Narcisse March 2006

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Hiya friends, well here we are again, hope you all had a lovely
Valentines. Mine, alas, was a lil sparse when it came to gifts, but I will
let it slide ……..THIS TIME!!! TUT, just can’t get the members these
days! Giggle. So…. What will March hold for us all? Well, plenty of
days to celebrate, Mother’s, St. Patrick’s, St. David’s, National Leg’s
Day…….OK, OK ….. I made the last one up, but I can dream can’t I?
Plenty for you to peruse this month, a couple of new feature
writers, so be gentle with them, an IPL feature, Spring shoes, interview,
Centre--fold, jokes, your views, a blog by some
the all important Centre
demented ( but gorgeous looking) individual….. Goodness, mor moree
features than you can shake a stick at!!!
So go on then……. What are you waiting for? …….. Go on, be off
with you ….. And don’t darken my PC again!! Giggle xxxxxxx

3………..Rogue’s Gallery 31………How many Candles???

4………..I Think, therefore, I Blog 32………Readers Thought’s
5……….. ,, 33……… ,,
6………..Interview 34……… ,,
7……….. ,, 35………Make-up Mistakes
8……….. ,, 36……… ,,
9……….Tammi’s Time of the Month 37……… ,,
10………Poll’s apart 38………Mother’s Day
11………A First step to Confidence 39………Across Golden Pond
12……… ,, 40……… ,,
13……… ,, 41……… ,,
14……… ,, 42………Born to Shop
15………Leigh Smithe – It’s Agony! 43……… ,,
16………Luck of the Irish 44……… ,,
17……… ,, 45……… Guy’s for Dolls
18……… ,, 46……… Quiz Answers
19……… ,, 47……….And now, the end is near
20……… ,, 48………. ,,
21………Right to Reply 49………. ,,
22………Review 50………Acknowledgements & Wallpapers
23……… ,,
24………Coming Soon
25………Brain of Narcisse
27……… ,,
28……… ,,
29………Tammi’s Torments (Quiz)
30……… ,,





I think, therefore, I BLOG
The wonders of technology never fail to astound me,
not least of all the trusty, common, or garden, telephone! But But
why? I hear you bleat, well sssssshhhhh and I’ll tell you.
For those of us who are unfortunately of a certain
age, we can remember the good old phone-
phone-box on the corner of
meanss of
every street , standing there , like a beacon , our sole mean
communication with the outside world ( well that and hand hand--
written letters – remember them?). Now, correct me if I’m wrong,
but, back then, did you ever see a vandalized one? No, didn’t
think so, how times change eh?
So, there we would stand, come rain or shine,
gassing away to our hearts content, stuffing every available piece
of loose change in the slot….. then re-re-inserting it 8 times until the
damned machine would accept it, Licking it, spinning it, we all
had our own personal methods, but we didn’t care, that was where
phone-calls were made.
Then came the breakthrough in technology, you
could have your very own phone IN YOUR HOME!!! As long as it
was in the hall-
hall-way! And you took out a small mortgage. No
more standing, queuing in the rain, while some plonker called
everyone in the greater London area. Now you could sit on the
bottom stair in your own home, till your bum went numb, or, if it
was peak-
peak-time, talk for 3 seconds until your Mum screamed at
you to
to put the phone down!
I’ll never forget, everyone at school thought I lived
in Big Ben, solely because our phone was situated under the hall

Many years passed, the calls got cheaper and
everything was grand……until……CORDLESS PHONES!!!!
Now, not only could you have your own phone in your house…but
you could walk around with it!!!! Seemed like a good idea at the
time, BUT!!! With this newfound technology comes more
hazards. One in particular has caused
caused many rows in my house
and that comes when you lose the bloody thing!!!!
I myself have got even posher and have 3 cordless
phones, which begs the question as to why I end up with all 3 of
them on the arm of the settee!! Defeats the object I think!!
Then there comes the
the step backwards into times
past. How many of you, like me, have found it hard to hear when
the TV is on, so what do we do?..... Yup…..
Yup….. Walk into the hall so we
can hear better!!!!!!!!!
And lastly, up to present day comes the curse of
the modern world, THE MOBILE PHONE!!! Hateful creatures,
every last one of them. They look stupid, sound stupid, you look
stupid using them and don’t even get me started on the freaks
who use hands-
hands-free!!! Do they not realise they look like they are
hearing voices and need locking up????
So then, your mobile goes off, you’re indoors,
you know, IN THE WARM, but, you decide that
you would like some more privacy,
privacy, you
know, it’s a loved one, you want to talk all
lovey-dovey to, or maybe a bit of
business….what do you do?


“ Knowing me, Knowing you “

This month’s interview is with a good southern lass from Reading who goes by the name of
Rachel Boom Boom

Age? 25

D. O. B.? 09/03/1980

When did you start When I was 5 , I had an older sister.


Did she dress you or

did you borrow her No, I borrowed her clothes; I’ve always been in the closet

So when did you start

When I was 20, I found a Transformation shop on the Net and I
dressing regularly?
was hooked.
What was the first
6” Stilettos because it had been my life’s ambition to own
thing you bought and some!!!

How did you feel Turned on, and girly, and fulfilled.
when you got them?

What is the most My Tartan mini, I’ve never seen another like it. Kinda punky
unique thing you with the leather bit and chains.
have bought?

Are you out on the I’m out and about, and go to stuff, but I’m not out of the closet
scene yet? yet.

Where was the first Pink Punters in Milton Keynes, with my friend Natalie, in
place that you went October 2004

A good night? Amazing, just meeting people, a few pictures
which put me at ease, there was a photographer
there and met a lovely TV there who invited me
to Torture Gardens.

Did you go? Yes, in my red PVC, and then she lead me
around in a collar and lead !!

So, are you into Oh, I like to be tied and spanked and wearing PVC
Fetish then?

Is that linked to your Yes, it’s all tied up in me, being submissive when I dress.

What has been your Oh! That’s tricky, would have to be between the black gang
best experience when bang and meeting strap-on Jane.

OK, tell us about Well. Strap-on Jane was amazing! I got asked to a sex party, got
both. there and got dressed. There were lots of people there, all
wondering when it was all going to start. I was too shy to say
hello to Jane & her husband, but they said hello to me. I told
them about myself, being a submissive. Next thing I know she
grabs me by the hand and leads me into a bedroom full of
people and announces that she is going to F*** me! I nearly
fainted when she showed me her biggest strap-on, so she
settled for the middle sized one. My howls brought in more on-
lookers as she held me down and gave me a good seeing to,
making me S*** off a well hung black tranny at the same time!
I couldn’t see straight by the time she had finished!

Did that change you? How do you mean?

Drag you more into Nooo!!! I loved every aspect of it.

the D/s role? Were
you scared how you
felt after?

What have you been Well “Rachel” had a hiatus when she found a girlfriend, but
up to since? she is back in business now.

Would you like to I’d like to share Rachel with an understanding girl, definitely
share Rachel with

So, now your back in Big time!!! Especially with my friend Rachel.
business are you
making up for lost

Is she a GG? No.

How did you meet? We met on-line and then she came to mine a few weeks ago.

What attracted you to Initially because she was fit, but she is really sweet and has
her? a wicked sense of humour, we click quite well, and the sex is

Would you like SRS? No way!! I get off on the whole very cute sissy thing.

So where would you In a house with an understanding girl who loves all parts of
like to be 5 years from me, especially Rachel.

Would you like to live No, I love the transformation too, and doing boyish and
24/7 as Rachel? girlish things.

What boyish stuff do Football, drink beer and chase girls.

you like to do?

Do you get a tinge of No, I want to S*** then and have their clothes, I would like
jealousy from the girls to go out and shop and try stuff on like they do though.
in the clubs?

Your fav outfit? The PVC for sex and that lil black dress and boots for out.

Do you and Rachel go We went to TX and are going to Pink Punters on Friday.

Have fun & thank you Thanks .

How many Social Workers’ does it take to change a light-bulb?

None – But 15 to write a pamphlet on “Coping with Darkness “.

T T M ammi‘s ime of the onth

OK Guy’s and Girl’s....are you sitting comfortably?....then (god help us!) let her begin!!

GG in a TG world
Hi all, I am Tammi, the brains and short-ass cute one of the group. So, to answer all
your questions (Mainly why the hell are you here?) I grew up with a TV bro. He used to nick
my clothes (Sorry Stacy it wasn’t you). Well he admitted everything (although it would have
been hard for him to deny it with him standing in my room wearing my party dress). I guess
being so young helped (I was 11) and I thought it was great to have a life size Barbie and seeing
as I’m a bit of a tomboy at least those horrible dresses I had as a kid got some use. So that’s
how I was dragged into this life and I have to say I have met some great and caring people and
so it’s a good thing in my life.

