2600: The Hacker Quarterly (Volume 3, Number 8, August 1986)

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AUGUST, 1986

2600 HANG

KNOWING UNIX by The Kid & Co.

The UNIX operating system is popular among most major $
universities and companies such as AT&T. Learning how to The $ is the command prompt. Once you have this. you are
hack and use UNIX is important to any serious phone phreak ready to start hacking away. First we will learn how to use the
or hacker. tel net program to send mail to anyone on the system without
UNIX is a marvelous system which exists in many different having your hacked account's username attached to it! You can
forms: UNIX Release 7. UNIX 4.2BSD. UNIX System V. even make the mail look like it came from anyone on the system
Currently. efforts are underway to make all systems conform to or even from another system! Below we see a C program which
the UNIX System V interface standards. This will make the allows you to do this in a nice neat way:
jobs of programming Unix systems and hacking them much lIinclude (stdio.h) fuse 'greater than, less than' brackets on this line
easier since everything will be "compatible." The techniques I instead of parenthesesf
am about to discuss should work under the two most popular main(argc,argv)
versions-UNIX System V and UNIX 4.2BSD. The UNIX char *argv{];
int argc;
operating system has a reputation of not being very secure. yet ( fuse an open squiggly bracket here]
many attempts have been made to make it that way. Many of FILE *popenO, *fp;
them have been successful. Now let us embark on our quest for char ch, to[SI], fromrSI], subject[SI];
root (super user privileges).
if(argc != 2)
In order to hack a UNIX system. you must learn how to ( fuse an open squiggly bracket here]
identify one. UNIX systems all have the same login and printf("To: ");
password prompts. These prompts appear to be unique to this gets(to);
system. therefore it is not even necessary to penetrate the system ) fuse a closed squiggly bracket here]
to identify it. The login prompts shown below are the standard else
strcpy( to, argv{ I]);
prompts: printf("From: ");
login: gets(from);
Password: printf("Subject: ");
In order to start hacking. one must first get into a regular gets( subject);
user's account on the system. On some systems passwords are fp=popen("telnet hubcap 25 ))/dev/null","w"); fuse two 'greater
than' signs before the '/ dev 1
not even required. but they are suggested. Usually there are a fprintf(fp,"mail from: %s/n",from); freplace slashes with
few accounts on every machine with no password to them. All backslashes]
that must be obtained to gain entry to these password-less fprintf(fp,"rcpt to: %s/n", to); fsame as above]
accounts is the username. Finding a username is not an easy fprintf(fp,"data/nSubject: %s/n/n",subject); fsame as above]
thing to do. The system could make the task of finding a while«ch=getchar()) != EOF) fuse two 'less than' signs after the
'while 1
username easier if it allowed "command logins." One system I fputc( ch,fp);
know of allowed anyone to type the username "who" at the fputs("/n./nquit/n",fp); freplace slashes with backslashes]
login prompt and receive a list of all the users currently logged pclose(fp);
into the system. If a hacker were to encounter a system with this ) fuse a closed squiggly bracket heref
feature (hnle). his job would be made considerably easier. He This program should be placed into a file which ends in .c on
could collect a list of usernames by using this "who" login the system and then compiled. One should use either ed or vi to
several times. Once one has a list of users. all one needs to do is create the file. It is not necessary to explain how to use these
guess the passwOlds which are typically easy even for the programs since that information can be obtained by typing
beginner. Here are some usernames along with some likely either "man ed" or "man vi" at the command prompt. If we
passwords. Notice the obvious patterns here. The specific were to place this program into the file fakemail.c then we
usernames are not significant except in the case of root and field would use the following command to compile it:
since these two accounts appear on every UNIX system. cc -0 fakemail fakemail.c
Username Password Comments To run the program. just type fakemail and it will run and
root superusr The Super User Account prompt you. To terminate the message just type a control-D
field hardware Field Maintenance (has root privs) (the UNIX EOF mark). You can have a lot of fun confusing
ght gthgth Average user (notice the pattern)
len len123 Another average user
users by sending mail which appears to be from someone of
Successful login to a UNIX system would look something importance like "root" or other important users.
like the following: All UNIX operating systems allow all users to look at the
password file. Unfortunately the passwords are all encrypted.
Password: One can look at this file by typing "cat! etc! passwd" from the $
Last login: Tue May 20 23:30:32 on ttyS2 prompt. Although you cannot get the actual passwords from
this file you can get a list of every user on the system and a list of
Welcome to hackvax those users which do not have any passwords. If a user does not
Vax 11/7S0
4.2BSD have a password, the encrypted password field will be null. The
* type "man xxxx" for information on xxxx ...
