Assignment 02 Process Mining

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Assignment 02 Process Mining

You are provided with an event log of a Road-traffic fine management process, which refers to the
process of managing fines punishing road traffic infractions, i.e., speeding. The event log is obtained
from real data of an Italian regional agency for traffic management.

The process starts when a fine is created. Creating a fine means to create a record of the fine in the
agency information systems and to notify the offender. In some cases, a request for payment is
notified immediately to the motorist who committed the infraction (or the offender). The offender
simply pays the fine and the process terminates. In some cases, however, when a fine is created, the
agency system signals some irregularities concerning the position of the offender, e.g., previous
unpaid or disputed fines. In this case, the fine is sent to a different special cases office (activity
Send Fine in the event log). At the special cases office, the fine is registered in a local information
system. Then (i) a penalty is calculated and added to the fine and (ii) the fine is notified to the
offender (both tasks are captured by the activity Add penalty in the event log). The offender can
then pay the fine or, after a certain amount of time has expired without receiving the payment from
the offender, the fine is sent out for credit collection, i.e., the case is sent to an external credit
collection agency that will contact the offender to collect the payment. The part of the process after
the fine is sent out for credit collection is not captured in the event log.


- A case in the event log corresponds to a different fine issued to a specific offender;
- The event log contains resource information only for the initial activity. Resources are
identified by numerical ids (e.g., 478). Assume that the resource executing the initial activity
oversees the entire process until its termination;
- The event log only contains one timestamp for each activity. Therefore, in the
performance view only times for arcs are calculated (which capture the time elapsed
between two activities), but all activities do not take time to be executed, i.e., they are

1) How long does it take on average to complete a case?
2) A lot of fines simply are not tracked by the special case office information systems, that is,
there is no trace of them in the system after they are sent to the special case office. A rough
estimate made by your boss quantifies this as 20% of the fines sent to the special case office.
Can you give a more accurate estimate?
3) How long does it take on average to clients to pay their fines in the normal case, that is,
when the fine is sent to them after being created?
4) How long does it take on average to the special case office to their work, that is, notify a fine
to the offender after having received it?
5) Consider the following requirement: once a fine is sent to an offender by the special case
office, the offender must be left 28 weeks to pay the fine. After 28 weeks, if a payment has
not been received, the case must be sent out for credit collection. This should happen no
later than 60 weeks after the fine was notified to the offender.
The above requirement is not satisfied, why? In how many cases?
6) Is there any case in which at least one of the activities in the process is executed more than
7) Consider now only those cases sent to the special case office that resulted in a payment
from the offender:
a. How many are these cases?
b. Is case A10569 one of these cases?
c. How long did it take to the offender to pay in case A10569?
d. Is it true that offenders paid their fine in less than 60 days in less than 40% of the
8) Who is the resource who has overseen more cases?
9) Has anyone overseen more than 5% of the cases?
10) Who is the most lazy employee, i.e., the one under whose supervision cases took the
longest on average to complete?
11) Who should get the best employee prize, i.e., i.e., the one under whose supervision cases
took the shortest on average to complete?
12) Consider the cases overseen by employee 538:
a. Is it true that all fines overseen by employee 538 have been sent to the special case
b. How many cases overseen by employee 538 have been not tracked after having
been sent to the special case office?
13) Consider the cases completed before December 31st 2002 at 11.59 pm and the ones
completed after this date and fill out the following table:

Number of Mean duration Cases sent out Cases not

cases (total) of cases for credit tracked by
collection special case
(total and %) office
(total and %)
before Dec 31st
completed after
Dec 31st 2002

Submission area is on Blackboard.
The deadline for submitting your assignment is Sunday, June 18 at 10pm.
You have to submit one file only (word on pdf) including all your answers.
Answers must follow the same order and numbering as questions in the assignment.
For each answer, you must include (as a screenshot) in your report the information
provided by Disco that you used for your answer (example: in answer 3 you must provide a
screenshot showing where you found information about average duration in Disco).
Hint: Jing ( is a free, multi-platform and easy to use tool to
capture and import custom screenshots in your report.
Failure to comply to the above rules may result in deduction of marks

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