In my life

Well, the toughest month of my life is over (TFFT!!!). It’s amazing how much you miss
and more importantly how much crap you thankfully missed. Celebrity Big Brother!!! Can’t the
trade description people sort them out? And a (Crap) Paris Hilton look alike won!!!!! So a non
celeb look alike won??? I’m still waiting for the pet version, Lassie and the Monkey from
friends in the next series. Gotta love those wacky Dutch producers and the British TV execs that
take a good idea and milk every penny out of it.

Bits & bobs

Steelers won the Super bowl. As a passionate Titan I detest the Steelers (and Colts, Jags and
Raiders while I am at it) however its great to see the Bus exit the sport at the height of his game.
With all the sports stars who think they are the great thing since the wheel and three times as
important. It’s good to see a popular, talented and down to earth athlete go at the top of the

Talking of **** in sport. England have let Sven go. I am thinking of going for his job. Sex
crazed staff and more pay raises then Mandy owns mini skirts. Seriously next England manger
its called 3-5-2!! What odds can I get on my home land finishing above the country I live????

(2 hopes Tammi and one of ‘em is Bob!!!! M xx )

Well!!! What can I say ….. What a cultured lot you are!!! Needless to say I knew
this anyway, after all you read a very discerning magazine after all!! That’s what I
love about these polls, I can never second-guess the results …. Well…except the
one concerning the photo shoot for this month! Let’s see…Mini-skirt & Stilettos…
Now there’s a surprise …NOT!! The colour will be a close call between Pink and
Black, I wait with baited breath xxxx
Next up you got to vent your spleens on what you wanted to see more of in the magazine
itself. The main issues that you wanted to see more of were Fashion, Make-up & members
pics. Well, as you will see I have made a start on all three already , but only touched on the
subjects due to lack of time, so future issues will be covering these a lot more…see, I do listen
you know!!! Giggle
Now then, the Quiz. You’re a lazy lot!! Heres me offering you a chance to show us how
dim…I mean Quick witted you are and it’s like pulling teeth!!! You managed just about
enough to start a table, but that was hard work. GIVE IT A GO – IT WON’T BITE!!! In the
poll you asked for multiple choice…TOUGH!!! Tammi’s not slaving over a hot laptop just to
GIVE you the answers!!! BUT , as requested , there will be more picture rounds, so stop
bloody moaning …GOD , your worse than school-kids… OI!! Stop that at the back!!
Onto holidays next. Blimey , you’re a strange lot, the world is your onion , as some short
bloke once said , and where do you pick for your Hols?.... well…nowhere !!! OK OK, so the
majority plumped for Europe (sun/sea & sand) (10 votes/20%) fair enough, but the UK
(8/16%)?! And Nowhere (8/16%)?! Adventurous lot aint ya!! Well , a few of you are anyway,
with World (sun/sea & sand) and a cultured city break ( oooh ‘ark at her!!) both on
(4/8%).Why oh why Shopping Trip limped in at 8% also astounds me! Weird lot, giggle.
Clubbing and Cruise were high and dry on 6%, with a few rich girls trekking off to the
Far East and Florida (both 4%)- all right for SOME!!!!
And what to wear whilst strutting your stuff in pastures new, I hear you cry!! Well, not so
much what, but made out of what. Mmmmm close one this, had a re-count just to be on the
safe side, but….yup…by a short nose... Silk! By……..41 votes! A WHOPPING 57%!!!
Bloody posh lot aren’t we!!! I went for warm and cuddly velvet so there!!!
Joint second came…surprise surprise (giggle) leather and PVC (kinky lot – gimme
gimme!!!) hehehe with a measly 9% apiece. This was followed by all the awkward buggers
who thought of some that I missed – Other (8%) S’pose you think your clever don’t you!
Cotton was a surprisingly popular choice on 7% too, with Velvet on 4% and for the true
fruit-loops amongst you; there was Rubber & Metal on 1%.

So then, what does this tell us about your common or garden Lil Boutique member?
Well, quite frankly it’s scary! You’re all Aristocrats!! Have to be! Swanning around your
stately piles bedecked in silk from top to toe, with rubber and metal undies on. Getting your
none-too-bright Butler to do the Quiz whilst you sip Pimms and chortle at the fashion
Oh well! No wonder I feel at home…toodle-pip xxxxxxxxxx
A First Step to

OR (In her own words!!) Hair today, gone tomorrow
When Mandy asked me to write an article for lilboutique I was at a lloss
oss on what

to write about she suggested something that I am going through at the moment. As part of my
transition, the main focus for me at the present is hair removal. This is a key component in
passing, who want to be a bearded lady after all? This has been a big decision for me,
something I have not undertook lightly, as it’s the 1st positive step I have undertaken so far. I
have only been out of the closet for 10 months and, though I feel am taking my transition
slowly, I do wish to live part time as a woman quite soon.
Even finding a place in which to have hair removal seemed really scary. I should
explain. I am painfully shy at times, add to this the fact that this was a huge decision, and
you got a paralysed gal who did not know what to do. Even the fact that most places are happy
to treat Transgender folk these days did not help. I was discussing my fears with a person I
had only just become friendly with, when she told me about the place where she was having her
treatment done and suggested
suggested I give them try. It seems really pathetic now, I was hounded by
my friend to ring her every time we spoke over the ensuing weeks. It was “Have you rung Tina
yet? “to which I usually replied “ I will soon I promise” even though she reassured me that ‘ she
knows your ringing she is nice, no, she wont bite etc
So thanks to my friend for pushing me I rang up and made an
appointment for a test patch. So a week later I was standing at the door of Tina’s
house feeling very apprehensive but I needn’t have worried Tina was very
friendly and soon had me at my ease I should explain Tina is herself TG and
does appreciate the needs of TG woman.
woman. Tina sat me down and ran through the
various process involved in IPL which I wont bore you with but if you do wish do
read more I have provided links. During this 1st visit Tina told me that I was too
tanned to have IPL at this stage the reason being the IPL targets the melanin in
the hair follicle so a tan would mean that it would also destroy the melanin in
my skin and cause my skin to become blotchy with light and dark patches.
I was pretty upset to hear this after the effort it took to get to even this
early stage. I left feeling deflated with an appointment booked in six weeks
time. I had six weeks to lose the tan. This was no mean feat considering I work
outside and it was summer. Next day at work I told the guy I work with who
does know about my gender issues what happened and that I needed to lose my
tan I must admit my paranoia was at it’s height during the 1st month of
operation total sun block a vampire would have been proud of my sun avoidance
efforts this caused much hilarity
hilarity with my work colleague. I had always tried
to keep the sun on my back and with my collar up and sticking large amounts
of sun block. Slapping on a lot of sun block did draw a fair bit of un wanted
attention. I don’t think I did myself any favours with
with the amount I was using
either. I suppose its human nature to assume that the more you use the better it
will be. I had a white face that seemed to attract and turn a greyish white
during the course of the day, but my workmate was fantastic at deflecting all
unwanted questions on why, as most people said, ‘ wearing make-

Flashlamps/Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Basic facts

Some consumers have experienced permanent hair reduction, but there is limited data on how much
hair reduction is typical, and how often hair reduction occurs.


Full spectrum (non-coherent) light and low-range infrared radiation are filtered to allow a specified
range of wavelengths.

This filtered light is delivered from a hand piece into the skin, where it targets dark material such as
the pigment in hair.

This is intended to cause thermal and/or mechanical damage to a hair follicle while sparing
surrounding tissues.

So anyway yaaaay me I lost the tan and had my test patch which involved a series
series of 4 shots
on various power settings to see how the skin reacts. The only thing I felt was a slight stinging pain
which is pretty much what I expected. I had no reaction from my test patch and made an appointment
for a full treatment.
the next few days in nervous excitement. So, finally after an 8 week delay from my 1st
I spent the
appointment I was laying back waiting for my 1st treatment I must admit as l lay there waiting I
had a bit of a panic I mean this is going to change my appearance for ev er.
I confessed this fear to Tina who soothed my fears with her lovely friendly
manner and as I lay there with my heart pounding Tina cleansed my face an
applied a gel which is just like the one they use on the ultrasound for pregnant
woman this
this helps the light pass in to the follicle. Then Tina said are you ready
and she started to give me shots from my ear down to my lower jaw line. This
was not to painful just like being flicked by a finger and there was a slight
smell of singed hair. I must admit as she moved into the more central areas of
my face the pain increased and you could feel the heat generated going
straight through my skin into my mouth, the top lip was by far the worst pain.
When the treatment was over I was soaked in sweat and my face radiated heat
and felt a little bruised Tina then applied an aloe Vera moisturiser to help sooth
the heated up skin. I asked Tina how may shots I had received she told me it
was 190 which I was rather surprised at. Tina told me not to expect inst ant
results that the follicle had been killed and it will take at least 2 weeks for the
hair to grow out.
I made an appointment to come back in 5 weeks. I could not seem much change
In the 1st week maybe the facial hair looked a bit burnt and
and I developed spots which
caused by the heat damaging the tissue around the follicle so in the 2nd week an
amazing thing happened my hair started to thin out under my chin and I plucked a
few and they came out with no resistance and with in 3 weeks I was pretty much
clear of the dark hairs which when I shaved I would say made me look facial hair free.
This has made such a difference in my pass-
pass-ability I felt confident to go out
shopping as a woman and drive home from nights out as a woman something I have
tried to do in the past and felt so man like with a beard shadow staring at me, but
now though I am still not happy with aspects of the way I look, I now feel free to go
in the direction that I want to.
This has even spilled over into work because
because a female friend told me that some of
the woman at work have noticed the change in me she said one told her have you
noticed how feminine he looks he even plucks his eyebrows and his skin looks
amazing. I was dead chuffed. I have now had 3 treatments and I would expect to
have well over ten before I will move over to electrolysis to get rid of the lighter colour
hairs that IPL wont target. I should say even if I never live full time I doubt that I
could give up expressing my femininity and ‘hey’ I will never have to shave again.
‘How cool is that?’
Flashlamps/Intense Pulsed Light (IPL)

Some consumers have experienced long-lasting hair removal or permanent hair reduction.