3-57 (continued on page 3-64)
A Trip To England
by John Drake
The follm... ing article comes to us from a writer who is 190 Telemessage-if you have something to say and prefer to
spendi~g some time in the United Kingdom. We welcome say it in writing
future contributions from other writers in other countries. 191 Any other call enquiries
Please contact us if you have something to offer. London General Information Services-Charged
Phone Card Phones (London area code is 01 inside U.K.)
British Telecom is trying to increase the number of these 246 8071 British Gas Recipeline (Mon-Fri 8am-6pm)
telephone booths throughout England since there is no money 2468024 Capital Radioline
involved. and thus no reason to break into them. Phone cards 246 8050 Challengeline-brain teasers (answer the following
are the same size as credit cards but they are green on black day)
plastic base. The units of each card are divided up into two 2468007 Children's London-events and competitions
tracks of 100 units. Cards come in denominations of 10. 20, 50. 154 Daily Express Cricketline (during test matches played in
100, and 200 units. One unit is the same as 10 pence. To use the London and other matches 8am-7pm)
other track on the card (if there is one) you simply turn it 2468070 Daily Mirror Telefun show
a round and insert the opposite long length of the card into the 2468066 Eventline-Motor sport info
phone when the first track is all used up. 2468026 Financial Times Cityline-for business news and FT
The phone "burns off" a unit at a timed interval which is index
determined by the number you dialed. You can make 2468066 Financial Tim~s Cityline-international market
international calls from these phones. Free calls locally, long- reports
distance. or international can be made from these phones by 2468044 Golden Hitline-hits from 60's & 70's
disconnecting (cutting the wire or inserting a switch) the right 246 8041 Leisureline-daily selection of events in and around
wire that contains the incoming timing signals. The wires are London
color coded but BT (British Telecom) constantly changes this 2468043 French version of above
color coding. You can use a voltmeter to deduce which wire you 246 8045 German version of above
have to cut. The problem arises that the wire is usually hidden 2468033 National Summaries-Air
and protected unless it's in a school or in a building as opposed 246 8030 National Summaries-Rail (Inter City & London
to a phone booth. You can always disconnect it at its source Service)
which is inside the phone. It stands to reason that since the 2468031 National Summaries-Road (Motorways)
phonecard phones contain no money that the locks will be lax 246 8032 National Summaries-Sea
or. easier yet, standardized for all phones. Once inside. you can 246 8000 Puffin Storyline (bedtime stories from 6pm each
disconnect the wire going into the write head. night)
There is such a phone at an international school in London. 2468055 Spaceline (space mission information)
The wires of the phone are very bare and I believe that someone 2468020 Sportsline-general roundup
at the school has figured out which is the right wire to cut. The 2468000 Starline-for your daily horoscope (6am-6pm daily)
students lJave been making free international phone calls 123 Timeline-for the speaking clock (24 hour service)
around the world for several months now. British Telecom has 2468091 Weatherline-London area
been around to fix the phone several times to no avail. Finally, 2468008 Woolworth-a selected LP featured each week
two weeks ago, they cut all the wires and left the phone for dead. 160 Woolworth- 24 hours a day
During the past week they have reconnected the phone and for 168 William Hill Raceline-horse racing results and
the time being it is burning off the credits when you make a call. information
The wires going into the phone are still bare .... Engineers' Tests
Modem Standards 170 to 179 plus your last four digits is the self test number for
Prestel's odd standard of 1200175 has carried over to most your phone.
other non-Prestel systems. This includes mainframes, 175 Line fault test- Dial 175 then your last four digits, let it
Viewdata, and even some BBS's. 300/300 (not U.S. ring. you will hear something, hang up. Your phone will ring,
compatible) modems are becoming more popular as are answer it. and then dial9. A list of diagnostics will be read off to
1200/1200 (U.S. compatible). Other speed configurations are you by a computer.
1200175 Viewdata and 1200 Spectrum. There isa device which Long Distance Operators
clips onto the modem port and that acts as a buffer for your 0800890011 UK to AT&T long distance operators
1200 baud modem and makes it compatible with the 1200;75 18004455667 AT&T to British Telecom's operators
computers here.
U.K. Operator Numbers
999 Emergencies--fire, police, ambulance, cave rescue. coast
guard, and mountain rescue
142 Information for London Postal Area
192 Information for numbers outside London
100 Operator Services-alarm calls. advice of duration &
charge. credit card calls, fixed time calls. free fone calls.
personal calls. international calls, transferred charge calls,
subscriber controlled transfer
151 Faults-repair service
193 International Telegrams-send to most countries
100 Maritime Services-ships' telegram serVice, ships'
telephone service
155 Inmarsat Satellite Service
--- =-=
--=:--=- -- ---=-_.
-- ~=

