Packages Limited is a learning organization where every person whom I interacted during my
internship contributes to making this internship report. I would like to acknowledge the efforts of
the following persons.
First of all, I would like to mention the generosity and kind behavior of Head of costing
department, Mr. Amir Rana, who gave me a chance to work in his department under his kind
control. In making this report, I can never forget the contribution of each person of the costing
department, which let me, learn the internal working of departments with an ease and freedom.
I would like to thank Mr. Tariq Azam, Acconts & Tax Manager and my immediate Supervisor,
who always been kind enough to lend me a helping hand in gathering information from whole
A special thanks to Mr. Hafiz Yaseen, who let me understand and analyze the costing process of
the company.
I, Farooq Sajjad Alam student of MBA from NUCES(FAST) Lahore undertook the internship
with Packages Limited which stands unrivalled in the business of packaging products. The
ultimate motive behind choosing a manufacturing business sector was a large number Financial
activities involved in the day to day business of the organization. Therefore, I proudly felt
satisfaction while working with Packages Limited. The sheer interest and concern of higher
management, excellent working conditions and feasible atmosphere with tremendous
cooperation of the staff of all departments made the learning process so much easy and
productive in all respects.
As for learning purpose, I started internship at packages in costing department. Here I have been
working with Tariq Azam, who primarily manages the accounts and taxation of Sayed Babar Ali
Foundation. I have been also working with Hafiz Yaseen, who primarily deals with costing
process and responsible for producing cost of production report. The whole period of my
internship at packages was full of learning experiences.
Packages Limited was established in 1957 as a joint venture between the Ali Group of Pakistan
and Akerlund & Rausing of Sweden, to convert paper and paperboard into packaging for
consumer industry.
Over the years, the Company continued to enhance its facilities to meet the growing demand of
packaging products. Additional capital was raised from sponsors, International Finance
Corporation and from the public in 1965.
Packages commissioned its own paper mill in 1968 having production capacity of 24,000 tones
of paper and paperboard based on waste paper and agricultural by-products i.e. wheat straw and
river grass. With growing demand the capacity was increased periodically and in January 2003
was nearly 100,000 tones per year.
Production units of Packages Limited have been divided into five:
1. Paper & Board
2. Carton Business Unit
3. Corruwal Business unit
4. Flexible Business Unit
5. Consumer products
1) Paper
The company is producing high quality paper and board since 1965 using environment friendly
manufacturing processes. The company specialize in making a variety of duplex boards and
paper. The ducts are tested for high performance in terms of strength, stiffness and gloss.
Company produces:
High Gloss Writing Paper
Machine glazed / special poster paper
Fluting paper
Liner for shipping cartons
Corrugating medium paper
Wood-free writing/printing paper
Paper quality and weight is determined by the client's specific requirements and Packages
ensures this is carried out to the exact specifications provided.
The company manufactures several types of board. Food Board, a basic raw material in liquid
food packaging, is being manufactured since 1979 for Tetra Pak Pakistan Limited. This material
is used in making aseptic packaging for milk, cream, oil, fruit juices and other perishable food
Technical Expertise: Company’s production capacities exceed 100,000 tonnes per annum, from
four main paper machines of different capabilities. These paper machines are supported by two
pulp mills and a chemical recovery and effluent treatment plant along with allied support
Packages Limited is among the first companies in the world to manufacture paper & paper board
using a pulp mixture of wheat straw, kahi grass, cotton linter, recycled pulp and wood pulp.
These environment-friendly processes use fewer chemicals, resulting in improved strength
properties and increased stacking strength of containers.
5) Consumer Products
A range of products for those annoying problems in life: company’s consumer products feature
great ideas for making everyday living easier and more comfortable, both Indoors and out.
1.Tissue Products
2. Personal Hygiene
3. Paper Products
In the company, there are various productions, service, support Divisions and their respective
sub-departments, which are as follows:
1) Paper & Board Division: Straw and Linter Preparation, Cooking House, Bleaching
House, Chemical House, CRP, CMTP, ETP, Waste Paper Plant, Beater House, Machine
House, Quality Control, Finishing House, maintenance and Instrument.
2) Business Unit- Carton: Offset, Cutting & Creasing including Die making, Lemanic,
Folding & Gluing, Planning Cell Offset Department.
3) Business Unit- Prepress and Logistics: Art & Camera, Reproduction, Paper Stores,
Coating, Dispatch Section, Planning Cell- Prepress Departments
4) Business Unit- Flexible: Flexible Packaging, Paper Conversion Departments and
Planning (FC/FP)
5) Corrugated Division: Planning, Conversion Section & Sheeting Section
6) CPD Production: PM-IV, Tissue Conversion
7) Technical- Power: Electrical Department, Air Conditioning Department, Steam Power
Plant and Diesel Power Plant
8) Technical-Mechanical: Mechanical Workshops & Design Department, Civil &
9) Marketing Division: Sales Office Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad
10) Consumer Products: Sales Office Lahore, Karachi, Islamabad & Multan
11) Finance: Financial Accounts, Cost and Tax, Internal Audit, Accounts and Shares
Department Karachi
12) Commercial: Local Purchase Section, Imports Section and Commercial Office, Karachi
13) Stores & Inventory: Central Stores Packaging and Paper Board, Waste Disposal and
14) Industrial Relations: Industrial Relations, Labor Welfare, Time Office/Establishment
and Legal Section
Finance department has very important role in for any business firm now a days. So Packages
Limited has established its own Finance Department on professional basis. Packages Limited has
different financial managers who are responsible for the financial aspects of the Packages
Limited. This department plays a key role in organization’s performance. Finance department is
responsible to maintains accounts of all departments within the organization. For solving the
complex and difficult problems, Finance Department is segregated into four divisions. These
divisions are as follows:
1. Account Division
2. Internal Audit Division
3. Cost & Tax Division
4. Share’s Division
Since I have been working in costing division of finance department, so the details of this
department is as follows.