Considered safe if performed properly.

Useful for large areas such as backs or legs.

Regrowth can come back lighter in colour or finer in texture.

Light-skinned consumers with dark hair have the best results.


Long-term data on safety and effectiveness have not been established.

Response rates have not been established.

Not as effective on unpigmented hairs and red or blonde hair.

Must be used very cautiously on darker skin tones or on consumers who tan themselves.

Improper treatment can cause burns, skin discoloration lasting several months, or patchy/grid-
like regrowth.

Requires eye protection.

Can be expensive.

Some find treatment painful.

Regulation varies by state, so inadequate controls exist to ensure competent practitioners.

Some consumers do not respond to treatment.

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The most important identity device of a Tgirl, the wig.
by Leigh Smythe

I've been thinking, what could be the most important thing that identifies a woman. Boobs?
hips? No, I believe its hair! Here's why. Have you seen a woman or two, with virtually no
boobs? Yes. Have you seen a woman with the straight figure, no waist, no hips, that could be
mistaken for a man's nondescript shape? Yes. The one thing that let's you know if you got a
woman is the hair. Yes, girls, all that work curling, straightening, shaping, shinying (herbal
essence??), and generally keeping the hair nice, has worked. So, isn't it tempting to resort to
the occasional wig. When you're really pressed for time, cause your husband, or your roommate
didn't do his or her share of the chores. Or the boss, kept you late, at work, so he could chase
you around the copier, your best friend is your wig. Hair takes a lot of maintenance!! If you use
just half of the appliances invented to be used to make hair beautiful, you will take hours to get it
just right.

So, we men have noticed. I mean girly-men, as The Arnold would say, and has. Perhaps, the
quickest way to beauty for us is that styled wig. Sure, it takes us an hour or so , depending on
proficiency, to paint on a face, and there are a number of means to create a feminine shape, and
wear heels to get a shapely flash of leg/foot, and with practice, that wiggle. But, if a Tgirl has no
wig, sHe's not a girl, right? Bless all those wig makers who have saved us!! Haleileula! I have
my wigs displayed prominently on the top shelf of my closet(you know, where the oxygen is
thinner), (in, which, I was reported to have spent my entire youth.) on those Styrofoam heads
that sometimes seem to be much more alert and intelligent than I. Sure, they're up high, but I'm
pretty tall, and when I put on my heels, I can easily scrape the ceiling with my nails. No, the glue
on one's. Of course, I don't do that, cause the last time I did, all those little bits of confetti that
came off the textured ceiling, were on my head when I put on the wig, and talk about itch!!! ALL
NIGHT, too. The biggest problem I have is getting the part straight front to back. Does yours
feel just right when the part line is tilted like a broken wiper on a windshield? And the bangs!
They don't go together like normal hair. Of course, I don't know how they get all those fibres to
stick on that "cap" with out sticking out in every direction. If I were inventing the wig, I'd have to
be standing there like Clyde Beaty with a whip and a chair. No, I have tremendous respect for
the guy, or lady that figured that out.

So, you get the wig on, and the first thing you have to know is to put on your earrings first.
Cause as you're messing with and trying to get the wig in just the right place, those fibres are
slowly winding and twisting themselves around your dangly earrings like snakes. I use clip ons,
well, cause I believe if we were supposed to have holes there, we would come that way. It’s just
like leaves. Every fall, my wife was out raking leaves off the lawn. I just couldn't help, cause, I
figured that if God didn't want them there, why'd he drop them liberally around my yard?

Anyway, so ya got everything in place and as you're walking out the door on your fabulous night
out, sure, it has to happen, fibres from that gorgeous shiny confection launch themselves out,
like a mountain climber's safety lines, to grab the door closer and abandon your head for brighter
climbs. But, you're stuck, cause going without the wig would tend to spoil the entire effort. I
think wigs are like tribbles, mean! Thank God they don't make that purring noise, though.

15 LL
“LUCK of the IRISH“
This month, as its St. Patrick’s Day (17th March), I thought that we could have a giggle at
some of the exploits and near misses we all seemed to have suffered whilst dressed and still in
the closet!
Here’s mine !!!

“It all happened when I was about 13 years old. Everyone was out, so I stole into
my Sister’s bedroom and gathered together tights, skirt and blouse and ran back to
my older Brother and my bedroom.
bedroom. No sooner was I dressed than I heard the front
door opening!!!!! I could tell immediately it was my Brother, so, rather than get
caught in our bedroom, I darted into the bathroom and locked the door. He came
lumbering up the stairs, but instead of going
going in our bedroom he thumped on the
bathroom door wanting to come in!!!!
In sheer panic, I stripped off my sisters clothes and threw them out of the
window into the garden,
garden, pulled on a pair of track-
track-bottoms and let him in. Once he
had locked the
the door behind me I dashed downstairs , scooped up my sisters clothes (
extracting some from a rosebush!) , ran back upstairs, put them back in her
wardrobe and slumped on my bed, just in time for him to come out again!
He suspected nothing, I suspected
suspected a heart attack!!!
attack!!! To this day he doesn’t
know, but a funny footnote to this story is, I only found out about 6 years ago that
he is a TG too!!!! “

“Well, it must have been about 1.30 am and all was quiet so I get me stuff
and go down stairs. I put on me nail-varnish and then do me makeup and get
dressed then I put me boots on. I went for a look in the mirror, then. OMG!! No
mascara! I can’t be seen with no mascara. It’s the Law! .he he so back to the loo and
get me best black Rimmel out. One eye done, mmm that’s better, just start me other
one and..What’s that???? I’m sure I could hear a noise. I stand bolt still. I’ve got my
really clicky boots on too and dare not move cos the heel click would be heard all over
the house. After a few seconds it goes quiet and I feel ok again .I open me mascara
again and put the brush up to my eye lashes, then I hear footsteps coming DOWN
THE STAIRS! OUCH!!!! The mascara brush goes right in my eye. I am trying to
stand still and I have tears rolling down my face. Oh well! That’s it I think, then I
hear footsteps on the stairs again. PHEW. Which ever one of my clan it was they
just wanted a quick drink and were too tired eyed to notice the loo light on. By then I
was far too wound up and that was the end of my dressing for that night.
I found out later that they had not come down for one of them was sleep-walking!!! “
LUCK of the IRISH“

“ I have been cross-

cross-dressing since my two elder stepsisters, who didn’t care that
much for me, thought it was fun at the tender age of 12 to humiliate me by dressing
me as a girl. Although
lthough, at first I didn’t like it, after many months
months of this I began to
and wanted to be more like them, in fact,
fact, as I now know,
know, they
they were very
impressionable on me, so I didn’t let on to them that I began to like it. InIn fact I used to
do it when they weren’t there. This
This is wh
where I nearly got caught out.
out. I was about
thirteen yrs old, my step sisters were out and
and I was raiding their wardrobe and
makeup. I was so engrossed by by what I was doing that I didn’t hear them enter the
house. I can remember hearing them coming up stairs, many voices I could hear, they
had brought some friends back!! In a panic I jumped into into the wardrobe, and hid. It
It was
many hours before I could sneak back out and dive back into my bedroom and
barricade the door, few!! How lucky was that! “

