i) to ensure adequate liquidity with banks by forcing them to hold liquid
and near liquid assets.
(ii) to develop primary and secondary market for Government Securities and
make funds available to central and state governments for their planned current
and capital expenditures.
8. Held to Maturity Portfolio : The securities of this portfolio are held till
the maturity. The profit on sale of such security is transferred to the capital reserves
account. Such securities are not marked to market.
9. Held for Trading (HFT) : Such securities must be sold within 90 days
from the day on which securities are purchased. If this is not done then the unsold
Financial Markets and Financial
178 Institutions in India - I securities are transferred to the available for sale (AFS) category on the completion
of 90 days. Such securities are marked to market on monthly or at more frequent Commercial Banks - II :
Nature of Business
intervals. The profit on sale of such security is considered as trading profit and is
transferred to the profit and loss account.
10. Available for Sale (AFS) : Such securities are valued on quarterly basis
or at more frequent intervals. These securities can be sold at any time. The
profit on sale of such a security is considered as trading profit and credited to the NOTES
profit and loss account.
ii) Commercial banks provide loans only for working capital Financial Markets and Financial
Institutions in India - I 179
Commercial Banks - II : iii) Cash credit facility is extended by commercial banks to purchase fixed
Nature of Business
Q.2 Who do you mean by cash reserve ratio (CRR) and statutory liquidity ratio
ii) Explain in brief guidelines of the RBI for priority sector lending
Q.6 For what purpose commercial banks provide term loan and cash credit
i) Income Recognition
iii) Provisioning
5. Website of the RBI and commercial banks like SBI and BOB etc.
12.1 Introduction
12.3 Format of Bank Balance Sheet and Profit & Loss Account
12.6 Summary
12.1 Introduction
Banks are required to prepare financial statements comprising of balance
sheet and profit and loss account as per the Third schedule of The Banking
Regulations Act, 1949. Banks mobilize funds from deposits and borrowings to
give loans and invest in financial assets. The credit and investment portfolios are
two important earning assets in the balance sheet of a bank. The main income i. e.
interest for a bank is earned from fund based assets like loans and investments in
bonds. Due to increase in cost of deposits as well as borrowings and large number
of NPAs, banks have less than 3 per cent net interest margin (NIM). In order to
increase total income and return on equity, banks have been focusing on improving
non-interest income. Along with improving NIM, banks also focus on improving
their capital risk asset ratio (CRAR). Basel accord is considered as prudential
norm for bank capital. Under Basel Accord II, banks are required to ensure
adequate capital to cover losses on account of credit, market operational risk in
their business. Banks have to maintain 11.5 per cent CRAR under Basel III. All
these aspects are discussed in this unit.
1. to understand the format of a banks balance sheet and profit and loss
NOTES account
3. to know about Basel Accords I, II & III & its relevance for banks.
Liabiulities Assets
Schedule Type of Amount Schedule Type of Amount
No. Liability ` No. Liability `
01 Capital 06 Cash & Balances
with THE RBI
02 Reserves & 07 Balances with
Surplus Banks and Money
at call and short
03 Deposits 08 Investments
04 Borrowings 09 Advances
05 Other Liabilities 10 Fixed Assets
11 Other Assets
Total Total
No. if any
* Statutory Reserves
* Capital Reserves
* Securities Premium
* Investment Reserves
* Capital Reserves
* Term Deposits
Cumulative deposits
Currency notes)
* Government securities
* Others:
* Term Loans
* Premises
* Interest accrued
Satisfaction of claims.
Schedule ` As on March 31
** Interest Earned 13
** Other Income 14
** Interest Expanded 15
** Operating Expenses 16
Profit (A-B)
IV Appropriations/Transfers
** Dividend.
* Dividend Income
* Miscellaneous Income
Interest on Deposits
Payment to Employees
Auditors fees
Other expenses.
NOTES As it is known commercial banks deploy their funds to originate loans and
invest in financial securities in order to earn profit. Their business performance in
terms of credit deposit ratio as well as credit plus investment deposit ratio is given
in the Table 12.1.
Table 12.1 : Business Performance of Schedule Commercial Banks
(Figures are in percentage)
(as on March end)
2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013
Looking at the data given in Table 12.1, one can observe that credit and
investment portfolio combined appears to be more than 100 percent of deposits
which generates substantial income in the form of interest for banks. Therefore,
the major income in case of a banking organization comprises of interest income,
which is around 90 per cent or more of total income, comes from fund based
assets like loans and investment. The credit plus investment deposit ratio during
2006-07 to 2012-13 was in the range of 110 per cent to 114. This shows that banks
also use borrowings from market to fund these assets.
Basel Accord I
The various assets of a bank are classified and grouped into following, five
categories based on perceived credit risk by a regulator (i.e. the RBI)
i) Zero per cent risk weight (e.g. home country sovereign debt)
iii) Hundred percent risk weight (e.g. Investment in corporate bonds, loan
assets, etc.)
The above capital is considered for computing capital adequacy ratio under
Basel Accord I subject to the following conditions:
(i) Tier II capital components should be limited to a maximum of 100 per cent NOTES
of total tier I capital components.
Basel Accord II
Basel accord II was introduced with a view to overcome over limitations of
Basel Accord I. The following are limitations of Basel Accord I.