-- - ---
-- ---
= = = === =
- - -
- ===-=-=-=
Phone Fraud in Governor's House The companies are fighting back. Among other steps. they
Philatll.'lrtua Inuutn~r have fitted their switching equipment with anti-fraud software
Though his aides insist it was mostly a case of "kids being and forged a new industry coalition to bolster prosecution
kids." Governor Thornburgh's state telephone credit card was efforts. Some companies permit customers who are traveling to
used for hundreds of personal calls. some 'of them made by place calls only to numbers in their home area codes.
members of the governor's family. Many companies have joined the Communications Fraud
The personal Icing distance calls-dating to the beginning of Control Association. a trade group formed last year to combat
the Thornburgh administration-were included in bills toll fraud. The companies complain. however. that they don't
submitted to the state. They were routinely processed and paid always get the cooperation they expect from local law-
in full. It was only recently. when word of inquiries from a enforcement agencies.
reporter filtered back to Thornburgh's press office. that a In February. Teltec Saving Communications Co .. a Miami-
review was done on the phone bills. based long distance company. filed suit in state court against 38
The review showed that about $4.330 worth of personal people, including the operators of seven electronic bulletin
long-distance phone calls had been made in a 6Y2 year period boards. accusing them of either using fraudulently obtained
ending in.October 1985. All of those calls had been made using codes or permitting them to be posted. Although the case hasn't
the state telephone credit-card number assigned to the yet gone to trial. some defendants have settled out of court.
governor. agreeing as part of the settlement to post the word on
A spokesman said that Thornburgh personally reimbursed underground electronic networks that computer crime doesn't
the state for $1.751.98 worth of calls made bv members of his pay.
family. He said the state also had been reimb~rsed by a private Teltec has put its own message in bulletin boards where it
citizen. whom he would not name. for an additional $2.582.52 found its codes posted. offering up to $10.000 for information
in personal long-distancee calls that had been made by "a on who was posting the codes. It has also posted phony codes.
teenager" using the governor's card number. then traced people who used them.

BB Watching VDT Operators Leave Our Poles Alone!

VSATnda'" .IC'r..C'~,' Journal
8.6 million video display terminal operators are being In fun view of local police. RepUblican congressional
monitored by their computers. according to the National candidate Albio Sires recently carried out his planned "civil
Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. disobedience" by nailing a political poster to a utility pole.
Employers-such as insurance companies. airlines. "Those are our poles."said a spokesman for New Jersey Bell.
supermarkets, post offices. and telephone companies-are "The posters are a safety halard. We don't want them. We say
using computers to record when an operator is off a VDT. please leave our poles alone."
count kevstrokes bv the second. time customer service
transactio"ns. and track errors. They say workers do more when Phone Booths Mauled Then Stolen
they know they're being watched. I on!! hland ~e\\~ay