Zany x

The times where I was almost caught dressing were few and far between, as I have
gone to extreme lengths to be careful over the years. Being the eldest child of
fundamentalist Christians, I realized early on that being discovered would not only be
embarrassing, but would probably earn me a trip to an exorcist to rid my soul of the
"nancy boy demon" that was making me do such things. However, careful as one tries
to be, situations will occur. One such event happened when I was around 18. I was still
living at home, but my room was in the basement and my parents thankfully gave me
my privacy; so long as the door was closed, I could do what I liked without real fear of
discovery. A few years earlier was a little different - I was hanging out with a "bad
crowd" and my parents kept an eye on me; but when I was 16, I got involved with the
theatre, straightened myself out a bit, and gave my parents a great deal of relief that I
was now in the company of nice people.
It was a Sunday; I didn't have a show that day, it was raining and cold - the
perfect day to stay inside and perfect one's makeup. I had been keeping a collection of
pix from fashion magazines and set them all up in front of my mirror; then pulled out
my "theatrical" makeup box and went to work recreating the looks of the models in the
I had been working for about an hour and was thrilled
with my results. Every once in a while, you manage to do
your makeup just right, and you can finally see that pretty
girl shine past your male face looking her very best. I was
truly revelling in looking so femme, when I heard my
LUCK of the IRISH“

Father calling me from upstairs. Apparently, my girlfriend had decided to "drop by" for
a visit and he wanted to know if he should send her down or if I would be coming up.
Once I pushed my heart back down my throat, I called up to say I would be there in a
I was trapped in my bedroom - no towel, no water, no real way to
remove all of my feminine face and no time to do it properly so no evidence remained.
The only thing I had going for me was the fact that I was in the theatre. I quickly pulled
my clown white makeup from my box, and slathered it all over my face, feverishly
working it in and smoothing it out, so that the femme face underneath was completely
buried. I then walked upstairs laughing and explained that I was working on some mime
makeup and that she should really call next time. I was laughing, she was laughing,
my dad was laughing, and I went to the bathroom and washed off both layers of
makeup. Crisis avoided - BARELY! (PS: I would STRONGLY recommend to all the
young crossdressers out there to get involved in your local community theatre groups!
Where else can you wear eyeliner and have no one think anything of it? :) )

Katherine x

My time come, back in 1998, to buy a new wig. It was a hot 30deg Cels summer
weekday, Tuesday as I recall, and I had no car at this point. So I dressed up, as I woman
does, to travel to the big smoke, the city, Melbourne. I live about 55kms south of the city
around Port Phillip Bay, so I had to get on the bus to travel to Frankston. That was OK
and the train trip into Melbourne from Frankston seemed Ok too, stopping at 33 stations.
lots of people going about their business, about one hour was the trip .............the express I
missed by 2 minutes as I had rolled my ankle and was hobbling a little. I travelled the
short underground loop of 5 or stations to the end, arriving at my destination, Flinder St
Station. The walk up a gradual gradient of 45degrees in high heels was fun! My ankle
seemed sore but not too swollen, but my calf muscles started screaming out halfway up the
concourse and by the time I had reached the top each and every sinew of muscle in my legs
were telling the brain STOP! STOP! I needed to rest a few minutes and enjoyed a cup of
tea, you see Id not worn my heels for some weeks, and I was wearing medium length black
skirt white open neck blouse with small frill down the front with 3/4 sleeves, leather
shoulder bag + black high heels and sunglasses, thank the lord.

What's Irish and comes out in the spring?

Paddy O'Furniture!

LUCK of the IRISH“

From this point, I had to walk 3 street blocks "oh bother" pain of my ankle as I arrived
at the building. I thought no lift "stairs" up one level to the Wig salon, thank u
handrail ...finally arrived. They told me on the phone Tuesday was their SLOW DAY
but it was very busy there and I had to wait awhile ahh!! Finally a sales person. Well I
spent a good three quarters of a hour trying on wigs, and she wasn’t that much help,
she said I looked great in a reddish 3/4 wig but I liked the brown one that framed my
face as I’m heavy set... so no joy here and so expensive! So my time was up now, to
shop around or go straight home? My feet, toes & ankles and all muscle groups in my
legs were shouting Home HOME! By the time I was street level again from those stairs.
Well I thought” What a waste of time today was!” I walked along the Swanston St strip
stores with people going every which way. I was halfway to the station when it happened!
It was like the parting of the Red Sea! The people where are they going???? When a
cameraman and reporter appeared from nowhere making a beeline towards me!! OK!
Stay cool Tammi, don’t blow it.... the reporter asked me "And WHAT do YOU think Of
MELBOURNE as a city"? as he shoved a microphone towards me, I said sorry but I’m
late for my train, as I dodged the Q, and them, hurrying on my way as fast as my feet
could go, the pain was not a factor now only to get away and to the train station and
the thought of going down the same incline the torture of crushed toes once again. The
train finally arrived and I found a seat for only myself and one other and sat in the
corner A little taken back by the event that had just happened.....was I going to be on
National TV Australia ..oh don’t be silly they will cut that bit out......yeah.... so 2 weeks
later I arrived at the Seahorse meeting only to be told by no fewer than 3 friends that I
was on Rove a very popular live show across Australia on the 10 network!!!! And only
that ROVE himself held the mic OH GREAT!!! here I’m only back in this country a few
month from living over sea’s 5yrs and I had to run into the most popular night time
Live Celb TV person in Melbourne Australia!! Oh, by the way, I did get home finally to
soak those feet and legs in a Big Bubble Bath and sip wine by candlelight!!

Tammi in OZ

Three buddies die in a car crash, and they go to heaven to an orientation.

They are all asked, "When you are in your casket and friends and family are mourning upon you, what
would you like to hear them say about you? The first guy says, "I would like to hear them say that I was
a great doctor of my time, and a great family man."

The second guy says, "I would like to hear that I was a wonderful husband and school teacher which
made a huge difference in our children of tomorrow."

The last guy replies, "I would like to hear them say, "Look! He's moving!"

Write to
In response to last month’s question:-

Good question!
2 opinions.

1). It’s the 'damsel in distress' feeling. The helpless-ness of a sweet

innocent damsel, at the mercy of her captor. And what better way
than being the damsel. We all used to love seeing Emma Peel, Cat-
woman, Superwoman and the likes all being tied and left to struggle
but these are not 'real' girls so we TV's try to replace them.
2). Alternatively I believe some TV's re-enact bondage scenes as deep
down inside that is something they would love to do to a GG but never
had the opportunity or chance so instead they re-enact it themselves,
trying to fulfil the role meant for another.
Either way TV's tend to be particular with looks such as clothes and
make-up and applying bondage can involve some neat and tidy lengths
of rope too. They take particular attention.
In addition GG's tend to want to dominate (as suppose that's why we
hear so often " who wears the trousers at home...") thus they
don't as easily submit themselves, so the only way to compensate is
have TV's step in and be the victims.
Kirsty xxx

fÑÜ|Çz YÉÉà@ãxtÜ fÑxv|tÄ
Well girls its that time of year when we unleash our legs and ankles again, blinking in the dayday--
light, and what better way to finish off the perfect pins, than with the perfect shoes. Here’s a few
of the best for this season.

Ankle Boots

Schuh Power Buckle Schuh South Buck Stud Christian Dior Langford
Ankle £30.00 Ankle £64.99 Round Toe Boot £399.00

The perfect accompaniment to jeans…….Anyone got a spare £400?.......please!


Closed Back Open Toe Moda in Pelle Francesca Jane Brown Satin Bridal
Sandal £19.99 Ballet Pump £55.99 Ballet £230.00

OK OK Lets haggle , perfect for long skirts, I’ll have the £56 ones …….Alright?!!!


Schuh Taffy Metallic French Connection Marianna Satin Pump

Trim Court £15.00 Sweetpea £80.00 from R. Sanderson £310

Now call me old fashioned, but you can’t beat a good Court shoe (PS – Mines the middle one!)

For details see below Pump & Circumstance Birkenstock Boston

£16.00 Backless £35.00 Nepalese £49.99

Lovely though they look, if you ask me they are a Gin & Tonic & a loose floorboard away from a broken ankle.

Closed Back Open Toe Red or Dead Marley Knotted Sandal from
Sandal £19.99 £55.99 Adele Clarke £440.00

Gorgeous, but if they billed me for £440 it would be then getting knotted!!!!

c/o &

Coming Soon!!
Around America IN 80 Days

Coming soon to a magazine near you……. Well…… get

the idea!! In June of this year, this intrepid explorer is taking to the
open road, to take a trip of a life-time that many of us only dream of.
Travelling on his trusty Hog the length and breadth of America!!!
And for those of us less fortunate Mortals, he has agreed to
report in weekly with tales of his adventures! How cool is that!! So
get down the market, grab yourselves a map of the Good Old U S of
A and some pins and start tracking the route of this modern day



Pos NAME Possible Actual Possible TOTAL

score score total
1 Kirsty Scott 38 31 38 31
2 Nicola James 38 30 38 30
3 Kirsty Darling 38 28 38 28
4 Rachel Greene 38 26 38 26
5 Abigail McChristie 38 26 38 26
6 Karen James 38 19 38 19
7 P J James 38 17 38 17
8 Katherine Sloan 38 10 38 10
9 Lisa Gayle 38 9 38 9
10 38 38

What do you get when you play country music backwards?