(i) It considers only credit risk. In view of this capital is provided in
proportionate to the credit risk in the banking business. However it is
essential to provide capitalnot only for credit risk alone but also for market
and operational risk.
(ii) This accord creates a considerable gap between regulatory capital and
economic capital.
(iii) It ignores the quality of loan assets irrespective of credit rating of borrowers
like AAA, AA and A. It presumes the same credit quality and accordingly
the same risk weight I .e. 100 per cent is considered in case loan assets.
The purpose of Basel Accord II is to ensure that banks put aside capital to
guard against the kinds of financial and operational risk, in their business.
Introduction of Basel Accord II as an international standard is expected to protect
the international financial system from the types of problems that might arise
should major banks or banking system collapse. This capital accord supports
rigorous risk management system so as to ensure that a bank holds capital funds
sufficient to cover risk in its commercial and investment banking business. Under
Basel II norm focus is on total risk analysis comprising of credit risk, market risk
and operational risk. It aims at to (i) ensure that capital allocation is more risk
sensitive (ii) separate operational risk from credit risk (iii) align economic and
regulatory capital more closely so as to reduce the scope for regulatory arbitrage,
(iv) provide incentives for implementing better risk management system and (v)
Financial Markets and Financial
make banking industry more efficient and vibrant. Institutions in India - I 193
Commercial Banks - III : Format There are three pillars of Basel Accord II. Pillar I is comprised of minimum
of Financial Statements, Financial
Performance & Basel Accords capital requirements. Pillar II consists of supervisory review of capital adequacy
that aims to ensure that a banks capital level is sufficient to cover its overall risk
in the business. Pillar III relates to market discipline and public disclosure.
Capital Risk Asset Ratio
Banks have to maintain capital as prescribed by the regulator keeping in
view provision of capital for three major components of risk that a bank faces
namely credit risk, operational risk and market risk. The risk weight assets covering
credit risk are calculated by using any one of the three methods namely (i)
standardized approach, (ii) foundation internal rating based approach and (iii)
advanced internal rating based approach. The risk weight assets covering
operational risk are calculated by using any one of the three methods namely (i)
basic indicator approach (ii) standardized approach and (iii) advanced measurement
approach. The risk weight assets for market risk is calculated by using either
modified duration approach or value at Risk (VaR) approach.
Under Basel Accord II, Capital risk asset ratio (CRAR) or capital adequacy
ratio is calculated as under :
On account of limitations of Basel Accord II, Basel III accord is proposed (ii) Their II capital under
Basel I & Basel II should be
to improve quality of bank capital, ensure adequate capital to absorb losses in limited to a maximum of 100
trading book and buildup of capital conservation buffer. This new accord is intended per cent of total tier I capital.
to ensure that the banking system is in a better position to absorb losses in their (iii) Under Basel II Accord
business. Basel Accord III norms is already introduced and banks are expected focus is to ensure adequate
provision of capital to cover
to achieve this norm by March 31, 2018 in a phased manner. Under this norm losses on account of credit risk,
market risk and operational
banks have to provide a capital conversation butter of 2.5 per cent of risk weighted risk.
assets over and above the minimum capital requirement. Under Basel III accord
(iv) Pillar III under Basel
minimum capital requirement is increased from 9 per cent to 11.5 per cent of all Accord II relates to market
risk weighted assets. Under Basel Accord III the composition of bank capital discipline and public disclosure.
Such instrument has a characteristic of both debt and equity. Till such
instrument is not converted into equity it is called as debt instrument. After
conversion into equity such instrument becomes a part of equity instrument.
4. Basel Accord II
Under this accord banks have to increase their core capital in the form of
equity. Banks have to provide a capital conversation buffer of 2.5 per cent of risk
weighted assets over and above the minimum capital requirement. In view of
this, minimum capital adequacy ratio under Basel accord III is likely to be increased
from 9 per cent to 11.5 per cent of all risk weighted assets.
6. Credit Risk
7. Operational Risk
Operational risk is defined as the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed
internal process, frauds committed by employees, faulty legal documents and
external events like fire, earthquake, flood, etc. Under Basel II accord, operational
risk is separated from credit risk. Further, legal risk is considered as a part of
operational risk.
8. Regulatory Capital
This is the capital which is prescribed by the regulator. The capital which is
worked out under minimum capital adequacy ratio of 9 per cent of risk weighted
assets is considered as regulatory capital.
A key feature of Basel Accord III is that banks have to hold a capital
conservation buffer of 2.5 per cent of risk weighted assets. The objective behind
capital conservation buffer is to ensure that banks maintain a cushion or additional
equity capital that can be used to absorb losses during periods of financial and
economic crisis.
Trading book is comprised of trading assts like securities identified for trading
purpose such as held for trading and available for sale. Banks are required to
provide capital for market risk in trading book.
c) Due to the increased cost of deposits banks net interest margin is under
Financial Markets and Financial
198 Institutions in India - I pressure
d) Basel Accord I is primarily concerned with providing capital to absorb losses Commercial Banks - III : Format
of Financial Statements, Financial
from credit risk Performance & Basel Accords
g) Under Basel II, The RBI has presented capital to risk asset ratio (CRAR)
of 10 per cent for commercial banks.
i) Basel Accord II