KUKA Subprograms and Functions
KUKA Subprograms and Functions
KUKA Subprograms and Functions
;Activate motion driver base
;Get motion driver base
;EK Assignment
;Get end position as POS- or AXIS-data from an EMI-Device (External Motion Interface)
;Get internal state of an EMI Record
;Get start position as POS- or AXIS-data from an EMI-Device (External Motion Interface)
;Aktivierung eines Nullpunkt-Achstreibers
;Reset an Error (see ON_ERROR_PROCEED)
;Raise an Error (see ON_ERROR_PROCEED)
;Execute funtion
;Check state of a dialog message (KSS 5.5 and higher) TRUE: Message still in buffer, FALSE: Message not in buffer (ackno
;Check state of a message (not notify msg) (KSS 5.5 and higher) TRUE: Message still in buffer, FALSE Message not in buffe
;Get cartesian position from AXIS-values
;Returns the number of messages in buffer (up 100) and writes the message in the buffer to OUT parameter MSGBUF[]
;Returns information for the SIGNAL with name SIGNAME
;Get Cycleflag description
;Set a Message (KSS 5.5 and higher) TYPE: kind of message (#NOTIFY...) MSG: basic message information, PAR[]: Param
;Returns the square-root of a real
;Add string to string
;Clear string
;Compare two strings
;Copy string
;Redeclare length of a string
;Find string
;Get length of string
;Convert STRING to AXIS
;Convert STRING to BOOL
;Convert STRING to E3AXIS
;Convert STRING to E3POS
;Convert STRING to E6AXIS
;Convert STRING to E6POS
;Convert STRING to FRAME
;Convert STRING to INT
;Convert STRING to POS
;Convert STRING to REAL
;Convert a KRL-string in a string into a string
;Writing of data to a variable
;Free a workspace
;Block a workspace
Description in German
;Loescht KRL-$Err-Variable
;Verursacht einen definierten Interpreter-Laufzeitfehler
;Gelinkte Kinematik
;Pid File von RDW auf Festplatte (IR_SPEC Verzeichnis) speichern
;Pid File auf RDW abspeichern
CartPos.X= CartPos.X+10.0 ;x direction plus 10 mm
The last parameter is the error status, value equal 0 calculation is o.k.
Eternal axis both in form of a robroot kinematic and as a base kinematic correctly are considere
ic position of the external axis.
witch at defined shear angles injured. (Only possible if ERR_STATUS was at selection time Bit 0 = 0.)
he r math. trafo function