You get back your wife, your dog, your truck...

Hi Mandy!
Well. Here goes. :-)
What an honour to be chosen as
H Halloweens were rather fun....why
Centre-Fold of the Month! Mandy is a my Mom would dress my brother
doll, and has so many gorgeous
friends to choose from as well.
E and I as little girls was beyond my
recall. But who was I to complain!!! I
Mine is a rather simple story, and loved it...however I think my Dad
one that I am sure most of us can
relate too.
A was a bit puzzled?
All the time this hidden desire
Starting as a young boy with an
older sister and younger brother, I
fondly recall my sister dressing me
T was and still remains to this day to
be hidden.
As one can imagine, HS and
in some of her cloths so as to have a
"play friend" during her dress-up
moments. I vaguely recall that
H college years were difficult to
dress...and I recall them being rather
difficult times as I struggled with
excitement, and soon found a
neighbouring girl of about my age E what was, at that time mind you,
something I failed to know little
who loved to play dress-up too! Mind about.
you I was only about 8 years old at
the time.
R Did I WANT to be a girl? I was a
boy...I dated way too many girls,
I remember soft sweaters being my but yet these simple yet strong
most sought after item of clothing. desires to dress still plagued me
and to this day that is still the truth.

Welcome the Internet!!! There I found I was not alone!! And it was at
that point I plunged head first into the world of cross dressing. I guess I
went on a spending spree, and REALLY got hooked on eBay. I found some
wonderful deals, some of which have unfortunately been purged.
My first time out was one I will never forget, and if I could locate the
TS friend I made on line who walked me through a hotel lobby, into the
streets of Boston and through the door of Jacques,
I would thank her with all of my heart.
While frequenting Boston on many an occasion, I came across a girl
on line who looked spectacular!

She told me of a local guy who worked
"magic" and I just had to check it out.
Well...that guy is none other than Jamie
Austin, who at that time had little exposure
in the Glam industry.
In fact he didn't even have a studio, so
many of my earliest transformations were
done while in my hotel rooms.


I have been out in the past, but now my days of
dressing are a bit suppressed. I guess I have retreated back
as you could call me "hotel-ed" instead of closeted, as it is
in hotels (I travel a bit with work) that I get my chance to
kick back, relax and put on some of my various outfits,
which I have chosen for style and class.
I am still not out to any friends or family, and
perhaps will keep it that way. I hate the deceit involved,
yet I also fall into that class of girls who feel the
ramifications may be disastrous.

shoe size 11.5 :-(
Dress size 11/12
Hair colour
fun of it!
blond or red, short or long. that’s the
Outdoor activities - hiking, cycling, ALL water sports
Naivety - don't judge what you have no idea about
The fact my legs are no longer as smooth as they used to
be! S

OK Gang!! It’s QUIZ-TIME!!! Each month there will be a selection of fiendish questions, sent to
drive you potty. You will have till the 15th of each month to complete and return your answers.
Once in they will be totalled and we will have a League table of the BRAINIEST LIL BINT on the
So if you want your name in lights and be higher in the league than your football team…get

1) Name the spin off Star Trek shows (point for each)
2) Name the occupations of the friend’s characters at the end of show (point for each)
3) Name the main characters in South Park (point for each)
4) Which characters live in wisteria lane (1 point)
5) In what cult TV show will u find the scobby gang (2 points)

1) The A1 racer Scott Speed is which nationality (3 points)

2) Which Italian soccer team have pink shirts (4 points)
3) Which golfer became the first surpass $1 million in yearly earnings (5 points)
4) Which 1990 event attracted over 1 billion viewer’s worldwide (1 point)
5) Who is the Cinderella man (2 points)

1) What group has the band member’s 2-D, Murdoc, Russel and Noodle (2 points)
2) Name the song & artist who sang the hit from Daredevil’s soundtrack (2 points)
3) What have these artists got in common? Black Sabbath, Blondie, Miles Davis,
Lynyrd Skynyrd, Sex Pistols, Herb Alpert & Jerry Moss (4 points)
4) What was unique about Ian Browns hit FEAR (5 points)
5) Whose alums include watermark, the memory of trees, a day with out rain (3
Last block is quotes just name the famous person or persons that came up with
these gems (5 points for each)
"The object of war is not to die for your country, but to make the other bastard die
for his."
"All science is physics or stamp collecting."
When asked after a loss about his team's execution he said, "I'm all for it."
"As far as I'm aware I'm not specifically banned anywhere in the USA, and am
rather depressed about it. Surely some of you guys can do something?"
"There is more stupidity than hydrogen in the universe , and it has a longer shelf

The Who? What? Where? Round this month is Flags. Can you guess these national Flags (To make
it tricky I have added only part of the flag he he) (5 Points each)

1) 2)

3) 4)

So there you go, that wasn’t too painful, was it? So, you have till the 15th to get your
answers to me at [email protected] and the results will be in next
months magazine.

(The numbers beside each question are the point’s value for that particular question)

How many Candles????
Happy Birthday to all my friends xxxxxxxxxxxx

Long-suffering wife
Of Mandy
(13 March – 39yo)

Stephanie Kargiola
(1st March – 40yo)
Congratulations honey xx
Nicola James
Mad Woman !!
(16th March – 44yo)

Maralyn Frances
( 10th March – 57 )

(6 March – 35)

( March – 39 )


T “ I believe Pete Burns needs the publicity to make some money. I am not too sure
that he is a good role model for the average tranny because:
1. Most people have real jobs
H 2. Most people could not afford the plastic surgery
3. Tran sexualism/vestitism is a personal thing and acceptance by society will take
its own course as society’s attitude to Trans anything changes.
O 4. It’s never been clear why Pete Burns does dress and look the way that he does.
Most tran-somethings would be able to tell you immediately why they dress or why
they feel the way they do.
U I believe that the cheap women’s magazines are a much better advertisement.
They seem to have a constant flow of stories like my soldier wants to be a woman

G or how do I live with my lesbian husband. These stories are aimed at the women
who would have to live with the Trans x dresser. They should be applauded for
giving advice and also advertising the popularity of being a

H Tran something or x dresser. what is really needed is more meeting places, support
networks on a local level and stories printed to ensure that acceptance through
familiarity is strengthened

T I will get off of my soap box now.

Love and hugs Autumn 32

D Medical experts have slapped a health warning on this seasons must have 5” Killer
Heels, as worn by the likes of Victoria Beckham and Sophie Anderton, citing that
they can have adverse effects to neck, back, shoulders , legs ,feet and lead to hair-
E loss, head-aches and fertility problems!!! Your views …….

R Do I think 5 inch heels are detrimental to TG's? No. I think they are
just damn dangerous period. Being a TG isn’t required here. I own one pair, a
mistake I wont repeat. When ever I wear them I have serious concerns about

S getting hit by low flying

flying aircraft, or losing the top of my head to any ceiling
fans I may have accidentally left running in my house. Breaking an ankle or
something along those lines is just an afterthought........Ever try to negotiate a
set of stairs
in 5 inch heels? I rest my case! I guess being 6 feet tall doesn’t help.

T My preferred heel height is 3 inches, 4 is Ok, but that’s the limit.

H “ Hi Mandy
5" heels on shoes this years fashion must have's. Well I never! I thought us

O girls always went for 5"! As for effecting our fertility....hhhhmmm? Don't think
so. Just another excuse for this real GG's to get away with wearing something
they say is difficult to walk in. Difficult? Try it I say before making such
U statements. 5" are about the most bearable before it gets awkward. Yes it can be
difficult especially if you walk like John Wayne. So take short steps and make
sure left foot in front of right at a slight angle. This gives a little 'wiggle' in the
G tush! A chunkier heel makes it a bit easier but hey not as much fun. Wear them
doing the ironing and see how it is to stand in them. You'll be mildly surprised
not that difficult. So on one hand feel some sympathy for the GG's who say
H difficult to walk in and then slip a pair on and show them how. I did!
Kirsty xxx
T (ps had the snip so does that mean I can wear them more often as fertility is no
longer a problem! Tee hee!!) “33
R So why do I dress?

E So why do I dress? What I am about to write is probably not atypical. Do I get a

sexual charge when dressed? Most certainly (okay, a tremendous sexual charge), and I
suppose that this clinically makes me a transvestite. But beyond this, when dressed I
A love "being" (or "becoming" to the extent that I am able to) everything there is that I love
about women as a man.
The softness. The gentleness. The empathy. The quiet grace, elegance and subtle
D mannerisms of a beautiful lady as she lights into a room. As a young boy and into
adolescence, I always knew there was a something a little different about me -- my
guy friends sensed this, and I became the butt of a lot of cruel jokes. At times

E friendless, I sometimes cried myself to sleep, thinking my birth gender was somehow
all a cruel mistake, and prayed to God that I please, please wake up as a girl.
By the time I went to college these feelings mostly subsided. I lost some weight.

