2010 1 386 PDF
2010 1 386 PDF
2010 1 386 PDF
University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Iai
In a changing world, the needs of those who learn English also evolve. In the last decades, the English courses for
specific groups of learners have become highly important. English for special purposes found its way after the II World
War. As for Romania, even if there was a certain interest in this field, it was taken to the next level only after 1990,
when there appeared the economic and technological background for the development of this type of English.
The scientific paper presents methods used for teaching the technical vocabulary to the first year students of the faculty
of agriculture, the specialization of Technology of Processing Agricultural Products. The technical texts that are studied
during the first year are those related to different types of cereals, such as wheat, maize, oats, barley, rice and millet.
There is also a unit that deals with the history of food processing and types of preserving foodstuffs. The vocabulary
awareness has in view various types of exercises, such as: true or false exercises and answering questions synonyms and
antonyms, matching words, word-building types of exercises, find the mistakes, translation of technical texts both from
Romanian into English and from English into Romanian.
Typical mistakes have been found and we propose ways of correcting them.
We noticed that during the students performance the most frequent mistakes were those of pronunciation. When
learning the new vocabulary, the students confused words, trying to use the more common one; also they misspelled
and misused words.
Key words: English for Specific Purposes, communicative competences, vocabulary awareness.
Our world is rapidly changing and so is observations taken during the semester from the
English. After the Second World War, when conversations and also the handouts used during
different fields of activity developed, there has the courses.
been an increasing need for learning English. At
the same time, the language we speak be it English RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS
or Romanian, varies from one context to another.
This naturally has led to the development of Although manufacturing and production of
English courses for specific groups of learners. different types of goods appeared since the 19th
Basically, it should be easy to identify the century, the breakthrough took place after the II
features of specific situations and then make these World War. Together with them, English turned
features the basic material of the course. But most into a world wide used language.
difficulties, which happen to be the very important The need for specialized English made
ones, appear when using different methods to teach methodologists turn their attention to this narrow
technical vocabulary. domain: English for Specific Purposes.
As suggested by its name, English for Even if the study of ESP started together
Specific Purposes covers the common nucleus, the with the study of linguistics, in 1988, Strevens was
basic structure and categories of Basic English and the first to make the distinction between absolute
the variations relevant to the specific domain. and variable characteristics of ESP. For him, the
Along the years, the guiding principle of English ESP absolute characteristics were: designed to
for Specific Purposes has become Tell me what meet specified need of the learners, related in
you need English for and I will tell you the English content to particular disciplines, centred on the
that you need. language appropriate to those activities in syntax,
lexis etc., and the analysis of this discourse, and in
MATERIAL AND METHOD contrast with General English. In the variable
characteristics, ESP was restricted to the language
The basic materials for the research skills to be learned and was not taught to any pre-
consisted in the written papers of the students, the ordained methodology.
Lucrri tiinifice - vol. 53, Nr. 1/2010, seria Agronomie
Universitatea de tiine Agricole i Medicin Veterinar Iai
Lucrri tiinifice - vol. 53, Nr. 1/2010, seria Agronomie
appears only in the Oxford Dictionary, (Bot.) From the experience gained along the years
plant of family Gramineae, including also cereals, we came to the conclusion that these types of
reeds, and bamboos (Oxford Dictionary, p. 467) exercises are the most appropriate for the 1st year
c) ear translated as organ of hearing students at the specialization of Technology of
instead of the part at the top of a plant such as Processing Agricultural Products for acquiring the
wheat that contains the grain (Macmillan, p. 436) necessary technological vocabulary. They can be
d) spike the definition belonging to Basic adapted and improved through the course design;
English, sharp point, pointed piece of metal is while generally playing a relatively minor part in
more often used, while the appropriate one is the life of the General English teacher, for the
flower cluster of many sessile flowers arranged English for Special Purposes teacher, course
closely on long common axis (Oxford Dictionary, design is often a substantial and important part of
p. 1104) the workload.
There are other exercises to enrich the
technical vocabulary, most of the time proving CONCLUSIONS
itself essential during a specialized conversation.
When teaching we ask the students to do word- The interest in English for Specific Purposes
building type of exercises. Some of the terms are has grown in Romania after 1990.
used in their technical context, but we also give We analysed the mistakes made by the 1st
examples from other areas in interest or from Basic year students in TPAP within UASVM Iasi while
English. Some examples in point are: acquiring the new technical vocabulary.
rancid rancidity: Prevention of may The most frequent mistakes were those of
become a problem in such baked goods as word confusion.
crackers, cookies, and fruit cake which may be In order to improve the students accuracy of
stored for longer or shorter periods (RANCID). using technical English, we presented several
pasteurize pasteurization: is the process learning strategies, types of exercises and remedial
of heating a liquid, particularly milk, to a measures.
temperature between 55 and 70 C, to destroy
harmful bacteria without materially changing BIBLIOGRAPHY
the composition or the nutritive value of the
liquid (PASTEURIZE). Basturkmen, H., 2006 - Ideas and Options in English for
Specific Purposes.
germ germination: The idea of setting up Dudley-Evans, T., John, M.J. St., 1998 - Developments
his own company began to in his mind. (GERM). in ESP: a Multi-Disciplinary Approach, Cambridge
gluten glutinous: The major production University Press, Cambridge.
areas for rice are the upper northern and north- Hutchinson, T., Waters, A., 2006 - English for Specific
Purposes: a Learning-Centered Approach,
eastern regions of Thailand where water is Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.
scarce. (GLUTEN). Kouilova, M., 1979 - Teaching English for Specific
boil parboil: Firstly, he and then sauted Purposes, from British Medical Journal, 2, BMJ
the new potatoes.(BOIL). Publishing Group Ldt., London.
flower inflorescence: The of rice is made Levichi, L., 1974 - Dicionar englez-romn, Editura
Academiei Romne, Bucureti
up of spikelets bearing flowers that produce the st
Mihalache, R., 2010 - English for 1 Year Students in
fruit. (FLOWER) (Mihalache, R., 2010., pp.14, 76). Technology of Processing Agricultural Products,
At the end of the seminar we solve more Editura Tehnopress, Iai.
difficult exercises, which need even more Sykes, J.B., 1976 - The Concise Oxford Dictionary,
Oxford University Press, Oxford
attention. Thus, students can have exercises which * * *, 2006 - Macmillan English Dictionary for Advanced
ask them to find the mistakes and also to translate learners, Macmillan Publishers, Oxford
texts, either from English into Romanian or vice