L'exquise Bonheur Is A Prominent, First-Class Parisian Restaurant. It Was
L'exquise Bonheur Is A Prominent, First-Class Parisian Restaurant. It Was
L'exquise Bonheur Is A Prominent, First-Class Parisian Restaurant. It Was
III. VENUE(S): Activity Hall 1, Kitchen, Dining Area, and Cashier, Lexquise Bonheur
Restaurant, Bonifacio Global City.
With a vintage wood and zinc bar, this cherry-red fancy Parisian-Pilipino corner
restaurant is easy an spot to drop into for a morning coffee, Sunday lunch and a lazy
dinner. The flavors will satisfy customers cravings through its secret recipes which
have been passed by the great ancestors of Ms. Rosseau. From the wines that will give
you the significance of happiness and to the meals and coffees that will make you
remember the meaning of love, the Lexquise Bonheur Restaurant is definitely a must-
have on each family, friends and business peoples bucket list.
Effective running of a food business takes many hands. That is why Lexquise
Bonheur wants to improve the employees skills in its job since if one of its workers lack
in experience or qualification in doing the job, it can disrupt the entire task or job
operation. From the host/hostess getting guests to their tables to servers getting the meals
to the table, from the cashier greeting each guest to crew members quickly preparing food,
right down to the general manager overseeing everything, everyone has their part.
At the end of the 5-day training, the participants are expected to:
c. Be able to deal with problems that may arise in the food service.
d. Be able to communicate effectively with his/her co-workers, customers and
e. Master manipulative or hands-on skills development, such as cutting, chopping,
and garnishing.
f. Understand the importance of sanitation and food safety. Also, be able to determine
whether food can and cannot be served to their customers.
g. Increase revenue and profits while decreasing costs, waste, and inefficiencies.
h. Have the knowledge about table setting and place setting.
i. Have a pleasing personality when welcoming guests, taking orders, and presenting
j. Be familiar with the content of the menu.
k. Establish good listening skills.
l. Feel welcome and own their responsibilities.
m. Suspend negative judgements and respond respectfully and constructively to
inappropriate behaviors.
Lexquise Bonheur is a well-known first-class restaurant in the Philippines. It
aims to serve high-class quality food along with quality service that is accommodating
for its customers. To continue its good service and good food, Lexquise Bonheur aims
to improve its employees efficiency and job performance.
Last July 2016, the Human Resources Department hired 50 new employees,
including 15 food preparation staff, 20 waiters/waitresses, 10 cashiers, and 5
hosts/hostesses. They are divided into 2 groups: the AM and the PM shift staff. With
this, all new employees are required to undergo a 3-day training workshop. The training
is designed for them to be familiar with the rules, regulations, procedures and protocol
of the company and to be efficient in doing the job assigned to their position. An
orientation will commence in the first two days. On the third until the fifth day of the
training program, they will be placed on a simulation and application stage where they
will apply their learnings in the real setting of the job.
Lexquise Bonheur
321 Ayala Building, 5th St. cor. 29th St.
Bonifacio Global City
1634 Taguig City, Philippines
Orientation on Job Description and Practice (Day 1, PM). The participants will
be oriented on how to do their job. The speaker will discuss each job in detail
including the shifts, the usual problems encountered, sanitary practices, and the
1. In the morning, the participants will have a group activity called Pass the
Message. Afterwards, the facilitator will give input and provide hand-
2. In the afternoon, the facilitator will conduct a simulation activity for the
participants wherein the participants will take turns being
waiters/waitresses/food prep staff/cashiers and customers. They will role
play their jobs and the customers will also role play their part. The
participants acting as customers will portray different situations that are
possible to occur (e.g. unruly customers, spilling food on floor, angry
customers complaining about food quality, etc.). Afterwards, the facilitator
will give input about the importance of good communication skills in the
workplace and in handling situations.
Job Demonstration (Day 3, AM and PM). The heads of each department will
guide the participants in the framework and routine inside the kitchen. The
participants will be demonstrated on how to do certain jobs. For hosts/hostesses,
they will be taught on how to greet guests, handle problems and unruly customers.
Waiters and waitresses will be shown how to wait on customers complete with
etiquette and table setting. For food prep staff, they will be shown how to handle
food properly while preparing it, how to plate and serve the food, and proper
sanitation. For cashiers, they will be taught how to punch orders, handle money and
bills, and how to handle technical problems, refunds, etc.
Job Practice (Day 4 to 5, AM and PM). The new employees will work alongside
the old employees in shifts. They will be closely supervised and taught on how to
do certain jobs and accommodating customers. They will apply their knowledge
and skills in the job assigned to them. On Day 5, less supervision is intended, as the
participants are expected to apply and practice efficiently everything they learned.
Lexquise Bonheur
321 Ayala Building, 5th St. cor. 29th St.
Bonifacio Global City
1634 Taguig City, Philippines
Lexquise Bonheur
321 Ayala Building, 5th St. cor. 29th St.
Bonifacio Global City
1634 Taguig City, Philippines
The participants performance throughout the training program will be evaluated through
the following criteria:
Criteria Rating
5 4 3 2 1
Communi- The The The The employee The employee
cation Skills employee employee has employee has needs lacks
displays good fair improvement communicatio
efficient communicati communicati in interaction n skills and
communicat on skills. on skills. and does not know
ion skills. He/she can He/she can communicatin how to handle
He/she interact well mingle well g his/her situations.
knows how with his/her with his/her thoughts to
to handle co-workers co-workers, his/her co-
situations and but lacks workers.
and how to customers, confidence in He/she needs
interact but needs talking to lacks skills in
with his/her improvement customers. handling
co-workers in handling He/she needs situations in
as well as situations. improvement the real setting.
customers. in handling
Proper The The The The employee The employee
Hygiene/ employee employee is employee is wears is not careful
Sanitation practices careful in careful in incomplete in handling
proper handling food handling food uniform, lacks food, does not
sanitation and practices and wears proper wear proper
(e.g. proper proper sanitation and uniform, and
washing of sanitation but uniform but hygiene, but does not
hands, does not wear lacks proper shows careful practice proper
wearing proper sanitation and handling of sanitation and
gloves in uniform hygiene. food. hygiene.
preparing (particularly
food, etc.), wearing
wears hairnet).
uniform and
is careful in
Lexquise Bonheur
321 Ayala Building, 5th St. cor. 29th St.
Bonifacio Global City
1634 Taguig City, Philippines
The participants will also be given an evaluation form for improvement of the companys future
training programs. The evaluation is as stated below:
To ensure our training programs are exciting, informative, and fun, we would like your
comments and suggestions. Please fill out this evaluation.
1. How did you feel about your restaurant trainers and facilitators performance?
1 = Poor
2 = Fair
Lexquise Bonheur
321 Ayala Building, 5th St. cor. 29th St.
Bonifacio Global City
1634 Taguig City, Philippines
3 = Good
4 = Very Good
5 = Excellent
Attitude _____
Image _____
Preparation/Organization _____
Knowledge _____
Communication _____
Helpfulness _____
Patience _____
3. Were there any topics/exercises you did not enjoy? _________ If so, what are they?
4. Which topics got your interest and made you more knowledgeable?
13. Did you feel comfortable with the rest of your co-workers? Yes No
14. Please offer any comments and suggestions to improve restaurant unit training.
Thank you for your valuable input. This evaluation is confidential. If you would like to
speak to anyone in our department, feel free to leave your name and telephone number.