Basic Bookkeeping
Basic Bookkeeping
Basic Bookkeeping
Debits and credits
Assets = liabilities + equity
Do you use accounting software?
What do you want to learn?
Why should you keep a set of books?
Debits = credits
Debits are the left side
Credits are the right side
You can create a number of different expense
accounts so that you can properly track your costs of
your business. Some expenses are recurring on a
monthly basis, e.g. telephone use while other
expenses, such as the purchase of tools or repair of
equipment will vary.
Practice your understanding of a T-account
Journals are used to enter financial data. You can also set
up many other subsidiary journals. Were just going to
deal with these four journals. You will be analyzing
these transactions on the following pages and deciding
which journal to debit and which journal to credit.
Setting up the Journals for Broken Pots R Us