"Yes. in the short term you can squeeze more out of people." "Someone apparently used a chain attached toa truck." said
says Harley Shaiken. technology professor at the University of a New York Telephone spokesman when he referred to two
California in San Diego. "But in the long term. it destroys phone booths that were stolen. Each of the missing booths
creativity and the initiative and desire to do a good job." weighed 400 pounds. And each was secured by a six-inch bolt to
PSA Inc. of San Diego began in March to give demerits to a concrete slab outside Weir's Delicatessen in Medford.
reservation agents who don't meet certain standards. PSA Town highway department workers reported the booths
agents are allowed to leave their terminals a total of72 minutes missing at 4:50 am. Telephone company employees inspected
during an 8.5-hour shift. They can't spend more than 109 the site and found only the bolts surrounded by pieces of
seconds per call and more than II seconds between calls. If they broken glass as well as smashed panels and rubber molding.
do. they collect demerits: 37 in a year could get them fired. According to Weir's clerk the theft was the final indignity
Workers are fighting back in unusual ways. Some are suffered by the booths. "People would slam the phone down.
hanging up on customers to reduce average call times. Others break the receiver. take a hammer and bam." he said. "Thev'd
fake work. holding a finger on a key and filling computer get mad when they'd lose their money." "
screens with one letter. The New York Telephone spokesman said that public
[Readers: we welcome any other suggestions for beating this phones get "bombed. bludgeoned and stuffed." But. he added.
horrible. nasty system. These people need our help!] "It's unusual to see a booth hauled off."
New York Telephone is offering a $2.000 reward for
LD Companies Strike Back information about the theft. The number to call is 8005225599.
The Wall ~trett Journal The numbers of the missing payphones were 5167328600 and
Victor and Betty Humphrey got a surprise package on their 5167328550.
38th wedding anniversary last month: a $258,000 bill for long
distance phone calls they didn't make. The Ghost in the Machine
GTE Sprint says the 5.6OO-page, 24-pound bill resulted from Time