R Women started finding me attractive, and I made up for a lot of lost time, being a
virgin all through high school (which I despised). I enjoy(ed) dating and making love
to women. I've never really found men as "men" attractive, at least in a sexual sense. I

S had one gay encounter with a friend who had come out to me earlier in my junior
year. It didn't go very far, and it didn't "take," so to speak.
One summer while attending a language immersion program I met a girl who
thought that I would look great dressed, but sadly it never went anywhere. I did
privately dress from time to time into grad school, but having little money or the
nerve to buy things at retail stores, it got a little boring with the few items I had. After

T quitting my first post-grad job after a year and being unemployed for a while, I got a
job that took me back to my home town (something I had vowed I would never do.) I
moved back in with my parents, who snow-birded down south for a good part of the
year. I had the house to myself, and I would dress as soon as I got home from work. I
H would buy clothes around Christmas and Valentines Day, pretending they were for
I still dated and enjoyed meeting and seducing women, and eventually met my
O wife -- and then, until recently, I put things away. Would I have been happier if I had
been born a woman? That's hard to say. Cruel fate also could have left me fat, ugly
and stupid--life would not have been a picnic, but I certainly would have been less

U conflicted. Then again, my life does not "suck" as a man.

I have many blessings and I am not miserable or unhappy. I love my wife and
my kids, who right now need their daddy more than another mommy. At a time in

G my life when statistically I have more years behind me than in front, and with youth
rapidly fading, I have largely accepted my fate, either out of cowardice, convenience, a
sense of duty and responsibility, or a little bit of all four.

H I have made my choices in life. But I also now choose to quietly dress again. It
is my release into perhaps my better half, and I cherish the few moments that I am able
to do so.

T Jen xx

10 beauty mistakes
Don't spoil your appearance by making silly beauty mistakes. Avoid them and always look your

Mistake 1: too much make-up

Applying too much foundation and mascara are common mistakes.
Foundation must never give the impression you are wearing a mask –
too much can also emphasise fine lines and wrinkles. Too much
mascara can look unnatural and become messy by the end of the day.
Our solution: Invest in a good foundation or concealer and apply
only where necessary. Give your eyes and lips a natural look by day,
and ensure that your mascara doesn't leave clumps.

Mistake 2: not blending make-up properly

When it comes to eye shadow, the rainbow effect is taboo, as are hard
lines around the eyes and lips. If you try to create 'contours '
with bronzer or blusher, or try to emphasise your cheekbones in this
way, chances are the result will be a grubby- looking face.

Our solution: Take a critical look at your made-up face: Are any
lines visible? If so, blend them for a softer effect. Avoid liquid
eyeliner unless you are able to apply it extremely neatly.
Alternatively, use a small, stubby brush to apply eye shadow instead
of eyeliner for a softer effect. When applying blusher, concentrate
on the apples of your cheeks – the colour will emphasise the rounded
part of your cheek and naturally accentuate the hollow beneath it.

Mistake 3: neglected teeth

Your smile is often the first thing that people notice on meeting
you. Teeth that are well cared for are not only healthy but will
take years off your appearance.

Our solution: Floss and brush regularly, and have broken or chipped
teeth attended to. If your teeth have yellowed, consult your dentist
about whitening them. ALSO!!!! Big big must do!! ALWAYS check
for lipstick teeth!!

Mistake 4: unkempt or over-plucked eyebrows
Eyebrow fashions change as often as hemlines do – don’t follow the
latest eyebrow fashions slavishly. Never pluck your eyebrows too
heavily – sometimes they don’t grow back or they grow back in all

Our solution: Maintain eyebrows of fair thickness and pluck in a

neat, natural line. Fill any gaps with brown eye shadow and a fine
brush, but ensure that there are no obvious lines.

Mistake 5: make-up that is too bright

Brightly coloured eye make-up and mascara may be the height of
fashion but is not intended for everyday use, because it looks hard
and unnatural. It can also make you look older. Forget about the old-
fashioned idea of matching your eye shadow with your eye colour.
Shades of bronze and brown flatter all eye colours.

Our solution: Leave the bright-blue eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara
to the teenagers and rather go for neutral brown, grey-brown, beige
and bronze, which always look more stylish. Experiment with
different shades of lipstick, but avoid colours such as shocking
pink and make sure that the shade suits your complexion.

Mistake 6: lip liner competing with lipstick

This is probably one of the commonest make-up mistakes: too-dark lip
liner contrasting with lighter-coloured lipstick. Lip liner has many
advantages – it prevents lipstick from 'bleeding ' and helps it last
longer – but it must be applied correctly.

Our solution: Choose lip liner in the same shade as your lipstick –
especially if it is a dark colour. Otherwise, choose one that is one
or two shades darker than your natural lip colour. Apply it over the
entire lip area before applying lipstick or gloss, as this will
prevent you ending the day with a line around your mouth.

Mistake 7: the wrong hair colour

This is one of my interjections here, many of us wear wigs rather than
have the luxury of using our own hair. At different stages of a TG’s
development there is an urge to change hair colour. Primarily, when
first starting out we all have a hankering to be the Glamorous Blonde
Bombshell, but alas, this does not suit many of us.

My solution (sic) : I have found over the years that sticking to a wig that
is as near to your natural hair colour as possible, makes for a more
natural look and hence improved “ pass ability”.

Mistake 8: end-of-the-day make-up

Check your eye shadow regularly. Because of the natural oils

protecting the eye area, shadow tends to smudge, especially if it is
cream-based. Foundation can also appear streaky during the day as a
result of an oily T-panel or perspiration.

Our solution: Apply foundation to the eye area followed by powder to

set it before applying powder eye shadow. Restrict cream shadow to
the eyebrow area. Set foundation with loose powder

Mistake 9: neglected hands and feet
Well-cared-for hands and feet neatly round off your appearance and,
with little expense and effort, are within everyone's reach.
Neglected hands and nails, or cracked heels can ruin your entire

Our solution: Apply hand cream regularly – keep a tube in your

handbag and at every tap in your home. Prevent cracked heels by
regularly applying moisturising cream to your feet and buffing
hardened skin. Give regular attention to your fingernails and
toenails, or have a regular manicure and pedicure.

Mistake 10: no hairstyle

What we mean by “No “hairstyle is a style that doesn’t suit you shape
of face. Short hair & Bob’s can be very unforgiving, adding pounds to
the face. Long, straight hair, can make the face look drawn and will
elongate an already “long” face, also making a “square” jaw-line
squarer. Curls too, seem appealing, giving body and bounce, but it’s
a fine line between gentle waves and a bubble-perm, so beware!!!

Our solution: Get up the nerve girls, they have seen it all before and
have heard all the excuses. Go to the wig-shop in person and try on
EVERYTHING!!! That way you’ll never be disappointed.


Mothering Sunday is a tradition that can be traced right back to the celebration of
spring by the ancient Greeks. This was on honour of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. In the
UK the tradition seems to have become popular in the 16th Century. It was celebrated on the
4th Sunday of Lent which still remains the celebrated day in the UK. There seems to be two
trains of thought on why it is celebrated.

The first is that traditionally, it was a day when children who had gone to work as
domestic servants and apprentices were given a day off. They would be encouraged to come
home to see their mothers on this day taking the gift of taking gift of a cake. This was a fruit
cake or even a fruit-filled pastry which was known as simnels.

The other train of thought relates to the church. As mentioned above children left
home to work as domestic servants or apprentices, sometimes as young as the age of 10.
These youngsters would worship at their nearest church which became know as their
‘daughter’ church. Once a year, in the middle of Lent, they were given a day off and
encouraged to go their ‘mother’ church. This was the main church or cathedral in their area.
As most families went to church at this time it was inevitable they would end up as family
get-togethers. As this happened in the spring time the church goers would pick spring
flowers to take to the church, possibly even to the family reunions afterwards.

The two, as you can see, are intertwined. The only real difference being whether they
were celebrating being back home with their family and Mother or whether the Mother is in
fact the main church in their area.

In the U.S, Mother’s Day started as the result of the death of Ana Jarvis’s mother. Ana
persuaded her local church to commemorate the anniversary of her mother’s death by having
a memorial service on 10th May 1908 in Grafton, West Virginia. When Ana moved to
Philadelphia she again persuaded her new church to carry this service. A campaign of letter
writing by Ana and some others to ministers, politicians and businessmen was started to
make this a national celebration of mother’s. In 1914 President Woodrow Wilson officially
announced that Mother’s Day was to be celebrated each year on the 2nd Sunday in May.

By this time the Mother’s Day celebration in the UK had died out. This was the result
of fewer children were leaving home to going into to domestic service therefore the lesser
need to go home to see their Mother Church or their families. After World War Two, as a
result of the Americans celebrating Mother’s Day whilst in the UK during the War, Mothers
Day was revived. The 4th Sunday of Lent was again chosen as the appropriate date.



Wow, that month went fast! Time for my second letter from Bushville already. A few things to
talk about this month are how our dear president ignores the world situation and listens in on his own citizen’s
phone conversations. One has to have priorities you know. Oh wait. This is
supposed to be about TG stuff. Sorry about that.

The buzz in the Capital District of New York is about an appalling situation that has come up in Glens Falls.
In a club that has traditionally been welcoming to the TG community there has been a change in ownership
and policies regarding clientele. Now this might not be anything
surprising, after all clubs change hands quite a lot and one can not always depend on the new owners to keep
up the old owner’s policies. None of us has a problem with that. However in this case, the new owner is
someone who has been a regular patron and has always seemed TG friendly herself. Well the first visit to the
club revealed a new sign over the bar.


Hmmmm. That doesn’t sound good. But here’s the real kicker. When one of our local ladies, Andrea Adams,
who had not been hassled thus far by the new owner, And in fact who considered the new owner a friend,
was on her way to the loo, she was stopped on exiting and told she could not use the ladies. She asked why,
and was told that she was not a woman and the new policy was no men in the ladies room. Well, she took out
her wallet and produced a valid NYS driver’s license which identified her as female and a letter from her
doctor saying that she was a female (She’s pre-op). The club owner said “Not good enough” When asked
what she
would accept as proof...

Are you all holding on to something?

Her reply was “Drop ‘em and show me.”

I’ll wait while the howls of protest subside..... Done? Can you imagine? Well, of course our girl refused and
was told then that she was not welcome in that club any longer. Of course she left. Now I would probably
have just vowed never to set foot inside again, but she took it a step further and went to the newspaper, The
article came out and there was quite a commotion about it in the little burg of Glens Falls. Here is a link to the
Post Standard article:

The article attempts to be neutral but there was still an obvious discrimination issue to be dealt with. This will
be going on for some time, I suspect Meanwhile The backlash has already started. Here is the note
I just received from Andrea

I have some wonderful news and this comes from a local business group who own four or
five bars and an assortment of restaurants on both South Street and in the general region. From Dango,
the owners mouth: "Andrea, you and all trangendered women will never have a problem at all using our
facilities, and if you do encounter one, it will be settled ASAP". He owns on South Street a restaurant
called "Tonys and Dangos" , a decent pasta house and, as well, a popular sports bar called "The Irish
Pub". He also said that other bar and restaurant owners he’s talked to are all abuzz about this and are in
agreement with a "Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell" policy in reaction to the article!

The article has had an enormous effect after all! To everyone who had participated in this
exercise of protest by calling and writing, I thank you all from the bottom of my heart. The two bars in
question are basically now isolated from those who care and understand. As he said "This isn’t the 50`s.
They gotta get a life and live in the now". AMEN!
Thanks again to all my sisters and friends out there on this List who shared and cared. A new day has
dawned in this city, and all of you helped in achieving this.

Your Friend, Andrea

Kind of restores my faith in people a little bit. We’ll have to see how this all plays out. Could
have interesting repercussions elsewhere too.

And this from Rhea’s Café last Tuesday night: There were some great ideas expressed; one
of them is to have a day time Saturday Café in March which would include a "swap meet",make-overs,
and a laser hair removal demonstration. Stephany said she may be able to sell her ear rings that day too.
The web addy is: for those of you who are not living here in the Great
NE. I suspect the make over will be courtesy of Ms. Christa Stroud, a girl (GG) who is a Mary Kay rep
and who just moved here from Florida and bought an old church that she plans on making into a salon
and safe place for all of us TGs.

And lastly:


We’re having a Valentine’s Party (and Marsha D’s Birthday) Sunday Feb 12 at 4PM. Bring Valentines!
Dress like Cupid!

Over 30 people visited the TG Social Centre this month. There were 10 calls to the TG Help Line and
we raised over $200 and paid our rent until April. We’ve begun getting almost enough new
memberships to pay our modest bills. One of our goals is to rent the downstairs of the building for more
public events, having a bookstore/art gallery/café there. We have a partial deposit on it and the
landlord’s been holding it for us for months, because he wants to see the whole building used for the
transgendered, but now there’s a rental sign up and we’re in a race for funding this exceptional
possibility. It’s a very nice 2 bedroom for $650. Call the TG Help Line at 518-426-0415 if you want to
steal it out from under us. The landlord especially wants to rent to trans girls.
We have leads on other available apartments for trans folks.

Instead of a new tri-fold brochure we’re publishing an ATSC info sheet on newsprint
soon, which will be easier to get distribution points for and more attractive to pick up. We’re getting
requests for advertising in these monthly mailings, which go out to 250 people and organizations, so
we’re hoping to develop more of a newsletter layout. We’ll see…
Helen Farrell’s Montage’ Studios is a favourite aspect of the Centre. Helen has videography and
photography facilities and computer graphic capabilities with printer and copier. Nobody can get enough
portraits of themselves. Call her at 518-209-6298. She’s at the Centre most days. March 5 through April 1
her photographs will be shown at the Romano
Brooks Gallery at 332 Hudson Ave in Albany. Don’t miss it.

Ross Levi’s appearance for our Civil Rights Series broke our attendance records and led to a compelling
discussion with social critic Callan Williams on the “T” place in the GLBT community and the Empire State
Pride Agenda’s role, and history, in transgender community development. The video is a must-see. Come
and get one. We’re preparing a dirt-cheap packet of disks of all of the presentations in our Civil Rights
Series and are making arrangements to cablecast them in Albany, Schenectady, and other cities.

Cathryn Platine will be giving an overview of the ancient traditional roots of trans people at the Civil Rights
Series Friday Feb 10. Cathryn is the founder of the Maetreum of Cybele, the revival of a Mother Goddess
tradition that includes transsexuals and the intersexed, and was a co-founder of the National Transgender
Advocacy Coalition. Supporters of this series include the Albany Gender Project, Capital District
Gay/Lesbian Community Centre, Empire State Pride Agenda, Metropolitan Community Church, Spring
Eagle Magick Shoppe, Montage’ Studios, Housing Works, New York Civil Liberties Union – Capital
Region Chapter, the Institute for Humanist Studies, and Social Justice Centre.

Andrea Adams has nailed down a location in Glens Falls to begin a GLBT Community Centre for counties
north of the capitol. We may have the grand opening announcement next month. Andrea has also kicked
up a hitstorm in Glens Falls over bars posting signs that ”Chicks With Dicks” must use the men’s room. At
least one has presumably stated that trans people, or those suspect, must show genitalia for determination.
The Glens Falls Post Star is working on an article about it and the New York Civil Liberties Union is
interested in receiving complaints on the matter.

Letters and calls to St. Clare’s Hospital by the ATSC, Rainbow Access Initiative, and Albany Gender
Project concerning refusal to treat, and ridicule of, trans patients has led to an apology to one patient. The
letters sent made it clear that educational programs or materials on trans health and social issues were in
order, and that we did not desire
an apology.

The Albany Transgender Social Centre is open for social drop-ins every Thursday at 7:30PM at 146 Central
Ave, 3rd floor. The Transgender Writing Workshop is every Sunday at 4PM. We have a support network
for and by transsexuals, especially those in transition. We keep a slew of literature and distribute
Transgender Tapestry magazine and have dozens of videos of local TG programs and activities. And of
course there are wigs, makeup and clothes available. Our website is

My goodness, All that happening in this little corner of NYS? Who would have thought it? Any of you girls
who might find yourselves in upstate NY be sure to contact me or the ATSC. Friends will be happy to meet
you and show you around. And with that, I’ve burned more than my share of kbs so, ‘til next month...
Stay pretty
Lisa G. Harris


Born to SHOP
We all love to shop, but as we all know , from personal
experience, some are…er…friendlier than others. Here’s a few
of the better ones, as recommended by you.
“ Hi Mandy, I have a review for you, Wigsrus ltd in Southport. Recently
been there for a new style they are great. Hugs Julie Hi Ladies, After asking
around for some advice on wigs I plucked up the courage to go and try a new
style and I decided to have it fitted. I took the advise of an Angel and looked
up at Southport. This meant going out en femme for
the first time and having a stranger see me as Julie. I made an appointment
with Jennie and ventured out into the world as Julie. Jennie is a fantastic
understanding lady; she puts you at ease straight away. All appointments are
one to one and you can try as many styles on as you like. Jennie will give you
advise on styles and colour. After you have chosen your new hair, Jennie will
do the final styling and trim if required. The service was excellent and Jennie
was wonderful, highly recommended. I felt so good and confident With my
new style I had a walk around Southport, then decided to drive over to the
Trafford centre and had a walk around the shops not bad for my first day out.“

Hugs Julie

“ is a friendly dressing service in Droylsden a town

about 4miles from the centre and gay village in Manchester. The owner is
called Julie and she now offers self catering accommodation above her shop.