fraud. During a six-day dialing spree. it says. inmates at prisons The 911 operators have learned that when they get a call and
across the country charged 46.000 calls to the Humphrey's code hear no voice on the line. a cordless phone is ftequently at fault.,
before the company cancelled and replaced the number. A rogue phone's dialing system is apparently triggered by low
But while the Humphrey's are offthe hook. Sprint isn't. They batteries. or by interference from household gadgets such as
must pay the costs of providing service. whether or not they microwave ovens. fluorescent lights. hair dryers. and garage-
themselves get paid. Investigators say that illegitimate use of door openers. Three-digit numbers are hit most often (411 for
billing codes issued to customers of companies other than directory assistance also gets such calls).
AT&T was responsible for a significant portion of the For emergency operators. the problem is more than a
estimated $500 million that the long distance industry lost to nuisance. Silent calls must be traced. in case a human rather
toll fraud last year. than a phantom needs help.
Dear 2600:
letters of the month of printouts in his hand and a stern look on his face.
Congratulations on the apparent success of your newsletter. 1 The password-grabber command procedure presented in the
learn something from each issue. Your points on the power of article illustrates a number of blunders:
computers and the information that is processed on them are I. First, that "%DCL-F-TRANS"crap is completely bogus,
correct. And you provide a valuable service by attempting to in several senses of the word. Why bother faking a login and
educate your readers and (sometimes) chide those who would making up an error message when you can just simulate a user
use the information improperly. validation error and make it look as though the user has mis-
I work on the other side of the fence~data security for a large typed his password') Simulating a login error and killing the
corporation. I don't always like what you say about the process is a lot safer than presenting the user (who may not be
condition of my profession--because it is usually too painfully all that stupid. even if he is a system manager) with a series of
true!'! I also have the nature to try, test, and explore new areas obviously bogus "system" messages.
to see what happens. But I wouldn't proceed to the point of 2. You can use the DCL command "STOPjlDENT=O" to
"crashing" or "disabling"a system as was stated on page 3-42 of log out without generating a message. This doesn't require any
your June issue. Finally. the point of my letter' privilege at all. In a program, you can use SYS$DELPRC.
Please don't tell people how to crash a computer system. It 3. Using INQUIRE to read the username and password is
may prove your technical superiority, or that you can read a foolish when you can use the READ command with the
technical manual. However. just as the lives of many innocent : PROMPT and !ERR qualifiers. Also, READ has a timeout
people connected with your BBS and others were unjustly and option. By the way, the default timeout count at login is 30
adversely affected by raids by uneducated and unqualified seconds. not 20 seconds as implied in the article.
intruders. crashing a major (or minor) computer system has 4. The command procedure given doesn't use SET
serious consequences to innocent people, directly or indirectly MESSAGE to get rid of any error messages which might
And, unless you know the effect you have on my busines~ possibly be generated if things go wrong--another potential
(retail. oil, banking, public utility, medical care, etc.), you are source of user tip-offs that something fishy is going on.
just as naive. over-your-head. and dangerous as the authorities Where VMS is concerned, the whole password-grabber
that confiscate a BBS. concept is practically obsolete anyway, since VMS V 4 defines a
On a lighter note. we don't need your help anyway. We crash terminal characteristic called "SECURESERVER" which was
our systems on an irregular basis. Unintentionally. of course designed specifically to foil password-grabber programs. When
Which help~ explain why you see so few computer professionals a terminal1ine has this characteristic set, pressing the BREAK
loitering in pool halls these days. They are too busv trying to key at login is guaranteed to disconnect any process running on
recover from the latest/ greatest technology. the terminal
Keep up the good work A few other notes: I) ControT-T isn't very useful at login time.
The Stopper Repeated control-Y's immediately following the password are
Dear Stopper: more useful. hut the "DISCTLY" flag in the UAF prevents
Please note that those people who confiscate BBS:~ get the them from having any effect. 2) Using "890" as a file version
full support of law, unlike those who crash main~rrames. numher is silly (Suppose that version 891 or higher already
On \1'hether or not we will stop printing Sl'stem shut-down exists.) The number you want is 32767; that's the maximum
pmcedures ... that is something we shall consider. Our main possihle version number. RTFM! 3) The first "Trojan horse"
point is 10 shO\1' how easill' it can he done bv anJ'one-a procedure given should include the command "SET
computer huff or a saboteur DFFAULT SYS$LOGIN" before the DELETE command
Dear 2600: which is supposed to get rid ofthe incriminating LOGIN.COM
I am a lawyer with an avid interest in BBS's or SIG's that file
handle law-related material or are aimed at lawyers. Do you or As operating systems go, VMS is very secure, and it's
your readers know of any such boards other than the SIG 's on hecoming more so with each new release. (Unfortunate but
CompuServe. the Source, and Bix') Are there any that have shut true) According to DEC. a version of VMS will have the
down') I would like to hear from anyone who has had an~ Defense Department's highest possible security rating within
experience with these boards or lawyers who use them. two or three years.
I am on CompuServe. BIX, and ABA/net (1825). In parting. I offer you at 2600 a slogan for your masthead:
Rees Morrison "The road of access leads to the palace of wisdom." Apologies
14 Montrose Road to William Blake
Scarsdale, NY 10583 j
Dear Mr. Morrison: Dear 2600:
Please send us the list of the law-related BBS:~ that you knoH I noticed a problem in the password grabber described on
or and we ask our other readers to do the same. We can puhlish page 3-49 of your July 1986 issue. In the narrative, it says that
(hem in the near future. control-Y is disabled, but the code doesn't actually disable
Dear 2600: control-V: it merely provides direction on what to do if a
As a veteran VAX/VMS wizard and a new subscriber 10 cont rol-Y IS encountered. In this case. if a control-Y is entered
2600. I was interested to see the front-page article (July 1986) on during the wait period, then the program will just continue with
the subject of VMS security hacking. I was disappointed. the next step after the control-Y interrupt. Since there is no step
though. to find that "Violating a V AX"dealt with the subject at after the WAIT. the program will exit in this case. To use the
a junior-high level. I'm not necessarily criticizing the article 01 ON CONTROI-Y effectively in this case, you need to loop
its author on that account; we all have to crawl before we learn hack so that any control-Y will reset the wait timer: $LOOP:,
to walk. and all that. However, I'd like to save would-be VMS $ON CONTROl .-Y THEN GOTO LOOP, $W AIT 01 :00:00.
hackers some emharrassment by pointing out a few mistakes «1 An e\en hetter solution would he to actually disable the
avoid If vou do things Baalzebub's way, your friendly local control- Y earh in the program with a SET NOCONTROL
'\ stem manager will soon he knocking at your door with a sheaf command In fact. it would be useful to also disable control-T
(continued on paRe 3-64)
The 2600 Information Bureau
10007 Teletllarketlns 202 783 7213 [DC, Philly, part of VAl
10054 Eastern Telephone 215 628 4111 [PhillYl
10066 Lexitel 800 631 4835
10080 AMtel
10084 LOS Metroludia Lons Distance
10085 Westel, Inc.
10203 Cytel
10211 RCI 800 458 7000
10220 Western Union
10221 Telesaver 201 488 4417, 202 982 1169 [eastern cities]
10222 MCI 800 624 6240
10223 TDX SYsteMs, Inc. (For business onl y)
10235 Inteleplex 609 348 0050 [Southern NJl
10288 AT&T 800 222 0300
10333 US TelecoM 800 531 1985
10366 AMerican Telco, Inc.
10444 Allnet 800 982 8888
10464 Houston Network, Inc.
10488 ITT 800 526 3000
10777 GTE Sprint 800 521 4949
10800 Satelco
10824 ATC/Directline
10850 Tollkal 800 646 1676 [Northern NJl
10855 Network plus 703 352 1171 [DC Metro area]
10888 SBS Skyline 800 368 6900, Cno auto EA. need acct]
235 2001

Editor and Publisher
IISS~ 0749-385\)
Phonecard I Lift the receiver
and listen fnr dial
Twenty Six Hundred
tone (continuous
purring or new dial
Associate Editors tone - a high
Eric Corley David Ruderman pitched hum).

Executive Director BBS Operator

Helen Victory Tom Bllch
2. Insert thl' eml
into the slot, grt.'l'11
Cartoonist Junk Mail Receiver ,side up, in the
Dan Holder Richard Petrovich direction of the
arrow, and press it
fully home.

Writers: John Drake, Paul Estev, Mr French. Emmanuel

Goldstein, Chester Holmes, The Kid & Company. Lex Luthor ... ~ ... .) Dial the number

Lord Phreaker, Mike Salerno, The Shadow, Silent Switchman YOU want. The digital
and the usual anonymous bunch • • (Iispla" will show
the number of
2600 is published by 2600 Enterprises, Inc., an eleemosynarv , unused units on the
organization. _ _ _ _ _ _-' card (or on the track
ANNUAL SUBSCRIPTION RATES $12. IndiVidual; $30 corporate ;lctually inserted in the case of a 2()O unit
$20, overseas. card). Listen f( lr the ringing t( lIlC and
LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION $260. SPONSORSHIP $2600 ,peak when connccted The credit units
BACK ISSUES: $2 each, indiVidual, $3 each, corporate. ,Ire progressivciy erased as shown on the
$2.50 each, overseas. digital display
MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO 2600 Enterprises, inc
WRITE TO 2600, PO. Box 752, Middle Island. NY 11953·0752 Follow-on calls.
TELEPHONE (516) 751-2600. PRIVATE SECTOR BBS !201 \ 366442 1 II \ (Ill !l;l\e ullused units remaining
ADVERTISING DEPARTMENT PO Box 762. Middle island N" , "I ;1 (;1'" I ;lnd YOU wish to make a net\'
11953-0762. Call for rates (,ill, ti,) Il( ,t H'l)bn' tlte rl'lci\·er. In'itcad,
11953-0099. We readily accept articles, letters. clippings artwork and
hl'll'lh dcpress ;lIld release the reccivcr
resl As S"<11l ;IS \IlU hC;lr the dial tone
data for publication
..gain. IIHI (;1I111U\.;(, \"Illr ncxt call
POSTMASTER This is private mail
(sec pURe 3-51'! jor more details on this)
Thil il a lilt of area codel and the nUlber of exchanges bein, used in each one.
It will give an idea of what area codes are filling u~, as we I as which ones
are unused. This list cOles to us frol Telecol Diges , via Private Sector.
603 193
201 543 North Jersey. Getting right up there. 604 480
202 437 605 310
203 349 606 240
204 308 607 146
205 522 60B 210
206 431 609 204
207 306 610 0
208 246 612 424
209 257 613 220
212 467 614 338
213 524 LOI Angeles already split off B18. 615 430
214 542 ADallas split is rUlored soon. 616 317
215 4Bl 617 533 E. "ass - splitting off 508 in 1988
216 477 61B 300
217 325 619 329
21B 267 701 333
219 307 702 195
301 53B Maryland. Busi er than 617. 703 415
302 73 Delaware. Every state gets one, y'know. 704 265
303 557 Colorado has been growing ••• 705 239
304 29B 706 96 Northwest Mexico hack, not a real NPA
305 540 "i ali too. 707 145
306 416 70B 0
307 133 lIyo.ing. 709 237
308 IB6 710 0 Unlisted code used for AT'T Governlent services.
309 237 712 265
312 640 IIhy hasn't Chicago split yet? 713 414
313 504 714 364
314 454 715 28B
315 228 716 322
316 332 717 410
317 325 718 294
31B 298 719 0
319 308 801 265
401 lOB Rhode Island. 802 167
402 385 B03 396
403 544 Alberta and sOle NIIT - Canada's busiest B04 371
404 456 B05 193
405 462 806 225
406 316 B07 97 II. Ontario - another waste.
407 0 B08 163
40B 216 B09 340
409 255 810 0
410 0 B12 243
412 377 B13 344
413 109 II. "als - what a waste of a good code! B14 237
414 378 B15 255
415 483 San Francisco, also rUlored for split. B16 401
416 433 B17 381
417 IB1 BIB 240
41B 327 819 282
419 304 900 24
501 480 901 178
502 310 902 221
503 441 903 0
504 267 904 356
505 261 905 206
506 143 906 109 Upper Michigan, tied with 413.
507 249 907 340
SOB 0 90B 0
509 213 909 0
512 501 San Antoni 0, TX. 910 0
513 396 912 270
514 363 913 399
515 377 914 256
516 283 915 257
517 285 916 319
518 211 917 0
519 286 91B 257
601 358 919 510 North Carolina's growing quickly.