HOTELS- I use Travelodge and the special offers of £10 & £26 a night per
room are great value. I have never had any problems at these hotels. The only
problem I have had at an hotel was at a gay hotel in Torquay where I got a
really frosty welcome to say the least.

MAKEUP- I don't use Dermablend because it is expensive and difficult to

apply so I use a Boots No17 cover stick or a Rimmel cover stick both are on
sale at about £2.50. “


Hi Mandy!

I order make-up from . They are

very reliable and discreet with their deliveries even to Holland. And you know
the all in price straight away, no need to email asking for price of postage. And
they have a 50p and GBP1.00 corner!


Born to SHOP
1) The Casket store:
A unique store offering casket shaped furniture for the gothics

2) The Baroness: Ok rubber and latex fetish store I have seen

better and more but the craftsman-ship looks good and styles
are their own

3) JT's Stockroom offers a wide range of fetish things from

bondage beds to fetish toys, not a gigantic selection but enough
to satisfy the novice and beginner.

4) Lydia’s offers a ok selection of transgender and cross-

dressing items again not a wide selection but a ok one for the
beginner and part time.

5)Corset Connection: Offers a very wide selection for all types

of corsets everything from waist training to under-bust and to
men to woman training corsets, and for those who never have
laced their own corsets they offer a online training film for
corset lacing A+.

6) Xtrax, I love this store humungus selection for the naughty

little Goth Girls and boys a wide wide selection for everything

7) Extreme Restraint is a awesome store I cant wait to order

from them they have everything and anything from sex
machines to the simplest anal plug.

In this lovely country of ours there is a place that is oft forgotten. A
place where the temperatures are warmer, where palm trees grow in some
of the streets but, sadly where it has been a desert for those of us who
dress. That place is Plymouth in Devon.
But now there is a place, a wonderful place, a place where girls can go
without any fear of anyone casting them those ‘sideways looks’ that we get
sometimes. Somewhere that they can find clothes to die for. That place is
the Painted Lady.
The shop was started three years ago as a ladies clothes shop, with some
new and some second hand items in it. But then for whatever reason Lyn,
the lady who owns the place changed some of the clientele. Or maybe the
clientele changed the place for her without it being realised. She had no
problems with having TV’s and CD’s as customers and that was the
change. The word soon got around and before long tv’s were talking
about The Painted Lady. Lyn’s business soon began to pick up and now
she has skirts, blouses, dresses of all types and designs, even wedding
dresses. There is some underwear in the shop as well although it isn’t a
lingerie shop per se. But there are also wigs and shoes (the larger one’s for
tv’s). Everything is at wonderful prices, well within the price range
of most girls. But, if someone can’t afford something then Lyn has a ‘put
by’ system and also a ‘Saver Club’ something akin to a Xmas Club where
someone can put money by until they have enough to buy that long
wanted item. What else is there???? Mail Order, is something new that
she is going to hopefully get into. There is also a storage facility for those
who have difficulty keeping their precious things at home and a mail drop
system, where girls can have mail posted to the shop for collection.
The lovely lady has also, with the great work done by her husband,
converted their garage into a meeting room for girls. The room, which has
a dvd, vcr, television, computer (net connected) plus coffee making
facilities, is a lovely comfy room with a few soft seats and a settee, so that
we can meet up and chat, do make up etc. The whole idea being to
enhance our existence a little. All of this is at an hourly rental.
This review doesn’t really cover it properly, but should anyone be
interested in more they can go to which is the
shops website. The site is still in it’s infancy stage at the moment. But
eventually we’re hoping to be able to take photo’s of some of the local girls
wearing some of the items that are on sale in the shop.
I have even created a yahoo group for local girls If anyone wants
to know any more then drop Lyn a line, contact address on the web
site for the shop or you can always drop me a line at
[email protected]
If you’re local, then please do drop in and see Lyn and if any of the
girls are there say hello.
Hugs to all



R Hi Mandy:
Thank you to you and the girls of the group
for the compliment.
About me....I'm 37, single (and looking,
girls!), and currently live in Detroit,

E Michigan. I lived in several parts of the

United States, and have travelled often in my
work. I'm an engineer working in the
automotive industry.
Normally quiet, proper and reserved, I do have

W a
naughty side. My interests include bondage
and crossdressing, with strong fetishes for
boots (I have about 10 pairs!), gloves, leather
and latex. My interest in bondage started in
earnest about 18 years ago, and I have been
indulging myself ever since.
Fall and winter are my favourite seasons as
the ladies indulge my fetishes.
My vanilla interests include hunting and
fishing,football and basball.

For the month of February:-

1) DJ
2) Heaven
3) Biology
4) Tropicana
5) Guns & Roses/November Rain

1) Nashville/Tennessee
2) St. Johnstone
3) BMX
4) Floor, Asymmetric Bars, Beam & Vault
5) Spain
1) Colin
2) Idle
3) 13 Ghosts
4) X-men
5) Hitch-hiker’s Guide to the Galaxy
1) Ranger, Barbarian, Cavalier, Acrobat, Thief & Magician
2) Mr. Fantastic, Human Torch, Invisible Woman & the Thing
3) Incredible Hulk
4) Bruce Wayne
5) Hell’s Kitchen
a) Alicia Silverstone
b) Jennifer Love
c) Renee Zellweger
d) Sheryl Crow
e) Uma Thurman

How can you tell the difference between a woman with PMS and a terrorist?
Terrorists can be negotiated with.
“ And now,
The end is near …..”
Well gang, there you are , that’s
another magazine well and truly
finished, and pretty good it looks too,
we must be doing something right if
the amount of larger sites who are
copying us is anything
anything to go by! So
pat yourselves all on the back for a job
well done & lets make each issue bigger
and better ( btw that was a MASSIVE
hint for you to get writing – in case
you missed it!! Giggle)
On a personal note, this last
month has been absolutely
absolutely massive in
my own personal transition. The last,
and probably the most important,
person in my life has finally met
Mandy and that is my nine- nine-year-
My wife and I had been
discussing telling him, weighing up
the pro’s and cons , for some
some time now, I
for one , wanted him to know, she , for
the usual reasons ( rejection, horror, etc)
didn’t. Until a day in mid February,
when the decision was taken out of our
As usual, I was sitting on my
computer, working on this very issue,
“ And now,
The end is near …..”
I had the front page up, when he came
along, pointed at the picture and said
“That’s you, isn’t it dad? I can tell by
your cheeky smile”.
What could I say? I sat him down,
and asked him how he felt about it. His
first question made me want to laugh
out loud; he asked “are you famous?”
famous?” It
was only later that I realised that the
only other TG’s he has ever seen have all
been on the TV, so the question made
Both my wife and I were physically
shaking, as my son is so close to me,
this was make or break time! But he
was ABSOLUTELY fine with it, asked
all the relevant questions, and
reassured ‘US’ that he knew it was a
secret and
and would tell no-
So, a few days later, he finally got
to meet Mandy. I dressed fairly

“And now,
The end is near …..”
Conservatively, and tentatively walked into my living
ving-room, all the years of
build-up, of turmoil, of guilt slipped away as he simply said “looking good
Dad”. Probably the proudest moment of my life then and there, made possible
by the completely un-
un-bigoted views of a nine-
year-old boy – my son.
So, what more can I say, the hard work, believe it or not, is not over, but
the next bit is for me to do. Now that,
that, with-
with-in the confines of my home,
home, there
are no Taboo’s, I must make sure I do not take it all for granted. Just because
they don’t mind doesn’t
doesn’t mean that my wife and son want me to be Mandy
24/7, what it means is that its cool to be who I want to be, but think of the
THREE of us , not just me.
The strangest bit came a few days later, the three of us were in a
charity shop – my fav’ haunt,
haunt, as many know!!-
know!!- when my wife and son
grabbed a mini skirt from the rack saying “Here,
“Here, Dad,
Dad, this would look nice
on you!!” Truth is stranger than fiction!!
So now I have an official photographer,
and pretty good he is too, as the photo onon
the left is testimony, the more ‘risqué
ones I’ll leave for when he is at school!
Good thing is, he’s
he’s damn cheap too! hehe
Lastly , I would like to thank all of
you who have written in with your articles
and quiz answers, and especially to the
girls who have now offered and ARE
regular writers, there is still plenty of
room, so if you fancy being a budding
writer or have an axe to grind, have a go
and send it in! Hope you have a great
Mandy xxxxx

“Reader’s Thoughts:- Pete Burns clipping Courtesy of The Star

Newspaper Group:
“Reader’s Thoughts:- Killer Heels clipping Courtesy of The Star
Newspaper Group





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