USSR Computer Hungry New Chip Helps Sprint
long hland ~ewo;,da\ l1SA Today
The Soviet Union has announced sweeping reforms in its About 30 percent of telephone customers won't get equal
"obsolete" higher education system, which it said produces access service until 1987 or later. Those customers would
doctors who cannot diagnose and engineers who know little ordinarily be lost to US Sprint, because to get .on Sprint's
about computers. system the customer would have to dial more than 20 digits. So
"Materials and techniques are obsolete. That is why there is a Sprint came up with a microprocessor that automatically dials
need for the profound restructuring of higher and secondary all the Sprint access numbers when a user dials" I." Sprint will
specialized education, "the Communist Party newspaper install it free on the premises of any customer with bills of$150
Pravda said in announcing proposed changes that will affect 2 or more.
million students and set up thousands of computer-equipped
workplaces to make Russians "computer literate". Government Phone Fate?
The 1"\('\\ York Time"
ATM's in China! The Federal government has started to update its entire
Comhined New" Source .. system of lines, switching equipment, satellites and security
NCR Corporation has installed the first automatic teller devices, which has been in place since 1964. The current system
machine in China. The unit will be operated as a test case by the is still managed by AT&T and cannot handle the demand of
Nantung Bank in Zhuhai, an economic "free zone" near the increased numbers of calls and high-speed data
Hong Kong border. The machine won't be available to citizens communications.
of the People's Republic. The General Services Administration has invited
communications companies to come up with ideas for a new
Cash Machines Are Popular system. The Government's next phone company. like AT&T.
,"e" Y ork r\ewsda~ will be privy to information about encoded data and will
Just a year after the New York Cash Exchange was formed. therefore be required to have a high-level security clearance.
the svstem that lets customers of one bank use automatic tellers The companies are being asked to devise advanced ways to
at competing banks has virtually run out of institutions to protect communications from phone tapping. sabotage, and
recruit. even disruption caused by the electro-magnetic pulse that
The regional system now has 1.225 machines and 4.2 million destroys conductors of electricity after a nuclear explosion.
customers, making it one of the largest in the nation. The 55 The system. "FTS 2000", is expected to be in place by the year
institutions set to join will boost NYCE to 2.000 machines and 1990 and will cost 4 billion of your tax dollars.
6.5 million customers, with a total of 80 institutions in eight
states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Rural Radio Phones
The system's chief New York rival is Citibank. which has its C(lmmunicalinn'" Wl·l'}.

own network of 626 machines and 1.5 million card-holders. Four telephone associations and the Rural Electrification
Citibank has shown little interest in joining NYCE. Administration (REA) have asked the FCC to set aside certain
NYCE may try out a new project-a debit-card system. If radio frequencies to be used for telephone service in rural areas.
such a system were in place, a customer could buy clothing at a Using radio instead of land-based wire could lower costs of
local department store using a bank card. and a sales clerk connecting customers. permitting telcos to extend coverage in
could deduct the purchase price right from the customer's areas where costs have previously prevented it. according to the
checking account. group's FCC filing.
They called the radio service Basic Exchange
TV Blue Boxes Telecommunications Radio (BETR).
Radio Electronic, If the request is granted in full, BETR could extend service to
The coming generation of digital TV sets is designed for easy an estimated 485,000 customers nationwide who are currently
servicing by reprogramming them. Access for servicing. in the without telephones. Another 400.000 could have service
case of sets using ITT digital Ie's, is provided via a rear-panel upgraded from mUlti-party to one-party lines.
connector or by dialing up a special code on the wireless The groups want the FCC to allocate 26 channels in the 450
remote-control unit. In both cases. that gives the repair MHz band and two 800 MHz channels to BETR.
technician access to the set's control bus. From there, it would
be an easy matter to defeat the sync-suppression decoding used "Debugging" Phones
by most cable-TV systems for their premium channels,
according to engineers of the National Cable TV Association. It may not be what the phone company had in mind when it
The NCT A fears that the introduction of digital TV sets will came up with the memorable slogan "Reach out and touch
lead to a flood of "blue boxes" to let cable subscribers decode someone." but a tiny company called BioHygenix Inc. plans to
pay-TV programs without paying for them. The NCT A has publicize a list of unsavory bacteria and fungi that it says
written to all ma jor TV set manufacturers urging them to "takr! inhabit the mouth and earpieces of most telephones.
the necessary steps to make it impossible to externally force" The Fremont (C A) startup. of course. is providing more than
one of ITT's VLSI chips to defeat pay-TV encoding. a public service. It has a product: a patented plastic telephone
cover impregnated with vinyzene. an antimicrobial preparation
developed by Morton Thiokol Inc.
UNIX (continued from paRe 3-57) letters (continuedfrom paRe 3-60)
format of 'etc! passwd entries follows: while the Password Grabber is running: that would avoid the
user:encrypted pwd:user #:group #:misc. info:home dir:prog executed upon situation described in the second paragraph of the article. For
login example. if the victim has the presence of mind to enter a
Examples from an actual etc i passwd file (the first -+ control-T while the password grabber is at the WAIT step. it
accounts are present on virtually all UNIX systems): will be obvious to the victim that he is still logged on. The
root:QtmvICLObmtbg:O:IO:System Account:/ :/bin/ csh solution is to enter SET NOCONTROL=(YT) early in the
daemon:*:1:31:The devil himself:/: program.
uucp:x x x:4: I: liNIX -to-UNIX Cop~':/ usr / spool/ uucppublic:/ usr /
Iib/ uucp/ uucico Stake Out
field:ivlHOhAl.lJ .aGo:O:1 O:Field service account:/usr / field:/bin/ csh Dear Readers:
paul:VkFuS77wLiOgM:5:IO:Paul G. Estev:/usr/users/paul: Last month. rou read abollt the 'free phones of ph ill\". "
lenny::l0:20:Lenny Kern (dumb user wino passwd):/usr/ Chester Holmes told you about free calls from \'Grious
users/lenny:/bin/ sh
pOI phones that have equal access.
Those entries in the password file which have a user numher
One of our writers was on a recent trip across the countrr.
of 0 are accounts which have super user privileges and should be
and he had an opportunity to test Mr. Holmes' discovery alit in
primary targets for password hacking techniques. other cities around the nation.
This should be enough to get you going on UNIX hacking.
In ChicaRo and Los AnReles. for example. pay phone calls
Look for part two which will contain more advanced methods
are free when one simpll' chooses an alternate carrier before
of hacking.
dialinR· 10444. 10777, and 10888 worked. A more complete list
(filrmshed br Kid & Co.) can be found in this month's 2600
Information Bureau.
For rou Telco executives-you should realize that
Philadelphia, ChicaRo, and Los AnReles are amonR the largest
cities in this countn' and represent a very larRe hole to patch
(not to mention the rest of the free world).

Security, Privacy, Police
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